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I hereby declare that this project titled: ELECTRONIC LOGBOOK FOR STUDENTS

INDUSTRIAL WORK EXPERIENCE SCHEME (SIWES) is a collection of my original

research work and it has not been published and/or submitted for any other degree award.

Information from other sources published or unpublished has been duly acknowledged

This project, Electronic logbook for Student’s Industrial Work Experience Scheme was designed
to minimize the problems associated with the paper logbook such as susceptibility to
manipulation or forgery, wearing, and storage problem and retrieval problems. The top down
approach was used for the software development and the tools used for this project are PHP,
CSS, HTML and SQL Server.



Cover Page i

Title Page ii

Declaration iii

Certification iv

Dedication v

Acknowledgement vi

Abstract vii

Table of content viii

List of tables xi

List of figures xii

Abbreviations glossary and symbols xiii


Introduction 1

Background of the study 1

The problem statement 3

Motivation 3

Aim and Objectives 4

Scope and Limitation of the study 5

Significance of the study 6


2.0 Introduction 8

2.1 History 9

2.2 Electronic Logbook 11

2.2.1 Usability evaluation of CERN control Centre E-Logbook 11

2.2.1 Electronic logbook for residents 13

2.2.3 iGaslog 15

2.2.4 LOGIT 15

2.2.5 SHEET (secure and harmonize electronic European fishery logbook) 16

2.2.6 the ALICE logbook 16


3.0 Introduction 19
3.1 Analysis of the existing system 19

3.2 Limitation of the existing system 23

3.3 Justification of the new system 24

3.4 Methodology 24

3.5 Data collection 25

3.6 The proposed new system 25

3.6.1 Components of the new system 26

3.6.2 The logbook architecture 27

3.6.3 The logbook algorithm 28

3.6.4 Flow Chart 28

3.6.5 Use Case Diagram 31

3.6.6 Entity Relationship diagram 33

3.6.7 Database Design 34


4.0 Introduction 37

4.1 Choice of programming language 37

4.2 The system implementation 37

4.2.1 The home page 38

4.2.2 The login page 39

4.2.3 The student page 40

4.2.4 The students information form 40



Scientists and engineers traditionally kept paper logbooks of their experiments and inventions.

The need for the logbook is cannot be over emphasised. Scientists need to keep a record of their

doings in order to remember and report what has been done. The logbook also gives a means of

retracing past experiments and verifying their accountability. Searching logbooks can also

determine who the first was to make a new discovery or invention. In most parts of the world, the

first to invent rule is used for patents and a properly kept logbook is crucial for proving an idea is

yours. Student and professional bodies use logbook on regular intervals, Altini etal (2010).

In less than twenty years the habits of logbook use has changed radically. Even though some

scientists still solely use old fashioned paper logbooks many large scientific collaborations are

already using electronic logbooks, wavetracks (2010).



The students industrial work experience scheme (S.I.W.E.S) is an industrial training program for

undergraduate students of Nigerian universities and other higher institutions. It is a six month

training scheme in which students are attached to industries that are relevant to their field of

study. The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) is the body responsible for the coordination and

funding of the program.

1.1.2 Objectives of S.I.W.E.S

The basic objectives of students’ industrial training work experience scheme (S.E.W.I.S)

embraces the following:

1. To provide opportunities of applying their knowledge to real practice thereby making

easier the college work.

2. To enable students to practice theory been taught at school and provide access to the

production equipment not available in the school.

3. To provide skillful experience to all students in the school of technologies, polytechnics

and universities.

4. To inspire students about their careers

5. To provide more man power to industries.

Every student is expected to keep a record of her experience for the duration of the training

period and submit such records to her department on resumption for further studies. An industrial

supervisor is also expected to monitor the student’s weekly progress of work and append his

signature for works actually done by the student. To ensure that the aim of SIWES is achieved, a

school based supervisor is also expected to monitor the student's progress by visiting his place of

primary assignment at regular intervals, and by the end of the exercise, a report is usually sent to

the ITF office for verification and necessary documentation and payment of those who

participated in the exercise. Each student uses a logbook to keep record of his/her experiences.

Traditionally, a logbook is a record of an event or events such as ship’s navigation, air flight,

inventions, teachers’ events in the classroom etc. logbooks have been in existence since the

invention of ships and the need for navigation came into existence. Today’s logbooks have

diverse uses since all aspects of human endeavor need a form of reference or storage media.
However, with the advent of ICT and the internet the ways of doing things have changed. An

electronic logbook is a computer based software for recording(logging) states, events or simply

conditions used for complex machines like aircraft, nuclear plants, particle accelerators, various

areas on board ships replacing paper based logbooks etc. An electronic alternative to record key

navigation, engine watch, port calls and other operational activities on board vessels of all sizes.


The need for an electronic logbook for S.I.W.E.S cannot be over emphasized. For a student to

gain the required knowledge from industrial training experiences, he/she must be well monitored

to ensure that he/she does not just participate in the training scheme in fulfillment of its

mandatory status, but also acquire relevant experiences. The lack of electronic logbook makes

this nearly impossible since distance between interns and supervisors and the lack of access to

good reference source hinders the actualization of the desired goals.


As has been stated in section 1.2, there are lots of problems with the traditional logbook that

justify the quest for a better way of handling internship experience logbook. Perhaps the most

outstanding of this reasons is the bridging of the gap between supervisors and interns.

The Nigerian academic curriculum have witnessed a lot of disruptions in recent times mostly

because of massive industrial actions to drive home a demand. Only recently, the Nigerian

universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education embarked on an over six month’s

nationwide strike. The students who were undergoing IT training at that time will have to depend

solely on their industry supervisor and instincts.

With information technology and the gains associated with it, most nation of the world have

successfully migrated from the paper method of keeping records. It is therefore a worthwhile

venture to affirm the already introduced practice of modernity since we have much to learn/do if

we are to be able to be able to rub shoulders with our counterparts elsewhere.

The following are the advantages of using electronic logbook.

1. It provides a better storage system and retrieval mechanism

2. It is easier to use

3. It is more secure, since users are authenticated, before they are granted access to the


4. It provide additional functions like acting as a source of notifying interns about

information the school wishes to pass.


