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Commissioning Guide

Issue 01
Date 2012-12-24


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved.
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consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the
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Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Commissioning Guide About This Document

About This Document

This document describes how to install the NetEco application software on the server, and
commission the NetEco system. Commissioning the NetEco consists of the configuration of the
site information, the commissioning of the network, and the collection of the performance
analysis data.

Product Versions
The related product versions are as follows:

Product Name Version

NetEco V200R003C01

Intended Audience
This document is intended for network planning engineers and network management engineers.

Change History
01 (2012-12-24)
This issue is the first official release.

Compared with issue Draft A (2012-07-30), this issue includes the following changes:

Change Document Change Description


Modifica 5.1 Uploading the The method of uploading files is changed from FTP-
tion NetEco Server based upload on the command-line interface (CLI) to
Software to the the FTP-based upload in the FileZilla window.

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential ii

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Commissioning Guide About This Document

Change Document Change Description


6.1 Uploading the NE The method of uploading files is changed from FTP-
Mediation to the based upload on the CLI to the FTP-based upload in the
NetEco Server FileZilla window.

Draft A (2012-07-30)
This issue is a draft.

1 Process for Commissioning the NetEco
This section describes how to commission the NetEco system when the RH2285, DL380 or
DL580 server is used. After the server is delivered to the site, you need to modify the server
parameters as required and install the NetEco server software.
2 Preparing for NetEco Commissioning
This section describes the preparations that you must make before commissioning the NetEco
3 Powering On the Server
This chapter describes how to power on the server before installing applications of the
4 Checking the Preinstallation and Configuration of the Server
This section describes how to configure the site information. Before commissioning, you need
to check the initial installation of the NetEco server and ensure that the operating system and
database meet the requirements of the NetEco server software to be installed. During the
commissioning, you need to modify the initial configuration of the server, such as the host name,
IP address, route, and time, according to the actual situation so that the communication between
devices is normal and the NetEco works properly.
5 Installing the NetEco Server Software
This section describes how to install the NetEco server software.
6 Installing NE Mediation
Mediations must be installed for each type of NEs. For the NEs that are of the same type but of
different versions, their mediation versions are different. An example is provided to describe
how to install the NE mediation software. When installing the NE mediation software on site,
you can refer to the NE mediation software installation guide.
7 Checking the installation of the NetEco Server Software
You need to check whether the installation of the NetEco Server Software is successful by
starting and stopping the NetEco Service.
8 Installing the NetEco License

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

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Commissioning Guide About This Document

After the NetEco software and the NE mediations are installed completely, you can log in to the
NetEco client using a local PC to install a license.

9 Commissioning the NetEco Network

This section describes the typical NetEco inband and outband networking modes and
commissioning methods.

10 Commissioning Remote Alarm Notification

On the basis of the definition of remote alarm notification, this chapter describes the
commissioning procedures of the remote alarm notification based on short messages and emails.

11 FAQ

This section describes FAQs and their solutions.

12 Appendixes

Symbol Conventions

The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which

if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance degradation, or unexpected results.

Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save


Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement

important points of the main text.

General Conventions

The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.

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Commissioning Guide About This Document

Convention Description

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in
Courier New.

Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operations
The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

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Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt
+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means
the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations
The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving
the pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

quickly without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vi

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Commissioning Guide Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 Process for Commissioning the NetEco....................................................................................1
2 Preparing for NetEco Commissioning.......................................................................................2
2.1 Obtaining the Software Package.........................................................................................................................3
2.2 Obtaining the Software License.........................................................................................................................4
2.3 Checking the Hardware Installation...................................................................................................................4

3 Powering On the Server...............................................................................................................6

3.1 Powering On the Server (RH2285)....................................................................................................................7
3.2 Powering On the Server (DL380).......................................................................................................................7
3.3 Powering On the Server (DL580).......................................................................................................................8

4 Checking the Preinstallation and Configuration of the Server..........................................10

4.1 Checking the Versions of the Operating System and Patches..........................................................................12
4.2 Checking Disk Partitions on the Server............................................................................................................12
4.2.1 Checking Disk Partitions on the Server (RH2285).................................................................................12
4.2.2 Checking Disk Partitions on the Server (DL380)....................................................................................13
4.2.3 Checking Disk Partitions on the Server (DL580)....................................................................................13
4.3 Checking the Versions of the Database and Its Patch......................................................................................14
4.4 Checking for the Database Name.....................................................................................................................15
4.5 Changing the Host Name and IP Address of the Server (Before Installing the NetEco).................................16
4.6 Changing the Time Zone and Time of the Server (Before Installing the NetEco)...........................................18
4.7 Configuring the NetEco Server as the NTP Client (Optional).........................................................................20

5 Installing the NetEco Server Software....................................................................................23

5.1 Uploading the NetEco Server Software to the Server......................................................................................24
5.2 Installing the NetEco Server Software.............................................................................................................24

6 Installing NE Mediation............................................................................................................32
6.1 Uploading the NE Mediation to the NetEco Server.........................................................................................33
6.2 Installing the NE Mediation.............................................................................................................................33

7 Checking the installation of the NetEco Server Software...................................................35

7.1 Starting the NetEco Service..............................................................................................................................36
7.2 Stopping the NetEco Service............................................................................................................................36

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Commissioning Guide Contents

7.3 Viewing the NetEco Service Status..................................................................................................................37

7.4 Logging In to and Out of the NetEco...............................................................................................................38

8 Installing the NetEco License....................................................................................................40

9 Commissioning the NetEco Network......................................................................................41
9.1 Position of the NetEco on a Network...............................................................................................................42
9.2 Typical Networking of the NetEco...................................................................................................................42
9.2.1 Inband Networking..................................................................................................................................43
9.2.2 Outband Networking...............................................................................................................................44
9.2.3 GPRS/SMS Networking Mode................................................................................................................45
9.2.4 GPRS Networking Mode.........................................................................................................................45
9.2.5 SMS Networking Mode...........................................................................................................................46
9.2.6 GPRS Wireless Router Networking........................................................................................................47
9.2.7 Entire E1 Networking..............................................................................................................................48
9.2.8 Partial E1 Networking.............................................................................................................................49
9.3 Commissioning the SMS Network Function....................................................................................................50
9.3.1 Installing the SMS Modem......................................................................................................................50
9.3.2 Setting the SMS Parameters....................................................................................................................52
9.3.3 Verifying the SMS Network Function.....................................................................................................53
9.4 Commissioning the GPRS Private Networking Function................................................................................54
9.4.1 Installing a GPRS Wireless Router.........................................................................................................54
9.4.2 Configuring the GPRS Wireless Router..................................................................................................55
9.4.3 Verifying the GPRS Wireless Router Networking Function...................................................................58
9.5 Commissioning the E1 Networking Function..................................................................................................59
9.5.1 Installing E1 Devices...............................................................................................................................59
9.5.2 Configuring the E1 Network...................................................................................................................60
9.5.3 Verifying the E1 Networking Function...................................................................................................61

10 Commissioning Remote Alarm Notification.......................................................................63

10.1 Remote Alarm Notification............................................................................................................................64
10.2 Commissioning Alarm Notification by Short Message (SMS Modem).........................................................64
10.3 Setting the SMS Server...................................................................................................................................64
10.4 Setting the Email Server.................................................................................................................................66

11 FAQ..............................................................................................................................................68
11.1 How to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?.................................................................................................70
11.2 How Do I Log In to the Server Using TightVNC?.........................................................................................72
11.3 How Do I Open the Command Terminal?......................................................................................................72
11.4 Starting MySQL Database Services...............................................................................................................73
11.5 Checking Whether the MySQL Database Is Started......................................................................................73
11.6 Stopping MySQL Database Services.............................................................................................................74
11.7 Starting the NetEco Service............................................................................................................................74
11.8 Stopping the NetEco Service..........................................................................................................................75
11.9 How Do I Uninstall the NetEco Server Software?.........................................................................................76

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Commissioning Guide Contents

11.10 How Do I Remotely Log In to the Server in BMC Web Mode?..................................................................78

11.11 How Do I Configure the iLO3 Remote Management Port (DL380)?..........................................................80
11.12 How Do I Configure the BMC Remote Management Port (RH2285)?.......................................................88
11.13 How Do I Modify the Frequency Band for the Modem?.............................................................................95
11.14 How Do I Solve the Problem of MySQL Database Login Failure?.............................................................99
11.15 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?.................................................................................................100
11.16 How Do I Disable Serial CLI Status for the iLO Remote Management Port.............................................102

12 Appendixes...............................................................................................................................103
12.1 Partition Planning of the Server....................................................................................................................104
12.2 Planning Host Names and IP Addresses of NetEcoDevices........................................................................105
12.3 Planning Operating System Users and Their Initial Passwords...................................................................105
12.4 Planning Database Users and Their Initial Passwords.................................................................................106

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential ix

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Commissioning Guide 1 Process for Commissioning the NetEco

1 Process for Commissioning the NetEco

This section describes how to commission the NetEco system when the RH2285, DL380 or
DL580 server is used. After the server is delivered to the site, you need to modify the server
parameters as required and install the NetEco server software.

Commissioning Process
Table 1-1 describes the process for commissioning the NetEco system.

Table 1-1 Process for commissioning the NetEco

SN Reference Description

1 2 Preparing for NetEco Describes the preparations for commissioning the

Commissioning NetEco system.

2 3 Powering On the Server Describes how to power on the server.

3 4 Checking the Describes the method of checking the

Preinstallation and preinstallation and configuration of the server.
Configuration of the Server

5 5 Installing the NetEco Describes the preparations for installing the

Server Software NetEco server software and the methods for
installing and checking the server software.

6 6 Installing NE Mediation Describes the method of installing the NE


7 8 Installing the NetEco Describes the method of installing the NetEco

License. License.

8 9 Commissioning the Describes the networking mode of the NetEco and

NetEco Network the commissioning method.

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

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Commissioning Guide 2 Preparing for NetEco Commissioning

2 Preparing for NetEco Commissioning

About This Chapter

This section describes the preparations that you must make before commissioning the NetEco

2.1 Obtaining the Software Package

This section describes how to obtain the NetEco software package before installing the
NetEco software.
2.2 Obtaining the Software License
For details about how to apply for the license of the NetEco application software, see the license
application guide.
2.3 Checking the Hardware Installation
Before installing the NetEco system, you must ensure that the hardware is installed properly.

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

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Commissioning Guide 2 Preparing for NetEco Commissioning

2.1 Obtaining the Software Package

This section describes how to obtain the NetEco software package before installing the
NetEco software.

You have had a user account on, and you have been authorized to
download the NetEco software package. If you are not authorized to download software
packages, contact the website administrator to apply for the rights.

You can download the NetEco server software package from by
choosing Software Center > Version Software > Energy and Infrastructure > Imanager
Neteco > Neteco.

l Download the software packages of the NetEco applications to the PC by referring to Table

Table 2-1 Description of the NetEco software package

Application Installation Package Remarks

NetEco server software iManagerNetEcoV200R00 V200R003C00 is the base version of the NetEco
server software.

NE mediation l NetEco_Match_SMUV l SPCXXX indicates NE

200R002C00SPCXXX. mediation version,
zip which varies according
l NetEco_Match_Power to the released
2000V200R003C01SP mediations. l Multiple NE mediations
l NetEco_Match_Power are available for the
Cube1000V300R002C NetEco software. You need to Install NE
mediations based on the
l NetEco_Match_Power actual NE types and
Cube1000V300R002C versions.
l NetEco_Match_V100R

Software for login in SSH Allows users to log in to the

mode server by using PuTTY.

Graphical terminal TightVNC Allows users to log in to the

software server through a graphical
user interface (GUI).

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

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Commissioning Guide 2 Preparing for NetEco Commissioning


2.2 Obtaining the Software License

For details about how to apply for the license of the NetEco application software, see the license
application guide.

l The NetEco license file is not delivered with the NetEco installation DVD-ROM.
l The license certificate contains information such as product name, license authorization
code (LAC), customer name, and validity period. It is delivered on paper to customers along
with the equipment.
l You can obtain the NetEco license application guide from

Step 1 Huawei engineers apply for the NetEco license based on the LAC and server equipment serial
number (ESN) in the license certificate.


2.3 Checking the Hardware Installation

Before installing the NetEco system, you must ensure that the hardware is installed properly.

l Before installing the system software, ensure that the hardware configuration of the server
meets the requirements. After the server is installed, ensure that the cable connections
comply with industry standards.
– Ensure that the hardware configuration of the server meets the site requirement. Table
2-2 describes the standard hardware configuration of the server provided by Huawei.

