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The One Who Made the Clow, Clow Reed

The Clow Cards were created by the wizard Clow Reed, using a combination of
European- and Oriental-style magic. At that time, Clow Reed created an entirely new
style of magic. To contain the incredible power of the Clow Cards, Clow Reed locked
them into the Clow Book. In addition, two magical beings were created by Clow Reed to
watch over the Clow Cards - Cerberus (Keroberos), the Beast of the Seal (represented by
a golden, winged lion on the Book's front cover) and Yue (represented by a winged,
crescent moon on the Book's back cover). These two beings would also watch for anyone
who would be capable of becoming the new master of the Clow Cards, with Kerberos as
the advocate of the candidate and Yue passing the final judgment of worthiness.
However, what time period, or what type of person
he was remains a puzzle.

The Spirits of Cards That Change Form Are Pranksters!?

The spirits from the cards can fly out and change form,
each can switch on their magic suggested by their name
to demonstrate their power. There are cards that come to attack,
and are kind of frightening, cards that steal and mimic voices and
appearances. Although, among the cards, they only want to pull
pranks, there are a few who are relatively harmless.

In Order to Use the Sealed Cards

Use of the sealed cards varies from card to card, some are more cunning, and
some are not so hard to capture. After being sealed or captured, the card's name
is written, and become able to hear the person say the card's name. When using
cards, a staff is used
to release the seal on the card. The card's spirit will return to it's original
appearance, and demonstrate its power.
The Cards
The Windy

The Windy Card one of the elemental cards. Windy looks like a woman with wings
coming out of her forehead and has a gentle personality. As her name follows, Windy is
able to control winds and create powerful whirlwinds, it can also form a chain to tie
targets up.

The Fly

The Fly Card is a giant white bird.. When Fly is used, the wings on the end of Sakura's
staff become massive, allowing the weilder to fly with a passenger on their back
The Shadow
The Shadow Card is a mysterious card able to manipulate shadows. Shadow looks like a
cloaked figure in a black cloak and hood, resembling such fictional characters like
Dementors and Ringwraiths.

The Watery
The Watery Card is one of the four elemental cards. It resembles a blue mermaid, but can
transform into a body of water. It also has a very temperamental personality. Watery is
able to control water and create whirlpools, tidal waves and other watery things.. Water is
able to absorb power from other water-based cards like Rain.

The Rain
The Rain Card is a mischievous card. Able to control rain and create powerful
downpours, Rain sits on a rain cloud enjoying its fun Rain is Cloud's twin.

The Wood

The Wood Card is a gentle spirit who is able to create trees, branches, vines and other
such plants.
The Jump

The Jump Card is a lethal fighter, resembling a toy rabbit with a distorted face. Jump can
jump very high, and also able to control cuddly toys. When Jump is used, wings appear
on the wielder’s feet and they can jump high and great distances.
The Illusion

The Illusion Card is able to project illusions according to the wishes of its user or the
emotions its targets are feeling. As a result, individual viewers of Illusion could have very
different perceptions of what they thought Illusion was. Illusion's true form is similar to a
kaleidoscope, but with no discernible shape.
The Silent

The Silent Card is able to stifle sound and make things purely silent. Silent is also able to
remove the cause of the noise and teleport them to another location.
The Thunder
The Thunder Card is able to summon a bolt of lightning. Its true form is that of a Raijuu,
which appears to be a giant wolf-like animal made of crackling energy.

The Sword

The Sword Card is able to cut through almost anything, including magical barriers. When
held, the user of Sword gains the skills of a master swordsman. Sword's true form is, of
course, a sword.
The Flower
The Flower Card is able to create flowers of various kinds. Alsoit can quickly summon a
storm of petals useful as a defense. Though not malicious, Flower likes to have fun, and
can become enthusiastic in making flowers.

The Shield
The Shield Card is able to create a faint spherical shell around its target, which protects
those within it from both physical and magical attacks. The card has a protective
personality. It appears that its counterpart, The Sword is stronger however, and capable of
piercing its defense.

The Time
The Time Card has the ability to control the flow of time, speeding it up, slowing it down
or even stopping it entirely. It could even reverse time in order to repeat a single day. The
true form of Time is a robed old man with pointed ears, carrying a large hourglass. Using
the immense power of Time can be very taxing on its user.

The Power
The Power Card is able to give its user an incredible amount of physical strength. Her
appearance is a tiny, pink little girl, but this appearance is deceiving since that girl can
casually lift an elephant. The Power loves physical challenges and likes to show off. She
has a huge sense in pride. Power does not seem able to sense the use of The Time.

The Mist
The Mist Card appears to be a thick, green fog with the ability to eat (possibly by acidity)
through tough materials like metal bars.

The Storm
The Storm Card is able to summon huge storm clouds, rain and a tornado that can be used
to hold an opponent.

