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Education and Reference Guide

Copyright © 2004 - 2014 Vital Images, Inc. All rights reserved. Date of Publication January, 2014
VitreaWorkstation® protected by U.S. Patents 5,986,662; 6,130,671; 6,219,059; 7,031,504; 7,136,064; 7,362,329; 7,574,029;
7,590,272; 7,660,481;7,929,748;7,991,210; 8,214756; 8,249,687 Other Patents Pending in the U.S. and other countries.
VitreaAdvanced® protected by U.S. Patents 5,986,662; 6,130,671; 6,219,059; 7,031,504; 7,136,064; 7,362,329; 7,574,029;
7,590,272; 7,660,481;7,929,748;7,991,210; 8,214756; 8,249,687 Other Patents Pending in the U.S. and other countries.
VitreaCore® protected by U.S. Patents 5,986,662; 6,130,671; 6,219,059; 7,039,723; 7,136,064; 7,362,329; RE42,952;Other Patents
Pending in the U.S. and other countries.

VPMC-13235 A VitreaCore Education and Reference Guide

This publication is valid for Vitrea Enterprise Suite 6.6 and later software versions.
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Vital Images, Vitrea, ViTAL, and ViTAL U are registered trademarks of Vital Images, Inc.
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If this software or documentation is delivered to the Department of Defense (DOD) of the U.S. Government, it is delivered with Restricted
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This software and the information in this software including, but not limited to, the ideas, concepts and know-how are proprietary,
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This software is a licensed product of and is distributed by Vital Images, and may only be used according to the terms of that license on
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VPMC-13235 A iii
Safety and Regulatory
document includes important information regarding general Vitrea Safety
and Regulatory considerations.

CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a

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• For general, non-technical support questions, contact us through our
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• For a printed version of the Release Notes, Education and Reference
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Release Notes
Vitrea Release Notes contain late-breaking information not available at the
time the Education and Reference Guide was released. This document is
available from your System Administrator or from Vital Images.

VPMC-13235 A
Table of Contents
Safety and Regulatory Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Release Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

Introduction to VitreaCore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
VitreaCore Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
User Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Vital U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
VitreaCore Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Study Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The Viewer Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Viewer Window Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Visual Tab Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Analysis Tab Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Batch Tab Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The Report Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Troubleshooting VitreaCore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Select a Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
VitreaCore User Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Loading Studies into VitreaCore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
VitreaAdvanced Through the Data Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Loading Studies into VES Through a PACS Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Common Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Study Directory Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Using the Patient List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Using the Data Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Using DICOM Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Auto Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Queue Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

VPMC-13235 A
Viewer Window Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Viewer Window Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Using the Viewer Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Performing Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Segmenting Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Performing Vessel Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2D Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Visual Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
MPR Imaging in VitreaCore Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3D Imaging in VitreaCore Viewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Using 3D Presets and Anatomy Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3D/MPR Right-Click Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Image Batches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Appendix I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
User Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Setting User Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Local Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Network Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Appendix II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Distribute Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Distribute Findings Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
The Report Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Bone and Spine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Bone and Spine Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Bone and Spine Lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Additional Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

Aorta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Aorta Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Aorta Lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Additional Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

VPMC-13235 A
Peripheral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Peripheral Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Peripheral Lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Additional Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

Carotid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Carotid Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Carotid Lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Additional Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

Coronary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Coronary Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Coronary Lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Additional Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

Circle of Willis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Circle of Willis Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Circle of Willis Lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Additional Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Lung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Lung Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Lung Lesson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

VPMC-13235 A
VPMC-13235 A
Introduction to VitreaCore

• VitreaCore Overview
• VitreaCore Windows
• Study Directory
• The Viewer Window
• The Report Window
• Troubleshooting VitreaCore

VitreaCore Overview
VitreaCore is a Web-based medical diagnostic aid that allows physicians
to use PCs or notebook computers to gain remote access to 2D, 3D, and
4D advanced visualization. The software enables you to measure, rotate,
and analyze images.

VitreaCore offers two viewer options: VitreaCore and Advanced Viewer.

The viewer you choose depends on the workflow you want to complete.
Consult the individual workflow modules to help you decide which viewer
option to choose.

Introduction to VitreaCore 9
VPMC-13235 A
User Help

Click the Help tab at the bottom of the VitreaCore Viewer window to
access detailed user documentation for VitreaCore.

To view the .pdf files, you need to have Adobe Reader.

