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Established 1884

Inside Today
Down on the Farm Home Improvement Wholesale Carpet

45 Years of Service
By: Martha Schoen Obringers Barber Shop has been serving Coldwater and the surrounding community for 45 years. Owner Larry Obringer said that he got married one weekend and the next weekend he opened up his shop. He has given haircuts to four or five generations of different families from the community. Some kids still come back to see him and that makes him feel good. Obringer had wanted to be a barber since he was in the fifth grade. After high school, Obringer attended Dayton Barber College. He had to log 1800 hours before he was able to come home and start his shop. Obringer said, I love to cut hair. While cutting his patrons hair they began to tell him stories about their families, talked to him about their health, and told him their problems and aspirations. Obringer was always willing to listen. He was someone they felt they could trust and talk to. Obringer encouraged a few to see a doctor and one gentleman even had a stroke while in his barbers chair. Recently, Bob Leverette asked Obringer if he was interested in selling his business. Obringer had never thought about selling. He said he expected to die cutting hair. After talking things over with his kids, Obringer thought maybe it was time to do something else. It was a very difficult decision for Obringer to make, but he took Leverette up on the offer and will be officially retiring on June 18. Leverette is a 1995 graduate of Ft. Recovery. In 1996, he attended Dayton Barber School and then started cutting hair, full and part-time, over the next 16 years. He lives with his wife and two children in Ft. Recovery. Leverette said, I am excited about meeting new people and being a part of the Coldwater community. According to Obringer, it was a higher power that made this happen and I will miss the people the most. Obringers children are throwing a retirement party in Obringers backyard, rain or shine, on June 18 from 2-5 p.m. My family and I want to say thanks for your support. All are welcome to join in the celebration, including patrons, friends and wives. I would like to thank the people of Coldwater, and I think Coldwater is the most beautiful town with the parks, churches, and how people take care of their yards. Bob couldnt find a better place.



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Greater Mercer County Community Calendar

June 16-19 Ft. Recovery Jubilee Ft. Recovery June 17,18 Zuma Days Zuma Park, Montezuma June 17-19 Rockford Community Days Rockford June 23-28 Senior Citizen Garage Sales Mercer County Council on Aging

Fort Recovery Schools Honors Coach/Teacher Mark Hubbard

Father Jim to Retire After 55 Years

By: Martha Schoen In the back of the pastors house at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Montezuma is a closed-in patio with a small table and chair. The chair faces the windows that look out over the backyard. Flowers adorn the walkway and a large pine tree stands over a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This chair is where Reverend James Dugal has sat and done much of his work over the past twelve years. Reverend James Dugal was considering retirement when he heard of a need for a priest at Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in Montezuma. Fr. Jim, as he is known by his parishioners, did not foresee what a wonderful opportunity he would have pastoring Our Lady of Guadalupe. Fr. Jim grew up in Michigan and attended a Catholic High School. One of the nuns always seemed to think he would make a good priest. There was also a priest in his local parish that encouraged him. During his second year of college, he decided to become a priest. He attended St. Joseph Seminary in Rensselaer, Indiana, for two years and studied six more years at St. Charles Seminary in Carthagena. On June 2, 1956, he was ordained a priest at St. Charles Seminary and gave his first mass back home in Jackson, Michigan. Over the years, Fr. Jim has had a variety of assignments including serving as a teacher, being a director of Seminarians, preaching missions, being a part of a retreat team, and pastoring at several parishes. All this experience was brought to Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in 1999 when he volunteered to become the pastor. He did not expect to be there for twelve years, but he said that it has been a great gift. It has been a good parish and is so much like a family to me. Some of his most memorable moments at Our Lady of Guadalupe were when the parish threw him an 80th birthday party and when he celebrated his 50th anniversary as a priest. Fr. Jim remembers Provincial Reverend Angelo Anthony giving an inspiring mass and sermon for his 50th anniversary and the dinner and celebration that followed. Parishioners will always

After 45 years, Larry Obringer, left, is handing his chair over to Bob Leverette.

Mark Hubbard, teacher/coach, was honored at the Fort Recovery Retiree Banquet. Standing to the right is Mr. Brad Evers who teaches at Fort Recovery Schools. By: Betty Lou Wooden Apple was given Denney/Hall to: Barb Alig, Shelly Brunswick, Maggie Hartings, Bob The theme for the Fort Heitkamp, Amy Kaiser, Lori Recovery Schools annual Koch, and Kim Niekamp. June 24 retiree banquet was Watch Ten Year Award was preThem Grow.Then Let sented to: Amy Bihn, Esther American Red Cross Them Go. The honored Heitkamp, Kristy Keller, teacher was Mark Hubbard Lori Link, Janice Osterloh, Blood Mobile who taught and coached at and Kathy Schwieterman. Fort Recovery since 1992. Fifteen Year Award was Mercer Health, His most memorable mo- presented to: Joe Bruns, Coldwater ment at the Fort was the Vic Miller, Cheryl Muhlenyear he coached the win- kamp, and Marcia Schmitz. ning girls basketball team Twenty Year Award was in 1995. The rocking chair presented to: Nancy Abels, If you would like to that was presented to him Mary Diller, Vicki Grube, have your event posted for his years of service was Jan Hickerson, Sandy donated by Mr. Hubbard to Raffel, and Ed Snyder. in the Greater Mercer the Bright Future Day Care Twenty-Five Year Award and Preschool. Since he al- was presented to Harry County Community ready had a family heirloom Hart. rocker he thought the day Thirty Year Award was Calendar, e-mail your care could make good use presented to Lucy Staugler. of the rocker. Thirty-Five Year Award information, at least 4 Diane Burke, former was presented to Dottie weeks prior to event, to Kindergarten teacher, who Pearson. passed away in May 2010, The committee had [email protected]. was also awarded a rocking planned a Power Point prechair. Accepting the award sentation in honor of Suwas her brother Roger and perintendent Pat Niekamp, ... means sister Linda. They have do- but due to the widespread one column nated the rocker to the Fort power outage, the presenRecovery Kindergarten tation had to be cancelled. by one inch Class. Mr. Neikamp was thanked Too small to be noticed? ntBeADinghy one! Bus driver Dottie Pearson for his many years of dediYoure reading this retired with 35 eyourboat!A boatowners policy can insure you years of ser- cation to the school system. Call 419-678-2324 to start your ad! vice. Her mother Charlene attenst most risks of owning and operating your has also retired as a He honored the large a final boat, Pearson dance of retirees with We LOVE We sinking otor and its trailer. FromVehicles! or capsizing bus driver for the song. His superintendents Dirty LOVE long time to DirtyYOUR VEHICLE WeVehicles! LOVE MAKE position will be filled by nd collision, boat insuranceVEHICLE island of is an Fort Recoverys Schools. DirtyYOUR AGAIN MAKE NEW LOOK Vehicles! LOOK Five Year Award of the Mrs. Shelly Vaughn. MAKE NEW AGAIN Tired of Salt & Grit Your Vehicle? ort during stormy times.YOUROnVEHICLE

Photo by Roy Hall

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REVEREND JAMES DUGAL remember Fr. Jim joking high school students sit to about the Michigan-OSU ask them questions. He will remember all the rivalry and his inspiring sermons that could be applied to people here and hopes to meet them from time to time everyday life. Just over two weeks ago, because they have been like Fr. Jim celebrated a mass family to him and there are for the graduating seniors. so many good friends. He Those students were in first also Hopes that the parish grade when Fr. Jim came to will continue as it has with the parish. He said that it lots of spirit and involvement was great to see how much of the people. With different health the graduates have grown problems, he feels now is a over the years. The parish has also good time to retire. He said grown. Almost 100 fami- that it has been a hard decilies have been added since sion after 55 years of serving Fr. Jim became pastor. Over people as a priest. He is gothe years, he has buried pa- ing to make a new pattern for rishioners, married couples his life with fewer responsiand baptized their children, bilities. When asked about given first communions, and his plans, he said, A lot of administered other Sacra- people would go traveling, ments. Fr. Jim has the abil- but Ive traveled. Ive been ity to reach out to all. He to Rome a couple of times, always has a smile and a the Holy Lands, Guatemala, warm welcome, and he has Hawaii, and Alaska. He been dedicated to the people plans on helping out at difhe serves. ferent parishes in the area He really has enjoyed the when they need a priest. Wednesday night masses Reverend Rick Friebel for the CCD children. Fr. will be taking Fr. Jims place. Jim would come down to Reverend Friebel is 60 years the front rows where all the old and is a Precious Blood elementary students sit and priest. He will be coming ask them questions about the from Holy Trinity Parish in readings. At times, he even Dayton where he has been goes to the back of church stationed for the past eight where the junior high and years.

the mercer county chronicle

Page 2 June 16, 2011

area obituaries
Marjorie Ann Ayers, 68, San Diego, california, formerly of rockford, died at 1:30 a.m. may 28, in San Diego. She was born may 27, 1943, in Van Wert county, to Ford e. and B. carol (manley) Ayers. She is survived by a daughter, crystal Ayers, San Diego, california; a sister, Joyce linn, ohio city; two brothers and spouses, rev. Jim and Jeanette Ayers, St. marys, and Stanley and Pat Ayers, Peyton, colorado; two grandsons; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a brother-in-law, Paul linn. She had lived the past 40 years in San Diego, after leaving rockford. She had worked in several gift stores in the San Diego area, and the past four years for the San Diego Padres. She bred and raised purebred Bengal cats and also competed in the feline shows with them. Graveside services will be held June 17 at 1:30 p.m. at riverside cemetery, rockford, with rev. Jim Ayers officiating. Memorials may be directed to the grandchildren. Ketcham-ripley Funeral home, rockford, is in charge of services. condolences may be left at William A. Huecker, 70, coldwater, died at 11:05 p.m. June 7, at mercer health, coldwater. he was born February 13, 1941, in mccartyville, to the late Paul and theresa (Schlater) huecker. he was married november 3, 1962, in minster, to marilyn F. ranly, and she survives in coldwater. he is survived by a daughter and spouse, Deborah and David roth, union city, indiana; three grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; a brother and spouse, robert and carol huecker, minster; two sisters and spouses, madonna and James roth, Sidney, and carol and robert hurm, St. marys; a sister, Sr. Paula huecker, cincinnati; three sistersin-law and spouses, Jacqueline huecker, mccartyville, Doris and larry Barhorst, russia, and Jane and Doug Knob, Fort loramie; and two brothers-in-law, herb ranly, minster, and robert and Paula ranly, new Bremen. he was preceded in death by a brother, edward huecker and a sister-in-law, rebecca ranly. he worked at the former new idea Plant in coldwater for 38 years and nK Parts in Sidney for 9 years. he was a member of holy trinity catholic church, coldwater, a 1959 graduate of Anna high School, and was in the Army reserves. mass of christian Burial was held on June 11, at holy trinity catholic church, coldwater. Burial followed in St. elizabeth cemetery, coldwater. condolences may be left at

William D. Bill Preston, 69, celina, died at 11:05 p.m. on June 10, at mercer health, coldwater. he was born July 5, 1941, in london, connecticut, to the late harold and lillian (merrill) Preston. he was married on July 12, 1975, to Audrey Stickney, who survives in celina. he is survived by a son, Andrew Preston, celina; a daughter, Julia Henderson, Celina; five grandchildren; a sister and spouse, Kathy and mike martin, connecticut; two sisters, Abby Preston and norma Preston, both of connecticut; and a brother, richard Preston, connecticut. he was preceded in death by a sister-in-law, ellen Preston. he was retired as a civilian contractor for the Submarine manufacturing company at the shipyard in connecticut. he was a member of the Bethany united methodist church, celina. A memorial service will be held at 10:30 a.m. on June 16 at the Bethany united methodist church, celina, with rev. John Exman officiating. Friends may call at the church one hour before services. the lehman-hogenkamp-Dzendzel Funeral home is handling arrangements. condolences may be made at memorial contributions may be made to the ronald mcDonald house.

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Nancy Alice Preston, 104, died at 10:30 a.m. on June 11, at the otterbein St. marys retirement community, where she resided since 1992. She was born April 28, 1907, in mendon, to the late Jacob and lillie mae (coil) Boroff. Starlight Drive In She was married on march 12, 1932, to homer harlan Preston, who preceded her in death in 1992. Kung Fu Panda 2 She is survived by a son, David, France; two granddaughters; June 17th two daughters-in-law, Alexandra learned Preston, Washington D.c., and Anne Buckingham Preston; a sister-in-law, Goldie $10 per car load Ballinger, celina, and two adopted kids, Jerry and Joan Sielschott, Decatur, indiana. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO She was preceded in death by a son, John; four brothers; and three sisters. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY She was a graduate of mendon-union high School and You MUST present this coupon Ada university, and spent more than 40 years teaching in mercer county and celinas public schools. the night of the movie She was a member of the eastern Star, St. John lutheran church, and was a 50 year member of the hopewell Grange. She has donated her body for medical research to the ohio State university college of medicine. Private services will be held at a later date. lehman-hogenkamp-Dzendzel Funeral home handled arrangements. condolences may be made at Join the Fort recovery prizes being given. contributions can be made to the otterbein St. marys Public librarys 2011 An evening program retirement community and the Grand lake hospice. summer library program for families has been starting June 6 at the library. scheduled for this year. come in any time the first on June 29 at 7 p.m., week of June to pick up a carol Knarr, a storyteller, schedule. crafts, games will present her stories and and story time are some folklore from around the of the creative activities world. this free event, planned for local children, sponsored by the Friends preschool through sixth of the library, is open to grade. check out books the public and will be held and receive a library bag at the hein Amphitheater. including treats and sign up in case of rain, the program for prizes. the childrens will be held at the Fort program ends July 13 with recovery elementary a swimming party at the School Auditeria. the Ambassador Pool. library welcomes everyone middle school students, to come and participate. teens, and adults are also For more information, call invited to participate in the library at 419-375the students of eileen naveau, also mike homan, a reading program with 2869. Weber and ron Johnson Joe Wenning, Ben Wenning, performed in a piano recital David cervantes, and isaac on June 1 in the choir room cervantes, students of ron of coldwater high School. Johnson. Johnson and Weber those performing are as played two short duets at follows: Jack Bills, elise the conclusion of the Kramer, maria clune, Dane program. At the conclusion rindler, Jay muhlenkamp, of the recital, the well earned those who have lost a loved are not the only ones experiencing christina hess, Adam Stall, composer statue awards were one often find it difficult to grief and feelings of loss, Black Abigail Stall and Abby presented to each student. continue the day to day routine said. Once they find out that that they used to enjoy. often, others feel as they do, they begin those who are grieving feel alone to open up about their feelings. it and isolated in their grief. to is healthy to acknowledge grief help those who are grieving, State and realize it is a natural part of the Fort recovery a safe and enjoyable night of the heart hospice will offer life when you lose someone you After-Prom committee held for our teens. We would an Adult Grief Support Group love. Bereavement support for adults a successful after-prom like to commend the students beginning monday, June 20, and and wishes to thank all the who attended the after prom continuing each monday through and children is an important part organizations, businesses, for their good behavior and July 25 at the agencys Portland, of the services provided by State parents and individuals who for making it a fun and safe Indiana, office, 1237 W. State of the heart. All bereavement route 67. support is free, including the Grief helped in any way to ensure event. the Grief Support Groups Support Groups. State of the heart are helpful to those who have lost provides bereavement support a loved one and are experiencing to anyone in the communities grief that goes with that loss, the agency serves, regardless of explained marlene Black, association with hospice care. the catholic Adult For more information Bereavement Specialist for State the agency cares for families and of the heart. She and hospice patients in eastern indiana and Singles club enables concerning the organization chaplain rogers Durham of the western ohio who are confronting its members to enjoy the or any of the following Portland office will guide the a life limiting illness. company of fellow single activities, please call eileen group sessions. State of the heart To find out more about the adults throughout weekly lamm at 419-678-8691. has offices in Portland, Greenville Grief Support Group in Portland, activities. they are always June 18, mass/Supper/ and coldwater. the Adult Grief to register to attend, or learn about interested in meeting new movies, coldwater; June 26, Support Group will meet from 6 any of the bereavement services people to join their group. countryfest, maria Stein. p.m. to 8 p.m. offered by State of the heart, the one comment that we call marlene Black at 1-800-417hear consistently from those 7535. T&C C OMPUTER SER VIC E S attending the sessions is that they Visit the web site at: www. find comfort finding out that they 870 East Main Street ( Coldwater Mall )


Summer reading Program in Fort recovery

Students perform in a Piano recital

State of the heart hospice to offer Adult Grief Group Support in Portland

A thank you from the Fort recovery After-Prom committee

catholic Adult Singles club events


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The MerCer COUnTY ChrOnICLe

June 16, 2011 Page 3

MERCER COUNTY CHRONICLE The Mercer County Chronicle is published Thursdays at 124 W. Main St., Coldwater, Ohio by Mercer County Publications, Inc. Entered in the post office in Coldwater, Ohio 45828 as Periodicals, postage paid at Coldwater, Ohio. Available by mail in Mercer, Auglaize, Darke, Jay or Van Wert County, $36 per year. Outside these counties, $45 per year. Kami Phlipot General Manager [email protected] Send address changes to: Mercer County Chronicle, P.O. Box 105, Coldwater, Oh 45828


Vol. 114 no. 24 USPS 339-15560

Theres Always
By: Georgia Rindler

Garage Saling
Ive always been a bargain hunter. Much of it came from the fact that I never had much money. Being frugal has become a way of life for me. So garage sales naturally fit with my personality. The gene was carried down from my mother, who also enjoyed a good deal. She amassed most of the items for my first baby at these sales when they became popular in Mercer County during the seventies. The best selling items still seem to be baby things, childrens clothing and toys. not needing those, I go garage sailing for the fun of it. I never know when I might find an item I dont need, but cant live without. In the spring, I enjoy visiting with people I havent seen since fall. I ran into two ladies at the sales in Coldwater last month. We spent a bit of time catching up. And its funny when youre on the same trail as someone else; you both show up at the same sales.