1.4.1 AIM

To develop an electronic logbook for Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (S.I.W.E.S)


The following are objectives of the study

1. To review and analyze the existing system

2. To develop a software capable of logging students’ work entries in an electronic format.

3. To bridge the gap between the students and supervisors during the course of the industrial


4. To act as a source of information to interns by providing a notice board on each users


5. To provide important links that are capable of enhancing the performance and knowledge

of the Nigerian graduate.


1.5.1 SCOPE

The electronic logbook will consist of various interfaces. The interfaces will be accessed by

various individuals whose roles will be explicitly defined. There will be interfaces for students,

industrial supervisor, school-based supervisor, the ITF and an administrator.

A student should be able to access forms that will enable him to log in entries of his daily

experiences. He should also be able to fill the personal data form as well as form8 that is usually

submitted to the ITF office.

There will be an interface for the industry-based supervisor who will monitor and append his

signature to the work of the intern on a weekly basis.

There will also be an interface for a school-based supervisor who will have access to the

completed weekly progress forms of his students’.

An interface will also be created for the school coordinator who will have access to all the forms

that are completed by interns.

It is also intended that the ITF office will have an interface that will provide the number of

completed forms in a printable format.

At the server end will be a database of all activities that are carried out by the various parties

involved. The database information will also be used to define the functions of each of the

parties involved.

Apart from this basic functions, it will serve as a point of contact with interns since information

can be disseminated more quickly through this means. I intend to include a notice board on the

students’ page.

It will also provide important links to other sites especially learning and information websites

that may be very important for a complete internship


This project is a study of the usability of electronic logbook and is therefore may not give or

meet every expectation. The main focus of the project is to develop a system for reporting IT

activities within the university community, other than the paper logbook. Other extended

functionality may not therefore be included or where they are, may lack some expected features.

Some of the extended features may include:

The ability to tell the number of weeks a student submits his/her weekly work by incrementing a

value every time the student submits her work.

The ability to search the web interfaces through a search field may not be possible since the

pages are not so many as to warrant a search field.


The study of the usability of electronic logbook for interns is of paramount importance

considering the number of problems that will be solved in the event of a successful adaptation of

such logbooks. Some of the problems associated with paper logbook are already stated in the

problem statement.

Everything is going digital with the advent of ubiquitous computing and the Nigerian society

should not be an exception. To change a society requires a change in the manner of perception

and handling of issues by the academic community.




Within the past few years, there have been a consistent growth of interest in Information and

Communication technology and the consequent demographic changes in our society. Most

sectors of the economy have been influenced in one way or the other mostly due to better access

to information. There has been a shift in trend of the working pattern of the twenty first century


One sector which has been greatly affected by the growth in information technology is the

Education sector with changes in patterns of research and collaboration between

academics/students, social interaction and information dissemination, examination pattern and so

on. There are many software and applications that have been developed to aid learning.

Within the university community, logbook is commonly used and often required. In the

developed parts of the world many experiments have moved from the traditional paper logbooks

to some sort of electronic logbook. Some have used electronic logbooks for as long as 17 years,

for example the Alcator (Alto Campo Torus) experiment at MASSACHUSETTS Institute of

Technology started using an electronic logbook in 1991. Many have developed their own

electronic logbook from scratch, others have taken one of some available solutions and adapted it

for their own use. Mikael B¨arlund(2008) With regards to students’ industrial training, electronic
logbook is almost as important as the Industrial Training itself since it is needed in order to

maintain a set of log entries made by interns who might be located in different physical

locations. An electronic logbook also facilitates multiple simultaneous access, easy search ability

and other functionalities that the traditional logbook cannot support.

A logbook was originally a book for recording readings from the ship log, and is used to

determine the distance a ship traveled within a certain amount of time. The readings of the log

have been recorded in equal times to give the distance traveled with respect to a given start

position. Today's ship's log has grown to contain many other types of information, and is a

record of operational data relating to a ship or submarine, such as weather conditions, times of

routine events and significant incidents, crew complement or what ports were docked at and

when. It is essential to traditional navigation, and must be filled in at least daily. Today, Logbook

is used in a variety of areas, ranging from professional to academic and research, information

gathering through data mining etc.

The dramatic growth in information resulted in the need to for an efficient way of keeping and

retrieving vital information and to also be able to guarantee the integrity of such stored

information, protecting it from harm or unwanted manipulation and/or interference.

A logbook is usually written in paper (book of log), it is therefore susceptible to damage since

books can get torn, wear out easily or be easily damaged. A better way to store information is the

electronic logbook.


According to wavetrax(2014), “the ship’s log originated from the small wooden board or ‘Chip

Log’, often weighted with lead that was for centuries attached to a line and thrown over the stern.
The weight of the log would keep it in the same place in the water while the ship moved away.

By measuring the length of line used up in a set period of time, mariners could calculate the

speed of their journey.

As a voyage progressed, the course, speed and other information came to be marked down in a

book that was called a log. Before technology was introduced these logs were an indispensable

source for recording what actually happened. They helped navigators surmise where they were

and how far they had travelled and how much longer they had to stay at sea. They provided

accountability to a ship’s owners and traders. They were designed to be as immune to faking as


Away from land, there was usually no reliable corroboration of events apart from the crew’s own

account in the middle of an expanse of blue and grey and green; and in long journeys, memories

always blur and facts disperse. A log provided as accurate an account as could be gleaned in real


National Maritime Museum Royal Observatory (2014);Records were kept from the earliest days

of exploration in the 15th century when the Portuguese mariners took to the open ocean, leaving

familiar landmarks and costliness behind them. At first these were jealously guarded secret

documents holding the key to the routes for the spice trade and the riches of the Orient. Some

were more humble accounts of the wonders encountered by Europeans as they ventured into the

exotic world of the Middle and Far East. Of these early attempts to forge trade links few

documents remain, although those of Christopher Columbus’s epic undertaking to find a route to

china and the Spice Islands, only of course to find ‘a New World’, have been transcribed many

The passage of time saw more ships from more nations engaging in deep sea trade, exploration

and inevitably war. The number of voyages increased dramatically in the 17th century as the

imperial powers of Spain and Portugal found themselves competing with France, Holland and

England. Voyages of primary exploration were replaced by undertakings of a state-run nature,

such as empire building, trade and administration. At the same time, the officers of these ships

began to keep official records, which were the beginnings of the logbook, similar to what is used


English logbooks survive from as early as the mid-17th century and a few more general journals

from even earlier. By 1730, the Admiralty identified the need for consistency and issued the

order in their Naval Instructions of 1731:

2.2ELECTRONIC LOGBOOK (2014):An electronic logbook is a computer based software for recording(logging)

states, events or simply conditions used for complex machines like aircraft, nuclear plants,

particle accelerators, various areas on board ships replacing paper based logbooks etc.

