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n this issue of Benchmark, a lot of adjec ves will be used to describe re red Chief Jus ce Diosdado
M. Peralta. Words synonymous to “driven,” “hands-on,” “industrious,” ”wi y,” and “intelligent” will
o en be repeated in tributes wri en by colleagues and staff. Having seen Chief Jus ce Peralta in
ac on for more than a year, I can confirm that these words are truly descrip ve of him.

In an interview by Benchmark right a er his appointment as Chief Jus ce, he was asked what people
close to him might say about him that others may not know about. He replied: “People mistake me for being
bossy and not approachable. However, those close to me know that I am a kind and compassionate person.”

Indeed, I have witnessed this trait of Chief Jus ce Peralta several mes. This was in fact in full display
during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic when he immediately issued memos and orders safeguarding
the health and safety of judges and court personnel while ensuring con nued access to jus ce by the
public. That is his compassion in display.

There was also one me (and the only me) that I saw Chief Jus ce Peralta become visibly and very
upset, so much so that he had to vent it out in anger. Nevertheless, the Chief Jus ce was irate not because
of a mistake commi ed by staff members, but because he was defending and protec ng them. That is how
protec ve Chief Jus ce Peralta is of his subordinates, and how his kindness is o en disguised in so many

Thank you very much, Chief Jus ce Peralta, for your dedica on, passion, and hard work. The Judiciary is
indeed lucky to have had you as its 26th Chief Jus ce. Godspeed, Chief!

A y. Brian Keith F. Hosaka


Farewell Message of the Honorable Chief Justice Diosdado Madarang
Peralta, delivered on the occasion of his retirement from
the Supreme Court of the Philippines, 25 March 2021

Honorable Jus ces of the Supreme Court of the Philippines;

Honorable Jus ces of the Court of Appeals, the Sandiganbayan, the Court of Tax Appeals;
Secretary Salvador Panelo, Chief Presiden al Legal Counsel;
Honorable Judges and Court officials;
Fellow workers in the Judiciary;
My family and friends;
Dis nguished guests, ladies and gentlemen—those who are present here and those who are joining us online:
A pleasant morning to all of you.

May it please the Court.

I am most grateful for your presence today, be it physical or virtual, and I am honored by the kind and generous words that
were said about me and my judicial career by my fellow magistrates. The fact that you went out of your way to a end today’s
Special En Banc Session, in spite of the limita ons posed by our current circumstances, humbles me to no end.

Tomorrow, a er one year and five months in office, I officially discharge my last du es and responsibili es as Chief Jus ce of
the Republic of the Philippines. As I prepare for that part of my life that waits for me beyond my career in the Judiciary, I cannot
help but to reflect on my life’s work, and feel a more than a bit modest amount of pride. That I am ending my government service
at the helm of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court is, to me, a recogni on not only of my achievements, but more so of my
industry and passion for my work.

When I was interviewed by the Judicial and Bar Council in connec on with my nomina on as 26th Chief Jus ce, I became
emo onal. As I was asked to say my par ng words, I let my guard down and opened up. I was not a Bar topnotcher or an honor
student, I said. That is the truth. Unlike most Chief Jus ces before me, I was not an academic standout. But I also said then that I
truly believed that the collec ve body of work that I did as a public prosecutor, as a judge, as an Associate Jus ce and as Presiding
Jus ce of the Sandiganbayan, and as Associate Jus ce of the Supreme Court was more than enough to compensate for that.

When I was conferred a Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa by the Tarlac State University last February, I said that my path as
a lawyer and as a public servant has taught me one thing: one’s success in life is directly propor onal to one’s industry and
dedica on to his or her work. And I say this from experience. One may be the most naturally talented individual, or the most
mentally astute person in his or her class. But without persistent, constant hard work and discipline, such talent or intellect will
amount to nothing. It will all amount to mere poten al. One must not only dream, but act on and work for that dream, too. You
can find talent everywhere, but it is only in those who have it in them to succeed in life that the value of hard work presents itself.

Consequently, by the me I was up for Chief Jus ceship, I knew that what I seemingly lacked in academic accomplishments,
I made up for with my determina on. The same holds true un l now. I am amongst my colleagues today as a member of the
Supreme Court because of the work ethic I developed and the genuine passion for my work which I nurtured in all my years of
serving both the private and the public sector. My life experiences have taught me that in life, the key to success is doing one’s
best in any undertaking one commits one’s self to.

I can say with all honesty that in all of my professional life, I have constantly put in honest and hard work in every task I have
been given. I have worked for a private company, been a full- me working student, served as a public prosecutor, taught in law
schools, sat as a trial court judge, and served as a magistrate of the an -gra court and of the High Court. Through the years, I
developed a solid work ethic and a genuine passion for my cra which made me realize that in life, no ma er the adversity one is
faced with, one must always persevere, no ma er his or her circumstances. A er all, there is no subs tute for hard work, except
harder work. Those who know me and who have worked with me can probably a est to the fact that once I commit myself to a
certain undertaking, I am almost always compelled to exert whatever effort is necessary to learn, to improve, and to be good at

my work. This I do not just for my own benefit, but also for the address the concerns of the lower courts; 6) the improvement
welfare of others. of the security of our Jus ces, judges, and the Halls of Jus ce;
7) the se ng up of a 24/7 help desk in the Supreme Court; 8)
Here in the Supreme Court, this mentality manifests in the monitoring of the performance of all courts as regards the
being mindful that jus ce is not just some intangible concept observa on of reglementary periods within which to resolve
that is le to the discernment of the members of the Bench; pending incidents; 9) the improvement of procurement and
jus ce is something that must be felt firsthand by the people. bidding processes in the Judiciary; and 10) the crea on of a
This authen c percep on of jus ce is something that only Strategic Planning and Management Unit under the Supreme
those of us in the government can give the people. And we Court’s Program Management Office.
need to give it to them swi ly and sensibly, as the strength of
the jus ce system can only be gauged in terms of the trust we I am delighted to report that in just a year and a half’s
earn from the public. me—and in spite of the numerous challenges the courts
faced and are s ll facing because of the COVID-19 pandemic—
It is because of this that I made it clear in October 2019 almost all of the items in my “Ten-Point Program” have
that I wanted my term as Chief Jus ce to be anchored on the already been realized. The Supreme Court has made use of the
deconges on of court dockets, the adop on of reforms that advantages of technology in the conduct of hearings and trials
would streamline court procedures and processes, and the na onwide through videoconferencing, e-Warrant, e-Filing,
promo on of a disciplined and responsive Judiciary. I thus and e-Payment, to name a few. We could not have predicted
drew up my “Ten-Point-Program” for the Judiciary comprising how quickly we would see progress on some landmark
of judicial reforms that were focused on efficiency, integrity, informa on and communica ons technology projects under
security, and service within the courts. To reiterate, these the Court’s Enterprise Informa on Systems Plan, or EISP. These
reforms are: 1) the elimina on of the backlog of the Supreme include the approval and the development of the Judiciary
Court and all other courts; 2) the con nuous revision of ePayment Solu on and the deployment of Philippine Judiciary
the Rules of Court and other procedural rules as well as 365, a modern workplace solu on which is being u lized
be er emphasis on skills-based training for judges and court as the official electronic communica ons pla orm of the
personnel; 3) the automa on of court processes and the en re Judiciary in the receiving of pleadings and other court
incorpora on of court technology in hearings and trials; 4) the submissions online, and in the conduct of videoconference
weeding out of misfits in the Judiciary; 5) the strengthening hearings. At this point, I am pleased to note that from May 4,
of the Office of the Court Administrator so as to effec vely 2020 to March 12, 2021, the total number of videoconference

to orient our Jus ces, judges, and court personnel as to the
salient features of these rules and guidelines. We have likewise
adopted mechanisms such as the Small Claims Monitoring
System and the Con nuous Trial Monitoring System in order
to determine the competence of our judges in resolving cases
within the Cons tu onal reglementary periods.

To receive, address, and monitor the complaints of court

users and the general public against the members of the
Bar and court personnel, the Supreme Court has established
the Judiciary Public Assistance Sec on, or JPAS, which, from
its incep on on December 9, 2019 up to March 15, 2021,
has received and acted upon a total of 8,680 inquiries and
concerns via email, le ers, phone calls and text messages, and
walk-in queries.

As a means to ba le the percep on and occurrence of

corrup on in the Judiciary, the Court has established the
Judicial Integrity Board to receive and act on administra ve
complaints against erring Jus ces, judges, and employees of
the Judiciary.

The Court has also streamlined the plan lla of its various
offices, divisions, and services in order to guarantee the
security of tenure and regulariza on of hundreds of long-
me casual employees, and created permanent procurement
offices in the courts to expedite the acquisi on of necessary
office supplies and services.

While there is no denying that the past year has been a

most difficult one for all of us, I am constrained to say that in
spite of the adversi es we are facing, this experience forces
us to tap into our inner strengths and show gra tude for our
blessings. It has forced us to do our best to align our personal
and professional interests with those of the people whom
hearings conducted reached 222,767, with a success rate of we serve. When I spoke before the alumni of the Philippine
88%. This has also resulted in the release of at least 132,795 Military Academy last month as their guest of honor and
persons deprived of liberty from March 17, 2020 to March 19, speaker, I emphasized that it is during these trying mes when
2021, or roughly one year. our work as public servants require much more from us—when
our commitment to protec ng the life and liber es of those in
Addi onally, the Court’s Commi ee on Computeriza on need is necessarily tested by the unfamiliar circumstances we
has just submi ed to the Supreme Court En Banc for its study are dealing with. Now, more than ever, we must work together
and approval the eCourt Version 2.0 Project Plan. This is one as the concept of na on-building takes on an unprecedented
of the Court’s ini a ves which aims to u lize technology in meaning.
developing a unified, comprehensive, and intelligent case
management system for the en re Judiciary—from the first- At this juncture, please allow me to acknowledge the
and second-level courts, all the way up to the Supreme Court. people who I have had the good fortune of crossing paths
with at one point or another in my life. They are those who
Suffice it to say, we have turned this COVID crisis into an have supported and inspired me in the discharge of my sworn
opportunity for digital transforma on in the courts, and I am du es and professional responsibili es.
confident the Judiciary will remain steadfast and engaged in
this area. My sincerest gra tude and apprecia on to my colleagues,
the Honorable Jus ces of the Supreme Court, re red and
As regards the revisions and cra ing of rules, the Supreme incumbent, whom I have had the honor of working with
Court has formulated and approved a total of eighteen for the past 12 years. I thank you for the knowledge and
(18) procedural rules and guidelines meant to improve the experiences I have gained from you all as we worked together
administra on of jus ce. In turn, the Philippine Judicial in the discharge of our administra ve and adjudica ve du es,
Academy has conducted the per nent workshops seminars be it in our En Banc and Division delibera ons and in our

commi ee works. I will forever treasure the camaraderie, the I extend my gra tude to Secretary Silvestre Bello, then
cerebral exchange, and the mutual respect that we have for Undersecretary of Jus ce, who gave me the privilege and
one another. honor to be assigned as a prosecutor in Manila, then known
to be a premier assignment for judges and prosecutors, and to
I thank the employees of the Supreme Court and of the Senator Franklin M. Drilon, then the Secretary of Jus ce, who, in
en re Judiciary, for the trust and confidence they have in me, spite of having hardly known me, recognizing my performance
and for the privilege of working with and for them. Their hard as a prosecutor and recommending my promo on in the
work and efforts in ensuring that access to judicial service prosecu on service to the Office of the President. Even a er
remains unhampered in spite of our circumstances have not having had any constant communica on with him, Senator
always been sources of comfort for me. Drilon, as Vice Chairperson then of the Judicial and Bar Council,
strongly recommended me to the post of a Regional Trial Court
Needless to say, I am very much grateful for the members judge in Quezon City. In addi on, Senator Drilon, together
of the legal and the administra ve staff of the Office of the with his colleagues in the Senate, especially the Chairperson
Chief Jus ce, my second family, without whose assistance and of the Appropria ons Commi ee, showed full support for the
competence I would have had a most difficult me achieving fiduciary needs of the Judiciary in all the budget hearings I
my plans for the Court. Special men on goes to my two a ended from 2012 to 2020. Likewise, I express my deepest
Chief Jus ce Staff Heads—the hardworking and dependable gra tude to the members of the House of Representa ves, led
A y. Ralph Jerome D. Salvador, and my daughter, the equally by its successive Speakers and its Appropria ons Commi ee,
hardworking and efficient A y. Dorothy L. Peralta—for assis ng for the early approval of our yearly budget.
me in my day-to-day work, some mes even going above and
beyond the call of duty. To the late President Corazon C. Aquino, for the five (5)
appointments to different ranks that I received as public
I also appreciate the full support and coopera on of the prosecutor under her term, beginning as a prosecutor in
Chiefs and Heads of the various Offices, Divisions, and Services Laoag in 1987 then as a prosecutor in Manila from 1988 to
of the Supreme Court in the implementa on of my Ten-Point 1994; to former President Fidel V. Ramos, for giving me the
Program, and in managing the concerns of the en re Judiciary. chance to serve the Judiciary when he appointed me to the
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 95, in September
My gra tude to the Office of the Court Administrator, led 1994; to former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, for the
by Court Administrator Jose Midas P. Marquez and the Deputy three presiden al appointments she extended me: as an
Court Administrators and Assistant Court Administrators, Associate Jus ce of the Sandiganbayan in June 2002, then as
for their invaluable help in the management of lower courts its Presiding Jus ce in March 2008, un l my appointment in
na onwide and for their assistance in dra ing the administra ve January 2009 as an Associate Jus ce of the Supreme Court; and
circulars meant to protect the safety and wellbeing of court to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, for having appointed me as
employees and court users especially during this public health 26th Chief Jus ce of the Philippines in October 2019, signifying
crisis. his trust and confidence in me in spite of my admission in my
JBC interview that I was neither a Bar topnotcher or an honor
To the En Banc Clerk of Court A y. Edgar O. Aricheta, the student.
Deputy Clerks of Court, and the Division Clerks of Court—my
hear elt apprecia on for their proper handling of adjudica ve Recogni on goes to my former colleagues in the House of
and administra ve Court ma ers. Representa ves Electoral Tribunal (HRET), especially during
the Seventeenth (17th) Congress when I served as Chairperson
I also would like to acknowledge the people I met and un l my appointment as Chief Jus ce. It was an excep onal
worked with through my successive roles in public service: feat that the HRET was able to decide all protest and quo
the prosecutor’s office in my hometown of Laoag and here in warranto cases pending before the Tribunal before its term
Manila; Branch 95 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, ended in June 2019.
the Jus ces, officials, and employees of the Sandiganbayan,
and, of course, the men and women of the Supreme Court. It I also wish to thank the members of the Senate, especially
was through the privilege of working with all of you that I was Senator Richard J. Gordon, Chairperson of the Senate
inspired to spare no effort and work hard to excel in my chosen Jus ce and Human Rights Commi ee, and the House of
path. Representa ves, led by the Chairperson of its Commi ee on
Jus ce Congressman Vicente S.E. Veloso III, for their support
I am equally grateful to academic communi es of the for the crea on of the Philippine Judicial Marshal Service,
Colegio de San Juan de Letran and the University of Santo and for the Court’s proposal to expand the jurisdic on of
Tomas Faculty of Civil Law. I would not be who and where I am first-level courts, with the goal of declogging the dockets of
today if not for the educa onal groundwork and the values the second-level courts and, eventually, the declogging of the
ins lled in me by my alma maters. Both have been instrumental dockets of the Supreme Court. I understand that they are now
in molding my a tude not only towards my work, but also in the course of finishing the processes required for the bills’
towards the people I work and interact with. presenta on in their plenary session.

