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Tired of your dungeons lacking in verisimilitude? Want to add cool little features of interest to your creations but don't have the time to come
up with non-essential details? Want to make your dungeons feel more realistic? Then Dungeon Dressing is for you! Each instalment focuses
on a common dungeon fixture such as stairs, pillars or pools and gives the harried GM the tools to bring such features to life with interesting
and cool noteworthy features.

This instalment of Dungeon Dressing presents loads of great captives to add to your dungeon. Designed to be used both during preparation
or actual play, Dungeon Dressing: Captives is an invaluable addition to any GM's armoury!


Design: Josh Vogt Credits ....................................................................................................1

Development: Creighton Broadhurst Contents .................................................................................................1
Art: William McAusland. Some artwork copyright William Captives ..................................................................................................2
McAusland, used with permission. Captive Adventurers.......................................................................2
Joining the Party .............................................................................3
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
Merchants and their Train ..............................................................4
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any
Evil Humanoids ...............................................................................6
means, without the prior permission in writing of Raging Swan
Hooks, Complications & Opportunities .......................................7
Press or as expressly permitted by law.
OGL V1.0A .............................................................................................8

©Raging Swan Press 2020.

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Captives are a staple feature of almost every dungeon. No doubt, Filahn Thorpe (CN female halfling thief 3) is apparently
the dungeon’s denizens have dealt with intruders before—or asleep, curled up in the middle of the cell. A
emerged from their lair in search of slaves, sacrifices or food; perceptive character notices, however, the bony
captives (of all sorts) are the result. 5 halfling is listening intently and waiting for the
characters to make the first move. A soiled shift is the
CAPTIVE ADVENTURERS only thing covering her tiny frame, and the blood on
Every would-be hero looks rather alike when they’re tackled to her feet reveals she’s been recently beaten or tortured.
the ground, stripped of all possessions and flung into a cell to Wollop Thous (N male halfling fighter 2/thief 2) looks
await judgement, execution or subjection to the cruel whims of up in surprise when the cell doors swings open. He’s
their jailor. Use the NPCs below, to portray adventurers rescued by kneeling on the other side, trying to pick the lock with
the party. a piece of straw drawn from the thin bedroll allowed
6 him. A quick grin cuts between his cheeks, and he
springs back with easy energy, brandishing the straw
as if it were a dagger. Wollop’s captivity has not
Nagunt Vromir (LG male human paladin 1) has subdued his zest for adventure and he eagerly joins
languished here a long time—long enough for his the party—if properly outfitted.
scraggly black beard to reach his chest and his greasy
Jool Thims (N female human wizard 1) has a
hair to reach passed his shoulders. Bright blue eyes
permanent pout which doesn’t move even when the
roll in their sockets before fixing on his rescuers, as if
possibility of escape emerges. Willowy and well-kept
he isn’t used to focusing on faces. The tattered tunic
1 despite her imprisonment, she’s grousing about her
covering his now-scrawny chest has a faded, golden 7
adventuring partner who tripped her up and ran
crest emblazoned upon it. Perhaps his captor allowed
ahead when they were being chased. When she finds
him to keep this badge of service as a form of
