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BEAST ENTZ PRESENTZ... £1-95 TORTURED SOULS!... AOA SURLY CU) eae Oe emer Lo) AD&D, BASIC, RQ, campaign details, floor plans and solo. ALL IN THIS ISSUE! CONTENTS EDITORIAL News and Reviews ‘THE THING IW THE ATTIC ap D/BASIC Beginners! Scenario {THE TROLLEALL TROPHY Runequest Wilderness Scenario esse 10 {THE ZHALINDOR CAMPAIGN Introdustory Supplement GALIZHARD seseroe il Tnalindor Campaign Nodule BROWAR'S BANE ADAD Solo Adventure se 8 ‘This issue's front cover and colour artwork by Wayne Clack. Back cover by Paul Ward. ‘The contributing entists. for the foonarioe were Jon Baker, Wayne ‘Clack, Paul ‘Ward and Willianeon. "Runoquest material supplied by’ Daniel James. jsaue 4 of Tortured Soule! contains the second supplement to the Znalindor Campaign: guide to the Inperlal religions with listing of clorieal spells according to the delty worshipped. ‘Also tnohided Is a campaign module, 1 pein of foorplan-based scenatios ands wnique multi-system solo in which entering the ‘Gungeon is easy, but only the strongest can fight their way cut! CCalting all fanzines: We have recently been in touch with John Banbach of 1062 Hastings Street, Baldwin, New York 11510, USA, who 1s valiantly compiling a complete. list of published role playing material. If you can’ send photecopy of the table of contents for each of Your issues your ‘zine can join the Uist preverved for posterity? "This is the Warch 1668 EDITORIAL Well start off this issue's editorial by not reviewing the Lost Worlds game Books ee everone else has already beaten us to i! Suffice it to say thet if you haven't tried them, now is the tine to doso. They can provide hours of farther fin after closing, Ue, and represent excellent value for money. "you will sce, Ian Wiliameon (Of "Sword of lebron” fame) joins us in this issues ertwork. His own magasine Necro Worlds f blend of sci-fi come strips, music reviews, short stories and Pleasently anarehie ayout, fe also cut at the ‘moment. It serves As a good ‘Introduction for ‘rewconers to this’ side of the xine: Scone, and cen be obtained direct for 63p (pap) from lan at 98 WWitard Toad, "Norwich, Norfolk, NW7'9XD,. Mis second toaue 1 Feady for print, merely awaiting’ suficlent revenue foom the first, fo thy not mipport » new enterprise? Turning “tthe "nore ‘established companios, FGU releases coming to your shops about now include Lande of Adventare Cen FRP game by Lee, Gold, with morlular "culture packs! to. make it luyeble in any antasy woria),” Pat ori Ceoe paying” in the feat ‘using’ psionic powers), Sydney: The Wilderness Campaign. for use with Aftermath "as a. sequel to ‘Operation Morpheus). Daredevil Adventures 3: Supernetural ‘Theiler, eckplans for Space Opera warships, an adventure pack and nile expansion for Privateers and Gentienen and an appenlingly tiled fnew Villaing and Vigilantes adventure’ The Daven of Doctor DNAs "RCS from Chaoslum ie now due aut in the summer, and. planned supplements inehide Monster Coliseum Cpladiatorial combat against han or monster), an indepth lode st Gloranths. Ceontaining, three Dooks, The World, ‘The Peoples and The Magio, with colour map), ‘The Vikings (cetclla for role playing of the northern barbarians = the magic, the Feligions, the monstore = phie telsten scenarios) find reprint of Griffin Wountain updated to the new format. Pre-release details from TSR and Games Workshop are sadly lacking, bat we have had ® sneaky pook at Caverns of the Deady the first ‘of GWs.Tloorplan-based scenario. packs Cather wittily Advertised. as” “another, original playing aid from Canes Workshop"). "" The "colour Roorplan Mepis well produced and should provide a sound basis for mary hours of play, bat Dis expecting a detiled "scenario ns part of the package’ will be rather disappointed. We must apologize to the editors of all fanzines received sinoe the Inst issue = Ick of space precludes a mention heres. However We will try to squeeze ina listing in the next Issue, and see the previous column for details of international fame and fortune, Tore of TORTURED SOULS! published by FEAST ENTERPRISES LIMITED, Divinity Road, Oxford, OXt 1URs "The contents of this magazine are copyright of the publishers. |AIL rights on the contents of this publication sre reserved. Nothing may Ue reproduced in whole gr {m part without the prior writen consent of the publishers. @Beast Enterprises Ltd, 108. ‘Advanced ‘Dungeons and’ Dragons”, ADADI™, “Wonster’ Vanualt™, "Nonater Manual Guidet, "and Flend FoUst™ apo all rosistered trademarks of TSR Hobbies Inc. ex paper by Games end Standard. Gam ‘and additions to these games are those of this publication nd its wthors, and are not considered pressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the. pablishers fons of both written material (prefersbly. typed) ‘not uumally be Teturned, end the publishers eocept no responsibility whatovever for such submissions. Teg for’ Avalon Milfs role playing game. ‘The rules, interpretations, official additions to the published rules. CONTRIBUTIONS: vl ‘The opinions ‘The editors weloone unsolelted. submis fr, Players. Handbook, Runequesttt! ig the. rogistoredt ‘and Publications Ltd: Dungeon Masters viemarke of Chaosiue 1nd artwork. Sbmiaiont ‘An! pubiished material Decomes the exchiaive property ‘of the publishers prior to publication, Unless specific written arrangements are made to the contrary. "The originals of the artwork used in this ismue are for sale, and the artists concerned are available for other commissions. For further Getalls tond # stamped addressed envelope to the Bes "THE ZHALINDOR CAMPAIGN ‘The modules printed In the centre of Tortured Souls! form the Znalindor Campaign. ‘These are all for the AD&D games system ‘and ere all independently playable ~ the material exclusively. for the Campaign provides a consistent background. to. the ‘modules Dut is in no way estential. Inclided in this ineue are extensive notes on the Campaign giving the DM all the basie facts necessary to man the Campaigne ‘Aigo PREF with this issue is a colour map of the Campalgn ‘area: the. Zhalindorian Empire. and. the wilderness lands. that Surround. ft. The nodules will be located on this ‘map, and henceforth the hex in which they sppear will be recorded’ in the Module concerned. ‘The position of the modules from the first two {over is a9 follow The Rising Tower = vss ‘Tost of Oudir - ist ‘Ataa’s Mouth > S28 ald on Erivaan - 82 ‘The letter of the reference code ives the horizontal row of the hex. ‘The minber gives its vertaical position, and they man from Teft to right with the top left hex belng AAI’ and the bottom left Being 2714. ‘On this system Lhormer, for example, is at M26 and Xhantri, the Imperial capital, at ¥29. offices. ‘All correspondence of any natire should he sent to the editore at the above addres “Tortured Souls! is printed by PARCHNENT (Oxford) LIMITED, 60 lurst Street, Oxford, OX4 IMD. TT « finer reference Io needed than the normal Campaign hhexes, they. will be subdivided by imposing a smaller soale he rid upon them. ‘This. will be of 2k hexen longa side, and 81 exes" between” parallel” sides (asin the Maoro-Hex "Paper Published by Standard Ganon and Publications Limited). ‘They {rill be numbered ith the horieontal row ‘first, caunting top #0 Bottom, andthe mimber of hexes Gncluding partial hexes) fram the left-hand side second (eg) the first row would be t,t = partinl hex 1.2 and 2,2 another partial hex. The. fit Complete row would be 11,1 to 11,31, and so on). The smal hhexes are 10 miles across (the large ‘hexes on the Campaign nap Being 310 milos across). ‘The nodules are colour-coded, with thove from the same ares printed on the same coloured paper ~ of Galizhard in this issue fs Printed on the same paper as Atawe Mouth fro issue 2. With & tency ‘growing anoint of material, thie. ill allow the D¥ t Tooate the correct module with greater ease, only having to ohoote Detweon a smaller mimber of sttiiarly” positioned modules. ‘The modules are cesigined to be removed from the. magazine fand stored separately, seving the DY” from carrying around and floking thecagn a stack of magazines wien playing, the Campaigns Tt should be" noted that. the spell effects that. have Deed! printed on thie page in cariior issuer of "TS! are mpenveded by {hose in the Campaign supplement in this Issue. The references Clype A,B, ete) previously given are NOT compatible with. the tables in this ianve and were ONLY for the inmie concerned. THE *THING® IN THE ATTIC INTRODUCTION This scenario has been designed as a light-hearted diversion from campaign play for wee with ADED or BASIC rules. It can false. be ised ae a game complete in itsclf (even ‘for those not familar with Dab), and thus serves. as an introduction "to ‘role-playing games! for those who have never played such games ‘The GAME. version can be used repeatedly, and can therefore be ined by DAD players whenever they require light refreshment. You should read all the descriptions and instructions carefully before. play. “In. places the ‘description willbe. broken down ssccording to the version being played, und. you need read only the appropriate parts (listed as "BASIC*, "ADAD" or "GAME. Players unfeniliar with the DaD game should note thet a scenario” isa setting Tor use with a wle-playing game (in this coase this entire article), "DM" refers to the Dungeon aster, oF Person running the scenario Gin the GAME version’ thie is\ the Player controling the THING), "PC" refers to. player character, or the game representation. of the player adventuring in the Scenario (in this scenerio a "Thief character is used)« ‘This scenario is for two players only (ie one PC and one DM). A sinple scoring ‘system is included end it therefore mekes an excellent "competition soenario, with one DM running the scenario ‘against succession of players end then comparing scores ‘The THIEF player (all versions) should stop reading HERE. ‘The Femeining information 1s for the use of the DM ONLY: The DM should reed the introduction given on page 6, which 4s for the lator use of the THIEF player, and then return here. If the THIEF pigyer has not previovsly seen the seenatio you should ‘not show him the ilustration, or give him any information regarding the properties of the THING or the configuration of the fmap- Al thet you need do is to read hm the THIEF Introduction find tell him the rules relating to THIEF movement and abilities, Sinoe the THIEF player will heed to consult these ‘rules durin play’ they have been grouped together with the sppropriste Intro- Guetion onto one page (page 83s, You ty photocopy this paKe fand give it to the THIEF player for use during play. THE MYSTIC TIMEPIECE: The item the ‘Thief must retrieve Mystic Timepiece, an artifact giving the power to travel in space at will. GAME: ‘The Mystic ‘Timepiece iss Inrge bronze watch. You should determine ite position before the game, nd tell the Thief if'he entere the room that it is in. Me must then activate it Using the Key (takes I complete move), transporting ‘him beck to his sponsor and ending the game. ADAD/BASIC: ‘The mystio Timepiece Ss in fact the sundial in room 24,” It ip extremely heavy and cennot be removed, but the entire room ‘(le a 20" x20" area, including the arrow ‘lita and stone oor) is a teleportation closet of great range and socuracy. "The pointer of the sundial must be moved to the direction in” which fhe User wishes to travel, and an indicator on the south face of the pedestal must be set to the appropriate range (it can beset from zero to 1000 miles to an sccuracy’ of 10°). The room always srrives st ground levels it will remain in ite new ieoation for M4 hours, and’ then’ teleport back ‘to its present position (only a Wizard can alter the setting for the ‘hone base’ to. which the evice returne). Note that a similar panel on the north face will five movement to much greater distances but is leas accurate, & anel on the east free gives movement to other planes, whi on the west face permits eetral and ethereal travel.” Optionally You may have the’ west faoe giving, time travel, but woe betide Anyone travelling beck and meeting “Al himself! ‘Once the sundial” pointer, has been set to the appropriate lrection daylight must be shone on it to effect. the teleportation. The Thief mist therefore remove the shutter from the north oF east arrow allt. If he does this’ before setting suitable ‘coordinates the DM should teleport him 1 to 100 giles in a rendom direction (which could of course be Out to seas-.)» Note that only the south face is useble without extensive study by an MU or aage, Dut it should not be beyond the talents of the "Thief to work ont how to move the Toom ® short distance from the Dullding, "where he will be safe to report the find to his sponsor. When’ the room ‘teloporta away @ pereanent. illusion "at the outside of ite ‘north and east’ walls takes its place, 90. that its Sisappearence is not noted. from outside the building. However the stone work of the H tower has deteriorated since its last sa, fand the DM may cause the tower to collapse on ite activations ‘STRUCTIO! 1 is essential to play this scenario on foorplans, either those commercially available or n set drawn for the purpose. The Toorplans shown are’ based on Dungeon Floorplans 1, ? and 3, Produced by" Games Workshop Lid who have Kindly’ given a ermission to reproduce them here. "Note that this scenario is eslgned to sine only one ‘box-load of each. of the sete. of oorplans to construct the whole map. However there will be incufficient arrow slits: the DM should therefore ‘either keep there pieces separate and place. them onto the maps as they are being lused, or inprovise. some of his own. The iiap must de prepared in advance, and needs to be split into Toom sized. plsees, eo that ‘the Thiet player can seo only his immediate environs (new areas being placed on the table es he enters them, and old areas being removed from play). If space permits, the easiest method of play fs for the DM to have a complate map laid out in ceoret, so that he oan casily.keop track of the THING's current positioning, and {unsfor sections onto the gaming table as required: ‘The ‘Thiet player should be represented on the floorplan by a suitable figure of marker. You should. keep track of the entire fength of each of the THING's limbs by laying out a trail of rurkers as they extend, removing the markers as they. retract. ach move both. players move their character on the foorsian, the Thief moving firsts If at the end of the move the two ne touching combat may’ occur (soe COMBAT). Note. that the Thief will be trying {0 avold such combat, and sould concentrate on exploring the bullding in his search for the Timepiece. "The THING. however should” actively pursue the Thief, "as his object is to thwart him in his burglary” attempts ‘The foonario ends with eitner the death of the Thiet, oF the ‘successful activation ‘of the Timepicce; in the latter case the Thiet ‘scores 10 points ~1 for each point of damage he has taken. Scores compared: wae an excellent ‘You my wish to aleborate on the scoring system, and could add minor bonuses for finding other items Coe ‘magic Scroll in room 22, or some special item in the temple) DAfs wishing to use “this as a standard Cle. non-competitive) scenario "will find it" neccesary "to ‘Mesh out! “details, of the Rurnishings of the moms, snd could ndd a fow ideas of their own. “The letters on the map have been added to make play easier, fan ‘represent ‘points ‘where. the appropriate Thiet ability (eee age 6) may. be utilized If the "Thiet specifies that he is. doing fo. An asterisk represents a paint "of special interest (you shoula consult the appropriate Key section when required.) ‘The DM should familiarize himgel! with the entire map and key before attempting to play. the scenario, and. should note on the map any rooms in which congultation of the key will be required Gating pley.Grhlen ‘should otherwise be kept to's minimum). or convenience during actual play. the key to the roof levels (A. a°B. depicted on page #) is given below, while’ that to the oor tevels (Cs D, depleted on page 8) Is. given on page 8 The pages in between (Gand 7) contain the additional information that Mill be required by the DM and Thief during the game. MAP LEVEL A: ‘This is the highest level of the building, with the Dattioments of the NW tower extending further above the mot 1. This is the Bettlement level to the northwest tower, and is ‘hus’ situated directly ‘above area 2 on the sain map of fevel At Note that the ‘batlloments overhang the walle by 21" all rounds and. thus make climbing onto. the tower roof from ‘the walla ‘extremely hazardous. To do this the Thiet must ake two extta falling rolls, « fallure of efther toll results in'a plummet. ‘The trapdoor can be, slid side by the thief if he GAME: rolls 9.3 to a 6 on 8 six sided dle, ADAD/BASIC: rolls his STR or Under on 3d." Each attempt’ takes a complete. move, and if successful will ‘reveal a hole loading to level A room’ 2." The pile Of rubble (ana ‘the rubble on the ther battlenents) was lett by [Al to provide ammunition during his more violent moods. 2, This is the highest room of the NW tower. The hole in the Aor leads to level B, room 6; a hole in the ceiling leads to level A room 1.” In order to use the latter exit the Thief must have previously slid gside the trapdoot in area 1; it eannot be removed from underneath. If the trapdoor tis been removed the Thiet ‘must stil jump upto grub Mold of the edge. of the. hole and! then" pull himself ‘up Into the ‘oom above. To" do. this. mmust GAME: roll'a 5 ore 6 on a six sided dio, ADAD/BASIC: full his DEX or under on 3d, and then toll his STR of under on 248." “vailure of any of those ‘rolls, mean thatthe thief. drops bbaok to the lower level, and cannot try again until next moves a ‘This is the roof area above level B rooms 7, 8, 11 and 12. set of battlements above the east tower do not Wz, "(@5 those “above the ‘NW. do). and. can ‘easily ‘be hegotiated by the THIEF if he is clinbing the tower wall. See 1 tbave Zor detwils of the trapdoor leading to LEVEL H room tt. LRVEL B: This lovel is the highest of the general room levels, and ‘contain continuations ‘of the roofs from level A “This level also houses the ceremonial dining hall for which the building “was "once. famous, anda. spedlal “room in which AL Sumnoned ‘strenge beings todo his bidding on this plane. 5. This te the roof above level C area 14. If the thief moves ‘onto’ the squares marked us holos, og es « continuation of « fall from the level A roof, he will fall through and onto the baloony 5. This level of the tower has only 2 arrow slits. A hole tn the selling lends to LEVEL A room 2, while one in the flor leads 10 LEVEL © room 18. 7. This large hall is dimly Ut via the arrow slits on the N sana.'S walls. It was previously the ceremonial dining room, and contains a huge stone table in Keeping with Al's sombre tates. 8. Previously @ Kitehen, thie room contains stone slab work surface_and a well (complete with bucket and. winch mechanism) if the Thief climbs down the well he wil emerge in level ©. room 21." Junging, falling oF holding ‘the bucket and. releasing the Winch will result inn rapid fall to room 32 (1-6. points of damage fora jump oF if holding onto the bucket, 2-12 fora fall. 9. This is » battlemented walkway between the higher parts of the building to the Nand S. The DM should consult level A oom 1 for problems posed by the overhanging battlement. 10. This space desconds all the way to an interior courtyard at ground level. However if the ‘Thiet falls while alimbing these {interior walls, or slides into this area from the roofs, he il land fon the Daloony at level Daron 38. AL. This room was used by the wizard to summon beings from alternative: planes.” "Two urns contain charcoal and incense. asher finda stone. sled on. the floor is engraved with a magical Dontagram: there ie also a larye atone throne against the E walle ‘ADAD/BASIC: The throne has 4 number ‘of protection ‘pelle ‘and anybody sitting ia. it will pot "be affected by ‘magically enchented or surimoned beings. The THING will also hot extend his appendages into this’ square. The Thief” is therefore safe for aa long aa he remaine on the throne. Note elso thet Al left the throne in the middle of « summoning spell, and if the ‘Thief aits on the throne this will complete the Spel’ and @ small, deformed wingod creature will appear in the Pentagram and eackle dementedly. It will not be able to leave the Square until the Thief leaves the throne, at whioh point {t rushes {ovattack. Treat it as AAD: an hononculus “C2np, MM S2), BASIC: a giant bet (Bhp, DM Rulebook 25, bilities lated under hormal, bat) but without the sloop/paralyie inducing ability Note that it moves ‘at only 4 squares e move inside the building, but with no restrictions (le it may pass through arrow lits and Shimneye tnd” is not slowed by furniture). Outside however it fmay fy at 8 squares a move.” Onge teleased from the pentagram it" pursue the Thiot relentlessly, ceckling all the time ND: Once the creature has appeared any tentacle that ento the room will attack the creature instead of waiting for the Thief to ‘leave the throne on a Toll of 4-8 (46). Both the creature and the tentaclo(s) concerned will thus be occupted and not attack the ‘Thiet should he leave the throne. The DM should roll a 48 each round, ‘adding 1 for each additional tentacle A roll’ of 6 oF Ureater indicates that the creature hes been despatched, and the {ontacle(s) will be free to once again. pursue the Thief. "If the ‘Talet loaves’ the throne before a tentacle haw started to sttack the creature he will be pursued by both the creature and the Thing! 