Table 2-2 Hardware configuration of the server

Configuration Requirement

RH2285 l CPU: 1 x E5606 4c 2.0 GHz or higher

l Memory: 1 x 4 GB
l Hard disk: 2 x 300 GB

HP DL380G7 l CPU: 2 x E5620 4c 2.4 GHz or higher

l Memory: 4 x 4 GB
l Hard disk: 5 x 146 GB

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Commissioning Guide 2 Preparing for NetEco Commissioning

Configuration Requirement

HP DL580G7 l CPU: 4 x E7-4820 8c 2.0 GHz or higher

l Memory: 8 x 4 GB
l Hard disk: 5 x 300 GB


To know the method of checking the hardware configuration of the server, consult the
manufacturer of the server.
– Check that the hardware devices are securely placed and cables are connected correctly.
Ensure that the power cable connection meets ESD requirements. For details, see section
"Check After Installation" in the NetEco Hardware Installation Guide.
– Ensure that the operating environment meets the requirements. For details, see section
"Check After Installation" in the NetEco Hardware Installation Guide.

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Commissioning Guide 3 Powering On the Server

3 Powering On the Server

About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to power on the server before installing applications of the

3.1 Powering On the Server (RH2285)

This section describes how to power on the server and the precautions for powering on the server.
3.2 Powering On the Server (DL380)
This section describes how to power on the hardware components when installing the NetEco
system. The NetEco system consists of multiple hardware components. You need to power on
them in sequence.
3.3 Powering On the Server (DL580)
This section describes how to power on the hardware components when installing the NetEco
system. The NetEco system consists of multiple hardware components. You need to power on
them in sequence.

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6

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Commissioning Guide 3 Powering On the Server

3.1 Powering On the Server (RH2285)

This section describes how to power on the server and the precautions for powering on the server.

Step 1 Prepare for powering on the server.
1. Ensure that the power switches of all the devices in the cabinet are set to OFF. If a power
switch is ON, set it to OFF.
2. Ensure that the hardware devices are correctly placed and cable connections (especially the
power cable connections) are correct and meet ESD specifications. For details about how
to check the hardware installation, see "Check After Installation" in NetEco Hardware
Installation Guide.

Step 2 Power on the server, as shown in Figure 3-1.

After the server is started properly, the button/indicator of its power switch is displayed green.

Figure 3-1 Power switch of the server

Step 3 Remotely log in to the server in BMC Web mode on a PC. For detailed operations, see 11.10
How Do I Remotely Log In to the Server in BMC Web Mode?.


3.2 Powering On the Server (DL380)

This section describes how to power on the hardware components when installing the NetEco
system. The NetEco system consists of multiple hardware components. You need to power on
them in sequence.

Step 1 Prepare for powering on the server.
1. Ensure that the power switches of all the devices in the cabinet are set to OFF. If a power
switch is ON, set it to OFF.
2. Ensure that the hardware devices are correctly placed and cable connections (especially the
power cable connections) are correct and meet ESD specifications. For details about how

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7

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Commissioning Guide 3 Powering On the Server

to check the hardware installation, see "Check After Installation" in NetEco Hardware
Installation Guide.

Step 2 Power on the keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) connected to the server.
l A KVM is an operation and maintenance console used to control multiple PCs and servers
through a set of keyboard, monitor, and mouse.
l For details about the connection mode between the server and the KVM, see NetEco
Hardware Installation Guide.
l You need to install the operating system and database using the KVM.
l You are advised to modify the default parameter settings of the server using the KVM.

Step 3 Power on the server, as shown in Figure 3-2.

After the server is started properly, the button/indicator of its power switch is displayed green.

Figure 3-2 Power switch of the server


3.3 Powering On the Server (DL580)

This section describes how to power on the hardware components when installing the NetEco
system. The NetEco system consists of multiple hardware components. You need to power on
them in sequence.

Step 1 Prepare for powering on the server.
1. Ensure that the power switches of all the devices in the cabinet are set to OFF. If a power
switch is ON, set it to OFF.
2. Ensure that the hardware devices are correctly placed and cable connections (especially the
power cable connections) are correct and meet ESD specifications. For details about how
to check the hardware installation, see "Check After Installation" in NetEco Hardware
Installation Guide.

Step 2 Power on the keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) connected to the server.
l A KVM is an operation and maintenance console used to control multiple PCs and servers
through a set of keyboard, monitor, and mouse.
l For details about the connection mode between the server and the KVM, see NetEco
Hardware Installation Guide.

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Commissioning Guide 3 Powering On the Server

l You need to install the operating system and database using the KVM.
l You are advised to modify the default parameter settings of the server using the KVM.
Step 3 Power on the server, as shown in Figure 3-3.
After the server is started properly, the button/indicator of its power switch is displayed green.

Figure 3-3 Power switch of the server


Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
NetEco 4 Checking the Preinstallation and Configuration of the
Commissioning Guide Server

4 Checking the Preinstallation and

Configuration of the Server

About This Chapter

This section describes how to configure the site information. Before commissioning, you need
to check the initial installation of the NetEco server and ensure that the operating system and
database meet the requirements of the NetEco server software to be installed. During the
commissioning, you need to modify the initial configuration of the server, such as the host name,
IP address, route, and time, according to the actual situation so that the communication between
devices is normal and the NetEco works properly.

4.1 Checking the Versions of the Operating System and Patches

Before installing the NetEco software, you must check the version of the operating system to
ensure that the correct version has been installed.
4.2 Checking Disk Partitions on the Server
You need to check the disk partitions of the NetEco server before installing the NetEco server
4.3 Checking the Versions of the Database and Its Patch
Before installing the NetEco software, you must check the version of the MySQL database to
ensure that the correct version has been installed.
4.4 Checking for the Database Name
This section describes how to check whether correct databases are created.
4.5 Changing the Host Name and IP Address of the Server (Before Installing the NetEco)
This section describes how to change the host name and IP address of the server before installing
the NetEco. If the operating system has been installed before delivery, you must change the host
name and IP address of the server based on site requirements. If the operating system and the
database need to be installed on site, you can set the host name and IP address of the server
during the installation of the operating system.
4.6 Changing the Time Zone and Time of the Server (Before Installing the NetEco)
This section describes how to change the time zone and time of the NetEco server. The local
time can be correctly displayed only when the time zone and time are set correctly.
4.7 Configuring the NetEco Server as the NTP Client (Optional)

Issue 01 (2012-12-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10

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NetEco 4 Checking the Preinstallation and Configuration of the
Commissioning Guide Server

This section describes how to configure the NetEco server as the NTP client to synchronize its
time with the NTP server.

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NetEco 4 Checking the Preinstallation and Configuration of the
Commissioning Guide Server

4.1 Checking the Versions of the Operating System and

Before installing the NetEco software, you must check the version of the operating system to
ensure that the correct version has been installed.

You have logged in to the server as user root.

Step 1 Open a command line window, and run the following command to view the version of the
operating system:
# uname -a
Linux osssvr #1 SMP Fri Sep 4 01:28:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 x86_64
x86_64 GNU/Linux

In the system output, refers to the release number, and #1 SMP
Fri Sep 4 01:28:03 UTC 2009 refers to the kernel ID of UTC. If incorrect information
is displayed, install the SUSE Linux operating system again by referring to the NetEco Software
Initial Installation Guide.
Step 2 Run the following command to view the version of the operating system patch:
# cat /etc/SuSE-release
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)

If the previous information is displayed, the operating system patch of the correct version has
been installed. If incorrect information is displayed, install the SUSE Linux operating system
again by referring to the NetEco Software Initial Installation Guide.


4.2 Checking Disk Partitions on the Server

You need to check the disk partitions of the NetEco server before installing the NetEco server

4.2.1 Checking Disk Partitions on the Server (RH2285)

To ensure the proper operation of the NetEco server software, you need to partition the
NetEco server as planned. You need to check the disk partitions of the NetEco server before
installing the NetEco server software.

You have logged in to the server as user root.

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NetEco 4 Checking the Preinstallation and Configuration of the
Commissioning Guide Server

l Run the following command to display the disk partitions:
# fdisk -l /dev/sda

The following system output shows the information about two 300 GB disks working in
RAID1 mode.
Disk /dev/sda: 298.9 GB, 298999349248 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 36351 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 262 2104483+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 263 1306 8385930 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda3 1307 11749 83883397+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda4 11750 36351 197615565 8e Linux LVM

If incorrect information is displayed, install the SUSE Linux operating system again by
referring to the NetEco Software Initial Installation Guide.

4.2.2 Checking Disk Partitions on the Server (DL380)

To ensure the proper operation of the NetEco server software, you need to partition the
NetEco server as planned. You need to check the disk partitions of the NetEco server before
installing the NetEco server software.

You have logged in to the server as user root.

l Run the following command to display the disk partitions:
# fdisk -l /dev/cciss/c0d0

The following system output shows the information about five 146 GB disks working in
RAID5 and hot standby modes.
Disk /dev/cciss/c0d0: 440.3 GB, 440345714688 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 53535 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 * 1 262 2104483+ 83 Linux
/dev/cciss/c0d0p2 263 1306 8385930 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/cciss/c0d0p3 1307 11749 83883397+ 83 Linux
/dev/cciss/c0d0p4 11750 53535 335646045 8e Linux LVM

If incorrect information is displayed, install the SUSE Linux operating system again by
referring to the NetEco Software Initial Installation Guide.

4.2.3 Checking Disk Partitions on the Server (DL580)

To ensure the proper operation of the NetEco server software, you need to partition the
NetEco server as planned. You need to check the disk partitions of the NetEco server before
installing the NetEco server software.

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You have logged in to the server as user root.

l Run the following command to display the disk partitions:

# fdisk -l /dev/cciss/c0d0

The following system output shows the information about five 146 GB disks working in
RAID5 and hot standby modes.
Disk /dev/cciss/c0d0: 440.3 GB, 440345714688 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 53535 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 * 1 262 2104483+ 83 Linux
/dev/cciss/c0d0p2 263 1306 8385930 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/cciss/c0d0p3 1307 11749 83883397+ 83 Linux
/dev/cciss/c0d0p4 11750 53535 335646045 8e Linux LVM

If incorrect information is displayed, install the SUSE Linux operating system again by
referring to the NetEco Software Initial Installation Guide.


4.3 Checking the Versions of the Database and Its Patch

Before installing the NetEco software, you must check the version of the MySQL database to
ensure that the correct version has been installed.

You have logged in to the server as user root.

Step 1 Switch to the command-line interface (CLI) and run the following command to view the running
status of the MySQL database:

# service mysql status

MySQL running(3288) done

If information similar to the preceding command output is displayed, the database has started.
Go to next step. If different information is displayed, run the following command to start the
MySQL database.

# service mysql start

Step 2 Open a command line window, and run the following command to query the version of the
MySQL database:

# mysql --version
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.15, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1

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If the version number is Distrib 5.5.15 in the system output, the MySQL database of the
correct version has been installed. If an incorrect version number is displayed, install the MySQL
database software again by referring to the NetEco Software Initial Installation Guide.


4.4 Checking for the Database Name

This section describes how to check whether correct databases are created.

l You have logged in to the server as user root.
l The MySQL database service has been started. For details about how to start the MySQL
database service, see 11.4 Starting MySQL Database Services.

Step 1 Switch to the command-line interface (CLI) and run the following command to view the running
status of the MySQL database:
# service mysql status
MySQL running(3288) done

If information similar to the preceding command output is displayed, the database has started.
Go to next step. If different information is displayed, run the following command to start the
MySQL database.
# service mysql start

Step 2 Open a command line window, and run the following command to log in to the database:
# mysql -uroot -proot
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 5708
Server version: 5.5.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its

affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


As shown in the system output, you have logged in to the MySQL database successfully.
Step 3 Run the following command to view the name of the MySQL database:
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| businessdb |
| mysql |

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NetEco 4 Checking the Preinstallation and Configuration of the
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| omcdb |
| omsfm |
| omsmodel |
| omspm |
| omssm |
| omssys |
| performance_schema |
| pmdb |
| swmdb |
| test |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If the system output contains the preceding databases, the databases have been created correctly.
Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support engineers for assistance.
Step 4 Run the following command to switch back to user root:
mysql> quit;


4.5 Changing the Host Name and IP Address of the Server

(Before Installing the NetEco)
This section describes how to change the host name and IP address of the server before installing
the NetEco. If the operating system has been installed before delivery, you must change the host
name and IP address of the server based on site requirements. If the operating system and the
database need to be installed on site, you can set the host name and IP address of the server
during the installation of the operating system.