This version of a logbook was derived from the old-fashioned paper based logbooks which have

been used I the maritime sector. Today a wide spectrum of different implementations of these

electronic logbooks is available, even if most versions are based on the classical client-server

approach. Here the electronic logbook serves a client which is in most cases a simple web


There has been a substantial interest in the use of electronic logbooks for the past few years due

to its advantages over the conventional logbook like ease of access from remote locations and
durability. The following examples illustrates the current trend in information management as it

relates to logbook.



Mikael B¨arlund (2008); in his master’s degree thesis, carried out a usability study of shift

logbooks for physics experiments at CERN, a European organization for nuclear research. The

CCC (CERN Control Centre) eLogbook is an electronic logbook application. The application

allows you to read and write logbook entries. The application also allows you to leave

instructions for later shifts. Special features of the logbook are, linking faults to entries, updating

a message shown on the vistar corresponding to the machine of the logbook, inserting automated

entries (shift intensities), and using a built in screen capture function. The eLogbook:

The eLogbook interface consists of two different parts, a java-client used for editing the

eLogbook used in CCC and a web-interface for viewing and searching the eLogbook. The web-

interface is also used for remote editing of the eLogbook content. The eLogbook java-client:

The java-client is a standalone java application which connects to the backend database. The

java-client is used by operators in CCC. It is designed for editing the logbooks, mainly by

making new entries and reporting faults. Through the top menus you are able to open a specific

logbook shift, add event, go to next or previous shift, print, close the editor, open the web-

interface, edit the vistar message, insert automated entries and change the font size. Shortcuts to

some functionality are utilized through the buttons in the bottom row. These are new entry, open
last shift, open specific logbook shift, previous shift, go to date, next shift, edit vistar message,

open in web and quit application.

Some functionality is only reached through right-clicking on the entry-fields in the interface.

Such functionality include: adding a fault, adding a line, setting operations mode, adding an

instruction, and adding a new entry with fault. On the right hand of the interface open faults

related to a specific line or machine are visualized. The description of the fault can be found in

the lower part of the interface. If an attachment is added to a certain entry it is shown by a

symbol in the left-hand column. The eLogbook web-interface:

The web interface is used for browsing and searching the logbooks. It is also possible to edit the

logbooks through the web-interface, this feature is used by users outside of CCC.

Searching the eLogbook is only possible through the web-interface. Accessing the search engine

is done through the search field in the top right corner of the interface.

The limitation of this logbook is its inability to be adapted for other uses. It is strictly a logbook

for nuclear research scientists and nothing more.


There has been a huge interest in electronic logbook for students especially among developing

nations just as there has been well established and functional logbooks among professionals in

the western world

According to Herman and Ushma (2013), western countries embraced this technology much

earlier and e-logbooks have been available on hand held devices (Personal Digital Assistants

using HandBase) since the year 2000. The arrival of smart phones has seen a windfall of e-

logbooks and other medical apps available to the medical professionals. A recent survey by d4
(independent UK based charity with focus on mobile technology for health care professionals)

found that 81% of health professionals used smartphones.

The Journal suggested that the 236 medical colleges (99 universities) offering post-graduation in

Anesthesiology in India that submitted logbook as a prerequisite for final examination should use

electronic logbook instead of the conventional paper logbook since it allow data entry at the

point of care(theatre, ward or intensive care) which is their biggest selling point. Because they

offer an intuitive interface, are less effort of the available logbooks allow data to be entered and

synchronized in real time over wireless local area network or 3G network. At the end of the

assessment period, they can be compiled and printed for submission as a proof of competency for

a given qualification (as done by anesthesia trainees in the United Kingdom).

In Nigeria however, only 25 per cent of Nigeria’s over 105 million mobile telephone subscribers

use smartphones, global market research firm, TNS, has said in a report entitled, ‘Navigating

growth in Africa.’ The report, which was authored by the Chief Executive Officer, TNS Africa

and Middle East, Mr. Kim Macllwaine, and 12 other market research experts, including Mr.

Aggrey Maposa, Melissa Baker and Mr. Nick Hills, revealed that Nigeria was the second biggest

smartphone market in Africa, closely following South Africa. The report however said that

country had the potential to become the biggest smartphone market on the continent. , This, he

said, was premised on the strength of the market, number of subscribers and growth, as well as

dwindling cost of smartphones.

In spite of the country’s smartphone penetration, the report revealed that 59 per cent of Nigerian

phone users were still using basic feature phones, while only 16 per cent used advance feature

Olubodum (2012); There are three types of logbook and he advocated the use of social media as

digital logbook for industrial training and supervision. He believes that digital logbook has the

potential of turning industrial training experiences to an open source which is capable of

changing the landscape of vocational education around the world by enriching skill development

through the pool of resources to be pulled together from student’s learning experiences. He

examined paper logbook from three Nigerian Universities that send their students for industrial

training to their dental laboratory. He also searched the internet for practical examples of paper

and digital logbooks and presented a novel digital logbook called BT logbook, otherwise known

and blog plus twitter digital logbook. He pointed out that there is a disconnection in the field of

Technical and Vocational Education training (TVET) between school knowledge and industrial

training experiences. This gap needs to be bridged by the use of logbook for supervision of

student industrial training. Across the globe the use of paper logbook is more popular than

electronic logbook but at the advent of information technology, educators and trainers in the

TVET fields are looking at the possibilities of digitizing industry experiences. Digital logbook is

generally more advantageous than paper logbook but the proposed BT digital logbook which

requires blog, Gmail and twitter accounts could be more helpful in addressing the shortcomings

of paper logbook giving students more opportunities to upload files in many formats and

providing opportunities for students to present learning experiences in many other ways than

writing and drawing.