Vital U

Vital U offers courses in a variety of settings to accommodate multiple

learning preferences and schedules. We provide education at the Vital U
customer education center, in cities around the U.S., at your facility, and
on our Web site.

Learn advanced visualization software in our dedicated classroom or at a

traveling classroom in a city near you. You can also bring a program to
your facility and customize your education to your specific workflow. Our
Web site offers distance learning through Vital U Live webinars and
eLearning content that’s available anytime.

In addition to our standard clinical applications, we offer specialty courses

for applications in oncology, neurology, virtual colonoscopy and
cardiology. Select courses offer CME and CE credits to U.S. based
physicians and technologists.

Call the Vital U education coordinator at 952-487-9559 or e-mail

[email protected] to register for in-house, on-site, road show, or
for any other education-related questions.

10 Introduction to VitreaCore
VPMC-13235 A
Classroom Learning
Fundamentals for Advanced Visualization Software

This three-day post-processing course teaches the fundamentals of Vital

Images’ advanced visualization software that creates 2D, 3D and 4D
images of human anatomy. Participants receive an overview of the variety
of applications and disciplines within the software including cardiac,
peripherals, EP Planning, lung, tumor, joint disarticulation, perfusion,
pulmonary, and renal. Learn to manipulate 2D and 3D images, including
multi-planar reformatting (MPR), maximum intensity projection (MIP) and
volumes, through hands-on exercises delivered by experienced Vital U
clinical applications instructors. U.S. -based physicians and technologists
can earn CME and CE credits from this course.

Each course module reinforces Vital U’s standardized learning

methodology with step-by-step instruction for image acquisition, protocol
assignment, case analysis and image distribution.

Fundamentals for VitreaCore

This one-day post-processing course teaches the fundamentals of

VitreaCore software that creates 2D and 3D images of human anatomy.
Participants receive an overview of the variety of applications and
disciplines within the software including basic 3D, MPR, and Vessel
Probe. Learn to manipulate 2D and 3D images, including multi-planar
reformatting (MPR), maximum intensity projection (MIP) and volumes,
through hands-on exercises delivered by experienced Vital U clinical
applications instructors.

Each course module reinforces Vital U’s standardized learning

methodology with step-by-step instruction for image acquisition, protocol
assignment, case analysis and image distribution.

Distance Learning
Register for a schedule of live webinars demonstrating Vital Images
software, while a physician or clinical applications instructor answers your
questions. You can also explore a library of recorded webinars at your

Introduction to VitreaCore 11
VPMC-13235 A
convenience. View the schedule of dates and topics or register at

Administrator Education
This course is designed for IT professionals, PACS Administrators, field
engineers or anyone who services, installs or supports Vital Images’
advanced visualization software. This course will teach your designated
Vital Images software administrator how to get the most out of VitreaCore
by fully integrating it with your medical imaging systems. For more
information, contact the Vital U education coordinator at 952.487.9559 or
e-mail [email protected].

On-site Learning
Any of our educational programs can be brought to your facility. Our
experienced applications instructors meet your learning needs by bringing
Vital U courses and hardware, if needed, to your site. On-site learning
customizes your education program to the specific workflow of your
physicians and technologists.

Customized Options
Packages include multi-user and multi-session formats to meet your
learning needs. To design your customized education program, contact
the Vital U education coordinator at 952.487.9559 or e-mail
[email protected].

VitreaCore Windows
Navigate through the VitreaCore windows by selecting the appropriate tab
located at the bottom of the screen.

12 Introduction to VitreaCore
VPMC-13235 A
Study Directory
When you start VitreaCore, the Study Directory opens.

3 4 1

9 10

Callout Description
1 Software Version
2 Column Headers

NOTE: Click to sort. Click then type the first few letters
to search.
3 Conference Button
4 Preferences Button
5 Patient List
6 DICOM Query tab
7 Series/Snapshots/Reports/Applications Tabs
8 Data Manager

Introduction to VitreaCore 13
VPMC-13235 A
Callout Description
9 Server Load Indicator
Hover the cursor over the icon to display the amount of free
server memory, in gigabytes.
More black than white: More than 3.0 GB Server Memory
Black and white: Between 2.0 and 3.0 GB Server Memory
Orange: Between 1.0 GB and 2.0 GB Server Memory
Red: Less than 1.0 GB Server Memory
10 Network Speed Indicator
Hover the cursor over the icon to display the speed, or
throughput, of the network you are using.
Red: < 8.0 Mbps Network Speed
Black: >20.0 Mbps Network Speed

NOTE: This figure represents the effective throughput

over all paths, such as the Internet, your office network,
and/or your home network or WiFi connection, and
may not represent the speed of your local network.

