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VCR used for Cooling

energy sought Qin

= = = COPC
energy that costs Wcycle

Observation: η E may be >1 (η E > 100% )

The concept of an efficiency being greater than 100%

makes people uneasy. Therefore, the conversion
TL efficiency for a refrigerator is called the Cooling
Coefficient of Performance (COPC). A refrigeration
system that is used for cooling is called a refrigerator.
VCR used for Heating
energy sought Qout
= = = COPH
energy that costs Wcycle

Observation: η E may be >1 (η E > 100% )

The concept of an efficiency being greater than 100%

makes people uneasy. Therefore, the conversion
TL efficiency for a refrigerator is called the Heating
Coefficient of Performance (COPH). A refrigeration
system that is used for cooling is called a heat pump.
Theoretical Carnot Refrigerator
For the Refrigeration cycle …
Qin Qin 1
ηth COP
= = R = =
Wcycle Qout − Qin Qout / Qin − 1
1 1 TL
= = COPR,Carnot =
( Qout / Qin )rev − 1 TH / TL − 1 TH − TL

For the Heat Pump cycle …

Qout Qout 1
ηth COP
= = H = =
TL Wcycle Qout − Qin 1 − Qin / Qout
1 1 TH
= = COPH,Carnot
1 − ( Qin / Qout )rev 1 − TL / TH TH − TL
• Refrigeration cycle
• The cycle is operating in a refrigeration cycle
• The goal is to keep the cold space cold
• Transfer heat from a low-temperature source

• Heat pump cycle

• The cycle is operating in a refrigeration cycle
• The goal is to keep the hot space hot
• Transfer heat to a high-temperature sink

The words refrigeration or heat pump define the goal of the cycle.
What’s Inside?


Refrigerant Properties • Two phase changes
Working fluid = Refrigerant
• Boiling (evaporator)
• Condensing (condenser)
• Low temperature boiling fluids
Refrigerant Naming Convention
Most refrigerants are halogenated hydrocarbons. The naming
convention adopted by ASHRAE is,

R(a-1)(b+1)d = CaHbClcFd c = 2(a – 1) – b – d

Example: R22 (R022)

a − 1= 0 → a= 1 H
b + 1= 2 → b= 1
d =2 F C F chlorodifluoromethane
c= 2 ( a + 1) − b − d
c= 2 (1 + 1) − 1 − 2= 1 Cl
The Pressure-Enthalpy P-h Diagram
Refrigeration Cycle Analysis
= m ( h 2 − h3 )
Q in

= m ( h 2 − h1 )
h3 = h 4

= m ( h1 − h 4 )
The PIdeal VCR Cycle on the P-h Diagram
1-2: Isentropic compression
2-3: Isobaric heat rejection
3-4: Isenthalpic expansion
4-1: Isobaric heat addition
qout = Q out / m
= m ( h 2 − h3 )
3 2

4 = m ( h 2 − h1 )
1 h3 = h 4

qin = Q in / m wc = Wc / m

= m ( h1 − h 4 )
Refrigeration Effect and Capacity
Refrigeration Effect: qin= h1 − h 4

Q in m ( h1 − h 4 )
Refrigeration Capacity: =

Refrigeration capacity is often expressed in tons of

refrigeration. Definition …

1 ton of refrigeration is the steady state heat transfer rate

required to melt 1 ton of ice at 32°F in 24 hours.

1 ton = 12,000 Btu/hr = 3.516 kW

VCR Cycle Irreversibilities

Pressure drop through 2
the condenser 3
Isentropic efficiency
Pressure drop through 4 of the compressor
the evaporator 1

Practical VCR Cycle
P T3 SCT SCT = Saturated Condensing Temperature
DSC = Degrees of Subcooling = SCT – T3

Subcooling increases the

2s 2 refrigeration capacity

Superheating provides a dry

vapor at the compressor inlet

SET = Saturated Evaporating Temperature

DSH = Degrees of Superheat = T1 – SET
• A R-12 simple saturated refrigerating cycle operates at an
evaporating temperature of -10 C and a condensing
temperature of 40 C. Show the effect of increasing the
vaporizing temperature to 5 C
• A simple saturated refrigerating cycle using R-12 as the
refrigerant operates at a condensing temperature of 40 C
and evaporating temperature of -10 C. Show the effect of
increasing the condensing temperature to 50 C
• A simple saturated refrigerating cycle using R-12 as the
refrigerant operates at a condensing temperature of 40 C
and evaporating temperature of -5 C. Show the effect of
superheating the suction vapor from -5 to 15 C.
• A simple saturated refrigerating cycle using R-12 as the
refrigerant operates at a condensing temperature of 40 C
and evaporating temperature of -5 C. Show the effect of
sub cooling the liquid from 40C to 30C before reaching
the expansion valve.

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