A Look Back
From the Archives of the Mercer County Chronicle

10 YEARS AGO (2001) The Coldwater Council voted unanimously to put a request for 1/2 percent income tax increase on the november 2001 ballot at the June 11 meeting. That increase, if approved, would increase the current 1% rate to 1-1/2 %. The Chronicle lost a valued staff member this past weekend as Gene Weber passed away after battling recent bypass surgery. Gene was a sports columnist, local Most Wednesday or Thursday historian and former math teacher at Coldwater high School, coach afternoons during the school year, a group of second to fifth and athletic director. grade students from Celina West elementary or Ft. recovery 25 YEARS AGO (1986) This weekend the Coldwater elementary met with their high Fire Department will celebrate its School Bigs from area high 100th anniversary with festivities schools. This group of Bigs and at the village fire station. A few of Littles is part of the Big Brothers the departments major fires were Big Sisters Buddies program. The the Bettinger and Company hoop Buddies program just concluded Factory and Sawmill in 1892 and its activities for this school year. During their time together the The Coldwater normal School on the corner of First and College groups would work on homework, Streets was completely leveled by have a snack, play games, and do other activities. This year fire on June 16, 1896. hugh C. Auckerman was they focused on serving others, selected to fill the position of safety, and being healthy. One elementary principal at Marion service project that they did was to Local Schools. he has been collect items to send to soldiers in curriculum director at noble Local Afghanistan for Christmas. They Schools and lives in Byersville, also had several guest speakers come in throughout the year. Ohio. The leader of the Celina group was nancy eberle. She said 50 YEARS AGO (1961) Louis huelsman, that she will always remember superintendent of St. Henry High the excitement of the Littles and School announced on Thursday, the sparkle in their eyes when the June 8, 1961 that Francis Guilbault, Bigs would walk in. The leader of 25 year old native of Michigan, the Ft. Recovery group was Mary has been named head basketball Beth homan. When asked what and assistant baseball coach at St. she will always remember about henry high School, to replace this year, she said the excitement Don Merkl, who resigned to accept that the group had when they the head baseball coaching job at would run up and down the St. Joseph College, rensselaer, hallway to get some exercise. The Littles would laugh and giggle Indiana. James C. Broeker, son of Mr. and try to beat their Bigs in a race! and Mrs. Anthony Broeker of After, they would lay on the floor Coldwater, received a Bachelor exhausted and out of breath. Some of the Bigs had favorite of Civil engineering Degree from the University of Dayton on memories, too. One said that she June 3. Broeker, a 1954 graduate and her Little were together for two of Coldwater high School has years and she enjoyed seeing her accepted a position with the Ohio Little change into the young lady that she has become. Other Bigs Department of highways.

Buddies Program Wraps Up

With the weather cooperating, the farmers of Mercer County finally got those crops in the ground. It is great to drive through most of the county and just look at the crops coming up. Corn looks good. Lets just hope that it will produce enough to make the season worthwhile. Talking to a very reliable source on the matter you feel as though it may be a good crop again at the seasons end. I sure hope so. One can only hope for the best yields possible. While driving around the county the other day I couldnt help but notice just how fine

the grounds are worked before planting. It never ceases to amaze me just how fine the farmers can get the soil before planting. It looks almost like fine sand. When you think how it looks before all the plowing, it is hard to imagine just how much know how has to go into getting the soil ready for the seeds. I guess that all goes with being a farmer. Well school is out so be

very careful driving as there will be more kids on bikes and such. You have to watch out for them since they dont stop to think that anything can go wrong in their world. So be careful, especially at night, as lots of kids dont have lights on their bikes. Also, there will be a lot more activity at the parks of the various towns so be extra careful in those areas. Until next week, dont forget to tell the little lady just how much she means to you, and Ill be seeing you all at the upcoming festivals. Thats My Opinion.......... Whats Yours??

Maybe we should have thought about carpooling!! Knowing I can use a variety of paraphernalia for my job, Ive had people give me things just to get rid of them. Usually the items are large and cumbersome; something they dont want to take back in the house. Can you imagine seeing someone walking down the street carrying two cowboy hats with a wedding crinoline tucked under her arm? I had to be careful at the next garage not to wipe out the jewelry and hair accessories when I turned a corner. I even received a phone call at home when a woman was closing up. She recalled I was at her sale looking for craft/decorating items and asked if I wanted to come over and pick up the rest of what she had. Garage sales have become a harbinger of spring in communities throughout the nation. An item that is no longer wanted is sold at a bargain price to someone who needs it. Its the American way. Its also recycling at its best. Keep Smiling.

The Mercer County Engineer, Jim Wiechart, is planning to close rice road between US 33 and Bogart road in Center Township for a culvert replacement. This road will be closed tentatively on June 15, and is scheduled to reopen in approximately two weeks, depending on the weather conditions. Any additional questions, contact the Mercer County engineers Office at 419-586-7759.

mentioned that they were amazed to see how all the Littles grew and matured or that they cant wait to come back next year! The Littles were also asked about their experience. One mentioned that her Big was perfect and there was nothing she would like to change about her. Others mentioned that her Big was nice, cool, and awesome or that her Big was like a sister to her. Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to thank the following for helping to make the Buddies program possible: Ohios Childrens Trust Fund, DP&L Foundation, Vectren Foundation, United Way of Auglaize County, United Way of Van Wert County, Mercer County Civic Foundation, Celina & Mercer County Combined Services, and Minster Community Fund. They would also like to thank all the Big Buddies and Ft. recovery and West elementary for their help. If you would like more information about the Buddies program or any Big Brothers Big Sisters program, please contact the agency at 419-394-2990, 1-866670-BBBS, or office@bbbsma. com You may also visit the agencys website at www.bbbsma. com.


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I would like to say I am sorry to the banks and insurance men for advertising interest on a product that you do not have or are permitted to sell. I am sorry that I am an Insurance broker and have a different company, that is insured like yours, and has the best interest. I am sorry for educating people under the professional ads and had no idea how much trouble I caused. I am sorry and have stopped all newspaper ads and this will be the last one. You know it was not ethic, professional, or nice what you people did to an old fat mans name and reputation. Talk is cheap; put it in writing what is wrong with my Company and product, and I would like to know the funny things I do. How do you make restitution? Smile and have a lucky day, Leo Berning Insurance


Your 401(k) offers tax-deductible contributions, tax-deferred growth of earnings potential and a variety of investment options so its a great tool for building retirement savings. Yet like all tools, your 401(k) must be used properly to get the best results. Thats why you should review your 401(k) at Advertorial least annually and make whatever adjustments are needed. Depending on where you work, you may get some 401(k) review help FINANCIAL FOCUS you might want to from your plan provider. But if that assistance isnt available, consult with a financial professional to make sure youre getting the maximum benefit from your plan. As you begin to review your 401(k), your first question should probably be this:an investor, you may find that bonds can be a valuable part of your holdings. As How more than one way to own At the very least, try to put in enough to But theresmuch should I contribute?bonds, so youll want to be familiar with the receive investment vehicles availablecontribution, the more offered. If you better various your employers matching because if one is you know, the dont earn this match, be able to make. walking away from free money. Beyond the choices youll you are essentially this,So, lets look at three popular ways your 401(k) might depend on what other though, the amount you put into of owning bonds: retirement savings vehicles you havebuy an individual bond, if youre eligible, Individual bonds When you available. For instance, you will receive you may also want payments. And a Rothyour bond matures, youll get the predictable interest to contribute to when IRA, which offers tax-free growth potential, provided youve had issuer defaults, which is not common dont start original principal back, unless the your account for five years and in cases of taking withdrawalsbonds. However, the value of your bond the price you could investment grade until youre 59. Of if you sold on only how much you put into your 401(k) that determines get for itcourse, itsitnot the open market before it matured will fluctuate over time, its successresponse to interest rates. (When market rates go up, the valuedollars. primarily in its also how you choose to allocate your investment of your (Keep in mind that asset allocation does not guarantee a profit or protect bond drops, and vice versa.) In general, youll pay at least $5,000 for an individual against loss.)that amount may vary. Consequently, while this approach gives you bond, though Your 401(k) may have a dozen or more investment choices, such as stockitfunds, bond funds and money market funds. larger investment in more control, can be more time consuming and require a To choose the right investment mix,diverseneed to consider a variety of factors, including these: order to build a youll fixed-income portfolio. Your funds Generally speaking, the younger fund, whichthe more Bond age By investing in a bond-based mutual you are, may own aggressive you can afford to be with your 401(k) investments, because dozens of different types of bonds, you can efficiently increase your diversification, youll is important, because diversification can help reduce the inevitable down which have decades in which to potentially overcome credit risk (although periods of the market. As protect against ayou maybond fundinvestnot pay you it cant guarantee a profit or you get older, loss). A wish to does somewhat more conservatively, but youllyou receive dividends, which will fluctuate 401(k) a fixed rate of return; instead, still need some growth potential in your based portfolio. on the underlying bonds interest rates and capital appreciation. In addition, bond dont have Everyone has different goals for retirement. mind that funds Your goals a maturity date when principal is repaid. Keep inYou might want youretire early andfunds, you could be subjectyour co-worker taxes in two when to purchase bond travel the world, while to capital gains desires to work as ways:asyou sell your fund shares for a profit or stay close manager sells different long if possible and then, upon retirement, if the fund to home and pursue hobbies. Because you each worth.different goals, capital gains liability is an underlying bond for more than its have This increased with different income needs, you that many need toput bond funds ininvestment strategies withinas an one reason also may people follow different a tax-deferred vehicle, such your 401(k).a 401(k). IRA or Your other A unit investment trust (UIT), likeyou have fund, contains Bond UITs retirement income sources If a mutual a variety of retirement income so you get the pensionof diversification. UnlikeIRA, a spouse a variety of bonds, sources a benefit from another job, an a mutual fund, with generousisretirement managed you maychange its holdings. And since however, a UIT not actively benefits and does not need to invest differently, perhaps less involved in making changes or trades, a UIT has low management no manager is aggressively, than if you had fewer options for retirement income. is typically established for 20 to 30 years, but, as an individual investor, fees. A UIT you Apart from putting whenever you want, foryou can into market 401(k) and can sell your shares away as much as whatever the your will bear. choosing the UITs can be somemix, what else can you do to get options in out Although right investment of the most cost-efficient, low-risk the most the of your plan?arena, theysuggestion: If you have worked at various jobs and fixed-income Heres a are not without risk. Specifically, since a UITs bonds acquired multiple 401(k)s, theres always the possibility into the bonds will lose provide fixed interest rates, consider rolling them over that one account. You might savepower to inflation over time. purchasing money on fees and reduce paperwork, but more importantly, youll be able to concentrate your resources needpursue a unified investment When choosing how to own bonds, youll and to evaluate many factors approach, only looked at some ofdollars You may togetherconsult with a ultimate and weve with your investment them. working want to toward your financial retirementdetermine which methods of bond ownership are appropriate for your advisor to goals. As you can see, a 401(k) review and rollover can reward you in many needs. By doing your homework, and getting the help you need, you can maximize ways so do whatever bonds toto maximize your 401(k)s performance. the advantages of adding it takes your investment mix.

401(k) Review and Rollover Can Be Rewarding

Explore Different Options When Purchasing Bonds

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. Consult a qualified tax specialist or attorney for professional advice about your situation. Financial Focus is a weekly column courtesy of...

John M. Yoder, Financial Advisor


106 S. Second St. P.O. Box 67 Coldwater, OH 45828 Bus. 419-678-3252 TF. 866-678-3252 [email protected] Listen to us daily at noon on WCSM 96.7 FM

the mercer county chronicle

Page 4 June 16, 2011

fort notes
Whats Happening around the Fort. the Friends of the library will be sponsoring the annual Pet Parade at the Jubilee on Saturday, June 18. Kids of all ages are invited to bring their pet for the contest. Prizes will be awarded for the following: cutest cat, Best Family of Pets, cutest Dog, cutest Puppy, Best Decorated Pet, Best Pet-non cat or dog. registration begins at the Jubilee headquarters at 12:30 p.m. Saturday with the judging starting at 1 p.m. A used book sale will be held at the merchants tent sponsored by the Friends of the library. curious George and the man with the yellow hat will be on hand to give out chances for curious George books. the Pie Baking contest will be held Friday evening at the Jubilee at 7 p.m. have your homemade pies at the headquarters by 7 p.m. they will be judged and then auctioned off starting at 7:30 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for the best crme Pie, Fruit Pie and Specialty Pie. By entering the contest or buying a pie, you will

by Betty Lou Denney/Hall

Marshman - Niekamp Engagement

Dan and Brenda marshman, Dunkirk, ohio, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Danielle to tyler niekamp, son of Pat and mary niekamp, Fort recovery. the bride elect is a 2005 graduate of hardin northern high School, and a 2009 graduate of the university of Findlay. She currently is a graduate student at the university of toledo and will graduate in 2012. the prospective groom is a 2003 graduate of Fort recovery high School. he is a 2009 graduate of the university of Findlay with a Bachelor of Science, and a 2010 graduate of the university of Findlay with a masters of education degree. he is a teacher at the upper Scioto Valley high School, mcGuffy, ohio. the wedding is planned for July 2, at St. michael church, Findlay, ohio.

be helping the historical Society. Anyone having anything of interest to the readers of the Fort notes please send to betty. mercercountychronicle@ thouGht For the WeeK: remember your Father this week on Fathers Day. The first Fathers Day was celebrated in Spokane, Washington, in 1910. After hearing a mothers Day sermon, and having been raised by her Father, Sonora Smart thought that a day for fathers should be celebrated. She chose the third Sunday in June because that was her Fathers birthday. in 1924, President calvin coolidge declared that the third Sunday in June should be set aside to celebrate fathers. President nixon in 1972 declared a permanent date of the third Sunday in June as the official day to celebrate Fathers Day. until neXt WeeK rememBer: Be happy, love one another and remember that there is a miracle out there that can change your life.

