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Black Box Books

Tome Two: Buffoons

and Blasters
Compatible with Swords and Wizardry WhiteBox

Written By Kirt A. Dankmyer

Swords & Wizardry, S&W, WhiteBox, and Mythmere Games are the trademarks of Matthew J. Finch.
Ivanhoe Unbound & Kirt A. Dankmyer are not affiliated with Matthew J. Finch or Mythmere Games™
Buffoons: Silly Yet Serious Classes
In the tradition of the “Buffoon” from the 1978 Judges
Guild supplement Ready Ref Sheets, please find below
three similar classes. Ewige Blumenkraft!
Clown-Monks practice "crazy wisdom," a form of
enlightenment taught through unconventional, outrageous,
paradoxical or unexpected behavior and stories.
Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Clown-Monks may only
use blunt weapons (club, flail, mace, fists, etc.) and the
only missile weapon they are allowed is oil. Clown-Monks
cannot wear armor, unlike Clerics.
Koan: A Clown-Monk may use this ability once a day per
level, uses returning at sunrise. The Clown-Monk must
present a story, dialog, question, or statement, which is
used to provoke "great doubt" and move the listeners along
the path of enlightenment, whether they wish to or not.
Everyone who is being affected must be able to hear the
Clown-Monk and be able to understand the Clown-Monk's
language. The Clown-Monk cannot move or attack for an

entire round. If they Clown-Monk is not harmed during the
course of that round, the Koan succeeds. If the Koan
succeeds, all who heard the Koan, including the Clown-
Monk, must contemplate the meaning of the Koan for 1d6
rounds, rolled secretly by the referee for the whole group.
During this time, affected beings may move and talk, but
may not take hostile action. The duration of the effect is
cut short for a particular "student" if they are attacked or
successfully taunted by a Heckler (see below).
Spell Casting, Banish Undead, Establish Temple,
and Experience Bonus for Wisdom: These four abilities are
exactly the same as the Cleric abilities of the same names.
Saving Throw: Clown-Monks receive a +2 bonus when
making saving throws vs. poison, paralysis, and mind-
affecting hazards, such as the Charm Person spell.
XP Table Et Cetera: Hecklers use the same advancement
table as Clerics, and use the same attack table.
The Foole is a mystical archetype, a person who stumbles
on occult knowledge rather than achieving it through
study. Through a combination of raw talent, innocence,
divine providence, and a heaping helping of blind luck, the
Foole makes it through the day... usually.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Fooles tend to spend
their waking hours daydreaming. As such, they rarely get
around to learning how to properly fight. Fooles may only
wield staves or clubs, and are not allowed to use armor.
Spell Casting: A Foole doesn't pray for spells, and doesn't
own a book of spells. Instead, at dawn every day, the Foole
receives a dream or hallucination, imprinting spells on
their brain, preparing them for use. For each spell "slot" of
a given level, the referee randomly determines which spell
the Foole receives that day out of all Magic-User spells for
that level that are allowed by the referee. Once a prepared
spell is cast, the spell formulae disappears utterly from the
Foole’s mind, and that spell must be rolled again at dawn
before another attempt can be made to cast it. However, it
is possible to randomly prepare a spell multiple times
using the available “slots” in the Foole’s memory. The
Foole cannot copy scrolls into their non-existent
"spellbook" or make use of a Magic-User's spellbook or any
item related to a spellbook, but can otherwise use magic
items the same as a Magic-User of the same level.
Pratfall: When falling any distance or encountering any
disaster or trap that does not allow a saving throw, a Foole
may forget their highest-level currently-prepared spell and
take no damage, though they still feel the pain. This is not
possible if a Foole has used all their spells for the day. In
any case, after such an event, whether damage is taken or
not, the referee may replace any or all of the Foole's
currently-prepared spells with a randomly determined
Magic-User spell of the same level.
Saving Throw: +2 bonus when making saves vs. spells
and Fooles add their Charisma modifier to saves involving
mind-affecting hazards, tho if they fail such a roll, the
duration (if any) of the effect is doubled. Finally, all Fooles
get a +2 to all saves due to dumb luck.
Experience Bonus for Charisma: Charisma is the Prime
Attribute for Hecklers, which means that a Charisma score
of 15+ grants an additional 5% experience.
XP Table Et Cetera: Fooles use the same advancement
table as Magic-Users, and use the same attack table.
The Heckler starts as someone who is particularly good at
insulting people, and can’t seem to stop themselves.
Where a normal Fighter comes to battle via training, the
Heckler learns to fight as a matter of self-defense.
Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Hecklers can only wield
daggers or their fists in melee, and can't wear armor
heavier than leather, but can use any thrown weapon.
Mob Scene: Against foes of one hit dice (HD) or fewer,
Hecklers get one attack per level each combat round.
Taunt: In addition to their normal attack, a Heckler may
insult an opponent. If the opponent can hear and
understand, they must make a saving throw. If the
opponent succeeds on the saving throw, there is no further
effect. If the opponent fails the saving throw, however,
they must attack the Heckler if they can, or move toward
the Heckler at full speed with the intent of attacking the
Heckler as soon as possible. This effect lasts only one
round and cannot be directed at more than one opponent.
In the case where the same opponent has been goaded by
several Hecklers, the referee should decide which Heckler
is more annoying or determine the honor randomly. The
most annoying Heckler is the one the opponent will attack
or move toward.
Saving Throw: Fighters receive a +2 bonus on saving
throws vs. death, poison, and mind-affecting hazards.
Experience Bonus for Charisma: Charisma is the Prime
Attribute for Hecklers, which means that a Charisma score
of 15+ grants an additional 5% experience.
XP Table Et Cetera: Hecklers use the same advancement
table as Fighters, and use the same attack table.