Study Status Icons

In the patient list, in the Status column contain folder icons. The color
represents the state of that study.

Icons Description
(Blue with blue arrow) Incoming/Processing

(Green with yellow star burst) Unread

(Green with yellow star burst Unread with evidence
and snapshots)
(Red outline with padlock) Locked study
(Gray) Read
(Gray with snapshots) Read with evidence

14 Introduction to VitreaCore
VPMC-13235 A
Icons Description
(Gray with red check mark) Published
Building DICOM study

NOTE: This icon is not an

indication of the build process;
it just indicates the data is

Patient List Column Headers

Filter and sort studies using the Patient List columns. Once you identify
studies, use the Series Thumbnail area to load images.

Filter, Sort, and Search the Patient List

Use the column headers in the Patient List to filter the list, sort the list, or
search for specific studies.

Patient List Right-click Menu

When you right-click on a study, a menu displays containing the following

Menu Item Description

Load Study If there is more than one series in the study, it loads two
series in a 2-up 2D viewer in VitreaCore. If there is only
one series, it loads the first image into a 1-up 2D viewer.
If there are more images in the study, click the forward
arrow to step through the images.
Delete Study Deletes the study from the server.
by Schedule
Email to Sends the images in an email.
Change Changes the status of the study:
Status • Unread
• Read
• Published

Introduction to VitreaCore 15
VPMC-13235 A
Menu Item Description
Change Lock a study from deletion, or unlock a study you
Study Lock locked.

NOTE: You can only unlock a study you have

locked. To unlock a study someone else locked,
contact your System Administrator.
Save Media Export data to media (CD/DVD/USB/Local Disk/Network
DICOM Export series to DICOM device.

Mark a Study as Read

The Mark as Read option and the Status column in the Patient List are
only available if Enable mark study as read check box is selected during
server configuration, and if you are logged on with radiologist privileges.
For information about configuring the Vital Image Management Server
(VIMS), contact your System Administrator.

Worklist Filters
Use a predefined Worklist Filter to sort the Patient List, or define and save
your own filter.

Automatic Query
VitreaCore contains two automatic query/retrieve features:

• Configure a scanner to send all studies to the server automatically.

• Automatically set the client PC to query the server at regular default
intervals to refresh the Study Directory. As soon as the client PC
receives them, studies display on the Study Directory screen.

User- and System-specific Study Directory Screen Preferences

Click to set Patient List preferences, such as:

• Specify the columns displayed

• Specify the timespan between automatic DICOM server queries

16 Introduction to VitreaCore
VPMC-13235 A
• Set other Patient List preferences

User Types
Loading studies into VitreaCore depends on your user type. The user
types are determined by usernames and passwords. Your organization
assigns user types to individual usernames and passwords depending on
the role of the user.

NOTE: Contact your System Administrator for information regarding

the usernames and passwords associated with the different user
• Clinician
• Diagnostic User
• Advanced Diagnostic User
• Administrator (not covered in this book)

NOTE: See the VitreaCore Installation and Administration Guide for

information regarding the Administrator user type.

• Access VitreaCore.
• Load and interact in VitreaCore workflows using the
Load button.
• Restore snapshots into VitreaCore.

Diagnostic Users
• Access both VitreaCore Viewer and VitreaAdvanced Viewer. The
VitreaCore Viewer is the default viewer.
• Load and interact in VitreaCore Viewer workflows using
the Load button.
• Load and interact in Advanced Viewer workflows
by right-clicking and selecting Load in Advanced
• Restore snapshots into Advanced Viewer.

Introduction to VitreaCore 17
VPMC-13235 A
Advanced Diagnostic Users
• Access both VitreaCore Viewer and VitreaAdvanced Viewer. The
Advanced Viewer is the default viewer.
• Load and interact in Advanced Viewer Workflows using
the Advanced Viewer button.
• Load and interact in VitreaCore Viewer workflows
by right-clicking and selecting Load.
• Restore snapshots into Advanced Viewer.