The Float
The Float Card, as its name implies, is able to make things float. Its appearance is a
balloon. It is mischievous, and likes to make things float without concern for the safety of
the things themselves.
The Erase

The Erase Card is able to make things disappear, including people, and apparently
memories. It appears to be a grayish fog, or alternatively a jester with a sheet that it
waves to produce the fog.
The Glow

The Glow Card is able to create small intangible balls of green-ish light, which resemble
fireflies. Its appearence is a small fairy, not unlike The Sweet or The Sleep.
The Move

The Move Card appears to be a pair of wings. It enjoys making small objects (not large
ones or people, which it can't affect) shift places.
The Fight

The Fight Card appears as a human girl in a leotard, though her skin, eyes, hair, and outfit
are all shades of a light blue. She is an accomplished martial artist, capable of beating
black belts, and likes to find new challenges for her skills. The Fight allows the user to
gain great fighting skills.
The Loop

The Loop Card is one of the oddest of the Clow Cards. This card is capable of bending
the time space continuum so to speak into a continuous/repeating loop (hence its name),
leaving anything or anyone unfortunate enough to be trapped inside it to wander around
aimlessly in a warped environment that loops on itself with no way of getting out. Its
physical form lacks any real detail. It's basically a small red Moebius strip.
The Sleep

The Sleep Card is able to put people to sleep, even a whole amusement park full of
people. It appears to be a small blue fairy with a wand; the wand emits some form of dust
or specks of light which causes the effect itself.
The Song

The Song Card is able to sing songs, and listen to songs. In addition, it can copy a singer's
voice. It appears immaterial, but can take on the shape of an elegantly dressed lavender-
colored girl.
The Little

The Little Card is able to shrink things into miniature versions of itself by touching them,
which even shrinks the victim's ability to do magic. Little is a mischievous card. It's form
is a tiny yellowish child, though it has prodigious jumping abilities which it uses to get
around. Touching the Little after being turned small turns one back to normal.
The Mirror

The Mirror Card is able to copy people like a reflection in a mirror and (literally) become
that person. She appears to be a troublesome and mischievous Clow card, but she's really
a frightened and lost spirit inside. Mirror is very intelligent and is able to express
emotions like a human. Its true form is a beautiful green-haired girl, draped in a long
flowing kimono holding a mirror in her hands. Also it can be just in the form of the
mirror it carries, useful for reflecting things and attacks.
The Maze

The Maze Card is able to create giant mazes, usually in a pocket dimension. It could
create either two-dimensional or three-dimensional mazes. Maze also prevents any kind
of "cheating" by heightening its walls (for those who try to look over the walls) or
repairing broken walls (for those who try to destroy the walls
The Return

The Return Card allows its user to witness events in the past as a ghostly observer.
Return protects its user from detection, magical and mundane, though exceptionally
powerful magicians could pierce Return's protections. Return, like the Time Card,
requires a considerable amount of magical power to use. One can disrupt Return by using
Time, though that is difficult given the amount of effort needed to use Time. In
appearance, Return is a swift-moving black mist that can touch things. The card displays
what appears to be a female version of The Time.
The Shot

The Shot Card is a dangerous attack spell. It is activated when someone says its name out
loud, it targets the first person it sees and attacks it relentlessly. The Shot shoots beams of
energy which become increasingly more accurate with each attack. It true form is on the
card, which is a pink girl with a mane of spiky hair.
The Sweet

The Sweet Card is able to turn edible but non-sweet things sweet, or nonedible things into
sweet snacks, by sprinkling what is probably magic sugar from a wand. It dislikes being
sprinkled with salt. The appearance is a small fairy with afro-like hair and a similar body,
holding a wand.
The Dash

The Dash Card is able to run at supernatural speeds for short distances. It can grant this
ability to others as well. The true form of Dash is a blue, fox-like creature with long
rabbit's ears.
The Big

When used, the big card enables a person or a specified object to grow to giant
proportions with seemingly no limits. The Big resembles a tall woman, dressed in
wardrobe of a princess from the middle ages with a two star pointed hat. She is almost an
exact copy of her sister card, the Little card, except of course for height and color.
The Create

The Create Card is able to give existence to anything written in its spirit form, a
storybook. There is no limit as to what can be brought to life, provided the writer keeps
writing in Create.
The Change

The Change is able to do something involving changing, but its primary ability has never
been shown. It's secondary effect is the ability to switch the minds of people that come
into simultaneous contact with its physical body, which appears to be a blue chameleon.
This secondary effect weakens after one day, after which time the card can be used (its
only instance of use) to revert the minds to their proper bodies.
The Freeze

The Freeze Card is able to cryogenically freeze things, emit ice as a weapon and even
lower the temperature of a localized area (such as a skating rink) to freezing point. It is
very crafty when using its abilities in combat, such as attacking suddenly with frozen
geysers or attacking targets from behind with pillars of ice. The true form of Freeze is a
giant goldfish-like creature seemingly composed of ice.
The Firey

The Firey Card is able to set things on fire and attack with fire. As one of the four corner
elemental cards, it is among the most powerful Clow Cards, and has an arrogance to
match. It appears to be orange-reddish elven humanoid, with very long ears, and a lower
body and wings made of fire.
The Arrow