Much gra tude also goes to the following:
To the Judicial and Bar Council: Hon. Menardo I. Guevarra of
the Department of Jus ce; Hon. Richard J. Gordon of the Senate
of the Philippines; Hon. Vicente S.E. Veloso III of the House
of Representa ves; Hon. Jose C. Mendoza, re red SC Jus ce,
represen ng the Re red Jus ce of the Supreme Court; Hon.
Toribio E. Ilao, Jr., represen ng the private sector; Hon. Noel G.
Tijam, re red SC Jus ce, represen ng the academe, and Hon.
Franklin J. Demonteverde, represen ng the Integrated Bar of
the Philippines, for the coopera on they extended during my
tenure as Ex Officio Chairperson, and for their prompt ac on in
the processing of nomina ons for the various posi ons in the

To the Philippine Judicial Academy (PhilJA), led by the

excep onal Chancellor Adolfo S. Azcuna, for ins tu ng reforms
and organizing the various training programs intended to
develop the skills of judges and court personnel, thus helping
them expedite the conduct of trials and the resolu on of cases;

To the Judicial Integrity Board, led by its Chairperson,

re red Supreme Court Jus ce and PhilJA Vice Chancellor Hon. To the European Union, through the Governance in Jus ce
Romeo S. Callejo, Sr., and its Vice Chairperson, re red Supreme (GOJUST) Programme, for its valuable help in the fulfillment of
Court Jus ce Hon. Angelina Sandoval-Gu errez, for extending the Court’s judicial reform programs for the past several years;
their coopera on in the realiza on of the establishment of the
Court’s own an -corrup on body; To the United States Department of Jus ce Criminal Division,
through its Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development,
To the officers and members of the Supreme Court Ladies’ Assistance and Training, for its immense contribu on to the
Circle, “The Heart of the Supreme Court,” led by its able Judiciary by helping enhance the jus ce sector’s capabili es
President, my wife, Jus ce Fernanda Lampas Peralta, for on cybercrime and counter-terrorism, among others, through
being reless partners of the Court in providing support and the conduct of training programs, seminars, and knowledge-
encouragement to its employees through its promo on of sharing ac vi es;
mental health awareness, sponsorship of livelihood projects,
and conduct of mely social welfare ini a ves; To the USAID, the American Bar Associa on – Rule of Law
Ini a ve, and The Asia Founda on, for their technical support
To the Jus ces, judges, prosecutors, private prac oners, in the Judicial Strengthening to Increase Court Effec veness
and government lawyers who served as members and resource (JUSTICE) Project which aimed to improve judicial efficiency
persons of the various Commi ees of the Court who I have through court deconges on projects;
had the opportunity to work with, whose input and knowledge
contributed to the adop on and success of the Court’s And to the United Na ons Development Programme
procedural reform and informa on technology projects; (UNDP), for its con nuing support to the reform ini a ves of
the Court.
To the development partners of the Supreme Court,
star ng with the Interna onal Ini a ve for Impact Evalua on, Of course, I would like to recognize and honor my family,
the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Australian star ng with my father, the late Judge Elviro Lazo Peralta, who I
Government, and the Innova ons for Poverty Ac on (IPA), for had always admired and looked up to, and my mother, Catalina
their conduct and support of the impact evalua on of three Madarang Peralta, from whom I learned the value of self-
core reform projects of the Supreme Court: the eCourt Program, reliance. They taught me discipline and were the ones who
the Revised Guidelines for Con nuous Trial of Criminal Cases, ins lled in me the value of hard work that is the founda on of
and the Rules of Procedure for Small Claims Cases. Based on my en re professional career. I owe everything to them.
the report they submi ed to the Supreme Court in September
2020, the Court was informed that the stakeholder judges To my siblings: the late Franklin; my only sister Vissia Marie
and clerks of court largely felt significant and unprecedented and her husband, A y. Cornelio Aldon; and my youngest
improvement of court opera ons and the efficiency of court brother, Vicente, a physician—they have always been my
processes with the implementa on of these three projects; sources of comfort.

To the wind beneath my wings: my lovely and brilliant wife, I will leave the Supreme Court without any regret, knowing
the Honorable Fernanda Lampas Peralta, Associate Jus ce that I did all that I could for the law, for the courts, and for
of the Court of Appeals; my only daughter, A y. Dorothy; the na on, and with the convic on that I did my best in
my twin sons, John Christopher and Timothy John; and my performing my bounden duty to the Cons tu on. I have faith
youngest, John Isaac. Behind every person’s success is the in the thought that I gave my all in giving the Filipino people
love, understanding, and support of his or her family. I have the kind of jus ce that they deserve.
been very blessed in this aspect to have a suppor ve wife, who
is my partner in all my personal and professional undertakings, Given every challenge and difficulty that the Judiciary faced
and the love and understanding of our four children. All the these past months, I believe I have done everything within
things I have accomplished and been given would amount to my authority as Chief Jus ce to leave behind me a be er and
nothing without them. improved Judiciary. I have led, and lived, by example. I look
forward to the world outside the Supreme Court with the
Lastly, I give my thanks to the Almighty God, the ul mate thought that, at my age, life is s ll full of possibili es.
source of all my strength and my passion to live and lead for
others. I pray that He will con nue to bless me and my family Muli, maraming, maraming salamat po sa inyong lahat.
in the years to come. May God bless us all.

By the Legal Staff of the Office of the Chief Justice

n October 2019, Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta took helm of the Judiciary. The
following year, the world was thrown into chaos as a consequence of the COVID-19
pandemic. As the nation contended with the deadly virus, Chief Justice Peralta left no
stone unturned in facing the situation head on. The Chief Justice, in consultation with
the other Justices of the Supreme Court, came out with timely guidelines and issuances
to address the health crisis.

At the same time, Chief Justice Peralta came out with ponencias right to amend the contract which may include the period within
of judicial cases to add to his growing list of significant decisions which to exercise the option. There is, likewise, no prohibition
he had penned since he joined the Court as an Associate Justice on the extension of the period, provided that the contract is still
on January 13, 2009. effective.” With the extension of the period, the COMELEC validly
exercised the option and eventually entered into a contract of
Below are some of Chief Justice Peralta’s significant ponencias. sale of the subject goods. Further, the Court held that: “the
amendment of the AES is not substantial because no additional
1. Limkaichong v. Commission on Elections (COMELEC) right was made available to Smartmatic-TIM that was not
(G.R. Nos. 178831-32, April 1, 2009) previously available to the other bidders; except for the extension
of the option period, the exercise of the option was still subject
Jocelyn Limkaichong's proclamation as the winning candidate to same terms and conditions such as the purchase price and the
for the position of Representative of the First District of Negros warranty provisions; and the amendment is more advantageous
Oriental was assailed on the ground that the same was tainted with to the Comelec and the public.”
irregularity and thereby prevented the House of Representatives
Electoral Tribunal (HRET) from acquiring jurisdiction over the 3. Arroyo v. Department of Justice
election contest. The Court ruled that once a winning candidate (G.R. No. 199082, September 18, 2012)
has been proclaimed, taken his or her oath, and assumed office
as a Member of the House of Representatives, the COMELEC’s The Court upheld the creation of the Joint Department of
jurisdiction over election contests relating to his election, returns, Justice-Commission on Elections (DOJ-COMELEC) Preliminary
and disqualification ends and the HRET’s own jurisdiction begins. Investigation Committee and Fact-Finding Team for the purpose
Mere allegation as to the invalidity of the proclamation of the of conducting a thorough investigation of the alleged massive
winning candidate does not divest the HRET of its jurisdiction. The electoral fraud and the manipulation of election results in the
Court held that the use of the word "sole" in Section 17, Article 2004 and 2007 national elections relating in particular to the
VI of the Constitution and in Section 250 of the Omnibus Election presidential and senatorial elections. The Court ruled that under
Code underscores the exclusivity of the Electoral Tribunals' the Omnibus Election Code, although the exclusive jurisdiction
jurisdiction over election contests relating to its members. to conduct preliminary investigation had been lodged with the
COMELEC, the prosecutors are given continuing authority by the
2. Capalla v. COMELEC (G.R. No. 201112, June 13, 2012) COMELEC to conduct preliminary investigation of complaints
involving election offenses under election laws and to prosecute
The Commission on Elections entered into a Contract for the the same, to ensure the prompt and fair investigation and
Provision of an Automated Election System for the May 10, 2010 prosecution of election offenses.
Synchronized National and Local Elections (AES Contract) with
Smartmatic-TIM for the lease of goods and purchase of services 4. GMA Network v. COMELEC
under the contract, with option to purchase (OTP) the goods. (G.R. No. 205357, September 02, 2014)
The Court held that Smartmatic-TIM may unilaterally extend
the option period and the COMELEC can accept the extension. The Court held that the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
The Court held that: “while the contract indeed specifically went beyond the authority granted it by the law in issuing
required the COMELEC to notify Smartmatic-TIM of its OTP the COMELEC Resolution No. 9615 as it affected a drastic reduction
goods until December 31, 2010, a reading of the other provisions of the allowable minutes within which candidates and political
of the AES contract would show that the parties are given the parties would be able to campaign through the air. Moreover,

6. Del Socorro v. Van Wilsem
(G.R. No. 193707, December 10, 2014)
The issue in this case was whether the foreign national had
an obligation to support his minor child under the Philippine
law. The Court answered in the affirmative, ruling that in view of
respondent’s failure to prove the national law of the Netherlands
in his favor, the doctrine of processual presumption shall govern.
Under this doctrine, if the foreign law involved is not properly
pleaded and proved, our courts will presume that the foreign law
is the same as our local or domestic or internal law. Thus, since
the law of the Netherlands as regards the obligation to support
has not been properly pleaded and proved in the instant case, it is
presumed to be the same with Philippine law, which enforces the
obligation of parents to support their children and penalizing the
non-compliance therewith.

7. Cudia v. The Superintendent of the Philippine Military

Academy (G.R. No. 211362, February 24, 2015)
The Court affirmed the dismissal of Philippine Military Academy
(PMA) cadet Cudia. The Court ruled that while a PMA cadet has
the right to due process, the schools' power to instill discipline in
their students is subsumed in their academic freedom. Hence, the
PMA, as the primary training and educational institution of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines, has the right to invoke academic
freedom in the enforcement of its internal rules and regulations.
It is not required that procedural due process be afforded at every
stage of developing disciplinary action. What is required is that
an adequate hearing be held before the final act of dismissing a
cadet from the military academy.

8. Dimakuta v. People (G.R. No. 206513, October 20, 2015)

The Court ruled that where the purpose of the appeal is not
to assail the judgment of conviction but to question only the
propriety of the sentence, particularly the penalty imposed or
the crime for which the accused was convicted, as the accused
intends to apply for probation upon correction of the penalty or
conviction for the lesser offense and the penalty finally imposed
by the appellate court is within the probationable period, or the
the Court found that Section 9 (a) of COMELEC Resolution No. crime for which the accused is eventually convicted imposes a
9615 on airtime limits goes against the constitutional guarantee probationable penalty, application for probation after the case is
of freedom of expression, of speech and of the press, and of the remanded to the trial court for execution should be allowed.
right to suffrage. The Court found the adoption to be unreasonable
and arbitrary as it unduly restricts and constrains the ability of The Court primarily highlighted the history of the law on
candidates and political parties to reach out and communicate with probation so as to determine the intent of its framers as regards
the people. The Court further declared defective and ineffectual its application. Emphasizing that it should refrain from treading
Resolution No. 9615 for failing to conduct prior hearing before on the realm of judicial legislation in interpreting and applying
coming up with, said Resolution, specifically in regard to the rule the Probation Law, the Court said that Section 4 of the Probation
on aggregate airtime. Law was amended precisely to stop the practice of appealing from
judgments of conviction even if the sentence is probationable, for
5. Corpuz v. People (G.R. No. 180016, April 29, 2014) the purpose of obtaining a judgment of acquittal and applying for
The Supreme Court, faced with the issue of the constitutionality probation only after the accused fails in his or her bid.
of Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) pertaining to the
crime of estafa and its corresponding penalties, contemplated on 9. Ocampo v. Enriquez (G.R. No. 225973, November 8, 2016)
the “perceived injustice brought about by the range of penalties Anent the substantive grounds, the Court held that the
that the courts impose on crimes against property committed, President's decision to bury Marcos at the Libingan Ng Mga
based on the amount of damage measured by the value of money Bayani (LNMB) is in accordance with the Constitution, the law
in 1932.” The Court found that whether or not the penalties or jurisprudence. The Court further ruled that the President's
are excessive or amount to cruel punishment is a matter that decision to bury Marcos at the LNMB is not done whimsically,
should be left to lawmakers. The Court further held that it is the capriciously, or arbitrarily, out of malice, ill will or personal bias.
prerogative of the courts to apply the law, especially when they The Court held that: the LNMB is considered as a national shrine
are clear and not subject to any other interpretation than that for military memorials. The Philippine Veterans Affairs Office,
which is plainly written.

which is empowered to administer, develop, and maintain military petitioner may suffer as well as a possible multiplicity of suits
shrines, is under the supervision and control of the Department arising therefrom, the Court deemed it proper to reopen the case,
of the National Defense (DND). The DND, in turn, is under the not for further reception of evidence, but in order to modify the
Office of the President. The presidential power of control over the penalty imposed by the trial court. The Court further held that:
Executive Branch of Government is a self-executing provision of “not only must petitioner's sentence be modified respecting the
the Constitution and does not require statutory implementation, settled rule on the retroactive effectivity of laws, the sentencing
nor may its exercise be limited, much less withdrawn, by the being favorable to the accused, she may even apply for probation,
legislature. This is why President Duterte is not bound by the as long as she does not possess any ground for disqualification,
alleged 1992 Agreement between former President Ramos and in view of recent legislation on probation, allowing an accused
the Marcos family to have the remains of Marcos interred in to apply for probation in the event that she is sentenced to serve
Batac, Ilocos Norte. As the incumbent President, he is free to a maximum term of imprisonment of not more than six (6) years
amend, revoke or rescind political agreements entered into by when a judgment of conviction imposing a non-probationable
his predecessors, and to determine policies which he considers, penalty is appealed or reviewed, and such judgment is modified
based on informed judgment and presumed wisdom, will be most through the imposition of a probationable penalty.” Had there
effective in carrying out his mandate.” The Court maintained that been no guidelines for judges, the remedy of those serving
there is no law or executive issuance specifically excluding the sentences could have only been through petitions for habeas
land in which the LNMB is located from the use it was originally corpus in order for them to be released from detention, but to do
intended by the past Presidents. Moreover, the Court held that the so, the judges would have to first amend the decisions where they
allotment of a cemetery plot at the LNMB for Marcos as a former may refuse to do so, on the ground of lack of authority.
President and Commander-in-Chief, a legislator, a Secretary of
National Defense, a military personnel, a veteran, and a Medal of As a direct offshoot of its pronouncements in Estipona,
Valor awardee, whether recognizing his contributions or simply the Court, through the Office of the Court Administrator, after
his status as such, satisfies the public use requirement. Aside from consultations with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, the
being eligible for burial at the LNMB, the Court ruled that Marcos Public Attorney’s Office, prosecutors, and judges, issued A.M. No.
possessed none of the disqualifications stated in the applicable 18-03-16-SC on April 10, 2018, which provided for the adoption of
Armed Forces of the Philippines regulation. the Plea Bargaining Framework in Drugs Cases.

