Philippines Skills Framework On Human Capital Development Version 1.0

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Table of Contents
Messages 1

Introduction 5

The Philippine Skills Framework for 6

Human Capital Development

PSF-HCD: The (happy) use! 7

Career Map 8

Skill Maps

Chief People/Human Resources Officer 10

HR Business Partner 13

Labor Relations 18

HR Operations and Technology 24

Performance and Rewards 33

Talent Attraction and Talent Management 48

Employee Engagement and Experience 64

Learning and Organization Development 72

Functional Skills and Competencies (FSC) 87

Enabling Skills and Competencies (ESC) 192

Glossary 209

PSF Proficiency Level Descriptors 212

Testimonial 213

Overview of Functional Skills and Competencies (FSC) 215

Technical Guide 222

Acknowledgments 237

Message from DTI Secretary

Ramon M. Lopez

Human capital development is crucial for the competitiveness of any economy. It helps increase and sustain the
productivity of industries as we advance towards our goal of becoming an industrialized nation.

With the facilitation of the Philippine Trade Training Center (PTTC), the Philippine Skills Framework (PSF) on Human
Capital Development has been developed by the HR industry not only for their own industry, but to benefit other
industries as well. It will strengthen the HR development capabilities of stakeholders in addressing the mismatch
between education and industry requirements in this era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and as we navigate our
way to sustaining our economic gains in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The PSF can guide education and training institutions in crafting human resource development curricula that is
responsive to the different job roles to support the growth of industries and workers. Moreover, individuals would be
able to make better decisions for HR career options. Likewise, this can be a handy reference for businesses in their HR
management functions in order to attract and sustain talents that are ready for the 4th IR.

As referenced from the Singapore Skills Framework, contextualized by selected Filipino HR experts, and therefore HR
industry-validated, the PSF has skills documents for the following tracks: People analytics and technology, HR Business
Partner, Labor Relations, Performance and Rewards, Talent Attraction and Talent Management, Employee Engagement
and Experience, and Learning and Organizational Development.

With our dreams for a brighter and prosperous future, we look forward to an environment that will prepare our HR
practitioners and managers to be well-equipped for the demands of the industries as a responsive and competent

Mabuhay po kayo!

Ramon M. Lopez
Department of Trade and Industry

Human Capital Development 1


Message from Usec.

Rafaelita M. Aldaba

2 Human Capital Development


Message from Exec. Dir.

Nelly Nita N. Dillera

The Memorandum of Understanding signed between Singapore and the Philippines, Skills Future Singapore and, DTI and
TESDA as Singapore and Philippine signatories respectively, on Skills Development cooperation in 2019 has scaled. With the
Project Direction Unit assigned to the DTI – Philippine Trade Training Center, we deemed it appropriate to also develop Skills
Frameworks on Business Functions that we are mandated to develop and deliver. This is going beyond the sectoral skills
framework that we identified to develop when 10 government agencies signed the MOU in 2020.

The Business Functions are cross-sectoral and the Singapore Skills Framework doesn’t have all these yet – Business
Development, Human Capital Development, Operations Management and Business Management, Financial Management
and Accounting, Information Management. But as a Global MSME Academy that we are, mandated to develop the skills
frameworks for the said Business Functions, we need to level up our curriculum and modules to help our MSMEs become
globally competitive.

The experience of Singapore in the Skills Framework was very helpful in this journey, unpacking from the existing frameworks
documents that are useful.

Thus, in 2021, PTTC launched the first-ever cross sectoral skills framework for Business Development with sub-tracks
Marketing and Sales and Partnership. This was prioritized because the marketing activities and business processes drastically
changed resulting from the restrictions brought about by the pandemic and the need for MSMEs to go digital and use

This time, we are introducing the Human Capital Development and the skills documents that can be used by Filipino Human
Resources (HR) practitioners, business owners, educators, students, labor associations and career-driven Filipinos who are
captured in this e-book.

This is a very credible reference document that can help in individual career planning, school curricula development and
organizational strategic planning. The PSF-HCD allows Filipinos to grow and achieve milestones in their respective careers,
thereby contributing to higher productivity in their respective organizations, which in turn, impact Philippine industries. It
also facilitates collaboration of PTTC with institutions to co-develop, improve and adopt the PSF, as well as to utilize the PSFs
for programs that contribute to the development of our country’s greatest capital, the Filipino workforce.

Congratulations to all stakeholders for their commitment and sharing of valuable years of expertise in the development of
this PSF for Human Capital Development Version 1.0.

Nelly Nita N. Dillera

Executive Director

Human Capital Development 3


Joint Message from Joel Santos,

Anderson Tan, and Leah Macatngay
The Philippine Skills Framework for Human Capital Development is only the second cross-sectoral skills framework
developed in the country. It is the product of multiple sprint teams composed of representatives from various
government agencies, the private sector,several industries, and academe, working together in a pioneering effort to
develop a potent tool for skilling, re-skilling, and upskilling.

In the PSF- HCD, we were able to improve and further refine the methodology that we have developed in creating
the skills frameworks. From the study and review of the Singapore Skills Framework, we segued to the formation of
the different teams to harness specific capabilities. We then embarked on the contextualization phase to transform
the Singapore Skills Framework to the Philippine Skills Framework, harnessing the knowledge and know-how of the
Contextualizers. The validation stage involved Validators, who are Human Capital/People experts, to verify and ratify
the work of the Contextualizers. The integration that followed consolidated all the efforts until the final launch phase.

This cross sectoral skills framework featured the participation of Human Capital or People or Human Resources
professionals, who are key figures in the efforts to train, specifically re-skill and upskill the members of the workforce.
For enterprises and other organizations, they perform vital roles of planning, training, nurturing and developing the
talents of people. The group of Contextualizers paid painstaking attention to the harmonization of the various job
roles identified in the tracks, seeing to it that they formed a cohesive progression and alignment. The lively discussions
during the Validation Workshops were the result of the numerous questions, suggestions, and comments of the
engaged Validators who had a fine eye for detail, aside from their appreciation of the larger picture.

The resuting cross-sectoral PSF for Human Capital Development has a wider reach than industry-specific skills
frameworks, since it spans all industries and addresses the main exponent of skilling and training in organizations. All
organizations have an HR Department, regardless of the number of people it contains. It is our hope that this PSF for
HCD is a catalyst for the greater realization of the value of the skills frameworks and its implementation to develop the
country’s workforce . Once again, we are humbled and honored to be a part of this endeavor.

Jaime Noel (Joel) J. Santos Anderson Tan Leah A. Macatangay

Thames International Business School Accelebator Singapore Thames International Business School

4 Human Capital Development


About the Philippine Skills Framework –

Human Capital Development

The Philippine Skills Framework (PSF) Initiative is a Philippine government inter-agency effort to build the skills and
competencies of the country’s human capital and to better prepare the workforce for the future economy, particularly
for Industry 4.0. The PSF Initiative’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by ten departments and
agencies, namely, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher
Education (CHED), Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), Department of Information and Communications
Technology (DICT), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Department of Tourism (DOT), and the
Department of Agriculture (DA). The PSF Initiative prioritizes the construction, creatives, food (agriculture and fishery),
health and wellness, IT-BPM (Information Technology and Business Process Management), logistics and supply chain,
manufacturing, and tourism industries.

The Philippine Skills Framework for Human Capital Development (PSF-HCD) is an endeavor developed for the
Philippine workforce of all industries to address skills mastery and continuous learning in the cross-sectoral function of
Human Capital Development. It is a collaborative development effort initiated and spearheaded by the Philippine Trade
Training Center together with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, Department of Labor and
Employment, the Thames International Business School, and Accelebator SG, and in cooperation with the stakeholders
of the Philippine Human Resources field — employers, practitioners, industry associations, particularly the People
Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP), education and training providers, and unions.

The seven tracks of the PSF-HCD consist of (1) HR Business Partner, (2) Operations and Technology, (3) Talent
Attraction and Management, (4) Labor Relations, (5) Learning and Organization Management, (6) Performance and
Rewards, and (7) Employee Engagement and Experience. These verticals were chosen by the Philippine Human
Resources Experts, with the Singaporean Resource Persons and Philippine Consultants after thoroughly reviewing the
Philippine human capital development function, and comparing it with that of Singapore. It was a judgment call made
after a thorough conduct of studies, desk research, and review. The PSF methodology consisted of the referencing
of the Singapore Skills Framework, and formation of the various teams. Then the contextualization by Filipino subject
matter experts, the contextualizers, was done to adapt it to the Philippine industry scenarios. After, the validators — HR
subject matter experts from the various stakeholders of the Philippine industry — practitioners, members of industry
associations, government, and academe — worked together to ascertain the validity of the draft PSF-HCD framework
to local best practices. After several drafts and the concurrence of the government representatives, consultants, and
resource persons, the PSF-HCD Version 1.0 was created, approved, and finally launched on May 6, 2022.

The Skills Framework for Human Capital Development provides useful information on:

Sector and Career Occupations Functional Skills Enabling Skills and

Employment Pathways and Job Roles and Competencies Competencies

Human Capital Development 5


Importance of PSF-HCD:
Employers can assess their manpower requirements, adapt or modify the standard guidelines for work performance, key
tasks, skills and competencies, for purposes of recruitment and selection, hiring, job rotation, and promotion.

Organizations can create training programs to address skills gaps as well as training for the acquisition and upgrading of
skills and competencies. Education and training institutions to educate students and learners about the sector as well as
make curricula for the facilitation of learning of required skills and competencies that are more aligned to industry needs.

Individuals are equipped to make informed decisions about career choices, as well as take responsibility for skills upgrading
and career planning. They can assess their career interests; find avenues to close skills gaps; and renew, upgrade, and
deepen skills with the quality programs offered by training institutions or academe that are guided by the PSF-HCD.

The Philippine Skills Framework for

Human Capital Development
A message of support from the People Management of the Philippines (PMAP)

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the glaring effects to all affected sectors. One of the impacts brought by the
health crisis is the immense unemployment and workforce downsizing from different industries. Employees whose
skills were not ready to answer the call for a rapid pivot of the organization were reskilled, upskilled, or worse, got
laid-off in order for employers to keep their businesses afloat. This health crisis is a wake-up call for everyone —
government, industries, and private sector — to keep an inclusive effort to fast track the development of our Filipino
human capital agenda.

As we move towards more advanced automation, digitalization and expanded innovation, more jobs, tasks, and skills
are redefined. Skills development is essential not only in moving the country towards industry 4.0, but also in enhancing
the quality of life of Filipinos. Imagine a worker whose skills set can answer the demands of the growing market and
potential employers. Having a ready set of skills, knowledge, values, degree of independence and qualifications will
enable the worker’s mobility to be fluid as he or she has displayed a certain level of learning outcomes that is primarily
recognized and being sought after by the market.

As part of the validation panel, the People Management Association of the Philippines is honored to be given the
opportunity to share our decades long experience in the practice of the Human Resources profession in the crafting
of the Philippine Skills Framework for Human Capital Development (PSF-HCD). Now more than ever, we need to uplift
the status of the HR professionals and the importance of the role they play in organizations, as gleaned during the
COVID-19 pandemic. It therefore becomes imperative to hasten and strategically provide technical assistance to the
initiatives undertaken by the national government and other concerned stakeholders through the crafting, approval,
and eventual adoption of the PSF-HCD.

6 Human Capital Development


PSF-HCD: The (happy) use!

by Obet Cruz

Organizations are gearing toward maximizing the so-called triple Bottom Line (BL) + 1 (Planet, People, Profit +
Purpose). The triple bottom line is a business concept that posits firms should commit to measuring their social and
environmental impact—in addition to their financial performance—rather than solely focusing on generating profit, or
the standard “bottom line” (Miller, 2020). The fourth bottom line provides a means to measure, value, and assess the
addition of culture, spirituality, and faith in reporting. It adds navigation of important goals without compromising core
values (Sood and Tulchin, 2014).

Maximization requires a robust way of measurement to ensure organizational excellence and efficiency.

The first BL, our planet: there are solid attempts to put a playbook for the ways to measure
the planet bottom line as 93% of the world’s largest 250 companies and 75% of the top 100
companies in 49 countries report on sustainability (The Road Ahead. The KPMG Survey of
Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2017). In the Philippines, the SEC issued the Sustainability
Reporting Guidelines for Publicly Listed Companies in 2019.
The third BL, the profit: (don’t look back, I skipped the second BL for a reason). There are
countless frameworks from astute businessmen, management gurus, and financial experts
on how to measure the profit bottom line. I am pretty sure you are aware of what income
statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows are.

The fourth BL, the purpose: as the newest dimension in the 3+1 BL, the exact way to measure
this bottom line is not yet uniform in expression. Prime movers of organizations will eventually
Profit agree on the scope for objective measurement of the purpose BL, which will include culture
and/or spirituality.

And now, the second BL, our people: I put the second BL as the last one to write about because
this is where the use of PSF-HCD falls.

We currently measure the people BL through the numbers we yield in attraction, retention,
attrition, and engagement and satisfaction surveys. A new wave of people BL measurement in
Purpose terms of happiness quotient is slowly becoming popular among organizations and nations as well.

Jenn Lim in her 2021 book, Beyond Happiness, identified CONTROL, PROGRESS, and
CONNECTEDNESS (belonging) as the levers of scientific happiness. Employers (ER) and
Employees (EE) look at Human Resources (HR) or Human Capital Development (HCD) or People
as a function to provide happiness. The HR role holders are humans, too. They, too, need to be
happy. They cannot give what they do not have. The PSF-HCD will provide HR practitioners with
the control, progress, and belonging they need to be happy. Through the PSF-HCD, ER can ensure
People that the people holding the role to ensure the happiness of EE are also happy. We want our
people to be happy because happy people bring the (happy) results we need.

Human Capital Development 7


Human Capital Development

Career / Responsibility Map

HR Operations Perform
HR Business Partner Labor Relations
and Technology and Re

Chief People/Human Resou

Head, Hea
Head, HR Operations Performa
Labor Relations and Technology Rew

HR Business Partner

Manager, Manager,
HR Operations
Labor Relations Performance
and Technology

Specialist, Specialist,
HR Generalist HR Operations
Labor Relations Performance
and Technology

Based on the structure or nature of the organization, Assoc

the roles of Head, Manager, and Specialist roles may Perform
also be merged. The Specialist role may also be and Re
divided into Senior, Junior, in larger organizations.

8 Human Capital Development


Employee Learning and

mance Talent Attraction and
Engagement and Organization
ewards Talent Management
Experience Development

urces Officer (CPO/CHRO)

ad, Head, Head, Head,

ance and Talent Attraction Employee Engagement Learning and Organization
wards and Talent Management and Experience Development

Manager, Manager, Manager, Manager, Manager,

Talent Talent Employee Engagement Learning and Organization
Attraction Management and Experience Development Development

Specialist, Specialist, Specialist, Specialist, Specialist,

Talent Talent Employee Engagement and Learning and Organization
Attraction Management Experience Development Development

ciate, Associate, Associate,

mance Talent Attraction and Learning and Organization
ewards Talent Management Development

Human Capital Development 9


Chief People / Human Resources Officer

Occupation: Chief
The Chief People Officer/Chief Human Resources Officer (CPO/CHRO) sets the overall people strategy and agenda
for the organization, formulates strategic goals, and drives organizational growth/ transformation. They are
responsible for the effective and efficient running of the people/Human Resources (HR) function. They apply their
business and financial knowledge of the organization and advise senior business leaders on HR matters and the
relevant impact to the organization. They drive the values and behavior that shape the culture of the organization
by championing organizational values and cultivating the desired culture of the organization with other senior
business leaders and stakeholders. They have a sound understanding of the external environment impacting the
organization and provide strategic foresight and HR insights to offer innovative solutions in solving organizational
issues. They co-develop the long-term vision, mission, values, and business strategy. They are responsible for
Organization Design, culture, and systems. They resolve the gap between management and people through data
strategies and technologies.

The CPO/CHRO adopts a global, forward-thinking perspective, at the forefront of industry practices, and effectively
integrates various considerations to arrive at well-rationalized decisions. They are an influential and inspiring leader
who effectively builds relationships and engages with various stakeholders within and beyond the organization.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work (For legislated
Key Tasks
Functions / regulated
Formulate and shape the organization’s business strategy and enterprise risk management with senior • Administrative Code
business leaders and stakeholders by participating in conversations related to business and the people of 1987
agenda. • Anti-Age
Discrimination in
Deliver credible and persuasive presentations to senior business leaders and stakeholders, displaying a Employment, RA
deep understanding of the business and industry. 10911
Display professional maturity and executive presence in dealing with contentious or sensitive topics • Civil Code, RA 386
during discussions with senior business leaders and stakeholders. • Data Privacy Act RA
Advise senior business leaders and stakeholders on the design of the organization structure to enable • Employees’
business strategy and support the business objectives aligning to the organization’s vision, mission and Compensation
goals. Program
• Indigenous Peoples’
Identify and assess the organization’s current and future core capabilities required to deliver against Rights Act, RA 7877
business strategy in a competitive operating environment and changing business landscape and • Labor Code of the
economic conditions. Philippines
Critical Work
• Magna Carta for
Functions Identify key challenges and root causes by understanding and interpreting business and financial
Apply Business and Persons with
performance metrics from the People perspective
and Key Tasks Financial Acumen Disability, RA 7277
/ Required Recommend strategic solutions related to workforce performance and their motivators • Magna Carta of
Women, RA 9710
Knowledge Advise senior business leaders and stakeholders to invest strategically on people-related matters where • Mental Health Act,
there is a high impact on current and future workforce performance and on worker welfare RA 11036
• Minimum Wage
Evaluate the impact of People policies and programs on workforce performance taking into (National Wages
consideration the priorities, industry, size, and complexity of the organization as well as risks, costs, and and Productivity
benefits to the organization Commission)
Lead the talent agenda by overseeing the development and strengthening of the talent bench strength • OSHS Compliance,
and leadership pipeline in order to build a high performance workforce, meet succession needs, and DO No 198-19
ensure business continuity and sustainability • OSHS Compliance
to DO 198-19, Labor
Articulate the alignment and impact of the People strategy, goals and initiatives on workforce, business, Advisory No. 04-19
and financial performance • OSHS, RA 11058
• Philippine HIV and
Articulate the organization’s rewards philosophy that includes employee value propositions, non- AIDS Policy, RA
monetary rewards and performance based monetary rewards to motivate workforce and drive high 11166
performance • Social Security Law,
Champion organizational values and cultivate desired culture with other senior business leaders and RA 11199
Steer stakeholders • Solo Parents’
Organizational Welfare Act, RA
Culture and Change Identify strategies for managing and resolving organizational challenges in the areas of ethics, culture, 8972
and performance

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10 Human Capital Development


Champion organization development or change interventions to develop and increase organizational • Wage and Wage
agility and drive high performance culture in the workplace aligning to organization’s strategy and related Benefits
objectives (Minimum Wage,
Overtime, Premium
Provide clarity to the expected conduct and behaviors of all employees by ensuring behaviors are Pay, Holiday
consistent with the values of the organization Pay, Night Shift
Promote changes to the existing operating environment that positively impacts working relations and Differential, Service
partnerships with internal and external stakeholders Charges, Service
Incentive Leave,
Steer large scale organizational change or transformation programs, acting as advisor and change Parental Leaves,
champion Other Leaves,
13th Month Pay,
Lead People transformation programs in pursuit of an optimized workforce, HR technology and Separation Pay,
operational excellence in the delivery of People services. Retirement Pay,
Gross Benefits and
Formulate the overall Learning and Development strategy and lifelong learning philosophy through a
De Minimis Benefits
multi-pronged approach to structured and unstructured learning, coaching, mentoring, and on-the-job
training to cultivate a culture of lifelong learning, resilience, and change agility

Lead the team in managing complex organizational change and provide insights and guidance to deal
with the resulting ambiguity to ensure minimal disruptions to the operations within the organization, and
that employees are engaged

Recognize the business implications of upholding ethical principles and proper conduct, and cultivate
a highly ethical work environment by holding the HR function to the highest standards of ethical and
professional conduct

Articulate desired key behaviors premised upon organizational values and desired cultural traits to
influence employees to embrace the values and desired culture

Articulate the impact of changes to employees and change readiness of employees, provide strategic
inputs, and provide visible support in all communications initiatives to support change interventions and
employee engagement initiatives

Evaluate the implications of the external environment (political, regulatory, economic, social,
technological, legal) on the industry, organization and people, and respond to challenges in an agile

Provide industry trends and strategic insights across a range of internal business changes and
imperatives (dealing with multi-generational workforce, adapting to the changing operating
environment, operating effectively across cultures, harnessing innovation, managing digital and
technology impact, and transforming HR) to enable senior business leaders and stakeholders to make
decisions that help the organization to be future-ready

Scan the local, regional, and international business landscape to identify emerging trends and develop
Critical Work long-term strategies, provide insightful perspectives and foresights so as to always take pre-emptive
action to capitalize on new opportunities or navigate people-related risk and regulatory complexities.
and Key Tasks Actively participate in professional associations, present thought leadership and insights, and share
/ Required Deliver Strategic knowledge gained with others through various channels
Insights and
Knowledge Foresights Champion the adoption of people analytics (HR metrics and data analytics) as a business intelligence
tool that enables sound and informed decision-making around workforce and people management

Influence best practices by leveraging lessons learned from HR community and marketplace trends,
setting the trend and innovating HR solutions to position the organization as an employer of choice

Keep pace with the latest trends and developments in HR concepts, tools, techniques, technology and
innovative solutions so as to bring insights to enhance the value of HR to businesses

Provide strategic direction for HR function and initiatives based on insights derived from business
performance metrics, HR metrics, and external industry benchmark data

Integrate global best practices in formulating HR strategies to position the organization as a recognised
leader in the industry

Champion large-scale employee-related or HR initiatives that set the trend in the industry and enhance
the organization’s branding and position as an employer of choice in the industry

Serve as a trusted advisor to the business leaders by demonstrating business acumen, industry
knowledge and forward thinking HR practices in working through business and operational issues and

Define the impact of current marketplace dynamics and current and future industry trends on the
organization’s HR strategy and initiatives prior to implementation.

Provide effective governance and oversight to instill the necessary discipline in policy enforcement and
issue resolution.

Help leaders and stakeholders in such a manner that both organizations and employees interests are
Drive HR Business protected.
Position the HR function as a business partner with other business leaders by forging closer relationships
and working collaboratively with them to add value to business and employee agenda.

Oversee the design and delivery of HR strategy and initiatives and ensure alignment of the HR
imperatives to the organization’s strategic goals and business imperatives.

Apply a value-based or principle-based approach to dealing with dilemmas or paradoxes and being the
“conscience” of the organization in such situations.

Advocate the people agenda in all matters to cultivate a culture where employees in the organization are
valued and engaged.

Engage with members of the board and executive suite level on board-related and organization group-
Engage and wide issues.
Stakeholders Champion people-related initiatives with senior business leaders and stakeholders to promote and
enhance employee engagement across the organization.

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Human Capital Development 11


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Business Acumen Level 6 Building Inclusivity Advanced

Career Framework Design Level 5 Developing People Advanced

Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 5 Global Perspective Advanced

Employee Engagement Management Level 6 Influence Advanced

Employer Branding Level 6 Transdisciplinary Thinking Advanced

Executive Remuneration Management Level 6 Secondary:

Financial Acumen Level 5 Adaptability Advanced

Human Resources Advisory Level 6 Collaboration Advanced

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 5 Communication Advanced

Human Resources Digitalization Level 6 Creative Thinking Advanced

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 5 Customer Orientation Advanced

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 6 Decision Making Advanced

Industry Networking Level 6 Digital Fluency Advanced

Labor Relations Management Level 5 Learning Agility Advanced

Learning and Development Strategy Level 6 Problem Solving Advanced

Organizational Change Management Level 6 Self Management Advanced

Organizational Culture Development Level 6 Sense Making Advanced

Organizational Design Level 6

Skills and
Organizational Diagnosis Level 6
Organizational Strategy Development Level 6

Performance Management Level 5

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 6

Strategic Workforce Planning Level 6

Succession Planning Level 5

Total Rewards Philosophy Development Level 6


Conduct and Behavior Management Level 5

Contingent Workforce Management Level 6

Data Governance Level 5

Employee Communication Management Level 4

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 5

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 6

Leadership Development Level 6

Project Management Level 6

Risk Management Level 6

Skills Framework Adoption Level 6

Talent Management Level 6

Technology Integration Level 6

Workplace Optimization Level 5

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

12 Human Capital Development


Head, HR Business Partner

Occupation: Head
The Human Resources (HR) Business Partner provides HR consulting and advisory to the leadership and
management team of the organization to develop and direct an HR agenda to enable the organization to
achieve desired goals and objectives. They coach and guide business leaders to define, identify, and manage
Human Resources requirements and partners with hiring leaders to attract, nurture, and retain talents across
the organization. They partner with business leaders to define and communicate performance goals and metrics
across the organization. They guide business leaders to identify critical positions across the organization and take
a lead role in developing and implementing leadership succession and development plans. They provide guidance,
direction, and advise senior leaders and compensation managers on employee rewards and recognition. They
promote diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture in the organization. They collaborate with line leaders to co-
create plans to effectively execute and manage rationalization programs, which would include but not limited to
redundancies and involuntary exit decisions in the organization. In collaboration with business leaders, they design,
co-create, and build change management plans and capabilities across the organization.

The HR Business Partner is a multi-disciplinary role that creates, nurtures, and sustains constructive relationships
with multiple stakeholders within the organization and is an excellent communicator who presents and positions
business needs and its implications on talent, leadership, and organizational requirements strategically to secure
the buy-in from various senior stakeholders. They synthesize and effectively integrate multiple, diverse perspectives
to arrive at optimal solutions for the organization.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work (For legislated
Key Tasks
Functions / regulated
Develop and deploy people strategies and plans to support and enable organization's current and future In accordance with:
business strategy in collaboration and partnership with business leaders. • Act, RA 7877
• Anti-Age
Direct creation of policies and procedures and ensure it supports and fits the business needs of the Discrimination in
organization. Employment, RA
Plan HR and 10911
workforce strategy Advise business leaders on implications of current and future workforce supply and demand.
• Anti-Sexual
and organization Advise business managers on ways to address manpower shortfalls or surpluses. Harassment Act
development of 1995
Secure buy-in from Management to design / redesign organization structure to deliver its vision, mission, • Corporate Social
strategy, and plans in an effective and efficient manner Responsibility Bill
• Data Privacy Act RA
Engage business leaders to establish business imperatives for organizational development and change 10173
management initiatives. • DO 174 Certification
Partner with business leaders to define and develop hiring standards for leadership talent sourcing. • Employees’
Collaborate with business leaders to define business critical positions across the organization and Program
Critical Work
prioritize talent attraction and acquisition initiatives. • Hazard Pay
Functions • Home Development
and Key Tasks Promote and embed the principles of equal employment opportunities, specifically in the talent Mutual Fund Law
attraction and selection process to business leaders. of 2009
/ Required
Attract Talent • Indigenous Peoples’
Knowledge Collaborate with talent acquisition to identify and build a pool of potential senior candidates to business
• Labor Code of the
Provide direction and advocate employee value proposition to strengthen employer brand and be an Philippines
employer of choice for target candidates. • Magna Carta for
Disabled Persons
Design and recommend onboarding strategies to business leaders to enhance retention and conversion (RA 7277)
of new hires. • Magna Carta for
Persons with
Collaborate with business leaders and learning managers to co-create the organization's Learning and
Disability, RA 7277
Development strategies and build and embed a learning culture to enable achievement of business goals
• Magna Carta of
and objectives.
Women, RA 9710
Coach business leaders to align with the organization's leadership development program, to help define • Maternity Benefits
career goals and aspirations strongly aligned with the business strategy and leadership needs of the (RA 7322)
organization. • Mental Health Act,
Develop Talent RA 11036
Partner with business leaders to identify and develop high-performing and high potential talent aligned • Minimum Wage
with the organization's talent and leadership succession needs. (National Wages
and Productivity
Provide guidance and direction to business leaders in deploying and communicating performance Commission)
management processes, which include but are not limited to performance goals and objectives, key • National Health
performance indicators (KPIs), and performance rating system. Insurance Act of
2013 RA 10606

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Human Capital Development 13


Partner with business leaders to identify and develop high-performing talent based on the organization's • Paternity Leave Act
talent and leadership succession needs. of 1996
• Philippine HIV and
Provide support to business leaders to define and identify business critical positions for succession AIDS Policy, RA
planning to meet current and future business needs. 11166
Partner with business leaders to continually review and assess the viability and relevance of the
• RA 6725 –
organization’s succession plans.
Define and partner with business leaders and line managers to execute the performance management Against Women
process. • Retirement Pay Law
(RA 7641)
Collaborate with business leaders to co-create fit-for-purpose reward and recognition programs, policies • Social Security Law
and procedures. of 1997
Advise senior business leaders on any deviations from organization's compensation management
• Solo Parents’
Welfare Act, RA
policies 8972
Develop and co-create employee engagement programs in collaboration with business leaders and • Wage and Wage
employee experience (EX) managers. related Benefits
Retain Talent (Minimum Wage,
Partner with business leaders to champion employee engagement programs. Overtime, Premium
Pay, Holiday
Collaborate with business leaders to co-create and foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive work Pay, Night Shift
environment / culture. Differential, Service
Charges, Service
Collaborate with business leaders in performing career coaching conversations aligned with developing
Incentive Leave,
and retaining key talents.
Parental Leaves,
Guide business leaders to ensure full compliance with labor laws and jurisprudence when planning and Other Leaves,
executing dealing with voluntary and involuntary employee exits 13th Month Pay,
Separation Pay,
Design and recommend appropriate policies and/or change management processes to business leaders Retirement Pay,
to minimize the impact of involuntary exits such as but not limited to redundancies and/or layoffs, and Gross Benefits and
Manage employee ensure people affected are treated with dignity and respect. De Minimis Benefits
Provide guidance and support to business leaders in implementing and communicating involuntary exit
decisions, to include developing outplacement program options to affected employees.

Define and promote re-employment policies and procedures of separated employees, including beyond
their retirement age with business leaders.

Perform trend analysis by understanding the competitive environment in which the business interacts.

Look across a series of data and derive workable insights on implications of business activity on HR
policies and practices.

Critical Work Perform market / industry sensing by obtaining and maintaining knowledge of competitive practices
within relevant labor markets such as industry, local, and professional competitors.
and Key Tasks Translate the business strategy to determine its implications on the talent, leadership and organization
/ Required requirements

Knowledge Design and recommend HR strategies as a result of workforce implications of business strategy and
ensure that workforce requirements are fulfilled and both business and employees interests are
Undertake maintained.
Analytics and
Insights Review and develop future-ready People policies and strategies, referencing local and global HR trends
and best practices, taking into consideration context, economic outlook and available support to meet
business needs.

Recommend People policies, practices, or strategies that competitively position the organization as a
Great Place to Work and an Employer Of Choice.

Assess the extent of in-house people analytics capability and engage with external providers of
benchmarking analytics services to supplement identified gaps.

Review employee data handling practices and processes to ensure compliance with the Data Privacy Act
and ethical guidelines to ensure the privacy of confidential employee data

Develop initiatives that will minimize or mitigate the impact of identified People risk factors

Create high impact, consistent and accurate messaging using appropriate tools to drive high employee
engagement, aligned with the organization-wide communications strategy.

Communicate People and business strategies using clear language that engages others in the view of the

Communicate an understanding of the business environment in order to view problems and requests in
the context of the long term goals and objectives.

Manage Manage resistance, objections, and conflicts during conversations with courage in a firm but respectful
Relationships and and empathetic manner.
Communication Employ negotiation and conflict management skills to help different parties achieve their desired

Understand organizational and individual challenges, support the senior leaders to define the problem,
and identify the root cause of the people-related issues.

Provide resources to advise senior leaders to determine the appropriate course of action in people-
related matters.

Establish relationships with senior leaders to build trust and understand their needs.

Continuously evaluate HR function effectiveness in addressing the current and future needs of the
Drive Operational business and the people.
Excellence and the Recommend a target operating model for HR by analyzing the merits of different service delivery
Use of Technology structure and system architecture, as well as by assessing costs and benefits of adopting HR technology

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14 Human Capital Development


Lead HR transformation programs, incorporating changes in strategy, structure, people, process and
systems, to achieve HR technology, service, and operational excellence.

Recommend a service management framework, incorporating service quality standards, service level
agreements, and service excellence metrics.

Establish long-term objectives for the HR business partnering function that align with the strategy of the

Establish the operating and resourcing structure for the function to support the organization's objectives

Manage budget for the function's activities and allocate to different teams and projects

Collaborate with the HR Team to translate business strategy into annual performance goals and
Manage team departmental objectives.
operations and
performance Provide coaching and guidance to direct and/or indirect reports.

Decide on workflow improvement solutions and recommendations for the HR business partnering

Approve recommendations on changes to the function's operations and the required resources

Align objectives and goals with internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to yield
mutual benefits.

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Business Acumen Level 6 Collaboration Advanced

Human Resources Advisory Level 5 Creative Thinking Advanced

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 5 Decision Making Advanced

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 5 Developing People Advanced

Organizational Diagnosis Level 6 Influence Advanced

Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 4 Secondary:

Employee Communication Management Level 4 Adaptability Advanced

Employee Engagement Management Level 5 Building Inclusivity Intermediate

Employee Relationship Management Level 5 Communication Advanced

Employer Branding Level 4 Customer Orientation Advanced

Financial Acumen Level 4 Digital Fluency Advanced

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 4 Global Perspective Advanced

Organizational Change Management Level 5 Learning Agility Advanced

Organizational Culture Development Level 5 Problem Solving Advanced

Organizational Design Level 6 Self Management Advanced

Organizational Strategy Development Level 5 Sense Making Advanced

Skills and
Performance Management Level 5 Transdisciplinary Thinking Advanced
Risk Management Level 5

Selection Management Level 5

Skills Framework Adoption Level 4

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 5

Strategic Workforce Planning Level 6

Succession Management Level 5

Total Rewards Philosophy Development Level 4


Conduct and Behavior Management Level 5

Employee Mobility Management Level 4

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 4

Human Resources Systems Management Level 4

Involuntary Exit Management Level 4

Operational Excellence Level 5

Project Management Level 4

Technology Integration Level 4

Voluntary Exit Management Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 15

HR Generalist (Specialist)

Occupation: Generalist (Specialist)

The Human Resources (HR) Generalist will be responsible for executing and completing a variety of tasks and
responsibilities to support the daily operations of the HR group. These would include but are not limited to
recruitment, employee on-boarding and off-boarding, employee engagement, and Learning and Development

The Human Resources Generalist provides appropriate support to the HR Business Partner on decisions relating
to talent acquisition, engagement, and retention. They support the management of an employee’s full life-cycle
and act as liaison between employee and management to address issues or concerns regarding company policies,
procedures, and practices.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work (For legislated
Key Tasks
Functions / regulated
Analyze various sourcing approaches and tools. In accordance with:
• Anti-Age
Determine and assess implications of organization’s current and future Human Resources requirements. Discrimination in
Employment, RA
Implement various outreach plans for different target talent pools
Attend recruitment events to solicit interest from external talent pools • Anti-Sexual
Source for talent Harassment Act
Develop hiring collaterals based on organization's Employee Value Proposition (EVP) of 1995
• Civil Services Laws
Manage external stakeholders and vendors involved in the sourcing and attraction of talent • Data Privacy Act RA
Identify opportunities to convert potential employees into new hires • Employees’
Propose improvements to the sourcing processes Compensation
Implement Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in selection, assessment and hiring, in accordance to • Home Development
fair employment regulations and practices Mutual Fund Law
of 2009
Recruit candidates Propose assessment tools to be used for selection • Indigenous Peoples’
Rights Act, RA 7877
Conduct background search of job applicants to identify any critical issues
• Labor Code of the
Shortlist candidates for hiring managers based on assessment results Philippines
• Magna Carta for
Analyze assessment effectiveness Disabled Persons
(RA 7277)
Critical Work Conduct reference document authenticity checks on the candidates • Magna Carta for
Persons with
Functions Communicate employment offers to candidates Disability, RA 7277
and Key Tasks
Negotiate terms and conditions of offer to selected candidates within standard operating guidelines • Magna Carta of
/ Required Women, RA 9710
Knowledge Facilitate on- Advise on work permits, visa and documentation required for international workforce • Maternity Benefits
boarding of new (RA 7322)
hires Develop new hires information packs for new employees • Mental Health Act,
RA 11036
Develop content and materials for new hire orientation programs • Minimum Wage
(National Wages
Deliver orientation briefings and programs for new hires
and Productivity
Verify access set up for new hires Commission)
• National Health
Analyze data and feedback on the quality of onboarding experience Insurance Act of
Develop and administer employee engagement survey tools that cover engagement drivers such as • Paternity Leave Act
career development, Learning and Development, compensation and benefits, work environment, senior of 1996
leadership, management, communication, and well-being. • Philippine HIV and
Collate responses and analyze employee engagement and well-being data to identify trends and AIDS Policy, RA
patterns. 11166
Enhance employee
• RA 6725 –
Support execution of programs and initiatives designed to improve employee engagement Prohibiting
engagement and
Identify work-life blend opportunities among employees that would offer them greater work flexibility Against Women
Coordinate employee well-being workshops and programs
• Retirement Pay Law
(RA 7641)
Collate employee feedback and suggestions on organization's wellness initiatives • Solo Parents’
Welfare Act, RA
Gather research and data on organization's workplace ergonomics 8972
• Social Security Law
Administer Develop employee communications to inform employees about performance reviews and timelines of 1997
Gather feedback from employees to evaluate effectiveness of performance management programs
programs Document action plans and assessment results for poor performers

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16 Human Capital Development


Communicate developed learning courses' schedule and objectives to employees • Wage and Wage
related Benefits
Track the usage of technology in learning programs (Minimum Wage,
Overtime, Premium
Liaise with internal and external trainers on resources and logistical arrangements
Pay, Holiday
Analyze employee participation rates to complement overall evaluation of learning programs Pay, Night Shift
Support learning Differential, Service
Critical Work programs delivery Implement post-learning feedback forms using existing learning systems Charges, Service
Functions Incentive Leave,
and Key Tasks Analyze evaluation scores and effectiveness of learning programs Parental Leaves,
/ Required Other Leaves,
Facilitate payments to vendors 13th Month Pay,
Audit completion of mandated learning courses, and identify lapses for enhancements Separation Pay,
Retirement Pay,
Formulate a checklist of exit formalities Gross Benefits and
Administer De Minimis Benefits
employee Analyze exit interview feedback and provide recommendations
Execute re-employment programs for retiring employees

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Data Collection and Preparation Level 3 Collaboration Intermediate

Data Management Level 3 Communication Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 3 Learning Agility Intermediate

Employee Engagement Management Level 3 Problem Solving Intermediate

Employee Relationships Management Level 3 Self Management Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3 Secondary:

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 3 Adaptability Basic

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3 Building Inclusivity Basic

Human Resources Systems Management Level 3 Creative Thinking Basic

Involuntary Exit Management Level 3 Customer Orientation Basic

Onboarding Level 3 Decision Making Intermediate

Operational Excellence Level 3 Developing People Basic

Organizational Event Management Level 3 Digital Fluency Basic

Skills and Project Management Level 3 Global Perspective Basic

Competencies Recruitment Channel Management Level 3 Influence Basic

Selection Management Level 3 Sense Making Basic

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 3 Transdisciplinary Thinking Basic


Business Acumen Level 3

Conduct and Behavior Management Level 3

Digital Marketing and Communication Level 3

Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 3

Health and Wellness Program Management Level 3

Industry Networking Level 3

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 3

Organizational Change Management Level 3

Skills Framework Adoption Level 3

Technology Integration Level 3

Voluntary Exit Management Level 3

Workplace Optimization Level 3

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 17


Head, Labor Relations

Occupation: Head
The Head, Labor Relations develops, implements and directs strategies, plans and programs to drive, strengthen and
embed harmonious labor and management relations, and establish long-term industrial peace across the organization.
They will be responsible for building strategic partnerships with multiple stakeholders both internally (senior
management team, line manager, labor unions, and employees) and externally (External Legal Counsels, Department
of Labor and Employment, Local Government Units, Philippine National Police, Labor Federations and local Unions, and
Community where the organization operates).

As a department head, they are responsible for setting the direction and articulating goals and objectives for the team.

The Head, Labor Relations is an influential and decisive leader who is able to communicate their vision clearly and
address issues swiftly and effectively. They inspire and mentor others at the workplace, and are highly skilled in
engaging and influencing multiple stakeholders.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Review and approve labor-management cooperation strategies that are centered around building and In accordance with:
sustaining industrial peace and harmony, employee productivity, risk management and compliance • Anti-Age
aligned with the organization’s business strategy and goals. Discrimination in
Employment, RA
Direct labor relations plans and programs such as but not limited to negotiation of collective bargaining 10911
agreements; contract administration and interpretation, employee disciplinary action procedures. • Anti-Sexual
Plan and direct preparations for collective bargaining negotiations that includes data gathering and Harassment Act of
review of industry salary/wage increases, employee benefits practices, and political / non-political 1995
provisions in collective agreements, while ensuring full compliance on data security and privacy. • Cybercrime
Prevention Act of
Establish and sustain constructive relations and collaborations with local government units and 2012 (RA 10175)
government agencies to drive and ensure full compliance with regulatory requirements. • Data Privacy Act of
2012 (RA 10173)
Foster Labor
Maintain harmonious relations with local union and/or employee council to sustain the prevailing • Employees’
industrial peace conducive to support the achievement of the organization's vision and mission. Compensation
Develop and collaborate with the labor union, federations and/or employee representatives on
the implementation and sustainable enforcement of company policies and procedures, specifically
• Home Development
Mutual Fund Law of
centering around employee code of conduct.
Coach senior leaders to champion and drive employee engagement programs and communications • Indigenous Peoples’
activities. Rights Act, RA 7877
• Labor Code of the
Review the effectiveness of employee engagement programs and communication plans, and Philippines
Critical Work
recommend areas for improvements based on employee feedback and learning from industry best • Magna Carta for
practices. Disabled Persons (RA
and Key Tasks 7277)
Engage in key negotiations and foster constructive working relationships with trade unions, employee
/ Required councils, labor federations, and similar bodies, on a range of labor-related issues to achieve desired and
• Magna Carta for
Persons with
Knowledge acceptable outcomes for all stakeholders.
Disability, RA 7277
Advise and counsel business leaders and line managers on labor policies, employment laws and • Magna Carta of
legislation and its applications to people management policies and practices with the intent to ensure Women, RA 9710
Apply Labor
Policies and full compliance. • Maternity Benefits
(RA 7322)
Legislation Ensure full compliance in HR policies, processes and practices impacting workplace laws and legislation • Mental Health Act, RA
to ensure controls are in place to prevent regulatory non-compliance. 11036
• Minimum Wage
Perform trend analysis by understanding the competitive environment in which the business interacts. (National Wages
Look across a series of data and anticipate implications of business activity on HR practices. and Productivity
Understand the business strategy and determine its implications on labor management relations. • National Health
Insurance Act of 2013
Analytics and Review and develop future-ready Human Resources policies and strategies, referencing local and (RA 10606)
Insights global HR trends and best practices, taking into consideration context, economic outlook, and available • Paternity Leave Act
support to meet business needs. of 1996
Recommend HR policies, practices, or strategies that competitively position organizations as an
• Philippine HIV and
AIDS Policy, RA 11166
employer of choice. • RA 11313 Safe Spaces
Create high impact, consistent, and accurate messaging using appropriate tools to drive engagement, Act (Bawal Bastos
aligned with the organization-wide communications strategy. Law)
• RA 6725 – Prohibiting
Communicate People and business strategies using clear language that engages others in the view of Discrimination
Relationships and
the future. Against Women
Retirement Pay Law
Communicate an understanding of the business environment in order to view problems and requests in (RA 7641)
the context of the long term goals and objectives.

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18 Human Capital Development


Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Manage resistance, objections and conflicts during conversations in a firm, respectful and empathetic • RA 6725 – Prohibiting
manner. Discrimination Against
Women Retirement Pay
Employ negotiation and conflict management skills to help different parties achieve their desired Law (RA 7641)
outcomes. • Social Security Law
Help the senior leaders of the organization to define the problems and identify root causes of people- of 1997
Relationships and
Communication related issues by understanding organizational and individual challenges. • Solo Parents’ Welfare
Act, RA 8972
Provide resources to advise senior leaders to determine the appropriate course of action in people- • Tax laws, rules and
Critical Work related matters. regulations (National
Internal Revenue Code
Functions Establish relationships with senior leaders to build trust and understand their needs. as amended by the
and Key Tasks TRAIN and CREATE
Establish long-term objectives for the labor relations function that align with the strategy of the
/ Required Laws Laws)
• Wage and Wage related
Establish the operating and resourcing structure for the function to support the organization's Benefits (Minimum
objectives Wage, Overtime,
Premium Pay, Holiday
Manage budget for the function's activities and allocate to different teams and projects Pay, Night Shift
Manage team Differential, Service
operations and Lead team to translate business strategy into annual performance goals and departmental objectives Charges, Service
performance Incentive Leave,
Provide coaching and advice to junior team members.
Parental Leaves, Other
Approve workflow improvement solutions and recommendations for the labor relations function Leaves, 13th Month
Pay, Separation Pay,
Approve recommendations on changes to the function's operations and the required resources Retirement Pay, Gross
Benefits and De Minimis
Align objectives and goals with internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to Benefits
yield mutual benefits

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Business Acumen Level 5 Collaboration Advanced

Conduct and Behavior Management Level 5 Decision Making Advanced

Employee Communication Management Level 4 Developing People Advanced

Financial Acumen Level 4 Influence Advanced

Human Resources Advisory Level 5 Problem Solving Advanced

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 5 Secondary:

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 4 Adaptability Advanced

Involuntary Exit Management Level 5 Building Inclusivity Advanced

Labor Relations Management Level 5 Communication Advanced

Organizational Diagnosis Level 5 Creative Thinking Advanced

Risk Management Level 5 Customer Orientation Advanced

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 5 Digital Fluency Advanced

Secondary: Global Perspective Advanced

Skills and Data Governance Level 4 Learning Agility Advanced

Competencies Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 5 Self Management Advanced

Employee Engagement Management Level 5 Sense Making Advanced

Employee Relationship Management Level 5 Transdisciplinary Thinking Advanced

Employer Branding Level 4

Health and Wellness Programme Management Level 5

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 4

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 5

Operational Excellence Level 5

Organizational Change Management Level 5

Organizational Culture Development Level 5

Organizational Strategy Development Level 5

Project Management Level 4

Technology Integration Level 4

Workplace Optimization Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 19


Manager, Labor Relations

Occupation: Manager
The Manager, Labor Relations is responsible for the planning and management of labor relations programs to promote,
sustain and embed industrial peace across the organization. They will take a lead role in managing labor cases to
include representing the organization in labor hearings, providing testimonies, recommendations and insights to the in-
house/external legal counsel on labor cases. They will track and monitor the status of all labor cases, and prepare and
maintain status reports/case files for all labor cases.

The Manager, Labor Relations will collaborate closely and provide advice, support and workable insights to line
managers in the area of employee discipline, grievance machinery, arbitration, conciliation and mediation, and will take
the lead in all labor and management councils and/or investigation committees.

The Manager, Labor Relations leads by example and is passionate about analyzing issues, devising new and creative
solutions to problems, as well as encouraging innovation within the team. They are diplomatic and highly skilled at
engaging with others, thereby promoting a cooperative and harmonious work environment.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Organize and execute preparations for collective bargaining negotiations that includes data gathering In accordance with:
and review of industry salary/wage increases, employee benefits practices, and political / non-political • Anti-Age
provisions in collective agreements. Discrimination in
Employment, RA
Promote, build, and sustain harmonious relations with the labor union and/or employee councils, 10911
towards industrial peace that better supports the achievement of the organization's vision and mission. • Anti-Sexual
Manage and facilitate administrative investigation and due process, and provide advice on all aspects Harassment Act of
of labor relations to line managers to include employee discipline, grievance machinery, arbitration, 1995
conciliation, and mediation. • Cybercrime
Prevention Act of
Review case evaluation reports and executive summaries covering all disciplinary actions and labor 2012 (RA 10175)
cases with details on facts of the case and violations with reference to the code of conduct, company • Data Privacy Act of
policies, labor code, and labor legislation. 2012 (RA 10173)
• Employees’
Develop and collaborate with labor union and employee representatives on the implementation, Compensation
interpretation, and sustainable enforcement of company policies and procedures, specifically centering Program
Foster Labor
around employee code of conduct. • Home Development
Mutual Fund Law of
Represent the organization in conciliation and mediation meetings, and provide testimonies and
Critical Work representations
• Indigenous Peoples’
Functions Review the effectiveness of employee engagement programs and communication plans, and Rights Act, RA 7877
and Key Tasks recommend areas for improvements based on employee and labor union feedback and learning from • Labor Code of the
/ Required industry best practices. Philippines
• Magna Carta for
Knowledge Translate the insights gained from employee engagement tools and recommend corrective or Disabled Persons (RA
improvement actions. 7277)
Engage in key negotiations and foster constructive working relationships with labor unions, employee
• Magna Carta for
Persons with
councils, and labor federations on a range of labor-related issues to achieve desired and acceptable
Disability, RA 7277
outcomes for all stakeholders.
• Magna Carta of
Develop effective labor-management cooperation strategies that support, enhance and strengthen Women, RA 9710
the working relationships between all parties, to secure desired level of performance to deliver • Maternity Benefits
organizational goals and objectives. (RA 7322)
• Mental Health Act, RA
Provide guidance and support to line managers in drafting and issuing employment contracts, taking 11036
into account all relevant statutory terms and conditions of employees in compliance with prevailing • Minimum Wage
labor laws and jurisprudence. (National Wages
and Productivity
Provide advice and counsel business leaders and line managers on labor policies, employment laws Commission)
Apply Labor and legislation, and its applications to people management policies and practices with the intent to
ensure full compliance.
• National Health
Policies and Insurance Act of 2013
Legislation Review and initiate appropriate changes in HR policies, processes, and practices impacting workplace (RA 10606)
laws and legislation to ensure controls are in place to prevent regulatory non-compliance. • Paternity Leave Act
of 1996
Ensure code of conduct, and applicable labor laws and jurisprudence are observed and fully complied
• Philippine HIV and
AIDS Policy, RA 11166
with in the workplace.

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20 Human Capital Development


Plan and execute communication activities using the appropriate channels / tools for the targeted • RA 11313 Safe Spaces
audience. Act (Bawal Bastos Law)
• RA 6725 – Prohibiting
Discrimination Against
Develop communication material / information kits for the HR programs / activities to convey desired
Women Retirement Pay
messages clearly and effectively to the targeted audience.
Law (RA 7641)
• Social Security Law
Present and communicate with impact and empathy through clarity in messages, and engaging the of 1997
audience through active listening and inquiry. • Solo Parents’ Welfare
Act, RA 8972
Relationships and Demonstrate empathy and respect when handling difficult conversations, dilemmas or paradoxes.
• Tax laws, rules and
regulations (National
Internal Revenue Code
Adapt and tailor different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or as amended by the
stakeholder groups. TRAIN and CREATE
Laws Laws)
Establish credibility by gaining confidence of others through a demonstration of business and
• Wage and Wage related
Benefits (Minimum
technical knowledge.
Wage, Overtime,
Premium Pay, Holiday
Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related Pay, Night Shift
issues successfully. Differential, Service
Charges, Service
Outline the business impact and risks in connection with labor relations, including ethical, legal, and Incentive Leave,
regulatory requirements, to support union and employee negotiations. Parental Leaves, Other
Undertake Leaves, 13th Month
Analytics and Pay, Separation Pay,
Insights Derive relevant insights from analysis and recommend enhancements to the organization’s HR and Retirement Pay, Gross
labor relations practices taking into consideration the business context and operating environment. Benefits and De Minimis

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Business Acumen Level 4 Collaboration Advanced

Conduct and Behavior Management Level 4 Communication Advanced

Employee Communication Management Level 4 Decision Making Advanced

Employee Relationship Management Level 4 Developing People Advanced

Financial Acumen Level 3 Influence Advanced

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 4 Secondary:

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3 Adaptability Advanced

Involuntary Exit Management Level 4 Building Inclusivity Advanced

Labor Relations Management Level 4 Creative Thinking Advanced

Risk Management Level 4 Customer Orientation Advanced

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 4 Digital Fluency Intermediate

Secondary: Global Perspective Intermediate

Skills and Diversity and Inclusion Level 4 Learning Agility Advanced

Competencies Employee Engagement Management Level 4 Problem Solving Advanced

Employer Branding Level 4 Self Management Advanced

Health and Wellness Program Management Level 3 Sense Making Advanced

Human Resources Advisory Level 4 Transdisciplinary Thinking Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3

Human Resources Digitalization Level 3

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 4

Operational Excellence Level 4

Organizational Change Management Level 4

Organizational Culture Development Level 4

Organizational Diagnosis Level 4

Project Management Level 4

Technology Integration Level 3

Workplace Optimization Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 21


Specialist, Labor Relations

Occupation: Specialist
The Specialist, Labor Relations will be responsible for implementing labor relations plans and programs to support the
drive to promote, sustain, and embed industrial peace across the organization. They will provide appropriate support
and specialized assistance, which would include but not limited to administering employee disciplinary action, labor
cases, case file documentation and maintenance, as well as tracking and monitoring status of disciplinary action and
labor cases.

The Specialist, Labor Relations will report directly to the Manager, Labor Relations and provide appropriate tactical
support in the area of employee disciplinary, grievance machinery administration, coordinating conciliation and
mediation hearings and organizing labor and management dialogues.

Required Knowledge (For

Critical Work
Key Tasks legislated / regulated
Implement preparations for collective bargaining negotiations that include providing specialized In accordance with:
support in data gathering and review of industry salary/wage increases, employee benefits • Anti-Age Discrimination in
practices, and political / non-political provisions in collective agreements. Employment, RA 10911
• Anti-Sexual Harassment Act
Implement plans and programs to promote, build and sustain harmonious relations with the labor of 1995
union and/or employee councils. • Data Privacy Act RA 10173
Implement and organize administrative investigation provide specialized support on all aspects • Employees’ Compensation
of labor relations to include employee discipline, grievance machinery, arbitration, conciliation Program
and mediation. • Home Development Mutual
Fund Law of 2009
Prepare case evaluation reports covering all disciplinary actions and labor cases with details on • Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
facts of the case and violations with reference to the code of conduct, company policies, labor Act, RA 7877
code, and labor legislation. • Labor Code of the
Document and implement appropriate policies and procedures to ensure consistent • Magna Carta for Disabled
Labor Relations implementation and interpretation of collective bargaining negotiations. Persons (RA 7277)
• Magna Carta for Persons
Represent the organization in conciliation and mediation meetings, and provides testimonies and
with Disability, RA 7277
• Magna Carta of Women,
Gather reports and provide insights pertaining to effectiveness of employee engagement RA 9710
programs and communication plans, and recommend areas for improvements based on • Maternity Benefits (RA
employee and labor union feedback and learning from industry best practices. 7322)
• Mental Health Act, RA 11036
Implement actions derived from insights gained from employee engagement tools and • Minimum Wage (National
implement corrective or improvement actions. Wages and Productivity
Critical Work Implement programs to foster constructive working relationships with labor unions, employee
• National Health Insurance
Functions councils and labor federations to achieve desired and acceptable outcomes for all stakeholders.
Act of 1995
and Key Tasks Implement labor-management cooperation strategies that support, enhance and strengthen the • Occupational Health and
/ Required working relationships between all parties. Safety
• Philippine HIV and AIDS
Knowledge Conduct research and provide insights on prevailing labor policies, employment laws and social Policy, RA 11166
legislations to explore and implement effective modes of settling industrial / labor disputes. • RA 6725 – Prohibiting
Discrimination Against
Provide guidance and support to line managers in drafting and issuing employment contracts, Women
taking into account all relevant statutory terms and conditions of employees in compliance with • RA 8187 - Paternity Leave
Labor Policies and prevailing labor laws and jurisprudence. Act of 1996
Legislation Provide specialist support and insights regarding labor policies, employment laws and legislation • Retirement Pay Law (RA
and its applications to people management policies and practices with the intent to ensure full 7641)
compliance. • Social Security Law of 1997
• Solo Parents’ Welfare Act,
Recommend changes in HR policies, processes and practices impacting workplace laws and RA 8972
legislation to ensure controls are in place to prevent regulatory and statutory non-compliance. • Wage and Wage related
Benefits (Minimum Wage,
Implement communication material/ information kits for the HR programs/ activities to convey Overtime, Premium Pay,
desired messages clearly and effectively to the targeted audience. Holiday Pay, Night Shift
Present and communicate with impact and empathy through clarity in messages, and engaging Differential, Service
the audience through active listening and inquiry. Charges, Service Incentive
Leave, Parental Leaves,
Demonstrate empathy and respect when handling difficult conversations, dilemmas or Other Leaves, 13th Month
Relationships and paradoxes. Pay, Separation Pay,
Communication Retirement Pay, Gross
Adapt and tailor different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or Benefits and De Minimis
stakeholder groups. Benefits
Develop positive working relationships with people through strong interpersonal skills.

Establish credibility by gaining confidence of others through a demonstration of business and

technical knowledge.

Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related
issues successfully.

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22 Human Capital Development


Provide insights on the business impact and risks in connection with labor relations, including
ethical, legal and regulatory requirements, to support union and employee negotiations.
Analytics and
Insights Recommend relevant insights from analysis and enhancements to the organization’s HR
and labor relations practices taking into consideration the business context and operating

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Business Acumen Level 3 Collaboration Intermediate

Conduct and Behavior Management Level 3 Communication Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 3 Creative Thinking Intermediate

Employee Relationships Management Level 3 Learning Agility Intermediate

Data Collection and Preparation Level 3 Problem Solving Intermediate

Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 3 Secondary:

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 3 Adaptability Basic

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 2 Building Inclusivity Basic

Involuntary Exit Management Level 3 Customer Orientation Basic

Labor Relations Management Level 3 Decision Making Basic

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 3 Developing People Basic

Secondary: Digital Fluency Basic

Data Management Level 3 Global Perspective Basic

Skills and
Digital Marketing and Communication Level 3 Influence Basic
Employee Engagement Management Level 3 Self Management Intermediate

Health and Wellness Programme Management Level 3 Sense Making Basic

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3 Transdisciplinary Thinking Basic

Human Resources Systems Management Level 3

Industry Networking Level 3

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 3

Onboarding Level 2

Operational Excellence Level 3

Organizational Change Management Level 3

Organizational Event Management Level 3

Project Management Level 3

Recruitment Channel Management Level 3

Selection Management Level 3

Skills Framework Adoption Level 3

Workplace Optimization Level 3

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 23


Head, HR Operations and Technology

Occupation: Head
The Head, HR Operations and Technology formulates and implements an organization-wide Human Resources (HR)
operations and technology strategy that strongly aligns with and supports the organization’s business strategy.
They spearhead the formulation of policies and procedures, and ensure effective and efficient deployment and
implementation. They determine the criteria and measures to evaluate effectiveness and efficiencies of HR systems
and lead communication of HR systems updates and changes to senior business leaders. They conceptualize new data
models and review data-based recommendations to select optimal solutions to address business needs.

The Head, HR Operations and Technology adopts a broad, global perspective and synthesises knowledge from multiple
domains to arrive at holistic solutions to optimize the organization’s HR processes and systems. They are forward-
thinking leaders who exercise sound judgement and defensible logic to influence others and secure their buy-in.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Formulate and implement organization-wide HR operational policies, procedures and systems In accordance with:
initiatives • Anti-Age
Discrimination in
Assess HR function's capability and readiness in operationalizing strategic HR initiatives to support Employment, RA
business strategies. 10911
• Anti-Sexual
Evaluate emerging technology against HR operations needs and infrastructure capabilities
Formulate and Harassment Act of
implement strategic Articulate considerations on the operationalization of initiatives to shape strategic HR direction and 1995
HR operations programs • Cybercrime
and technology Prevention Act of
initiatives Evaluate potential operational impact of strategic HR initiatives on relevant HR functions 2012 (RA 10175)
• Data Privacy Act of
Align technology initiatives to business strategies 2012 (RA 10173)
• Employees’
Drive digitalization and automation initiatives for HR programs and processes Compensation
Confirm that any new programs introduced are compatible with all on-site, remote, or hybrid work
• Home Development
settings .
Mutual Fund Law of
Establish objectives of organization's Human Capital Management Systems. 2009
• Indigenous Peoples’
Identify business priorities in using HCM systems Rights Act, RA 7877
• Labor Code of the
Prioritize trends in alignment with organizational context and objectives Philippines
• Magna Carta for
Critical Work Set budgets for HCM systems
Disabled Persons (RA
Functions Implement 7277)
Finalize selection of HCM systems that meets business requirements and budget considerations
and Key Tasks Human Capital • Magna Carta for
/ Required Management Review implementation plan to ensure effective and efficient integration with other systems in Persons with
(HCM) systems organization Disability, RA 7277
Knowledge • Magna Carta of
Obtain senior business leaders' buy-in and support for the adoption of HCM systems Women, RA 9710
Manage the team's knowledge of all HCM systems and technological landscapes, intersections, and • Maternity Benefits
connections (RA 7322)
• Mental Health Act, RA
Ensure that governance measures are in place for any relative changes or updates to company policies 11036
and legislation from recruitment to offboarding — that should reflect in existing technologies. • Minimum Wage
(National Wages
Define the people analytics requirements based on an understanding of the competitive environment and Productivity
in which the business operates. Commission)
• National Health
Conceptualize new data models and look across a series of data to derive business insights to
Insurance Act of 2013
determine implications of business needs and activities on HR practices.
(RA 10606)
Provide direction and guidance on data trend analysis by understanding the competitive environment • Paternity Leave Act
in which the business interacts. of 1996
• Philippine HIV and
Provide direction and guidance in performing market sensing by obtaining and maintaining knowledge AIDS Policy, RA 11166
of competitive practices within relevant labor markets such as industry, local, and professional • RA 11313 Safe Spaces
Analytics and
competitors. Act (Bawal Bastos
Lead decision-making with relevant stakeholders to improve and enhance business and HR
• RA 6725 – Prohibiting
Recommend HR strategies as a result of workforce implications of business strategy and ensure that Against Women
workforce requirements are delivered and both business and employees interests are maintained. Retirement Pay Law
(RA 7641)
Review and develop future-ready People policies and strategies, referencing local and global HR trends • Social Security Law
and best practices, taking into consideration context, economic outlook and available support to meet of 1997
business needs.

