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Engineering Academy

Volume - II: Self Practice Questions (Work Book)

GATE - Civil Engineering

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Hydrology for GATE
The Study material for Hydrology is thoroughly revised this year to meet the

requirements of all categories of sfudents. It consists of

Volume - I: Study Material with classroom Practice Questions

o Brief synopsis covering the entire syllabus

o Worked out examples, concept-wise
o Classroom Practice Questions (Covering all essential Concepts)

The students are advised to go through the theory duly understanding the worked out
examples to the extent possible and bring the booklet to the class. By doing so, the
students will get famlliarized with some of the concepts and can really enjoy the lecture

in the class. Also, the students can interact with the faculty in a better way.

Volume- II: Student practice booklet - Work Book: It has two levels
Level2 : Advanced Level
After attending the classes and understanding the typical questions explained by the professors,
the student will be in a position to solve these questions in work book. However, for veriffing
the correctness, Hints / Solutions are also given wherever required. The student is advised to
struggle to get the solution for the problems in the work book by self analysis and not to refer
the solution first.

Thanks to all Professors who extended their valuable services in the preparation of this
It is believed that this volume is also a valuable aid to the students appearing for
competitive exams like ESE, DRDO, ISRO, JTO, State service Commissions and other

With best wishes to all the Students

Y.V. Gopala Krishna Murthy,

M Tech. MIE,
Managing Director,
ACE Engineering Academy

Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, evapo-transpiration, watershed, infiltration,

unit hydrographs, hydrograph analysis, flood estimation and routing, reservoir capacity,
reservoir and channel routing, surface run-off models, ground water hydrology - steady
state well hydraulics and aquifers; Application of Darcy's law'


Hydrological cycle, Ground water hydrology, Well hydrology and related data analysis;
Streams and their gauging; River morpholory; Flood, drought and their management;
Capacity of Reservoirs.
1 Precipitation 01-05

2 Mean Precipitation Calculation 06-08

Frequency of Point Rainfall &
4 Evaporation & Transpiration 14-L7

5 Infiltration 18 -22
6 Runoff 23 -23
7 Hydrograph 24-34
8 Maximum Flood Estimation 35-37

9 Flood Routing 38-40

10 WelI Hydraulics 4L-46

1l River Gauging 47 -49




Postal Coaching
Online Test Series
Postal Test Series
(c) Plains when rain yielding air mass passes
rEVEL -I QUESTrONS over it
(d) None of the above
01. The average rainfall of our country rs
(a) 109 cm (b) 119.4 cm 08. The convective precipitation is caused when
(c) 115.6 cm (d) 99 cm (a) Vertical instability of moist air is
produced by surface heating
02. The common materials used as seeds to (b) The disturbance on the air front develops
accelerate the coalescence process in artificial into cyclone
raining are (c) The colder air rises into warm air
(a) dry ice (b) silver iodide (d) All of the above
(c) both a and b (d) potassium chloride
09. In selecting site for a rain gauge the nearest
03. Snow fall is generally measured in terms of object should be at a minimum distance of
(a) Weight of snow per unit area (a) Twice its height
(b) Equivalent depth of water (b) Three times its height
(c) Depth of snow fallen (c) Equal to its height
(d) Any of the above (d) Anywhere

10. The maximurn rainfall intensity at a given

04. The standard recording rain - gauge adopted
in India is
(a) Increases with increase in duration of
(a) Symon's rain gauge
(b) Natural siphon type
(b) Decreases with increase in duration of
(c) Tipping bucket type
(d) Telemetry type
(c) Is independent of the duration of rainfall
(d) Difficult to predict
05. The instrument used to measure the wind
velocity in the atmosphere is
(a) Cunent meter (b) Atmometer
I 1. The chaft removed from a recording type
Raingauge gives
(c) Pycnometer (d) Anemometer
(a) The rainfall mass culve
06. In the following, identi$ the one which is (b) To rainfall hyetograph
different from the rest (c) Isohyetal map
(a) Rain (b)Drizzle (d) The double mass cun/e
(c) Hail (d) Fog
12. Orographic precipitation occurs due to air
07. Rain shadow region is formed on the masses being lifted to higher altitudes by
(a) Windward side of mountain when rain (a) The density difference of air masses
yielding air mass passes over it (b) A frontal action
(b) Leeward side of mountain when rain (c) The presence of mountain barriers
yielding air mass passes over it (d) Extratropical cyclones
Hydenbad I Delhi I Bhopal I Pme I Bhubmesw I Bersalm I Lucknow I Parra I Chemai ! Vljalawada I Vizag I Tirupati I Guu:r I Kuka@ally(tlvd)
ffi""-*g^""""-' 2 Hydrology

13. The normal onset of monsoon in Indta ts tn 20. For a given storm the highest rainfall Po and the
(a) Early June at Bombay and Madras average rainfall depth P, are related as P/Po :
(b) Early June at Kerala and Assam (a) K exp (A') (b) exp (-KA)
(c) Early May in Kerala only (c) K-" (d) constant
(d) November in Tamil Nadu and Kerala
21. Humidity is measured by a
14. The standard Symon's type rain gauge has a (a) hygrometer (b) hyetometer
collecting area of diameter (c) hydrometer (d) pyrheliometer
(a) 12.7 cm (b) 10 cm
(c) 5.08 cm (d)25.4 cm 22.ln installing a rain gauge network, the
relevant Indian standard recommend that
15. The double-mass-curve technique is adopted (a) the density of gauges should be more in
to plains than in hills
(a) estimate the missing data (b) in regions having an average elevations of
(b) obtain intensities of rainfall at various 1000 m, at least one station in 130 km2 is
durations desired
(c) to check the consistency ofdata (c) atleast 50 o/o of rain-gauge stations should
(d) to obtain the amount of storage needed to be of recording type
maintain a demand pattern (d) atleast l0 %o of stations should be of
recording type
16. The following recording raingauge produce
the mass curve of precipitation as their 23. An isonif is a line joining points having equal
record: (a) rainfall (b) sunshine
(a) Symons raingauge (c) wind velocity (d) snow fall
(b) Tipping - bucket type
(c) Weighing - bucket type 24. As per Indian standards the number of rain
(d) All the above gauges that^should be installed in a plain area
of 1000 km'is
17. When specific information about the density (a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
of snowfall is not available, the water
equivalent of snowfall is taken as 25. Ombrometer (pluviometer) is used to
(a) s0 % (b) 30% (c) r0 % (d) e0 % measure (ESE - 2010)
(a) soil moisture stress of a plant
18. A hyetograph is a plot of (b) rainfall depth
(a) Cumulative rainfall vs time (c) leafarea
(b) Rainfall intensity vs time (d) root zone depth
(c) Rainfall depth vs duration
(d) Discharge vs time

19. An isohyet is a line joining points having

(a) equal evaporation value
(b) equal barometric pressure
(c) equal height above the MSL
(d) equal rainfall depth in a given duration
HyderabadlDelhitBhopaljPmelBhubmeswlBengalmiLucknowjPatnajChemailVijayamdajvizag lTirupati iGutrri Kukatpally(Hyd)
Academy 3 Precipitation

Principle causes
LEVEL - 2 QUESTTONS 1. Atmospheric disturbance
2. Mountain barrier
01. Raingauge D was inoperative for part of a 3. Pressure difference
month during which a storm occurred. The 4. Temperature difference
storm rainfall recorded in the three 5. Warm and cold air masses
surrounding stations A, B & C were 8.5,6.7 Codes:
and 9 cm respectively. If the arurual average P aRS P aRS
rainfall for the stations arc 75, 84, 70 & 90 (a)r 4 s 2 (b) 4 3 5 2
cm respectively, the missing storm rainfall at (c)142s(d) 4325
(a)7.24 cm (b) 8.067 cm 05. The amual rainfalls at7 raingauge stations in
(c) 8.86 cm (d) 9.65 cm a basin are 58, 94, 60, 45,20, 88 and 68cm
respectively. What is the percentage accuracy
02. The hyetograph ofa storm of6 hours duration of the existing network in the estimation of
is constructed with varying time intervals at the average depth of rainfall over the basin?
20 minutes time interval for the first one hour, How many additional gauges are required if it
at 40 minute time interval for the nextZ hours is desired to limit the error to only 10%.
and at t hour time interval for the last 3 hours.
The successive ordinates of the hyetograph in 06. The normal annual rainfall at stations A,B,C
mm/hr arc 66, 75, 54, 48, 69,51 38, 47 and" and D in a basin are 80.97, 67 .59, 76.28 and
25. The total rainfall depth produgdti by the 92.,01cm respectively. In the year 2005 the
storm is? station D was inoperative and the stations
' A,B, and C recorded annual precipitations of
03. The DAD analysis for a catchmenl would : 91.7I, 72.23 and 79.89cm respectively.
indicate that Estimate the rainfall at station D in that vear.
(a) for a given area the maximum average
depth of rainfall decreases with the
(b) the maximum depth for a given storm
increases with the area
(c) for a given area the maximum average 01. Ans: (b) 02. Ans: (c) 03. Ans: (b)
depth of rainfall increases with the 04. Ans: (b) 05. Ans: (d) 06. Ans: (d)
(d) the maximum averaqe depth of rainfall 07. Ans: (b) 08. Ans: (a) 09. Ans: (a)
has no relationship wit\@er duration or
10. Ans: (b) 11. Ans: (a) 12. Ans: (c)
the area.
13. Ans: (b) 14. Ans: (a)

04. Match the following:

15. Ans: (c)
Type of precipitation
Sol: Double mass curve is used to check the
P. Convective Q. Cyclonic consistency of the Rainfall data.
R. Frontal S. Orographic

Hydenbad I Delhi I Bhopal I Pune I Bhubmesw I Bengalm I hcknow I Parn I Chemi I Vljayamda I
Vizg Tirupati I Gunu I KukatpallyGlyd)
4 Hydrolory

16. Ans: (c) 17. Ans: (c) 18. Ans: (b) 02. Ans: 287
Time Intensity of
19. Ans: (d) 20. Ans: (b) 21. Ans: (a)
interval rainfall
22. Ans: (d) 23. Ans: (d) 24. Ans: (b) (minutes) (mm/hr)
0 -20 66

25. Ans: (b) 20-40 75

Sol: Ombrometer is a rain gauge which measure 40-60 54

depth of rainfall 60 - 100 48
100 - 140 69
140 - 180 5l
r80 -240 38
LEVEL - 2 SOLUTIONS 240 -300 47
300 - 360 25

01. Ans: (d) P:XIiti

Sol: Ne: Ne : Nc+ ND+ 10%ND
: (66 + 7 5 + 54\x4 * Uz+ 69 + 5 l)
.'. Normal ratio method is used 60

N [p p" p.I
D "D | 'A
" - LNo NB N.l
- 60 Bs++t+zs)"4
"19* 60
,^" = A[9i *6'7 .1l : e.65 cm :281 mm
3 l1s 84 70)

03. Ans: (c) 04. Ans: (b)

m: 7 (existing Rain gauge stations)
58+94+60+ 45+20+88+68
P_ =61.857 cm

Ih _FI
(ss-er.ssz)'+(e+-et.zst)2 +(eo-sl.8s7)2 +(+s-ot.ast)2 +(zo-et ssz)2 +(aa- il.8s7)z +(os-ot.ssz)'

:25.195 cm

100o 100 x 25.195


Hydmbad I Delhi I Bhopal I Pme i Bhubmesw I Bengalm ! Lucknow I Patrn I Chemi I

Vijayawada I
Vize Tirupari I Gunu I Kuka4anvGlvd)

ffi-tm^-."* J Precipitation

Given E: I0%o

Optimum no. of rain gauges required

n: I tu |
r1 t' | 11.
=J | =16.59 =r7
LEI L 10 _l

Additional gauges required: n - m

:17 -7 : I0

06. Ans: 99.4 cm

Sol: Ne : cm
80.97 Pa : 91.11 cm
Ns:67.51 cm Ps:72.23 cm
Nc:76.28 cm P6:79.89 cm
Np:92.01 cm Po: ?
'.'NA :N" : N" + ND +10%ND

.'.Normal ratio method is used.

