Revision Mega Goal 5 2

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‫‪Revision Mega Goal 5‬‬

‫مراجعة ميغا قول ‪5‬‬

‫إعداد وتنظيم األستاذ ‪ :‬بدر الشهري‬

Unit 1: Two Is Better Than One

Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

compensate invaluable predators

devoted legendary

1. Lions are thought to be one of the most dangerous predators on Earth.

2. To compensate for their poor eyesight, zebras have excellent hearing.

3. Paintings by Monet, the famous impressionist are invaluable They cannot be


4. The twin sisters are devoted to each other. They share everything and
support each other .

5. Ayrton Senna is a legendary Formula 1 driver who won three world

championships in the 1980s and 1990s. He was one of the most famous and
popular race drivers in the world.

Grammar : Form , meaning , and function

Complete each sentence with " other - others - another "

1. Can I have another glass? This one is broken.

2. These are sugar cookies, and the others are chocolate chip.
3. Could you give me the other bowl? This one is too small.
4. This is the best chair we have. The others are not as comfortable.

Rewrite each sentence. Add " do – does – did " for emphasis.

1. I like to go to the beach in the summer .

I do like to go to the beach in the summer.

2. We enjoyed the film yesterday evening.

We did enjoy the film yesterday evening.

3. He drives fast in his new car.

He does drive fast in his new car.
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

1. You must visit the new museum. It is ________ interesting. We learned

so many new things.
A. quite
B. absolutely
C. really
D. a bit

2. The science department at the public university recently bought some

_________ technology. They now have the best lab in the country.
A. interactive
B. historical
C. educational
D. state-of-the-art

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose the best answer to
each question .

Honeybees and Flowers

Honeybees and flowers are two species that share a symbiotic relationship.
The honeybee helps the flower and the flower helps the honeybee. How
does this relationship work? Honeybees eat the nectar (sugary water), and
pollen (yellow protein powder) that are made by flowers. Honeybees need
the pollen to survive and grow. Since flowers bloom in the springtime, this
is the season that most bees are born. Honeybees use the nectar from
flowers to make honey. Honeybees store their honey in their hive, or
home. When there is no nectar available, bees eat the stored up honey in
their hive. In turn, flowers need honeybees too. In order to survive,
flowers need to spread their pollen. When flower pollen is spread to
another flower, the new flower can make seeds, or baby plants. This is
called pollination. When honeybees eat the pollen from a flower, they often
get pollen on their bodies. Then when they move to the next flower, some
of that pollen falls off, and the new flower has been pollinated. Because
flowers need honeybees, they come in bright colors and have a sweet smell,
which attract the honeybees. The relationship between honeybees and
flowers is a good example of symbiosis. Neither can survive without the
1. How do flowers attract bees?
A. They grow near hives.
B. They are colorful and have a sweet smell.
C. They make a special sound.
D. They shoot pollen into the air.

2. In symbiosis, one species cannot survive without the _____

A. other
B. others
C. another
D. an other

3. Honeybees and flowers share a _____ relationship.

A. symbolism
B. symbolic
C. symbiotic
D. symbiosis

4. What is nectar?
A. a food that bees need to survive
B. colorful flower petals
C. a yellow protein powder made by flowers
D. a sugary water made by flowers

5. What is pollination?
A. the making of pollen
B. the spreading of pollen from one flower to another
C. the collecting of pollen by honeybees
D. the making of honey from pollen
Unit 2: Influential People

Match each word in Column 1 with a definition in Column 2.

Column 1 Column 2

1. humble F A. an opinion or feeling about something

2. impoverished E B. a person who values money and things you can buy
with money
3. materialistic B C. a person who does things to help others
4. myth H D. something or someone that is well-known and
5. philanthropist C E. very poor
6. prominent D F. something or someone that is unknown or
7. resolution G G. the ending of something, or the solution to a
8. sentiment A H. an untrue idea that is believed by a lot of people

Grammar : Form , meaning , and function

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

1. I like my new science class in the morning, but I _____ sleeping later.
A. used to
B. am used to
C. use to
D. not used to

2. He ___ work at an auto body shop, so he knows a lot about cars.

A. used to
B. is used to
C. use to
D. didn’t use to
3. When he lived in the city, he _____ own a car. So he always took public
A. use to
B. not use to
C. not used to
D. didn’t use to

4. We have been living in the desert for two years now. So we _____ the
A. are use to
B. are used to
C. use to
D. used to

5. When I was a child, I _____ want to be a teacher.

A. am used to
B. used to
C. was going to
D. would

6. When he was a child, he ____ spend every summer at the seaside.

A. is used to
B. would use to
C. would
D. was going to

7. They _____ buy that car, but then they found out that it was not in
good condition.
A. would
B. used to be going to
C. were going to
D. was going to
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

1. My father loves travelling to new places. So far __________ twelve

different countries.
A. he had visited
B. he visits
C. has visited
D. he has visited

2. Hameed has had the same car since.________

A. he was 20
B. he has been 20
C. he is 20
D. 20 years ago

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose the best answer to
each question .