Continue to next page

24 Human Capital Development


Assess the extent of in-house people analytics capability and engage with external providers of • Solo Parents’ Welfare
benchmarking analytics services to supplement identified gaps. Act, RA 8972
• Tax laws, rules and
Identify sources and direct data gathering of people metrics and data including HCM systems, regulations (National
employee climate surveys, exit-interviews, labor statistics, competitor practices and other potential Internal Revenue Code
sources. as amended by the
Review employee data handling practices and processes to ensure compliance with the Data Privacy TRAIN and CREATE
Act and ethical guidelines to ensure the privacy of confidential employee data Laws Laws)
• Wage and Wage related
Ensure that proper due diligence and standard operating protocols are in place when collecting Benefits (Minimum
and processing data for its intended purpose while maintaining the confidentiality of personal Wage, Overtime,
information. Premium Pay, Holiday
Pay, Night Shift
Determine criteria and measures to evaluate effectiveness of HR processes and systems Differential, Service
Charges, Service
Identify compliance requirements for the HCM systems
Incentive Leave,
Evaluate impact of changes in HR processes and systems on other business processes Parental Leaves, Other
Leaves, 13th Month
Approve changes to the HR processes, systems and corresponding HR policies Pay, Separation Pay,
Retirement Pay, Gross
effectiveness of Lead communication of HR process changes and system updates to senior business leaders and line Benefits and De Minimis
HR processes and managers. Benefits
Determine renewal or termination of current vendors based on an evaluation of HCM systems'
performance and effectiveness

Collaborates with HR Audit to validate the control framework's effectiveness in producing reliable
data, including evaluating performance and compliance of HCM technology vendors, consistent with
agreed parameters and service level agreement.

Create high impact, consistent and accurate messaging using appropriate tools to drive engagement,
aligned with the organization-wide communications strategy.

Communicate People and business strategies using clear language that engages others in the view
of the future.

Communicate an understanding of the business environment in order to view problems and requests
in the context of the long term goals and objectives.

Manage Manage resistance, objections and conflicts during conversations in a firm, respectful and empathetic
Relationships and manner.
Communication Employ negotiation and conflict resolution and management skills to help different parties achieve
Critical Work their desired outcomes.

Functions Help the senior leaders of the organization to define the problems and identify root causes of people-
and Key Tasks related issues by understanding organizational and individual challenges.
/ Required Provide resources to advise senior leaders to determine the appropriate course of action in people-
Knowledge related matters.

Establish relationships with senior leaders to build trust and understand their needs.

Conduct a diagnosis of HR function efficiency and effectiveness in addressing the current and future
needs of the business and the people.

Design a target operating model for HR by analyzing the merits of different service delivery structure
and system architecture, as well as by assessing costs and benefits of adopting HR technology
Drive Operational
Excellence and the Lead HR transformation programs, incorporating changes in strategy, structure, people, process and
Use of Technology systems, to achieve HR technology, service and operational excellence.

Develop a service management framework, incorporating service quality standards, service level
agreements, and service excellence metrics.

Launch an effective platform to help employees improve their skill sets considering remote and
hybrid work arrangements.

Provide advice and counsel business leaders and line managers on labor policies, employment laws
Apply Labor and legislation and its applications to people management policies and practices with the intent to
Policies and ensure full compliance.
Legislation Review HR processes impacting workplace legislation to ensure controls are in place to prevent
regulatory breaches.

Establish long-term objectives and service standards for the HR operations and technology function
that align with the strategy of the organization

Establish the operating and resourcing structure for the function to support the organization's

Manage budget for the function's activities and allocate to different teams and projects

Manage team Lead team to translate business strategy into service level agreements, performance goals and
operations and departmental objectives
performance Provide coaching and advice to junior team members.

Approve workflow improvement solutions and recommendations for the operations and technology

Approve recommendations on changes to the function's operations and the required resources

Align objectives and goals with internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to
yield mutual benefits

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 25


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Business Acumen Level 5 Collaboration Advanced

Data Governance Level 5 Communication Advanced

Data Management Level 4 Developing People Advanced

Financial Acumen Level 4 Digital Fluency Advanced

Human Resources Advisory Level 5 Global Perspective Advanced

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 5 Secondary:

Human Resources Digitalization Level 6 Adaptability Advanced

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 5 Building Inclusivity Intermediate

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 5 Customer Orientation Advanced

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 5 Decision Making Advanced

Human Resources Strategy Level 5 Influence Advanced

Human Resources Systems Management Level 5 Learning Agility Advanced

Organizational Change Management Level 5 Problem Solving Advanced

Skills and
Operational Excellence Level 5 Self Management Advanced
Organizational Diagnosis Level 5 Sense Making Advanced

Organizational Strategy Development Level 5 Transdisciplinary Thinking Advanced

Risk Management Level 5

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 5

Technology Integration Level 6


Data Collection and Preparation Level 4

Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 4

Employee Communication Management Level 4

Involuntary Exit Management Level 5

Organizational Culture Development Level 4

Organizational Design Level 5

Project Management Level 6

Skills Framework Adoption Level 5

Voluntary Exit Management Level 5

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

26 Human Capital Development


Manager, HR Operations and Technology

Occupation: Manager
The Manager, HR Operations and Technology is responsible for implementing and maintaining processes and
systems that support strategic HR initiatives for the various HR functions. They evaluate the efficiencies and
effectiveness of HR processes and systems and liaise with various departments to understand their data reporting
and analysis requirements. They set objectives for data analysis and improve analytical models where necessary.

The Manager, HR Operations and Technology adopts an analytical and methodical approach to addressing issues.
They are astute in managing resources, leveraging on people capabilities and technologies to improve HR processes
and systems. They are at ease working with technical systems and data, and are able to derive and communicate
insights in a compelling manner.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work (For legislated
Key Tasks
Functions / regulated
Monitor HR function's capability and readiness levels for incorporating strategic HR initiatives within their In accordance with:
function • Act, RA 7877
• Anti-Age
Determine HR operations needs and infrastructure capabilities Discrimination in
Implement Employment, RA
Introduce processes and systems that support HR operations' needs
strategic HR 10911
initiatives Lead operations team in the implementation of strategic HR initiatives • Anti-Sexual
Harassment Act
of 1995
Train HR operations team and line managers on changes in technology, systems and processes
• Corporate Social
Responsibility Bill
Propose initiatives compatible with all on-site, remote, or hybrid work settings. • Data Privacy Act RA
Identify the operational needs for HCM systems in support of business strategies.
• DO 174 Certification
Synthesize organizational requirements and budget constraints to decide whether HCM systems should • Employees’
be built or bought Compensation
Prepare and present business case for new system implementation or system enhancements to senior • Hazard Pay
management to obtain budget • Home Development
Mutual Fund Law
Manage Request for Proposal (RFP) process for HCM systems of 2009
Implement • Indigenous Peoples’
Human Capital Evaluate available HCM systems and vendors to recommend a suitable option
Critical Work Rights
Management Determine system functionalities and customizations to be incorporated in HCM systems • Labor Code of the
Functions systems Philippines
and Key Tasks Design implementation plan for HCM systems • Magna Carta for
/ Required Disabled Persons
Lead implementation and roll-out of HCM systems (RA 7277)
Understands data flows in the system and its relationship with other technology programs used in the • Magna Carta for
organization. Persons with
Disability, RA 7277
Implement specific control process steps for any relative changes or updates to company policies and • Magna Carta of
legislation from recruitment to offboarding - that should reflect in current technologies. Women, RA 9710
• Maternity Benefits
Design feedback mechanisms to gather inputs on efficiency and effectiveness of HR processes from lines (RA 7322)
of business • RA 6725 –
Evaluate efficiency and effectiveness of HR systems and processes against requirements, objectives and
user needs
Against Women
Evaluate Monitor compliance of HCM systems with data and regulatory requirements Retirement Pay Law
effectiveness of (RA 7641)
HR processes and Recommend improvement opportunities to HR processes and corresponding HR policies • Social Security Law
systems of 1997
Implement improvements to HR processes and systems • Solo Parents’
Welfare Act, RA
Manage changes made to HR processes and systems with stakeholders
Work with assurance team members in provisioning data samples and process walkthroughs to confirm • Tax laws, rules
data reliability. and regulations
(National Internal
Set objectives for people analytics by collaborating with multiple stakeholders to understand data Revenue Code as
reporting and people analytics requirements. amended by the
Undertake TRAIN and CREATE
Analytics and Apply data governance concepts and principles to identify, collect and prepare data for analytics and HR
Laws Laws)
Insights metrics benchmarking.

Resolve data availability and data quality and integrity challenges with data cleansing techniques.

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 27


Analyze financial and people data by fine-tuning data modelling, employing data mining, predictive • Wage and Wage related
analytics, and benchmarking tools and techniques to create insights and foresights to guide decision Benefits (Minimum
making. Wage, Overtime,
Premium Pay, Holiday
Analyze data and statistics for trends and patterns with attention to talent acquisition, hiring Pay, Night Shift
practices, employee motivation, employee turnover, and compliances with employment laws and Differential, Service
regulations. Charges, Service
Correlate financial and HR data to design HR metrics, identify causal relationships, analyse trends, Incentive Leave,
develop forecasts and projections, and draw insights and foresights for decision making, including Parental Leaves, Other
identifying future potential risks and opportunities. Leaves, 13th Month
Pay, Separation Pay,
Develop insightful presentations derived from data analytics and HR metrics benchmarking using Retirement Pay, Gross
dashboards or data visualization tools. Benefits and De Minimis
Prepare action plan to implement decisions for enhancing business and HR performance

Keep abreast of local and global HR trends and developments to provide further benchmarking
insights on data analysis outcomes.

Derive relevant insights from analysis and recommend enhancements to the organization’s People
practices taking into consideration the business context and operating environment.

Develop and present recommendations using visualization tools to guide business and HR decisions
and solutions

Ensure confidentiality of personal information is in place when collecting and processing data for
business purposes.

Plan and execute communication activities using the appropriate channels/ tools for the targeted

Develop communication material/ information kits for the HR programs/ activities to convey desired
messages clearly and effectively to the targeted audience.

Present and communicate with impact and empathy through clarity in messages, and engaging the
audience through active listening and inquiry.
Manage Demonstrate empathy and respect when handling difficult conversations, dilemmas or paradoxes.
Relationships and
Communication Adapt and tailor different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or
stakeholder groups.
Critical Work
Functions Develop positive working relationships with people through strong interpersonal skills.
and Key Tasks Establish credibility by gaining confidence of others through a demonstration of business and
/ Required technical knowledge.
Knowledge Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related
issues successfully.

Review the range of HR services against their corresponding HR service delivery channels critically to
identify opportunities for continuous improvement of service quality or cost reduction.

Implement and operate various aspects of the HR operating model to deliver HR services as set out
in service management framework and in accordance with HR policies.
Drive Operational
Lead implementation of HR transformation programs to improve the effectiveness of HR service
Excellence and the
delivery and cost efficiency for the organization.
Use of Technology
Adopt a service-oriented mindset and people-centricity in dealing with workforce and business

Define effective Learning and Development platforms to help employees upgrade their skill sets
considering various work arrangements (on-site, remote, hybrid).

Research and apply prevailing labour policies and practices, employment laws and regulations.

Apply Labor Support line managers in drafting and issuing employment contracts, taking into account all relevant
Policies and statutory terms and benefits.
Communicate with employees on areas such as benefits and claims eligibility and administration,
payroll deductions, retirement, re-employment and termination guidelines.

Translate the long-term objectives for the operations and technology function into tactical plans

Manage team resources to ensure adequate staffing and capability levels

Monitor the function's financial inflow and outflow against allocated budgets and forecasts

Monitor team's service levels and standards against goals and individual objectives, periodically
Manage team reviewing and assessing performance of direct reports
operations and
performance Provide coaching and advice to team members.

Assess feasibility of proposals to improve internal workflows

Justify the resources required to support changes in resources, procedures, systems, or technology
within the function

Manage internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to achieve shared goals

Continue to next page

28 Human Capital Development


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Business Acumen Level 4 Collaboration Advanced

Data Governance Level 4 Creative Thinking Advanced

Data Management Level 4 Customer Orientation Advanced

Financial Acumen Level 4 Decision Making Advanced

Human Resources Advisory Level 4 Digital Fluency Advanced

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 4 Secondary:

Human Resources Digitalization Level 5 Adaptability Intermediate

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 4 Building Inclusivity Intermediate

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 4 Communication Advanced

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4 Developing People Advanced

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 4 Global Perspective Intermediate

Skills and Human Resources Systems Management Level 4 Influence Advanced

Competencies Operational Excellence Level 4 Learning Agility Advanced

Organizational Change Management Level 4 Problem Solving Advanced

Organizational Diagnosis Level 5 Self Management Advanced

Project Management Level 4 Sense Making Advanced

Risk Management Level 4 Transdisciplinary Thinking Intermediate

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 4

Technology Integration Level 4


Data Collection and Preparation Level 4

Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 3

Involuntary Exit Management Level 4

Organizational Culture Development Level 4

Skills Framework Adoption Level 4

Voluntary Exit Management Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 29


Specialist, HR Operations and Technology

Occupation: Specialist
The Specialist, HR Operations and Technology is responsible for implementing processes and systems that support
strategic HR initiatives for the various HR functions. They ensure the efficiencies and effectiveness of HR processes
and systems and collaborate with various departments to understand data reporting and analysis requirements. They
execute data analysis and recommend improvements in analytical models where necessary.

The Specialist, HR Operations and Technology implements analytical and methodical approach to addressing issues.
They leverage on people capabilities and technologies to improve HR processes and systems. They are at ease working
with technical systems and people data, and are able to derive and recommend workable insights in a clear manner.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Monitor HR function's capability and readiness levels for incorporating strategic HR initiatives within In accordance with:
their function • Anti-Age
Discrimination in
Recommend HR operations needs and infrastructure capabilities Employment, RA
Implement 10911
Recommend processes and systems that support HR operations' needs
strategic HR • Anti-Sexual
initiatives Collaborate with HR Team Members in the implementation of strategic HR initiatives Harassment Act of
Adopt and implement changes on changes in technology, systems and processes • Cybercrime
Prevention Act of
Work on people initiatives covering all arrangements involving on-site, remote, or hybrid work settings. 2012 (RA 10175)
• Data Privacy Act of
Recommend operational needs for HCM systems in support of business strategies. 2012 (RA 10173)
• Employees’
Provide information and insights on organization requirements to decide whether HCM systems should Compensation
be built or bought Program
Recommend and provide information to support preparation of a business case for new system • Home Development
implementation or system enhancements to senior management to obtain budget Mutual Fund Law of
Implement Facilitate Request for Proposal (RFP) process for HCM systems • Indigenous Peoples’
Human Capital Rights Act, RA 7877
Provide information, data and feedback on available HCM systems and vendors to recommend a • Labor Code of the
suitable option Philippines
• Magna Carta for
Recommend system functionalities and customizations to be incorporated in HCM systems
Disabled Persons (RA
Implement plan for HCM systems deployment. 7277)
• Magna Carta for
Critical Work Ensure any updates on data are aligned and reflected in all HCM systems used in the organization. Persons with
Disability, RA 7277
Functions Directly observe control process steps for any relative changes or updates to company policies and • Magna Carta of
and Key Tasks legislation from staff onboarding to exit. Women, RA 9710
/ Required • Maternity Benefits
Collect and organize feedback on efficiency and effectiveness of HR processes from lines of business
(RA 7322)
Contribute to evaluate efficiency and effectiveness of HR systems and processes against requirements, • Mental Health Act, RA
objectives and user needs 11036
• Minimum Wage
Ensure full compliance of HCM systems with data and regulatory requirements (National Wages
Evaluate and Productivity
effectiveness of Recommend improvement opportunities to HR processes and corresponding HR policies Commission)
HR processes and • National Health
systems Implement improvements to HR processes and systems Insurance Act of 2013
(RA 10606)
Implement change management process to effectively implement new HR processes and systems with
• Paternity Leave Act
of 1996
Work closely with assurance team members in provisioning data samples and doing process • Philippine HIV and
walkthroughs to confirm data reliability. AIDS Policy, RA 11166
• RA 11313 Safe Spaces
Execute new hires information packs for new employees Act (Bawal Bastos
Recommend content and materials for new hire orientation programs • RA 6725 – Prohibiting
onboarding of new Implement orientation briefings and programs for new hires
Against Women
Recommend and facilitate access set up for new hires Retirement Pay Law
(RA 7641)
Gather and analyze data and feedback on the quality of on-boarding experience • Social Security Law
of 1997
Prepare generated payroll reports • Solo Parents’ Welfare
Act, RA 8972
Prepare employer contributions reports
• Tax laws, rules and
Administer regulations (National
Implement employee compensation reimbursement plans
employee Internal Revenue
compensation Prepare annual salaries report and income tax declaration forms (in other companies, tax related for Code as amended
employees are in accounting) by the TRAIN and
CREATE Laws Laws)
Prepare and develop frequently asked questions and responses on benefits

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30 Human Capital Development


Implement verified claims covered under organization's benefit schemes • Wage and Wage related
Benefits (Minimum
Work with organization's vendors and partners on benefits and claims processing and administration. Wage, Overtime,
Administer Premium Pay, Holiday
Review and facilitate benefits claims against entitlements to ensure accurate disbursements
employee benefits Pay, Night Shift
Analyze utilization rate of employee benefits and programs Differential, Service
Charges, Service
Develop and prepare frequently asked questions and responses on benefits Incentive Leave,
Parental Leaves, Other
Implement exit interviews based on a standard checklist.
Leaves, 13th Month
Administer Pay, Separation Pay,
Analyze exit interview feedback and provide recommendations
separation Retirement Pay, Gross
Implement re-employment program and policies for retiring employees Benefits and De Minimis
Collaborate with various departments to understand data reporting and people analytics

Ensure full compliance on data governance and principles to identify, collect and prepare data for
analytics and HR metrics benchmarking.

Ensure data availability and data quality are maintained and needed data cleansing techniques are

Implement data analysis on financial and people data by implementing analytics models designed,
employing standard data mining, modelling, predictive analytics, and benchmarking tools and
techniques to create insights and foresights.

Undertake Analyze data and statistics for trends and patterns with attention to talent acquisition, hiring
Analytics and practices, employee motivation, employee turnover, and compliances with employment laws and
Insights regulations.

Gather and collect financial and HR data to design HR metrics, identify causal relationships, analyze
trends, develop forecasts and projections, and draw insights and foresights for decision making,
including identifying future risks and opportunities.

Observe data security measures when collecting and processing data for business purposes.

Prepare needed data and information to create insightful presentations using dashboards or data
visualization tools.
Critical Work
Functions Present recommendations using visualization tools to guide business and HR decisions and solutions.
and Key Tasks Implement business solutions and/or changes in HR policies and practices to enhance business and
/ Required HR performance based on insights derived from the analysis of available data and HR metrics.
Knowledge Execute communication activities using the appropriate channels/ tools for the targeted audience.

Adopt and make use of communication material/ information kits for HR programs and activities to
convey desired messages clearly and effectively to the targeted audience.

Demonstrate empathy and respect when handling difficult conversations, dilemmas or paradoxes.

Manage Adapt and tailor different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or
Relationships and stakeholder groups.
Develop positive working relationships with people through strong interpersonal skills.

Establish credibility by gaining confidence of others through a demonstration of business and

technical knowledge.

Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related
issues successfully.

Recommend improvements on HR services against their corresponding HR service delivery channels

critically to identify opportunities for continuous improvement of service quality or costs reduction.

Implement and operate various aspects of the HR operating model to deliver HR services as set out
in service management framework and in accordance with HR policies.
Drive Operational
Support implementation of HR transformation programs to improve the effectiveness of HR service
Excellence and the
delivery and cost efficiency for the organization.
Use of Technology
Perform effective Learning and Development methodologies to upgrade employee skills considering
various work settings (on-site, remote, hybrid).

Adopt and implement a service-oriented mindset and people-centricity in dealing with workforce
and business stakeholders.

Research and recommend changes in HR policies based on prevailing labour policies and practices,
employment laws and regulations.
Apply Labor
Support line managers in drafting and issuing employment contracts, taking into account all relevant
Policies and
statutory terms and benefits.
Communicate with employees on areas such as benefits and claims eligibility and administration,
payroll deductions, retirement, re-employment and termination guidelines.

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 31


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Business Acumen Level 3 Communication Intermediate

Data Collection and Preparation Level 3 Creative Thinking Intermediate

Data Management Level 2 Digital Fluency Intermediate

Financial Acumen Level 3 Learning Agility Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3 Problem Solving Intermediate

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4 Secondary:

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3 Adaptability Intermediate

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4 Building Inclusivity Intermediate

Human Resources Systems Management Level 3 Collaboration Intermediate

Operational Excellence Level 3 Customer Orientation Intermediate

Skills and Project Management Level 3 Decision Making Intermediate

Competencies Risk Management Level 3 Developing People Basic

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 3 Global Perspective Basic

Technology Integration Level 3 Influence Intermediate

Secondary: Self Management Advanced

Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 3 Sense Making Intermediate

Human Resources Advisory Level 4 Transdisciplinary Thinking Basic

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 3

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 4

Involuntary Exit Management Level 3

Organizational Change Management Level 3

Organizational Diagnosis Level 4

Skills Framework Adoption Level 3

Voluntary Exit Management Level 3

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

32 Human Capital Development


Head, Performance and Rewards

Occupation: Head
The Head, Performance and Rewards designs organization-wide performance management strategies and total
rewards philosophy for the organization to attract, engage, and retain talent. They establish performance review
cycles and co-develop with Senior Leaders (SLs) key performance indicators (KPIs) for the business units. They
formulate compensation and benefits policies and maintain alignment with the organization’s strategic direction
and Employee Value Proposition (EVP), thereby ensuring internal equity of compensation systems. In addition, they
are responsible for managing team operations and performance, and integrating Philippine Skill Frameworks into
performance management frameworks and total rewards philosophy of the organization.

The Head, Performance and Rewards adopts a broad perspective and is able to clearly articulate a vision and
strategy anchored on robust and defensible logic. They proactively guide others, and are able to communicate
complex concepts in a simple manner to others.

They coordinate with the Management team and Board, Chief HR Officer, HR leadership team, team members,
employees and other business units within the enterprise for HR policies regarding performance, rewards and
compensation. They Network with external benchmarking entities and HR associations and business groups.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work (For legislated
Key Tasks
Functions / regulated
Formulate with business leaders business strategy and organizational key performance indicators that In accordance with:
are aligned to business strategy and objectives for senior leaders. • Act, RA 7877
• Anti-Age
Support senior leaders to communicate key performance indicators to their staff, develop performance goals Discrimination in
that are aligned to business current and future needs, the process through which these will be assessed and Employment, RA
the performance evaluation ratings to their individual staff professionally on a one-to-one basis. 10911
Provide communications support to senior leaders in communicating organization-wide performance • Anti-Sexual
Manage Harassment Act
and changes (if any) to organization’s overall rewards philosophy, considering global, national and
Performance of 1995
regional practices and environments. .
• Corporate Social
Assess the proper implementation of procedures and guidelines and the attainment of commitment Responsibility Bill
targets, relative to validation /development /revision of enhancement of performance measures and • Data Privacy Act RA
standards and the enhancement of performance evaluation programs/ projects . 10173
• DO 174 Certification
Consult and work with Labor Relations or Labor Relations specialists to resolve any grievances related to • Employees’
performance evaluation outcomes raised by senior leaders or stakeholders. Compensation
Adapt organization’s compensation management policies and practices to organization needs.
• Hazard Pay
Rewrite compensation management policy and strategy into salary grid, grade structures, and • Home Development
Critical Work
compensation programs that would incentivize workforce based on the role expectations. Mutual Fund Law
Functions Manage of 2009
and Key Tasks Compensation Provide consultative support and deliberate decisions with senior stakeholders for cases where the • Indigenous Peoples’
compensation management deviates from policies and processes. Rights
/ Required
• Labor Code of the
Knowledge Recommend changes to the total rewards structure to leadership based on collected data and Philippines
information. • Magna Carta for
Formulate benefits package that meets employee profiles and organization’s budget and which is aligned Disabled Persons
to organization’s employer brand and employee value proposition. (RA 7277)
• Magna Carta for
Manage Benefits Evaluate the impact and relevance of the benefits, including health and wellness programs. Persons with
Disability, RA 7277
Validate stakeholders’ commitment and support of benefits policy, including health and wellness • Magna Carta of
programs, to assure longer term success and sustainability of such programs. Women, RA 9710
• Maternity Benefits
Advocate DEIB in all employee engagement and lifecycle strategies to raise awareness and foster an
(RA 7322) RA
inclusive employment culture (considering gender and gender preferences, race, community, economic
6725 – Prohibiting
Manage Diversity, status, disability, and the like.)
Equity, Inclusion Against Women
Identify opportunities to raise the corporate branding and profile around DEIB through communications
and Belonging Retirement Pay Law
with internal and external stakeholders.
(DEIB) (RA 7641)
Champion and support People policies and activities with a global mindset, being aware of local and • Social Security Law
global cultural sensitivities and needs. of 1997
• Solo Parents’
Perform trend analysis by understanding the competitive environment in which the business interacts.
Welfare Act, RA
Undertake 8972
Look across a series of data and anticipate implications of business activity on HR practices.
Analytics and
Insights Perform market sensing by obtaining and maintaining knowledge of competitive practices within
relevant labor markets such as industry, local, and professional competitors.

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Human Capital Development 33


Translate the business strategy to determine its implications on the workforce • Tax laws, rules and
regulations (National
Recommend HR strategies as a result of workforce implications of business strategy and ensure that Internal Revenue Code
workforce requirements are fulfilled and both business and employees interests are maintained. as amended by the
Evaluate and decide future-ready Human Resources policies and strategies, referencing local and TRAIN and CREATE
global HR trends and best practices, taking into consideration context, economic outlook and Laws Laws)
available support to meet business needs. • Wage and Wage related
Benefits (Minimum
Recommend People policies, practices, or strategies that competitively position the organization as a Wage, Overtime,
Great Place to Work and an Employer Of Choice. Premium Pay, Holiday
Pay, Night Shift
Assess the extent of in-house HR analytics capability and engage with external providers of Differential, Service
benchmarking analytics services to supplement identified gaps. Charges, Service
Incentive Leave,
Review employee data handling practices and processes to ensure compliance with the Data Privacy
Parental Leaves, Other
Act and ethical guidelines to ensure the privacy of confidential employee data
Leaves, 13th Month
Create high impact, consistent and accurate messaging using appropriate tools to drive engagement, Pay, Separation Pay,
aligned with the organization-wide communications strategy. Retirement Pay, Gross
Benefits and De Minimis
Communicate People and business strategies using clear language that engages others in the view Benefits
of the future.

Communicate an understanding of the business environment in order to view problems and requests
in the context of the long term goals and objectives.

Manage Manage resistance, objections and conflicts during conversations in a firm, respectful and empathetic
Relationships and manner.
Communication Employ negotiation and conflict management skills to help different parties achieve their desired

Help the senior leaders of the organization to define the problems and identify root causes of people-
related issues by understanding organizational and individual challenges.

Provide resources to advise senior leaders to determine the appropriate course of action in people-
related matters.

Establish relationships with senior leaders to build trust and understand their needs.

Conduct a diagnosis of HR function effectiveness in addressing the current and future needs of the
Critical Work
business and the people.
and Key Tasks Design a target operating model for HR by analyzing the merits of different service delivery structure
Drive Operational and system architecture, as well as by assessing costs and benefits of adopting HR technology
/ Required solutions.
Excellence and the
Knowledge Use of Technology Lead HR transformation programs, incorporating changes in strategy, structure, people, process and
systems, to achieve HR technology, service and operational excellence.

Develop a service management framework, incorporating service quality standards, service level
agreements, and service excellence metrics.

Provide advice and counsel business leaders and line managers on labor policies, employment laws
Apply Labor and legislation and its applications to people management policies and practices with the intent to
Policies and ensure full compliance
Legislation Review HR processes impacting workplace legislation to ensure controls are in place to prevent
regulatory breaches.

Design performance management strategy with reference to Skills Framework guidelines

Integrate the
use of the Skills Secure acceptance from stakeholders on integration of the Skills Framework in areas of performance
Framework across management systems and programs
the Learning and
Organizational Drive adoption of the Skills Framework in performance management
development plans
and programs Design total rewards philosophy with reference to Sector wage information

Establish long-term objectives for the Performance and Rewards function that align with the strategy
of the organization

Establish the operating and resourcing structure for the function to support the organization's

Manage budget for the function's activities and allocate to different teams and projects
Manage team Lead team to translate business strategy into annual performance goals and departmental objectives
operations and
performance Provide coaching and guidance to subordinates

Approve workflow improvement solutions and recommendations for the performance and rewards

Approve recommendations on changes to the function's operations and the required resources

Align objectives and goals with internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to
yield mutual benefits

Continue to next page


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Benefits Management Level 5 Communication Advanced

Compensation Management Level 5 Decision Making Advanced

Data Governance Level 5 Digital Literacy Advanced

Data Management Level 4 Global Mindset Advanced

Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 4 Interpersonal Skills Advanced

Employee Communication Management Level 4 Leadership Advanced

Executive Remuneration Management Level 5 Problem Solving Advanced

Financial Acumen Level 5 Teamwork Advanced

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 5 Secondary:

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 5 Computational Thinking Advanced

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 4 Developing People Advanced

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 5 Service Orientation Advanced

Human Resources Systems Management Level 5 Sense Making Advanced

Performance Management Level 5

Risk Management Level 5

Skills and Skills Framework Adoption Level 5

Competencies Strategic Workforce Planning Level 5

Technology Integration Level 5

Total Rewards Philosophy Development Level 5


Business Acumen Level 5

Employee Mobility Management Level 5

Health and Wellness Program Management Level 5

Human Resources Advisory Level 5

Human Resources Digitalization Level 5

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 5

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 4

Organizational Change Management Level 5

Organizational Culture Development Level 4

Organizational Diagnosis Level 5

Organizational Strategy Development Level 5

Operational Excellence Level 5

Project Management Level 5

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 35


Manager, Performance

Occupation: Manager
The Manager, Performance develops performance management policies, frameworks and compensation structures
within the organization’s financial budget. They provide support and guidance to line managers in establishing
performance indicators, conducting performance reviews and communicating evaluation ratings to their team. They
are responsible for managing team operations and performance, and integrating Skill Frameworks into performance
management systems within the organization.

The Manager, Performance works with data and leveraging them to analyze, investigate and solve complex
problems. They ground decisions in sound reasoning and are able to communicate and justify rationales to others in
a diplomatic and engaging manner.

They coordinate with the HR leadership team, team members, employees and other business units within the
enterprise for HR policies regarding performance and compensation. They network with external benchmarking
entities and HR associations and business groups.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Develop and implement a performance management framework, ensuring policies, procedures and In accordance with:
processes are robust and objective. • PD 442 - Labor Code
of the Philippines
Provide support to middle and senior managers to cascade and communicate their key performance • PD 626 – Employees’
indicators to their team members and develop performance goals that are aligned to business Compensation
requirements. Program
Deliver effective communications on performance management programs and policies to the people, • RA 6725 – Prohibiting
ensuring that they understand how they will be evaluated, how their compensation packages are Discrimination
developed and adjusted, all according to their performance evaluation. Against Women
• RA 6727 – Wage
Manage Rationalization
Provide communications toolkit and support to middle and senior managers to communicate
Performance Act (creating the
performance evaluation ratings to their individual staff professionally on a one-to-one basis.
National Wages
Provide recommendations to the Head for the Industrial Relations or Employee Relations unit to resolve and Productivity
any grievances related to performance evaluation outcomes raised by employees. Commission and
Regional Tripartite
Maintain proper records of performance reviews and ensure personal information is securely stored or Wages and
destroyed for privacy and confidentiality. Productivity Boards)
• RA 7277 – Magna
Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the performance management system and its related
Carta for Persons with
communications efforts by analyzing data and feedback and developing continuous improvement
• RA 7322 – Maternity
Evaluate the salary study to support recommendations on compensation structure that aligns to the Benefits
Critical Work
industry range and meets the organization’s financial budget. • RA 7641 – Retirement
Functions Pay Law
and Key Tasks Decide issues and questions related to implementation of policies and procedures to ensure the • RA 7875 – National
workforce are paid in accordance with agreed employment terms and conditions. Health Insurance Act
/ Required Compensation
of 1995
Knowledge Validate compensation structure through job analysis and evaluations, employee feedback and
• RA 7877 – Anti-Sexual
external industry analysis to ensure that compensation remains relevant for the business and is market-
Harassment Act of
Incorporate and build DEIB Management principles into People policies, translating these policies into • RA 8187 – Paternity
day-to-day practices in the workplace. Leave Act of 1996
• RA 8371 – Indigenous
Plan and execute DEIB related activities that are compliant with DEIB policies and embrace DEIB People’s Rights Act
Manage Diversity, culture. 1997
Equity, Inclusion • RA 8972 – Solo
and Belonging Contribute towards building the corporate brand for DEIB in all communications with stakeholders,
Parent’s Welfare Act
(DEIB) respecting differences in perspectives and opinions.
• RA 9003 - Ecological
Promote effective working relationships with people of diverse gender identities, races, languages, Solid Waste
practices, preference, social styles, religions, or cultures, embracing differences in perspectives, Management Act
traditions, and culture, and adopting an open mindset, resilience and adaptability at all times. • RA 9679 – Home
Development Mutual
Apply data governance concepts and principles to identify, collect and prepare data for analytics and Fund Law of 2009
HR metrics benchmarking. • RA 9710 – Magna
Carta of Women
Resolve data availability and data quality challenges with data cleansing techniques. • RA 10173 – Data
Analyze Financial and People data by employing data mining, modeling, predictive analytics, and Privacy Act
benchmarking tools and techniques to create insights and foresight to guide decision-making. • RA 10911 – Anti-Age
Analytics and
Discrimination in
Correlate relevant business and HR data to design HR metrics, identify causal relationships, Analyze Employment
trends, develop forecasts and projections, and draw insights and foresights for decision-making. • RA 10963 – Tax
Reform for
Develop insightful presentations derived from data analytics and HR metrics benchmarking using Acceleration and
dashboards or data visualization tools. Inclusion Law

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36 Human Capital Development


Develop policies and strategies that utilize local and global HR trends and developments to provide • RA 11036 – Mental
further benchmarking insights on data analysis outcomes. Health Act
• RA 11058 –
Derive relevant insights from analysis and recommend enhancements to the organization’s People Occupational Health
practices taking into consideration the business context and operating environment. and Safety Act
Develop employee data handling practices and processes to ensure compliance with employee data • RA 11165 -
protection policy and ethical guidelines to ensure privacy of confidential employee data. Telecommuting Act
• RA 11166 – Philippine
Plan and execute communication activities using the appropriate channels/ tools for the targeted HIV and AIDS Policy
audience. • RA 11199 - Social
Security Act of 2018
Develop communication material/ information kits on compensation and performance for the HR • Tax laws, rules and
programs/ activities to convey desired messages clearly and effectively to the targeted audience. regulations (National
Internal Revenue Code
Relationships and Present and communicate with impact and empathy through clarity in messages, and engaging
as amended by the
Communication audiences through active listening and inquiry.
Demonstrate empathy and respect when handling difficult conversations, dilemmas or paradoxes. Laws
• Benchmarking
Adapt and tailor different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or industry reports, local
stakeholder groups. and international
on compensation,
Establish credibility by gaining confidence of others through a demonstration of business and performance and
technical knowledge. rewards
Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related • Any relevant prevalent
Drive Operational issues successfully. employment related
Excellence and the Acts
Use of Technology Review the range of HR services against their corresponding HR service delivery channels critically to
identify opportunities for continuous improvement of service quality or cost reduction.

Critical Work Implement and operate various aspects of the HR operating model to deliver HR services as set out
in service management framework and in accordance with HR policies.
and Key Tasks Implement HR transformation programs to improve the effectiveness of HR service delivery and cost
efficiency for the organization.
/ Required
Apply Labor
Knowledge Policies and
Adopt a service-oriented mindset and people-centricity in dealing with workforce and business
Research and apply prevailing labor policies, employment laws and regulations, including but not
limited to tripartism, employment laws for foreign nationals.

Support line managers in drafting and issuing employment contracts, taking into account all relevant
statutory terms and benefits.
Integrate the
use of the Skills Communicate with employees on areas such as benefits and claims eligibility and administration,
Framework across payroll deductions, retirement, re-employment and termination guidelines.
the Learning and
Organizational Develop performance management system and key performance indicators in accordance with
development plans Critical Work Functions and Key Tasks (CWFs and KTs) of the Skills Framework
and programs
Leverage Technical and Generic Skills and Competencies (TSCs and GSCs) of the Skills Framework for
benchmarking of employee's performance

Leverage Skills Map of the Skills Framework to assess employee performance

Design organization's compensation and benefits program with reference to sector wage information
of the Skills Framework

Translate the long-term objectives for the Performance function into tactical plans
Manage team
operations and Manage team resources to ensure adequate staffing and capability levels
performance Monitor the function's financial inflow and outflow against allocated budgets and forecasts

Set individual objectives, periodically reviewing and assessing performance of direct reports

Provide coaching and advice to junior team members

Assess feasibility of proposals to improve internal workflows

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 37


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Compensation Management Level 4 Communication Advanced

Data Governance Level 4 Computational Thinking Advanced

Data Management Level 4 Decision Making Intermediate

Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 3 Developing People Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 3 Digital Literacy Advanced

Executive Remuneration Management Level 4 Global Mindset Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 4 Interpersonal Skills Intermediate

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 4 Problem Solving Advanced

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3 Sense Making Intermediate

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 4 Teamwork Intermediate

Human Resources Systems Management Level 4 Secondary:

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 4 Leadership Intermediate

Performance Management Level 4 Service Orientation Advanced

Risk Management Level 4

Skills Framework Adoption Level 4

Skills and Strategic Workforce Planning Level 4

Competencies Technology Integration Level 4


Benefits Management Level 4

Business Acumen Level 4

Data Collection and Preparation Level 4

Employee Mobility Management Level 4

Financial Acumen Level 4

Health and Wellness Program Management Level 4

Human Resources Advisory Level 4

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4

Operational Excellence Level 4

Organizational Change Management Level 4

Organizational Culture Development Level 4

Organizational Design Level 4

Organizational Diagnosis Level 4

Project Management Level 4

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

38 Human Capital Development


Specialist, Performance

Occupation: Specialist
The Specialist, Performance supports the execution of performance management programs and compensation
plans. They perform benchmarking for the organization’s employee performance programs with comparable
organizations. They are responsible for ensuring that performance and compensation records in the systems are
accurate and adherence to regulatory guidelines. They perform data analytics and share insights reports with senior
members of the team.

The Specialist, Performance thrives in a team environment, and is comfortable communicating with various
stakeholders within and beyond the team. They possess an analytical mind and is able to derive insights from data,
leveraging them to address issues and derive solutions to work challenges.

They coordinate with the HR leadership team, team members, employees for HR policies regarding performance and

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
In accordance with:
Develop employee communications toolkits to inform employees about performance reviews and • PD 442 - Labor Code
timelines of the Philippines
• PD 626 – Employees’
Administer Compensation
performance Program
Gather feedback from employees to evaluate effectiveness of performance management programs
management • RA 6725 – Prohibiting
programs Discrimination
Against Women
• RA 6727 – Wage
Collate performance results of all employees
Act (creating the
National Wages
Prepare a report for the Labor Relations Manager or the Labor Relations unit to resolve any grievances and Productivity
related to performance evaluation outcomes raised by employees. Commission and
Regional Tripartite
Critical Work Wages and
Functions Prepare a communications toolkit to share organization's compensation, performance review policies Productivity Boards)
with employees and FAQs and responses • RA 7277 – Magna
and Key Tasks Carta for Persons with
/ Required Implement Disability
Knowledge compensation • RA 7322 – Maternity
and performance Identify peer companies and competitors of the organization to support benchmarking Benefits
management • RA 7641 – Retirement
programs plan Pay Law
• RA 7875 – National
Compare organization’s compensation and performance programs against industry practices in Health Insurance Act
relation to sector wage information. of 1995
• RA 7877 – Anti-Sexual
Harassment Act of
Analyze employee feedback on compensation and performance programs 1995
• RA 8187 – Paternity
Leave Act of 1996
• RA 8371 – Indigenous
Analyze employee demographics, historical and current HR data to recognize trends and patterns in People’s Rights Act
performance, associated risk exposure and measure of potential future loss resulting from the various 1997
Manage performance programs • RA 8972 – Solo
performance and Parent’s Welfare Act
other employee • RA 9003 - Ecological
data Solid Waste
Organize employee performance and other employee data in HR system Management Act

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Human Capital Development 39


• RA 9679 – Home
Development Mutual
Implement data protection policy checks in compliance to regulatory and ethical guidelines, and Fund Law of 2009
cleansing techniques to address data availability and quality challenges • RA 9710 – Magna
Carta of Women
• RA 10173 – Data
Privacy Act
• RA 10911 – Anti-Age
Develop standard reporting templates for performance management Discrimination in
• RA 10963 – Tax
Reform for
Acceleration and
Inclusion Law
Utilize diagnostic analytics on identified business and/or Human Resources issues, HR data to identify • RA 11036 – Mental
causes of behaviors and performance outcomes Health Act
• RA 11058 –
Occupational Health
and Safety Act
• RA 11165 -
Prepare technical and business reports with the analytical findings and make recommendations if Telecommuting Act
needed. • RA 11166 – Philippine
HIV and AIDS Policy
• RA 11199 - Social
Security Act of 2018
• Tax laws, rules and
Review generated payroll reports, including employer contribution reports, ensuring data protection regulations (National
policy in compliance to regulatory and ethical guidelines and confidentiality are practiced. Internal Revenue
Code as amended
by the TRAIN and
• Benchmarking
Implement employee compensation reimbursement plans industry reports, local
and international
on compensation,
performance and
• Any relevant
Review annual salaries report, income tax forms, other government related contribution reports and prevalent
statutory requirements. employment related

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Compensation Management Level 3 Communication Intermediate

Data Collection and Preparation Level 3 Computational Thinking Intermediate

Data Management Level 3 Digital Literacy Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 2 Interpersonal Skills Intermediate

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4 Sense Making Intermediate

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 3 Service Orientation Intermediate

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 3 Teamwork Intermediate

Performance Management Level 3 Secondary:

Skills and Project Management Level 3 Decision Making Intermediate

Competencies Technology Integration Level 3 Problem Solving Intermediate


Business Acumen Level 3

Financial Acumen Level 3

Health and Wellness Program Management Level 3

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3

Human Resources Systems Management Level 3

Organizational Change Management Level 3

Skills Framework Adoption Level 3

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 3

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

40 Human Capital Development


Manager, Rewards

Occupation: Manager
The Manager, Rewards develops rewards management policies, and compensation structures within the
organization’s financial budget. They provide support and guidance to line managers in establishing rewards
management programs and communicating this to the team. They provide suggestions on benefits programs
based on industry benchmarks and the total rewards philosophy of the organization. In addition, they are
responsible for managing team operations and integrating Philippine Skill Frameworks into rewards management
systems within the organization.

The Manager, Rewards works with data and leverages them to analyze, investigate and solve complex problems.
They ground decisions in sound reasoning and are able to communicate and justify rationales to others in a
diplomatic and engaging manner.

They coordinate with the HR leadership team, team members, employees and other business units within the
enterprise for HR policies regarding rewards and compensation. Networks with external benchmarking entities and
HR associations and business groups.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Evaluate the salary study to support recommendations on compensation structure that aligns to the In accordance with:
industry range and meets the organization’s financial budget. • PD 442 - Labor Code
of the Philippines
Decide issues and questions related to implementation of policies and procedures to ensure the workforce • PD 626 – Employees’
are paid in accordance with agreed employment terms and conditions. Compensation
Validate compensation structure through job analysis and evaluations, employee feedback and Program
external industry analysis to ensure that compensation remains relevant for the business and is market- • RA 6725 – Prohibiting
competitive. Discrimination
Against Women
Evaluate benefits with other comparable organizations. • RA 6727 – Wage
Design and implement benefits, including health and wellness programs, that meet the needs of the Act (creating the
Manage Benefits workforce and within the approved budget. National Wages
and Productivity
Plan and implement activities to communicate benefits offered by the organization.
Commission and
Cultivate a healthy workforce by implementing health and wellness related programs. Regional Tripartite
Wages and
Incorporate and build DEIB Management principles into People policies, translating these policies into Productivity Boards)
day-to-day practices in the workplace. • RA 7277 – Magna
Carta for Persons with
Plan and execute DEIB related activities that are compliant with DEIB policies and embrace DEIB Disability
Manage Diversity, culture. • RA 7322 – Maternity
Equity, Inclusion Benefits
Critical Work Contribute towards building the corporate brand for DEIB in all communications with stakeholders,
and Belonging • RA 7641 – Retirement
Functions (DBEI) respecting differences in perspectives and opinions..
Pay Law
and Key Tasks Promote effective working relationships with people of diverse gender identities, races, languages, • RA 7875 – National
/ Required practices, preference, social styles, religions, or cultures, embracing differences in perspectives, Health Insurance Act
Knowledge traditions, and culture, and adopting an open mindset, resilience and adaptability at all times. of 1995
• RA 7877 – Anti-Sexual
Apply data governance concepts and principles to identify, collect and prepare data for analytics and Harassment Act of
HR metrics benchmarking. 1995
• RA 8187 – Paternity
Resolve data availability and data quality challenges with data cleansing techniques. Leave Act of 1996
• RA 8371 – Indigenous
People’s Rights Act
Analyze Financial and People data by employing data mining, modeling, predictive analytics, and 1997
benchmarking tools and techniques to create insights and foresight to guide decision-making. • RA 8972 – Solo
Parent’s Welfare Act
• RA 9003 - Ecological
Correlate relevant business and HR data to design HR metrics, identify causal relationships, analyze Solid Waste
Undertake trends, develop forecasts and projections, and draw insights and foresights for decision-making. Management Act
Analytics and • RA 9679 – Home
Insights Development Mutual
Develop insightful presentations derived from data analytics and HR metrics benchmarking using Fund Law of 2009
dashboards or data visualization tools. • RA 9710 – Magna
Develop policies and strategies that utilize local and global HR trends and developments to provide Carta of Women
further benchmarking insights on data analysis outcomes. • RA 10173 – Data
Privacy Act
• RA 10911 – Anti-Age
Derive relevant insights from analysis and recommend enhancements to the organization’s People
Discrimination in
practices taking into consideration the business context and operating environment.

Develop employee data handling practices and processes to ensure compliance with employee data
protection policy and ethical guidelines to ensure privacy of confidential employee data.

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 41


Plan and execute communication activities using the appropriate channels/ tools for the targeted • RA 10963 – Tax
audience. Reform for
Acceleration and
Develop communication material/ information kits on compensation and rewards for the HR programs/ Inclusion Law
activities to convey desired messages clearly and effectively to the targeted audience. • RA 11036 – Mental
Health Act
Present and communicate with impact and empathy through clarity in messages, and engaging the • RA 11058 –
audience through active listening and inquiry. Occupational Health
and Safety Act
Relationships and
Demonstrate empathy and respect when handling difficult conversations, dilemmas or paradoxes. • RA 11165 -
Telecommuting Act
Adapt and tailor different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or • RA 11166 – Philippine
stakeholder groups. HIV and AIDS Policy
• RA 11199 - Social
Establish credibility by gaining confidence of others through a demonstration of business and technical
Security Act of 2018
• Tax laws, rules and
Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related issues regulations (National
successfully. Internal Revenue
Code as amended
Review the range of HR services against their corresponding HR service delivery channels critically to by the TRAIN and
identify opportunities for continuous improvement of service quality or cost reduction. CREATE Laws
• Benchmarking
Implement and operate various aspects of the HR operating model to deliver HR services as set out in
Drive Operational industry reports, local
service management framework and in accordance with HR policies.
Excellence and the and international
Use of Technology Implement HR transformation programs to improve the effectiveness of HR service delivery and cost on compensation,
efficiency for the organization. performance and
Adopt a service-oriented mindset and people-centricity in dealing with workforce and business • Any relevant
Critical Work stakeholders. prevalent
Functions employment related
Research and apply prevailing labor policies, employment laws and regulations, including but not Acts
and Key Tasks limited to tripartism, employment laws for foreign nationals.
/ Required
Labor Policies and Support line managers in drafting and issuing employment contracts, taking into account all relevant
Legislation statutory terms and benefits.

Communicate with employees on areas such as benefits and claims eligibility and administration,
payroll deductions, retirement, re-employment and termination guidelines.

Develop rewards management system and key performance indicators in accordance with Critical
Integrate the Work Functions and Key Tasks (CWFs and KTs) of the Skills Framework
use of the Skills
Framework across Leverage Technical and Generic Skills and Competencies (TSCs and GSCs) of the Skills Framework for
the Learning and benchmarking of rewards programs
Organizational Leverage Skills Map of the Skills Framework to assess appropriate rewards programs
development plans
and programs Design organization's benefits program with reference to sector wage information of the Skills

Translate the long-term objectives for the team function into tactical plans

Manage team resources to ensure adequate staffing and capability levels

Monitor the function's financial inflow and outflow against allocated budgets and forecasts

Manage team Set individual objectives, periodically reviewing and assessing performance of direct reports
operations and Provide coaching and advice to junior team members
Assess feasibility of proposals to improve internal workflows

Justify the resources required to support changes in resources, procedures, systems, or technology
within the function

Manage internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to achieve shared goals

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42 Human Capital Development


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Compensation Management Level 4 Communication Advanced

Data Governance Level 4 Computational Thinking Advanced

Data Management Level 4 Decision Making Intermediate

Diversity and Inclusion Management Level 3 Developing People Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 3 Digital Literacy Advanced

Executive Remuneration Management Level 4 Global Mindset Intermediate

Health and Wellness Program Management Level 4 Interpersonal Skills Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 4 Problem Solving Advanced

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 4 Sense Making Intermediate

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 4 Teamwork Intermediate

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 4 Secondary:

Human Resources Systems Management Level 4 Leadership Intermediate

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 4 Service Orientation Advanced

Skills and Risk Management Level 4

Competencies Skills Framework Adoption Level 4

Strategic Workforce Planning Level 4

Technology Integration Level 4

Total Rewards Philosophy Development Level 4


Benefits Management Level 4

Business Acumen Level 4

Data Collection and Preparation Level 4

Employee Mobility Management Level 4

Financial Acumen Level 4

Human Resources Advisory Level 4

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4

Operational Excellence Level 4

Organizational Change Management Level 4

Organizational Culture Development Level 4

Organizational Design Level 4

Organizational Diagnosis Level 4

Performance Management Level 4

Project Management Level 4

Stakeholder and Management Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 43


Specialist, Rewards

Occupation: Specialist
The Specialist, Rewards supports the execution of benefits management programs. They are accountable for
benchmarking for the organization’s benefits programs with comparable organizations. They supervise the
preparation of benefits reports and collaborates with benefits partners and vendors for claim disbursements. They
are also responsible for ensuring that benefit records in the systems are accurate and adherence to regulatory
guidelines. They perform data analytics and share insights reports with senior members of the team.

The Specialist, Rewards works in a team environment, and communicates with various stakeholders within and
beyond the team. They possess an analytical mind and are able to derive insights from data, leveraging them to
address issues and derive solutions to work challenges.

They coordinate with the HR leadership team, team members, employees for HR policies regarding rewards and

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
In accordance with:
Prepare a report for the Manager/Head to coordinate with the Labor Relations unit to resolve any • PD 442 - Labor Code
grievances related to benefits outcomes raised by employees. of the Philippines
• PD 626 – Employees’
Prepare a communications toolkit to share organization's compensation, benefits review policies with
• RA 6725 – Prohibiting
employees and FAQs and responses
Against Women
• RA 6727 – Wage
Implement Rationalization
compensation and Identify peer companies and competitors of the organization to support benchmarking Act (creating the
benefits plan National Wages
and Productivity
Commission and
Compare organization's compensation and benefits programs against industry practices in relation to Regional Tripartite
Critical Work sector wage information. Wages and
Functions Productivity Boards)
and Key Tasks • RA 7277 – Magna
Carta for Persons with
/ Required Analyze employee feedback on compensation and benefits programs Disability
Knowledge • RA 7322 – Maternity
• RA 7641 – Retirement
Pay Law
Review submitted claims are covered under organization's benefit schemes
• RA 7875 – National
Health Insurance Act
of 1995
• RA 7877 – Anti-Sexual
Coordinate with organization's vendors and partners on benefits and claims processing Harassment Act of
Administer • RA 8187 – Paternity
employee benefits Leave Act of 1996
• RA 8371 – Indigenous
Review and facilitate benefits claims against eligibilities to ensure accurate disbursements People’s Rights Act
• RA 8972 – Solo
Parent’s Welfare Act
Analyze utilization rate of employee benefits programs and recommend action plans to ensure • RA 9003 - Ecological
sustainability of employee benefits program. Solid Waste
Management Act

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44 Human Capital Development


• RA 9679 – Home
Organize rewards and other employee data in HR system Development Mutual
Fund Law of 2009
• RA 9710 – Magna
Implement data protection policy checks in compliance to regulatory and ethical guidelines, and
Carta of Women
cleansing techniques to address data availability and quality challenges
• RA 10173 – Data
Privacy Act
Develop standard reporting templates for rewards management • RA 10911 – Anti-Age
Manage rewards Discrimination in
and other employee Employment
data • RA 10963 – Tax
Analyze historical and current HR data to recognize trends and patterns in rewards
Reform for
Acceleration and
Utilize diagnostic analytics on identified business and/or Human Resources issues, HR data to identify Inclusion Law
causes of behaviors and rewards outcomes • RA 11036 – Mental
Health Act
• RA 11058 –
Prepare technical and business reports with the analytical findings and make recommendations, if
Occupational Health
and Safety Act
• RA 11165 -
Verify that submitted claims are covered under organization's benefit schemes Telecommuting Act
• RA 11166 – Philippine
HIV and AIDS Policy
Liaise with organization's vendors and partners on benefits and claims processing • RA 11199 - Social
Security Act of 2018
• Tax laws, rules and
employee benefits
regulations (National
Review benefits claims against entitlements to ensure accurate disbursements Internal Revenue
Code as amended
by the TRAIN and
Analyze utilization rate of employee benefits and programs CREATE Laws

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Benefits Management Level 3 Communication Intermediate

Compensation Management Level 3 Computational Thinking Intermediate

Data Collection and Preparation Level 3 Digital Literacy Intermediate

Data Management Level 3 Interpersonal Skills Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 2 Sense Making Intermediate

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4 Service Orientation Intermediate

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 3 Teamwork Intermediate

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3 Secondary:

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 3 Decision Making Intermediate

Skills and
Project Management Level 3 Problem Solving Intermediate
Technology Integration Level 3


Business Acumen Level 3

Financial Acumen Level 3

Health and Wellness Program Management Level 3

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3

Human Resources Systems Management Level 3

Operational Excellence Level 3

Organizational Change Management Level 3

Skills Framework Adoption Level 3

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 3

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 45


Associate, Performance and Rewards

Occupation: Associate
The Associate, Performance and Rewards assists with the administration of performance reviews and compensation
and benefits programs in the organization. They research industry compensation and benefits practices and liaise
with vendors for benefits programs suitable for the workforce. They manage routine employee queries relating to
performance management systems and compensation and benefits processing. They generate salary and benefits
reports, conduct data analyses, and present preliminary findings to senior members of the team.

The Associate, Performance and Rewards works in a team environment and interacts proactively with various
stakeholders. They serve others and can adapt to various forms of technology within their area of work to enhance
work quality and meet others’ needs more effectively.

They coordinate with the HR leadership team, team members, employees for HR policies regarding performance,
rewards and compensation.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)

Prepare information for communication toolkits relevant to stakeholders of the organization in relation In accordance with:
to performance reviews and timelines • PD 442 - Labor Code
of the Philippines
• PD 626 – Employees’
Prepare performance management reports ensuring data protection policy in compliance to regulatory
Administer Compensation
and ethical guidelines and confidentiality of performance review data
performance Program
management • RA 6725 – Prohibiting
programs Respond to employee inquiries relating to performance management system Discrimination
Against Women
• RA 6727 – Wage
Gather feedback for the Manager/Head to coordinate with the Labor Relations unit to resolve any Rationalization
grievances related to performance evaluation outcomes raised by employees, and provide feedback to Act (creating the
employee queries National Wages
and Productivity
Prepare a manual on organization's compensation and benefit policies Commission and
Regional Tripartite
Critical Work
Wages and
Functions Examine information and data on industry compensation, benefits schemes and practices, and Productivity Boards)
and Key Tasks Implement employees' job requirements to support job evaluation in reference to Skills Map, for review purposes, • RA 7277 – Magna
/ Required compensation and Carta for Persons with
benefits plan Review external vendors for employee incentive programs, whether monetary or non-monetary i.e. Disability
Knowledge memberships to clubs, recognition, as part of benefits programs, for inclusion in the organization’s • RA 7322 – Maternity
programs. Benefits
• RA 7641 – Retirement
Gather data on employee demographics and risk profiles to support review of benefits programs Pay Law
• RA 7875 – National
Health Insurance Act
Prepare required reports i.e employer contributions to employee’s retirement plan, availment of of 1995
various programs, annual salaries report, income tax forms, other government related contribution • RA 7877 – Anti-Sexual
reports and statutory requirements, ensuring data protection policy in compliance to regulatory and Harassment Act of
ethical guidelines and confidentiality are practiced. 1995
• RA 8187 – Paternity
Gather information required for the development/ revision/ interpretation of policies and guidelines/
Administer Leave Act of 1996
and the preparation of recommendation on queries/ cases involving employee compensation,
employee • RA 8371 – Indigenous
incentives and rewards.
compensation People’s Rights Act
Administer compensation reimbursement based on employee submissions • RA 8972 – Solo
Parent’s Welfare Act
• RA 9003 - Ecological
Respond to routine employee queries on matters relating to compensation Solid Waste
Management Act

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46 Human Capital Development


• RA 9679 – Home
Development Mutual
Collate submitted benefits claims
Fund Law of 2009
• RA 9710 – Magna
Carta of Women
• RA 10173 – Data
Process benefits claims based on employee submissions Privacy Act
• RA 10911 – Anti-Age
Administer Discrimination in
employee benefits Employment
• RA 10963 – Tax
Prepare benefits claims reports Reform for
Acceleration and
Inclusion Law
• RA 11036 – Mental
Respond to routine employee queries on matters relating to benefits including such actions online Health Act
• RA 11058 –
Occupational Health
and Safety Act
• RA 11165 -
Maintain historical and current employee data in HR system ensuring compliance to data protection
Telecommuting Act
policy, regulatory and ethical guidelines and confidentiality when handling employee data
• RA 11166 – Philippine
HIV and AIDS Policy
• RA 11199 - Social
Security Act of 2018
performance, Identify data availability and data quality challenges to support report generation
• Tax laws, rules and
rewards and other
regulations (National
employee data
Internal Revenue
Code as amended
Prepare and process compensation, performance and rewards and other employee data for analysis by the TRAIN and

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Benefits Management Level 2 Communication Basic

Compensation Management Level 2 Digital Literacy Basic

Data Collection and Preparation Level 2 Interpersonal Skills Basic

Data Management Level 2 Teamwork Basic

Employee Communication Management Level 2 Secondary:

Skills and
Secondary: Service Orientation Basic
Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 2

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 2

Human Resources Systems Management Level 2

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 2

Performance Management Level 2

Skills Framework Adoption Level 2

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 2

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 47


Head, Talent Attraction and Talent Management

Occupation: Head
The Head of Talent Attraction and Talent Management is responsible for establishing overall Talent strategies and
framework to attract, retain, prepare, and position the right talent to drive organizational success. They should have
a solid understanding and knowledge of full-cycle recruiting along with a strategic mindset in order to develop
a highly skilled workforce of the organization. They determine the right hiring philosophy and design employer
branding strategies to attract potential talents and build a robust talent pipeline that aligns with the workforce
requirements and business objectives. They oversee the full cycle in selection of candidates to onboarding and
integration of the new staff in the organization. In addition, they formulate career development frameworks and
programs to provide fulfilling career opportunities to employees in the organization. And they should guide the
Management team in hiring of key leadership roles and in formulating succession plans for business-critical roles.
They are also responsible for establishing employee separation policies and guidelines.