him again, she has a series of inventive (and painful)
mockery. Nagunt mumbles constantly through cracked
punishments in mind.
lips though whether in madness or prayer, it is
Elsar Quindle (CN male elf fighter 1) is bald, with a
impossible to say.
hawk-like nose and equally predatory eyes. His fingers
Undel Sprocksten (LG male dwarf fighter 3) gazes out
twitch and drum along the chains binding him, as if he
the window of his cell, unchained but obviously not
could snap them like a bowstring. A broken arrow sits
desperate enough to try battering down the door. His
on the floor in front of him, just out of reach. The scent
huge, scarred hands are clasped behind his back, as if 8
2 of a misty forest, all dew and fresh breezes, somehow
he’s preparing to give a speech. Copper and brass
clings to him, and his skin has a greenish tint, as if a
rings are woven into his reddish brown hair and beard,
light layer of moss is growing on it. He craves sight of
and it’s hard not to imagine him clad in a noble’s garb,
the sky and leaves the dungeon as quickly as possible
rather than the simple grey robe he now wears.
—even if the party will not escort him to safety.
Oliv Nothuen (NG female half-elf druid 2) is on her
Punct Lillisth (LN female gnome cleric 5) moans
hands and knees; her wrists and ankles shackled
constantly, a noise which is audible through the cell
together. Yet she still finds the strength to crawl across
door. The reason is soon obvious—someone has
the floor, peering at the stones comprising her cell,
smashed the poor gnome’s delicate hands with a
3 dragging bloody fingertips through the grooves
hammer, ensuring she can’t cast spells. Her face is
between each stone. A grungy pelt, the remains of her 9
hidden by her bowed head and long, purple hair, but
beloved wolf companion, lies in a corner. She is
observers see the teardrops falling to patter her lap
distraught at her pet’s demise and plots bloody
and ruined fists all the same. Punct is in terrible pain,
revenge on her captors.
both physical and emotional—she fears she may never
Anera Kanak (CG female half-orc fighter 3) glares at be able to commune with her patron again.
rescuers from the corner of the cell—which is little more
Luthia Mollos (LN female human wizard 3) watches the
than a cave hewn into solid rock—where she’s been
party with calm, green eyes, their every movement
stashed. Thick chains wrap around her equally thick
observed and calculated according to whatever
arms, thighs and waist, keep her from moving too far.
4 formula is being concocted in her mind. A leather strap
Her automatic threats diminish to growls and her 10
gags the woman, while her hands are bound behind
black-green eyes glint with curiosity as she recognises
her back. She wears a many-pocketed robe that has
the characters aren’t her captor. She is a proud warrior
been slashed many times by a bladed weapon, though
and doesn’t take kindly to her rescuers pointing out
she appears uninjured.
her predicament.
Havik Lopsom (LG male dwarf fighter 3) raises bloody Asden Xerl (LG male halfling thief 3) is flipping a
fists, revealing several broken knuckles gained trying copper coin in the air, laid back and casual despite his
to punch through the thick wooden and iron-strapped situation. With a bored air, he makes little bets on
cell door. His face is mostly hidden by curly black hair every possible action, such as whether or not the party
and a beard, but the bestial look in his brown eyes is will leave him to languish, how long it’ll take them to
unmistakeable. Stripped to a simple shirt and leather get the door open and chains off him, whether or not
trousers, scars pockmark his face, forearms and the jailor will see him coming before he gets his hands
practically all his exposed skin. Havik is an aggressive wrapped around the villain’s throat...
fellow and is particularly vicious and merciless in battle Sindla Bovrelle (LG female gnome fighter 5) sits quite
—traits at odds with his goodly personality. still for a gnome, none of the fidgeting or shifty eyes
Eda Ripples (LG female halfling fighter 2) has that characterises many of her kind. She appears
