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HKMA David Li Kwok Po College

First Term Examination 2021-2022

S.3 Science (Chemistry)

Instructions to Candidates
1. Read all instructions through this paper carefully.
2. Time allowed is 40 minutes.
3. This paper contains 15 pages with 4 sections. All questions
4. Only the use of H.K.E.A.A approved calculators are allowed.
5. Use a blue or black pen for this paper except for drawings.
6. Put down your personal information in the space below.


Section Score
A. Sentence Determination /7
B. Multiple Choice Questions /21
C. Fill in the Blanks /10
D. Data-Based Questions /62
Total Score /100

Name of Candidate: ( )
Class and Class Number: ( )
Name of Subject Teacher: ( )
Section A: Sentence Determination (7 marks)

Decide whether each of the following statements is True (T) or

False (F).

1. The observations in the laboratory involve the use

of 4 of our senses. _____

2. If a chemical gets into our eyes, we should flush our

eyes with running water for at least one minute. _____

3. The earth consists of five layers. _____

4. During the process of separating the components of

liquid air, carbon dioxide and water vapour are removed
the first. _____

5. The composition of both air and sea water is unfixed. _____

6. The flame test must be conducted by using a

platinum wire. _____

7. Water contributes to the composition of an anhydrous

substance. _____
Section B: Multiple Choice Questions (21 marks)

Choose the best option among the given choices (A, B, C, D) and
circle the answer to indicate your choice. Each question carries 1.5

1. Matter is anything which ________________.

A. occupies space and has volume
B. occupies space and has mass
C. has both volume and mass
D. is transparent

2. Which of the following is a correct order of the general steps

of conducting experiments?
(1) Draw conclusions for the experiment
(2) Observe and record the experimental results
(3) Report the experimental results
(4) Analyze and interpret the results

A. (2) > (4) > (1) > (3)

B. (2) > (4) > (3) > (1)
C. (2) > (3) > (4) > (1)
D. (2) > (3) > (1) > (4)

3. Which of the following is not an advantage of conducting

microscale experiments?
A. Obtaining more accurate results
B. Minimizing chemical hazards
C. Reducing the time needed to complete the experiment
D. Reducing the space needed for storing apparatus
4. Given that the following hazard warning labels are found on
the reagent bottle of a chemical, which of the following
statements about the chemical is correct?

A. The chemical is toxic and harmful

B. The chemical is harmful and irritant
C. The chemical is toxic and irritant
D. The chemical is toxic and corrosive

5. Which of the following structures of the earth is composed of

very dense liquid rock?
A. Crust
B. Mantle
C. Outer Core
D. Inner Core

6. Which of the following is not a major source of chemicals in

the earth?
A. The crust
B. The sea water
C. The atmosphere
D. The light waves
7. When sodium and chlorine is chemically combined to form
sodium chloride, its taste becomes salty. What does this show?
A. The properties of a compound are entirely different from
its constituent elements.
B. The composition by mass is fixed in a compound
C. The constituent elements in a compound can only be
separated by physical methods
D. A compound melts or boils at a definite temperature.

8. What does the following diagram show?

A. An element
B. A compound
C. A mixture of elements
D. A mixture of compounds

9. Which of the following statements are false?

A. The percentage of noble gases in air is higher than that of
carbon dioxide.
B. The most abundant gas in air is unreactive
C. Nitrogen is needed for making ammonia
D. Argon boils off first than Nitrogen

10. Sea water is _________________.

A. a compound
B. a mixture of elements
C. a mixture of compounds
D. a mixture of elements and compounds
11. What is the percentage of composition of the most
abundant salt in the sea water?
A. 0.04%
B. 21%
C. 68%
D. 78%

12. Evaporation is used to obtain _____________ .

A. a mixture of salts
B. common salt
C. pure sea water
D. Insoluble substances

13. When using a salt to conduct the flame test and the silver
nitrate test, the resulting flame colour is brick-red and there is
white precipitate. What is the salt?
A. Calcium sulphate
B. Calcium chloride
C. Sodium sulphate
D. Sodium chloride

14. Which of the following methods is used for testing pure

A. Using anhydrous copper sulphate
B. Using dry cobalt chloride paper
C. Using the boiling point test
D. Using iodine solution
Section C: Fill in the Blanks (12 marks)

Fill in the following blanks with one or more suitable word(s).

1. Chemistry is the study of (a) ______________, including the

compositions, (b) _____________ , properties and the changes
among them.

