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A supervisor is interacting with a team member from a different culture where hierarchy is
important. T's supervisor would like the team member's honest opinion on one of his ideas chances
of eliciting an honest opinion?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses

What does the team think of the idea?

Send me a mail giving me your opinion on this idea.

2. When dealing with multicultural teams, what role does humour play?. Select the correct option(s)
and click Submit.

Humour, when it takes into account the sensibilities of those concerned, can be useful to break the

in a multicultural environment, what is funny in one culture, could be offensive in another Do be

mindful of the jokes you crack

The office is a place of work and humour is best kept out of the workplace.

The person using humour in the workplace risks being perceived as a clown and hence, not taken
seriously As such humour should be avoided in the workplace

3. Food is a good way to establish rapport between people from various cultures. Select the correct
option(s) and click Submit.



4. Why does Mansi feel awkward when Mary praises her? Select the correct option(s) and click

Mansi knows she is the best and does not need Mary's praises

In Mansi's culture, the group takes precedence over the individual Hence Mansi feels self-conscious
when praised

Mansi knows she does not deserve the praise as her contribution was minimal. Hence she feels
uneasy to be showered with so much praise

Mansi wonders if Mary has an ulterior motive for praising her.

5. In a conference call with team members in India, a manager from France asks the manager from
the US who schedules the meetings to rotate the call timing. The reason for this is so that the same
set of people don all the time. Which behavioural trait does the French manager demonstrate?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Showing empathy for people from other countries

Being punctual

Being able to switch perspectives and see things from multiple viewpoints.

All of the options.


6. Which of the following countries has a collectivist culture?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.





7. Why is it that in some collectivist cultures, singling someone out, even if it is to praise, causes
embarrassment and discomfort?

In collectivist cultures, group harmony is very important and Lakes precedence over an individual's
needs and goals.

People from collectivist cultures never do any work independently, hence the question of singling
someone out, even if it to praise. Does not arise.

In collectivist cultures, it is taboo to praise one person as it results in the person getting excluded
from the group.

All of the options.

8. When interacting with someone from a different culture, which of the following should be kept in

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Judge the person based on the quality of the query.

Look at things from the perspective of the other person

Be empathetic, Remember that facets of your curture might seem confusing to an outsider trying to
understand your culture

Make a joke out of the silly questions asked.

9. Depending on the culture, silence could mean different things. What are some of the meanings of
silence in a multicultural team call?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Polite refusal of request


Tool for negotiation

All of the options

10. What aspects of Marc's personality reflect that he is a culturally sensitive and empathetic leader?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

His ensuring that the same people are not inconvenienced because of the time difference across

His ability to frame questions which show that he would like to understand the problem and not look
for a scapegoat for a problem

His French accent.

His ability to multitask.

11. What could Mary have done differently to avoid offending Gyan? Select the correct option(s) and
click Submit.

Mary could have asked questions like: What Indian delicacy would you recommend? Or What is your
favounte local dish? Or, Do you prefer vegetarian or non-vegetarian food?

Mary could have asked her questions to Arati..

ㅁㅁ Nothing. Mary had a question and she asked Gyan about it. There was no need for Gyan to get
so touchy about it.

She could have done some research about Indian culture, particularly about Indian food

12. In a multicultural conference call, which aspect of a US American manager's culture is reflected,
when he says: "Let's get on with the agenda"? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Focus on tasks

Focus on the long term benefits of the engagement

Focus on relationships

Focus on multi-tasking

13. In a multicultural conference call, which aspect of a US American manager's culture is reflected,
when he says: "Let's get on with the agenda"?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Focus on tasks

Focus on the long term benefits of the engagement

Focus on relationships

Focus on multi-tasking

14. A supervisor is interacting with a team member from a different culture where hierarchy is
important. The supervisor would like the team member's honest opinion on one of his ideas. Which
of the Supervisor's comm Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

chances of eliciting an honest opinion?

An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of this idea will be useful.

What do you think of the idea?

What does the team think of the idea?

Send me a mail giving me your opinion on this idea.

15. Which of the following statements should one be most careful about when communicating in a
multicultural environment?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

What you say

How you say

How to say what you say

None of the options

17. Apart from country culture, what other factors could influence interaction with someone from a
different culture? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Organisation culture

Team Culture

The culture of a close friend.

An individual's environment

18. When interacting with someone from a different culture, which of the following should be kept
in mind? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Judge the person based on the quality of the query.

Look at things from the perspective of the other person.

Be empathetic. Remember that facets of your culture might seem confusing to an outsider trying to
understand your culture.

Make a joke out of the silly questions asked.