12, GAME: ‘This long passageway is dimly It via the arrow slits.” You should trout areas on tha map marked * a8 solid wall. DASIC/ADAD: The passageway appears as above, however if you wish you may have doors Inthe places marked 4, leading 10 4 roof storage ‘area (included on'the map ae level B2), This wll) be lO the north, but slopes down to only 8 high to the south. "The contents "of this area are eft tthe DM to Getermine. "Areas A and C could be filed with assorted. junk White area, B might “be the lair of a ADMD: “huge spider Gp, MM'40) BASIC: crab ‘spider, Shp, DM Notebook 38) with the fusks of {ts various vietins stored in’ area De 13. This is the major room in the East tower. A hole in the ceiling leads to level A area 4, but will be impassable unless the Stone. slab in area 4 has been moved from above. Sea level A room 2-for dlambering Up if the slab hae alvoady been removed: 14, This is the roof above level C areas 23-32. The two ruisod portions marked slong the S edge ate above windows high in the walls of areas 25A and 20. If the Thict passes over the Marked area Grithout successful use of his Find Trape ability) he ‘ell fal" through a damaged part of the root, and land in the South-east corner ‘of room 25, (taking 1-8 points for the fall Note that this ts not a "Prep! as such, and cannot be removed. You are a Thief, down on your luck and, having had Uttle pre ‘success recently, “totally out of cash: You are Currently visiting the seaside resort of Bogsmeed, in the hope of lightening “the pockets of some of ‘the richer holiday makers. Unfortunately’ crime in this town Reems tobe dominated ty the Thieves" Gulld, an organization’ run from a highly mysterious architectural monstrosity. near the ‘waterfront. "The bullding ts Ostensibly @ tavern, named the "Jolly Boatman", but it is widely ‘known in the town that it really houses the Guild Headquarters, though no-one questions its hidden activities. ‘Attempts to Ingratiate yourself with Guild members have failed dismally,. and you are using up your last copper’ plece on the ‘weae ana Tess than nourianing ale served at the "Boatman" before Starting the long walk home. ‘Suddenly you are aware that the figure sitting next to you, a {alt southernar inthe hooded gard favoured by magie-users, is Talking to you from the corner of his ‘mouthe "In order to burgle a Thieves’ Gulld, one would require the prvices of a Thiof not widely ‘Ienown ii that town,” he muses Phetorteaty. You nod abeont-mindedly in agreement to his observation, but having no tnterest in such @ dangerous ideu return your attention to your beverage: "To w person such as yourself, a fee of one thousand gold pleces) should provide ‘more than’ sufficient ‘incentive for the fask," ne concludes the conversation. Wien you have recovered from the choking fit induced by his mentioning of such" an estronomioal sum of money, you find that the stranger hes. disappeared, but a ragged. place. of folded parchment ties on the table in front of yous Pooketing it swiftly ‘and stealthily, ‘you leave the tavern and find quiet corner of the street W which to read tt. Wrapped up inside the parchment (2 a small object Woking tke @ watch key, and on the parahment are ome notes written in a ‘Spldery and barely legible hand Your assignment is to recover the “Mystic Timepiece”, @ powerful ‘artifact that’ I ‘believe to be somewhere tthe upper storeys. of the Thieves! Guild. The following notes are’ the results of my research, and may prove of assistance. 1, "Holly Boatman® originally a wharfside warehouse, tater taken aver for use as residence by insane Wizard "A Kasum-Kareleas Bal added “appreciably (quantity not quell)" ter baletng, Additional tovela, bettlements ond batconiee, the fatter used asa Bina rom whch to pl hope th alta eae naa SAU was great friend of ‘eves, eggurs and ‘ther Tif raf, invited Thieves" Guitd to use tower tevele of buttange 4. Thieves use Bottom two floors plus celles, ‘At used re Tse of upper floors believed to be as follows ‘rd “"Guerdrooms for mercenaries’ employed by Ale Hin ~ Living quarters for servants’ (reer) AP (front). Sin "Upper ceremonial ‘dining’ Poon, Wizards urrived for banquets using flying carpets (pared tn batttomente): Sin ooftope and battements. 5, lauaing it by arrow alte and windows, no torches required. 8 Butlaing contain wemple t2\demt-god {powers unknowns, 7. Local ttizne are ofatd of abel tolling, reason nano. 5: At‘was tast known ossesor of the uyatle Toneplece- 8: “at vanished” aie "years. ago,. believed to" have undertaken Sudden Journey using abitiies 9p MT, never seen ageing io. hr previously thought destroyed. however have! recovered enclosed Key (essenttal to ts function), and believe it atl ex inthe bullding (possibly in tne Temple or wizard’ Tower)« ii." Gomect use of MT should pormit easape from building, 12, You are now commited 10 the venture, and vill be magically transported to the battloment in TS yeconds’ toner 13."One final warning. "I Delve only one atiempt to steal the device han" been” previously maces "Attempt ‘made by Alphonse, Mester Thief the ‘Bopemvor Thieves" Gulld, the atfenpt fold, Gnd Alphonse t now THE THING IN. Fue ATTIC” INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE THIEF PLAYER: GAME: You are an intrepid THIEF intent on pulling off this aitticult burglary. You are wearing leuthor armour and carry your trusty ‘shorisword end the tools of your trade Clock pick’ te). You also have a variety of different sills whieh will assist You ‘in your task (see the abilities below). You wil be able 10 Withstand 8 wound points during the course of the adventure: but tenth would kill you and you must Keep a note of your current {otal (most of the wounds you ‘receive will entail only 1 wound point, but some may be more severe). BASIC: You are a Robber (rd level thief). You wear leather armour (AC 1) and cerry your shortaword’ (46. damage) land your Thleves' Toole. You start the adventure with 10hp. and have’ the normal abilities for a thief of your level. ADD: You are a Cutpurse Grd level thief). You woar leather armour (AC 8) ‘and carry your shortsword (48/a8 damage) land ‘Thieves! Tools. You start the adventure with 10hp, and have the normal abilities for a thief of your level. 'NB:"A\pre-existing BASIC/ADLD rd lovel thief character may bbe used, But should tarsy no Items other than those Usted above: Unless using your sbilities you may move 6 squares per move: note ‘that half squares count as complete squares for movements 1 will take 2 movement squares to open an unlocked door Ge you move 2 squares loss for ecch door you open). in order to lose’ door ‘behind you, you must expend a further ? squares! ‘worth ‘of movement, and thus cannot. shut a door. to prevent Pursuit unless you are'd or more squares ahead. To attempt to lunlook a door or remove trap you must start your move in the Felevant square and spend all the move in the attempt. You must move around squares ‘containing large items of furnitare (tables, work “surfaces, beds te), but may move through squares containing small items (chairs, chosts oto); cach such “square ‘counts as 2 for movement purposes. The fireplaces, shelves and Dookeases do not hinder movement In thelr square. You may freely jump over balconies or windows, or clamber in through "windows. to which you have climbed. You will not however fit" through the arrow slits or the chimneys. Each square of stairs counts as 2 squares of movement (ehether goin {ap oF down). Where a square or half square butts onto 2 others you may move onto either aquare (and Vier-verea). ‘The. roots. slope at a shallow angle (I in 2) and my thus be ‘easily traversed. Each square of Toot counts as 2 squares for movement purposes. Alternatively you ean try to run across the ‘ote'="in mio sae cach equate counts es ony. aquare, but ‘The result is the square of Your movement on which you start to fall (eg a 3 means that You fall on the third square). "Note that if a fall is indicated on square that you are ‘safe’ on (eq if only tho first 2 squares of tmovenent are onthe roof and you rells a 4) you do not fall. If you are moving less than 8 squares roll again if the result was Tore than the number of squares moved Your special abilities are briefly deseribed below. Note that ‘each tine an ability is used the DM will secretly rll'a die to see your use of the ability has been successful OPEN LOCKS (0): Some doors are locked and cannot be passed through until this ‘bility "has been miccesafully "used. FIND TRAPS (): You move at -? squares while using. this avility but find any traps moved ‘through on. successful roll. ‘You tay also use this ability to check items (og doors) for tr REMOVE TRAPS (WD): You can only "attenipt this on tr lalready located using the above ability ‘Success indicates thet the trap Is Femoved and you can freely pase through thie location ‘in’ future. “Failure ‘indicates. that you ave fallen vietin to ite ftfects as if you had crossed oF triggered an undetected. trap! MOVE SILENTLY (MS): May ‘De attempted at any. tines, but halves the number of squares you cun move (after deductions for other abilities). "If'a suocess roll s made you will be inaudible. CLIME WALLS (CW): You may use this at any time to clin up or down exterior walls, move from window to window and #0 fon." Movement rate is tio squares horizontally "or ‘one. level ‘Vertically and it my not be combined with other abilities: If {ail rolls indicated you will have fallen “this tay be fatal!). HIDE IN SHADOWS (HS): ‘This ability can be used st any tine that you are in’an ares containing shadows: Ge the grey ‘floored areas). In other areas (the light brown coloured floors, wooden baloonios, windows end on roofs or battlements) the ability always fatls."""Suceess indicates that you will remain effectively invisible tuntil you move. "Note that Uhis bility always fails if you are factually in sight of someone (or something) when you atteat it HEAR NOISE. (HN): “This may De attempted at any. tine, @oducting 2 squares af movement for each attempt, but nothing Will be heard ‘Unless a successful roll ie made- STRUCTIONS FOR THE HIN" ve GAME: For those not familiar with role-playing games the part that the THING player. must play will seem very ‘strange. ‘Not ‘only is he responsible for his "own movement and combats but he ‘must also make all rule-interpretation