HydembadlDelhiiBhopallPmelBhubanewirlBengahmlhcknowlPatrlChroilvijayawadalvizs lTirupari lcuunl fubOqly6lyd)

Mean Precipitation
03. A basin has the area in the form of a pentagon
with each side of length 20 km as shown. The
five rainguages located at ABCDE have
0l .The accurate method for calculating average recorded 60, 81, 73,59 and 45 mm of rainfall
rainfall of a catchment area is respectively, compute the average depth of
(a) Arithmetic mean rainfall over the basin by theissen polygon
(b) theissen polygon method. D
(c) isohyetal
(d) any of the above


01. A semicircle of diameter 20 km with an

equilateral triangle of side 20 km below its (a) 8.3 cm (b) 5.20 cm
diameter is a close approximation to a river (c) 7.84 cm (d) 6.3 cm
basin. The position coordinates of 5 raingauge
stations A, B, C, D, and E located within the
basin with respect to a coordinate axes system
whose x-axis and origin are coincident with tEVEt - l SOLUTIONS
diameter and centre of the circle are (5,5),
(-5, 5), (-5, -5), ( 5, -5) and (0,0) km
respectively. If the rainfall recorded at these 01. Ans. (c)
raingauge are 85, 92, 77,80, and 105 mm Sol: Isohyetal method is more accurate as
respectively determine the average depth of compare to other method.
rainfall using Thiessen polygon method. Isohyetal method is suitable for all types of
catchment without any pre condition.

02. The analysis of a storm yielded the following

information regarding isohyets. Calculate the
average depth of rainfall.

70- 80- 90- 100 - ll0- r20 -
in mm
80 90 100 ll0 t20 130

Area in
l0 85 113 98 136 67

Ilydembad I Delhi I Bhopal I Pue ] Bhubanesw I Bengalm I Lucknow I Patra I Chemi lVijayawada lvizg Tirupati Gutr I Kuka$nyGlyd)
ffi,"t}ffi^-*' 7 Mean Precipitation Calculation

Theissen polygon Method,

o _ P,A, +PrA, +PrA, +PoAo +&A,
LEVEL - 2 SOLUTIONS A, +A, +A, +Ao +A,
Area Ar : A2 : 1 *.u of semicircle - 1x5x 5
20 km
Sol: +l

i-.:1(s' s)

ca'---) i--lJo :66.04knf

(-5, -5)


,,,',, t+- l0 +l
. l
Area oftriangle : Our. x height A: : 1 R oftrianere +1"s"5
: Aa'2e2
]' "u
,: ,.;.,j'i
",. )
, :' . ',

: : x20x 17.32
I i' :74.I krri
Area of triangle
: rln.zt^'

Area of semi circle : nt'

2 85 x 66.04 +92x 66.04 + 77 x74.1+ 80x 74.1 + 105x 50
157.08 km2 P=

Total Area A: I73.2+ 157. 08 28512.78

*A2 + ,{3 + Aa -| 45 : 330.28 km2
,A'1 =-=60.)lmm

HydenbadlDelhilBhopallPuelBhubaneswlBengalmllrcknowlPahalChemilvijayawdalvizg lTirupati lGmtrl KukaOallvftIvd)

Engi@ingAcadcmy :8: Hydrolory

Sol: Average depth of

. .
P_ ] ".[tP] ", [n*] . ^,[n*]l
[A, +A, +A, +Ao +A, +Au]

,o[to1to-l*rr[4*eol , ,,,[e0+too-l*nrftoo+tto-1., ,.,[tt0+1201 .rltzo+tzo

L 2 I L , )-"'L 2 _j L 2 l-"oL 2 l*o'L ,
53 105
: 104.16 mm

60:100 + 8l x 100 +13x157.735 + 59x57.735

03. Ans: (d)

A 20km

A: (20x20)+la x202 =Sll.ZOSkttl

Ar : Az : 10x10: 100 km2

Ar:A, =lOx rO-.!f{rO)'

: 157.735 krni
o : (zo)' = s7 l3st<rn2
^ ;T
HydenbadlDelhilBhopallhuelBhubmeswlBengalmllacknowlPamalChemilvijayawadalvizag lTirupati lcurrl Kr*a4ally(I{yd)
Frequency of Point
Rainfall & Probability
05. A one day rainfall of 15.0 cm at a place X
TEVEL -I QUESTrONS was found to have a return period of 100
years. Calculate the probability that a one day
01. The probable maximum precipitation at a rainfall of this or larger magnitude
station or basin is the (D Will not occur at X during next 5Oyears
(a) rainfall of a given duration that can occur (iD Will occur in the next year.
with a return period of 1000 years
(b) greatest rainfall for a given duration that is 06. Probability of a 10 year flood occurring
physically possible atleast once in the next 5 years
(c) a rainfall of a given duration that has the
maximum probability of occurrence
(d) an impossibly large rainfall of given
0l Probability that a flood of magnitude equal to
or greater that 2lyeat flood will not occur in
the next 20 years
02.In a given storm the average depth,of rainfall
08. Probability of a flood equal to greater than 50
(a) increases with the area
year flood occurring 3 times in the next 10
(b) decreases linearly with the area
(c) has no relationship with the area
yeafs _
(d) decreases exponentially with the area ' 09. Protability of a flood equal to greater than a
03. For an annual flood series, arranged in
50 yem flood occurring atleast once in the
next 50 years is
decreasing order of magnitude, the retunt
period for a magnitude, the return period for a
magnitude listed at position m from the LEVEL - 2 QUESTTONS
beginning in a total of N entries is, by
Weibull formula,
(a) mA{ (b) n/C{ + 1) 01. The probability that a 100 yr flood is equalled
(c) (N + 1)/m (d) N/(m + l) or exceeded. atleast once in 100 w is
(ESE - 2001)
04. Generally to estimate PMP, P^:42.16 D0'475 (a) 9e% (b) 64%
is used (P. is maximum depth of (c) 36% (d) r%
precipitation, D:duration).What are the units
of P. and D in the equation? 02. From the analysis of rainfall data at a
(ESE-2009) particular station, it was found that a rainfall
(a) mm, second (b) cm, second of 400 mm had a return period of 20 yr. What
(c) mm, hour (d) cm, hour is the probability of rainfall equal to or
greater than 400 mm occurring atleast once in
10 successive years? (ESE - 2008)
(a) (0.95)10 (b) 1- (
(c) 1-(0.05)10 (d) (0.05)'o

Hydenbad I Delhi I Bhopal I Pme I Bhubmesw ! Bengalw I Lucknow I Patna I Chemai i Viiayawada I Vzag I Tirupati I Gmm J KukaOally(Ilvd)
qfl*-r*g^**, 10 Hydrology

03. A culvert is designed for a flood magnitude

of return period 100 yr and has expected life LEVEL -l SOLUTIONS
of 20 yr. The risk in this hydrologic design is
(ESE - 2010)
(a) l-0.9920 (b) 1-o.o12o 01. Ans: (b) 02. Ans: (d) 03. Ans: (c)
(c) 1-0.0920 (d) 1-o.1o2o
04. Ans: (d)
04. On the basis of isopluvial maps the 50 year - Sol: PMP :42.16D0'a7s
24 hours maximum rainfall @ Banglore is Pn-': rainfall depth in cm
found to be 16.0 cm. Determine the D - duration in hrs
probability of 24 hour rainfall of magnitude
equal to or greater than 16.0 cm ocuuring @
05.(i) Ans: 0.605
(i) One time in 10 successtve years Sol: T: 100 years
(ii) Two times in 10 successive years
(iii) Atleast once in 10 successive years n :50 years, P =::
T +100

05. A bridge has an expected life of25 years and q:1-P:1-0.01

is designed for a flood magnitude of return
period 100 years.
(i) What is the risk of this hydrologic q"-(0.99)to -0.605
(ii) If l0% risk is acceptable what return (ii) Ans: 0.01
period will have to be adopted.
This is a ca e like finding out hydrologic risk
06. The probability of a flood equal to or greater
than a 50 year flood occurring next year l1-qn, n:1
= - (0.99)'
07. The annual rain fall values in cm at station P = 0.01
for a period I I years are given below I 15, 60, 06. Ans: 0.409
95, 109, 88, 68, 84, 101, 76, 92, 120.
Determine Sol: n: 5
(a) Rainfall with a recurrence interval of 4
years. T : rovrs. p=1=l=g.1
ft) Recurrence interval of 101cm rain T10
(c) Probability of occurrence of annual rain q:1-P-1-0.1 :0.9
fall of magnitude 92cm.
Hydrologic risk : 1 - (q)"
: I - (0.e)'

Hydenbad I Delhi j Bhopal I Pue I Bhubmesw I Bengalm I Lucknow I Parn ! Chemi lvijayamda ivizag lTirupari I Gutru i KukatpallvHyd)
T'ngineeringAcad€my : 11 : Frequency of Point Rainfall & Probability

07. Ans: 0.358

Sol: T : 20 years; n : 20 years

p=l= I :0.05 01. Ans: (b)

T20 Sol:
Q=1-P Pr obability of 100 yr flood equalledf
= 1- 0.05 (or) exceed if atleast once in I 00 yr I

:0.95 =risk=100(1-q")
q": (0.95)20 T: 100 years, P - = 0.01
:0. 358
T 100
Risk: 100 [(1- (0.99)100] =63.396 = 640/o
08. Ans: 0.000833
Sol: T: 50 yrs,
02. Ans: (b)
p=!:f-:0.02 Sol: T:20yrs, P : ll20:0.05
q :1 - P: I - 0.02 :0.98 n: 10 yrs
f :3, n: l0 Probability of occurring rainfall of 400 mml
Pr,n = [",Ptqt-' in next 10 yrs atleast once I
P:,ro: l0c, . (0.02)3. (0.98)tor
: 1-q" : 1- 0.9510

: 120 x (0.02)3 x (0.98)7

03. Ans: (a)
:0.000833 T: 100 yrs, n:20 yrs
risk :?
09. Ans: 0.6358 P: 1/T: 1/100:0.01
Sol: Hydrologic risk: 1 - g' g: I _P: I _0.01 :0.99.
T:50 years, n: 50 years
risk: 100 (1 - q')
: 100[(1-(0.99)20] : r8.2 %
p:! =J_ =g.g2 :11-(0.99)2ol
HYdrologic risk: 1-q": 1 - (0.98)so

Hydenbad I Delhi Bhopat j Pme I Bhubmesw I Bengalm I Lucknow ! Parn I Chemai I Viiayzmda I Vizag I Tirupati I Gmnr I KukaOally(Ilyd)
ffi-tm^*"-' z 12: Hydrology