You have logged in to the server as user root.

l You can use a tool to change the host name and IP address of the server.
l The tool has been uploaded to the server during the installation of the operating system. It
can be used only before the installation of the NetEco software.

Step 1 Open a command-line interface (CLI), and run the following commands to start the tool for
changing the host name and IP address of the server:
# cd /opt/systool

# ./

Step 2 When the following information is displayed, type 3 and press Enter:
+ +
+ Welcome to use neteco modify tools +
+ +
1--modify system user password

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2--modify mysql user password

3--modify hostname
4--modify IP

Step 3 When the following information is displayed, type the host name and press Enter:
Please input host name [Default:osssvr,Q:quit]:

l The host name can contain letters, numbers, and the hyphen (-).
l The host name cannot begin with a hyphen (-).
l The host name contains a maximum of 10 characters.
l The host name must be in one of the following formats:
l Letters+number: ossvr1
l Letters+-+number: ossvr-1
l Letters: ossvr

Step 4 When the following information is displayed, type 4 and press Enter:
+ +
+ Welcome to use neteco modify tools +
+ +
1--modify system user password
2--modify mysql user password
3--modify hostname
4--modify IP

Step 5 When the following information is displayed, type the IP address and press Enter:
Please input IP address [Default:,Q:quit]:

Step 6 When the following information is displayed, type the subnet mask and press Enter:
Please input net masks [Default:,Q:quit]:

Step 7 When the following information is displayed, type the gateway, and press Enter:
Please input default route [Default:,Q:quit]:

Step 8 When the following information is displayed, type y, and press Enter:
Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]

The host name and IP address of the server is changed when the message ChangeSystemIP
is completed is displayed.

Step 9 Run the following commands to restart the server:

# sync; sync; sync; sync; sync; sync

# shutdown -r now


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Follow-up Procedure
After restarting the server, perform the following steps to check whether the host name and IP
address of the server are changed successfully:

1. Log in to the server as user root. Then, run the following command on the CLI and check
that the host name of the server is changed successfully:
# hostname
If the host name is changed to osssvr, check that the system displays osssvr.
2. Run the following command to check that the IP address is changed successfully:
# ifconfig
Check that the IP address and subnet mask in the command output are correct.
eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:25:B3:20:83:A8
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::225:b3ff:fe20:83a8/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:2131011 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:217428 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:740678469 (706.3 Mb) TX bytes:16025790 (15.2 Mb)

4.6 Changing the Time Zone and Time of the Server (Before
Installing the NetEco)
This section describes how to change the time zone and time of the NetEco server. The local
time can be correctly displayed only when the time zone and time are set correctly.

You have logged in to the server as user root using the TightVNC software. For details, see
11.2 How Do I Log In to the Server Using TightVNC?.

l To change both the time zone and the time, you must change the time zone first.
l You can perform the following operations to change the time zone and time of the server
only before installing the NetEco. If the NetEco has been installed, refer to the relevant
administrator guide to change the time zone and time of the server.

Step 1 Stop the MySQL database service.

Check whether the database is started by referring to 11.5 Checking Whether the MySQL
Database Is Started. If the database has been started, see 11.6 Stopping MySQL Database
Services to stop it.

Step 2 Open a command line window by referring to 11.3 How Do I Open the Command
Terminal?, and run the following command. The YaST Control Center dialog box is

# yast2

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Step 3 Click System in the left pane of the YaST Control Center dialog box. Then, click Date and
Time in the right pane. The Clock and Time Zone dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure

Figure 4-1 Clock and Time Zone


If the daylight saving time (DST) is not used, replace the value of Etc with the current GMT time zone.
GMT+N indicates that the local time is N hours behind GMT. GMT-N indicates that the local time is N
hours ahead of GMT.

Step 4 In the Clock and Time Zone dialog box, check whether the settings of Region and Time
Zone comply with the actual situation. If they do not comply with the actual situation, change

Step 5 In the Time and Date group box of the Clock and Time Zone dialog box, check whether the
time and date are correct.

If... Then...

The time and date Perform Step 6.

are correct

The time and date 1. Click Change in the Date and Time group box. The Change
are incorrect System Date and Time dialog box is displayed.
2. Set the time and date in Current Time and Current Date as
required, and click Apply.

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Step 6 In the Clock and Time Zone dialog box, click Accept.


4.7 Configuring the NetEco Server as the NTP Client

This section describes how to configure the NetEco server as the NTP client to synchronize its
time with the NTP server.

l You have correctly set the time zone, date, and time of the NetEco server.
l You have obtained the IP address of the NTP server.
l You have logged in to the server as user root using the TightVNC software. For details,
see 11.2 How Do I Log In to the Server Using TightVNC?.

Step 1 Open a command line window by referring to 11.3 How Do I Open the Command
Terminal?, and run the following command. The YaST Control Center dialog box is
# yast2

Step 2 Click Network Services in the left pane of the YaST Control Center dialog box. Then, click
NTP Configuration in the right pane. The NTP Configuration dialog box is displayed, as
shown in Figure 4-2.

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Figure 4-2 NTP Configuration

Step 3 In the NTP Configuration dialog box, click During Boot in Automatically Start NTP
Daemon. The Warning dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-3. Click Continue.

Figure 4-3 Warning

Step 4 In the NTP Configuration dialog box, enter the IP address of the NTP server in the Address
field under NTP Server Configuration, and click Test to test the NTP settings.
l When the system displays Server is unreachable or does not respond
properly., the NTP server is not configured successfully.
l When the system displays Server is reachable and responds
properly. , the NTP server is configured successfully.

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Step 5 In the NTP Configuration dialog box, click Finish.


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Commissioning Guide 5 Installing the NetEco Server Software

5 Installing the NetEco Server Software

About This Chapter

This section describes how to install the NetEco server software.

5.1 Uploading the NetEco Server Software to the Server

Before installing the NetEco, you must upload its software package to the server.
5.2 Installing the NetEco Server Software
This section describes how to run the NetEco software package and install the NetEco software
on the server.

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5.1 Uploading the NetEco Server Software to the Server

Before installing the NetEco, you must upload its software package to the server.

l The NetEco software package is available. For details about how to obtain the software
package, see 2.1 Obtaining the Software Package.
l You have uninstalled the NetEco software if it has been installed on the server. For details
about how to uninstall the NetEco software, see 11.9 How Do I Uninstall the NetEco
Server Software?.
l It is assumed that the software package is uploaded to the directory /export/home/
If the directory /export/home/NetEcoSoftware does not exist on the server, run the
following commands as user root to create:
# cd /export/home
# mkdir NetEcoSoftware
# chmod 755 NetEcoSoftware

Step 1 Upload the NetEco server software package to the NetEco server by using FileZilla tool.
For details about how to use the FileZilla tool, see 11.15 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer
Files?. The configuration information required for uploading the files is as follows:
l User and password: root user and its password
l Transfer type: Auto or Binary
l Directory of files on the server: /opt/software


5.2 Installing the NetEco Server Software

This section describes how to run the NetEco software package and install the NetEco software
on the server.

l You have logged in to the server as user root using the TightVNC software. For detailed
operations, see 11.2 How Do I Log In to the Server Using TightVNC?.
l The NetEco software package has been uploaded to the server.

Step 1 Switch to the command-line interface (CLI) and run the following command to view the running
status of the MySQL database:
# service mysql status

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MySQL running(3288) done

If information similar to the preceding command output is displayed, the database has started.
Go to next step. If different information is displayed, run the following command to start the
MySQL database.
# service mysql start

Step 2 Navigate to the directory of the software package.

# cd /export/home/NetEcoSoftware

Step 3 Decompress the software package to the setup directory.

# unzip -d setup
replace setup/data/ [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename:

If the preceding information is displayed indicating that the setup directory already exists, Type
N and run the following command to delete the setup directory. Then, perform Step 3 to
decompress the software package again. If the preceding information is not displayed, go to
Step 4.
# rm -rf setup/

Step 4 Install the NetEco server software.

# cd setup

# chmod +x

# ./

Step 5 In the displayed Select Setup Language dialog box shown in Figure 5-1, select English and
click OK.

Figure 5-1 Selecting a setup language

Step 6 In the displayed dialog box shown in Figure 5-2, click Next.

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Figure 5-2 Introduction to the NetEco installation

Step 7 In the displayed dialog box shown in Figure 5-3, select I accept these terms and click Next.

Figure 5-3 Copyright agreement

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Step 8 In the displayed dialog box shown in Figure 5-4, retain the default settings of installation
parameters and directly click Next.

Figure 5-4 Setting installation parameters

If the /opt/neteco directory does not exist, a dialog box is displayed. Click Yes. The /opt/
neteco directory is created.
Step 9 In the displayed dialog box shown in Figure 5-5, select all components and click Next.

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Figure 5-5 Selecting components to be installed

Step 10 In the displayed dialog box shown in Figure 5-6, set database service parameters and click

Figure 5-6 Setting database service parameters

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Table 5-1 Description of database service parameters

Parameter Description

DB Type Database type of the NetEco. The default value is MySQL.

DB Server IP IP address of the server where the database software is

The IP address of the database server must be the same as that of the
NetEco server.

DB Port Number of the port on the database server.

Superuser Name Superuser of the database. If the MySQL database is used, the
default value is root.

Superuser Password Password of the database superuser. You need to type the
password as required.
For details about the default password of the database superuser, see
12.4 Planning Database Users and Their Initial Passwords.

NMS Database User Name NMS user name of the NetEco database. The default value is

NMS Database User Password of the database NMS user.

Password CAUTION
l The password must contain 8 to 30 characters that meet at least
three of the following conditions:
l Containing uppercase letters from A to Z.
l Containing lowercase letters from a to z.
l Containing numbers from 0 to 9.
l Containing underscores.
For example, Test1234 is a valid password.
l Keep the password secure after it is set successfully.

Confirm NMS Database Password of the database NMS user, which is used for
User Password confirmation.
The value of this parameter must be the same of as that of
NMS Database User Password.

Step 11 In the displayed dialog box shown in Figure 5-7, confirm the installation information and click

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Figure 5-7 Confirming the installation information

Step 12 When the dialog box shown in Figure 5-8 is displayed, the system has started installing the
NetEco software.

Figure 5-8 Installation progress

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Step 13 In the displayed dialog box shown in Figure 5-9, click Finish.

Figure 5-9 Completing the installation


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Commissioning Guide 6 Installing NE Mediation

6 Installing NE Mediation

About This Chapter

Mediations must be installed for each type of NEs. For the NEs that are of the same type but of
different versions, their mediation versions are different. An example is provided to describe
how to install the NE mediation software. When installing the NE mediation software on site,
you can refer to the NE mediation software installation guide.

6.1 Uploading the NE Mediation to the NetEco Server

This section describes how to upload the NE mediation package to the /export/home/
NetEcoSoftware directory of the server by running the FileZilla tool on the PC.
6.2 Installing the NE Mediation
This section describes how to install the NE mediation on the NetEco server.

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Commissioning Guide 6 Installing NE Mediation

6.1 Uploading the NE Mediation to the NetEco Server

This section describes how to upload the NE mediation package to the /export/home/
NetEcoSoftware directory of the server by running the FileZilla tool on the PC.

The mediation software package is available on a PC that is connected to the server. For details
about how to obtain the mediation software package and its patch package, see 2.1 Obtaining
the Software Package.

Step 1 Upload the NE mediation package to the NetEco server by using FileZilla tool.

For details about how to use the FileZilla tool, see 11.15 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer
Files?. The configuration information required for uploading the files is as follows:
l User and password: root user and its password
l Transfer type: Auto or Binary
l Directory of files on the server: /export/home/NetEcoSoftware


6.2 Installing the NE Mediation

This section describes how to install the NE mediation on the NetEco server.

l You have uploaded the NE mediation software package and its patch package to the /
export/home/NetEcoSoftware directory on the server.
l You have logged in to the server as user root.

For NetEco V200R03C00 and later versions, the NE mediation software package is in ZIP
format. NE mediation software package and its patch package in TAR format are still supported.
The installation methods for the two formats are the same. You need to replace only the file
name in Step 5 as required.