As a department head, they are responsible for setting the direction and articulating goals and objectives for
the team, and driving the integration of Skills Frameworks across the organization’s Talent Attraction and Talent
Management plans. They must ensure that the process is efficient, effective, and compliant. They are able to develop
business continuity strategies related to Talent Attraction and Talent Management.

The Head, Talent Attraction and Talent Management is a highly collaborative, influential, and inspiring leader who
adopts a broad perspective in the decisions they make. They are articulate and display a genuine passion for
motivating and developing their team. They ensure the optimal performance of the Department, which in turn
influences the performance of the entire company.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Work with Management / Senior Leaders to develop and align talent strategy and plan with In accordance with:
organization’s current and future strategy and business objectives or goals. • Administrative Code
of 1987
Formulate HR Collaborate with line managers / business leaders to review current and future talent supply and • DOLE DO 174 - Labor-
Strategy and demand in terms of manpower and bench strength of capabilities. only Contracting
Workforce Plans Design the workforce planning approach and methodology, taking into consideration the size and skills • Employees’
of the workforce, financial budget, and the nature and complexity of the organization Compensation
Manage strategic headcount against the business needs and approved budget. • Labor Code of the
Align the employer brand to the overall organization’s brand to ensure consistency in the • Minimum Wage
Organization's Employee Value Proposition (EVP) (National Wages
and Productivity
Establish legal and ethical hiring standards in recruiting and sourcing (i.e., candidate poaching,
non-compete and non-solicitation) in consultation with line managers / business leaders to source
• OSHS Compliance, DO
Critical Work for potential candidates for senior positions to meet the current and future business and leadership
No 198-19
Functions Manage Talent requirements
• OSHS Compliance
and Key Tasks Sourcing to DO 198-19, Labor
Establish and maintain professional networking strategies and build industry and academic linkages.
/ Required Advisory No. 04-19
Develop internal and external as well as out of the box recruitment sourcing strategies to reach out to • OSHS , RA 11058
Knowledge passive candidates and high level and niche positions. • RA 386 Civil Code
• RA 6727 - Wage
Develop a robust talent pipeline / database of senior level candidates to fill current and future hiring Rationalization Act
needs • RA 7277 – Magna
Carta for persons with
Design a cost efficient and effective recruitment strategy and approach using a combination of
screening criteria, assessment tools, psychometric assessment tests, techniques and technology
• RA 7641 - Retirement
solutions to assess candidates
Pay Law
Manage Talent • RA 7658 - Prohibiting
Advise business leaders on the principles of fair and unbiased employment selection practices as well
Selection employment of
as how to align to current and future business needs.
children below
Interview candidates for senior level positions and recommend suitably qualified candidates to 15 years of age in
business leaders for job offers. Public and Private
Articulate, promote and influence others to be advocates of the organization's employee value
• RA 8371 - Indigenous
Manage proposition (EVP) to strengthen the employer brand in the market.
Peoples’ Rights Act
Onboarding of New • RA 8972 - Solo
Hires Advise in the hiring recommendations for candidates in senior roles, in consultation with business Parents’ Welfare Act
leaders, taking into account existing business considerations and future business needs.

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48 Human Capital Development


Approach identified senior candidates for job offers with skill by creating persuasive and compelling • RA 9710 – Magna
offers, taking into account the internal and external compensation equity to secure high offer Carta of Women
acceptance rate of employment offers. • RA 10173 – Data
Privacy Act of 2012
Design dynamic orientation programs for new hires to facilitate onboarding experience and to help • RA 10911 - Anti-age
them get familiarized with the organization. Discrimination in
Develop a formalized and systematic Onboarding strategy for the organization (eg. 5 Cs of new hire Employment Act
onboarding process - compliance, clarification, culture, connection and check back) • RA 11036 - Mental
Health Act
Co-develop employee after-work socialization programs with the employee engagement team. • RA 11165 - The New
E stablish a monitoring system to observe the performance of new joiners during their probationary Act
period as well as the turnover rate to identify key reasons of leaving in order to continuously improve • RA 11166 – HIV and
the organization’s way in aligning expectations AIDS Policy
• RA 11199 – Social
Establish organization-wide career development framework and policy and programs as a key
Security Law
component of employee value proposition.
• Wage and Wage
Engage business leaders to explore business strategy and provide coaching to steer career goals and related Benefits
aspirations of the workforce towards greater alignment with the current and future business needs. (Minimum Wage,
Drive Career
Overtime, Premium
Management Institute career development strategies that build a strong internal core of people to address the Pay, Holiday
organization’s current and future business needs. Pay, Night Shift
Differential, Service
Monitor and evaluate the costs and effectiveness of career development programs against people
Charges, Service
engagement level and turnover rate and develop continuous improvement actions.
Incentive Leave,
Develop a strategic talent management framework to identify talent profile, develop key talent and Parental Leaves,
retain the right talent to meet the current and future organization needs. Other Leaves, 13th
Month Pay, Separation
Enable business leaders to coach and mentor talents Pay, Retirement Pay,
Manage Talent Gross Benefits and De
Development Mentor senior level talent to identify drivers of their engagement, monitor their engagement level and Minimis Benefits
make formal and informal efforts to retain talent.

Assess the current capabilities of talents versus what is required for the future to provide insights on
potential gaps, and recommend ways to address the gaps through a talent management program.

Engage with senior business leaders to evaluate the ongoing viability of the succession management
Critical Work
Develop guiding principles with business leaders to advise on business critical positions for succession
Functions management that would meet current and future business needs.
and Key Tasks Drive Succession
Management Map business-critical roles of the business leadership and pivotal positions of operational management
/ Required to assess the organization’s vulnerabilities.
Construct robust and comprehensive succession management, taking into account current and future
business plans to build a talent and leadership pipeline that is sufficient for business continuity.

Advise business leaders on exiting employees to conduct the same in a professional manner, taking
into account organizational needs and legal obligations.

Manage individual and group communications regarding employee separation by demonstrating

situational awareness.

Evaluate the business impact of employee rationalization programs on the organization to ensure the
program-related risks are considered and addressed accordingly.

Develop/establish a business case for alternate Talent policies to minimize the impact of employee
rationalization programs due to business restructuring, including process or job redesign, training or
re-skilling and redeployment.
Manage Employee
Separation and Off Manage employee rationalization programs and severance programs that are in accordance with
Boarding organization policies, relevant labor laws and regulations, as well as industry practices.

Support senior leaders to communicate decisions, concerns and options to affected individuals and
business leaders in a professional and delicate manner.

Evaluate the business impact of talent retirements on the organization to ensure risks are considered
and addressed.

Translate retirement policy into operational framework and processes, keeping in view legal
requirements, organizational needs and the well-being of retiring employees to instill a positive
association with the organization upon retirement.

Develop and drive rehiring policy to enable re-employment of employees beyond their retirement age.

Advocate DEIB in all employee engagement and lifecycle strategies to raise awareness and foster an
inclusive employment culture (considering gender and gender preferences, race, community, economic
Manage Diversity, status, disability, and the like.)
Equity, Inclusion
Identify opportunities to raise the corporate branding and profile around DEIB through
and Belonging
communications with internal and external stakeholders.
Support HR activities with a global mindset coupled with awareness of local culture sensitivities and

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Human Capital Development 49


Perform trend analysis by understanding the competitive environment in which the business interacts.

Look across a series of internal data including but not limited to Employee Engagement survey, Net
Promoter Score survey, Exit Interview survey and anticipate implications of business activity on HR

Perform market sensing by obtaining and maintaining knowledge of competitive practices within
relevant labor markets such as the industry, local, and professional competitors.

Translate the business strategy to determine its implications on the workforce

Undertake Recommend HR strategies as a result of workforce implications of business strategy and ensure that
Analytics and workforce requirements are fulfilled and both business and employees interests are maintained.
Review and develop future-ready People policies and strategies, referencing local and global HR trends
and best practices, taking into consideration context, economic outlook and available support to meet
business needs.

Recommend People policies, practices, or strategies that competitively position the organization as a
Great Place to Work and an Employer Of Choice.

Assess the extent of in-house HR analytics capability and engage with external providers of
benchmarking analytics services to supplement identified gaps.

Review employee data handling practices and processes to ensure compliance with the Data Privacy
Act and ethical guidelines to ensure the privacy of confidential employee data

Create high impact, consistent and accurate messaging using appropriate tools to drive engagement,
aligned with the organization-wide communications strategy.

Communicate People and business strategies using clear language that engages others in the view of
the future.

Communicate an understanding of the business environment in order to view problems and requests in
the context of the long term goals and objectives.

Manage Manage resistance, objections and conflicts during conversations in a firm, respectful and empathetic
Relationships and manner.
Communication Employ negotiation and conflict management skills to help different parties achieve their desired

Help the senior leaders of the organization to define the problems and identify root causes of people-
related issues by understanding organizational and individual challenges.

Critical Work Provide resources to advise senior leaders to determine the appropriate course of action in people-
Functions related matters.
and Key Tasks Establish relationships with senior leaders to build trust and understand their needs.
/ Required
Conduct a diagnosis of HR function effectiveness to address the current and future needs of the
Knowledge business and the people.

Design a target operating model HR by analyzing the merits of different service delivery structure and
Drive Operational system architecture, as well as by assessing costs and benefits of adopting technology solutions.
Excellence and the
Use of Technology Lead HR transformation programs by incorporating changes in strategy, structure, people, process and
systems in order to achieve technology, service and operational excellence.

Develop a service management framework by incorporating service quality standards, service level
agreements, and service excellence metrics.

Advise on labor policies and employment legislation such as the Labor Code of the Philippines or
Apply Labor Civil Service Commission and their applications to senior business leaders to facilitate complete
Policies and understanding of compliance requirements.
Legislation Review Talent Attraction and Talent Management processes impacting workplace legislation to ensure
controls are in place and to prevent regulatory breaches.

Establish Talent Attraction and Talent Management Strategy with reference to relevant Skills
Integrate Skills Framework components.
Frameworks across
Talent Attraction Align Talent Attraction and Talent Management programs and practices with Skills Framework
and Talent components
Management plans
and programs Drive integration of Skills Frameworks in onboarding processes for new hires and formulate succession
plans with reference to relevant Skills Framework that applies to organization's workforce

Establish long-term objectives for the Talent Attraction and Talent Management functions that align
with the strategy of the organization

Establish the department operating and resourcing structure for the function to support the
organization's objectives

Manage budget for the function's activities and allocate to different teams and projects
Manage team Lead team to translate business strategy into annual performance goals and departmental objectives
operations and
performance Provide coaching and mentoring to subordinates to ensure succession management

Approve workflow improvement solutions and recommendations for the talent management

Approve recommendations on changes to the function's operations and the required resources

Align objectives and goals with internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to
yield mutual benefits

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50 Human Capital Development


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Business Acumen Level 5 Building Inclusivity Advanced

Career Coaching Level 5 Collaboration Advanced

Career Framework Design Level 5 Communication Advanced

Coaching and Mentoring Level 4 Creative Thinking Advanced

Competency Framework Development Level 5 Decision Making Advanced

Crisis Situation Management Level 5 Developing People Advanced

Data Governance Level 5 Global Perspective Advanced

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 5 Influence Advanced

Employee Communication Management Level 4 Problem Solving Advanced

Employer Branding Level 6 Self Management Advanced

Financial Acumen Level 4 Sense Making Advanced

Group Dynamics Facilitation Level 5 Transdisciplinary Intermediate

Human Resources Advisory Level 5

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 5

Industry Networking Level 6

Involuntary Exit Management Level 5

Leadership Development Level 6

Negotiation Level 5

Onboarding Level 5

Organizational Culture Development Level 4

Organizational Strategy Development Level 5

Recruitment Channel Management Level 5

Retirement and Re-employment Management Level 5

Skills and Selection Management Level 5

Competencies Strategic Workforce Planning Level 5

Succession Management Level 5

Talent Capability Assessment Level 5

Talent Management Level 6

Technology Integration Level 5

Voluntary Exit Management Level 5


Contingent Workforce Management Level 5

Digital Marketing and Communication Level 5

Employee Mobility Management Level 5

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 4

Human Resources Digitalization Level 5

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 5

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 4

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 5

Human Resources Systems Management Level 4

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 4

Operational Excellence Level 5

Organizational Change Management Level 5

Organizational Design Level 4

Organization Diagnosis Level 5

Performance Management Level 4

Project Management Level 5

Risk Management Level 5

Skills Framework Adoption Level 5

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 5

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 51


Manager, Talent Attraction

Occupation: Manager
The Manager, Talent Attraction is responsible for planning, developing, managing and implementing the
organizational recruitment strategies. They also craft policy and ensure that these comply with the recruitment
regulations and policies of the organization, and with labor laws. They develop the employer branding initiatives
and recruitment plans to source for potential candidates. They determine cost-efficient and robust assessment
and selection tools to identify the right candidates for hire. They establish processes and guidelines to onboard
new hires. They coach and work with business stakeholders to facilitate the assimilation of new hires into the

In addition, they are responsible for managing the talent attraction team operations and performance, and
integrating Skill Frameworks into the talent attraction programs and initiatives.

The Manager, Talent Attraction is highly organized, methodical and systematic and makes decisions and manages
resources effectively. They are a confident communicator and possess the ability to build and foster long-term
relationships with others to achieve desired objectives.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Identify the data sources to gather and prepare relevant workforce data to perform workforce and In accordance with:
skills gap analysis. • Administrative Code
of 1987
Apply strategic workforce planning tools and techniques for long term manpower and future • DOLE DO 174 - Labor-
capabilities needed to deliver against the organization’s strategic objectives. only Contracting
Formulate HR
Develop recruitment plans and advise line managers / business leaders on strategic resourcing options • Employees’
Strategy and
and approaches to identify and address manpower shortages and skills gaps. Compensation
Workforce Plans
Calculate and analyze cost and headcount implications resulting from proposed strategic workforce • Labor Code of the
plan and recruitment plan. Philippines
• Minimum Wage
Manage and monitor manpower cost within the approved budget. (National Wages
and Productivity
Develop and execute initiatives to deliver the employer branding strategy through collaboration with
internal and external stakeholders.
• OSHS Compliance, DO
Develop and execute legal and ethical standards of recruiting and sourcing (ie. candidate poaching, No 198-19
non-compete and non-solicitation), in collaboration with line managers / business leaders to ensure • OSHS Compliance
open positions are successfully filled out. to DO 198-19, Labor
Advisory No. 04-19
Manage Talent
Explore the latest recruiting sourcing trends and applicant tracking systems/technology and • OSHS , RA 11058
implement what is appropriate and required in the organization • RA 386 Civil Code
• RA 6727 - Wage
Critical Work Manage various internal and external sourcing channels which include but not limited to employee Rationalization Act
Functions referrals, job boards, online, applicant referral, agency, academic linkages, provincial job fairs and • RA 7277 – Magna
direct ads
and Key Tasks Carta for persons with
/ Required Develop a robust talent internal and external pipeline / database for current and future hiring needs disability
• RA 7641 - Retirement
Knowledge Pay Law
Develop Policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the selection, assessment and hiring, in
accordance with the Philippine’s Labor Code’s regulations and practices for the private sector and civil • RA 7658 - Prohibiting
service laws for the public sector and recruitment strategy of the organization. employment of
children below
Recommend and deploy a range of assessment tools, Psychometric assessment tests, techniques and 15 years of age in
technology driven solutions for hiring managers to evaluate the job-fit of candidates in order to hire Public and Private
and manage hiring costs within the target timeline and approved budget. undertakings
Manage Talent
• RA 8371 - Indigenous
Selection Conduct interviews and assessments and other methods to ensure that all candidates are being
Peoples’ Rights Act
assessed and selected as per the recruitment standard and guidelines
• RA 8972 - Solo
Analyze all information gathered from the screening and assessment process to support hiring Parents’ Welfare Act
managers in making recommendations for job offers • RA 9710 – Magna
Carta of Women
Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the assessment process and recommend continuous • RA 10173 – Data
improvement actions to ensure a good candidate experience. Privacy Act of 2012
• RA 10911 - Anti-age
Communicate the Organization's Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to the identified candidates Discrimination in
through job offer discussions Employment Act
• RA 11036 - Mental
Advise hiring recommendations of selected candidates in consultation with hiring managers, taking Health Act
Secure Candidates into account existing business considerations and future business needs. • RA 11165 - The New
for Job Offers Telecommunicating
Put together employment offers that take into account internal and external compensation equity, • RA 11166 – HIV and
and communicate in a persuasive and professional manner to secure high offer acceptance rate of AIDS Policy
employment offers.

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52 Human Capital Development


Develop onboarding programs based on the set onboarding strategy and facilitate assimilation of new
hires into the organization and team
Onboarding of New Collaborate with line managers / business leaders to help new joiners assimilate into the organization.
Analyze feedback from new joiners about their onboarding experience as well as the turnover rate so
as to take proactive actions to address areas for improvement in a timely manner.

Incorporate and build DEIB Management principles into People policies, translating these policies into
day-to-day practices in the workplace.
Manage Diversity,
Contribute towards building the corporate brand for DEIB in all communications with stakeholders,
Equity, Inclusion
respecting differences in perspectives and opinions.
and Belonging
(DEIB) Promote effective working relationships with people of diverse gender identities, races, languages,
practices, preference, social styles, religions, or cultures, embracing differences in perspectives,
traditions, and culture, and adopting an open mindset, resilience and adaptability at all times.

Apply data governance concepts and principles to identify, collect and prepare data for analytics and
HR metrics benchmarking.

Resolve data availability and data quality challenges with data cleansing techniques.

Correlate financial and HR related data to design HR metrics, identify causal relationships, analyze
Undertake trends, develop forecasts and projections, and draw insights and foresights for decision-making.
Analytics and Develop insightful presentations derived from data analytics and HR metrics benchmarking using
Insights dashboards or data visualization tools.

Provide benchmarking insights on data analysis outcomes by staying updated with the local and global
recruitment trends and developments.

Derive relevant insights from analysis and recommend enhancements to the organization’s HR
practices taking into consideration the business context and operating environment.

Plan and execute communication activities using the appropriate channels/tools for the targeted

Develop communication material/information kits for the HR programs/activities to convey desired

messages clearly and effectively to the targeted audience.

Present and communicate with impact and empathy through clarity in messages, and engaging the
audience through active listening and inquiry.
Critical Work Manage
Relationships and Demonstrate respect when handling difficult conversations, dilemmas or paradoxes.
and Key Tasks Adapt and tailor-fit different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or
/ Required stakeholder groups.
Knowledge Establish credibility by gaining confidence of others through a demonstration of business and technical

Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related issues

Review of the range of HR services against their corresponding HR service delivery channels critical to
identify opportunities for continuous improvement of service quality or cost reduction.

Implement and operate various aspects of the HR operating model to deliver these services as set out
in service management framework and in accordance with Talent Attraction policies.
Drive Operational
Implement HR transformation programs to improve the effectiveness of HR service delivery, and
Excellence and the
promote cost efficiency for the organization.
Use of Technology
Adopt a service-oriented mindset and people-centricity in dealing with workforce and business

Apply prevailing and applicable labor policies, employment laws and regulations such as the Philippine
labor code or Civil Service Commission.

Support line managers in drafting and issuing employment contracts, taking into account all relevant
Apply Labor statutory terms and benefits
Policies and
Legislation Communicate with identified candidates on areas such as benefits and claims eligibility and
administration, payroll deductions, retirement, re-employment and termination guidelines.

Leverage Critical Work Functions and Key Tasks (CWFs and KTs) of Skills Frameworks to develop
employer branding collateral

Develop job advertisements with reference to the Skills Frameworks

Develop behavior-based interviews with reference to the Skills Frameworks

Integrate Skills
Frameworks in the Develop competency-based interviews with reference to Functional and Enabling Skills and
development of Competencies (FSCs and ESCs) of Skills Frameworks
talent attraction
initiatives Design competency assessment tools with reference to FSCs and ESCs of Skills Frameworks

Design recruitment and selection criteria with reference to CWFs and KTs and FSCs and ESCs of Skills

Leverage CWFs and KTs and FSCs and ESCs of Skills Frameworks in developing onboarding programs
for new hires

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Human Capital Development 53


Translate the strategies and long-term objectives for the Talent Attraction function into tactical plans

Manage team resources to ensure adequate staffing and capability levels

Monitor and manage the department’s approved budget

Manage team Set individual objectives, periodically reviewing and assessing performance of direct reports
operations and Provide coaching and mentoring to junior team members
Assess feasibility of proposals to improve internal workflows

Justify the resources required to support changes in resources, procedures, systems, or technology
within the function

Manage internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to achieve shared goals

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Coaching and Mentoring Level 4 Building Inclusivity Intermediate

Data Governance Level 4 Collaboration Advanced

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 4 Communication Advanced

Employee Communication Management Level 4 Creative Thinking Advanced

Employer Branding Level 5 Decision Making Advanced

Human Resources Advisory Level 4 Developing People Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3 Digital Fluency Intermediate

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 4 Global Perspective Intermediate

Industry Networking Level 5 Influence Advanced

Negotiation Level 5 Problem Solving Advanced

Onboarding Level 4 Self-Management Intermediate

Operational Excellence Level 4 Sense Making Intermediate

Recruitment Channel Management Level 4

Selection Management Level 4

Strategic Workforce Planning Level 4

Skills and
Business Acumen Level 4
Contingent Workforce Management Level 4

Crisis Situation Management Level 4

Data Collection and Preparation Level 4

Data Management Level 4

Digital Marketing Communication Level 4

Employee Mobility Management Level 4

Financial Acumen Level 3

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 4

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4

Human Resources Systems Management Level 4

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 4

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 4

Project Management Level 4

Risk Management Level 4

Skills Framework Adoption Level 4

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 4

Technology Integration Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

54 Human Capital Development


Specialist, Talent Attraction

Occupation: Specialist
The Specialist, Talent Attraction is responsible for supporting the implementation of the full-cycle recruiting process
and in delivering quality hires. They analyze various approaches to identify potential candidates. They conduct
background checks, negotiate pay packages and present employment offers to selected candidates. They create
new hire onboarding packets, develop content, and deliver onboarding sessions for new hires. They also manage and
maintain the applicant tracking system (ATS). The role also is expected to conduct research and studies, and draft
new and enhanced policies and guidelines relevant to recruitment and appointment processes. They monitor internal
and external developments and issuances from regulating agencies. They act as resource speakers on matters
relating to the department’s work functions during internal recruitment and orientation programs.

The Specialist, Talent Attraction thrives as an individual or in a team environment. They are comfortable interacting
with various stakeholders within and beyond the team. They possess an analytical mind and are enthusiastic
about solving problems to further enhance his/her role in the team. Their work output is consistent, whether as an
individual contributor or as part of a project team.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Implement the employer branding strategy for recruitment marketing based on the organization's In accordance with:
Employee Value Proposition (EVP) • Administrative Code
of 1987
Follow a legal and ethical standard of recruiting and sourcing in collaboration with line managers / • DOLE DO 174 - Labor-
business leaders to ensure open positions are successfully filled out. only Contracting
• Employees’
Analyze job requirements based on the job description and discussions with the Hiring Manager Compensation
Conduct various sourcing activities and approaches based on the job requirements and discussions • Labor Code of the
Source for Talent Philippines
with the Hiring Managers.
• Minimum Wage
Attend external recruitment events or activities and forge professional partnerships and academic (National Wages
linkages. and Productivity
Manage external stakeholders and vendors involved in the sourcing and attraction of talent • OSHS Compliance, DO
No 198-19
• OSHS Compliance
Manage a robust talent pipeline / database for current and future hiring needs to DO 198-19, Labor
Advisory No. 04-19
Implement the Policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the selection, assessment and • OSHS , RA 11058
hiring, in accordance with the Philippine’s Labor Code’s regulations and practices and recruitment • RA 386 Civil Code
strategy of the organization. • RA 6727 - Wage
Critical Work
Rationalization Act
Functions Propose and assess various selection assessment tools to be used and recommend further • RA 7277 – Magna
and Key Tasks improvement, if necessary. Carta for persons with
/ Required disability
Conduct interviews and assessments and ensure that all candidates are being assessed and selected as • RA 7641 - Retirement
Knowledge per the organization’s recruitment standard and guidelines Pay Law
• RA 7658 - Prohibiting
Conduct pre-employment and reference checks of shortlisted candidates to identify any critical issues employment of
Recruit Candidates children below
15 years of age in
Create a shortlist of candidates based on assessment results in collaboration with the Hiring Managers Public and Private
• RA 8371 - Indigenous
Conduct reference document authenticity checks on the candidates Peoples’ Rights Act
• RA 8972 - Solo
Negotiate terms and conditions of offer to selected candidates within standard operating guidelines of Parents’ Welfare Act
the organization to secure a high offer acceptance rate. • RA 9710 – Magna
Carta of Women
Communicate employment offers to the identified candidates and discuss list of pre-employment • RA 10173 – Data
requirements Privacy Act of 2012
• RA 10911 - Anti-age
Deliver onboarding programs based on the strategy Discrimination in
Employment Act
Facilitate assimilation of new hires into the organization and team through engagement with different • RA 11036 - Mental
Process units Health Act
Onboarding of New • RA 11165 - The New
Hires Gather feedback from new hires and analyze data on the quality of onboarding experience and Telecommunicating
recommend further improvement of the program Act
• RA 11166 – HIV and
Advise on work permits, visa documentation required for international workforce while ensuring AIDS Policy
compliance in handling and management of employee information / data.

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Human Capital Development 55


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Data Collection and Preparation Level 3 Building Inclusivity Intermediate

Data Management Level 3 Collaboration Intermediate

Digital Marketing and Communication Level 4 Communication Intermediate

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 3 Creative Thinking Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 3 Customer Orientation Intermediate

Employer Branding Level 4 Decision Making Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 2 Digital Fluency Intermediate

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4 Influence Intermediate

Industry Networking Level 3 Problem Solving Intermediate

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 3 Self-Management Intermediate

Negotiation Level 4 Sense Making Intermediate

Skills and
Onboarding Level 3
Operational Excellence Level 3

Recruitment Channel Management Level 3

Selection Management Level 3

Technology Integration Level 3


Business Acumen Level 3

Employee Mobility Management Level 3

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 3

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3

Human Resources Systems Management Level 3

Project Management Level 3

Skills Framework Adoption Level 3

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 3

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

56 Human Capital Development


Manager, Talent Management

Occupation: Manager
The Manager, Talent Management is responsible for developing and implementing talent management programs
to groom talent in the organization for the fulfillment of current and future business requirements. The role
also includes policy making and ensuring that this complies with the regulatory compliance and policies of the
organization. They design career pathways to generate awareness on career progression opportunities in the
organization and guide line managers on employee career development policies and programs. They manage
high-potential talent and succession management programs, to develop a strong pipeline for critical roles in the
organization and ensure business success and continuity. They also implement Learning and Development strategies.
They are also responsible for implementing employee separation policies and programs in the organization.

In addition, they are accountable for managing team operations and performance, and integrating Skill Frameworks
into the talent management programs and initiatives.

The Manager, Talent Management possesses strong people-orientation; they are an excellent communicator,
diplomatic and engaging when interacting with stakeholders at the workplace. They critically analyze complex issues
and are able to arrive at robust decisions and solutions.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Design and develop career pathways and planning toolkits to help the workforce understand their In accordance with:
career development options in the organization. • Administrative Code
of 1987
Plan and execute organization-wide communication activities to build awareness and understanding of • DOLE DO 174 - Labor-
Drive Career the career structure and available options in the organization. only Contracting
Management • Employees’
Coach line managers and supervisors to provide consistent career development advice and to develop
and groom employees to meet future business or organizational needs.
Review feedback on the effectiveness of the organization’s career development framework, policy, and • Labor Code of the
programs in shaping the workforce's career progression and recommend areas for improvement. Philippines
• Minimum Wage
Develop talent management framework and processes to identify and retain talents to meet the (National Wages
current and future organization needs. and Productivity
Work with the Learning and Development team on the required training needs. • OSHS Compliance, DO
No 198-19
• OSHS Compliance
Recommend and deploy assessment tools in order to identify high-performing individuals and high to DO 198-19, Labor
potentials as talents of the organization. Advisory No. 04-19
Manage Talent
• OSHS , RA 11058
Development Implement talent initiatives that balance and meet the needs of the people as well as the current and
• RA 386 Civil Code
future needs of the organization.
• RA 6727 - Wage
Critical Work
Facilitate talent review sessions to identify talents with key stakeholders based on organization’s ideal Rationalization Act
Functions talent profile using recommended assessment tools. • RA 7277 – Magna
and Key Tasks Carta for persons with
Gather and analyze talent related data to derive insights on the effectiveness of talent management disability
/ Required
programs, incorporating feedback from individuals in the program and stakeholders for continuous • RA 7641 - Retirement
Knowledge improvement. Pay Law
• RA 7658 - Prohibiting
Develop succession management by working with business leaders to identify and groom individuals employment of
to take over mission-critical roles and pivotal positions within the organization. children below
15 years of age in
Drive Succession
Maintain an accurate record and reporting system pertaining to succession management. Public and Private
Integrate succession management into talent management programs to ensure they are holistic and • RA 8371 - Indigenous
coherent. Peoples’ Rights Act
• RA 8972 - Solo
Manage employee exit processes, including conducting exit interviews and administering exit Parents’ Welfare Act
clearance procedures. • RA 9710 – Magna
Carta of Women
Manage individual communications to evoke positive pride of association with the organization upon • RA 10173 – Data
employee exits. Privacy Act of 2012
• RA 10911 - Anti-age
Develop and implement strategies to prevent employee rationalization programs due to business
Discrimination in
Manage Employee restructuring, including process or job redesign, training or re-skilling and redeployment.
Employment Act
Separation and Off
Manage employee rationalization program or individual severance programs in accordance with • RA 11036 - Mental
organization policies, relevant labor laws and regulations, as well as industry practices. Health Act
• RA 11165 - The New
Coach managers about the employee rationalization program and severance processes, in accordance Telecommunicating
with established guidelines, and contractual and legal requirements. Act
• RA 11166 – HIV and
Support affected individuals by providing and communicating relevant information about process, AIDS Policy
obligations around contractual and legal parameters and available post-exit assistance and options.

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Human Capital Development 57


Manage the administration of data that underpins the retirement process to ensure retiring employees
are treated in a professional manner and in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Support retiring employees by providing the provision of meaningful and constructive information
about the retirement process, their rights and obligations, and advise on post-retirement matters.

Implement strategies to support re-employment of employees beyond their retirement age based on
the organization’s rehiring policies.

Incorporate and build DEIB Management principles into People policies, translating these policies into
day-to-day practices in the workplace.
Manage Diversity,
Contribute towards building the corporate brand for DEIB in all communications with stakeholders,
Equity, Inclusion
respecting differences in perspectives and opinions.
and Belonging
(DEIB) Promote effective working relationships with people of diverse gender identities, races, languages,
practices, preference, social styles, religions, or cultures, embracing differences in perspectives,
traditions, and culture, and adopting an open mindset, resilience and adaptability at all times.

Apply data governance concepts and principles to identify, collect and prepare data for analytics and
HR metrics benchmarking.

Resolve data availability and data quality challenges with data cleansing techniques.

Correlate financial and HR data to design HR metrics, identify causal relationships, analyze trends,
Undertake develop forecasts and projections, and draw insights and foresights for decision-making.
Analytics and Develop insightful presentations derived from data analytics and HR metrics benchmarking using
Insights dashboards or data visualization tools.

Be updated with the local and global HR trends and developments to provide further benchmarking
insights on data analysis outcomes.

Derive relevant insights from analysis and recommend enhancements to the organization’s talent
practices taking into consideration the business context and operating environment.

Plan and execute communication activities using the appropriate channels/ tools for the targeted

Develop communication material/ information kits for the HR programs and activities to convey
desired messages clearly and effectively to the targeted audience.

Present and communicate with impact and empathy through clarity in messages, and engaging the
Critical Work
audience through active listening and inquiry.
Functions Manage
and Key Tasks Relationships and Demonstrate respect when handling difficult conversations, dilemmas or paradoxes.
/ Required Adapt and tailor-fit different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or
Knowledge stakeholder groups.

Establish credibility by gaining confidence of others through a demonstration of business and technical

Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related issues

Review the range of HR services against their corresponding HR service delivery channels critical to
identify opportunities for continuous improvement of service quality or cost reduction.

Implement various aspects of the HR operating model to deliver these services as set out in the service
Drive Operational management framework and in accordance with HR policies.
Excellence and the
Use of Technology Implement HR transformation programs to improve the effectiveness of HR service delivery, and
promote cost efficiency for the organization.

Adopt a service-oriented mindset and people-centricity in dealing with workforce and business

Apply prevailing and applicable labor policies, employment laws and regulations such as the Philippine
labor code or Civil Service Commission.
Apply Labor
Support line managers in drafting and issuing employment contracts, taking into account all relevant
Policies and
statutory terms and benefits.
Communicate with identified candidates on areas such as benefits and claims eligibility and
administration, payroll deductions, retirement, re-employment and termination guidelines.

Develop career pathways and job descriptions with reference to Career Map and Skills Map of the Skills

Guide employees to refer Skills Map of the Skills Framework to determine skill requirements and
Integrate Skills expectations for various roles
Frameworks in the
development and Leverage Skills Maps of the Skills Framework to facilitate mobility within the organization
implementation of Coach managers on use of the Career Map and Skills Maps for career development conversations with
Talent Management employees
Design talent management tools and processes to identify high-potential talent in line with Skills Maps
of the Skills Framework

Implement succession plans in in reference to Career Map of the Skills Framework

Translate the long-term objectives for the Talent Management function into tactical plans
Manage team Manage team resources to ensure adequate staffing and capability levels
operations and
performance Monitor the function's financial inflow and outflow against allocated budgets and forecasts

Set individual objectives, periodically reviewing and assessing performance of direct reports

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58 Human Capital Development


Provide coaching and mentoring to junior team members

Assess feasibility of proposals to improve internal workflows

Justify the resources required to support changes in resources, procedures, systems, or technology
within the function

Manage internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to achieve shared goals

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Career Coaching Level 4 Building Inclusivity Intermediate

Career Framework Design Level 4 Collaboration Advanced

Coaching and Mentoring Level 4 Communication Advanced

Competency Framework Development Level 4 Creative Thinking Advanced

Crisis Situation Management Level 4 Decision Making Advanced

Data Governance Level 4 Developing People Intermediate

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 4 Global Perspective Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 4 Influence Advanced

Group Dynamics Facilitation Level 4 Problem Solving Advanced

Human Resources Advisory Level 4 Self-Management Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3 Sense Making Intermediate

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 4

Involuntary Exit Management Level 4

Leadership Development Level 5

Organizational Culture Development Level 4

Retirement and Re-employment Management Level 4

Succession Management Level 5

Talent Capability Assessment Level 4

Talent Management Level 5

Voluntary Exit Management Level 4

Skills and
Competencies Secondary:

Business Acumen Level 4

Contingent Workforce Management Level 4

Data Collection and Preparation Level 4

Data Management Level 4

Employee Mobility Management Level 4

Financial Acumen Level 3

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 4

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 4

Human Resources System Management Level 4

Operational Excellence Level 4

Organizational Change Management Level 4

Organizational Design Level 4

Organizational Diagnosis Level 4

Performance Management Level 3

Project Management Level 4

Risk Management Level 4

Skills Framework Adoption Level 4

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 4

Strategic Workforce Planning Level 4

Technology Integration Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 59


Specialist, Talent Management

Occupation: Specialist
The Specialist, Talent Management is responsible for the implementation and measurement of the talent
management programs in identifying high-potential talents, and supports the organizational HR function in
implementing programs for succession management. In addition, they administer the employee separation process
and support re-employment programs.

The Specialist, Talent Management thrives in an individual or team environment. They are confident in engaging and
building relationships with various stakeholders. They possess an analytical mind and are enthusiastic about solving
problems. Their work product is consistent whether as an individual contributor or as part of a team.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
In accordance with:
Implement the career pathways and planning toolkits to help the workforce understand their career • Administrative Code
development options in the organization. of 1987
• DOLE DO 174 - Labor-
only Contracting
• Employees’
Implement organization-wide communication activities to build awareness and understanding of the
career structure and available options in the organization.
Support Talent • Labor Code of the
Development Philippines
Analyze assessment data and recommend indicators to identify high-potential talents in the • Minimum Wage
organization with reference to Skills Maps of the Skills Frameworks (National Wages
and Productivity
• OSHS Compliance, DO
Share the gathered employees' assessment results with their Line Managers for further review and No 198-19
feedback • OSHS Compliance
to DO 198-19, Labor
Advisory No. 04-19
• OSHS , RA 11058
Implement structured and customized succession management plans • RA 386 Civil Code
• RA 6727 - Wage
Critical Work
Rationalization Act
Functions • RA 7277 – Magna
and Key Tasks Carta for persons with
Gather stakeholder inputs on critical roles and succession criteria
/ Required disability
Coordinate • RA 7641 - Retirement
Knowledge Succession Pay Law
Management • RA 7658 - Prohibiting
Report the performance of successors in new roles employment of
children below
15 years of age in
Public and Private
Track progress and identify gaps and areas of improvement in succession management • RA 8371 - Indigenous
Peoples’ Rights Act
• RA 8972 - Solo
Parents’ Welfare Act
Formulate a checklist of exit formalities • RA 9710 – Magna
Carta of Women
• RA 10173 – Data
Privacy Act of 2012
• RA 10911 - Anti-age
Provide recommendations based on the exit interview feedback Discrimination in
Employment Act
Process Separation
• RA 11036 - Mental
Health Act
• RA 11165 - The New
Implement re-employment programs for employees Act
• RA 11166 – HIV and
AIDS Policy

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60 Human Capital Development


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Career Coaching Level 3 Building Inclusivity Intermediate

Data Collection and Preparation Level 3 Collaboration Intermediate

Data Management Level 3 Communication Intermediate

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 3 Creative Thinking Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 3 Customer Orientation Intermediate

Group Dynamics Facilitation Level 4 Decision Making Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 2 Influence Intermediate

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 3 Problem Solving Intermediate

Involuntary Exit Management Level 3 Self-Management Intermediate

Operational Excellence Level 3 Sense Making Intermediate

Retirement and Re-employment Management Level 3

Succession Management Level 3

Skills and Talent Capability Assessment Level 3
Talent Management Level 4

Technology Integration Level 3

Voluntary Exit Management Level 3


Business Acumen Level 3

Career Framework Design Level 3

Competency Framework Development Level 3

Employee Mobility Management Level 3

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3

Human Resources Systems Management Level 3

Organizational Change Management Level 3

Performance Management Level 3

Project Management Level 3

Skills Framework Adoption Level 3

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 3

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 61


Associate, Talent Attraction and Management

Occupation: Associate
The Associate, Talent Attraction and Talent Management assists in the processing and providing of administrative
support in the planned recruitment and talent management activities and programs. They source for potential
candidates and endeavor to maintain an optimal hiring experience for candidates. They conduct the initial screening
of potential candidates, administer assessments and prepare employment contracts as per recruitment guidelines.
They shall track the conversion success rate for each sourcing channel and provide administrative and logistical
support during the onboarding process. In addition, they support the conduct of assessments to identify high-
potential talents in the organization, and document assessment records and succession plans for critical roles
identified. They are also responsible for maintaining employee separation records.

The Associate, Talent Attraction and Talent Management enjoys working in a friendly and team-oriented
environment and interacts proactively with various stakeholders. They have a service-oriented mindset and can
adapt to various forms of technology within their work space to enhance their work. They are eager to explore and
are able to communicate information in a clear and concise manner to meet the needs of the team at the workplace.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Assist in the research of various sourcing approaches and available assessment tools In accordance with:
• Administrative Code
Gather information on talent needs and job descriptions from various business units of 1987
Contact potential candidates to elicit individuals' interest based on available positions • DOLE DO 174 - Labor-
Source for Talents only Contracting
Prepare hiring collaterals to be used in various sourcing / hiring platforms • Employees’
Maintain candidate database and track potential hires Program
• Labor Code of the
Measure and track conversion success rate for each sourcing channel
Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and regulations in selection and assessment process • Minimum Wage
(National Wages
Gather information based on the result of assessments conducted and Productivity
Conduct initial screening of job applicants' resumes and relevant skill qualifications to fit the
• OSHS Compliance, DO
Critical Work requirements
No 198-19
Functions Liaise with job applicants to administer selection process and assessments • OSHS Compliance
and Key Tasks to DO 198-19, Labor
Recruit candidates Document assessment results in an applicant bank for analysis and future reference Advisory No. 04-19
/ Required
• OSHS , RA 11058
Knowledge Collect information on potential new hires to support the selection process • RA 386 Civil Code
Interview applicants and determines qualifications for inclusion in pool of candidates for prospective • RA 6727 - Wage
announcement of vacancies Rationalization Act
• RA 7277 – Magna
Prepare employment offer letters and contracts, following standard templates and hiring regulations Carta for persons with
Respond to routine queries from candidates • RA 7641 - Retirement
Coordinate set up work access, prepare workspace and tools of trade, prepare welcome announcement Pay Law
for new hires and new hire information packs • RA 7658 - Prohibiting
employment of
Provide administrative and coordination support on the delivery of new hire orientation program children below
15 years of age in
Process onboarding Gather feedback from new hires on their onboarding experience Public and Private
of new hires undertakings
Prepare personal file for new hires • RA 8371 - Indigenous
Peoples’ Rights Act
• RA 8972 - Solo
Provide coordination and administrative support in the application of work permits, visa and Parents’ Welfare Act
documentation required for international workforce, if necessary.

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62 Human Capital Development


Gather information about tools to support talent assessment • RA 9710 – Magna

Carta of Women
Communicate assessment procedure to candidates • RA 10173 – Data
Assist in the administration of assessments Privacy Act of 2012
• RA 10911 - Anti-age
Support Talent
Keep a record of past assessment data for further evaluation Discrimination in
Employment Act
Respond to employee queries relating to talent assessment • RA 11036 - Mental
Health Act
Provide administrative and coordination support for high potential programs
Critical Work • RA 11165 - The New
Functions Maintain talent pool lists by levels in order to analyze talent gaps Telecommunicating
and Key Tasks Document critical roles identified in the organization • RA 11166 – HIV and
/ Required Coordinate AIDS Policy
Coordinate with respective departments to document succession management and potential
Knowledge Succession
successors for critical roles
Prepare various reports related to succession management activities

Ensure employee exit formalities are complete before employee separation

Prepare accession report for dissemination to concerned units

Process Separation
Respond to employee queries relating to employee separation processes

Maintain employee separation records

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Data Collection and Preparation Level 2 Adaptability Basic

Data Management Level 2 Communication Basic

Digital Marketing and Communication Level 3 Customer Orientation Basic

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 3 Digital Fluency Basic

Employee Communication Management Level 2 Learning Agility Basic

Involuntary Exit Management Level 2 Self-Management Basic

Job Analysis and Evaluation Level 2

Onboarding Level 2

Skills and Recruitment Channel Management Level 3

Competencies Selection Management Level 2

Talent Capability Assessment Level 3

Voluntary Exit Management Level 2


Employee Mobility Management Level 2

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 2

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 2

Human Resources Systems Management Level 2

Performance Management Level 2

Skills Framework Adoption Level 2

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 2

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 63


Head, Employee Engagement and Experience

Occupation: Head
The Head of Employee Engagement and Experience partners with line management in promoting an engaged
workforce, one that upholds the company’s defined corporate culture and values. They lead the establishment of
strategies that impact organizational health, employee motivation, performance and wellness. The Head champions
the continuous improvement of the employee experience throughout the employee’s organizational life cycle.
They assess communication channels and recommend programs to improve relationships among management and
employees in the mutual pursuit of organizational goals and objectives. They collaborate with other business units
(such as Finance, Tax, or Legal) as well as other HR functions in the creation or improvement of HR and organization
development systems, processes and policies that impact workforce performance and engagement.

As a department head, the Head is responsible for setting the direction and articulating goals and objectives for the

The Head, Employee Engagement and Experience is an influential and decisive leader who is able to communicate
their vision clearly, and address issues swiftly and effectively. They motivate and mentor others at the workplace,
and are highly skilled in engaging, communicating and collaborating with all stakeholders.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Provide strategic inputs to the employee engagement strategy, approach, and measurement tool. In accordance with:
Determine employee engagement drivers that have high impact on workforce performance such as • Administrative Code
but not limited to, career development, Learning and Development, compensation and benefits, work of 1987
environment, senior leadership, management, communication, health and well-being. • DOLE DO 174 - Labor-
only Contracting
Coach senior leaders to champion and drive employee engagement and communication programs, • Employees’
Strengthen People
such as town hall meetings, team building programs and other organization wide or departmental Compensation
events including those that advocate social, environmental, psychosocial, cultural, and economic Program
sustainability, which may positively impact the organization internally or externally. • Labor Code of the
Review the effectiveness of employee engagement programs, communication channels and programs, Philippines
and recommend areas for improvement based on employee feedback and learning from industry best • Minimum Wage
practices. (National Wages
and Productivity
Lead in the development of strategies that measure the impact of employee experience at each Commission)
touchpoint of the employee’s journey through the company, from onboarding to offboarding. • OSHS Compliance, DO
No 198-19
Partner and collaborate with all HR disciplines in enhancing employee experience relative to their • OSHS Compliance
function or the service they provide. In particular, communicate and influence programs, projects, to DO 198-19, Labor
Enhance Employee
Critical Work processes and policies on compensation and benefits, leadership and management development, Advisory No. 04-19
organization design, talent attraction and management, onboarding, offboarding, Learning and • OSHS , RA 11058
Development, performance management, and succession management. • RA 386 Civil Code
and Key Tasks • RA 6727 - Wage
/ Required Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, and recommend changes and further improvements as
Rationalization Act
Knowledge • RA 7277 – Magna
Advocate DEIB campaigns to raise awareness and foster an inclusive employment culture (considering Carta for persons with
Manage gender and gender preferences, race, community, economic status, disability, and the like.) disability
Diversity, Equity, • RA 7641 - Retirement
Identify opportunities to raise the corporate branding and profile around DEIB through Pay Law
Inclusion and
communications with internal and external stakeholders. • RA 7658 - Prohibiting
Belonging (DEIB)
Management employment of
Champion and support People policies and activities with a global mindset, being aware of local and
children below
global cultural sensitivities and needs.
15 years of age in
Public and Private
Perform trend analysis by understanding the competitive environment in which the business interacts.
• RA 8371 - Indigenous
Look across a series of data such as employee engagement survey ratings, net employer promoter
Peoples’ Rights Act
score, employee turnover or attrition rates, exit interview results, focus group discussions, frequently
• RA 8972 - Solo
asked questions, and other survey data and/or metrics, and anticipate implications of business activity
Parents’ Welfare Act
Undertake on people practices.
• RA 9710 – Magna
Analytics and Carta of Women
Perform market sensing by obtaining and maintaining knowledge of competitive practices within
Insights • RA 10173 – Data
relevant labor markets such as industry, local, and professional competitors that have an impact on
Employee Engagement and Experience. Privacy Act of 2012
• RA 10911 - Anti-age
Discrimination in
Translate the business strategy to determine its implications on the workforce Employment Act

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64 Human Capital Development


Recommend people strategies to ensure that workforce requirements are fulfilled while both business • RA 11036 - Mental
and employee interests are maintained. Health Act
• RA 11165 - The New
Review and develop future-ready People policies and strategies, referencing local and global HR trends Telecommunicating
and best practices, taking into consideration context, economic outlook and available support to meet Act
business needs. • RA 11166 – HIV and
Recommend People policies, practices, or strategies that competitively position the organization as a AIDS Policy
Great Place to Work and an Employer Of Choice.

Assess the extent of in-house people analytics capability and engage with external providers of
benchmarking analytics services to supplement identified gaps.

Review employee data handling practices and processes to ensure compliance with employee data
protection policy and ethical guidelines to ensure privacy of confidential employee data.

Define corporate internal communications strategy in line with company vision, mission, values and

Create high impact, consistent and accurate messaging using appropriate tools to drive engagement,
aligned with the organization-wide communications strategy.

Communicate People and business strategies using clear language that engages others in the view of
the future.

Communicate an understanding of the business environment in order to view problems and requests in
the context of the long term goals and objectives.
Critical Work
Relationships and Manage resistance, objections, and conflicts during conversations in a firm, respectful and empathetic
Functions Communication manner.
and Key Tasks
Employ negotiation and conflict management skills to help different parties achieve their desired
/ Required outcomes.
Help the senior leaders of the organization to define the problems and identify root causes of people-
related issues by understanding organizational and individual challenges.

Provide resources to advise senior leaders to determine the appropriate course of action in people-
related matters.

Establish relationships with senior leaders to build trust and address their needs as appropriate.

Establish long-term objectives for the Employee Engagement and Experience function that align with
the strategy of the organization

Establish the operating and resourcing structure for the function to support the organization's

Manage the budget for Employee Engagement and Experience programs and projects and allocate to
different teams and projects
Manage team
operations and Lead team to translate business strategy into annual performance goals and departmental objectives
performance Coach and mentor team members as necessary.

Drive the creation of workflow improvement solutions and recommendations for the employee
experience and relations function

Approve recommendations on changes to the function's operations and the required resources

Align objectives and goals with internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to
yield mutual benefits

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Conflict Management Level 6 Communication Advanced

Data Governance Level 5 Decision Making Advanced

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 5 Developing People Advanced

Employee Communication Management Level 4 Influence Advanced

Employee Engagement Management Level 6 Problem Solving Advanced

Skills and Employee Relationship Management Level 5 Sense Making Advanced

Competencies Financial Acumen Level 4 Secondary:

Health and Wellness Program Management Level 5 Building Inclusivity Advanced

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 4 Global Perspective Intermediate

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 5 Self-Management Advanced

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 5 Service Orientation Advanced

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 5 Transdisciplinary Thinking Intermediate

System and Process Improvement Level 5

Workplace Optimization Level 5

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Human Capital Development 65



Business Acumen Level 5

Conduct and Behavior Management Level 5

Employer Branding Level 5

Human Resources Advisory Level 5

Human Resources Digitalization Level 5

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 4

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 5

Industry Networking Level 5

Negotiation Level 5

Onboarding Level 5

Operational Excellence Level 5

Organizational Change Management Level 5

Organizational Culture Development Level 5

Organizational Diagnosis Level 5

Organizational Strategy Development Level 5

Project Management Level 5

Risk Management Level 5

Technology Integration Level 5

Voluntary Exit Management Level 5

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

66 Human Capital Development


Manager, Employee Engagement and Experience

Occupation: Manager
The Manager, Employee Engagement and Experience derives insights from employee engagement survey data.
The jobholder designs employee engagement plans and programs jointly with line leaders based on strategies that
aim to positively impact the employee’s organizational experience in alignment with its culture and values. These
include plans and programs to improve all types of employee services, people processes such as onboarding,
offboarding, and other people functions like talent attraction and management, performance management, Learning
and Development, compensation and benefits, as well as health and wellness programs. The Manager also creates
communication plans and programs to ascertain that communication channels are optimized while continually
improving management and employee relationships. All of these are done in consultation with other functions such
as Finance and Accounting, Tax, or Legal, as necessary.

In addition, the Manager is responsible for managing team operations and performance at the workplace.

The Manager, Employee Engagement and Experience leads by example and passionately analyzes issues, devising
new and creative solutions to problems, as well as encouraging innovation within the team. They are diplomatic and
highly skilled at engaging others, thereby promoting a cooperative and collaborative work environment.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Derive meaningful insights from analyzing the employee engagement survey results and other relevant In accordance with:
engagement data gathered as well as from other HR metrics (e.g., attrition/exit interview data, etc.) • Administrative Code
of 1987
Translate the insights gained from employee engagement data and recommend the best courses of • DOLE DO 174 - Labor-
action. only Contracting
Strengthen People
Facilitate action planning discussions with line leaders to identify actions to be taken and determine • Employees’
needed resources to implement action plans. These may include activities that address internal or Compensation
external social, environmental and economic sustainability. Program
• Labor Code of the
Provide support to business leaders in rolling out activities to communicate progress of the employee Philippines
engagement activities. • Minimum Wage
(National Wages
Develop, design, or select tools to measure employee satisfaction at each employee lifecycle and Productivity
touchpoint. Commission)
• OSHS Compliance, DO
Develop, along with other People functions, programs, projects, processes, policies or other
No 198-19
interventions to raise HR service levels, and create or implement process improvements for any
Enhance Employee • OSHS Compliance
identified HR functional area.. These may cover any of the following: compensation and benefits,
Experience to DO 198-19, Labor
leadership and management development, organization design, talent attraction and management,
Critical Work Advisory No. 04-19
onboarding, offboarding, Learning and Development, performance management, career and
Functions • OSHS , RA 11058
succession management.
• RA 386 Civil Code
and Key Tasks • RA 6727 - Wage
Design tools to evaluate the effectiveness of programs or interventions and act on findings as needed.
/ Required Rationalization Act
Knowledge Incorporate and build DEIB Management principles into People policies, translating these policies into • RA 7277 – Magna
day-to-day practices in the workplace. Carta for persons with
Plan and execute DEIB related activities that are compliant with DEIB policies and embrace DEIB
Manage Diversity, • RA 7641 - Retirement
Equity, Inclusion Pay Law
and Belonging Contribute towards building the corporate brand for DEIB in all communications with stakeholders, • RA 7658 - Prohibiting
(DEIB) respecting differences in perspectives and opinions. employment of
children below
Promote effective working relationships with people of diverse gender identities, races, languages, 15 years of age in
practices, preference, social styles, religions, or cultures, embracing differences in perspectives, Public and Private
traditions, and culture, and adopting an open mindset, resilience and adaptability at all times. undertakings
• RA 8371 - Indigenous
Apply data governance concepts and principles to identify, collect and prepare data for analytics and Peoples’ Rights Act
HR metrics benchmarking. • RA 8972 - Solo
Parents’ Welfare Act
Resolve data availability and data quality challenges with data cleansing techniques.
• RA 9710 – Magna
Undertake Carta of Women
Analytics and Analyze employee engagement survey ratings, net employer promoter score, employee turnover or
• RA 10173 – Data
Insights attrition rates, exit interview results, focus group discussion data, frequently asked questions, and
Privacy Act of 2012
other survey data and/or metrics by employing data mining, modelling, predictive analytics, and
• RA 10911 - Anti-age
benchmarking tools and techniques to create insights and foresights to guide decision-making.
Discrimination in
Correlate business and HR data to design HR metrics, identify causal relationships, analyze trends, Employment Act
develop forecasts and projections, and draw insights and foresights for decision making.

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Human Capital Development 67


Develop insightful presentations derived from data analytics and HR metrics benchmarking using • RA 11036 - Mental
dashboards or data visualization tools. Health Act
• RA 11165 - The New
Keep abreast of local and global HR trends and developments to provide further benchmarking Telecommunicating
insights on data analysis outcomes. Act
Derive relevant insights from analysis and recommend enhancements to the organization’s People • RA 11166 – HIV and
practices taking into consideration the business context and operating environment. AIDS Policy

Develop organizational communications policy.

Plan and execute communication activities using the appropriate channels/tools for the targeted

Develop communication material/ information kits for the HR programs/ activities to convey desired
messages clearly and effectively to the target audience.

Present and communicate with impact and empathy through clarity in messages and engaging the
Manage audience through active listening and inquiry.
Relationships and
Communication Resolve employee issues and concerns by demonstrating empathy and respect when handling difficult
Critical Work Management conversations, dilemmas, or paradoxes.
Adapt and tailor different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or
and Key Tasks stakeholder groups.
/ Required
Establish credibility by gaining confidence of others through a demonstration of business and technical
Knowledge knowledge.

Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related issues

Translate the long-term objectives for the Employee Engagement and Experience function into tactical

Manage team resources to ensure adequate staffing and capability levels

Monitor the function's financial inflow and outflow against allocated budgets and forecasts
Manage team Set individual objectives, periodically reviewing and assessing performance of direct reports
operations and
performance Coach and mentor team members

Assess feasibility of proposals to improve internal workflows

Justify the resources required to support changes in resources, procedures, systems, or technology
within the function

Manage internal stakeholders beyond the team and external stakeholders to achieve shared goals

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Conflict Management Level 5 Building Inclusivity Advanced

Data Collection and Preparation Level 4 Communication Advanced

Data Governance Level 4 Creative Thinking Advanced

Skills and Data Management Level 4 Customer Orientation Advanced

Competencies Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 4 Decision Making Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 3 Developing People Intermediate

Employee Engagement Management Level 4 Influence Intermediate

Employee Relationship Management Level 4 Problem Solving Advanced

Health and Wellness Programme Management Level 4 Sense Making Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3 Teamwork Advanced

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68 Human Capital Development


Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3 Secondary:

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4 Digital Fluency Intermediate

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 4 Learning Agility Intermediate

Project Management Level 4 Self Management Intermediate

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 4 Transdisciplinary Thinking Intermediate

System and Process Improvement Level 4

Workplace Optimization Level 4


Business Acumen Level 4

Conduct and Behavior Management Level 4

Employer Branding Level 4

Financial Acumen Level 3

Skills and Human Resources Advisory Level 4
Human Resources Digitalization Level 4

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 4

Industry Networking Level 4

Negotiation Level 4

Onboarding Level 4

Operational Excellence Level 4

Organizational Change Management Level 4

Organizational Culture Development Level 4

Organizational Diagnosis Level 4

Organizational Event Management Level 4

Risk Management Level 4

Technology Integration Level 4

Voluntary Exit Management Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 69


Specialist, Employee Engagement and Experience

Occupation: Specialist
The Specialist, Employee Engagement and Experience supports efforts in creating an engaged workforce and
an optimal experience for employees. They do so by developing employee engagement surveys, analyzing
data collected, and implementing initiatives to enhance employees’ engagement levels and well-being. They
are responsible for monitoring the implementation of policies pertaining to employee relations and internal
communications. The incumbent participates in the conceptualization and organization of corporate-wide events
that enhance employee-management relations and communication. The jobholder supports the company’s
communication program and disseminates relevant information to employees in an effective and timely manner.

The Specialist, Employee Engagement and Experience thrives in a team environment, and is comfortable interacting
with various stakeholders within and beyond the team. They possess an analytical mind and are enthusiastic about
solving problems in service of others.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Develop and administer employee engagement survey tools that cover engagement drivers such as, In accordance with:
but not limited to, career development, Learning and Development, compensation and benefits, work • Administrative Code
environment, senior leadership, management, communication, and well-being. of 1987
• DOLE DO 174 - Labor-
Collate responses and analyze employee engagement data from the employee engagement survey only Contracting
and other information gathered such as turnover or attrition rates, exit interview results, focus group • Employees’
discussions, frequently asked questions, and other surveys, to identify trends and patterns. Compensation
Organize data into meaningful visual presentations to facilitate understanding and analysis. • Labor Code of the
Enhance employee • Minimum Wage
Support execution of programs and initiatives designed to improve employee engagement (National Wages
engagement and
well-being and Productivity
Implement employee well-being workshops, programs and policies, including flexible work Commission)
arrangements or other programs that provide opportunities for work-life balance. • OSHS Compliance, DO
No 198-19
Conduct internal studies on organization’s workplace ergonomics. • OSHS Compliance
to DO 198-19, Labor
Advisory No. 04-19
Collate employee feedback and suggestions on organization's wellness initiatives. • OSHS , RA 11058
• RA 386 Civil Code
• RA 6727 - Wage
Critical Work Propose enhancements to employee well-being programs and initiatives. Rationalization Act
Functions • RA 7277 – Magna
Gather feedback, and collect data using available tools about employee experience on hiring/ Carta for persons with
and Key Tasks
onboarding, regularization, career movements (transfers or promotions), development programs, disability
/ Required and upon exit / offboarding as well as when availing of HR services both for statutory and company- • RA 7641 - Retirement
Knowledge provided benefits. Pay Law
Improve employee • RA 7658 - Prohibiting
experience employment of
Implement interventions, plans and programs to address service-level gaps identified.
children below
15 years of age in
Administer evaluation tools that measure effectiveness of programs and interventions implemented to
Public and Private
enhance employee experience. Collate and analyze data gathered into visual presentation material.
Recommend and plan organization-wide activities that encourage employee participation and • RA 8371 - Indigenous
volunteerism, which allow employees and management to interact in the context of a different Peoples’ Rights Act
environment. • RA 8972 - Solo
Parents’ Welfare Act
Organize and/or coordinate regular town hall meetings as a means of communicating organizational • RA 9710 – Magna
Improve Employee-
updates. Carta of Women
Relations • RA 10173 – Data
Organize corporate-wide events and /or activities that celebrate significant organizational, team and Privacy Act of 2012
individual employee achievements and milestones to bring together management and employees. • RA 10911 - Anti-age
Discrimination in
Gather feedback on company events and activities and provide recommendations for improvement. Employment Act
• RA 11036 - Mental
Prepare announcements and communication materials (e.g., memoranda, infographics, videos, Health Act
e-magazines/newsletters, bulletins, and the like) regarding corporate events, activities, policies, and • RA 11165 - The New
standards, disseminating information to employees following established communications policies. Telecommunicating
Administer Internal Act
Communications • RA 11166 – HIV and
Disseminate information through various acceptable and official media and communication platforms AIDS Policy
to targeted employees.