The Book of Fate By: Brad Meltzer

Brad meltzer takes us into the world of power, national security and intrigue. A young presidential aide is disfigured in an assassination attempt and the lifelong friend of the President of the united States is killed. eight years later, Wes holloway sees the dead man in malaysia where the past president is speaking for a fundraiser. thinking he must be suffering from jet lag, food poisoning or just losing his mind, he starts digging once he gets back to the states. unfortunately, it seems other people are digging, too. At least he has the good sense to call on his friend who helped him get this position in the first place. With connections in high places, hopefully together they can figure out just what the heck is going on. But as President mannings right hand man, he is still a bit nave and too trusting of everyone. he hasnt learned that all the security and protection isnt as foolproof as it appears. When agents from the ciA and FBi pay him a visit, he realizes that this may be bigger than he first thought. A call for a quote from a gossip columnist has him wondering if the stories are related. in spite of everything, it takes Wes awhile to understand he has only hit the tip of the iceberg. in another part of the country, the man who pulled the trigger sits in a psych ward waiting for someone to contact him. he knows that they would

news from st. henry

St. henry Pool Aqua Aerobics has begun and will continue through August 30 every tuesday and thursday from 8:30 p.m. - 9:15 p.m. instructors: marie Stahl and Jean homan. For more information, call marie at 419-852-5642 or the St. henry Pool at 419-6788494. A free movie and popcorn will be held at the north Park on June 30. Bring your lawn chairs and drinks and enjoy the movie. the St. henry Altar rosary Sodality is asking each member to donate three items or $15 for the fancy stand at the picnic. All donations can be dropped off at Vicki Koesters, 5072 St. rt. 119, St. henry, or teresa Poling, 112 Sunset Ave, St. henry. if you have questions, please call Vicki at 419-678-3451 or teresa at 419-678-4457. St. henry Picnic presale ride tickets are available at St. henry Bank and Gels iGA. Pre-sale tickets are 10 tickets (1 strip) for $8 or 80 cents per ticket. once the picnic begins, the price per ticket will increase to $1.25. St. henry Picnic little miss and little master St. henry contest will be held July 2 at 6 p.m. open to all 3 - 6 year olds in the St. henry School District. cash prizes and trophies will be awarded. children will be judged on costume (red, white, and blue theme), stage presentation, and their ability to answer questions. A $10 entry fee is required. registration will take place immediately before the event or you may pre-register by calling Kevin Schulze at 419-678-4118. only 15 boys and 15 girls will be accepted. St. henry Picnic Presale Pork chop Dinners for July 2, sponsored by the Gardens, are available at St. henry Bank, Shell and Gels iGA. St. henry Picnic talent Show will be held July 3 at 3 p.m. A first and second place prize will be given for each of the four age groups: under 6, 7 - 10, 11 - 13 and 14 - 18. A $10 entry fee is required for all competing acts. Please pre-register by calling Kevin Schulze at 419-6784118. you may also register immediately prior to the event. Vacation Bible School will be held July 18 - 22, from 6:30 - 9 p.m. in the St. henry church basement. the theme is Dare to be a h.e.r.o. 4 God. registration forms are available at the various church entrances. Deadline to register is June 30. Grades K-5/2011-2012 school year if you have news from the Saint henry area, please contact Jenny Sutter at 419-678-2324 or [email protected].

area births
Baby Girl Hart matt and chrissy (may) hart, Fort recovery, announce the birth of a daughter, lauren christina hart, at 2:19 p.m. on June 3, at mercer health. She weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 21 inches long. She was welcomed home by sisters, emily, age 12, Ashley, age 9, Kimberly, age 7, and Jenna, age 5, and a brother, russell, age 2. maternal grandparents are mike and Sue may, Fort recovery. Paternal grandparents are louie and Peg hart, Fort recovery. maternal great-grandparent is rosie may, Fort recovery. Baby Girl Corcoran Alicia howard, celina, and chris corcoran, cincinnati, announce the birth of a daughter, Aela lanelle, at 12:09 a.m. on June 4, at mercer health, coldwater. She weighed 6 pounds 12 1/2 ounces and was 20 inches long. maternal grandparents are Angie howard, celina, and Gary howard, muncie, indiana. Paternal grandparents are carol corcoran, cincinnati, and the late ronald corcoran. maternal great-grandparents are martha Jarrett, celina, and the late William Jarrett, Sr.

not let him down. the job is not finished and those responsible for his mothers death must pay. the Book of Fate, switches settings from sunny Florida to a cold and snowy Washington D.c . the story is written in first person of the main character, Wes. he speaks of his friendship with President and mrs. manning and is fiercely defensive of both. trustworthy and loyal, but not so sophisticated is his childhood buddy rogo. Former aide Dreidel is willing to help, but is running for a senate seat in his home state of illinois. he has to be careful not to be drawn into anything. Politicians are vulnerable and news of any scandal travels fast. he needs to look out for himself. Agent micah is ciA and terrence oShea is FBi--or so they say. then there is the roman; the reader never really knows who he is working for. his identity is shrouded in secrecy, which adds to the thrill of this whodunit. At times it seems like lisbeth, a reporter for the Palm Beach Post, is the only one Wes can trust. And i cant forget poor nico. he was the one in the psych ward. each character has his own story, but meltzer reveals them slowly, giving the reader a chance to figure it out on their own. if you like crime novels, i think youll enjoy the Book of Fate. it has a good mix of strategy and ambiguity that keeps the reader wondering what and whose secrets are being protected. it is available in regular Fic mel, and large print lP mel. Georgia


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the mercer county chronicle

June 16, 2011 Page 5

Sunday, June 26, 1:00 4:00, the 31st Annual Prehistoric Artifacts Exhibit, hosted by the Mercer County Indian Relic Collectors, will be held at the Mercer County Historical Museum lawn, 130 East Market, (a block east of the Courthouse), Celina. The public is welcome; there is no charge. The Theme of this years exhibit, is the Importance of Creative Thinking and Inventions in the past few thousand years. What talents did some people possess that enabled them to use the creative side of their brains to plan and implement tools, which would provide them with the necessities of life? When people see the flint arrow heads, the slate pendants, or the stone axes, they see the beauty of the tools and ask about the uses of those tools. How many people study the evolution of the development of these tools? Is it possible for a person to put himself in that time period of history and to walk in the moccasins of early man and recognize his challenges? Early man figured out how to make flint, slate, and stone tools, not only for killing animals for protection and for food, but also for making clothing, constructing homes, building fires, planting vegetables, and creating works of art. Would we have done so well, if we had lived 10,000 years ago? Would we have lasted the first winter? How many people grasp the age of these artifacts? Following the ice age, between ten and twelve thousand years ago, man was moving into this area of Ohio. Remember the Elk antlers and bones at the Mercer County Historical Museum, whereby a spear had pierced the elks left scapula? Those bones were carbon 14 dated at 12,000 years ago, documenting mans presence at Cranberry Prairie where the bones were found. In Mercer

Ray Eblen planned the first Prehistoric Artifact Exhibit, Immaculate Conception School sixth graders Hailey Langenkamp, Lauren McDonough, March 18, 1973, at the Mercer County Historical Museum, Clista Hellwarth, and Ashtyn Phlipot were the recipients of the Presidential Academic when it was located on the second floor of the building on Award for earning an A average in all their subjects throughout the year. These awards the northeast corner of Main and Fayette Streets, Celina. were given during a graduation ceremony on the last day of school. This Exhibit has been the most popular exhibit for lasting the longest, for the Mercer County Historical Society. County, artifacts, e.g. arrowheads, gorgets, spears, and pendants, have been found which date between 1000 and 10,000 years ago. Last year, June 27, the Mercer County Historical Society hosted Members of the Mercer County Indian Relic Collectors: Frank Meyer, Ken Sowards, Ron Thiebeau, Jim and Mary Faller, Paul Leasor, Larry and Casey Young, Robert Evans, Mark Schulze, Kenny Rupert, Billie Ford and Jerry Steinlage. For the past thirty years, this organization has faithfully shared their collections for this Annual Exhibit. Learn if you possess the most valuable artifacts in your old shoebox of arrowheads! Bring your artifacts for identification to the Museum, and have these experts identify the age and use of these tools and works of art. Archaeology Magazines will be available to see examples of the flint, slate, and stone tools, dating thousands of years old. The Mercer County Historical Society has been a Leader in preserving Mercer Countys Heritage by following its Mission Statement: To Preserve Mercer Countys History and To Educate the Public About that History! Stop by the Museum Sunday, June 26, and express your appreciation to its Members! Better yet, stop by the Mercer County Commissioners Office and express your appreciation to them, for establishing the Mercer County Historical Society in 1958, and purchasing the Riley Home for the County Historical Society to use as the County Museum in 1974. The County Commissioners have the authority and responsibility for maintaining the County Building and Grounds of the County Museum.

Award winners of sixth grade graduation

Celina Insurance Group Promotes Meinerding to Vice President of Human Resources

Human Resources) designation. When asked about the promotion Montgomery commented, Roughly twothirds of our current management team was hired while Jane was Director of HR, as was the majority of the rest of the staff. We believe our current management team and staff is the strongest in our 97 year history. Jane lives with her husband, Dave, in St. Marys. They have one daughter, Christine, who lives in Atlanta. Founded in 1914, Celina Insurance Group is a family of mutual property and casualty insurance companies. Celina underwrites auto, non-standard auto, home, commercial auto, commercial property, and

[The Mercer County Historical Society President Joyce Alig, may be contacted at 3054 Burk-St. Henry Road, Saint Henry, OH 45883, or histalig@ or 419-678-2614.]

Bill Montgomery, President and CEO, is pleased to announce that Jane Meinerding has been elected as Vice President of Human Resources of all Celina Insurance Groups Companies. The companies Boards of Directors approved Meinerdings promotion at their May 16 meeting. Jane will continue to handle all recruiting and personnel management for Celina Insurance Group. Meinerding has 32 years experience with the company. Prior to becoming the head of HR, Jane built her knowledge of insurance through work in various positions, one of which was as a life underwriter. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Wright State University and obtained the PHR (Professional in

casualty insurance, as well as umbrella and farm coverage in eight Midwest states. Celina Insurance Group is represented by some 600 agents and employs 166 people.

Jane Meinerding

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Location: All camps will take place at Jim Hoess Field, located in Westview Park, Fairground Rd., in Celina. Payment: Make checks, for full amount payable to Grand Lake Baseball Club, and include with registration. Mail completed forms to the following address: Participants will receive souvenir T-shirts and each needs to bring his/her own baseball glove and bat, if available. Cancellations will be announced on local radio stations WCSM and WKKI. Call 937-869-5202 for more information.
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A parent or guardian must read and sign the waiver of liability that follows: I release The Grand Lake Baseball Club, its agents, the city of Celina and its agents, from liability of damage or injuries to my child due to his/her participation in this activity. I acknowledge that my childs participation is strictly voluntary and I agree to bring no claims against the organizer(s) and/or sponsors of this event.
________________________________________ (Print name of parent or guardian) _______________________________________ (Signature of parent or guardian) _____________ (Date signed)

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veHicLe detAiLing

the mercer county chronicle

Page 6 June 16, 2011

Amsterdam guests visit St. Henry

Antique fishing equipment, boats and outboard motors are expected to be on display at the lake loramie heritage museum, S. r. 703, lake loramie, Saturday, June 18 from 2-4 p.m. the museum will be open beginning at 1 p.m. tom mertz of minster will return with more of his extensive collection of old fishing lures and equipment. toms exhibit was very well received by museum goers last year. Also expected to be on Left to right: Joyce L. Alig, President of Mercer County Historical Society, Inc. and Ron Gelhaus, Village Administrator of Saint Henry, is presenting the Key to the Village to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Drahmann, international travelers from Amsterdam, Europe, on June 2. tourists, mr. and mrs. Bernard Drahmann, Amsterdam, have been traveling across the united States. the Drahmanns contacted Joyce Alig, mercer county historian, for research about the Drahmann family, who had emigrated from Germany to Saint henry, in the mid 1800s. they are also interested in history of the macke, hemmelgarn, and homan families. Alig took them to the Saint henry church, where Pat Stachler met with them. Alig then took them to the church cemetery, where they found the monuments of their relatives. next, they went to the Granville township library where Pat Kunk assisted them in local research, including the history of Father Albrecht who moved from St. Joe church to Perham, minnesota, with many local followers, with a Drahmann family included. Among their gifts, the Dramanns received a Key to the Village with brochures, and three books: history of Saint henry church Windows, by mary niekamp; history of Saint henry, and Passport to Granville township history, by Joyce Alig. For those interested in this Family history, their website may be visited: reizen/voorjaar-2011/index.php.

Antique memorabilia and items on DisplayA Special event At lake loramie heritage museum
display is an all wood lyman boat and some antique outdoor motors by the Addis Katterheinrich family, new Knoxville, and a colorful, high-powered, nordic pickle fork design boat by carl Schroeder of Grand lake St. marys. the museum display contains a large number of old items found around lake loramie and an extensive collection of photographs, news articles and maps of the lake from days gone by. this exhibit, for one day

only, is Free and open to the general public due to the efforts of the Friends of lake loramie heritage museum. Free will donations will be greatly appreciated so they can continue to keep this museum open without any local government, state or federal funds. Watch for news about two more special events this summer and fall. the museum is open every Saturday during the summer and fall prior to the lake loramie Fall Festival in September.

celina man honored for Service to cheryl Ann

marce nietfeld said he was honored and humbled to receive the Albert heckler Award from cheryl Ann Programs during cheryl Anns staff appreciation dinner in march. the award is given each year to a cheryl Ann family that exemplifies service and advocacy. he accepted the award on behalf of all the families and staff members who have built cheryl Ann Programs into what it is today. this isnt about me, ni-

Cheryl Ann Superintendent Mike Overman, right, gives the Albert Heckler award to Marce Nietfeld, center. At left is Albert Heckler, for whom the award is named. etfeld said. this is about the program, which has grown so much over the years. its about the effort that the families and staff have put into it. he wants to use the award as a way to encourage young families to get involved with cheryl Ann Programs. i would like to tell people not to be afraid to get involved its tremendously rewarding, said nietfeld, who lives in celina with his wife, Judy. Dont be afraid to jump in. there is a learning curve, but there are also people who will help you and walk with you on the journey. Volunteerism is important to both the nietfelds. they joined Arc when their son, Bill, now 43, first received help from cheryl Ann. With Judys full support, marce served as Arc secretary, then vice president, then president. After many years of service with Arc, he was asked to serve on the countys mrDD board (now DD). in our years with Arc, then in two terms on the board, we saw constant, steady growth in cheryl Ann Programs, said nietfeld, who also served as board president. he has served on the nonprofit board of CA Industries. nietfeld is very active at his church, immaculate conception in celina, and has made mission trips to haiti and Jamaica and with youth groups to mississippi after hurricane Katrina to show others that it is important to help those in need. hes so busy with his volunteer work its hard to pin him down to his chores around the house, Judy jokes. nietfeld, who is an excellent handyman, has a constant flow of opportunities to help others. its important to give back, he said. We are all gifted in some way. Judy and i both feel that we have a responsibility to share those gifts with others to help make society better, he said. the lord didnt put us here just to stumble around and rely on somebody else to do the work.