10. People v. Jugueta (G.R. No. 202124, April 5, 2016) 13. Republic v. Manalo (G.R. No. 221029, April 24, 2018)
The Court surveyed the jurisprudence in criminal cases where Respondent Manalo filed a petition for cancellation of entry of
civil indemnity, moral, exemplary, and nominal damages were marriage before the local civil registrar by virtue of a judgment of
awarded, and summarized the prevailing amounts that may be divorce of a Japanese court. The Court, citing jurisprudence, held
awarded depending on the nature of the crimes proven, the that Article 26 of the Family Code of the Philippines is applicable
presence of modifying circumstances, and the stage of their even if it was Manalo, a Filipino, who filed for divorce against her
commission, without need of further proof of such damages. Japanese husband. Nonetheless, the Court held that the Japanese
law on divorce must still be proved – notwithstanding the fact that
11. Estipona v. Lobrigo (G.R. No. 226679, August 15, 2017) the existence of the divorce decree was not denied by the Office
Challenged in this case is the constitutionality of Section 23 of the Solicitor General; neither was the jurisdiction of the divorce
of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9165, or the Comprehensive Dangerous court impeached nor the validity of its proceedings challenged.
Drugs Act of 2002, which provides that any person charged Thus, the Court remanded the case for further proceedings and
under any of its provisions shall not be allowed to avail of the reception of evidence as to the relevant Japanese law on divorce.
provision on plea-bargaining. Emphasizing that plea bargaining is
a rule of procedure, the Court declared Section 23 of Republic 14. People v. Lim (G.R. No. 231989, September 4, 2018)
Act No. 9165 unconstitutional for being contrary to the rule- The Court, in order that cases are properly filed and to save
making authority of the Supreme Court under Section 5 (5), such cases from acquittal when the same should have resulted in
Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution. The Court, stressing that its convictions, required peace officers to indicate in their affidavits
authority under the Constitution to promulgate rules on pleading, of arrest their compliance with Section 21, R.A. No. 9165, to be
practice, and procedure is exclusive and one of the safeguards attached to the information before it is filed before the court. This
of its institutional independence, ruled that plea bargaining is a requirement is prospective in nature and if this is not complied
rule of procedure and is, thus, under its sole prerogative to issue, with, the case may be dismissed without prejudice on the ground
amend, or repeal procedural rules, limited to the preservation of of lack of probable cause, in accordance with Rule 112, Section 5
substantive rights. of the Rules of Criminal Procedure, which means that it can be re-
filed if the ground for the dismissal is the absence of the statement
12. Hernan v. Sandiganbayan in the affidavits of arrest of compliance with Section 21 of R.A. No.
(G.R. No. 217874, December 5, 2017) 9165, by simply executing a supplemental affidavit. In fact, the
The judgment convicting the accused-petitioner has already requirement works two ways: (1) cases before they are filed are
become final and executory. However, the penalty imposed properly built up; and (2) the accused can intelligently prepare for
thereon has been reduced by virtue of the passage of R.A. No. his or her defense prior to trial. With this procedure, the pieces
10951 (An Act Adjusting the Amount Involved, Value of Property of evidence presented during the trial will now be easier for the
or Damage on Which a Penalty Is Based, and the Fines Under courts to assess and eventually result to early resolution of drug
Act No. 3815, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Revised cases, thereby affording the accused its constitutional right to a
Penal Code). Thus, in order to effectively avoid any injustice that speedy disposition of its case.

15. People v. Tulagan (G.R. No. 227363, March 12, 2019)
The Court took the opportunity to reconcile the provisions on
Acts of Lasciviousness, Rape and Sexual Assault under the Revised
Penal Code (RPC), as amended by R.A. No. 8353 vis-a-vis Sexual
Intercourse and Lascivious Conduct under Section 5(b) of R.A. No.
7610, to fortify the earlier decisions of the Court and doctrines
laid down on similar issues, and to clarify the nomenclature and
the imposable penalties of said crimes, and damages in line with
existing jurisprudence. The Court upheld Tulagan’s prosecution
for sexual assault under paragraph 2, Article 266-A of the RPC
because it was alleged and proven that the victim was nine
(9) years old at the time he inserted his finger into her vagina.
Instead of applying the penalty under Article 266-B of the RPC,
the Court applied the penalty provided in Section 5 (b), Article III
of R.A. No. 7610. This is because the victim was below 12 years
of age at the time of the commission of the offense, and that the
act of inserting his finger in the victim’s private part undeniably
amounted to "lascivious conduct." Thus, the Court held that the
proper nomenclature of the offense should be Sexual Assault at all appear that AJ had been deprived of her liberty or that
under paragraph 2, Article 266-A of the RPC, in relation to Section petitioners had been excluded from their rightful custody over
5 (b), Article III of R.A. No. 7610. the person of AJ. The Court ruled that since 19-year-old AJ had
already attained the age of majority, legally, she had the right
16. Inmates of the New Bilibid Prison v. De Lima to make independent choices with respect to the places where
(G.R. No. 212719, June 25, 2019) she wanted to stay, as well as to the persons whose company she
In this case, the Court declared Section 4, Rule 1 of the wanted to keep.
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10592
invalid insofar as it provided for the prospective application of 19. Metro Manila Development Authority v. Concerned Residents
the grant of good conduct time allowance, time allowance for of Manila Bay (G.R. Nos. 171947-48, November 17, 2020)
study, teaching and mentoring, and special time allowance for Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party filed a motion for leave to
loyalty. The Court held that: “while R.A. No. 10592 does not intervene on the ground that the latter’s installation of an artificial
define a crime/offense or provide/prescribe/establish a penalty white beach on a small strip of the Manila Bay is a violation of
as it addresses the rehabilitation component of our correctional the writ of continuing mandamus for the sustained clean-up and
system, its provisions have the purpose and effect of diminishing maintenance of the subject bay and its waters. The Court ruled
the punishment attached to the crime. The further reduction that a motion for intervention same is not viable where, the case
on the length of the penalty of imprisonment is beneficial to has long been concluded with finality and is now on execution
the detention and convicted prisoners alike; hence, calls for the albeit still under judicial supervision. The Court further held
application of Article 22 of the RPC.” that: “the instant recourse is a challenge to the wisdom behind
the use of the component dolomite, which is a factual issue not
17. Araza v. People (G.R. No. 247429, September 8, 2020) ordinarily entertained by the Court – certainly not in the present
The Court upheld the conviction of Araza under Section 5(i) motion. It is a challenge that properly lies in the realm of political
of R.A. No. 9262, or the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their questions which the Court may not venture into even incidentally
Children Act of 2004, for his act of committing marital infidelity. in a contempt proceeding under the given circumstances.”
The Court ruled that the marital infidelity, which is a form of
psychological violence, is the proximate cause of his wife’s 20. Taguiwalo v. Duque III (G.R. No. 252556, September 1, 2020)
emotional anguish and mental suffering. The Court held that the Petitioners sought to compel the government, through the
prosecution has established beyond reasonable doubt that Araza Department of Health, and agencies involved in addressing the
committed the crime of psychological violence, punishable under COVID-19 pandemic, to conduct proactive mass testing, efficient
Section 5(i) of RA 9262, through his acts of marital infidelity. contact tracing and isolation, and effective treatment of positive
cases. The Court found that essentially, petitioners want the Court
18. In the Matter of the Petition for Writ of Amparo and Writ to direct respondents not merely to protect their right to health,
of Habeas Corpus in favor of Alicia Jasper S. Lucena (G.R. No. but to protect said right in a certain manner or to a certain degree,
252120, September 15, 2020) i.e., “more proactively and efficiently.” The Court observed that
The Court denied the petition for writ of amparo filed by the mandamus will not lie to compel to exercise said protection in
parents of Alicia Jasper S. Lucena (AJ), finding that AJ’s situation a certain way or to a certain degree. Further, the Court held
did not qualify either as an actual or threatened enforced that petitioners failed to exhaust administrative remedies to the
disappearance or extralegal killing since AJ was not missing and government offices which respondents represent. Further, the
her whereabouts were determinable. The Court held that: “By Court held that the term “official acts” is not so encompassing as
all accounts, she is staying with the Anakbayan and its officers to include every response and pronouncement of respondents,
which, at least insofar as AJ’s case is concerned, are not agents or contrary to petitioners’ view that the facts involved in this case
organizations acting on behalf of the State.” Likewise, the Court are of judicial notice since they are allegedly “official acts of the
denied the petition for writ of habeas corpus because it did not Executive Department.”

Compiled by Tiffany Ines C. Atendido-Beltran

CHIEF JUSTICE ALEXANDER G. GESMUNDO* court employees continued to perform their duties even in times
when courts had to be physically closed. By maximizing the use
CJ Dado is a valued colleague. He spreads
of technological advancements, he paved the way for successful
good cheer in any gathering as his wit and humor
virtual court hearings that resolved a significant number of cases
are infectious.
and released a remarkable number of persons deprived of liberty
who would have otherwise been highly susceptible to a fatal
CJ Peralta has attained rock-star status as
learned in law. He is sought-after as a lecturer
and speaker on various legal topics. His ability to
The entire Judiciary is, undoubtedly, grateful to Chief Justice
impart not only the knowledge of the law but also skills on how
Peralta for all the innovative means he employed to adapt
to conduct effective pre-trial and trial are truly remarkable. His
to the new normal in dispensing justice while giving utmost
writings are a cultural force: they wield the law as an instrument
consideration to the health and safety of all court personnel.
of social justice and equality, particularly in area of criminal and
Court officials who have worked closely with him throughout the
procedure laws.
quarantine period testify to how Chief Justice Peralta tirelessly
monitored all courts, and swiftly addressed myriad concerns.
As a colleague, CJ Peralta has the capacity to listen and
Truly, his able leadership allowed the Judiciary to overcome the
respect differing opinions. He understands that it is only through
many challenges unscathed.
discourse that the most brilliant idea emerges. As a leader, he
fosters collaboration and strives for consensus. He understands
As he leaves the Court to focus on teaching, which he calls
that the Judiciary is an institution that stands above any individual
his lifelong passion, it is hoped that the fire that fueled Chief
Justice Peralta’s work on reforms that simplify court procedures
*Hon. Alexander G. Gesmundo was appointed Chief Justice on April and processes will continue to burn, this time for molding the
5, 2021. character of present and future lawyers. As an American historian
once said, teachers affect eternity; and no one can tell where their
SENIOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE influence stops. The impact that Chief Justice Peralta has made,
ESTELA M. PERLAS BERNABE and continues to make, on his students will be a lasting legacy, just
It has been said that the ultimate measure as the procedural rules he has championed are to the Judiciary.
of a man is not where he stands in moments of God speed, Chief Justice.
comfort and convenience, but where he stands in
times of challenge and controversy. Chief Justice
Diosdado M. Peralta has not even warmed his ASSOCIATE JUSTICE MARVIC M.V.F. LEONEN
seat when he, along with all other leaders the
world over, had to face an unprecedented crisis that profoundly Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta has been
impacted just about every organization, business community and a member of the Supreme Court for over a
government entity. Indeed, the Covid-19 pandemic has been an decade. Prior to his stint at this Court, he began
ultimate leadership test, which Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta his career in government service as Laoag City’s
has passed with flying colors. Third Assistant City Fiscal in 1987, paving way
for the great mark that he has successfully left
Under Chief Justice Peralta’s watchful eyes, the wheels of in the years to come. Within the 12 years that he
justice continued to grind even as most businesses and other has been a member of this Court, primarily through the opinions
government operations had come to an abrupt stop. Owing in and ponencias he has contributed, Chief Justice Peralta flourished
large part to his lifelong advocacy of just and speedy disposition and made his way to the top, becoming a pillar of excellence in
of cases, Chief Justice Peralta made sure that Justices, Judges and the Judiciary.