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70 Human Capital Development


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Conflict Management Level 4 Building Inclusivity Intermediate

Data Collection and Preparation Level 3 Communication Intermediate

Data Management Level 3 Creative Thinking Intermediate

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 3 Customer Orientation/Service Orientation Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 2 Digital Fluency Basic

Employee Engagement Management Level 3 Interpersonal Skills Intermediate

Employee Relationship Management Level 3 Learning Agility Basic

Health and Wellness Programme Management Level 3 Self-Management Intermediate

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 2 Sense Making Intermediate

Industry Networking Level 3 Teamwork Intermediate

Organizational Event Management Level 3 Secondary:

Skills and
Competencies Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 3 Adaptability Intermediate

System and Process Improvement Level 3 Influence Intermediate

Workplace Optimization Level 3 Problem Solving Intermediate

Secondary: Transdisciplinary Thinking Basic

Business Acumen Level 3

Conduct and Behavior Management Level 3

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 3

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 2

Human Resource Systems Management Level 3

Negotiation Level 3

Operational Excellence Level 3

Organizational Change Management Level 3

Project Management Level 3

Technology Integration Level 3

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 71


Head, Learning and Organization Development

Occupation: Head
The Head of Learning and Organization Development, is responsible for championing the creation of learning culture
and spearheading the diagnosis of the current state of the organization with close collaboration with the EMT
(Executive Management Team) and Operating Units. They should guide the EMT in crafting the organization’s desired
future state with clearly identified global and/or group business strategies and plans after the EMT appreciates the
organization’s current state. They are accountable to create and recommend a roadmap and/or change interventions
covering PPTF (People, Process, Technology, and Facility/ies) to bring the organization to its future state or deliver
the business strategies and plans effectively and drive the organization’s VMV (Vision-Mission-Values). They must
ensure that the People are knowledgeable, skilled, and capable; the Processes efficient and effective; the use of
Technology robust and adaptive; and the Facility/ies appropriate.

They are directly responsible for establishing the organization’s Learning and Development (L&D) strategy from
budget allocation to L&D program design to implementation of the change interventions about People and establish
the appropriate performance indicators. They are expected to collaborate, influence, and provide recommendations
and/or guidelines to stakeholders in putting efficient and effective processes including the redesign of the
organizational model. They should closely work with the Head of IT in putting parameters in implementing change
interventions about Technology. They should devise and formulate knowledge management (KM) frameworks and
processes that encourage sharing of information and encapsulate a portal of easily accessible information.

As a department head, they are responsible for setting the direction and articulating goals and objectives for the
team, and driving the integration of Skills Frameworks across the organization’s learning programs.

The Head of Learning and Organization Development is an inspirational leader with a forward-thinking mindset and
a deep passion for developing organizational and people capabilities. They establish and communicate a clear vision,
and are highly skilled in influencing and engaging stakeholders to secure their buy-in and support. They are in-
charge of organizational solutions to increase organizational performance and to sustain organizational health.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Engage with business leaders to seek clarity on business strategy. In accordance with:
• Occupational
Develop L&D strategies based on the organization's current and future business and skills and Safety and Health
competencies requirements. Regulations 1996 (the
Define required financial resources for L&D and prioritize spending to invest in strategic organizational OSH regulations)
Manage Learning • PD966-International
and Development capabilities to enable current and future business strategy and objectives.
Convention on
(L&D) Monitor and assess the second ROI (Ripple Of Impact) of L&D strategy and programs in developing the elimination of
organizational capabilities to meet current and future business needs. all forms of racial
Promote and incorporate sustainability in L&D programs. • RA6725-Prohibition
Critical Work against discrimination
Conduct periodic strategy correction if an L&D strategy is found not to meet the double ROI.
Functions against female
Develop the business case for organizational development or change interventions to enhance and employees
and Key Tasks • RA7277 and RA9442-
sustain the operational resilience and effectiveness of the organization.
/ Required Magna Carta for
Knowledge Recommend or design organizational change diagnostic tools to assess the organization’s current Disabled Persons
capability and agility to respond to organizational changes necessary to reach its desired future state. • RA7877:Anti-sexual
harassment act of
Influence and play a part in the strategic planning initiatives to determine the organization’s future
Manage 1995
Organization • RA8371- Indigenous
Development (OD) Align organization development and/or change interventions to business strategy, needs, and goals. Peoples Rights Act
Establish an organization development or change management delivery model that addresses all the • RA9710-Magna Carta
organizational development and change management needs. for Women
• RA10173 Data
Engage sponsors, leaders, and key stakeholders for sponsorship and alignment on the rationale and Protection Act (DPA)
key benefits of organizational development and/or change efforts. of 2012
• RA10911-Eliminating
Manage diversity, age discrimination in
Promote DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) campaigns to raise awareness and foster an employment
equity, inclusion
inclusive employment culture.
and belonging

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72 Human Capital Development


Identify opportunities to raise the corporate branding and profile around DEIB through • RA10912 CPD Act
communications with internal and external stakeholders. (esp. section on
Career Progression
Champion and support People policies and activities with a global mindset, being aware of local and and Specialization
global cultural sensitivities and needs. and its IRRS
Perform trend analysis by understanding the competitive environment in which the business interacts. • RA10968PQF Law
and its IRRs
Look across a series of internal data including but not limited to Employee Engagement survey,
NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey, Exit Interview survey, Work Culture survey, etc., and anticipate
implications of business activity on People practices.

Perform market / industry sensing by obtaining and maintaining knowledge of competitive practices
within relevant labor markets such as industry, local, and professional competitors.

Translate the business strategy to determine its implications on the workforce.

Recommend People strategies as a result of workforce implications of business strategy and ensure
Undertake analytics that workforce requirements are fulfilled and both business and employees’ interests are maintained.
and insights
Review and develop future-ready People policies and strategies, referencing local and global People
trends and best practices, taking into consideration context, economic outlook, and available support
to meet business needs.

Recommend People policies, practices, or strategies that competitively position the organization as a
Great Place to Work and an Employer Of Choice.

Assess the extent of in-house People analytics capability and engage with external providers of
benchmarking analytics services to supplement identified gaps.

Review employee data handling practices and processes to ensure compliance with the Data Privacy
Act and ethical guidelines to ensure the privacy of confidential employee data.

Create high impact, consistent and accurate messaging using appropriate tools to drive engagement,
aligned with the organization-wide communications strategy.

Communicate People and business strategies using clear language that engages others in the view of
the future.

Communicate an understanding of the business environment in order to view problems and requests in
the context of the long term goals and objectives.

Manage Manage resistance, objections, and conflicts during conversations in a firm, respectful and empathetic
relationships and manner.
communication Employ negotiation and conflict management skills to help different parties achieve their desired
Critical Work
Help the senior leaders of the organization to define the problems and identify root causes of people-
Functions related issues by understanding organizational and individual challenges.
and Key Tasks
Provide resources to advise senior leaders to determine the appropriate course of action in people-
/ Required related matters.
Establish relationships with senior leaders to build trust and understand their needs.

Conduct a diagnosis of People function effectiveness in addressing the current and future needs of the
business and the people.

Design a target operating model for People by analyzing the merits of different service delivery
structures and system architecture, as well as by assessing costs and benefits of adopting People
Manage technology technology solutions including outsourced or insourced subject matter experts (SMEs) and other
Use and operational providers.
Lead People transformation programs, incorporating changes in People, Processes, and Technology to
achieve service and operational excellence.

Develop a service management framework, incorporating service quality standards, service level
agreements, and service excellence metrics.

Integrate skills Establish L&D strategy per Skills Framework components.

frameworks across
Learning and
Organizational Align learning programs with Skills Framework components.
development plans
Secure buy-in from senior stakeholders on the integration of the Skills Framework in organization
and programs
development interventions.

Establish long-term objectives for the Learning and Organizational development function that align
with the strategy of the organization

Establish the operating and resourcing structure for the function to support the organization's

Manage budget for the function's activities and allocate to different teams and projects

Lead team to translate business strategy into annual performance goals and departmental objectives,
and cascade them down to individual team members’ annual goals and objectives
Manage team
operations and Provide coaching and mentoring to team members and ensure adequate and effective succession
performance management.

Approve workflow improvement solutions and recommendations for the learning and organization
development function

Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies.

Approve recommendations on changes to the function's operations and the required resources

Align objectives and goals with internal stakeholders in congruence with external stakeholders to yield
mutual benefits

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Human Capital Development 73


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Business Acumen Level 5 Building Inclusivity Advanced

Competency Framework Development Level 5 Collaboration Advanced

Coaching and Mentoring Level 4 Creative Thinking Advanced

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 5 Global Perspective Advanced

Financial Acumen Level 4 Learning Agility Advanced

Human Resources Advisory Level 5 Transdisciplinary Thinking Advanced

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 4

Knowledge Management Level 5

Learning and Development Strategy Level 5

Organizational Change Management Level 5

Organizational Culture Development Level 5

Organizational Design Level 6

Organizational Strategy Development Level 5

Succession Management Level 5

Systems Thinking Level 5

Skills and
Competencies Career Coaching Level 5

Career Framework Design Level 5

Data Governance Level 5

Employee Communication Management Level 4

Human Resources Digitalization Level 5

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 5

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 4

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 5

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 5

Leadership Development Level 6

Learning and Development Programs Management Level 5

Operational Excellence Level 5

Organizational Diagnosis Level 6

Project Management Level 5

Risk Management Level 5

Skills Framework Adoption Level 5

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 5

Strategic Workforce Planning Level 5

Technology Integration Level 5

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

74 Human Capital Development


Manager, Learning and Development

Occupation: Manager
The Manager, Learning and Development (L&D) is responsible for developing L&D plans, based on the assessment of
developmental areas for the workforce to meet business requirements to narrow the gap between People’s current
competencies versus the required competencies for their present and/or future roles.

They leverage Skills Frameworks in creating learning roadmaps and integrating with learning programs under
the team’s purview. Their responsibilities cover the entire gamut of L&D function from needs analysis, curriculum
development, content design, materials buildout, training delivery, evaluation, and double ROI (Return On
Investment and Ripple Of Impact) analysis. They will work closely with other People Leaders especially the
Talent Management and Organization Development Managers for the identification of People interventions to be
championed by L&D.

The Manager, Learning and Development is passionate about building capabilities in others and harnesses
appropriate resources to do so. They are highly skilled at engaging and building relationships with others within, and
beyond, their team, thereby promoting a collaborative and cooperative work environment.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Lead the analysis of the results of the learning needs analysis with L&D team to assess People’s current In accordance with:
capabilities and areas of development required to deliver against the organization’s strategy, business • Occupational
restructuring, and plans. Safety and Health
Regulations 1996 (the
Develop customized L&D programs, plans, and curricula to improve overall workforce capabilities for OSH regulations)
current and future roles, and to promote lifelong learning. • PD966-International
Recommend and implement innovative and creative L&D channels and technology to engage learners Convention on
and increase the effectiveness of L&D interventions. the elimination of
all forms of racial
Manage Learning Equip supervisors and line managers with the skills and tools to mentor, train, and provide job discrimination
and Development coaching. • RA6725-Prohibition
(L&D) against discrimination
Project lead and manage the development of end-to-end Learning Management System (LMS) against female
program ensuring compliance to 3Es — Economy (spending less), Efficiency (spending well) and employees
Effectiveness (spending wisely) • RA7277 & RA9442-
Magna Carta for
Develop robust Onboarding and Offboarding programs aligned with the Employee Experience
Disabled Persons
• RA7877:Anti-sexual
Analyze learning effectiveness evaluation data to derive insights on the effectiveness and double ROI harassment act of
Critical Work (Return On Investment and Ripple Of Impact) of L&D programs and recommend improvement actions 1995
Functions to improve L&D strategies • RA8371- Indigenous
Peoples Rights Act
and Key Tasks Incorporate and build DEIB Management principles into People policies, translating these policies into 1997
/ Required day-to-day practices in the workplace. • RA9710-Magna Carta
Manage Diversity,
Knowledge for Women
Equity, Inclusion Contribute towards building the corporate branding for DEIB in all L&D collaterals.
• RA10173 Data
and Belonging
Promote effective working relationships with people of diverse gender identities, races, languages, Protection Act (DPA)
practices, preference, social styles, religions, or cultures, embracing differences in perspectives, of 2012
traditions, and culture, and adopting an open mindset, resilience and adaptability at all times. • RA10911-Eliminating
age discrimination in
Apply data governance concepts and principles to identify, collect and prepare data for analytics and employment
HR metrics benchmarking. • RA10912 CPD Act
(esp. section on
Resolve data availability and data quality challenges with data cleansing techniques. Career Progression
Consolidate the identified People Developmental areas from PMS (Performance Management System), and Specialization
Succession Planning, Strategic Objectives and Plans, and Competency Inventory to come up with L&D and its IRRS
program offerings and prioritize them accordingly. • RA10968PQF Law
and its IRRs
Undertake analytics Analyze financial and People data by employing data mining, modeling, predictive analytics, and
and insights benchmarking tools and techniques to create insights and foresight to guide decision-making.

Develop insightful presentations derived from data analytics and L&D metrics benchmarking using
dashboards or data visualization tools.

Stay well informed of local and global L&D trends to provide further benchmarking insights on data
analysis outcomes.

Derive relevant insights from analysis and recommend enhancements to the organization’s People
practices taking into consideration the business context and operating environment.

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Human Capital Development 75


Plan and execute communication activities using the appropriate channels/ tools for the targeted

Develop communication material/ information kits for the L&D programs/ activities to convey desired
messages clearly and effectively to the targeted audience.

Present and communicate with impact and empathy through clarity in messages, and engage the
audience through active listening and inquiry.
relationships and Demonstrate empathy and respect when handling difficult conversations, dilemmas, or paradoxes.
Adapt and tailor different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or
stakeholder groups.

Establish credibility by gaining the confidence of others through a demonstration of business and
technical knowledge.

Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related issues

Review the range of L&D services against their corresponding L&D service delivery channels critically
to identify opportunities for continuous improvement of service quality or cost reduction.
Manage technology
Implement and operate various aspects of the L&D operating model to deliver L&D services as set out
use and operational
in the service management framework and per People policies.
Implement L&D transformation programs to improve the effectiveness of People service delivery and
Critical Work cost efficiency for the organization.
Functions Adopt a service-oriented mindset and people-centricity in dealing with workforce and business
and Key Tasks stakeholders.
/ Required Integrate Skills Leverage Skills Maps of the Skills Frameworks to identify gaps in People gaps and develop L&D
Knowledge Framework across interventions.
Learning and
Development plans Create L&D intervention roadmaps concerning Career Maps and Skills Maps of the Skills Framework.
and programs
Develop L&D interventions regarding Functional and Enabling Competencies of the Skills Frameworks.

Plan L&D interventions per Skills Maps of the Skills Frameworks.

Translate the long-term objectives for the L&D function into operational and tactical plans.

Manage team resources to ensure adequate staffing and capability levels and ensure succession
management within the team.

Monitor the function's financial resources against allocated budgets and forecasts.

Set individual objectives, periodically reviewing and assessing the performance of direct reports.
Manage team Provide coaching and advice to junior team members.
operations and
performance Assess the feasibility of proposals to improve internal workflows.

Justify the resources required to support changes in resources, procedures, systems, or technology
within the function.

Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies.

Create recognition program for L&D Team.

Manage internal stakeholders in congruence with external stakeholders to achieve shared goals.

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76 Human Capital Development


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Coaching and Mentoring Level 3 Communication Advanced

Competency Framework Development Level 4 Creative Thinking Intermediate

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 3 Developing People Advanced

Group Dynamics Facilitation Level 4 Influence Intermediate

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 4 Learning Agility Advanced

Knowledge Management Level 4 Transdisciplinary Thinking Intermediate

Leadership Development Level 5

Learning and Development Programs Management Level 5

Learning Needs Analysis Level 4

On-boarding Level 5

Performance Management Level 3

Talent Management Level 4

Voluntary Exit Management Level 4


Business Acumen Level 4

Career Coaching Level 4

Career Framework Design Level 4

Skills and
Competencies Data Collection and Preparation Level 4

Data Governance Level 4

Employee Communication Level 3

Financial Acumen Level 3

Human Resources Advisory Level 4

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4

Human Resources Policies and Legislation and Framework Management Level 4

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4

Learning and Development Strategy Level 6

Operational Excellence Level 4

Project Management Level 4

Risk Management Level 4

Skills Framework Adoption Level 4

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 4

Strategic Workforce Planning Level 4

Succession Management Level 4

Talent Capability Assessment Level 4

Technology Integration Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 77


Specialist, Learning and Development

Occupation: Specialist
The Specialist, Learning and Development (L&D)’s primary role is to implement and deliver L&D programs. They have
a firm understanding of the business and can identify opportunities where L&D can add value to the organization.
They prioritize learning needs, based on current and future capability requirements, liaise with line managers for
the development of learning program materials, select suitable internal trainers and external vendors, identify
appropriate training facilities, and provide the necessary support for Project Management of different learning
programs through the use of systematic methodologies. They may be assigned to deliver training programs suited to
their interest and capabilities.

They manage the communication of learning calendars and employee participation across various learning programs
and analyze evaluation scores and post-learning feedback from the employees. They assist in talent assessment to
identify key talents (High Performer with High Potential) and program implementation for key talents and support
the organizational People function in implementing programs for succession planning in collaboration with the Talent
Management Team. They administer on-boarding and off-boarding programs aligned with the Employee Experience
strategies. They deliver learning programs in relation to Occupational and Safety standards.

As someone who is people-oriented, the Specialist, L&D thrives in a team environment and is confident in engaging
and building relationships with various stakeholders. They are eager to serve and enjoy critically analyzing and
solving problems at the workplace to meet others’ needs. They are the go-to-persons for all matters related to L&D.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Implement formal learning needs analysis through the conduct of the survey, Focus Group Discussions In accordance with:
(FGDs), and consolidation of identified developmental requirements from the organization’s • Occupational
Performance Management System (PMS). Safety and Health
Regulations 1996 (the
Analyze with the L&D Manager data gathered from learning needs analysis to recognize competency OSH regulations)
Analyze workforce requirements and to identify gaps between employees’ current competencies and required • PD966-International
learning need competencies. Convention on
Incorporate profiling tools into the learning needs analysis process. the elimination of
all forms of racial
Prioritize delivery of learning programs to address learning needs based on current and future discrimination
business requirements. • RA6725-Prohibition
against discrimination
Facilitate the development of materials in collaboration with content experts for learning programs against female
about Functional and Enabling Skills and Competencies (FSCs and ESCs) of the Skills Frameworks. employees
• RA7277 and RA9442-
Work with business units to develop business case course content. Magna Carta for
Critical Work Disabled Persons
Functions Manage Learning Management Systems (LMS) including updating of e-learning contents, curation and • RA7877:Anti-sexual
marketing of self-paced and experience-based learning. harassment act of
and Key Tasks Coordinate learning
/ Required programs Recommend or shortlist external learning vendors' learning to find the most suitable vendor.
• RA8371- Indigenous
Knowledge Select suitable internal and/or external trainers in consultation with business units. Peoples Rights Act
Monitor budgets for learning programs and availment of learning stipends. • RA9710-Magna Carta
for Women
Manage virtual, hybrid or blended learning community platforms.
• RA10173 Data
Liaise with internal trainers and external vendors for scheduling and conducting courses. Protection Act (DPA)
of 2012
Communicate and/or market the L&D program offerings including program description, courses' • RA10911-Eliminating
schedules, and course objectives to employees. age discrimination in
Check employee's completion of prerequisites (if any) before admission to any learning programs. • RA10912 CPD Act
Track the usage of technology in learning programs. (esp. section on
Career Progression
Support learning Liaise with internal and external trainers on resources and logistical arrangements. and Specialization
programs delivery and its IRRS
Analyze employee participation rates to complement overall evaluation of learning programs. • RA10968PQF Law
and its IRRs
Develop post-learning feedback forms using learning systems.

Manage L&D vendors

Audit completion of mandated learning courses, and identify lapses for enhancements.

Continue to next page

78 Human Capital Development


Formulate a checklist for onboarding and offboarding.

Manage Monitor onboarding and offboarding activities.
Onboarding and
Offboarding Analyze onboarding surveys and provide recommendations on its continuous improvement.

Analyze exit interview feedback and provide recommendations for L&D programs

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Data Collection and Preparation Level 4 Adaptability Intermediate

Data Management Level 3 Communication Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 2 Customer Orientation Intermediate

Group Dynamics Facilitation Level 4 Learning Agility Intermediate

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3 Self Management Intermediate

Learning and Development Programs Management Level 3 Transdisciplinary Thinking Intermediate

Learning Needs Analysis Level 3

Onboarding Level 4

Voluntary Exit Management Level 3


Business Acumen Level 3

Career Coaching Level 3

Skills and Career Framework Design Level 3
Competency Framework Development Level 3

Digital Marketing and Communications Level 3

Employee Mobility Management Level 3

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 2

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 3

Human Resources Systems Management Level 3

Involuntary Exit Management Level 3

Operational Excellence Level 3

Performance Management Level 3

Project Management Level 3

Skills Framework Adoption Level 3

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 3

Succession Management Level 3

Talent Capability Assessment Level 3

Technology Integration Level 3

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 79


Manager, Organization Development

Occupation: Manager
The Manager, Organization Development’s responsibilities require a high level of innovation, insight and creativity.
They are creative, visionaries, and innovation managers. They are effective strategists who are full of ideas and
possibilities; see multiple futures; have broad interests and knowledge; can both create and bring exciting ideas to
market; comfortable speculating about alternative futures without all of the data. They act as internal consultants to
executives, leaders, and staff on issues related to improving effectiveness, including but not limited to: management
systems, conflict resolution, organization engagement and health, staff development, and organizational change

They liaise with stakeholders to communicate and implement organization development and/or change interventions
to ensure that the organization’s strategy and plans are delivered effectively and efficiently. In addition, they are
responsible for managing team operations and performance and leverages Skills Frameworks in creating change
intervention or roadmaps and integrating with People, Process, Technology and Facilities (PPTF) programs under the
team’s purview.

They are closely involved with the determination of the organization’s desired future state. They contribute to the
design and delivery of PPTF strategies and the management of change in support of the organization’s strategic and
operational plans, providing frameworks, policy papers, flowcharts, organizational setup, and job descriptions.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Manage organization diagnosis to assess and analyze the current state and identify opportunities for In accordance with:
organization development and/or change interventions. • Occupational
Safety and Health
Introduce the diagnostic framework to the Executive Management Team (EMT) who will serve as Regulations 1996 (the
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) of their respective functions. OSH regulations)
Propose, plan and execute organization development and/or change interventions to drive and • PD966-International
facilitate organization development and/or change towards the organization’s desired future state. Convention on
the elimination of
Monitor the progress and evaluate the effectiveness of organization development and/or change all forms of racial
Manage interventions. discrimination
Organization • RA6725-Prohibition
Development (OD) Execute broad-based communications strategy to articulate the business case, importance, and impact against discrimination
of organization development and/ or change interventions on the overall business objectives. against female
Conduct stakeholder analysis and execute stakeholder engagement activities to manage highly
• RA7277 and RA9442-
influential stakeholders to support organization development and/or change interventions.
Magna Carta for
Critical Work Showcase financial budget and double ROI (Return Of Investment and Ripple Of Impact) on all OD Disabled Persons
interventions. • RA7877:Anti-sexual
harassment act of
and Key Tasks Monitor and assess the 2nd ROI (Ripple Of Impact) of OD strategy and programs in the implementation 1995
/ Required of People, Process, Technology and Facilities (PPTF) interventions. • RA8371- Indigenous
Knowledge Peoples Rights Act
Incorporate and build DEIB Management principles into People policies, translating these policies into
day-to-day practices in the workplace.
• RA9710-Magna Carta
Put a system in place to periodically evaluate/audit the organization’s compliance to set and approve for Women
DEIB policies. • RA10173 Data
Protection Act (DPA)
Manage Diversity,
Plan and execute DEIB related activities that are compliant with DEIB policies and embrace DEIB of 2012
Equity, Inclusion
culture. • RA10911-Eliminating
and Belonging
age discrimination in
(DEIB) Contribute towards building the corporate brand for DEIB in all communications with stakeholders, employment
respecting differences in perspectives and opinions. • RA10912 CPD Act
Promote effective working relationships with people of diverse gender identities, races, languages, (esp. section on
practices, preference, social styles, religions, or cultures, embracing differences in perspectives, Career Progression
traditions, and culture, and adopting an open mindset, resilience and adaptability at all times. and Specialization
and its IRRS
Apply data governance concepts and principles to identify, collect and prepare data for analytics and • RA10968PQF Law
HR metrics benchmarking. and its IRRs
Undertake analytics
Resolve data availability and data quality challenges with data cleansing techniques.
and insights
Guide the organization’s leaders on how to come up with action plans to address issues raised by
employees through relevant surveys and/or feedback mechanisms.

Continue to next page

80 Human Capital Development


Analyze Financial and People data by employing data mining, modeling, predictive analytics, and
benchmarking tools and techniques to create insights and foresight to guide decision-making.

Correlate Financial and People data to design People metrics, identify causal relationships, analyze
trends, develop forecasts and projections, and draw insights and foresight for decision-making.

Develop insightful presentations derived from data analytics and People metrics benchmarking using
dashboards or data visualization tools.

Stay well informed with local and global People trends and developments to provide further
benchmarking insights on data analysis outcomes.

Derive relevant insights from analysis and recommend enhancements to the organization’s People
practices taking into consideration the business context and operating environment.

Plan and execute communication activities using the appropriate channels/ tools for the targeted

Develop communication material/ information kits for the People programs/ activities to convey
desired messages clearly and effectively to the targeted audience.

Present and communicate with impact and empathy through clarity in messages, and engage the
audience through active listening and inquiry.
relationships and Demonstrate empathy and respect when handling difficult conversations, dilemmas, or paradoxes.
Adapt and tailor different styles and preferences when communicating to different audiences or
stakeholder groups.

Establish credibility by gaining the confidence of others through a demonstration of business and
technical knowledge.

Build trust (being a trusted advisor) through assisting key stakeholders in solving people-related issues

Review the range of People services against their corresponding People service delivery channels
critically to identify opportunities for continuous improvement of service quality or cost reduction.
Manage technology
Implement and operate various aspects of the People operating model to deliver People services as set
use and operational
out in the service management framework and in accordance with People policies.
Implement People transformation programs to improve the effectiveness of People service delivery
and cost efficiency for the organization.

Adopt a service-oriented mindset and people-centricity in dealing with workforce and business

Integrate skills Leverage Skills Maps of the Skills Frameworks to identify gaps in PPTF and develop change
frameworks across interventions.
Create change intervention roadmaps concerning Career Maps and Skills Maps of the Skills Framework.
development plans
and programs Develop holistic interventions regarding Functional and Enabling Competencies of the Skills

Plan organization development interventions per Skills Maps of the Skills Frameworks.

Translate the long-term objectives for the Organization Development function into tactical plans.

Manage team resources to ensure adequate staffing and capability levels and ensure succession
management within the team.

Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies.

Manage team Monitor the function's financial resources against allocated budgets and forecasts.
operations and Set individual objectives, periodically reviewing and assessing the performance of direct reports.
Provide coaching and advice to junior team members.

Assess the feasibility of proposals to improve internal workflows.

Justify the resources required to support changes in resources, procedures, systems, or technology
within the function.

Manage internal stakeholders in congruence with external stakeholders to achieve shared goals.

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 81


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Coaching and Mentoring Level 4 Building Inclusivity Advanced

Competency Framework Development Level 4 Collaboration Intermediate

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 5 Global Perspective Intermediate

Employee Communication Level 3 Influence Advanced

Group Dynamics Facilitation Level 5 Sense Making Intermediate

Human Resources Advisory Level 4

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 3

Human Resources Strategy Formulation Level 4

Knowledge Management Level 5

Organizational Change Management Level 6

Organizational Culture Development Level 5

Organizational Design Level 5

Organizational Diagnosis Level 6

Project Management Level 6

Systems Thinking Level 4


Business Acumen Level 5

Skills and
Competencies Career Coaching Level 4

Career Framework Design Level 4

Data Collection and Preparation Level 4

Data Governance Level 4

Financial Acumen Level 3

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 3

Human Resources Digitalization Level 4

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 4

Human Resources Service Quality Management Level 4

Leadership Development Level 5

Operational Excellence Level 4

Performance Management Level 4

Risk Management Level 5

Skills Framework Adoption Level 4

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 4

Strategic Workforce Planning Level 4

Talent Capability Assessment Level 4

Talent Management Level 5

Succession Level 4

Technology Integration Level 4

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

82 Human Capital Development


Specialist, Organization Development

Occupation: Specialist
The Organization Development (OD) Specialist’s primary responsibility is to perform systematic OD internal
consulting methods (diagnosis, problem identification, analysis, solution generation, and closure). They will provide
advice on how to handle/resolve commonly experienced change issues. They will facilitate action planning for
identified improvement areas as voiced out by employees via related employee surveys, during focus group
discussions (FGDs), and/or feedback mechanisms. They will monitor the implementation of all action plans related
to OD covering the areas of PPTF (People, Process, Technology and Facilities). They are immersed with the
organizational development of the business, including performance management, leadership development, and
identifying and nurturing internal key talents.

Being people-oriented, the Specialist, OD thrives in a team environment and is confident in engaging and building
relationships with various stakeholders. They are eager to serve and enjoy critically analyzing and solving problems
at the workplace to meet others’ needs. They are the go-to-persons for all matters related to OD.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Under the guidance and direction of the OD Manager, write sound People policies and processes and In accordance with:
ensure they are written following an acceptable format. • Occupational
Safety and Health
Roll out approved policy papers ensuring understanding and buy-in of everyone. Regulations 1996 (the
OSH regulations)
Ensure that all jobs within the organization are covered with job descriptions, which are relevant and
• PD966-International
periodically updated.
Convention on
Support Keep the integrity of organizational structures ensuring hierarchy and reporting structure are spelled the elimination of
Organization out and communicated to everyone. all forms of racial
Development discrimination
activities Develop and manage and/or contribute to communications to support organizational change initiatives • RA6725-Prohibition
including but not limited to publications and notice board announcements. against discrimination
against female
Develop programs designed to gauge and report on employee opinions and concerns and provide an employees
open feedback mechanism to quantify results. • RA7277 and RA9442-
Collaborate with the People team and business leaders to identify opportunities for process Magna Carta for
improvement to achieve goals efficiently and to develop and execute an incorporated approach to Disabled Persons
development, learning, and talent management. • RA7877:Anti-sexual
harassment act of
Critical Work Develop/manage/administer/monitor survey, process and metrics that will enable the organization to 1995
Functions track Employee Engagement and Experience. • RA8371- Indigenous
Peoples Rights Act
and Key Tasks Collect qualitative data using FGDs. 1997
/ Required • RA9710-Magna Carta
Assist with the action planning process for the employee survey and FGDs results, providing feedback
Knowledge on the projected impact of the proposed action. for Women
• RA10173 Data
Identify and recommend appropriate interventions to address PPTF issues. Protection Act (DPA)
Gather relevant
of 2012
data and create Ensure effective administration of the survey during the survey cycle in partnership with People leaders • RA10911-Eliminating
action plan and other leaders. age discrimination in
Serve as a subject matter expert on survey results.
• RA10912 CPD Act
Provide ongoing trend analysis regarding employee experience and engagement-related issues, (esp. section on
progress, and future concerns to key stakeholders. Career Progression
and Specialization
Responsible for concepts, processes, and tools, which support building engagement (e.g., engagement and its IRRS
survey, new hire, and exit surveys). • RA10968PQF Law
and its IRRs
Recommend assessment tools to identify high-potential talent to People Leaders.

Review suitability of assessment tools for the assessment objectives and target population

Assist the Talent Management team in implementing assessment tools.

Support talent
development Analyze assessment data to Key Talents (high performer-high potential) in the organization about
Skills Maps of the Skills Frameworks.

Create a system to share employees' assessment results with their line managers.

Take part in the creation of Key Talent programs.

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 83


Assist in developing tools and programs for succession planning.

Analyze stakeholder inputs on critical roles and succession criteria.

Help in the creation of implementation strategies of structured and customized succession plans.
Assist in succession
Recommend tracking methods of succession plans.
planning program
Analyze the performance of successors in new roles.

Identify gaps and areas of improvement in the succession plan program.

Analyze exit interview feedback and provide recommendations.

Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Data Management Level 3 Building Inclusivity Intermediate

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Management Level 3 Communication Intermediate

Employee Communication Management Level 3 Global Perspective Intermediate

Group Dynamics Facilitation Level 4 Influence Intermediate

Knowledge Management Level 3 Sense Making Intermediate

Organizational Change Management Level 3

Organizational Culture Development Level 4

Organizational Design Level 4

Organization Diagnosis Level 4

Talent Management Level 4


Business Acumen Level 3

Career Coaching Level 3

Career Framework Design Level 3

Skills and
Competencies Competency Framework Development Level 3

Data Collection and Preparation Level 4

Digital Marketing Communication Level 3

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 2

Human Resources Policies and Legislation Framework Management Level 3

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 2

Human Resources Systems Management Level 3

Involuntary Exit Management Level 4

Operational Excellence Level 3

Performance Management Level 3

Project Management Level 3

Skills Framework Adoption Level 3

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 3

Succession Management Level 4

Talent Capability Assessment Level 3

Technology Integration Level 3

Voluntary Exit Management Level 3

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

84 Human Capital Development


Associate, Learning and Organization Development

Occupation: Associate
The Associate, Learning and Organization Development assists in procuring training programs and documenting
learning needs in the organization, maintaining organizations’ learning systems, and providing administrative
support in conducting learning programs and administering related employee surveys. They manage resources and
logistics for delivering learning programs and organizational development (OD) interventions. They collate data
from employee surveys to assist in the formulation of OD interventions. They collect data from learning evaluation
surveys to measure learning programs’ effectiveness. They also respond to employee queries that are related to OD
activities, and learning programs.

The Associate, Learning and Organization Development enjoys working in a team environment and interacts
proactively with various stakeholders. They are eager to explore and analyze problems and can communicate
information clearly and concisely to meet others’ needs at the workplace.

Required Knowledge
Critical Work
Key Tasks (For legislated /
regulated occupations)
Collate data from line managers about current competencies of their employees. In accordance with:
• Occupational
Utilize profiling tools to identify workforce learning needs. Safety and Health
Study People
learning needs Regulations 1996 (the
Document learning needs to support the identification of learning programs. OSH regulations)
• PD966-International
Compute learning expenses against allocated budgets. Convention on
the elimination of
Document learning programs to maintain a database . all forms of racial
Maintain LMS (Learning Management System) to monitor participation. • RA6725-Prohibition
Coordinate learning against discrimination
programs Liaise with nominated internal trainers on learning requirements and ensure logistical requirements
against female
are fulfilled, including but not limited to training materials, training venue, training equipment, meals,
attendance sheet, evaluation forms, hand-outs, etc.
• RA7277 and RA9442-
Critical Work Source for external learning vendors for learning programs. Magna Carta for
Functions Disabled Persons
Maintain learning programs schedules. • RA7877:Anti-sexual
and Key Tasks
harassment act of
/ Required Assist in the implementation of onboarding and offboarding.
Knowledge Register employees for learning courses. • RA8371- Indigenous
Peoples Rights Act
Support learning Coordinate resources and logistics for learning courses. 1997
programs delivery • RA9710-Magna Carta
Maintain learning resources inventory.
for Women
Send learning course instructions and reminders to employees. • RA10173 Data
Protection Act (DPA)
Track employee participation rates in learning programs. of 2012
• RA10911-Eliminating
Generate learning and post-learning reports through evaluation survey findings. age discrimination in
Coordinate policy roll-outs sessions and monitor attendance compliance. employment
• RA10912 CPD Act
Schedule Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and document minutes of sessions. (esp. section on
Career Progression
Support OD Monitor response rate of all OD related surveys. and Specialization
activities and its IRRS
Maintains master copy of Organizational Structures, Job Descriptions and People Policies.
• RA10968PQF Law
Respond to employee queries relating to OD activities. and its IRRs

Provide administrative and coordination support for OD activities.

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 85


Functional Skills and Competencies Enabling Skills and Competencies (Top)

Primary: Primary:

Data Collection and Preparation Level 2 Communication Basic

Data Management Level 2 Customer Orientation Basic

Involuntary Exit Management Level 2 Learning Agility Basic

Learning and Development Programs Management Level 2 Self Management Basic

Learning Needs Analysis Level 3 Secondary:

Onboarding Level 2 Problem Solving Basic

Skills and
Voluntary Exit Management Level 2

Employee Communication Level 2

Human Resources Analytics and Insights Level 2

Human Resources Practices Implementation Level 2

Human Resources Systems Management Level 2

Performance Management Level 2

Skills Framework Adoption Level 2

Stakeholder Engagement and Management Level 2

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

86 Human Capital Development


Benefits Management

Manage the implementation, review and administration of benefits to employees

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-2001-1.1 PHC-WEN-3001-1.1 PHC-WEN-4001-1.1 PHC-WEN-5001-1.1

Prepare data Administer benefits to Establish benefits Develop benefits

FSC Proficiency required for benefits employees management program and processes
Description management processes

• Types of benefits • Statutory • Legislations related • National manpower

available to benefits and their to employee policies related
employees applications benefits to benefits
• Benefits system • Organizational • Organizational management
procedures policies that policies and • Relationship
• Documentation impact the benefits procedures between benefits
required for management impacting benefits and organizational
administering processes requirements strategies
benefits • Legal and ethical • Benefits plan design • Emerging trends
management considerations • Components of and developments
related to benefits benefits programs impacting benefits
data • Benefits policies management
• Privacy and and processes • Types of analysis for
confidentiality • Formulas to evaluating benefits
Underpinning considerations that calculate benefit management
Knowledge govern all benefits- payout processes
related transactions • Models and • Models and
• Impact of benefits methods for methods for
management on managing benefits measuring the
employees and the systems effectiveness of
organization • Market trends and benefits processes
developments •
related to benefits
• Methods and
techniques used in
evaluating benefits
policies, processes
and programs

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 87


Benefits Management

FSC Proficiency
• Gather information • Consolidate • Translate benefits • Review emerging
required to perform information design strategies benefits trends
benefits calculation required to perform into benefits and processes to
• Input data into benefits calculation programs understand current
benefits system to • Assign benefits which reflects market
support processing entitlements to organization and • Formulate benefits
activities employees based labor market design strategies
• Check benefits on eligibility conditions and policies
documentation • Calculate benefits • Develop processes • Align benefits
received from • Reconcile and procedures policies, processes
employees with calculations with which support the and programs
organizational benefits allocations benefits structure with prevailing
policies to ensure accurate • Implement benefits legislation to ensure
• Track benefits disbursement of programs aligned compliance
administered to benefits to organization’s • Ensure benefits
employees • Resolve queries total remuneration programs and
• Update records to pertaining to strategies practices are in line
ensure accuracy benefits eligibility • Manage in- with organizational
and completion of • Ensure legitimate house benefits budgets
benefits processing use of benefits administration • Engage key
• Gather feedback systems team to ensure stakeholders to
from employees on • Engage authorized accurate and timely gain approval on
benefits schemes parties to obtain administration of benefits programs
• Source for external approval for benefits • Analyze
vendors for benefits benefits claims • Verify benefits measurement data
Skills programs • Activate payments calculations and and feedback to
in accordance with documentations to identify potential
Application organizational audit anomalies improvements
policies and • Approve benefit • Refine benefits
procedures claims in management
• Analyze employee accordance with programs, policies
feedback to share organizational and processes
insights with seniors policies and
• Prepare contracts procedures
with benefits • Liaise with benefits
vendors vendors to renew or
end contracts
• Develop processes
and systems for
gathering data
and feedback on
benefits programs
• Evaluate existing
benefits programs
and processes
• Recommend
to benefits
management and

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

88 Human Capital Development


Business Acumen
Integrate business priorities, perspectives and desired outcomes with human resource (HR) decisions, operations and
activities to drive HR initiatives from a business angle.

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-3001-1.1 PHC-HRP-4001-1.1 PHC-HRP-5001-1.1 PHC-HRP-6001-1.1

Implement human Drive business agenda Design human resource Influence business
resource (HR) for human resource (HR) plans and strategies by providing
FSC Proficiency programs and activities (HR) plans and initiatives in alignment inputs related to
Description in alignment with programs with organization’s workforce agenda
business strategies strategic direction

• Business terms and • Elements of • Methods to design • Organiza-

concepts business case HR plans and tion’s business
• Techniques to • Business case initiatives philosophy and
analyze business formulation • Industry and macro/ strategies
documents techniques micro economic • Strategy develop-
• Role of the HR • Cost-benefit trends related to ment processes
function in relation analysis techniques HR services and
and consider-
to the business • Resource planning programs
• Benchmarks of methodologies ations
• Business
organization’s • Measures of HR implications of HR • Relationship
competitive market program impact plans between HR and
Knowledge business strat-
• Implications of • HR programs that • Processes of
HR processes on contribute towards translating business egies
business strategies achieving business strategies into
strategies implementation
• Implications of
labor regulations

• Interpret business • Identify trends and • Analyze emerging • Sha pe

documents to gain opportunities for industry trends organizations’
understanding and HR programs that a nd their potential business strategies
insights into the impact business impact on the with inputs related
business operations business to business and
• Implement HR • Determine • Provide HR- people agenda
decisions and resources required focused inputs for • Assess
activities taking to implement HR business strategy organization’s
into consideration plans and programs development current and future
impact on business • Analyze costs and • Design HR plans core capabilities
strategies benefits of HR plans that provide to deliver business
• Analyze immediate and programs from competitive edge strategies
impact of HR a business angle and sustainability • Align HR strategies
activities and • Develop business that support with business
decisions on cases for HR plans organizational priorities
Skills employees and the and decisions based strategy • Influence
Application business on understanding • Align HR program stakeholders
of key business objectives with to seek buy-in
priorities and business priorities and support for
drivers • Advise senior strategic people
• Evaluate impact stakeholders on HR investments and
of HR plans matters to support decisions
and programs business objectives • Drive business
on workforce decisions from a
and business HR and workforce
performance capability
• Recommend perspective
enhancements to
strengthen the
impact of HR plans
and programs

Human Capital Development 89


Career Coaching
Provide career coaching programs to develop talent.

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-3001-1.1 PHC-WDE-4001-1.1 PHC-WDE-5001-1.1

Implement career Develop career Establish career

FSC Proficiency coaching programs coaching programs coaching philosophy
Description and strategies

• Principles of career • Organizational • Elements of career

development strategies and philosophy
• Guidelines for objectives • Industry best
career progression • Market trends practices in career
• Resources required impacting career coaching
to support career development
coaching • Components of
• Market trends and career planning
developments toolkits
related to career • Statistical
planning tools and analysis tools and
processes techniques for
• Models, methods evaluating the
and tools related effectiveness of
Underpinning to employee career coaching
assessment services
Knowledge • Performance
records of
• Organization’s
human resource
(HR) frameworks
related to
and performance
• Legal and ethical
related to career

Continue to next page

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

90 Human Capital Development


Career Coaching

FSC Proficiency
• Engage • Develop career • Determine the
stakeholders to coaching programs career coaching
identify issues and toolkits philosophy
related to career • Align career • Establish the
management coaching strategies for career
• Communicate programs to the coaching
career coaching Organization’s plans • Direct development
tools to line and objectives of career coaching
managers and • Equip line managers programs
services to and supervisors • Chart career
employees with coaching skills coaching plans for
• Assess employees to provide career senior stakeholders
skills and development advice • Enhance career
experience • Conduct difficult coaching programs
against required conversations
competencies of where necessary as
their job roles part of providing
Skills • Identify appropriate career feedback
Application career development • Develop privacy
options and confidentiality
• Support the policies related to
implementation of career coaching
career development records
plans • Evaluate costs and
• Verify that the effectiveness of
privacy and career coaching
confidentiality of programs
career coaching • Identify potential
records are improvements and
maintained enhancements to
• Analyze data the career coaching
related to costs programs
and effectiveness
of career coaching

Human Capital Development 91


Career Framework Design

Establish career frameworks to provide pathways to facilitate employees’ career development and progression within
the organization

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-3002-1.1 PHC-WDE-4002-1.1 PHC-WDE-5002-1.1

Develop detailed Design career Facilitate the

descriptions for frameworks within an development of
FSC Proficiency competencies at organization organization-wide
Description various proficiency career frameworks

• Concepts of career • Principles of career • Organization’s

framework development business and people
• Benefits of career • Career pathing agenda
framework techniques • Macro trends
• Job families, job • Processes for impacting career
levels and job clarifying job development
competencies responsibilities strategies
• Guidelines for • Organization • Impact of career
career progression and department development
Underpinning strategies and frameworks on the
Knowledge objectives overall employee
• Market trends value proposition
impacting career (EVP)
• Tools and
techniques for
evaluating the
effectiveness of
career framework

• Analyze current • Engage • Direct the

career movements stakeholders to development of
• Support the identify key job organization-wide
development of information career frameworks
career frameworks • Identify links • Align the career
• Prepare guidelines between jobs frameworks with
for career based on key the overall human
progression competencies resource (HR)
• Communicate • Design vertical, strategies
career frameworks lateral and • Lead the integration
to the workforce to diagonal pathways of career
generate awareness among jobs in the frameworks with
• Incorporate organization other HR initiatives
enhancements to • Develop guidelines and programs
career pathways for career • Endorse
• Maintain progression refinements to
components of • Identify career frameworks
career frameworks opportunities for to reflect changes
to ensure relevance career frameworks in organizational
of information for to support other strategy and
Skills use human resource employee
Application (HR) initiatives and preferences
• Educate
stakeholders on
the benefits of the
career frameworks
• Measure
effectiveness of
career framework
• Review the
alignment of the
career frameworks
to organizational
plans and objectives
• Recommend
improvements and
enhancements to
pathways within the
career frameworks

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

92 Human Capital Development


Coaching and Mentoring

Develop and implement coaching and mentoring approaches to address learner developmental needs

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-LDE-3001-1.1 PHC-LDE-4001-1.1

Implement coaching Manage development

and mentoring of coaching and
models and methods mentoring approaches
FSC Proficiency to address specific
learner development

• Subject matter • Objectives of

expertise providing coaching
• Components and mentoring
of individual • Processes of
development plans developing
• Techniques for effective coaching
effective goal and mentoring
setting approaches
• Techniques to • Industry best
build trusted practices in
relationships providing coaching
• Types of coaching and mentoring
and mentoring • Strategies for
techniques and developing
models effective individual
• Active listening development plans
methods • Types of coaching
Underpinning • Types of and mentoring
Knowledge questioning strategies
techniques and • Processes for
models designing coaching
• Methods to provide and mentoring
actionable feedback guidelines
• Methods and tools • Impact of coaching
to track learner and mentoring
development on learner
• Legal and ethical development
considerations and • Key success
standards related to indicators
providing coaching to measure
and mentoring effectiveness of
coaching and
mentoring in
reinforcing desired
learning outcomes

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Human Capital Development 93


Coaching and Mentoring

FSC Proficiency
• Document • Define objectives of
developmental gaps providing coaching
and opportunity and mentoring
areas based on based on desired
learner inputs outcomes
• Co-develop • Define principles
individual for developing
development plans individual
• Collaborate with development plans
learners to set goals • Devise coaching
• Co-define specific and mentoring
development areas guidelines aligned
• Implement to desired outcomes
coaching and • Determine coaching
mentoring models and mentoring
and methods to models and
facilitate learner strategies to be
development deployed
• Deploy tools to • Outline methods
track learner and tools to
development be deployed in
• Provide actionable tracking learner
Skills feedback to development
learners in relation • Determine
Application to achievement of measures to
development areas assess coaching
• Maintain and mentoring
documentation effectiveness
of coaching and • Analyze feedback
mentoring provided provided to learners
to learners to identify trends
• Ensure that and improvement
coaching and areas
mentoring • Evaluate key
approaches are success indicators
aligned to legal and to determine
ethical standards effectiveness
• of coaching
and mentoring
approaches and
• Recommend
improvements to
enhance coaching
and mentoring

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

94 Human Capital Development


Compensation Management
Manage the implementation, review and administration of compensation to employees

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-2002-1.1 PHC-WEN-3002-1.1 PHC-WEN-4002-1.1 PHC-WEN-5002-1.1

Process data and Administer Establish Develop compensation

documentation compensation to compensation programmes and
FSC Proficiency required for employees management processes
Description compensation processes

• Types of employee • Legislative • Industry codes of • Relationship

compensation policies related practice related between
• Compensation to compensation to compensation compensation and
system procedures management management organizational
• Documentation • Compensation • Organizational strategies
required for program complies policies and • Emerging trends
administering with existing labor procedures and developments
compensation laws and regulations impacting impacting
management • Features of compensation compensation
• Legal and ethical compensation requirements management
considerations systems • Models and • Types of financial
related to • Components of methods for analysis for
compensation compensation managing evaluating
management structure compensation compensation
• Organizational systems management
policies and • Market trends and processes
procedures developments • Models and
that impact the related to methods for
compensation compensation measuring the
Underpinning management management and effectiveness of
processes processing compensation
Knowledge • Privacy and proce sses
that govern all
related transactions
• Formulas
to calculate
• Impact of
processes on
employees and the
• Organizational
procedures on
reporting format
and templates

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Human Capital Development 95


Compensation Management

FSC Proficiency
• Gather information • Consolidate • Identify legal • Review emerging
required to perform information and regulatory compensation
compensation required to perform requirements management trends
calculation compensation impacting and processes to
• Input data into calculation compensation understand current
compensation • Calculate base management job market
systems to support salary, allowances activities • Develop
processing and and other • Align compensation compensation
calculating activities components of management structures which
• Process routine compensation in activities with legal reflect organization
compensation accordance with and regulatory and labor market
and related organizational requirements conditions
administration policies and • Engage • Develop processes
reports procedures stakeholders to and procedures
• Disseminate • Reconcile obtain approval which support
endorsed calculations with on compensation the compensation
documentation to compensation administration structures
relevant parties allocations to procedures • Engage key
ensure accuracy • Liaise with stakeholders to
• Review organizational gain commitment
compensation departments and approval on
and related to obtain compensation
administration compensation processes and
reports information procedures
• Implement annual • Verify • Align compensation
Skills review cycles as compensation programmes and
per plan calculations and practices with
Application • Deliver reports documentation to organizational
in the requested audit anomalies budgets
formats • Resolve issues • Analyze
• Engage authorized related to measurement data
parties to obtain compensation and feedback to
approval for policies and identify potential
payments procedures improvements
• Activate payments • Formulate plans for • Refine
in accordance with annual reviews compensation
organizational • Develop processes programmes,
policies and and systems for policies and
procedures gathering data processes
• Update records to and feedback on
ensure accuracy effectiveness of
and completion compensation
of compensation programmes
processing • Review current
• compensation
management trends
and practices
• Recommend
to compensation

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

96 Human Capital Development


Competency Framework Development

Design and develop competency frameworks within organization, ensuring that human resource (HR) programs are
aligned to support their application across organization levels and functions

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-3003-1.1 PHC-WDE-4003-1.1 PHC-WDE-5003-1.1

Implement Facilitate development Design architecture

competency of competencies and of competency
FSC Proficiency frameworks in the descriptors for the frameworks in line with
Description organization organization business requirements

• Types of • Interviewing • Best practices

competencies techniques in defining
• Elements of a • Definition of competencies
competency different proficiency • Components of
framework levels a competency
• Different • Types of framework
applications of competencies and • Applications
competency their purpose and uses of a
frameworks • Competency competency
validation purposes framework
and processes • Competency
• Success factors modelling
for competency approaches
framework • Methodologies of
implementation job analysis
Underpinning • Competency
Knowledge development
• Critical success
factors for
• Techniques
of integrating
• Organizational
applications of

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Human Capital Development 97


Competency Framework Development

FSC Proficiency
• Identify the role • Interview • Determine
of competencies incumbents to objectives
in different HR understand their and scope of
programs jobs and the skills competency
• Apply competency needed to perform frameworks to
frameworks to them be developed
different human • Perform job to support
resource (HR) analyzes organizational
programs and • Identify the needs and
processes relevant proficiency objectives
• Explain uses of levels for each • Lead information
competency competency gathering and job
frameworks to • Collaborate with analyzes to identify
employees line managers to competencies
• Resolve queries develop descriptors relevant to the
related to elements for competencies organization
within competency across proficiency • Develop
frameworks levels competency
• Validate relevance framework
of competencies blueprints aligned
with key to organization’s
stakeholders learning and
• Oversee development needs
implementation • Implement
of competency competency
frameworks frameworks to
Skills enable learning
and development
Application and other human
resource (HR)
• Review competency
frameworks to
refine relevance and
• Oversee the
integration of
frameworks across
the organization’s
HR programs and
• Secure acceptance
and support from
senior management
on the competency
• Advise senior
management on
how competency
frameworks can be
applied to business
functions and

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

98 Human Capital Development


Conduct and Behavior Management

Manage the conduct and behavior of the employees according to the organization’s code of conduct, values, ethics,
and disciplinary procedures

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-3003-1.1 PHC-WEN-4003-1.1 PHC-WEN-5003-1.1

Educate employees Manage conduct and Establish guidelines for

FSC Proficiency on the Code of behavior issues in the employee conduct and
Conduct and expected workplace behavior management
Description behaviors

• Organization’s • Best practices • Legal and ethical

Code of Conduct in promoting considerations
and disciplinary workplace conduct related to
procedures • Organizational workplace conduct
• Tripartite guidelines policies and and behavior
for fair employment procedures to • Links between the
practices manage workplace Code of Conduct
• Legislative conduct and and business
requirements discipline objectives
related to • Methods and tools • Barriers to proper
workplace conduct for managing conduct at the
and behavior workplace conduct organization, team
• Types of workplace and behavior and individual levels
Underpinning misconduct • Guidelines for
Knowledge • Guidelines developing
for managing organizational
misconduct and policies and
discipline issues procedures
• Communication • Stakeholder
techniques and engagement
channels techniques and best
• Standard solutions practices
related to
workplace conduct
and behavior
• Incident report
writing techniques

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Human Capital Development 99


Conduct and Behavior Management

FSC Proficiency
• Provide • Define the expected • Explore the
recommendations employee behaviors business impact of
to automate according to the upholding proper
processes across Code of Conduct conduct and ethics
warehouse lifecycle • Develop the Code • Cultivate a
• Facilitate of Conduct and professional
implementation discipline policies and ethical work
of new automated and procedures, environment and
procedures with in line with culture
process workflows organizational • Identify strategies
• Review appropriate values for managing
data sources, tools, • Integrate the Code and resolving
and techniques of Conduct into organizational
for extracting the organization’s challenges in ethics
application support practices and conduct
data • Recommend • Review the Code
• Develop effective initiatives of Conduct and
and impactful to promote discipline policies
warehouse organizational and procedures,
automation behaviors, values in line with
applications and ethics organizational
• Develop application • Investigate values
support policies and complaints and • Articulate principles
procedures alleged workplace for managing
• Review data to misconduct workplace
Skills identify trends • Assess the severity misconduct
Application and key issues of workplace • Engage
for automation misconduct stakeholders to
enhancements • Address complaints review the code
• Design user training and alleged of conduct and
materials misconduct discipline policies
• Review, monitor • Communicate and procedures
and adjust process warnings to regularly
parameters, replace employees • Chair disciplinary
process elements, for workplace hearings to
maintain and misconduct determine
improve automation • Identify appropriate courses
systems stakeholders of action for
impacted by severe workplace
workplace misconduct
misconduct or • Handle employees’
disciplinary incident appeals against
disciplinary actions
for workplace
• Manage
impacted by
misconduct or
disciplinary incident

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

100 Human Capital Development


Conflict Management
Build consensus, maintain the best interests of the organization and apply conflict management techniques to diffuse
tensions and achieve resolutions effectively

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-2004-1.1 PHC-WEN-3004-1.1 PHC-WEN-4004-1.1 PHC-WEN-5004-1.1 PHC-WEN-6004-1.1

Address questions, Facilitate conflict Manage and diffuse Formulate multiple Build consensus among
understand what drives situations through conflicts between strategies of conflict divergent internal and
the behaviors of others appropriate balance groups or individuals management, external interests,
in a conflict situation of logic and emotions coordinate all parties encourage all parties
FSC Proficiency and assess own and oversee behaviors to resolve the conflicts to resolve conflicts
Description behavior to minimize within teams to and assess conflict collaboratively and act
conflict occurrences minimize conflict situations in arriving at in the interest of the
occurrences compromised solutions organization as the
highest priority

• Signs, stages and • Signs, stages and • Signs, stages and • Signs, stages and • Signs, stages and
causes of conflicts causes of conflicts causes of conflicts causes of conflicts causes of conflicts
• Legal and ethical • Conflict resolution • Conflict resolution • Conflict resolution • Conflict resolution
considerations techniques techniques techniques techniques
relating to conflict • Legal and ethical • Legal and ethical • Legal and ethical • Legal and ethical
resolutions considerations considerations considerations considerations
• Organizational relating to conflict relating to conflict relating to conflict relating to conflict
policies and management management management management
procedures which • Organizational • Organizational • Organizational • Organizational
provide clarification policies and policies and policies and policies and
or assistance in procedures which procedures which procedures which procedures which
conflict resolution provide clarification provide clarification provide clarification provide clarification
• Methods to resolve or assistance in or assistance in or assistance in or assistance in
conflicts relation to the relation to the relation to the relation to the
Underpinning • Individual roles and management of management of management of management of
accountabilities for conflicts conflicts conflicts conflicts
Knowledge resolving conflicts • Facilitation, • Facilitation, • Facilitation, • Facilitation,
within the team communication communication communication communication
• Team member roles and negotiation and negotiation and negotiation and negotiation
and accountabilities methods for methods for methods for methods for
for resolving managing conflicts managing conflicts managing conflicts managing conflicts
conflicts within the • Individual roles and • Scope of • Managerial roles • Managerial roles
team accountabilities for responsibilities as and accountabilities and accountabilities
managing conflicts the manager of for managing for managing
• Team leader roles a department or conflicts conflicts
and accountabilities cross functional
for managing team, in leading and
conflicts managing several
work teams or

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 101


Conflict Management

FSC Proficiency
• Identify signs, • Identify roles and • Identify and resolve • Identify and • Establish systems
stages and causes responsibilities of conflicts and assess potential that promote or
of conflicts with team members to minimize impact on conflict situations cultivate a culture
individuals or minimize sources other colleagues in accordance with of effective conflict
groups of people of conflicts that and customers organizational management.
• Define the conflicts may affect team • Review the policies and • Evaluate potential
and highlight points performance effectiveness of the procedures conflict situations
of differences • Collaborate with conflict resolution • Select and evaluate in accordance with
and/or contention affected team strategies conflict resolution organizational
objectively, taking members to resolve • Take action to approaches in policies and
into consideration conflicts prevent the accordance with procedures
social and cultural • Monitor and review recurrence of organizational • Decide and
differences of agreed actions to conflicts policies and manage the conflict
parties involved resolve conflicts • Deal with conflicts procedures resolution process
• Identify potential • Research sources sensitively, • Implement in accordance with
areas of conflicts of internal and courteously conflict resolution organizational
with team members external assistance and discreetly approaches to reach policies and
and methods to to resolve the through use of mutually agreed procedures to
overcome the issues conflicts conflict resolution outcomes manage conflicts
at hand • Write reports, techniques • Take responsibility and reach mutually
• Respect individual including • Take responsibility for conflict agreed outcomes
viewpoints in comprehensive for conflict resolution outcomes • Take accountability
managing conflicts details of the resolution outcomes • Evaluate outcomes for conflict
within the team conflicts, the • Recognize early to determine resolution outcomes
Skills • Identify key issues parties involved, indicators of learning points • Lead team in
within a conflict discussions with conflicts for future conflict decision making
Application situation all parties and the • Discuss and resolve situations that result in
• Use the appropriate resolution conflicts between • Evaluate potential outcomes which are
method for conflict • Use the appropriate team members trade-offs to aligned to business
management. method for conflict • Analyze and minimize conflicts objectives and act
management. decide on the best across teams in the interest of the
resolutions for • Use the appropriate organization
conflict initiative method for conflict • Use the appropriate
and enterprise skills management. method for conflict
to consider and management. This
suggest changes to may include seeking
workplace practices professional
to avoid future mediation
conflicts services outside
• Coach team the corporation,
members to if necessary for
resolve conflicts Alternative Dispute
and assess conflict Resolution (ADR).
situations to enable
selection of the
most appropriate
resolution approach
• Use the appropriate
method for conflict

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

102 Human Capital Development


Contingent Workforce Management

Develop and implement organizational strategies and plans to manage contingent workforce effectively

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-4004-1.1 PHC-WDE-5004-1.1 PHC-WDE-6004-1.1