Blasters: Sufficiently Advanced Tech
These items count as magic in every way, replacing
magic items in hoards and affecting creatures who are only
harmed by magic. But they are actually the remnants of a
technological society, from a crashed starship or a long-
gone empire. All come with 6d6-5 charges when found,
except the one-use Stim Hypo. 1d6 hours of examination
to figure out how to use a device. A character of 15+
Intelligence or Wisdom always succeeds; anyone else has a
1 in 6 chance of success. For each item, only one
examination per person per level can be made.
Blaster: 4 out of 6 times, this is a Blast Pistol, a black
cylinder about a foot long with vent holes along the top, a
tilted handle and a tiny trigger. It fires a brilliant beam
which ignores all metal armor when attacking, and on a
successful hit, roll 2d6 and use the highest die as
damage. 2 out of 6 times, it's a Blast Rifle instead, which
is like the pistol, only much longer and with a second
handle near the business end. Damage is exactly like the
pistol, but has a 1 in 6 chance of destroying metal armor.
Blink Rifle: This looks like a Blast Rifle, but with a white
cylinder. It ignores metal armor like a Blast Rifle, even has
a 1 in 6 chance to turn metal armor to dust, but a hit
teleports the victim in a random direction. Roll 1d6 on
table below to determine how far the gun is trying to
teleport the victim; failure is exactly as the Teleport spell.
Re-roll or adjust distance if no open space for teleport.
1-3 Teleport 3d6 feet. 5% chance of failure.
4 Teleport 4d6 yards. 10% chance of failure.
5 Teleport 5d6 miles. 10% chance of failure.
6 Teleport 10d6 x 1d6 leagues, 25% chance of failure.
Fear Crystal: Squeeze this fist-sized blue-black crystal
just the right way, and it pulses with energy. The wielder
loses 1d6 HP and all who gaze upon the wielder or the
crystal during the next round must save or hallucinate their
greatest fear.
Stim Hypos: 1d6 of vials of yellow ichor, each with a
spring-loaded needle. Injected, cures 2d6 HP of damage
in 1d6 rounds. 1 in 6 chance it's past its expiration date,
resulting in colorful hallucinations for 1d6 hours.
Stim Pistol: This looks like a Blast Pistol, but with a
dayglo green cylinder instead of a black one. The neon
blue beam ignores metal armor just like a Blaster Pistol,
but when it hits, it heals just like a Stim Hypo.
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