Step 1 Stop NetEco services by referring to 7.2 Stopping the NetEco Service.

Step 2 Switch to the command-line interface (CLI). Then, run the following command to change the
owner group of all files in the /export/home/NetEcoSoftware directory.

# chown -R ossuser:ossgroup /export/home/NetEcoSoftware

Step 3 Run the following command to switch to user ossuser:

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# su ossuser

Step 4 Run the following command to navigate to the directory of the script for installing the NE
> cd /opt/neteco/bin

Step 5 Run the script to install the NE mediation.

> ./ /export/home/NetEcoSoftware/\

Click enter, and run the following command:


You need to run the preceding command by line. > is prompts. \ is the newline prompt and no space is
allowed after \.

/export/home/NetEcoSoftware/ is
the full path of the NE mediation software package. Replace it as required.
Begin Install NetEcoCM Data.......
Install NetecoCM Data Succeed!
Begin Install NetEcoPM Data.......
Install NetEcoPM Data Succeed!
Install med successed; Version: NetEco_Match_Power2000V200R003C01SPC001
The install detail log at path:/opt/neteco/log/neteco/medinstalll.log

If the preceding command output is displayed, the NE mediation is installed successfully.

Step 6 Start NetEco services by referring to 7.1 Starting the NetEco Service.


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Commissioning Guide 7 Checking the installation of the NetEco Server Software

7 Checking the installation of the NetEco

Server Software

About This Chapter

You need to check whether the installation of the NetEco Server Software is successful by
starting and stopping the NetEco Service.

7.1 Starting the NetEco Service

This section describes how to start the NetEco service by running commands.
7.2 Stopping the NetEco Service
This section describes how to stop the NetEco service. After you run the command to stop the
NetEco service, NEs performance data and alarm data cannot be processed. After the NetEco
service is restored, the NetEco starts the synchronization function. The NetEco obtains
performance data and alarm data again from NEs and processes the data.
7.3 Viewing the NetEco Service Status
This section describes how to view the status of the NetEco services by running commands.
Checking the service status on the NetEco server requires few system resources and does not
affect the system performance.
7.4 Logging In to and Out of the NetEco
This topic describes how to log in to and log out of the NetEco.

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7.1 Starting the NetEco Service

This section describes how to start the NetEco service by running commands.

l You have logged in to the NetEco server as user root in SSH mode. For details, see 11.1
How to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?
l The database service has been started. For details about how to start the database service,
see 11.4 Starting MySQL Database Services.

If the time on the NetEco server has been modified, or NetEco services have stopped running
for more than four days, the NetEco performance data might fail to be written into the database.
You need to check and modify the tablespace settings for the performance database in advance
before starting the NetEco Service. For details, see How Do I Solve the Problem that Performance
Data Fails to Be Written into the Database?.

Step 1 Run the following command in the command line window to switch to user ossuser:
# su ossuser
Step 2 Run the following command to execute the environment variables:
> . /opt/neteco/bin/
Step 3 Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/neteco/bin directory:
> cd /opt/neteco/bin
Step 4 Run the following command to start the NetEco service:
> ./
It will take about two to five minutes to start the NetEco service.
If the following command result is displayed, the NetEco service has been started.
System start completely
NetEco Pre Compile Started.


If the message NetEco is Running! operation exit. is displayed, the NetEco service has
beeen started or being started.


7.2 Stopping the NetEco Service

This section describes how to stop the NetEco service. After you run the command to stop the
NetEco service, NEs performance data and alarm data cannot be processed. After the NetEco
service is restored, the NetEco starts the synchronization function. The NetEco obtains
performance data and alarm data again from NEs and processes the data.

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You have logged in to the NetEco server as user root in SSH mode. For details, see 11.1 How
to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?

Step 1 Run the following command in the command line window to switch to user ossuser:

# su ossuser

Step 2 Run the following command to execute the environment variables:

> . /opt/neteco/bin/

Step 3 Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/neteco/bin directory:

> cd /opt/neteco/bin

Step 4 Run the following command to stop the NetEco service:


> ./

If the following command result is displayed, the NetEco service has been stopped.
NetEco Service Stopped.


7.3 Viewing the NetEco Service Status

This section describes how to view the status of the NetEco services by running commands.
Checking the service status on the NetEco server requires few system resources and does not
affect the system performance.

You have logged in to the NetEco server as user root in SSH mode. For details, see 11.1 How
to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?

Step 1 Run the following command at the command terminal to check whether the NetEco services
have started.

# ps -ef | grep neteco

ossuser 16280 1 0 12:18 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash /opt/neteco/bin/ start -debug 38788
ossuser 16301 1 0 12:18 ? 00:00:12 ./../3rdparty/tomcat/bin/../../../
jre/bin/java ......
ossuser 16303 16280 31 12:18 ? 00:57:37 /opt/neteco/bin/
bin/../../../jre/bin/java ......

If the similar command results are displayed, the NetEco services have started. If no similar
command result is displayed, the NetEco services have not started.

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Commissioning Guide 7 Checking the installation of the NetEco Server Software


The NetEco provides services for three processes. The IDs for the three processes in the command result
are 16280, 16301, and 16303. The system assigns IDs at random. You can check the service status based
on the actual ID.


7.4 Logging In to and Out of the NetEco

This topic describes how to log in to and log out of the NetEco.

NetEco works in browse/server mode. The connection between the current client and the
NetEco server is normal, and the NetEco server runs properly.

The NetEco provides an initial user name admin and user password Changeme123. The user
admin has the operation rights of all managed domains of the NetEco.

l After the first successful login, you need to change the password to ensure the NetEco
l If a rollback is required during operations, you are not advised to use the browser's back
button. Otherwise, the current data is lost and the NetEco exits.

Logging In to the NetEco

Step 1 Open a browser window. In the address bar, type server IP address :NetEco server
port number/, and press Enter.
For example, The NetEco login page is displayed.

l The default port number of the NetEco is 8086.

l When you log in to the NetEco, if the system displays a message indicating an invalid license, you can
update the license, log in, or apply for a new license by obtaining the electronic serial number (ESN)
in the displayed dialog box. For details about how to update a license and how to obtain an ESN, see
Importing a License File and Obtaining an ESN respectively.

Step 2 Enter the User Name and Password.

Step 3 Click Log In.

l When the password will expire, you are prompted to change the password within the password
expiration warning days.
l If the number of online users reaches the maximum allowed by the license, the OMS displays a message
indicating that you cannot log in. In this case, contact the system administrator.


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Logging Out of the NetEco

Step 1 Click in the upper right corner of the NetEco.

Log out of the NetEco.


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Commissioning Guide 8 Installing the NetEco License

8 Installing the NetEco License

After the NetEco software and the NE mediations are installed completely, you can log in to the
NetEco client using a local PC to install a license.

l You have started the NetEco services. For details, see 7.1 Starting the NetEco Service.
l You have obtained the NetEco license. For details, see 2.2 Obtaining the Software
l The communication between the PC running the client and the NetEco server is normal.

Step 1 Open the IE8 browser, type " server IP address:8086" in the address bar.
Step 2 In the displayed page, click Continue to this website (not recommended).

Step 3 In the displayed page, log in to the NetEco system as user admin.

After first login, use the initial password of user admin. To ensure account security, change the password
of user admin as prompted after the initial login.

Step 4 From the main menu of the NetEco, choose System > License Management.
Step 5 On the License Management page, click Import License.
Step 6 On the Import License page, select the license file that has been obtained.
Step 7 Click Import.
All the information about the newly imported license is displayed.
Step 8 Click Apply.


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Commissioning Guide 9 Commissioning the NetEco Network

9 Commissioning the NetEco Network

About This Chapter

This section describes the typical NetEco inband and outband networking modes and
commissioning methods.

9.1 Position of the NetEco on a Network

The NetEco supports the browser/server (B/S) centralized deployment mode, that is, a set of
NetEco system is deployed only on one server. The server is installed with all management
components and carries all running processes. The deployment mode of this type supports the
connection of multiple clients.
9.2 Typical Networking of the NetEco
This section describes the in-band and out-band networking modes of the NetEco. The
NetEco centrally manages the energy and environment systems of base stations by using the all-
in-one controller.
9.3 Commissioning the SMS Network Function
The SMS network receives and sends interactive messages between the NetEco and the
controller by using an SMS modem. The following sections describe the procedure for
commissioning the SMS network, which includes installing and commissioning the modem,
setting parameters, and verifying the SMS network function.
9.4 Commissioning the GPRS Private Networking Function
In GPRS private networking, interaction information between the NetEco and the all-in-one
controller is transferred over the GPRS network. The following sections describe the procedure
for verifying the GPRS private networking function, including installation and commissioning,
parameter settings, and function verification of the GPRS network.
9.5 Commissioning the E1 Networking Function
In E1 networking, interaction information between the NetEco and the all-in-one controller is
transferred over the E1 network. The following sections describe the procedure for verifying the
E1 networking function, including installation and commissioning, parameter settings, and
function verification of the E1 network.

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9.1 Position of the NetEco on a Network

The NetEco supports the browser/server (B/S) centralized deployment mode, that is, a set of
NetEco system is deployed only on one server. The server is installed with all management
components and carries all running processes. The deployment mode of this type supports the
connection of multiple clients.
Figure 9-1 shows the networking mode of the NetEco system.

Figure 9-1 Networking mode of the NetEco system

The devices that are connected to the NetEco system are categorized into the following two
l Devices connected through a serial cable, such as a modem. These devices, together with
the NetEco server and NetEco client, compose the NetEco system.
l Devices connected through an OM network, including various types of NEs managed by
the NetEco or devices connected to the network.

9.2 Typical Networking of the NetEco

This section describes the in-band and out-band networking modes of the NetEco. The
NetEco centrally manages the energy and environment systems of base stations by using the all-
in-one controller.
l In-band networking mode: Energy and environment data about base stations is transmitted
to the NetEco through the O&M channels on GBTSs or NodeBs for the NetEco to centrally

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manage the energy and environment systems. The GBTSs must be in GBSS12.0 or later
and NodeBs in RAN13.0 or later and both must be provided by Huawei.
l Out-band networking mode: Energy and environment data about base stations is transmitted
to the NetEco over the IP, E1, GPRS, or SMS network for the NetEco to centrally manage
the energy and environment systems. The SMS network can be used on the GPRS network
to provide backup transmission channels when the network is unstable.


The preferential order among out-band networking modes is as follows: IP networking or E1 networking,
GPRS private networking or GPRS/SMS networking, GPRS networking, and SMS networking.

9.2.1 Inband Networking

When the all-in-one controller on the access side uses the inband networking mode, only IP
networking is applicable to the NetEco central parts. The routes connected to central and remote
parts of an IP network are configured by telecom operators, and therefore only an Ethernet switch
need to be configured for the NetEco central parts. The all-in-one controller on the access side
is connected to the IP network through OM channels.
Figure 9-2 shows the inband GBSS12.0 RS485 trunk.

Figure 9-2 Inband GBSS12.0 RS485 trunk

Figure 9-3 shows the inband UMTS13.0 RS485 trunk.

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Figure 9-3 Inband UMTS13.0 RS485 trunk

9.2.2 Outband Networking

When the all-in-one controller on the access side uses the outband networking mode, IP
networking, GPRS/SMS networking, GPRS networking, and SMS networking are all applicable
to the NetEco central parts. The routes connected to central and remote parts of an IP network
have been configured by telecom operators, and therefore only an Ethernet switch need to be
configured for the NetEco central parts. The all-in-one controller on the access side is connected
to the IP network through the all-in-one controller.

Figure 9-4 shows the IP networking.

Figure 9-4 IP networking

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9.2.3 GPRS/SMS Networking Mode

Telecom operators need to configure the GPRS network and provide a fixed IP address for
connecting the NetEco server to the GPRS network. The all-in-one controller and NetEco server
form a LAN through the GPRS network or short message center (SMC).
Figure 9-5 shows the GPRS/SMS networking.

Figure 9-5 GPRS/SMS networking

9.2.4 GPRS Networking Mode

The GPRS network provided by telecom operators is used to receive or send interactive
information between the NetEco and the all-in-one controller.
Figure 9-6 shows the GPRS networking, which is set by telecom operators.

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Figure 9-6 GPRS networking

9.2.5 SMS Networking Mode

The SMS network is used to receive or send interactive information between the NetEco and
the all-in-one controller. An SMS modem must be installed on the NetEco server.

Figure 9-7 shows the SMS networking, which need to be configured with an SMS modem.