Implement contingent Develop plans to Formulate

FSC Proficiency workforce sourcing and source for and manage organizational
management plans contingent workforce strategies to manage
Description contingent workforce

• Sources and • Risks related • Trends in workforce

suppliers of to contingent demographic
contingent workforce changes
workforce • Trends in contingent • Business
• Ethical and workforce implications of
legislative management different talent
considerations • Best in class sourcing models
related to the operational and • Budget setting
contingent performance techniques
workforce metrics for • Culture change
• Organizational contingent management
Underpinning policies and workforce techniques
procedures related management
Knowledge to contingent • Employee
workforce engagement
• Budget techniques
management • Performance
techniques goal-setting
• Principles of methodologies
• Performance
measurement tools
and processes

• Source for • Evaluate potential • D etermine

contingent risks and returns of organization’s
workforce from utilizing contingent appetite and
staffing suppliers, workforce objectives for
vendors and • Develop sourcing contingent
agencies plans for contingent workforce
• Track job rates and workforce • Drive organization-
overall costs related • Manage budgets wide strategies
to staffing suppliers for contingent on utilisation
• Implement workforce sourcing of contingent
plans to engage • Formulate workforce in
independent strategies for business operations
workers onboarding and • Secure buy-in from
• Develop systems cultural assimilation senior stakeholders
to track contingent of contingent for adopting new
Skills workforce workforce talent engagement
Application performance • Develop plans methods
against goals for real-time • Establish enterprise
• Measure engagement budgets and cost
performance of contingent expectations for
of contingent workforce engagement and
workforce against • Establish suitable sourcing of services
goals goals for contingent • Monitor overall
• Utilize emerging workforce business impact
technology and • Review industry of contingent
tools to manage trends and workforce
contingent emerging strategies
workforce technologies
• in contingent
• workforce

Human Capital Development 103


Crisis Situations Management

Identify crisis response and recovery activities as well as implement the recovery and business continuity strategies
to minimize the impact of disruptive events to the organization

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-BCM-3001-1.1 PHC-BCM-4001-1.1 PHC-BCM-5001-1.1 PHC-BCM-6001-1.1

Execute crisis Facilitate crisis Lead damage Synergizing activating

management plan by management plan assessment, directing and directing review
coordinating crisis including allocating crisis response and of crisis response,
response and recovery resources, executing recovery activities, recovery and stand
activities, implement and documenting manpower planning down activities,
individual roles during response and and communication to managing crisis
disruptive events recovery activities stakeholders communication,
FSC Proficiency and validating crisis and communicating reviewing impact of
Description management plan organizational crisis disruptive events on
management key the organization, as
messages to relevant well as identifying
stakeholders programs for
staff learning and
development in crisis

• Crisis management • Operational roles • Own role in • Business impact of

plan, including and responsibilities management of disruptive events on
crisis response and of a manager crisis response and the organization
recovery activities handling a crisis recovery activities • Own role in
• Critical business • Documentation • Relevant communication
Underpinning functions components for stakeholders in a with relevant
• Business continuity crisis response and disruptive event stakeholders
Knowledge plans recovery activities • Implications on
• Emergency control • Communication business impact
exercises plan for managing arising from
crisis disruptive events on
the organization

Continue to next page

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

104 Human Capital Development


Crisis Situations Management

FSC Proficiency
• Assist in the • Operational roles • Lead damage • Review report on
coordination and and responsibilities assessment in the business impact
integration of of a manager consultation of disruptive events
crisis response and handling a crisis with relevant on the organization
recovery activities • Documentation stakeholders • Approve activation
in accordance components for • Direct crisis of the crisis
with recovery and crisis response and response and response and
business continuity recovery activities recovery activities recovery activities
plans to respond to • Communication to be implemented and stand down
disruptive events plan for managing in accordance procedures in
• Execute individual crisis with recovery accordance with
roles within the • Allocate resources strategies and business continuity
crisis management for response- business continuity strategies and crisis
plan to respond to handling in strategies management plan
disruptive events accordance with • Facilitate • Manage
• Participate in the crisis management involvement of communication
organization’s plan cross-functional of disruptive
emergency control • Identify crisis teams in crisis events to relevant
exercises to response and management stakeholders
validate and make recovery activities • Activate ‘return-to- in accordance
improvements to be implemented normal’ procedures with crisis
to the crisis in accordance in accordance with communication plan
management with recovery crisis management
Skills plan to ensure strategies and plan
Application organizational business continuity • Understand the
readiness strategies business impact of
• Manage own • Document disruptive events on
emotions to crisis response the organization
maintain composure and recovery • Activate crisis
and display self- activities data in response and
confidence and accordance with recovery activities
resilience when information format and stand down
dealing with requirements procedures in
challenges in a crisis • Implement accordance with
situation ‘return-to-normal’ business continuity
• Respond procedures in strategies and crisis
appropriately to accordance with management plan
negative emotional crisis management • Facilitate
cues of organization plan communication
members during a • Communicate process during
crisis situation to organizational disruptive events
provide reassurance crisis management to internal
key messages and external
to relevant stakeholders
stakeholders in accordance
with crisis
communication plan

Human Capital Development 105


Data Collection and Preparation

Collect human resource (HR) data from employees for the purpose of generating business and HR insights

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-2001-1.1 PHC-GHR-3001-1.1 PHC-GHR-4001-1.1

Gather human resource Oversee human Direct human resource

(HR) data using resource (HR) data (HR) data collection
FSC Proficiency selected tools and collection processes processes in alignment
Description techniques to ensure its smooth with business objec-
administration tives

• Types of data that • Quality indicators of • Legislative

will be feasible for HR data requirements
HR to collect • Techniques for related to data that
• Types of HR data assessing HR data HR collects
sources and access quality • Business
• Owners and • HR data collection imperatives related
stakeholders of HR tools and to HR
Underpinning data techniques • Stakeholder
• Communication • Communication engagement
Knowledge guidelines and techniques and techniques and best
templates channels practices
• HR data collection • Techniques of • Impact of HR data
processes and evaluating the availability
methodologies effectiveness of
processes and

• Administer • Identify types and • Identify business

selected HR data sources of HR data objectives requiring
collection tools and • Identify potential HR data collection
techniques stakeholders from • Establish objectives
• Prepare whom HR data is to for HR data
communication be collected collection aligned to
materials on the • Manage the HR data business needs
HR data collection collection processes • Determine types
processes and • Establish the and levels of HR
information to be range of data to be data required
collected collected based on for generation of
• Explain the objectives insights
processes of filling • Assess HR data • Supervise the HR
HR data collection quality of sources data collection
templates and • Shortlist sources processes
forms that provide quality • Lead engagement
• Attend to queries HR data efforts with HR
Skills related to HR data • Propose tools data owners and
Application collection and techniques to stakeholders
• Clean data gather HR data • Select appropriate
collected, checking • Develop templates HR data collection
for outliers or errors and forms for HR tools and
• Validate data data collection techniques
collected from • Resolve technical • Drive improvements
different data sets issues or questions to the HR data
to verify accuracy related to HR data collection processes
and minimize errors collection
• Prepare data • Evaluate the
for reporting or effectiveness of the
analysis HR data collection
• Propose
improvements to
HR data collection

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

106 Human Capital Development


Data Governance
Establish standards and practices on data governing and review level of compliance with them

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-4002-1.1 PHC-GHR-5002-1.1

Lead implementation Establish organization’s

and monitoring of practices and
FSC Proficiency organization’s data standards for handling
Description governance policies data throughout its
and practices lifecycle

• Organization’s data • Organization’s

and privacy policies perspective
• Legislative on information
requirements on technology (IT) and
data protection data principles
and confidentiality • Legal
maintenance considerations
• Different stages in and business
the data lifecycle implications of data
• Standard practices handling
for proper data • Ethical principles
handling governing data
• Required approvals handling practices
for data handling at • Privacy laws
different stages in a range of
• Relevant ethical organizations,
guidelines in the and similarities or
Underpinning human resources differences from
Knowledge (HR) industry own organization
• Indicators and • Procedures in
treatment of data the event of data
breaches breaches
• Impact of data
quality and
practices on the
• Methods and
tools to mitigate
data negligence
and tighten data
• Industry-specific
governing the
treatment of data

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Human Capital Development 107


Data Governance

FSC Proficiency
• Develop action • Develop human
plans to roll out resource (HR)
data guidelines, practices for
laws, statutes and handling data
regulations within throughout their
the HR function lifecycle
• Advise key • Establish standards
stakeholders on to guide data
HR standards capture and
for data lifecycle validation, access,
management usage, masking,
• Assess HR data storage, archival
quality and its and retention
associated business • Initiate processes
impact and programs to
• Obtain approvals mitigate business
required for the risks of poor
gathering, handling, data quality and
processing, storing practices
and using of data • Provide approvals
• Monitor compliance regarding the
Skills with data policies, management of
Application workflows and rules data
• Develop data • Advise on ethically
breach response questionable
plans situations
• Investigate data throughout data
breaches lifecycle
• Manage data access • Anticipate legal
controls to HR data implications of data
• Review data handling processes
security practices • Resolve data
and processes breaches
regularly • Develop data access
controls to HR data
• Drive improvements
to data governance
principles and
• Segregate data
access rights
amongst key

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

108 Human Capital Development


Data Management

Prepare, structure and manage human resource (HR) data and information to assist in the analyses of business and
HR issues

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-2003-1.1 PHC-GHR-3003-1.1 PHC-GHR-4003-1.1

Perform data Structure data to Develop data

FSC Proficiency maintenance, prepare facilitate the analyses management
requested human of human resource processes aligned to
Description resource (HR) data and (HR) issues organizational policies
generate reports and requirements

• Types of HR data • Data specifications • Legal and ethical

available and requirements requirements
• Principles of data • Data preparation related to data
management guidelines management
• Features of HR • Methods to • Organizational
systems structure databases policies and
• Steps in data • Process of procedures
preparation establishing data related to data
• Data handling, flows management
cleaning and • Variety of data • Link between
processing sources business issues and
Underpinning techniques • Range of tools human resource
Knowledge • Data validation to process and (HR) data
methods and optimize accuracy • Methods and tools
criteria and functionality for analyzing and
• Privacy and of data reporting data
confidentiality • Stakeholder • Best practice
considerations that engagement methodologies in
govern all HR data techniques data validation
transactions • Techniques of
evaluating the
effectiveness of
processes and

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Human Capital Development 109


Data Management

FSC Proficiency
• Maintain data in HR • Develop data flows • Develop data
systems according in HR systems to management
to policies and support business processes to
procedures needs standardize and
• Clarify data request • Implement maintain data
requirements and checks on data definitions, sources
timelines to confirm maintenance and quality
need, nature and activities • Align data
intended use of data • Resolve data management
• Perform queries on availability or processes with
HR systems based quality issues organizational
on data request • Identify information and legislative
requirements required for requirements
• Generate reports analyses of HR • Oversee data
from HR systems issues maintenance,
• Provide data to • Verify that data is preparation and
requesting party prepared according management
in a secure and to guidelines and activities
confidential manner requirements • Resolve issues of
• Document the • Update analyses non-compliance
provision of data in response to with data
in accordance with new or changing management
relevant policies information processes
Skills and procedures • Present key • Define the business
Application findings and issue requiring HR
recommendations data analysis
to key stakeholders • Set objectives for
data analyses
• Propose methods
and tools for
analyzing and
reporting data
• Design data
methodologies to
verify reliability and
validity of data
• Evaluate the
effectiveness of
data management
• Propose
to the data

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

110 Human Capital Development


Digital Marketing and Communication

Develop digital reach plans and marketing collaterals to communicate and enhance the organization’s employer brand

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-EAT-3001-1.1 PHC-EAT-4001-1.1 PHC-EAT-5001-1.1

Implement digital Develop digital reach Drive the digitalization

FSC Proficiency reach and engagement plans and employer of employer branding
Description plans branding collaterals and marketing

• Techniques • Components of • Demographic

of evaluating digital reach and trends affecting
effectiveness of marketing plans employer branding
employer branding • Techniques to strategies
• Models and design digital • Cost-benefit
methods of collaterals analysis of digital
employer branding • Emerging trends in marketing and
• Trends in digital employer branding engagement plans
marketing • Differentiators in • Organization’s
Underpinning • Types of digital employer branding digital strategies
Knowledge platforms used for • Indicators of • Trends in
employer reach digital channel digitalization of
• Types of digital effectiveness human resource
branding collateral • Stakeholder (HR) functions
• Functions and management • Techniques to
features of various techniques measure digital
digital channels marketing and

• Evaluate the • Develop plans to • Project future

effectiveness of engage potential employer branding
current branding hires through needs
and activities employer branding • Direct employer
• Assess the impact and marketing branding and
of digitalization on • Design digital market engagement
employer branding employer branding efforts across
initiatives collaterals with digital platforms
• Identify digital the marketing • Evaluate the
platforms used in and corporate costs, benefits
employer branding communications and feasibility of
and marketing team digital marketing
• Develop drafts of • Leverage on digital and communication
digital employer technologies plans
branding and to establish • Promote the
communication differentiators in the integration of digital
collaterals employer brand technology and HR
• Implement • Review initiatives
Skills digital reach and effectiveness of • Define the desired
engagement plans digital channels in objectives and
Application to harness employer connecting with image of the
branding target audiences employer brand on
• Maintain digital digital platforms
channels used • Align digital
to connect with marketing and
potential hires strategies with
• Monitor the digital the organization’s
presence of the digital strategies
organization’s • Review the
employer brand effectiveness of the
• Propose ideas to digital marketing
boost digital and and communication
marketing efforts initiatives
• Recommend
to enhance
effectiveness of
employer branding

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 111


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB)

Develop strategies and programs to create a workplace characterized by DEIB. This would include Diversity in
employing people with different identities; Equity in ensuring fair treatment, access, and advancement for all people;
Inclusion in creating a culture where everyone can actively participate; and Belonging to safeguard each individual’s
sense of acceptance

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-3005-1.1 PHC-WEN-4005-1.1 PHC-WEN-5005-1.1

Implement programs Translate diversity Develop DEIB

to enhance workplace strategies strategies that
diversity, equity, into DEIB programs at are aligned to
FSC Proficiency
inclusion and the workplace. organizational VMV
Description belonging. (Vision, Mission and

• Types of diversity • Employment • Workplace DEIB

• Concepts of cultural and workplace needs of the
sciences legislation organization
• Best practices in requirements • Legal and ethical
DEIB management related to DEIB considerations
• Tripartite guidelines • Organizational related to fair
for fair employment policies and employment and
practices and procedures related DEIB
relevant industry to DEIB • Guidelines for
codes of practice • Contributions of developing
for DEIB. DEIB at workplace organizational
• Impact of to the achievement policies and
organizational of organization’s procedures
policies on day-to- objectives • Links between
day DEIB practices • Stakeholder DEIB management
Underpinning • Benefits of DEIB engagement strategies and
practices techniques and best business strategies
Knowledge • Communication practices • Barriers to DEIB at
techniques and • Tools for promoting the organization,
channels and enhancing team and individual
• Types of DEIB workplace DEIB levels
programs. • Roles and • Methods of
accountabilities promoting
of various and enhancing
stakeholders in workforce DEIB
promoting DEIB • Techniques of
• Success indicators evaluating the
for DEIB programs effectiveness of
• Trends and diversity strategies
developments and DEIB programs
impacting DEIB

Continue to next page

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

112 Human Capital Development


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB)


FSC Proficiency
• Conduct research • Identify DEIB needs • Lead the devel-
on best practices in in the workplace opment of DEIB
DEIB management • Develop DEIB pro- strategies
• Identify the current grams and action
plans to create DEIB • Secure buy-in
state of workplace from key stake-
DEIB • Secure buy-in from holders on DEIB
• Implement DEIB key stakeholders on management
programs according DEIB programs.
to plan strategies
• Oversee the
• Communicate implementation of • Create alignment
DEIB programs DEIB programs and between DEIB
to employees action plans programs planned
through appropriate • Align DEIB and existing
programs with People (HR)
organizational and
• Advise employees legislative policies programs
on ways to deal and requirements • Evaluate the im-
with DEIB related • Develop processes pact of workplace
challenges and systems to DEIB on business
• Gather feedback on gather and analyze performance
the effectiveness of feedback on DEIB
programs. • Develop policies
Skills DEIB programs
• Analyze feedback and procedures
Application on the effectiveness incorporating
of DEIB programs. DEIB principles
• Recommend mod- • Establish the
ifications to DEIB
programs based on criteria and mea-
feedback. sures to evaluate
• Empower the effectiveness
stakeholders to of DEIB strategies
implement DEIB and programs
• Monitor market
trends and de-
velopments that
may impact DEIB
• Evaluate overall
effectiveness of
DEIB strategies

Human Capital Development 113


Employee Communication Management

Formulate overall employee communication strategies and facilitate conversations to ensure effective and timely
dissemination of pertinent information to employees

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-2006-1.1 PHC-WEN-3006-1.1 PHC-WEN-4006-1.1

Disseminate Develop employee Formulate employee

information to communication communication
FSC Proficiency employees plans, facilitating strategies for the
Description conversations with and organization
among employees

• Objectives • Organization’s • Emerging trends

of employee policies in relation and development
communication to employee in employee
• Types of communication communication
communication • Current market • Trends and changes
materials trends in relation in employee
• Methods to develop to employee expectations and
and enhance communication preferences in
communication methods, communication
materials techniques and • Real-time and
Underpinning • Types of tools rich multimedia
Knowledge communication • Components communication
channels of employee technologies
• Communication communication • Measures of
techniques plans employee
• Target audience of • Techniques of group communication
communication facilitation effectiveness
• Feedback • Criteria to
mechanisms measure employee

Continue to next page

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

114 Human Capital Development


Employee Communication Management

FSC Proficiency
• Identify objectives • Translate • Establish employee
of employee organizational communication
communication employee strategies
• Collate information communication • Align objectives
required to prepare strategies into of employee
communication operational plans communication
materials • Develop detailed to organization’s
• Prepare employee employee objectives
communication communication • Introduce new
materials and plans approaches that
information kits • Guide preparation can reach out to
for programs and of employee employees more
initiatives communication effectively
• Disseminate materials in • Review
communications accordance with development
using pre-identified communication and execution
communication plans of employee
channels and tools • Review communication
• Monitor the communication plans
progress of materials and • Evaluate overall
dissemination to information kits to effectiveness of
ensure that the be disseminated communication
communications are • Adapt plans and delivery
in accordance with communication of the intended
Skills the roll-out plans styles, approaches messages
Application • Address simple and modes of • Revise
queries from delivery to target communication
employees on audience plans to increase
information • Facilitate group efficiency and
communicated discussions among effectiveness
• Gather feedback employees to gear •
on effectiveness towards a decision
of various • Resolve complex
communication queries or issues
techniques and related to the
modes information
• Oversee execution
of communication
activities for the
targeted audience
in accordance with
• Assess
effectiveness of
techniques and
modes employed

Human Capital Development 115


Employee Engagement Management

Drive employee engagement programs to facilitate commitment from employees to organizational values, vision and

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PCH-WEN-2007-1.1 PCH-WEN-3007-1.1 PCH-WEN-4007-1.1 PCH-WEN-5007-1.1 PCH-WEN-6007-1.1

Administer employee Implement employee Develop programs and Develop organization- Establish the employee
FSC Proficiency engagement surveys engagement programs initiatives to improve wide employee engagement strategies
and follow-up and initiatives employee engagement engagement plans and for the organization
Description programs initiatives

• Organizational • Methods of • Current market • Emerging trends • Elements of

policies and communication trends related impacting employee employee
procedures • Facilitation to employee engagement engagement
for employee techniques engagement • Measures to strategies and
engagement • Statistical analysis • Techniques and evaluate employee frameworks
• Methods of tools tools for employee effectiveness • Impact of employee
assessing employee • Techniques to engagement • Impact of employee engagement on
engagement levels analyze employee • Workplace flexibility engagement on organizational
• Types of employee engagement data programs business outcomes performance
Underpinning engagement • Measures of • Types of employee • Human resource
initiatives effectiveness recognition (HR) policy
Knowledge • Confidentiality of employee programs development
and anonymity engagement • Digital solutions to processes and
of employee interventions improve employee guidelines
engagement • Legal and ethical engagement
surveys considerations • Predictive analytics
related to employee techniques
engagement • Employee
activities, services engagement drivers
and programs

• Administer • Develop • Design employee • Analyze internal • Formulate

surveys to collate communication engagement and external trends employee
information materials to surveys that may have an engagement
on employee inform employees • Review analyses impact on employee • Liaise with senior
engagement of engagement of employee engagement stakeholders to
• Collate results initiatives engagement survey • Translate high-level share employee
from employee • Analyze the results data strategies into engagement
engagement from employee • Investigate action plans to insights
surveys engagement underlying drivers increase employee • Evaluate impact
• Support execution surveys of employee engagement of employee
of employee • Implement engagement results • Develop policies to engagement levels
engagement employee • Derive meaningful proactively engage and their drivers
interventions engagement insights from the workforce on organization
• Collect data programs according employee • Identify employee effectiveness
and feedback to plan engagement engagement drivers
from employees • Monitor progress analyses that have a high
on employee of employee • Develop real- impact on employee
engagement engagement time and digital performance
programs activities employee • Align employee
• Ensure • Measure the engagement engagement
Skills confidentiality effectiveness programs and plans with overall
Application of employee of employee activities business strategies
engagement engagement • Review • Translate the
data according programs communication insights gained
to organization • Identify materials from employee
procedures communication • Design metrics engagement
channels to to evaluate programs into
support employee effectiveness corrective action
engagement of employee plans
activities engagement • Secure buy-in
programs and support
from business
to implement
corrective action
• Review
of employee

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

116 Human Capital Development


Employee Mobility Management

Establish policies to facilitate employee movements according to legal, organizational and professional requirements
and guidelines

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-2005-1.1 PHC-WDE-3005-1.1 PHC-WDE-4005-1.1 PHC-WDE-5005-1.1

Gather information Facilitate employee Develop employee Establish employee

FSC Proficiency to support employee movement movement processes mobility policies for
Description movement the organization

• Types of employee • Legal and • Cross-cultural • Global best

movements procedural management practices in
• Employee requirements practices and norms employee mobility
movement associated • Integration • Principles and
procedures with employee of employee processes of policy
• Documentation movement movements with development
requirements • Methods used other human • Organization’s
to administer in international resource (HR) business direction
Underpinning employee employee policies and • Costs and benefits
movement integration processes of employee
Knowledge • Procedures for • Welfare • Organizational movements to the
updating the human requirements remuneration policy business
resource (HR) related to employee • Cost of living
information systems movement indexes and
• Organization’s allowances
foreign workers • Vendor selection
quota and management

• Provide • Liaise with key • Select vendors • Develop

administrative stakeholders to manage and organization-wide
support for in facilitating process visa, employee mobility
employee employee tax and services policies
movement movement requirements • Align employee
• Collate information due to employee mobility policies
needed to • Review contracts movement and practices with
document employee to be used • Explain business direction
movement for assignee’s remuneration • Secure buy-in from
• Generate contracts movement proposals to senior management
to be used • Liaise with vendors employees based on employee
for employee and contractors on cost of living mobility policies
movement to ensure indexes and • Verify business
• Disseminate documentation and organization’s viability of
endorsed remuneration mobility-related
services are in place
documentation to policies compensation and
relevant parties before the move • Draft mobility benefits allocations
Skills • Coordinate with policies to be • Establish strategies
Application stakeholders in used for employee to facilitate
fulfilling assignee’s mobility employee mobility
welfare needs • Design immersion and integration in
programs new environments
to integrate • Endorse
international refinements to
assignees into new employee mobility
environments processes
• Review employee
mobility processes
to identify potential
• Recommend
refinements to
employee mobility

Human Capital Development 117


Employee Relationship Management

Strengthen employee relationships and facilitate resolutions of conflicts and disputes

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-3008-1.1 PHC-WEN-4008-1.1 PHC-WEN-5008-1.1

Implement solutions Drive the resolution Establish strategies to

FSC Proficiency to resolve employee of conflicts and strengthen employee
disputes and sustain enhancement of relationships at
Description employee relationships employee relationships workplace

• Implications of • Role of tripartite • Market trends and

legal, ethical and parties in resolving developments
socio-cultural employee in relation
considerations grievances and to employee
on employee disputes relationship
relationships • Organizational management
• Elements of policies and practices
employee practices for • Frameworks for
relationships at management of managing conflicts,
workplace conflicts, grievances grievances and
• Types of conflicts and disputes disputes
• Causes of conflicts, • Investigative
grievances and and analytical
disputes techniques
Underpinning • Methods and • Models and
procedures of methods for
Knowledge investigation negotiation with
• Models and employees and
methods of stakeholders
resolution of • Industry best
conflicts, grievances practices in
and disputes managing employee
• Escalation relationships
processes for
working with
conflicts, grievances
and disputes
• Communication
techniques and

Continue to next page

118 Human Capital Development


Employee Relationship Management

FSC Proficiency
• Assess ground • Identify potential • Analyze internal and
sentiments employee external trends that
to identify relationship issues impact employee
opportunities • Oversee resolution relationships
and concerns of transactional • Formulate
in employee relationship issues strategies, policies
relationships • Collaborate with and processes
• Analyze the nature involved parties to strengthen
and sources of to investigate employee
conflicts, grievances the validity and relationships at the
and disputes credibility of claims workplace
• Identify relevant • Develop solutions • Develop
resolution actions to resolve employee frameworks for
conflicts, grievances
and processes to managing conflicts,
and disputes
handle employee • Facilitate grievances and
conflicts, grievances negotiation and disputes
and disputes conflict resolution • Secure buy-in
• Investigate routine meetings with from stakeholders
and transactional involved parties to on employee
employee disputes achieve mutually relationship
Skills and conflicts agreeable outcomes management
according to • Oversee strategies
Application implementation of
organizational • Mediate employee
agreed outcomes
policies and • Review relationships issues
guidelines documentation of • Monitor trends
• Recommend employee conflicts, and factors that
procedures resolutions and impact employee
to resolve outcomes relationship
transactional • Recommend strategies
conflicts programmes • Evaluate feasibility
• Implement and initiatives of proposed
to strengthen
resolution processes relationships among initiatives to
in accordance with employees cultivate strong
organizational relationships among
policies and employees
guidelines • Review employee
• Document relationship
employee conflicts, strategies and
resolutions and frameworks to
outcomes enhance positive
employee relations

Human Capital Development 119


Employer Branding
Develop employer brand proposition and strategies in alignment with the organization’s long-term strategic
objectives and desired culture

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-EAT-4002-1.1 PHC-EAT-5002-1.1 PHC-EAT-6002-1.1

Facilitate the Operationalize the Establish a strong

implementation employee brand employer brand in line
FSC Proficiency of initiatives and with the organization’s
Description programs to build the objectives and culture
employer brand

• Guidelines related • Internal and • Emerging trends

to employer external market in employee
branding trends impacting preferences
• Statistical employer branding • Macro trends
analysis tools and • Human capital impacting employer
techniques for statistics branding
evaluating effects of • Differentiators in • Impact of strategic
employer branding employer branding employer branding
• Models and • Factors that impact on employee value
methods of the employee proposition (EVP)
employer branding value proposition • Techniques
• Market trends and developments in evaluating
Underpinning impacting employer (EVP) effectiveness of
Knowledge branding • Criteria to evaluate employer branding
• Market practices on employer branding • Differentiators in
employer branding outcomes employer branding
• Links between • Emerging trends
organizational in employee
strategy and preferences
employer branding • Macro trends
• Methods of impacting employer
engaging branding
involved in
employer branding

• Conduct studies on • Lead studies around • Align the employer

the organization’s employer branding brand with the
employer image and to understand how organizational
brand to determine the organization is strategy
organization’s portrayed • Align employer
branding • Develop brand across
• Identify employer brand geographies
organizational in alignment with • Endorse the
differentiators the organizational employer brand
that are used in strengths and long- • Engage senior
employer branding term strategies stakeholders on
• Identify market • Adapt employer the employer brand
practices of brand to proposition
employer branding demographic • Evaluate the long-
• Evaluate effects of and preferences term impact of
employer branding of current and employer branding
• Market strategies potential employees on organizational
to stakeholders • Engage internal performance
that drive the and external • Establish
Skills employer brand stakeholders on differentiators to
in alignment with the employer brand differentiate the
Application the organizational proposition organization from
strengths and • Assess impact its competitors
strategies and outcomes of
• Incorporate employer branding
employer branding efforts
in organization’s • Review the
collaterals and effectiveness of
interactions the processes of
with current and developing the
potential employees employer brand
• Analyze current • Review the
organizational effectiveness of the
employer brand employer branding
position to identify strategies
gaps • Analyze emerging
• Identify potential employee
improvements and preferences, trends
enhancements to and their impact on
the employer brand branding strategies

120 Human Capital Development


Executive Remuneration Management

Manage the design and implementation of executive remuneration for executives of the organization

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-4009-1.1 PHC-WEN-5009-1.1 PHC-WEN-6009-1.1

Implement executive Develop executive Direct the design and

FSC Proficiency remuneration remuneration refinement of executive
Description programs and programs and remuneration programs
processes processes and processes

• Industry • Key considerations • Relationship

benchmarks in defining key between executive
in executive performance remuneration and
remuneration indicators (KPIs) organizational
practices • Features of strategies
• Types of vehicles different executive • Success indicators
for executive remuneration and methods for
remuneration models and vehicles measuring the
• Components • Types of settlement effectiveness
of an executive and vesting of executive
remuneration mechanisms remuneration
program for executive programs
• Types of key remuneration • Types of financial
Underpinning performance • Market trends and analysis for
indicators (KPIs) developments evaluating executive
Knowledge tied to executive related to executive remuneration
remuneration remuneration
• Techniques management
to measure • Organizational
performance priorities
against KPIs
• Taxation
related to executive
• Legal and ethical
related to executive

• Review market • Review • Determine the

practices and organization’s organization’s
benchmarks strategies and core executive
in executive business to identify remuneration
remuneration requirements of philosophy
• Identify typical KPIs executive job roles • Establish key
used for companies’ • Define executive objectives of the
senior executives job roles’ KPIs organization’s
• Implement in line with the executive
executive organization’s short remuneration
remuneration and long term goals programs
programs which • Compare executive • Determine eligibility
were developed remuneration for executive
based on the pay levels against remuneration
remuneration benchmarks programs
philosophy • Establish details • Endorse KPIs for
• Monitor executives’ of executive executive roles
performance remuneration • Secure acceptance
against KPIs set programs in from senior
• Translate accordance with stakeholders
performance levels organization’s on executive
achieved into remuneration remuneration
Skills remuneration levels philosophy programs and
• Verify executive • Communicate processes
Application remuneration the executive • Define criteria
calculations and remuneration to evaluate the
documentation programs to key effectiveness
• Identify gaps stakeholders to of executive
in executive obtain support remuneration
remuneration • Monitor external programs and
programs and influences and processes
processes trends that may • Evaluate business
• impact executive viability and
remuneration feasibility
programs of executive
• Recommend remuneration
improvements programs and
to executive recommended
remuneration changes
programs and • Lead the refinement
processes of executive
programs, policies
and processes
• Approval for
any executive

Human Capital Development 121


Financial Acumen
Exercise financial insight to establish budgets for human resource (HR) activities and monitor HR operations and
outcomes against financial plans

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-3002-1.1 PHC-HRP-4002-1.1 PHC-HRP-5002-1.1

Prepare human Manage budgeting Develop long-term

resource’s (HR) and forecasting for financial plans and
FSC Proficiency operational and control financial planning for budget requirements
Description budgets based on workforce for workforce
financial principles

• Legal, ethical • Organizational • Relation between

and privacy policies and human resource
considerations procedures (HR) strategies,
related to budget related to budget business plans and
development development financial budgets
• Objectives, • Assumptions and • Types of financial
parameters and parameters of milestones and
types of budgets budgets performance
• Key principles of • Factors in internal indicators
accounting and and external • Methods of
financial systems environments that identifying factors
• Types of data impact budget that may impact
sources and data • Models and financial plans or
required to prepare methods of budgets
a budget developing budgets • Assumptions and
• Accounting • Methods of parameters of
principles and analyzing budget financial forecasts
practices related to history and trends • Means of
budget preparation for workforce communication of
• Costing techniques • Methods to forecast budget plans
Underpinning • Requirements of revenue, expenses • Methods and
Knowledge Philippines’ taxation and balance sheet tools to conduct
policies for workforce stakeholder analysis
• Functional • Considerations of • Types of budget
objectives and key conducting scenario issues
requirements of analysis
plans • Types of budget
• Organizational controls and their
financial data purposes
• Financial analytical • Means to monitor
techniques and financial operation
methodologies of workforce
• Financial audit against budget
processes outcomes
• Processes in
budget plans
and performance
to relevant
stakeholders for

Continue to next page

122 Human Capital Development


Financial Acumen

FSC Proficiency
• Analyze HR • Recommend • Determine short-
strategies, parameters and and long-term
functional assumptions for financial needs to
objectives and budget forecasting assess HR’s current
operational plans in accordance with financial situations
• Carry out needs and market • Formulate financial
forecasting and conditions plans to align to
budgeting for • Prepare financial HR and overall
workforce for the forecasts for the organizational
financial year human resource strategies
• Calculate (HR) function to • Allocate budget
workforce’s cash facilitate financial resources in
flow requirements planning accordance with
• Implement budget
• Determine organizational
plans to manage
workforce’s resource allocation financial plans
financing needs for to HR activities • Review financial
the financial year • Manage actual forecasts to
• Compare budget to enable anticipate changes
budget data financial operations in business and
with estimations to be measured operational
to highlight against forecasted circumstances
discrepancies plans • Review draft
• Monitor budget
Skills • Report budget budgets in
outcomes to ensure
calculations and proper utilization accordance with
Application discrepancies to and accounting of organizational
higher level to resources against guidelines
facilitate decisions their intended • Monitor actual
on budget purposes expense figures
allocation • Take remedial against budget to
• Ensure adherence action against identify and address
to financial controls any variances to variances
minimize impact
in accordance • Present financial • Report findings,
with relevant forecasts, recommendations
organizational budgets and and options to
corporate budget outcomes organization
governance and to immediate management
financial policies, supervisors for for review in
legislation and review and approval accordance with
regulations • Evaluate organizational
• Gather information effectiveness of policies
implementation of
on effectiveness of HR budgets
implementation of • Revise future
HR budgets financial plans
to optimize

Human Capital Development 123


Group Dynamics Facilitation

Assess group profile and dynamics to inform learning facilitation and group interaction approaches

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-LDE-4002-1.1 PHC-LDE-5002-1.1

Assess group dynamics Formulate group

to inform facilitation dynamics facilitation
FSC Proficiency approach strategies to facilitate
Description learner cooperation,
collaboration and

• Group structure and • Frameworks for

composition group dynamics
• Context and management
objectives • Characteristics of
• of facilitation effective group
• Methods and discussions
processes • Group psychology
• to facilitate group theories
interactions and • Frameworks for
responses leading constructive
• Influence of debates
group dynamics • Critical thinking
on individual strategies
behaviours • Strategies for
Underpinning • Group facilitation managing
Knowledge techniques • conflict
• Materials and • Techniques for
resources managing diversity
supporting group • Characteristics of
facilitation collaborative teams
• Principles of giving • Team building
and soliciting techniques
• Active listening
• Factors impacting
group cohesiveness
• Characteristics of
effective group

• Identify • Design framework

opportunities to for facilitation plans
automate processes Define principles
across warehouse of effective
lifecycle group dynamics
• Implement new Integrate group
automated psychology theories
procedures with into facilitation
process workflows approaches and
• Identify and define techniques Lead
appropriate data constructive
sources, tools, debates with
and techniques learners Manage
for extracting conflicts to
application support encourage group
data understanding of
• Analyze different viewpoints
effectiveness and challenges
Skills and impacts • Deploy questioning
Application of warehouse techniques to
automation facilitate critical and
applications creative thinking
• Implement • Develop approaches
application support for group review
policies and and reflection
procedures • Embrace diversity
• Implement user to create
training materials an inclusive
Provide customised
feedback to learners
in a group or one-
to-one basis
• Devise strategies
to enhance group
collaboration and
cohesion in future
facilitation activities

124 Human Capital Development


Health and Wellness Program Management

Develop and implement employee health and wellness programs to promote a healthy and productive workforce

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-3010-1.1 PHC-WEN-4010-1.1 PHC-WEN-5010-1.1

Implement programs Translate strategies Establish employee

to promote employee into employee health health and wellness
FSC Proficiency health and wellness and wellness programs strategies to support
that promote a healthy organization’s
Description and productive objectives, vision,
workforce mission and values

• Legislative • Best practices in • Internal and

requirements employee health external influences
related to employee and wellness that impact
health and wellness management employee health
data • Legal and ethical and wellness
• Factors impacting considerations programs
employee health related to employee • Changes in health
and wellness health and wellness and wellness
• Trends and data patterns and needs
technology • Organizational of employees
promoting healthy policies and • Guidelines for
lifestyles procedures related developing
• Types of employee to employee health organizational
health and wellness and wellness policies and
programs management procedures
• Guidelines • Contributions of • Links between
that translate employee health employee health
organizational and wellness and wellness
policies into day-to- programs to the strategies and
day good employee achievement of business strategies
Underpinning health and wellness organization’s • Methods of
Knowledge practices objectives evaluating the
• Benefits of • Stakeholder effectiveness of
employee health engagement employee health
and wellness techniques and wellness
programs • Tools to evaluate strategies and
• Communication employee health programs
techniques and wellness • Impact of market
and channels programs trends and
to disseminate • Roles and developments on
information on accountabilities employee health
employee health of line managers and wellness
and wellness in promoting strategies
programs employee health
and wellness
• Measures to
evaluate the
effectiveness of
employee health
and wellness

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 125


Health and Wellness Program Management

FSC Proficiency
• Identify new trends • Assess risks • Identify employee
and technologies associated with health and wellness
that promote the current state issues to support
healthy lifestyles of health and the development
• Conduct research wellness of different of employee health
on best practices employee groups and wellness
in employee health • Analyze relationship strategies
and wellness between • Consult key
management employee health stakeholders in the
• Identify the current and workforce strategic review of
state of the health productivity employee health
and wellness of • Evaluate potential and wellness
different employee costs and benefits management to
groups of employee health secure buy-in
• Implement and wellness • Create alignment
employee health programs between employee
and wellness • Develop employee health and wellness
programs according health and wellness programs and
to plan programs and existing human
• Communicate action plans resource (HR)
health and wellness • Secure buy-in from programs
programs to key stakeholders • Develop policies
employees using on employee and procedures
appropriate health and wellness to incorporate
communication programs employee health
channels • Manage employee and wellness
• Gather feedback on health and wellness principles
the effectiveness programs and • Establish the criteria
Skills of employee health resources and measures
Application and wellness • Align employee to evaluate the
programs health and wellness effectiveness of
programs with employee health
organizational and wellness
policies and strategies and
legislative programs
requirements • Develop processes
• Examine internal and systems to
and external gather and analyze
influences that feedback on
impact employee employee health
health and wellness and wellness
programs programs
• Analyze feedback • Assess the
on the effectiveness effectiveness of
of employee health employee health
and wellness and wellness
programs strategies
• Recommend • Adapt employee
enhancements to health and wellness
employee health strategies based on
and wellness market trends and
programs developments
• Equip line managers
with tools and
information to
promote employee
health and wellness

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

126 Human Capital Development


Human Resource Advisory

Deliver human resource (HR) advisory and consultancy services to internal and external clients to meet their

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-4004-1.1 PHC-GHR-5004-1.1 PHC-GHR-6004-1.1

Deliver human Develop frameworks Spearhead new human

resource (HR) advisory and approaches for resource (HR) advisory
FSC Proficiency and consultancy to effective delivery practices, techniques
internal and external of human resource and solutions as a
clients (HR) advisory and thought leader in the
consultancy solutions field

• Responsibilities • HR advisory • Organization

of HR guidelines objectives and
• Types of HR-related • Best practices of HR business needs
issues advisory • Links between the
• Types of HR • Impact of HR HR functions and
consulting projects consulting services business strategies
• Types of HR on the achievement • Business imperative
advisory of organization’s for investing in HR
frameworks objectives consulting projects
• Communication • Thought leadership • New and emerging
techniques and in the field of HR HR practices
channels • Types of HR
• Tools used to technologies
analyze HR issues
Underpinning • Success indicators
Knowledge of HR projects
• Labor policies and
• Stakeholder
techniques and best
• Market trends
impacting HR
• Policies on handling
documents about
successful and

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 127


Human Resource Advisory

FSC Proficiency
• Conduct interviews • Develop HR • Interpret the
with clients for consulting impact of business
requirements frameworks and strategies and
gathering process guidelines priorities on HR
• Set objectives and • Adapt HR advisory imperatives
key deliverables frameworks and • Lead the
in relation to approaches to identification of HR
HR consultancy market trends advisory services
projects and impacting HR and projects
services • Direct the required for future
• Implement investigation organizational
HR advisory of causes and needs
approaches and potential impact of • Drive engagement
methodologies HR issues faced efforts with senior
based on • Secure buy-in for stakeholders for the
frameworks recommendations co-creation of new
• Analyze HR issues and solutions to HR solutions
faced by the client resolve client’s HR • Champion HR
• Investigate causes issues consulting projects
and implications of • Evaluate the that drive business
HR issues faced effectiveness of HR performance
• Propose advisory projects • Showcase success
recommendations and services in stories of HR
and solutions to delivering expected consulting projects
Skills resolve HR issues outcomes and • Develop thought
• Highlight successes addressing clients’ leadership within
Application and areas for needs the field of HR
improvement for HR • Provide strategic consulting and
consulting projects advice to senior advisory
management on
HR issues that
impact business
• Recommend
to HR advisory
and consulting
processes for
greater alignment
with clients’ needs
• Evaluate impact
of delivered HR
advisory and
services or projects
on business
• Refine HR advisory
and consulting

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

128 Human Capital Development


Human Resource Analytics and Insights

Deploy statistical and analytical techniques and tools to generate human resource-related insights and projections to
support the business

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-2005-1.1 PHC-GHR-3005-1.1 PHC-GHR-4005-1.1 PHC-GHR-5005-1.1

Perform basic analyses Conduct data analyses Align requirements of Direct the identification
to draw inferences and statistical statistical models to and investigation of
FSC Proficiency from data modeling to derive organizational needs human resource (HR)
insights to draw and present issues through data
relevant business analytics and insight
insights generation

• Hypothesis-testing • Types of data and • Applications of • Organizational

concepts and data sources advanced analytical vision and strategy
methods • Types of tools methods in a human • Types of business
• Statistical methods and programming resource (HR) issues that can be
in data analysis languages context investigated using
• Types of data • Data collection • Principles analytics
analysis processes of analytics • Components
• Legal and ethical • Concepts of data architecture of different
considerations quality • Methods of data analytics
when using the data • Methods of working reviewing statistical technologies and
for analytics with datasets and models tools
filtering noise data • Existing analytical • Types of data
Underpinning • Types of statistical tools or data frameworks
data modeling warehouse in the • Methods of forming
Knowledge techniques organization a data analytics
• Methods of creating • Types of data plan
reports of findings analytics
from analytical work technologies and
• Methods of
preparing statistical
models for
operational use
• Types of data

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 129


Human Resource Analytics and Insights

FSC Proficiency
• Apply hypothesis- • Review data • Select the runtime • Define the
testing concepts requirements for environments business issues to
and methods on human resource for the statistical be investigated
data (HR) analytics models to be using analytics
• Identify statistical • Load data into the deployed with key business
methods to address analytics platform • Define user stakeholders
simple problems • Cleanse the data requirements • Select appropriate
• Perform data according to the with the relevant analytics
analyses using basic data requirements stakeholders technologies and
statistical methods • Utilize a range of • Define the analytics tools
and techniques statistical methods architecture • Conceptualize
• Determine the and analytics requirements new data models
relationships approaches to data • Publish the and evaluate
between variables • Conduct statistical statistical models to existing models for
• Identify unintended modeling of data production suitability
outcomes produced • Prepare numeric or • Develop processes • Prioritize issues
by analytical models visual presentations to support the and new areas of
• Draw accurate of data to report operations of the focus that can be
inferences from analysis findings model with relevant analyzed
data • Resolve any issues stakeholders • Provide leadership
Skills arising during the • Fine-tune the and expert
data preparation deployed models guidance for
Application • Interpret findings to ensure that analyzing both
from data analyses it delivers the internal and
and statistical expected outcomes external data
modeling • Implement • Evaluate the
• Develop technical analytical and business impact
and business visualization and viability of the
reports with the techniques to insights derived
analytical findings present large • Communicate
quantities of data business insights
• Evaluate results to using textual,
extract insights that numeric, graphical
may affect business and other
HR strategies visualization
appropriate to the
target audience
• Lead the application
of analytics for
future business

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

130 Human Capital Development


Human Resource Digitalization

Innovate human resource (HR) processes and practices through digitalization by evaluating its impact on the delivery
of HR services

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-4006-1.1 PHC-GHR-5006-1.1 PHC-GHR-6006-1.1

Identify opportunities Design digital Inspire a culture of

to digitize data, frameworks and digital innovation
FSC Proficiency processes and processes to facilitate within the organization
practices the creation of an
innovative business

• New and innovative • Current and • New and

operating models emerging digital emerging trends
deployed in the technologies and in digitization and
industry processes in the business innovation
• Concept and human resource strategies
principles of (HR) field • Business
digitization • Organization’s implications
• Pros and cons of operating context, of introducing
digitized data business priorities, digitalization
• Pros and cons of domain and • Key business
digitized processes environment performance
Underpinning • Legal, ethical • Application of indicators in
and security digitization to the relation to process
Knowledge issues related to business innovation and
implementation of • Techniques of changes
digitalization business process • Best practices
redesign and techniques
• Best practices in in organization
implementation culture change and
process of transformation
• Success factors for
implementation of

• Compare current • Evaluate • Cultivate a mindset

operating models digitalization of digital innovation
for the human opportunities within and beyond
resource (HR) for viability, the organization
function with other applicability to the • Determine
models in the organization and strategies
industry compatibility with to leverage
• Analyse potential HR objectives on business
opportunities for • Design digital opportunities for
digitalization to be frameworks to human resource
introduced within structure the (HR) digitalization
the organization application of • Establish strategies
• Identify ways which digital technologies to monitor
digitization of data to HR operations and evaluate
can be applied to • Re-design HR performance of
the business operating processes current systems and
• Conduct feasibility to incorporate processes
Skills analyses to weigh digital processes • Approve
Application the costs-benefits and technologies recommendations
of digitizing • Develop action on HR operations
processes and data plans to implement for digitalization
• Implement digital the digital • Inspire business
storage and technologies and process
processes in line practices for HR transformation
with defined action activities through HR
plan • Review digitalization
• effectiveness • Establish objectives,
of digitalized measures and
processes communication
• Recommend steps plans to guide
to improve the implementation
integration of digital of digitalized
technologies and processes
processes within the
HR function

Human Capital Development 131


Human Resource Policies and Legislation

Framework Management
Develop and review human resource (HR) policies and procedures based on organizational needs, and in compliance
to legislative, ethical and regulatory standards

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-3003-1.1 PHC-HRP-4003-1.1 PHC-HRP-5003-1.1 PHC-HRP-6003-1.1

Draft human resource Develop human Establish human Align organizational

(HR) policies for the resource (HR) resource (HR) policy human resource (HR)
FSC Proficiency organization policy documents frameworks to policies with national
in adherence support the successful strategic HR initiatives
to legislative implementation of HR and legislation
requirements objectives

• Labor policies • National labor • National • Methods for

and legislation policies and government policies accessing
impacting the legislation and initiatives information on
organization • Components of HR on labor and national HR policies
• Employment laws, policy document employment • Range of privacy
guidelines and • Intended users of • Impact of labor and confidentiality
frameworks HR policy policies and considerations
• Tripartite guidelines • Legal, ethical and legislation on when handling with
for fair employment socio-cultural internal HR policies sensitive national
• Types of HR policies considerations of and organization policies
• Sections of a HR HR policies • Components • Models and
policy document • Models and of a HR policy methods for
• HR policy writing methods for framework analyzing gaps in
techniques identifying breaches • Purposes and HR policies
• Elements of a in HR policy objectives of HR • Methods to conduct
well-written policy policy frameworks stakeholder analysis
Underpinning document and procedures • Types of networking
• Methods of • Processes of HR techniques
Knowledge displaying policy development
standards and and review
guidelines • Components of
communication and
• Evaluation criteria
of policies and
• Relevant
professional and
industry codes
of practice and
standards related
to HR policy

Continue to next page

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

132 Human Capital Development


Human Resource Policies and Legislation

Framework Management

FSC Proficiency
• Identify objectives • Identify types of HR • Review existing • Prioritize national
of HR policies in policies to address HR policy policies and laws
accordance with organization’s HR framework against that would impact
organizational standards and organizational organization’s HR
HR standards and guidelines needs and standards and
• Identify legislative
guidelines and compliance legislative, ethical guidelines
• Consolidate requirements, and and socio-cultural • Evaluate impact
research and risks relevant to the requirements of changes to
supporting organization • Assess impact labor policies and
information • Outline the of changes to legislation on the
required to develop structures of labor policies business
HR policies HR policies in and legislation on • Drive the
• Identify labor consultation internal HR policies development
with relevant
policies and • Develop HR policy and revision
legislation that • Review HR policy frameworks of HR policies
are relevant to the drafts according to according to
organization’s HR • Verify prepared HR organization’s national manpower
function policy content business philosophy initiatives
• Draft HR policies • Refine HR policy and vision and in • Devise strategies
according to documents compliance with to implement
outlined structure according to legal, ethical and and incorporate
• Proofread HR legislative and socio-cultural national manpower
policies to minimize requirements initiatives in HR
errors • Document HR • Consult with policies
Skills policies according legislative • Communicate the
Application to organizational authorities to verify impact of national
procedures soundness of HR HR initiatives
and legislative policies to internal
requirements • Secure buy-in and external
• Communicate and approval stakeholders
HR policies to on policies and • Secure buy-in for
employees and
stakeholders procedures from HR policy changes
• key stakeholders from internal
• Develop and external
communication and stakeholders
implementation • Coach stakeholders
plans to address the on change
impact of changes management for
in HR policies relevant HR policies
• Evaluate HR policies • Evaluate
and procedures effectiveness and
to ensure business impact of
effectiveness, HR policies
clarity and • Drive further
relevance of the refinements to HR
frameworks policies for greater
alignment with
national initiatives
and legislation

Human Capital Development 133


Human Resource Practices Implementation

Implement human resource (HR) practices by integrating local and international requirements, guidelines and best

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-2004-1.1 PHC-HRP-3004-1.1 PHC-HRP-4004-1.1 PHC-GHR-5007-1.1

Implement human Review human Establish human Integrate current

resource (HR) practices resource (HR) practices resource (HR) practices human resource (HR)
FSC Proficiency in the organization and recommend and implementation practices with global
Description enhancements strategies industry trends and
best practices

• Guidelines for fair • Industry best • Components of • Global industry

employment and practices in HR implementation trends related to HR
other industry • Industry trends strategy practices
guidelines and developments • Measures • International
• Employment in relation to fair to evaluate legislative
guidelines and employment effectiveness of HR requirements
regulations to practices practices
operate in the • Communication • Techniques of
Philippines techniques and HR effectiveness
Underpinning • Tripartism platforms analysis
employment laws • Cultural differences • Impact of diversity
Knowledge • Privacy and on HR practices
related to HR
• Organizational
policies and
procedures related
to HR practices

• Interpret HR policies • Analyze HR • Determine HR • Engage with

and practices and practices in practices that are industry HR
their implications on accordance suitable for the practitioners
employees with regulatory organization to identify
• Implement HR guidelines • Craft organization’s global trends in
programs and • Identify changes HR practices implementing HR
policies required to HR • Design strategies practices
• Gather feedback systems for better to implement HR • Collaborate with
from employees on alignment with practices senior business
the impact of HR industry best • Liaise with senior stakeholders to
practices practices leaders in the translate global
• Deploy • Recommend organization practices into local
communication enhancements to to ensure their organizational
materials related to senior management, alignment with context
current HR practices indicating rationale, organization’s HR • Approve
• Support the costs and benefits practices organization’s HR
communication for buy-in • Determine key practices
Skills of HR policies • Develop HR channels for • Devise action plans
Application and practices to tools to support communication of to integrate global
employees implementation HR practices practices with
• Implement HR • Supervise • Identify current HR practices
handbook implementation of opportunities in • Evaluate
• Review current HR HR practices in the business operations effectiveness
practices organization to integrate HR of integrating
• Develop and review practices global best
communication • Formulate measures practices within
materials developed and criteria the organization
to suggest to determine context
amendments effectiveness of HR • Lead efforts to
• Lead practices enhance alignment
communication • Recommend of internal HR
of HR policies corrective and practices with
and practices to improvement external best
employees actions to HR practices

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

134 Human Capital Development


Human Resource Service Quality Management

Develop and implement human resource (HR) service management frameworks, incorporating service quality
standards, agreements and metrics

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-4007-1.1 PHC-GHR-5007-1.1 PHC-GHR-6007-1.1

Lead the Lead the Cultivate a service-

implementation of implementation of oriented mindset
human resource (HR) human resource (HR) within the human
FSC Proficiency service management service management resource (HR)
Description frameworks within the frameworks within the department to serve
organization organization both internal and
external customers

• Types of HR service • Elements of a HR • Organization’s

delivery structures service delivery business strategies
• Metrics of service model • Design elements of
level agreements on • Components the organizational
service quality of a HR service structure
• Stakeholders management • Pros and cons
impacted by framework of different HR
Underpinning HR service level • Industry best operating models
agreements on practices in
Knowledge service quality service quality
• Data analysis management
techniques • Industry standards
• Types of service in service quality
quality data • Types of service
excellence metrics
and indicators

• Develop service • Analyze merits of • Define framework

quality agreements different service for service delivery
with internal delivery structures model
stakeholders and standards • Determine fit-
• Evaluate data on • Implement HR for-purpose HR
current service service quality operating models
quality levels standards based on the
• Review HR services • Design target HR organization’s
against metrics in service delivery business strategies
the service quality structures and • Inspire service
management models quality excellence
frameworks • Develop HR service amongst senior
• Communicate management management
Skills findings and frameworks • Drive the
outcomes of HR • Establish HR service attainment of
Application service quality quality standards service quality
reviews to relevant and targets to be certifications for the
stakeholders achieved HR function
• Identify • Develop service • Approve changes
opportunities excellence metrics to service level
for continuous and indicators agreements
improvement of HR • Recommend
service quality changes to service
• Review HR service level agreements to
quality agreements enhance alignment
• Manage service with service
level agreements delivery models

Human Capital Development 135


Human Resource Strategy Formulation

Establish human resource (HR) strategies and priorities that are aligned with current and future business needs

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-4005-1.1 PHC-HRP-5005-1.1 PHC-HRP-6005-1.1

Implement human Develop human Establish human

resource (HR) resource (HR) plans resource (HR)
FSC Proficiency programs and services and programs in strategies for the
Description in the organization support of the HR organization

• Legal and ethical • Principles of • Elements of HR

considerations strategic HR strategy
related to management • Trends and
development and • Models of developments in
provision of HR consultation the evolution of
services • Business needs of HR’s role
• Relation an organization • Organization’s
between HR and • Components of HR business strategies
organizational interventions • Factors affecting
strategies • Risk management HR strategy
• Communication • Components of • Types of
Underpinning techniques and action planning stakeholders’
channels • Industry codes requirements
Knowledge • Facilitation skills of practice and • Industry codes
• Techniques of standards related to of practice and
analysis HR operations standards
• Models and • Criteria to evaluate • Consultation
methods to evaluate effectiveness of HR models and
effectiveness of HR interventions methods to develop
programs • Feedback methods HR strategies
and procedures • Common barriers
to change at
organization level
• Global HR trends

• Identify • Provide strategic • Create a vision for

opportunities to guidance on the role of HR in the
automate processes intelligent organization
across warehouse automation • Synthesize
lifecycle processes across trends related to
• Implement new warehouse lifecycle management and
automated • Lead development of HR
procedures with implementation services
process workflows of new automated • Consult
• Identify and define procedures with stakeholders to
appropriate data process workflows gather inputs for HR
sources, tools, • Provide guidance strategies
and techniques towards appropriate • Define priorities for
for extracting data sources, tools, development of HR
application support and techniques strategies and plans
data for extracting • Establish HR
• Analyze application support strategies for the
Skills effectiveness data organization in
Application and impacts • Devise strategies alignment with
of warehouse for development business strategies
automation of effective and objectives
applications and impactful • Review the financial
• Implement warehouse budget for approval
application support automation • Secure buy-in from
policies and applications senior stakeholders
procedures • Provide guidance for HR’s vision and
• Implement user on application strategies
training materials support policies and • Establish criteria to
procedures evaluate the success
• Initiate automation of HR strategy
enhancement from implementation
data analysis trends • Drive enhancements
and key issues to the HR strategies
• Oversee delivery of
training materials

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

136 Human Capital Development


Human Resource Systems Management

Establish and manage effective and efficient human resource (HR) management systems

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-2008-1.1 PHC-GHR-3008-1.1 PHC-GHR-4008-1.1 PHC-GHR-5008-1.1

Operate human Implement human Evaluate human Establish business

resource (HR) resource (HR) resource (HR) needs and guidelines
FSC Proficiency management systems management systems management systems for human resource
Description (HR) management

• Legal and ethical • Policies, procedures • Organizational • Impact analysis of

considerations and processes HR management the HR management
related to HR related to system systems
information services organizational HR requirements • Cost analysis of the
• Range of services function • Measures of HR management
offered by HR • Privacy and effectiveness systems
departments confidentiality and efficiency of • Models and
• Features and considerations HR management methods used
characteristics of that govern all HR systems in evaluating HR
software-based transactions • Industry practices management
HR management • Steps to implement on HR management software systems
systems HR management systems • Emerging trends
Underpinning • Privacy and systems • Market trends related to HR
confidentiality • Elements of related to HR management
Knowledge considerations software-based management systems
that govern all HR HR management systems
transactions systems • Elements of
• Systems used in • Application of software evaluation
processing HR software-based
documentation HR management
• Impact of HR
information services
on employees and
operational areas of
the organization

• Access HR systems • Challenge current • Evaluate existing • Analyze the impact

to input required processes HR management of HR management
information and identify systems to systems on the
• Verify accuracy opportunities identify areas for organization
of information to to enhance improvement • Determine the
be entered into • Analyse market
HR management HR processes trends related to uses of the HR
systems and practices HR management management
• Input data into by leveraging systems systems to support
HR management on technology • Evaluate software HR initiatives and
systems according solutions system options and programs
to policies and • Gather user vendors that cater • Project future
procedures requirements to the identified needs of the HR
• Access systems to to support the HR management management
retrieve required systems
development and systems
information for requirements
report generation implementation of • Recommend HR • Establish guidelines
• Review information HR systems management and criteria for
to ensure accuracy, • Manage HR systems systems solutions evaluating HR
reliability and implementation aligned to management
Skills sufficiency of to ensure project organizational systems
Application information relevant requirements are needs and • Review
to its intended use met objectives recommendations
• Identify errors in the • Engage on HR management
HR systems
stakeholders to gain systems
• Recommend
improvements buy-in and support • Endorse HR
for increasing for the rollout of the management
effectiveness of the HR management systems solutions
systems systems that align to the
• Troubleshoot minor • Manage rollout organizational
system issues plans to ensure needs, objectives
organizational and budgets
readiness for
• Evaluate
efforts to
identify areas for

Human Capital Development 137


Industry Networking
Establish broad external networks to enhance the organization’s value proposition and access to a community of
professionals and potential candidates

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-EAT-3003-1.1 PHC-EAT-4003-1.1 PHC-EAT-5003-1.1 PHC-EAT-6003-1.1

Maintain industry Manage networks Build networks to Champion the

networks for talent to attract potential promote employer organization’s human
FSC Proficiency attraction and sourcing candidates reach and brand resource (HR) agenda
Description on local, regional and
global platforms

• Types of industry • Industry network- • Organization’s • Processes and

networks building techniques business and people methodologies
• Processes for • Organization’s agenda in HR strategy
managing database employer value • Characteristics of development
systems proposition industry networks • Organization’s
• Organization’s • Event management and associations business and people
vision, mission and • Human resource • Emerging market agenda
values (HR) market trends in human • Macro trends in HR
• Stakeholder conditions resource (HR) • Local, regional and
Underpinning management • Strategic global platforms
techniques stakeholder and avenues for
Knowledge management industry networking
• Personal branding
• Employer branding
• Types of platforms
to expand industry

• Maintain database • Develop database • Develop networking • Represent the

of contacts to of contacts to strategies to gain organization
facilitate access to facilitate access to access to target through proactive
potential recruits potential recruits contacts and participation
• Participate in • Identify key candidates in professional
human resource influencers and • Build networks of associations
(HR) events to stakeholders within senior industry • Present thought
increase access to the industry and professional leadership on local,
potential recruits • Reach out to key contacts regional and global
and professional stakeholders • Make inroads into platforms
contacts through current new networks and • Champion large-
• Communicate with contacts to deepen communities that scale HR initiatives
individuals within network can further the to set trends in the
existing industry • Expand existing organization’s HR industry
networks and networks by agenda • Build upon regional
Skills databases assessing market • Create a strong and global networks
Application • Source for potential situation to identify personal brand as of contacts
talent from existing new contacts a HR professional including senior
industry networks • Enhance to attract senior stakeholders
and databases organization’s candidates to the
• Sustain positive branding and organization
relationships with position as an • Present insights via
industry contacts employer of choice public and digital
through external platforms to create
events personal branding
• Identify
opportunities for
hires of potential
equipped with the
required skills

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

138 Human Capital Development


Involuntary Exit Management

Establish and implement frameworks, guidelines, policies and processes to manage involuntary exits

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-ESE-2001-1.1 PHC-ESE-3001-1.1 PHC-ESE-4001-1.1 PHC-ESE-5001-1.1

Administer processes Implement processes Develop policies and Establish strategies

FSC Proficiency for involuntary to manage involuntary guidelines to manage and plans to manage
employee exits employee exits involuntary exit involuntary exits
Description processes

• Types of involuntary • Procedures of • Legal and • Industry best

exits conducting an exit regulatory practices in relation
• Termination and interview requirements to involuntary exit
retirement policies • Supporting related to management
• Processes to documentation involuntary exits, • Market trends from
administer required on including reportorial other industries
involuntary exits outplacement requirements. • Strategies to
and retirements • Methods of • Elements of a manage employee
• Ethical, legal analyzing termination policy rationalization
Underpinning and professional involuntary exit • Elements of a program including
considerations information retirement policy but not limited to
Knowledge related to • Criteria for redundancies and
involuntary exits measuring retrenchments /
the impact of layoff
terminations and • Methods of
retirements reviewing human
resource (HR)
policies in relation
to involuntary exit

• Administer • Communicate • Develop involuntary • Determine

involuntary exit termination and exit policies in business impact
processes according retirement policies compliance with of retirements and
to organizational to stakeholders legal and regulatory redundancies on the
policies and • Support employees’ requirements organization
procedures • Establish guidelines
• Draft supervisors for involuntary exit • Identify business
documentation in managing processes processes
required for involuntary exits • Coach stakeholders re-design, job
involuntary exits • Analyze information on involuntary exit re-design, training,
• Provide information provided for procedures reskilling and other
to employees on involuntary exit • Engage unions opportunities
involuntary exit cases for reporting on involuntary to minimize
policies and verification exit decisions and involuntary exits
• Maintain procedures
purposes • Develop HR
comprehensive • Ensure
records of • Conduct exit performance- strategies to
involuntary interviews related involuntary minimize impact of
employee exits • Advise employee of exits adhere to legal involuntary exits
regulations against requirements • Advise senior
competition, • Formulate measures leadership on the
disclosure and and criteria communication of
litigation to determine involuntary exit
• Inform exiting the impact of decisions
Skills involuntary exits
employees of • Review industry

Application available assistance best practices in
and options involuntary exit
of alternate policies
employment and/or • Manage regulatory
livelihood bodies and external
• Document exit stakeholders’
interview feedback perceptions
• Maintain following
professionalism involuntary exits
in interactions • Enhance existing
with exiting policies to increase
employees to effectiveness and
uphold organization alignment with
reputation organizational
• Review requirements
related to
involuntary exits
• Analyze data
related to
the impact of
involuntary exits

Human Capital Development 139


Job Analysis and Evaluation

Define and evaluate job requirements and expectations against specific metrics, structures or systems

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-EAT-2004-1.1 PHC-EAT-3004-1.1 PHC-EAT-4004-1.1

Consolidate Perform job analysis Review job analysis

information to support and evaluations and evaluation
FSC Proficiency job descriptions and processes and
Description evaluations methodologies

• Privacy and • Job analysis • Principles of job

confidentiality methodologies analysis
guidelines related • Objectives and • Importance of job
to the handling of target audience of profiles in various
organization’s data job descriptions human resource
• Types of • Job evaluation (HR) processes
documentation methodologies • Guidelines and
used for job • Best practices in job national initiatives
evaluations evaluation related to
• Components of a • Techniques of job recruitment and
job description evaluation selection
Underpinning • Talent acquisition • Tools used for job • Methods of applying
compliance evaluation job descriptions in
Knowledge requirements • Applications of job HR practices
• Guidelines and descriptions and job • Principles of job
standards on fair evaluation results evaluation
labor practices • Job evaluation
based on the methodologies
Labor Code of the
• Job analysis
• Job evaluation

• Gather information • Implement the • Oversee the role

on job requirements role clarification clarification and job
from line managers processes analysis processes
to develop job • Conduct job • Review job
descriptions analysis to descriptions for
• Collate identify duties and accuracy and
documentation responsibilities of continued relevance
used for job a job • Recommend
evaluations • Develop job improvements and
• Communicate descriptions refinements to job
information on • Analyze current descriptions and
methodologies job descriptions to role clarification
and tools used in ensure continued processes
job evaluation to relevance • Review job analysis
relevant employees • Identify unique processes
• Document input on job roles to be • Oversee job
Skills activities performed evaluated evaluation
Application by job incumbents • Evaluate the sizes processes to
• Disseminate of jobs against ensure robustness
endorsed job predefined criteria of methodologies
descriptions to • Explain rationale applied
relevant parties and supporting • Review accuracy
evidence for of job evaluation
job evaluation results
outcomes • Present job
• evaluation results to
senior stakeholders
• Develop review
systems for
obtaining feedback
on the job
clarification and
design processes

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

140 Human Capital Development


Knowledge Management
Develop and deploy a process of organizing, creating, using, and sharing collective knowledge within the organization.