04. (D Ans: 0.1667 (ii) Ans: 238 years

Hydrologic risk: 10%
Sol: T: 50 yrs, t = ]- :0.02
50 n:25 years
q:1-0-02:0.98 Hydrologicrisk:Il-ql
Pt,to: tr",. Pt. qo-t ; f : 1, n: 10 yrs I0%: I l- (q)" ]
- 10c,. (0.02)1 . (0.9s)e (q)":1-o'1
:0.1667 (q)25: o'9
q :0'9957
(ii) Ans: 0.0153 P: I - 0.9957
Sol: P2,1s- 10", (0.0D2.(0.93)8 t:1-

(iii) Ans: 0.183 : :,
.'. T : 237.8
Sol: n: 10, q:0.98
= 238 years

06. Ans: 0.02
:0.1829 .- $:133 .::::r::,r,

Sol: T: 50 yrs, n: 1 yr

05. (D Ansz 22.2oh

P: I =0.02
Sol: T: 100 years, n:25 years q:1 -P:l-0.02
P=1- 1 : 1 - (0.98)I
T 100 =0.01 Hydrologic risk
Hydrologicrisk: I -q"
: 1 - (0.99)2s

Hydenbad I Delhi I Bhopal I Pme i Bhubmew Bengalm hcknow Patn I Chemi

Vijayawada I
Viag Tirupari I Gmtr I nka+alvGfya)
,.,ffit ACE
lil}tr.'lgineering Academy Frequency of Point Rainfall & Probability

(c) Probability occrurence of 92 cm rain

Arrange the rainfall data the descending m:6
order by assign rank.
n+1 1l+1
(a) T:4 years
t*t, n: ll 1

m 2
Probability of occurring of rainfall
. 11+1
4--- -=m-----1
12 magnitude 92 cm : 0.5 : 50o/o
Rainfall with T:4 vears is 109 cm
(i,e., Rainfall having rank m: 3)
(b) T for 101 cm rain
n+l 11+l 12.
Recurrence interval: 3 yrs

Hldenbad I Delhi I Bbopal I Pue I Bhubmesm I Burgalln I Ircknow PahE I Chemi I Vij zyzwanzlVba I Tirupari I Gutu | rntetr'-lly(Ilyd)
07. Transpiration is
LEVEL -l QUESTIONS (a) confined to night time only
(b) confined to day-light hours only
01. Isopleths are the lines joining places having (c) land surfaces only
(a) equal depths of evapotranspiration (d) a combination of evaporation and
(b) equal depths of runoff transpiration process.
(c) equal depths of rainfall
(d) equal magnitude of wind velocity 08. Lysimeter is an instrument to measure
(a) infiltration (b) evaporation
02. The average pan coefficient for the standard (c) evapotranspiration (d) transpiration
US Weather Bureau class A Pan is
(a) 0.90 (b) 0.80 (c) 0.70 (d) 0.s0 09. Potential evapotranspiration (PET) is
(a) the evapotranspiration when there is
03. The ISI standard pan evaporimeter sufficient moisture available to a fully
(a) is the same as the US class A evaporation vegetated area
pan (b) the evapotranspiration of a forest area
(b) has Co which rs l4o/o more than the US (c) actual evapotranspiration of a crop before
pan application of irrigation water
(c) for a given area the maximum average (d) amount of water needed to bring the
depth of rainfall increase with the duration moisture content of a soil to its f,reld
(d) used for measurement of transpiration capacity.
10. Which one of the following defines Aridity
04. Which of the following evaporation pans has Index (AIX (ESE - 2005)
the largest pan coefficient? PET _ AET
(a) US Weather Bureau class A pan (a) AI= x 100
&) ISf Standard pan evaporimeter lElxloo
(c) Colorado sunken pan (b) 41=
(d) US - class A pan with sea water
(c) 41=4PIx1oo
05. Identify the chemical suitable for use as a PET
water evaporation inhibitor: AET-PET xloo
(d) AI -
(a) cetyl alcohol (b) butyl alcohol AET
(c) methyl alcohol (d) ethyl alcohol Where, AET:Actual Evapotranspiration and
PET : Potential Evapotranspiration
06. Under identical conditions evaporation from
sea water is
(a) about 2-3oh less than that from fresh water 1 1. Penman's equation is based on (ESE - 2006)
(a) Energy budgeting onlY
(b) the same as that from fresh water
(c) about 2.3oh more than that from fresh (b) Energy budgeting and water budgeting
(c) energy budgeting and mass transfer
(d) 8.9% more than that from fresh water. (d) Water budgeting and mass transfer
:15: Evaporation & Transpiration

05. Compute the daily evaporation from a Class

LEVEL - 2 QUESTTONS A pan if the amounts of water added to bring
the level to the fixed point are as follows:
01. Determine the PET for a certain area for the
season April-August in which wheat is Day I 2
J 4 5 6 -
grown. The climatic and other data are given Rainfall
6 I2 0
below in the table. Use Blanev-criddle (mm) T4 8 5 6

formula. Water
Monthly Added -5 3 0 0 7 4 J
Monthly (mm)
Mean " consumptive
monthly ofday
Month use
Temp time
OC coefficient What is the evaporation loss of water in this
hours of
the vear
(k) week from a lake (Surface area : 640 ha) in
Aoril 25 8.60 0.6 the vicinity, assuming a pan coefficient of
Mav 27 9.29 0.65 0.7 5?
June 28 9.18 0.70 (a) 1,04,600 m3 (b) 3,02,400 m3
Julv 29 9.39 0.75 (c) 4,02,400 m3 (d) 5,02,400 m'
Auzust 29 9.04 0.75

(a) 65.4 cm (b) 26.80 cm LEVEL -l SOLUTIONS

(c) 58.54 cm (d) 72.7 cm

02. A river has ar average surface width of 20 m; If 01.Ans: (a) 02.Ans: (c) 03. Ans: (b)
the evaporation measured in the vicinity of the
river by a US class A pan is 0.5cm/day. The 04. Ans: (b) 05. Ans: (a) 06. Ans: (a)
volume of water evaporated in a 60krn stretch 07. Ans: (b) 08. Ans: (c) 09. Ans: (a)
of the river in a month of 30 days is (in m3)
03. An Engineer incharge of a reservoir has to
release water from it for being picked up at a 10. Ans: (a)
distance of 50 km d/s side. The average width PEl=lET
of the stream is 40 m. The mean daily class A Sol: Aridity index m: PET "roo
pan evaporation for that season is 0.5 m.
estimate the mean daily evaporation loss to be Agriculture drought is studied based on AI.
considered by the engineer in releasing water
in Ha-m. (take Co :0.1) AI Severity class
04. A reservoir has an average area of 50 km2 r-2s mild arid
over a year. The normal annual rainfall at the
place is120 cm and the class A pan 26-50 moderate arid
evaporation is 240 cm. Assuming the land >50 Severe arid
flooded by the reservoir has a runoff
coefficient of 0.4, estimate the net annual
increase or decrease in the stream flow as a
result of the reservoir.
Hydmbad ! Delhi I Bhopal I Pme I Bhubmesw I Bengalw I Ircknow I Pata I Che.-i lvijaram<la lvizg Tirupari I Gunr 1 KukapnyftIyd)
11. Ans: (c) Parameter wind veloclty e semistor
Sol: Pbnman's equation is based on mass delicious)
transfer & energy budgeting equation. y : psychometric constant :0.49 mm of
A: slope of Pr"1v/s temP. curve Hg/oC
Ho: net radiation mm/daY
eL : parameters including wind velocity &
semistor delicious (evaPorator

01. Ans: (a)

02. 126000
Pan evaporatorldaY, E:0.5 cm
(for US class A Pan Cp: 0.7)
Actual evaporator from river/day: Cp x E
:0.7 x 0.5
:0.35 daily pan evaporation: 0.5 m
Total evaporator loss from river by a acfriaI Actual evaporation: Cn x Pan evaporation
month of 30 days : 0.35 x 30 : 10.5 cm
:0.7 x 0.5 :0.35 m
Volume of water evaporator from river : Volume of water loss due to evaporation
Surface area of river x depth of water while transporting water
: Area of channel x daily ev roration
50x 1699x 40x0.35 :
_ 70ha_m
=60x1000x20x 10"
: 126000 m3 Water extra to be released to account for
evaporation loss: 70 ha-m
f,'ngineeringAcad€my :17 z Evaporation & Transpiration

04. Ans: (b)

Sol: Given:
P: l20 cm
E:240 cm Day Rainfall Water E:P+Z
Runoff coefficient : 0.40 ttPtt mm added/removed
For class A pan, "Zt mm
Coeffrcient of evaporation : 0.70 I I4 -5 9
2 6 3 9
I2 0 t2

AS :
1.2x50x 106 - 2.40x0.7x50x106
- L2x0.4x50x106 6 5 4 9
AS: - 48x106 m3 7 6 J 9
AS:48 Mm3 (Decreases) Total Pan Evaporation/week:E:63 cm

Actual Evaporation: Cp x Pan evaporation

:0.75x63 :47.25 cm
of water evaporated: {surface
body) x actual evaporation
: 640 t l0*, x 4t '--


HydmbadlDelhilBhopalihmelBhubareswlBengalmllucknowlPatrnlChemilvijalzwadalvizg lTirupati lGunul fukapanvfitva)

05. A 6 h storm with hourly intensities of 7, 18,
rEVEL - l QUESTIONS 25, 12,10 and 3 mm/h produced a run-off of
33 mm. Then the $-index is (ESE - 2003)
01. Interception losses (a) 7 mm/h (b) 3 mmftt
(a) include evaporation, transpiration, and (c) 10 mm/h (d) 8 mm/h
through fall
(b) consists of only evaporation loss 06. A 6 h storm has 6 cm of rainfall and the
(c) include evaporation and stem flow resulting run-off was 3 cm. If S-index
(d) consists of transpiration and through fall remains at the same value, which one of the
following is the run-off due to 12 cm of
02. The interception loss expressed as a rainfall in t h in the catchment? (ESE-2005)
percentage of rainfall (a) 4.5 cm (b) 6.0 cm
(a) increases with increase in the rainfall and (c) 7.5 cm (d) 9.0 cm
reaches an asymptotic value
(b) decreases with increase in rainfall to reach LEVEL - 2 QUESTIONS
an asymptotic limit
(c) is independent of rainfall magnitude
(d) is constant for small values of rainfall but 01. A storm with l0
cm precipitation produced a
decreases for hisher rainfall values direct runoff of 5.8 cm. Given the time
distribution of the storm as below, estimate
03. The infiltration capacity of a soil was the d - index of the storm
measured under fairly identical general
conditions by a flooding type infiltrometer as
fs and by a rainfall simulator as,f,. One can Time in(hr) 2 J 4 5 6 7 8

(a) fr: f. (b) fr > f. (c) fr< f, rainfall in
(d) fr is less than or greater thanf, depending 0.4 0.9 l5 L.J t8 1.6 I 0.5
each hour,
upon the size of the plot in the simulator cm

04. A 3 hr storm on small drainage basin

(a) 0.60 cm/h (b) 0.55 cmlh
produced rainfall intensities of 3.5 cmlh, 4.2
(c) 0.50 cmftr (d) 0.65 cm/h

cm/h and 2.9 cm/h in successive hours. If the

02. An 8h storm had 8cm of rainfall, and the
surface run-off due to the storm is 3 cm, then
(ESE-01) resulting runoff was 4cm. If the $-index
the value of d-index will be
of I2cm
remains at the same value, a rainfall
(a)2.212 cm/h (b) 2.331 cm/h
(c) 2.412 cmlh (d) 2.533 cmlh
in a l5h storm produces a runoff in this
catchment of
(a) 6.0 cm (b) 4.5 cm
(c) 8.0 cm (d) 10.5 cm
:19: Infilnation