Figure 9-7 SMS networking

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9.2.6 GPRS Wireless Router Networking

In GPRS wireless router networking, telecom operators need to configure the GPRS network
and provide a fixed IP address for connecting GPRS wireless routers to the GPRS network. The
all-in-one controller and NetEco server form a virtual local area network (VLAN) through the
GPRS network. GPRS wireless router networking falls into GPRS router pool networking and
GPRS private networking. Telecom operators can configure access point names (APNs) to
enhance the security of the GPRS router pool networking. Customers provide the GPRS wireless
router networking, which reduces the dependency on third-party telecom operators.

Figure 9-8 shows the GPRS router pool networking in which GPRS wireless router pool devices
need to be configured.

Figure 9-8 GPRS router pool networking

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Figure 9-9 shows the GPRS private networking in which a GPRS wireless router needs to be

Figure 9-9 GPRS private networking

9.2.7 Entire E1 Networking

In entire E1 networking, interactive information between the NetEco and the all-in-one controller
is transferred over the E1 network.
Figure 9-10 shows the entire E1 networking, which is provided by telecom operators.

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Figure 9-10 Entire E1 networking

9.2.8 Partial E1 Networking

In partial E1 networking, interactive information between the NetEco and the all-in-one
controller is transferred over the E1 network. Partial E1 networking supports multi-site
Figure 9-11 shows the partial E1 networking, which is provided by telecom operators.

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Figure 9-11 Partial E1 networking

9.3 Commissioning the SMS Network Function

The SMS network receives and sends interactive messages between the NetEco and the
controller by using an SMS modem. The following sections describe the procedure for
commissioning the SMS network, which includes installing and commissioning the modem,
setting parameters, and verifying the SMS network function.

9.3.1 Installing the SMS Modem

This section describes the procedure and precautions for installing the SMS modem. The modem
must be installed on the NetEco server.

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An idle serial port is available on the NetEco server.

Step 1 Insert a SIM card into the SMS modem.
Use a tool such as the pen point to press the yellow key. Put the SIM card on the ejected tray,
and insert the tray into the modem.

Step 2 Connect the antenna to the SMA connector.

Step 3 Connect the GPRS wireless router to the NetEco server.

If You Want to... Then...

Access SMS Modem One end of the cable connects the GPRS
wireless router and the other end connects an
idle serial port on the NetEco server.

Access Modem pool One end of the cable connects the GPRS
wireless router and the other end connects an
idle USB port on the NetEco server.


For details, see the user manual delivered with the GPRS wireless router.
Use the connector convertor delivered with the GPRS wireless router if the connector of the serial cable
does not match the serial port on the NetEco server.

Step 4 Connect the serial port cable.

Use the serial port cable of the modem to connect the modem and the NetEco server. One end
connects the modem, and the other end connects the idle serial port on the NetEco server. For
details, see the specifications delivered with the modem.


Use the connector convertor delivered with the modem if the interface of the serial port cable is different
from the serial port on the NetEco server.

Step 5 Connect the power cable.

Use the DC power cable delivered with the modem. For details, see the specifications delivered
with the modem. After the power cable is connected, switch on the power. Normally, the
indicator of the modem blinks regularly. Table 9-1 shows how the indicator indicates the work
status of the modem.

Table 9-1 Relations between the status of the indicator and the modem

Indicator Modem

The modem is activated and is not registered with the


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Indicator Modem

Blinks slowly The modem is connected to the network and is in idle mode.

Blinks quickly The modem is in transmission mode.

Off The modem is deactivated.

The modem frequency is different from SIM card, to see 11.13 How Do I Modify the Frequency Band
for the Modem?.

Step 6 Install the modem driver.

To install the modem driver, see the specifications delivered with the modem.


You need to install the driver only when the installation of the driver is required in the specifications
delivered with the modem.


9.3.2 Setting the SMS Parameters

This section describes how to set the SMS parameters on the NetEco client after installing the
SMS modem. This enables the NetEco to send and receive interaction information by using the

l The SMS modem has been installed.
l The NetEco services have stopped, for details, see 7.2 Stopping the NetEco Service.

Step 1 Perform the following operations to configure the device file.
1. Log in to the NetEco server as user root.
2. Open the command-line interface and run the following command to enter the /dev

# cd /dev
3. Run the following commands to redirect the device file to the PortCfg.txt file:

If... Then run...

Only one modem is # ls /dev/ttyS* | sed 's|/dev/||' > /opt/neteco/bin/


Multiple modems # ls /dev/ttyUSB* | sed 's|/dev/||' > /opt/neteco/bin/

are installed

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4. Run the following commands to change the owner and user group of the device file:

If... Then run...

Only one modem is # chown ossuser:ossgroup ttyS*

installed # chown ossuser:ossgroup /opt/neteco/bin/

Multiple modems # chown ossuser:ossgroup ttyUSB*

are installed # chown ossuser:ossgroup /opt/neteco/bin/

5. Run the following command to delete the /opt/neteco/bin/


# rm -rf /opt/neteco/bin/
6. Run the script to enable NetEco to send and receive interaction information
by using SMS modem:

# cd /opt/neteco/bin

# ./


You can run the script to disable NetEco to send and receive interaction information
by using SMS modem as required.
7. Start the NetEco services by referring to 7.1 Starting the NetEco Service.

Step 2 Log in to the NetEco client using a web browser.

Step 3 On the client, choose Maintenance > Inband Settings.

Step 4 In the Inband Settings window, click the SMS Gateway tab.

Step 5 In the Equipment Type group box, select Modem.

Step 6 In the SMS Center Number text box, enter the corresponding SIM number, and click Set.

You need to type both the MCC and the SMS center number. For example, if the SMS center number is
13900001234 and the MCC is 86, type 8613900001234.

Step 7 Click OK in the displayed dialog box.


9.3.3 Verifying the SMS Network Function

This section describes how to check whether the SMS network function is configured correctly
and whether the NetEco client receives short messages normally.

The SMS parameters have been set.

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If an HP DL380 or DL580 server is used as the NetEco server, you need to disable Serial CLI
Status for the iLO remote management port to ensure that the server can communicate with the
SMS modem properly. For details, see 11.16 How Do I Disable Serial CLI Status for the iLO
Remote Management Port.

Step 1 Log in to the NetEco server using a Web browser.

Step 2 On the client, choose Maintenance > Channel Configuration.

Step 3 In the Channel Configuration window, click the SMS Gateway tab.

Step 4 In the Phone Number for SMS Test text box, enter a test number, and click Test.

You need to type both the MCC and the number of the test mobile phone. For example, if the number of
the test mobile phone is 13900001234 and the MCC is 86, type 8613900001234.
l If the test mobile phone receives Test SMS, you can infer that the SMS parameters are set
l If the test mobile phone does not receive Test SMS, you can infer that the SMS parameters
are set incorrectly. In this case, you need to check whether the SMS center number and the
number of the test mobile phone are correct.


9.4 Commissioning the GPRS Private Networking Function

In GPRS private networking, interaction information between the NetEco and the all-in-one
controller is transferred over the GPRS network. The following sections describe the procedure
for verifying the GPRS private networking function, including installation and commissioning,
parameter settings, and function verification of the GPRS network.

9.4.1 Installing a GPRS Wireless Router

This section describes the procedure for and precautions of installing a GPRS wireless router.

An idle serial port is available on the NetEco server.

Step 1 Install a SIM card into the GPRS wireless router.
Use a tool such as a pen point to press the yellow key on the GPRS wireless router. Put the
subscriber identity module (SIM) card on the ejected tray and push the tray into the GPRS
wireless router.

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l The SIM card is configured with a fixed IP address, which ensures proper interaction between NEs
and the NetEco.
l Ensure that NEs communicate with the GPRS wireless router properly and transmission signals comply
with the security policies that telecom operators set for terminals.
l Only the SIM cards inserted into NEs and GPRS wireless router can be connected to the APN network.
l To use service functions properly and ensure network security, insert the SIM cards on the networks
that are configured with the same APN into NEs and GPRS wireless router.

Step 2 Connect the antenna to the SMA port.

Step 3 Connect the GPRS wireless router to the NetEco server.

Connect the GPRS wireless router to the NetEco server by using the serial cable delivered with
the wireless router. One end of the cable connects the GPRS wireless router and the other end
connects an idle serial port on the NetEco server. For details, see the user manual delivered with
the GPRS wireless router.


Use the connector convertor delivered with the GPRS wireless router if the connector of the serial cable
does not match the serial port on the NetEco server.

Step 4 Connect the power cable to the GPRS wireless router.

Use the DC power cable delivered with the GPRS wireless router. For details, see the user manual
delivered with the GPRS wireless router. After the power cable is connected successfully, switch
on the power. The indicator of the GPRS wireless router blinks regularly. Table 9-2 lists
relationships between indicator status and GPRS wireless router status.

Table 9-2 Relationships between indicator status and GPRS wireless router status

Indicator Status GPRS Wireless Router Status

The GPRS wireless router is turned on but has not registered

with the network.

The GPRS wireless router is connected to the network and

Blinks slowly
is in idle mode.

Blinks quickly The GPRS wireless router is in transfer mode.

Off The GPRS wireless router is turned off.


9.4.2 Configuring the GPRS Wireless Router

After installing the GPRS wireless router, you must configure it so that the NetEco can send
short messages using the GPRS wireless router.

An idle serial port is available on the NetEco server.

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Step 1 Configure the IP address of the GPRS wireless router in the same network segment of the local
area network (LAN) as the IP address of the NetEco server.
For example:
l The IP address of the NetEco server is
l The IP address of the GPRS wireless router is

Figure 9-12 Changing the IP address of the GPRS wireless router in the LAN

Step 2 Add the IP address of the GPRS wireless router to the default routing table of the NetEco server.
For details, see Adding or Deleting Routes for the Server in NetEco Administrator Guide.
Step 3 Obtain the IP address of the GPRS wireless router in the wide area network (WAN)
1. The IP address of the GPRS wireless router in the WAN and the SIM card are bound
2. Open the web page of the GPRS wireless router using PC and query the IP address, as
shown in Figure 9-13.

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Figure 9-13 Querying the IP address of the GPRS wireless router in the WAN

Step 4 On the NetEco server, configure NAT.

Add the /opt/neteco/neteco/var/medDispatch/NATIp.cfg file. This section uses the following
configuration information as an example:

Step 5 Configure the IP address of the GPRS wireless router in the WAN as the NetEco IP address in
OMU1 and OMU2.
Step 6 On the web page of the GPRS wireless router, configure and enable the function of forwarding
messages to the NetEco server over ports so that the GPRS wireless router automatically
forwards received OMU messages to the corresponding ports on the NetEco server.
The port forward function is enabled as required for six port numbers: 31220, 31238, 31239,
31240, 31241, and 31242. The port number 31220 is the MedDispatch port. The port numbers
from 31238 to 31242 are the Med ports. Each Med port can load 500 NEs.

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Figure 9-14 Configuring the port forward function of the GPRS wireless router


9.4.3 Verifying the GPRS Wireless Router Networking Function

This section describes the procedure for checking whether the GPRS wireless router networking
function is configured correctly and whether the NetEco client receives SMS messages properly.

The GPRS wireless router parameters have been set.

Step 1 Connect a PC to the all-in-one controller. Log in to the PC and ssh to the all-in-one controller.
Then ping the fixed IP address of a GPRS wireless router. If the fixed IP address can be pinged
successfully, the all-in-one controller communicates with the GPRS wireless router properly.
Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support engineers.

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Step 2 Log in to the NetEco server and ping the fixed IP address of the GPRS wireless router. If the
fixed IP address can be pinged successfully, the NetEco server communicates with the GPRS
wireless router properly. Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support engineers.


9.5 Commissioning the E1 Networking Function

In E1 networking, interaction information between the NetEco and the all-in-one controller is
transferred over the E1 network. The following sections describe the procedure for verifying the
E1 networking function, including installation and commissioning, parameter settings, and
function verification of the E1 network.

9.5.1 Installing E1 Devices

This section describes the procedure for installing E1 devices.

Telecom operators have provided the E1 network.

Step 1 Add an E1 device to the E1 network.

Step 2 Connect the E1 device to the NetEco server.

Connect the E1 device to the NetEco server by using the serial cable delivered with the E1 device.
One end of the cable connects the E1 device and the other end connects an idle serial port on
the NetEco server. For details, see the user manual delivered with the E1 device.
Use the connector convertor delivered with the E1 device if the connector of the serial cable does not match
the serial port on the NetEco server.