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Nothing Burns Like A Quad

419-942-1111 9-942-1111 Rish Rish
the Executive Director of the community, is an active member Council on Aging, had the fol- of his church, New Horizons, lowing to say about the two participates in construction projOutstanding Seniors. ects at his church, and mission The first recipient, Fred Vann, work in Kentucky and Russels lives in Rockford with his wife Point. Howick stated that Fred Gloria. He is very active at the is one who lives his beliefs and Center especially with the garageE. Main, them in his actions. shows Coldwater, Ohio 115 The second recipient, sale. Vann is described as the Business 419-678-2812 Louise

GRAY HANDMADE PURSE BY LISA SEARIGHT 13. 18 K GOLD OVER STERLING SILVER DIAMOND AND RUBY ACCENT www.kernsfireplacea 18 NECKLACE CISCO REALTY 14. COUNTRY STORE FRAMED ~ RENTALS PICTURE FROM FRANCIS FURNITURE 15. MOTHER/DAUGHTER FRAMED PICTURE FROMSEPTIC SYSTEMS ~ ~ FRANCIS FURNITURE ~ INTERIOR DESIGN AND ABOUT 16. EATING OUT ~ Portable Toilets Backhoe PULLMAN BAY - $20 GIFT CARD, THE MCSOBERS &$25 GIFT CARD, CASA Fill Dirt - Top Soil Hauled RODRIGUIZ - $10 GIFT CARD Septic Tank Cleaning 2 ADULT/2 The Give Us A Call 17. FAMILY FUN NIGHT & Reserve CHILDREN BOWLING PASSESCERAMIC TILE S Install & Replace Sewer PLAZA BEDSHAPERS ~ LANES, 1 DOMINOS PIZZA Septic SystemAIR COMPRESSORS PRES 18. MYSTERY BAG 6. SET OF DESIGNER Septic System HOME THROW PILLOWS SMITH PLACE JACK HAMMERS SCAFFOLDS BROTHERS 19. TONY STEWART HOME DEPOT Interior Decorating 7. COUNTRY HEARTH INN ONE AUTOGRAPHED CAR Rent By The Hour, Da 20. BBQ GRILL SET Burns Like ATwo seniors were honored at unseen volunteer whohelping Fawcett, lives in Celina with herInterior Design HOT TUB SUITE ST. HOME PLACE CITIZENS Quad Senior Day Dinner during donation times works husband John. Fawcett is the NIGHT STAY Consultants the Annual NATIONAL BANK MARYS Interior Decorating Judy Heitkamp Julie Werling Amy Olberding and Dance held on May 17. with the unloading of cars and Lay Minister of Visitation at St. 21. STRING OF PEARLS LAUDICKS 8. COUNTRY HEARTH INN ONE Rebecca Kunkler Stephanie Wourms Each year nominations are taken trucks,41 LCC9-363-3390 car- Pauls United Methodist Church. sorting of items and 10491 U.S. 127, Mendon, OH JEWELRY MONTH POOL PASS Interior Design Consultants and the Mercer County Council rying of boxes to different build- Fawcett visits an average of 32 St. Henry,EICHHORN JEWELRY - $100 GIFT 22. (2) Werling Amy Olberding 9. Ohio 419-678-3600Judy Heitkamp JulieKENNY CHESNEY TICKETS on Aging Board Bills Mobile ings to be priced. He has a residents in seven different nursof Directors 419-305-0800 10491 StephanieCOLDWATER, OHIO 4 RebeccaFROM T102127, Mendon, OH JUNE 25 Wourms Kunkler U.S. GOOD FOR 41 LCC9-363-33 CARD choose an Outstanding Senior friendly, easy going manner10491 U.S.home,Mendon, OH thinkand ing 127, sends over 80 41 LCC9-363-3390 GIFT SHOW IN COLUMBUS of you cards 419-305-0800 10. FAMILY PACKAGE - $5 St. Henry, Ohio Bills Mobile 419-305-0800 of the Year. This year the his ability to move heavy boxes ing Bills Mobile each week, 419-678-3600 ** PROCEEDS BENEFIT SHANES ~ PLUMBING ~ FIREPLACES & SPAS ~ board broke from tradition and and furniture is appreciated by all. sits with families during surgery, ~ CARD FROM FAMILY VIDEO AND 1 ~ COMMUNICA PARK IMPROVEMENTS named two Outstanding Seniors, In addition to his many volunteer runs errands for shut-ins, and lis- LARGE PIZZA FROM PIZZA HUT Fred Vann and Louise Fawcett. hours at the Council on Aging, tens when someone just wants to THANK YOU SPAS THOSE WHO TO ~ 11. PARKWAY HOODIE FROM DAWG~ FIREPLACES & ~ PLUMBING ~ ~ PLUMBING ~ Both exemplified the spirit of he also provides rides to doctors talk. These are just a few of the TOWN DONATED YOUR SUPPORT IS volunteerism. Karen Howick, for residents of the Rockford many things she does; averaging 12. BUCKEYE COLORS RED/ GREATLY APPRECIATED !!!

ON Local Connection To The World DISPLAY

Council on Aging Selects Seniors of the Year

Business 419-678-2812 Community Days 2011, plan The Belle consist of, Jess and 1995. Hirschy is Come In And See Us For All419-678-2812 passionate Business Of on attending the concert at The Mary Joyce King, Jack Copsey, and committed toYourUsthe All Of Come In Andsharing For Improvements, And See Home Rockford Belle on Saturday, Allen Twaits, and Gary Henkle truth of the Gospel with friends, Come In And PAVILION All Of Your Home Improvements, And NEW See Us For~~ SHANES AT June 18 at 7 p.m. with doors are all from this area and have acquaintances, and Large Assortment Of Fixtures! even strang- YourTHE PARK Home Improvements, And Large Assortment Of Fixtures! open at 6 p.m. Opening for been playing music for many ers through his gift of moder- ExpertAssortment Of Fixtures! Free Large AdviCeTOM ROBBINS OH Lic #28130 AUCTION BY: the event will be inspira- years. The group explains the ately contemporary music. It Free Expert AdviCe 1. ROSS HOMAN AUTOGRAPHED OH Lic #28130 tional and contemporary per- Lord has been so good, bless- is his desire that while people Free Expert AdviCe OH Lic #28130 former Ryan Hirschy of Ryan ing them with great health and attend his concerts, they are OHIO STATE TRADER CARD (ONLY Hirschy Ministries, from an opportunity to lift His name. filled with courage and hope to 1,000 CARDS MADE) DONATED BY ~ SEPTIC Jack, Allen, Jess, and Gary claim the grace that Jesus freely ~LARRY SIELSCHOTT ~ Decatur, Indiana. The featured SYSTEMS ~ INTERIOR DESIGN group is Jess King & Country have played in different bands offers everyone. 2. KENNEDY TOOL BOX W/TOOLS Portable Toilets Backhoe and recently joined Gospel. The public is wel- in the past Complete your family fun at 3. OAK MIRRORED COAT RACK ~ THE come Fill attend & Top Soil Hauled All are born-again the ~ SEPTIC SYSTEMS ~ LOCALLY MADE to Dirt performances together. Rockford Community Days located at 135 Market Street, Christians and they welcome by spending it at the Belle on 4. GOLF PACKAGE 9 HOLES Portable Toilets Backhoe Septic air-conditioned, you Rockford in an Tank Cleaning to the Rockford Belle to June 18! Performers are very NORTHMOOR 18 HOLES AT HICKORY relaxed and friendly setting. ASewer Country Gospel. Fill Dirt & Top Soil offer a wholeentertaining and Hauled Install & Replace enjoy STICKS free-will offering is accepted. Ryan Hirschy Ministries, some show for all to enjoy. 5. BEARCREEK FARMS PACKAGE Refreshments will be available ministers to people in Septic For more information about this many Tank Cleaning Septic System DINNER, SHOW, AND ONE NIGHT for after the show. ways, through his workInstall event contact Tom Rogers at as a & Replace Sewer STAY Jess King & Country Gospel Funeral Director and through 567-644-9993.

Saturday, June 18 at 7 p.m.

115 E. Main, Coldwater, Ohio


Griers Power Digging, L.L.C

Were Your Local Connection To The World

Plumbing, INC.

Come Recovery Harvest Jubilee: June 16-19 In And See Us For All Of Reminder-FortHome Improvements, And Business 419-678-2812 Your


BMX Stunt Show, Amazing Circus Stilt Walkers, Go-Kart Races, Cooper Farms Kiddie Day, Firemans Parade,

s Power Power HOME PLACE PLACE Griers HOME Griers Power WESTGERDES PLACE WESTGERDES WESTGERDES s Power PowerFloorHOME PLACE Griers HOME Griers Power Rish ng, Digging, L.L.C. Rish L.L.C. L.L.C. Covering Digging, L.L.C. RishFloor Covering ng, Digging, L.L.C. Digging, L.L.C. Power Griers Power Griers
MORE! Portable Toilets Backhoe Portable Toilets Backhoe Portable Toilets Backhoe
Fill Dirt & Top Soil Hauled Fill Dirt & Top Fill Dirt & Top Soil Hauled Soil Hauled

Come & Come & Come & Interior Decorating Interior Decorating Interior Decorating s Backhoe table Toilets Backhoe Backhoe Rent By The Or Week! Portable Toilets The Ren The Olde Hour, Olde Hour, Day O The OldeTheDayRent ByThe Ol The O THE s Backhoe table Toilets Backhoe Backhoe Portable Toilets See Us For... Us For... Us For... Design Consultants See THE See THE Interior THE Interior Design Consultants Interior Design Consultants THE oil HauledDirt & Top Soil Hauled THE Dirt & Top Soil Hauled Fill Judy Heitkamp JulieJudy Heitkamp Olberding Werling Amy Julie Werling AmyJulie Werling Amy Olberding Judy Heitkamp Olberding oil HauledDirt & Top Soil Hauled Fill Dirt & Top Soil Hauled Rebecca CERAMIC, LAMINATE Rebecca Kunkler Stephanie Wourms CERAMIC, LAMINATE U.S. aning Septic Tank tic Tank Cleaning Cleaning10491 U.S. 127, Mendon, OHU.S. 127, Mendon, OH 41 LCC9-363-3390 41 LCC9-363-3390 Kunkler Stephanie Wourms Rebecca Kunkler Stephanie Wourms 10491 CERAMIC, LAMINATE 10491 41 LCC9-363-3390 127, Mendon, OH ~ Located Classic Woodworking ~ ~ aning Septic Tank ~ Located At D&L Located At D&L Classic tic Tank Cleaning Cleaning St. Bills Mobile & HARDWOOD & HARDWOOD & HARDWOOD 419-305-0800 St. Bills Mobile St. Henry, Ohio 419-678-3600 At D&LCOLDWATER, OHIO Classic Woodworking ~ Bills Mobile 419-305-0800 419-305-0800 Henry, Ohio 419-678-3600 Henry, Ohio 419-678-3600 ce Sewer 419-678-2397COLDW Install & Replace Sewer all & Replace Sewer COLDWATER, 419-363-3 166 N. MAIN ROCKFORD, OHIO ROCKFORD, OHIO OHIO 41 166 N. MAIN 166 N. MAIN 419-363-3903 ROCKFORD, O FLOORING FLOORING FLOORING ce Sewer Install & Replace Sewer all & Replace Sewer Give Us A Call & Reserve The Equipment Today!Reserve Th Give Us A The Equipment T Give Us A Call & Reserve Call & Septic System tic System VINYL~ ~PLUMBING ~ Give Tools,&SPAS Us TheHandUs Today! Reserve A Call GiveRENTALS Equipment T HandUs~A CallDESIGN~Tools,& Reserve~ & Reserve~ C Th ~ SEPTIC SYSTEMS ~ ~ PLUMBING SEPTIC SYSTEMS CARPET ~ FIREPLACES DESIGN Give The Plumbin Hand TILE Equipment Call SAWS RENTA Plumbing, ~ SEPTIC SYSTEMS~CARPET VINYL~ PLUMBING ~ CARPET~ INTERIOR &~SPAS ~~ ~ Tools, ~ FIREPLACES ~ FIREPLACES CERAMIC~~ COMMUNICATIONS~ ~ GENE SPAS ~ ~ VINYL Septic System BEDSHAPERS &Plumbing,CERAMICATILECERAMIC TILE SAWS GENERATORS ~ INTERIOR &~ INTERIOR BEDSHAPERSBEDSHAPERS COMMUNICAT DESIGN ~ tic System


Fill Dirt & Fill Dirt & Top Movie, Wing plan Hauled Soil Hauled Fill to & Top Outdoor Family Soil HauledTop SoilDirtattend this years Fort Septic Septic Tank Cleaning Tank Recovery Eating Contest, Rib Cook-off, CleaningTankHarvest Jubilee Septic Cleaning Sponsored By: Les Wenning New Ford Sales and Service, Phone: 419-375-4134, Pie Baking Contest, Psi&Iota andSewerReplace Sewer Install Install & Replace Sewer Replace enjoy the many activities Address: 530 E. Boundary Street. Fort Recovery OH, 45846, Install & Xi Chicken Dinners, Rides, offered! Give Us A Call & Reserve The Ca Give Us A Call & Reserve The Equipment Today!Us A Eq Give Septic System Septic System Septic System BEDSHAPERS GENERATORS BEDSHAPERS CERAMIC TILE SAWS CERAMIC TILE SA BEDSHAPERS AIR COMPRESSORS AIR COMPRESSORS COMP ~ FLOORING FLOORING ~ ~~ SYSTEMS ~SYSTEMS ~ ~ RENTALS ~ ~RENTALS ~ ~ PRESSU ~ SEPTIC ~ SEPTIC SYSTEMS ~ ~ HARDWAREHARDWARERENTA ~ FLOORING ~ ~ ~ PRESSURE WASHERS ~ AIR ~ HARDWA ~ INTERIOR~ INTERIOR DESIGN ~ PLACE ~ PLACE DESIGN ~~ INTERIOR DESIGN HOME SYSTEMS ~SYSTEMS ~ ~ JACK RENTALS SCAFFOLDS SAND BLASTERS HOME ~ SEPTIC ~ SEPTIC SYSTEMS ~ ~ RENTALS SCAFFOLDS HOME PLACE HAMMERS ~ JACK HAMMERS~~ HAMME RENTA JACK ~ INTERIOR~ INTERIOR DESIGN ~ DESIGN ~ DESIGN ~~ INTERIOR

Phone: 419-375-4111. Come In And See Us For All Please join in the fun at the Antique Tractor Display and Games, Food, and much, muchFor All Of Come In And See Us Large Assortment Of Fixtures! Voting Information. www.wabash.c 106th annual Fort Recovery Pulls, Bingo, Quarter Auction, more! For a full schedule Your Home Improvements, Your Home Improvements,Log on to and click VOTE! 1.) And HarvestLic Jubilee held June Expert AdviCe Country of events, visit www.fortreFree Live Bands, including Large Assortment Of Fixtu OH #28130 Ford Focus 2012-FR. Large Assortment Of 2.) Check 16-19 at the Ambassador Park Mile-proudly featuring one of or call 419-375- Fixtures! out our video, 3.) Free Expert AdviCe OH Lic #28130 in historic Fort Recovery. Mercer Countys own, OH Lic #281302530. 100% of the proceeds Dean Free Expert AdviCe Vote for it to help us win. ~ SEPTIC SYSTEMS ~ ~ RENTALS information, SEPTIC SYSTEMS Events and entertainment for Zehringer, ~The LumberJacks, ~made at ~ SEPTIC SYSTEMS ~ 4.) Enter your DESIGN ~ including a valid e-mail address. ~ RENTALS ~ the Harvest Jubilee ~ INTERIOR DESIGN ~ ~ INTERIOR ~ INTERIOR DESIGN ~ 5.) Dont be counted absent! Open your e-mail and click the link to make your vote everyone of all ages is planned, Grove Hill, andBackhoe Effexor are donated to park and comPortable ToiletsPortable Toilets Backhoe Portable Toilets Backhoe THE THE including High Action Bikes Unplugged, Live Duck Races, munity improvements. Please count! THE


GriersGriers PowerPower Power Griers Digging, L.L.C. L.L.C.L.L.C. Digging, Digging,

50-60 hours each week helping others. Pastor Kim Miller of St. Pauls says, God has given Louise a gift and she Nothingit to Like A Quad uses Burns OVER OVER her fullest extent. 200 200 Connor Rammel, Alex Thien, and Josh Wendel, Fort Recoverys Co-Lab students, have Congratulations to both UNITS UNITS Nothing Burns Like A Quad OVER OVER entered a national video contest sponsored by Ford. The object of this contest was to create Fred Vann and Louise Fawcett ON 200 Were Your win $10,000 a commercial ON a 2012 Ford Focus. These students have200 opportunity to Local Connect for the for being selected Outstanding DISPLAY DISPLAY UNITS UNITS for Fort Recoverys Co-Lab class. They will be competing along with other schools in Seniors of the Year. ON the Great Lakes vicinity. Voting will start June 15 and endON 15.115 E. Main, Coldwater, O July One vote per day, per 115 E. Main, Coldwater, Ohio DISPLAY DISPLAY Business Schools, e-mail, per video. If you have any questions, please contact Fort Recovery Local 419-678-2812

Fort Recoverys Co-lab may be going BIG!