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-INN-1001-1.1 PHC-INN-2001-1.1 PHC-INN-3001-1.1 PHC-INN-4001-1.1 PHC-INN-5001-1.1 PHC-INN-6001-1.1

Document learning Provide feedback Analyze and prepare Manage and Devise and formulate Champion a culture of
resulting from use of about clarity, accuracy, knowledge items for store information knowledge information sharing
the knowledge currency and relevance contribution to the within databases, management and influence the
management systems, of the knowledge knowledge documents, policies frameworks and organization to
report activities and management management systems. and procedures processes that establish a sustainable
FSC Proficiency capture information in systems’ outputs to Improve work practices amongst teams in a encourage sharing knowledge
a systematic manner relevant personnel and as a result of learning systematic manner to of information and management
Description check and maintain from use of the system. capture knowledge encapsulate a portal framework in support
information for clarity, items in support of of easily accessible of sustaining the
accuracy, currency and organizational learning information development and
relevance maintenance of
business information

• Definition and • Definition and • Definition and • Types of system • Objectives and • Objectives of
components components components requirements components knowledge and
of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge • System users of knowledge information
management management management • Implementation management management
system system system plans for knowledge system strategies
• Methods to collect, • Methods to collect, • Methods to collect, management • Knowledge • Types of knowledge
analyze, report and analyze, report and analyze, report and system management levers to generate
present information present information present information • Technology strategies and knowledge within
from knowledge from knowledge from knowledge available to policies the organization
management management management implement • Business processes • Methods and
system system system knowledge and relevant systems for
• Sources of • Sources of • Sources of management information capturing and
information of information of information of system required storing knowledge
organization organization organization • Types of • Considerations • Benefits of
• Organizational information for information implementing
guidelines and/or management management knowledge
policies with regard systems • Evaluation criteria management
to knowledge • Consultation of knowledge system
Skills management techniques and management • Components
Application system processes to gather systems of knowledge
• Related information user requirements • Applicable management
management • Communication information system
systems and plans to employees management • Critical success
business technology • Change systems and factors of
management software knowledge and
principles • System users information
• Barriers to • Components management
implementation for knowledge strategies
of knowledge management • Individual role
management practices in the in championing
system organization knowledge
• • Knowledge management
management strategies

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 141


Knowledge Management

FSC Proficiency
• Access knowledge • Analyze and • Identify sources • Identify and • Determine • Communicate
management report information of information in evaluate system organizational business value of
systems to assist pertaining to accordance with requirements information information usage
with specific tasks knowledge organizational with system required and and business
in line with system management guidelines and users to support research on knowledge to
procedures systems policies implementation available knowledge organization
• Document sources • Administer • Collect, analyze and of knowledge management • Set objectives
of information in knowledge report information management systems to identify of knowledge
accordance with management to relevant systems suitable system for and information
organizational systems to ensure stakeholders • Develop the organization management
guidelines and proper maintenance • Present information implementation • Recommend strategies to
policies • Research industry to relevant plans in consultation knowledge communicate
best practices and stakeholders in an with relevant management to relevant
benchmark against appropriate format, stakeholders systems appropriate stakeholders
organization’s style and structure • Define and for organizational • Create a conducive
practices to identify using suitable communicate needs, goals and environment
gaps business technology implementation expected outcomes for knowledge
to support decision- plans, components in consultation management in the
making of knowledge with relevant organization
• Identify information management stakeholders • Direct development
requirements from systems and • Develop knowledge of knowledge
stakeholders and procedures for management and information
system users in using the system to strategies and management
accordance with employees policies in strategies
organizational • Implement system accordance with • Review knowledge
procedures in accordance with organizational management
• Access knowledge action plans and guidelines and/ systems, strategies
management organizational or policies and and policies for
systems to assist guidelines and/or taking into account endorsement
Skills with specific tasks policies available resources purposes
Application in line with system • Evaluate end-to- • Develop
procedures end implementation implementation
• Identify relevant of knowledge strategies for
requirements and and information knowledge
address principal management management
areas of information strategies systems
risks requiring to monitor • Establish
record keeping performance of procedures to
strategies to ensure system evaluate and
system integrity • Evaluate and refine knowledge
• Review and propose recommend management
improvements to refinements systems
work practices to to knowledge
support knowledge management
management systems in
strategies consultation
• Administer with relevant
knowledge stakeholders
management • Implement
systems to knowledge
ensure its proper management
maintenance systems
• Manage knowledge
• Establish
policies and

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

142 Human Capital Development


Labor Relations Management

Manage labor relations to support, enhance and strengthen the relationships amongst trade unions, labor federations
and employee councils.

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-3011-1.1 PHC-WEN-4011-1.1 PHC-WEN-5011-1.1

Implement solutions to Enhance labor relations Establish labor

FSC Proficiency resolve labor relations at the workplace relations strategies
Description issues.

• Organizational • Models and • Industry trends

policies and methods for and developments
procedures in engaging, in relation to labor
relation to labor negotiating and relations best
practices communicating with practices
• Role of tripartite key stakeholders in • Changes in social,
parties in labor labor relations political and
relations system • Characteristics economic climate
• Union and motivations • Impact of changes
organizational of individuals in in national policies
structures and the collective on labor relations
relationships, which bargaining • Frameworks for
include local unions, processes managing labor
federations, and • Elements of relations
national unions. collective
• Union and bargaining
organizational agreements
escalation • Industry best
processes for labor practices in
Underpinning relation issues managing labor
• Labor law, relation
Knowledge regulations and
social legislations.
• Labor Standards
related to labor
practices, collective
negotiations and
• Collective
• Communication
techniques and
• Supreme Court
decisions and
relating to labor and

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 143


Labor Relations Management

FSC Proficiency
• Identify labor • Build networks with • Evaluate market
practices and representatives trends related to
compliance from government, labor relations
requirements in labor unions and practices
organizational federations. • Analyze impact
context • Design programs of national policy
• Analyze labor- to enhance positive changes on labor
related issues at the relations and relations practices
workplace conflict resolution • Formulate effective
• Interpretation and with labor unions labor relations
implementation • Determine the strategies to
of collective organization’s enhance working
bargaining position to prepare relationships
agreements. for collective between all parties
• Conciliation and bargaining • Design labor
Mediation Process. • Dialogue with labor relations
• Communicate unions on labor- frameworks and
Skills solutions to related issues policies to support
Application involved parties • Review collective the strategies
• Implement bargaining • Influence
programs to agreements representatives
enhance relations • Develop systems from government,
with labor unions and processes labor union, and
and labor- to implement external HR leaders
management agreed outcomes • Lead the collective
relations. of collective bargaining
• Draft collective bargaining processes to
bargaining processes achieve mutually
agreements • Document collective agreeable outcomes
• Document labor bargaining • Direct the
relations activities processes and the preparation and
outcomes implementation
of collective

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

144 Human Capital Development


Leadership Development
Build a culture of strong leadership and drive initiatives to facilitate the development of leadership capabilities in the

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-4006-1.1 PHC-WDE-5006-1.1 PHC-WDE-6006-1.1

Develop programs Drive leadership Inspire a culture of

and initiatives to build development strong leadership by
FSC Proficiency the organization’s initiatives in alignment promoting leadership
Description leadership culture and with organization’s development across
identity objectives the organization

• Types of leadership • Organization’s • Principles of culture

capabilities and objectives and building
styles business needs • Impact of
• Types of leadership • Best practices leadership
development of leadership development on
• Human resource development the achievement
(HR) processes frameworks of organization’s
and organizational • Components objectives
policies relevant of leadership • Methods of
to leadership development promoting
development frameworks leadership
• Learning and • Principles and development
development processes • Indicators of
programs and
of financial success for
• Impact of management leadership
leadership • Stakeholder development
development on engagement initiatives
Knowledge talent management techniques and best
practices practices
• Communication • Market trends
techniques and impacting
channels leadership
• Roles and
of various
in leadership
• Techniques of
evaluating the
of leadership

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Human Capital Development 145


Leadership Development

FSC Proficiency
• Translate leadership • Develop leadership • PDefine the desired
identity and development plans leadership culture
principles into and frameworks and identity for the
learning and within the organization
development organization • Set objectives
programs • Secure financial for leadership
• Develop leadership resources for development
development leadership • Lead the
initiatives development identification and
• Oversee initiatives development
implementation • Align leadership of leadership
of leadership development capabilities
development initiatives to required for future
initiatives organization’s organizational
• Set up systems objectives needs
and practices that • Incorporate • Conceptualize
empower leaders trends impacting the organization’s
to lead and coach leadership leadership
others development frameworks to
• Communicate HR into leadership organize a portfolio
processes and frameworks of leadership
Skills organizational • Secure buy-in from initiatives
policies relevant key stakeholders • Determine the
Application to leadership on leadership right leadership
development to development development
leaders initiatives methodologies
• Evaluate the • Promote leadership • Champion
effectiveness accountability leadership
of leadership across human development efforts
development resource (HR) in line with business
initiatives managers performance
• Propose • Establish the criteria • Evaluate
improvements and measures organizational
to enhance to evaluate the costs and benefits
effectiveness effectiveness of leadership
of leadership of leadership development
development development initiatives
programs initiatives • Showcase success
• Drive • Evaluate the impact stories of leadership
apprenticeship of leadership development
programs for development initiatives
leadership initiatives
development. on business

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

146 Human Capital Development


Learning and Development Program

Establish and implement learning and development programs and channels to facilitate employees’ growth and
capability building

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-2007-1.1 PHC-WDE-3007-1.1 PHC-WDE-4007-1.1 PHC-WDE-5007-1.1

Support the Implement learning Develop learning Direct learning

execution of learning and development and development and development
and development programmes to ensure programmes and programmes and
FSC Proficiency programmes a smooth learning channels to build channels in alignment
Description and development capabilities with organisation’s
experience for objectives

• Types of learning • Features of an • Organisation’s • Organisation’s

and development optimal learning learning and objectives and
programmes and development development needs business needs
• Venues and experience for • Components • New technologies
resources used employees of learning and used in the delivery
in learning and • Organisational development of learning and
development policies and roadmaps development
programmes procedures related • Principles, theories • Components
• Communication to learning and and models of of learning and
techniques and development effective learning development
channels implementation • Types of learning programme
• Administrative tasks • Vendor and development frameworks
and processes to management channels • Principles and
support learning techniques and best • Characteristics processes of
and development practices of learning and financial budgeting
programmes • Roles and development • Critical success
• Components of a responsibilities programmes factors for effective
feedback form of various including the learning and
• Types of data and stakeholders in the methods of delivery development
documentation delivery of learning • Legal requirements programmes
generated and development related to the
Underpinning in training programmes learning and
programmes • Stakeholder development
Knowledge • Functions of report engagement programmes
generating systems techniques and best • Techniques of
• Techniques to practices evaluating the
analyse feedback • Best practices in effectiveness
designing feedback of learning and
forms development
• Best practices
of learning and
programme design
• New and emerging
channels for
learning and
• Stakeholder
techniques and best
• Trends in learning
and development

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 147


Learning and Development Program


FSC Proficiency
• Disseminate • Develop learning • Design learning • Establish learning
information calendar based and development objectives for
about learning on learning and roadmaps and learning and
and development development workplace learning development
programmes programs plans to address programmes
• Respond to routine developed learning needs • Establish
enquiries from • Roll out learning • Select appropriate frameworks for
employees related and development channels of designing learning
to learning and programs aligned delivery to meet and development
development to organizational identified learning programmes
programs policies and development • Identify emerging
• Coordinate the • Secure venues and objectives trends and
arrangement resources required • Formulate learning technologies
of venues and • Manage vendors and development in learning and
resources required providing training programmes development
• Communicate services in accordance channels
with training • Provide support to with legislative • Develop financial
providers on their key stakeholders requirements budgets for learning
requirements in the delivery • Develop content and development
• Track registrations of learning and for learning programmes
and attendance development programmes in • Secure buy-in from
for the learning programmes consultation with key stakeholders
and development • Develop learning line managers on investments
programmes effectiveness • Evaluate in learning and
• Apply for grants feedback forms effectiveness of development
for learning • Analyse learning various learning programmes
Skills programmes effectiveness and development • Align learning
• Gather learning feedback to programmes and and development
Application effectiveness identify gaps to channels programmes
feedback suggest areas for • Refine learning and channels to
• Generate learning improvement and development organisation’s
effectiveness • Identify grant programmes objectives
reports schemes available for continuous • Adapt learning
• Maintain systems for learning improvement and development
for the generation programmes • Present learning frameworks
of learning • Revise learning and development to incorporate
effectiveness and development budget utilization emerging trends in
reports and storage administration training programme
of learning and processes to development
development data enhance employees’ • Establish the criteria
• Report learning learning and and measures
and development development to evaluate the
expenses for experience effectiveness
specified time • Analyze learning of learning and
periods and development development
budget utilization programmes and
• channels
• Evaluate the impact
of different learning
and development
and channels
on business

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

148 Human Capital Development


Learning and Development Strategy

Drive a learning and development culture with strategies to build the organization’s workforce capability

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-4008-1.1 PHC-WDE-5008-1.1 PHC-WDE-6008-1.1

Develop learning and Direct learning Inspire a

development strategies and development developmental culture
to build organization’s strategies aligned that promotes learning
FSC Proficiency workforce capability to organization’s and capability building
Description objectives across the organization

• Organization’s • Organization’s • Best practices

learning needs learning and and techniques in
• Learning and development learning culture
development strategies creation
program • Organizational • Impact of capability
management, business objectives development on
best practices • Principles and the achievement
and motivational processes of of organization’s
theories. financial budgeting objectives
• Stakeholder • Links between • Organizational
engagement learning and policies and
techniques and best development procedures that
Underpinning practices strategies and contribute to
Knowledge • Methods for business strategies learning and
developing • Market trends development
workforce impacting learning • Global best
capability including and development practices in learning
methods e.g. face– strategies and development
to-face, on-demand
learning, etc.
• Impact of internal
and external
influences on
learning and

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 149


Learning and Development Strategy

FSC Proficiency
• Examine internal • Provide directions • Determine the
and external to the development impact of business
influences that of learning and strategies on
impact learning and development the formulation
development strategies of learning and
• Identify • Secure financial development
organization’s resources for strategies
existing capability learning and • Lead the
levels and gaps development identification
• Develop learning • Align learning of capabilities
and development and development required for future
strategies strategies to organizational
to support the business needs
organization’s performance • Champion a
need on capability • Adapt strategies learning and
development to market trends development
• Consult key and developments culture to drive
stakeholders on impacting capability organizational
the development needs agility and
of capability • Secure buy-in from performance
development key stakeholders • Provide strategic
strategies on learning and advice to senior
• Evaluate the development management
effectiveness strategies in creating an
of learning and • Establish criteria organization culture
development and measures that facilitates
Skills strategies to evaluate the learning and
Application • Refine learning effectiveness development
and development of learning and • Establish
strategies based on development organizational
evaluation results strategies policies and
• Teaching • Evaluate the impact procedures that
approaches. of workplace encourage learning
capability and development in
development critical areas
on business • Integrate global
performance best practices in
• Lead the alignment the formulation
of human resource of learning and
(HR) processes and development
systems to enable strategies
organizational • Showcase success
readiness for stories of learning
capability and development
development initiatives
• Ensure interfaces of
training programs
• Big picture
thinking to see
the coherence of
training programs
with company

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

150 Human Capital Development


Learning Needs Analysis

Analyze capability and performance gaps within an organization to identify learning needs

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-3009-1.1 PHC-WDE-4009-1.1

Analyze data to Develop a plan to

FSC Proficiency determine capability conduct learning needs
Description and performance gaps analysis.

• Types of • Organizational
competencies objectives and
related to the business needs
jobs within the • Concept of
organization performance
• Types of jobs within improvement
the organization • Scope and process
• Links between of learning needs
competencies and analysis
jobs • Types and sources
• Attributes of of information in
trainable and organization
untrainable • Methods of data
competencies collection and
Underpinning • Components of analysis
Knowledge learning needs • Ethics in the use
analysis of data
• Statistical • Trends and
applications and developments in
tools used to learning needs
analyze learning analysis
needs • Types of learning
and development
• Financial
and resource
• Report writing

• Consult key • Establish the scopes

stakeholders on the and requirements
desired business of learning needs
outcomes analyses to meet
• Identify capabilities stakeholders’ needs
• Select appropriate
required to deliver methods to collect
business outcomes data for learning
• Consolidate data needs analyses
for learning needs • Identify the
analyses appropriate types
• identify capability of learning and
and performance development
gaps from data interventions
• Secure buy-in from
analysis on learning
key stakeholders
needs on the learning
• Ascertain and development
competencies that priorities
Skills can be trained and • Evaluate the
Application learnt business impact of
• Diagnose investing in learning
organization’s needs
readiness for • Conduct cost-
benefit analyses
different learning
of the return
and development on investment
interventions of learning and
• Translate the development
capability and interventions
performance gaps • Develop learning
into learning needs needs analysis
• Prioritize learning reports
needs according •
to criticality of •
the capabilities to
deliver business

Human Capital Development 151


Develop negotiation strategies and ideas to facilitate agreement or secure optimal resolution of people issues among
two or more stakeholders

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-COM-3001-1.1 PHC-COM-4001-1.1 PHC-COM-5001-1.1

Prepare for Identify and target Reach decisions and

negotiation, analyze opportunities, ensure recommendations
information to allow preparation for the on people issues
for assessment of meetings is sufficient related to company
the short-term and to enable effective operations, business
FSC Proficiency long-term business negotiation and objectives, aligned
Description position and document evaluate outcomes with legislative
key outcomes of of negotiations for requirements and
negotiations improvement review outcomes of
negotiations to key

• Negotiation • Negotiation • Negotiation styles

objectives objectives • Results of effective
• Context of • Context of negotiation
negotiations negotiations • Conditions
• Social and cultural • Components of for successful
differences negotiation plans negotiation
which may affect • Negotiation roles
Underpinning negotiations and responsibilities
• Interpersonal skills • Negotiation
Knowledge • Communication and processes and
conflict resolution techniques
techniques • Relevant
• Relevant precedents
precedents • Relevant legislation
• Components of and regulations

• Identify negotiation • Plan and prepare • Plan and prepare

outcomes in alternatives and for negotiation
people situations outcomes for in accordance
to establish both parties in with negotiation
organization’s negotiations to strategies
desired position in support negotiation • Facilitate
the negotiation objectives discussions with
• Identify roles and • Apply stakeholders to
responsibilities communication and develop negotiation
needed to support conflict resolution strategies and ideas
negotiation techniques to • Implement
objectives achieve desired negotiation
• Prepare relevant negotiation strategies according
Skills background outcomes to negotiation
Application information to • Finalize negotiation guidelines
understand other and take necessary • Review and provide
parties’ position follow-up actions to feedback to
• Use negotiation close negotiation relevant parties for
processes and • Monitor and negotiation policy
techniques to evaluate negotiation refinement
assist in achieving outcomes against
desired negotiation organizational /
outcomes people objectives
• Record negotiations
for evaluation and

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

152 Human Capital Development


Facilitate onboarding programs to enable the integration and engagement of new hires into the organization

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-EAT-2005-1.1 PHC-EAT-3005-1.1 PHC-EAT-4005-1.1 PHC-EAT-5005-1.1

Support the Implement onboarding Design onboarding Lead the design and
implementation of programs programs for new hires enhancement of
FSC Proficiency onboarding programs onboarding programs
Description to improve integration
and engagement

• Components of new • Organizational • Objectives of • Emerging trends in

hire information kit policies and onboarding integration of new
• New hire procedures related • Best practices in hires
information to new hires program design • Best practices
materials • Types of • Facilitation in new hire
• Feedback onboarding techniques onboarding
mechanisms programs • Predictive analytics • Roles of different
Underpinning • Measures of techniques stakeholders in
Knowledge employee • Indicators of the onboarding
engagement success for experience
• Statistical analysis onboarding • Impact of new
techniques programs hire integration on
overall employee
engagement and

• Prepare standard • Identify needs of • Design orientation • Envision the

new hire new hires programs for new desired employee
information kits • Develop materials hires onboarding
• Liaise with internal for orientation • Facilitate experience
teams to ensure programs for new orientation • Oversee the end-to-
logistics support for programs for new
new hires hires hires end development
• Gather feedback • Facilitate • Drive commitment and implementation
from new hires engagement of new to the of orientation
on onboarding hires with senior organizational programs
programs management for brand and culture • Drive design
integration into the in new hires of onboarding
organization through onboarding programs based on
• Monitor employee programs industry trends
• Analyze new hire
engagement of new • Spearhead
feedback on the
hires overall onboarding opportunities to
Skills • Analyze new hire experience involve senior
Application turnover rates • Develop plans for management and
• Identify gaps in new hire integration other key personnel
engagement of new • Identify drivers of in new hire
hires engagement of new integration
• Assess hires • Present insights
effectiveness • Leverage predictive on impact of new
analytics to derive
of onboarding hire integration on
insights on turnover
programs and employee engagement and
• Propose actions integration from performance
to address gaps new hire metrics • Direct corrective
or areas for • Make improvements action plans to
improvement to onboarding address areas of
in onboarding programs improvement in new
processes hire onboarding

Human Capital Development 153


Operational Excellence
Analyze the effectiveness of human resource (HR) operations, programs and initiatives, and recommend
improvement actions

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-3006-1.1 PHC-HRP-4006-1.1 PHC-HRP-5006-1.1

Implement measures to Develop plans to Drive actions to

FSC Proficiency assess human resource evaluate human enhance and improve
(HR) operational resource (HR) human resource (HR)
Description excellence operational excellence effectiveness

• Types of measures • HR operations • Objectives of

for evaluating HR metrics evaluating HR
effectiveness • Criteria for effectiveness
• Methods to evaluate evaluating HR • Organizational
performance of HR effectiveness standards of HR
activities, services • Industry code of operations
and programs practice in HR • Global industry
Underpinning • Qualitative and operations standards of
Knowledge quantitative • Industry standards operational
feedback of excellence in HR excellence
mechanisms operations • Industry trends
• Internal and and developments
external standards in relation to
of operational evaluation of HR
excellence effectiveness

• Recommend tools • Review HR • Determine

and techniques strategies and plans the objectives
for evaluating HR to prioritise areas and scopes
effectiveness for measurement for evaluating
• Evaluate HR • Determine criteria effectiveness of
effectiveness in to measure HR HR operations and
addressing current effectiveness programs
and future needs • Formulate plans • Identify external
• Document HR to implement standards of
effectiveness results HR effectiveness operational
• Benchmark assessments excellence and best
effectiveness of • Monitor evaluation practices
HR operations and assessment • Review analyses
against internal and processes and insights on HR
external standards • Recommend effectiveness
of excellence amendments • Present key findings
Skills • Analyze data to enhance of HR effectiveness
Application gathered to the processes, evaluations
identify trends and measures or tools and business
hypotheses used to evaluate implications to
• operational stakeholders
effectiveness • Recommend
• Oversee alignment enhancements
of HR effectiveness to improve HR
assessments effectiveness
with internal and
external standards
of excellence
• Derive insights from
the data analyses
and trends to
identify operational

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

154 Human Capital Development


Organizational Change Management

Establish change management strategies and policies to plan and facilitate the transition of employees, resources,
business processes and operations to a desired end state in a manner that is seamless, sustainable and aligned with
business objectives

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-3007-1.1 PHC-HRP-4007-1.1 PHC-HRP-5007-1.1 PHC-HRP-6007-1.1

Assist in execution of Implement change Design change Establish the

change management management management organization's
procedures to procedures, processes change management
FSC Proficiency support the delivery and resources to strategies and policies
Description of key performance facilitate people- to support critical
benchmarks related change for the transformation

• Types of change • Types of change • Change control • Types of change

management implementation and management management
procedures plans and procedures frameworks
• Impact of procedures • Business readiness • Key performance
organizational • Impact of changes assessment and benchmarks and
changes to on business planning success indicators
employees activities and • Resource for change
• Key performance processes management for initiatives
indicators (KPIs) • Types of resources complex changes • Components and
• Internal and required to roll out and transitions steps to design
external changes effectively • Critical stakeholders effective change
environments that • Assessment and touchpoints for implementation
lead to change in of change change initiatives plans
the organization performance • Enablers of change • Strategic resource
• Current against benchmarks • Components management
organizational • Internal and and objectives and allocation for
practices with external of change change initiatives
regards to environments that management • Leadership
managing change can impact change implementation roles in change
• Relevant programs plans management
Underpinning stakeholders in • Challenges of • Communication processes
Knowledge change processes successful change strategies to • Drivers of
• Roles in change implementation promote change implementing and
management • Factors that • Individual role sustaining change in
programs and support change in contributing the organization
initiatives management to change • Techniques
• Importance programs and management as a to overcome
of proactive initiatives strategic business resistance to
involvement • Factors that partner change
by employee cause resistance • Industry best
participation to change practices in change
in change management management
management programs and
programs initiatives
• Behavioral impact • Needs and
of change processes expectations
of relevant
• Mitigating actions to
manage resistance
to change

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 155


Organizational Change Management

FSC Proficiency
• Document all • Drive execution • Assess • Establish the
endorsed change of change organization’s organization’s
management management readiness for change
procedures in procedures based change management
regular work on implementation • Plan change strategies and
processes plans for endorsed management policies with
• Provide suggestions change requests procedures across reference to
for tweaks to • Identify business the organization appropriate
business processes activities and • Develop business frameworks,
and operations to processes required readiness plans, industry best
support changes to integrate and roll considering the practices
and transitions out new changes resources, elements, and business
effectively in the business capabilities and requirements
• Identify impact environment activities required • Determine key
of change to • Analyze resources for effective performance
employees and and cost-impact of transition benchmarks and
stakeholders proposed changes, • Plan engagement change success
• Develop highlighting where activities to secure indicators
communication people, resources or stakeholder • Maintain a business
materials to prepare finances need to be commitment to the perspective on how
affected employees redirected success of change change initiatives
and stakeholders • Identify relevant implementation are integrated
for change stakeholders before introducing into the business,
• Identify associated • Deliver the change considering
costs and resources communications • Drive stakeholder potential impact
required to facilitate to engage and education and on business cycles,
basic changes seek the buy-in of learning initiatives stakeholders and
• Document employees affected to build internal operations
change impact by the change capability and • Design strategic
on workplace • Deliver learning change readiness implementation
performance and programs to equip • Direct internal plans, covering all
processes, against affected employees resources to business activities,
key performance to manage change facilitate the key personnel and
benchmarks and and change impact movement to the resources required
success indicators • Identify potential desired end state of to prepare the
• Identify pitfalls, obstacles the change organization for
opportunities for or challenges to • Evaluate success change
Skills organizational smoothen adoption of change against • Outline key
Application change within and implementation set goals and stakeholder
own scope of work of changes benchmarks post- engagement
to improve work • Assess change implementation messages to be
processes performance • Assess implications communicated
• Support the against new key of all organizational throughout the
implementation performance changes change processes
of organizational benchmarks, and • Review to generate shared
change implement follow- organizational commitment and
• Advocate change up actions where systems, processes ownership of the
initiatives required and policies change
• Present project • Identify areas of • Establish financial
performance improvement for limits to support
outcomes appropriate change organizational
to relevant management change and
stakeholders in programs and transformation
accordance with initiatives initiatives
organization • Acquire internal and
procedures external resources
to facilitate the
change effectively
• Direct the
of change
strategies in
accordance with
culture, taking
into consideration
interests of relevant
• Build an
environment ready
for change
• Envisage change
and gain buy-in with
key stakeholders

156 Human Capital Development


Organizational Culture Development

Facilitate the development of the desired organizational culture in alignment with the organization’s brand and
business imperatives

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-4008-1.1 PHC-HRP-5008-1.1 PHC-HRP-6008-1.1

Infuse HR (or HCD Formulate plans to Steer organizational

- Human Capital build the desired culture in alignment
FSC Proficiency Development) organizational culture with organization’s
Description practices and objectives
programs with desired
organizational culture.

• Components of • Organization’s • Organization’s

organizational current and desired brand, objectives
culture culture and business needs
• Significance of • Methods and tools • Impact of culture
organizational to identify culture on the achievement
culture gaps of organization’s
• Methods and • Principles of culture objectives
tools to assess building • Roles and
organizational • Components responsibilities of
culture of culture senior management
Underpinning • Organization’s development in culture
Knowledge people practices • Best practices development
and programs in culture • Techniques of
• Communication development evaluating the
techniques and • Stakeholder effectiveness of
channels engagement strategies, policies
• Techniques of techniques and best and procedures
evaluating the practices • Methods and tools
effectiveness of • Factors and to promote desired
strategic plans influences organizational
impacting culture culture

• Assess the current • Identify gaps • Lead the definition

organizational between current of the desired
culture and desired organizational
• Drive organizational culture
implementation culture • Align organizational
of culture • Articulate culture to
development plans the desired organization’s brand
• Develop human organizational and objectives
resource (HR) culture in • Influence employees
practices and consultation with to embody the
programs that stakeholders set of behaviors
incorporate • Establish the and values that
the desired behaviors promote the desired
organizational that represent organizational
culture the desired culture
• Articulate organizational • Establish
the behaviors culture organizational
and values • Guide development policies and
that represent of strategic plans to procedures that
the desired cultivate the desired support the desired
organizational organizational organizational
culture to culture culture
Skills employees • Examine internal • Formulate culture
• Evaluate the and external development
Application effectiveness influences that strategies
of culture impact culture • Provide strategic
development plans development advice to senior
• Propose • Adapt strategic management
improvements plans to factors in leading and
to enhance and influences that facilitating culture
effectiveness impact culture development
of culture development • Evaluate the
development plans • Secure buy-in from effectiveness
key stakeholders of culture
on culture development
development plans strategies, policies
• Establish the criteria and procedures
and measures • Direct revisions
to evaluate the to culture
effectiveness development
of culture strategies, policies
development plans and procedures
• Evaluate the • Champion culture
impact of the development efforts
organizational to drive business
culture on business performance

Human Capital Development 157


Organizational Design
Develop and facilitate the implementation of organizational design to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with
organizational objectives and stakeholders’ priorities.

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-4009-1.1 PHC-HRP-5009-1.1 PHC-HRP-6009-1.1

Facilitate the Design organizational Align organizational

use of approved structures, systems design with
FSC Proficiency organizational design. and processes organizational
Description objectives and
stakeholders’ priorities.

• Organizational • Professional or • Emerging

structures and industry codes trends related to
processes of practice and organizational
• Ethical and legal standards related design
considerations to organizational • Relation between
related to design organizational
organizational • Principles of design and
design organizational other aspects of
• Components of design organizational
organizational • Models of strategy
design organizational
• Procedures design
to implement • Dimensions of
organizational organizational
design design
Underpinning • Organizational • Implications of
policies and organizational
Knowledge procedures design
impacting • Methods of
evaluation of evaluating
organizational organizational
design processes design
• Best practices
and trends in
• Impact of
design on
stakeholders and
labor policies

Continue to next page

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

158 Human Capital Development


Organizational Design

FSC Proficiency
• Analyze current • Review • Determine the
structures, systems effectiveness key principles for
and processes of current organizational
• Identify issues organizational design
in the current structures, systems • Evaluate the
structures, systems and processes to applicability of
and processes identify gaps emerging trends
• Formulate plans to • Consult in organizational
implement design stakeholders design to the
• Explain changes to identify organization’s
to work processes requirements of context
and structures to organizational • Synthesize
employees design stakeholder
• Lead • Drive changes to feedback to
implementation organizational derive features
of organizational structures, systems of the target
design and processes organizational
• Develop • Determine design
mechanisms resources required • Evaluate the
to gather to support implications of
Skills measurement data organizational organizational
Application and feedback design design
• Implement • Recommend • Construct models
refinements and enhancements for organizational
enhancements to organizational design to
to organizational design to improve meet business
design effectiveness requirements
• Secure buy-in from
senior stakeholders
to finalize
design models
• Develop narratives
to communicate
design changes to
• Drive refinements
to organizational
design to increase

Human Capital Development 159


Organizational Diagnosis
Analyze organizational state and climate to diagnose issues and identify ways to optimise organization effectiveness

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-4010-1.1 PHC-HRP-5010-1.1 PHC-HRP-6010-1.1

Conduct and Diagnose Formulate corrective

analyze assessments organizational issues to strategies to address
FSC Proficiency in support of identify opportunities diagnosed issues and
Description organizational for change improve organizational
diagnosis effectiveness

• Types of tools used • Predictive • Emerging trends

for organizational analytics and on organizational
assessments people analytics effectiveness
• Types of data techniques. • Emerging tools
required for • Processes / Models and methodologies
organizational of organizational applicable to
assessments and diagnosis organizational
diagnosis • Range of tools and assessment
• Descriptive methodologies • Macro- and socio-
analytics techniques used to assess political trends
• Ethical and legal organizational impacting the
considerations effectiveness organization
related to • Measures used • Industry practices
organizational to evaluate and perspectives
diagnosis and the organizational in organizational
full organizational effectiveness diagnosis
development cycle. • Types of • Market positioning
Underpinning organization of the company vis-
Knowledge development à-vis competitors.
and change • Business operations
interventions and financials
to increase • Business
organizational implications of
effectiveness organizational
diagnosis findings
• External and
internal diagnosis
translation to
• Techniques for
• Change

Continue to next page

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

160 Human Capital Development


Organizational Diagnosis

FSC Proficiency
• Collect data • Determine • Determine the need
required to conduct the scopes of for organizational
organizational organizational diagnosis
assessments diagnosis • Determine the
• Conduct • Develop tools and selection of
critical measures
descriptive, current methodologies to be used in
state and other to conduct organizational
types of simple organizational assessments
organizational diagnosis • Diagnose the states
assessment • Determine of organizational
analyses measures talent and its ability
• Collate findings to evaluate to support future
of organizational organizational business needs
• Derive business
assessment effectiveness from
insights and
analyses assessment findings implications from
• Identify • Perform predictive, organizational
organizational future state diagnosis findings
issues from and other types • Present
organizational of complex organizational
analysis and organizational effectiveness
assessment results assessment findings and
Skills • Develop analyses recommendations
to senior
Application communication • Perform
materials to share organizational • Select organization
organizational diagnosis based development
assessment results on analyses and change
and findings with of information interventions
stakeholders gathered to improve
• Review organization
organizational effectiveness
assessment • Consult relevant
findings to evaluate on proposed
organizational organization
effectiveness development
• Propose and change
organization interventions
development • Drive the
and change implementation
interventions of organization
and change
with relevant

Human Capital Development 161


Organizational Event Management

Plan and manage the execution of organization-wide and external events, including pre- and post-event activities

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-2012-1.1 PHC-WEN-3012-1.1 PHC-WEN-4012-1.1

Support the execution Manage organization- Plan organization-

FSC Proficiency of organization-wide wide events to ensure wide events aligned
events smooth execution to the organization’s
Description objectives

• Types of • Best practices in • Organization and

organization-wide event management human resource
events • Legal and ethical (HR) strategic
• Basic tenets of requirements direction
event management related to event • Legal and ethical
• Event management execution requirements
guidelines • Organizational related to event
• Communication policies and planning
techniques and procedures related • Organizational
channels to event execution policies and
• Tools for managing • Methods for procedures related
events executing events to event planning
Underpinning • Budget • Methods and tools
Knowledge management for planning events
techniques • Links between
• Vendor event objectives
management and business
techniques and best objectives
practices • Stakeholder
• Report writing engagement
guidelines techniques
• Negotiation
• Measures of event

• Propose ideas • Develop ideas for • Set objectives of

for events that organizational organizational
are aligned to the events that can events
organizational boost employee • Align events with
culture and engagement and the organization
priorities performance and HR strategies
• Liaise with • Detail action plans • Develop event plans
vendors on event and contingency • Align events with
requirements plans for events organizational and
• Execute pre-event • Manage event legislative policies
communication budgets and and requirements
and engagement resources • Engage key
activities according • Articulate the stakeholders
to policies and performance and to seek buy-in
procedures quality expected of and obtain their
• Disseminate event deliverables commitment to
information and to vendors grace the events
reminders before • Communicate • Review the detailed
Skills the events event objectives to action plans for
• Track employee employees implementation
Application responses to the • Oversee pre-event • Negotiate with
events engagement vendors and
• Coordinate activities stakeholders to
logistical needs • Conduct pre-event secure required
leading up to the briefings with resources
events key stakeholders • Evaluate the
• Gather post-event involved in the impact of events
feedback events on business
• Complete event • Handle event performance
close-out activities exigencies where • Enhance internal
required processes in event
• Develop post-event management
evaluation reports • Present post-event
• Highlight successes outcomes to key
and areas of stakeholders
post-event to the
working teams

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

162 Human Capital Development


Organizational Strategy Development

Influence the organization’s business strategies from the perspective of human resource (HR) and workforce capability

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-4011-1.1 PHC-HRP-5011-1.1 PHC-HRP-6011-1.1

Translate Develop insights Shape forward-

organizational related to business and looking organizational
FSC Proficiency strategies into specific people agenda business strategies
action plans including from a human resource
Description but not limited to (HR) and workforce
people strategies. capability perspective

• Processes for • Organizational • Processes and

monitoring policies and methodologies in
effectiveness of processes business strategy
business operations • Tools and development
• Principles of techniques for • Emerging industry
manpower planning organization trends and
and management capability developments
• Components of assessment • Industry standards
business strategy • Organization’s in benchmarking
• Organization’s business and people of compliance to
Underpinning vision, mission and agenda organizational
Knowledge values • Human resource strategy
• Stakeholder (HR) strategy • Performance drivers
management development of the organization
techniques processes
• Regulatory • Operating model
requirements and management
policies • Strategic

• Evaluate impact • Develop insights • Present insights

of critical business based on business and emerging
functions on and people agenda trends related to the
organizational • Develop strategies business and people
performance for HR or HC agenda
• Drive HR business
• Design action functions. strategies with
plans for the • Engage key senior organizational
department based stakeholders to vision, mission,
on organizational endorse strategies goals and values
strategies • Develop internal • Liaise with the
• Determine potential processes to board of directors
internal and monitor and ensure and other senior
external impact compliance to executives of the
Skills organization to
of misalignment organizational
shape organization’s
Application between strategies and strategies
departmental policies • Transform the
action plans and • Recommend corporate strategies
organizational strategy and policies to
strategies refinements to appropriately
• Conduct situational align with changes anticipate risks
analyses to identify in organizational and ensure that
factors affecting vision, mission, the organization
remains resilient
the achievement of goals and values
and adaptive in
action plans times of instability
• Propose
refinements to plans
and policies

Human Capital Development 163


Performance Management
Establish organization-wide performance management strategies to facilitate performance management, including
identification of key performance indicators and employee performance assessment

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-2010-1.1 PHC-WDE-3010-1.1 PHC-WDE-4010-1.1 PHC-WDE-5010-1.1

Administer performace Establish performance Develop performance Establish organization-

FSC Proficiency management management programs management programs wide performance
processes management
Description strategies

• Legal and ethical • Organizational • Industry codes of • Organizational

considerations performance practice related strategy and the
related to management to performance impact on human
performance programs management resource (HR)
management • Statistical analysis • Best practices strategies
processes techniques for in performance • Emerging trends
• Tools available evaluating current management and developments
to support performance • Market trends related to
performance management pertaining to performance
management programs performance management
• Organizational • Key performance management • Relationship
policies and indicators • Roles and between
procedures that (KPIs) used in responsibilities of performance
assist in the review performance key stakeholders management
of performance management in performance programs and
management programs management development of
systems • Types of • Behaviors business objectives
• Privacy and competency that influence • Stakeholder
Underpinning confidentiality frameworks in employees’ engagement
Knowledge guidelines that organization performance techniques
govern human • Statistical analysis • Links between
resource (HR) techniques performance
transactions for evaluating management and
• Impact of performance organizational
performance management data strategy
management • Identification and
processes on the recommendation
organization of different models
• Administrative of management
tasks supporting systems e.g.
performance MBO or Balanced
evaluation Scorecard) to SLs
• Functions of
systems used
in handling
management data

Continue to next page

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

164 Human Capital Development


Performance Management

FSC Proficiency
• Maintain records of • Facilitate the • Review the key • Cascade
key performance identification of performance organizational level
indicators (KPIs) of KPIs for teams and indicators (KPIs) as key performance
employees individuals with identified by line indicators (KPIs) to
• Check that all tools managers managers departments
and resources • Cascade
to support • Conduct research departmental level • Engage
performance on the best KPIs to teams and stakeholders
reviews are practices in KPI individuals in identifying
available for development • Provide guidance performance
employees to • Communicate KPI on the use of management
access guidelines to line performance requirements
• Consolidate managers management tools • Develop
documentation used • Implement and resources performance
for performance available
performance management
management • Engage employees
activities management in understanding strategies aligned
• Safeguard the programs their roles and to organizational
confidentiality according to overall responsibilities strategies
of administrative performance in performance • Oversee the
systems pertaining management management implementation of
to performance strategies • Monitor adherence the performance
reviews • Communicate to performance management
• Provide clarification performance management strategies
and administrative requirements
management • Facilitate the
support to • Train line managers
managers and programs to on the appropriate development of
employees in employees using mindset and organizational
Skills the performance appropriate behaviors in policies that
Application reviews process communication conducting supports the
• Handle enquiries channels performance performance
from employees • Analyze relationship reviews management
related to between • Develop review strategies
performance review performance systems for • Manage
processes obtaining
• Generate reports management feedback related performance issues
on the outcomes of and business to performance for senior leaders
performance review performance management • Evaluate the impact
activities • Evaluate systems of performance
• Propose effectiveness • Manage grievances management
improvements in of performance related to programs
the administration management performance on business
of performance programs management for performance
review processes • Refine performance junior employees • Monitor emerging
• Review trends
management on the impact trends that may
programs based on of performance impact performance
feedback management management
programs on programs
businesses • Endorse
• Recommend refinements to
refinements to performance
performance management
programs based
on industry best

Human Capital Development 165


Project Management
Plan and manage all aspects of a project, including allocation of people resources, budget and time management,
stakeholder engagement and problem resolution

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-3009-1.1 PHC-GHR-4009-1.1 PHC-GHR-5009-1.1 PHC-GHR-6009-1.1

Implement project Manage medium- Lead end-to-end Direct the management

plans for small projects scale projects by management of of multiple large,
or project modules implementing large, complex complex projects,
should also be able appropriate projects or multiple ensuring alignment
FSC Proficiency to manage, identify, methodologies and projects concurrently, with strategic
Description analyze, mitigate the tools coordinating project organizational
risk depending on the interdependencies priorities
size of the project —
for all levels

• Elements of a small • Scoping and • Best practices in • Organizational

project or module requirements of end-to-end project priorities and
• Requirements of medium-sized management impact on projects
project plans projects • Current • New and emerging
• Application of • Steps to align methodologies and methodologies and
appropriate project and tools in industry tools in industry
methodologies and organizational goals • Strategies for • Project risk
tools • Identification of alignment of management plan
• Project risks potential project different projects development,
• Project stakeholder risks • Project risk including methods,
identification • Project stakeholder anticipation, techniques and
engagement mitigation and tools
Underpinning techniques planning • Strategic
Knowledge • Effective resource • Resource stakeholder
allocation management engagement
techniques techniques techniques
• Project budget • Project assessment,
planning evaluation and
• Performance review prioritization
processes for • Budget planning,
projects key considerations
and implications
• Resource

Continue to next page

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

166 Human Capital Development


Project Management

FSC Proficiency
• Perform root cause • Scope and drive • Manage large, • Assign ownership
analyses completion of complex projects of multiple large,
• Facilitate execution medium-scale or multiple projects complex projects
of small projects or projects concurrently • Align project
project modules • Develop realistic through the phases objectives and
• Implement realistic project plans based from definition, scope with strategic
project plans on assessments of scoping, delivery organizational
based on the project objectives, and successful priorities and
understanding of scope and potential completion direction
project objectives interdependencies • Scope and plan • Spearhead
and project scope with other projects projects in introduction of
• Utilize appropriate • Implement accordance with new and emerging
methods and tools appropriate organization methodologies and
to track and drive methodologies and requirements tools that can be
progress of projects tools to achieve • Manage project utilized to optimize
against set plans desired outcomes interdependencies project success
and timelines effectively with other projects • Direct organization-
• Identify risks to the • Develop plans to or modules wide projects with
success of projects mitigate risk factors • Determine risk management
or modules and take that impact the appropriate plans and strategies
appropriate actions delivery of the methodologies and • Lead robust
to manage them projects tools, ensuring that stakeholder
• Collaborate and • Investigate project they are fit-for- engagement
communicate exigencies and purpose strategies and
effectively with identify their root • Develop project- effort to secure
relevant internal causes to address specific risk the commitment of
and external issues management plans the critical senior
stakeholders • Set up timely • Develop stakeholders to the
Skills directly impacting touchpoints to stakeholder project’s’ success
the projects engage internal engagement plans • Determine
Application • Deploy resources and external to secure the buy-in project budgets,
to different parts stakeholders that and support of considering
of the projects impact or are critical stakeholders their relative
for efficient impacted by the • Plan project priority, urgency,
and effective project processes budgets and importance and
completion and outcomes resource allocation contribution to
• Track project • Allocate resources across multiple organizational
deliverables against to different parts of projects and strategies
project schedules the project based modules • Establish guidelines
• Monitor costs, on assessments of • Review progress for the strategic
timescales project priorities and performance of utilization of
and resources • Coordinate the individual projects resources, to ensure
used and take completion of and recommend that resources are
basic corrective project deliverables actions for optimized to meet
actions in case of within agreed cost, improvement key objectives
misalignment timescale and • Maintain a strategic
resources view over the
synergy of projects
and project
• Review
performance on
projects against
its objectives and
wider organizational
objectives to
provide redirection
where necessary

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 167


Recruitment Channel Management

Evaluate recruitment methods to establish the most effective channels in sourcing, selecting and securing candidates

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-EAT-3006-1.1 PHC-EAT-4006-1.1 PHC-EAT-5006-1.1

Analyze effectiveness Determine optimal Establish effective

of recruitment recruitment channels recruitment channels
FSC Proficiency channels and methods and methods that meet business
Description priorities and future

• Types of • New and emerging • Effectiveness of the

recruitment recruitment various recruitment
methods channels methods
• Merits of different • Organizational • Organization’s
channels for policies and business and people
sourcing, selecting processes agenda
and securing • Best practices • Emerging skills
candidates in sourcing and relevant to the
• Processes for recruitment organization
monitoring • Tools and • Methods and tools
Underpinning effectiveness techniques to conduct return
of recruitment for assessing on investment
Knowledge methods future-ready skills analysis
• Methods and capabilities
tools to conduct • Stakeholder
statistical analysis management
of the effectiveness techniques
of recruitment
• Emerging skills
relevant to the

• Review recruitment • Determine • Anticipate

methods used in the indicators of implications
organization against effectiveness of future skills
market practices of recruitment demands on usage
• Measure the channels of recruitment
• Align channels
effectiveness and modes of channels
of recruitment recruitment with • Evaluate overall
methods in industry trends and costs and benefits
sourcing, selecting priorities of different
and securing • Identify the recruitment
candidates most effective channels
• Identify emerging recruitment • Maintain oversight
skills that are channels in of the organization’s
sourcing, selecting
relevant to the suite of recruitment
and securing
Skills organizational candidates channels
strategy • Design action plans and business
Application • Propose recruitment implications
for the relevant
channels that assess departments in • Evaluate return
candidates with adopting new on investment
required skills recruitment of recruitment
• Analyze channels and channels used
performance methods • Drive refinements
• Engage key
of different to recruitment
stakeholders in
recruitment endorsing new channels and
channels recruitment methods
• Assess channels and • Endorse new
effectiveness of strategies recruitment
different channels channels and
against set strategies

168 Human Capital Development


Retirement and Re-employment Management

Manage departures, retention and re-employment of employees at retirement age

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-ESE-3002-1.1 PHC-ESE-4002-1.1 PHC-ESE-5002-1.1

Assess workforce Develop programs Establish strategies

requirements to address the to drive retention
FSC Proficiency of employees at requirements and re-employment
Description retirement age of employees at of employees at
retirement age retirement age

• Ethical and • Procedures of job • Culture change

legislative redesign management
considerations • Age-friendly work techniques
related to the practices • Link between
ageing workforce • Types of manpower planning
• Organizational government and re-employment
policies and support available of older employees
procedures related to organizations • Impact of human
to retention and to encourage resource (HR)
Underpinning re-employment employment of policies on the
• Job analysis older employees ageing workforce
Knowledge techniques • Professional or • Impact of retention
• Employee industry codes and re-employment
demographics of practice and of older employees
analysis techniques standards related on overall
• Employee survey to employment of organizational
techniques older employees strategy and
• Career pathing, objectives
career coaching and

• Analyze the • Develop programs • Determine the

demographic make- to drive retention business needs
up of the workforce and re-employment to retain and
• Collect feedback of the ageing re-employ older
from older workforce that align workers
employees on with the overall • Establish the
factors that would human resource overall strategies
encourage retention strategy to facilitate the
and engagement • Formulate new and retention and
• Identify changes modified workplace re-employment of
required to practices that meet older employees
workplace practices the needs of older • Direct applications
to make the employees for government
organization more • Facilitate job support to
suited to older redesign that encourage
employees meets and suits employment of
• Propose ways in older employees’ older employees
which jobs can be requirements • Engage senior
redesigned for the • Identify government stakeholders
ageing workforce support that can be to seek their
• Provide advice and used to encourage acceptance for
information to older employment of the retention and
employees to help older employees re-employment
Skills them adapt to new • Develop strategies,
Application job roles and work applications for highlighting
processes government government
• Facilitate employee support to support provided
retirement encourage • Lead culture
according to employment of change within the
guidelines older employees organization to
• Guide human drive inclusion of
resource (HR) older employees
executives in within the
the counselling workforce
process for retiring • Devise
employees enhancements to
• Develop guidelines other HR policies to
to facilitate improve workplace
retirement of experience for older
employees employees
• Maintain a network • Establish
of support groups mechanisms to
which may include facilitate departures
counseling / and retention
employment of employees at
providers / training retirement age

Human Capital Development 169


Risk Management
Develop and implement risk management plans to support the continuity of business operations and services

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-4012-1.1 PHC-HRP-5012-1.1 PHC-HRP-6012-1.1

Implement risk controls Drive human resource’s Influence human

within human resource (HR) risk management resource’s (HR)
(HR) department frameworks, policies risk management
FSC Proficiency and processes philosophy and
Description strategies to align
to organizational

• Relevant • Organization’s • Risk management

operational products, policies philosophy
risk regulatory and processes • Relationship
requirements • Organizational between risk
• Roles in operational risk management management and
risk governance policies other aspects of HR
structure • Methods of strategies
• Techniques evaluating • Emerging trends
to investigate operational risk and development
operational risks management in relation to risk
• Methods of process and management
communication and controls • Criteria for
facilitation • Internal and reasonable
• Methods of external risk events assurance on
developing key risk • Types of risks achievement of
Underpinning indicators (KRIs) • Target risks of the organizational
Knowledge • Techniques of organization such as objectives
statistical analysis key risk indicators
(KRIs) or metrics
• Techniques and
procedures of
developing risk
mitigation plans
• Industry practices in
risk management
• Predictive analytics
• Personal data
regulations and
associated data
security risks

• Implement a • Define the • Establish

range of KRIs in boundaries of organization’s
coordination with operational risks for internal and
multiple internal HR department external contexts
stakeholders. • Implement the for managing risk
• Establish risk
• Implement operational risk management
operational risk management philosophy and
assessment policies and strategies with
initiatives within HR processes reasonable
Department • Guide HR to assurance in
• Implement define and express alignment with
communication operational risk organizational
plans to ensure appetite strategic objectives
• Shape enterprise
all operational • Develop assessment
risk management
risk regulatory criteria for strategies with
requirements are measuring the senior business
understood and level of potential or leaders by providing
Skills adhered to existing risks inputs related to the
Application • Prioritize risks • Develop and business and people
based on assess KRIs in agenda
assessment and collaboration with • Oversee
rating of the impact senior leadership development and
execution of overall
and likelihood team
risk management
• Gather • Determine plans for HR
measurement appropriate department
data and feedback risk mitigation • Respond to
pertaining to risk plans to address emerging risks
management identified risks and in accordance
activities contingencies with mitigation
• Uphold compliance • Evaluate strategies
with HR governance effectiveness of • Refine operational
risk management
processes operational risk processes to
• Maintain proper management achieve appropriate
controls on HR activities return on
processes investment

170 Human Capital Development


Selection Management
Facilitate the development and implementation of selection strategies and processes to recruit suitable candidates for
the organization

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-EAT-2007-1.1 PHC-EAT-3007-1.1 PHC-EAT-4007-1.1 PHC-EAT-5007-1.1

Administer selection Implement selection Develop selection Establish organization-

FSC Proficiency processes plans plans wide selection
Description strategies

• Relationship • Guidelines and • Legal and ethical • Policies and

between selection standards on fair guidelines related procedures that
objectives and labor practices to fair employment impact selection
processes based on the practices strategies
• Legal and ethical Labor Code of the • Relationship • Emerging market
guidelines related to Philippines between selection trends and
selection data and • Methods for strategies and other developments
processes evaluating and human resource related to selection
• Guidelines and shortlisting and organizational activities
standards on fair applicants strategies • New and innovative
labor practices • Market trends • Models, tools and assessment tools
based on the impacting selection methods used in and methodologies
Labor Code of the processes and selection • Links between
Philippines techniques • Relevant selection strategies
• Privacy and • Legal and ethical professional or and organizational
confidentiality guidelines related industry codes strategy
guidelines that to equitable of practice and
Underpinning govern human assessment of standards related to
resource (HR) applicants selection
Knowledge activities • Selection and • Market trends
• Methods for talent assessment impacting selection
administering methods • Best practices in
fair employment • Principles of candidate selection
practices fair employees • Principles of
• Tools and resources practices related to selection design
available to support selection process
selection activities • Process for hiring • Concepts of
• Principles of test candidates reliability and
administration • Statistical analysis validity of
techniques in assessment tools
analyzing the and methods
outcomes of the • Cost-benefit
selection processes analysis of selection
• Types of and assessment
assessment tools tools
and techniques

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 171


Selection Management

FSC Proficiency
• Consolidate • Propose selection • Identify legal • Analyze emerging
documentation criteria and and regulatory trends related
used for the methods for use requirements to organization
selection activities during selection for the hiring of selection strategies
• Manage processes candidates • Identify
administrative • Evaluate • Develop organizational
systems to applications to appropriate issues that may
safeguard shortlist candidates recruitment impact selection
confidentiality of • Engage candidates channels, selection • Align selection
information related to deliver relevant criteria and strategies and
to selection information and methods for use in criteria with
• Handle enquiries clarify queries hiring and selection organizational
related to the • Conduct • Tailor the selection requirements
selection processes background checks processes to • Engage relevant
• Check for on candidates different roles stakeholders
completeness of to authenticate • Determine the in developing
documentation information parties involved organizational
required to carry conveyed in the selection of selection strategies
out selection • Apply the candidates • Develop plans
processes appropriate • Train line managers to implement
Skills • Coordinate techniques to in selection organization-wide
schedules and gather information processes, selection strategies
Application logistics for for review of methodologies and • Evaluate costs
selection processes applications techniques and benefits
• Administer routine • Evaluate data • Lead the evaluation of recruitment
selection tests gathered from the of assessment channels, processes
and assessments selection processes data to select and tools used
according to to select suitable the preferred • Secure resources to
guidelines candidates candidates deliver objectives
• Generate reports • Inform candidates • Determine duration of organizational
on the outcomes of the selection and closure of selection strategies
of assessment and process results selection processes • Review selection
selection activities • Secure commitment • Identify processes against
• Suggest of line managers improvements to organizational
improvements in involved in the current selection performance
the administration selection of processes with • Endorse
of selection candidates reference to refinements to
processes industry best selection activities
• Recommend
refinements to
selection processes