2.2.3 iGaslog

Herman and Ushma (2013), A prime example of an electronic logbook that has been successfully

adopted by many trainees in the United Kingdom. It is characterized by intuitive dropdown

menus, automated fields, customized report generation, exporting databases as CSV files and E-
mailing options among others. However it is expensive, restricted to Apple devices and there

have been issues with loss of database in the past.

2.2.4 LOGIT

Nigel (2013); LOGIT is an example of an electronic logbook for vehicles developed in Australia.

It is a free and ATO complaint vehicle logbook app which makes it easy to keep a vehicles

logbook. All you need to do is simply record journeys on your smart phone using GPS, and save

them in an ATO complaint format for submission at a later date. It cuts down admin time for

both drivers and fleet managers when it comes to FBT, and it is extremely easy to use.

There are also a number of online applications that provide free electronic log service. Examples

are the DHO’s, Log Bookie’s free logbook etc. These services are intended to be

used by businesses that want to keep a logbook and manage their vehicle fleet from anywhere

where there is an internet connection. New features enables one to track and share the location

within a company.

The Free Logbook will be found useful in businesses that still keep their logbook entries using an

Excel sheet and want to create summary statistics based on all journeys carried out. Thanks to

the Free Logbook, drivers can administer each journey separately, while managers are able to

quickly and easily create a sheet with summary statistics for all vehicles at the end of each month

without having to copy entries from individual logbooks kept by each employee. The feature of

location tracking enables managers to organize journeys for each employee in the field more

effectively. Further it helps saves time and increases the work efficiency. It also gives one a

complete overview of the expenses related to the vehicle fleet, together with an overview of the

location of your workers in the field.

2.2.5 SHEEL (Secure and Harmonized European fishery logbook)

Research and innovation (2006); Since the introduction of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)

in 1983, there has been a requirement for recording fish catches in a standard community format.

Initially, this was done by completing paper records at the time of landing. Now skippers

maintain catch records at sea while fishing. These logbooks have become an integral tool for

monitoring and enforcement. But it is recognized that greater use could be made of these

documents– both by scientists and managers – if they were more readily available in an

electronic format.

2.2.6 The ALICE Electronic Logbook

From the IOPscience Journal of Physics: Conference Series, ALICE (A large Ion Collider

Experiment at CERN) electronic logbook (e-Logbook),is  a custom-made application developed

and maintained by the Data-Acquisition group (DAQ). Started as a statistics repository, the e-

Logbook has evolved to become not only a fully functional electronic logbook, but also a

massive information repository used to store the conditions and statistics of the several online

systems. It's currently used by more than 600 users in 30 different countries and it plays an

important role in the daily ALICE collaboration activities. The logbook’s architecture is based

on LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP)

Carrie et al (2002); Logbooks of patients treated in acute care units are commonly maintained; the data

may be used to justify resources use, analyze patient outcomes, and encourage clinical research. It

identified the major difference between the paper logbook and electronic logbook as the addition of

clinician-entered data to the electronic logbook. This data provide clinician with the capability to monitor

trends in a variety of patient groups. It also stated more advantages as more efficient data access, higher

data quality and increased ability to conduct quality improvement and clinical research activities

G. Roediger et al. present a solution which contains means for free-hand input by using the Cross

IPEN. This is an interesting application as the use of free-hand input might lower the threshold
of making entries in the logbook. In his master’s thesis K. Lundahn studied the use of a digital

pen as the entry medium for an electronic logbook. His study describes an implementation of a

web-application for use with digital pens. The information from the digital pen is automatically

uploaded from the pen to the database behind the web application. The logbook content is then

viewable to authorized persons. This solution is mainly targeted at small groups of users and for

personal notes. Automated input is another sales-point for some electronic logbooks. The benefit

being that you can have system faults report themselves automatically into the logbook. Another

possibility is to let the operator make entries by calling software outside of the logbook which

generates specific entries.

On the downside, there is no gold standard in e-logbook application yet. Obstacles include cost

of the app, need for a smartphone (and an internet connection), lack of an app for a given mobile

platform, lack of a good customer service, possibility of data loss and issues with report

generation. E-logbooks enter data objectively and hence a detailed record of preoperative

assessment, optimization, intra-operative notes and incidents may not be possible. Additionally,

factors to consider in the Indian context may include set up cost, infrastructural issues,

differences in logbooks in different universities and need of locally customized e-logbooks.

Nevertheless, the benefits of e-logbooks far out-weigh potential issues. Most logbooks are

available on different mobile platforms and a few are free as well. Many apps are now available

covering different sub-specialties within a field. In future, we envision the availability of many

more such apps with better interfaces, customized list generation, better customer care and good

back up options. With a large resident base, provision of affordable customized e-logbooks can

be easily accomplished in Nigeria. In conclusion, there is a serious need to consider, develop and

embrace technology as far as the issue of electronic logbooks for residents is concerned.



Systems analysis is the examination of a system into its constituent pieces for the purpose of

studying how those constituent pieces relate and work (Subramanian, 2000). The focus of this

research project and this chapter in particular, is to conduct a system analysis and design on

Electronic logbook. This chapter discusses analysis existing logbook and its limitation. It also

discusses the methodology used, data collection and proposed design system and as will the

database structure.


System analysis is the procedure by which activities in an organization are studied with the aim

of determining how to operate it most efficiently. The traditional logbook is a paper logbook

containing various forms and charts. Such forms include the students’ information form, progress

charts and forms for use by the Industrial Training Fund officials. There are additional forms that

are expected to be filled and returned to the school authority for processing and forwarding to the

ITF. The logbook requires the user to write down his daily activity in the industry in which

he/she was attached.

From the analysis of the current system the following conclusions are drawn:

(I) the school allocates logbook manually to students.

(II) ITF forms are also given to students and are expected to be filled by both the industry

Supervisor and the institution

(III) Difficulties are experienced in getting information about the students’ progress

(IV) It is difficult to keep a logbook safe for the duration of the exercise since it is expected to be

filled daily.

