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Colegiul Național ”Constantin Cantacuzino”, Târgoviște

Profesor: Tomescu Raluca

Disciplina: Limba engleză
Clasa: a VII a, A
Nr. Ore/săpt.: 2 ore
Manual: Limba moderna 1 engleza - RIGHT ON 2, editura Uniscan
Număr de ore alocat/unitate de invatare : 8 ore


Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare

conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
1. Lesson 1 1.2. Identificarea A1: Lead in Student’s book Systematic
detaliilor din mesaje și
• The environment: interacţiuni pe subiecte Vocabulary: Problems & solutions Digital book observation
problems & solutions • previzibile când
Green activities • locutorii / interlocutorii Match the problems to the solutions. Write Whiteboard/blackboard Permanent
vorbesc clar și rar; in your notebook. Listen and check. encouragement
Smart devices 
2.3. Formularea unei A2: Practice Speaking exercises
păreri asupra unei
probleme practice, cu Make sentences, as in the example. Use Ex. 1/80
sprijin din partea reduce or save. Write in your notebook. To
interlocutorului reduce air pollution, we can walk or ride a        2/80
3.2. Selectarea de Homework
informaţii din texte pe A3: Green activities
teme din viaţa
cotidiană; Fill in: organise, build, create, start, grow,
do. Write in your notebook. Listen to
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare

A4: Speaking

Use the ideas in Ex. 3 to make suggestions

about green activities at your school, as in
the example. Use the language in the Note
box. A: How about starting a recycling
club? B: That’s a great idea!

A5: Practice


 To make suggestions, we use:

• How/What about + -ing? • Why don’t we


 • We could … .

 • Let’s …

Choose the correct preposition. Write in

your notebook.

Walk to School Scheme Do you live close

1) in/by? Then why not walk to school
instead of travelling here 2) on/by car?
We’re starting a Walk to School scheme
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
and we want everyone to join in! The first
day of the scheme will be 3) in/on Friday.
For more information, talk 4) to/for Mr

A6: Speaking & Writing Compare the

schools in the blog to your school.

 What can you do to make your school

more eco-friendly? Think of five things.
Use your ideas to prepare a poster for your
2.READING 1.2. Identificarea A1: Lead in RIGHT ON 3 Systemic
detaliilor din mesaje și observation
• Flying the Green Flag interacţiuni pe subiecte Skim the text Student’s book
• Across Cultures: previzibile când Permanent
locutorii / interlocutorii Read the text quickly. Find all the words in Digital book encouragement
vorbesc clar și rar; the blog related to school areas.
Whiteboard/blackboard Speaking exercises
 2.1. Prezentarea unor A2: Listening
planuri / expunerea Smart devices: laptop/ Ex. 1/80
unor intenţii și proiecte Listen to and read the blog. Decide if the tablet/ phone
de viitor; statements (1-5) are R (right), W (wrong)        2/80
or DS (doesn’t say). Correct the wrong  
2.3. Formularea unei statements. Write in your notebook. Homework
păreri asupra unei
probleme practice, cu 1. Every classroom in Lauren’s school has
sprijin din partea got a recycling bin.
2. On ‘Travel Smart Day’, Lauren walks to
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare

 3. They haven’t put up the Green Flag in

Lauren’s school yet.

4. Ricky’s school got a Green Flag last


 5. All the food in the canteen in Ricky’s

school is organic.

A3: Reading & speaking

What jobs can you do as a volunteer in

Yosemite National Park? Read through to
find out.

A4: Listening

Listen to the sounds. Where are you? What

can you see? How are you feeling?

A5: Practice

Read the email and put the paragraphs in

the correct order. For questions 1-3, choose
the correct answer (A, B or C). Write in
your notebook. 1. Wendy’s group is going
to stay A in tents outside Yosemite
National Park. B in the town of Groveland.
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
C on the edge of a river. 2. What does
Wendy say about chores? A She’s happy to
join in. B She doesn’t want to help. C They
won’t need to do any. 3. Wendy is going to
take photos of A wild animals. B the park.
C her group.

A6: Speaking

Listen to the text. What makes Wendy an

eco-teen? Tell the class.
3. Vocabulary 1.2. Identificarea Digital book Systemic
detaliilor din mesaje șiA 1. Teach wild animals observation
Wild animals interacţiuni pe subiecteListen and repeat. Whiteboard/blackboard
1 butterfly Speaking exercises
previzibile când
2 dolphin Smart devices: laptop/
locuitorii / 3 wasp tablet/ phone Ex. 1/80
interlocutorii vorbesc 4 chameleon
clar și rar 5 monkey          2/80
2.4. Manifestarea unei 6 tortoise
atitudini pozitive faţă 7 tiger Homework
de participarea la 8 crocodile
dialog și exprimarea în 9 beetle
public 10 salamander
11 frog
4.3. Manifestarea unei A2: Read the definitions. List the animals
atitudini pozitive faţă in Ex. 1 under the headings.
de participarea la A3: Speaking
schimbul de mesaje Talk about the wild animals in our country.
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare

4.LISTENING • 1.2. Identificarea  A1: Lead in RIGHT ON 3 Systemic

Listening: Volunteering detaliilor din mesaje și observation
Holidays (gap-fill) interacţiuni pe subiecte Speaking Student’s book
previzibile când Permanent
locutorii / interlocutorii
Listen and repeat. Which of the chores Digital book encouragement
vorbesc clar și rar; below do you: always, usually, often,
sometimes, rarely, seldom, never do? Tell Whiteboard/blackboard Speaking exercises
2.4. Manifestarea unei the class.
atitudini pozitive faţă Smart devices: laptop/ Ex. 1/80
de participarea la 1. set the table tablet/ phone
dialog și exprimarea în        2/80
public 2. clear the table  
3. do the washing-up

4. help in the kitchen

5. tidy the room

6. take out the rubbish

7. do the laundry

8. clean the bathroom

A2: Practice
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
Read the Phrasal Verbs box, then complete
the sentences with the correct particle in
your notebook.

 1. Look …! You’re going to fall!

2. The government has promised to look

… the problem of endangered species.

3. Tammy often looks … her baby brother.

A3: Listening & Writing

You will hear some information about a

volunteering holiday. For each question,
choose the correct answer Yes or No.
Write in your notebook.

1. There will be 14 volunteers in each

group. YES NO

 2. They serve three meals a day. YES NO

3. Volunteers must bring their own

camping equipment. YES NO

4. Those interested need to apply before

1st June. YES NO
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
A4: Writing

Imagine you are going on a volunteering

holiday to the park in Ex.7. Write an email
to your English friend about your plans in
your notebook. Write about: the park’s
name and location, your duties, your
5.GRAMMAR ` 1.2. Identificarea A1: Lead in RIGHT ON 3 Systemic
detaliilor din mesaje și observation
 •Countable/ interacţiuni pe subiecte Revise countable and uncountable nouns Student’s book
Uncountable nouns • previzibile când Permanent
Quantifiers • Irregular locutorii / interlocutorii • Countable nouns are nouns which we can Digital book encouragement
plurals • vorbesc clar și rar; count and have both a singular and plural
some/any/no/every & form. one flag, two flags, three flags Whiteboard/blackboard Speaking exercises
their compounds 2.2. Participarea la
conversaţii în legătură • Uncountable nouns are nouns which we Smart devices: laptop/ Ex. 1/82
cu planificarea unor cannot count and they usually have no tablet/ phone
activităţi; plural form. water (NOT: one water, two        2/82
4.3. Manifestarea unei        3/82
atitudini pozitive faţă A2: Practice 1
de participarea la        4/83
schimbul de mesaje Put the words in the list in the correct bin.
scrise Write in your notebook.        5/83

 • rubbish • phone • bike Homework

• pollution • bottle • food         6/83

Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
• money • chair • book • paper • compost •

Countable     Uncountable

A3: Practice 2

Complete the sentences with: (how) much,

(how) many, a lot of. Write in your

A4: Practice 3

Fill in the gaps with: (a) few or (a) little.

Write in your notebook.

A5: Teach some/ any/ no/ every &



 We can use some and its compounds in

the interrogative when we make an offer or
a request.

Would you like something to drink? (offer)

Can someone help me with the chores?

(request) Indefinite pronouns normally
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
take a singular verb. Everybody is here.

A6: Practice 4

Fill in with some, any, no or every. Write

in your notebook.

1. Jim doesn't want any help. 2. I need …

plastic bottles for my recycled art project.

 3. After the clean-up day, there was …

litter on the beach.

4. Our head teacher encouraged … student

to take part in Walk to School Day. 5. Let's
buy … organic fruit from the market.

A7: Practice 5

Choose the correct item. Write in your


 1. There’s … in the library. A anyone B

no one C everyone

2. I’m not doing … tomorrow. A nothing B

something C anything

3. Deforestation affects people … .     A

Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
everywhere B anywhere C nowhere

4. We can all do … to help the


A something B everything C anything

6.WRITING 2.1. Prezentarea unor A1: Lead in RIGHT ON 3 Systemic
planuri / expunerea observation
• a poster • an email unor intenţii și proiecte Inviting – Accepting/Rejecting Student’s book
about your holiday de viitor; Permanent
plans  Read the dialogue. What event does Alex Digital book encouragement
2.3. Formularea unei invite Sally to?
păreri asupra unei Whiteboard/blackboard Speaking exercises
probleme practice, cu A2: Practice
sprijin din partea Smart devices: laptop/ Ex. 1/85
interlocutorului Complete the dialogue with the sentences tablet/ phone
(A-E) in the list in your notebook. Listen        2/85
4.3. Manifestarea unei and check.  
atitudini pozitive faţă        3/85
de participarea la A3: Speaking
schimbul de mesaje Homework
scrise Take roles and read the dialogue in Ex.1