scratched out odd charts and diagrams on the cell’s possessed of a grim purpose, and solemnly thanks the
mud-caked walls. The scrawling reaches as far as her 18 party for their aid, before they even offer it. Golden-
chains allow, and pride fills her clear, grey gaze. (The haired and amber-eyed, she is one of the noblest-
drawings are astronomical charts, despite her having looking people the party have ever seen, both in her
12 no way to see the sun, moon or stars during her stature and compose. Her imprisonment does nothing
incarceration). Eda believes the drawings are to mute her determined spirit.
inspiration from her patron and that they show an Jikkers Mertun (CN male human fighter 2) booms
upcoming alignment of stars that heralds a greetings in a jolly voice the instant he sets his wide,
momentous event. She does not know if that event will brown eyes on the party. Rotund and plump-cheeked,
be good or bad. capture has failed to destroy his positive outlook on
Qualla Uncet (NG female dwarf cleric 1) is kneeling, life, though there are hollows under his eyes that
hands in prayer when the characters discover her. probably weren’t there before. He pats his belly in
She’s tried to cobble together a miniature altar out of 19 anticipation of a good meal to celebrate his release,
13 the detritus in her cell: a little mound of mud, straw should the party be kind enough to facilitate such. He
and stones. Silky brown hair frames her face as she knows of a nearby inn where they serve the most
rises and smiles peacefully at the party. “And so my delectable roast and foamy beer. Of course, that’s also
prayers are answered,” she says in a croaking voice. where the villains responsible for his capture just so
Plathe Remoste (CG female half-elf cleric 2) loves to happen to lounge about, when not preying on
curse. She promises her god’s wrath upon any who adventurers and innocents.
don’t immediately free her. She promises her god’s Tulla Flavian (CN female gnome illusionist 4) barely
wrath upon her captor as soon as her blessed weapon misses the lead characters’ head with a bolt of flame
is restored to her hand. She especially promises her when they peek into her cell. Her powers would
god’s wrath upon the jailor who fondled her before explain the charred marks all around the walls of the
throwing her into the cell. It seems, she has a long list chamber, plus the distinct stench of burnt hair. Her
of wrongs to right. 20 profuse apologies follow, though she’s quick to light
Indonoste Veruthen (NG male human fighter 4) keeps another flame on her fingertips just in case the party
his face averted, casting his visage in shadow even as even think about abandoning her. Green hair and
the characters study him. The reason becomes silver eyes give her an oddly reptilian look. She loves
apparent with the lift of a lantern or torch, revealing setting fires—and sometimes these fires can
what must’ve been a handsome set of features marred accidentally or “accidentally” get out of hand.
by a nose that’s been sliced off, ears that have been
gnawed on, one missing eye, and bloody gouges
down his cheeks. Realising the party has noticed his JOINING THE P A RT Y
disfigurement, he moans, showing his tongue has also
Some of the captive adventurers listed above may offer to join the
been cut out.
party. However, all need equipment to do so effectively.
Nok Drithy (CG male human fighter 1) is deep into the Alternatively, the prisoner could offer to become a character’s
twelfth round of a drunken song when discovered. henchfolk for a year or so as thanks for rescue. Finally, rescued
Even if he wasn’t chained to the wall, he appears too adventurers could become useful contacts able to introduce the
besotted to even walk a step or two without help. The party to rich patrons, influential spellcasters, magic item crafters
16 stench of him reaches well beyond his cell. When he’s and the like.
able to focus enough to realise someone else is there,
he fixes a snaggle-toothed grin on the party. His eyes
are bloodshot. He talks loudly and incessantly—even if
the characters are evidently trying to remain silent.