I first became colleagues with Chief Justice Diosdado M. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE
Peralta in 2012, which happened to be his third year as an ALFREDO BENJAMIN S. CAGUIOA
Associate Justice of this Court. Within the 9 years that I have
worked with him, I came to know his greatest suits, one of As a member of the Court who esteems not
them being his ability to remain fair-minded towards voices of just a colleague but also a friend, I consider his
dissent. Moreover, in the years that he and I were members of retirement bittersweet. I have always admired
the same Division, I witnessed his expertise in criminal law––the his extremely efficient work ethic and I have
same expertise that he generously shared and imparted to his long respected him as an expert in criminal and
colleagues, including myself, during deliberations. remedial law, among many other fields. It is my
good fortune to serve as his working chair at the First Division.
With these feats, Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta has
evidently conquered the legal field. It goes without saying that I, Chief Justice Peralta is a pleasure to work with – open-
along with the rest of our colleagues in this Court, deem working minded, competent, hard-working, generous, and kind, as he is
with the Chief as a privilege; and with great esteem, at that. quite prolific in the swift and authoritative disposition of cases,
a true model for all Justices and judges. Of course, nothing less
As he hangs his robe as the 26th Chief Justice of the Supreme was expected of Chief Justice Peralta, who has consistently been
Court of the Philippines, may he know that he has left a mark recognized as an outstanding public servant throughout his
not only in this Court, but on the people that he has worked career, from his early days as a prosecutor and trial court judge
with as well. With his term as the Chief Justice coming to an end, to his many remarkable years as an Associate Justice and later
it is worth mentioning that his was a run that was done with Presiding Justice of the Sandiganbayan.
excellence, a remark that I am certain our other colleagues can
attest to as well. Like most good leaders, Chief Justice Peralta is a person with
a vision. The more rare quality perhaps reserved for only great

leaders is the commitment and ability to see this vision through. Rightful accolades and distinctions followed him consistently
He promised to continuously improve and streamline the rules of from the bar to the bench, primarily on account of his notable
procedure to make it more accessible to the needs of all court- contributions to the speedy disposition of criminal cases. His
users. Chief Justice Peralta has delivered in spades. Through his work is by no means trivial. With court dockets plagued by
contributions and initiatives and/or under his leadership, the inefficiencies and the rules of procedure mocked by techniques of
Court released the Rules of Procedure for Environmental Cases, legal circumvention, Chief Justice Peralta pursued and frustrated
the Revised Guidelines for Continuous Trial of Criminal Cases, the its ardent culprits. Not only did he know what and who must be
2019 Amendments to the Rules of Civil Procedure and the Rules weeded out, he did weed them out. Discussion without active
on Evidence, the 2020 Revised Rules of Procedure for Intellectual resolution is absolutely pointless for this man of action.
Property Rights Cases, and the 2020 Guidelines for the Conduct
of Court-Annexed Mediation and Judicial Dispute Resolution, to I hold a sizeable amount of pride and privilege of having
name a few. Out of his desire to bring the courts closer to the served the Filipino public alongside Chief Justice Peralta. He lit
people he also set up the Judiciary Public Assistance Section or the brightest of my professional torches when I took my oath as
the Judiciary Help Desk. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court before him. I also cherish
a warm, perpetual feeling of elation of having him as a Ninong in
The present pandemic has drastically disrupted court our wedding. Chief Justice Peralta has always been a family man,
operations and crucial judicial services – it has forced the Court a model of superb parenting, and an icon of what it is to be a good
to swiftly adapt to unprecedented challenges, revamp established husband. His guidance, to me, was significant in my professional
practices, and come up with new and safe ways for the courts to and personal journeys, for which I express my most profound
continue to perform its duties. Chief Justice Peralta has more than gratitude.
risen to the occasion and has done an excellent job in leading
the Court and the entire legal profession through this institutional Chief Justice Peralta valued hard work above everything.
and collective ordeal. Perhaps that is his most palpable legacy – to do what you can,
all that you can, and sometimes, even if you cannot. Destiny may
With all the above qualities that Chief Justice Peralta has have pulled him up to the topmost position in the highest Court,
shown, I will surely miss his brand of leadership and erudite voice but his purposeful dedication to legal reform is the rope that
at our Court sessions. I console myself by simply recognizing that bound him to all the successes that he had deservedly achieved.
he will finally be able to rest, relax, spend time with his family, A good retirement is but a humble reward for a career of unfailing
and pursue his other passions. excellence. Wishing you the best days ahead, Ninong Chief!

Congratulations on finally retiring from a truly extraordinary

career! See you around dear friend, and Godspeed always. ASSOCIATE JUSTICE ROSMARI D. CARANDANG
Decorated, dedicated, and dauntless – it will
be grossly inadequate to use these words to
describe Chief Justice Dado’s distinguished legal
career. One does not become the leader of the
Destiny is said to be the inescapable driver Judiciary without a sincere adherence to the
of human lives. We often subscribe to the rule of law and an unwavering desire to ensure
convenient theory of what is “meant to be”, a that the wheels of justice never stop turning. CJ Dado is part of
form of external control that is wielded entirely the gold standard in determining what it means to be a true jurist.
by the discretion of somebody else other than
our own. Regardless of one’s initial aspirations, Throughout his career, CJ Dado was never satisfied with just
many a person end up going with the flow, throwing caution merely going through the everyday motions of the job. He always
to the wind, and relying on the famous mantra, “bahala na si attended to his duties purposefully to ensure that the work was
Batman.” Such is not the case for Chief Justice Peralta, for our done fast and that it was done right. His legal acumen and his
eminent retiree is his own Batman. He paved an admirable path innate sense of fairness were always readily seen in the sound
for himself, steadily mounting the ranks, and ultimately achieving judicial decisions that he made.
primus inter pares in our nation’s Supreme Court. While he was
definitely fated for judicial renown, his accomplishments can Everyone who has ever had the privilege of working with him
never be deemed as by-products of mere matters of chance. can attest to CJ Dado’s impeccable work ethic. As a member of the
Division which he leads, I have personally seen the immeasurable
The Prosecutor’s Office served as the starting line for the Chief amount of passion that he has in ensuring that all of this Court’s
in his career in government service. He was Assistant City Fiscal of decisions are not only legal, but also sensitive to the realities
Laoag City in 1987 until he was assigned to Manila in 1988. In 1994, that all litigants face. This is further attested to by the various
he was promoted as Assistant Chief of the Investigation Division recognitions that he has received for always standing at the
of the Office of the City Prosecutor. He later seamlessly shifted forefront of justice.
roles in the courts from litigator to magistrate: first, as a judge in
the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City in 1994; then, as Associate He is truly the primus inter pares not only by virtue of his title,
Justice of the Sandiganbayan in 2002 and as its Presiding Justice but by how he treats everybody in this Court. From his fellow
in 2008; eventually, as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court in Justices to the security guards at the entrance, CJ Dado has never
2009. Ten years thereafter, on October 23, 2019, he became Chief let his accomplishments trump his kindness and humility.
Justice of the Supreme Court.

I salute and thank CJ Dado for his dedicated service, innovative
and tireless leadership, his significant contribution in shaping
jurisprudential law, and speeding up the dispensation of justice.
Most of all, I salute and thank him for his tremendous effort and
relentless resolve in not just changing, but significantly improving
the lives of our former casual employees and their families. It was
CJ Dado who vigorously worked for their well-deserved upgrade
from casual to permanent employees of the Court.

CJ Dado, on the occasion of your retirement from the Judiciary,

I sincerely congratulate you for your sterling service to the country
and the Filipino People! Best wishes and warm regards!


CJ Dado, I am all truly grateful to have served under your As I reflect on the life works and achievements
leadership. I wish you good health as you enjoy your much- of Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta, I cannot
deserved rest from work, but I know you can do more beyond this help but be in awe of, and marvel at, the extent
retirement. May the Lord continue to shower you with blessings or magnitude of the contributions he has made
as you embark on this new chapter of your life. to the Court and the Judiciary over the span of
almost three decades (not counting his stint as
public prosecutor). The Court has always turned to CJ Peralta’s
ASSOCIATE JUSTICE AMY C. LAZARO JAVIER expertise and brilliance in criminal law and procedure in deciding
the cases before it as well as in revising the Rules of Court in order
Chief Justice Diosdado Peralta was a few to make court proceedings more efficient and effective to the
years my senior at the University of Santo Tomas great benefit of the public.
Faculty of Civil Law. Our paths first crossed
when we both became faculty members of our One of his most significant legacies is his endless and tireless
beloved alma mater and came to full circles quest and effort to reform the Judiciary, not only with regard to
when, yet again, we became colleagues in the the speedy and even-handed administration of justice, but also
Highest Court of the land. in uplifting the plight of the employees of the Judiciary relative
to their compensation, benefits, working conditions and welfare.
CJ Dado is known for his perseverance, determination, and Year in and year out, he was at the forefront of defending the
insightfulness as a magistrate, especially as a premier leader budget of the Judiciary before Congress. For this and his fatherly
of the Judiciary. He spearheaded the implementation of the concern for this institution’s employees, which he has given the
2019 Amendments to the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, 2019 best years of his life to, I, along with the whole Judiciary family,
Amendments to the 1989 Revised Rules on Evidence, 2020 Revised express our deepest gratitude.
Rules of Procedure for Intellectual Property Rights Cases, 2020
Revised Rules of Procedure for Intellectual Property Rights Cases, Beyond the many admirable traits and unparalleled awards
and the Guidelines on the Conduct of Videoconferencing, to and achievements of CJ Peralta lies a true and gifted leader, who,
name a few. These reforms were all designed to speed up the in my opinion, was providentially appointed as Chief Justice before
dispensation of justice which has become his primary focus and the pandemic. For in such distressing and the most challenging of
advocacy. times brought about by the pandemic, the Court and the Judiciary
needed a strong and steady leader as well as a compassionate
There is no denying that he has immensely contributed to the and flexible one; listening to, and addressing the urgent needs
development of Philippine jurisprudence, especially in the field of the Judiciary, by, among others, adopting stringent and quick
of criminal law. I am especially fond of his ponencias in People response schemes in order to protect the Judiciary and providing
v. Jugueta, People v. Romy Lim and People v. Tulagan. Since the financial aid to its employees. He was more than equal to the
promulgation of Jugueta in 2016, my ponencias in the Court of task of ably steering the Court and the Judiciary to continue
Appeals and even now in the Supreme Court, have always referred to perform its primordial functions, with utmost integrity,
to Jugueta in the imposition of penalties and award of damages effectiveness, excellence, dedication and patriotism, despite the
involving crimes defined and penalized under the Revised Penal constrictions imposed by the threat of the pandemic and the
Code. Meanwhile, Romy Lim changed my perspective on how protocols implemented in connection therewith.
drug cases should be resolved. As it stands, Romy Lim has put
great emphasis on how the law enforcers should, with utmost Moreover, as chief magistrate of the Court, he was gifted with
caution and responsibility, preserve the res every step of the way the ability to harmoniously reach a consensus among all his fellow
to prevent its tampering, and consequently, the unjust conviction Justices, without any acrimony. During the Court’s deliberations,
of an accused. Lastly, Tulagan has enhanced the protections given he created an atmosphere of cordiality, honor and respect, where
to children in cases of sexual abuse in terms of providing guidance each Member of the Court may freely air his or her views without
on the imposition of the proper penalties and designation of reservations.

I wish to end my tribute and honoring to CJ Peralta with my both enliven and enrich our discussions. Certainly, his towering
own personal experiences with him as a leader and a colleague, presence will be missed in the Court.
for, in that regard, I am truly blessed and privileged to have
worked with him. When I was appointed as a Member of the The hallmark of his tenure as Chief Justice is the promulgation
Court, he warmly welcomed me, but more than that, because my of the new rules of civil procedure and evidence – the fruition
first assignment was with the Third Division, where he was then of the years he has spent advocating and toiling in the Court’s
the Chairperson, CJ Peralta was generous with his advice on how rules committees. CJ Peralta never tires of voicing out his passion
to manage my docket. No doubt an off-shoot of his passion for for making the rules and court processes more efficient, user-
teaching in the academe and PHILJA. A most admirable trait, in friendly, and economical — a crusade he has indefatigably carried
my opinion, for one’s life is about passing it on. By giving away his on since his days as a trial judge. His own efforts to make his court
life and learnings for the good of others, CJ Peralta leaves behind room efficient and ensure that he disposed of his cases in the
a legacy that will far outlive him, as the famous quote from Henry most expeditious manner has earned him awards, accolades, and
Adams goes, “A teacher affects eternity, he (or she) does not admiration from the bench and bar. His thrust for continuous
know where his (or her) influence ends.” trial, albeit controversial at the start, has proven to be effective in
decongesting court dockets and ensuring higher disposal of cases.
I congratulate CJ Peralta for his outstanding service to the
Court and the Judiciary, especially as its leader during the pinnacle Apart from this, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted an
of his judicial service. I thank him for the kind of man, colleague often overlooked aspect of CJ Peralta — that of a skilled but
and leader that he is: unifying, patient, selfless, generous, and compassionate administrator. It is not an overstatement to say
amiable. I wish him all of God’s best as he steps down as the chief that his able leadership and timely response steered the Judiciary
magistrate of the Court. May the Lord continue to grant him good in the right direction through the upheaval wrought by the
health and mightily bless all areas of his life, especially his family pandemic. The policies he put forward has allowed the courts
and loved ones, who have themselves sacrificed a lot, so that CJ to stay open with curtailed court disruptions and persistent
Peralta could dedicate his life works for the good of the Court and dispensation of justice. Such policies have also hastened the
the Judiciary— and lead it well for such a time as this. Court’s adoption of new technologies to enable Justices and
judges to continue their work efficiently and safely. Our courts and
court users will continue to reap the benefits of these innovations
ASSOCIATE JUSTICE RODIL V. ZALAMEDA even after the crisis is over.
If the measure of achievement is that one
leaves a place better off than when he came, Such are the enduring marks that CJ Peralta will leave in the
then Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta’s career Judiciary as he retires from the Court. I would have liked to see
in the Judiciary would give him top marks. him finish his term and implement more of his vision for the bench
and the bar. Yet even a year short, he has made every moment
CJ Peralta is an esteemed and much-beloved of his tenure count. And the Judiciary, the legal community, and
figure in the Judiciary. His imprint in the legal indeed, the country, is all the better for it.
profession is legendary, especially in the field of criminal and
remedial laws. His contribution to the law and jurisprudence is Thank you, CJ Peralta, for never wavering in your commitment
immeasurable. to a responsive, efficient, and effective Judiciary! I wish you well
on your retirement. While we will miss you in the Court, there
There is practically no part of the legal profession where he has is no doubt in my mind that the Judiciary and the entire legal
not left his indelible mark. Generations of law students, lawyers profession will continue to relish the gift of your wisdom, passion,
attending seminars and continuing legal education programs, and, of course, humor. Dios ti agngina kenka! (God bless you!)
judges, and other court officials have all been blessed by the
wealth of his experience and expertise that he generously share
in his lectures and echo in his ponencias. Similarly, litigants and ASSOCIATE JUSTICE MARIO V. LOPEZ
other court users may not realize that they are benefitting from Chief Justice Peralta once said that Ilocanos
his diligent efforts at streamlining court processes and ensuring are industrious, determined, and dedicated.
the speedy and efficient administration of justice. True to this nature, his journey from a working
student to his lofty position as Chief Justice was
CJ Peralta often mentions giving lectures to be one of his paved with grit and hard work. I am proud of my
favorite parts of being a magistrate. A true pro, he enlivens even fellow Ilocano and consider it a privilege to have
the dry subject or droll hour of a lecture with his liberal dash of served the Court alongside him.
jokes and anecdotes gained from practice and years on the bench.
Participants often give him high approbation in their evaluation With a heart for public service, the Chief Justice is fully
for both substance and delivery. But make no mistake, he committed to improve the justice system of the country —
never favors style over substance. He remains the consummate something he always demonstrated throughout his career as a
professor, patiently explaining the intricacies and nuances of the public prosecutor, trial court judge, Sandiganbayan Presiding
laws, rules, and jurisprudence. Justice, Supreme Court Associate Justice and, ultimately, Chief
Justice of the Philippines. He not only endeavored to do justice
Even in our En Banc sessions, he often slips into “professor but also set a remarkable example and an assiduous conduct. He
mode” as he expounds on difficult issues or points of contention understands that the administration of justice affects the daily
— all with his signature good humor and wit. His contributions reality of peoples’ lives. He asked of others what he demanded