Specific Access Controls by User Types

Clinician Diagnostic Advanced

User Diagnostic
Load into VitreaCore Y Y Y
Load into N Y Y
Restore workflow Y N N
into VitreaCore by
Restore workflow N Y Y
into Advanced
Viewer by default
Send DICOM image N Y Y
Publish to Clinician N Y Y
Delete study N N Y
Vessel Probe N Y Y
DICOM query Y Y Y
(if configured
by System
Create evidence N Y Y
batches, movies)
Delete evidence N Y Y
batches, movies)

18 Introduction to VitreaCore
VPMC-13235 A
The Viewer Window
The Viewer window is the main working area in VitreaCore and includes
the tools necessary to complete your workflow.

3 2

Callout Description
1 Viewer Window Layout Buttons
2 Analysis, Visual, and Batch Tabs
3 VitreaCore tools
4 In-view tools
5 Information area and Status Bar

Introduction to VitreaCore 19
VPMC-13235 A
2D and MPR Mouse Functions

Mouse Button Press to:

Click Activate Tool

Middle-click and drag Pan

Left + Middle click and drag Zoom

Right-click and drag Scroll


Roll the mouse wheel

3D Mouse Functions

Mouse Button Press to:

Click Activate Tool
Click then pause a moment to
activate the tool

Click and drag Rotate

Click then drag right away

Middle-click and drag Pan

20 Introduction to VitreaCore
VPMC-13235 A
Mouse Button Press to:
Left + Middle click and drag Zoom


Left + Right click and drag

Keyboard Shortcuts
Adjust views and perform other operations using keyboard shortcuts

Key Function
C Activate Cobb Angle tool
E Activate Ellipse tool
F Activate ROI tool
G Activate Angle tool
H Activate Crshair tool
I Switch to inverted view
M Activate Arrow (Marker) tool
P Activate Spine Labeling tool
R Activate Ruler tool
S Activate Snap tool
T Activate Text or Text/Arrow tool
W Activate Win/Lev tool
CTRL- Re-do last undone action
CTRL- Undo last action (repeat to undo multiple actions)

3D Keyboard Shortcuts

Key Function
S-I [F2] Rotate volume Superior to Inferior -- 180° azimuth, 90°
elevation, 0° twist
I-S [F3] Rotate volume Inferior to Superior -- 0°, -90°, 0°

Introduction to VitreaCore 21
VPMC-13235 A
Key Function
A-P [F4] Rotate volume Anterior to Posterior -- 0°, 0°, 0°
P-A [F5] Rotate volume Posterior to Anterior -- -180°, 0°, 0°
L-R [F6] Rotate volume Left to Right -- -90°, 0°, 0°
R-L [F7] Rotate volume Right to Left -- 90°, 0°, 0°

Viewer Window Tools

In the Viewer window, perform analysis or segment anatomy.

1 2

# Description
1 VitreaCore Tools
2 Segment Objects Area

22 Introduction to VitreaCore
VPMC-13235 A
Visual Tab Controls

Use the Visual tab controls to change the protocol, show or hide view
options, or change visibility settings.

1 2 3

# Description
1 Protocols button
2 View Options area
3 Object Visibility area

View Options

Option Description
Patient Info check box Show or hide patient info
Labels check box Show or hide labels
Measurements check Show or hide measurements in the views
TIP:Also shows or hides reference scale
on the right side of the 2D and MPR
Full Crosshair check Show full crosshairs (including intersection) or
box partial crosshairs (not including intersection)
Show Segmentation Show results of segmentation in the MPR
check box views.
Show 3D Crosshair Show or hide the crosshairs in the 3D view
check box

Introduction to VitreaCore 23
VPMC-13235 A
Analysis Tab Controls

Use the Analysis tab controls to access Vessel Probe tools.

# Description
1 Vessel Probe area

Batch Tab Controls

Make batches and movies on the Batch tab of the Viewer window.

1 2 3

# Description
1 Batch creation buttons
2 Controls for setting Step Size and Number of Images
3 Batch output buttons

24 Introduction to VitreaCore
VPMC-13235 A
The Report Window
See the Distribute Findings - VitreaCore chapter for detailed information
about the Report Window.