The Arrow Card is an attack spell that is capable of magically creating and firing an
almost non-stop stream of arrows. The appearance is a small, blue-purplish girl with a
bow and an arrow. The arrows appear to strike like regular arrows, but are capable of
penetrating concrete, and a barrage of them can bend the steel infrastructure of a
The Bubble

The Bubble Card is capable of washing things. Things like dishes. One presumes that
soap-like qualities is among its properties. It appears to be a free-standing mound (?) of
pinkish bubbles.
The Wave

The Wave Card is able to... well, nobody knows. The card shows a stream, implying
some affiliation with water.
The Libra

The Libra (pronounced "raibura") Card is able to... well, nobody knows this either. It is
also never used or described in the series. The card shows a pan-scale, one side a sun and
the other a moon, possibly implying an affiliation with balance, weight, or some such.
Supposedly the card can force a person to tell the truth.
The Through

The Through Card is able to allow its user to go through walls. It is also implied that one
can run out of magic power while using it, leaving one stuck if one was unfortunate. The
card shows a woman dressed in a flowing gown jumping through what might be a loop.
The Snow

The Snow Card is able to cause a considerable snowstorm to fall, even in the spring when
there shouldn't be snow. Its image is a yuki-onna. Can be attacked with fire of sufficient
strength, and thus easily beaten by the aggressive Firey.
The Voice

The Voice Card's primary ability is not known, but it has the ability to steal a voice that it
likes from someone. It appears to be a small, pink girl with feather-like long ears and
long wavy hair.
The Lock

The Lock Card is able to lock doors, and otherwise seal an area so that no one can go in
or out. It appears to be a small green padlock, though it has a mist-like form that can
batter and blow things around violently. It is a special card in that it can't be attacked by
The Cloud

The Cloud Card creates thick clouds all over the sky, and make them move. Appearance
is very similar to The Rain. Seems to be adverse to fire spells. Like Rain, not a very
combative card.
The Dream

The Dream Card is able to create dreams, which can be prophetic ones. Though not
aggressive or malicious, dealing with it can be difficult, as it is difficult to detect when
one doesn't know it's around. Like the Return, it seems that The Time can be used to
disrupt it. One of the card's appearances is a mysteriously blue butterfly, though its spirit
form is normally that of a female humanoid dressed in flowing robes and an elaborate
headdress that covers its eyes, perhaps indicating its status as a blind prophet, such as the
Greek prophet Tiresias.
The Sand

The Sand Card is able to move sand and create more of it. Appearance is that of flow of
sand that moves vaguely like a serpent; in addition, the card shows a woman dressed in
Arabic style made from sand. Vulnerable to water, which when frozen restricts its
The Dark

The Dark Card is a special card that cannot be attacked, and is only defeated by The
Light. It appears as an all-encompassing darkness that warps space, and is capable of
nullifying people within it (like The Erase) if not defeated quickly enough. It also appears
as a regal woman draped in black.
The Light

The Light Card appears as a blinding light, with another form as a regal woman draped in
white. It is capable of turning night into day.
The Twin

The Twin Card is able to produce duplicates of things: postboxes, statues, apartment
buildings, even people. Its appearance is as two yellow-colored small children wearing
long sleeves.
The Earthy

The Earthy Card is capable of considerable property destruction by creating earthquakes

and various other geological disturbances. As one of the four elementals, it is perhaps the
most powerful of the Clow Cards (except for The Nothing). Its appearance is a giant
serpentile pile of earth and rock, and it also appears as the woman depicted on the card.
In accordance with the Chinese balance of five elements, however, it is vulnerable to The
The Nothing

In order to balance the strong positive magic of the other 52 Clow Cards, Clow Reed
created the Nothing Card. Nothing is composed of a spherical void of nothingness where
nothing exists. Anything that comes into contact with Nothing ceases to exist. In the
center of this void, one could make out an eight-year old human girl with long, silvery
hair wearing a frilled dress. There is a constant expression of sorrow on the girl's face.

Cerberus is the Guardian of the Seal of the Clow until the book containing the Clow
Cards is opened. Kero is bossy, demanding, and gluttonous, His hobbies include playing
video games and eating snacks and sweets, despite the fact that he does not need to eat.

. Cerberus appears in two different forms, the smaller of which is referred to as simply
"Kero-chan" and resembles a stuffed animal. He is based on Cerberus, from Greek

Yue's appearance is that of a beautiful young man with long silver hair. He has a pair of
angelic wings that he can use to fly. He is a capable fighter who can raise powerful
magical barriers and send deadly diamond shards at his adversaries, in addition to other
magical attacks. As the final confrontation with Ruby Moon demonstrated, he is a truly
formidable combatant especially when enraged.

Beyond his role as The Judge, Yue was also a favored companion fo Clow Read. He is
highly intelligent, and usually cool and focused -- although prone to fury when Clow is

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