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Copyright Runehammer Games 2019

This Book made possible by

The Vigilante City Backers
and Bloat Games

Art by Brandish Gilhelm

Original Concept and design by Eric Bloat

Eric Bloat
Victor Diaz
Grey Hill Asylum
The New Deviators
All the wonderful minds who have contributed to the
superhero mythology of the 20th century

A Grey Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
What’s All This Then? . . . . . . . . . 4 The Super GM . . . . . . . . . 32
Evil Schemes . . . . . . . . . 33
THE STAKES Brain X . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Dark Times . . . . . . . . . 6 Destroyer . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Two Ways to Play . . . . . . . . 7 Dr Atom . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Ezra Evil . . . . . . . . . . . 37
HEROES God’s Hand . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Goo Jira . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Vigilante Points . . . . . . . . . . 9 Green Man . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Starting Equipment . . . . . . . . 10 Incinerator . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Origin Stories . . . . . . . . . . 11 The Iron Clan . . . . . . . . . . 42
Stun . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Monstro . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Powers . . . . . . . . . . 13 Pharaoh . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Power Mastery . . . . . . . . . 13 RAX . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Types and Weaknesses . . . . . . 19
Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . 20 GREY HEIGHTS
Avatar . . . . . . . . . . 20 Rolling Locations . . . . . . . . . . 47
Creature . . . . . . . . . 21 The Docks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Cyborg . . . . . . . . . . 22 Gothic Quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Kid . . . . . . . . . . 23 Uptown . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Mage . . . . . . . . 24 Downtown . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Mutant . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The Towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Offworlder . . . . . . . . . 26 Smog Alley . . . . . . . . 50
Power Armor . . . . . . . . 27 The Spotlight Method . . . . . . . 51
Super Soldier . . . . . . . 28
Veteran . . . . . . . 29 Character Sheet . . . . . . . . . 53

Somewhere between the mean, gritty streets of Sur- After the Mutant Crisis of 2024, things took a turn for
vive This! Vigilante City and the eon-spanning dimen- the worse in Vigilante City. This book has everything
sions of ICRPG, the super-powered action of this book you need to create YOUR hero, stand against the evil
took form. Put yourself there: the aftermath of a cha- forces on the rise, and play to see what happens.
otic clash between super-criminals and block warriors,
in the gathering dark of a mutant crisis in North Amer- • The Stakes: The stage is set in Vigilante City for a
ica. The average-joe-in-a-mask has failed, bigger play- cataclysmic disaster or a poignant triumph. How do
ers are scratching at the edges of our world, and YOU YOU fit in?
are the last line of defense before earth itself becomes • Lay of the Land: The city has all the detail you
a war zone. need, and nothing more, to run a killer session.
• Vigilante Points: You win some, you lose some, but
We all have our favorite comic heroes and coveted lim- here, every choice you make affects the moral fate
ited edition books. We’ve all read by flashlight, wide- of your hero.
eyed when our favorite super was near death, or sacri- • The STUN System: Sometimes it’s not about living
ficed everything to save his team. The 20th century has or dying, but staying in the fight long enough to
given us a wondrous, detailed, expansive mythology of win. Even super heroes can be beaten.
mutants, mega-criminals, unearthly enemies and su- • Heroes and Powers: A full collection of CLASS-
per soldiers. This book lets you dive into that mythol- ES and POWERS to build or select your next su-
ogy with your tabletop group, and write the greatest per-character.
superhero story of them all: YOURS. • Villains and Schemes: This book includes a collec-
tion of super villains to rock your world and kill your
It all begins in the shadowy streets and broken towers heroes. Did I mention their plot to end the world?
of the town once called Grey Heights... Vigilante City. • A Living City, A Dead City: CITY DICE make every
THIS will be the battleground that determines our fu- night in Vigilante City a crap shoot.
ture. Suit up. • Stuff Lying Around: Yep, there’s a section with gear,
guns, flamethrowers, and how many innocent by-
standers you just vaporized.

Help Bot is helpful! Look for

these boxes, which include
Help Bot’s database of abso-
lute essentials and key rules.


This town was originally called Grey Heights... that was a long time ago.
The shadow spreads, and America has turned away.
We’re the last line of defense against what’s coming...

Immediately after the dark events of Survive This!
Vigilante City, Grey Heights faced their greatest test
yet: the Mutant Crisis of 2024. It is believed, but un-
confirmed, that Pharaoh and the Iron Clan created an
inter-dimensional machine that induced mutations in
thousands of citizens, while inadvertently creating a
rip in time-space. Yeah, things aren’t looking good.

Vigilante City is far from being in ruins, but half the city
has gone dark, and the first responders are stretched
too thin. There is no 911. Chaos is close, but the citi-
zens still manage to get to work each day, rebuild, and
keep hope alive. Very few go out after dark.


At the spearhead of the city, keeping the torch burn-
ing, leading us all to a brighter day, is Mayor Linda
Brahm. She’s one tough cookie, never backs down,
and has the kind of true grit most people believe is
long lost in this world.

Once called ‘Anthropomorph Island’ is an isolated
land mass populated with run down barracks and
half-ruined laboratories. This is the ghost of Grey
Heights’ dirtiest secret: a concentration camp for mu-
tants. Some say a resistance is stirring out there, but
who knows. The fog hides it all.


Grey Hill used to be a psychiatric research facility.
Now, their star patient is a trans-dimensional being
called Porcelain. It’s probably just a rumor.


Against this grim backdrop, things are about to ex-
plode. Pharaoh, a mysterious new menace, is work-
ing to unite the evil forces on the streets for a grand
destructive purpose. Could this be the beginning of
the end for America as a whole? What sinister plans
could Pharaoh have in store? Can anyone stand
against them? Let’s play to find out.

Move from street to street, patrolling for unexpected Play an epic conflict, revealed in chapters. This way to
activity in the shadows. This play style is more of a play lets your GM take the reigns, use an EVIL SCHEME
‘sand box’ world that is generated, at least in over- from p. 33, or take player ideas to conduct a story ses-
view, by dice rolls. The GM serves to stitch together sion by session. Get started by gathering at your first
what the rolls demand, and players face the specified session and brainstorming your all-time favorite super
challenges with a very light load on RP or story build- hero moments. These moments can serve as a way
ing. point for the campaign’s style and feel.

Even the most chaotic, dice-driven block crawl will Your group’s style may be low-tech, gritty and street-
start to have a cohesive feel at a fun table. Let the smart, cosmic, hilarious, bizarre or dark and gothic. Ei-
details intertwine in wild new ways, and say yes to ther way, choose a powerful theme that resonates with
possibilities no one saw coming! everyone and go for it!

The table below gives you a starting point for heroes Stumped? Get things jump started by simply crashing
to discover ‘what’s around the next corner.’ GM’s the heroes’ first gathering. Just as they meet, or decide
should create their own follow up tables as things to join forces, a crazed super-villain explodes onto the
evolve. The tables can dictate buildings, ethnicities, scene, raving about revenge and inevitable doom. As
traffic, weather or anything you can imagine! Be bold! the explosions go off, a story is sure to emerge.


1: Blackout A power outtage makes this area dangerous
2: Rampage A super-powered criminal is going wild
3: Lab A research lab emits a glowing wave of energy
4: Scumbags Low grade thugs rove in a pack, sewing chaos
5: Vigil This area is mourning a terrible murder
6: Cone Zone Cranes and work vehicles are everywhere
7: Hostages A swarm of squad cars has a criminal cornered
8: Crackle Weird arcs of green lightning are appearing
9: Collapse Recent battles have caused a tower to fall
10: War Gangs and good guys are going all out
11: Chase 4 or more vehicles are ripping through
12: Fire A huge fire has begun to spread, trapping dozens
13: Train The magnetic hypertrain is about to derail
14: Escaped Mutant beasts are running rampant
15: Ninja! The Iron Clan are operating in this area
16: On Guard Neighborhood folk have squared off against an evil super
17: Wave! Heroes are welcomed as saviors by local folks
18: Crazy The insane have been loosed somehow... Laughter echoes
19: DMZ The military have cordoned this area and are readying for a fight
20: Mechanic A brilliant citizen welcomes and assists supers here

This is just a start! For more

ideas on locations in the city,
and all that lurks there, turn
to page 47.


I was raised in VC, 103rd street and Vine.

I’ll shed every drop of blood I have for this city.
They want a war? I’ll give ‘em a war.

Every action has its consequences, especially for those
who take the law into their own hands. Earn good or
evil Vigilante Points when moments listed below occur.
Both players and GM can keep an eye out for these
events during play, and track VIGILANTE POINTS (VP)
accordingly. Are you a friend or enemy of the people?
Unlike MASTERY, your spot on the vigilante scale can
slide back and forth over time, based on what you do.


• Directly aid law enforcement or first responders
• Rescue the innocent
• Fulfill a friendship with a team mate
• Sacrifice yourself for others
• Make a hard decision for the right reasons


To build your hero for the events after the Mutant Cri-
sis of 2024, you’ll need a few key pieces. Most of it will EARN A VP TOWARD EVIL WHEN YOU
be perfectly familiar to any ICRPG player or GM, with a • Directly aid criminals or villains
few new twists listed below. Remember that all ICRPG • Harm the innocent or non-combatants
books and systems are interchangeable from Alfheim • Work to destroy the city
to Ghost Mountain to MAGIC. • Work to free other criminals and villains
• Choose self over others
• Build with 10 STAT points
• Select 1 STARTER LOOT from CORE or MAGIC
• Select 3 total Starting EQUIPMENT from the page
• Select a HERO or invent your own, with 3 POWERS • Hold sway with law enforcement, even rank
• Describe your hero’s POWERS in more detail by • Are a hero of neighborhood people
working with your GM • Attract other good heroes from far and wide
• Suit up and join the fight! • Draw the attention of evil

Don’t see options for what you WHEN YOU’RE FULLY EVIL YOU
had imagined? Blaze a new trail • Are actively targeted by law enforcement
and invent your own! Work with • Are feared by people in all walks of life
your GM and do it YOUR way. • Attract fanatic and psychotic super villains
• Hatch EVIL SCHEMES (p. 33)

Some heroes have almost no gear at all, others have entire arsenals. Choose 3 of the items below when you cre-
ate your character. Don’t get too attached, super powered battles tend to shred gear! Feel free to use STARTING
EQUIPMENT from MAGIC or CORE if it fits your hero!