decisions, and male many of the ale-rolls for actions that the Thiet is attempting. This ta the hormal procedure in such games; one player "runs™ the seenerio, Playing "the part of ll the monsters ‘and interpreting. the ules there they are insufficiently clear, the other players take pert in adventures” set within the scenario. For this reason there are normally no “winners” or "losers" in such games, although in Some scenarios, such as this one, you may reverse rolls after one {ame and then compare the scores that you achieve. "ALL VERSIONS! ‘The DN should be fully conversant with the rules for Thief movement and abilities (appearing on page 8), and will need to roll a die GAME: a six sided dle, ADAD/BASIC ch Unless otherwise ‘noted, whenever. euch. an ability is used, fonsulting the table below to determine success oF failure (a score ‘equal. to oF lees than the appropriate figure indicating success). Note that in any cases you should not ‘ell the Thief if « falure I rolled, for example if the Thief falle e Find Traps roll ust tell him that’ he found nothing (although there may of course. still be trap there). In the case of Move Silently and Hide in Shadows you should never tell hin if he was sucoessful or nots oF R cw Ms HS HN cam: #3 3 gg Bw Mom wm 5 a 8 8 8 N OB Ken ‘THE THING: ‘The DM will also of course nave to play the part of the THING. "The THING's abilities should be unknown to the Thiet at the start of the scenario, and should only became apparent as. the game progresses. The THING has a hideous bloated body, kept ermanentiy caged in room 30." However, his limbs Call & of hem!) are variable in length, 'growing® longer rapidly to move Into and explore new areas. "Four of his limbs were ‘mace. from his original arms and loge. They now take the form of powerful tentacles ending in sharp ‘vending claws. ‘Two of his labs’ were formed from his eyes. ‘They are now on long thin atalke which ‘can. wander through the attics looking for prey. ‘The remaining pelr of limbs are formed from hie ears. ‘They are now of stalks Hike the eyes, end lurk In derk corners lstening for prey The eye and ear stalks are capable of neat-infinite extension (for game purposes they ean Teach to any part of the bullding): they ‘can extend or retract by up to 12 squares per move. ‘The tentacles are slower, growing by up to 4 squares or retracting by up to 8 per move. ‘They can renoh up to a maximum length of 30 squares cach, "and ‘the ‘total extension of the four tentacle fcannat exceed 80) squares. ‘All his appendages move et the same speed regardiess of what is in the squares Cle furniture, stair, find’ roof squares all cost one square of movenent). ‘The tentacles ‘cen fit through windows nd arrow slits, but wil not enter: the Shimneys. They can move along oF up and down walls with equal ‘eich lovel they escond/descend costs 2 squares of movonent 1S by, stairs)” Note that only) one of his tentacles can fit down a 21" ‘wide passege or through ‘an arrow slit, however any, number of the eye stalks can fit through such a gap, even it Tentacle is present.” ‘Similarly a maximum of 2 tentacles ean’ fit through a 3 wide passage or doorway, although eye/ear stalks Imuy ‘tlso be present. Note that none ‘of the THINGs limbs can pass ‘through’ or open a closed door: the DM should therefore Keep a’ careful note of ‘which doora have been left open’ during play." “Cine THING's limbs may of course enter an otherwise Inagsesibio room through a window of arrow ait). ‘Note that being formed ‘from a Master ‘Thief, the THING hat several abllitice of a similar nature to that of the Thiet» His few form prevents” the THING. from performing any delicate Sperations, "so te doos not have the Open Looks, Find Traps or Remove Traps sbilities (though he is aware of the positioning of ail the traps and may avoid’ them). tia Himba may” freely clin’ Sheer surfaces without rolling, other abilities are es below: Move Silently: ‘The eye and ear stalks always move silently (no roll required). end wil thus not be heard by the Thief. The tentacles ‘move only 2 squares. when attempting” to move. silently Grall onthe table below, success indicates that the Thiet will not hear them Tegardioss of distance! tMide in Shadows: ‘The eye and ear stalks can hide in shadows ie the same ‘treus as per the Thief abilities) if they make a Successful roll.” They" will then be effectively invisible until they move again.” The tentacles do not have thie ability. ear Noise: This abluty Is obviously” restricted to the ear ‘hich must be stationary to use ite The chance for stale ‘success Is indicated below; see LISTENING for further detals us uN ‘cae: 5 « ‘AbaD: & a0 Basic: w 58 Kas con If at the end of @ move one or more of the THING's tentacles have thelr end in'& square next to the square currently occupied by the Thiet, combat will cocur- ‘The Thief will sso be ble 10 fttsck with his sword unless the tentacle isin the aquare directly behing the Thief. when combat cocurs proceed as follows: GAME: The Thiof trios to hit first, to do so he moods to roll a 4 for higher ona. 6 sided die. if he hits he has wounded the Tentacle (see below), which. will not attack beck thie move. If the Thief misses the tentacle will ‘attack, it needs to roll a 3 oF Higher, and will do one point of damage to the Thiet if Kt hites ADAD/BASIC: The Thicf attacks first, the tentacle is AC 1, if hit it will not attack back. The tentacle attacks as a 4* HD monster, fend will do the Thiet 1 hp of damage if 1 nite. Note ‘that in order to strike at the Thief, the THINGS tentacles will need one of his sensory organs to guide them. If there is an eye. stale in the toom se the procedure. abo there is only an ear stalk subtract GAME: '2,” ADAD/BASK {rom his roll to hit, if neither is present he my not attack. i the Thiet tite a tentacle. foll'a six sided aie to ase how ‘meh damage has been caused, then consult the folowing list: for 2: The tontscto will not attack beck this move, but repldly Fogenerates the damage; it will movelattack as normal next move. PGrd: The tentacle wil retmet next move to regenerate. te damage, ut will pursue the Thief again on the following move. Sor 6: The tentacle hes been badly wounded, it will retract back ext "move and continue retracting” until it has reached the THING's body. Te will then spend a move regenerating, after whieh It ig fee to pursue the Thief again. ‘Note thet if the ‘Thief is next to part of the length of a tentacle (ie not the end) at the end of # move, he may attack the tentacle which will not be able to attack back. The ‘Thiet should attack as above, but add two to Me roll to hit and one to the Gamage ne causes (7 damege will completely severe the tentacle ‘hich wil then be useless for the reat of the soonaria).” The eye Gnd oar stalks will always do thelr best to Keep away trom the ‘Thief, but if he is next to part of their longth he moy attack them," rolling es above but adding 4 to the damage he causes. At any ting the Thief or THING may listen for each other using their Hear Noise sbikty- ‘They will not hear anything if the other player has successfully used @ Move. Silently ability, or is not oving at allthis move, olherwise the eflects depen Fange (in rooms) between thet. In the case of the funge is obviously taken from the ond of his ear stalk? SAME ROOM: Toth players will alway’s hear the other in the same oom without heving’ to roll, unless they have used Nove Silently Tor 2 ROOMS: ‘The Thict will be able to hear the sound of hmoving tentacles, but the alithering sounds will ‘reverberate Ground and he." will not be able fo judge the direction oF ‘istance., ‘The THING however, when listening for the Thief, will, bbe able to judge voth of these as he is used to the aooustios. Sor more ROOMS: Neither party will hear the other unless extra holge is belng mede (eg falling, ringing a bell, combat ete). PALLING: If the Thief falls from an exterior wall_he will be killed on fmpact unless he lands on a roof Ge by ‘alling {rom the side of = tower), in which case he takes 1-6 (ie one roll of a six-sided dle) polite of damage, and then counts as if falling {rom the roof- ‘when the ‘Thief falls while on a roof he will move down the roof ina straight Une, and then off the edge indlosted. ‘Square the Zell on containg & diagonal hip. (root ridge) he wil have fan equal chance of falling eaah way. if ho-aies into one of the Vauleys (black lines) he will stop his fall'on this square. When the Thiet goos over the edge, treat the remainder of the fall ae if he foll trom that part (og fal! from the contrel 2 squares of the outh roof (no. 14) will result. in desth, but the squares elther Side will deposit nim on the baloony for 176 points of damage). ‘the ‘Thief falls from one of the interior walle (le the. four vealls surrounding the ‘central courtyard), he will land. on the Daloony on lavel D, the damage taken being one six-sided die roll per level llon (og if he fell trom the battlement on level B he Would take 2-12 pointe of damage). If the Thief falls while Glimbing from one level to another, the damage taken is ax if he fell from the higher level. ‘The Thiet can also deliberately. jump ownieards in whion case he takes one die lees of damage. Jumps fof I level of lose do no damage. ‘The Thiet cannot try to jump ‘nee he i already falting! -STANTING POSITIONS: ‘The Thief starts the scenario on the W bettlement (area 9). The THING always has his body in room 30; his limbs must all start on LEVEL D but are otherwise positioned at the Dats option. GAME!'"The ‘DM must position the. Mystic ‘THmepiece, it may not be in any of the following areas: 3,5, 6, 10, LEVEL B2, 14, 18, 24, 50,"31, 82, 85, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 38, 40a, LRVEL C: This level formed the main living quarters for AL and his servants, and houses the upper level of the temple area. 18 and 16. These are beloonies at the front of the building. ‘The W door ‘of 16 is ‘a trapped false door; opening it without finding and removing a sprung blade causes 2 points of damage. AT. This ts « wooden balcony at the rear of the building. It originally contained numerous cages in which livestock were kept rior to their use in the kitchen. The. area marked F contains Potten boume and e six sided dio must be rolled every time the Thiet treads on one of these squares, they will collapse if a 5 or 64s rolled, If they do the Thief will fall to his death. Note that thoy ‘will lways callapse if the Thief falls onto these squares Cog bby falling’ through the holes in the roof above). Note that while these, weak beans will be noticed by the Thief using « successful Find Traps, they are not a trap as such and cannot be removed. 