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Designed by Lloyd Krassner & Alessandro Crespi Published by Warp Spawn Games INTRODUCTION Card game for 2 players. Simplistic Napoleonic era sea battle simulation. Micro-Deck Concept: Easily made minimalist deck. VICTORY Reduce your opponent to zero Morale Points. MORALE POINTS Each player begins with 7 Morale Points. Use coins, dice, or tokens to keep track of MPs. THE DECK Players share a common deck. There are 11 card types. The deck contains a total of 46 cards. DICE Six sided dice are needed to play TOKENS Tokens are needed to keep track of damage. Tokens are placed on the ship card that is damaged. SETUP Each player is dealt a hand of 7 cards. Roll high to determine who goes first. Players cannot attack on their first turn. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. Each turn has 4 phases: Maneuver Phase Deploy Phase Attack Phase End Phase MANEUVER PHASE Draw 1 card. If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. DEPLOY PHASE Put one or more Ship cards into play. Ship cards are placed face up in front of you. ATTACK PHASE Use Attack cards to cause one or more of your ships to attack. When Attacking, a ship rolls a number of dice equal to its current Strength. Every roll of 1 causes 1 Damage Token to be put on the enemy ship A ship with zero Strength is out of action. (ships werent usually sunk, just reduced to drifting hulks) If no enemy ships remain, each successful attack causes your opponent to lose one Morale Point.

END PHASE Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards. CURRENT STRENGTH DEFINITION A Ships Current Strength = Hull size rating - Number of Damage Tokens on the Ship. BROADSIDES CARD The Broadsides attack card allows one of your target ships, and One of your opponents target ships to attack each other. RAKE THE BOW CARD Rake the Bow allows one of your ships to attack a target Opposing Ship without being fired back upon. GENERAL MELEE CARD The General Melee card allows all ships in play to attack. In Melee you pick how the ships are paired up. The player with Excess ships may assign them to attack target ships of his choice or Opponents Morale. BOARDING ACTION CARD For Boarding Action a pair of ships is selected. Both Roll 1D6 (Boarding Rolls) and add their current strength. The higher total wins. Attacker wins ties. The losing ship is captured by your Marines. A Captured ship fights on your side. Grapeshot rule: A player may play (discard) a Broadsides card to 'sweep the decks' and get +1 to his Boarding roll. OUTMANEUVER CARD Can be used 2 ways: 1. Keep ones Distance: Negate an Attack card just played and draw a card from the deck. 2. Superior Seamanship: Cause opponent to discard 2 random cards in Maneuver Phase. SPECIAL DAMAGE CARD Target a ship upon which you just inflicted damage. Panic: Enemy ship with Strength = 2 & intact Rigging flees the Battle. Surrender: Capture Enemy ship with Strength = 1. If neither of the above apply roll 1D6: 1-3: Rigging Destroyed: This ship attacks as if it had one less Strength Ship cannot Board, Rake, or make Broadsides, however it may be the target of such. 4: Sniper Kills Captain: The ship attacks as if it had one less Strength. 5: Hot Shot: The Ship becomes engulfed in fire & sinks. 6: Blown Away: The Main Magazine explodes. The Ship sinks. If a ship gets hit with a second (or more) special damage card producing a duplicate result the ship instead gets 1 extra damage token. RARITIES CARD Can be used in 4 different ways: 1. Repairs: Remove 1 Damage Token from target ship. 2. Fireship: Make a Strength = 6 attack vs target ship. 3. Signal Flags: Discard X cards to draw X+1 cards. 4. Strategist: Look at opponents hand & draw one card from the deck. SUPERIOR ASSETS When played put a special token on a ship you just deployed this turn. This Ship gets Strength +1. This represents one of several possibilities: A New Ship, A well drilled Crew, A superb Captain, Carronades, etc. Alternatively, you can use this card to Rally: Gain back one lost Morale point.

CARD LIST Card Name: # Notes: First Class Flagship 2 Hull = 6 Second Class Ship of the Line 4 Hull = 5 Third Class Ship of the Line 6 Hull = 4 Broadsides 8 Rake the Bow 2 General Melee 4 Boarding Action 4 Outmaneuver 4 Special Damage 4 Rarities 4 Superior Assets 4 # = Number of copies of that card in the deck. OPTIONAL RULES Some additional ship classes: Fourth Class Ship of the Line (Hull = 3) Frigate (Hull = 2) Sloop (Hull = 1)

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