When you carry plenty of coin and goods around, it can be Grenda Tacker (LN female dwarf) was known
difficult to flee quickly when someone decides you need to be throughout the land for her fine ales, beers and wines
locked up. You can hear merchants and their guards moaning she carted from inn to inn. Unfortunately, dealing with
leagues away, wondering what their captors are doing to their fine clients who tend to get drunk off her wares made it
wares and coins while they languish in captivity. likely that she’d fall afoul of some ill-tempered brute
sooner or later. While her caravan of guards and a
private brewer languishes with her in the cells, her
captors are getting quite soused off her stock.
Avul Tilamon (LN male elf) made a good living selling
reagents, scrolls and other spell-making and casting
supplies to mages, alchemists and other practitioners
for years. He was the business end of the venture while
his lovely wife used her magical abilities to prove the
efficacy of their offerings. Now he’s been beaten and
cast into this cell while his wife has gone missing, likely
suffering at the hands of their captors.
Riva Rallery (LG female gnome fighter 2) is a travelling
blacksmith lugging around her tongs and anvil to care
for everything from broken armour to forging new
horseshoes, despite her diminutive frame. A roving
band of marauders decided she’d serve their needs
well enough, keeping them supplied with weapons
and armour. They keep her working the forge to near
exhaustion each day. She wants revenge.
Dasel Ivora (LG female human thief 1) headed up a
roaming caravan of tinkers, tailors and traders.
Rumours the caravan was a front for spies, though, got
them all chained and thrown into the nearest jail for
4 interrogation. It doesn’t help that one of the tailors
actually broke during questioning and admitted to be
gathering information for an “interested party”.
Whether any others are involved is unknown, but Dasel
claims innocence.
Munley Teppel (N male human) is a roguish man with a
gaggle of children who help run his baking business.
But when a local lord choked on a bit of stale bread,
5 blame was placed squarely on Munley’s shoulders. Of
course, he’s never baked anything stale in his life, and
he considers this claim an insult to his craft. He worries
about his helpers and what has become of them.
Evrett Agrail (CN male human) owns a gallery of fine
art, selling paintings, sculptures and other work by
notable artists from across the land. However, while
transporting a consignment of art she was robbed and
her fellows slain. She is more worried about her lost art
than her companions.
Poda Jummil (LN male half-elf) travelled between two
major cities, using her train of pack mules to cart huge
loads of goods. But during one such trip, her hired
hands decided they’d make more money if they took
off with the goods and sold them elsewhere. Poda
shortly thereafter fell foul of marauders.