Three handguns with interchangeable holsters and ammo.
Conceal all three easily. Does 3 SP even when resisted


A bulky but capable weapon of future wars.
Can be modded to take custom ammo, a secondary weapon,
flame unit or STUN grenade launcher.


Clunky but effective protection. +3 ARMOR, reduce any STUN
damage done to you in any attack by 1.

Enables 1 use of basic FLIGHT POWER, recharges after 1D4 ROUNDS.

Keep in touch with teammates at any range, concealed and hands free.

Contains 3 med kits, 3 smoke grenades, rope, and one remote-
Triggered explosive brick

On a successful RECOVERY roll, add +3 to your result

High tech fabric that is fire proof, tear proof, protects against cold
and vacuum, and contains 5 SUPPLY of micro food and nutrients

A black ruck sack filled with 3 pipe bombs, a crow bar, folding ladder,
crime scene kit, lock-picks and a signal flare


Knives. So many knives. Even when throwing or breaking knives
and swords, you always have more.

5 different civilian uniforms, hats, wigs and spectacles.

No normal life could drive a person to these extremes. It’s been a hard road, and you’ve never really fit in any-
where but the fight. Choose or trust the dice on the table below. The more multidimensional, the more compli-
cated, the more ‘grey’ your origin, the more fascinating role-playing your hero can be.


1: VIOLATED You were wronged terribly as a youth by criminal elements
2: FERAL They found you in the wild, where you learned to survive
3: TRAINED Your skill is no accident. You have earned every ounce of your power
4: BORN THIS WAY Cosmic rays? Crocodile DNA? For whatever reason, you’re different
5: HEIR You’ve inherited a vast, secret world of wealth and power
6: VISITOR By unknown means, you’ve fallen from the stars to earth
7: CREATED Forbidden science has given rise to your unique gifts... they own you
8: MUTATION You were normal once, then IT happened
9: WILLPOWER You made a decision: you’re taking it all back, one punch at a time
10: RELIC There was a strange artifact up there in the mountains... you found it
11: TASK All your life has been focused on a single errand
12: SUPER TEAM Join up, suit up. This is your dream


Sure, you may have crawled out of a radioactive sewer, but it’s all behind you now. You’ve accepted the ‘great re-
sponsibility,’ and you’re ready to make a difference out there. Whatever mission you choose or roll, be prepared
to fight, die, and sacrifice for that cause. Anything less is your funeral.


1: BRING IT DOWN You will undermine and destroy an entire evil network
2: FREEDOM No matter what it takes, you’ll be free of those who contain you
3: RESTORE ORDER One street at a time, you’ll get this city back on track
4: PROTECTOR There is one person, place or thing you are sworn to guard
5: REVENGE Your soul doesn’t matter. They’ll all die for what they’ve done
6: FINAL SOLUTION There’s a way to end it all, bring peace at last, but no one sees it
7: HOME You must find a way to return to your distant home, or all is lost
8: EVOLVE There is a far greater form waiting for you, and you will achieve it
9: ANTI-HUMAN The world has moved forward, and humans have become the enemy
10: SENTRY You will give your life to stand watch for a powerful syndicate
11: WORTHY Your master has sent you to find ultimate truth in life... can you?
12: LEADER Destined to command a team of supers. Get to work, find the members

When mighty heroes clash, they can be very difficult
to kill. DYING is less common for supers, with all their
amazing defenses, than being STUNNED. As you read
the POWERS section below, you’ll see the many ways
STUN POINTS (SP) play into super combat. Here’s how
it works.

• All heroes start with 10 SP as their maximum

• Increase your SP MAX only by receiving STUN


• Any time you are attacked, damaged, or hit in any

way, whether you resist the damage or not, lose 1

• You can also lose STUN POINTS by spending them

on POWERS. Whenever you use a POWER, spend
its SP COST. All POWERS have 1,2, and 3 SP COST
As the GM, the key to working with the STUN system
• When you reach 0 SP, you can no longer use POW- is the critical nature of limited time in a battle or com-
ERS. If you are driven below 0, into negative SP, you bat encounter. Heroes may have all kinds of ways of
fall to one knee, unable to go on sustaining real harm, but if every second counts, being
STUNNED for even a ROUND or two can spell defeat or
• Recover STUN POINTS on your turn with a typical doom for the many innocents at stake. Here are a few
RECOVERY roll. Make a CON roll, recovering CON+1 classic ways to press time to the absolute limit.
• Bystanders will killed or harmed in great numbers if
• Recover to full SP between scenes the machine is activated, relic unleashed, or nucle-
ar warhead reaches the city
• If rolling a natural 20 when using a POWER, pay no • The villain will do anything to kill a specific nem-
STUN cost esis, even blow themselves to bits in a matter of
• Every few seconds, more heroes, innocents and
first responders are falling under evil mind control
• Destabilized buildings or terrain will give way in
GM’s! Don’t forget to be gen- moments, ruining any chance of success with the
erous with SP recovery be- present mission
tween scenes or as a reward • Heroes are losing STAT and HP points every ROUND,
for epic play! and will all succumb soon
• The airship is about to crash, and it is using ul-
tra-volatile hydrogen engines

Vigilante heroes in ICRPG Vigilante City are defined by Heroes who have been fighting crime for years have
POWERS. Beyond these special abilities, they are built MASTERY of their POWERS. MASTERY is a process of
like any other ICRPG character, but with 10 STAT points refining the body mechanics and endurance needed to
at creation and the selections in this book. (See the perform superhuman feats.
ICRPG Core 2e for more.)
POWERS are those superhuman abilities we all know MASTERED POWER
and love from decades of comic books and movies.
They are the special capabilities of exceptional people For any POWER, 4 steps of MASTERY must be achieved
and mega-humans that set them apart. Sometimes to call it mastered. MASTERY is awarded to the char-
even ordinary men and women can possess POWERS acter when they perform an incredible success or
through sheer force of will. POWERS often have no real dramatic sacrifice using that specific POWER. The GM
explanation, and are innate to the character. will witness this amazing event and announce “mark a
point of MASTERY! Incredible!”


1: ACROBAT Perform near-impossible maneuvers, evasion, or stunts using DEX
2: BLINK A POWER than enables flexible teleportation
3: ENERGY BLAST Release destructive bursts of energy on command
4: FLIGHT By some means, you can fly with amazing speed and precision
5: GADGETS You are a master of inventions and amazing machines
6: IMMUNITY You are impervious to a certain kind of harm
7: INVISIBLE By degrees, you have incredible stealth
8: KILLSHOT There is no better shot in the world than you
9: LUCKY You have a knack for walking away from explosions
10: MARTIAL ARTS Your ability to punch, kick or fight with melee weapons is superhuman
11: MEGABRAIN Super-intelligence, psychic visions, and mind control
12: MIND > MATTER You can use the power of thought to affect physical objects and materials
13: PHASE The ability to become immaterial or pass through walls
14: PLASTIC Change, stretch, or rebound with a rubber-like body chemistry
15: REGENERATION You can heal and regrow injury and damaged tissues
16: SONIC Manipulate sound in destructive or useful ways
17: SUPER SENSES See, smell or hear for miles, or detect subtle details with touch
18: SUPER SPEED Run or fly at mind-bending speeds
19: SUPER STRENGTH You are exponentially stronger than any human could ever be
20: TRANSFORM Change into something, including all of its abilities when you do so

There are only 20 POWERS

listed here? Read on to find out
how to describe your POWERS
and modify a CLASS..

The POWERS table only lists 20 types of super ability. As you create your character, it’s up to you and your GM
to get specific. The listings below will give you the basic mechanics and MASTERY changes to each POWER, but
the details are up to you. ENERGY BLAST, for example, could include all kinds of different abilities with nuanced
details and verbal cues that solidify your hero concept. A blast of pure laser energy from the eyes? A beam of
green radiation from clenched fists? Bolts of semi-solid plasma from a cybernetic implant?

Each power is listed with its most common forms. Pay 1, 2, or 3 STUN POINTS (SP) to perform actions, unless
MASTERED, then only pay 1 no matter its normal cost


Perform near-impossible maneuvers, evasion, or Release destructive bursts of energy on command.
stunts using DEX This blast can be described a myriad of ways

SP COST 1: Use any terrain to maneuver: Roll DEX to SP COST 1: Unleash a single blast of energy with a DEX
roll, swing, flip or tumble in roofs, vehicles, tightropes roll. It inflicts ULTIMATE damage, FAR range, and ig-
or flagpoles to move FAR. When moving in this way, nores traditional armor properties
you cannot be harmed on that ROUND SP COST 2: Fire an unstoppable linear beam of destruc-
SP COST 2: Evade an attack against you, instantly, once tion with a DEX roll. It has a range you control up to a
per ROUND with a DEX roll half mile, and does ULTIMATE damage to anything in
SP COST 3: Perform an incredible stunt on your TURN. the straight line path
Describe any feasible move, with all kinds of possible SP COST 3: Blast energy in all directions, in missiles, a
or specific outcomes and aspects. Make it with a DEX wave or dome. All targets within FAR must roll DEX to
roll find cover, or evade, or take 3D12 damage. Those who
succeed still take half the damage
A POWER than enables flexible teleportation

SP COST 1: Zap from one place to another, moving

NEAR or FAR instantly. No roll is needed
SP COST 2: Open dynamic portals, in a pair, that are
linked, with an INT roll. They are 8 feet across, and fea-
ture inter-dimensional energies. They are only open
for 1D4 TURNS (not ROUNDS!) and they do not have
any pulling force or suction. The furthest portal must
be within DOUBLE FAR of you
SP COST 3: Create and interlink up to 6 portals with an
INT roll. Conjure baffling, highly complex portal linkage
in any sequence or arrangement. The portals are now
up to 16 feet across The furthest portal must be within
1 mile of you

By some means, you can fly with amazing speed and You are impervious to a certain kind of harm. Use
precision. No SP cost for normal MOVES your description to be as specific as possible