03. The total observed runoff volume during a 6 Time from 0 2 4 6 8 l0 t2 t4

hour storm with a uniform intensitv of 1.5 start of
cmlh is 21.6 x 106 m3. If the area of ihe basin '70
Accumulated 0 6 t7 5'.1 81 87 90
is 300 km2. Find the average infiltration rate Rainfall
for the basin. (mm)
(a) 0.30 cm/tr (b) 0.22 cm/h
If the value of the runoff due to the storm
(c) 0.45 cmlh (d) 0.15 cmlh
measured is 1.2 x 106 m3
Estimate the d-index of the catchment.
04. A 500 watershed received a 8 hr storm
which produced hourly intensities of 6,9,20,
16, 4, 14, 12 and. 2 rrlrlr,/hr. If the initial LEVEL -l SOLUTIONS
abstractions are estimated to be 15 mm and
d - index is 5 mmlhr. what would be the
runoff volume produced by the storm. 01. Ans: (b) 02. Ans: (b) 03. Ans: (b)
(a) 7.2 cm (b) 3.50 cm
(c) 4.75 cm (d) 4.20 cm 04. Ans: (d)
05. Hourly rainfalls of 2.5 cm and 6 cm o9c.ur,
over a 20-ha area consisting of 4 ha,of 6=5 ,

cm/hr, 10 ha of 0 : 3 cm/hr $:.1'

cmlhr. Derive hourly value o

06. The rainfall on five successivel davs on a
catchment was 3, 6, 9,i 5l' and,,1: crn
respectively. If the $-index for the,btoqn:,9.f.4,
be assumed to be 3 cm/day, the total,
runoff from the catchment due to this storm is
(ESE-2012) Runoff :3 cm.
(a) 11 cm (b) 24 cm (c) 9 cm (d) 20 cm P-R-losses
W-Index =
07. Seven hour storm produced the following P : [ 3.5 + 4.2 + 2.9] x 1: 10.6 cm
rainfall intensities (in mm/tr) at half an hour t:3hr
intervals over a basin of area 1830 km2 are 4, l0'6 - 3 -o
9,20, 18, 13, 11, 12,2, 8, 16, 17, 13,6 and 1. W-Index - a=2.533
If the corresponding observed runoff is 36.6 Rainfall intensity < W-Index does not
million m3 estimate the $-Index for the storm.
produce runoff
08. A catchment area of 30 km2 has one recording All intensities > W-Index
gauge. During a storm the following mass .'.P.: [ 3.5 + 4.2 + 2.91x1 10.6 cm :
curye of rainfall was recorded. L:3hr
g-Index=T= 10.6 - 3
=2.533 cm/hr

HydenbadlDelhilBhopallPuelBhubmeswlBensalwlLucknowlPatnlChemilviiayaw<lalvize lTirupati lGmnrl lft*atraly(Hyd)

05. Ans: (d) t.: 6hr; R: 5.8 cm
Sol: t": 6 hr P _R
$-Index=-t : - = 0.55cm/hr
9.1 5.8
P" : [intensity of rainfall that produce
runoffl x time interval
u +18+25+1 2+ 1 0+31 xl:7 5
P":75 mm 02. Ans: (b)
R: 33 mm Sol: t", :8hr p., :8cm
-75-33 =7 mmlhr R1 :4 cm
t 6

0-Index= --r-
L-R a
:8 mm/hr
8-4 :12*=R.2: 4.5 cm
06. Ans: (c) 8
Sol: t":6 ht, P": 6 ht, R: 3 cm

": 1.5x6:9.0 cm
ltration rate: $-Index

: Volumeof runoff
=R-12:9x0.5 runoff
Areaof basin
R: 7.5 cm
21.6x106 :
R_ x 100 7.2 cm
300x (1000)'z
o_1 )
,6 ' "' :
6: 0.3 cm/hr
01. Ans: (b)
Sol: W-Index:
04. Ans: (d)
P: 10 cm; t:8 hr; R:5.8 cm Sol:First two hour's of rain has abstracted Total
rainfall abstracted: 15 mm
Rainfall abstracted:6x1*9xl : l5 mm
P-R-losses _10-s.8-0
W - Index =
8 Remaining rain produce runoff
:0.525 cmlhr d-Index:5 mm./hr
Q-Index> W-Index: Rainfall intensity > $-Index only produce
P" : (0.9+1.5+2.3+1.8+1.6+l) : 9.1 cm runoff

Hydenbad I Delhi I Bhopal I Pme I Bhubmesw I Bengalm I Lucknow I Patn i Chemi ! Viiayamda I Vizag I finipati I Guitr I Kuk+OallvGlvd)
Academy Infiltation

Effective rainfall "P"": rainfall that produce R,A,+RrAr+RrAl

runoff R_
P" : 20xlfl6x1+l4xl +l2xl : 62 mm
0+0+1.5x6 :0.45
t":4ltr cm
. --.
rain: runoff)
Q: 2"d rain(Net
P"r: 6 cm t", : I

- 62-R
5- - - +R:62-20:42mm .n -r ^---
Q: .


05. 't1-P=3:6-.Rr
or: 3R2:3 cm
Sol: Ist hour rain P :2.5 cm
IlndhourrainP:6cm *,
- 4,,-
O, =1:6
-,R, ?Rz : 5 cm
R' R, R3
:4ha ;_ R,A, +R2A2 +R3Al
Ar Az: 10 ha Ar:6 ha, r\--
dr: 5 crnltr d':3 ,, 1 ,, Al+Ar+A,
cm/hr dr: 1 cm/hr ,,,,

1" hour net rain I Net rain: Runoffl lx4+3x10+5x6 :3.2


l't sub catchment { :2.5 cm, t":1hr

P. _R, 06. Ans: (a)
0r:-Ht sl
Sol: Q-Index:3 cm/day
Any rainfall intensity > $-index produce
+\- - 2.5-R,
-J- I runoff
Effective rain P. : rainfall that produce
(Negative runoff : zero runoff) runoff
P."' -R,' P.:6x1*9x1*5x1 :20 cm
t .2 t": 3 days
. ^ 2.5-R, ,
Q: -=,t
+ tt2: -0.5 = 0
^ 20-R
P -R. 3: a =R:llcm
Q:: t el

.r- 2.5-R.
- 1

= R:: 1.5
Ilydembad I Delhi i Bhopat I Pme I Bhubmesw I Burgalrn ] Lucknow I Patrn I Chemi !
Vliayawada I
Viz:g I Tirupari I Gmm I KukaOallVGIVd)
-ffi*rtffi^**' :22 z Hydrology

07. 08.
Sol: To estimate $-Index first estimate W-Index : Volumeof runoff
Sol: Depth of runoff
W-Index: P -R -losses Areaof catchement
, I.2xl06
[:o) xl00 :4 cm
P: (41-9+20+1 8+1 3+l I +l 2+2+8+1 6+1 7+1 3+6+1) 30x (1000)'z
" |\ -60,/ |

Total rainfall: 90 mm: 9 cm

:75 mm . P-R-loss: 9-4-0
Volumof runoff 36.6x106 x1000 W-lndex:
R_ , A
areaofbasin 1830x (100)'z : 0.357 cmlhr : 3.57 I mmlhr
:20 mm i > W-Indexonly produce runoff they only
considered for effective rain
t: 14x19
75-20--0 :7.857 .dP
W-Index - mm/hr
14xiY Time
60 =Pr-P,mm/hr
All rainfall intensities < W-Index does not tt -t,
produce runoff 0 0
2 6 J

P" : (9+20+1 8+1 3+1 i+12+8+1 6+17+13)x'60
6 57
:68.5 mm 8 70 6.5
t0 81 5.5
'60 t2 87

t4 90 1.5
. P-R 68.5-20
Effective rainfall
P" : (5.5+20+6.5+5.5)x2 : 7 5 mm

d-Inde*: 4 - R 7 5 - 40 :- 4.3i5mm/hr

Hydenbad I Delhi I Bhopal I hme i Bhubmesw ! Bengalm ! Ircknow I Paha I Chemi I Vilayamda I Vu"g I Tirupati I Gunu i KukapallvGlvd)
05. When an accumulated mass of snow melts,
LEVEL - 1 QUESTIONS the resulting flow entering a stream is
classified as
01 . The drainage area of a basin is (a) direct runoff (b) base flow
(a) the surface area of the land enclosed (c) subsurface flow (d) interflow
within the divide
(b) the vertical projection of the area enclosed 06. The water-year m lndia starts from the first
with the divide day of
(c) the horizontal projection of the area (a) January (b) April
enclosed within the divide (c) June (d) September
(d) is a fictitious area arbitrarily assigned to a
stream 07. An ephemeral stream is
(a) one which always carries some flow
02. Direct runoff is made up of (b) one which carries only snowmelt water
(a) overland flow only (c)'one which has limited contribution
(b) surface runoff, infiltration and : (d) does not have any base flow contribution
(c) surface runoff only 08, ,intersecting the water table, and
(d) surface runoff, prompt interflow and 'l , , 4o* from
the groundwater are
channel precipitation "'
03. The term base flow denotes
(a) delayed groundwater and snowmelt -r. _...r'.:.: ...i'

reaching a stream 09.,nhe:iflow duration curve is a plot of

(b) delayed groundwater flow reaching a ,' '(a) aOcumulated flow against time
stream (b) discharge against time in chronological
(c) delayed groundwater flow and interflow (c) the base flow against the percentage of
(d) the minimum flow in a stream times the flow is exceeded
(d) the stream flow against the percentage of
04. Virgin flow is times the flow is equaled or exceeded
(a) the flow in a stream, downstream of a
gauging station LEVEL - 1 Key
(b) the flow in a stream, upstream of a
gauging station
(c) the flow in a stream unaffected by works 01. Ans: (c) 02. Ans: (d) 03. Ans: (c)
of man 05. Ans: (a) 06. Ans: (c)
04. Ans: (c)
(d) the flow that would exist in the stream if
there were no abstractions from the 07. Ans: (d) 08. Ans: (b) 09. Ans: (d)
06. When base flow is separated from the storm-
LEVEL - l QUESTIONS hydrograph the resulting plot is known as
(a) excess-run off hydrograph
01. In a flood hydrograph, the duration of the (b) excess-rainfall hydrograph
surface runoff for the time of occurrence of (c) direct-runoff hydro graph
the peak is proportional to A- where A is the (d) direct-rainfall hydro graph
catchment area and m is an exponent whose
value is about 07. A rainfall of 1.2cm occurred in a 6h storm. If
(a) 1.0 (b) 0.667 the d index was 0.25 cm/h, the rainfall excess
(c) 0.s0 (d) 0.20 of this storm was
(a) - 0.3 cm (b) 0.0
02. A direct-runoff hydrograph due to an isolated (c) 1.5 cm (d) 1.2 cm
storm was triangular in ghape with a base of
60h and a peak^ of 100m'/s. If the catchment 08. The basic assumptions of unit hydrograph
area is 500km', the effective rainfall of the theory are
storm ls (a) linear response and time variance
(a) 1.08 cm (b) 2.16 cm (b) linear response and time invariance
(c) 21.6 cm (d) 10.0 cm (c) non-linear response and timc
03. A 6 h unit-hydrograph of a catchment is (d) non-linear response and time variance
triangular in shape with a base of 15 h and a
peak discharge of l2m3ls. This unit- 09. Instantaneous unit-hydrograph is a
hydrograph refers to a catchment of area, in hydrograph of
km' (a) unit duration and infinitely small
(a) 6s (b) 162 rainfall-excess
(c)320 (d) 1800 (b) zero frequency
(c) infinitely small duration and of unit
04. For a catchment with an area of 720lsf , the rainfall excess
equilibrium discharge of an S-curve obtained (d) zero effective precipitation
Uy + fr unit-hydrogriph summation is, in m3/s,
(a) 180 (b) 250 10. The inflection point on the recession side of
(c) s00 (d) 1.8 x 106 the hydrograph indicates the end of
(a) the base flow (b) the direct runoff
05. The upper limit on the area of the basin for (c) the overland flow (d) rainfall
the applicability of unit hydrograph is
generally taken to be 1 1. The concept of unit hydrograph was first
(a) 100 km'^ (b) 2500 introduced by
(c) 5000 km' (d) 1000 (a) Dalton (b) Sherman
(c) Horton (d) Thiessen
tffi--g^-.*' :25 z Hydrograph