Troubleshooting VitreaCore
All of the available 3D rendering sessions are currently in use.
Typically indicates that the image server(s) are busy processing user
requests for 3D images. Wait and try again later.

Cannot connect to server

Your VitreaCore client could not establish a connection to the VitreaCore
image server. This could be due to a number of reasons, such as a local
PC network connection failure, a general network failure, server failure,
power outage, etc. Contact your IT or network administrator for possible

Maximum Open Studies

Indicates that you have loaded the maximum number of Studies (in the
Study Directory, there are check marks next to each loaded Study). You
cannot load any more studies until you unload one or more studies.

• After you click OK, the Close Studies dialog box displays, where you
can unload, or close, one or more open studies.

Introduction to VitreaCore 25
VPMC-13235 A
Not enough memory to load volume
Indicates that either the image server is busy processing user requests, or
that your image volume is too large to be processed. Wait and try again,
or, if the volume is too large, try reconstructing it.

Snapshot Restore Troubleshooting

If you receive the dialog shown below, refer to the list of causes and
resolution suggestions after the screen.

Cause Suggestion
Missing or additional DICOM The snapshot is not restorable.
The volume build configuration Contact your administrator. The
has changed resulting in dataset has to be re-pushed to
different interpolation settings VIMS.
being used.
Other VIMS configuration Contact your administrator.

Volume load failed

Indicates that there may be a problem with the dataset. Contact the

Worklist Query Limit

Indicates that there are more studies on the server than your system is
configured to retrieve.

26 Introduction to VitreaCore
VPMC-13235 A
• Limit your Study Directory results, if you a looking for a specific study.
• Change the Maximum worklist items setting in the User Preferences >
Study Directory dialog box.

Introduction to VitreaCore 27
VPMC-13235 A
28 Introduction to VitreaCore
VPMC-13235 A
Select a Study

NOTE: This module demonstrates the various scenarios for loading
studies into VitreaCore. Be sure you understand your user type as
each user type has specific access controls.
• VitreaCore User Types
• Loading Studies into VitreaCore
• VitreaAdvanced Through the Data Manager
• Loading Studies into VitreaCore Through a PACS Integration

VitreaCore User Types

TABLE 1. Specific Access Controls by User Types

Clinician Diagnostic Advanced

User Diagnostic
Load into VitreaCore Y Y Y
Load into VitreaAdvanced N Y Y
Restore workflow into Y N N
VitreaCore by default
Restore workflow into N Y Y
Advanced Viewer by
Send DICOM image N Y Y
Publish to Clinician N Y Y
Delete study N N Y

Select a Study 29
VPMC-13235 A
Clinician Diagnostic Advanced
User Diagnostic
Vessel Probe N Y Y
DICOM query Y Y Y
(if configured
by System
Create evidence N Y Y
(snapshots, batches,
Delete evidence N Y Y
(snapshots, batches,

Loading Studies into VitreaCore

Use this procedure to load studies into VitreaCore.

1. From the Study Directory, select a study.

30 Select a Study
VPMC-13235 A
2. Select the Series tab.

3. In the Series Tray, select a series to load.

TIP: To load multiple series, press CTRL and click all the series to load.

4. Click or right-click and select Load.

NOTE: See the VitreaCore Course Modules for detailed VitreaCore


Select a Study 31
VPMC-13235 A
VitreaAdvanced Through the Data
See the VitreaAdvanced Course Modules for detailed VitreaAdvanced
Use this procedure if the Study Directory contains the Data Manager.

Data Manager

1. From the Study Directory, select a study.

2. Select the Applications tab.

3. Select the appropriate application view and double-click.

NOTE: This option loads all the data.

32 Select a Study
VPMC-13235 A
Load a subset of the data:

a. Right-click on the appropriate application view and select Select

Application Data.

b. Select a series to load and click Start.

TIP: If you do not see the application that applies to the workflow you
are using, double-click the Core 3D thumbnail and choose a
protocol and preset.

NOTE: Once the study loads, “Vitrea” displays in the upper-left corner.