SP COST 1: Perform a burst of flight speed. Move up to Suggested immunity types: Blades, Bullets, Fire, Ice,
DOUBLE FAR in a mostly straight line, blasting through Water, Stone, Energy, Punches or blunt force, Poison,
obstacles with STR and being HARD to hit Magic, Stun
SP COST 2: Fly with uncanny precision and dynamic
trajectory. Describe a wild, unprecedented maneuver SP COST 1: All uses of IMMUNITY cost 1 SP. Any time
such as threading the needle, spinning a turbine, or the specified damage type hits you, choose to be im-
intercepting a jet. Execute successfully with a STR roll mune or not, and pay SP at that moment
SP COST 3: Execute sustained supersonic flight with a
STR roll. You can hold this speed, in any environment, INVISIBLE
until you are injured, STUNNED, or use another POWER By degrees, you have incredible stealth

GADGETS SP COST 1: Vanish right in front of an enemy or onlook-

You are a master of inventions and amazing machines. er, losing your camouflage in 1 ROUND
This may be innate ability or super power, depending SP COST 2: Become truly invisible, transparent, and de-
on your description tectable only by heat for 1D4 ROUNDS
SP COST 3: Achieve and maintain true invisibility for
SP COST 1: Fix absolutely anything mechanical instant- you and those CLOSE until you are damaged, STUNNED,
ly with an INT roll. It is restored to its full function or use another POWER
SP COST 2: Create wondrous gadgets from scraps in-
stantly with an INT roll. These gadgets have abilities
WEAPONS and the like
SP COST 3: Change, combine or modify machines to be
remotely controlled by your input device, mental mes-
sages or voice commands with an INT roll. The modifi-
cation take 1D4 rounds to complete

Your ability to punch, kick or fight with melee weap-
ons is superhuman

SP COST 1: With an EASY STR roll, deliver a crushing

attack as if it was a CRITICAL SUCCESS
SP COST 2: Unleash a flurry of blows with your fists or
weapon, using a STR roll. Your target is hit with 1D8
normal hits
SP COST 3: Deliver a crushing smash with a STR roll.
All targets CLOSE are reduced to 0 HP and take your
attack’s damage as STUN. This attack also destroys con-
crete, metal, and other structural material. This attack
can also be treated as VEHICLE damage

Super-intelligence, psychic visions, and mind control

SP COST 1: Make any INT or WIS type ATTEMPT with no

KILLSHOT roll, gleaning all the details or workings of a situation,
There is no better shot in the world than you. Choose person or place
a specific ranged weapon with which this applies SP COST 2: Read the thoughts, memories, or intentions
of a target with an INT roll. Pay this same cost and use
SP COST 1: Hit a target with your weapon with no roll, INT to resist such an ATTEMPT against you
no matter the circumstances or situation SP COST 3: Extend your mind-reading power, or im-
SP COST 2: Use a ricochet, wind, gravity, multi-shot or plant thoughts or verbal messages, in any number of
other means to hit 1D8 targets with a single motion targets within a mile with an INT roll
and no roll
SP COST 3: With a DEX roll, drop a single target to 0 MIND > MATTER
HP with a single shot. This shot is still subject to the You can use the power of thought to affect physical
target’s immunities or special properties, but not their objects and materials
amount of HEARTS (yes, it’s terribly deadly)
SP COST 1: Move or alter small objects with no roll
LUCKY SP COST 2: With an INT roll, lift, hurl or destroy any
You have a knack for walking away from explosions object or mass up to a car in size. This POWER can be
used to achieve flight by ‘hurling’ yourself or others.
SP COST 1: Re roll any roll, be it ATTEMPT or EFFORT If a target is resisting your power, they can roll against
SP COST 2: When something bad happens to you, such your INT roll
as STUN, injury, mishap or failure, describe a way in SP COST 3: Roll INT to describe a wild feat of teleki-
which it aids you or your team netic power. Send a bus flying, crumple a tank, topple
SP COST 3: If a situation would reduce you to 0 HP, 0 a house, bring down a helicopter or lift a huge mass
SP, crush you, burn you to ashes or blow you to pieces, of concrete. This effect can be sustained until you are
find a way to describe how you narrowly avoided all damaged, STUNNED, or use another POWER.
harm, with just a few bruises and a smile

Become immaterial or pass through walls Manipulate sound in destructive or useful ways.
Sound is especially useful to inflict STUN
SP COST 1: Make a NEAR MOVE in phased form, pass-
ing through solids SP COST 1: With a STR roll, blast a single NEAR target
SP COST 2: Use phasing in combat to avoid an attack. with focused sound waves. Inflict your BASIC EFFORT
When you are hit, roll CON. Elect to instantly phase, amount in STUN POINTS
avoiding any damage or STUN SP COST 2: Roll STR to emit an omni-directional sonic
SP COST 3: With a CON roll on your TURN, extend your wave. It hist all targets that can hear within FAR range,
phase POWER to another person or object up to bus and inflicts BASIC EFFORT in STUN POINTS. Targets hit
size. With a normal roll, phase it for 1 ROUND. With can roll CON to half this STUN amount
a HARD roll, phase it for 1D4 ROUNDS. If an enemy is SP COST 3: Roll STR. In 1D4 ROUNDS, unleash a de-
phased into solid matter, they take ULTIMATE damage structive explosion of sonic energy that can vibrate
and are forced outward. structures, vehicles or terrain to rubble. Any targets
that can hear within FAR of this blast automatically ab-
PLASTIC sorb 3 STUN damage, and 1D8 buildings, vehicles or
Change, stretch, or rebound with a rubber-like body terrain features are totally destroyed
SP COST 1: Extend a limb or body part up to 10 times See, smell or hear for miles, or detect subtle details
its normal length, then snap back with touch
SP COST 2: With a CON roll, extend your entire body
to 50 times its length. Sustain this extension until dam- SP COST 1: See, hear or smell with a WIS roll, but with
aged, STUNNED, or using another POWER a range of 5 miles
SP COST 3: Roll CON to stretch, morph and twist into SP COST 2: Touch a surface, person or object. With a
any single-shaped object you can describe such as a WIS roll, discern a vast amount of information on that
raft, parachute, boulder, giant ball, or sail. Maintain subject by trace evidence
this shape for a number of ROUNDS equal to your CON SP COST 3: Choose one sense to describe this POWER.
STAT With that sense only, a WIS roll can be used to sense
through solid matter, vast distances, or blocking mea-
REGENERATION sures. It is almost impossible to hide from your keen
You can heal and regrow injury and damaged tissues awareness, even in the stars

SP COST 1: Shrug off either the entire HP or SP inflicted SUPER SPEED

on you in the previous ROUND with a CON roll Run or fly at mind-bending speeds
SP COST 2: Roll CON to recover to full SP or HP
SP COST 3: As long as you have 3 SP when killed, SP COST 1: Rules of distance for movement do not ap-
dropped, or blown to bits, regrow tissues, broken ply to you. MOVE as far as you want on your TURN
bones and severed limbs from ANY state of death in SP COST 2: Move no further than NEAR and take TWO
1D6 ROUNDS. Return to action with 1 HP and 1 SP. If ACTIONS on your TURN
your REGENERATION TIMER is longer than your DYING SP COST 3: Roll DEX. Describe an effect created by
TIMER, this effect cannot take place in time and you the unthinkable speeds at which you take ACTIONS or
die as normal, must roll a natural 20, or need help from MOVE. Beware, though... at these speeds, failures and
an ally to avoid permanent death mistakes can be catastrophic

You are exponentially stronger than any human could Change into something, including all of its abilities
ever be when you do so. This form can include its own POW-
ERS or even STATS. BE sure to work with your GM to
SP COST 1: When you attack with your fists or a melee create an alternate form that works
weapon, roll ULTIMATE + STR damage.
SP COST 2: Roll STR to perform a feat of super strength SP COST 1: Become your alternate form with no roll,
such as throwing a car, ripping a bus apart, stopping a for 1D4 ROUNDS
train or swinging a small boat by its anchor. SP COST 2: With a CON roll, become your alternate
SP COST 3: With a STR roll, perform an unbelievable form until you are reduced to 0 SP
demonstration of strength and leverage. Catch a fly- SP COST 3: With a CON roll, become your alternate
ing jetliner, knock over a small building, throw a cargo form until you are reduced to 0 HP
ship, crush a submarine, pull a rocket from orbit, or
hold your ground in a colossal tsunami. Reverting from your alternate form is not something
you can control at will

Your first big decision with building a hero is what TYPE By the same strangeness that human beings become
they are. There are 10 TYPES listed here, each one with super human, they sometimes carry a crippling weak-
POWERS, Starter Rewards, Milestone Rewards and ness that can undo their power, frighten or shrivel
TAGS. As with all ICRPG characters, these TYPES are them. This is usually an integral part of their back sto-
suggestions! Feel free to create whatever character fits ry, and comes to bear at the worst possible times. If a
your dream, with the TYPE listed as a guideline. weakness fits your hero concept, follow these simple
guidelines below, or work with your GM.
Choose from the 10 TYPES or use this table below to
roll one up! You can choose or devise your WEAKNESS, or use the
tables below to roll one up.


1: Avatar A super powered being CHANGE FOR A WEAKNESS
2: Creature Beasts, bugs or weirder
3: Cyborg Part human, part machine
4: Kid A protege or lucky newb
5: Mage A wizard in many times 1D10 WEAKNESS
6: Mutant Made super in odd ways 1: Substance If anywhere near you
7: Offworlder A mighty alien visitor 2: Color If visible
8: Power Armor High tech battle gear 3: Machines If touching you
9: Super Soldier A highly trained fighter 4: Plants If touching you or pollinating
10: Veteran Been doing this forever 5: Water If touching you/submerged
6: Body Part A limb or spot is vulnerable
7: Magic Relic If anywhere near you
8: Alien Tech If activated against you
9: Fear Of a specific phenomenon
10: Person If they interact with you


1: Crippled Overcome with STR
2: Terrified Overcome with CHA
3: Mortal Lose the use of POWERS
4: Blinded Overcome with CON
5: Dizzy Overcome with DEX
6: Confused Attack allies
7: Overload Use POWERS at SP 3 only
8: Stunned Drop to 0 SP
9: Vulnerable Your ARMOR is gone
10: Revert Transform into a lesser form


Some super humans are in a class beyond others. They

are true super-beings with incredible power. Some are
fallen from the stars, other unexplained anomalies. We
mortals can only pray their moral senses are keen and
kind, for we are at their mercy.