Dizi Maneral (CG female gnome cleric 2) sits in a cell Surrel Treyps (N male gnome illusionist 2) believes
crowded with at least a dozen other gnomes (her there’s little more important than a good education. As
fellow engineers). She was captured while surveying a such, he’s gathered a roving library, wagons and carts
route for a new road. Her captors hold her for ransom— full of books and scrolls he took from town to town for
a ransom her employers have no interest in paying. sale. He also had a team of scribes accompanying him,
She is despondent and depressed. constantly copying new texts. One particular town had
Roppels Quieve (N male halfling thief 2) sold a nasty run-in with a warlock recently, and have both
numerous maps to would-be adventurers, detailing confiscated his scrolls until they can be proven as non-
dungeons and treasure troves throughout the magical as well as run Surrel out of town. He then fell
9 kingdom. While researching a new map that fell into prey to the dungeon’s denizens. In prison, he can’t cast
his possession he snuck too far into this dungeon, and any spells and his scribes’ whereabouts are unknown
was captured. Now the denizens beat him to discover (but he fears the worst).
who else he told about the place. Hilda Felks (CG female half-elf cleric 2) inherited the
Hundle Dotor (CN male dwarf fighter 1) loves few merchant trade from her mother, and has fostered her
things more than a keen blade and the coin he can get own family to continue the tradition, with her husband
for it. Problem is, he wasn’t too fussy about who buys being one of the caravan guards and her children
10 his weaponry. After his latest deal went bad he was tending the wagons and pack animals. When she
incarcerated until he gives up the names of his shrewdly refused to give a discount to someone who
suppliers. Thus far, he has refused his captors’ claimed to be an “old family friend” of her mother’s,
demands out of sheer bloody mindedness. the client flew into a rage and hired mercenaries to run
her out of town. While fleeing she fell into the clutches
Japada Lounk (LE female half-orc fighter 1) has a keen
of a band of raiders and was separated from her
eye for choosing the best of her wares—in this case,
husband and children. She is beside herself with worry
slaves. She made good coin in the flesh trade, until she
and begs the characters for help.
dealt with the wrong band of evil humanoids. They’ve
11 Velluin Prast (NG male elf fighter 2) was once a caravan
eaten her “wares” and now demand she fetches more—
or she’ll fill the pot herself! Japada has had a taste of guard, until the merchant group fell to a band of
the helplessness feelings brought on by imprisonment, roving orcs and wolves. He alone survived and
and she doesn’t like it. managed to get a cart of goods to the next city along
the road. There, he set up a new caravan under his own
Yrellin Onolivus (LG male elf fighter 4) sells pets—exotic 17
name, which prospered for several years—until
pups from lands far away, unhatched eggs he claims
someone claimed Velluin was responsible for the
are draconic, or trained bats and birds. He had a large
ambush that killed his former master. He fled to a
group of handlers and trainers to help with the feeding
nearby dungeon to hide until he could restore his
and care of his merchandise during their journeys.
12 good name.
When they bumped into a group of fervent druids,
though, the nature lovers smashed the cages, freed all Lika Thodren (LG female human) is a wandering tailor,
animals that could escape and killed many handlers. creating clothes on order, stitching up tattered
Yrellin fled into a cave to escape where he fell foul of garments or embroidering filigree on nobles’ robes.
his captors. 18 She also sells bolts of cloth and fine threads to anyone
with coin. Raiders stole her coins and carried her off,
Brank Deppit (NG male human fighter 3) somehow
but not before burning all her unwanted goods in front
managed to get a source of cheap healing potions,
of her.
which he sold to various martial training centres and
bands of adventurers. Now, though, he’s being held by Kandra Sororis (N female human cleric [Morden] 5) is
13 a group who are trying to torture out of him his fascinated with relics, especially magical ones. She had
supplier’s identity. He knows that revealing this a private museum in a nearby city. While exploring this
information will likely spell his death, and so remains dungeon in search of more relics she was captured.
tightlipped about the reason for his incarceration. He is Her ransom is the choicest item in her museum; thus
desperate for rescue. far she has refused to pay.
Guinel Counder (NG male halfling) sold all manners of Lenkle Castar (LN male human) is a travelling cook,
powders and potions from his wagon, guarded by a selling not only herbs, cooking equipment and rare
fierce pair of half-orc guards. As it turns out, the half- meal ingredients, but also his fine skills to those who
orcs were working with local raiders. They betrayed the appreciate good food prepared by a master’s hand.
14 20
hapless halfling and left him here to rot. A burning lust One particular tyrant has taken Lenkle into custody,
for revenge burns in the halfling’s breast; if not setting up a kitchen in the dungeons where the cook
extinguished the lust for revenge will pull him into slaves away, preparing food for servants, slaves and
darkness. guards, as well as the tyrant.

