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Ip Man is a Kung Fu movie about the legendary martial arts teacher of the

same name. The movie is almost two hours long, but if you skim through it, you’ll
notice: There’s not a lot of fighting. Isn’t that what Kung Fu movies are about?
Obviously not.

You’ll see the master having tea, helping his friends, and struggling with
everyday life. You’ll see him think about politics, about war, and about philosophy.
You’ll even see Ip Man spending time with his family and training with “the wooden
man,” a tool he invented.

Why do people love this movie so much. As it turns out, there are only three
major fight scenes,right? They love it because each fight means something. That’s
what Kung Fu is really about: Learning to use martial arts when it matters.

Ip Man perfectly represents this ideal, and that’s why he’s an admirable
character. He doesn’t fight just to fight. He wants to maintain peace among his

In the first fight, Ip Man must defend his home against an intruder. In the
second, he avenges a friend to send a message. In the third, he makes an example
of the leader of the Japanese, occupying forces.

Family, loyalty, and culture. Those are the themes behind Ip Man’s fights, and
they’re much bigger than just himself. That’s why it’s an honor to watch him fight .

Hidden in the movie’s timeline lies a rule on how, inspired by a true Kung Fu
master, you can do so in your everyday life. I guess we could call it the rule of 70/20/10.
Imagine, every week, your schedule would look like this:

70% of the time, you rest. You get 8 hours of sleep and, for another 9 hours each day,
you rest actively. You create. You think. You go outside. You spend time with friends
and family and just try to enjoy life.
20% of the time, you train. That’s another 5 hours a day. I know, right? A week is long
if you know how to use it. You work out. You educate yourself. You level up your
game and mentally prepare for what’s ahead.

10% of the time, you fight. You attend the tournament. You run the marathon. You sit
at your desk for 8 hours to finish the project. Whatever it takes, you raise all hell and
use every skill you have to succeed .

Rest is the most important part of a Kung Fu master’s day.Practice matters

too. After all, you never know when a fight shows up on your doorstep. Therefore,
you must always be prepared.

Whenever the challenge appears, however, the master remembers it is a

necessary but unwanted one. He’ll deal with it swiftly to protect what’s on the line,
but he won’t needlessly prolong it for his own, twisted enjoyment of battle.

Don’t fight just to fight. Don’t be a soulless action movie. Be a cult classic. Be a true
Kung Fu master.

Practice the rule of 70/20/10, and remember the opposite of important work is rest.
As long as you do, you’ll always know which one to choose.

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