Starter Reward:
Stardust: Gain the property IMMORTAL below. This es-
sence, as a glowing formless substance, can be given to
another creature, but never given back

Milestone Rewards:
STAT point
Gain any POWER
1 EPIC LOOT roll
Force Field: Gain 1 new IMMUNITY type, and never
pay SP to use it

IMMORTAL: You cannot be killed. Even if DEAD or

BLOWN TO BITS, you will reconstitute, reform, or mys-
teriously return from parts unknown in 1D8 days.

VOLATILE: Your power can be hard to control, with a

destructive will of its own. Any time you roll to use a
POWER, and roll a 1 or 2, the GM takes control of you
for that ROUND, and may take 3 ACTIONS

INHUMAN: You are no mortal creature. Humans hate

or fear you, the authorities seek to contain or track
you, and even your friends are frightened of what you
may become.


Ancient rituals, dark magic, terrible experiments or bi-

ological oddities can all result in CREATURES. Whether
made, or born, or conjured, these are inhuman things.
We can only pray they side with us against the dark-
ness ahead.

Starter Reward:
Mutant Organ: You have a mysterious organ that is part
heart, part adrenal gland. This organ grants you the

Milestone Rewards:
STAT Point
Amulet of K’a: A relic of lost worlds grants you the
ability to call, communicate or command lesser crea-
tures of a type (Insects, rats, snakes, etc) with a WIS
Cotton Doll: A momento of your past life. With a CON
roll, shake off one entire attack per ROUND
Serum: 3 uses. Resume your human form for 1D4 hours

UNSHAKABLE MEMORIES: Many creatures of this kind

were once human beings. Either the tragedy of their
transformation, or some unfinished business from that
lost life, haunts their motivations.

TORMENT: Being a CREATURE can be painful, but you

can use that pain. Spend SP up to -10, making a CON
roll with each point below 0. IF you fail the roll, fall
STUNNED. IF you make it, continue to fight!

INSTINCTS: CREATURES all have a form of sensing sub-

tle truths, lies, or impending danger in a vague way.


The dream of merging human tissue and technol-

ogy has lead to many doomed endings, but every
so often, the grafts take, the body accepts the ma-
chine. This union creates a weapon of unique pow-
er and speed.

Starter Reward:
Aeon Core: If your SP is above 5, recover 1D4 SP
on your TURN with no roll

Milestone Rewards:
STAT Point
Slide Jet: Evade 1 attack against you per ROUND
at any time
Duranium Shielding: A dynamic deflector module
that adds +5 ARMOR
Laser Eye: Gain the KILLSHOT POWER

MACHINE HEAD: Being part machine has ups and

downs. On the upside, you do not require food or
sleep, and are immune to cold, lack of air, or extreme
heat. On the downside, you can be hacked.

OVERCLOCK: Using any source of electrical power,

you can restore full SP. If SP is full, a powerful electri-
cal source can make all your actions ULTIMATE for 1D4

STIGMA: Cyborgs have a very hard time hiding their

identity, and are generally disliked, feared or resented
by the populace at large.


Every once in a while, a kid comes along that just has

the spirit to make things happen. They’re plucky, op-
timistic, and ready to prove themselves. They make a
powerful addition to any super team, but need to get
their homework done, too.

Starter Reward:
Polaroid of Mom: If an effect, SPELL, POWER, or other
circumstance would cause FEAR, ignore it.

Milestone Rewards:
STAT Point
Drift Cape: Any time you fall, this cape drifts you gently
down to a harmless landing
Black Belt: Gain the MARTIAL ARTS POWER
Grapple Gun: As long as something is above you, con-
sider yourself having the FLIGHT POWER

UNNOTICED: If villains have a choice of targets, they

will always target a KID last.

HIDEY HOLE: If hiding or using stealth in any form, a

KID always rolls EASY. If hiding, only SUPER SENSES can
detect them.

WHAT WE FIGHT FOR: A kid often becomes a spiritual

or moral anchor for a super team. Their innocence and
bravery are infectious. The greatest heroes will make
terrible sacrifices to see a KID survive to fight another


The arcane secrets of magic power are just as mighty

as super human mutations or alien cybernetics. The
mage hero also functions to cross over, or bridge, the
settings in ICRPG: MAGIC and ICRPG Vigilante City.

Starter Reward:
Phasic Spell book: An immaterial grimoire that con-
tains SPELLS. Gain 5 Level I SPELLS from ICRPG: MAGIC.
When casting any SPELL, use SP or HP to pay its cost.

Milestone Rewards:
STAT Point
Sling Ring: Pay any SPELL’s POWER is SP or HP as its cost
Cloak of Wings: Gain the FLIGHT POWER
Spell Book: Magic EFFORT explodes (roll again if rolling
a natural 8 on MAGIC EFFORT)
Eye of Ordu: Regenerate 1D8 SP or HP with a CON roll
Amulet of Minds: Gain the MIND > MATTER POWER

SANCTUM: You have a home base somewhere in the

city. It is magically hidden, contains SUPPLIES, basic ad-
venture equipment, and a library.

COSMIC ENEMIES: Your arcane power draws the worst

kind of curiosity: demonic and cosmic evil seeks to in-
vestigate, destroy, or devour you.

DEVOTEES: Each time you operate in the public eye,

you attract 1D6 aspiring MAGES who will begin training
with you, live in your sanctum, and help you even in
very dangerous missions.


The Mutant Crisis of 2024 brought the unexplained

power of mutation to untold thousands. Mutation has
many causes and even more outcomes, from molecular
changes to elemental control to simple anger or explo-
sive fighting ability. Choose any 3 POWERS.

Starter Reward:
Choose any Starter Reward from any HERO in ICRPG
Vigilante City or ICRPG CORE

Anthropomorph: Choose any animal the size of a bear

or smaller. You are a humanoid version of this animal.
Work with your GM to determine the subtle abilities
that animal includes.

Milestone Rewards:
STAT Point
Choose any reward or TIER reward from the other
ICRPG books. This is your chance to wildly customize
your craziest idea, and blame it on mutation. You are
one of the countless souls caught up in the Mutant Cri-
sis. There is no middle ground.
GENETICS: Your abilities and unique heroic profile are,
in some fundamental way, entangled in your mutation.
If and when the real cause of the genetics behind mu-
tation are revealed, you will be bound to that event.

UNKNOWN: The nature of mutation is not understood,

and neither are you. For this reason, you must earn 5
points of MASTERY to MASTER a POWER.

TRIBUTE: MUTANT is the most useful category to build

a tribute or homage character for your favorite super
hero from comics or movies.


The Mutant Crisis must have sent some kind of shock-

wave or pulse out through the cosmos. Since that day
in 2024, more and more beings from the stars have
come to earth. Some are ravagers, some impossible to
comprehend, but you... YOU are a hero
come to aid this fragile blue world.

Starter Reward:
Sun Ring: Any time you are exposed to the
light of the sun or stars, recover 1 SP and 1 HP per
ROUND. This ability does not function at or below 0
HP or SP

Milestone Rewards:
STAT Point
Power Crystal: Gain the ENERGY BLAST POWER and
never SP to use it
Star Dirge: Gain a starship capable of warp, crew of 8,
6 CHUNKS, cloaking device

RADIOACTIVE: You are immune to harm from all forms

of radiation. In fact, you double your SUN RING’s ability
in the presence of strong radiation.

XENOCHEMICAL: Your chemistry is not of earth. You

are immune to harm from acid, poison, toxins or viral

WAR IS COMING: Your arrival on earth is a herald of

doom. Warring factions from the stars are soon to fol-
low, and earth will be caught in the firefight. You are a
warning, and it is most unwelcome.


Exo armor is a highly advanced field, but mostly top

secret. Your suit is special: it is modular, nearly inde-
structible, and capable of supersonic flight. Best part?
You can still arrive dressed for dinner.

Starter Reward:
Nanomissiles: With no STUN cost and a DEX roll, un-
leash a swarm of tiny missiles, each selecting a single
target, for a total of 1D12 targets. They hit for ULTI-
MATE damage. They are reloaded after 1D4 ROUNDS

Milestone Rewards:
STAT Point
HEART stone
Exo Hydraulics: Gain the SUPER STRENGTH POWER
Suitcase Unit: Your suit can collapse into a small suit-
Pursuit Unit: Your suit can collapse into a small missile,
and track you anywhere to be donned in seconds
Buster Gloves: Your suit gains the MARTIAL ARTS POW-
ER and +3 STR

Power Armor Origins:

• GENIUS TECH: You or your trusted ally created this
armor by sweat and hard work. You’re decades RECOVERY SYSTEMS: If at 0 SP or 0 HP, recover to 1 of
ahead of the world. As its creator, you also spe- each 1D4 ROUNDS after DYING. If reduced to -10 HP
cialize in modifying and cloning the suit. Take GAD- this function cannot save you.
GETS for this origin.
• ALIEN GIFT: Offworlders have granted you this IMPACT RESIST: You do not take damage from any fall,
amazing armor to guard your world against the even from the stratosphere, unless the impact occurs
coming doom. Take the IMMUNITY, and describe while you are STUNNED or DYING, in which case this
your armor’s weirdness. feature does not function.
• RELIC: The armor was found, a remnant of a lost
civilization. You must find out where it came from. SEALED: Your suit functions under water, in space, in
• SENTIENT: The armor is a living being that has cho- heavy smoke or toxic environments with no affect on
sen you as its symbiote. This gets weird when it performance.
gets its own ideas what must be done.

super soldier

Some of them are government experiments, others an-

swer to no one. They are military power in its highest
form. When training, equipment, attitude and POWERS
align in such a way, there’s nothing they can’t accom-
plish with enough blood, sweat, and bullets.

Starter Reward:
Prototype: Choose any 1 piece of gear, armor, or weap-
on. It is a one-of-a-kind prototype. It is made with a
TEMPTS) is indestructible by normal means, can only
be used by you, and if lost or stolen tends to turn up

Milestone Rewards:
STAT point
Target Hologram: All WEAPON EFFORT is always ULTI-
MATE. Use your WEAPON bonus on ULTIMATE
Stun Armor: Take half of any STUN damage inflicted on
you, with a minimum of 1
Jet Boots: Gain the FLIGHT power
Cybernetic Arm: Gain the SUPER STRENGTH POWER,
and instantly MASTER it

RELENTLESS: Roll a 19 or 20 to pop up with 1 HP when


AMMO FOR DAYS: Super Soldiers have clips and am-

munition hidden all over. Any weapon that uses ammo
has unlimited capacity in their hands.