Step 3 Connect the power cable to the E1 device.

Use the DC power cable delivered with the E1 device. For details, see the user manual delivered
with the E1 device. After the power cable is connected successfully, switch on the power. The
indicator of the E1 device blinks regularly. Table 9-3 lists relationships between indicator status
and E1 device status.

Table 9-3 Relationships between indicator status and E1 device status

Indicator Status E1 Device Status

The E1 device is turned on but has not registered with the


The E1 device is connected to the network and is in idle

Blinks slowly

Blinks quickly The E1 device is in transfer mode.

Off The E1 device is turned off.

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9.5.2 Configuring the E1 Network

This section describes the procedure for configuring E1 devices so that the NetEco can send
SMS messages through E1 devices.

An idle serial port is available on the NetEco server.

Step 1 Configure the dual in-line package (DIP) switches on the front panel and bottom panel of a
TD-6228 bridge device.

Configure the switches on the front panel by referring to the Etek TD-6228 FE1 Bridge User
2. All switches on the bottom panel are set to OFF.
Step 2 Set parameters of a TD-6032 bridge.
1. Log in to the TD-6032 bridge configuration page.
Default IP address: Default user name: admin Default password:

2. Configure E1 No. and timeslot No.

Input E1: 1 to 31 Timeslot: 1 to 31 Output E1: 32 Output timeslot: 32

Step 3 Set parameters of a TD-6310 bridge device.

1. Log in to the TD-6310 bridge configuration page.
Default IP address: Default user name: root Default password:

2. Choose Service Config > Channel Config. Bind each channel with a timeslot on the
displayed page, as shown in Figure 9-15.

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Figure 9-15 Configuring timeslots

Step 4 Connect the XMU to an Ethernet port on the front panel of the TD-6228 bridge device by using
the network cable.
Step 5 Connect a TD-6228 device to a TD-6032 device.
Connect UP-E1 TX ports on a TD-6228 device to ports RX1 to RX31 at the rear of a TD-6032
device by using E1 cables based on preset timeslots,
and connect ports TX1 to TX31 at the rear of the TD-6032 device to UP-E1 ports RX1 to RX31
on the TD-6228 device by using coaxial cables over the E1 network.

E1-75 ohm unparallel signal TX and RX ports are used by default.

Step 6 Connect a TD-6032 device to a TD-6310 device.

Connect the TX32 port on a TD-6032 device to the E1-IN port on a TD-6310 device by using
a coaxial cable,
and connect the RX32 port on the TD-6032 device to the E1-OUT port on the TD-6310 device
by using a coaxial cable.


9.5.3 Verifying the E1 Networking Function

This section describes the procedure for checking whether the E1 networking function is
configured correctly and whether the NetEco client communicates with the E1 device properly.

E1 device parameters have been set.

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Step 1 Connect a PC to the all-in-one controller. Log in to the PC and ssh to the all-in-one controller.
Then ping the fixed IP address of the NetEco server. If the fixed IP address can be pinged, the
all-in-one controller is connected to the NetEco properly. Otherwise, contact Huawei technical
support engineers.


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Commissioning Guide 10 Commissioning Remote Alarm Notification

10 Commissioning Remote Alarm


About This Chapter

On the basis of the definition of remote alarm notification, this chapter describes the
commissioning procedures of the remote alarm notification based on short messages and emails.

10.1 Remote Alarm Notification

This section introduces the remote alarm notification service. Through this service, the system
delivers real-time alarm information to you by short messages or by emails.
10.2 Commissioning Alarm Notification by Short Message (SMS Modem)
you need to set Commissioning the SMS modem for the function of remote notification by SMS.
10.3 Setting the SMS Server
When an alarm is reported, you can set the parameters of the short message service (SMS) server
that sends remote notification to users by SMS.
10.4 Setting the Email Server
When an alarm is reported, you can set the parameters of the email server that sends remote
notification to users by email.

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Commissioning Guide 10 Commissioning Remote Alarm Notification

10.1 Remote Alarm Notification

This section introduces the remote alarm notification service. Through this service, the system
delivers real-time alarm information to you by short messages or by emails.
The NetEco provides the remote alarm notification service. Through this service, the system
delivers real-time alarm information to you by short messages or by emails.

Introduction to the Alarm Notification by Short Message Function

The alarm notification by short message function is based on the remote alarm notification
service provided by the NetEco. Through this function, you can get the real-time alarm
information in short messages over your cell phone. When an alarm occurs, you receive a short
message on your cell phone showing the alarm information.
You can set the alarms the information about which is sent through short messages to your cell
To use this function, you should connect the NetEco client to the wireless network through a
wireless Modem.

Introduction to the Alarm Notification by E-mail Function

The Alarm Notification by E-mail function is based on the remote alarm notification service
provided by the NetEco. Through this function, you can get the real-time alarm information by
emails. When an alarm occurs, you receive an email in your email box showing the alarm
You can set the alarms the information about which is sent through emails to your email box.
To use this function, you should connect the NetEco system to the SMTP server of the Internet.

10.2 Commissioning Alarm Notification by Short Message

(SMS Modem)
you need to set Commissioning the SMS modem for the function of remote notification by SMS.

Step 1 Installing the SMS modem by reference to 9.3.1 Installing the SMS Modem.
Step 2 Setting the SMS parameters by reference to 9.3.2 Setting the SMS Parameters.
Step 3 Verifying the SMS communication function by reference to 9.3.3 Verifying the SMS Network


10.3 Setting the SMS Server

When an alarm is reported, you can set the parameters of the short message service (SMS) server
that sends remote notification to users by SMS.

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l You have the operation rights for Alarm Settings.
l The host name, port, code protocol, and calling number of the SMS server are obtained.

Step 1 Choose Fault > Alarm Settings from the main menu.

Step 2 In the Alarm Settings window, choose Remote Notification > SMS Server.

Step 3 In the SMS Server Settings window, set the host name, port number, and calling number.
l Host name: the host name or IP address of the short message center.
l Port: the port number of the short message center. You can set it as required.
l Calling number: calling number for sending a short message.

Figure 10-1 Setting the SMS server

If you want to send long messages and status reply, click Advanced to set related parameters.

Table 10-1 describes the short message length supported by each protocol.

Table 10-1 Short message length supported by each protocol

Encoding Protocol Description

SMPP3_3/SMPP3_4 l Supports long short messages.

The recipient can receive the entire message, no matter how many
characters are contained a short message sent by the sender.
l Do not support long short messages.

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Encoding Protocol Description

CMPP2_x/ A short message contains a maximum of 70 characters. If a

CMPP3_x message contains more than 70 characters, the system splits the
message and sends several short messages to the recipient.

SGIP l Supports long short messages.

The recipient can receive the entire message, no matter how many
characters are contained a short message sent by the sender.
l Do not support long short messages.
A short message contains a maximum of 80 characters. If a
message contains more than 80 characters, the system splits the
message and sends several short messages to the recipient.

Step 4 Click Apply.


l Click Test to check the connection to the SMS server. The system displays a message showing the
connection status. When you test the server connection, if the entered parameter is incorrect, the
response will be slow and it might take some time.
l After setting the parameters of the SMS server, you can click Apply to save the settings. As the SMS
server parameters involves the user name and password, to ensure security, the NetEco does not prompt
you to save data when you do not click Apply.


10.4 Setting the Email Server

When an alarm is reported, you can set the parameters of the email server that sends remote
notification to users by email.

l You have the operation rights for Alarm Settings.
l The email server IP address and sender address are obtained.

Step 1 Choose Fault > Alarm Settings from the main menu.
Alternatively, choose System > System Configuration > Basic Settings > Email Server from the main

Step 2 In the Alarm Settings window, choose Remote Notification > Email Server.

Step 3 On the Email Server Settings page, set the email server and sender address.
l SMTP server: the host name or IP address of the email server.

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You are advised to use the IP address of the email server to avoid the connection failure due to domain
name resolution failure.
l Sender address: the email address of the sender.
l Server port: the port on the email server used to connect to the NetEco.
The default SMTP port number is 25 and the default SSL port number 465. Ensure that the server port
is correct for successful email transmission.
l Require authentication: Determines whether the current user has permissions to send
emails. If the email server requires authentication, you need to select Require
authentication and set the user name and password of the email server.
l Require SSL: Determines the protocol used to connect to the email server.
– Select the check box: The SSL protocol is used.
– Clear the check box: The SMTP protocol is used.

Figure 10-2 Setting the email server

Step 4 Click Apply.


l Click Test to check the connection to the Email server. The system displays a message showing the
connection status. When you test the server connection, if the entered parameter is incorrect, the
response will be slow and it might take some time.
l After setting the parameters of the email server, you can click Apply to save the settings. As the email
server parameters involves the user name and password, to ensure security, the NetEco does not prompt
you to save data when you do not click Apply.


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Commissioning Guide 11 FAQ

11 FAQ

About This Chapter

This section describes FAQs and their solutions.

11.1 How to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?

This section describes how to log in to the server in SSH mode. For the purpose of security, log
in to the server in SSH mode after the SuSE Linux operating system is installed. You are advised
to use the PuTTY tool in SSH mode.
11.2 How Do I Log In to the Server Using TightVNC?
After the operating system has been successfully installed on the server, users need to log in to
the server on a graphical user interface. TightVNC is recommended.
11.3 How Do I Open the Command Terminal?
This section describes how to open the command terminal on the SUSE Linux operating system.
11.4 Starting MySQL Database Services
This section describes how to start MySQL database services. You must start the MySQL
database services before starting NetEco services.
11.5 Checking Whether the MySQL Database Is Started
This section describes how to run the SUSE Linux command to check whether the MySQL
database is started.
11.6 Stopping MySQL Database Services
This section describes how to stop MySQL database services. You must stop NetEco services
before stopping the MySQL database services.
11.7 Starting the NetEco Service
This section describes how to start the NetEco service by running commands.
11.8 Stopping the NetEco Service
This section describes how to stop the NetEco service. After you run the command to stop the
NetEco service, NEs performance data and alarm data cannot be processed. After the NetEco
service is restored, the NetEco starts the synchronization function. The NetEco obtains
performance data and alarm data again from NEs and processes the data.
11.9 How Do I Uninstall the NetEco Server Software?

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This section describes how to uninstall the NetEco server software from the server. After you
uninstall the NetEco server software, all the mediation software on the server will be uninstalled.
11.10 How Do I Remotely Log In to the Server in BMC Web Mode?
This section describes how to remotely log in to the server in BMC Web mode. The RH2285
server allows users to manage the server by remotely logging in to the server through Internet
Explorer delivered with Windows.
11.11 How Do I Configure the iLO3 Remote Management Port (DL380)?
This section describes how to configure the iLO3 remote management port on the DL380 server.
After configuring the remote management port, you can install the operating system and database
software remotely. The remote management ports provided by different server vendors are
different. If you use a non-HP server, you need to contact the related vendor of the PC server to
obtain the method of configuring a remote management port.
11.12 How Do I Configure the BMC Remote Management Port (RH2285)?
This section describes how to configure the BMC remote management port. Before installing
an operating system on the RH2285 server, you need to configure an IP address for the BMC
management port on the server.
11.13 How Do I Modify the Frequency Band for the Modem?
This section describes how to modify the frequency band for the Modem.
11.14 How Do I Solve the Problem of MySQL Database Login Failure?
11.15 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?
This section describes how to use FileZilla to transfer files. FTP-based file transfer improves
the transfer security. FileZilla is a dedicated file transfer tool that supports both FTP-based
transfer and resumable download. Therefore, you are advised to use FileZilla to transfer files.
11.16 How Do I Disable Serial CLI Status for the iLO Remote Management Port
This section describes how to disable Serial CLI Status for the iLO remote management port.
In the short message service (SMS) networking scheme, if an HP DL380 or DL580 server is
used as the NetEco server, you need to disable Serial CLI Status for the iLO remote
management port to ensure that the server can communicate with the SMS modem properly.

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11.1 How to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?

This section describes how to log in to the server in SSH mode. For the purpose of security, log
in to the server in SSH mode after the SuSE Linux operating system is installed. You are advised
to use the PuTTY tool in SSH mode.

l The SuSE Linux operating system is installed.
l The PC and the maintenance Ethernet port (eth0) of the server communicate normally.
l You have downloaded the PuTTY tool of the latest version to the local PC from http://

1. In the directory where the PuTTY software is saved, double-click PuTTY.exe. A dialog
box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-1.