Plumbing, INC.



Plumbing, IN




Rockford Hardware H Rockford Rockford Hardwa


Septic Tank Cleaning Tank Cleaning Septic Tank Cleaning Interior Decorating Interior Septic Interior Decorating Decorating Interior Decorating Interior Rent By The OPEN THURSDAYS!THURSDAYS! Interior Decorating Decorating Rent Install & Replace Sewer Replace Sewer Install & Replace Sewer NOW OPEN THURSDAYS! DayBy The Hour, Day The Hour, D NOW Rent Or OPEN By Or Week! Install & NOW Hour,Us A Call &Week! The EquipmentGive Us Interior Design Consultants Consultants Interior Quad Design Consultants Give Reserve Us A Call & Reserve T Today Nothing Design OVER OVER OVER OVER Give Septic System Interior ~ CHUCK Burns Like A WESTGERDES ~ Septic System Septic System & LISA Design Consultants LISA Design Burns Like A Quad Nothing Burns Like A Quad Nothing & ~ CHUCK OVER OVER Consultants Check Interior Judy HeitkampDesign Consultants Judy Heitkamp WESTGERDES ~Judy Heitkamp~ Julie Werling Amy Olberding Out200 Julie Interior Amy Interior Werling Julie Werling Olberding ~ CHUCK & LISA WESTGERDES Amy Olberding Out Our CERAMIC Our Website: CheckBEDSHAPERSWebsite:TI 200 Check Out Our CERAMIC TILE SAWS GENERATO 200 200 BEDSHAP BEDSHAPERS Website: 200 200 PHONE Judy Wayne Street, Heitkamp Judy Heitkamp Julie Stephanie Rebecca Kunkler UNITS 111 N.Wourms 111 N. Wayne Street, Fort Recovery, OH Amy OlberdingFort Recovery, OH Amy Olberding Stephanie UNITS PHONE DIGITAL TV INTERNET C UNITS UNITS PHONE DIGITAL TV Judy WerlingKunkler Werling Julie Werling PRESSURE WASHERS AIR AIRCOMPRESSORS AIRCOMPRESSORS P 111 N. Wayne Street, Julie Stephanie Wourms Rebecca UNITS UNITS ndon, OH 10491 U.S. 127, Mendon, OH 41 LCC9-363-3390 Rebecca KunklerHeitkamp Fort Recovery, OH AmyOlberding Wourms 41 LCC9-363-3390 491 U.S. 127, Mendon, OH 41 LCC9-363-3390 Stephanie Wourms ON ON Rebecca Kunkler Stephanie Rebecca Kunkler ON PLACE Wourms ON HOME 419-678-3600 HOME PLACE HAMMERS SCAFFOLDS The World HA JACK Local Connection To SANDJACK L BLASTE Rebecca Kunkler 419-375-2572 ON ON 419-375-2572 419-678-3600 Were Your ndon, 419-305-0800 41 LCC9-363-3390 Were 115 Coldwater, 115 Ohio 419-375-2572 Ohio Interior obile OH 10491 U.S.Bills Mendon,OH 41 LCC9-363-3390St. Henry, Ohio E.OhioSt. Henry, Ohio 491 U.S.Bills Mendon,OH 41 LCC9-363-3390 127, Mobile 127, Mobile 419-305-0800 E. Main, Coldwater, E. Main, Coldwater, Main,OhioStephanie Wourms HOME PLACE Decorating Your Were Your Local DISPLAY 115 DISPLAY DISPLAY Visa & JACK HAMMERS SCAFFO Visa Interior & DISPLAY Visa & MasterCardTheMasterCard Accepted St. Henry, St. Henry, Ohio DecoratingInterior DecoratingMasterCard Accepted Rent ByCOLDWATER,Connectio 419-678-3600 419-305-0800 Business 419-678-2812 DISPLAY DISPLAY COLDWATER, OHIO 419-678-2397 Or Week! Business 419-678-2812 Hour, Day OHIO Accepted Rent By The Hour 419-678-3600 St. Henry, Ohio 419-678-3600 Bills Mobile 419-305-0800 obile Bills Mobile 419-305-0800 419-305-0800 Business 419-678-2812 COLDWATER, OHIO 419-678-23 St. Henry, Ohio 419-678-3600 COLDWATER, OHIO COLDWATER, OHIO Interior Design Consultants 419-678-2397 419-678-23 Come In And See Us For All Of Interior Design Consultants Come In And See Us For All Of COLDWATER, OHIO Interior Design Consultants Werling Amy Olberding Come In And See Us For All Of Judy Heitkamp Julie Judy Heitkamp Julie Werling Amy Olberding


Griers Power Digging, ~ Digging, L.L.C. L.L.C.L.L.C. Digging, ~ FIREPLACES & SPAS ~ & SPAS ~ ~ PLUMBING ~ LUMBING PLUMBING ~ ~ ~ FIREPLACES & SPAS ~ FIREPLACES ~
Plumbing, INC. Plumbing, INC. Plumbing, INC.

Need a Coat of Paint? ~ PLUMBING ~ ~ PLUMBING ~ ~ FIREPLACES & SPAS ~ ~ FIREPLACES & SPAS ~ ~ PLUMBING ~ ~ FIREPLACES & SPAS ~ Carpet Down to the Nub? Your BarB wont Q? Like A Quad Nothing Burns Like A Quad OVER OVER OVER Nothing OVER Cant Catch a ride on the Worldwide Web?Nothing Burns Like A Quad BurnsOVER OVER Nothing Burns Like A Quad OVER OVER OVER Nothing Burns Like A Quad OVER 200 200
200 200 Nothing Burns Like A Quad
Nothing Burns Like A Quad


Nothing Burns Like A Quad

Your Home Improvements, And Your Home Improvements, And Judy Heitkamp Julie Werling Amy Olberding Your Home Improvements, And Rebecca Kunkler Stephanie Wourms Rebecca Large Assortment Of Fixtures! 127, 10491 U.S. 10491 U.S. 127, Mendon, OH 41 Large AssortmentMendon, OH 41 LCC9-363-3390 Kunkler Stephanie Wourms Stephanie Wourms LCC9-363-3390 Large Assortment Of Fixtures! Rebecca Kunkler Of Fixtures! 10491 U.S. 127, Mendon, OH 41 LCC9-363-3390 St. Henry, Ohio 419-678-3600 St. Bills Mobile 419-305-0800 #28130 Bills Mobile 419-305-0800 Henry, Ohio 419-678-3600 Free Free Expert AdviCe 419-305-0800 Expert AdviCe Ohio 419-678-3600 OH Lic OH Lic #28130 CO St. Henry, Bills Mobile Expert AdviCe COLDWATER, OHIO 419-678-2397 Free OH Lic #28130 COLDWATER, OHIO


419 419-942-1111 419-942-1


419-942 419-942-1111 41 419-942-1111 419-942 419-942-111 419-942-1111 419-942 ROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMEN DIRECTORY 419-942-111 Call a Professional! ME IMPROVEMENT DIRECTORY
Nothing Burns Like A Quad

200 200 PHONE OVER DIGITAL PHONE DIGITAL T 200 200 200 200 UNITS UNITS OVER OVER UNITS UNITS Plumbing, PHONE TV INTERNETINTE DIGITAL TV lumbing, INC. INC. INC. 200 200 PHONE OVER DIGITAL PHONE DIGITAL INTERNET OVER UNITS EvErybodys OVER UNITS 200 200 UNITS 200 200 UNITS UNITS EvErybodys ON ON Plumbing,HELP INC. DESIGN Plumbing, INC. UNITS ~ RENTALS ~200 YourUNITS Connection To TheLocalINTERNT Plumbing, ~ INTERIOR ON ON PHONE TVDIGITAL TV Connec lumbing,you 115 E. Main, Coldwater, Ohio INC. INC. PHONEDIGITAL WorldPHON ~ E. Main, When Were Your TV INTE 200 UNITS UNITS EvErybodys UNITS Were Local ~ ON UNITS 15 SEPTIC SYSTEMS ~ Ohio Coldwater, ON ON need Ohio Plumbing, INC.doing it. UNITS doing it. ON ON Plumbing, 419-678-2812 SYSTEMS ~ ON DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY SYSTEMS ~ Were Your Local Connection To The Were PHONE DIGITAL Your ON UNITS ~ Your Local Connection To TheLocal Connec UNITS 115 E. Main, 115 E. Main, Were SEPTICON ~ SEPTIC ~ RENTALS ~ World ON ON 15 E. Main, Coldwater, Ohio Business Coldwater, Ohio ON Plumbing, INC. ON Business 419-678-2812 Coldwater,

~ Toilets Backhoe 115 E. Main, DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY The Wo 115 E. Main, Coldwater, Ohio DISPLAY DISPLAY Coldwater, Ohio INTERIOR DESIGN ~ Were Your Local Connection Were Yo DISPLAY DISPLAY Were Your Local Connection To To The ON ON 115 E. Main, 419-678-2812 419-678-2812 THE Main, Coldwater, Ohio 419-678-2812 Business Business DISPLAY DISPLAY Business 419-678-2812 Coldwater, Ohio Business Portable Toilets Backhoe Were Your Local Conn 115 E. DISPLAY DISPLAY Portable Toilets Of Backhoe &In And HauledBusiness Of In And See Us ForBusiness 419-678-2812 Top Soil See Us For All 419-678-2812 DISPLAY DISPLAY Come All THE Business 419-678-2812 THE MERCER COUNTY Fill Dirt & Top Soil Hauled COUNTY Come Fill Dirt & Top Soil See Of ank Cleaning Us For All Of In And See Us For All AndUs For AllTHECome In And See Us For All Of In AndCome In And SeeHome Improvements, Of See Your Us Home Improvements, And For All OfCome In And Hauled In And SeeMERCER Improvements, And CHRONICLE Us Home Of Your Cleaning And CHRONICLE Come In And SeeHome Improvements,Improvements,124 W. Your For AllTHE MERCER COUNTY 105, Coldwater 419-678-2324Septic Tank Cleaning Us For All And Fixtures! Come Of Of Home And 124 W. Main St., P.O. Box Septic Your HomeYour Assortment Tank Improvements, Home Improvements, And Main St., P.O. Box 105, Coldwater 419-678-2324 Replace Sewer Of Fixtures! Large Assortment Your Fixtures!Large AssortmentCHRONICLE And Of www.wabash Large Assortment Your Home Large Assortment Of Fixtures! OfHome Improvements,124 W. Main St., P.O.Fixtures! Give Us A Call & Reserve The Install & Replace Sewer Improvements, And Box 105, Coldwater 419-678-2324 Equipment Today! Install Large Of Fixtures! AssortmentAssortment Of Fixtures! & Replace Sewer ystem www.wabash Large Lic #28130 Assortment Of Fixtures! AdviCe www.waba Free Expert OH Expert A Call & Reserve The Equipment Today! Give Us Free OH Lic #28130 ree Expert AdviCe FreeOH Lic #28130 AdviCe Expert AdviCe Large Assortment Of Fixtures! System SAWS GENERATORS BEDSHAPERS CERAMIC TILE Septic System Septic FLOORING ~ Free Expert AdviCe Free Expert AdviCe OH Lic #28130 OH Lic #28130 Free Expert AdviCe ree 28130 Expert AdviCe BEDSHAPERS CERAMIC TILE SAWS GENERATORS AIR COMPRESSORS PRESSURE WASHERS ~

Dont Call your Brother-in-law, Neighbor or Best friend...

More and more teens are reading the paper, More and more teens are reading the paper, because they know its pretty cool to know because they know its pretty cool to know whats going on around town. whats going on around town. More and more teens are reading the paper, because they know its pretty coolTheknow Read to Mercer County Chronicle and youll always be in the know. Read The Mercer County Chronicle and youll always be in the know. whats going on around town.

doing it.

Read The Mercer County Chronicle and youll always be in the know.



HOME Griers ers WESTGERDES Power PLACE WESTGERDES Power HOME Griers ersToday PLACE FloorHOME PLACE Power Power Today HOME PLACE Floor Covering Covering Rish UsCall TodayRish Edna TodayUs Today Digging, L.L.C. ging, Call Edna L.L.C. all PowerToday Digging, L.L.C. ging, L.L.C. Call Us Edna iers
Plumbing, INC.
YourRebecca Kunkler Stephanie Wourms Home Improvements, And

Portable Toilets BackhoeInterior Decorating oilets Backhoe Rent By The Hour, Day Or Week! Your refrigerator & freezer are insulated with 2 of 2 lb. closed Interior Design Consultants Portable Toilets Backhoe oilets Backhoe cell foam insulation. The foam in these Energy Star Judy Heitkamp Julie Werling Amy Olberding refrigeraInterior Fill Dirt & Top Soil Hauled Design Consultants Top Soil Hauled your freezer at 0 while your house is at 70. Foam tors keep Judy Heitkamp Julie Werling Amy Olberding Rebecca Kunkler Stephanie Wourms& Top Soil Hauled CERAMIC, LAMINATE Fill Dirt can do the . 127, Soil Hauled same for your Top Mendon, OH 41 LCC9-363-3390 house on those blustery 0 days. CERAMIC, LAMINATE Septic CERAMIC, LAMINATE Tank Cleaning Rebecca Kunkler Stephanie Wourms ~ ~ Located At D&L Classic Woodworking 10491 U.S. 127, Mendon, OH 41 LCC9-363-3390 k Cleaning HARDWOOD 10491 U.S. 127, Mendon, OHOhio 419-678-3600 St. Henry, 41 LCC9-363-3390 Bills Mobile & 419-305-0800 Septic Tank Cleaning Henry,COLDWATER, OHIO 419-678-2397 Located & D&L Classic Woodworking ~ ~ k Cleaning Bills Mobile At HARDWOOD 419-305-0800 166 N. MAIN ROCKFORD, OHIO 419-363-3903 & HARDWOOD St. Ohio 419-678-3600 Bills Mobile 419-305-0800 FLOORING Install & Replace Sewer eplace Sewer COLDWATER, OHIO 419-678-2397 Give Us A Call & FLOORING FLOORING Install & Replace Sewer Reserve The Equipment Today!166 N. MAIN ROCKFORD, OHIO 419-363-3903 eplace Sewer ~ Give & Reserve The Equipment Today! VINYL ~ Give The Equipment Today! Hand Tools, Plumbing, ~ RENTALS ~ ~ PLUMBING ~ FIREPLACES &Septic~ SPAS ~ System Us A Call & Reserve~ COMMUNICATIONS~ Us A Call VINYL CARPET ~ SEPTIC SYSTEMS CARPET tem INTERIOR BEDSHAPERS CERAMIC TILE SAWS GENERATORSUs A Call & Reserve~The Equipment Today! GiveSEPTIC Hand ~ PLUMBING ~ ~ ~ PLUMBING ~ FIREPLACES DESIGN ~ ~ ~ SEPTIC~ VINYL~ CARPET SYSTEMS ~ DESIGN System Septic MORE! ~ INTERIOR tem Backhoe Electrical, CERAMIC TILE & SPAS GENERATORS Tools, Plumbing, ~ RENTALS ~ BEDSHAPERS SYSTEMS ~ COMMUNICATIONS~ CERAMIC BEDSHAPERS Fasteners, SAWS WASHERS Toilets MORE! AIR COMPRESSORS PRESSURE Portable Toilets Backhoe TILE SAWS GENERATORS MORE! THE Electrical, CERAMIC TILE BEDSHAPERS Fasteners, SAWS WASHERS Portable Toilets Backhoe Paints, Lighting AIR COMPRESSORS PRESSURE GENERATORS

Free Expert AdviCe JACK HAMMERS SCAFFOLDS SAND BLASTERS Interior Decorating Rent By The Hour, Day Or Week!