(V) It is difficult to tell if a student is actually doing what he claims to be doing since approval is

strictly restricted to the industry supervisor and there are no regular updates of information

regarding the students. The format for each of the forms and the information they contain is

given below.

Students Particulars


1. NAME OF STUDENT……………………………………………………………

(Surname) (Other names)

2. DEPARTMENT…………………………………………………………………..

2b YEAR OF COURSE (LEVEL)…………………………………………………..

3. SCHOOL…………………………………………………………………….……




7. STUDENT PHONE NUMBER Fig 3.1 The Student’s Information Form

Figure 3.1 represents the students’ information page. It contains detailed information about the

students that use the logbook. Examples of such information are the students’ name, school etc.

Weekly Progress Chart







Fig 3.2 Weekly Progress Chart

Figure 3.2 represents the weekly progress chart. It is the form that the student fills on a daily

basis and contains information about the daily experiences of interns.

The ITF Form

Comment by ITF officials

Name of official

Signature of official

For use of institutions supervisor only

General comment…………………………………………………………………………..visit:

Name of supervisor

Signature of supervisor


All entries are expected to be made on a single booklet daily, for the duration of the training


Fig3.3 ITF official form

Figure 3.3 represents the ITF form, the form contains information regarding the student’s

relevant experiences as well as the place and period of attachment and bank account details.


The paper logbook has been in use for decades and as expected of every invention, has also

become obsolete as many modern society tends to use more digital technologies that

outperformed their traditional counterparts. Some of the problems associated with the current

logbook are given below.

1. Durability: Since the current logbook is made of paper, it can easily wear out and get

torn during active usage. Handling/constant usage of a book for six months requires extra care to

keep it safe and presentable at the end of the training period.

2. Susceptibility to Manipulation and Forgery: Papers can be easily manipulated.

Records can be cleaned and rewritten, it is also possible to duplicate logbooks without the

consent of the issuer since there are no special security features in them.

3. Poor filling system: Since every user has his own style of writing, some writings may

not be too readable

4. Poor storing, processing and accessibility of Data: Records of every set are kept which

implies that it will be difficult to access and get desired information.

5. Poor database management: Logbooks may be kept in shelves and may become

unwieldy when the number of logbook increases.

6. Extended/Complimentary Functions: by complimentary functions we mean the ability

of the logbook to act as a guide or bridge between users and knowledge sources, an addition al

function that cannot be performed by paper logbook. Since it is possible to get almost every

information from the internet, electronic logbook can enhance the learning of students and

particularly interns since they have firsthand access to such information.


The limitations of the existing system warrants the study of the possibility of developing a

logbook that will overcome these short comings, and a system that can be extended.

The electronic system will in addition to performing all the functions that are expected of a paper

logbook, will act as:

 A link to knowledge repositories

 A source of information(announcements from institution and ITF) for interns

 A bridge between supervisors and interns, thereby saving cost of visits or the lack of it.

The waterfall model was adopted for the project implementation.

The waterfall model is a sequential design process, used in software development processes, in

which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of

Conception, Initiation, Analysis, Design, Construction, Testing, Production/Implementation and

Maintenance. The figure 3.4 illustrates the waterfall model.

Fig 3.4 The waterfall model.


(I) THE PAPER LOGBOOK: Since the project is a transformation of an existing system into a

new format, the format of the old system was adopted the logbook. All fields that are present in

the paper logbook are also present in the electronic format. The methods of data collection used

in this project are:

Due to the importance attached to the need of students and what might possibly complement

their industry experiences, information was gathered about the peculiar need of students which is

a good knowledge source and ability to interact with their supervisors at the course of their



Information was gathered from e books, journals, publications and articles concerning Electronic



System design is the process of defining the architecture the architecture components, modules,

interfaces and data for a proposed system to satisfy specific requirement. It is the application of

systems theory to product development. There are some overlap with disciplines of system

analysis, system architecture and system engineering.

The physical portion of system design is broken down into three parts:

 User interface design

 Data design

 Process design

User Interface: This part of the design deals with how users add information to the system and

how information is presented back to them.

Data Design: This portion deals with how data are represented and stored within the system.

Process Design: This portion deals with how data moves through the system and how it is

validated, secured, transformed as it flow into through and out of the system.

(1). The user: The users are the actor who perform various roles and interact with each other

and the system. The users include the student, the industry supervisor, the school coordinator,

and the Administrator.

The student fills both the information form and the weekly progress form. He also fills the ITF

form as appropriate.

The supervisors (Industry and School based supervisors) approves or reject forms and progress

charts that have been completed by the student.

The administrator adds or remove students. He also processes forms where necessary.

The ITF official views completed forms and takes necessary actions

(2).The user interface: The user interface is that part of the logbook that users interact with.

They include forms, lesson areas and report generators.

(3). The database: The database contains all the files that have been sent from the user

interfaces. It is the store house of information where every data pertaining to the logbook is sent

and retrieved.

3.6.2 The Logbook Architecture

The architecture for the electronic logbook is illustrated in figure 3.5.

Fig3.5 Architecture for the Proposed System

In order to use the logbook, a user needs to be registered. The administrator creates a user ID and

a password to will enable each user to access the pages to which he is entitled. A student can

access the students’ information form, ITF and the weekly progress chart. Other parts that may

be used by the student do not require an account and can be used by anybody. Examples include

links to other pages and a notice board which serves as a point of contact with interns.

Other users also have their pages. Such users include the industry based supervisor who can view

and either accept or reject the students records. If he approves what is filled by the student, the

record becomes accessible to the school supervisor. If the record is rejected, the row is

completely removed from the database.

The school based supervisor can access three forms: the students’ information form, the weekly

progress chart and the ITF form. He can modify and append signatures when necessary. He may

also forward the form to the ITF.

The ITF accesses the form submitted by the supervisor and takes appropriate actions as

necessary. Such actions may be printing and documentation, payment of interns etc. Ultimately,

the database plays an important role for the storage of the various files and also retrieving of

such record when needed.