12. The unit hydrograph is the graphical relation 17. Match List-I with List-II and select the
between the time distributions of correct i swer using the codes given below
(a) total rainfall and total runoff the lists. (ESE - 04)
ft) total rainfall and direct runoff List-I
(c) effective rainfall and total runoff A. Rising limb of a hydrograph
(d) effective rainfall and direct runoff B. Falling limb of hydrograph
C. Peak rate of flow
13. The word unit in the unit hydrograph refers to D. Drainage density
the List-II
(a) unit depth of runoff 1. Depends on intensity of rainfall
(b) unit duration of the storrn 2. Function of total channel length
(c) unit base period of the hydrograph 3. Function of catchment slope
(d) unit area of the basin 4. Function of storase characteristics
14. The lag time of the basin is the time interval ABCD ABCD
between (a)3 4 | 2 (b) t432
(a) the centroid of the rainfall diagram and (c)3 2 I 4 (d) t234
the peak of the hydrograph
(b) the beginning and end of direct runoff 18. Clark's method aims at which one of the
(c) the beginning and end of effective following? (ESE - 2004)
rainfall (a) Developing an IUH due to a
(d) the inflection points on the rising and instantaneous rainfall excess over
recession limbs of the hydrograph catchment
(b) Developing stage-discharge relationship
15. The shape of the recession limb of a (c) Measurement of infiltration
hydrograph depends on (ESE - 2010) (d) Flood routing through channels
(a) basin as well as stotm characteristics
(b) storm characteristics only 19. A 2h storm hydrograph has 5 unit of direct
(c) basin characteristics only run-off. The 2h unit hydrograph for this
(d) base flow only storm can be obtained by dividing the
ordinates of the storm hydrograph by
16. Kirpich equation is used to determine which (ESE - 02)
one of the following ? (ESE - 08) (a) 2 (b) 2ts (c) 5 (d) st2
(a) Run-off from a given rainfall
(b) Base time of a unity hydrograph
(c) Time of concentration in run-off
(d) None of the above

Hydenbad I Delhi ! Bhopal ! Pme I Bhubmesw I Bengalm I Lucknow I Parrn I Chemi ] Vijayareda I
Vizg Tirupati I Gmur I KukaOall(Hvd)
ACE :26:
I'ngineeringAcademy Hydrology

03. The 6 hour UHG of a catchment is in the

form of a triangle with the peak of 100
*'/se. occurring at 24th hour from the start.
01. Following are the ordinates of a storrn The base is 72 hours.
hydrograph of a river draining a catchment (a) What is the area of the catchment
area of 423 km' due to a 6h isolated storm. represented by this UHG
(b) Calculate the flood hydrograph (FHG)
Time Discharge Base flow due to storm of rainfall excess of 2 cm
(hr) (m3/sec) (m3/sec)
during frrst 6 hour and 4 cm during the
second 6 hour interval. The base flow
0 t0 t0
t2 87.5 l0 can be assumed to be 25 m'/sec constant.
24 t02.s l0
36 ll 11 04. The effective rainfall hyetograph of a
48 47.5 1 1.5 complex storm has a duration of 12 hr with
60 3l I 1.5 rainfall intensities of and 4.0 cnlhr
72 2l 12
respectively in successive 4 hr periods. The
84 IJ t2
96 I2 t2
ordinates of the corresponding direct runoff
hydrograph read at 4 hr intervals are 160,
(D 300, 570, 636, 404,234, 105 and 48 m3/sec
Derive the peak ordinate of a 6h respectively. Determine the 4 hr UHG.
unit hydrograph for the catchment.
(ii) If a storm of 6 hr duration at the rate of
1.5 cm /hr occurs, calculate the peakof 05. The 12 hr unit hydrograph of a basin of area
the resulting DRH. Take $ - index as 4320 km2 can be approximated as triangle
0.4 crnlhr.
with base period of 5 days. The peak flow in
the direct runoff hydrograph of this basin
produced by an effective rainfall of 5cm in
02. The ordinates of a2 hr UHG are qiven below:
hour is equal to
Time (hrs) 2hr UHG Ordinates
06. An S-curve hydrograph derived for a basin of
0 0
540 km' from a 6 hour unit hydrograph. The
2 t2
equilibrium discharge in the S-curve is?
4 54
6 126
8 rt2 07. A 6 h unit hydrograph of a basin has a peak
10 94 ordinate of 96 m'ls. When the base flow in
T2 64 the stream is 25 m3ls, and when the basin has
I4 36 reached its minimum infiltration capacity of
I6 L4 2.5 mn/h, a 6 h storm with 18.3 cm of total
18 0 rainfall had occurred on the basin. What is the
magnitude of the peak discharge in the flood
Find ordinates of 4 hour unit hydrograph hydrograph produced by this storm?
nngineerlngAcademy :27 z Hydrograph

08. A drainage basin has the following

characteristics. TEVEL -I SOIUTIONS
Basin area:2500 sq. km
Length of the main stream L : 110 km
Distance from the centroid of the basin to 01. Ans: (d)
outlet:70 km
Construct the 4 hour synthetic unit
if Ct : 1.50 and
hydrograph for the basin 02. Ans: (b)
cp:0.6. Sol: Given:
09. A triangular direct run-off hydrograph due to
Q : 100 m3lsec
a storm has a time base of 60 h and a peak
flow of 30 m3ls occurring at 20 h from the Catchment area:500 km2
start. If the catchment area is 300 km2, what Effective rainfall.
is the rainfall excess in the storm? Volumeof Runoff
(rES - 200e) R_
Areaof catchment
(a) 50 mm (b) 20 mm
(c) 10.8 mm (d) 8.3 mm 1r60x100x60x60
10. The excess runoff^ hydrograph from a R_
500 x 106
catchment area lOkm' due to a storm of 6 h
R: 0.0216 m
duration has been observed to be triangular in
sh-ape. The peak flow is observed to be 10 R:2.16 cm
m'/s and the base length is 20 h. The rainfall
excess in the catchment is (IES - 2012)
03. Ans: (b)
(a) 5.1 cm
(c) 4.5 cm Sol: Given:
1 l. The 6-h UH of a catchment is in tltel,form of a Q: 12 m'/sec
triangle with the peak of 100 -'lsec Volumeof runoff
Area of catchment:
occurring at 24 h from the start. The base is Depthof runoff
12 h. What is the area of the catchment
represented by this UH? LxDxl5x60 x 60

12. The following characteristics are given for a '


100 "
Area (A):400 km2 : l62kr&
Watershed length (L):45 km
Length to centre (Lc) : 25 krn
C1: l'257 04. Ans: (c)
Cr:0.576 SoI: Given:
(i). Basin lag"to" Catchment area, : 7 20 kfl]
(ii). Peak discharge "Qo" Duration, D:4 hours
(iii). Time base "t6" of UHG.
Hyderabad I Delhi I Bhopal I Prme I Bhubanesw ! Bengalm I Lucknow I Parn I Chemi Viarzwada Vizae Tirupati I Gmnr I KukaOallvGlyd)
A@ - :28: Hydrolory

k" : recession constant

Q"q'r = 2JftxL

Q"qui : 2.778"7:500 m3lsec

05. Ans: (c) 06. Ans: (c)

07. Ans: (b)

Sol: Given,
:0.25 cmlh 16. Ans: (c)
-:l.2cm Sol: Kirpich equation is used to find time of
:6h concentration
P _R :
$ -Index t" 0.01947 Lo'77 S-o'38s

1.2 -R L: max length of travel of width
6 S: slope of catchments : AH / L
R: - 0.30 cm: 0 AH =difference in elevation between remote
point on catchments and as outlet.
08. Ans: (b) 09. Ans: (c) 10. Ans: (c)

17. Ans: (a)

11. Ans: (b) 12. Ans: (d) 13. Ans: (a) Sol:
Rising limb of HG function of catchments
14. Ans: (a) slope(3)
Falling limb if HG - function of storage
15. Ans: (c) characteristics(4)
Sol: AB -+ Rising limb + depends on basin & Peak rate of flow intensity of rainfall (1)
storm characteristics Drainage density - function of total channel
BD -+ crest segment -+ peak controller by length (2)
basin & storm
18. Ans: (a)
DE -+ Recession limb -+ shape of recession
St,. Clark's has developed the concept of IUH
limb depend
entirely on basin
19. Ans: (c)
If is independent of storms characteristics DRH
: Sol: UHG - R5-
, q, qo e_u,J
ffi"-*m^-*' :29: Hydro$aph

Peak ordinate of 6hr DRH: 92.5 nf lsec

TEVEL - 2 SOTUTIONS Peak ordinate of 6hr
_ PeakordinateDRH
01. Ans: i) 30.52 m'/sec ; ii) 201.4S m'/sec runoff
Sol: s)5
i) Area of catchment : 423kn? 30.52m3 / sec
Time 6hr SHG Base flow (m'/s) 6hr DRII
0 l0 0 0 ii) t":6hr
t2 875 0 77.5 i: 1.5 cm/hr
24 t02 5 0 92.5 P.: ixt": 1.5 x6:9 cm
36 7l I 60
48 47.5 5 36
:0.4 cm/hr
60 3l 5 19.5
. P. _R 9-R
72 21 2 9 $ - Index = :]-- D 0.4 =
84 15 2 J t-
96 t2 2 0
=> R: 6.6 c
volumeof Runoff Peak ordinate of 6hr DRH from a stotm
Runoff (R):
Areaof catchment producing 6.6 cmrunoff
_ l2x 60 x 60Vl .5 + 92.5 +60 + 36 + 1 9.5 + 9 + 3]
: peak ordinate of 6hr UHGxR
+z: x (tooo)'?
: 30.52x6.6 : 20L43 m3/sec
:0.0303 m: 3.03 cm
Sol: D By method of super position:

4 hr UHG ordinate
:4hr DRII/R
Time 2hr UHG ordinate 4 hr DRH ordinate
. a, (m3/sec)
(hr) (m-/sec) (m"/sec)

0 0 0 0
2 T2 0 T2 6
4 54 t2 66 JJ

6 t26 54 180 90
8 T12 r26 238 IT9
l0 94 I12 206 103
t2 64 94 158 19
14 36 64 100 50
t6 I4 36 50 25
18 0 I4 t4
0 0 0
HydenbadlDelhilBhopallPue!BhubmeswlBengalmlLucknowlParrnlChemilvijayawdalYizg lTirupati lGuurl KukaQanyHyd)
ACE : 30: Hydrolory

iD By the method of S-Curve:

