Revision Notes Class - 11 Physics Chapter 13 - Kinetic Theory

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Class - 11 Physics
Chapter 13 – Kinetic Theory


What is Kinetic Theory?

 The kinetic theory of gases describes how gases behave by assuming that the
gas is made up of quickly moving atoms or molecules.
 Because there is no intermolecular space in solids, molecules are incredibly
densely packed. Intermolecular gaps are larger in liquids than in solids, and
molecules in gases are loosely packed due to the huge intermolecular spaces.
 The kinetic theory of gases explains the random movement of molecules in a
 We'll also look at why kinetic theory is considered a successful theory.
 The following things are explained by the Kinetic theory:
(a) Pressure and temperature interpretation at the molecular level can be
(b) It's in line with Avogadro's theory and gas laws.
(c) Explains the specific heat capacity of a variety of gases correctly.

Molecular Nature of Matter

 Many scientists have proposed the atomic hypothesis. According to this

theory, atoms make up everything in the universe.
 Atoms are tiny particles that move around in a constant order, attracting one
another when they are close enough. When they are forced to be very close
to each other, however, they repel each other.
 The atomic theory of Dalton is also known as the molecular theory of
matter. This theory establishes that matter is composed of molecules, which
are composed of atoms.

Class XI Physics 1

 When gases combine chemically to form another gas, their volumes are in
small integer ratios, according to Gay Lussac's law.
 According to Avogadro's law, all gases have the same number of molecules
in equal volumes at the same temperature and pressure.
 Conclusion: All of these principles demonstrated the molecular nature of
 Kinetic theory is based on Dalton's molecular theory.

Why was Dalton’s Theory a success?

 Molecules are made up of atoms, which are built up of molecules.

 An electron microscope can examine atomic structure.

Solids, Liquids, Gases in terms of molecular structure

Basis of Solids Liquids Gases

The Inter Atomic The molecules in The liquid The gas molecules
Distance or the solids very tightly molecules are less are loosely packed.
distance between packed and the tightly packed and The gas molecules
the molecules. inter-atomic the inter-atomic move freely in the
distance is distance between space and the
minimum. the liquid inter-atomic
molecules is more distance is
than the solids. minimum in gas
The average Solids have no Less mean free Mean free path is
distance a mean free path. path than gases. present in gas
molecule can molecules.
travel without
colliding is known
as the Mean Free

Behaviour of Gases

Class XI Physics 2

 Gases at low pressures and temperatures much higher than those at which
they liquify (or solidify) approximate a relationship between pressure,
temperature, and volume. PV  KT ...........(1)

This is the universal relationship that all gases satisfy.

where P, V, and T denote pressure, volume, and temperature, and K denotes

the constant for a given volume of gas. It fluctuates depending on the
amount of gas present.

K  Nk B , where N is the number of molecules, K B is the Boltzmann

constant whose value never changes.

 From equation (1), PV  Nk BT

 Therefore,  k B , this will be same for all gases.
 Two gases having pressure, temperature and volume as (P1, T1, V1) and (P2,
T2, V2) are considered.
P1V1 P2 V2
 Therefore, 
N1T1 N 2 T2
 The conclusion for the above relation is that it is satisfied by all gases at high
temperatures and low pressures.

Justification of the Avogadro’s hypothesis from equation of gas

 According to Avogadro's hypothesis, all gases have the same number of

molecules in equal volumes at the same temperature and pressure.
 Consider the equation = constant: if P, V, and T are the same for two
gases, then N (number of molecules) will be the same as well.
 At constant P and T, Avogadro's hypothesis states that the number of
molecules per unit volume is the same for all gases.
 NA stands for Avogadro number. Where NA is equal to 6.02 1023 . It has
universal significance.
 At standard temperature and pressure, the mass of 24.4 litres of any gas
equals the molecular weight in grams, according to experiments.

Class XI Physics 3

Perfect Gas Equation

 A perfect gas equation is given by the following formula: PV   RT , where

P is pressure, V is the volume, T is the absolute temperature,  is the
number of moles and R is the universal gas constant.