2. _______________ chemicals are substances which may

cause injury to people or damage to property.

3. The atmosphere is a ______________ layer surrounding the


4. The example which aluminium can be rolled into sheets

shows the (a) ______________ of aluminium and it is also a
(b) _____________ property of aluminium.

5. Oxygen is a gas which supports ______________ (burning).

6. A bluish green flame colour can be seen if the salt tested

contains _____________ in the flame test.

7. Water turns anhydrous copper sulphate from (a) __________

___________ and dry cobalt chloride paper from (b) ________
Section D: Data-Based Questions (60 marks)

Answer all the questions. Complete sentences are not required as

long as your answers can be shown completely.

1. A student is heating a test tube containing ethanol in the

laboratory as shown in the picture below. (14 marks)

(a) (i) List three mistakes when the student is conducting the
experiment. (3 marks)

(a) (ii) Suggest how the student can heat the ethanol in the
correct way and also the reasons behind. (2 marks)
(a) (iii) Besides flammable, state the name of the other hazard
warning label shown in the picture. Give an example of a
chemical with this property. (2 marks)
Name of the label: ___________________
Example of chemical: ____________________

(b) (i) State the definition of mixture. (2 marks)


(b) (ii) Is ethanol an element, a mixture or compound? (1 mark)

Ethanol is a/an ________________.

(c) Draw a labelled sectional diagram of the experimental

set-up shown in the figure in the box below. (4 marks)
2. The diagram below shows the process of separating argon,
nitrogen and oxygen from air. (21 marks)

(a) (i) Name the process shown in the picture. (1 mark)


(a) (ii) Can this process be done in the school laboratory?

Explain your answer. (2 marks)

(a) (iii) State the use of the filter and the loop. (2 marks)

(a) (iv) Name the 2 components of air that are not involved in
this process. (2 marks)
(b) (i) Name the structure D. (1 mark)
D is the ___________________________.

(b) (ii) Suppose structure D takes in 80000 litres of air, by

referring to the composition of air, calculate how many litres of
oxygen and nitrogen that could be collected. (4 marks)

(c) Explain why the gas in the liquefaction unit changes its state
from gas to liquid. (2 marks)

(d) (i) Name gases A, B and C. (3 marks)

A is ___________, B is ____________ and C is ___________.

(d) (ii) Why can we collect the gas one by one? (1 mark)

(e) State a use of Gas A, B and C respectively. (3 marks)

3. Peter collected a beaker of sea water. Then he splited the
beaker of sea water into a few samples of identical volume and
conducted various tests on the samples. (27 marks)
Table 1: Table of tests conducted for each sample
Sample A B C
Tests X, X, X,
Conducted Distillation Evaporation Crystallization

Picture 2: John’s Set-up for Distillation

(a) Identify process X and support your answer with a reason.

(3 marks)

(b) (i) What is the name of the set of the apparatus used in
Picture 2? (1 mark)
(b) (ii) State 3 mistakes than Peter has made in the set-up.
(3 marks)

(b) (iii) What does the tap water act as in the process? (1 mark)
It acts as a ___________________.

(b) (iv) What is the distillate obtained? (1 mark)


(b) (v) Draw the experimental set-up for distillation in which the
use of the apparatus mentioned in (b) (i) is avoided. (4 marks)
Peter chose to use the method of heating the sea water with a
steam bath for evaporation and slow cooling of hot saturated
sea water for crystallization.

(c) (i) State one advantage of each method. (2 marks)

Evaporation: ________________________________________
Crystalization: ______________________________________

(c) (ii) What would be the form of salt obtained after

evaporation and crystalization? (Using the method in (c) (i))
(2 marks)
Evaporation: ________________________________________
Crystalization: ______________________________________

(c) (iii) What is a saturated solution? (2 marks)


Peter conducts the flame test and a test Y to find out what is
the type of the salt in samples B and C.

(d) (i) State how Peter can remove the impurities on the wire.
(1 mark)

(d) (ii) How shall Peter heat the wire? (1 mark)

(e) (i) What is test Y? (1 mark)
Test Y refers to the ______________________.

(e) (ii) Fill in the following blanks to explain the procedure of

conducting the test. (4 marks)
First, he should (1) _____________ the common salt sample.
Afterwards, he should add (2) _________________________
and (3) _______________________. Lastly, he should
observe whether (4) ___________ precipitates are formed or

(f) In the flame test, a lilac flame is formed. In test Y, no

precipitates are formed. What is the salt in the sea water
samples B and C? (1 mark)


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