S-curve 4hr lagged S- 4 hr UHG

2hr UHG S-curve 4hr
ordinate additions
ordinates curve ordinate
p1111:(Sa_Sr) _(so-s")z
(hr) 56SAtt
(m3/sec) (m3/sec) (m3/sec)
(m3/sec) (m3/sec) (m3/sec)
0 0 0 0 0
2 t2 0 12 I2 6
4 54 t2 66 0 66 JJ
6 126 66 192 t2 180 90
8 r12 192 304 66 238 119
10 94 304 398 r92 206 103
t2 64 398 462 304 158 79
t4 36 462 498 398 100 50
t6 t4 498 512 462 50 25
18 0 5t2 st2 498 14 7
st2 5t2 0 0 1



Volumeof runoff
Area of catchment:
depthof runoff

HydenbadlDelhilBhopallPrmelBhubanemlBengalmlLucknowlPatnlChemilvijayawadalViz:g lTirupati lcuurl l(ul,,E-nyGlyd)

:31 : Hydrograph

I storm DRH =
II storm 12h DRII 12h FHG
6h UHG
ordinate 6h UHGxRT
DRII:6h ordinate: I+II
Base flow
0 0 0 0 25 25

6 25 50 0 50 25 75

t2 50 100 100 200 25 225

18 75 ls0 200 350 25 375

24 100 200 300 500 25 525

30 875 175 400 5'15 25 600

36 75 150 3s0 500 25 525

42 62.5 t25 300 425 25 450

48 50 100 2s0 350 25 37s

54 37.5 75 200 275 25 300

60 25 50 ,150 200 25 225

66 t2.5 25 125 25 150

72 0 50 50 25 75

DRH + Base flow

- 575 + 25:600 m3lsec

Effective Rainfall hydrograph Ordinates above $-index

Io Storm II" Storm ilI'" Storm

Rr:ERIxt. Rz:0.75 x 4 R3:4 x4

:2x4 :3 cm =16cm

HydenbadlDelhilBhopallPmelBhubmmlBengalmllxknowlParralChemilVilalawadalVizs lTirupati lGmnrl Kuka+allvGlvd)

ACE :32: Hydrolory

4 hr UHG I storm: II storm: III storm 4 hr UHG

Interval Ordinates 4 hr UHG 4 hr UHG :4hr 12hr DRH
4hr DRH ordinates
(assumed) xRr xR2 UHG x R3
0 0 0 0 0 0
4 a 8a 0 8a 160 20
8 b 8b 3a 0 8b+3a 300 30
t2 c 8c 3b I6a 8c+3b+16a 570 20

I6 d 8d 3c 16b 8d+3c+16b 636 l2

20 e 8e 3d 16c 8e+3d+l6c 404 6

24 f 8f 3e 16d 8f+3e+16d 234 J

28 0 0 3f l6e 3f+16e 10s 0

32 0 16f t6f 48
36 0 0 0



HydembadlDelhilBhopallPmelBhubanemlBengalmllxknowlPatrnlClremilvijaramdalvizg lTirupari lGutul KukeeallyfiIyd)

:33: Hydrograph

05. :1612.8 m'lr""

Sol: Peak ordinate of SHG (or) FHG
Volume of runoff : Area of UHG
: depth of runoff x area of catchment : DRH i Base flow
:l rl x 5 x 24 x60 x 60::i x 4320t (OOO)' :1612.8 + 25
" Q" 100
r :1631.8 -'lsec
,O "
QoofUHG:tr 08.
:x5x24x 60x60
Sol: A:2500 km2
:200 m3/sec
Peak Ordinate of 12 hr UHG: 200 m3/sec Lc:70 km
Peak Ordinate of 12 hr DRH:200 x 5 ct: l. 50
: 1000 mt/s"" Cp:= 0.60

Fasm rag,
540 tp : ct (LL.)o'o
Sol: Q.n* =2.778xL: 2.778x
te : 1.50 (110 x 70)o'o :22lus
:250.02 m3/sec

Sol: Given:
Peak ordinate of UHG:96 m3/sec"'
D' :4h
:2.5 mmlh:0.25 cmJh
, D'_D
P": 18.3 cm tp=tp--
t": 6 hour , 4-4
: P_R
- €
+ _
L^ -11LL -T-

18.3 - R
u.2): , 2.l8co 2.78x0.60
tP 22
R:16.8 cm
Peak ordinate of DRH: Peak ordinate of q; = 0.0758mt lslkm'
Q, A.9, :2500x 0.0758
HydenbadlDelhilBhopal!PmelBhubmeswlBoulalmlLucknowlPatralChmilviiayawdalviae iTirupati lGmurl KukaFally(flyd)
:34: Hydrology

Qp = 189.55m3 /sec 11. Ans: 1296 km2

T' 5.556
r =---------
9p 0.0758
:73.30 h

W.^:-+2.14 =34.70h

Wzs =
volume of runoff
Area of catchment =
19.78h depth of runoff
Volume of runoff : Area of UHG
09. Ans: (c)
Sol: Volume of runoff : Area of DRH :- x 100 x72x 60 x 60

- -x30x60x60x60 : I
2 Runoff lcm =-m
: 3.24 x 106 m1 100
Volumeof runoff
Rain fall excess -2 x 100 x72x 60 x 60
Area of catchment Area of catchment - I (tooo)'
_ 3.24x106
x 1000 100 '
300 x 10" : I296kri
: 10.8 mm .
:..1.. ]:j1:.

10. Ans: (b) Sol:

Sol: A: 10 km2, t": 6 6t
(i) Basin lag to: C1(L x L")o''
Qr: 19 m'lsec
: 1.257 (45 x25)o'3: 10.34 hrs
(iD Peak discharge,

p-- 20 hr { :2.78x0.576, 100 : 6I.94m'lsec
Volumeof Runoff
Runoff depth: (iii) Timebase, to =:*l
Areaof catchment
1>.10 x20x60x60
2 =3 *lo:4 :4.29 days
x 100 = 3.6cm 8
to x (tooo)'
Maximum Flood
rEvEr - 1 QUESTIONS 05. The term mean annual flood denotes
(a) mean of floods in partial-duration series
ft) mean annual flow
01. A culvert is designed for a peak flow Qp on (c) a flood with a recurrence interval of
the basis of the rational formula. If a storm of 2.33yrs
the same intensity as used in the design but of (d) a flood with a reculrence interval of
duration twice larger occws, the resulting N/2yrs, where N : number of years of
peak discharge will be record
(a) Q' (b) 2 Qp (c) Qp/2 (d) Q*'
06. The probable maximum flood is
02. Of the various empirical formulae relating the (a) the standard project flood of an extremely
flood peak to the catchment area, large river
(a) Ryves formula is used all over the country (b) a flood adopted in the design of all kinds
(b) Dickens formula is used all over the of spillways
country (c) a flood adopted in all hydraulic sttuctures
(c) Inglis formula is in use in a large part (d) an extremely large but physically possible
of north India. flood in the region
(d) Dickens formula is in use in a large part
of nonh India 07. The design flood commonly adopted in India
for barrages and minor dams is
03. The general equation for hydrological (ESE -2012)
frequency analysis states that : value of a
Xr (a) Probable maximum flood
variate with a return period of T years is (b) a flood of 50- 100 years retum period
given by Xr: (c) Peak flood
(a) x -Ko (b)x+Ko (d) Standard project flood or a 100 year
(c)Ko (d)x/Ko flood, whichever is higher

04. To use Gumbel's method to estimate the rEVEL - 2 QUESTIONS

magnitude of a flood with a return period of T
years, the following data pertaining to annual
flood series are sufficient: 01. A catchment has an area of 150 hectare and a
(a) mean and standard deviation run-off/rainfall ratio of 0.40. If due to 10 cm
(b) mean, standard deviation, length of rainfall over the catchment, a stream flow at
record & T the catchment outlet lasts for 10 h, what is the
(c) standard deviation and length of average stream flow in the period ?
record 2oos)
(d) mean, standard deviation and (a) 6o, ooo m3ltr
(b) 1oo Ji:"-
coefficient of skew (c) 3.5 m'/s (d) 1.33 m'/s

Hydembad I Delhi ! Bhopal I Pme I Bhubmesw I Bengalm I Lucknow I Patn I Chemi I Vijayawada lvizag lTirupari I Guuuj Kukatpally(I{yd)
ffi-tm^-r*' : 36: Maximum Flood Estimation

Common Data for Questions 02 to 06 06. The discharge at the end of 5 hours period, at
the measuring site, is
A three hour rain of average intensity 1.2 (a) 0.933 m'lsec (b) 0.5 m'lsec
cm/hr falls over the fern leaf type catchment (c) 0.9 m'lsec (d) 1.73 m'lsec
as shown below:

H Zone
I 3oha

01. Ans: (a) 02. Ans: (d) 03. Ans: (b)

04. Ans: (b) 05. Ans: (c) 06. Ans: (d)

The time of concentration from the lines AA, 07. Ans: (d)
BB and CC are 7hr,2hr, and 3hr, respectively Sol: Barrages design flood-+ SPF (or)
to the discharging measuring site. The values T: 100 yr
of the run off coefficients are 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 Spillways - PMF (or) T: 100 yr
for the 1", 2"d and 3'd hours of rainfall
respectively and there after it attains a
constant value of 0.75. TEVEL - 2 SOTUTIONS

02. The discharge at the end of t hour period, at

the measuring site, is 01. Ans: (b)
(a) 0.933 *t/r"" (b) 0.5 m'/sec Sol:A: 150 ha
(c) 0.9 m3/sec (d) 0.33 *t/r." I:0.40
R::: I cm/h: l0mm/h
03. The discharge at the end of 2 hours period, at t0
the measuring site, is -- AIR 150 x 0.40 x l0
(a) 0.933 m'lsec (b) 0.5 m'lsec 360 360
(c) 0.9 m'/sec (d) I m3/sec Q: .671m3lsec
Q: 60 x 1.67 -'/min
04. The discharge at the end of 3 hours period, at Q: 100 -'/-in.
the measuring site, is
(a) 0.933 m'/sec (b) 0.5 mt/sec Common Data for Questions 02 to 06
(c) 0.9 m'/sec (d) 1.73 -'lr.c
Sol: I't hr rain, Ir : 0.5

05. The discharge at the end of4 hours period, at 2"d hr rain, lz:0.6
the measuring site. is 3'd hr rain, b:0.7
(a) 0.933 m3/sec (b) 1.5 mt/sec
(c) 0.9 m'/sec (d) 1.73 -3lsec A1:20ha, Az:30ha, A::40ha

Hyderabad ! Delhi I Bhopal I

Pue Bhubmesw Beugalu
Lucknow I Parna I Chemai I Vijayawda lvizag I Tirupati I Gutrr I Kulatpallvfivd)
ineeringecademv 237: Hydrolory

I : 0.75 constant intensity for rain beyond

o- = f
A,r,R) .f A,I,R)
3hrs \ 360 )z_rutr",ro \ 360 )z_tutz"ow

R : 1.2 cmlhr : 12 mm/hr

12 20x0.5x12
30 x 0.6 x
360 360
Q:0.93 -'ls""
04. Ans: (d)
Zone-III Zone-Il Discharge (A,t,R) (A,t,R) (a,I,R)
40 ha 30 ha
Zone-I site Sol: O-l '' l+l " l+l ''
- \.360) I

20ha + [360/\360)
20 0.7 xl2 30x0.6x12 40x0.5x12
Q=-:oo +
36-+- 360
: I.73 m'/sec

05. Ans: (b)

Sol: t the end of 4th hr,
(A"I.R) fA,t,R)
- \.360/ (360 )

