Connected But Alone Essay

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The internet is here, the internet is great, but is it something that we regret?

In the course of the world’s evolution, lots of things have changed. 100 years ago we would
have never imagined that this would be us right now. I'm not only saying this because of the
advances of technology, but also about how we already got to the point of thinking to
ourselves if we really need it, by seeing the way society became in such a small amount of
time. We realized how stupid and dependent we are, and how easily we can be manipulated
by a non living device.
Even by 2012 we were questioning this, when the psychologist Sherry Turkle did a TED talk
about technology and how it isolates us from real life connections. That was 10 years ago,
and the way she expressed her opinion really made it scary for the future, so imagine how we
are now.
Let 's stop there. Turkle made a great analysis and sent a great message, but personally I
disagreed with a few things she said. She made good points, explaining the concept of alone,
together, the idea about how we are constantly hiding from each other through our phones,
followed by the goldilocks effect, and how we find it fair to be not too close and not too far,
just enough.
I agree with the fact that we do often find comfort in talking through the phone rather than in
person, because we can control what we say, and we don't use any tone behind, or expression.
We can edit and delete our posts, messages, tweets, and such, and that helps, but it is still
something to worry about, since we started getting further and further apart from real life
connections. We became not only scared, but actually terrified by awkward silences, we try
to avoid them at all costs by only texting. We lost the quick exchanges, the one on one
conversation about different topics. However, I do think that we are not completely lost, and
that there is hope, especially in younger generations. I don't mean our generation, I mean the
one that was born with a smartphone filming their birth…
That leads us to the next question, will the future leave us with stupid “Ipad babies” that
don’t think for themselves? or with actual human beings that because they were born with
smart technology, they found a fair middle between real life and online life? The answer does
not exist yet, and we definitely cannot imagine what it could be, since society keeps changing
and evolving at the same speed as technology and trends. But the only thing that we can do
now, is trying to find that middle ground ourselves, especially older people. There is a
misconception of teenagers and their use. Yes, we are addicted, and we do need to use our
phones throughout the day so we can maintain attention, and entertainment, but we also
connect in real life, we read books, we socialize, we go out, etc.
I could keep on talking about this forever, making an analysis on also how society is
nowadays, in terms of safety and how they recommend us to stay inside, and the only way
out is through the internet, or how there are people that suffer from social anxiety and found
amazing connections online that simply cannot be matched with real life ones, or even taking
this to a different level, by investigating it on a marketing area, stuff like the algorithm, the
bright colors that we crave to see at least every 30 minutes, and how a phone looks so much
more fun and interesting than a book, but only because it shows a utopian world that we don't
have to read to see, we only have to press a button.
Still, the thing that we have to stay with, is the idea that we can find a healthy control
between these two worlds, but it will take time. For now, we wait, and reflect.

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