R  k B NA , where k B is the Boltzmann constant and N A is the Avogadro’s


 This equation describes how gas behaves in a specific condition.

 If a gas fulfils this equation, it is referred to as a perfect gas or an ideal gas.

Different forms of perfect gas equation

1. PV   RT , where  is number of moles;   , N is the number of
molecules and NA is the Avogadro number.
Now, PV  RT

After simplification, PV  Nk BT

P k BT , where n 

So, P  nk BT , where n is the number of density

2. Also,   , where M is the mass of the sample and Mo is the molar mass
of the sample.
So, PV  RT


P , where  is the mass density of the gas.  

Class XI Physics 4

Ideal Gas

 At all pressures and temperatures, a gas that exactly fulfils the perfect gas
 The concept of an ideal gas is purely theoretical.
 There is no such thing as an ideal gas. The term "real gas" refers to a gas that
is ideal.
 For low pressures and high temperatures, real gases approach ideal gas

Real gases deviation from ideal gas

 For low pressures and high temperatures, real gases approach ideal gas
 According to the ideal gas equation: PV   RT , = constant. So, for an
ideal gas, the graph should be a straight line (parallel to the x-axis). This
means it has the same value regardless of temperature or pressure.
 However, at high temperatures and low pressures, the graph of real gases
approaches ideal gas behaviour.
 Molecules are far apart at high temperatures and low pressures. When the
temperature is raised, the molecules will randomly move away from one
 As a result of the reduced molecule interaction, the gas acts like an ideal gas.
When the molecular constituents of the gas do not interact with one another,
the optimum behaviour emerges.

Class XI Physics 5

In the above graph it is shown that at low pressures and high temperatures, real
gases approach the ideal gas behaviour.

Deduction of Boyle’s law and Charles law from perfect gas equation

 Boyle’s Law: The Boyle’s law is being derived from the perfect gas
equation, PV   RT . The T is the temperature and  is the number of moles
and both of these values are considered constant.

Therefore, PV = constant. So, at constant temperature, pressure of a given

mass of gas varies inversely with volume, according to Boyle's law.

 Charles’s Law: Here the pressure (P) is considered as constant. The

according to the ideal gas equation, PV   RT

V R
 = constant

Therefore, = Constant

Hence, according to Charles’s law, at constant pressure the volume of a gas

is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.

Therefore, it is concluded that the Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law is

satisfied by the Ideal gas.

Class XI Physics 6

The above graph depicts an experimental P-V curve (solid lines) for steam at
three temperatures compared with Boyle’s law (dotted line).

Deducing Dalton’s Law of partial pressures

 The overall pressure of a mixture of ideal gases is equal to the sum of partial
pressures, according to Dalton's partial pressure equation.
 If a vessel contains many ideal gases mixed together, the total pressure of
the vessel equals the sum of partial pressures.
 The pressure imposed by a specific gas if just that gas is present in the vessel
is known as partial pressure.
 Consider the following: - Consider a vessel containing a mixture of three
gases, A, B, and C. As a result, the partial pressure of A equals the pressure
applied just by A, assuming B and C are absent. Similarly, when A and C
are absent, the partial pressure of B is equal to the pressure applied just by B.
Similarly, the total pressure of the mixture is equal to the sum of the partial
pressures of A, B, and C, according to Dalton's law.

To show how perfect gas equation concludes Dalton’s law of partial


 Assume you have a combination of ideal gases, which implies they don't
interact with one another. PV   RT is the ideal gas equation.

Class XI Physics 7

Where, P is the pressure, V is the volume, T is the absolute temperature and
 is the number of moles.

If the mixture of gases is present, then:   1  2  ...... so on.

Therefore, PV  (1 +2 +....)RT

P  ( 1  2  ...)

1RT 2 RT
P   ....

Therefore, P  P1  P2  ...

Where, P1 and P2 are the partial pressures of gas 1 and gas 2 respectively.

The overall pressure caused by a gas mixture is the sum of the partial
pressures of the gases.