18. This Is the lowest level of the NE tower. The steps to the ‘east are. very steep (they take 3 squares worth of movement {o'clinb) and emerge through the hole in LEVEL. B room 8. 19. This room stone: criginally used by Al when he wa atl containe fia favourite table and chair. ining 20. Formerly the servants! quarters: contalns four beds (in bunks), avtable and five cheire, but litle elec of interests 21, ‘This was the main kitchen area, and contains @ well and stone’ slab work ‘surfaces. The well loads to LEVEL D room 32, ‘above it'a hole in the celling leade to LEVEL B room 8. ‘This is the north half of Al's main living r0om/bedroom, ‘and was used ag a study and brary.” There is a huge. der fgeinst the east wall, with a chair behind it, and dookeases line {he other walle. "To'the south bead curtain hinders vision’ (oUt ot movement) into room 25. 23. This was the main storeroom for kitchen supplies ete. The two barrels against the east wall are now empty, as are the shelves to the west. Empty grain anoke litter the oor. The & Window wes bricked up when the © tower was added. 24, This is the seoret room in which the Mystic Timepiece was opt.” The room also containe three arrow slits, two of these are ‘shutiored, but the W gives a view into room 22 via a peop hole. 25. This is the south half of Al's main living room, used ‘exclusively as a bedroom and containing only his enormous four poster bed. The foom is it by. a continual "light spell whieh Switoner on and. off on command “(ourrently on): 25a is Invatory; ‘a window high ‘on the. south wall permits nosturnal astral contemplation, Dut must be clined to for use as an exit. 28. A's dressing and clothes wardrobes against the. south wall are Ide in them es if hiding in shedows), ss are the hooks in the NE commer, but his ange silver mirror is still ngainst the N walle 21. Formerly a workshop for arcane experimentation, this room ‘has eon entirely cleared of its contonten It is completely ‘ark, Dut the Thief my follow a wall round to the other doo 28, This passageway lends ‘> the upper level of the temple ‘area (soo Foon 28) and entering It will alort the guardians. 29. This Ie the upper temple area (seo LEVEL D area 40). Entering ‘this aren (or area 28) ‘will nlert the guardians who mil Glin the stairs from the lower level to investigate the intrusion. The Thief may Jump "down the central hole to delay thelr ‘attentions (they will descend vis the stairs only). ‘There ‘is. ‘window high in the S wall (it my be clined 10), anda locked oor to the E loads to the E baloony. The N door is also looked, find ceeme to have a solid. stone lab behind it. GAME? “The oor fe faloe and leads to the outside wall, area 24 doos not exist {or game pur ‘ADAD/BASIC: The key given to the Thief by Ile Sponsor fits 0 lock in the slab, which gives access to arce 24 LEVEL D: This level contains the entrances to the upper floors of the building, and previously housed the mercenary guards. Tt ‘so contains the main Temple level. 30. This room was previously a guardroom, giving aocess to the iW towers It now contains the cage ‘sed to" hove. the THING, "The cage is raised from the ground by a winch, though feleasing the Tope will not offer any advantage to the Thief ‘There are also several empty barrels in the rooms 31. This was the sleeping quarters for the off-duty guards, 4 contain bunk bede for four men, and also contains the veineh Iechanisms to raise the portullises in the passages. from area 43s. Mt takes complete move to twine each pait of portcullise This was a kitchen for use by the guards, and containg « working surface. There was previously well in the NW corner, but this has been sealed with « heavy ‘stone slab. The ‘Thief thay climb ‘the hole above the well into LEVEL © room 21. 38. A narrow passage leading from area 20 to arce 37. 88e Is 1 lavatory, "emptying via a chute’ t the street outsides 34. ‘This is the main entrance to the upper storeys from the level ‘below. “If the Thief descends these stairs he wil finds heavy door, barred and padlocked from the other side (he cannot open it and a Hear Noise’ roll will reveal that the Thieves, Guild i Surrentiy Tolding « meeting in'n room on the other ede! Ds 35. This daloony is half under cover (the part outside of the otted tines), while pert of it overhangs the contcel courtyards The two north exits contain trip wires which wil be activeted unless a Find Traps. ability in used (the wires are easy. to wee 00 rolling’ for "8 will drop over the ends of the trapping the Thiet in between and alerting the THING fs tovhis location. GAME: The thiet may attempt tS pull up the bers to escape, Dut needs to roll eS or 8 6 on a six aided die to oso (each aitompt tekes 1 move): the aecret 24" wide passage ‘does not exist for game purposes. ADAD/BASIC: ‘The thet fannot raise the bars. However searching for ecsret doors. will reveal a secret panel giving access to the passage, If the Thiet emerges from the passage into the other trapped area. without Using his FT ability, he will activate that pair’ of porteullses, as well'and be permanently trapped. "Once found the wires are easy {0 avoid, and the Thief may freely pase throu ‘The SW passage contalns «well concealed trip wire which will be activated unless ‘the ‘Thief makes # successful PT rellc Once found the wise may be caslly avoided: “Tripping the wire causes a hidden’ blade to sige out from the wall. GAME: Toll a six aided ie and. subtract 3, the result will be the number of points. of Gamage the Thiet takes. Che dodges the Dlade on « ral’of 1-39. NB: the trup can be triggered only once, end is then harmless, ‘The SE passage containa a small mantrap with an. invisibity spell" cast. on Its The ‘Thief will not be able to use ‘ho Find ‘Traps ability to locate this trep, and will step in and. trigger it ont roll of 3-6 (six sided dio, the DM should roll whenever. the ‘Thiet passes this square). "The trap woes only” point of damage, ‘but is then attached to the foot of the Thief. "Me may tmake-one attenpt to renove it (as Remove Traps) but if this fate he is stuck ‘with it for the romalnder ‘of the game. The trap slows the Thief to § squares “of movement and stops him from ‘sing hla Nove Silently or Climb Sheer Surfaces abilities. 36. This was the servants! entrance, and contains hooks on vehion’ to hung cloaks. "36a Isa rather. primitive lavatory. with « Tange bucket and a chain. Pulling the cain causes the bottom of the bucket to open “tis in the Base of the tower) and bell {0 ing (warning passors-by of the Lnainent arrival of its contents). 31. Formerly a guardroom, with a trestle table, two benches and @ chest full of mouldering clothes. Af pursued into the pa 38. This was the quarters for the guard captain. There is & bed in the SW corner, a chest against the south wally a table and chair in the NE corner and bookoases agninst the F wall. 39. A trapped passage loading from 36 to 40. (See area 35). 40, This is the lower tomple area. Either side of the doors st the foot of each pair of stairs isa skeletons "They. move. to Sttack the Thief whonever he is in areas 26, 29 or 40 but will not pursue him outside these areas Cin all game versions they move 6 Squares a move and will do ? points of Gamage if they ‘Mid. GAME: The skeletons need to\roll «8-6 on a six sided die to hit the Thief, if the Thief hits a skeleton it will crumble to dus BASIC: The skeletons have 3 hp, for details see DM Rulebook 37. ADAD: The skeletons have 2 hp» for further details sve MM 87; Gremenber to half eny damage the Thief does against then). ‘The temple also contains stone statue of Cellush-Clumdrum (a demi-god of dubious powers), two urns and four arrow slits: GAME: aul the arrow aifts are normal, area 4a dows not existe ADAD/BASIC: “Tho" north arrow silt is nctually "a carefully Programmed continuous Wlusion. If’ the ‘Thief looks through. the Arrow slit-ne will apparently be looking out over the town (the Hlusion’ ts designed such’ that the light and westher fallow the seme pattern az the ‘real arrow slits). lowever the DAt- should Seoretly roll 3d8, if the result a equal to or less then the Thiet INT he will ‘realise ‘that some of the buildings ‘he ‘cin gee no anger exist, while other, ‘newer, buildings are missing from the ilusion. If’ and only if ihe Thiet realises this will he be nble to step through the llusionary arrow silt and into room 40a. ‘Room 40a was Al's treawure room. ‘The arrow ait facing N is the real one ‘Visible from outside the building. The contents of the room are at the Dife diseretion, but should be quite minor, Al having taken his most powerful magio {tome with him. 19 LH 20 2 22 23 24 26 r 29 o 22 st o a Po 28. Poy . f a 16 B NS aire ed 16 i ‘This ls a short Runequest scenario for a group of 4 to 8 PCs of around ‘S0b skill levels Charactere will typically use only leather or culrballl armour (the merchant patron will provide ? point leather armour and quarterstaves for any characters. not Possessing ermour or weapons). it is intended that there should BereS vendita: in addition to don-di, Bacret and Adalan, but the referee should increase the nunber of bandits If there are more hen the specified nunber of PCs, or if the PCs are stronger then is indicated here, ‘The aim’ of the players should bo. to discover sa much as they can about the break-in at Gelidor's hhouse and to report back to their patron with the information. REFEREES BACKGROUND Gclidor Brighthand, a Runepricat of the cult of Orlanth Adventurous, has retired tb the ‘lage of his bieth. One of the Possessions ‘he hes Kept as a. reminder of his fe spent EGventuring ds a enall' leaden’ statue of a. trallkin thet he. siole frome troll ne. had defeated. Gelidor ‘doesn't now that” the Statue is a Trollball trophy, whose. loss is felt bitterly by the rolls: to hin it is a souvenir of batties fought and won. One Hight, the quiet of the normally peaceful town of Worridge Is Gisturbed as bancite from the hills breek Into” Golidor’s cottage, Gnd’ sal the trophy. Gelidor himself is clubbed from behind he triee to defend his property. AT THE INN ‘The PCs have taken employment as porters for « merchant travelling fom Far Hadden (in the north) to the southern plains. ‘They have stopped for the night at an inn in the outskirts of the ‘mall town of Worsidge, bout two day's into thelr journey. ‘After dinner, and a few ‘drinks, the party retire for the right; the PCs share a’sinple Toom at the front of the inn while thelr patron has a better room at the back. in the carly hours of the morning the PCs are amakened by a disturbance auteide ~ Tbotting through the window they ‘con see three mon sunning {om ‘ne of the cottages opposite, which is on fre. ‘By. the tine the PCs get down