of himself: excellence and meticulousness. His ponencias exhibit ASSOCIATE JUSTICE
clarity and force, with a touch of aptness that stimulates the EDGARDO L. DELOS SANTOS
readers’ interest.
As dusk nears the tenure of Chief Justice
Diosdado Peralta in the Court, I reflect upon
Also, Chief Justice Peralta puts a premium on legal education.
how he guided the Judiciary in one of most
Before joining the Court, he was a professor, lecturer, resource
challenging times in our history. The year 2020
person, and Bar reviewer. Teaching is one passion that he will most
was a period of unprecedented difficulties and
likely continue to pursue upon retiring from the Bench. His future
challenges not only in the Judiciary but around
students will be privileged to have a learned jurist as mentor.
the world. During that time and up until now, Chief Justice Peralta
has managed to continuously keep the morale of the Judiciary by
As an expert in criminal and remedial law, Chief Justice Peralta
being a pragmatic and compassionate leader — looking after the
dedicated his entire tenure towards the pursuit of a more pro-
welfare of the employees of the Judiciary during such uncertain
active Philippine legal system with the aim of decongesting court
times with practical means and a great deal of empathy.
dockets. He believes that the strength of the justice system is
measured in terms of public trust. His advocacy is that the people
His term as Chief Justice may be short but in that span of time
must feel and experience justice. Thus, he streamlined the judicial
he has accomplished much of what he has laid out in his Ten
processes to adapt with modern times. As the Chairperson of
Point Program. He has vowed to lead by example and indeed he
the Committees for the Revised Guidelines for Continuous Trial
has. With his retirement, we, his colleagues, will surely miss his
of Criminal Cases and Revision of the Rules of Civil Procedure
valuable and insightful opinions. It has, indeed, been my privilege
and Evidence, he spearheaded the adoption of rules to improve
and pleasure to have worked with the Chief Justice and to have
the court system and expedite the resolution of cases. These
participated in the judicial reform efforts during his term.
include the Rule on Administrative Search and Inspection under
the Philippine Competition Act, the Rules of Procedure for
Chief Justice Peralta, I wish you good luck and Godspeed in all
Admiralty Cases, Guidelines on the Implementation of the Hague
your important endeavors in the future!
Service Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial Documents
in Civil and Commercial Matters, Guidelines in the Imposition of
Community Service as a Penalty, and Guidelines on the Use of
Videoconferencing Technology for Remote Court Appearance or
Testimony of Persons Deprived of Liberty in Jails and National “Greatness be nothing unless it be lasting.”
Penitentiaries. These words of Napoleon Bonaparte resonate
while pondering on Chief Justice Diosdado M.
To describe Chief Justice Peralta’s tenure as challenging is Peralta’s legacy. Truly, CJ Peralta’s illustrious
an understatement since the extraordinary demands of a global career is a testament of his greatness. For over
pandemic tested his leadership. There is a proverb that says three decades, he zealously and tirelessly served
“cometh the hour, cometh the man”. The hour has come and our nation.
being the leader that he is, the Chief Justice stepped up to the
plate and steered the Judiciary during these unprecedented He remarkably fulfilled his roles as legal luminary, courageous
times with decisive action, empathy, and honest communication. advocate and astute magistrate. He was a distinguished
He implemented measures so that the Justice system remains professor and an erudite lecturer who passionately shared his
unhampered and accessible to the public, while balancing the legal expertise to students and law professionals alike. He was a
health, safety, and welfare of justices, judges, court personnel magnanimous mentor, and an inspiration to the members of the
and litigants. There have been numerous magistrates who have legal community.
displayed the judicial virtues of wisdom, compassion, diligence,
leadership, and administrative skills. Yet, few have had all Likewise, his courage and grit shone in his years as a prosecutor,
these qualities and to the level that Chief Justice Peralta had where he fought as a champion of victims' rights. His fortitude and
demonstrated. zest further radiated during his stint as a Judge of the Regional
Trial Court in Quezon City, where he presided over a special court
Chief Justice Peralta’s deep sense of purpose is inspiring. for heinous crimes and drugs cases. Recognizing his intrepid
He finds fulfillment, not in the power and prestige of his office, leadership, he was promoted as a Justice of the Sandiganbayan,
but in the unremitting and persistent effort to make the Court and thereafter, its Presiding Justice.
serve its true purpose through the administration of justice
and enhancement of the Judiciary’s professionalism. Truly, the His legal prowess became more evident when he was
Supreme Court is a more responsive institution because of his appointed as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. He
accomplishments. He leaves the Court in good health ready to penned copious decisions and holds the distinction of being one
face the challenges that lie ahead. The Chief Justice leaves big of the most prolific jurists of all time. He enriched the body of
shoes to fill, but he can rest easy knowing that his colleagues and jurisprudence with his brilliant ponencias, most of which are
future Justices of the Court will follow his example. celebrated landmark cases.

I wish the Chief Justice many years of well-earned leisure, In addition to his impressive roster of achievements, his
sweetened by thoughts of high regard and affection of members most notable accomplishments unfolded during his tenure as
of the Bench and the Bar, and still more because of the good he Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He was a trailblazer and
has wrought in his honorable career. an innovative visionary. He unearthed infinite possibilities to

improve the courts and paved the way for speedy and efficient of Chief Justice Peralta’s work ethic and strive to even come close
processes through the amendment and enactment of rules, to it.
and the initiation of vital programs. He exhorted members of
the Judiciary to offer their best service. In turn, these initiatives As Chief Justice Peralta starts this new chapter in his life
resulted in the advancement of the Judiciary. outside of the Supreme Court, I want to thank him sincerely for his
guidance and leadership during our time together. Congratulations
Indeed, CJ Peralta exhibited greatness in all stages of his career on your well-deserved retirement, Chief, and may God bless you
that left a lasting imprint on the entire legal community. His and all your future endeavors!
lectures enhanced legal discourse; his pronouncements enriched
jurisprudence; his edicts improved court processes; and most ASSOCIATE JUSTICE JHOSEP Y. LOPEZ
importantly, his character inspired diligence and determination.
Chief Jus ce Peralta is the gold standard of hard
Thus, if greatness is measured by one’s legacy, undeniably, CJ
work and dedica on in the Judiciary. When I joined
Peralta is one of the greatest men who has served our nation.
the ranks of the Associate Jus ces, I was already
well aware of the Chief Jus ce’s “leadership by
example” style and I remember being cap vated
I first met Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta by his authority during my first session with His
when I was a Prosecutor temporarily assigned Honor. His leadership garners the respect of his
to his sala in RTC, Quezon City. Even during my contemporaries and admira on of his associates in the Judiciary. He
short stint in his sala, there was no doubt in my is known to be strict, for he demands a hundred percent from his
mind that then-Judge Peralta would go on to staff and from the Judiciary personnel, but he is also seen to be very
become one of the greatest magistrates of our generous and compassionate that never withholds on rewards.
highest court. He was always hardworking and
efficient, and he expected everyone to follow his lead. The Chief Jus ce is also regarded in the legal profession as one
of the most brilliant among our contemporaries. He is a staunch
Later, when I had the good fortune to be appointed as one of authority of an impeccable number of quality jurisprudence. His
the Justices of the Supreme Court, I saw again just how hard Chief contribu on in the legal circle will surely be remembered by many,
Justice Peralta worked every day. He was, and still is a stickler for especially by my former students who were replete with case
rules and discipline. Even during the pandemic, when Manila was assignments in the ponencia of the Chief Jus ce.
under ECQ, Chief Justice Peralta continued going to work every
day. He was truly a hands-on Justice. His priority was to safeguard Mind you, the Chief Jus ce’s contribu on extends to the
the rights of the accused, especially those deprived of liberty. He academe as he was also a professor of law. I remember being very
wanted trials to proceed, as far as practicable and even by video, impressed by his wit and understanding of the law when I witnessed
so as not to prejudice both the victim and the accused. It was as his lectures. His style is something that many lecturers will surely
if Chief wanted to reassure the Filipino people that justice will want to emulate to ensure con nuous interest in the some mes
continue to prevail no matter what happens in the world. His love mundane area of the law.
for the law and for his countrymen is unmatched.
I salute the Chief Jus ce for accomplishing so much for the
In addition to his hard work and diligence, Chief Justice Peralta en re Judiciary during his s nt. The cerebral handling of affairs
also exhibited a fatherly affection for all of us working under his of the Judiciary during these trying mes is something that only a
guidance. I will forever treasure the warm welcome he gave me tenacious individual can do. He has remained true to his word that
when I was newly appointed to the Supreme Court. he will spearhead the reform ini a ves, the most notable of which,
personally, is the revision of the Rules of Court and other Rules of
It was, indeed, a great privilege to have worked with Chief Procedure and Guidelines.
Justice Diosdado M. Peralta. His intelligence, wisdom and common
sense leap out of his ponencias and will serve as beacons for law Chief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta, thank you for your years
students, lawyers and magistrates now and in the years to come. I of service to the Filipino people! I wish you all the best in your
can only hope that everyone in the legal profession come to know re rement.


I t is undeniable that the prominent legacy of Chief Jus ce Diosdado Madarang

Peralta’s term as the 26th Chief Jus ce of the Republic of the Philippines rests mainly
on his successful maneuvering of the Judiciary throughout a global health crisis.

This, owing to the fact that his was not an uncomplicated were on their way out. The Chief explained one me that he
term for a Chief Jus ce. A mere five months from when he would do this not to catch any unsuspec ng employee who did
was appointed as head of the Philippine Judiciary, Chief Jus ce not know be er than to leave before the official end of office
Peralta found himself execu ng one decisive ac on a er hours. He said he did this only because there were occasions
another in reac on to the extraordinary challenges posed by when he really wanted to relax by the recep on area.
the speed and scope of the coronavirus pandemic. Ul mately,
it was through his string of policy measures and procedural A NATURAL COMEDIAN
reforms that the Philippine courts succeeded in overcoming
the ini al difficul es posed by the ambiguous threat that is So percep ve and astute is Chief Jus ce Peralta that he
the ongoing global health crisis. does not suffer fools gladly. But he does appreciate levity.
Admi edly, his healthy sense of humor is a trait of the Chief
But while Chief Jus ce Peralta may be most remembered that even those who never had the opportunity to work
by most as the chief magistrate who advocated procedural with or for him knew about him. For beneath the Chief’s tall,
reforms and con nued access to the courts while contending stern, and imposing presence lies a raconteur whose stories,
with an unprecedented crisis, there are those of us—the wi cisms, and anecdotes never fail to make his audience (i.e.,
members of his staff—who, having had the privilege of this writer) smile and laugh.
working for him throughout the length of his judicial career,
remember him more vibrantly and more personally. His ability to narrate in detail stories about his elementary
classmates back in Ilocos Norte—who were their class
A STICKLER FOR PUNCTUALITY valedictorian, salutatorian, and what became of them in
adulthood—reveal just how sharp his memory is. Once, in
Chief Jus ce Peralta respects me, both his and those of the middle of giving me instruc ons regarding an assignment,
others. He would arrive in the office an hour or so earlier the Chief told me a comprehensive history of the past mayors
than 8:00 A.M. He credits his former employers in the private and poli cal families in my city during the 1980s, him having
sector, who were also very par cular with me, for ins lling in been assigned there back when he worked for Cosmos Bo ling
him the value of punctuality. He once said that he was never Corpora on. He also gave a detailed descrip on of how my
late for work, and that when he was younger, he would even hometown used to look like. For example: “’Yang C-4, iha, wala
go to the office on his days off. During his stay in the Supreme pa noong araw ‘yan. Ang daanan ng mga tao sa inyo, ‘yung
Court, he would go on scheduled wellness leaves, but he sa may North Bay. Sa Agora.” Suffice it to say, he knew more
would s ll report to the office. about my city’s past and geography than I did.

The Chief said this was because he placed emphasis on the The Chief also likes to deliver his jokes in a deadpan manner
value of hard work. Thus, he also expected the members of at first, and then laugh a er he delivered his punchline in his
his staff to be efficient, to arrive at work on me, and to leave characteris c booming voice.
work only when it was me to do so.
Chief: “Karen, ‘yung sa (men ons office and name of SC
There were a ernoons when the Chief would sit and read employee)… Arabo ba ‘yun?”
the day’s papers at the recep on area of his office in the Me, caught off-guard: “Chief? Uh… Hindi po. Pilipino po.”
Supreme Court several minutes before 4:30 P.M., chuckling to Chief: “Arabo ‘yon. Ara buhok!” He then laughed ever
himself as he said good-bye to the members of his staff who so hear ly.

The Chief Jus ce is a devoted husband to his wife of

more than 30 years, the Honorable Court of Appeals Jus ce
Fernanda “Audrey” Lampas Peralta, and a do ng father to his
four children: Dorothy, twins John Christopher and Timothy
John, and John Isaac. Weekends for him are sacred and are
devoted to his family. He doted on his children. Knowing that
one of his law clerks, Stef, was a new mom then to twins, he
would give her ps on raising twins, punctuated with stories
about how he would be the one to babysit his children and
change their diapers back when they were babies.

Chief Jus ce Peralta is also a loving brother to his siblings

and a respec ul son to his 97-year-old “mama,” Mrs. Catalina
Madarang Peralta. He always kept in touch with her, and she,
in turn, would regularly call him through the office landline.
One me, back when he was s ll an Associate Jus ce, the
Chief answered a call near the lawyers’ area. A er several
minutes, he hung up and said, “Mama ko, tumawag. Matanda
na, nangungumusta.”

That he was never too busy with work or too preoccupied to

talk with his mother spoke volumes about the fact that if there
is one thing Chief Jus ce Peralta values more than hard work,
it is his family. His love for Jus ce Audrey is almost palpable.
He speaks of her with constant admira on and respect. When
I dra ed a message for him one me and submi ed it to him
for his review, he immediately called me to his office and said,
“Nakalimutan mo banggi n ‘yung pinaka-importante, iha.
Misis ko. Sa lahat na makakalimutan mo…” Mea culpa.