Kinetic Theory of an Ideal Gas

Basis of Kinetic Theory

(i) Gas molecules are in a constant state of random motion, interacting with
one another and the container's walls.
(ii) Every collision is elastic.
(iii) Kinetic energy is conserved in total.
(iv) The total momentum of the system is conserved.
(v) The total Kinetic energy and momentum before the collision is identical
to the total Kinetic energy and momentum after the collision in the event
of an elastic collision.

What does Kinetic Energy Tell?

(i) The molecule size is very small in comparison to the inter molecular
distance between them under normal temperature and pressure.
(ii) In the case of a gas, molecules are very far apart, and their sizes are
modest in comparison to the distance between them.

Class XI Physics 8

(iii) As a result, there is very little interaction between them. There will be no
force between the molecules because there is no interaction between
(iv) As a result, molecules are free to move according to Newton's first law of
(v) The molecules should move in a straight path, but as they get closer
together, they encounter intermolecular interactions, which cause their
velocities to alter.
(vi) Collision is the term for this phenomena. These are elastic collisions.

Pressure of an ideal gas based on Kinetic theory


 Consider a container in the shape of a cube that is filled with an ideal gas.
Only one molecule will be considered; the molecule collides with the
container's walls and bounces back.
 Let the molecule's velocity while moving be (vx, vy, vz).
 The velocity of the molecule as it bounces back will be (-vx, vy, vz).
 The change in momentum = Pf – Pi where Pf = final momentum and Pi =
initial momentum)
 Pf – Pi   mvx  mvx  2mvx
 The wall receives this change in momentum as a result of the contact.
 One molecule's momentum delivered to the wall in a collision= 2mv x

However, because there are so many molecules, we must calculate the

overall momentum transferred to the wall by them all.

To figure out how many molecules hit the wall, do the following:

The area of the wall will be ‘A’. Therefore, in time t within a distance of
Avx t all the molecules can hit the wall.

On an average, half of the molecules will hit the wall and half of them will
move away from the wall. Therefore, ( ) Avx t will hit the wall.

Class XI Physics 9

 The total momentum will be: 2mvx  nAv x Δt  Anv2 x Δtm
 The force exerted on the wall is equal to the rate of change of momentum
which will be equal to Anvx 2 m .
 The pressure on the wall is equal to: P   nmv x 2
 Therefore, the value of pressure P  nmvx 2 is true for the molecules having
the velocity as vx.


 The velocity of all the molecules in the gas will not be the same. The
velocities of each will be different.
 As a result, the following equation is valid for pressure due to a group of
molecules moving at vx in the x-direction, where n is the number density of
that group of molecules.

As a result, the total pressure owing to all such groups may be calculated by
adding the contributions due to each molecule. P  nmvx 2 .

 Because the gas is isotropic, the molecules travel at random, meaning that
their velocity can be in any direction.
1 1
vx 2  v y 2  vz 2  (vx 2  v y 2  vz 2 )  v 2
3 3

 Therefore, the pressure is equal to, P  nmv2 , where v 2 is the average
square speed.

Class XI Physics 10

The above image depicts an elastic collision of a gas molecule with the wall of the

Justifying the assumptions

 The container carrying the gas is supposed to be a cube. The container's

form is unimportant.
 We can establish the preceding derivation for a vessel of any arbitrary shape
by selecting a small infinitesimal (planar) area.
 In the end, we will notice that the area and the change in time are absent.
 According to Pascal's law, the pressure in one region of a gas that is in
equilibrium is the same as it is everywhere else.
 Collisions are not taken into account.
(a) With random collisions and a constant condition of gas, the number of
molecules impacting the wall in time was found to equal ( ) Avx t .
(b) As a result, if a molecule with velocity (vx, vy, vz) obtains a different
velocity as a result of colliding with other molecules, there will always be
another molecule with a different initial velocity that acquires the
velocity after the collision (vx, vy, vz).
(c) When molecular collisions are not frequent and the time spent in
collision is modest relative to the period between collisions, the above
calculation is unaffected.

Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature

 A molecule's average kinetic energy is proportional to the absolute

temperature of the gas.

Class XI Physics 11

 It is unaffected by the ideal gas's pressure, volume, or nature.
 For the equation: P  nmv2 , multiply both the sides by V:

PV  nVmv2

After simplifying the above equation:

2 1 N
PV  N  mv 2 , where n 
3 3 V

‘N’ is the number of molecules in a sample.

 Therefore, PV  E ....equation (1)

Where, E is the kinetic energy which is equal to E  mv2

This is the foundation of kinetic temperature interpretation.

 On combining the above marked equation (1) with the ideal gas equation:
E k B NT ......equation (2)

E 1 3
 mv2  k BT ......equation (3)
N 2 2

Therefore, the above equation depicts the average kinetic energy.

So, kinetic energy is directly proportional to the temperature. So,

temperature can be identified as a molecular quantity.

Kinetic theory: Consistent with ideal gas equation and gas laws

1. It is consistent with the ideal gas equation:

For the kinetic gas equation:

E 3
 k BT
N 2

Class XI Physics 12

E Nk BT

For an ideal gas, its internal energy is directly proportional to the

temperature. This depicts that internal energy of an ideal gas is only
dependent on its temperature, not on pressure or volume.

2. When Kinetic theory is consistent with Dalton’s law of partial pressure:

The equation for kinetic theory: P  nmv2

If a mixture of gases is present in the vessel, then:

P  [n1m1v12  n 2 m 2 v 2 2  ...]

The average kinetic energy of molecules of different gases at equilibrium

will be equal
1 1 3
m1v12  m2 v 2 2  k BT
2 2 2

Then the total pressure will be:

1 3 3
P  [ n1k BT  n 2 k BT]
3 2 2

P  k BT[n1  n 2  ....]

P [n1  n 2  ....]

P  [ 1  2  ....]RT

P  P1  P2  .....

This is known as the Dalton’s law of partial pressure.

Law of Equipartition of energy: Degrees of Freedom

Class XI Physics 13

 Degrees of freedom are separate displacements or rotations that specify a
body's or system's orientation.
 Three coordinates are required to define the location of a molecule that is
free to move in space.
 It must move in a plane if it is limited.
 It just needs one coordinate to locate itself if it is confined to move down a
 Consider a room in which a strong rope is tied from one wall to the next.
 Take a straight-moving ball and place it on the rope.
 There is only one degree of freedom for the ball. It can only move in one
dimension at a time.
 Consider the situation where the ball is on a two-dimensional floor and can
go in two directions.
 There are two degrees of freedom for the ball.
 Consider throwing the ball in three-dimensional space. The ball can then
move in three dimensions.
 As a result, the degree of freedom indicates how many different ways a body
can move, rotate, or vibrate.

Categories of Degrees of Freedom

1. Translational degree of freedom

2. Rotational degree of freedom
3. Vibrational degree of freedom

Translational Degree of freedom

 The term "translation" refers to the movement of the entire body from one
position to another.
 Consider the oxygen molecule, which is made up of two linked oxygen
 The two oxygen atoms, as well as the link, are referred to as the complete
 Translational movement occurs when the entire body moves from one
position to another.

Class XI Physics 14

 Consider a molecule that is free to move in space and hence requires three
coordinates to define its location (x, y, and z).
 As a result, it has three degrees of freedom.
 Similarly, a molecule that is free to move on a two-dimensional plane
requires two coordinates to pinpoint its location.
 As a result, it has two degrees of freedom.
 A molecule that is free to move in a straight line requires just one coordinate
to define its location.
 As a result, it only has one degree of freedom.
 Only translational degrees of freedom exist in mono-atomic gas molecules.
This refers to gases with only one atom.
 For example, a single He atom makes up a Helium atom. It will have
translational degrees of freedom.
 Each degree of freedom in translation adds a word containing the square of a
motion variable.
 The velocity is the motion variable (vx, vy, vz).
 Energy will be contributed by the term ( )mv x 2
 Kinetic energy is the energy involved in the movement of a molecule from
one location to another.
 The average of each of these terms in thermal equilibrium is ( )k BT .