Select a Study 33
VPMC-13235 A
Loading Studies into VES Through
a PACS Integration
There are two ways to load studies into VitreaCore through a PACS

Option 1

With PACS-Integrated VES, VitreaCore, or VitreaAdvanced automatically

launches and loads the patient study or series you select from the PACS

NOTE: If Data Manager is not selected in the VES Administration Tool,

see the VIMS Installation Guide.
1. From the PACS client, right-click on the image for the patient study
and select Load in VES (or similar option).

NOTE: See the PACS user documentation for specific instructions on

launching VitreaCore this way.

CAUTION: Verify that you have loaded the study you intended to load. If you
load a study that contains multiple series or contains 3D reconstructions, a
dialog box displays that asks you to select the series you want to load.
Make sure to respond to dialog box. If you do not, it is possible to return to
PACS and load a different study.

2. Select a protocol and preset from the Gallery window.

34 Select a Study
VPMC-13235 A
Option 2

1. Use the procedure below to load a study from the Data Manager.

TIP: The Data Manager displays at the bottom of the screen if Use
Data Manager is selected in the VES Administration Tool.

If Enable Partial Data is selected in the VES Administration Tool,

you may be prompted to confirm if you would like to retrieve
missing data for the request, or to proceed to the Data Manager
with the data currently available on VIMS.

If Disable Partial Data is selected and Auto-Sync Data is

unchecked in the VES Administration Tool, you may be prompted
to confirm if you would like to retrieve the missing data, or return to

NOTE: If Auto-Sync Data is selected in the VES Administration Tool, the system
will automatically determine what (if any) study is missing and will automatically
begin retrieving the data.

Select a Study 35
VPMC-13235 A
2. On the Applications tab, perform one of the following:
• Select the appropriate application view and double-click to launch
the study.

TIP: This method of launching only loads the series that are defined as
“best candidates” and are pre-selected.

• To select Application Data:

a. Right-click on the Application and select Select Application

b. In the application selection dialog, select the appropriate
selections and click Start.

TIP: Click Cancel to close the Application Selection Dialog.

36 Select a Study
VPMC-13235 A
Common Tasks

• Getting Started
• Study Directory Tasks
• Viewer Window Tasks
• 2D Imaging
• MPR Imaging in VitreaCore Viewer
• 3D Imaging in VitreaCore Viewer
• Image Batches
• Appendix

Getting Started
Log into VitreaCore
1. On the client PC, launch Internet Explorer and enter the URL for the
VitreaCore server. If you do not know the URL, contact your System

NOTE: Ensure the following options are enabled in Internet Explorer:

Download Signed ActiveX Controls, Run ActiveX Controls and Plug-
ins, and Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting.

2. On the login screen, enter your Username and Password.

3. Click Sign In.

Common Tasks 37
VPMC-13235 A
The VitreaCore system opens to the Patient List tab.

NOTE: If you receive the message shown below, there are more
studies on the server than your PC is configured to display. Either filter
the Patient List to limit the number of studies displayed, or go to the
User Preferences - Study Directory dialog box to increase the
maximum number of studies displayed.

Study Directory Tasks

For detailed information regarding loading a study, see the Select a
Study chapter.

38 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Using the Patient List

Use the Patient List to select images for review and manipulation. The
Patient List displays studies and series in the Patients/Studies Area.
Thumbnails of the images contained in the Studies display in the Series
tab. If VitreaCore is configured to automatically split series, the sub-series
list sorts the images within the selected series into categories.

EXAMPLE If the selected series is a set of MRA images containing source,

projection, and collapsed images, and auto-split is on, the sub-series list
contains three sub-series. For information on configuring VitreaCore to
automatically split series, contact your System Administrator.

CAUTION: Before you start processing, check the number of images on the
Patient List tab and make sure that the entire series or study was received
from the server.

Using Patient List Column Headers

The Patient List columns allow you to filter and sort the studies to better
manage your caseload. Once you identify the desired studies, use the
Series Thumbnail area to load images.

Filtering the Study List

When you set selection criteria to filter the list of studies, the Patient List
displays studies matching the selection criteria and studies that are
already open.

TIP: To further filter the Study List, set the selection criteria for multiple


1. Click in the field under the Modality header and select CT from
the dropdown list.
The Patient List displays only CT studies.
2 Click in the field under the Date of Last Study header and
select <2 days from the dropdown list.
Common Tasks 39
VPMC-13235 A
The Patient List displays only CT studies occurring in the last 2
3 Click the Patient Name header.
The Patient List displays CT studies occurring in the last 2
days, sorted by patient name in ascending order.
4 Click the Patient Name header again.
The Patient List displays CT studies occurring in the last 2
days, sorted by patient name in descending order.