into the street the three men fave escaped; there fe no change of pursuit without nd ‘the horses of the merchant's train are shut in’ the stable Neighbours start ty put out the fre (a small fre just inside the front window) with buckets of water, end find a bedly burned fan at" the contre’ of the blaze who is dressed ike those. seen running off. The man is on the point of death, but bebbles hysterically for a few moments before dying (PCs may reoognlze fome words of Darktongue in his raving). iis burns are. le fevore about his head and chest, and PCs who examine him may fess that he has Deon attempting to use healing spells. ‘by ‘now someone will have noticed another body; this belongs to an ald man = whom neighbours wil recognize ae the owner of the house apparently tilled bye heavy blow from behind with @ libs ‘There is « lot of blood and mess, but the cdeervent (spot ‘dden) will notioe s snail medallion beacing the mark of # priest of Orlanth on'a fne gold chain around his necks There. ia no indication at” to how the fire might heve been started; the small lamp carried by the old man ison. the Noor by his feet ‘and is-now only warm, There Ise dead cat, in the hallway beyond the old man's body - the oause of the cat's death ‘cannot be determined (out ‘a dotect spirit spell would reveal a Spirit of INT it and POW 22 nearby, whion was ‘bound a= fimiliar in the oatte body until the old man’s Questioning the old man's neighbours will reveal thet his name was Gelidor, that he had ved inthe town for about xo yours hat he hed previously. lived in'« large city in the south, and that he teed" to work at one of the temples. He. was «quiet neighbour, felendly but not. very talkative, and his) cat" had a Strange habit of staring at people ~ "alnost as though it could tunderstand. what you were saying.” ‘They also say that he had a Strange omament’ in his house - a lead figure of a trollkin — wthich is now nowhere to be found. They know nothing about {his figure other than that Gelidor valued i highly. PURSUIT ‘The tracks left by the escaping men ean easily be followed to ‘a simll copse just cateide town; there are freh horse tracks heading north-west from the copee sonore the folds. "It the PCs Gon't want to follow the tracks, their patron will insist that the fompies will want to know the fall story, and will tell the PCs to take « fow days to follow the (racks und tty t0 find out who the men were, and where they went. "rhe pinee bandits rode north-west slong the the road towards Nockwell, and. then oUF ncrons west. through Fletcher's Weod to the mine: "A successful tracking roll will be needed to spot this Geparture from the Toad. “The path taken by the bandits through Fletcher's Wood is not hard to follow, but there will be encounters With small groupe of manners in the’ wood, who will tend t throw Sticks and stones at the PCs and then ran sway. The runners Mill, nowever, ive directions if the PCe approach peacefully and Dronise not to damage the. trees or stay too long. in. the wood. Several species of game bird are common in the wood, es re some are biede whose feathers are mich favoured by "arrow makers. Ifthe PCs mise the short-cut through the forest” they wil reach Nockwell, "where they should. be able to plek up enough Information to put. them back on the right track. The “gossip they will hear in Nockwell should tell them that some men have recently come to start working the old mines in the hills, but that the men are not often 'seen'in the village. Further questioning ond’ few snail bribes) will reveal that the mines were originally ug by the dwarves, who no longer live in large numbers in this fegion, but hnve more recently been worked by mon. The mines re ina dangerous. region of the hills where wild wolves. and Sther enimale live, and the mine workings were abandoned severel 10 years ago when the metals produced at the mine were imported Tore cheaply from the plains, The men working at the mines are s"romay bunch ‘who used to visit the village quite frequenty for Supplies, "and. would ‘stay ‘at the fan, drink too mich and. start Aghia." Their ‘visits have become less frequent, and. nobody in the village knows whether they have actually found any” seams of metals Themen Mit" the description of those. the PCs saw in Worriage. "Some people are cross because & merchant who travels regularly between Nockwell and Overhill is late vith a wagon-load oft salted meats and. spiced wines (some say. he has taken his foods to the mine in the hope of « higher price). If bribed "heavily the villagers will start’ to Invent more Information, and" in any” case. the referee should "add a "few irrelevant rumours to the story for interest. If the PCs travel through the forest It should take them about one full day to reach the far edge: if they stay on the rod Will tike ebout day" to Teach Nockwell and find information, and ‘other day to reach the area where the mine Is. ‘The approach to the mine is along a badly-kept gravel track lhieh ekirts the edge of the forest; the path throvgh the forest meets the track within ght of the entrance of the lower mine Working, s0 there is no doubt ast the orrect direction to fellows” There is a broader (and better ade) path londing straight tothe ‘entrance of the lower mine, andthe. track Continues over a smell crest to the 'shanty-town used by. the se up_the slope tthe ‘upper mine, (hich is not visible from the shanty-towns ‘The PCs will probably arrive in the area of the mine in the evening, and” if they make @ camp which ean be seen from the fine, vor light obvious camp fires in. the forest, they will be noticed by the banditas The bandits will attack the comp at fight, by” surprise, if the opportunity arises, and will leave any PGs iney capture tied up in the wood, With no weapons. They fil not attack ‘openly if entries “are posted, but’ may” try. t Gulde iid anitals (bears, boars, ete) towards the PCs! camp. ‘There Is, in any case, a 108 chance per hour of darknose of some ‘THE MINES ‘The Lower Mine: There will be one bandit watching the path from the entrance of ‘te lower mine. He will challenge enyone who epproeches and. tall them to. go aay; Hf altwcked he will run to warn the other Dandits in the shanty-tovns ‘The Shenty “Town: There are Mine Huts, each made from wood on # stone foundation with a stone hearth and chimney at one end. ‘A, ‘Band 'C: these three huts have Deen patched up fairly recently." Bach containg thee pairs of Dunks’ and « table with fie chairs of stools. All furniture is ‘makeshift but useable, "At there will be’ 4-7 bandits sleeping in these huts: by day "Three walls ure still inlet, fallen (or bean broken) ine There iss small is just a shell, containing nothing of interest. hhas no walls remaining, just the stone chiamney and fireplace. ‘The Tubble houses two sword. snakes. G: still has a roof, but is very unsteady. Any sudden violent blow to the walls of tnis hut is 30% Ikely to cause it to collapse ~ fanyone inaide (or falling against I whon this happens way suffor ‘damage from falling debris (treat this as 146 attacks with. 308 ‘chance of a it_doing dB damage to « tandom Location) Hi: is a large hut, recently» patched up, which is ‘used as a mecting-place by "the bandits. "Daring the day all” the bandite xcept the guard and the sleeping might waten) will be inthis st ating, esting, "gaming or planning els pext raid. There sa good ‘supply of wine) and « large fireplace for cocking. LOWER MINES Seale: 20" 4s another lange hut. It has beén patched up recently but sti nas holes inthe Toot. ‘The door hae been widened and the hut is balng used sae stable. “There are horoes here (three tore horses than there sre bandits ~ two look a thowgih they are Used for pulling waggons rather than for siding). ‘Se was onco half stable and half lock-up sheds Hut it haw largely collapsed. Aiitte’ to the south of thie building tea Tecent Shallow grave containing ‘the body of a dead husun merebant of ‘bout Tory years! ages, The body bears many errow wounds and bruises. JON-DI ~ Bandit leader STH 13, CON 12, SIZ 13, INT 16, POW 14, DEX 14, CHA 14. Nove 9; Mit Poinis 13; Defence 15t; Armour: limbs 2 pte, chest fand abdomen 3 pts, head 1 pts Broadsword 6 4b lagetatet ak 20 Shortsword 7 3s) ldseidec aD Light Crossbow 1/2e 65k tude Stall Shela sms SKILLS: Mide in Cover 35%; Listen 50%; Spot Hidden 438; Ambush B54; Climbing 30 384; Oratory 40. BATTLE. MAGI Suitiniaale, Ironhand, Detect Siver- TREASURH! none to speak of ~ carrios 3 Lunars and 5 Clacks. LANGUAGES: ‘Tradespeak 451; Read 4 Write Tradespeak 200. . Bladesharp Ill, Healing Ml, BACRET ~ Bandi STH 18, CON 13, SIZ 14, INT 11, POW 9, DEX 11, CHA 10. Move 9, iit Points 15, Defence 08, Armour: 2 pls, head 3 ptse Heavy Nace 8 4st tassaie2 a0 Shorteword 5 aoe “Tasetae ak Swell Shiota ae SKILLS: Mlde in Cover 35%: Liston 308; Spot ttiaden 308; ‘Tracking 454; Ambush 308; Riding S58; Swimming 458. BATTLE MAGIC: Healing I, Binding, Bludgeon, Light- TREASURE: carrion 7 Clacks. ADALAN ~ Bandit STR 12, CON 12, SIZ 9, INT 13, POW 11, DEX 13, CHA 11 Nove 9," Hit Points 13, Defence 10%, Armour: limbs ?’pte, chest fand abdomen 3 pts, head 1 pt. Shortsword 1 seh dss. saa Composite Bow soe tga io Small Shieta wb SKILLS: Hide in Cover 658; Move Quietly 40%; Listen 488; Spot Hidden 380; ‘Tracking: Ambush 0%; Climbing 408; Riding 43%: Piok Pookets 708; Evaluate: Treasure. 25%. BATTUE MAGIC! ‘Bladesharp 1, Healing 11, Disruption, Detect Gald, Detect Siver. MAGIC: has a. ring containing a matrix of Mobility (the other bandits do not know that the sing is magical). TREASURE: carries ? Lunars and’ 4 Clacks- LANGUAGES: Trudespouk S51; Read 4 Write Tradespeck 408: Lunar 308; Darktongue 20%. A typleal banait STR 11, CON 12, SIZ 11, INT 10, POW 9, DEX 11, CHA 10. Move 9, it Bolnts 12," Defence’ 108, Armour! 1 pt. Shorteword 8 ay ast aka ow Tight Mace 8 yates as Shall Shield eee SKILLS: Hide in Cover 351; Move Quietly 18%; Listen 354; Spot Hidden 256; ‘Tracking 30%; Ambuah 254; Climbing 208; Riding 384; Pick Pockets 20%. BATTLE MAGIC Biudgeon 1. Healing 1, Detect Silver, Bledesherp I OR ‘The Upper Min ‘The upper mine working ts sbout 100 yards further up the from the manty-towns “There are two enteengoes 7 ne SOP TE: this ‘mine’ entrance ts covered by crude board made from wooden planks, nalled together- Inside the ‘mine tunnel is Blocked after nbout 28. fect bys rock fall. ‘There are. two. wild dogs in the ‘resulting ‘cave, which the bandits sre. attempting’ 10 fain an fighting dogs by siacving them. if the board is Tenoved by anyone other than Jon-at the doge’ are 408 likely to attack, Dut they may be distracted with food. wip Doc 1 STR 8, CON 8, SIZ 8, POW 8, DEX 15. Move To; Rit Points 8; Defence 0St; Armour: 1 pte Bite ° oe 106 SKILLS: Hide in Cover 20%; Move Quietly 108; Listen 358; Spot Hidden 05; ‘Tracking by Soent 608; Climbing 158; Jumping 454; Swimming. 