Ingvar Kamprad
Worth: $23 billion
Industry: Retail Furniture
Country of Citizenship: Sweden

Ingvar Kamprad grew up on a farm in Sweden. From an early age, it was

clear that he was going to be a business entrepreneur. Even as a young
boy, he was interested in business and making money. He used to buy large
quantities of matches in Stockholm very cheaply. Then he would ride around
his small village on his bicycle, selling individual matches to his neighbors
for a profit. Then Kamprad started to sell fish, holiday decorations, flower
and vegetable seeds, and pens and pencils. Kamprad used to enjoy finding
new ways to make money. Kamprad excelled in school and when he
graduated, his father gave him a little money as a reward. He used this
money to establish the furniture store IKEA. The name IKEA is an
acronym. It is made up of the initials of his name (Ingvar Kamprad), the
name of the farm he grew up on, Elmtaryd, and the name of the nearest
village, Agunnaryd. IKEA has since grown into the world's largest furniture
retailer. There are over 301 IKEA stores operating in 37 different
1. IKEA stores probably sell._____
A. clothing
B. toys
C. cars
D. chairs

2. When Kamprad was young, he._____

A. used to try to make money
B. was used to try to make money
C. would use to try to make money
D. was use to trying to make money

3. The word worth probably means._____

A. retail stores
B. employees
C. monetary value
D. businesses

4. Kamprad is a citizen of._____

A. Sweden
B. Singapore
D. many different countries

5. The word profit probably means._____

A. money that is in cash
B. money that is earned
C. money that is in credit
D. money that is lost
Unit 3: What Will They Think of Next?

Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

chain condensed lucrative span

commonplace determined ranks steep

1 .This clothing shop has been very lucrative It has made a lot of money for the

2 .It was determined that he is now the richest man in the world.

3 .The cost of housing in the city is steep Not many people can afford a large

4 .McDonalds is a restaurant chain There are restaurants, with the same name,
all over the world.

5. Will English rank second as the most spoken language in the world.

6 .Personal computers are commonplace now. Many people have them.

7 .They are building a new bridge to span the river.

8 .This research paper is too long. It needs to be condensed

Grammar : Form , meaning , and function

Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Nura is going to stop at the store before she comes home. (come)

2. I moved here in January. By July, I will have lived here for six months.

3. By the time we finish breakfast, it will be time to leave for work.

4. We got married in 2020. By 2025, we will have been married for five years.
(be married)

5. He started to wait at 2 o’clock. By 3 o’clock, he will have been waiting for an

hour. (wait)

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each statement.

1. Ibrahim will continue to work at the factory _____ he retires.

A. before
B. while
C. until
D. since

2. ______ he finishes school, he is going to apply for a job at a computer

A. Until
B. Since
C. When
D. While

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question .

1. When the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, it is called
A. an orbit
B. a space station
C. the solar system
D. a solar eclipse

2. I love reading about space and the planetary system. When I grow up I
want to be._______
A. an astronaut
B. a spacecraft
C. a robot car
D. a meteor
Read the text and answer the questions. Write T or F at the end of
each statement .


For as long as people have been alive, they have been wondering about the
future. The following is a list of predictions that people have made about
the future. Read each prediction. Think about whether or not the
prediction has come true . Man will never reach the moon regardless of all
future scientific advances . Dr. Lee De Forest, American radio pioneer and
inventor of the vacuum tube, 1926 There is not the slightest indication
that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom
would have to be shattered at will . Albert Einstein, 1932 Remote
shopping, while entirely feasible, will flop because shoppers like to get out
of the house, like to handle merchandise, like to be able to change their
minds . TIME Magazine, referring to online and catalog shopping in 1966
The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty, a fad . A
bank president, advising someone not to invest in the Ford Motor Co. in
1903 Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible . Lord Kelvin, British
mathematician and physicist, president of the British Royal Society, 1895

1. None of the predictions turned out to be true. (T)

2. Einstein did not think it would be possible to obtain
and use nuclear energy at will . (F)
3. Online shopping today, proves the point made by
TIME magazine . (F)
4. According to Lord Kelvin, something needs to be as light
as air in order to fly . (T)
5. The word fad probably means something that will
be permanent. (F)
Unit 4: The World of TV
Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

abrupt capture animated

untimely prestigious

1. The young actor’s untimely retirement, due to a serious health problem,

saddened everyone.