30x0.7 xl2-l 40x0.6x12


: 1.50 -t/r""
Ans: (a)
t: At the end of 5tn hr,

.'. Storm discharge at the end of 2hr is

= 0.933 m'/sec

HydenbadlDelhilBhopallPmelBhubmeswlBengalmlhcknowlPatralChemilViiayamdalvue lTirupati lGmurl KukaOalbHyd)

Flood Routing
06. The Muskingum method of flood routing
rEVEr -l QUESTIONS gives Q2:C6I2*C1I1+C2Q1. The coefficients in
this equation will have values such that
01. If I : inflow rate, Q : outflow rate, and (a) C.+C1:C2 (b) C" Cr - Cz: I
S : storage, in a reach the continuity equation (c) C.+C1+C2:0 (d) C" + Cr + Cz: I
used in flood routing is
(a)I+dS/dt:0 (b)Q-I :ds/dt 07. A linear reservoir is one in which
(c) I+ Q+dS/dt:C (d) I-Q :ds/dt (a) the volume varies linearly with elevation
(b) the storage varies linearly with the
02. The Muskingham method of flood - routing is outflow rate
a (c) the storage varies linearly with time
(a) hydraulic channel-routing method (d) the storage varies linearly with the
(b) hydrologic reservoir routing method inflow rate
(c) hydrologic channel-routing method
(d) method of solving Saint Venant's 08. The basic equation of flood routing through a
equations. reservoir can be modified for
successive intervals At by which one of the
03. For natural channels, the coefficient x in the following? (ESE - 2006)
Muskingham equation for channel storage
*I,]o,*[, * e,o,l=fr, *94]
usually lies between
(a) 0.90 to 1.00 (b) 0.40 to 0.65 L 2 ) L', 2 ) L' 2 )
(c) 0.65 to 0.85 (d) 0 to 0.35 q'^t] qr^t-l
(b)[l' *rt lo, *[r, - [r, * 2
04. The hydrologic flood-routing methods use L 2 I L' 2 ) =
L- )
(a) equation of continuity only
(b) equation of motion only (.)[l' * Ir-lo, *[r, * Q'o,l: [r, - qr^,-l
(c) both momentum and continuity L 2 ) L 2 ) L' 2 J
(d) energy equation only (d)[r, * I,'lo, * [r, -
: [r, - qr^,-l
L 2 ) L- 2 ) L" 2 )
05. The St. Venant equations for unsteady open-
channel flow are
(a) continuity and momentum
(b) momentum equation in two different
(c) momentum and energy equation
(d) energy equation

Hydenbad i Delhi I Bhopal I Pue I Bhubmesw j Bengalm I Lucknow Patra I Chemi lvlfayamda lViag iTirupati I Gutu I KukaOally(Hyd)
: 39 : Flood Routing


01. A stream has a uniform flow of 10 m'ls. A 01.

flood in which ^ the discharge increases Sol:
linearly from 10 m'ls to a peak of 70 m'ls in 6
hour and then decreases linearlv to a value of
10 m3/s in 24 how from the peak arrives at a
reach. Route the flood through the reach in
which K: 10 h and x:0.
l0 m3/sec

02. The inflow hydrograph for a river reach is

given below.
Time (Hours) 0 I2 24 36 48 Time Inflow (FHG) Outflow (FHG)
Inflow (m'/s) 100 750 780 470 270 mt/sec mt/sec
0 10 10
Assume that the initial flood for the nver
reach at the downstream point is 100 m3/s. 6 70 23.8
Muskingham coefficient (k) 18 hours,
weighing factor (x) 0.3. Using a routing l2 40 38.152
period of 12 hours, Route this flood to a d/s 18 20 34.40
point of river using Muskingham method of
flood routing and find the discharge at the 24 10 25.476
48th hour. (GATE 99)

Co= -kx + 0.54t _ 0+0.5x6 :0.23

LEVEL -l SOLUTIONS k-kx+0.5At 10+0.5x6

01. Ans: (d) 02. Ans: (c) 03. Ans: (d) kx + 0.5At _ o+0.5x6 =0.23
04. Ans: (a) 05. Ans: (a) 06. Ans: (d) k-kx+0.5At 10+0.5x6
07. Ans: (b)
Cz: I - Co- Cr : I - 0.23 - 0.23 : 0.54
08. Ans: (b)
dt A'
sol: I -o:
-dtat= Qz: CoIz + CrIr + CzQr
: (0.23 x 70) + (0.23 x 10) + (0.54 x l0)
- [Q' t2l
L2l 'lo, L = As= Sz - Sr
:23.8 m'lsec
* t, g,_4]
It, * [r, _ = [r, * a.o,'l : (0.23 x 40) + (0.23 x 70) + (0.54 x 23.8)
| 2l L', 2l L' 2 I Q3
:38.152 m'lsec

I NewDelhi I Benpluru ] Bhubaneswar I Vilalawada lVisakhapatram i Tirupati I Pme I Chennai

ffi-*g^-.*' :40: Hydrolory

: (0.23 x 20) + (0.23 x 40) + (0.s+ x Cr:0.612
38.152) :34'40 m'lsec Cz:0'356
: (0.23 x 10) + (0.23 x 20) + (0.54 x Qr2
: 0.032 x7 50+0.612x 100+0.356x 100

34.40\:25.5 m'/sec : 120.8 m3ls

: 0.032 x780+0.612x750+0.356x 120.8

02. Ans:538.36m3/s :526.96 msls

Sol: Qr : 100 m3/s, K: 18 hr, x:0.3, Q36
: 0.032 x47 0+0.612x780+0.356 x526.96
t:12 hr, Q+a: ?
:680 m3/s
Q+a: Co I+s* C1 136 * Cz Qlo
-I(x +0.5 At Q+s
: 0.032x27 0+0.612x470+0.356x680
" K-Kx + 0.5 At :538.36m3/s

Hydmbad I Dethi I Bhopal I Pme I Bhubmew I Bengalm I Lucknow I Patra I Chemi I Vijalawada ] Vizg I Tirupati I Gmur I Kuka$ally(Ilyd)
Well Hydrcrulics
06. A sand sample was found to have a porosity
rEVEL -I QUESTrONS of 40 %o. For an aquifer of this material, the
specific yield is
01. A geological formation which is essentially @) : a0% @)> 40% (c)<40%
impermeable for flow of water even though it (d) data is insufficient
may contain water in its pores is called
(a) aquifer (b) aquituge 07. The unit of intrinsic permeability is
(c) Aquitard (d) aquiclude (a) cm/day (b) m / day
(c) darcy / day (d) cm2
02. An aquifer confined at the bottom but not at
the top is called 08. The dimensions of the storage coefhcient S
(a) semi-confined aquifer afe
(b) unconfrned aquifer (u) rl 1u) Lr
(c) confined aquifer (c) L'lT (d) dimensionless
(d) perched aquifer
09. The specifrc storage is
03. The surface joining the static water levels in (a) storage coefficient/ (aquifer depth )
several wells penetrating a confined aquifer (b) same as specific yield
represents (c) specif,rc capacity per unit depth of
(a) water table surface aquifer
(b) capillary fringe (d) (Porosity - specific retention)
(c) piezometric surface of the aquifer
(d) cone ofdepression. 10. Specific capacity
(a) a constant for a given well
04. The volume of water that can be extracted by (b) depends on aquifer characteristics only
force of gravity from a unit volume of aquifer (c) increases with discharge rate
material is called (d) decrease with time from the start of
(a) specific retention (b) specifrc yield pumping
(c) specific capactty (d) specific storage
1 1. The discharge per unit drawdown at a well
05. Darcy's law is valid in a porous media flow if known as
the Reynolds number, is less than unity. This (a) specific yield (b) specihc storage
Reynolds number is defined as (c) safe yield (d) specific capacity
(a) (Discharge velocity x maximum grain
12.The specific capacity of a well in a confined
size) I p,
aquifer under equilibrium conditions and
(b) (actual velocity x average grain size)l v
within the working limits of drawdown
(c) (Discharge velocity x mean particle (a) can be taken as constant
size)lv (b) decreases as the drawdown increases
(d) (discharge velocity x pore size ) I p, (c) increases as the drawdown increases
(d) none ofthe above
Hydenbad I Delhi I Bhopal I Pme I Bhubanesw I Bengalm I Lucknow I Patra I Chemai I Vijavarada i VizS I Tirupari I Gmnu I Kukatrally(Ilvd)
42 Hydrology

13. A soil formation through which only seepage 19. In a pumping artesian - well, the well loss is
is possible, being partly permeable and (a) the head drop required to cause laminar
capable of giving insignificant yield, is porous media flow
classif,red as (b) the head drop required to cause turbulent
(a) Aquituge (b) Aquifer porous media flow
(c) Aquiclude (d) Aquitard (c) the head drop through well screens and
14. A leaky aquifer consists of (d) the sum of head losses through screens,
(a) an artesian aquifer confined by aquicludes casing, etc. and that due to turbulent
on its top and bottom porous media flow
(b) an aquitard confined by aquicludes on its
top and bottom 20. Safe yield of an aquifer is the rate at which
(c) an aquiclude confined on the top by an GW can be withdrawn without
aquifer and by an aquitard on its bottom (a) the pumping machinery getting
(d) an artesian aquifer confined by an overloaded
aquitard either on its top, or bottom, or on (b) causing long-term decline of the
both sides piezometric surface
(c) the sand entering the well
15. If Sy : specific yield and S'. : specific (d) the cone of depression going below a
retention, then predetermined safe level
(a) S,1 S, : void ratio
(b) Sr+ S,: porosity 2l.For open wells the ratio of safe depression
(c) S, + S. : 1.9 head to critical depression head is
(d) S,1 S. : permeability @) 3ta @) 4t3 (c) It3 (d) 2t3

16. An artesian aquifer is 22. ln an artesian aquifer the piezometric surface

(a) an unconfined aquifer declined to a level below the top of the
(b) a confined aquifer aquifer. At this situation, the aquifer is called
(c) a water table aquifer (a) an unconfined aquifer
(d) same as a perched water table (b) a leaky aquifer
(c) a perched aquifer
17. A quantity of GW held above an impervious (d) an artesian aquifer
stratum, and not connected to the main water
table body, is known as 23.For a free flowing well, the piezometric
(a) Perched GW (b) Confined GW surface is
(c) Leaky aquifer (d) Vadose zone (a) below the GL
(b) above the GL
18. For unconfined aquifers, the storage (c) below the WT at the well
coefficient (d) coincides with the water table at the well
(a) is essentially same as the specific yield
(b) does not exist
(c) is essentially same as the specific
(d) is essentially same as the porosity
Hydembad i De lhi I Bhopal I Pue Bhubmesru | Bengalm
: I Lucknow ' Patna I Chemai I Vljayawzda I
Viag Tinpati I Gutu I Kukatra-lly(Hyd)
ffi-**g^-."-' :4E: Well Hydraulics

24. Which of the following pairs of terms used in (c) A geological formation which is neither
GW hydrology are not identical? porous not permeable
(a) permeability and hydraulic conductivity (d) A geological formation which is
(b) storage coefficient and storativity essentially impermeable to the flow of
(c) actual velocity of flow and discharge water
(d) water table aquifer and unconfined aquifer
25. The dimensions of the coefficient of
transmissibility T are
(a) dimensionless (b)L2 lT 01. A fully penetrating well of diameter 30 cm
(c) t3 t2 (d) L T2 drawn water from a confined aquifer of 'K' ,2
x10-3m/sec and thickness 12m, if the steady
26. Match Lisfl (well hydraulics parameter) with discharge is 0.03 cumes, compute draw down
List-II (Definition) and select the correct at 10 m from centre of well, take radius of
answer using the codes given below the lists. influence as 500 m.
(ESE - 2003)
A. Specific yield B. Safe yield
02. A 30 'cm well completely penetrates an
C. Specific capacity D. Field capacity
"" 2,5 m. Determine the discharge from the well
'when the drawdown at the pumping well is
1. Discharge per unit drawdown ofwell
4.0 m, The boefficient of permeability of the
2. Same as specific retention ,l
4quifei is,::45 mlday. Assume the radius of
3. Measure of water that can be removed by
influence of the well as 350 m.
4. Limit of withdrawal from well withoul
03. The discharge from a fully penetrating well
depletion of the aquifer
operating under steady state in a confined
5. Water-bearing capacity of aquifer
aquifer of 35 m thickness is 2000 /pm. Values
of drawdown at two observation wells 12 and
ABCD ABCD I20 m away from the well are 3.0 and 0.30 m
(a)4 3 2 s (b) 3412 respectively. Determine the permeability of
(c)4 3 I 2 (d) 3425 the aquifer.