1) Student accesses and fill forms

2) Submit form to database

3) Supervisor accesses database

4) If information is true, go to step 5 else go to step 7

5) Approve form

6) Go to step 8

7) Reject form and go to step 1

8) End

3.6.4 Flow Chart for the various Actors

Student/intern: Figure 3.6 represents the flow chart for the student. Once a student is logged in,

he can fill the students’ information page or the progress chart and he can also access the lesson

area and notice board.

Fig 3.6 Flow Chart for student/Intern

Industry supervisor: Figure 3.7 represents the flow chart for the industry supervisor. He can

view records, accept and reject forms as shown in the diagram.

Fig3.7 Flow Chart for industry based supervisor

School Coordinator: Theschool coordinator processes the forms submitted by the student. He

also approves or reject where necessary. The flow chart is given below.

Fig 3.8 Flow Chart for school coordinator

Flow chart for administrator: The administrator adds and remove user, post announcements,

and view records. The flow chart for the administrator is given in figure 3.9.

Fig 3.9 Flow Chart for Administrator

3.6.5 USE CASE

Use case diagram is a Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram that is used to represent how

users will interact with the system. During the construction of the use-case diagram, the designer

makes use of an actor, use cases and relationships. The actor represents the user, use cases are

the actions the actor can perform, and relationship links the actor to the use cases. The following

diagrams depicts the use cases of the logbook.

Student/intern: when a user is logged in as a student, he is able to access the student’s

information form as well as the progress chart. He can fill forms and check notice board.

Figure3.10 is the use case diagram for the student.

Fig 3.10 Use Case diagram for students

Use Case for IT Supervisor: The IT supervisor approves or rejects the progress chart that is

submitted by the student. The use case diagram for the IT supervisor is given in figure3.11.
Use Case diagram for School Supervisor: The school supervisor also approves or rejects forms

submitted by the student. He also processes the ITF form. The use case diagram is given in

figure 3.12.

Fig 3.12 Use Case Diagram for School Supervisor

Use Case diagram for Administrator: The Administrator adds and remove user, post

announcements, and process records where necessary. The use case is given in figure 3.13

Fig 3.13 Use Case Diagram for Administrator


Entity relationship Diagram is a data model for describing databases in an abstract way.

Fig 3.14 Entity Relationship Diagram for the System.

Figure 3.14 represents the entity relationship diagram for the system. It depicts the

dependencies of each user and is necessary for normalization. Every member has a one to

many relationship with all the tables in the database. For instance, a student fills one form

at a time, but the form can be filled by many members, i.e., the supervisors and interns.


The database that will be used for the proposed system will be developed using PHP and

MySQL. Tables3.1 to 3.3 illustrates the databases of the system.

The members’ table structure: This table contains the user name, password, login type and a

unique ID. It is the table that determines the page a user can access when he logs in as a

particular type of user.

Table 3.1 The members table structure


1. ID Unique identification 20 Int


2. Username Logbook username 20 Varchar

3 password Unique character set 20 Varchar

4 Type Login type 20 Varchar

5 Student_id The forms students id 20 Varchar

6 Id progress chart id 20 Varchar

The students’ information form table structure: This is the table that contains information

about each student. It contains such fields as the matriculation number, year of study, name of

bank, institution etc.

Table 3.2 The students’ information page


1. Student_id Unique identification 20 varchar


2. Matric no Students matric 20 varchar


3 Name The IT students name 30 varchar

4 Year Year of study 20 Varchar

5 Institution Name of institution 30 varchar

6 Bank name Student bank name 30 varchar

7 Bank account Students bank name 20 varchar

8 Mobile Students phone number 20 varchar

9 Company name Name of company 30 varchar

10 Supervisors name Industry supervisor 30 varchar

The progress chart table structure: The progress chart table contains the weekly progress

record of all students. It contains the day to day work experiences and diagrams where


Table 3.3 The progress chart table structure.


1. Id Unique identification 20 Int


2. Week The present week 20 Varchar

3 Week ending The weekend date 20 Varchar

4 MON Monday 20 Varchar

5 TUE Tuesday 20 Varchar

6 WED Wednesday 20 Varchar

7 THUR Thursday 20 Varchar

8 FRI Friday 20 Varchar

9 SAT Saturday 20 Varchar

10 Attachment For diagrams Blob




“Implementation is a realization of a technical specification or algorithm as a program, software

component, or other computer system through computer programming and deployment”. (Smith,

2001). This chapter will focuses on the implementation of the electronic logbook for SIWES


PHP was chosen for the design and implementation of some of the components of the Electronic

logbook due to its robust built-in functions that provides the capability of executing commands

that enables interaction with the database, especially in the aspect of posting and retrieving form

details. PHP is object oriented, supports inheritance or usability of codes, it is highly popular and

used in most web application development, well documented and has good support libraries and

it integrates very well with Hypertext Markup language (HTML), the main language for

designing user interfaces.

The front-end of the application (the GUI that the user utilizes to interact with the databases) is

achieved using HTML, CSS and Java Script programming languages. MySQL database engine

was used. It was chosen due to its generality and simplicity compared to others.


The result of this phase consists of source code, together with documentation to make the code

more readable. For software implementation the software does not only have to be considered

from the point of view of logistics functionality but from the technical perspective. So if a

company works with old software, it may want to use a new system, which is more efficient and

has more work capacity.

The implementation of the Electronic Logbook for SIWES was done through the utilization of

both the PHP Rapid Application Development tool and MySQL Database System. CSS and

HTML was also used for the browser side interfaces. PHP was chosen to implement the

programming logic of the system while the WAMP server/MySQL database system provided the

auxiliary storage unit for the information about the system.

In this section, the Electronic logbook for SIWES user interfaces will be presented along with the

specifications and requirements necessary to run the system in its intended area of application.

The following are the screenshots for the logbook interfaces.

Fig4.1: The Home Page

4.3.1 The Home Page: The Home Page is where users gains access to all the functionalities of

the Electronic Logbook System. After the application is launched, the interface in Fig 4.1 is

presented to the user. This interface contains links to other pages which are made available to a

user based on predefined access privileges. Fig 4.1, also contain links to external websites and do

not require any login to use. The Home page contains such links as Home, Login, Logout and

Lesson Area. In other words, this interface, being the main interface, allows users to navigate to

all the functionalities of the application depending on your access privileges.