I consider it a dis nct honor to have been a member of

Chief Jus ce Peralta’s legal staff. To say that I have learned a lot
from him is a massive understatement. Through his guidance,
I learned how to work fast and work hard. There was no me
to procras nate. I also unknowingly trained my night owl
self to wake up earlier than usual, so much so that even on
weekends or when I was on leave, I would automa cally wake
up at around six in the morning. “Ang galing ng training ni
Chief ‘no,” my officemate and friend Marj would amusingly
tease me. Yes, indeed.

Chief, I will be forever grateful that you took a chance on

me that me in October of 2017 and gave me the opportunity
to work for you. Thank you for the life learnings and the
memories. It has been a privilege. Congratula ons on your
outstanding career. Enjoy your well-deserved re rement po!

Editor’s Note: Originally from the SC Public Informa on Office, A y. Mar nez joined the
Office of then-Associate Jus ce Peralta as a law clerk in 2017. She is now back in the PIO as the
Assistant Chief of Office.

Compiled by Tiffany Ines C. Atendido-Beltran and A y. Anna Katrina M. Mar nez

hief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta spent the last 12 years of his judicial career
as a magistrate of Supreme Court. Let us get to know more about the 26th
Chief Jus ce of the Philippines through the words of those who had the
privilege of working for him through thick and thin: the members of his staff.

Hard work, compassion, empathy, integrity, prudence, love Chief Jus ce Peralta has had a fulfilling and vibrant career as a
for family, friends and employees, passion for teaching, sense of magistrate. His contribu ons to the Judiciary will con nue to live on.
humor... These are just some cardinal virtues and venerable traits For these reasons, Chief Jus ce Peralta can confidently say that he
that I am blessed to have witnessed and experienced firsthand, as has accomplished his mission as Chief Jus ce of the Republic of the
Chief implemented his Ten-Point Program for the Judiciary amid Philippines. He has led and will con nue to live by example. – A y.
the pandemic. I will always cherish the lessons he taught, treasure Dorothy L. Peralta, Chief Jus ce Staff Head
the wisdom he imparted, and reminisce the memories he shared.
I will never forget and I will con nuously strive to "live and lead Joining your office and being under your tutelage have been
by example," just as Chief did during his term as Supreme Court among the most posi ve transforma ve experiences in my life. To
Associate Jus ce and Chief Jus ce of the Republic of the Philippines. I start, I learned a lot. Throughout my tenure as a member of your
pray that the Almighty will always bless and keep Chief and his family, staff, I became a witness not only of your unques onable brilliance in
as the next stage of his epic journey unfolds. – A y. Ralph Jerome D. law, but also your willingness to share and to impart to others what
Salvador, Chief Jus ce Staff Head you know. The impromptu “lectures” on various points of law that
you pa ently gave in your chambers from me to me are memories
Being a Chief Jus ce is no easy feat. More so, if his tenure is that I will surely cherish.
during a pandemic that has shocked the world. Being the head of
the Judiciary, he has to cra measures to adapt to such a situa on so Yet, your mastery of the law is but a part of what is truly
that the wheels of jus ce will effec vely and efficiently keep moving. admirable about you. Your approach to work and your zeal in the
discharge of your du es equally stand out. You taught your staff
When then Associate Jus ce Peralta was appointed as Chief the value of discipline, of adhering to rules and that there is never
Jus ce of the Republic of the Philippines, he was more than ripe to really a subs tute to good old-fashioned hard work. Watching your
assume the posi on of Chief Jus ce. He has been working for at least dedica on, day-in and day-out, inspired me to become a more
50 years, rose from the ranks, and has a rich work experience which responsible court employee, lawyer, and person. A large part of who
makes him well-equipped to address the needs and challenges that I am today is because of you, and for that I am deeply grateful.
the Judiciary has been facing, and to be the best Chief Jus ce that
he can be. Maraming, maraming salamat po Chief sa pag-gabay. Kayo po
at ang inyong mga aral ay hinding-hindi ko po malilimutan. – A y.
Chief Jus ce Peralta is me culous. This is manifested through Constan no U. Manlangit, Judicial Staff Head
his Ten-Point Program, which gives an overview of his plans and
programs for the Judiciary. He is very hands-on with work. And at the The true testament of the Chief’s greatness is the
same me, he knows that there are tasks which require working as significant number of people that he has helped throughout the
a team, and he is able to tap the right people to help work on these years. He has always been selfless in impar ng his vast knowledge of
goals. He leads by example because he is able to get the support and the law and in offering advice on life to everyone regardless of his or
coordina on of persons, which is to work towards a common good her status in life. I have been fortunate enough to have worked for
for the Judiciary. him for more than 18 years and whatever I have achieved and will
be achieving, professionally and personally, I owe it to him. Thank
Although he is firm and professional, he is also compassionate you, Chief! You will always be in my prayers. God bless you and your
towards employees, which is evident with how he cra s rules, and family. – Judge Leo Felix S. Domingo, former Court A orney VI
how he shows genuine concern and warm treatment towards them.
It is a great honor to be given the opportunity to work with Chief
It is an honor and privilege to have worked with Chief Jus ce Jus ce Peralta, my former professor in law school, from the me he was
Peralta. He has inspired me with his brilliance, and all values that appointed as Associate Jus ce in 2009. His perseverance and unwavering
contribute to being brilliant: hard work, humility and goodness. commitment to his work have always inspired me to do be er.

A staunch believer in the significance of speedy disposi on of I cannot for the life of me understand where Chief gets his energy.
cases, he was one of the Jus ces with the most number of disposed He rarely skips work; he always arrives earlier and leaves the office
cases in the Court, even when he was busy with his du es as the later than most of us. He also brings home a lot of work, on top of
Chairperson and member of various Commi ees which benefited conduc ng lectures all over the country. Like we always say, “how to
much from his exper se. He penned several landmark decisions which be you po, Chief?”
provided for jurispruden al doctrines, most especially in Criminal
Law and Criminal Procedure. He also dedicated his valuable me Nonetheless, behind Chief’s seemingly formidable façade, he
and efforts in ini a ng and implemen ng the Revised Guidelines for carries a big heart. He would always tease us as being “service-
Con nuous Trial of Criminal Cases and traveled around the country oriented,” whenever we rush to take the bus going home. But deep
to give lectures to judges on these new rules. inside we know that he understands, given how much of a devoted
husband and father he is to his family. He can relate to everyone and
On a personal note, I can say that CJ Peralta is a friendly and kind- anyone, and he never discriminates. He is always forgiving, and he is
hearted person. There were several occasions that he would join considerate to the difficul es of his staff who may be struggling with
us while we were having our lunch and our conversa ons covered adversi es.
varied topics that taught us valuable lessons in life. And quite o en,
he would also share stories that would surely make us laugh. Chief, thank you for having our backs. Thank you for sharing your
wisdom and morals to us. We will miss you, Chief! We will always
Thank you, Chief Jus ce. May God con nue to bless you and your fondly remember all your funny anecdotes and sly facial expressions,
family. - Maria Luisa Q. Ong-Tayag, Court A orney VI especially whenever you tease us. Hats off to you and congratula ons
on an outstanding career in the Judiciary. Happy re rement po. -
Chief Jus ce Peralta is a renowned jurist, a dis nguished Marjorie B. Barribal-Javier, Court A orney VI
professor of criminal law, and a trailblazer for judicial reforms. But
what truly makes him a great leader is his impeccable work ethic I worked with the Office of Chief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta
and his uncanny ability to adapt to any situa on, while s ll being on since the start of his term of office in the Supreme Court in 2009.
top of everything. He likewise has a firm grasp of the inner workings He set the example of being early at work. I witnessed his dedica on
of the Judiciary, which is evident in his excellent command of the to his work as a quintessen al jurist and his passion for the law, and
administra on of the Court. Chief has always taught by example, we have gained much from his invaluable contribu on to law and
through his punctuality, accountability, and diligence. He is also jurisprudence. In the office, he conversed with his staff and told us
a performer and has proven that there is nothing that cannot be stories and made us laugh. He has been generous, understanding
overcome with sheer determina on and hard work. He has always and solicitous of our well-being. It has been an honor and privilege to
been hands-on with his leadership, and he ensures that his vision is work with the Chief Jus ce to whom I will always be grateful. - Aida
carried out effec vely and promptly. O. Domingo, Court A orney VI

Of all the things I am grateful to the Chief for, the lessons to the High Court in 2009 and, now, during his valedictory tenure
he imparted under his leadership are what I value most. Off as its Chief Jus ce. In 2012, as if by a sense of adventurism, I bade
the bat, he mo vated me by his impeccable work ethic. A self- him farewell and forayed into the execu ve branch and then into the
confessed workaholic, Chief Jus ce Peralta led only according to private sector, and all the while bearing in mind his few golden words
what was right and just. He wasted no me in ge ng work done, but which I might as well consider as a keepsake from an esteemed
without ever sacrificing the Rule of Law. Ul mately, however, I am mentor.
most grateful for the compassion he has accorded me throughout
Galingan mo roon, kasi nanggaling ka na rito.
the years, no ma er the circumstances. Underneath it all, the Chief
is really just a man who adores his family, loves to cook, and make
These are CJ Dado’s only words that would always ring in my
everybody around him smile.
head whenever I recall the me I walked into his chambers to
seek his formal approval to my transfer. It is evident how much of
To the Chief, working under your leadership has been a true
a premium he does actually place on excellence in whatever work
honor and privilege. Thank you for the opportunity. I believe I speak
one does wherever he or she may be. In a way, the message is clear:
for all when I say that the Judiciary has significantly gained from, and
the excellence one demonstrates at any given me is probably the
will notably miss, Chief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta - Stefanie Marie
only legi mate homage he might pay to his beginnings – a shining
P. Fernandez, Court A orney VI
tes mony to the fact that a mentor indeed feels the highest pride to
see his own men and women cas ng great and lengthening shadows
A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to
beyond the halls that nurtured them.
make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of
others. ~Douglas McArthur.
I believe these words are a metaphor for the legacy that CJ Dado
intends to leave behind – not only to the Court but also to the many
I am forever grateful to our dear Chief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta
men and women with whom he has crossed paths in his long and
for giving me the opportunity, and for his trust and confidence in me.
meaningful journey as a public servant. The legacy of excellence. -
It has been a great honor and privilege.
Brandon C. Domingo, Court A orney VI
In the years that I’ve been in his office, I’ve witnessed his brilliant
I consider being part of the Office of Chief Jus ce Diosdado M.
mind and his broad knowledge of law. He is willing to listen and teach
Peralta as a blessing because every day is a learning experience. Every
us about our queries. Whenever he was free, he liked to catch up
me I get to hear the Chief Jus ce explain difficult concepts of law,
with us to hear updates not just about our work but also about our
I was always in awe on the depth of his understanding of different
fields of law especially in Criminal Law and Procedural Law. I consider
the Chief Jus ce as the second best in Criminal Law — second to the
He is dedicated and passionate about the legal profession.
Almighty God!
Before becoming the Chief Jus ce, he was o en in different places
assiduously educa ng judges and lawyers through his lectures. He
I do not only admire Chief Jus ce Peralta’s professional brilliance
is confident in all his stand in ma ers brought before the Court.
but I am also a big fan of his GQ-esque ensembles. I can say that the
He courageously decided on cases and controversial ma ers even
Chief Jus ce speaks, talks, thinks, and dresses to the highest level.
amidst public cri cism. He was compassionate to the plight of the
employees of Judiciary. When the pandemic started, he immediately
released all possible grants and allowances of the employees to
assist them before work resumed. Indeed, Chief Jus ce Peralta is a
true leader.

Thank you for the experience and memories, Chief! - Mari Joyce
R. Ruizol, Court A orney VI

As a renowned figure in the jus ce system of the Philippines,

Chief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta has always exhibited himself as
a paragon of hard work, resilience, and unrivaled devo on to the
service of the people. In my three years of service with the Chief
Jus ce, I have personally witnessed his passion and dedica on to
the advancement of our legal landscape and the be erment of the
Philippine Judiciary as a whole.

As my first s nt in government service, I am s ll in awe at how

blessed I am to have worked under the guidance and supervision of
Chief Jus ce Peralta. I am forever grateful to have had this wonderful
and remarkable experience. Thank you for your exemplary service to
the Filipino people.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Godspeed, Chief
Jus ce. - Miguel Angelo S. Gabionza, Court A orney VI

I have had the rarest pleasure of working with CJ Dado twice, in

both his capacity as an Associate Jus ce when he was first appointed

Thank you for all the opportuni es and I wish you a frui ul
re rement, Apo Chief Jus ce Peralta! - Jeffrey G. Gallardo, Court
A orney VI

I first met the Chief Jus ce by accident at a grocery store in

early 2020. I recall how approachable and pleasant he was as we
discussed Bar reform. Many months later, I decided to send him my
applica on for a clerkship posi on. A er a month, I received that
fateful message from his Chief of Staff, A y. Ralph, that Chief asked
to see me. I recall feeling as though I had passed the Bar again! And
true enough, working for the Chief Jus ce during the pandemic was
the best part of my 2020. God has blessed me not only with kind and
genuine work colleagues but also a boss who is industrious and who
inspires me to be the best lawyer I could be. I will always be grateful
to Chief for giving me this once-in-a-life me opportunity to assist
him in shaping our na on's jurisprudence as well as various rules of never complained about anything. He is a leader everyone can be
procedure. God willing, like the Chief, I would also meet "the one" by proud of. He knew that we are not perfect yet he never berated us.
the me I reach 37. I wish him a happy and res ul re rement, but He wanted to know how we are doing and we always welcome his
knowing him, I am sure that he will con nue to be hard at work. We words of encouragement.
really need more government officials like him! My snappy salute Sir!
- Jus n Adriel E. Ordoyo, Court A orney VI This so , gentle, and peace-loving man will always be unique. His
dedica on and commitment to the causes of the law and its progress
"The greatest gi you can give someone is to believe in them." will never be forgo en and always treasured. CJ Peralta is one of the
most selfless people that I know. He is extremely modest despite his
Chief, thank you very much for believing in me! I am very many achievements and he never sought anything in return for his
grateful for the opportunity you have given me where I gained reless efforts.
priceless learning experience. I will con nue to cherish our personal
encounters and the professional rela onship established. I wish you FIAT, CJ PERALTA! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE AN INSPIRATION TO ME
all the best and Godspeed! - Jed Sherwin G. Uy, Court A orney VI AND ALL THE PEOPLE YOU HAVE COME ACROSS WITH. - Khiel L.
Crisostomo, Court A orney VI
It has been said that as a general rule of thumb, there are at least five To say that Chief Jus ce Peralta is the epitome of dedicated public
persons that one would meet during the course of his or her life that service, is an understatement. An astute leader, the current pandemic
would have a las ng impact on them and for me, CJ Peralta is one did not hinder him from accomplishing his ten-point program
of them. I am truly honored and privileged to have met and worked for the Judiciary in just a year. Chief Jus ce Peralta's outstanding
with him. achievements are realiza ons, not only of his assiduous and ardent
efforts, but also of his altruis c impulses in serving the public. An
As a mentor, he was always there for me — coaching, mentoring, admi ed workaholic, Chief Jus ce Peralta hardly missed a day of
encouraging, and some mes pushing hard for me to keep on being work. In fact, he will even be ahead of everyone and will leave the
the best version of myself. office a er everyone does. Un l now, I am in awe of how he always
goes to work full of strength and vigor. Despite his hec c schedule,
As a teacher of the law and life, he was tough but, at the same he takes me to impart his wisdom and vast knowledge of the law
me, kind and encouraging. I love his unique sense of humor, his to us and at the same me, he ins lls in us that more than anything,
ability to analyze quickly, and offer words of wisdom. Most of all, I discipline and hard work will bring our capabili es to greater heights.
appreciate his closeness to God and love for his family. How I wish I could paint the perfect picture of moments where
I would see him working punc liously in his chambers and how it
I always look forward to going to work because I am not only mo vates me to work even harder. Indeed, his incredible work ethic,
working at the Supreme Court of the Philippines but I am PROUDLY coupled with his intellectual sharpness, inspire us to be be er. Truly,
working for the Chief Magistrate of the country. At work, CJ Peralta Chief Jus ce Peralta lives and leads by example. A brilliant jurist,
a firm leader, and a great teacher, I am privileged to have worked
as a law clerk under the guidance and supervision of Chief Jus ce
Peralta. - Ma. Triscia Giebon D. Asensi, Court A orney VI

In an early Monday morning in 2019, the Supreme Court

employees gathered for a flag raising ceremony a er a new Chief
Jus ce has been appointed. Chief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta stood
in front of the microphone and opened his statement with a promise:
“I will lead by example.”