WAR ZONE: Super Soldiers are trained in all forms of

military hardware, from weapons to vehicles to com-
puter equipment. Their rolls are always EASY when
working with any kind of military tech.


The old timers, before the Mutant Crisis, had nothin’

but guts and guns. They trained hard, did the work,
and scraped by on will alone. Those were the days.
Now that things have gotten crazy, most of them are
gone. The ones still around are stubborn, dug-in, and
ready to pounce.

Starter Rewards:
Crime Files: A Veteran can pull up information on any
hero, villain, citizen, location or business transaction in
Vigilante City with an EASY WIS ROLL

Miracle Foam: Veterans come equipped to survive

against greater foes. Roll WIS with Miracle Foam to
heal yourself or an ally you touch for 1D8 HP and SP. 5
uses per loadout, reload at the Veteran’s lair

Milestone Rewards:
STAT point
Nano Armor: Add +5 ARMOR, ignore STUN damage of
2 or less
Shadow Jet: A super fast, stealth micro jet aircraft with
gatling guns and vertical take off capability
Nano Cams: Insect-sized cameras that can deploy any-
where and send a video feed
POWER Unit: A disposable belt unit that grants a single BEEN THERE: Start with 3 MASTERY in both the Veter-
use of any SP 3 POWER before needing a recharge in an’s POWERS.
the lair
LAIR: A Veteran has a lair complete with computer
gear, med bay, butler, super car, and repair facilities.
This lair is hidden somewhere in Vigilante City

REBOOTED: Veterans have had their story lines re-

vamped several times. Any time you encounter a super
VILLAIN, you have already battled them, maybe even
killed or been killed by them.


Chaos and decay are a playground for those who prey on the weak
No one is coming to help... there’s no one left
It’s just us and them.

For some, fighting for order and justice in Vigilante A key thread that can weave its way through your su-
City is more than wandering the streets and punching per story is a NEMESIS. This can be the main villain of
thugs, it’s standing against plots to destroy and dom- the plot, but more interestingly some off-center irri-
inate the earth. Start a session or mini-campaign by tant or malefactor. The nemesis is particularly irritating
rolling on the following three tables, and playing to to one or more heroes, and refuses to ever stop picking
find out what happens! at them, forcing them into bad situations, or bringing
out their darkest side. The nemesis is the wild card, the
SPECIAL ISSUE ‘x factor’ in the story that constantly mixes the soup
Roll here to get your comic book title tag line. This is and keeps things from going stale.
the basic idea that drives the action, sets the mood,
and gets players thinking about how they fit in. You can use the villain table to roll for a nemesis, but
the most interesting way is to let this figure emerge
THE EVIL SCHEME AND ITS MASTER during the first session of play. Often, it is someone you
Who is bringing the pain, and what exactly do they don’t expect: a police officer whose partner was killed,
intend? These tables give you a taste, but the details an old woman whose house was leveled, a disgruntled
are all up to you. Certain combinations of villain and postal worker or deranged businessman.
scheme can be very, very bad.
The actions of superheroes have many consequences
SIX ACTIONS that go unnoticed, but the nemesis means to remind
Each of the 12 VILLAINS listed below has exactly 6 com- them of their clumsy ways, or false morality, or unjust
bat abilities or actions. This lets you use a 1D6 to run authority... even if it costs their lives.
them mercilessly, if you choose.


1: Unlikely Allies Heroes must team up with a super villain to meet a new threat
2: Civil War One hero has gone rogue, and must be stopped
3: Rise of Evil A league of evil supers is multiplying daily
4: Super Killer Someone is assassinating super heroes each night
5: Outlawed The government moves to ban all supers and vigilantes
6: Herald of Doom An extraterrestrial visitor warns of a coming disaster from space
7: The Sphere A mysterious relic hovers above the city... what does it want?
8: Crazies The asylum is breeched, and the criminally insane run wild
9: Hostage A villain holds the city hostage with a weapon of mass destruction
10: Deployed The military is outmatched and calls on a team of heroes
11: Virus Something is infecting man and machines in the city
12: Omega An infinitely powerful super has lost control of their powers

You’re a GM! You have doz-

ens of great story ideas lying
around. Only take what’s use-
ful here, and toss the rest!

With player characters this powerful, you may need to Just because the heroes are super human doesn’t
overhaul how you approach the GM’s chair to run a mean everything they encounter is epic. Just like with
challenging session. Here are the best tips we discov- villains, a mixture of ‘pfft, that was too easy,’ and ‘dear
ered in testing. Overall, prepare to unleash hell. They God we’ll all be vaporized!’ is best when it comes to
can take it. environmental hazards, and hazards tripped by timers..

Yes, the heroes can easily decimate a battalion of con- Small fires, erratic gunshots, falling bricks or deep
ventional soldiers. Let them! Let them feel that huge cracks in the street are hardly a threat. Telekinetic me-
separation between them and basic foes. All normal teors, magma geysers, gamma pulses, or freeze waves
human foes are 1 HP and do 1 point of damage when are another. Mix ‘em up to keep the variety nutso.
attacking. Then, when they get all gassed up, bring the
huge, immune, unstoppable bad-ass. The magic is in WHEN YOU’RE BRUTAL, GO HOG WILD
variety. You may cringe at first, but if you want to challenge
them, you have to go BIG. Do 4D12 STUN, or 4D12 ar-
ONLY TRACK STUN AS DAMAGE mor-piercing HP. Hit them HARD or they will shrug it off
Bad guys don’t worry about SP costs. They only have a and rock on. Make them hide.
STUN STAT for taking damage.
CONSOLIDATE GROUPS OF COMBATANTS This is a super human story. Every BLOB of game play
40 ninja can be cumbersome to run. Combine 1 to- should have some kind of doom to press time, confine
ken or mini with a counter. ‘This is 10 ninja.’ The table them, and keep them moving. Be blunt.
won’t be as cool, but reinforce the insanity with your
descriptions of the chaos. LET GO OF PRECISION SOLUTIONS
With so many wild movement options, and so much
PUT VILLAINS’ FOCUS ON INNOCENTS happening, let your locations be fluid and descriptive
The best way to hurt heroes is to crush, threaten, or rather than literal, grid-bound, or specific. Just be sure
trap innocents. The heroes’ challenge becomes saving to keep a sense of how far FAR is.
rather than surviving. Use this.
PLAYERS TRACK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE Use the elements, STUN, concussion, armor-shattering
Be very clear with your players that you’re trusting sound waves, and all kinds of weird damage to keep
them to keep detailed track of everything. Even use them guessing. Billy clubs do not impress supers.
them to track enemy HP or STUN, or roll for bystander
casualties. The Gamgee rule, ‘share the load.’ STUMP RATHER THAN KILL
Overall, use your hazards moreso to befuddle, baffle,
CONSIDER THE NO-ROLL ACTION flummox or immobilize the heroes rather than hoping
Give some of your baddies no-roll POWERS. Do lots of for TPK’s or near death battles. Pin them down, make
STUN damage to frighten players. No roll saves time, them unable to reach the goal, or cause collateral dam-
scares players, and sets a supers game apart from your age to wound them. Think bigger than your average
average romp in Alfheim. fantasy game. This is Vigilante City!

To begin a session, campaign, or storyline brainstorm, here are some rising evils that fit the aftermath of the
Mutant Crisis. Place your story somewhere between 2025 and 2040. Sometimes as GM you need do nothing
more than introduce the dire times ahead, and players will devise their own response. Think of the EVIL SCHEME
as the opening page of your special edition comic book. Yellow boxes lay out the looming threat as our heroes
assemble. Choose or let the dice decide!


1: Second Crisis Build a device that will unleash another wave of mutations
2: Reversion Ray Complete a weapon that nullifies all POWERS
3: Winter Soldiers Find and awaken a group of ultra-powerful super soldiers
4: Worldwide Extend the conditions of Grey Heights to the entire earth
5: Amnesty Day Release all imprisoned or contained super villains on a single day
6: Cleansing Humans are a sickness. This plan will end them
7: New Eden Establish and populate a remote home for super humans
8: The High Table Eliminate the world’s highest criminals to create a monopoly
9: Gateway Open a cosmic doorway to allow entry for craven forces
10: Area 43 Acquire and control relics and materials from alien technology
11: High Stakes Force super humans into a twisted game of survival
12: Meteor Allow a meteor from space to hit earth to acquire cosmic minerals


1: Brain X He has devised a fool proof plan with several safeguards
2: Destroyer Sheer combat power and survival skill will see his plan done
3: Dr Atom Mere mortals can’t fathom the dimensions he will fold
4: Ezra Evil She’ll hack city’s computers to turn everyone against each other
5: God’s Hand Undead Egyptian creatures aid her evil plans
6: Goo Jira He randomly rampages to get what he wants
7: Green Man A manipulative plan will present several dead ends and decoys
8: Incinerator He never speaks. He only burns it all down
9: The Iron Clan It is impossible to find who is masterminding their legions
10: Monstro His plan unfolds one grisly murder at a time
11: Pharaoh An untouchable demigod who fears no one
12: RAX RAX operates his plan from a ship in orbit



STUN: 30


MIND RAY: A blast of STUN force in all directions. All

enemies within FAR roll CON or take 1D12 STUN
SABOTAGE: With an INT roll, Brain X can transmit a
jamming beam into any 1 piece of LOOT. That LOOT
does not function for 4 ROUNDS
TRAP: Nano magnets have been pre-placed by Brain X.
With this action he activates them. All enemies he can

see must roll DEX or be stuck in place until making a
HARD STR roll to break free
REVEAL: Roll your INT against Brain X’s INT roll. If he
wins, a vision of your inevitable failure breaks your will
to resist him for 1D4 ROUNDS
BLINDING FLARE: A burning magnesium burst ex-
plodes. All who can see it must roll DEX to turn away or
be blinded for 4 ROUNDS
ION BEAM: Brain X uses his ruby retinas to fire a deadly
beam of energy. The beam always does 12 HP damage
on a single target he can see

FIGHT AND MONOLOGUE: Any time Brain X is in com-

It unknown how the gigantic brain on this villain be- bat with other super humans, he cannot resists the
came attached to its cybernetic body. The brain is held urge to reveal his plans, remind heroes of the frailties,
in a transparent duranium fluid capsule, and can be or wax profound on the inferiority of the human race.
transported to any cybernetic vessel. His strange intel-
lect has no grasp of human suffering. SELF PRESERVATION: Brain X uses minions and ser-
vants to fight mostly, and will always have an escape
route (or three) prepared. He has no interest in death,
PLANS WITHIN PLANS: Brain X has thoroughly consid- and will even switch sides, negotiate or surrender to
ered every possible outcome with such precision, he survive.
can re-roll ANY roll once.
NEMESIS: KID: Brain X cannot stand child supers. If a
POWER SOURCE: This villain requires a battery, gener- KID is among his enemies, he will foolishly go out of his
ator, or other form of fuel cell to function. If this can be way to defeat them first, even at his own risk.
detached and/or depleted, he loses use of 1 ACTION
option per ROUND.