2. Good photographers are able to capture significant moments on film .

3. The abrupt end of the film startled us. We expected the story to continue.

4. John Nash is a prominent mathematician who won the prestigious Nobel Prize
after years of struggle to control his mental state.

5. Many films meant for children and families are animated

Grammar : Form , meaning , and function

Complete each sentence with the correct paired conjunction.

1. I want to be not only your teacher, but also your friend.

2. My favorite color is either red or blue. I can’t decide.

3. We like this film because it is both funny and appropriate for the whole

4. Neither John’s TV nor Bill’s TV works. They are coming here to watch the
Complete each sentence with the correct coordinating conjunction.

1. You can tell me what happened, or someone else will tell me.

2. I did write my research paper, but then I spilled coffee all over it.

3. It was getting very late, so we decided to finish watching the movie the next

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

1. My favorite TV show has a new series out. I hope it ______ the last
A. isn’t be as good as
B. is as good as
C. is better
D. is worse

2. The more I read about the TV film, the ______ excited I become. I
don’t think I want to see it after all.
A. least
B. less
C. more
D. most
Read the text and answer the questions. Choose the best answer to
each question .

Stunt Doubles

One of the most dangerous jobs in the film industry is the job of a stunt
double. A stunt double is a person who replaces an actor while filming
dangerous scenes in a film. For example, while filming a James Bond story,
the actor who plays James Bond will not actually participate in the car
chase, or jump off a hundred-foot cliff into the ocean below. A trained
professional, called a stunt double, will do this instead. Stunt doubles take
the place of actors when filming scenes that involve such things as gun
fights, falls from high places, scenes involving fire, explosions, and car
chases and crashes . Although being a stunt double may sound exciting,
filming a scene can be both long and exhausting. Sometimes the stunt
double has to spend hours in an uncomfortable situation, such as standing in
cold water or on top of an icy mountain. Dangerous stunts may also have to
be performed over and over again to get the right camera angles . Good
stunt doubles are professionally trained in many different activities. They
need to have basic skills in not only stage (or pretend) fighting, rock
climbing, skiing, sky diving, but also scuba diving, martial arts, high-
performance driving, and horseback riding. In recent years, more and more
stunt scenes are being created on the computer, reducing the need for
stunt doubles. But for truly realistic images, stunt doubles will always be in
demand .

1. A stunt double replaces an actor while filming _____ scenes.

A. prestigious
B. dangerous
C. crucial
D. exotic

2. Good stunt doubles need to have skills in._____

A. no special areas
B. one specialized area
C. a few different areas
D. many different areas
3. Being a stunt double can be not only difficult._____ ,
A. nor exhausting
B. or exhausting
C. and also exhausting
D. but also exhausting

4. Stunt doubles._____
A. will always be needed for some stunts
B. have been completely replaced by computer images
C. should be able to do computer work as well
D. don’t usually have to drive cars

5. Many famous actors neither perform dangerous stunts._____ ,

A. but film in uncomfortable situations
B. and film in uncomfortable situations
C. nor film in uncomfortable situations
D. or film in uncomfortable situations
Unit 5: Do You Really Need It?

Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

brand exclusive formula sophisticated

consumer logo revolutionary intended

1 .A secret formula is used for the new shampoo that is being advertised

2 .A consumer is a person who buys things.

3 .That restaurant has a very well-known logo People, all over the world,
recognize the picture and associate it with the restaurant.

4 .TV commercials are intend for a wide range of consumers. Highly specialized
goods are advertised in special publications or exclusive campaigns .

5 .Our company has exclusive rights to this product. No other company can sell

6 .Advertisements for expensive cars and designer goods, target wealthy and
sophisticated consumers .

7 .The personal computer was a revolutionary product. It changed the lives of

millions of people.

8 .This is my favorite brand of shampoo. I never use a different kind.

Grammar : Form , meaning , and function

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each sentence.

1. I bought two bottles of soap _____ they were on sale.

A. because
B. because of
C. in order to
D. so that
2. All I want to do is sit and watch television _____ there is nothing good
on. I am too tired to do anything else .
A. so that
B. since
C. if
D. even if

3. Please take your cell phone _____ you need it.

A. even if
B. in case
C. unless
D. because of

4. You can find a coffee shop _____ you go.

A. in order to
B. in case of
C. wherever
D. where

5. He drove slowly _____ the rain.

A. because of
B. because
C. now that
D. everywhere

6. I brought my computer _____ I could use the Internet.

A. in order to
B. now that
C. so that
D. because of

7. Let’s go home _____ we are done with the work.

A. unless
B. now that
C. so that
D. in order to
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question.

1. Adverts sometimes persuade people to buy things they don’t really need.
If you are easily persuaded, _______ switch off your TV when the
commercials come on.
A. you shouldn’t
B. you should
C. don’t need to
D. you needn’t

2. Unless you really need it, you __________it.

A. should buy
B. will buy
C. shouldn’t buy
D. can’t buy

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose the best answer to
each question .