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

172 Human Capital Development


Skills Framework Adoption

Drive the adoption, integration and implementation of Skills Frameworks and their components in business and
human resources activities throughout the organization

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-2010-1.1 PHC-GHR-3010-1.1 PHC-GHR-4010-1.1 PHC-GHR-5010-1.1 PHC-GHR-6010-1.1

Apply Skills Implement Skills Integrate Skills Drive the adoption Spearhead the
Frameworks within Frameworks in Frameworks with of Skills Frameworks adoption of the Skills
FSC Proficiency areas of work human resource (HR) human resource (HR) across the human Frameworks in the
programs and activities plans and programs resource (HR) organization
Description throughout the

• Components of the • Objectives of Skills • Applications of • Agenda of Skills • Implications of

Skills Framework Frameworks Skills Frameworks Framework Skills Framework
• Information in the • Purpose of each over multiple initiatives and agenda on business
Skills Framework component functional areas Skills Frameworks directions and
• Uses and within the Skills • Benefits of adopting initiatives operations
applications of Skills Framework Skills Frameworks • Stakeholder • Relationships
Framework on areas • Applications of • Resources required management between national
of work Skills Frameworks to integrate Skills techniques and organizational
Underpinning in own and related Frameworks with • Linkages and priorities
work areas HR plans and interdependencies • Business impact
Knowledge • Roles and usages of programs among different HR analysis and
Skills Frameworks • Challenges in functions and teams techniques
• Skills Framework adopting Skills • Techniques of • Business
guidelines Frameworks integrating skills applications of Skills
• Change and competency Frameworks
management frameworks

• Follow Skills • Identify ways • Review • Evaluate • Evaluate the

Framework to utilize Skills opportunities implications potential business
guidelines in area Frameworks in to utilize Skills of SkillsFuture costs and benefits
of work HR programs and Frameworks in initiatives on the HR of adopting Skills
• Apply Skills activities HR programs and function Frameworks
Framework content activities
when performing • Implement Skills • Evaluate the • Establish innovative • Present
routine human Frameworks content benefits and methods to organization-wide
resource (HR) tasks and guidelines in challenges of leverage Skills implications of
within defined work HR programs and integrating Skills Frameworks across Skill Frameworks
areas activities Frameworks to HR the HR functions initiatives to
• Refer to Skills • Explain the roles programs • Resolve challenges business leaders
Skills Frameworks to • Direct the
and usage of Skills in Skills Frameworks • Secure buy-in from
Application solve routine Frameworks to implementation of integration and business leaders
problems in areas Skills Framework
employees adoption in for the adoption of
of work components in
• Resolve employee HR programs and collaboration Skills Frameworks
queries related activities with internal • Align the
to the purposes • Verify that the Skills and external application of Skills
and usage of Skills Frameworks are stakeholders Frameworks across
Frameworks applied accurately • Align the the organization
to HR programs and application of Skills
activities Frameworks across
the HR function

Human Capital Development 173


Stakeholder Engagement and Management

Manage stakeholder expectations and relationships through effective communication, negotiation, and alignment of
their needs with the organization’s or human resource (HR) objectives

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-2011-1.1 PHC-GHR-3011-1.1 PHC-GHR-4011-1.1 PHC-GHR-5011-1.1 PHC-GHR-6011-1.1

Perform day-to-day Maintain working Engage stakeholders Define strategic Establish the
interactions and level relationships and to align their needs stakeholder overall stakeholder
engagement with communication with with organizational or engagement and engagement and
FSC Proficiency stakeholders key stakeholders human resource (HR) management management
Description objectives roadmaps to cultivate strategies
long-term partnership
with stakeholders

• Stakeholders’ roles • Stakeholder • Analysis techniques • Key principles • Key considerations

to human resource mapping techniques for interpreting of stakeholder in formulating
(HR) processes • Activities involved stakeholder engagement stakeholder
• Stakeholders’ in managing feedback • Styles of management
impact on the working level • Methods to stakeholder strategies
organization or HR relationships identify levels management • Changes in
function • Feedback of stakeholders’ • Evaluation stakeholder needs
• Basic stakeholder mechanisms influence and techniques and priorities
communication • Considerations for importance to prioritize
techniques data protection • Processes of stakeholder
Underpinning related to feedback aligning stakeholder relationships
collection expectations • Industry best
Knowledge • Organizational • Communication practices in
policies and management for relationship
procedures related different target management
to feedback audiences
processes • Stakeholder
• Principles of conflict engagement
management techniques
• Techniques • Influencing
of conflict techniques

• Identify key • Conduct • Determine interests • Prioritize • Establish the vision

stakeholders and stakeholder and influence of stakeholder for alignment of
their relationships mapping to stakeholders relationship stakeholder and
with the identify nature • Engage based on in-depth organization or
organization or HR of relationships stakeholders to analyses and human resource’s
function with and between ascertain their organizational or (HR) objectives and
• Interpret stakeholders expectations human resource’s goals
stakeholders’ roles • Represent interests • Influence (HR) requirements • Anticipate changes
• Assess stakeholders of the organization stakeholders to and objectives in stakeholder
needs and interests or human resource align expectations • Develop strategic needs, expectations
• Coordinate day-to- (HR) function when with organization or stakeholder and priorities
day activities with interacting with HR’s requirements management • Structure the HR
stakeholders stakeholders and objectives roadmaps function to support
• Respond to • Implement • Analyze collated • Lead discussions and manage
stakeholder queries feedback stakeholder and negotiations stakeholders
mechanisms to feedback to influence key • Design stakeholder
collate stakeholder • Investigate issues stakeholder management
feedback on encountered decisions strategies
working practices in stakeholder • Develop to enhance
• Document relationships communication relationship with
Skills stakeholder • Recommend strategies to stakeholders
feedback improvements maintain successful • Lead strategic
Application • Refine activities to stakeholder relationship with discussions and
in stakeholder management key stakeholders engagement with
management plans approaches • Promote networking key stakeholders
in alignment with • Develop opportunities • Influence
feedback received stakeholder in relevant organization
• Consider communication professional decisions at the
stakeholders’ needs plans to guide external networks board level
and interests in communication • Resolve escalated
decision-making to with different issues involving
build trust stakeholder groups senior stakeholders
• Follow processes • Facilitate • Promote
to manage networking professional and
stakeholders’ opportunities to consistent image
conflict build relationships of the organization
• Implement and HR function
communication through networking
plans to ensure
stakeholders are
constantly kept

174 Human Capital Development Human Capital Development 174


Strategic Workforce Planning

Develop workforce strategies and plans to determine the manpower and capabilities needed for the future

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-4013-1.1 PHC-HRP-5013-1.1 PHC-HRP-6013-1.1

Develop workforce Drive workforce Formulate

planning processes planning strategies in organization-wide
FSC Proficiency and recommendations the organization strategic workforce
to meet capability planning initiatives
Description requirements to ensure their

• Legal and ethical • Emerging trends • Macro trends and

guidelines related to and developments developments
workforce planning impacting impacting current
• Programs and workforce planning and future business
initiatives from • Types, features manpower needs
the national and applications of • New and emerging
Government. workforce plans and methodologies and
• Statistical analysis models best practices in
tools • Methodologies to workforce planning
• Techniques to assess workforce • Future impact
analyze and plans and models analysis and
evaluate workforce • Criteria used projection
data to evaluate the techniques
• Models and performance of • Impact of strategic
Underpinning methods of workforce planning workforce planning
workforce planning strategies initiatives on
Knowledge • Cost- impact stakeholder groups
analysis on the • Techniques
organization to evaluate
• Market trends and effectiveness of
developments workforce planning
impacting strategies
workforce plans
• Links between
workforce planning
and organization
• Best practices
in stakeholder

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175 Human Capital Development Human Capital Development 175


Strategic Workforce Planning

FSC Proficiency
• Identify • Synthesize • Project future
organizational manpower manpower and
workforce planning and staffing staffing needs in
and capability requirements to alignment with
requirements meet business business direction
• Engage needs • Endorse processes
stakeholders to • Evaluate the for workforce
generate buy-in organization’s strategy
and insights on current and future development and
productivity and core capabilities implementation
demand drivers required to deliver • Spearhead
• Develop plans against business organization’s
to implement strategies staffing strategies
workforce planning • Review processes in view of business
solutions for workforce priorities and needs
• Develop data- strategy • Secure buy-in from
gathering development and senior management
processes to implementation for workforce
support projection • Recommend planning and
and planning improvements staffing strategies
of workforce to processes for • Oversee
strategies workforce strategy development and
• Analyze supply, development and acquisition of tools
demand, capability implementation. and resources to
and productivity • Develop workforce support workforce
gaps in the strategies and planning
Skills workforce staffing plans to • Spearhead the
Application • Review best meet identified incorporation
practices in manpower of new and
workforce planning requirements emerging tools and
to identify • Recommend methodologies in
potential areas for workforce planning workforce planning
improvements strategies to key • Evaluate current
• Recommend stakeholders and future impact
solutions to • Recommend tools of workforce
refine workforce and resources planning strategies
strategies. to support on business
implementation achievement
of manpower
• Oversee integration
of strategies to
deliver manpower
• Review
effectiveness of
workforce planning
strategies to meet
business needs
• Recommend
enhancements to
workforce planning

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

176 Human Capital Development


Succession Management
Develop succession strategies for critical roles in alignment with the organization’s strategic direction and priorities

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-3011-1.1 PHC-WDE-4011-1.1 PHC-WDE-5011-1.1

Consolidate Implement succession Develop succession

information to management management
support succession strategies throughout strategies that align
FSC Proficiency management the organization with the organization’s
Description strategies strategies and

• Objectives and • Models and • Policies and

target roles methods for procedures that
audience of managing may impact
succession succession succession
management • Market trends and management within
• Best practices developments the organization
in succession impacting • Relevant
management succession industry codes of
• Tools and management practice related
techniques used • Organizational to succession
in succession policies and management
management procedures related • Emerging market
strategies to succession trends and
management developments
Underpinning • Links between related to
Knowledge succession succession
management and management
organizational • Organization’s
strategy future business and
• Principles of people agenda
succession • External sources of
management senior talent pool
• Tools and • Statistical
techniques used to analysis tools
review succession and techniques
management for evaluating
strategies the effectiveness
of succession

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Human Capital Development 177


Succession Management

FSC Proficiency
• Provide guidance • Implement • Establish succession
to stakeholders succession management
to identify critical management strategies in line
roles, feeder strategies according with organizational
positions,, and to the overall plan objectives
potential successors • Educate • Determine ways
• Maintain records stakeholders on to plan for critical
of succession the importance roles internally or
management of succession externally
• Identification and management • Consult key
assessments of • Identify feeder stakeholders to
possible successors. positions for identify critical
• Document reports leadership leadership roles
on succession roles within the for succession
management organization management
activities • Identify successors • Assess the
• Collect data related for critical organization’s
to the effectiveness leadership positions vulnerability based
of succession in the organization on the critical roles
management • Create development identified
strategies and retention plans • Monitor
• Review data related catered to identified implementation
Skills to the effectiveness successors of succession
Application of succession • Document activities management
management of succession activities
strategies to management to be throughout the
identify trends carried out organization
• • Evaluate • Review the
implications of effectiveness of
future business succession planning
demands on critical • Monitor emerging
roles market trends
• Integrate succession that may impact
management into the succession
talent management management
programs programs
• Identify potential
improvements and
to the succession
• Review succession
records and reports

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

178 Human Capital Development


System and Work Process Improvement

Develop and implement process improvement plans, communicate goals and changes to employees, and evaluate the
impact of process improvements.

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-INN-2002-1.1 PHC-INN-3002-1.1 PHC-INN-4002-1.1 PHC-INN-5002-1.1 PHC-INN-6002-1.1

Implement process Review systems and Manage process Formulate process Evaluate the strategic
improvements and work processes and improvements, improvements and impacts of process
report issues on conduct research monitor changed measure impact of the improvements and
deviations from on trends in process processes, conform changes on established establish financial
FSC Proficiency standards. improvements. to legal requirements, performance measures. and non-financial
Description organizational policies performance measures.
and sustainability

• Concept of process • Tools and • Organizational • Process • Continuous

management methodologies to goals vis-à-vis improvement model improvement
• Types of data and review systems and performance • Principles of methodologies used
how data should be processes expectations and continuous process by organizations
recorded • Team’s key requirements improvement • Principles of
• Organizational performance • Continuous • Continuous innovation
goals indicators improvement improvement • Principles of
• Principles of • Organizational methodologies used methodologies used continuous process
continuous process goals vis-à-vis by organizations by organizations improvement
Underpinning improvement performance • Defining process • Communication • Principles for
• Roles and expectations relationships modes and barriers defining process
Knowledge responsibilities of • Team’s key • Team’s key • Structure of an relationships
work teams performance performance effective action plan • Team’s key
• Importance indicators indicators • Standardization of performance
of proper • Principles of • Principles of process indicators
documentation continuous process continuous process • Team’s key
• Different tiers improvement improvement performance
of systems and indicators
processes within the

Continue to next page

Human Capital Development 179


System and Work Process Improvement

FSC Proficiency
• Perform process • Support analysis • Execute the • Identify • Set the direction
improvement of the processes changes to the improvement on innovation
activities for waste or non- processes and activities and process
• Collect information value activities resolve issues associated with improvement
and data to to facilitate encountered in concept of process in view of
support process redesigning accordance with management by organizational goals
improvement the processes change processes using systematic • Challenge current
activities in accordance • Prepare reports process processes
• Document with the process on outcomes of improvement and identify
implemented improvement model improvement model to meet the opportunities to
changes in work • Apply control activities organizational goals improve them
processes in mechanisms implemented in • Present graphically • Define process
accordance with to monitor the accordance with the process maps relationships using
organizational progress of work organizational that accurately suitable process
procedures teams procedures depict the sequence mapping techniques
• Identify possible • Analyze the of events to build a • Communicate
work improvement processes for product or produce improved work
activities at the waste or non- an outcome processes
workplace in value activities using standard to relevant
accordance with to facilitate process mapping stakeholders in
organizational goals redesigning conventions or accordance with
• the processes symbols organizational
in accordance • Redesign processes procedures
with the process using the results • Guide process
improvement model of analysis and redesign using the
• Communicate recommend results of analysis
through appropriate potential measures and recommend
channels key to improve the potential measures
performance functioning of to improve the
indicators to be processes to meet functioning of
achieved to the organizational goals processes
work teams • Develop action • Ensure
• Resolve issues plans and obtain standardization
that arise during approval to execute of redesigned
implementation the improvement processes to make
Skills of improvement activities in changes stay
Application activities in accordance with permanently in
accordance with organizational accordance with
organizational procedure organizational
procedures • Communicate procedures
through appropriate • Determine the
channels key key performance
performance indicators for work
indicators to be teams to achieve
achieved to the based on the work
work teams improvement
• Train work activities identified
teams to apply
continuous process
• Define the process
relationship using
suitable process
mapping techniques
• Communicate
improved work
to relevant
stakeholders in
accordance with
• Guide process
redesign using
the results of
the analysis and
potential measures
to improve the
functioning of

Continue to next page

180 Human Capital Development


System and Work Process Improvement

FSC Proficiency
• Standardize
processes to
make changes
stay permanently
by proper
and training in
accordance with
• Determine key
indicators for work
Skills teams to achieve
Application based on the work
activities identified
• Resolve issues
that arise during
of improvement
activities in
accordance with

Human Capital Development 181


Systems Thinking
Identify, analyze and evaluate the elements and its relationships among systems’ parts, with the use of simulation
tools and systems thinking techniques and frameworks to understand situations and drive change for improvements

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-ATH-3001-1.1 PHC-ATH-4001-1.1 PHC-ATH-5001-1.1

Examine the Evaluate the Drive strategic

interactions of interdependencies alignment of systems
components within of different systems and processes across
systems to attain across the organisation functional teams and
FSC Proficiency holistic understanding to link patterns and departments in the
of how the parts relate trends across systems, organisation
Description to one another by programmes and
espousing the thinking operations
systems on the way
people do things.

• Concepts of • Concepts of • Types of computer

systems archetypes systems archetypes simulation tools
• Usage of computer • Usage of computer • Chaos theory, and
simulation tools simulation tools other frameworks in
• Types of guiding • Types of guiding systems thinking
questions that can questions that can • Diagnostic tools
be used for systems be used for systems for change
thinking thinking management
• Mind maps, concept • Mind maps, concept • Concept of
Underpinning maps, map systems, maps, map systems, enterprise
Knowledge causal loops, agile causal loops, agile knowledge
framework, and framework, and management (EKM)
other tools and other tools and • Advantages and
mental models for mental models for limitations of
developing systems developing systems applying systems
thinking thinking thinking, design
• Chaos theory, and and action learning
other frameworks in principles.
systems thinking

• Identify and • Guide stakeholders • Formulate multiple

diagnose the root to interpret design interventions
causes of problems problems in new to address the
• Apply concepts of ways identified root
systems archetypes • Critique mental causes to design
to analyze and models and problems
attain holistic archetypes to • Develop strategies
understanding of challenge current to deal with
problems ways of thinking different systems
• Break down • Evaluate archetypes
concepts and interactions • Manage the
issues to facilitate between systems anticipated impact
understanding of and their external of trade-offs to the
individual parts of environment to various elements of
their systems determine causal systems
• Analyze causal relationships • Drive interventions
relationships and • Facilitate the use of utilizing enterprise
Skills draw connections systems thinking to knowledge
between elements change perceptions management
Application of a system causing and mental models (EKM) to foster an
feedback to one to bring about new enterprise thinking
another design insights and culture across the
• Identify ideas organisation
counterproductive • Simulate effects • Align organizational
approaches in of management stakeholders
solving issues or decisions, using and the design
problems design simulation community
• tools to enhance
• Synthesise insights effectiveness and
and link patterns depth of design
and trends work
across different
programmes and

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

182 Human Capital Development


Talent Capability Assessment

Develop talent assessment processes with assessment tools to evaluate employees’ capabilities

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-3012-1.1 PHC-WDE-4012-1.1 PHC-WDE-5012-1.1

Implement talent Develop talent capa- Formulate talent

FSC Proficiency capability assessment bility assessment tools capability assessment
Description tools and processes frameworks

• Types of tools, • Range of talent • Elements of a

methods and selection and talent capability
modalities used assessment tools assessment
for selection and available framework
assessment of • Factors to evaluate • Link between
talent within the suitability of talent assessment
organization talent capability framework and
• Techniques for assessment tools other human
analyzing the for different resource (HR)
outcomes of situations frameworks
talent capability • Industry practices
Underpinning assessments on talent capability
Knowledge • Organizational assessment
policies and programs
procedures related • Emerging trends
to talent capability and developments
assessment impacting
• Legal, privacy talent capability
and regulatory assessment
considerations techniques and
relevant to tools
talent capability

• Identify the talent • Develop • Establish the overall

assessment tools, appropriate talent capability
methods and talent assessment assessment
modalities required processes for the frameworks
• Engage potential organization • Define criteria to
• Advise on talent
or current assessment identify high-
employees to tools based on potentials in the
provide information organization’s organization
required for requirements • Review capability
the capability • Tailor capability assessment
assessment assessment tools results to ensure
• Administer talent and processes to conclusions are
assessment tools to different roles and accurate and fair
various candidates • Integrate talent
• Interpret talent
for the different job assessment tools to assessment
roles various candidates frameworks
• Engage talent for different job with other HR
assessment roles frameworks across
vendors to perform • Determine the the organization
talent capability parties involved in
assessments talent capability
• Evaluate capability assessments
• Communicate
assessment results
Skills the roles and
Application of stakeholders
involved in
talent capability
• Communicate
outcomes and
findings to
individuals and
business units
• Coach stakeholders
on the use of talent
assessment tools
• Review best
practices in
talent capability
assessment to
identify new
tools or potential
• Recommend
refinements to
talent capability
assessment process

Human Capital Development 183


Talent Management
Drive talent management strategies and programs to identify, develop, review and retain talent to meet the current
and future organizational needs

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WDE-4013-1.1 PHC-WDE-5013-1.1 PHC-WDE-6013-1.1

Develop talent Review talent Establish

management management programs organization-wide
FSC Proficiency programs to support for alignment with talent management
Description organization-wide business needs strategies

• Legal and ethical • Relationship • Future impact

guidelines related to between talent analysis and
talent management management projection
• Statistical strategies and techniques
analysis tools and the organization’s • Macro trends
techniques used in business plans and impacting talent
talent assessment processes management
• Links between • Talent management strategies
organizational and its linkage • Techniques
strategy and talent to other human in evaluating
management resource (HR) effectiveness of
• Organizational strategies talent management
policies and • Industry practices strategies
procedures on talent • Impact of talent
related to talent management management
management programs initiatives on
• Talent management • Emerging market stakeholder groups
tools and practices trends impacting
• Models and talent management
methods for • Models, methods
Underpinning evaluating talent and tools used in
management analyzing talent
Knowledge programs management
• Industry practices strategies
on talent • Roles and
management accountability of
programs line managers in
• Market trends and implementation of
developments talent management
impacting talent processes
• Roles and
responsibilities of
line managers’ in
the identification of
• Professional or
industry codes
of practice and
standards related to
talent management

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184 Human Capital Development


Talent Management

FSC Proficiency
• Lead talent • Project future • Influence the
assessment talent management board of directors
using tools, requirements and other senior
methodologies • Support the executives of the
and criteria as development of organization to
determine talent
defined in the organization-wide needs for the
talent management talent management organization
strategies strategies • Develop
• Identify trends from • Review proposed organization-wide
talent assessment talent management talent management
outcomes programs strategies aligned
• Develop programs • Align talent to organization’s
to implement management business strategies
• Oversee
organization programs with
development and
management business needs acquisition of tools
strategies • Select tools and and resources to
• Engage resources to support talent
stakeholders in support talent management
talent management management strategies
processes to ensure activities • Integrate the talent
commitment and • Secure buy-in from management
Skills buy-in stakeholders on strategies to
anticipate risk and
Application • Provide guidance talent management
to managers on programs and • Review talent
the use of talent objectives management
management tools • Review assessment strategies
and methodologies outcomes to
• Develop program categorize talent
evaluation tools to within the talent
gather data and pools
feedback on talent • Approve
management refinements to
• Establish talent management
performance processes
against required • Review the
criteria from data alignment of the
gathered through talent management
the program programs with other
evaluation HR programs
• Recommend
refinements to
talent management

Human Capital Development 185


Technology Integration
Integrate new and emerging Human Capital Management Systems (HCMS) technology products, services and
developments to enhance human resource (HR) operations and service delivery

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-GHR-3012-1.1 PHC-GHR-4012-1.1 PHC-GHR-5012-1.1 PHC-GHR-6012-1.1

Conduct review on Evaluate new and Lead the review, Spearhead human
new and emerging emerging technologies integration and capital management
technologies to and trends against evaluation of new (HCM) technology
FSC Proficiency support the human human resource (HR) and emerging human strategies and norms
resource (HR) needs capital management to leverage new and
Description operations under (HCM) systems and emerging technologies
guidance technologies. and trends to propel
the HR function

• Fields and • Current industry • Industry standards • Global standards

industries that are and technology of technology of technology
adjacent to HR information sources excellence excellence
• Market scanning • Types of hardware • Key sources of and privacy
and research and software information on new management
techniques products used in HCM systems and program.
for emerging the HR field technologies • Components of
technologies • Emerging trends • Risk analysis of HCM technology
• New HCM systems in technological HCM technologies, strategies and
and technology products and and implications processes
products and services in the HR on legal, ethical or • Impact of new
services in the space security dimensions and emerging
market • Cost-benefit of the business technology trends
• Typical HR analysis and • Current and future on HCM technology
Underpinning operations process evaluation methods impact analysis and organizational
Knowledge flows for assessing new • Ethical standards needs
technologies and best practices • Future HCM
• Business process on data privacy. technology needs
flows and • Trends and
interdependencies developments in
adjacent industries
• Potential impact
and disruptions to
process norms in
the HR field
• Strategic
and alliance

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186 Human Capital Development


Technology Integration

FSC Proficiency
• Conduct • Direct the • Monitor the market • Lead the analysis
research on new identification and to keep abreast of of internal and
technologies evaluation of new new technologies external trends
• Analyze relevance and emerging that will impact HR to identify HCM
of technologies technologies, operations technology needs of
techniques and the organization
or IT processes models • Evaluate emerging • Decipher the
in use and under • Decipher impact of technologies impact of emerging
development in new and emerging against the existing technologies on the
related fields technologies on HR business needs and HR field
• Assess potential operations infrastructure • Develop HCM
of emerging • Establish internal • Predict impact of technology
technologies to processes and introducing new strategies in
address challenges guidelines to HCM technologies alignment with
facilitate the business strategies
or enhance • Review market
research on and • Engage senior key
processes within HR evaluation of new research and stakeholders to
• Identify processes technologies validate the new gain their buy-in on
that will be • Establish technologies HCM technology
improved by the organizational against HR needs strategies
application of new need and selection • Provide • Establish guidelines
and emerging criteria for new recommendations for the evaluation
technologies and technologies with rationales for and incorporation
approaches • Evaluate the the outcomes of the of emerging HCM
viability of technologies
Skills • Propose technology evaluations
incorporating new • Articulate
solutions that and emerging • Communicate with the business
Application offer HR process external partners
technologies in the considerations and
improvement organization’s HR to obtain and parameters related
context explore emerging to the adoption of
• Assess costs and technologies new technologies
benefits of adopting • Synthesize
HR technology different emerging
solutions technologies
• Manage and trends
collaborations with into initiatives
external partners to that propel the
gain access to and growth of the HR
explore emerging department
technologies • Build strategic
partnerships with
and suppliers to
optimize access to
new and emerging
HCM technologies
• Create thought
around emerging
technologies and
their impact on HR

Human Capital Development 187


Total Rewards Philosophy Development

Establish organization-wide total rewards philosophy, strategies and mechanisms for various employee groups to
incentivize the desired behaviors

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-WEN-4013-1.1 PHC-WEN-5013-1.1 PHC-WEN-6013-1.1

Implement total Establish organization- Formulate total

rewards plans and wide total rewards rewards philosophy of
FSC Proficiency mechanisms in line philosophy and the organization
Description with the organizational strategies

• Organization’s • Models, methods • Industry trends in

existing philosophy and tools used in establishing total
on total rewards analyzing total rewards philosophy
• Organizational rewards design • Business strategies
policies and • Relationship of the organization
procedures related between rewards • Techniques
to total rewards design and the in evaluating
• Elements of organization’s effectiveness
compensation business plans and of total rewards
philosophy processes strategies
• Industry practices • Linkage of total • Impact of total
on total rewards rewards to other rewards initiatives
design human resource on stakeholder
• Market trends and (HR) strategies groups
developments • Professional or
impacting rewards industry codes
design of practice and
Underpinning • Principles in standards related to
developing total rewards
Knowledge compensation and
benefits structure
• Cost-impact
• Statistical
analysis tools and
techniques used
in total rewards
• Models and
methods for
evaluating total
rewards design
• External and
internal landscape
impacting total
rewards design

Continue to next page

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

188 Human Capital Development


Total Rewards Philosophy Development

FSC Proficiency
• Translate total • Establish total • Formulate total
rewards strategy rewards strategies rewards philosophy
and philosophy into aligned with that is aligned
design principles organizational with the overall
• Identify trends from vision, mission and organization vision,
industry practices mission and values
on total rewards values • Approve the total
design • Develop adaptive rewards philosophy
• Design plans and strategies to and design in view
mechanisms for allow total of the organization’s
total rewards rewards designs overall human
• Secure acceptance to anticipate resource (HR)
from stakeholders uncertainty strategies
in total rewards • Create alignment • Determine success
design measures for the
• Evaluate cost total rewards
impact of total remuneration plans strategies
rewards designs and programmes • Align total rewards
• Design rewards • Define criteria to philosophy and
Skills policies that evaluate success business’ strategic
support the of total rewards goals
Application business strategy • Endorse total
• Develop processes • Review total rewards design
and systems rewards design • Establish alignment
to measure between total
against the
effectiveness of rewards designs
total rewards design articulated and other HR
• Refine total rewards organizational functions
design philosophy
• Determine the
business viability
of total rewards
• Project future total
rewards design
• Direct refinements
to total rewards

Human Capital Development 189


Voluntary Exit Management

Establish and implement frameworks, guidelines, policies and processes to manage voluntary exits

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-ESE-2003-1.1 PHC-ESE-3003-1.1 PHC-ESE-4003-1.1 PHC-ESE-5003-1.1

Administer processes Implement processes Develop policies Establish strategies

FSC Proficiency for voluntary employee to manage voluntary and guidelines to and plans to manage
exits employee exits manage voluntary exit voluntary exits
Description processes

• Reasons for • Procedures of • Legal and • Strategies to

voluntary exits conducting an exit regulatory minimize voluntary
• Human resource interview requirements exit rate
(HR) policies related • Methods of related to voluntary • Methods of
to voluntary exits analyzing voluntary exits reviewing human
• Processes related to exit information • Criteria for resource (HR)
Underpinning the administration measuring the policies in relation
Knowledge of voluntary exits impact of voluntary to voluntary exit
• Ethical, legal exits management
and professional
related to voluntary

• Administer • Conduct exit • Develop voluntary • Develop HR

voluntary exit interviews exit policies in strategies to
processes according • Advise employee of compliance with manage voluntary
to policies and regulations against legal and regulatory exit rate
procedures competition, requirements • Advise senior
• Draft disclosure and • Establish guidelines leadership
documentation litigation for voluntary exit on managing
required for • Record exit processes communication for
voluntary exits interview feedback • Formulate measures voluntary exit of
• Provide information • Analyze data and criteria to senior roles
to employees on related to reasons determine the • Collaborate with
voluntary exit and impact of impact of voluntary senior leadership to
Skills policies voluntary exits exits manage the impact
Application • Maintain • Maintain • Review voluntary of voluntary exit of
comprehensive professionalism exit data analysis senior roles
records of voluntary during interactions to recommend • Enhance existing
employee exits with exiting corrective actions to voluntary exit
employees to manage voluntary policies to increase
uphold organization exit rate effectiveness
reputation and alignment
• Review to organizational
administration requirements
related to voluntary

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

190 Human Capital Development


Workplace Optimization
Plan and manage the work spaces to encourage collaboration and build organization culture

FSC Proficiency

FSC Code PHC-HRP-3014-1.1 PHC-HRP-4014-1.1 PHC-HRP-5014-1.1

Monitor employees’ Plan enhancements Direct the planning and

FSC Proficiency utilization and to the workplace management of the
experience of the environment workplace environment
Description workplace environment

• Types and elements • Indicators of • Workplace

of workplaces workplace environment design
• Variables affecting environment techniques and best
workplace effectiveness practices
environment • Trends and best • Design thinking
• Impact of workplace practices in office principles and
environment on workspaces and methodologies
Underpinning employees layouts • Impact of workplace
• Efficient workplace • Budgeting process environment on
Knowledge utilization and budget organizational
• Types of innovative management culture
workplaces techniques • Return on
• Indicators of investment (ROI)
workforce calculation and
effectiveness and analysis

• Monitor the • Review • Guide the

utilization of work effectiveness of planning and
spaces and facilities existing physical conceptualization of
• Monitor the work environment the organization’s
impact of work • Manage workplace desired workplace
environment to
spaces and layouts ensure quality and environment
on employees’ efficiency of work • Evaluate impact of
experience and operations existing physical
productivity • Maximize workplace work environment
• Propose infrastructure on workforce
improvements budget utilization effectiveness and
to the physical • Develop innovative productivity
work environment and efficient • Acquire additional
ways of achieving
that will support resources to
office operational
Skills the desired requirements improve the quality
organizational • Evaluate feasibility and efficiency of the
Application culture workplace
of proposed
improvements • Anticipate strategic
to the workplace impact of workplace
environment and environment
infrastructure enhancement
• Justify workplace initiatives
• Endorse
initiatives improvements
to the workplace
• Evaluate long-term
ROI from workplace

Human Capital Development 191

Building Inclusivity Collaboration Communication Customer Orientation


Developing People SKILLS Influence

Creative Thinking Adaptability

Decision Making Problem Solving Digital Fluency Global Perspective

Sense Making Transdisciplinary Learning Agility Self Management

192 Human Capital Development

Building Inclusivity
Collaborate with stakeholders from different backgrounds or with different abilities, including diversity dimensions such
as race, ethnicity, religion, gender orientation, age, physical, and learning ability, education, socio-economic status, and
political belief, to understand the interests of diverse groups and build an inclusive work environment


ESC-IWO-B001-1 ESC-IWO-I001-1 ESC-IWO-A001-1

ESC Proficiency Description Demonstrate sensitivity to the differences in Manage relationships across diverse groups Oversee the development and
diversity dimensions and perspectives within the organization implementation of processes and practices
which build an inclusive work environment
and enable diverse groups to work
effectively together

· Self-awareness concepts · Barriers to workplace diversity and · Inclusion strategies and best practices
· Diversity dimensions and preferences inclusion · Dimensions and behaviors of non-
· Types of unconscious bias · Communication styles inclusion
· Fair employment practices · Interpersonal communication techniques · Types of social, political, economic,
· Social psychology concepts and cultural factors which impact
Underpinning Knowledge
· Group dynamics concepts stakeholder interactions
· Strategies to manage unconscious bias · Conflict management strategies
· Emerging trends impacting perspectives
on diversity and inclusion
· Best practices for promoting inclusivity

· Demonstrate understanding of different · Convey cultural intelligence and · Guide the development of policies and
types of personal values, beliefs, sensitivity towards differing values, practices to build inclusion and eliminate
perceptions, and attitudes when beliefs, and behaviors across diverse biases
interacting with diverse groups groups · Endorse inclusive outcomes and
· Conduct oneself in accordance with the · Promote behaviors and practices that initiatives across the organization
organization’s inclusion policies and support diversity and inclusion in the · Champion support for the needs of
practices organization diverse groups within the organization
· Participate in interactions with diverse · Ensure diversity in the composition of · Design open and psychologically safe
groups within the organization work teams environment for the expression of
· Adopt active listening and demonstrate · Adapt communication styles to diverse views
respect for and acknowledge diverse accommodate diversity in stakeholder · Manage conflicts and address non-
Skills Application perspectives or differences dynamics and establish common ground inclusive behaviors
· Assess own behavior to identify · Facilitate conversations to encourage · Champion the organization’s inclusion-
unconscious biases when operating in a mutual respect and understanding related communication efforts across
diverse environment · Review own behavior and work internal and external platforms
· Support the development of inclusivity- processes for improvements to reduce
related communication materials unconscious bias
· Communicate the organization’s
inclusivity related values and the
rationale for inclusive practices

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 193


Manage relationships and work collaboratively and effectively with others to achieve goals


ESC-IWO-B002-1 ESC-IWO-I002-1 ESC-IWO-A002-1

ESC Proficiency Description Contribute to a positive and cooperative Build relationships and work effectively with Establish team effectiveness and manage
working environment by fulfilling own internal and external stakeholders to create partnerships to create a cooperative
responsibilities, managing interpersonal synergies in working towards shared goals working environment which enables the
relationships, and providing support to achievement of goals
others to achieve goals

· Types of collaboration tools and · Types of team structures · Organization’s vision, objectives, and
platforms · Types of team development methods operating climate
· Team roles and responsibilities · Team goal-setting concepts · Team organization theories
· Team communication techniques · Group facilitation and problem-solving · Motivation theories
· Diversity dimensions and preferences methods · Measures of team effectiveness
· Behavioral styles · Stakeholder analysis techniques · Behavioral science concepts
· Knowledge sharing methods and tools · Persuasion methods · Stakeholder dynamics
Underpinning Knowledge · Listening techniques · Communication styles · Stakeholder management strategies
· Emotional intelligence dimensions · Interpersonal communication techniques · Best practices in virtual collaboration
· Techniques to develop empathy · Personality types and interpersonal needs · Conflict management strategies
· Workplace and social etiquette · Emerging virtual collaboration tools and · Types of social, political, economic,
platforms and cultural factors which impact
stakeholder relationships

· Perform work activities collaboratively · Identify shared goals which require · Champion the development of an open
with others to foster team spirit and collaboration to facilitate the and collaborative organizational culture
contribute to identified goals achievement of team and organizational · Establish organizational policies and
· Demonstrate a positive attitude in objectives procedures that promote a cooperative
various situations and interactions with · Organize teams in a manner that working environment
stakeholders capitalizes on team members’ strengths · Drive mutual understanding between
· Share information, knowledge, and · Adapt methods of interaction to cater to teams across the organization to
experiences with co-workers the needs and motivations of others encourage the achievement of shared
· Implement collaboration tools and · Align values, beliefs, and perceptions goals
platforms to enable different types of amongst team members to establish · Navigate diverse views and opinions
collaboration and information sharing harmonious working relationships within and beyond the organization to
· Seek to understand others’ situations, · Guide team members to manage work achieve beneficial outcomes
perspectives, and emotions challenges and tasks in a positive · Build strategic alliances and partnerships
· Build rapport with co-workers to manner to achieve desired organizational
Skills Application maintain relationships · Develop partnerships with key internal objectives
· Escalate information pertaining and external stakeholders to achieve · Oversee the resolution of conflicts or
to conflicts in teams to relevant win-win outcomes removal of barriers to collaboration
stakeholders · Resolve issues arising from working in across the organization
· Seek feedback from co-workers on own teams · Devise feedback processes to ensure
role and performance in the team · Provide feedback to team members the organization strives to work
on their roles, working styles, and cooperatively and continuously improve
performance in the team · Evaluate the effectiveness of virtual
· Suggest tools and platforms which collaboration across the organization to
could be integrated to facilitate virtual recommend improvements
collaboration and enhance productivity
of teams

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

194 Human Capital Development


Convey and exchange thoughts, ideas, and information effectively through various mediums and approaches


ESC-IWO-B003-1 ESC-IWO-I003-1 ESC-IWO-A003-1

ESC Proficiency Description

Communicate with others to share Tailor communication approaches to Synthesize information and inputs to
information, respond to general inquiries, audience needs and determine suitable communicate an overarching storyline to
and obtain specific information methods to convey and exchange multiple stakeholders

· Range of technical and non-technical · Verbal and non-verbal signals · Storytelling techniques
vocabulary · Communication styles · Negotiation strategies
· Verbal and non-verbal communication · Behavioral insights concepts · Stakeholder dynamics
techniques · Types of writing styles · Stakeholder management strategies
· Writing techniques · Presentation and information structuring · Strategies to drive behavior change
· Listening techniques techniques · Strategies to overcome communication
· Emotional intelligence dimensions · Types of visualization tools and roadblocks
· Types of communication channels and techniques · Emerging communication channels and
Underpinning Knowledge tools · Stakeholder analysis techniques tools
· Information processing techniques · Techniques for analyzing audience
· Questioning techniques reactions
· Information confidentiality and · Interpersonal communication techniques
disclosure considerations · Two-way communication techniques
· Persuasion methods

· Identify appropriate communication · Analyze communication objectives, · Evaluate stakeholder dynamics and
channels to convey or exchange types of stakeholders, and needs to context to establish communication
information determine communication priorities objectives and principles
· Deploy listening techniques to engage · Evaluate communication objectives, · Synthesize various information sources
with and understand the audience styles, verbal and non-verbal signals to and communication objectives to create
· Ask questions to seek clarity when adapt communication approaches and a persuasive storyline
receiving information channels · Anticipate responses from stakeholders
· Present ideas using concise and clear · Present information in a structured to adapt approaches appropriately
language flow and format which is reflective of · Manage sensitive communications with
· Implement verbal and non-verbal audience needs discretion and tact
communication techniques to convey · Determine relevant information and · Evaluate different stakeholder
and receive information across visualization techniques to share and viewpoints to determine appropriate
Skills Application
communication channels convey a persuasive viewpoint negotiation strategies
· Define desired outcomes for the · Adapt communication approaches · Establish alignment between diverse
exchange of information continuously to respond to audience stakeholders with differing viewpoints to
reactions achieve constructive outcomes
· Analyze information exchanged to · Evaluate emerging communication
identify communication gaps channels and tools to define adoption
· Encourage two-way interactions and opportunities
seek feedback on communication

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 195


Customer Orientation
Identify the needs of customers, both internal and external, to deliver an effective customer experience


ESC-IWO-B004-1 ESC-IWO-I004-1 ESC-IWO-A004-1

ESC Proficiency Description Demonstrate an understanding of customer Build relationships with customers to Foster the creation of an effective customer
needs or objectives to respond in a way anticipate needs and solicit feedback to experience
which delivers an effective customer improve the customer experience

· Customer needs analysis · Customer behavioral patterns · Strategies to design customer

· Types of data collection tools and · Service evaluation models experience philosophies
methods · Customer experience metrics · Strategies to develop service policies
· Customer listening methods and · Customer experience management and procedures
guidelines strategies · Types of business strategies and
· Customer feedback management · Customer relationship management operations
systems strategies · Organization’s vision and objectives
Underpinning Knowledge
· Organization’s service policies and · Emerging industry and market trends
procedures · Stakeholder dynamics
· Organization’s customer experience

· Analyze customer needs or perspectives · Analyze multiple information sources · Establish the organization’s customer
to identify appropriate responses or on customer behavior and trends experience philosophy and strategy for
actions to anticipate customers’ needs and service delivery
· Demonstrate positive outlook and expectations · Guide the development of service
behavior in customer interactions in line · Evaluate customer needs to prioritize policies and procedures to create a
with organization’s customer experience responses or action based on urgency customer experience which prioritizes
philosophy and criticality customer needs or objectives
· Respond to customer requests in · Analyze customer engagements and · Balance strategic and operational
accordance with the organization’s conduct follow-up actions to analyze requirements against the fulfillment
service policies and procedures customer experience of customer needs to design effective
· Identify potential customer experience · Manage critical customer issues and customer experience management
issues to be escalated identify appropriate service recovery strategies
· Collect data to measure defined interventions · Evaluate the impact of emerging
Skills Application
customer experience parameters or · Analyze customer experience metrics to industry and market trends on the
metrics identify areas for improvement or gaps customer experience to pre-empt
· Suggest potential methods to improve in customer experiences customer issues
customer experience · Recommend changes to the · Champion customer-oriented behaviors
· Apply learnings from customer feedback organization’s service policies or across the organization
to improve customer experience and procedures to improve customer · Define metrics to measure customer
service standards experience experience
· Implement strategies to maintain · Advocate for continuous improvement
relationships with customers to cultivate in customer experience across the
loyalty and trust organization to drive service excellence

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

196 Human Capital Development


Developing People
Empower others to learn and develop their capabilities to enhance their performance and achieve personal or
professional goals


ESC-IWO-B005-1 ESC-IWO-I005-1 ESC-IWO-A005-1

ESC Proficiency Description Create individual career and development Develop and coach team members to Foster a conducive environment to enable
plans, and support co-workers in identify and leverage their strengths to employees’ professional and personal
performing their work activities enhance performance development, in alignment with the
organization’s objectives and goals

· Personal strengths inventory · Coaching and mentoring techniques · Career management reporting
· Goal-setting techniques · Motivation and reinforcement concepts · Career development strategies
· Learning styles · Listening techniques · Engagement and empowerment
· Organizational performance goals · Organization learning and development techniques
· Outcomes of career planning policies and procedures · Performance management processes
· Techniques to provide constructive · Questioning techniques and frameworks
Underpinning Knowledge
feedback · Self-reflection techniques · Organization’s vision, objectives, and
· Performance review techniques operating climate

· Initiate career planning activities to · Guide team members in identifying · Build support for organization-wide
identify learning and development goals personal and professional goals capability development interventions to
· Identify links among personal, · Coach and mentor team members on facilitate the attainment of personal and
professional, and organizational achieving personal, professional, and professional goals
performance goals organizational goals · Guide employees to understand the
· Support co-workers in executing work · Evaluate individual strengths, principles for translating organizational
activities to achieve intended goals and capabilities, and learning styles to create objectives to personal and professional
improve work performance tailored coaching and development goals
· Share career planning related interventions in different contexts · Provide expertise on coaching and
experiences with co-workers · Facilitate discussions with team mentoring techniques
· Participate in activities that challenge members to ensure accountability for · Create or recommend platforms and
Skills Application self and contribute to capability setting goals and development plans procedures to enable exposure to new
development · Advise team members on the opportunities and enriching experiences
· Provide constructive feedback to formulation of career development plans within the organization
co-workers in accordance with · Recommend stretch goals and · Champion the development of a
organizational guidelines, standards, opportunities to harness the potential of supportive and positive climate which
and procedures team members encourages continuous improvement
· Provide continuous feedback and and development within the organization
reinforce behaviors that contribute
positively to performance or growth

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 197


Influence behaviors, beliefs, or attitudes in order to achieve desired outcomes and solutions


ESC-IWO-B006-1 ESC-IWO-I006-1 ESC-IWO-A006-1

ESC Proficiency Description Demonstrate empathy to understand Develop relationships with stakeholders Build consensus with stakeholders to
the feelings and actions of others to build confidence, alignment and achieve desired outcomes on matters of
and communicate in ways that limit communicate desired purpose, goals, or strategic importance
misunderstandings and influence others on objectives
operational issues

· Diversity dimensions and preferences · Types of networks · Goal or purpose setting strategies
· Emotional intelligence dimensions · Verbal and non-verbal signals · Strategies to drive behavior change
· Listening techniques · Stakeholder analysis techniques · Negotiation strategies
· Problem solving techniques · Strategies to develop trust · Motivation theories
· Types of communication channels and · Interpersonal communication techniques · Types of social, political, economic,
tools · Communication styles and cultural factors which impact
Underpinning Knowledge · Verbal and non-verbal communication · Persuasion methods stakeholder relationships
techniques · Techniques for analyzing audience · Stakeholder dynamics
· Knowledge sharing methods and tools reactions · Stakeholder management strategies
· Questioning techniques · Collaboration techniques · Storytelling techniques
· Conflict management strategies

· Develop a clear understanding of · Identify stakeholders and networks that · Establish alignment among different
purpose and desired goals or outcomes are critical in meeting desired goals and stakeholders’ needs and objectives to
· Analyze stakeholder responses and objectives achieve intended outcomes
interactions to understand needs · Integrate different stakeholders into the · Establish key stakeholder relationships
· Encourage stakeholders to share views decision-making process to garner their to ensure goals and objectives are
and opinions to enable an understanding support achieved
of different perspectives · Utilize combinations of logic, · Share strategic insights in a manner that
· Appreciate nuances and impact of conviction, and interpersonal skills addresses the issues and interests of
diversity dimensions and cultural when communicating desired goals and relevant stakeholders
backgrounds when interacting with objectives · Evaluate compromises to gain
stakeholders · Align ideas and plans with relevant commitment from relevant stakeholders
· Communicate with stakeholders in stakeholders to build ownership and · Endorse win-win solutions that benefit
a manner which encourages open garner buy-in all parties involved
Skills Application conversations and reduces potential · Ensure that decisions made are · Anticipate objections and challenges
misunderstandings supported with relevant experience, that potentially impact desired results
· Adapt personal style to demonstrate facts, and knowledge · Negotiate issues that impact long-term
empathy and enable the communication · Articulate pros and cons behind strategic objectives
of desired goals decisions taken and proposed to build
· Ask questions to understand confidence among stakeholders
stakeholders’ responses or potential · Present findings and thoughts in an open
issues and flexible manner
· Escalate issues to senior stakeholders
if own efforts to enlist support have not

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

198 Human Capital Development


Exercise flexibility in behaviors or approaches to respond to changes and evolving contexts


ESC-SRE-B001-1 ESC-SRE-I001-1 ESC-SRE-A001-1

ESC Proficiency Description

Modify behaviors and approaches to Manage change in evolving contexts Foster a culture of flexibility that caters to
respond to changes and evolving contexts changes and evolving contexts

· Ideation techniques · Stakeholder analysis techniques · Organization’s vision, objectives, and

· Experimentation techniques · Group dynamic concepts operating climate
· Problem solving techniques · Collaboration styles · Strategies to build resilient teams
· Emotional regulation techniques · Coaching and mentoring techniques · Strategies to drive the continuous
· Questioning techniques · Risk analysis techniques development of new approaches
· Information processing techniques · Self-reflection techniques · Risk mitigation strategies
· Self-awareness concepts · Strategies to evaluate impact of new · Strategies to identify emerging industry
Underpinning Knowledge · Impact measurement techniques ideas, improvements, or solutions disruptors and trends
· Change management strategies
· Stakeholder dynamics
· Stakeholder management strategies
· Conflict management strategies

· Demonstrate an openness to seek and · Assess the impact of changes and · Articulate strategic goals to navigate
interpret opinions and practices different evolving contexts to identify ways to through periods of change and evolving
from own adapt skills or processes contexts
· Seek out information on changes or · Analyze the rationale for change or · Evaluate the impact on the operating
evolving contexts which may impact underlying factors driving evolving climate, emerging trends, and industry
work activities or priorities contexts disruptors
· Set short-term goals in order to perform · Develop creative solutions to · Determine potential opportunities and/
work activities effectively during periods address challenges and leverage on or risks of change or evolving contexts
of change opportunities arising from changes and · Direct the development of new and
· Adjust existing work activities in evolving contexts alternative approaches to respond to
response to new instructions, guidelines, · Evaluate inputs from various changes and evolving contexts
or operating procedures stakeholders and different courses of · Guide stakeholders to successfully
Skills Application · Assess own reactions to changes and actions to determine how to navigate navigate through change and disruptions
evolving contexts to improve future through change and evolving contexts · Lead the resolution of any issues which
responses and behaviors · Prioritize work activities in order of impact the organization’s ability to adapt
· Monitor own work performance to criticality to navigate through change to changes and evolving contexts
identify potential development areas and evolving contexts · Review existing strategies and
to enhance responses to changes and · Coach team members in responding to approaches to changes and evolving
evolving contexts changes and evolving contexts contexts
· Identify appropriate skills and training · Reflect on responses to change and
which could improve one’s response evolving contexts to recommend future
and behavior to changes and evolving actions, behaviors, and approaches

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 199


Digital Fluency
Leverage digital technology tools, systems, and software across work processes and activities to solve problems, drive
efficiency, and facilitate information sharing


ESC-SRE-B002-1 ESC-SRE-I002-1 ESC-SRE-A002-1

ESC Proficiency Description Perform work processes and activities using Identify opportunities and evaluate risks Drive the creation of a digital culture and
identified digital technology tools, systems, of integrating digital technology tools, environment, educating stakeholders across
and software systems, and software across work the organization on the benefits and risks
processes and activities of digital technology tools, systems, and

· Digital terminologies · Emerging digital technology tools, · Best practice applications of digital
· Digital etiquettes systems, and software technology tools, systems, and software
· Types of digital search and information · Emerging digital communication · Emerging trends in the digital
collection tools channels environment
· Types of digital technology tools, · Methods to evaluate suitability of digital · Strategies to manage technology
systems, and software technology tools, systems, and software implementation
· Types of technology-enabled · Types of visualization tools and · Digital education strategies
communication channels techniques · Types of digital training programs
· Organization’s InfoComm Technology · Technology implementation processes · Strategies to manage InfoComm
troubleshooting and Information · Problem solving techniques Technology troubleshooting and back-
Underpinning Knowledge Technology (IT) back-up processes · Decision evaluation and prioritization up processes
· Organization’s IT, personal data, and frameworks · Strategies to manage cybersecurity risk
privacy policies · Risk assessment techniques strategies and policies
· Types of cybersecurity risks · Strategies to manager cybersecurity · Strategies to manage personal data and
· Organization’s policies to monitor risks privacy policies
cybersecurity risks · Types of metrics to measure · Legal and regulatory frameworks related
effectiveness of digital tools, systems, to digital technology tools, systems, and
and software software

· Interpret instructions and actions based · Analyze work processes and activities · Champion the benefits of digital
on digital terminologies across own team to identify potential applications and advancements to build
· Operate identified digital technology applications of digital technology an organization-wide community which
tools, systems, and software to perform tools, systems, or software which drive focuses on digital approaches and
own work processes and activities efficiency and solve problems adopts a digital mindset
· Present information using identified · Evaluate emerging digital technology · Synthesize emerging trends in the digital
digital technology tools, systems, and tools, systems, or software to propose environment to anticipate changes
software applications which drive efficiency and required in organization’s current digital
· Exchange information with other solve problems in own team technology tools, systems, and software
stakeholders using identified · Identify applications of different · Oversee the progress of digital
technology-mediated communication visualization techniques and tools to intervention implementations across the
channels analyze and present information organization
· Perform searches to source information · Deploy processes to manage technology · Champion digital education strategies
using digital search and information implementation across the organization to address
Skills Application collection tools · Review usage of digital technology tools, digital literacy skill gaps and drive
· Assess the credibility of information systems, and software to identify any continuous learning
sourced using digital search and breaches of organization’s digital and · Influence stakeholders to communicate
information collection tools IT policies the narrative of digital transformation
· Organize digital content to be stored · Assess current applications of digital and manage any change barriers
and retrieved in line with organizational technology tools, systems, or software · Direct the development and
requirements to propose improvement areas implementation of organizational digital
· Adhere to organization’s personal data and IT policies
and privacy policies · Guide the analysis of past breaches of
· Follow organization’s cyber security organizational digital and IT policies to
policies to identify potential risks mitigate future impacts of cybersecurity
issues, data breaches, or system failures

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

200 Human Capital Development


Global Perspective
Operate in cross-cultural environments, demonstrating an awareness of the wider global context, and markets to
identify potential opportunities and risks


ESC-SRE-B003-1 ESC-SRE-I003-1 ESC-SRE-A003-1

ESC Proficiency Description Demonstrate an understanding of global Develop global networks and determine Lead the resolution of the challenges of
challenges and opportunities to work impact of global context and trends on operating in a cross-cultural environment
effectively in a cross-cultural environment the organization’s vision, objectives, and and build the organization’s capabilities to
operating climate compete in a global environment

· Research techniques · Research and information collection · Organization’s vision, objectives, and
· Types of information collection tools methodologies operating climate
· Knowledge sharing methods and tools · Organization structure · Types of global business strategies
· Verbal and non-verbal communication · Macro-economic, environmental, · Types of business performance metrics
techniques technology, political, and social trends · Emerging research on macro-economic,
· Types of communication channels and · Methods to analyze impacts of global environmental, technology, political, and
tools trends social trends
· Modes of collaboration · Types of networks · Stakeholder management strategies
· Diversity dimensions and preferences · Stakeholder analysis techniques · Inclusion strategies and best practices
Underpinning Knowledge · Self-awareness concepts · Communication styles · Types of social, political, economic, and
· Workplace and social etiquette · Barriers to workplace diversity and cultural factors which impact cross-
inclusion cultural collaborations
· Conflict management strategies
· Best practices for businesses
operating in global and cross-cultural

· Conduct research on identified global · Develop research and information · Establish objectives for global
challenges or opportunities collection approaches and processes to development and cross-cultural
· Exchange information using identified analyze impact of global context and cooperation which align with
knowledge sharing methods and tools trends on team’s work area organization’s vision, objectives, and
· Seek opportunities to source for · Analyze outcome of research on global operating climate
diverse perspectives beyond immediate trends to determine impact on work · Champion the importance of
environment area and identify potential opportunities understanding the global environment
· Participate in interactions with diverse and risks and encouraging cross-cultural
groups within the organization to source · Review internal structures and collaborations
for relevant perspectives on global external operating climate to identify · Anticipate global developments in order
challenges and opportunities opportunities to build global networks to position the organization for potential
· Conduct oneself in accordance with the · Prepare for interactions with global opportunities or risk management
organization’s inclusion policies and stakeholders by learning about · Synthesize inputs and analyses from
practices workplace and social etiquette in various sources to determine potential
· Monitor own behavior to identify any different countries and cultures impact of global context and trends on
non-inclusive practices · Analyze global and local perspectives business operating climate, vision, and
when evaluating information and making performance
Skills Application decisions · Lead the identification of opportunities
· Identify barriers to workplace diversity within and beyond the organization
and inclusion when operating in cross- to broaden exposure to global
cultural environments environments and trends
· Recommend refinements to existing · Lead the resolution of conflicts which
systems, processes, and policies to may occur during global collaboration or
facilitate global and cross-cultural in cross-cultural environments
cooperation · Endorse changes to existing systems,
processes, and policies that facilitate
global and cross-cultural collaboration
· Evaluate the impact of individual
and organizational actions on local
communities and the wider social,
economic, political, or environment

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 201


Learning Agility
Deploy different learning approaches that enable continuous learning across different contexts to drive self
development and the achievement of long-term career goals


ESC-SRE-B004-1 ESC-SRE-I004-1 ESC-SRE-A004-1

ESC Proficiency Description Identify opportunities and targets for Deploy various learning approaches in Establish an organizational culture of
learning to facilitate continuous career different settings to maximize opportunities continuous learning to encourage the
development for learning and self-reflection, and adoption of new learning approaches and
measure their impact on the achievement of identification of new learning opportunities
career goals

· Goal-setting techniques · Career management strategies · Best practices in learning and

· Career planning techniques · Coaching and mentoring techniques development
· Methods to gather feedback about own · Experimentation techniques · Career development strategies
performance from others · Self-directed learning techniques · Emerging learning trends, approaches,
· Questioning techniques · Self-reflection techniques and theories
· Types of feedback channels · Strategies to measure impact of learning · Methods to tailor learning approaches
Underpinning Knowledge · Types of learning preferences outcomes · Methods to overcome learning obstacles
· Types of learning modes · Types of learning and development · Purposes of learning goals
· Techniques to structure learning pathways · Strategies to evaluate learning
approaches · Techniques to apply learning outcomes effectiveness

· Collect feedback from internal and · Communicate the importance of · Champion the importance of self-
external sources on own career and knowledge sharing and feedback to reflection and development to foster a
learning development team members culture of continuous learning across the
· Identify areas of strengths and · Design personal learning and organization
development needs by internalizing development pathways which maximize · Formulate long-term career
experiences, feedback, and knowledge learning opportunities across multiple development strategies to determine
acquired contexts, modes, and content areas priority learning goals and opportunities
· Set learning goals in line with · Evaluate learning goals to determine · Define criteria to evaluate learning
development needs, interest areas, and potential opportunities for collaborative approaches for diverse development
career plans learning or exchange of knowledge and needs
· Record previous learning experiences skills with other stakeholders · Evaluate causes of learning obstacles to
in order to identify own learning · Prioritize opportunities to apply new recommend alternative approaches
preferences knowledge or skills across multiple · Lead the development and
· Review different learning modes different work areas or disciplines implementation of organizational
to identify suitable systematic · Integrate mentoring or reverse learning initiatives
learning approaches which meet own mentoring approaches to enable · Leverage organization-wide networks
development needs continuous self-reflection and feedback to establish opportunities for cross-
Skills Application · Use appropriate questioning techniques sharing organizational learning exchanges and
in different settings to acquire new skills · Identify learning opportunities which initiatives
and knowledge can support the development of team · Spearhead the integration of mentoring
· Document own progress against members approaches across the organization
learning goals · Implement different learning approaches · Devise criteria to measure learning
to test strengths and weaknesses of effectiveness and impact on work
different approaches for own learning performance and development
goals · Assess emerging learning trends,
· Analyze effectiveness and impact of approaches, and theories to recommend
learning on work performance and improvements to learning approaches
development against defined criteria and initiatives
· Measure progress against learning goals
to identify potential stretch targets or
adjustments to be made to learning

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

202 Human Capital Development


Self Management
Take ownership of managing one’s personal effectiveness, personal brand, and holistic physical, mental, emotional and
social well-being


ESC-SRE-B005-1 ESC-SRE-I005-1 ESC-SRE-A005-1

ESC Proficiency Description Exercise self-awareness by monitoring own Analyze own well-being and personal Evaluate strategies to manage own well-
behaviors and ways of working in personal effectiveness to develop strategies to being, personal effectiveness, and personal
and professional capacities, and implement regulate self and build personal brand brand
techniques for improvement

· Characteristics of personal branding · Self-reflection techniques · Emerging self management trends,

· Emotional regulation techniques · Coaching and mentoring techniques approaches, and theories
· Emotional intelligence dimensions · Methods to develop personal branding · Strategies to promote work-life balance
· Methods for gathering feedback · Productivity metrics · Strategies to evaluate well-being and
· Self-awareness concepts · Productivity tools work-life balance
· Self-care techniques · Stress management concepts · Strategies to promote personal brand
· Stress management techniques · Types of stress triggers · Strategies to evaluate stress
Underpinning Knowledge
· Time management and prioritization · Types of networking strategies management techniques
· Types of feedback channels
· Workplace and social etiquettes