STUN: 50


ASSAULT RIFLES: Both rifles fire in a spray. All targets

not in cover, and in front of Destroyer, must roll DEX to
evade or take 1D12 + 1D6 HP bullet damage
SMART MISSILE: A green laser sight targets 1 creature.
As long as the dot is there, that target will be hit with a
tiny missile each ROUND, rolling CON when hit. A suc-
cessful roll halves 1D12 HP and 1D12 STUN

ADAPTIVE SABERS: These melee weapons can over-
come any form of superhuman damage immunity. De-
stroyer attacks with a double melee flurry. The sabers
do 1D8 each
GRAPPLE SLAM: A micro grapple unit fires with an at-
tack roll. The victim is grappled and pulled to Destroy-
er’s CLOSE range instantly, and takes WEAPON dam-
age. The grapple then releases
STUN PULSE: All enemies within FAR must roll CON or
take 1D12 STUN damage from this sonic attack
ROGUE UNIT: After 2 ROUNDS of combat with a foe,
Destroyer can acquire and use 1 POWER from an ene-
my as one of his ACTIONS
DYNAMIC: Destroyer uses extreme amounts of move-
ment to keep battles in his favor. HE often fights while
Destroyer is a mysterious, amoral mercenary in the pulling back, taking cover, or relocating to better shoot-
highest sense. He works for any employer who can af- ing ground. Any roll needed to do such maneuvers are
ford him, taking payment only in platinum bars. His or- always EASY for him.
igin and purpose are completely unknown.
LUCKY: He hasn’t made it this far on skill alone. De-
stroyer can re-roll any roll he doesn’t like once per en-
NOTHING PERSONAL: Destroyer will not fight with or counter.
harm those who are not directly between him and his
objective. IF his objective is achieved, he will cease all NEMESIS: VETERAN: Being a combat veteran himself,
conflict unless fighting to survive. He simply leaves the Destroyer will go to great lengths to avoid engaging or
scene. harming veterans or mercenaries. Call it respect.



STUN: 100


ACCELERATE: Move any current TIMER ahead 1D4

ROUNDS instantly. Time also jumps to whoever won
the ‘who goes first’ roll of the encounter
SLOW: Any current TIMER is set to its highest value
ERASE: Any event in the previous ROUND can be un-
done by this being, but only 1 such event. The effects
of this change are unpredictable

QUANTUM DEFENSE: Dr Atom recovers any previous
damage, and raises the TARGET by 1
MESSENGER: One creature Dr Atom can see must
make an INT roll or do its bidding for 2 ROUNDS
STAFF OF STARS: The being strikes with a cosmic weap-
on, with no roll. 1 CLOSE target takes 1D12 HP and SP

DR ATOM is the newspaper name given to ‘Vega Prime,’

an extragalactic visitor. In reality, this being is far darker
than any doomsday headline. It is a being that heralds
the annihilation of planets, and insures their doom.

AVATAR POWER: A creature formed from star-ener-

gy and cosmic rays has powers unthinkable to most.
Choose any 5 POWERS and give them to Dr Atom, at no FALLIBLE: Though Dr. Atom is seemingly limits, its pow-
SP cost for any usage. er does draw from the physical universe. It also has
a limited mind, sometimes crippled by demihuman
RESILIENT: No matter how hard you blast this being, thinking.
Dr. Atom can only take 1 HP damage for any 1 attack.
NEMESIS: MAGE: Wizards operate in a much-doubt-
REASSEMBLE: If Dr. Atom is defeated, blown to bits or ed realm of unseen energy. Even further afield is the
worse, it will reassemble in 1D4 ROUNDS to continue quantum manipulation of the being called ‘Dr Atom’
its purpose. There are many theories on how to over- in the tabloids. For this reason, this OFFWORLDER will
come this. always fight them first.


ROLLS: +12 CHA, +8 INT

STUN: 10


HACK: Any electronically-controlled LOOT or POWERS

do not function within FAR of Ezra. By using this prop-
erty as an ACTION she commands any 1 such object for
1 ROUND with no roll
GIVE UP: She sits down and stops whatever conflict
may be occurring. She can be difficult to budge for 1D4

CONSIDER OPTIONS: Roll CHA vs. Ezra. The winner can
have whatever way they are proposing until this con-
test goes the other way
SEDUCE: With a CHA roll, Ezra convinces one person of
her cause, in all its twisted glory. This person is com-
pletely taken with her purpose for 1D4 ROUNDS
SMOKE: Ezra finds a place to sit and smokes. All who
can see her must roll CHA or delay all their plans for
STILETTO: Ezra becomes suddenly, violently angry. She battles, stabs or blasts any opponent. It is beneath her.
hurls one of her high heels at a victim,piercing any ar- Fighting is for little boys and wild beasts.
mor or immunities for WEAPON damage. IF she has
thrown both shoes, shoe will move to one and use it CYBERPUNK: Ezra is, secretly, one of the most advanced
if possible AI beings in existence. She is a child of the internet
‘ghost’ that was speculated about for thirty years. She
is a manifestation, an immortal, an ironic commentary
There’s goth, there’s vintage, there’s evil, and then on all the satire of the dooms of time. This far-flung,
there’s Ezra. Her female sadism is matched only by her detached, synthetic, ruby-eyed mentality is both fasci-
vast intelligence and sinister wit. She is bored but never nating and terrible to all those who meet her.
boring, a true siren to all. A siren of shadow.
NEMESIS: CREATURE: Ezra will divert her creepy
schemes if a CREATURE is present. She will do anything
MEN, MEN, MEN: Ezra is tired of hearing about the to SEDUCE and befriend the CREATURE, even at her
plans, blunders, feuds and ambitions of men. She finds own risk.
them childish, simple, and far past their time. If any sit-
uation has a chance to make a man drop to his knees,
she will go out of her way to do so.





BLOOD: All who oppose God’s Hand in the

Immediate area must roll CON or drop to 1 HP and 1
SP instantly
FROGS: God’s Hand choose a single target she can see.
They are transformed into a heap of frogs for 1 ROUND
DARKNESS: This being uses magical darkness to focus
her and her enemies’ attention. The darkness starts

at FAR from her and extends for miles, leaving only a
small area of visible space to serve her grim attention.
Once evoked, the target raises by 3, and the darkness
lasts until she chooses to end it, or is somehow dis-
tracted from maintaining it
STORMS: As a harbinger of destruction, God’s Hand
uses tornadoes and lighting storms to raze cities or
destroy foes. Once evoked, the wind must be fought
with STR rolls, and lighting will strike in 3 random plac-
es per ROUND, doing 3D12 HP and 1D12 SP damage to
those hit. If continuing for more than 4 ROUNDS, such
a storm can destroy a building or small town
LOCUSTS: With an INT roll, Locusts are summoned and
get 1 free WEAPON attack on any foes in sight
DEATH: God’s Hand chooses one target and moves to-
ward the, They get a CON roll, or drop dead instantly.
This victim is not just at 0 HP, but fully dead, revivable
only by resurrection or cosmic means. Regeneration,
Immunity and the like do not apply INDESTRUCTIBLE: God’s Hand is a form of ANGEL (See
ICRPG MAGIC). She can use the ANGEL’s abilities too, if
need be. Like those entities, she is utterly indestructi-
God’s Hand is a name given to this being, who never ble and can only be defeated by containing or banish-
speaks. Her power is terrifying, though, and is gener- ing her in some way.
ally believed responsible for biblical events of earth’s
turbulent history. NEMESIS: AVATAR: Celestial rivals enrage this creature,
and she will always focus on them first.



STUN: 100


SMASH: His fists become giant spiked flails and crush

any 1 target or object he attacks to 0 HP. This applies to
objects as large as a bus
PSEUDOPOD: The gelatinous ooze extends to FAR
range and pierces anything in a straight line. Targets so
pierced must roll DEX or be reduced to 0 HP instantly
SPLIT: Goo Jira splits into two selves. Whatever HEARTS
he has at that time are divided between the two
GROW: Goo Jira roars and grows in mass by 50%, gain-
ing 1 HEART and healing all damage
ABSORB: Sticky tendrils whip and entangle a target,
engulfing 1D4 pieces of LOOT and grappling the victim
LIQUID: Goo Jira takes the form of a thin liquid to es-
cape or relocate. This action reunites any splits, heals
damage, and adds a HEART

The mutant crisis of 2024 was worse on some than oth-

ers. Goo Jira, the super name for Henry Morris of 143rd
Street, was caught in a chemical spill when the muta-
tion wave hit Vigilante City. His unstable form, already LOST MEMORIES: Somewhere inside Goo Jira, Henry
a terror at that time, became worse, and he is barely Morris is still lost in a confusion of anger and shape
human anymore. Mostly, he is driven by rage, confu- changing misery. If his memories could be triggered, of
sion, and envy. a life lost, he could be reached, maybe even reasoned
IMMUNITY: Goo Jira can only be injured with energy NEMESIS: OFFWORLDER: The liquid phenomenon that
or chemical attacks. Fire, metal, bullets and the like are afflicts Goo Jira is known in the outer planets, and off-
simply absorbed into his goo mass. worlders have adaptive energy weapons that can nul-
lify it. Goo Jira hates these beings, as they threaten to
DISGUISE: He can’t do it in combat, but Goo Jira can rob him of his might. Ironically, these offworlders could
take the shape of an ordinary person on the street, cure him of his horrific condition.
with very subtle distorted features.