Rotational Degree of Freedom

Class XI Physics 15

 Independent rotations that specify a body's or system's orientation.
 A part of the body rotates in relation to another part of the body.
 Only diatomic gases have rotational degrees of freedom.
 In addition to translational degrees of freedom, diatomic molecules have
rotational degrees of freedom.
 It's feasible in diatomic compounds because two atoms are linked by a
bond. As a result, the rotation of one atom in relation to another atom.
 There is a translational degree of freedom in diatomics, as well as a
rotational degree of freedom.
 For instance, two oxygen atoms are connected by a bond. There are two
axes that are perpendicular to each other.
 Along the two axes, two rotations are conceivable.
 They have three degrees of freedom in translation and two degrees of
freedom in rotation.
 As a result, a component in the energy that contains the square of a
rotating variable of motion is contributed by rotational degree of
 Angular momentum is the source of the rotational variable of motion.
 Vx, vy, vz is the linear velocity. Angular velocity is written as wx, wy, wz.
 The three rotational degree of freedom along the two perpendicular axis
1 1
are: E R  ( )(I11 )  ( )(I22 )
2 2
1 1
 The three translational degree of freedom will be: mx vx 2 , my v y 2 and
2 2
mz vz 2 .
1 1
 The two rotational degrees of freedom are: ( )(I1212 ) and ( )(I2 22 2 )
2 2

Vibrational Degree of Freedom

 Some molecules exhibit a mode of vibration, in which the atoms oscillate

along the inter-atomic axis, similar to a one-dimensional oscillator.
 In some molecules, this vibration can be seen.

Class XI Physics 16

 Consider the following scenario: CO atoms oscillate like a one-dimensional
oscillator along the inter-atomic axis.
 Consider two atoms that vibrate in the same direction along the inter-atomic
 The vibrational energy terms include the square of vibrational motion
1 dy 2 1 2 1 dy 2
 The total vibrational energy: E v  m( )  ky , where, m( ) is the
2 dt 2 2 dt
1 2
kinetic energy, ky is the potential energy.
 Two terms are contributed by the vibrational degree of freedom.

The first term is:

The above diagram shows the two axis perpendicular to the line connecting
two particles rotate (here y and z directions)

The second term is:

Class XI Physics 17

The above diagram depicts the vibrational motion along line joining the two

Comparision between three energy modes

Translational Rotational Vibrational

1 1 2 1 dy 2 1 2
Et  mv x 2 Er  I Ev  m( )  ky
2 2 2 dt 2

One squared term are One squared term is Two squared terms are
being depicted in the depicted in the above being depicted in the
above expression. expression. above expression.

Law of Equipartition of Energy

The total energy is equally distributed across all conceivable energy modes in
equilibrium, according to this law, with each mode having an average energy equal
to k BT .

 k B is contributed by each translational degree of freedom.
 Each degree of rotational freedom provides k B .
 Each degree of vibrational freedom provides two times of k B .

Specific Heat Capacity for monoatomic gases

 Mono-atomic gases will only have one degree of freedom that is

the translation.
 They can only have three translational degrees of freedom at most.
 Each degree of freedom will add k B to the total.
 As a result, three degrees of freedom will each contribute kB .

Class XI Physics 18

 The total internal energy of 1 mole of gas U is calculated using the law of
3 3
energy equi-partition. U  k BTN A  RT
2 2
dU 3
 At constant volume, the specific heat capacity will be: CV   R
dT 2
 For an ideal gas CP – CV = R. Now, CP  R
CP 5
 The ratios of specific heat will now be:   
CV 3

Specific Heat of Diatomic gases (rigid)