Fig4.2: The Login Window

4.3.2 The Login Window: The login window contains a Login form that is made up of two

input fields, the Username field and a Password field. It also contains a Submit button for

submitting user inputs. This page redirects a user to a page that depends on his role in the

application architecture. A user may login as student, a supervisor, a school coordinator, or an

ITF official. Logging in any of these name will redirect the user to a page that he is entitled to

view and interact with.

Fig 4.3: The Students Page

4.3.3 The Students’ Page: The students’ page is made up of two important links and a notice

board. One of the links leads to the students information form while the other leads to the weekly

progress chart. On login, the student is given access to the links and he fills and submits the

forms as necessary.

Fig4.4: The Students information page

4.3.4 The Student’s information form Page: The student’s information form contains

input fields that enables the student to fill and submit his personal details. It contains such
matriculation number, name of student, course, level, year of graduation, name of industry based

supervisor, etc.

Fig 4.5: The Progress Chart

4.3.5 The Progress Chart: The progress chart is one of the most important pages of the

electronic logbook since the student interacts with this part on a regular basis. It contains the

description of work done on each day of the week and a place for attachment of diagrams where


Fig 4.6: The Supervisors Page.

4.3.6 The supervisors Page: The supervisors’ page contain information that have been

submitted by the student. The screen shot in figure 4.6 shows a progress chart of a particular

student’s submission.The supervisor can approve or reject the form as necessary.

Fig 4.7: The Administrators page

4.3.7 The Administrators Page: The admin page enables the administrator to add user,

remove user and allocate supervisor.

Fig 4.8: The ITF window

4.3.8 The ITF Window: The ITF window contains a form that will be accessible to the ITF

officials when completed. This will enable them to process the necessary information and

payment of the student

Fig 4.9: The logout window

4.3.9 The Logout window:This is the window that displays when a session is cancelled.


In computing, it is believed that for an application to run on a system effectively, it needs

minimum software and hardware component that it will require in order run. The software and

hardware requirement for this application is stated below.


Software are applications that runs on a system; they can only be seen but not cannot be

touched. The software requirements for this application are:

1. Windows XP Operating System or Higher Microsoft Windows OS

2. A web browser

Hardware, in computer world refers to the physical components that make up a computer system,

they are usually connected together to create a complete system.

The minimum hardware requirements for the system are:

1. Screen Resolution Recommended (1280 X 800) Minimum of (1280 X 270)

2. 256MB Random Access Memory (RAM Size)

3. 128 MB Hard Disk Drive

4. Pentium 3 Central Processing Unit


System testing is the testing of a complete and fully integrated software product. Usually

software is only one element of a larger computer based system. Ultimately, software is

interfaced with other software/hardware systems. System testing involves a series of different

tests whose sole purpose is to exercise the full computer based system.


Unit testing deals with testing a unit as a whole. This would test the interaction of many

functions. This would test the interaction of many functions but confine the test within one unit.

Table 4.1 shows the unit test of the system; i.e. the test data, thee expected result and the actual

result. When a user fills the login form with the correct data, it is expected that the page will be

redirected to another page based on the login type. The result of the test is the redirection of the

page to another, based on the login type.

Table 4.1 Unit testing. The Test Data, Expected Data, and Actual Result
The Test Data Expected Test Result Actual Test Result

Home Page The page where you can The home page

navigate to other pages

Login page The page where users are The login page

redirected to other pages

Fill form Expected to see the students The students information

information form form appears

Submit Expected that information Students’ information

submits to database submits to database

View Form Expected that the form is Form is rendered to a web

displayed on a web page page

4.6.2 QUERY SUBSYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: The following are the result of the

subsystem queries.

Members form: The members’ database holds the username and password of all users of the

logbook. Access is denied or granted based on a match between the user entered values and the

values stored in the database.

Fig 4.10: The members’ database.

Students’ information Form: The students’ information form table contains all personal

information submitted by the student. Such information include the student’s name,

matriculation number, etc.

Fig4.11: The students’ information database

The Progress chart: The database of the progress chart contains all the daily experiences logged

in by the student.
Fig4.12: The progress chart database.

ITF form: The ITF form is a form that is attached to the logbook and is expected to be filled by

all students by the end of the training period.

Fig4.13: The ITF Form database

Result: when a students’ completes the student’s registration form, he can view it and get a

feedback in the form of the screen shot below.


During the testing of the proposed system, the following were targeted:

a. The fully integrated software applications including the external computer peripherals

devices, were tested in order to check how components interact with one another and with the

system as a whole (This is also called End to End scenario testing)

b. Verification through thorough testing of every input in the application to check for

desired outputs.

c. Testing of the user’s experience with the proposed system application.

d. Building of detailed test cases and test suites that test each aspect of the application as

seen from the outside without looking at the actual source code.


Various forms where filled with input data that is compatible with the data type defined in the

database. An example is the students’ information form with input fields like name,

matriculation number, course, etc. and the corresponding inputs as Adakole Emmanuel,

2010/2/36928CT and Computer Science. Incompatible data types were also used to test for

abnormally and exceptions and such data were not rejected.




The Electronic Logbook system draw inspiration from the traditional paper logbook and is

designed to solve problems that are associated with the traditional logbook. We have in this

project, added some other functions that are leaning related to enable interns have maximum

industrial training experience. We have described and analyzed already existing computer

systems designed to carter for one problem area or the other and have been able to come out with

a system that is adaptable to the Nigerian system. We have also reviewed several literatures

related to the area of Electronic logbook. Ultimately, we applied some of the models to solve the

logbook problems.


From the traditional logbook available to us and the already published papers on the area of

Electronic logbooks, we have designed an application for logging in students’ experiences,

otherwise called the Electronic logbook. The software was able to perform the main functions

which is to log in information about students daily experiences.


The development of any software is not a one-time affair, the reason being that challenges are

bound to occur as humans evolves. Efficient result can only be obtained if the logbook is used
efficiently and also upgraded when the need arise, therefore it is necessary therefore to make

recommendations that will guide computer user as well as the administrators.