Sorting Columns in Ascending or Descending Order

• Click the column header.
The list is sorted and an arrow displays to the right of the column
header to indicate the direction of the sort. Click again to reverse the

Searching for Specific Studies in the Study List

• Click in the field below any searchable column header, type a text
string, and press Enter.
Enter a value for the following columns: Patient Name, Study
Description, Patient ID, Accession Number, Study ID, and Institution.

Click in the field below any searchable column header and select an
item from the dropdown list.
Select a value from a dropdown list for the following columns: Status,
Date of Last Study, Modality, and Gender.

NOTE: The remaining column headers are not searchable.

Adjusting the Column Width

• Place the cursor on the line between columns, and drag the line.

Marking a Study as Read

The Mark as Read option and the Status column in the Patient List are
only available if the Enable mark study as read box is checked during

40 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
server configuration, and if you are logged on with radiologist privileges.
For information about configuring the VitreaCore server, contact your
System Administrator.

1. In the Patient List window, select the desired study.

2. Right-click, and select Mark as Read.

The study's status on the Patient List tab changes to Published .

Using a Predefined Worklist Filter

• Select a filter from the Worklist Filters dropdown menu at the top of the

The Patient List sorts according to the criteria in the filter. If the List is
blank, or does not return the expected results, try another filter, or
create your own.

Defining a Worklist Filter

1. Use the Patient List column header, sort and filter the List as needed.

2. Select Save as New... from the Worklist Filters dropdown menu at the
top of the screen.

3. Edit the criteria in the Query Filter box, if needed, and enter a Filter

NOTE:The Query Filter box contains criteria that matches those in the
column headers.

4. Click Save.
The Filter is saved and is available the next time you select it from the

5. Select the filter you just created from the Worklist Filters dropdown

Common Tasks 41
VPMC-13235 A

1. Click , then select Join Conference. The Join Conference dialog

box displays.

TIP: The Conf button displays at the top of the Study Directory and at
the bottom of the other windows.

2. Click the conference name in the list.


In the Conference Name field, enter the conference name.

NOTE:The Conference Name and Password are context sensitive.

Check for proper upper- and lower-case entry.

3. In the Password field, enter the conference password.

4. Click Join.

The participant's viewer displays the same image information as that

of the conference owner's viewer. The owner controls the image
display, mouse movement, and annotation information. All viewer
attributes are updated in real time during the conference.

Using the Data Manager

The Data Manager displays below the Patient List. The Data Manager
provides access to the Applications, Series, Snapshots, and Reports
available for the currently selected patient.

Use the Data Manager to:

42 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
• Load a study into an application
• Load one or more series into either 2D or 3D viewers
• Send a series or study to a DICOM device (see the DICOM section)
• Restore a snapshot
• Save a snapshot locally
• Load reports

Accessing the Data Manager

• Select a study in the Patient List.

The Data Manager displays the data available for the patient, in the
lower portion of the screen. This can include VitreaCore Series,
Snapshots, and Reports.

Loading a Study into an Application

1. Select the Applications tab.

2. Double-click the appropriate application.

NOTE: This option loads all the data.


Load a subset of the data:

a. Right-click on the appropriate application view and select Select

Application Data.

b. Select a series to load and click Start.

TIP: If you do not see the application that applies to the workflow you
are using, double-click the Gallery thumbnail and choose a
protocol and preset.

Common Tasks 43
VPMC-13235 A
Loading One or More Series
1. To select an individual series, click one of the thumbnails.

TIP: To select multiple series, CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to load.

TIP: To select multiple contiguous series, click the first thumbnail of the
group, press and hold SHIFT, then click the last thumbnail of the
group. A checkmark displays in the corner of each thumbnail.

TIP: To select multiple distinct series (non-contiguous), press and hold

CTRL, then click each desired series. A checkmark displays in the
corner of each thumbnail you clicked while holding down CTRL.

2. Right-click one of the checked thumbnails and select Load Study or


Restoring a Snapshot
1. Select the Snapshots tab.

2. Double-click the desired snapshot icon.


Click the Restore Snapshot bar of the icon. The snapshot displays in
the Viewer tab.