27. Which one of the following correctly defines

04. A 45 cm well penetrates ar unconf,rned
aquiclude? (ESE - 200s)
aquifer of saturated thickness 30 m
completely. Under a steady pumping rate for
(a) A saturated formation of earth material
a long time the drawdowns at two observation
which not only stores water but also yields
wells 15 and 30 m from the well are 5.0 and
it in sufficient quantity
4.2 m respectively. If the permeability of the
(b) A formation through which only seepage
aquifer rs 20 mlday, determine the discharge
is possible and thus the yield is
and the drawdown at the pumping well.
insignificant compared to an aquifer

HydenbadlDelhilBhopallPuelBhubmeswlBengalmlLucknowlPatralChemilvijarawadalvizg lTirupari lGmnrl futatpalVfifyd)

m-"9^-"*' :44: Hydrology

05. During a recuperation test, the water in an well with any depresses
open well as depressed by pumping by 2.5 m of aquifer (4)
it recuperated 1.8 m in 80 minutes. Calculate (C) Specific capacity -+ discharge per unit
the yield from a well of 4.0 m diameter under drawdown (1)
a depression heat of 3.0 m. (D) Field capacity -+ specific retention
(t: S, + S. ) (2)
06. During a recuperation test, the water in an
open well was depressed, by pumping, by 27. Ans: (d)
2.50 m and it recuperated 1.8 m in 80 Sol: Aquiclude: Geological formation which is
minutes. Find essentially impermeable to flow of water,
(i) yield from a well of 4 m diameter under a even though it contain large amounts of
depression head of 3 m. water.
Eg: clay
07. An aquifer has a coefficient of permeability
of 1.96 cmls. If the kinematic viscositv of
water'is 1 x 10 -6 m' /s. the intrinsic
permeability in darcys is
(a) 1.96 (b) r27
(c) 1000 (d) 2026
Sol: Diameter of well d-:30 cm
k: 2x10-'m/sec ,B: 12m
Q:0.03 -'/r"", R :500 m
. 'i l:, .: l: Drawdown @ l0 m from centre of well
01.Ans: (d) 02. Ans: (b) 03. , i.s., otrl : 10 m, 51 : ?
takerz -+ R: 500 m, Sz : 0

04. Ans: (b) 05. Ans: (c) 06, , ,,.:

07. Ans: (d) 08. Ans: (d) 09. Ans: (a) Rl
10. Ans: (d) 11. Ans: (d) 12. Ans: (b) i) r
13. Ans: (d) 14. Ans: (d) 15. Ans: (b) 2nx2 x10 xtz[s, -o]
0.03 =
16. Ans: (b) 17. Ans: (a) 18. Ans: (a)
19. Ans: (d) 20. Ans: (b) 21. Ans: (c) Sr :0.778 m
22. Ans: (a) 23. Ans: (a) 24. Ans: (c)
25. Ans: (b)
Sol: d*:30 cm
r*: 15 cm
S*:4 m
26. Ans: (b)
B:25 m
Sol: (A) Specific yield -+ water that can be K: 45 mlday
removed by pumping (3)
(B) Safe yield -+ limit of withdrawn from
HydenbadlDelhi BhopallPuelBhubmemlBengalmlLuchow]PahalChemilvljayawadalvizg lTinpari lGunrl ItukaOallvGlvd)
nxz.3t+xrcuQ5.g' -252\
Q= (lo)
2nx5.208x10* x25x4 a: 0.0426 m'ls"c
Q: 0.0426 x 1000 x 60: 2556lpm

Q:0.042t -'/.ec At the pumping well r* :225 cm

:0.225 m
Sol: Given,
51 :3m, \:12m
52:0.30 m, 12: I20 m
B:35 m
For confined aquifer,

h*: 19'46 m
Drawdown at the well, S*: -
30 19.46
2000 x 10-3 2nxKx:5(3 - 0.30) S*: 10.54 m

Sol: Given:
K: In a recuperation test
K_ Depression head: 3 m
K_ Diameter of well :4 m

Sol: hz: 30 - 4.2:25.8 m
hr:30-5 :25m
rz:30 m
K:20 m I day
K - mlsec
K:2.314 x l0-4 m/sec
- C --' Specific capacity of well
t --+ recuperated time
ecaAemy z 46: Hydrology

Hr ---+ depressed head while ptmrping i. H2:0.7 m

H2 ---+ difference between depressed
head while pumping and (i) When, H:3 m C:2.65x104 l/sec
recuperated head
Hz:2.5 - 1.8:0.70 m
e = cAH
t " ( z.s\ tH,
80 [0.70l /rs\
C :0.0159 per minute
__ldI n
alx!x42 x3
80x 60 \0.7/ 4
Where, Q: l0lit/sec
Q ---+ yield from well
C --- specific capacity
A + Area of well 07. Ans:(d)
A=!d'= Ix 42'= 4n Sol: 1<o: Kr
44 T*
Q : 0.0159 x 4n x 3:0.5994 tn'l-irt
1.96 x
. 9.81 "to-'
06. 10 lit/sec : 1.998x10 e m2
Sol: Hr:2.5 Hr-Hz: m, 1.8 m
- ,

;:2024.3 Darcy
d:4m H2:3^ iik,

HydenbadlDelhilBhopallPrrelBhubanewlBengalwllacknowlranalChmilV!fuyamdelVzs lfnpati lGrinml x"t'tr-tbfifya)

River Gauging
08. The surface velocity at any vertical section of
LEVEL - 1 QUESTTONS a stream is
(a) not of any use in stream flow
01. The levels of water in a stream are taken bv measurement
means of (b) smaller than the mean velocity in that
(a) Sounding rods (b) surface floats vertical section
(c) gauge posts (d) cunent meter (c) larger than the mean velocity in that
verlical section
02. To obtain the mean velocity of flow in a
(d) equal to the velocity in that vertical
stream, the velocity determined by a float is section at 0.6 times the depth
multiplied by a factor equal to:
(a) 0.a (b) 0.5 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.85 09. The dilution method of stream gauging is
ideally suited for measuring discharges in
(a) a large alluvial river
03. A gauge is generally fixed in a gauge well to
(a) provide easy access to the gauge (b) steady flow in a small turbulent stream
(b) protect the gauge from action of waves (c) a stretch of a river having heavy
(c) eliminate errors in reading due to waves pollution from industries a tidal
(d) none of the above estuary.
(d) none.
04. Select the material most suitable for use as
surface float for measuring velocity in a river
10. The slope area method is extensively used in
(a) ranging rod (b) palm leaf (ESE -2002)
(c) anow (d) coconut ,: {a):.,development of rating curye
: '(b) esti{nation of flood discharge based on
05. The velocity of a stream obtained by using high-water marks
rods is the
(c) cases where shifting control exists
(a) maximum velocity (b) minimum velocity (d) cases where back-water effect is present
(c) mean velocity (d) surface velocity
11. In a river carrying a discharge of 142 m3ls,
06. In the one point method of finding mean the stage at a station A was 3.6 m and water
velocity with a current meter, the velocity is surface slope was I in 6000. If during a flood,
recorded at a depth the stage at A was 3.6 m and the water
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.8 surface slope was 1 in 3000, what was the
fl ood discharge (approximately)?(EsE-2006)

The science and practice of water flow (a) 284 m'ls (b) 200 m'/s
measurement is known as
(c) 164 m'/s (d) 96 m'ls
(a) Hypsometry (b) Hydro-meteorology
(c) Fluvimetry (d) Hydrometry

Hydenbad I Delhi I Bhopal I Pme I Bhubanew I Bengalm I hcknow I Patn I Chemi Vijarawada
I I Viag Tirupati I Guol I Kulatrally(tlyd)
ffi-*9"-.-' :48: Hydrology

1,2. ln the case of large rivers, a number of

equidistant vertical sections of the total width
of flow are identified, for the purpose of
finding by numerical integration, the total
discharge on any day. On each section, the
01. Ans: (c) 02. Ans: (d) 03. Ans: (c)
mean velocity is taken as the arithmetic 04. Ans: (d) 05. Ans: (c) 06. Ans: (c)
average of two typical depths on that section.
07. Ans: (d) 08. Ans: (c) 09. Ans: (b)
Then the mean velocity is worked out for that
section. Usually, the mean velocity of any
section, corresponds to which one of the 10. Ans: (b)
following? Sol: Slope area method is used to estimate flood
(V represents the point velocity at the given discharge based on high water marks
section and the depth such as 0.ld,
11. Ans: (a)
Sol: Qr: I42 m'lsec depth : 3.6 m.
sl :1/6000
Vooo +Vouo Stage: 3.6 m/s : 1/3000
52 Qz
: ?
rS, Q' Sr
13. How is the average velocity along the vertical
e, 52

in a wide stream obtained? (ESE - 2007) +Qz: Qr

(a) By averaging the velocities at 0.2 and \=r42x li 3ooo =284m'/sec
0.8 depth from surface s2 1/6000
(b) BV measuring velocity at 0.6 depth below
the surface 12. Ans: (b)
(c) By measuring velocity at half the depth
(d) BV measuring velocity at 0.1 times the 13. Ans: (c)
depth below the surface Sol: Shallow streams of depth up to 3.0 m.
V: vo.u
14. Cahbration of a current meter for use, in
channel flow measurement is done in a Moderately deep streams V: vo' + vo't
(ESE - 2010) 2
(a) wind tunnel (b) water tunnel In rivers heavily (mid canals) flood flows
(c) towing tank (d) flume only surface velocity is measured with in a
depth of those 0.54 below the surface
15. When the stage in the river is 4.8m and the
water surface slope is 1 in 1000 the discharge
is measured to be 600 m'lsec. What will be
the discharge carried by the stream when the
14. Ans: (c)
stage is same but the water surface slope is I
Sol: Calibration of current meter is done in a
in 1440. towing tank.
(a) 450 m'lsec (b) 500 -'/sec
(c) 550 m'/sec (d) 5x 10s m3lsec
ffr, ACE
llll'rgrnccrrng ecaaemY :49: River Gauging
15. Ans: (b)
Sol: h=4.8m
Qr = 600m3 /s
'' 1440
Qz: ?

e, * (h)"'(sr)"'

Qz:500 m3ls

Hyderabad I Delhi I Bhopal I Pme I Bhubanesw I Bengalm ! Lucknow I Patn I Chemi I

Vijayawada I Vizag I Tirupari I Gunr I KukapallyGlvd)

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