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Unusual Olympic Sports Quick Questions

9 Throughout its history, the Olympic Games have held a 1. Find and copy two adverbs which describe how
18 range of strange and unusual competitions that we no competitors had to climb up the rope.
23 longer take part in today.

34 Rope Climb: Stopped in 1932, this was an event in which
45 competitors had to climb up a rope as quickly and as 2. In what year did the only Swimming Obstacle
53 stylishly as possible. The most impressive winner was Race take place?
63 George Eyser in 1904, who won gold despite having a
65 wooden leg! 

75 Tug of War: At every Olympic Games until 1920, teams

3. Why was George Eyser’s gold medal win the
86 of eight men would have to pull their opponents six feet
‘most impressive’? Explain your answer.
97 over a line on the floor. The British team, containing lots
106 of police officers, were very good at this event. 
114 Swimming Obstacle Race: This event only happened in

124 the 1900 Olympics. Swimmers had to climb over a pole
134 and a row of boats, before swimming under another row 
140 of boats towards the finish line.
4. How do these sports compare to Olympic events
we see today?

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Unusual Olympic Sports Answers
9 Throughout its history, the Olympic Games have held a 1. Find and copy two adverbs which describe how
18 range of strange and unusual competitions that we no competitors had to climb up the rope.
23 longer take part in today. Accept: quickly and stylishly.
34 Rope Climb: Stopped in 1932, this was an event in which
45 competitors had to climb up a rope as quickly and as 2. In what year did the only Swimming Obstacle
53 stylishly as possible. The most impressive winner was Race take place?
63 George Eyser in 1904, who won gold despite having a Accept: 1900 only.
65 wooden leg!

75 Tug of War: At every Olympic Games until 1920, teams 3. Why was George Eyser’s gold medal win the
86 of eight men would have to pull their opponents six feet ‘most impressive’? Explain your answer.
97 over a line on the floor. The British team, containing lots Accept any answer which explains how
106 of police officers, were very good at this event. difficult it might have been to climb the rope
with a wooden leg and still be the fastest
114 Swimming Obstacle Race: This event only happened in
124 the 1900 Olympics. Swimmers had to climb over a pole
134 and a row of boats, before swimming under another row 4. How do these sports compare to Olympic events
140 of boats towards the finish line. we see today?
Accept any valid similarity or difference
provided, such as ‘we don’t have an obstacle
swimming race but we do still have swimming
races’, or ‘we do not have any events
which involve using a rope anymore’.

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