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Page 8 June 16, 2011


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Observations ... by John Bruns WHAT IS REALLY make just one bad deciColdwater vs Celina and Coldwater vs Crestview HAPPENING AT OSU? sion that led to another, which ultimately led him the ohio State football down the path to football story involving free tat- h---? i, like all of us, like toos and more started last to consider myself a good year before their Sugar judge of character. i was Bowl. it has been similar extremely disappointed to an ongoing soap opera with tressels benching - difficult to understand. of All Big ten quarterit has also been trying for back, todd Boeckman, a weekly writer to cover, during his senior year in as resignations, press con- favor of freshman terrelle ferences, and leaks have Pryor, but still considered occurred so rapidly that tressel a straight forward last weeks story was often guy. i do not like to think out of date. Facts, theo- i was conned, but now i ries, and opinions may yet dont know. offer a different twist in What will the legacy of the next days, but the fol- terrelle Pryor be at ohio lowing are my personal State? During his three thoughts and questions on years as a starting quartertattoo-gate to date. back, the Buckeyes won is Jim tressel a two- three Big ten championfaced hypocrite or a trag- ships, three michigan vicic-like figure from clas- tories, and two bowl victosical literature who is ries. he also had sub-par an essentially good man efforts in regular season with a fatal flaw. tressel games the last two years appeared to be the per- that kept the Bucks from fect fit for the ohio State any opportunity to play football job. At an institu- in the national championtion where many consider ship game. A teammate the late Woody hayes to who was commenting on be the prototype football Pryors leadership last coach, tressel had sev- year was currently posieral Woody-like qualities. tive, but he also described neither coach was in the Pryor as a jerk when he mode of their current asso- arrived as a freshman. in ciates. Woody and tressel all the radio talk about were not aware of current the Buckeye football situfashion trends. neither ation, two former Buckeye attempted to recruit or players stated head coach lead by being cool or tressel could not superin with their young vise his players 24 hours players. once they won a day, but the coach was enough football games, responsible for the players their choices of narrow he recruited and brought 0 TO RESERVE A SPACE FOR YOUR SPECIAL VEHICLE ties and sweater vests into the program. they did became admired, as did the not mention Pryor, but the somewhat nerdy aspects implication was there. i of their personalities. Both do not expect terrelle to Buckeye coaches won be invited back to midth most all of their games, field at the horseshoe to but they enjoyed spend- be inducted into the ohio ing considerable portions State Athletic hall of of their time expounding Fame in the near future. THIS ADVERTISING upon their views of moralWho are the good and ity and character devel- bad guys in this story? SPACE COULD BE YOURS! opment. 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the mercer county chronicle

Bowyer Wins Seventh Annual Prelude to the Dream

The box score says that Clint Bowyer led all 30 laps in last Wednesday nights Prelude to the Dream all-star dirt Late Model race at Eldora Speedway, but the native of Emporia, Kan., had to fend off strong charges from J.J. Yeley and Aric Almirola to finally capture a victory in the prestigious race thats a whos who of racings elite. After finishing second in the past two Prelude to the Dream events, Bowyer sealed his first Prelude triumph by .531 of a second over Yeley, a former USAC champion who has logged numerous laps at Eldora. Its just so much fun to be able to come here and compete, said Bowyer, whose victory was presented live to the entire nation on HBO Pay-Per-View, with the net proceeds from the telecast supporting four of the nations top childrens hospitals. What an awesome racetrack. Ive always loved this place and Im very proud of Tony Stewart and everybody behind him that makes this event awesome. Theres a lot of hard work to put on something like this, and we are very lucky to have him put forth the effort. Stewart, owner of Eldora Speedway and a three-time Prelude victor, finished 20th in the race he created in 2005. We had another first-time winner tonight. Thats what the fun part is, said Stewart, a twotime NASCAR Sprint Cup Series champion. Watching Marcos Ambrose win his heat race and Jason Leffler win his heat race in their first time being here thats the stuff that makes you smile, and its fun to watch all these guys have a good time. The race was a team event. There was still an individual race winner in Bowyer, but there was also a race within the race, with the field broken up into four teams, each representing a childrens hospital: Team Levine: Jimmie Johnson, Denny Hamlin, Bill Elliott, David Reutimann, Austin Dillon, Ray Evernham and Cruz Pedregon. Team Atlanta: Ryan Newman, Carl Edwards, Bowyer, Ken Schrader, David Gilliland, Leffler and Ron Capps. Team St. Louis: Kyle Busch, Kasey Kahne, Bobby Labonte, Justin Allgaier, Kenny Wallace, Ron Hornaday and Ricky Carmichael. Team Dallas: Tony Stewart, Tony Kanaan, Matt Kenseth, Brian Vickers, Ambrose, Almirola and Yeley. Each hospital received a donation, with the payout breakdown as follows: Winning team received 30 percent of net proceeds raised from the pay-per-view telecast. Second-place team received 25 percent of net proceeds raised from the pay-per-view telecast. Third- and fourth-place teams each received 20 percent of net proceeds raised from the pay-perview telecast. The finishing positions of the top-five drivers from each team were added together, with the lowest team score winning 30 percent of the net money raised. The cumulative efforts of Busch (fourth), Allgaier (fifth), Carmichael (sixth) and Kahne (10th) put Team St. Louis on top. Team Atlanta finished second, while Team Dallas and Team Levine finished third and fourth, respectively. As a result, Team Atlanta will receive 25 percent of the net money raised, and Team Dallas and Team Levine will each receive 20 percent of the net money raised. Complete event information can be found in the Prelude to the Dream online media kit at www.
CLINT BOWYER, (2011 Prelude to the Dream Winner): You won last year as a car owner, but whats it mean to finally win the Prelude to the Dream? Its just so much fun to be able to come here and compete. What an awesome racetrack. Ive always loved this place and Im very proud of Tony Stewart and everybody behind him who makes this event awesome. Theres a lot of hard work to put on something like this and we are very lucky to have him put forth the effort. The track conditions were a lot different than last year. How did that change tonight? Thats dirt racing, since you never know what the conditions are going to be and Mother Nature plays a big role in that. Its been 95 to 100 degrees here for over a week. Under those conditions, its going to take the moisture out of it and it is what it is. Thats dirty racing. Does winning in your own car make it even more special? Absolutely. Ill tell you, what makes it special is the tremendous amount of work. With the weather that weve had, the guys have been driving back and forth and doing a lot of things that you wouldnt normally do. Just proud of their effort to make the car perform as well as it did. TONY STEWART, (Finished 20th; Owner of Eldora Speedway): Can you talk about your overall thoughts on tonights event? Its awesome. We had another first-time winner tonight. Thats what the fun part is. Watching Marcos Ambrose win his heat race and Jason Leffler win his heat race in his first time being here. Thats the stuff that makes you smile and its fun to watch those guys have a good time. What did you think of the crowd here tonight? We had an awesome crowd. Weve had really hot weather this week and these race fans have stuck around. The Midwest in the summer when its hot like this can get brutal and these fans stuck it out. There were people who sat in the stands all day today in the heat. Weve just got great race fans here at Eldora. JIMMIE JOHNSON, (Finished 18th; 2010 Prelude to the Dream Winner): Talk about starting from the back and what kind of challenge that was for you tonight? The track conditions were a lot different (than last year). These conditions take a little more experience. Last year was a little more forgiving and more grip. But I had a blast. Finally understood about how to pass some cars about 10 laps into it and started working my way forward. I had a great night. You beat Clint (Bowyer) in one of his cars last year but the roles were reversed this year with the car owner getting the win. Its pretty cool for this team. These guys work awfully hard week in and week out and built us some brand new cars to come out here and win back-to-back years. I know Clint is awfully happy as a car owner. CARL EDWARDS, (Finished 15th; 2007 Prelude to the Dream Winner): How was your race? The race was OK. We were a little too loose. The big thing is this is all for a good cause. I had fun. These guys (the crew) are so much fun to race with. You and this crew really seem like you have a lot of fun together. I wish it was a hundred-lapper and wed have time to work on the car. Again, I really like these guys a lot. They work hard, and we came here to win. TONY KANAAN, (Finished 27th; 2004 IZOD IndyCar Series Champion): Was it as much fun this year as it was last year? I had fun again. I learned a little bit more this year. Last year, we finished the race. This year, we had a little bit of a problem. Its so much fun, and I have to thank Tony (Stewart) and the Eldora staff so much for inviting me again. I became a big fan of dirt racing last year. It was my first time in the car. This year was my second time in the car, so Ive already talked with the guys on the team about testing over the winter. Hopefully, Ill get a little bit better before next year. What happened that put you out of the race? Somebody bumped me into the wall, and when I hit the wall it broke the suspension. Its just the way dirt racing is, but its a lot of fun. Are you used to getting dirt in a racecar? No, not at all. This (driving) suit is going to have to retire, now, from IndyCar. But Im going to frame it and hang it up on the wall just like this. KYLE BUSCH, (Finished 4th; 2009 NASCAR Nationwide Series Champion): Can you talk about your race tonight? The race was good. We ended up qualifying well but that ended up getting us in a bad spot for the heat race. We only finished third in the heat to get our qualifying time back, which would have put us out front to start. We started 10th and worked our way up through there. You could pass the most on the restarts and I gained the most positions on the first one right at the green flag, and then I got a couple

St. Louis Childrens Hospital Captures Team Competition at Eldora Speedway


June 16, 2011 Page 9

Clint Bowyer celebrates in victory lane after winning the Prelude To The Dream.
more on a few other restarts. But, you could only make ground on one or two on the first corner and then you had to get to the top and just start to run the momentum. Its so hard to turn underneath somebody because all of the grip is up at the top, where it was fast. Just had to ride and wait for a caution and try to make some moves there. We raced (Aric) Almirola, which was cool. Started racing with Justin Allgaier and we were slip-jobbing each other for a few corners. That was probably the most exciting part of the night for me. But, unfortunately, we just didnt quite have enough. We ran in line there at the finish but nobody could get by each other. You made some exciting moves, dive-bombing down into some of the turns early in the race. But did you end up not being able to do that as the track wore in? You could go down there at the beginning part of the race because there was still a little bit of moisture. But as soon as I would run around there and pick up some dust, and the dust would settle back down, it would just be slick. You would be running back over dust again and you wouldnt go anywhere. RON HORNADAY, (Finished 26th; Four-time NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Champion): You just completed your first Prelude to the Dream. What are your thoughts on the event? Can we come back tomorrow and do it again? This was such a great time. I just wish it didnt take me so long to figure out how to get the car around the track. My brakes locked up there in the feature and I spun out. Other than that, I just tried to make smooth laps and had a really good time racing here. This place is really banked and Im glad it was as slick as it was. I cant imagine going around here at full speed. It was pretty special driving up to this place and seeing all the campers and people everywhere. That means a lot to all of us racers. When people come out and support a cause like this event, it makes you as a racer want to go out and put on your best performance. AUSTIN DILLON, (Finished 8th; Two-time NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Winner): Youve raced in a lot of events during your career. How does the Prelude to the Dream stack up? Ah, man, it was a blast. I cant believe it. I had fun. It got pretty racy out there. I just had to slide people to get past them. I just want to thank everyone at Bass Pro Shops and Jack Links for helping me get here. This is an awesome opportunity and Im glad we got to come out here and raise money for a great cause and some wonderful hospitals. I really had to do something to get somewhere. I thought Id make it interesting and start sliding people and see where we could go. I had a great race with (Ryan) Newman. That was awesome. I might have gotten (David) Reutimann a little mad when I slid him, there. I cut it a little close, but he screwed up coming off turn four, so I just went for it. I had a blast and really enjoyed it. Hopefully, Ill get to come back next year and try it again. RICKY CARMICHAEL, (Finished 6th; G.O.A.T Greatest of All Time): As a professional racer, you participate in number of unique events. Racing a dirt Late Model on a banked, half-mile track has to be a special experience. Describe your night. First of all, I want to thank Tony Stewart and everybody involved with this event for inviting us. Ive got to thank Austin Dillon, (crew chief) Shane (McDowell), everybody at TDR (Team Dillon Racing). I made way too much work than I needed to for them today. The biggest thing about tonight was that I made it happen when the sun went down and the lights came on. This is just a great cause. I have two kids myself and, fortunately, they are healthy. To give money back to kids that are ill, it makes me feel great. We are the luckiest kids in the world. I say kids and Im 31 years old. Its fun and I was just glad that I

wasnt in the wall when it counted. Im disappointed I made these guys work so hard early tonight, but Im thankful for the opportunity. Last year, in your first Prelude, saying you struggled would be an understatement. Tonight, you battled right around the top-five throughout the feature event. What was the biggest difference? I had a great coach in Austin (Dillon), and the whole team really helped me tonight. I think Austin could have won, but he had to start so far back. I started sixth and finished sixth, but just being here another year and knowing what to expect was big for me. I only tested once since last year, so I guess just time. People dont understand how hard this is. Just being able to do it last year, and then come back this year, the familiarity was so much better. Hopefully, we can keep gaining on it next year. RON CAPPS, (Finished 17th; Three-time NHRA Funny Car Championship Runner-up): Can you talk about your overall thoughts on tonights event? I only got passed a couple of times, so thats a bonus for me. For the last couple of years, I fought and fought. I thought I forgot how to drive, but these Kennedy Motorsports folks, Chad Ruhlman and all the guys, make me look good. It was fun. To take a drag racer and put him out there like that. I can go high, I can go low. Im racing with Jimmie Johnson. Ive got Carl Edwards around me, Im almost passing guys like that. It was so much fun. Im out here racing with guys I love to watch on TV. I finished fourth one year, but this one felt so much better. You know, its all courage if you can get up on the wall. Im just

See BOWYER, page 11

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THE MERCER COUNTY CHRONICLE Page 10 June 16, 2011 Page 9 June 11, 2009 - June 17, 2009

the mercer county chronicle

Hirschfeld Lifting, Inc.

FORT RECOVERY, OHIO 419-375-4116 ST. HENRY, OHIO 419-678-4853

Minnich RISH Plumbing, Poultry C Inc. CARRIAGE 8563 E. 300 N. PLUMBING Receives Albert Heckler Celina Couple IS OUR WERKES Portland, Ca BUSINESS! Award from Cheryl Ann Programs
Stateline Writers Meet

Lefeld Celina the foundation of Park Dedicated Rotary Dog Implement our area!
Fort Recovery FFAs Tractor Agriculture Industry, Troubleshooting Team.