1. It is recommended that the system be adopted since it will save cost and boost the

learning experience of interns

2. The system may be upgraded to suit other needs of the university community, especially

as it regards internship

3. The ITF should adapt the electronic method since ITF forms pass from hand to hand

before getting to the officials.


Mikael B (2008). Usability Study of Shift Logbooks In Physics Experiments at CERN. A master’s

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Electrical and Communications Engineering, Telecommunications Software and

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Carrie J. W, Dennis S, Kathryn A. Gibb E, Terry P. C and S.J Subramanian (2000).

Implementation of an electronic logbook for intensive care units. Proc AMIA Symp.

2002: 840–844. PMCID: PMC2244233

Herman S and Ushma J S (2013) Electronic logbooks for residents: A step forward. Indian J

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olubodum Olufemi(2012)logbook for Industrial Supervision and Training-a look at paper and

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Nigel Malcom (2013) A critical analysis of the LOGIT vehicle logbook. 93(1) 28-29

Research and innovation (2006): A new world order: possibilities in electronic logbook pg 6-7


<?php include('include/banner.php'); ?>

<div id="wrapper"><hr><div class="clear-float"></div><div id="form" class="float-left">

<div id="login-header">Form</div><p style="font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

color:white"></p><form action="form.php" method="post">

<input type="submit" value="FILL FORM" /></form></div><!-- end of form div-->

<div id="form" class="float-left"><div id="login-header">Records</div>

<div id="log-article" class="float-left"><table><tr><td><form action="view.php"

name="veiw"><input type="submit" value="View Progress Chart">

</form></td></tr><tr><td><form action="view_form.php" name="veiw">

<input type="submit" value="View Form"></form></td></tr><tr><td><form

action="itf_student.php"><input type="submit" value="Fill ITF Form">

</form></td></tr></table></div></div><div id="form" class="float-left">

<div id="login-header">Progress Chart</div><div id="text"></div>

<br /><form action="progress_chart.php" method="post"><input type="submit" value="FILL

PROGRESS CHART" /></form></div><!-- end of form div--><div id="clear"

class="clear-float"></div><hr><div id="update"><table><th colspan="2"><div

id="login-header">Update Records</div></th><tr><td><form

action="update_form.php" method="post"><input type="submit" value="UPDATE


action="update_progress.php" method="post"><input type="submit" value="UPDATE

PROGRESS CHART"></form></td></tr></table></div></div><!--end of wrapper

div--><?php include('include/footter.php'); ?></body></html>


<?php include('include/banner.php');?>


<body><div id="wrapper"><hr>

<div id="clear" class="clear-float">


<h2 style="text-align:center">WEEKLY PROGRESS CHART</h2>

<div id="clear_float" class="clear-float"></div>


$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");

if (!$con)

{ die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); }

mysql_select_db("e_logbook", $con);

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members JOIN progress_chart ON

progress_chart.student_id =");

echo "<table border='1'>





</tr>"; ?>
<?php while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)): ?>


<td><?php echo $row['username']; ?></td><td><?php echo $row['week']; ?></td>

<td><?php echo $row['WEEK_ENDING']; ?></td><td><?php echo $row['MON']; ?></td>

<td><?php echo $row['TUE']; ?></td><td><?php echo $row['WED']; ?></td>

<td><?php echo $row['THUR']; ?></td><td><?php echo $row['FRI']; ?></td>

<td><?php echo $row['SAT']; ?></td>

<div id="uploaded_image"><td><img src="public/upload/<?php echo $row['ATTACHMENT'];

?>" style="width:100px; height:70px;"></td></div>

<?php if($row['approve'] >= 1): ?><td>Record Sent</td>

<?php else: ?><td>

<form action="reject.php" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="week_id" value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>" />

<input type="submit" name="reject" value="REJECT"></form>

<form action="accept.php" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="row_id" value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>" />

<input type="submit" name="accept" value="APPROVE"><?php endif; ?>


<td><?php echo ($row['approve'] == 2) ? 'Approved' : 'Not Yet Approved'; ?></td>

</tr><?php endwhile; ?></form></table>

<?php mysql_close($con); ?><div id="clear" class="clear-float"></div><hr>

<form action="itf_employer.php"><input type="submit" value="FILL ITF FORM">

</form><hr></div><!--end of wrapper division--><?php




<?php include('include/banner.php');?>

<div id="wrapper"><hr><div id="form" class="float-left">

<div id="login-header"> Admin</div><table><form action="add_user.php"

method="post"><tr><td><input type="submit" name="user" value="ADD


nput type="submit" name="delete" value="REMOVE USER"></td></tr></form><form

action="post_announcements.php" method="post"><tr><td><input type="submit"

name="allocate" value="POST ANNOUNCEMENT"></td></tr></form>

<form action="view_records.php" method="post"><tr><td><input type="submit"

name="allocate" value="VIEW RECORDS"></td></tr></form></table>


<div class="clear-float"></div><hr>

</div><!--end of rapper div-->

<?php include('include/footter.php');?>


4.2.5 The supervisors’ page 41

4.2.6 The administrators page 42

4.2.7 The ITF window 42

4.2.8 The logout window 43

4.3 System Requirement 43

4.4 System testing and Integration 44

4.5 Implementation of the subsystem 44

4.6 Query subsystem implementation 45

4.6 The test plan 48

4.7 Test data 48


5.1 Summary 49

5.2 Conclusion 49

5.3 Recommendation 49





2.1 The students’ information form 21

2.2 The weekly progress chart 22

2.3 The ITF Form 23

3.1 The Logbook architecture 29

3.2 The Flow chart for student/intern 31

3.3 The flow chart for industry supervisor 32

3.4 The flow chart for school coordinator 32

3.5 The flow chart for administrator 33

3.6 Use case diagram for intern 34

3.7 Use case diagram for IT supervisor 35

3.7 Use case diagram for school supervisor 35

3.7 Use case diagram for administrator 36

3.8 Entity Relationship diagram 37

4.1 The home page 41

4.2 The Login page 42

4.3 The students page 43

4.4 The students’ information page 43

4.5 The progress chart 44

4.6 The supervisors page 45

4.7 The logout window 46

4.8 The database 49

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