EVIL HUMANOIDS Mavick Ruckles looks like little more than a mummified
corpse until he twitches and raises his head to gaze at
Dungeon denizens often argue and ambitious tribal warriors often
10 the party with sunken eyes. What could be keeping
scheme to slay the incumbent chief. Use these NPCs as renegade
him alive at this point? Dark rumours of cannibalism
humanoids among the captives discovered by the characters. The
surround his incarceration, though he denies them.
NPCs below can be of any (dungeon appropriate) race.
Bosot Tonny hums a jaunty tune and promises to
accompany the party as a bard should they free him.
He has some musical talent, but his true passion is
Thums Plockett snarls in no discernible language, but setting fire to things (and people).
his intent is clear enough. He wants death and blood Ferag Druft speaks in little more than grunts and
and plenty of it (preferably those of the individual groans, straining at her chains as if she can pull them
1 sticking him in this squalid prison). He was captured 12
from the wall. Her scarred visage bears witness to
sneaking into an enemy camp to thieve a bit of food, countless battle.
and his scrawny frame shows how successful he’s been
Uila Eddran is not the most gorgeous captive but her
at past such attempts.
jailors evidently found her attractive as they threw her
Ogutt Wensk is drooling on himself, but startles awake 13 into the cell nude. (Or it could have something to do
at a rough prod. His dumb grin shows blunt, chipped with her being a bloodthirsty maniac with a penchant
2 teeth. He seems safe enough, but there’s a feral glint in for hidden weapons.)
his eyes. He was imprisoned for accidentally throttling
Oborit Xesuid chatters obscure alchemical formulae,
his lord’s favourite concubine to death.
pointing out strange observations and facts that don’t
Lockle Sanchen is always shaking and tossing a pair of seem related. Whatever his unique approach to
dice, and they somehow always wind up rolling the 14
alchemy, it seemed effective enough when the various
3 exact numbers he predicts. Perhaps this has something explosions he caused cost the lives of a dozen tribe
to do with how he wound up beaten and thrown into members.
this cell.
Pheldram Polinous doesn’t speak. He just strokes his
“Behind You” Vleck is a smooth-talker for sure, starting chin and eyes the party as if they are a particularly juicy
up an easy stream of patter as soon as the characters 15 cutlet. He is a noble of the tribe ensconced in his own
arrive. He found himself jailed for trying to steal from dungeons by his own servants after beating several of
his chief. them to death.
Zeratash the Chained isn’t just chained to the wall, but Torry Laggums doesn’t like to brag, but he’s the best
iron chains are actually embedded in her flesh, assassin in the tribe. He tells many stories of his
apparently for decorative purposes. She smiles and cunning, but is reticent on the method of his capture. If
5 16
asks if the characters worship the lord of pain. She was released, he sets about slaying all involved in his
locked up for trying to forcibly convert others to her imprisonment. As long as the party stay out of his way,
faith—even when they begged her to stop. he does not offer them violence.
Yullis Meisteral holds a sword hilt with the blade Creast Ujulit flashes a broad smile, revealing teeth filed
snapped in half. The chains and stones around her are to points. A thin, pale tongue pokes out for a moment,
chipped from futile attempts to chop herself free. but his wheedling voice promises he’s been fed
6 17
Jailed for flying into a bloodthirsty rage in the middle recently. He was imprisoned for eating the tribe’s
of a tribal feast she is destined to have a central role at young, and is wholly and completely without a moral
the next such gathering. compass of any kind.
Luthestrum fingers a string of dried ears hung around Erasas the Grimy barely appears barely alive behind
7 his thick neck, and licks his lips as he eyes the the skein of filth covering his skin. He is blamed for
adventurers. 18
bringing disease to the tribe which claimed several
Darra Flusterval has clawed at the floor and walls of lives. He might infect his rescuers.
her cell until her fingers have been worn down to the Wongle holds out his arms as if offering a hug. He
bone. Despite her agonized whimpers, it’s evident 19 enjoys crushing people to death, and imprisonment
she’ll continue to scrabble for freedom until she has not dampened his enthusiasm.
bleeds to death. She was imprisoned for trying to
Grayser Serfil huddles in on himself, hands wrapped
assassinate a shaman.
around his knees as if he can hide behind his own
Ilgithonius the Third haughtily demands freedom, 20 limbs. His fingers are still bloodstained from clawing
promising riches and wealth beyond imagination. open the throat of a rival after an argument over
However, he is penniless and does everything in his looting rights.
power to fool the party.