Wide Stay Selection. Drainage Projects Designed To ColorWeathertight, My job as an agricultural renewable energy. The Dulls Amish community in and around book and movie; the appealing Designed To Stay Weathertight, Keep Interiors Dry. murals in Portsmouth; and some journalist is fun because it al- have a visitors center to inform Holmes and Wayne counties. Stop By AndKeep Interiors Dry. To Work. Backhoe & tasty Montgomery Inn ribs and a Bulldozing Put Centurydrain lows me to travel this fascinat- guests about the farm. Devine Grazing dairy cattle, rolling hay Stop By And Put Centurydrain To Work. Reds game in Cincinnati. ing state on a regular basis,421 N. Eastern Ave. Roost Farm in fields and plenty Sewage Systems of- Farms and Pigeon St. Rt. 118 of down home The Canal Way National ten on Ohios 26 beautiful des- Licking County offer pumpkins Amish appeal (and merchandise) Scenic Byway Farm Drainage St. Henry, Ohio ignated scenic byways (five of and a myriad of fun family ori- attract many visitors each year. This byway runs from Clevewhich have a national designa- ented activities in the late sum- Ohio leads the nation in Swiss land to Dover along the path of the 1663 CRANBERRY ROAD, ST. HENRY, OHIO tion). The five National Scenic mer and fall. The trip through cheese production, and ranks Ohio and Erie Canal and offers Your Home & Agricultural Specialists 419-925-4290 Byways in the state highlight Joe Bruggeman,passes near the high in other types of cheeseSince 1909 pro- several agricultural destinations. Belmont County Owner 300 S. Main to this region Box 247 Ansonia, Ohio Street P.O. largely due KNOXVILLE, OHIO 753-2559 some of the states finest fea- states largest Christmas tree duction, 300 S. Main Street P.O. Box 247 Ansonia, Ohio NEW tures, including Ohios bounti- Collisionthe Feisley family. of the state. Specializing In farm run by Repair National 7AM-5:30PM Saturday 36"-60" Corrugated ful agricultural production. The renowned Dickinson Cattle Ohio RiverMonday-FridayScenic PM Saturday 7AM-Noon Monday-Friday 7 AM - 5 7 AM-Noon Monday-Friday 7AM-5:30PM Saturday 7AM-Noon Lake Erie Coastal National Co. Longhorn Cattle Ranch is Byway Polyethlene Pipe It is hard to beat the rolling Scenic Byway also near the route, just outside Meets All Your June is wine month and there of Barnesville. Also, be sure to landscape, charming towns, hisStormwater Needs torical and agricultural attractions is no better route in the Midwest note the productive corn and soythat ooze from this 452-mile to travel for fine wines than bean fields lining much of Route route along the Ohio River Ohios northern coast. Ohios 40 that are pumping dollars into through 14 counties. A few of my wine business is booming and the economy and biofuels into favorite stops along the way, or gaining more international rec- our vehicles. nearby the designated byway, inognition every year for its high Amish Country National clude Sweetapple Farms (agriquality wine production along Scenic Byway tainment), Stacy Family Park. eb Borns prepares to cut the ribbon at the Dedication of the Celina Rotary Club Dog Farms Helping to hold the ribbon (strawberries) and Grimms the Darlenetemperate shoresJohn Hunter,Few routes throughof theof- Green Acres (apples) in WashingLynskey and of Lake assistant chief Ohio Ohios Division of Parks and Recreation. On left is Craig Erie. fer more picturesque glimpses of Jeff Larmore and Bentley. Photo by Roy Hall. Morton, Regional also offers ample Manager of Grand Lake St. Marys. Right: ton County; the bridge from This route modern and Amish agriculture State Route 29 West Celina natural attractions for fishing than this byway winding through Galia County to Point Pleasant, BY: BETTY and the professor at Wright State University. He has other dogs at West Virginia, home of the mysand bird enthusiastsLOU DENNEY/HALL Opening day at the Celina Rotary Dog Park received home but decided to only bring one at a time. He comthrill-seeking appeal of Cedar Point. Roller coasters, As the ave revues from the dogs.walleye gates opened for the first mented that this was the first time his dog had this much and wine, May 12, you of me on Tuesday how can dogsgo all sizes were seen mak- exercise since he got him a year ago. Heavy Equipment wrong? ng their way to the park to get a chance to run in over 3 There are a few small problems to work out with the Historic National Road Repair & Parts cres of wide Scenic spaces of the chain-linked fenced in park, such as the water faucet would not shut off and there open Byway National Specializing In..... acre rea. Small dogsthis byway is lined and the large dogs haveSUPPLIES ~~~~~~~~~~~~ fence in the small dog side of Much of area is an ~~~~~~~~~~~~ was a small hole under the interesting agricultural atver 2with Undercarriage Repair is one of newest and the park, which Drills acres. The new park, which Scaffolds Concrete Tools of course was found by one of the little Pressure iggesttractions.happening in the State Parks around the coun- furry visitors on dedication day. These problems will be things Dull Homestead Farm Complete Heavy Equipment Overhauls Washers Trenchers Maria Stein . 419-925-4457 in Montgomery County y, was made possible duefeatures efforts of Deborha Borns, easily fixed. Memberships ($10) to Fur Ever Friends are to the 1900 CELINA ROAD, ST. MARYS, OHIO a diversified operation including Up & Delivery On Site Repairs Pick otaryhogs and seed corn, Herthe real Lima ........... 419-224-7019 Club President. but friend, Darlene Lynskey, is also being sold to help with the upkeep of the park. The use of Pin & Bushing Press Findlay ....... 419-421-6771 park is We Pick Up Used Oilof the working on gettingisathe farms tow-Park in her home town CALL 419-394-2019 free to the public. One of the additions they State Dog attention getter IN AN EMERGENCY OR 419-394-6622

A component of the recently established agriculture program at Wright State Lake Campus included a course on dairy cattle evaluation. Participating students learned about dairy cattle physiology, pedigree, linear evaluation, and oral defense of reasons. Students in the class competed in the National Association of College Teachers of HE MERCER COUNTY CHRONICLE Agriculture (NACTA) Dairy Judging 2009 - May 27, 2009 age 10 May 21, Contest held in Wooster, Ohio on April 17th. Members of the Wright State Lake Campus teams did well in the Associates and Bachelors OH LIC #28130 Degree Divisions of competition. In the Associates Degree Division awards were given At the April meeting of the Stateline Writers Club, members read for top placings in the respective breeds judged that day (Holprofiles they had written about someone, living or dead or makestein, Ayrshire, and Jersey) as well as overall individual and Pictured L-R are members of the Fort Recovery FFA Dairy Judging Team who Pictured L-R are membersbelieve, and member Eileen Whitsetts special activity of having memof the Fort Recovery FFA Poultry Judging Team, Nathan team awards. Second Place in Ayrshire (Associate Division) Representing Wright State Fortkamp, Alan Vogel, Kyle bers combine pictures of Garrett scenes with a Fullenkamp, recently placed 4th in the state of Ohio. Jon Post, Stacy Will, Zach Guggenbiller, Emily Lake Campus in competition included: Damon Bertke,particular Dorsten, Alexperson or people Schmitz, Kurt Fortkamp, Katie Fortkamp, Gusty Link, was Damon Aaron Will, Taylor Guggenbiller, Sam Muhlenkamp. Specializing In Hellwarth,Foreign & Domestic Abe Gibbs, Jordan Collisions Kevin Kaup,Eric Brackman, Tylerto them toandinto that scene brought interesting Wendi Schoenlein, Bertke and Third Place (Associate Division) was Caitlin Gehret, Greg Koesters, Barbie Link, put Randy Braun. Kassie Pease, results. assigned Koesters, Joanna Osterloh, Brian Schulte. Overall awards indicated the team placed well. Phillips, Brian Schulte, and Matt Thobe. The team was coached by Dr. Greg Homan and sponsored by Farm Credit Sue Miller and Gretchen Bollenbachers proposal for a special Services. Damon Dorothy Hoyng never imagined that theyd beLouis and Bertke was the Second Place Individual and the Assomeeting designed to attract new members wasKoesters, and Matt Pictured front (left to right) Greg Koesters, Ohio Schulte, Kassie Pease, Wendi Phillips, Tyler described and approved. Ann Place Service 421 N. Eastern Ave., St. Henry, Brian ciates Degree Cheryl Sales & in their Division. Members will be hosted by the Coldwater Public Library in June for ome involved withteam was 2ndPrograms. Thobe. Second Row (left-right) Alex Fullenkamp, Abe Gibbs, Kevin Kaup, Damon Bertke, Jordan Hellwarth, and The raising three happy, healthy Main Guggenbiller, sires selection, linear eval- from photo: Garrett Dorsten). reading of their best work. the Bachelors Degree Team team, Zach their Celina Ft. recovery won boys division in compea 115 E. their in Dr. Greg Homan. (Absent They were FFA Garrett Dorsten placed 2nd overall as an individual, uation, and a written test. Dairy team, taylor Guggenbiller, emily tition. At the next meeting, which will be on Saturday, May 16, memome.tayloroperated his custom upholstery shop next door, Louie Coldwater, Ohio 419-678-2812 Guggenbiller, bers will rehearse for their special program in June. with Kevin Kaup placing third. Schoenlein, andDegree Will, the Dairy team had to The Bachelors Stacy team nd Dorothy worked in the high school cafeteria. They were aAti judge 6 different classes of the Ft. recovery FFA judge broilers and layers, and the nathan Fortkamp, month at Zach Guggenbiller, breed divisions (Holstein, Jersey, and Stateline club members meet 3rd Saturday of each son of was 2nd in each of the Sam to travel to ohio State take an the Celina the poul- Paul and Ginny Fortkamp, ypical family. muhlenkamp, Jon Post, at Wooster to compete in dairy breeds while answer- Poultry Judging team 10 a.m. at exam overMercer County Library. Anyone interested in Ayrshire), as well as placing 2nd as team in Oral Reasons. try industry. the Poultry member third individually emily Schoenlein, Abby theastate finals. At son, A Then a very atypical thing happened. Their middle the state ing 5 questions on each recently placed 2nd out of coming to a meeting or becoming a placed is cordially invited to number of the Bachelors Degree Team Judging team members in the contest. the poulSudhoff, Aaron Will, and finals, Members placed indi- class. the team received 58 teams in the State Poultry attend. rian, was struck by lightning in 1981 whenthe team16. With4th. he was placed vidually Stacy of in breed competition with Garrett Dorsten placing a blue and gold banner to Judging Skills contest held at were eric Brackman, randy try judging team received Prou Will, blue, the HoyngsStacychanged placed 10th recently trav- lives Will forever. hat bolt out the Second in the Jersey Breed, eled to the State Fairgroundswhile Kevin Kaup was Third in hang in the classroom. the the ohio State Fairgrounds. Braun, Katie Fortkamp, Kurt a 2nd place blue and gold individually at the state The odds of being struck by lightning are one in 280,000, in columbusFirst in placed level. each student partici- Ft. recovery FFA chapter the Poultry team had to Fortkamp, nathan Fortkamp, banner to hang in the class- Be A Holsteins and and Ayrshire. ut the Hoyngs couldnt afford to spend muchthe Dairy Judging would like to congratu- grade interior and exterior caitlin Gehret, Barbie link, room. congratulations to the Of T 3rd in the preliminary pating in time thinking bout round. thisluck. Theythe a son who was challenged late the team on a job FFA egg quality, grade carcass- Gusty link, Kyle Schmitz, Ft. recovery FFA Poultry their terrible allowed had contest needed them The Parkway well Farm top he ever had. from the with a pedigree evaluation, done. more than four studentsThe first years after Brians accident, Chapter awarded three es of chickens and turkeys, and Alan Vogel. Senior Judging team. Com hich left him with severe disabilities, were very difficult, area businesses during the hey said, as they searched for someone who could help them & Th 80th annual FFA banquet. elp Brian. The Blue leighGold award versary. Over these 64 years, Prog The St. Henry Bank olivia and houts of Their school district helped as much as it could.Finally, thenParkway high School was more than 166,000 high school Fun horse Show will be entries must be made at is awarded to businesses uperintendent Ralph Stelzer recommended a place the Hoyngs recently presented the schools seniors from across the country held at the circle X ranch, least 2 classes before the that donate to benefit the highest agricultural honor, have received the Award, which co rd 250 north off of u.S. class is to enter the show Jim new about but had never visited as parents: Cheryl Ann. Dorothy and Louis become the DeKAlB Chapter and hasHoyng a symbol for excel- highway 27, Winchester, arena. must have 5 entries to Parkway FFA Agricultural Cheryl Ann was the best thing that ever happened to us, Attendees can learn skills tohis vation, fruit and nut tree man- Accomplishment Award, spon- March. The award is given the staff appreciation banquet in lence and the schools highest indiana, on July 2, August 6, have payback: 1st - $3, 2nd local community. Recovery, Ohio in 2010, over ouie Hoyng said. It gave Brian life back. Fort The agricultural honor. sored by monsanto company. manage their property agement, property protection, three a Cheryl Ann family 2,000 students from 49 and The people of Cheryl Ann helped Brian with his everyday each year tobusinessesofwere that exemplifies service of the September 3, and october 11. $2, 3rd - $1, 4th and 5th - ribhouts, the daughter mark The growing popularity of herb production, fence advocacy. All shows will start at 10 a.m. bons, less than 5 entries, ribfe. They gave him a place to go and jobs to do. He made new and and michelle houts, received 50 states were recognized with $1 gate fee per person/12 bons only--All Pee-Wee and Willshire Sportsman Club, gardening, food preservation barn maintenance, beekeep- The Hoyngs both served as good examples of first-rate the award for excellence in aca- the Award. S TA T iends, and enjoyed everything about Care About Our Customers demics, leadership, and Center Helena Agronomic agriculAs the winner of the 2011 years and older. $4 per class. Small Fry classes; ribbons and other back to basics We his experiences there, advocates for their son, Overman said. They rarely ever ing andPike. more. p to and including the bus ride out to Mud Paid in topics will231 E. Main Street a 330CostHenry (800) 482-3001 turalColdwater, and Burtch Award, houtss name will be $15 ride all day, one horse/ only--Jackpot classes must for by Citize be the focus of Box St. aide) he would missed awork experience. houtss recorded on a always spoke day experiences and When he would seminar spon- (his busto participate is $25 significant spending time with him, and they permanent plaque rider combinations. Free - have 10 entries to pay Jack see Sam Morden Seed. new day-long for Farm Bureau members accomplishments havewere being met. They were really high his needs ust smile, and the people in Adult Day Services really knew up to be sureher state FFAincluded displayed at Parkway spe- Pee Wee and small fry class- Pot to first 1st otherwise is sored by the Ohio Farm Bu- and $85 for non members, obtaining Willshire Sportsman School . degree, es and special needs class. paid regular paycheck. no cial parents for Brian, and really good supporters of our proow to make him laugh, Dorothy Hoyng said. being crowned 2010 mercer monsanto, a long-time supreau Federation. Club sponsored the Park(which includes a member- county Beef Queen, being the porter of agricultural educa- Age of child as of January refunds for scratches or with- As a gram. It wasnt long before the Hoyngs were finding ways to reThe first ever Grow and ship). In addition to the pro- way Wildlife and Nature 1. concessions and food drawals. For more info, call reporter for the Parkway FFA tion, FFA, age and other farm Brian Hoyng died in February 2008 at the 4-H, of 43. In the ay Cheryl Ann for its help. They were regular volunteers. Know Days will be held gram, registration includes a chapter, and serving on the youth organizations and initia- on grounds. Sportsmanship Vicki Culy-Hall 763-584- FFA Interpretation teams. They Drive a Little & Save A Lot montross 765the lightning strike he a Louie Hoyng completed3upholstery jobs for the unique years aftercounty Junior Fairboard. taught his familythelot about trophies toA youth Girl and 6232, Dave At These I am July 18, from 9 a.m. to p.m. Bob Evans cookout lunch on mercer DeKAlB provided houtss agricultural tives, sponsors patience, hope,the team mem- Agricultural introduced the endurance and acceptance. He Accomplishment Boy. Primitive camping, also 768-7795, larry cline 765quipment used at Cheryl Ann, Rio often, said Superintendent at the Bob Evans Farm in and the farm. Registration dead- Alan Post is Close To Home Businesses! Sup 768-6467. bers with t-shirts as well as Mike Overman, Louie is billed forget to send us a bill. He Hoyngs to a world they had only seen frommonsanto is a leading trails to ride. Grande. The event would as line is July 1. Event registra- education instructor at Parkway Award. the outsidebut it high School . prepare them global provider of technologywastraining where they found welcome and acceptance. a world to the A so served a term on the propertyMRDD board and was the a how-to seminar for county this year the DeKAlB based solutions and agricultural tion can be made by calling for the events. Willshire oard owners, animal lovers, Jacob 614-246-8276 John Link, We met some wonderful people during our years at Cheryl president. L-R are gar- Whitacre and or visit Agricultural Accomplishment products that improve farm proPictured Indu boththat, and for of the Recovery behalf Fordeners membersenthusiasts.Fort advocacy onFFA Tractor Award celebrates its 64th anni- ductivity and food hearts out receiving their award. all and food their for ticketof Ann, Dorothy Hoyngpaid for Burtch Seed representative Sportsman Club said. They worked their quality. inforTroubleshooting a great day Albert competed. heir son,Its going to be team who recently Heckler Award at helping usmembers entry fees the Hoyngs received the mation, program descriptions each with Brian. of hands-on learning, said and more Grow and Know to each event as well. Cara Lawson, promotion spe- experiences, including cookDr. Dan J. Hellwarth Helena Agronomic Center in Coldwater has made many donations to the Parkway FFA for many activites and cialist for Ohio Farm Bureau ing and gardening competiDr. Urban Seger awards given. They also provided materials needed for the FFA Mercer County Invitational. Helena in turn is a Box 549, Fort Recovery, Ohio and one of the coordinators tions. the event.recovery FFA some of the parts of the trac- part of the Syngenta blue jackets program in which the Parkway FFA Chapter received a free FFA jacket for Ft. This program419-375-2514 Dr. Bret Rochotte for the The vision of the Ohio tractor troubleshooting tor. link and Whitacre had to members to use. OH License # 27353 ming recently response to troubleshoot and repair five Dr. Kim Forthofer team is in directplaced ninth Farm Bureau Federation is to (DivisionInstant Farm Power By chapter, Of The Kenn-Feld Burtch Seed has helped not only theGroup) but also the community by furthering the agriculture advancemembers District sort of tractors with two between in the wanting thistractor create a partnership problems Dr. Tim Barman for information. troubleshooting contest held farmers and consumers. In that ments. Burtch Seed has made 419-678-2375 the events and activities Parkway FFA participates in throughper tractor. tractors Coldwater, Ohio MUT donations Parkway FFA to hold the Burtch Seed Customer Appreciation Day COLDWATER, OHIO ad- out theFeaturing KATOLIGHT By manyOnsite Energy in Dayton at to dition repaired included the Attendees will be team they to farmers, members year. They also have partnered with the 110 Harvest Drive Coldwater AUTHORIZED 419-495-2937 members were John breakout following: John Deere 855, whichWillshire, Ohio KATOLIGHT Chapter and Parkway Local Schools. select four different link and include gardeners, food and helps promote the Parkway FFA 419-678-2397international 26 Oz. GENERATOR SALES & SERVICE STATION Jacob Whitacre. the tractor case ih JX100, sessions with topics including wine enthusiasts, animal ownFor these businesses dedication for helping the Parkway FFA, they have received Only! lifetime membership to troubleshooting team pro- 986, John Deere 5103, and gardening, backyard egg had ers, and anyone who enjoys to recognize malfunctions of a John Deere 3520. the Parkway FFA Boosters as well as membership to the National FFA Alumni. The Parkway FFA Chapter would like duction, horse ownership, Ft. Ohio. gasoline and diesel engines ruralrecovery FFA chapter to thank these businesses for their support. McCalls Candle food preparation and preserand had to troubleshoot the would like to congratulate Wheeling Centurydrain Roofing And VANILLA problems. the members also the tractor troubleshooting Wheeling Centurydrain Roofing And Siding Will Carry You Through Years Siding Will Carry Worse Weather. Of Rough Use AndYou Through Years had to take a 25-question Team for their fine perfor118 East McNeil Street Of Rough Use And Worse Weather. Steel For Strength. Growing strong a test over tractor engines and mance this year. Steel For Strength. Galvanized For Rust Resistance. Portland, Indiana terious Mothman that inspired a MATT REESE Galvanized ForSelection. Wide Color Rust Resistance. ering windmills and dedication to the heart of the nations largest 421 N. Eastern Ave. St. Rt. 118