Figure 11-1 PuTTY Configuration dialog box (1)

2. (Optional) To record operation logs, choose Session > Logging in the left pane, select
Printable output in the Session logging area, and then set the directory for saving the
operation logs in the Log file name area. See Figure 11-2.

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Figure 11-2 PuTTY Configuration dialog box (2)

3. Choose Session in the left pane, select SSH in the right pane, enter IP address of the
server in the Host Name (or IP Address) area, and then click Open to log in to the server.
Click Yes if the following warning information is displayed when the dialog box is opened
for the first time.

Figure 11-3 PuTTY Security Alert

4. Type the user name root and the password as prompted.

login as: root
[email protected]'s password:****
Last login: Sun May 10 13:02:28 2012 from osssvr
osssvr:~ #

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11.2 How Do I Log In to the Server Using TightVNC?

After the operating system has been successfully installed on the server, users need to log in to
the server on a graphical user interface. TightVNC is recommended.

How do I log in to the server using TightVNC?

l The communication between the PC and the server is normal.
l The graphical terminal software TightVNC has been obtained from http:// You can download TightVNC from by
choosing Software Center > Mature Tool > Core Network Product Line > Wireless-
OSS > iManager M2000-II > Public Tools.

1. On the PC, decompress TightVNC and double-click the program to start it.
2. In the displayed New TightVNC Connection dialog box, enter IP address:1 in the VNC
server field, and click Connect.

If the connection is not established after you enter IP address:1, enter IP address:2 and try again.
If the connection still cannot be established, try IP address:8. If the problem persists, check whether
the firewall is enabled and the remote login is set. You can also restart the remote login.

Figure 11-4 New TightVNC Connection

3. In the displayed Linux login window, type the user name and password of user root to log
in to the server.

11.3 How Do I Open the Command Terminal?

This section describes how to open the command terminal on the SUSE Linux operating system.

How do I open the command terminal on the SUSE Linux operating system?

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Assume that you have logged in to the operating system as user root.
Right-click on the desktop of the operating system and choose Open Terminal from the shortcut
menu. The command terminal window is displayed.

11.4 Starting MySQL Database Services

This section describes how to start MySQL database services. You must start the MySQL
database services before starting NetEco services.

l You have logged in to the NetEco server as user root in SSH mode. For details, see 11.1
How to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?
l MySQL Database Services is not started, see 11.5 Checking Whether the MySQL
Database Is Started to checking whether the MySQL database is started.

Step 1 In the command line window, run the following command to start MySQL database services:
# service mysql start
Starting MySQL.... done


11.5 Checking Whether the MySQL Database Is Started

This section describes how to run the SUSE Linux command to check whether the MySQL
database is started.

You have logged in to the NetEco server as user root in SSH mode. For details, see 11.1 How
to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?

Step 1 In the command line window, run the following command to check whether the MySQL database
is started:
# service mysql status
MySQL running(3288) done

If the previous information is displayed, the MySQL database has been started.
MySQL is not running failed

If the previous information is displayed, the MySQL database has been stopped.


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11.6 Stopping MySQL Database Services

This section describes how to stop MySQL database services. You must stop NetEco services
before stopping the MySQL database services.

l You have logged in to the NetEco server as user root in SSH mode. For details, see 11.1
How to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?
l MySQL Database Services is started, see 11.5 Checking Whether the MySQL Database
Is Started to checking whether the MySQL database is started.

Step 1 In the command line window, run the following command to stop MySQL database services:

# service mysql stop

Shutting down MySQL......... done


11.7 Starting the NetEco Service

This section describes how to start the NetEco service by running commands.

l You have logged in to the NetEco server as user root in SSH mode. For details, see 11.1
How to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?
l The database service has been started. For details about how to start the database service,
see 11.4 Starting MySQL Database Services.

If the time on the NetEco server has been modified, or NetEco services have stopped running
for more than four days, the NetEco performance data might fail to be written into the database.
You need to check and modify the tablespace settings for the performance database in advance
before starting the NetEco Service. For details, see How Do I Solve the Problem that Performance
Data Fails to Be Written into the Database?.

Step 1 Run the following command in the command line window to switch to user ossuser:

# su ossuser

Step 2 Run the following command to execute the environment variables:

> . /opt/neteco/bin/

Step 3 Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/neteco/bin directory:

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> cd /opt/neteco/bin

Step 4 Run the following command to start the NetEco service:

> ./

It will take about two to five minutes to start the NetEco service.

If the following command result is displayed, the NetEco service has been started.
System start completely
NetEco Pre Compile Started.


If the message NetEco is Running! operation exit. is displayed, the NetEco service has
beeen started or being started.


11.8 Stopping the NetEco Service

This section describes how to stop the NetEco service. After you run the command to stop the
NetEco service, NEs performance data and alarm data cannot be processed. After the NetEco
service is restored, the NetEco starts the synchronization function. The NetEco obtains
performance data and alarm data again from NEs and processes the data.

You have logged in to the NetEco server as user root in SSH mode. For details, see 11.1 How
to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?

Step 1 Run the following command in the command line window to switch to user ossuser:

# su ossuser

Step 2 Run the following command to execute the environment variables:

> . /opt/neteco/bin/

Step 3 Run the following command to navigate to the /opt/neteco/bin directory:

> cd /opt/neteco/bin

Step 4 Run the following command to stop the NetEco service:


> ./

If the following command result is displayed, the NetEco service has been stopped.
NetEco Service Stopped.


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11.9 How Do I Uninstall the NetEco Server Software?

This section describes how to uninstall the NetEco server software from the server. After you
uninstall the NetEco server software, all the mediation software on the server will be uninstalled.

You have logged in to the server as user root using the TightVNC software. For detailed
operations, see 11.2 How Do I Log In to the Server Using TightVNC?.

1. Open the command-line interface, and run the following commands to stop the NetEco
# su ossuser
> . /opt/neteco/bin/
> cd /opt/neteco/bin
> ./
If the following command result is displayed, the NetEco service has been stopped.
NetEco Service Stopped.

2. Run the following commands to uninstall the NetEco server software:

# cd /opt/neteco/uninstall
# ./
3. In the displayed dialog box, select all components to be uninstalled and click Next, as shown
in Figure 11-5.

Figure 11-5 Selecting all components to be uninstalled

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4. In the displayed dialog box shown in Figure 11-6, set database server parameters and click

Figure 11-6 Setting database server parameters

Table 11-1 Description of database server parameters

Parameter Description

DB Type Database type of the NetEco. The default value is


DB Server IP IP address of the server where the database software is

The IP address of the database server must be the same as that of
the NetEco server.

DB Port Number of the port on the database server.

Superuser Name Superuser of the database. If the MySQL database is used,

the default value is root.

Superuser Password Password of the database superuser. You need to type the
password as required.
For details about the default password of the database superuser,
see 12.4 Planning Database Users and Their Initial

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5. In the displayed dialog box, click Yes.

6. After the uninstallation is complete, click Finish in the displayed dialog box shown in
Figure 11-7.

Figure 11-7 Uninstallation completed

11.10 How Do I Remotely Log In to the Server in BMC Web

This section describes how to remotely log in to the server in BMC Web mode. The RH2285
server allows users to manage the server by remotely logging in to the server through Internet
Explorer delivered with Windows.

l The communication between the PC and the BMC management network port on the server
is proper.
l You have configured the IP address of the BMC management network port on the server
based on site requirements. For details, see 11.12 How Do I Configure the BMC Remote
Management Port (RH2285)?.

1. Start Internet Explorer. Type the IP address of the BMC management network port in the
Address box.

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If the version of Internet Explorer is earlier than Internet Explorer 8.0, click Yes in the
displayed Security warning window. If the version of Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
8.0 or later, click Continue to this website (not recommended). in the displayed dialog
The window shown in Figure 11-8 is displayed.

Figure 11-8 Login window

2. Type the user name and password, and click Log In. The window shown in Figure 11-9
is displayed.

Both the default user name and password are root.

Figure 11-9 iMana Web window

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3. Double-click Remote Control in the navigation tree in the left pane. The system displays
a window for remotely connecting to the server, as shown in Figure 11-10.

Figure 11-10 Remote control window

11.11 How Do I Configure the iLO3 Remote Management

Port (DL380)?
This section describes how to configure the iLO3 remote management port on the DL380 server.
After configuring the remote management port, you can install the operating system and database
software remotely. The remote management ports provided by different server vendors are
different. If you use a non-HP server, you need to contact the related vendor of the PC server to
obtain the method of configuring a remote management port.

How do I configure the iLO3 remote management port on the server?

1. Obtain the IP address plan of the iLO3 remote management port and the password of user
2. During the server startup, press F8 to go to the window for configuring the remote
management port when the following information is displayed:

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Integrated Lights-Out 3 Standard press [F8] to configure

3. In the window shown in Figure 11-11, choose Network > DNS/DHCP by using the arrow
keys on the KVM, and press Enter to continue.

Figure 11-11 Integrated Lights-Out 3

4. Select DHCP Enable in the displayed window shown in Figure 11-12. Then, set DHCP
Enable to OFF by using the spacebar. Then, press F10 to save the current settings.

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Figure 11-12 Network Autoconfiguration

5. In the remote management port configuration window shown in Figure 11-11, choose
Network > NIC and TCP/IP by using the arrow keys on the KVM, and press Enter to
6. In the displayed window shown in Figure 11-13, fill in the IP address, subnet mask, and
gateway IP address of iLO3, and press F10 to save the current settings.

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Figure 11-13 Network Configuration

7. In the remote management port configuration window shown in Figure 11-11, choose
Users > Edit by using the arrow keys on the KVM, and press Enter to continue.
8. In the displayed window shown in Figure 11-14, select Administrator and press Enter
to continue.

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Figure 11-14 Edit User (I)

9. In the displayed window shown in Figure 11-15, type the password of user
Administrator of iLO3, and press F10 to save the current settings.

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Figure 11-15 Edit User (II)

10. In the remote management port configuration window shown in Figure 11-11, choose File
> Exit by using the arrow keys on the KVM, and press Enter to continue.
11. In the displayed window shown in Figure 11-16, press Enter to restart the server for the
settings of iLO3 to take effect.

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Figure 11-16 Are you sure?

Subsequent Processing
After configuring the iLO3 port, you can perform the following operations to log in to this port
1. Check that the remote client is properly connected to the iLO3 port on the server.
2. Start Internet Explorer on the remote client, type address of iLO3 in the Address
box and press Enter. The welcome window for logging in to the iLO3 port is displayed.

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Figure 11-17 Login window of the iLO3 port

3. When the login is successful, choose Administration > Licensing, fill in the required
license information in Activation Key and click Install to update the license.

Figure 11-18 Management window of the iLO3 port (1)

4. In the management window of the iLO3 port shown in Figure 11-19, choose Remote
Console > Integrated Remote Console to enable the iLO3 port so that you can operate
the KVM remotely.

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Figure 11-19 Management window of the iLO3 port (2)

11.12 How Do I Configure the BMC Remote Management

Port (RH2285)?
This section describes how to configure the BMC remote management port. Before installing
an operating system on the RH2285 server, you need to configure an IP address for the BMC
management port on the server.

You have obtained the IP address of the BMC remote management port on the server as required.

You can configure this port from a local PC that is directly connected to the server or through
the BMC web interface. The following describes the two configuration methods.

l Configure this port from a local PC that is directly connected to the server.
1. Connect the local PC to the server.

If you need to... Then...

Configure the BMC Connect the monitor, the keyboard with a USB plug, and the
management port mouse with a USB plug to the server.
using a monitor,
mouse, and

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If you need to... Then...

Configure the BMC Connect the KVM to the server by using a signal cable
management port delivered with the KVM. For detailed operations, see Figure
using the KVM 11-20.

Figure 11-20 Connecting the KVM to the RH2285 server

2. Start the RH2285 server and press Delete to switch to the BIOS screen. Then, select
Advanced. The Advanced tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-21.

Figure 11-21 Advanced tab page

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3. Select IPMI 2.0 Configuration and press Enter. The IPMI 2.0 Configuration area
is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-22.

Figure 11-22 IPMI 2.0 Configuration area

4. Select BMC Configuration and press Enter. The BMC Configuration area is
displayed, as shown in Figure 11-23.

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Figure 11-23 BMC Configuration area

5. Change the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address of the BMC management
port in sequence.
– Select IP Address in the BMC Configuration area to change the IP address of
the BMC management port, as shown in Figure 11-24.