50%. ‘ILD pos 2 STR 11, CON 14, SIZ 10, POW 6, DEX 13. Nove 10; iit Points 13; Defence 0¥; Armour: 0 pte Bite ° soe 148 SKILLS: Hide in Cover 15%; Nove Quietly 10%; Listen 458; Spot Hidden 054: ‘Tracking by Scent 788; Climbing 10¥: Jumping 48%: Swimming 338. Li: this ie the opening to the most recent mine-working, and it is open. The tunnel follows an ‘old seam of copper and’ zine ores Gised for’ making bronze) which is “now almost. completely exhausted, until {t reaches the cavern Ml this’ cavern wes dug. out. here widened; the seam Ys still workable but barely economical. It is Delng’ used, for now, 39 a camping place by Hured Mardfist and his three ‘rolikin companions. - Given time’ they will beable. © throw up a barricade of old mine equipment to prevent entry. the seam of metal ores HUROD HARDFIST Dark Troll, intiste of Kyger Litor. STR 15, CON 12, SIZ 17, INT 14, POW 16, Move 3; Hit Polnis 14: Defence 18%: Armour: land sbdomen 5 pts, head 6 pise DEX 14, CHA 11. limbs 4 'pts, chest Heavy Mace 6 eos adbeiaee2 ash 0 Short Spear 5 sb ldsviadel «40k Composite How 4 at 128 10 Nediam Shield sm SKILLS: Darksense 63% Hide in Cover 40%; Move Quiotly 558: Usten 6843. Tracking 00 Ambush 401; Sense Ambush 358. BATTLE MAGIC! ‘Bludgeon, Healing I, Faneticism, Extinguih, Speedart II, Countermagie ti. RUNE MAGIC! Blinding (1 Use). TREASURE: carries 7 Lunar and 12 Bolgs. Has a 200 Lunar ransom, Dut will avoid capture at all costs to preserve ascrecy TANGUAGES:” Datktongue 58; Read. & Write Darktongue 6943, ‘Tradespoak 408. The bandits moved to the mine several months ago as 4 cover for thelr looting and raiding ‘mostly of the farms around Overhill in the next Valley. ‘The mine itself was known to be stil workable and they hoped to find sliver seams in the harder rock Below the copper and zine ores. They were approached by Hurod Hardtist, wno claimed to bes Runelord ‘end leader of a great clan ff trols, and told to steal and bring. the ‘strange ornament rom Getidor's’ house. ured explained that he could not steal this himself without causing conflict betweon his people and the towne: people of Worridge who have, he mid, lived peacefully for many Years. without even suspecting the ‘existence of a. troll "clan henry.” in fact, Murod. iw a decendant of the troll from whom Gelidor’ stole the’ Troliball trophy; he has travelled. many miles from troll lends to regain the trophy and wished to "do 0.88 discrestly te possibles The lowe of the” trophy. in nearly forgotten, and Hurod will gain great honour in his family if he an bring the trophy home without stirring up a man-troll feuds ‘The trophy itself has no value other than that of sentiment. ‘Hurod ‘elled on bluff to foree the bandits to do his bidding, and if confonted by PCs he will do the somes He wil ght Cand ill ‘PGs if he must ~ but he is mote concerned to escape aliver to escape deaths The PCr need not fight Hurod and will have Succeeded if they discover the troll and ascertain that the miners fire. bandits. "The object of the scenario is lo report. the Information to the ‘merchant ‘employing them, not nocesseriy recover the Trophy and tevenge Celiders death, although auch & The bendits will pretend to De. ho more than simple miner but’ the players shoud realise that his is unteues the. weapon nd armour used by the bendite should be alue enoughs The Danaite will not attwck PCs who approach openly, unless it is mmade cbviour ‘that. the PCs suspect that they are bandita, not Biners. ‘The bandits should have the upper hand in a fair fight, f0'some careful play will be needed by the PCs _APTERWARDS reward for the information that the ‘miners! are. really bandits, tnd. the ‘widow of the murdered merchant will offer payment tO Snyone ‘eho wil bring: back her husband's body. ‘The PCW patron Will want to press onwards to the plains, but will rel Trom his service if they wish to go and retrieve the bod ‘who travel to the plains and bring temple of Orianth Adventurous will reesive Orlanth's blessing, and muy be given a discount on training in one’ skill or spell taught by Orlentn = eopecially It they also bring ‘Golidor's medallion« Ifthe temple heara of the involvement of a trall in. Gelidors death they will send cut a party to investigate the presence of a tral eo far’ from trollish “homelanda; "and. will after the Ce well-paid temporary employment as guides. ZHALINDOR DMs notes for use with the Zhalindor Campaign These notes are designed to introduce DMs to the Zhelindor Campaign, modules for which appear on the coloured paper in the central scotion of Tortured Souls! ‘They are not intended to allow ‘an exact replication of the original ‘Campaign, but. should ‘give Dis a fect for the style into which ell the modules ft; they will ink the modules ‘by @ breadth of coneiatent background materiel. Although "the Campaign is written for use. with the ADAD games System, some changes have to be made tallow the particular charactor of those modules to show through. These art detailed below and’ should ALL be applied; sing none or only” some of these effects will unbalance the modules as published. If the Dat is NOT going to use these variations (eg if he wishes 10 inckide the modules into an existing campaign) he. should nead. through the modules with particular ‘care in order to establish which if any, of the features need to. be changed to. maintain game Balsnoe. “Tt must be noted that these rule alterations are NOT intended to de generally applied to the AD&D game, but are specifically to capture the atmonphere of this Campuign The Campaign is intended to present. a” challenge ‘experienced gamers and st should not be made too easy, elther in the course of adventures based on the modules ‘or in general wilderness and city play: It is NOT ascumed that the compiction Of a ingle ‘adventure sould Taise PCa a level; such un advance Should need nearer season of adventuring (assuming that moet Sdventuring conses over the fleroe winter pend). Then i Ute {roasure (oy ADAD Standards) and Ines magic in the modules and the DMT should maintain this soerelty in all Campaign play ‘Dis re encouraged to award experience am they. feel it has beon earned. Using the normal totals for killing opponents and ‘obtaining treasure as the maxinum possible, the DN should decide lipon a percentage of this ‘depending. upon the ‘excellence of play + PCE" wno employ. thelr abilities imaginatively and usefully should recelve more. than those who blunder through by sheer hick’ (luck fay" get thom a Toward but it will not educate them). Planning, conminication “and” subtioty "should score over. hack-and-bash Playing = however, romenber Uhat there ARF times when caution Should be thrown to the vind and opportunity grasped. Although the naturally edvantaged character should ‘not be unnecesserly penalized, a good pleyer should advance faster than’ the player teho happened to be icky on throwing. his character's requisites: Although there are restrictions on character classes in the Campaign, ‘the authors realize that siany players will wish to Use classes other than’ those originally “allowed: "The modules. are written “with “these restrictions "in" mind, and. the greatest challenge, and hence hopefully the greatest enjoyment, “will be iuined by remaining within. the boundaries given. If the DM docs Permit different classes, ‘ne may have to. aller aspects of the Sodulos to maintain game Balance, which tay otherwise. be upset by. dubious "bilities for which no" allowance ‘was. made. "The Permissible classes ure: clevie, fighter, magio-ueer and thiet. Glerica: these are subject to certain spell effects (soe "Spells" below) and are affected by the god or gods that they worship; {or en explanation see "Religion" felow. Fighters: as normal. Magio-Users: "as With clerir effects (soe "Spelis” below). {his class, see "Magic™ below. ‘Thieves: as normal, but it is suggested that the disguise ability normally granted to” assussing be given to thieves of DEX 15 or higher. “Thieves! Guilds are often far more loosely structured than ususl = "in some places, indeod, ‘they may take the form of competing crime syndicates, having enormous financial resources. waried legal fronts and considerable political power, elsewhere: the “Guild! might ‘consist of various thieves. occasionally ‘visting, the local fence, there being no command structure nor, in facts any ‘connection at all between the individual thieves these are subject to certain spell ‘with reference to the distribution of The following notes explain how the sub-classes are replaced for otherwise trentod in the Campaign: Druids? sone NPCs may have powers similar to certain druidicsl abilities, ‘but these ‘wil "be particular, exceptional characters Presented in specific Sconarios. Additionally, some clerics tay 13 iain limited druidioat hatare-related dei individual basis Paladins: some characters upon continued and exemplery behaviour within « specific ith "may be granted speolal abies from the deity ‘concerned. Such deities will not necessarily be food, and the ‘bilities may not be permanent or of the same hature as those ‘of a paladin; ‘such favours are not limited to a Aghter ‘alone. If the DM decides to grant these abilities to a PC, “the service thet this character “has performed must be exceptional andthe abilities should be limited; the chance of & PC ‘receiving sueh an ability should be very small indeed. Rangers: the tracking abliitice of ranger, as with any othe professional ability Cog hunter, fisher, potter, candle-maker, accountant) may be learnt by application, hard work and the iscovery of a suitable tulor (who will, of course, charge for his Services). "The DM should determine ‘advancement as opplicsble, Dased on tine spent learning, outlay and prectical experience. ‘usionists: as merely e. speclalizing magio-user this class. ie ignored; the spells, if allowed, be incorporated into. the normal. magic-user late at a reasonable level (generally at least he higher than that presently given). "Aacansing: any class. may. peform "an assassination (NOT, of course, “using the "Assassin Table for" Assassinations", table [ob.21" DewoG. 