Students place in competition

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1737 State Route 49, Fort Recovery, Ohio Phone: 419-375-2330

Pr Sup Of

FREE ESTIMATES Ft. Recovery FFA Dairy Judging Banners in the State Fort Recovery FFAs Poultry Judging team who recently 419-678-4530 placed 2nd in the state of Ohio

419-942-2378 Parkway FFA Presents Community FORT R We Support The with Blue and Gold Award ECOVERY INSURANCE AGENCY Ohio Farm Bureau FFA!
Hosts Grow and Know Day
olivia houts receives Award






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would like to have is benches added to the park for the

the mercer county chronicle

June 16, 2011 Page 11

Were in one piece. I just know to ratchet it up a notch. good enough to do that, so I Its a big difference. You tried it accidentally in the one need to run some during the heat, tore a little bit of the season. Were all competitors spoiler off. But the guys fixed out here, even though were it and had it ready to go. And running in different venues. after that, they did something We all want to do well. I was to the car and they told me looking for a top-10, but it what the car was going to was a good time, and its an do and they were absolutely honor to race some of the top right. Im loving this. Im a names in racing out there. drag racer who gets to race on For one race, about 25 laps of dirt once a year like this. And, practice in all, I guess I did were raising money for kids. pretty well on that scale. Im It just doesnt get any better looking forward to coming than that. back again next year. CRUZ PEDREGON, RYAN NEWMAN, (Finished 19th; Two- (Finished 9th; 2008 Daytona time NHRA Funny Car 500 Winner): Champion): How was your race? Can you talk about your We didnt get the greatest overall thoughts on tonights starting spot, but we improved event? on it. Im proud of all the I had fun. I had a lot of effort. In the big picture, its fun. Its always a lot of fun. awesome to come out here To do this right, when I ran and do what we do here. Its sixth here two years ago, I an honor to represent the U.S. ran about 10 races, and thats Army and have an opportunity what you have to do just to to race for a good cause and run in the middle of the pack, help a childrens hospital. We here. Tonight, I wasnt where just didnt get the finish we I wanted to be as far as the wanted, but if anybody who feel of the car. I got into the walks out of here upset about wall during one of the hot how they did in the event lap sessions. I got into a slick should never be invited back. spot where they watered the It was cool to set fast time. I NOW track and hit the wall pretty ENROLLINGof good drivers, a beat a lot Inhard and had to miss the fants through of good old next lot 12 years teams. Im really for childcare and session. I had a good time. programming. pre - Davis Racing. school proud of Ernie Our


(Continued from page 9)

school-age summer program includes four field trips every week. We are a 2 Star Rated Program through Step Up To Quality. We are a preschool licensed by ODJFS. All meals and snacks are provided for all children enEducation/ Legals rolled. We even provide Instruction formula and baby food for NOTICE OF Public Hear- infants. We open at 4:30 ing. Notice is hereby a.m. and close at 10:30 given that on the seventh p.m. Monday-Friday. We day of July 2011 at 4:00 are the only center in Merp.m., a public hearing will cer County that gives you be held on the Budget pre- the opportunity to see your pared by the Finance Di- children all day while they rector of the Village of are at Little Flower Coldwater, Mercer County through Blossom Cam. Ohio, for the next suc - For a tour and more inforceeding fiscal year ending mation about our program December 31, 2012. at Little Flower Learning Such hearing will be held Center, please call at the Village Council 419-586-8030 or email us Chambers in the Municipal at [email protected]. Center, 610 West Syca- You can also visit our more Street, Coldwater, website at www.littleflowOhio. Please remember: We Don!t Grow FlowClyde W. Bellinger, CPFA Finance Director ers, We Grow Kids!


Everybody here put together a good racecar. It was a fast Chevrolet. JUSTIN ALLGAIER, (Finished 5th; 2008 ARCA Champion): How was your race? It was an interesting night, for sure. These guys did a great job. Cant thank them enough. Raymond Childress, Ronnie Stuckey and all the guys. Had a great car. In the feature, there, I actually thought we were going to be pretty good. I think Ambrose lost a spoiler, came back across and we hit him. Ive never done a wheelie in a dirt Late Model before but I did tonight, so that was quite interesting. Huge thanks to Brant for coming on in this one. It was an awesome race. I give Tony a lot of credit for what he does here. Hopefully, we definitely raised some good money for the kids, so that makes it all a good night. J.J. YELEY, (Finished 2nd; 2003 USAC Triple Crown Champion): Can you talk about your race tonight? It was a ton of fun. I had to grab a spare helmet out of the trailer. I had to find an old uniform that barely fits. Its a lot of fun to come back and be a part of this event. Its

obviously for great charities and great causes. Its very evident because there were a lot of superstars who showed up here to race tonight. I won the second hot lap group. We qualified pretty well. It seems, from the previous Preludes, the key to being good in the feature is just starting up front. The racetrack just got slippery and because theres not a lot of experience out there, the racetrack doesnt get very wide, which makes it very difficult to pass. I got a good start, got by Almirola and whoever started inside of me there and, for a while, I thought I had something for Clint, but he was just really good tonight. It beats going to any golf tournament any day of the week, and then some. Any time you can go play in the dirt, and for a good cause, its a thrill to just be here. ARIC ALMIROLA, (Finished 3rd; Two-time NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Winner): Can you talk about your race tonight? To qualify sixth, to run second in my heat race and finish third in the feature, what an awesome night. Clint Smith brought me an awesome car and I had fun. From the time I got off the airplane, I had an absolute blast. I do every year, but when you run well, it makes it all that much more fun. To come out here and

run with so many guys with so much dirt experience, and this being my sixth race ever on dirt, this is just awesome. I think my best finish before was eighth, and I couldnt even see the lead all night. So, tonight, to be able to see the lead and kind of dice it up and race with the leaders and maybe have a shot at winning if something happened to Clint and J.J., I felt like I had an honest shot at winning the race. Thats what every racecar driver dreams about and to come here to the Prelude with all these guys, thats what I was hoping for. RANDY BERNARD, (President and CEO, INDYCAR): Can you talk about your overall thoughts on tonights event? This is the second year Ive attended the Prelude to the Dream at Eldora Speedway, and I cant say how impressed I am by not only the crowd but the facility that Tony Stewart has. Its so neat to see the fans come out to support drivers from various racing disciplines that come together to support four deserving charities. Were especially proud to have Tony Kanaan in the event for the second straight year. Tony Stewart and his staff do a great job every year, and I cant wait to come back next season for the same exciting on-track action.

(Never Known To Fail) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity. (make request) There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thee (three times), Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands (three times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days and then you must publish and it will be granted to you. Thank you J.S.


Advertise your Specials of the Week, Lunch Menu, Employee of the Week or any special sale or event that you would like to highlight. Call the Mercer County Chronicle Today at 419-678-2324



035 Help Wanted

Drivers-Regional: Home Weekly! Start .40cpm. 4wks Vacation! 401K. CDL-A, 1yr exp. Recruiting: 800-497-2100 Apply:
PRODUCTION CREW members/assistant cook needed for local food processing company. Position requires electric stacker/forklift experience. Experience in food industry preferred. 1st shift, 4 day work week. Pre-employment drug screening required. Apply in person Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. J.E.S. Foods Celina, Inc. 1800 Industrial Drive, Celina.

041 Services
FULL SERVICE Detail. Make your vehicle look new again. Free pick up & delivery. Mobile service available. 937-547-9476 L.S. CONSTRUCTION Over 20 years experience. Free estimates. Roofing, Siding, Windows, Doors, Remodel jobs, Concrete Work, Decks and more. Building pole barns for 10 years. Wind and storm damage repair. Phone 1-260-724-1934.

NOTICE TO BIDDERS STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Columbus, Ohio Office of Contracts Legal Copy Number: 110421
Sealed proposals will be accepted from pre-qualified bidders at the ODOT Office of Contracts until 10:00 a.m. on June 30, 2011. Project 110421 is located in Mercer County, SR-127-12.58 and is a TWO LANE RESURFACING project. The date set for completion of this work shall be as set forth in the bidding proposal. Plans and Specifications are on file in the Department of Transportation.

Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7:00 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed. 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat. 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

11 Buick LaCrosse CXL

SE, 17,000 miles$27,500


10 Nissan Altima 2.5S

8,000 miles ....... $18,500

08 Buick Lucerne CXL

33,000 miles ..... $19,900

08 Buick Lucerne CXL

Local owner ...... $16,800

08 Pontiac G6 V6
p/sunroof........... $13,200


018 Education/

LOSE WEIGHT, tone muscles with the Stone Tiger fitness program. Kick boxing, cardio, plyometrics, resistance training and more. (419) 733-6828 NOW ENROLLING Infants through 12 years old for childcare and pre school programming. Our school-age summer program includes four field trips every week. We are a 2 Star Rated Program through Step Up To Quality. We are a preschool licensed by ODJFS. All meals and snacks are provided for all children enrolled. We even provide formula and baby food for infants. We open at 4:30 a.m. and close at 10:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. We are the only center in Mercer County that gives you the opportunity to see your children all day while they are at Little Flower through Blossom Cam. For a tour and more information about our program at Little Flower Learning Center, please call 419-586-8030 or email us at [email protected]. You can also visit our website at Please remember: We Don!t Grow Flowers, We Grow Kids!

STONE-TIGER Dojo Martial arts classes, ages 4 year and up. Self defense, discipline, grappling, weapons and more (419) 733-6828, 306 East Anthony Street, Celina.

025 For Sale

CENTRAL BOILER Outdoor Wood & Corn Furnaces. Stop paying high energy prices and use renewable energy. Call for current specials. Classic Comfort Heating & Supply. Greenville, Ohio. 888-296-3875. DRY ANIMAL BEDDING Semi!s-100 cu yards. M.L. Enterprise, LLC, Phone 260-341-8928.

040 Notices
ARE YOU looking for a child care provider in your area? Let us help. Call YWCA Child Care Re source and Referral at 1-800-922-2916 or 419-225-5465. CASH FOR Gold. Scrap Gold, Gold jewelry, Silver coins, Silverware, Pocket watches, Diamonds, Raines Jewelry, 2330 Shawnee Road, Lima, (419) 229-2899

WE POWERWASH houses by hand from top to bottom with soft 4 inch brushes and we do a quality job. We will power wash anything anywhere. Call Greg for information at 419 296-3433.

NOTICE TO BIDDERS STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Columbus, Ohio Office of Contracts Legal Copy Number: 110420
Sealed proposals will be accepted from pre-qualified bidders at the ODOT Office of Contracts until 10:00 a.m. on June 30, 2011. Project 110420 is located in Mercer County, SR-119-8.57 and is a TWO LANE RESURFACING project. The date set for completion of this work shall be as set forth in the bidding proposal. Plans and Specifications are on file in the Department of Transportation.

08 Pontiac G6 V6
44,000 miles ....... $12,900

07 Buick Lucerne CXL

32,000 miles ..... $17,200

065 Garage Sale

SENIOR CITIZENS Giant Garage Sale, 217 Riley Street, Celina, Ohio, June 23,24,25,26,27,28. Weekdays 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Thursday evening till 7:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Bag Days Clothing only. Sunday $3.00, Monday, $2.00 Tuesday-June 28-Last Day $1.00 with second bag free, includes all items left.

10 Dodge Gr. Caravan SXT

33,000 miles .......$18,500

08 GMC Envoy SLT 4x4

38,000 miles .......$20,800

08 Saturn Outlook XR
2nd row buckets..$23,800

08 GMC Envoy SLE 4x4

P/Sunroof ............$19,200

Have News?
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06 Saturn Relay 3
DVD, leather .... $13,200

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the mercer county chronicle

Page 12 June 16, 2011



SAT., JUNE 18, 2011 10:00 AM


OVER 200,000 SQ. FT. OF TILE

12x12s, 18x18s, 6x6s WALL TILE AND FLOOR TILE

Ron says Come Early to Preview

Too much inventory to list!!!






TERMS: Cash or Check w/Proper ID. Credit cards not accepted. Sales tax will be charged. Statements made day of Auction take precedence over printed matter. NOT RESPONSIBLE IN CASE OF ACCIDENTS.

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