Figure 11-24 IP Address Configuration area

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– Select Subnet Mask in the BMC Configuration area to change the subnet mask
of the BMC management port, as shown in Figure 11-25.

Figure 11-25 Subnet Mask Configuration area

– Select Gateway Address in the BMC Configuration area to change the gateway
address of the BMC management port, as shown in Figure 11-26.

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Figure 11-26 Gateway Address Configuration area

6. Press F10 to save the settings.

l Configure the BMC management port on the server through the BMC web interface.
1. Connect a PC to the BMC management port on the server using a network cable or a
switch. Figure 11-20 shows the position of the BMC management port.
2. Start the Internet Explorer and type the IP address of the BMC management port in
the address box.
If the version of the Internet Explorer is earlier than Internet Explorer 8.0, click Yes
in the displayed Security warning dialog box. If Internet Explorer 8.0 or a later
version is used, select Continue to this website (not recommended). on the displayed
The login window shown in Figure 11-27 is displayed.

l You need to manually restart the server after changing the IP address of the management
port through the BMC web interface. It is recommended that you change the IP address on
the local PC connected to the server.
l You need to use the default IP address of the BMC management port for
the first login attempt.
l Ensure that the IP address of the PC and the IP address of the server management port are
on the same network segment. If they are not on the same network segment, the PC cannot
communicate with the server.

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Figure 11-27 iMana Web login window

3. Type the user name and password and click Log In to navigate to the window shown
in Figure 11-28.

Both the default user name and password are root.

Figure 11-28 iMana Web window

4. In the iMana Web window, choose Common Tasks > Network Configuration in
the navigation tree.
5. Change the IP address, subnet musk, and default gateway address of the BMC
management port in the right pane, as shown in Figure 11-29. Then, click OK.

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Figure 11-29 Network Configuration dialog box


After the IP address of the management port is changed, the BMC web interface is disconnected
from the server. Press the power button to restart the server. Then, log in to the server using
the changed IP address.

11.13 How Do I Modify the Frequency Band for the Modem?

This section describes how to modify the frequency band for the Modem.

The wireless modem has been installed.

Step 1 Log in to the Windows operating system of the NetEco client as administrator.

Step 2 Choose Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal to start
the HyperTerminal.

Step 3 Set up a connection. In this step, enter the name such as modem, as shown in Figure 11-30, and
click OK.

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Figure 11-30 Setting up a connection

Step 4 Select the serial port for the connection. For example, select COM1, as shown in Figure
11-31, and then click OK.

Figure 11-31 Selecting a serial port

Step 5 Set properties for the serial port according to Figure 11-32, and click OK.

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Figure 11-32 Setting properties for the serial port

Step 6 Run the commands in the window shown in Figure 11-33 to start commissioning.

Figure 11-33 Commissioning the dialing

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Step 7 Run the following command to check if the modem runs properly.


If the system displays OK, then the modem is connected. Otherwise, check whether the cable is
loosely connected to the serial port and whether the serial port configuration conflicts with each
other. If the connection of serial cables is normal and you set the attributes of the serial port
properly, change the value of Bits per seconds if the communication cannot be set up. If the
problem persists, contact Huawei technical support engineers for assistance.

Step 8 Run the following commands to restore and save the default settings:



Step 9 Run the following commands to view the version information about the modem:



Step 10 Run the following command to view the frequency band about the modem:


Step 11 Run the following commands to set and save the frequency band information about the modem:



Table 11-2 lists the commands for setting the frequency band for the modem.

Table 11-2 Commands for setting the frequency band for the modem

Command Function

at+wmbs=0 Sets the frequency band to 850 MHz.

at+wmbs=1 Sets the frequency band to 900 extended MHz


at+wmbs=2 Sets the frequency band to 1800 MHz.

at+wmbs=3 Sets the frequency band to 1900 MHz.

at+wmbs=4 Sets the frequency band to 850 MHz or 1900


at+wmbs=5 Sets the frequency band to 900 extended MHz

(900E) or 1800 MHz.

at+wmbs=6 Sets the frequency band to 900 extended MHz

(900E) or 1900 MHz.

Step 12 Run the following command to restart the modem:

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Step 13 Run the following command to check whether the frequency band is set successfully:
If the setting does not succeed, perform the preceding steps again.
After the setting succeeds, check the indicator on the modem:
l If the indicator blinks slowly, the SIM card is successfully registered, and the frequency band
for the modem can be used.
l If the indicator is always red, the registration of the SIM card fails. If this occurs, contact
Huawei technical support.


11.14 How Do I Solve the Problem of MySQL Database

Login Failure?
Logging in to the MySQL database fails, and information similar to the following is displayed:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

Possible Causes
The possible causes of the login failure vary based on the error codes:
l ERROR 1044: The current user does not have the permission to access the MySQL
l ERROR 1045: The user name or password is incorrect.
l ERROR 2002: The MySQL connection file has been deleted.

Step 1 On the command-line interface (CLI), run the following command to stop MySQL processes.
# killall -9 mysqld_safe mysqld

Step 2 Run the following command to restart MySQL database services:

# service mysql start
Starting MySQL.... done

Step 3 Run the following command to log in to the database.

# mysql -uroot -p

Enter password: Password of user root for accessing the MySQL database
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 5708
Server version: 5.5.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its

affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


If the command output similar to the preceding one is displayed, you have logged in to the
MySQL database successfully. If error messages are displayed, contact Huawei technical


11.15 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?

This section describes how to use FileZilla to transfer files. FTP-based file transfer improves
the transfer security. FileZilla is a dedicated file transfer tool that supports both FTP-based
transfer and resumable download. Therefore, you are advised to use FileZilla to transfer files.

l You have obtained the IP address of the destination server.
l The communication between the PC and the destination server is normal.
l You have obtained the file to be uploaded to the destination server and saved the file to the
l You have obtained the tool package at and
decompressed it to the PC.
You can navigate to Search for software in Software Center and use the package name
as the keyword to quickly locate the tool package.
l You have obtained the account for logging in to the destination server.

Step 1 Double click filezilla.exe to start the FileZilla.
Step 2 Set Transfer type. You are advised to set it to Auto.
Perform one of the following operations to set Transfer type:
l Choose Transfer > Transfer type > Auto to set Transfer type to Auto (recommended).
l Choose Transfer > Transfer type > ASCII to set Transfer type to ASCII.
l Choose Transfer > Transfer type > Binary to set Transfer type to Binary.

Step 3 In the FileZilla window, click in the upper left corner.

Step 4 In the displayed Site Manager dialog box, click New Site.
Step 5 On the General tab page, configure site parameters by referring to Table 11-3.

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Table 11-3 Parameters in the Site Manager dialog box

Parameter Description

Host Enter the IP address of the destination server.

Port 21
Port 21 is the default port for FTP.

Server Type The NetEco server supports the following file transfer protocols:
1. FTP: common protocol for plaintext file transfer.
2. FTPES: protocol for encrypted file transfer. If you select FTPES, FTP will
be disabled.
If you select FTP exist possible security risks, and propose select FTPES ensure the
security of transmission paths.

Logon type Normal

User Enter a user name on the destination server. The user must have the
permission to access the destination directory.

Step 6 Click Connect.


l Ignore the dialog box displayed during the connection and click OK.
l If the connection is successful, directories on the destination server are displayed in the Remote Site

Step 7 In the Remote site area, set the destination directory on the destination server. For example, /
After you set the directory, all files in the directory are displayed under the Remote site area.
Step 8 In the Local site area, set the directory of the to-be-uploaded file on the PC. For example, D:
After you set the directory, all files in the directory are displayed under the Local site area.
Step 9 Perform the following operations as required:

If you need to... Then...

Uploads files In the Local site area, right-click the file to be uploaded and choose
Upload from the shortcut menu.

Downloads files In the Remote site area, right-click the file to be downloaded and choose
Download from the shortcut menu.

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If the upload or download fails, click the Failed transfers tab in the lower left area of the FileZilla window.
Then right-click the file that fails to be transferred and choose Reset and requeue selected files from the
shortcut menu to resume the file transfer.


11.16 How Do I Disable Serial CLI Status for the iLO Remote
Management Port
This section describes how to disable Serial CLI Status for the iLO remote management port.
In the short message service (SMS) networking scheme, if an HP DL380 or DL580 server is
used as the NetEco server, you need to disable Serial CLI Status for the iLO remote
management port to ensure that the server can communicate with the SMS modem properly.

You have logged in to the server through the iLO remote management port. For detailed
operations, see 11.11 How Do I Configure the iLO3 Remote Management Port (DL380)?.

1. Restart the server. Then, press F8 or F9 based on the server models to start Integrated
Lights Out (iLO) ROM Based Setup Utility.
2. Use the arrow keys to choose settings > CLI > Serial CLI Status.

3. Press the spacebar to set Serial CLI Status to DISABLED.

4. Press F10 to save the settings.

5. Choose File > Exit to exit.

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Commissioning Guide 12 Appendixes

12 Appendixes

About This Chapter

12.1 Partition Planning of the Server

This section describes the partition planning of the NetEco server.
12.2 Planning Host Names and IP Addresses of NetEcoDevices
This section provides the planning of the host names and IP addresses of the NetEco system
before delivery.
12.3 Planning Operating System Users and Their Initial Passwords
This section describes the user names and their initial passwords required during the installation
and operation of the NetEco system.
12.4 Planning Database Users and Their Initial Passwords
This section describes the user names and their initial passwords required during the installation
and operation of the MySQL database.

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Commissioning Guide 12 Appendixes

12.1 Partition Planning of the Server

This section describes the partition planning of the NetEco server.

Partition Planning of the RH2285 Server

The RH2285 server is configured with two 300 GB hard disks according to the standard. The
hard disks are partitioned according to Table 12-1.


The disks of the RH2285 server are set to RAID1. Therefore, the actual disk space of the server is 1 x 300

Table 12-1 Partition planning of the RH2285 server

Hard Disk Partition Size (GB) Partition Remarks

1 x 300 GB Swap 8 Primary Swap partition of the operating

partition system

/ 80 Primary Root partition


/boot 2 Primary Boot partition for system startup


The remaining space is used as the primary and extended partitions of the
uninitialized Ox8E Linux LVM raw device.

Partition Planning of the DL380 Server

The DL380 server is configured with five 146 GB hard disks according to the standard. The hard
disks are partitioned according to Table 12-2.


The disks of the DL380 server are set to RAID5 and hot backup. Therefore, the actual disk space is 3x146

Table 12-2 Partition planning of the DL380 server

Hard Disk Partition Size (GB) Partition Remarks

3 x 146 GB Swap 8 Primary Swap partition of the operating

partition system

/ 80 Primary Root partition


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Hard Disk Partition Size (GB) Partition Remarks


/boot 2 Primary Boot partition for system startup


The remaining space is used as the primary and extended partitions of the
uninitialized Ox8E Linux LVM raw device.

12.2 Planning Host Names and IP Addresses of

This section provides the planning of the host names and IP addresses of the NetEco system
before delivery.

For details about the planning of the host names and IP addresses of the NetEco, see Table

Table 12-3 Host name and IP address planning of devices

Device Host Name IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway IP


Server osssvr

12.3 Planning Operating System Users and Their Initial

This section describes the user names and their initial passwords required during the installation
and operation of the NetEco system.

Table 12-4 lists the user names and initial passwords required during the installation and
operation of the NetEco system, and their creation time.

Table 12-4 Planning of user names and passwords

System User Password Description


SuSE Linux root Changeme_ Super user of the SuSE Linux operating system.

ftpuser ftpuser User who has the authority to upload and

download files.

ossuser None User who has the authority to perform routine

maintenance on the NetEco.

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System User Password Description


BMC root root Default user name and password for the remote
management port on the RH2285 server.

iLO3 Administrat Administrat Default user name and password for the remote
or or management port on the DL380/DL580 server.

12.4 Planning Database Users and Their Initial Passwords

This section describes the user names and their initial passwords required during the installation
and operation of the MySQL database.
Table 12-5 lists the user names and initial passwords required during the installation and
operation of the MySQL database, and their creation time.

Table 12-5 Planning of user names and passwords

System User Password Description

MySQL root root Super user of the MySQL database, who is

responsible for operating the Oracle database.
User root is authorized to back up and restore
the MySQL database.

ossuser none User who is authorized to perform operations

in the MySQL database, which is created
during the installation of the NetEco software.

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