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Inder the federal Equal Schools will permit students to form GSA clubs. The clubs will ‘a public school comply with S. B. Rule 4.06 “Student Clubs and Organizations.” reat the GSA the same as it foes any other non- ‘curricular club in terms of 1ccess to facilities, Fess noone 0 advertise \LcsB po2430 pistricT- ‘SPONSORED CLUBS AND IVITIES individual First Amendment schools will respect the rights of students who are open about their ression guarantees students have & sexual orientation or gender identity, or who question thelr | right to individual expressionfrientation or gender identity. Also, see Topic Privacy. | | and identity at school Locker Rooms Neither federal nor Florida |All students are allowed to access locker rooms and restrooms that state faw requires or re consistent with their gender identity or be provided appropriate prohibits schools to allow a accommodations. transgender student access to the locker room ‘corresponding to their gender identity. Upon notification or determination of a ) Parents of the affected students Iwill be notified of reasonable accommodation options available. {See the sample parent notification example below.) If accommodations are desired, decisions should be made on case- by-case basis, and should be student driven, with support of district land school staff and participation of parents. However, no student ‘should be required to use a single-user restroom. "arent notification example: |All students are allowed to access locker rooms and restrooms that lare consistent with their gender identity or be provided appropriate laccommodations. A circumstance-has eccurred-of in your child's Physical Education lass or extra/co-curricular activity. If you are requesting ;ecommodation for your student, please contact school idministration to discuss reasonable accommodation options.” e parent or student of legal age will notify the school of the Pronouns _state taw requires or preferred name and gender pronoun corresponding to their gender prohibits schools to calla identity. The parent or student of legal age can add the preferred student bya requested __|name and preferred pronoun into Student Information System 8 Names and (Neither federal nor Florida Ihame or use gender pronouns consistent with heir gender identity. However, Chapter 1014, Florida Statutes does reserve the right to the parent to direct the cducation and care as well fe to direct the upbringing F his or her minor child. 5 zs activities [official Documentation is required to reflect a change in name and/or gender in a student's official school records FAC 64V-1,003: Birth ‘Certificate Amendment documentary evidence requirements. state law requires or prohibits school personnel to adhere to the requests of a student, portal or request it be done by the school. Additional services (referral to student services personnel or community resources) imay be needed. Faculty and staff shall use the preferred name and pronoun listed in he Student Information System. [School will only modify student records to reflect a change in legal Iname or gender upon receipt of an official document. While official student records must contain the student’s legal name, schools Should permit the use of preferred name on unofficial records to assist staff in calling the student the preferred name. The guardian r student of legal age can add the preferred name and preferred Jpronoun in the Student information System. Neither federal nor Florida [All students are allowed to attend school overnight activities. If parents or students have concerns about rooming assignments. based on religious or privacy concerns, they may request iccommmodations, |i accommodations are desired, decisions should be made on a case- by-case basis, and should be student-driven, with the support of istrict and school staff and participation of parents. School staff no are aware of a transgender student participating in overnight ctivities should refer to the student's LCS Welcoming and Affirming Pian for preferred accommodations and the student's preferences n who is allowed to know they are transgender. anguage to be included in overnight activity permission form istrict-wide: “All students are allowed to attend school sponsored Wvernight activities. Parents or students who have concerns about rooming assignments for their student's upcoming overnight event. based on religious or privacy concerns may request an .ccommodation. If you are requesting accommodations for your student, please contact school administration to discuss reasonable ;ccommodation options.” "arent notification example: Fad stens ane sotto chal sorcared eight Jdenitityis in your chiles overnight trip that could have concerns based on religious or privacy. If you are requesting 9 [accommodations for your student, please contact school administration to discuss reasonable accommodations options.” Parent [chapter 1014, Florida ‘School personnel will notify a parent if there is a change in a Notification Statutes requires the parent student's services or monitoring related to the student's mental, 0 be notified if there isa emotional, or physical health or wellbeing, unless a reasonably hange in a students’ prudent person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse, imental, emotional, or bandonment, or neglect, as those terms are defined in s. physical health or wellbeing. |39.01. Under those circumstances school personnel must report the| tential harm to the Florida Department of Children and Families. | Privacy Article 1 Section 23 of. —_School personnel will not disclose information about a student's jorida constitution exual orientation, gender identity or questions they may have ecognizes the federal bout their sexual orientation or gender identity. constitutional right to privacy, which extends to | student's sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression | ‘students in a school setting. should not be shared with others without their input and, permission. All LGBTQIA+ students have the right to participate in| the decision-making process for deciding when and to whom their | gender identity or expression and sexual orientation is shared unles its directly related to concerns about the student's health and. fety. For parents who have concerns about their child's wel | eing and have contacted the school district, administration and uidance, a meeting will be coordinated with the parent and [student. School personnel must not intentionally withhold Jnformation from parents unless a reasonably prudent person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment, or neglect, as those terms are defined in s. 39.01. Under those kircumstances school personnel must report the potential harm to. | he Florida Department of Children and Families. Prom/Dances [The federal law Title Dt and Schools will allow same-sex couples to attend school sponsored | First Amendment court proms and dances and dress in a manner that is affirming to their | cases prohibits excluding gender identity or gender expression. me-sex couples from hool-sponsored proms andiSchools will not dictate clothing choices based on the sex of the fances. Student. ingle-sex [Title X Gender Specific __tudents can join a school sponsored club that corresponds to their lasses and [Activities ender identity. Students can be separated by sex in class for tivities at Title IX regulations permit {contact sports in physical education classes and other topics such as hol ffering single-sex classes _ Human Growth and Development. lunder certain circurnstances, [The general rule under Title Ix is that a recipient may not lexclude, separate, deny benefits to, or otherwise reat differently any person \n the basis of sex in its cducation programs or ctivities—including classes ind extracurricular 10

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