 A stiff diatomic gas has translational and rotational degrees of freedom but
no vibrational degrees of freedom.
 They are oscillators that are stiff.
 There are three translational degrees of freedom and two rotational degrees
of freedom in a stiff diatomic molecule. There are a total of 5 degrees of
 Each degree of freedom will contribute k B according to the law of energy
 As a result, the fifth degree of freedom will add k B to the total.
5 5
 The total internal energy for one mole of gas will be: U  k BTN A  RT
2 2
dU 5
 At constant volume the specific heat capacity will be: CV   R
dT 2
 For a rigid diatomic, the specific heat capacity at constant pressure will be
given as: CP  R
CP 7
 The ratios of specific heat will be:   
CV 5

Specific Heat of Diatomic gases (non – rigid)

 Translational, rotational, and vibrational degrees of freedom exist in a no-

rigid diatomic gas.

Class XI Physics 19

 There will be three degrees of freedom in translation, two degrees of
freedom in rotation, and one degree of freedom in vibration.
 The total contribution by translational is k BT , by rotational is two times of
translational and by vibrational is k B
5 7 7
 Total internal energy for one mole is equal to: k BT  k BT  k BT  RT
2 2 2
dU 7
 Cv   R
dT 2
 CP  CV  R  R
CP 9
  
CV 7

Specific Heat for Polyatomic molecules

 Polyatomic gases will have three degrees of freedom in translation, three

degrees of freedom in rotation, and a ‘f' number of vibrational modes.
 For one mole of gas the total internal energy will be:
3 3
( k BT  k BT  fk BT)  N A  (3  f )RT
2 2
 Cv   (3  f)R
 CP  CV  R  (4  f )R
CP (4  f )
  
CV (3  f )

Specific Heat Capacity for solids

 Consider the number of atoms in a solid, which is N. Each atom has the
ability to fluctuate around its mean position.
 The degree of freedom for vibrational motion will be: k BT
 The average energy for one – dimensional is k BT and for three – dimensional
will be 3k BT .
 The total internal energy for one mole of solid will be: 3k BTNA  3RT

Class XI Physics 20

 The change in volume is very less in solids at constant pressure,
Q  U  PV . So, V  0 therefore, Q  U
 Cv  ( )V
dQ dU
 CP  ( ) V as, Q  U , therefore, Cv   3R
dT dT
 Therefore, CP  CV  3R

Specific Heat Capacity of Water

 If water is considered as solid, then there will be ‘N’ number of atoms.

 So, the average energy of each atom is: 3k BT
 Therefore, there are three molecules in a water molecule (H2O) .
 So, the total internal energy will be: U  3k BT  3  NA  9RT
 CP  CV  9R

Conclusion on Specific Heat

 The specific heat determined based on degree of freedom should be

temperature independent, according to classical mechanics.
 When the temperature is zero, however, the degree of freedom is
 This demonstrates that classical mechanics is insufficient, necessitating the
use of quantum mechanics.
 In quantum physics, a minimum amount of non-zero energy is required for
degree of freedom to be active.
 As the temperature approaches zero, all substances' specific heats approach

Mean Free Path

 The average distance between two successive collisions is known as the

mean free path.
 Within the gas, many molecules are randomly moving and interacting with
one another.

Class XI Physics 21

 The mean free path is the distance that a gas molecule can travel without

Expression of Mean Free Path

 Consider each gas molecule to be a sphere with a diameter of one metre (d).
Each molecule's average speed is considered as ‘v’.
 Assume the molecule collides with any other molecule within a certain
distance (d). Any molecule that comes within the diameter range of this
molecule will collide with it.
 The volume in which the molecule suffers collision is: vtd 2
 Let the number of molecules per unit volume be ‘n’.
 Therefore, the total number of collisions will be: vtd 2n
vtd 2 n
 The rate of collision will be:  vd 2 n
 The supposed time between collisions will be:  
vd 2 n

 The average distance between collisions will be:  v 
d 2

 The above value is modified by adding a factor in it.
d 2

 Mean free path will be equal to: l 
2d 2 n

Conclusion: The mean free path is inversely proportional to the number density
that is the number of molecules per unit volume and size of the molecule.

Class XI Physics 22

Class XI Physics 23

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