Advertising in a Global Market

These days we live in a global marketplace. Just look inside your

refrigerator. You may have bought all of your food from your local grocery
store, but in reality, your bananas came from Costa Rica, your chocolate is
from Switzerland, your orange juice might be from South Africa, and your
meat might be from Argentina. And your refrigerator may contain the
exact same foods as the refrigerator of someone else on the other side of
the world. Also, you are probably wearing the same clothing brands as a
person on the other side of the world and maybe watching the same TV
program. In a global marketplace, consumers all over the world can buy and
use the exact same products. In order to be successful today, companies
need to be transnational. They must operate and sell products in many
different countries, and their products must compete with products from
all over the world. Advertising companies are faced with the challenge of
marketing their products to appeal to consumers in many different
countries. In some cases, products that are extremely successful in one
part of the world do not sell at all in another part of the world. This is
often due to failed advertising campaigns.
Advertisers must take the time to research each individual country so that
they can find out what will be successful in that country and what kind of
advertising the people will respond to .

1. In a global marketplace, people all over the world ___ .

A. can buy the same products
B. can work in different countries
C. can eat local fruit
D. can grow the same foods.

2. A failed advertising campaign might cause products ___ .

A. to taste bad
B. to not be delivered
C. to not sell
D. to not work

3. Some ___ of clothing are sold in the U.S., Europe, and Asia.
A. consumers
B. brands
C. logos
D. formulas

4. You can buy many of the same products __ you go in the world.
A. since
B. because
C. where
D. wherever

5. ____ the global economy, companies have to work harder to compete.

A. Since
B. Unless
C. Because of
D. In case
Unit 6: The Gender Divide
Match each word in Column 1 with a definition in Column 2.

Column 1 Column 2
1. capacity E A. emotionally close
2. convey G B. a widely held opinion
3. intimate A C. anxious to move or do something
4. repetitive F D. character or personality
5. restless C E. the ability to contain or hold
6. stereotype B F. something that repeats over and over again
7. temperament D G. to show or tell

Fill in each blank with the infinitive or gerund of the verb in


1. Asma stopped calling Nura when she didn’t call her back. (call)

2. Did you remember to pick up your clothes at the dry cleaner’s? (pick up)

3. I regret cheating on the test. I know it was wrong. (cheat)

4. We’re lost. Let’s stop to ask for directions. (ask)

5. Sometimes he forgets to lock the doors when he leaves the building. (lock)

Grammar : Form , meaning , and function

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question .

1. Sara doesn’t like to shop, but Jane._____

A. is
B. does
C. either
D. too

2. Michael likes football, and Peter does._____

A. is
B. does
C. either
D. too
3. He doesn’t like to cook, and I don’t._____
A. is
B. does
C. either
D. too

4. Nura is very tired today. Her new baby ____________ all night.
A. has cried
B. has been crying
C. cried
D. was crying

5. Samir desperately wants to pass his driving test but he _______ three
times this year already.
A. has failed it
B. failed
C. will fail
D. fail

Read the text and answer the questions. Write T or F at the end of
each statement .

For many animals in the wild, it is immediately clear whether the animal is
male or female. Dimorphism is the term to describe all the differences
between males and females of the same species. The physical differences
are the easiest to see. These differences may be in size, color, or body
structure. For example, the following are a few species with obvious
differences. The fearsome male lion has a thick mane of hair around his
head. The female lion does not. The male African elephant has large,
threatening tusks of ivory. The female does not. Masculine deer and elk
have large antlers, while feminine deer and elk do not. Also, in many
species, the male is larger than the female, although there are a few
exceptions . There are many reasons for dimorphism (different appearance)
in animals. For example, among birds, males are often more brightly
colored and flashy. On the other hand, female birds are often smaller and
plainer. This offers protection to the females when they are guarding their
nests. They are not noticeable to predators .
Some differences allow different genders to get along with each other and
live together harmoniously. For example, the male hummingbird and the
female hummingbird have beaks of different lengths. This ensures that
they do not have to compete with each other for food. They can only drink
from different kinds of flowers. The same is true for some species of
larger birds, like eagles. The female eagle has a larger beak, so she can
eat larger prey, such as rabbits, or large fish. The male, with his smaller
beak, can only eat smaller prey . So in the animal world, at least,
differences serve a very important purpose. They help species to survive
and thrive .

1. Gender differences among animals helps species survive. (T)

2. Dimorphism allows the male and female hummingbird
to get along better. ( T)
3. Dimorphism refers only to physical differences between genders. ( F)
4. Male elephants do not have tusks, but female elephants do. ( F)
5. Male deer have antlers, and male elk do too. ( T)

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