H O O K S , C O M P L I C AT I O N S & O P P O RT U N I T I E S This prisoner has been placed in a cell without any
chains. However, several wild, starving wolves are also
Sometimes simply freeing a captive is not enough. Use these
10 in the cell, chained to the walls themselves. The
hooks, complications and opportunities to enrich (or complicate)
prisoner can only keep to one small corner if the want
the rescue of captives from the dungeon.
to escape being torn limb from limb by the beasts.
Oddly, when the party start to free this person, they get
D20 H OOK , C OMPLICATION OR O PPORTUNITY a wild look in their eyes and begs to be left in chains. A
The prisoner wears a rich robe and is obviously well moment later, their eyes clear, and they beg not to be
kempt. They promise an enormous pile of gold or left in chains for a moment longer.
1 jewels or whatever precious items catches the party’s The person in this cell is obviously a lunatic, gibbering
fancy in exchange for freedom. Whether they’ll actually and foaming at the mouth as they strain at their
follow through with the promise is anyone’s bet. 12
shackles. They may very well kill themselves from the
While considering whether to free the denizen of this effort of trying to escape.
particular cell, one of the party wanders a bit too close In a weak voice, this prisoner claims they have been
and the prisoners lunge out as far as their chains poisoned by their captor and will die within the hour if
allowed and grabbed them around throat. Now they’re 13 not somehow cured. They offer to guide the characters
threatening to choke the character to death or snap to a distant treasure (which may—or may not—exist), if
their neck if they are not immediately freed. they are healed.
Despite their bruised and puffy face, the torn and filthy Half a dozen children fill this cell, running about
clothes, and the shadows that fill this cell, the party playing a game of tag and acting as if their
3 recognize this prisoner. They’ve done business with 14 imprisonment is no big deal. Their laughter is slightly
them before and know them as a reputable and creepy—and a bit forced. All wear ragged clothes and
honourable person. How did they end up here? have not eaten properly for days.
The person or creature in this cell has obviously been This prisoner is a known, vile criminal, but claims to be
starved for weeks. If they are left here, there is little in possession of, or have knowledge about, an item or
doubt they’ll die within another day or two. Whether 15
4 person vital to the success of the party’s quest. They
they’ve done anything wrong or committed a crime is only impart this information when escorted to safety.
almost a moot point now. Can they be left to suffer a
When the party step into view, or attempt to
slow death?
communicate, the prisoner immediately calls for the
This prisoner’s face is full of open, weeping sores and 16
guards, telling them to hurry up and arrest the party for
the cell stinks of disease and decay. If the party free attempted jailbreaking.
the disease-riddled prisoner, they may be exposed to
If a character enters this cell with the intent to free the
the disease.
17 prisoner, the door slams shut and locks itself. The
As the party consider the many chains wrapped prisoner is shortly thereafter revealed to be an illusion.
around this unfortunate person, they realize several of
The moment a character steps inside the cell to free
the chains are linked to a variety of traps set around
6 this prisoner, they reveals the chains keeping him
the room. Any blatant attempt to free the prisoner
18 bound to the wall are already unlocked. The prisoner
triggers fire, acid, falling rocks and other dangers that
shakes the chains loose and rushes at the character,
could kill both the prisoner and the rescuers.
screaming for blood.
This prisoner’s face matches a crude sketch of a
The prisoner claims to be a follower of the god of
person with a hefty bounty on their head. Of course,
7 vengeance. Free them and received the god’s
the prisoner loudly declares their innocence, and
blessing; leave them, and be cursed forever. If the
vigorously resists being turned over for the bounty. 19
prisoner is left here, they scream loud curses at the
The prisoner hollers that they are the real jailer, and party—perhaps alerting nearby guards to the presence
that the prisoner has just escaped! The jailer’s master of intruders in the dungeon.
8 will reward the characters if they recaptured the
The attractive person in this cell claims to be the ill-
escaped prisoner. Of course, the “prisoner” will almost
begotten child of her captor, who doesn’t want anyone
certainly try to double cross the party later.
to know about his illegitimate offspring, but doesn’t
Arcane symbols on this person’s robe as well as an 20 have the heart to kill them. The captive has conflicted
undeniable air of crackling energy, denotes them as a feelings about their captor; they don’t know if they
spellcaster. They have been blindfolded and gagged should help the party slay them or betray the party to
in order to keep them from casting any magic. They gain their parent’s love and gratitude.
need their magical implements and components to be
able to assist the party.


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including
derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in
which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open
Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement
over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works
under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures
characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic
and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments,
creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the
owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify
itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate
and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must
affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be
applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this
License to Use, the Open Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You
have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are
copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open
Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content
does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any
Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or
governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
shall survive the termination of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v 1.0 ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Open Game License v1.0a. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast Inc.
System Reference Document: ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Dungeon Dressing: Captives 2.0. ©Raging Swan Press 2020; Author: Josh Vogt.

To learn more about the Open Game License, visit

Product Identity: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, artefacts, places and so on), dialogue, plots, storylines, language, incidents, locations,
characters, artwork and trade dress are product identity as defi ned in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) and are not Open Content.

Open Content: Except material designated as Product Identity, the contents of Dungeon Dressing: Captives are Open Game Content as defi ned in the Open Gaming License version
1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. The moral right of
Josh Vogt to be identifi ed as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.


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