19. Which of the following countries has a collectivist culture? Select the correct option(s) and click





20. As a team lead, should you praise a team member in public, even when he/she appears to be
visibly uncomfortable being praise? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Yes. It is a good practice to praise and highlight team members publicly as it motivates them to work

Yes. You have always liked being praised in public and you feel that even if the associate is uneasy in
the beginning he/she will get used to it gradually.
No. You should be sensitive to your team member's needs. If praising him/her in public is making
him/her self-conscious, perhaps you might want to think of other ways to motivate hither

No. If your team member does not appreciate being praised, he/she can do without it.


21 Gyan, Arati and Mansi all belong to the same country culture, yet each one is motivated by
something different. Why? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Country culture is just one of the parameters for deciding human behaviour. Other factors that
decide what motivates should be considered too

Country culture is a myth, else people from the same country would have all behaved in the same

Although Mansi, Gyan and Arabs are all Indians, they have been brought up in different conditions.
Hence their values and motivations are not identical

All of the options.


22. In which of the following countries would hierarchy be important during team interactions?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.





23. Which of the following is an empathetic practice when geographically dispersed team members
join calls from different time zones?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Keep the call timings the same for everyone so that people can schedule other tasks accordingly

Rotate call timings so that no particular location is at a disadvantage.

Ensure that the call timing sults the most senior member of the team.
Ensure that the call timing suits the client

24. What are some of the ways to motivate a multicultural team?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Autonomy to complete tasks

Pulling up a team member in a team call

Challenging work environment

Work-life balance

25. Why does Mansi feel awkward when Mary praises her? Select the correct option(s) and click

Mansi knows she is the best and does not need Mary's praises.

In Mansi's culture, the group takes precedence over the Hence Mans locis self-conscious when

Mansi knows she does not deserve the praise as her contribution was minimal. Hence she feels
uneasy to be showered with so much praise.

Mansi wonders if Mary has an ulterior motive for praising her.

26. A developer of Indian origin receives the Star of the Month award. While accepting it, she says,
"It was team work. What is the most probable reason for saying this?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

She is angry that her peers were not appreciated.

She acknowledges that some of the team members are very competitive.

She is hinting to other members that they should work harder.

She feels awkward. She does not want me others to think of her as set and arrogant


27. Apart from country culture, what other factors could influence interaction with someone from a
different culture?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Organisation culture

Team Culture

The culture of a close friend

An individual's environment

28. When interacting with someone from a different culture, which of the following should be kept
in mind?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Judge the person based on the quality of the query.

Look at things from the perspective of the other person.

Be empathetic. Remember that facets of your culture might seem confusing to an outsider trying to
understand your culture

Make a joke out of the silly questions asked.

29. When responding to a question about your culture, why should you respond empathetically?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

A callous response might hurt the feeling of your counterpart

If you are not sufficiently empathetic, your counterpart might be hesitant to open up to you in

If you are not sufficiently empathetic, you run the risk of appearing insensitive.

It will improve your appraisal rating.

30. Gyan, Arati and Mansi all belong to the same country culture, yet each one is motivated by
something different. Why?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Country culture is just one of the parameters for deciding human behaviour Other factors that
decide what motivates should be considered too.
Country culture is a myth, else people from the same country would have all behaved in the same

Although Mansi, Gyan and Arati are all indians, they have been brought up in different conditions.
Hence their values and motivations are not identical

All of the options.

31. A developer of Indian origin receives the Star of the Month award. While accepting it, she says,
"It was team work". What is the most probable reason for saying this? Select the correct option(s)
and click Submit.

She is angry that her peers were not appreciated.

She acknowledges that some of the team members are very competitive.

She is hinting to other members that they should work harder.

She feels awkward. She does not want the others to think of her as selfish and arrogant.

32. In a multicultural conference call, which aspect of a US American manager's culture is reflected,
when he says: "Let's get on with the agenda"? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Focus on tasks

Focus on the long term benefits of the engagement

Focus on relationships

Focus on multi-tasking

33. When Arati asks Mansi for help with an issue she is facing, what does it mean for Arati?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Arati is incompetent, hence unable to resolve the issue by herself.

Arati is being efficient. Instead of wasting time, she is reaching out to Mansl for help. This will ensure
timely delivery of the project

Arall is focussed towards completing the task on time and sees no shame in collaborating with Mansi

Since Mansi is Arati's senior, Arati would like her to validate that she is on the right track and will
complete the project on time.
34. Apart from country culture, what other factors could influence interaction with someone from a
different culture? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Organisation culture

Team Culture

The culture of a close friend

An individual's environment

35. Why is it that in some collectivist cultures, singling someone out, even if it is to praise, causes
embarrassment and discomfort? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

In collectivist cultures, group harmony is very important and takes precedence over an individual's
needs and goals.