Leading by example is a pledge that the Chief Jus ce delivered. He

headed the Judiciary with utmost dedica on and demanded the same
level of passion from the court employees. He never rested during
the lockdown and s rred us, his staff, to remain devoted to our work
to con nuously meet the needs of the public. With his leadership,

the Chief Jus ce guided the Judiciary to a seamless transi on into the rules of civil procedure and rules of evidence are mely and
the new normal through the immediate implementa on of protocols relevant in achieving a more efficient administra on of jus ce. The
that will ensure con nuous service without compromising our health crea on of the Judiciary Help Desk has made public assistance more
and safety. accessible to the public. The technological innova ons, such as the
e-warrant and other electronic rules of procedure, have marked the
It is an honor to be a part of the Office of the Chief Jus ce. beginning of the Judiciary’s integra on of technology as a means to
Watching him mo vates me to give a high regard to my status as facilitate the speedy administra on of jus ce. Finally, his ponencias
a public servant because the Filipino people deserve the most and academic work have enriched the legal system and will con nue
conscien ous ones. The Chief Jus ce is and will always be an to provide guidance in the interpreta on of laws.
inspira on to the members of the legal profession.
It has been an honor working under the office of Chief Jus ce
Thank you, Chief, and may your enthusiasm in service con nue. - Peralta, and I will always cherish the lessons I have learned under
Josephine B. Arpafo, Court A orney V his leadership. I am also grateful for the kindness he has shown,
especially to his staff. Chief Jus ce, thank you for your leadership and
Your work ethics and pride in the court are truly inspira onal. public service. I wish you a happy re rement, and all the best in the
We are lucky to benefit from your great experience and brilliance. years to come. - Julia Therese D. Pineda, Court A orney IV
Your character has been truly tested by mes of stress and strain
but, each me, your loyalty towards Jus ce and compassion to your There is so much to admire about CJ Peralta---his landmark
staff shine through. May your light con nue to guide the path of the ponencias, his exper se in criminal law, his leadership by example,
next genera ons of lawyers and jus ces! Wishing you many years his lively and informa ve lectures, and his swi and decisive ac on
of happiness and well-earned leisure! – Neneth D. Aporo, Court during the pandemic which helped the Judiciary adapt to the new
A orney V normal and deliver much needed service to our country amidst
unprecedented challenges.
Throughout his decades of service in the Judiciary, Chief Jus ce
Peralta has played an instrumental role in the administra on of But I will always remember CJ Peralta as the Jus ce who helps
jus ce, and has inspired many, myself included. ordinary employees, as much as he can, at mes that it is greatly
needed. I will never forget your kindness, Chief! God bless you and
Chief Jus ce Peralta is among those I have witnessed to truly lead your family. - Maria Rosario Marte-Rediang, Court A orney IV
by example. His leadership was especially felt during the pandemic.
He introduced ini a ves that mi gated the challenges brought Chief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta was able to lead by example, as
about by the pandemic. He assured the public that the pandemic he was a frontliner of the Judiciary when he did not fail to give the
will not stop the courts from rendering jus ce. Inside the Supreme highest of priori es for the speedy disposi on of cases. At the same
Court, he has also shown empathy and considera on for the staff me, he has shown abundant empathy to the employees and staff of
and employees, implemen ng measures to help us cope in these the Supreme Court by ensuring that they are out of harm’s way. The
difficult mes. Judiciary now has reached greater heights thanks to the Chief Jus ce
and to the workforce he has inspired. Without a doubt, Chief Jus ce
Beyond this pandemic, Chief Jus ce Peralta will always be Peralta was able to do more than what an excellent Chief Jus ce is
remembered for his leadership in judicial reform. The revisions in expected to do. It is not difficult for Chief Jus ce Peralta to do all

my brother and I have musical concerts, my father would fetch us
from the backstage to help us carry our belongings. It’s one of those
moments when I know that my father - The Chief Jus ce, is proud of
us. I appreciate that we get to spend a whole Sunday together, as if
we don’t spend almost everyday of our week as a vibrant family. He’s
also a bonafide cook. No words can describe how good his dishes
are; we can only marvel at his talent. I pray that God would give
Papa Do more than 101% of what he asks for a er his re rement:
Good health, more me with family and beloved ones, prosperity,
composed leisure and the strength and mo va on to contribute for
the succeeding genera ons. Papa Do, I will see you later. I want to
see you every single day. Let us conquer the next chapter of our lives
together. - Timothy John L. Peralta, Execu ve Assistant V

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work for you—to

witness your dedica on and hard work for the be erment of the
Judiciary and experience your sincere regard for the welfare of your
people. You taught us how to aspire for progress amidst hurdles and
showed how to lead and live by example. You are truly a gem in the
Judiciary! A great leader to all of us! It was an honor to be led by you.
of these because his work ethic is enshrined in his untainted and Congratula ons on your great achievements and may you enjoy your
kindhearted character whose principles are molded by hard work, re rement to the fullest! - Juan Paolo P. Aldon, SC Senior Chief Staff
humility, and kindness. Combine all these phenomena and you get Officer
two sides of Diosdado M. Peralta: one who is the Chief Jus ce and the
other who is our “Papa Do,” the former of which all people already I will forever cherish every minute of being a part of the
know. Papa Do can be strict at mes, but this always comes with a administra ve staff of Chief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta. His
very good reason that my siblings and I have to submit to because it’s work principle anchored on leadership by example had etched
just too right. I am proud that I am s ll under my parents’ guidance, in me the values of a public servant — dedica on, integrity, and
for where will I be without them? While I know that he will s ll be professionalism. I am a witness to how great he is in inspiring his legal
as produc ve as ever, I am happy to know that he will have more and administra ve staff to achieve their full poten als. The Chief
me to spend for his family and friends. I look forward to discussing Jus ce would not mince words to remind you of areas to improve
(and deba ng on) music and who the be er musician between John on but he is also generous in giving words of commenda on if a staff
Lennon and Paul McCartney is. Let’s analyze (and overanalyze) our does an excellent job.
favorite basketball teams and other sports. Let’s get carried away
with Ne lix and Amazon Prime shows. I’ve become accustomed to On a personal note, saying thank you for a billion mes is not
listening to people men on Papa Do’s accomplishments from the enough to show how grateful I am to Tito Dado (whom we, his nieces
me he was a young and ambi ous prosecutor who made sure that and nephews, fondly call, Tito Daddy) for being the second father to
no criminal can live a life of liberty, to the me he has become the me and my two sisters. If it not for your fatherly love, we would not
26th Chief Jus ce of the Highest Court in the Philippines. However, be where we are right now. I pray that God will shower you and your
a greater list of Diosdado M. Peralta’s achievements as “Papa Do” family with spiritual and material blessings.
is also worth men oning. That’s why, I dedicate my life to make
sure that the people will hear more about him as our father. - John On behalf of my sisters, Kathleen and Menchu and our respec ve
Christopher L. Peralta, Execu ve Assistant V families, we would like to say, Agyaman kami unay kenka, Tito Daddy.
Ay-ayaten daka. - Ma. Aurora Candelaria P. Co, PET Chief Judicial
A luminary to all people from all walks of life, a juggernaut Supervising Officer
armed with an unyielding moral compass to the legal profession
and a trailblazer of some of the most important procedural laws My employment career actually commenced at a Bank where
so that no person will be deprived of his due process, Chief Jus ce the kind work I performed was very rigid and intense. To borrow a
Diosdado M. Peralta is the epitome of the ul mate man. From the word from the Millennials, it is “toxic.” I wasn’t keen on applying
audacious and most decorated prosecutor into The Chief Jus ce for employment at any government office. To be honest, my first
of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, Chief Jus ce Peralta has impression is that government work is laid-back and lax, it is not
reached the pinnacle of his legal profession through hard work fulfilling and counterproduc ve. It was only when I started having my
and tenacity. No further acclama on is needed to corroborate own family that I decided to shi to government employment a er
his achievements. In spite of his many accolades that speak of his realizing that the financial benefits thereat are not only promising
impeccable character as the leader of the Judiciary and our Chief but rewarding as well.
Jus ce, the “Papa Do” personality that I, my siblings and my mother
know never falters. I say with utmost convic on that Papa Do is the When I worked under Chief Jus ce Peralta, all those nega ve
perfect father. While he pampers us with love, Papa Do makes sure thoughts and impressions about government employment
that we don’t overindulge in possessions so that we don’t quan fy disappeared. My employment for Chief Jus ce Peralta started when
our blessings. Instead, he disciplines us to make each blessing, no he was s ll a Jus ce of the Sandiganbayan. Ever since then, I was
ma er how small or simple it may be, a meaningful tes mony of impressed and amazed with the degree of work ethics Chief Jus ce
hard work and kindness of people. He teaches us to be humble so Peralta displayed, which he demanded his staff should also mirror.
that we can become good models to those who have less in life and He was prompt and punctual in going to his office. Looking back,
inspire them with goodwill to be hardworking and kind. Whenever there were only very rare occasions when he did not report for work.

He’s very diligent, industrious and commi ed to his work. For me, Thank you for the kindness, support and inspira on that you have
his passion for dispensing jus ce is incomparable. These admirable given to the employees of the Court, especially to us, your staff, and
characteris cs of Chief Jus ce Peralta have greatly influenced his to me! I will forever be grateful to the Almighty for the opportunity
employees. I have always been proud to work for him, from the to have worked with you!
Sandiganbayan, un l he realized his dream of becoming the Chief
Jus ce of the Supreme Court. His influence went beyond me and I only wish the best for you, Sir! – Ma. Victoria S. Rivera, PET
even reached one of my daughters, who is currently taking up Supervising Judicial Staff Officer
Bachelor of Laws. Indubitably, Chief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta truly
embodies his most revered slogan – Live By Example. At the outset, I would like to say that it has been my honor and
a privilege to work for you, Sir, for 12 years. Thank you, Sir, for your
Chief Jus ce Peralta is the reason why my faith in the Government, pa ence and soothing words of encouragement whenever I commit
par cularly in the Judiciary, has been restored. Indeed, it is a pleasure mistakes in the performance of my job. You have ins lled within me
and a privilege to work directly for Chief Jus ce Peralta, an epitome such kind of discipline which had been crucial in molding me to an
of a public servant. I shall always treasure and appreciate those 18 efficient worker that I am today. Through your strong moral guidance
years of working for you, Sir. and supervision, I was able to accomplish the tasks assigned to me
with ease and facility.
Thank you very much Chief Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta. May our
God always bless you with everything that is good and beau ful, and I’ve always admired your dedica on and passion in performing
may He always protect you and grant you good health. Good luck, Sir your noble du es and responsibili es, working for many hours
and may you enjoy your re rement from office. Cheers! - Flerida B. each day just to insure that jus ce is dispensed with properly and
Lim, Execu ve Assistant III effec vely. I look up and regard you, Sir, as my second Father whom
I will always respect and revere. You have inspired me to become
I am deeply grateful and privileged to be a part of the workforce a be er version of a judiciary employee, mirroring your honesty,
of then Associate Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta un l his appointment integrity and diligence. Thank you, Sir, for your generosity and for
in the Supreme Court as the Chief Jus ce. your con nuous assistance.