STUN: 20


THUMPER PISTOL: A pistol WEAPON that never misses

and inflicts 3 SP even if resisted
STABBY: Green Man slices and dances around. His tar-
get takes 1D4 WEAPON cuts
ALL TEETH: If very CLOSE, Green Man will bite his en-
emy’s face, ears or nose off. This can only be avoided
with a DEX roll to avoid his freakishly fast attack

GREEN GAS: From micro nozzles in his tailored suit,
Green Man releases a cloud of poisonous gas. All with-
in FAR that breathe must roll CON or fall unconscious
for 1 ROUND
NANO BOMB: A colorful marble rolls across the floor,
then explodes. It inflicts 2D12 HP and 1D12 SP to all
those not in cover, including Green Man himself
BRING THE CAR AROUND: With a hidden transmitter,
Green Man summons his supercar and 1D8 tuxedo’d
henchmen. They arrive instantly

Green Man is the inevitable lunatic megalomaniac/

prankster super criminal driven by some twisted sense
of chaotic amusement that is unpredictable, nihilistic, DOPPLEGANGER: Using a secret note at your table,
and long winded. Whoever he really is, he was crazy to replace one hero character with Green Man in a hy-
start. Decades in Grey Hills Asylum, countless plots and per realistic disguise. The player plays as himself, but
supers battles, and a bath in toxic chemicals just made secretly plying Green Man’s current scheme. The du-
it worse. ration of this predicament is limited by the actual he-
ro’s ability to escape a secret hiding place, where they
are bound with +15 STR energy manacles and gag. The
SELF PRESERVATION: Green Man will join any side, fac- outcome of this situation is widely variable.
tion or team to work his devious schemes. He is driv-
en to survive, spread chaos, and watch members of all NEMESIS: SUPER SOLDIER: Green Man is sickened and
sides squirm and suffer. bored by the discipline and focus of anything military.



STUN: 30


FLAME BURST: With an attack roll, Incinerator sprays a

target with a stream of burning plasma, inflicting 1D12
HP and destroying 1D4 pieces of LOOT instantly
SMOKE BOMB: This wall of thick smoke obscures all vi-
sion, as FAR in radius, and dissipates after 1D6 ROUNDS
ACCELERANT: Incinerator covers a huge area, all he
can see, with gel-based nitro fuel. In contact with any

flame, this sticky gel will burn like a FLAME BURST for
1D4 ROUNDS, with the same effects. This fire also
burns in vacuum or underwater
JET SLIDE: A DEX roll lets Incinerator dart to any loca-
tion in the current scene instantly
PURGE: Venting his nitro pack releases a wave of heat.
All those within FAR roll CON or take 6 SP
RESPIRATOR BOOST: Incinerator injects an adrenaline
compound into his breather mask. This heals all his
current damage and STUN, and adds 1 to all his rolls

CINDER LABS: Deep in the warehouses of Smog Alley,

This is the worst kind of pyromaniac: one with proto- Incinerator has an extensive laboratory for developing
type military hardware and an endless appetite to see new flammable compounds and devices. This lair is
it all burn. Some say the fire has driven him mad behind stocked with all kinds of stolen military hardware, but
that mask, but no one knows his actual identity, or why Incinerator works alone with no henchmen or thugs.
he wants to destroy Vigilante City.
NEMESIS: POWER ARMOR: Most titanium-based ar-
mor is heat resistant enough to withstand Incinerator’s
FAIL-SAFES: Incinerator’s volatile chemicals are tri- fire. This drives him mad, but he will generally seek to
ple-failsafe against sabotage or catastrophic failure. escape any fight that isn’t his advantage. For year she
There are no known means to explode or ignite his has been trying to develop an accelerant that will ig-
main pack, as they use a three-part chemical reaction nite any form of metal. If he succeeds, the inferno will
system. Independently, each of these chemicals is in- be truly limitless.



ACTIONS (1 PER TURN, PER NINJA) The Iron Clan is an ancient, silent order of deadly as-
sassins with an unclear purpose. They have no leader,
STUN: 10 PER ASSASSIN and a seemingly infinite number in their ranks. They
are most often found in the employ of high powered
WE ARE MANY: With this action, 1D6 more assassins villains. Up close, the Iron Clan do not even seem hu-
appear, usually ‘cloning’ out of others, who were serv- man, as they have empty white eyes.
ing to conceal their allies
ODACHI SLASH: A WEAPON attack with terrible speed FLAWLESS: Iron Clan assassins cannot be told apart,
SHURIKEN: A ranged WEAPON fear nothing, fight in perfect unison, and share a com-
SMOKE JUMP: With a puff of smoke, an assassin can mon will with no deviation.
relocate to any location in the current scene instantly
UNIFY: Several assassins reform or use visual trickery
NUMBERS: When appearing, a group of Iron Clan will
to combine their numbers. Usually used as an escape
method always number 12 or more.
COLLATERAL DAMAGE: The Iron Clan with cut down
power lines, start fires, destabilize buildings, or kill in- NEMESIS: NONE: The Iron Clan do not choose favor-
nocents to disrupt and lure their foes ites, feel vengeance, or become distracted from their
purpose in any way. They feel no hatred toward their




STUN: 40

CHUNK 1: RAZOR CLAW: 10 HP, Ultimate melee attack,

no roll, CLOSE range
CHUNK 2: SAW SPINES: 10 HP, Poison-tipped barbs
used in a melee attack that do ULTIMATE SP damage
CHUNK 3: DART SPITTER: 10 HP, Darts fly in all direc-
tions, inflicting WEAPON damage. If the darts are not
‘picked out’ of the skin, they will do WEAPON damage

again every ROUND until removed
CHUNK 4: INK JET: 10 HP, A spray of black mist and
slime obscures vision NEAR for 1 ROUND. Monstro also
vanishes in the mire, reappearing anywhere he choos-
es within FAR
CHUNK 5: HYDRO RAY: 10 HP, Monstro launches a gout
of bio liquid from his unhinged jaw. It corrodes metal
doing 1D12 extra damage, and does WEAPON damage
to all enemies in front of Monstro
CHUNK 6: CRUMBLER: 20 HP, the creature simply
smashes things: small buildings, cars, phone booths,
small crowds, coffee stands, power stations. This re-
quires no roll. If used on an enemy, they are instantly
reduced to 0 SP and 0 HP

Part insect, part leech, part sea urchin, part cobra. KOOL AID MAN: Monstro usually makes his entrance
Monstro is an evil amalgam of predatory DNA. It was to a scene by smashing through a wall, already on
originally an experiment performed by Brain X to devel- some kind of rampage. He is disruptive to villains and
op a super-powered army, but Monstro destroyed the heroes alike.
lab and went on a rampage. His motivations are not
fully understood. NEMESIS: MUTANT: Other mutants draw Monstro’s
attention, because he hates the thought of mutation,
and monstrous things in all forms. He will fight to snuff
ABLATIVE DEFENSES: Monstro’s HEART of HP can only mutants first, even at his own peril.
be harmed once his CHUNKS are destroyed. Remem-
ber the abilities of destroyed CHUNKS cannot be used.




STUN: 100

SAND: Pharaoh can conjure, control, shape or destroy

sand, concrete or stone in any form. This includes
trapping heroes in sinking sand pits, creating crushing
pillars of sandstone, crumbling buildings, or creating
whirlwinds of abrasive sand
WIND: Pharaoh has complete control of air, including
gale force winds, snuffing fires, or even pulling the air

from a space entirely
SNAKES: Pharaoh can summon dozens of snakes, a sin-
gle gigantic snake, control snakes, or even change his
underlings in snakes. These can all attack, some ven-
omous, as normal
CRUSH: When angry, Pharaoh will smash with his fists.
An y victim attacked is dropped to 1 HP and o SP in-
BLESS: This POWER bestows Pharaoh’s minion of
choice with immense power. That target is treated as if
rolling maximum of every die for 4 ROUNDS
RAISE DEAD: With a gesture, Pharaoh can raise any
dead creatures within his sight, or those nearby below
ground, to do his bidding

SANDSTONE: Pharaoh resists 10 points of HP and SP

Pharaoh is a demigod, from whom the Egyptian em- on every attack against him.
perors all descended. Moreso, he is a tyrant for the
ages, moving down through the centuries to dominate GOLDEN: Any item on Pharaoh, be it bracelet, belt,
and destroy mankind. headpiece, skirt, or sandals, is a masterwork of gold
and lapis, and worth tens of millions of dollars.

NEMESIS: MAGE: No mortal draws Pharaoh’s ire more

UNBEATABLE: Pharaoh does not need to make rolls than mages. In his opinion, mages dabble with forc-
for any reason unless he has 2 HEARTS or less. His AC- es they are unworthy to meddle with, and should be
TIONS auto-succeed. snuffed out slowly, painfully, for all their allies to wit-





CHAIN SWORD: A vicious Imperium WEAPON. Rax at-

tacks with no roll and always does 1D12+4 damage
ENERGY CANNON: With a ranged attack roll, Rax fires
a triple shot energy gun that inflicts 3D8 HP and SP
damage on 1-3 targets
HOLOGRAM PROJECTOR: With this action, Rax creates
a totally convincing hologram of anything up to the size

of a bus nearby. The hologram can animate and use
sound as well, making it a devious tactical tool
RECOVERY UNIT: Rax recovers 1 HEART with no roll
DRONE PACK: 1D4 combat drones fly out from Rax’s
chest pack. They each have 1 HEART and attack with a
simple energy gun on Rax’s TURN until destroyed
DRAIN UNIT: Rax focuses on 1 enemy, grabs them,
and drains them. The victim loses 1 HEART, which Rax
gains, and 1 POWER, which Rax also absorbs. A CON
roll by the victim can recover the POWER

Imperator Rax is an Imperium Ghost Armor from deep

space, known to appear in many forms in various time
streams. He is an agent and herald of that cruel tyran- ATTACK SHIP: Rax travels in a fully armed Imperium
nical empire. His arrival is usually a signal that The Im- battleship, with a full crew of Squag infantry. The ship
perium will invade or attack soon. is massive, and remains cloaked in orbit while Rax per-
forms his objectives.
GHOST IN THE SHELL: Rax is a non-material skull en- NEMESIS: OFFWORLDER: The cosmic community is all
tity that exists in a canister of ectoplasmic gas. IF his too familiar with The Imperium and their goal to domi-
power armor is destroyed, the skull will escape with nate the time lines. If Rax encounters an Offworlder, he
the FLIGHT POWER and find a new mechanical host to will postpone any objective to capture, interrogate and
utilize. kill, no matter the cost or risk.

vigilante city

The streets are dark, more brown outs roll across the blocks
Those shadows hide more than th Iron Clan,
they hide this city’s pessimism... its rotten core...