A4: Writing

Invite your partner to the event on the

poster. Your partner accepts or rejects the
invitation. Write in your notebook.
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
RIGHT ON 3 Systemic
Student’s book
Digital book encouragement

Whiteboard/blackboard Speaking exercises

Smart devices: laptop/ Ex. 1/80, 2/80

tablet/ phone

7. GRAMMAR 2.3. Formularea unei A1: Lead in RIGHT ON 3 Systemic

Lesson 7 păreri asupra unei observation
probleme practice, cu Teaching ways of expressing future Student’s book
 • will – be going to • sprijin din partea Permanent
Present interlocutorului; We use will for: Digital book encouragement
simple (future 3.2. Selectarea de • on-the-spot decisions. Whiteboard/blackboard Speaking exercises
meaning) informaţii din texte pe
teme din viaţa  I’m tired. I’ll go to sleep. Smart devices: laptop/ Ex. 1/86
cotidiană; tablet/ phone
 • predictions about what we think, believe        2/86
  or imagine with the verbs think, believe,  
hope, know, expect and the expressions be        3/87
sure, be afraid. I think we will save many
endangered species.        4/87
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
 • promises, warnings, hopes and offers.         5/87

I will come and help you organise the Homework

clean-up day tomorrow.
A2: Practice

Complete the sentences with will or won't.

Write in your notebook.

1. I'm 12 years old now, so I … be 13 on

my next birthday. 2. Mike … come to the
clean-up day; he's going to London. 3. I
think air pollution … get worse in the next
50 years.

 4. I … go to school today; I feel really ill.

 5. I hope we … find a way to save

endangered animals.

A3: Be Going to

We use be going to for:

 • future plans and intentions. I’m going to

volunteer at an animal shelter next week.

• future predictions based on what we see

Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
or know.

Look at the clouds. It’s going to snow.

Time expressions: in a little while,

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in two/
three, etc days’ time, next week/month/
year, tonight, soon, this evening, in a week/
month/year, etc

A4: Practice

Complete the sentences with the correct

form of be going to and the verb in
brackets. Write in your notebook.

1. Daniel … (adopt) an animal. 2. We …

(not/travel) abroad next summer.

3. … (Lydia/organise) the clean-up day?

 4. I … (not/put) plastic bottles in the bin


5. … (they/walk) to school next year?

A5: Practice

Choose the correct item. Write in your

Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare

 1. No one is watching TV. I'll/'m going to

turn it off.

 2. Tina will/is going to join the recycling


3. Will you/Are you going to ride your

bike to school this year?

4. They won't/aren't going to use their car

for short journeys any more.

5. I think Jess will/is going to adopt an


A6: Present simple & continuous

• We can use the present continuous in the

future when we have a fixed arrangement
in the near future.

• We can use the present simple for

timetables. The film starts at 6:00.

A7: Look at Devon's timetable for the

weekend and complete the sentences using
the present continuous. Write in your
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare

A8: Read the notes, then complete the

sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the
present simple or the present continuous.
Write in your notebook.
8. Review 3.2. Selectarea de A1: Lead in RIGHT ON 3
informaţii din texte pe
Green living teme din viaţa Reading Student’s book
Flash time Look at the text. Is it an email, a leaflet or Digital book
4.3. Manifestarea unei a blog entry? What is it about? What are
atitudini pozitive faţă some ways you can help the environment Whiteboard/blackboard
de participarea la in your daily life? Read through to find
schimbul de mesaje out. Smart devices: laptop/
scrise tablet/ phone
A2: Practice
Read the text again and fill in the gaps (1-
6) with the appropriate word. Each gap Interaction: S-S
needs one word only. Write in your
notebook.                    T-S

A3: Speaking                     S-T

Listen to and read the text. Which of the

tips in the text do you already do? Which
do you plan to do in the future? Tell your
Detalieri ale Competenţe specifice Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Evaluare
conţinuturilor unităţii vizate
de învăţare
A4: Writing 1

Find more tips about green living. Think

about: rainwater, old clothes, food, paper.
Prepare a leaflet.

A5: Writing 2

Collect information about a national park

in your country that tourists can visit. Use
the headings: name, where it is, what you
can see/do there. Create an advert. Write in
your notebook.

A6: Speaking

Imagine a group of exchange students are

visiting your school. Use your research in
Ex. 1 to prepare and give a presentation
about a national park in your country
which you think they should visit.

A7: Production

Value- Learning from nature

What does nature teach us about our own

lives? Discuss.

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