75). Certain of the magic-user spells. tay be particularly ‘useful, ‘although a speclalist thief (epecializing by the ‘way ne 1s played, ‘rather than by class) is mote normal- ‘Monks: this clase is dropped entirely end there is no equivalent. avilitios if they worship one of the but these will Ue attainable ‘only “on ‘an CHARACTER ORIGINS: It is assumed that all PCs will be Imperial citizens who are from dackgrounds neither particularly poor nor particularly rich. No Social status ables are given, Dut the DM is at liberty to include. these if he deems. it ‘necessary of desirable Cin the original Campaign, ‘players were ‘allowed to decide upon their characters! Ddackgrounds, within, of course, limits laid down by. the Di: cccasionally “exouptional or complicated backgrounds were allowed {o very experienced and’ particularly competent players. but a multitude ‘of ‘restrictions imposed temssiver on much characters! fetions. — interesting situations. for role-playing coourred, ut these charactors needed to be handled with extreme care). If characters are allowed fron outside ‘the Empire, the DM should’ consider ‘thelr beckgrounds carefully and make any fiterations that asem applicable; such characters will be regaried fs dangerous foreigners in the Empire and will encounter many Gittieuties outside the realm” of "straightforward adventuring. Strange sub-classes should NOT ‘be used for such charwcters Ce Derbarlan charscters will NOT belong to a arbarian’ class). ALIGNMENT. ‘The usual nine-pointed alignment system ie not used in the Campaign. NPCs are given no wignment, but detalls are given of likely actions and idioeynrsciee;. from theee ‘the DM should. be fie’ to play” the NPC inthe manner intended. PCs need. not confine themselves to a restrictive alignment type, and there is ho penalty for changing alignment. ‘The lintta to character netion should be determined by the player rather than by any arbitrary alignment divisions; players should be ble. to reeteiot their own character's actions’ without the threat ‘of the oes of abilition. Cleric actions may be restricted by the tenets of their faith. ‘There are obviously, therefore, no alignment languages. and people of ‘sintlar moral’ tendencies’ will have to chat in common long. with everyone else. There ‘are also no alignment-besed Gamages inficted by swords and other magic items, magic swords, eto, Will not be Usted with alignments if found, although ‘certain very ‘exceptional examples my ‘have individual characters. For certain spells, such as protection from evil, the good/evil attribute of monsters may have to be taken into ‘account. The operation of these spells against enchanted and conjured creatures Will bo as normal; they will not normally work against merely good fr evil creatures, ut at the Dife option may be permitted with feterence to specifically evil creatures like the undead, rather {han the merely malevolent, such as gobline. Cand sinilarly for food creatures; the DM would have to deoide which ereatures fll {ito which categories). SPELLS ‘The forces that magio-users drew upon to cast their spells vary in intensity in the aren of the Zhalindor Cempalgn. In sone places "the power Thole ie leer aooeseible or generally Weaker; in others one type of spell may be penalized. while a Gifferent ype teeelves bonuses. His strongly recommended. that feven if the modules ate not weed in the context of the Zhalindor Campaign ‘these alterations be used as the modules are belancod +t they are used, ALL must be Used, otherwise play ‘will become’ drastically uneven; DO NOT only partially apply. the ‘tfocts. Remember that if the effects are not Used sone laments fof the modules may ‘need slight alterations; the DM should make ‘these as he sees necessary « ‘The spell effects should NOT be told in advance to player but should be discovered by them during the course of play? this reflects the oquisition of similar knowledge by thelr character ‘Additionally, do NOT reveal bonuses or penalties to the caster uunlass it is unavoidable; a 161 bonus on duration would often go tunnoticed, and. more or less damage will not be obvious (the Uifferenos| will be taken into socount on the vietin's ‘it point Score, but ‘will not be apparent to the caster). Although’ this Tight’ confuse. players. at frst and provoke. anguished cries of farm, it will demand a more skilful approeeh to spell-casting, and the oventual mastery of the system will give them an edge’ over Jess ‘experienced characters (either PCs of NPCs). Characters that indulge in occasional communication rather” than wholesale ‘aughter may pick up hints te to the odd effects in general, Dut fre unlikely to reovive more specific Information. ‘There are seven general ostegoriee of spelis, plus a sclection ‘of spells ‘that’ need individual comments" Spells. from the two fub-clasees, druid. and illusionist, are Included even though these ‘lasses are absent from the Campaign: this is because these spelis tmay be allocated to other classes TYPE AL rye Aerial Servant Cloud Control Winds Gast Of Wind Invisible ‘Stalker Affect Normal Fires Burning Hands Charlot OF Sustarre Delayed Bast "Fireball i Hie i i Flame Strike Incendiary ‘Cloud Meteor Swarm Produce Pire Produce Flame Protection Prom Fire Pyrotechnics ‘estat Fire ‘Anti-Plant Shel! Charm Plante Entangle Hold Plant Plant Growth Speak With Plant Weather Summoning ‘TYPE G: all spells not in the first six types (see notes below). ‘The various effects upon these spells change depending on the distance’ fromthe oontre of the Empire Coonvenienly taken Thormar), and om the direction that ts travelled. fategories of offects, three "penelize the spell and two give Bonuses. The ‘extent of the effect is determined bythe zone of fttect (soughly equatable with distance in miles from Lhormar), as follow: "There are five Zone: Distance Btfects: trom Penaities: Bomsee: Lnormar: PL 2 3 Br Be 1 up wo isoo ~ * * - = 2 “Isoo-2000 1 : : - - 3 000-2500 2 a : a 2 &— 300-3000 3 a a 2 a S 000-3500 4 2 a 2 a 8 dson-4000 5 ~ 3 u a 7 doon-as00 NA 8 4 3 M & 4500-5000 NANA 3 % 9 $000 plus NA NANA 38 cs ‘These effecte-categories apply to the spells in terms of the damage inficted; the penalty or bonus is per aie of damage fonised. "If damage is caused ‘in points per’ level, the penalty Foduotions por level are =i, i, cL, “Lt, “lt. NA respectively Ge from-to NA; round up to the nearest point ~ NA means that the epell hae no effect); the bonuses, per level, are thy tl, 14 sll, 121, 63, respectively We trom +1 to +5; round down to the heatest point). Despite the listed penalties, damage will not fall below 1 palnt per die (evel). If damage is given in dice and per level ONLY ‘the higher of the penalties or bonuses is awarded. if the spell does not cause damage, the effect will be Upon range and duration (where applicable). Penalties. will be at 288 GiBtip for cach “1 Cog ~5 will be ~84¥) and. bonuses. at 10% for each #1 Cog #5 will be +508). Range and duration will NOT be Affected if there is a damage penalty or bonus. The relevant category depends on the wpe of the the direation away from the -nettral ground that is spelt and Cross-referencing this with the zone in which the spell ie cast fives the actual effect as detalled above Spell-type: Direction from Lhormar: Me se SSW OO a Bro Bt Pz bz Plop2 Pe OBE 5 Pro? BL ob? oP? PROP © Plo Pople OBL oR Oe Pe D PoP Pl ope op Bt om g Br bP? PL oP? oP oR? F BoP opt ope ope PtP o BRR RM OR OP OF For example, a type B spell, say fireball, ast northeast of the centre would receive a 'B2 bonus; if east in the fourth. zone the damage oaused' would be increased by I point per die. If te ‘same spell was cast due west of the centre there would ‘be a PL penalty’ if again cast in the fourth zone the damage caused. would be decreased by 9 points per die (to a minimum of | per die): Additionally, certain spells need notes to clarify either unusual cetfects oF the way thet they ane treated in the Campaign: TYPE i: this catogory includes all those spells dependent on cities ~ atonement, augury, commune, divination and gato "The ‘chance of their success depends upon the provenance of the deity Concerned: if the deity has a particular connection with fire fhinean) then the spell is treated ea type By if iikision Cog. Slovel then ype Ty sto. ‘The DM should ‘determine’ which group of spells comes closest to the god's sphere and then treat the type H spell ts of thet type: for gods with no particular allegiance the spells Should be treated as pe F-. If's perventaye reduction in range, ste, is not applicable use that percentage as the chance of the Spell failing completely | TYPE I: this cetegory includes itlusions and related epells: Demi-Shadow Magic Dispel. uston Phantatmal Force Programmed Illusion Hallveinatory: Forest ‘Shedow Magic Hallucinatory Terrain Spectral Force Improved Phantasmal Force ‘True Seeing Permanent Iikision val AL these gpells are affected as those of type F. However, the pM ehould carefully adjudioate thelr chance af success dept lupon the form that the spell tak ting “the normal chence of "a reasonably well-executed illusion of © believable nature, the actual core necessary should be changed ax conditions disiate. From the otsters side, a thorough knowledge of whatever the spell is Fepresenting will’ make miccess more likely; sinllarly, causing an fikision "of something that could reasonably ‘be expected will be Tore successful than one of something petently sdiculous.” Prom the victin'e side, the requisite familiarity. and Knowledge will make saving Uhrow simpler, as any flaws In the lusion will be easly Spotted® "Additionally the Mecessary” cave should “be adiealy tjusted with Togard to the actions of the disbellever: merely Saying that an attempt at disbelief ta. Being made, while thing Gvusive ‘action will NOT ‘be very’ ikely to suceeed’ (assuming no specific reason Tor disbeliat ellow a save on, cay, o 20 only): character denying the existence of a type VI denon by” laying Gown all wesponaand baring hie chest should have success almost guaranteed (maybe fall one 1 only; however, woo betide him if fe was wrong!)., This should both remove the temptation. to Gisbelleve on the off-chance, and should make the casting of ‘successful illusions far more dependent on ski. ‘TYPE J: conjure elemental. The category into which this spell falls depends upon the type of clemental ‘summoned: for ait Glementals ype A, for fire’ type B, for earth type C and for Water pe Be It'the effect i2 = bonus, the creatine will always Be of 18 "ib and will have the normal damage bonus added to each hit die of BOTH Ste nit points and the damage thet It inlets. It the effect ie a penalty, the oreature will be of 12, 10 or 8 HD for PS, P2 and’ Pi ‘respectively, and will deduet normal penalty from ach die of BOTH ite hit points and the damage inflicted (to « ‘Minimam of 1 point per ‘died: "The chance of losing control of an tlemental is increased by St per #1 on its dice, and reduced by T¥ per “1 (le a penalized elemental is easier to control).

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