· Identify goals and priorities across · Review work goals and priorities to align · Anticipate potential workload or stress
workload and plan work activities with personal vision and purpose triggers to implement mitigating actions
accordingly · Resolve barriers or issues encountered · Reflect on personal and professional
· Monitor progress against goals and while managing goals and priorities life to improve prioritization, time, and
priorities to identify time management · Integrate productivity enhancement stress management
issues tools to improve personal effectiveness · Integrate emerging trends, approaches,
· Escalate time management issues to · Analyze own personal effectiveness to and theories in self management to
stakeholders to mitigate its impact on review productivity and effectiveness of improve own personal effectiveness and
intended goals and priorities time management approaches well-being
· Implement stress management · Analyze own well-being to reflect on · Design a strategy to build own personal
techniques to maintain own well-being potential issues or improvement areas brand across organization, industry, and
Skills Application · Monitor emotional well-being and · Apply appropriate stress management networks
regulate responses to situations strategies to address triggers of stress · Evaluate own personal branding
· Implement self-care techniques to · Evaluate strengths and weaknesses to strategies to identify areas for
maintain physical and mental wellness define own personal brand improvement
· Maintain standards for personal · Identify stakeholders and networks to
and professional image in line with build own personal brand
expectations of work environment
· Follow workplace and social etiquette
when interacting with stakeholders

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 203


Creative Thinking
Adopt diverse perspectives in combining ideas or information, and making connections between different fields to
create different ideas, improvements, and solutions


ESC-TCR-B001-1 ESC-TCR-I001-1 ESC-TCR-A001-1

ESC Proficiency Description Connect ideas or information to propose Integrate multiple ideas and information Cultivate a culture of innovation and
and test ideas, improvements, and solutions from across various fields to develop creativity across the organization to
which challenge current assumptions or solutions and new ways of working which push boundaries and reshape goals and
ways of working address specific issues and deliver impact possibilities

· Process analysis techniques · Research and information collection · Strategies to create a safe space
· Types of information collection tools approaches and processes for creative exploration and
· Ideation techniques · Strategies for managing creative experimentation
· Experimentation techniques processes · Storytelling techniques
· Problem solving techniques · Techniques for developing imagination · Innovation management strategies
· Brainstorming techniques · Visualization techniques · Strategies to evaluate lateral,
· Lateral thinking techniques · Types of innovation drivers convergent, and divergent thinking
Underpinning Knowledge · Impact measurement techniques · Types of barriers to creativity techniques
· Convergent and divergent thinking · Emerging applications of innovation or
techniques creative solutions across industries
· Strategies to evaluate impact of new · Strategies to drive the continuous
ideas, improvements, or solutions improvement of the creative processes

· Employ process analysis techniques · Identify the desired outcomes of creative · Champion organization’s creativity and
to review current work processes and thinking processes innovation goals
identify potential improvement areas · Analyze improvement areas to prioritize · Foster an organizational culture that
· Collect information related to potential work areas for action encourages creative imagination,
new ideas, improvements, or solutions · Develop resource and information experimentation, and innovation
using a variety of identified tools collection approaches and processes for · Synthesize research and information
· Apply lateral thinking techniques to identified improvement areas from various sources within the
improve current ways of performing · Facilitate exercises with different organization to determine potential
work activities stakeholders to enable the generation of synergies or opportunities for
· Share inputs during brainstorming ideas and imaginative solutions organization-wide innovation initiatives
sessions to support the generation of · Integrate convergent and divergent · Evaluate the implementation of lateral,
ideas thinking techniques to develop new convergent, and divergent thinking
· Conduct experiments to test ideas, approaches, ideas, or solutions techniques to design “out-of-the-box”
improvements, or new solutions in own · Collaborate with internal and external ideas, improvements, or solutions which
work areas stakeholders to consider how ideas, push the boundaries and solve problems
· Collect information to monitor improvements, or new solutions from · Engage with internal and external
implementation of ideas, improvements, other areas can be applied to different stakeholders to communicate
Skills Application
or new solutions against impact criteria contexts compelling narratives and rationale for
· Deploy visualization techniques to implementing new ideas, improvements,
communicate proposed new ideas, or solutions
improvements, or solutions · Evaluate outcomes of design
· Design experiments to trial the experiments to recommend new ideas,
implementation of ideas, improvements, improvements, or solutions to be
or solutions implemented across the organization
· Design criteria to measure impact of new · Evaluate emerging applications of
ideas, improvements, or solutions innovations or solutions across industries
· Analyze outcomes of experiments using to determine any relevant applications
an iterative process to continuously within own organization
improve the implementation of ideas, · Establish strategies to analyze the
improvements, or new solutions effectiveness of creative processes
across the organization

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

204 Human Capital Development


Decision Making
Choose a course of action from several alternatives developed through a structured process in order to achieve
intended goals


ESC-TCR-B002-1 ESC-TCR-I002-1 ESC-TCR-A002-1

ESC Proficiency Description

Follow processes to make decisions Implement structured decision-making Define decision-making criteria, processes,
which achieve intended goals using given processes and analyze multiple sources of and strategies and evaluate their
information and guidelines information to propose solutions effectiveness

· Decision making processes · Decision evaluation and prioritization · Decision-making criteria and strategies
· Decision making tools and techniques frameworks · Decision automation tools
· Decision making styles · Stakeholder analysis techniques · Organization’s vision, objectives, and
· Decision making pitfalls and errors · Group decision making methods operating climate
· Impact measurement techniques · Risk analysis techniques · Organization communication techniques
· Ethical guidelines, standards, and · Risk mitigation strategies
Underpinning Knowledge
procedures · Regulatory frameworks and policies

· Follow decision-making processes which · Implement structured decision-making · Evaluate contexts to determine
align with organizational guidelines, processes which align with timelines critical decision-making points and
standards, and procedures and refer to multiple sources of available requirements
· Gather relevant information to support information · Define criteria to be analyzed through
ideation and decision-making processes · Analyze required information for decision-making processes
· Participate in brainstorming activities decision-making and direct the · Formulate decision making strategies
to develop solutions during decision- collection of relevant information and processes based on sources of
making processes · Facilitate decision-making processes information
· Collate information on impact within teams to design innovative · Communicate the importance of robust,
of decisions made and suggest solutions evidence-based decision-making
improvements · Assess impact and feasibility of solutions processes
to provide recommendations · Synthesize sources of information
· Analyze risk factors for proposed to prioritize solutions aligned with
solutions or outcomes of decision- organizational priorities, operational,
making processes and devise mitigation and strategic considerations
Skills Application strategies · Articulate decisions among internal
· Develop implementation plans for and external platforms to guide key
solutions or outcomes of decision- stakeholders and obtain buy-ins
making processes in adherence to · Leverage existing and emerging tools to
organizational guidelines, standards, automate decision-making processes
and procedures · Evaluate potential causes of barriers to
· Review outcomes of the decisions made making effective decisions
to determine whether goals have been · Endorse improvements to decision-
met making strategies and processes
· Calibrate the results and consequences
of the decisions made to propose
improvements to decision-making

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 205


Problem Solving
Generate effective and efficient solutions to solve problems and capitalize on new opportunities


ESC-TCR-I003-1 ESC-TCR-A003-1

ESC Proficiency Description Identify problems and implement guidelines Determine underlying causes of problems Anticipate potential problems to drive a
and procedures to solve problems and test and collaborate with other stakeholders to culture of continuous improvement which
solutions implement and evaluate solutions seeks to turn problems into opportunities
across the organization

· Problem identification techniques · Root cause analysis techniques · Organization’s vision, objectives and
· Questioning techniques · Decision evaluation and prioritization operating climate
· Types of corrective actions frameworks · Emerging problem-solving processes,
· Problem-solving processes, tools, and · Exercises for developing big picture tools and strategies
techniques thinking approaches · Types of social, political, economic,
· Experimentation techniques · Strategies to manage experimentation and cultural factors which impact
· Impact measurement techniques processes stakeholder relationships
Underpinning Knowledge
· Stakeholder analysis techniques · Conflict management strategies
· Risk analysis techniques · Risk management strategies
· Types of metrics to measure solution · Strategies to evaluate solution
effectiveness effectiveness

· Implement problem identification · Diagnose underlying causes of issues by · Define objectives of organizational
techniques to recognize issues within considering wider contexts problem-solving processes in line with
work area · Encourage behaviors and practices for organization vision, objectives, and
· Identify decisions to be made to solve team members that promote effective operating climate
problems problem solving approaches and · Synthesize emerging trends to design
· Suggest potential corrective actions to continuous improvement organizational problem-solving
solve problems · Facilitate exercises with different processes, tools, and techniques
· Conduct work area experiments to test stakeholders to develop big picture · Champion a culture of continuous
potential solutions thinking approaches to inform solution improvement across the organization
· Report any issues which occur during development · Evaluate multiple variables and contexts
solution testing to other stakeholders · Collaborate with other stakeholders to to anticipate potential problems which
· Collect information to monitor seek opinions on potential solutions may occur
implementation of potential solutions · Develop experiments to test potential · Determine appropriate stakeholders
against impact criteria solutions to be involved in problem-solving
· Determine the constraints and risks processes in the organization
Skills Application associated with potential solutions · Oversee collaboration between multiple
· Analyze outcomes of experiments to stakeholders across the organization to
recommend the most suitable solution design solutions
to a problem · Direct the resolution of any conflicts
· Engage different stakeholders to secure during problem-solving processes
buy-in for proposed solution · Evaluate the business implications of
· Review the effectiveness of the problem- implementing the proposed solutions
solving process and solution against across the organization
defined goals · Endorse solutions to be implemented
across the organization
· Establish strategies to evaluate the
effectiveness of problem-solving
processes across the organization

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

206 Human Capital Development


Sense Making
Leverage sources of qualitative and quantitative information and data to recognize patterns, spot opportunities, infer
insights, and inform decisions


ESC-TCR-B004-1 ESC-TCR-I004-1 ESC-TCR-A004-1

ESC Proficiency Description

Organize and interpret information to Analyze information and data and uncover Evaluate relationships, patterns, and trends
identify relationships and linkages patterns, opportunities, and impacts to inform actions and generate wider

· Types of information collection tools · Data analysis techniques · Extrapolation techniques

· Information organization techniques · Data analysis tools · Systems thinking theories
· Information processing techniques · Strengths and weaknesses of different · Features and limitations of different
· Techniques for identifying missing or analysis techniques information and data sources
erroneous information · Pattern recognition techniques · Organization vision, objectives, and
· Logical thinking techniques operating climate
Underpinning Knowledge
· Insight generation process and

· Filter information into classification · Assess information and data sources to · Evaluate information and data sources
structures evaluate validity and reliability to determine potential limitations which
· Implement techniques to process · Detect gaps in information and data may impact insights and conclusions
different information sources sources and develop logical assumptions · Identify external factors that influence
· Document missing or erroneous to close the gaps the immediate situation or hypothesis
information within sources · Analyze relationships and linkages to · Extrapolate information to facilitate
· Review information sources to identify identify patterns and trends projections and future-oriented analyses
relationships and linkages · Interpret analysis outcomes to determine · Synthesize disparate information,
· Suggest inferences and impact based on potential impact and opportunities analyses, or viewpoints to derive
the relationships and linkages between · Review data analysis techniques to actionable insights and conclusions
the information sources identify potential limitations which may · Formulate insights by applying various
Skills Application impact conclusions approaches to evaluate information
· Recommend improvements to data · Evaluate underlying factors affecting
analysis techniques situations to consider potential impacts
or mitigating actions
· Evaluate and implement improvements
to data analysis processes

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

Human Capital Development 207


Transdisciplinary Thinking
Apply concepts from multiple disciplines, and synthesize different areas of knowledge and insights to guide decisions,
foster cooperation, and drive continuous improvement


ESC-TCR-B005-1 ESC-TCR-I005-1 ESC-TCR-A005-1

ESC Proficiency Description Explore concepts from outside one’s field of Identify opportunities for transdisciplinary Endorse collaboration and the integration
expertise to supplement one’s knowledge, collaboration and knowledge transfer to of knowledge across disciplines to make
proficiency, and work practices facilitate the integration of knowledge from decisions and solve problems within and
different disciplines outside the organization

· Research techniques · Research and information collection · Organization’s vision, objectives, and
· Types of information collection tools methodologies operating climate
· Verbal and non-verbal communication · Pattern recognition techniques · Types of organization structures
techniques · Strategies for developing big picture · Emerging research and information
· Types of communication channels and thinking approaches collection methodologies
tools · Decision evaluation and prioritization · Knowledge transfer systems and
· Modes of collaboration frameworks mechanisms
· Knowledge sharing methods and tools · Stakeholder analysis techniques · Information filtering methods
· Decision-making processes · Interpersonal communication techniques · Context framing techniques
Underpinning Knowledge · Problem-solving techniques · Strategies to influence diverse
· Self-assessment concepts stakeholders
· Diversity dimensions and preferences · Stakeholder management strategies
· Workplace and social etiquettes · Types of social, political, economic,
and cultural factors which impact
collaboration across disciplines
· Conflict management strategies

· Identify areas and methods to · Establish connections, patterns, and · Establish systems and mechanisms to
supplement knowledge outside one’s synergies between information gathered facilitate effective knowledge transfer
field of expertise or work area from diverse sources of information across disciplines
· Explore perspectives from diverse · Integrate knowledge from different · Establish opportunities within the
sources of information disciplines to develop effective solutions organization for co-workers from
· Exchange information using identified · Explore opportunities to leverage new different disciplines to collaborate
knowledge sharing methods and tools sources of information or collaborations · Lead the development of strategic
· Perform work activities in collaboration in new ways transdisciplinary partnerships across and
with other co-workers from different · Analyze other areas in the organization beyond the organization
disciplines to meet shared goals to identify potential collaboration · Determine interdependencies between
· Review own work performance opportunities different disciplines when making
to identify potential areas where · Integrate inputs from stakeholders decisions that impact the organization
knowledge from other disciplines may across other disciplines to recommend · Synthesize information extracted from
deliver improvements, address gaps, decisions and prioritization approaches different disciplines to develop new
and/or value add · Evaluate the effectiveness and impact of insights
Skills Application
· Seek guidance from and consult current transdisciplinary collaboration · Endorse solutions that impact different
co-workers who have knowledge in a and knowledge transfer interventions disciplines in the organization and
particular work area · Recommend changes to work processes address organization-wide problems
that restrict knowledge transfer and · Oversee the removal of any barriers to
transdisciplinary collaboration transdisciplinary collaboration across
the organization
· Evaluate emerging research and
information collection methodologies
and recommend updates to
organization’s knowledge transfer
and transdisciplinary collaboration

The information contained in this document serves as a guide.

208 Human Capital Development


Definition of Terms

Arbitration A procedure in which a dispute is submitted, to one or more World Intellectual

arbitrators who make a binding decision on the dispute. In Property Office
choosing arbitration, the parties opt for a private dispute
resolution procedure instead of going to court

Attrition The departure of employees from the organization for any reason
(voluntary or involuntary), including resignation, termination,
death, or retirement.

Coaching Helping the individual find their answers and unlock their own
potential. Coaching involves the belief that the individual has the
answers to their own problems within them. The coach is not the
subject expert, but rather is focused on the individual and what is
inside their head

Collective Bargaining The negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment by Oxford Languages
an organized body of employees

Collective Bargaining The agreement reached after the conclusion of the Collective Oxford Languages
Agreements bargaining negotiation.

Conciliation The act of mediating between two disputing people or groups Oxford Languages

Data Mining The practice of analyzing large databases in order to generate Oxford Languages
new information

Data Modeling The process of creating a visual representation of either a whole IBM
information system or parts of it to commnicate connections
between data points and structures

Diversity, Equity, Diversity is a term that describes the representatives of a Harvard University Center
Inclusion and collective or group and exists in relationship to members of the on the Developing Child
Belonging (DEIB) group. Diversity is not an individual characteristic.

Equity is concerned with the fairness of an organization’s practice

and policies. It is not an outcome but a process focused on
continuous attunement to ensuring equal access to opportunities
for growth, development, and promotion

Inclusion refers to a person’s experience and sense of belonging

and value in the workplace. Like diversity, inclusion is an outcome
that reflects whether the culture and climate of an organization is
welcoming, trustworthy, and respectful

Employee Council A method of governance by workers of themselves through Participedia

elected delegates.

Employee Exit An employee departing from the organization

Employee Life-Cycle An HR model that identifies the different stages a worker
advances through in an organization in, as well as the role HR
plays in optimizing that progress

Human Capital Development 209



Employee or Talent The methodically organized, strategic process of getting the right
Engagement talent onboard and helping them grow to their fullest potential.

Employee Value The promise an organization makes as an employer to its employees Academy to Innovate HR
Proposition in return for their commitment. The promise entails the sum of all the
benefits and rewards employees receive from the organization they
work for. It is the core of an organization’s Employer brand and should
characterize the substance of the organization and why it is unique.

Employer of Choice An employer that offers a fantastic work culture and workplace thebalance
environment that attracts and retains superior employees

Ergonomic Relating to or designed for efficiency and comfort in the working Oxford Languages

Exit Interview An interview held with an employee about to leave an organization, Oxford Languages
typically in order to discuss the employee’s reasons for leaving and
their experience of working for the organization

Focus Group A form of qualitative research where questions are asked about
Discussion perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, opinions and ideas. It involves
gathering a group of people from similar backgrounds or
experiences together to discuss a specific topic of interest

Grievance An employee grievance is a concern, problem, or complaint that an

employee has about their work, the workplace, or someone they
work with, including management.

Hybrid Work A flexible working model where employees work partly in the physical
workplace, and partly remotely —at home or from another workspace.

Industrial Peace A state in industrial relations in which both employers and employees
abstain from industrial action, such as strikes and lockouts.

Involuntary Exit When the company initiates a termination, the separation of the
employee is considered involuntary. Involuntary termination may
occur for a variety of reasons, including with cause (i.e., employee
malfeasance) or without cause (i.e., as part of a layoff).

Labor Federation A large organization representing workers, consisting of many

smaller labor unions.

Mediation Intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it Oxford Languages

Mentoring The act or process of helping and giving advice to a younger
or less experienced person, especially in a job.

Net Promoter Score An index ranging from -100 to 100 that measures the willingness of
employees or customers to recommend a company or a company’s
products or services to others

Off-boarding Off-boarding is the process that leads to the formal separation
between an employee and a company. It encompasses all the
decisions and processes that take place when an employee leaves.

210 Human Capital Development



On-boarding On-boarding refers to the processes in which new hires are Harvard University
integrated into the organization. It includes activities that allow Center on the Developing
new employees to complete an initial new-hire orientation Child
process, as well as learn about the organization and its structure,
culture, vision, mission, and values.

Onsite Work Work where you need to be at the office to fulfill your daily duties.

People Agenda The people-related matters that the organization considers to be Cambridge Dictionary
important and wants to achieve or solve, including the reasons
they want to do some things.

People Centricity Thinking about and focusing on how people want to work and
what inspires and motivates them to work.

Predictive Analytics The use of statistics and modeling techniques to determine future
performance based on current and historical data

Re-employment Employing again a previously separated or retired employee.

It usually involves a finite contractual arrangement.

Remote Work Also known as Work from Home (WFH) or Work off-base (WOB)
or Telecommuting, is a type of flexible working arrangement that
allows an employee to work from remote location(s) outside of
corporate offices.

Talent Usually refers to define high-performing and high-potential

employees. However, the exact meaning of talent in the business
setting varies according to context and point of reference

Talent Pipeline A group or “pool” of qualified job candidates your company
may want to hire into existing or future positions.

Talent Strategy The plan of action that structures how a company hires, retains,
and develops their current and future employees

Total Rewards A system that translates an organization’s mission, vision, goals,
Philosophy and strategy into a usable framework, guiding the design and
decision making around how a company can attract, retain and
reward its employees

Trade Union An organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, Oxford Languages
or profession, formed oto protect futher their rights and interests;
also a labor union.

Voluntary Exit An employee’s decision to leave a job on their own accord.

Workflow The sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes Oxford Languages

through which a piece of work passes from initiation to

Workforce The people engaged in or available for work in a particular Oxford Languages
company or industry.

Human Capital Development 211



Level Required to support work as described Degree of decision-making and Degree Degree of supervision and accountability
Elements under Responsibility, Autonomy and of difficulty of situations and tasks

Knowledge and skills that are manual or Applied in activities that are set in In conditions where there is very close
concrete or practical and/or operational a limited range of highly familiar support, guidance, or supervision,
in focus and predictable contexts; involve minimum judgment or
1 straightforward, routine issues which discretion is needed
are addressed by following set rules,
guidelines, or procedures

Knowledge and skills that are manual, Applied in activities that are set in a In conditions where there is substantial
practical and/or operational in focus with range of familiar predictable context; support, guidance, or supervision, limited
a variety of options involve routine issues which are judgment or discretion is needed
2 identified and addressed by selecting
from and following a number of set rules,
guidelines or procedures

Knowledge and skill that are a balance Applied in activities that are set in Application at this level may involve
theoretical and/or technical and contexts with some unfamiliar or individual responsibility or autonomy,
practical. Work involves understanding unpredictable aspects; involve routine and/or may involve some responsibility
3 the work process, contributing to and non-routine issues are identified for others. Participation in teams
problem solving, and making decisions to and addressed by interpreting and/ including team or group coordination
determine the process, equipment, and or applying established guidelines, or may be involved
materials to be used procedures with some variations

Knowledge and skill that are mainly Applied in activities that are set in Work involve some leadership and
theoretical and/or abstract with a range of contexts, most of which guidance when organizing activities of
significant depth in one or more areas; involve a number of unfamiliar and/or self and others
contributing to technical solutions of unpredictable aspects; involve largely
4 a non-routine or contingency nature; non-routine issues which are addressed
evaluation and analysis of current using guidelines or procedures which
practices and the development of new require interpretation and/or adaptation
criteria and procedures

Knowledge and skill that are mainly Applied in activities that are supervisory, In conditions where there is broad
theoretical and/or abstract with complex, and nonroutine which require guidance and direction, where judgment
significant depth in some areas together an extensive interpretation and/or is required in planning and selecting
with wide-ranging, specialized, technical, adaptation/innovation appropriate equipment, services, and
creative, and conceptual skills. Perform techniques for self and other. Undertake
work activities demonstrating breadth, work involving participation in the
5 depth and complexity in the planning development of strategic initiatives,
and initiation of alternative approaches as well as personal responsibility and
to skill and knowledge applications autonomy in performing complex
across a broad range of technical and/or technical operations or organizing others
management requirements, evaluation,
and coordination

Demonstrated advanced knowledge and Applied in professional/creative work or High substantial degree of independence
skills in a specialized or multidisciplinary research that requires self-direction and/ that involves exercise of leadership and
6 field of study for professional practice, or leadership in a specialized or multi- initiativeindividual work or in teams of
self-directed research, and/or lifelong disciplinary professional work/research multi-disciplinary field

212 Human Capital Development


Fishstone Solutions
Partner and Senior Consultant

Working with this project and with my fellow Contextualizers is an enriching

experience. We spent months going through dozens of documents and researches,
endless discussions, and revisions to come up with a contextualized Philippine Skills
Framework – Human Capital Development.

I appreciate the significant input of all the Validators during the validation period and the Betty Ann C. Tan
endless support of our Singaporean counterparts and our Project Manager and Scribes in
bringing the framework to life.

Wunderman Thompson Philippines

Human Resource Manager

Working as a validator for the PSF-HCD project was a tough but fulfilling
experience. Collectively, our experiences as People Managers and HR experts
were woven together by some notable people in the industry in order to form
a uniquely Filipno point of view (POV) on what our practice is and should
be. What was particularly interesting was how diverse and complimentary our
skillsets were — there was no singular POV that was focused on —which allowed
for what I believe is a truly rich conversation. I enjoin anyone to view this project with
Franz Magallanes as much excitement as we did, knowing that the experts that worked on this are and
continue to be at the forefront of People Management.

Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Company

Retired Chief Finance Officer, Chief Risk Officer,
Vice President and Treasurer
It was a very enriching experience to participate as Validator for the
Philippine Skills Framework - Human Capital Development initiative. My
warmest congratulations to the DTI-PTTC, its partners and the very competent
project team for the highly robust process established for the conceptualization
and validation of HR skills and competencies in the Philippine context. I am very
Jose Jerome Pascual
grateful for the opportunity to contribute. This is a landmark project that will enable
Philippine businesses — regardless of size or industry — to jumpstart or accelerate
the transformation of their HR functions into world class organizations.

Human Capital Development 213


Human Resources Consultant

It was a pleasure and an honor to work with a group of professionals who

were so focused on the task at hand - the contextualizers and validators alike.
The discussions were focused and serious yet they were fun and congenial.
The support of our consultants from Singapore was of great value to the whole
process. Kudos Everyone! Scribes in bringing the framework to life.

Chi Chi Marbella

Human Resources and Organization Development Consultant

I feel grateful and honored to have been part of the Philippine Skills Framework
- Human Capital Project as a validator. It was a pleasure to discuss ideas,
share thoughts and insights, and learn from very passionate people in the field
of human capital development. It was a great honor to be in the company of
practitioners, professionals, professors and experts in crafting the Philippine Skills
Framework which I hope will help people and greatly impact the future of human
capital development in the Philippines.
Oliver Pangan

214 Human Capital Development


Overview of Functional Skills

and Competencies (FSC)


Identify, analyze and

evaluate the elements and
its relationships among
systems’ parts, with the use of
Analytical Systems PHC-ATH- PHC-ATH- PHC-ATH-
simulation tools and systems
Thinking Thinking 3001-1.1 4001-1.1 5001-1.1
thinking techniques and
frameworks to understand
situations and drive change for

Identify crisis response and

recovery activities as well as
Business implement the recovery and
Crisis Situations PHC-BCM- PHC-BCM- PHC-BCM- PHC-BCM-
Continuity business continuity strategies
Management 3001-1.1 4001-1.1 5001-1.1 6001-1.1
Management to minimize the impact of
disruptive events to the

Develop negotiation
strategies and ideas to
Communication facilitate agreement or secure PHC-COM- PHC-COM- PHC-COM-
MaCommunication Negotiation
optimal resolution of people 3001-1.1 4001-1.1 5001-1.1
issues among two or more

Develop digital outreach plans

and marketing collaterals to PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT-
Marketing and
communicate and enhance the 3001-1.1 4001-1.1 5001-1.1
organization’s employer brand

Develop employer brand

proposition and strategies
Employer in alignment with the PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT-
Branding organization’s long-term 4002-1.1 5002-1.1 6002-1.1
strategic objectives and desired

Establish broad external

networks to enhance the
Industry organisation’s value proposition PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT-
Networking and access to a community 3003-1.1 4003-1.1 5003-1.1 6003-1.1
of professionals and potential
Attraction Define and evaluate job
Job Analysis requirements and expectations PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT-
and Evaluation against specific metrics, 2004-1.1 3004-1.1 4004-1.1
structures or systems

Facilitate onboarding
programmes to enable the PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT-
integration and engagement of 2005-1.1 3005-1.1 4005-1.1 5005-1.1
new hires into the organization

Evaluate recruitment methods

to establish the most effective PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT- PHC-EAT-
channels in sourcing, selecting 3006-1.1 4006-1.1 5006-1.1
and securing candidates

Facilitate the development and

implementation of selection
strategies and processes to
Management 2007-1.1 3007-1.1 4007-1.1 5007-1.1
recruit suitable candidates for
the organization

Human Capital Development 215



Establish and implement

Involuntary Exit frameworks, guidelines, policies PHC-ESE- PHC-ESE- PHC-ESE- PHC-ESE-
Management and processes to manage 2001-1.1 3001-1.1 4001-1.1 5001-1.1
involuntary exits

Separation Retirement and Manage departures, retention
Communication PHC-ESE- PHC-ESE- PHC-ESE-
MaCommunication Re-employment and re-employment of
3002-1.1 4002-1.1 5002-1.1
Employee Management employees at retirement age

Manage departures, retention

and re-employment of
Management 2003-1.1 3003-1.1 4003-1.1 5003-1.1
employees at retirement age

Collect HR data from employees

Data Collection PHC-GHR- PHC-GHR- PHC-GHR-
for the purpose of generating
and Preparation 2001-1.1 3001-1.1 4001-1.1
business and HR insights

Establish standards and

Data practices on data governing PHC-GHR- PHC-GHR-
Governance and review level of compliance 4002-1.1 5002-1.1
with them

Prepare, structure and manage

Data HR data and information PHC-GHR- PHC-GHR- PHC-GHR-
Management to assist in the analyses of 2003-1.1 3003-1.1 4003-1.1
business and HR issues

Deliver HR advisory and

Human PHC-GHR-
consultancy services to internal PHC-GHR- PHC-GHR-
Resource 4004-1.1
and external clients to meet 5004-1.1 6004-1.1
Advisory their requirements

Human Deploy statistical and analytical

techniques and tools to
generate HR-related insights
Analytics and 2005-1.1 3005-1.1 4005-1.1 5005-1.1
and projections to support the
Insights business

General HR Innovate HR processes and

Management practices through digitalization PHC-GHR- PHC-GHR- PHC-GHR-
by evaluating its impact on the 4006-1.1 5006-1.1 6006-1.1
Digitalization delivery of HR services

Human Develop and implement

HR service management
frameworks, incorporating
Service Quality 4007-1.1 5007-1.1 6007-1.1
service quality standards,
Management agreements and metrics

Establish and manage effective
and efficient HR management
Systems 2008-1.1 3008-1.1 4008-1.1 5008-1.1
Plan and manage all aspects of
a project, including allocation of
Project people resources, budget and PHC-GHR-3 PHC-GHR- PHC-GHR- PHC-GHR-
Management time management, stakeholder 009-1.1 4009-1.1 5009-1.1 6009-1.1
engagement and problem

Drive the adoption,

integration and
Skills implementation of Skills
Framework Frameworks and their
2010-1.1 3010-1.1 4010-1.1 5010-1.1 6010-1.1
Adoption components in business and
HR activities throughout the

216 Human Capital Development



Manage stakeholder
expectations and relationships
through effective
communication, negotiation
and 2011-1.1 3011-1.1 4011-1.1 5011-1.1 6011-1.1
and alignment of their needs
General HR with the organisation’s or HR’s
Management objectives

Integrate new and emerging

technology products, services
and developments to enhance
Integration 3012-1.1 4012-1.1 5012-1.1 6012-1.1
HR operations and service

Integrate business priorities,

perspectives and desired
Business outcomes with HR decisions, PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP-
Acumen operations and activities to 3001-1.1 4001-1.1 5001-1.1 6001-1.1
drive HR initiatives from a
business angle

Exercise financial insight to

establish budgets for HR
activities and monitor HR
Acumen 3002-1.1 4002-1.1 5002-1.1
operations and outcomes
against financial plans

Human Develop and review HR policies

Resource and procedures against
Policies and organisational needs, and PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP-
Legislation in compliance to legislative, 3003-1.1 4003-1.1 5003-1.1 6003-1.1
Framework ethical and regulatory
Management standards

Human Implement of HR practices

Resource by integrating local and PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP-
Practices international requirements, 2004-1.1 3004-1.1 4004-1.1 5004-1.1
Implementation guidelines and best practices

Human Establish HR strategies and

HR Planning Resource priorities that are aligned with PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP-
Strategy current and future business 4005-1.1 5005-1.1 6005-1.1
Formulation needs

Analyse the effectiveness of

Operational HR operations, programmes PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP-
Excellence and initiatives, and recommend 3006-1.1 4006-1.1 5006-1.1
improvement actions

Establish change management

strategies and policies to plan
and facilitate the transition of
Organizational employees, resources, business
Change processes and operations to a
3007-1.1 4007-1.1 5007-1.1 6007-1.1
Management desired end state in a manner
that is seamless, sustainable
and aligned with business

Facilitate the development

Organizational of the desired organizational
Culture culture in alignment with
4008-1.1 5008-1.1 6008-1.1
Development the organization’s brand and
business imperatives

Human Capital Development 217



Develop and facilitate

the implementation of
Organizational organizational design to PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP-
Design ensure its effectiveness and 4009-1.1 5009-1.1 6009-1.1
alignment with stakeholders’
Analyse organisational state
and climate to diagnose
Organizational PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP-
issues and identify ways
Diagnosis 4010-1.1 5010-1.1 6010-1.1
to optimise organization
Influence the
Organizational organization’s business
Strategy strategies from the
4011-1.1 5011-1.1 6011-1.1
Development perspective of HR and
HR Planning
workforce capability
Develop and implement
risk management plans to
support the continuity of
Management 4012-1.1 5012-1.1 6012-1.1
business operations and
Develop workforce strategies
and plans to determine the PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP-
manpower and capabilities 4013-1.1 5013-1.1 6013-1.1
needed for the future

Plan and manage the

Workplace work spaces to encourage PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP- PHC-HRP-
Optimization collaboration and build 3014-1.1 4014-1.1 5014-1.1
organization culture

Develop and deploy a

process of organizing,
creating, using, and sharing
Management 1001-1.1 2001-1.1 3001-1.1 4001-1.1 5001-1.1 6001-1.1
collective knowledge within
the organization.
Innovation Develop and implement
process improvement plans,
System and
communicate goals and PHC-INN- PHC-INN-3 PHC-INN- PHC-INN- PHC-INN-
Work Process
changes to employees, 2002-1.1 002-1.1 4002-1.1 5002-1.1 6002-1.1
and evaluate the impact of
process improvements

Develop and implement

Coaching and coaching and mentoring PHC-LDE- PHC-LDE-
Mentoring approaches to address 3001-1.1 4001-1.1

Learning learner developmental needs

Assess group profile and
dynamics to inform learning PHC-LDE- PHC-LDE-
facilitation and group 4002-1.1 5002-1.1
interaction approaches

Provide career coaching

programmes to develop
Coaching 3001-1.1 4001-1.1 5001-1.1

Establish career frameworks
to provide pathways to
facilitate employees’ PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE-
career development and 3002-1.1 4002-1.1 5002-1.1
progression within the

218 Human Capital Development



Design and develop

competency frameworks
within organisation, ensuring
that HR programmes PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE-
are aligned to support 3003-1.1 4003-1.1 5003-1.1
their application across
organization levels and
Develop and implement
Contingent organizational strategies
Workforce and plans to manage
4004-1.1 5004-1.1 6004-1.1
Management contingent workforce
Establish policies to
facilitate employee
movements according to PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE-
legal, organizational and 2005-1.1 3005-1.1 4005-1.1 5005-1.1
professional requirements
and guidelines
Build a culture of strong
leadership and drive
Leadership initiatives to facilitate PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE-
Development the development of 4006-1.1 5006-1.1 6006-1.1
leadership capabilities in the
Establish and implement
Learning and
learning and development
programmes and channels to
Programme 2007-1.1 3007-1.1 4007-1.1 5007-1.1
facilitate employees’ growth
and capability building
Workforce Drive a learning and
Development Learning and development culture with
Development strategies to build the
4008-1.1 5008-1.1 6008-1.1
Strategy organization’s workforce
Analyse capability and
Learning Needs performance gaps within PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE-
Analysis an organization to identify 3009-1.1 4009-1.1
learning needs
Establish organization-wide
performance management
strategies to facilitate
Performance performance management, PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE-
Management including identification of 2010-1.1 3010-1.1 4010-1.1 5010-1.1
key performance indicators
and employee performance
Develop succession
strategies for critical
roles in alignment with
Management 3011-1.1 4011-1.1 5011-1.1
organization’s strategic
direction and priorities
Develop talent assessment
processes with assessment PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE-
tools to evaluate employees’ 3012-1.1 4012-1.1 5012-1.1
Drive talent management
strategies and programs to
Talent identify, develop, review PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE- PHC-WDE-
Management and retain talent to meet 4013-1.1 5013-1.1 6013-1.1
the current and future
organizational needs

Human Capital Development 219



Manage the implementation,

review and administration of
Management 2001-1.1 3001-1.1 4001-1.1 5001-1.1
benefits to employees

Manage the implementation,

review and administration of
Management 2002-1.1 3002-1.1 4002-1.1 5002-1.1
benefits to employees

Manage the conduct

and behavior of the
Conduct and
employees according to PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN-
the organization’s code of 3003-1.1 4003-1.1 5003-1.1
conduct, values, ethics and
disciplinary procedures
Build consensus, maintain
the best interests of the
organization and apply
conflict management
Management 2004-1.1 3004-1.1 4004-1.1 5004-1.1 6004-1.1
techniques to diffuse
tensions and achieve
resolutions effectively
Develop strategies and
programs to create a
workplace characterized by
DEIB. This would include
Diversity in employing
people with different
Equity, Inclusion
identities; Equity in ensuring PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN-
and Belonging
fair treatment, access, and 3005-1.1 4005-1.1 5005-1.1
advancement for all people;
Workforce Inclusion in creating a culture
Engagement where everyone can actively
participate; and Belonging to
safeguard each individual's
sense of acceptance.
Formulate overall employee
communication strategies
Employee and facilitate conversations
Communication to ensure effective and
2006-1.1 3006-1.1 4006-1.1
Management timely dissemination of
pertinent information to
Drive employee engagement
Employee programmes to facilitate
Engagement commitment from employees
2007-1.1 3007-1.1 4007-1.1 5007-1.1 6007-1.1
Management to organizational values,
vision and objectives

Strengthen employee
relationships and facilitate PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN-
resolutions to conflicts and 3008-1.1 4008-1.1 5008-1.1

Manage the design and

implementation of executive PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN-
remuneration for executives 4009-1.1 5009-1.1 6009-1.1
of the organization

Develop and implement

Health and
employee health and
wellness programmes to
Program 3010-1.1 4010-1.1 5010-1.1
promote a healthy and
productive workforce

220 Human Capital Development



Manage labor relations

to support, enhance
Labor Relations and strengthen the PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN-
Management relationships amongst 3011-1.1 4011-1.1 5011-1.1
trade unions, work councils
and employee forums
Plan and manage the PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN-
Organizational execution of organization- 2012-1.1 3012-1.1 4012-1.1
Event wide and external events,
Management including pre- and post-
event activities
Establish organization-wide PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN- PHC-WEN-
total rewards philosophy, 4013-1.1 5013-1.1 6013-1.1
Total Rewards
strategies and mechanisms
for various employee groups
to incentivise the desired

Human Capital Development 221


Technical Guide on Using

the Philippine Skills Framework
The Philippine Skills Framework (PSF) is a comprehensive and adaptive system that provides very robust-industry
validated guides for human resource practitioners and educators to develop in-house or public competency
development programs.

This technical guide provides a brief on how to use the PSF-HCD to establish performance requirements by human
resource practitioners. It also gives educators a handle on how to use the PSF to develop curriculum outlines for
subsequent development of training programs. More information will be provided through industry engagement sessions.

Part 1
Establish Performance Requirements for Job Roles

How can a human resource practitioner utilize the Philippine Skills Framework for hiring, training,
and developing performance requirements and identifying skills gaps?

In an ever-changing and fast-paced economy, establishing performance requirements, abilities, and skills for job
roles is essential. Utilizing the PSF will help an organization have a systematic process that can be used to identify
candidates or applicants and match their abilities to job requirements to demonstrate their fit for the job. Moreover,
by using the PSF, one can build a robust talent selection foundation wherein your organization can reap benefits
that will drive organizational success. On the other hand, organizing proper training and development sessions for
employees must also be done for them to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, and become better leaders to
ensure relevance of skills currently needed by the industry and for the future economy.

Determining Performance Requirement and Skills for Job Roles

Identify Identify
Critical work functions and key tasks of job role Functional and enabling skills and competencies
of a given organization context required to address given critical work functions
and related key tasks

222 Human Capital Development


It is important to be able to identify critical work functions and key tasks of a given job role of specific organizational
context. After, it is then essential to identify the Functional Skills and Competencies (FSC) and Enabling Skills and
Competencies (ESC) required to address given critical work functions and related key tasks.

Step 1: Gather Critical Job Information for Defining Job Roles

Skills Map Overview of ESCs

1 2 3
Establish Targeted Determine Performance Identify Abilities and
Job for Review Requirements for Skills Required to
Job Role Support Performance

Career Map FSC Reference

To be able to gather critical job information for defining job roles, you first need to review how to establish targeted
jobs by means of identifying what job roles are needed in a certain organization. Knowing the actual employments
needs ensures a positive outcome that can help an employer find a suitable candidate, and reach short-term and
long-term company goals.

This analysis process can be supported with the use of the Career Map, which forms the first important document of the PSF.

Human Capital Development 223


The Career Map provides various information: industry sector, sub-sectors or tracks, job grades; and the job roles
themselves. In this case, the industry is the People (Human Capital). The seven sub-sectors that are depicted as seven
verticals are HR Business Partner; Labor Relations; HR Operations & Technology; Performance & Rewards; Talent
Attraction & Talent Management; Employee Engagement & Experience; and Learning & Organization Development. The
horizontal bands represent the job grades or occupations. From top to bottom, they represent 1) Management; 2) Head;
3) Manager; 4) Specialist; 5) Associate job or occupational grades. Within the Career Map are the different job roles and
their equivalents within the various tracks. The arrows show how someone can move between the job roles (horizontal
mobility) and vertical arrows show vertical progression.

Step 2: Gather Critical Job Information for Determining the Job Performance Requirement

Skills Map Overview of ESCs

1 2 3
Establish Targeted Determine Performance Identify Abilities and
Job for Review Requirements for Skills Required to
Job Role Support Performance

Career Map FSC Reference

As an employer, you need to profoundly evaluate the skills and performance abilities of the person you are planning to
hire. His/Her skills and experiences must be aligned to the job role needed. Determining the performance requirements
for a job role are helpful because they provide a clear understanding of what the duties and responsibilities for a
particular position are. This is helpful not just for applicants interested in the role, but also for management to better
determine the actions needed to achieve organizational goals.

Determining Performance Requirements

The Skills Map, which corresponds to each ‘box’ of the Career Map, provides the tool and guide to determine
performance requirements. It consists of the job role, the job description, critical work functions, and key tasks
required of that specific job role. The key tasks are specific actions that make up the critical work functions. Each key
task will need specific Functional Skills and Competencies (FSCs) to perform the task well, as well as Enabling Skills
and Competencies (ESCs) to address the more interpersonal and personal management situations. The skills and
competencies have different proficiency levels, which also correspond to job levels.

224 Human Capital Development


e.g. Associate, Learning & Organization Development

Review the description of the

Critical Work Functions and Key
Tasks / Required Knowledge to
describe desired job performance

Using the skills map as a guide and by looking at the job role, one will be able to identify the position needed; aligning
with the job role description provided, these can become useful communication tools to tell employees exactly what
tasks you expect them to perform. Hiring managers, can use the job description and contextualize it for their own
organization’s job requirements. The critical work functions and appropriate key tasks can be adapted for use in job
advertisements as well.

Human Capital Development 225


Select relevant Critical Work Functions and Key Tasks / Required Knowledge from the Skills Map for inclusion in the
job requirement determination template below.

Job Requirement for Associate, Learning & Organization Development

Critical Work
Key Task Requirement/ Abilities and Skills Required
Functions (CWF)

Collate data from

e.g. Study People line managers Must reference
learning needs about current from the SOPs
competencies of
their employees.

Based on the relevant Critical Work Functions and Key Tasks, one can indicate the specific organizational performance
requirements or expectations. Appropriate or relevant functional and enabling skills and competencies can then be
selected from the list of FSCs and ESCs.

226 Human Capital Development


Step 3: Gather Critical Job Information for Specifying the Skills and Competency Requirement

Skills Map Overview of ESCs

1 2 3
Establish Targeted Determine Performance Identify Abilities and
Job for Review Requirements for Skills Required to
Job Role Support Performance

Career Map FSC Reference

One needs to review the skills and competencies (FSCs and ESCs) to identify what is required to support the job
performance where the level of technical skills and competencies are also specified. Functional Skills and Competencies
(FSCs) are more technical in nature while Enabling Skills and Competencies (ESCs) are usually the core, critical,
essential, or soft skills, or what we call as Skills to Build Skills.

Identifying Skills and Competencies to Support Performance Requirement

Select relevant FSCs and ESCs from the Skills Map to support specific Key Task in the job requirement determination
template below.

Associate, Learning & Organization Development

Critical Work Performance

Function (CWF) Key Task Requirement/ Abilities and Skills Required

Collate data from
Data Collection and Preparation
line managers
e.g. Study People Must reference from (Level 2)
about current
learning needs competencies of the SOPs
their employees.
Communication (Basic)

Upon completion of the three steps, you would have successfully developed a well-defined and well-scoped job
requirement for a specific job role in your organization. This job requirement document can then be used for preparing
the job advertisement, preparing the selection process, and even for hiring purposes (e.g. preparing the employment
agreement). It can also be used by educators to develop industry- or company-specific training programs based on the

Human Capital Development 227


Part 2
Develop a Program or Curriculum Outline from Skills Framework

The Philippine Skills Framework (PSF) is also especially useful for the academe to develop curricula and/or
realign existing curricula to industry requirements. The current best-practices of academe in developing industry-
relevant curricula are tedious–they usually involve a faculty team having to first develop the curricula based on
internal academic syllabus and teams, and then convening an industry panel to validate the curricula. The latter
process is very cumbersome, as many faculties do not have good industry connections. Even so, if every faculty
and academe were able to reach out to the industries, there might be engagement-fatigue experienced by the
industry stakeholders, and consequent hesitance, if not resistance. The PSF is designed to provide the industry
skills language academe can use to develop industry-aligned curricula, as the PSF directly communicates what the
industries are looking for. This significantly reduces time needed to develop industry-relevant curricula.

How can Academe Develop a Curriculum Outline Using PSF

a simple curriculum outline using the PSF reference documents

You can create a simple curriculum outline, and develop an expanded curriculum using the Philippine Skills Framework
as reference.

What is a curriculum?
It is necessary to first understand what a curriculum is. These are a collection of some of the more familiar definitions:

…refers to all the planned

… is a structured series of learning opportunities offered …is conceived of as a series
intended learning outcomes. to learners of planned events
Curriculum prescribes by the educational institution that are intended to have
(or at least anticipates) and the experiences learning educational consequences for
the results of instruction. encounter when the curriculum one or more students.
is implemented.
– Johnson, 1967 – Eisner, 2002
– Print, 1993

228 Human Capital Development


What is curriculum?


Target Learner Curriculum Graduate


Basically, a curriculum is the combination of instructional practices, learning experiences, and students' performance
assessment designed to bring out and evaluate the target learning outcomes of a particular course. It is essential to
both teacher and student because it serves as the fundamental guide of the teacher to be able to teach and make his/
her target learners graduate with sufficient knowledge and skills that they can use in the future.

What is Instructional Design?

Instructional design is the creation of learning experiences and materials in a manner that results in the acquisition and
application of knowledge and skills. These materials include the facilitator's guide or the lesson plans, activity sheets,
learner’s guide, and even slides, props, and learning aids for the delivery of the lesson. On the other hand, activity
sheets and assessment plans are used for assessment. These basic materials are essentially needed to develop content,
experiences, and other solutions to support the acquisition of new knowledge or skills.

Facilitator’s Guide (incl. Lesson Plan)

Activity Sheets
Materials for Materials for
Assessment Plan
A Assessment
Activity Sheets

Slides, Props and Learning Aids Assessment Plan


Target Learner Curriculum Graduate


Human Capital Development 229


Using ADDIE with PSF On Curriculum Design

A NALYSIS ADDIE is a holistic impact-oriented methodology that can be implemented

with the PSF. In the ADDIE model, the analysis phase looks at analyzing the
needs of learners based on the knowledge and skills required for the task or
D ESIGN function to be done, as well as the profile of the learner. This will be followed
by design of the curriculum, which focuses on the pedagogy to transmit
D EVELOPMENT contents. The development phase refers to organizing and developing
courseware, which can then be implemented or delivered. Evaluation is the
I post-training phase which serves to gauge the output of the training. ADDIE
is an acronym for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and

PSF Documents Can Be Used During the Analysis Phase

Step 1: Gather Critical Job or Content Information for Curriculum Development

Skills Map Overview of ESCs

1 2 3
Establish Targeted Determine Performance Identify Abilities and
Job for Review Requirements for Skills Required to
Job Role Support Performance

Career Map FSC Reference

The PSF documents can be used during the Analysis Phase of ADDIE to gather critical job information for curriculum
development. These documents provide curriculum designers with industry-relevant skills information. Similar to
how a human resource practitioner would use the Career Map and Skills Map to gather information of a specific job
role, a curriculum developer can make use of these documents to gather macro-perspectives of the job requirements
and decide how the entry and exit (graduate) requirements should look like. This is known as the learner profile and
graduate profile, respectively. The curriculum is expected to improve or enhance the profile of the learner.

230 Human Capital Development


Step 2: Decide What the Learner Will Become / Be Able to Perform as a Result of
Completing the Curriculum

FSC and ESC references

determine curriculum content and modules of learning

Target Learner Curriculum Graduate

Skills Map and FSC references

Develop graduate profile + determine level of learning to be attained (qualification level)

Having determined the graduate profile of the learner, the FSC and ESC references can then be used to provide the vital
link between the industry and the academe. Curricula that meet the industry requirements will equip the graduates
with skills that match the needs of industry. The Proficiency Levels indicated in the Skills Map show the Level that the
learner is expected to possess after going through the curriculum for a specific FSC, such that he/she can perform the
task to expectation.

To help the Developer decide what the learner should become or graduate with, the following curriculum structure can
be used:

Features Questions to Ask PSF Reference

As a result of completing the curriculum, Skills Map

Graduate Profile / Curriculum Outcome what will the learner become/ be able to ESC References
perform? ESC Description

What is the content to be learned? FSC References

Determine Content and Modules
What are the modules (units) of learning?

Determine level of proficiency What are the overall proficiency levels and FSC References
to be attained which qualification levels do they map to?

*The above features are only part of the entire curriculum structure

Human Capital Development 231


It is often helpful to use the A.B.C.D approach to scope the outcome/purpose of the curriculum:

What does ABCD stand for:


Audience Behavior Context Degree

• Describes the intended learner or end user of the instruction
• The audience is often identified only in the first level because of redundancy
• Example: The human capital practitioner...

• Describes learner capability
• Must be observable and measurable (you will define the measurement elsewhere in the goal)
• In the FSC document, it is the Skills Application statements
• The ‘behavior’ can include demonstration of knowledge or skills in any of the domains of learning: cognitive,
psychomotor, affective, or interpersonal
• Example: … should be able to write a report…

Condition or Context
• Equipment or tools that may (or may not) be utilized in completion of the behavior
• Environmental conditions may also be included
• Example: ... on the learning needs of the line managers ...

• States the standard for acceptable performance (time, accuracy, proportion, quality, etc)
• Example: ... accurately.

Here is what a completed outcome/purpose statement for the Digital Art and Animation Sector could look like:

By the end of Professional Certificate in Learning

By the end of [name of program], [designation of target
Development, [A] L&D Manager will be equipped with
participants] will be equipped with knowledge and skills to
knowledge and skills to [B] perform learning needs analysis
[describe the knowledge and skills required for the desired
[C] with the line managers [D] accurately and based on
job performance from Skills Map, FSC and ESC references].
operational requirements.
In the program, they will foster attributes to become more
[choose desirable qualities and attributes from Job Role of
In the programme, they will foster attributes to become more
Skills Map].
skilled in communication and collaboration.

PSF Documents Can Be Used at the Development Phase

Step 3: Determine Module Titles and Contents for Curriculum Development

Here is how the Module Titles and Contents can be determined:

Refer to the relevant FSC reference Review the FSC Proficiency
document and locate the details of description of the desired
the competency reference competency and use the key words to
create a suitable module title

232 Human Capital Development


By referring to the relevant FSC reference document, the Developer can locate the details of competency statements.
These competencies are presented as six levels, from basic (1) to advanced (6). The Proficiency Level Descriptors
are the same descriptors as that of the Philippine Qualification Framework. This is to allow for subsequent ease of
articulation of PSF certifications to PQF qualifications.

The Developer should reference the Underpinning Knowledge (UK) and Skills Application (SA) statements from the
appropriate FSC and ESC Proficiency Levels. Note that since we are referring to competency-based programs, UKs
should always be supported by SAs. The UKs and SAs can be clustered according to the Developer’s formulation of the
learning outcomes.

Review the FSC Proficiency Description of the desired competency

Locate the
details of the

Use the
to create
a suitable
module title

Use the keywords to create a suitable module title. For instance, the word ‘gather’ has been used in the proficiency
description under Level 2. The proficiency descriptor draws similar parallel to the Blooms Taxonomy descriptors, hence
appropriate verbs (Blooms) can be selected to phrase the module title.

Human Capital Development 233


Here is an example using a module for Associate, Learning & Organization Development:

FSC Proficiency Description Proposed Module Title

Data Collection and Preparation

Level 2 Gather human resource (HR) data
Gather human resource (HR) data using selected tools and techniques

*The above features are only part of the entire curriculum structure

More Considerations are Required for a Complete Curriculum Development

Programme Title: Qualification Level:

Entry Requirements

Target Curriculum Graduate

Participants Profile

Recommended Delivery Recommended Assessment

Approaches and methods Approaches and methods

Articulation to other Underpinning curriculum Sequencing of content

Programmes Model: syllabus product, process,

To develop a full set of curricula with the associated content requires much more resources and effort. Subject-matter-
expertise is required to cluster the UKs and SAs into meaningful outcomes with appropriate content. These will then
have to be constructively aligned with the assessment criteria to assess the knowledge and skills transfer. There could
also be articulation of modules in other programs to facilitate learning progression and mobility. All these are beyond
the scope of this Technical Guide. More training programs will be introduced to equip the various stakeholders with the
skills and knowledge to utilize the PSF to develop full sets of curricula and associated content.

234 Human Capital Development


PSF Utilization SnapShot Review

Quick review–Analyze Performance Requirements

Review the description of the
Critical Work Functions and
Key Task to describe desired
job performance

Review the skills and
competencies to identify
what is required to support
job performance

Human Capital Development 235


Quick review – Develop Curriculum Outline

Review the information from Skills
Map and FSCs to determine the
desired outcome i.e. graduate’s
being and doing

FSC Reference
Qualification Level
e.g. Data Collection and Use proficiency level description
Preparation to determine suitable PQF
qualification level
Types of data that will be feasible
for HR to collect Subject Matter
Use the knowledge and abilities
statements to identify critical
Administer selected HR data
topics and subjects
collection tools and techniques

Have additional questions about the Skills Framework and Curriculum Design using the Skills Framework? Contact Us:

Anderson Tan Leah Macatangay Mignon Wycoco Ramos

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

236 Human Capital Development


The Philippine Skills Framework-Human Capital Development (PSF-HCD) is a collaborative effort of various sprint
teams under the helm of the Philippine Trade Training Center-Global MSME Academy in its effort to update and align its
Business Function Courses

The PSF-HCD was developed by referencing from various Singapore Skills Frameworks as there were no frameworks
specific for Business Functions. The development process involved selection of the initial draft documents, and on to
review, contextualization and validation.

PSF-HCD is a cross-sectoral framework that applies to any industry sector. Before this, PTTC-GMEA spearheaded the
development of the framework for Business Development (PSF-BDE), In the pipeline for development as this e-book is
published are the frameworks for Production and Operations Management and Business Management.

The Human Capital Development Team

Enablers Drivers Consultants

• Sec. Ramon M. Lopez (DTI) • Exec. Dir. Nelly Nita N. Dillera • Mr. Anderson Tan
• Usec. Rafaelita M. Aldaba (DTI PTTC-GMEA) (Accelebator Pte Ltd)
(DTI-CIG) • Planning Officer IV Ma. Fe J. Avila • Ms. Leah A. Macatangay
(DTI PTTC-GMEA) (Thames International
Business School)
• Ms. Ma. Mignon W. Ramos
(Roadmaps + Beyond, Inc.)
• Mr. Joseph Gan
(Accelebator Pte Ltd)
• Mr. Eric Tan (Accelebator Pte Ltd)

Champions Back-End Support

• Exec. Dir. Rosalina S. Constantino • Ms. Danica de la Cruz
• Ms. Grace Baldoza (DOLE) • Ms. Georgette Olea Prado
• Overall PSF Project Coordinator (DTI PTTC-GMEA) Contextualizers
Dorelene V. Dimaunahan • Mr. Rolan A. Ynion
• PSF-HCD Sectoral Project (DTI PTTC-GMEA) • Ms. Lora Liza S. Dioquino
Coordinator Jamaica Marie G. • Mr. Alexander C. Arcilla (PAL Express)
Ona (DTI PTTC-GMEA) (DTI PTTC-GMEA) • Mr. Teodoro L. Ruiz, Jr.
• Mr. Vbernie Regalado (Crawford & Company)
(DTI PTTC-GMEA) • Mr. Angelito A. Cruz
• Mr. Arnold J. Arenas (ChangeAgent Management
(DTI PTTC-GMEA) Consulting)
• Mr. Gerald C. David • Ms. Betty Ann Kristine C. Tan
(DTI PTTC-GMEA) (Fishstone Solutions)
• Ms. Leih Vidal (Thames • Ms. Ma. Christina G. Aquino
International Business School) (Tourism Industry Board
Foundation Inc.)

Human Capital Development 237


Facilitators Scribes
• Mr. Jovito Jose P. Katigbak • Ms. Hannah Magdangal
• Ms. Rechilda E. Ulili • Ms. Zhandra Tam
• Ms. Ma. Luisa Victoria • Ms. Valerie Villanueva
Syquia Felix

15. Ms. Divina Gracia Delos Reyes 34. Mr. Jose Jerome Pascual
16. Mr. Carl Espallardo 35. Ms. Ma. Johanna S. Pe Benito
17. Mr. Joseph Estrada 36. Ms. Regina Pinacate
18. Ms. Ellen C. Fullido 37. Ms. Yolanda C. Puno
19. Ms. Marianne Heidi C. Fullon 38. Mr. Gabriel L. Reinoso
Validators 20. Mr. Michael C. Gallego 39. Ms. Ma. Theresa R. Requilman
1. Ms. Melissa Adalia 21. Mr. Benjamin Deodato Garcia 40. Ms. Myrna Reyes
2. Ms. Ayie Cruz Aligada 22. Ms. Hilda Hocson 41. Dr. Liza G. Rivera
3. Mr. Joel Amante 23. Dr. Geraldine Maayo 42. Ms. Anna Maria Muñoz Roqueza
4. Dr. Aldrin Antivola 24. Mr. Franz Josef L. Magallanes 43. Mr. Washington A. Roqueza
5. Dr. Cesar Baltazar 25. Mr. Florendo G. Maranan 44. Ms. Regina Gracia B. Salvador
6. Ms. Anna Coloma Basilio 26. Ms. Maria Concepcion “Chichi” 45. Ms. Marie C. Segura
7. Ms. Maria Michaela Bautista A. Marbella 46. Mr. Jose Antonio R.P. Sta. Ana
8. Ms. Judy Grace D. Capili 27. Ms. Maria Fe “Pinky” P. Martelino 47. Ms. Imelda B. Taganas
9. Ms. Roma Ann de Castro Dar 28. Mr. Marlon P. Miña 48. Ms. Mary Ann Lee Tripon
10. Mr. Silvino B. De Guzman 29. Mr. Gene Alfred S. Morales 49. Ms. Concepcion C. Vergara
11. Mr. Dennis de Silva 30. Ms. Anabelle Ochoa Moreno 50. Mr. Felix Perry A. Villanueva
12. Mr. Jonilo del Rosario 31. Ms. Maria Carmen C. Ortiz 51. Mr. Jon Policarpio
13. Mr. Angelo Vincent Del Rosario 32. Mr. Robert S. Paguia 52. Mr. Ken Bryan Puno
14. Ms. Claire Delarmente 33. Mr. Oliver Pangan 53. Ms. Angeli B. Belen

• Maria Antoniette S. Zoilo • Teodoro L. Ruiz, Jr. • Gene Morales

• Nicola Paula Barzaga • Ma. Christina G.Aquino • Jethro Malimata
• Madel Pascual • Betty Ann Kristine C. Tan • Kyla Principio
• Jocelle Mamaril • Franz Joseph Magallanes • Marlon Caisip
• Nicole Limlengco • Carl Espallardo • Benjie Garcia
• Overall PSF Project • Arlene Alipio • Ellen Fullido
Coordinator Dorelene V. • Imelda Taganas • Jill Borjal
Pilot Testers Dimaunahan • Mia Ortiz • Emman Villanueva
• Exec. Dir. Nelly Nita N. • PSF Sectoral Project • Silvino De Guzman • Lyra Dayego
Dillera Coordinator Jamaica Marie • Rowena Del Rosario • Joanne Bejarin
• Deputy Exec. Dir. Dimnatang G. Ona • Dr. Cesar Baltazar • Ruel Capanzana
Musa Radia • Gary Sta. Cruz • Dr. Aldrin Antivola • Ma. Melissa Albino
• Georgette O. Prado • Jennifer Santos • Dr.Liza G. Rivera • Aline Magalong
• Bernice Banares • Cesiah Ana Betoy • Prof. Maria Theresa R. • Shiela Jalbuena
• Planning Officer V Ma. Fe J. • Karl Sta. Maria Requilman • Nina Almaria-Magat
Avila • Leah A. Macatangay • Prof. Jon del Rosario • Marc Binuya
• Jezel K. Sunga • Leih Vidal • Joseph Estrada • Washington Roqueza
• Raymond Cardino • Ma. Mignon W. Ramos • Claire Delarmente • Anna Maria Roqueza
• Cev Cendaña • Anderson Tan • Oliver Pangan • Elizabeth Chan

238 Human Capital Development


We appreciate the dedication of the government agencies, particularly the PSF Council members and industry
organizations in the development of the PSF-HCD.

Referenced from the Singapore Skills Framework

Layout design by New Leaf Multimedia

This e-book is available for download at:

Human Capital Development 239


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