Not all of Vigilante City still has power. Recent times have seen an increase in sub-city infrastructure such as
commuter tunnels and speak easys. Some buildings have been destroyed in super battles. Below is a map,
which will match your map from Survive This! Vigilante City, but modified to highlight the changes after the
Mutant Crisis. Once the players have formed whatever their version of a team may be, they should choose a
home location below, and prepare for action!

1: The Docks Warehouses and high end clubs
2: Gothic Quarter Slums, darkness, ruin and little power
3: Smog Alley Factory district, shipping port
4: Uptown High rises, office buildings, river park
5: Downtown Neighborhoods, stadium, some ruin
6: The Towers High end skyscrapers and tech area

The waterfront North of town includes a large area This huge part of town is the size of a small city itself,
from Ash Island to Alder Bay. It is a mostly industrial with blocky tenants, low-roofed plazas, tree-lined
area, peppered with dive bars, fish shacks, tall fences, streets and trash-cluttered alleys. It isn’t a ghetto per
wrecking yards and other scenic spots. Roll 1D6 within se, but it sure isn’t Uptown. Roll 1D6 or use the 1D12
the District, or use the ‘clock’ 1D12 roll to zoom in. ‘clock’ to zoom in on a 4-5 block area.


This dark island, now without power and overgrown, There is a 3 mile stretch of bike paths, small grassy parks
was once home to a military ‘containment camp’ for and rocky beach along the West side of this area. By
those afflicted with anthropomorphic mutations. It has day it’s a haven for family outings, by night it’s known
a dark past, and the feel of an abandoned asylum or to shelter low level criminal operations and exchanges.
disease ward.
2: STERLING PIER One of the largest subway rail yards in the city is here,
The biggest, busiest shipping port is this series of docks, with routes converging from all over. This has become
cranes, cargo containers and forklifts. It’s a maze of in- a bit of a no man’s land, as power can be scarce and it
dustrial equipment and tanker trucks, all under heavy gets very dark in the yard by night. Taggers rejoice.
3: FISH ROW One of the worst ghettos in Vigilante City is here, with
Along the water there is a run down set of shacks, older tenants, low rent housing, huge areas without water or
boats, chowder houses and windowless taverns. This is power, and rampant street crime.
the original pier, now populated by salty sea dogs and
rotted out woodwork. 4: BARRICADE ZONE
A battle between super humans in 2027 destroyed part
4: ALDER BAY PRISON of the city here, and left a radioactive crater a hundred
Alder Bay was once a prison boasting over 1500 in- yards across. The entire area is barricaded off and un-
mates. It is now super max facility with only 12 high der military surveillance.
powered inmates, all under special containment. The
buildings no longer in use are in disrepair and ruin, but 5: RED LIGHT RAVENNA
the central prison is up to date. Ravenna is a part of town known for high end crime.
Brothels, speak easies, and full on bunkers pepper the
5: THE DRAG neighborhood.
A straight, wide highway bisects this part of town, with
6 lanes, numerous shops and clubs, and few stop lights. 6: CATHOLIC ROW
For these reasons, it’s a cruiser’s paradise. In stark contrast to Ravenna, a series of old cathedrals
lines 120th street. Most of them date back a hundred
6: OLD DRY DOCKS years or more. The crime families of the area, and su-
Giant concrete bays, cable winches and tool sheds line per humans, have made a pact never to bring the fight
this area, where freighters and cruise liners go for re- there. So far, that pact has held.
pairs or refurbish jobs. There are un-railed drop offs

Grey Heights started its life as a steel-milling town The heart of the city is still functional and well-lit.
and shipping hub, moving raw materials on Alder Bay. Parking garages are like bunkers, and the skyscrapers
Those days are long gone, but the colossal iron infra- are armored below the 10th floor. Neon nightlife and
structure remains. There are very few people in this street racing are not uncommon, and police have a
area, even by day. substantial presence here, especially near City Hall.


Huge rusted pipes, dormant forges, chain hoists and The ruin of Vigilante City is held at bay here. The streets
loading docks are all that’s left of these complex, maze- are clean, parking is 10$ an hour. The white marble and
like refineries. busy sidewalk culture makes it seem as life is still nor-
These buildings are gigantic, hollow shells built with 2: THE SILVER VALLEY
iron girders and sheet metal roofs. They are home to The wealthy and powerful have kept a manicured,
pigeons and vagrants mostly, but a select few are used gated community intact despite all the chaos. These
for secret military hardware, criminal hideouts, or the sprawling estates are all guarded by private security,
perfect place to take a kidnapped mayor. some of them super human.


Huge piles of wrecked cars, construction vehicles and There is a huge cobbled park here, where people gath-
scrap metal are interconnected by oil-soaked gravel er on weekends for street fairs, car shows, and outdoor
roads. This is a lifeless place. music. It is a huge area, punctuated by marble statues
of safari wildlife.
During the Mutation Crisis of 2024, a huge fire broke 4: ALDER PARK
out here, and burned everything to the girders. It is Along the riverfront is a very different park. This wood-
now a dark skeletal landscape. ed area has become home to Vigilante City’s homeless
population, and the crime that often goes with it.
A rudimentary set of docks are here, mostly just aban- 5: MADISON STREET
doned concrete jetties now. One central area boasts more skyscrapers and top end
banking buildings than any other: Madison Street.
6: THE SUMP Glass and steel still stand tall and pristine. You can al-
At the East end of Smog Alley is a series of tanks and most smell the money.
drainage pools used to treat, store and re-use industri-
al waste water and other hazardous material. Since the 6: THE KITCHEN
fall of this area, the pools have grown truly toxic with Just 4 blocks from Madison is The Kitchen, a lively,
neglect, and the giant tanks threaten to leak with age. multi-cultural culinary district, club scene, and mid-
dle-income neighborhood known for great music, bet-
ter food, and family living.

The East side of town is a diverse city with many dif- Standing above it all on the original town site is this
ferent nooks and crannies, neighborhoods, ethnicities highly secure financial district and shopping area. No
and its own problems. One block can be friendly bode- less than a dozen skyscrapers densely pack the hilltop,
gas and kids on bikes, the next burnt out houses and forming a strange foreground to the old asylum be-
no power. It’s just too big to classify. yond. Most roads in and out are gated or tolled.


The only area with reliable power and emergency ser- The hilltop is accessible only by the truly elite. Every-
vices is Whitestone. A few bigger buildings accent the thing is gated, the streets empty, and the sidewalk
neighborhoods here, but nothing over 4 stories. immaculate. 20 stories up is where life begins, with
shops, bars and clubs for the richest of the rich.
A huge, spacious area of low income housing covers 2: THE BELTWAY
a lot of ground here. The people have adapted to the The upper city is ringed by a high speed freeway. It is a
semi-ruined doom of their home, and stick together in huge structure, 30 feet above the street, 8 lanes, con-
tight knit neighborhood watches and vigil groups. crete guard rails. A favorite haunt for elite street racers
by night, but heavily policed.
The subways barely work here anymore, so the tracks 3: SCIENCE DISTRICT
have just become a haven for drug users and gun bat- Supporting the elite in Apex Center is a series of indus-
tles. Even walking out into those dormant street cars trial parks where research is carried out by various pri-
and tagged tankers is an invitation to fight. vate firms. On any given day there can be brown outs
or small explosions as new technology is developed
4: BAY STADIUM here.
The brightest light of Downtown is Bay Stadium, where
the Grey Hill Rangers still play on Sundays. The stadium 4: THE BLUFFS
holds 30,000 fans, parking is awful, and the whole area A series of super-mansions rings a high cliff area near
is dotted with food trucks and street vendors. town. Each house is no less that 50 rooms on as many
Rivaling The Drag as the best place to cruise in the city, 5: Z CORP SPORTS ARENA
this stretch of road is more notorious, as there are few Finding the stadium dirty and remote, the residents
street lights, police response or power. A street racer’s here funded and built their own hockey/basketball
dream. arena. They also feature the top names in live music
In days past, this area was used to build, repair and 6: GREY HILL ASYLUM
refurbish train cars. It has warehouses, cranes, and An ominous, spired shadow looms over the city here.
cars in various states of assembly, including raw metal It is an immense compound of high-roofed towers and
materials for their construction. Only a few shops still infinite windows, all black-sided among ancient oaks
operate, mostly chopping cars. and brambles. Most people don;t even like to look that
way much less venture there.

When playing a session of ICRPG: Vigilante City, relieve the burden on your GM prep, and enhance the relevant
detail of any scene by using the spotlight method to create playable spaces and scenes. The precepts of this
method are below. This technique will also make it easier for your group to return to locations, backtrack, or
replay locations as stories and scenarios tangle and reveal themselves.

A blob is a playable area of terrain. It can be thought of as the
round area illuminated in a spotlight. This is the kind of focus the
comic book story features, where the world beyond fades to a
dark blur. Let all minds be HERE and HERE only.


Let go of accurately representing a space with your map or game
terrain. You only need the large masses, line of sight blockers, or
objects of interest. This is an RPG! Let imaginations build the rest.


Manholes, streetlights, flagpoles, air vents, bike racks, windows,
or newspaper machines need not be shown or mapped. Let PLAY-
ERS invent the city details. This keeps your map clean and simple
and gives them more agency when inventing crazy feats.


A blob need not be confined by walls. Out there, beyond your area
of attention, are streets, neighborhoods and decaying towers. The
boundary is simply a boundary of attention and story.


How big is a blob? As big as it needs to be to set the scene! Just be
sure to inform players with visual cues.


Every blob of playable space needs a TIMER, a THREAT(s), and a
TREAT(s). See the ICRPG CORE for this fundamental method.


As the GM, you need only keep bullet points for blobs and encoun-
ters. Let the maps ‘live’ at the table. Does it really matter where
the concrete pillar is? The reactor? If you answer yes, you may just
have a damn fascinating piece of game play on your hands.

You’re now ready to create, run, and modify your version of Vigilante City! Most of all, remember that in a super
human story, the action is over the top, the power infinite, and the consequences even more limitless. Go wild,
and let players go wild!

May your dice roll high, you’re the last hope we’ve got.


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