People from collectivist cultures never do any work independently, hence the question of singling
someone out, even if it to praise, does not arise.

In collectivist cultures, it is taboo to praise one person as it results in the person getting excluded
from the group.

All of the options.


When someone from a different culture asks us questions, answers to which appear obvious to us, it
makes sense to pause, and then point out how obvious the facts are, and check if they are joking.

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.



37. In some countries asking for help is a sign of incompetence. How would you help a colleague
from such a culture when he/she needs help but is hesitant to ask for it? Select the correct option(s)
and click Submit.

Instead of waiting for your colleague to ask you for help, offer to help your colleague.
Give your colleague time and hope he/she asks for help.

Ask the team lead to intervené and assign you to help your colleague.

All of the options.

38. Why is it that in some collectivist cultures, singling someone out, even if it is to praise, causes
embarrassment and discomfort? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

In collectivist cultures, group harmony is very important and takes precedence over an individual's
needs and goals.

People from collectivist cultures never do any work independently, hence the question of singling
someone out, even if it to praise, does not arise.

In collectivist cultures, it is taboo to praise one person as it results in the person getting excluded
from the group.

All of the options.


When responding to a question about your culture, why should you respond empathetically? Select
the correct option(s) and click Submit.

A callous response might hurt the feeling of your counterpart.

If you are not sufficiently empathetic, your counterpart might be hesitant to open up to you in

If you are not sufficiently empathetic, you run the risk of appearing insensitive.

It will improve your appraisal rating.

40. When dealing with multicultural teams, what role does humour play? Select the correct option(s)
and click Submit.

Humour, when it takes into account the sensibilities of those concerned, can be useful to break the

In a multicultural environment, what is funny in one culture, could be offensive in another. Do be

mindful of the jokes you crack

The office is a place of work and humour is best kept out of the workplace.

The person using humour in the workplace risks being perceived as a clown and hence, not taken
seriously. As such,

41. Depending on the culture, silence could mean different things. What are some of the meanings
of silence in a multicultural team call? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.
Polite refusal of request


Tool for negotiation

All of the options


42. What are some of the ways to motivate a multicultural team?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Autonomy to complete tasks)

Pulling up a team member in a team call

Challenging work environment

Work-life balance

43. In a conference call with team members in India, a manager from France asks the manager from
the US who schedules the meetings to rotate the call timing. The reason for this is so that the same
set of people do n all the time. Which behavioural trait does the French manager demonstrate?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Showing empathy for people from other countries.

Being punctual.

Being able to switch perspectives and see things from multiple viewpoints.

All of the options.

44. Food is a good way to establish rapport between people from various cultures.

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.



45. Your team member is from a group-focussed, hierarchical culture. Phrasing your statement to
him as "It can be challenging to adjust to a different work culture" is likely to be more successful
than Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

adjusting". Why?

It provides your team member the space to respond to your question without feeling offended.

It gives you the scope to explore multiple perspectives.

There are no advantages in asking questions in a roundabout way.

Asking questions in the third person enables storytelling.

46. Why was Gyan upset when Mary asked him if non-vegetarian food was available in India? Select
the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Gyan felt defensive and wondered if Mary was stereotyping all Indians as vegetarians.

Gyan felt that Mary was being insensitive.

Gyan is a reactive person who does not like Mary.

Gyan was probably over-reacting. It was a simple question asked out of curiosity. He needn't have
got so worked

47. In which of the following countries would hierarchy be important during team interactions?
Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.





48. Which of the following statements should one be most careful about when communicating in a
multicultural environment?

Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

What you say

How you say

How to say what you say

None of the options


Why does Mansi feel awkward when Mary praises her? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Mansi knows she is the best and does not need Mary's praises.

In Mansi's culture, the group takes precedence over the individual Hence Mansi feels self-conscious
when praised.

Mansi knows she does not deserve the praise as her contribution was minimal. Hence she feels
uneasy to be showered with so much praise

Mansi wonders if Mary has an ulterior motive for praising her.

50. Which of the following is an empathetic practice when geographically dispersed team members
join calls from different time zones? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Keep the call timings the same for everyone so that people can schedule other tasks accordingly.

Rotate call timings so that no particular location is at a disadvantage.

Ensure that the call timing suits the most senior member of the team.

Ensure that the call timing suits the client team.


51. When someone's perception of your culture is contrary to your own perception of it, what
should you do? Select the correct option(s) and click Submit.

Laugh at the ridiculous take on your culture.

Hear the person out, and explain how and why the perceptions are different.

Get angry and offended.

Ignore the person and his question

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