The Chief Jus ce is an epitome of dedica on to the law I wish you all the best on your re rement because you deserve
profession. One can only admire his intelligence, tenaciousness and nothing less. May God always bless you and your family. - Ramir M.
determina on and these made him an icon in the Judiciary. He is not Magno, Execu ve Assistant III
only a brilliant Chief Jus ce and jurist, but he is also a man whose
inspiring life story and courageous leadership transcends law, poli cs I consider it un mely for you to go on an early re rement at a
and government. His unparalleled legacy and impact on people will me when we need you most in the Judiciary. This is because you
never be forgo en. have achieved so much for the best interest of the public service,
the Judiciary and its personnel in just a li le more than a year as
I recall that it was when I was under him when I was promoted Chief Magistrate, even during this pandemic. To men on a few, the
in the Sandiganbayan and likewise in the Supreme Court. I cannot novel Judiciary Public Assistance Sec on you created enabled you to
forget all the help that you have been extending to me, Sir! Chief easily reach out to the public and quickly act on their concerns. You
Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta, Mabuhay po kayo! - Jano D. Del Rosario, then implemented the opera on of the Judicial Integrity Board to curb
Execu ve Assistant III corrup on and promote integrity in the Judiciary. Congratula ons,
Chief Jus ce, for a job well done!
I have o en heard the saying that it is more important to work for
a good boss rather than a good organiza on. This is because a good As my boss for many years, I am a living tes mony of your
boss will make a difference to your career. His aura not only inspires, impressive discipline and outstanding brand of leadership by
but he also propels others to success in their endeavors. example. You report to office early morning and go home a er
dusk. Many mes you even wake up at 2:00 A.M. to study and review
Dear Chief Jus ce, this announcement really came as a surprise the cases for delibera on before going to office. You me culously
to me. You had more than a year le in your closet. Nevertheless, I examine our reports and recommenda on and mo vate us to do
know God has be er plans, but I guess you have be er plans. our tasks accurately and promptly. While you are strict in our work
performance, you are also kind-hearted and quick to extend help
Working as part of your staff has been a great experience not to us in mes of need. Your admirable passion for jus ce, your
only professionally, but also personally. Thank you! I will cherish the commitment for excellence and integrity, and your kindness– which
life lessons that you have shared during our casual talks, and the law are worthy of emula on–are the best and las ng gi s you have given
lectures you have given. (You keep forge ng that I am not a lawyer, me.
but I thank you for those lectures because I have learned so much).
You always exude excellence in everything that you do. Thank you Thank you, Chief Jus ce Peralta! I will surely miss your goodness,
for maintaining harmony and balance at work, despite the heavy your laughter and, of course, the sight of your regal bearing when
workload and our constant annoyance which you have to bear from you walk along the corridors of the Supreme Court. You are unique
me to me. My heart and soul are in so much be er space right and one of a special kind. God bless you and keep you! - Jose Max P.
now, all because of your guidance and trust! You have always been Quipit, former Execu ve Assistant V
a breath of fresh air who always want the best for your staff! You
have been a phenomenal leader in the Court, as well as a loving boss, Today, we celebrate the birth of a man who is not only our boss,
who made everyone their best version of themselves. You handled dis nguished lecturer and jurist, he is likewise a mentor to many of us.
everything with grace, poise, and dignity. His generosity in helping out law students, lawyers, judges, Jus ces

and other peers in the Judiciary has made him a sought-a er adviser Chief Jus ce, and may the good Lord con nue to bless you and your
as well. en re family. - Sandra Pendon, PET Judicial Staff Officer V

I thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn under your Dear CJ Peralta, I am really grateful to be part of your OCJ family.
guidance, many of the decisions you penned enriched our legal Even though it was only for a short-term period, I am very proud of
jurisprudence for genera ons to come. Your dedica on and passion you Chief. I am very thankful for all the help that you've done for us.
to update the procedural rules of the court, along with many other
equally important projects, truly is a testament of your desire to Chief, mayroon akong memorable experience nang maging
leave a las ng legacy for all who come to court. Chairman po kayo sa Bar. Nag-serve po ako at nabansagan nyo nga
po akong BIKO. Hahaha! Kasi sa amin nag-o order ng biko pang
I sincerely wish you all the best, sir and we shall all miss you! - merienda sa Bar at ako po yung hinimatay sa last day ng Bar sa
Pernell Pacapac, Execu ve Assistant IV picture-taking. Embarrassing experience pero memorable kasi nakita
ko po ‘yung concern nyo po. Thank you again, Chief and to Jus ce
We wish you a wonderful future with lots of me to enjoy yourself Fernanda and to your family. - Ma. Era A. Or z, Messenger
together with your family, friends, rela ves and hobbies. You’ve done
so much for all of us, especially for our family for the past 10 years. Hi Chief, thank you for le ng me be part of your OCJ family. I’m
We also wish you nothing, but the best of health and happiness for so blessed and grateful for all the things that you’ve done for us.
this new chapter in your life. I remember the me that you gave me a document to proofread
then praised me for having “eagle eyes” because I spo ed even the
We would also like to express our sincere gra tude to Madam niest, li le errors. Even now, I s ll admire you for your hard work
Jus ce Audrey Peralta for her trust and kindness. Chief Jus ce, and dedica on. Thank you for everything! – Christopher Kevin G.
you are an inspira on to us! Congratula ons and enjoy your well- Marasigan, Court Stenographer III
deserved re rement.
I would like to express my gra tude and pleasure for having given
"Anyone can be a boss around but it takes someone special to me the opportunity to serve you. I will forever be grateful that you
be a leader." Thank you for being such a great leader Chief Jus ce have given me the chance to be your employee and to serve you.
Diosdado M. Peralta. - Bryan M. Austria, Execu ve Assistant III and Wishing you good health and happiness po, Chief. Thank you so
Ara Janica Maxell A. Austria, Judicial Staff Assistant II much po, Chief, both to you and your family. - Kent Andre I. Tarrayo,
Judicial Staff Employee
Happy Re rement po, Chief Jus ce! Thank you po for your
generosity and for your con nuous assistance to me and to all your It was a great experience to work with a boss like you. Thank you
staff. Especially for helping us find work even a er you re red. It has for the support, generosity, and especially for the big opportunity
been an honor and privilege to work with you directly for more than that you've given us. I will be forever grateful to have the opportunity
10 years. You're always in my prayers po, Chief, together with your to work under your management and guidance. Even though you
family. - Ma hew Dellosa, Records Officer II had already re red, you s ll manage to give me to see us and ask us
how we are. You are the best boss among the best and for that, we
It is a big privilege to be part of your Admin. Staff. Thank you po, miss you so much and will never ever forget you. Thank you so much,
Chief for the trust you have given me. And thank you so much po for Chief! - John Paul G. Pantua, U lity Worker II
your concern to me and to my colleagues, making sure that we have
jobs before you re re and even now you're s ll concerned about how
we're doing which I did not see in the past bosses I worked with. God
bless you po, Chief, with good health. - Alberto R. Jimena, Clerk IV

Thank you po, Chief for giving me the opportunity to be part

of your Admin. Staff. Throughout your en re career, you have
never forgo en your staff, from the Judicial Staff Head down to the
administra ve staff, as you have always strived to help us to the best
of your abili es and have helped us have jobs before your re rement.
Even a er your re rement, you s ll gave us ayuda. I will always be
praying for your health and happiness as you enjoy your re rement.
Thank you po, Chief! - Herman R. Argana, Judicial Staff Assistant II

There is so much to be said about the accomplishments of Chief

Jus ce Diosdado M. Peralta as a public servant, but I’m sure I will
not have the me to enumerate even some of his achievements as a
lawyer, member of the academe, Jus ce of the Sandiganbayan and
Chief Jus ce of the Supreme Court. So I will just say something about
him as a boss/superior, CJ Peralta is quite strict, which I believe can
be a good thing, such mindset and ways make one take his job with
serious and honest dedica on. Although I’ve only been in his office
for five months, I’ve learned that he genuinely cares for the welfare
of his staff. Since he opted for an early re rement, he however, was
quick to help in endorsing most of us to another office just so that
our service will not be cut, that is probably the side of him that a lot
of the Supreme Court employees do not know. Happy re rement Mr.

THE PROFESSOR by Jose Salvador A. Zenarosa

  tall, imposing figure makes a turn to our corridor with a gait that was
purposeful yet relaxed. “Andyan na si Fiscal Peralta (Fiscal Peralta is
coming)!” came the ominous call to the class as they scamper about to
their respec ve seats. Me and my buddy, Andrew Mangrobang, had been outside
the classroom smoking (it was 1989) and were about to ditch our cigare es when our
professor mo oned us to stop as he lit his own s ck of Marlboro reds. He began to make
small talk and said to me at mid-puff, “Ang ganda ng sapatos mo, a. Florsheim 'yan,
ano? (Nice shoes. Those are Florsheims, right?)” I simply nodded. They were cordovan
brogues and I was almost certain that he knew that it was a hand-me-down from my
Dad, and that it was a full size smaller than what I normally wore. I swear my shoes felt
even ghter at that moment. You see, he had always been a na y dresser and any kind of
valida on from him in that regard was certainly worth wri ng about. And now 32 years
later, here we are.

A y. Mangrobang recalls his own moment of approval. He also had an excep onal memory. Commissioner Plata-
“During my second year in law school, Chief Jus ce Peralta, Day a shares: “I was surprised and fla ered when our paths
then Fiscal Peralta, was my professor in Transporta on. I was crossed a dozen years or so later in 2001. I was working as
called to recite and discuss a case involving the nature of a Branch Clerk of Court, and he was then Presiding Judge of
franchises for public u lity vehicles. The first thing he asked Branch 95 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City. To my
about the case was its ponente, perhaps to test if I had read glee, he instantly remembered me, and even called me by my
the full text of the decision, which I did. So, when I was able to maiden name.” Just recently, when the officers of the University
name the ponente, he said 'okay ka bata, a' (you're okay, kid). of Santo Tomas Law Alumni Founda on, Inc. (USTLAFI) of
So typically Dado (his students' choice term of endearment). which Commissioner Plata-Day a is a Trustee, took their oath
The next fellow wasn’t so lucky. The Chief Jus ce asked him at the Supreme Court, she could not believe her ears when
about the dissen ng opinion.” she heard the Chief Jus ce sharing a familiar story. “It was
the story of my supposed 'TOTGA (the-one-that-got-away).'
Professor Peralta had earned a reputa on for being a It’s like an embarrassing secret being told, and yet I couldn't
“terror” - one that delights in seeing his students sweat. He help but laugh it off hearing him relay the drama in its sordid
was feared by most students because he had been known to details,” Commissioner Day a smiles. “This, to me, is who and
fail half of his class. In fact, some students would get crea ve how CJ Peralta is as a person, and as a man of the law. His
with their schedules and transfer to other sec ons only to excep onal memory, not just as to ma ers pertaining to law
discover the then Assistant Prosecutor of Manila wai ng for and jurisprudence, but also as to interpersonal rela onships,
them shuffling their class cards in the other class. It was not speak much of his brilliance. I will forever be grateful for having
for the faint of heart. known him as a writer, a legal luminary, and as a mentor.”

To his credit, Professor Peralta managed to make a tawdry A y. Joseph Cerezo had always looked up to the Chief
two-unit subject like Transporta on Law engaging enough Jus ce. “CJ Peralta was the most popular professor at UST
with his dedica on, enthusiasm, and punch of humor. Na onal because of his enviable sartorial taste. From the shoes, socks,
Labor Rela ons Commissioner Mary Ann Plata-Day a recalls suits, and es that he wore, the students are unanimously
that Chief Jus ce Peralta's class was both challenging and fun awed and perhaps subconsciously cul vated a secret desire to
– a rare combina on in law school. be like him someday.” But A y. Cerezo quickly adds that this

is just icing on the cake. “Aside
from his impeccable fashion
sense, CJ Peralta is also very
passionate about teaching.
He would try to bring out the
best in you by asking the most
difficult and out of this world
ques ons. As a professor, he
has a photographic memory.
He has no notes and he gives
his lectures without memory
aids. He also knows where you
were seated during the last
mee ng and what silly answers
you gave during recita on.”

A y. Cerezo recalls a turning

point while he was serving as
President of the UST Faculty
of Civil Law's student council
of which Chief Jus ce Peralta
was the adviser. “At that me,
my fellow officers and I staged
a walk-out and rally due to an
unjus fied tui on increase
in the university. As a result,
an inves ga on panel was
created, and I was singled
out to suffer the penalty of
suspension. I was successful
enough to get a temporary
restraining order from the RTC
of Manila. When I returned to
my classes, the CJ and I had a
heart-to-heart talk. He told me
that he appreciated my courage
to fight for worthy causes,
but he advised me to balance
things and be prudent. He told
me that he believes that I will be a good lawyer someday and His subject was indeed challenging, but it urged us to study
he implored upon me to focus and concentrate on my studies harder. It was from that moment that I respected him more.
first-- 'Joseph, you are here because you want to be a lawyer. Because of him, our founda on in law was deeply grounded
Be a lawyer and you will be able to help more people.' With which eventually led us to become the lawyers that we are
those words from a person I truly admired, I became a lawyer.” today.”

So inspired was A y. Cerezo that he, too, became a professor A y. Arnold Frane wasn't quite as fortunate. He had
and even asked the Chief Jus ce to be his ninong (godfather) excelled in most of his classes but got a failing mark in Criminal
when he got married. The Cerezos recently celebrated their Law II from Professor Peralta. It came as a surprise to his
silver wedding anniversary. classmates, but not to Arnold who took ownership of his
mistakes and enrolled in the same subject the following
“I dis nctly remember our first day of class [in Criminal semester. In as much as he wanted to redeem himself in
Law I] when he advised us to take advantage of the recita ons the same playing field, the class was taught by another
because they are easier compared to the exams,” recalls A y. professor. His shot at redemption came a year later when
Frankie Magsalin. “Soon, we learned that recita ons were he and the future Chief Justice faced each other again in
not easy; neither were his exams. We were even told to open Practicum.
our criminal law books during exams, yet we couldn't find the
answers in any of those books either. He even told us to take Many years later in 2001, Atty. Frane’s and the Chief
home the ques onnaires as he does not repeat his exams. Justice's paths would cross anew. This time at the Office of

the Solicitor General in Makati where, as Solicitor, he and
then Judge Peralta would engage in small talk while the
latter waited for his wife, then Assistant Solicitor General
Fernanda Lampas Peralta.

But not everyone took failing in his class as graciously.

There were loose talk of picking on students who he thought
to be too flashy or arrogant and putting them in their place;
of lifting exam questions from previous Bar exams; of
sending students out of the class for wearing shorts even
if it was on a Saturday. There is even an urban legend that years, “To this day, I am immensely grateful for the lessons
for the first time, he passed an entire class as payback to a and wisdom he had inculcated in me, and for reinforcing the
promise he made to the gods for the safe delivery of his first- belief that hard work truly pays off.”
born. It is well to note that all these are unsubstantiated
and/or fall within the professor's discretion. The Chief Justice has kept mum on his plans after he
formally bows out of the Judiciary, a year before the curtain
Atty. Jeffrey Juanengo suffered the ignominy of having his falls. While speculations are rife, it is undeniable that his
name used as a punchline for the entire semester in Criminal knowledge and mastery of the law, of the rules, and of their
Law II. “As in all the crimes in Book II of the Revised Penal nuanced interconnectedness, should not be wasted on
Code. He would start with, ‘for example, Mr. Juanengo...,’” writing post-game memoirs just yet.
Jeffrey recalls. “I didn't take offense to it because I felt as
though he just wanted to make the class laugh. It was okay At the end of a recent meeting on the details of his
because he was kind naman all the time. In hindsight, it retirement ceremonies, I had the chance to be alone with
might have even helped. I did well in Criminal Law in the the Chief and felt bold enough to ask. While he did say
Bar exams.” At least Atty. Juanengo had the last laugh. that he looks forward to spending more time at home with
family, he declared as a matter-of-factly, “I will teach.” Just
USTLAFI Trustee Atty. Frankie Magsalin echoes the hearing him say it made perfect sense. The Chief Justice is in
sentiments of Professor Peralta's students through the his best element whenever he is on professor mode.


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