Saving Snapshots and Movies Locally to Your Computer

1. Select the Snapshots tab.

2. Right-click the snapshot or movie thumbnail and select Save As.

3. In the dialog box, indicate the file location, file name, and file type.

CAUTION: Be careful when saving and working with these types of files.
Patient information is not included on the snapshot or movie. It is possible
to misrepresent or confuse these kind of snapshots or movies.

44 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Loading Reports
1. Select the Reports tab from the Data Manager.

2. Right-click and select Preview to load the report.

Using DICOM Transfer

The VitreaCore system consists of a server and one or multiple client PCs.
The client automatically queries the server at regular intervals to check for
new studies. At any time, export studies to, send queries to, and retrieve
studies from other DICOM servers or devices on the network. Manually
query and retrieve studies from within the VitreaCore server.

When you are finished working with a study on the client PC, export it to
other devices or servers on the network. Use the Save as DICOM File
option to save a newly worked up study to the server. If you have DICOM
forwarding set up for one or more devices on the network, the study you
are saving to the server is automatically exported to the devices set up for

Using Automatic Query

VitreaCore contains the following two automatic query/retrieve features:

• Configure a scanner to send all studies to the VitreaCore server

• The client PC automatically queries the VitreaCore server at regular
default intervals to refresh the Study Directory. As soon as the client
PC receives them, studies display on the Study Directory screen.

Querying a Device or Server Manually

1. Select the DICOM Query tab from the Study Directory.
The DICOM Query tab displays, where you query the local VitreaCore
server or any remote servers to which you have access.

2. Select a server or device from the Server dropdown list at the top of
the tab.
Common Tasks 45
VPMC-13235 A
3. Specify sort criteria in the query list columns, if desired.

4. Click the Query button.

The query list is updated with studies from the selected server that
match the specified sorting parameters.

NOTE: Although the query list displays matching studies, no studies

are transferred to the local server until you select one or more desired
studies and click the Query button.

Retrieving the Queried Studies

1. Highlight one or more studies from the query list.

2. Click the Query button.

The selected studies are sent to the local server.

NOTE: The newly retrieved studies display in the Patient List the next
time it is refreshed.

Importing Datasets from Media

Import patient studies saved to a CD, DVD, USB, or a local disk.

1. Click .

2. Use the Media Manager to browse

for a file.

3. Configure searching options.

4. Click Import.

46 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Export Data to Media
Right-click the study and select Save to Media to launch export Media

1. Click Browse, then navigate to the destination folder or drive.

2. Select the media to save which include DICOM files, snapshots,

batches, movies, or report.

3. Click Export.

4. To remove identifying patient health information from the dataset prior

to export, select the Anonymize on Export check box.

NOTE: This creates a special purpose, de-identified version of an

already existing dataset. It neither replaces the original SOP instance
nor acts as the primary representation of the clinical dataset in image
archives. These de-identified images are useful, for example, in
creating teaching or research files, where the identity of the patient
should be protected, but still be accessible to authorized personnel.

5. To compress image data in order to save space on the media, select

the Compress Image Data check box.

NOTE: This is useful for large datasets exported to CD/DVD media.

Common Tasks 47
VPMC-13235 A
Export to DICOM
Right-click the study and select DICOM Export to launch the DICOM
export manager.

1. Select the DICOM device.

2. To remove identifying patient health information from the dataset prior

to export, select the Anonymize on Export check box.

NOTE: When DICOM data with empty PatientID is imported into the
VIMS Server, the StudyUID of the anonymized data will display as the
PatientID within VitreaCore.

3. To set the Anonymization Options, click Configure.

The Anonymization Options dialog displays:

a. Enter new values for the specific fields.

b. To remove private tags from the study, select Anonymize Pvt

NOTE:For perfusion studies, it is recommended that you CLEAR the

Anonymize Pvt Tags checkbox. Perfusion studies require the
manufacturer’s private tags to build volumes.

48 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: If Anonymize Pvt Tags is selected, all private tags,
including Vital private tags needed for snapshot restore, are
removed from the study. Evidence does not display in the Report
tab of the Data Manager, but it does display as a 2D series on the
Series tab.

NOTE: If Anonymize Pvt Tags is cleared, all private tags are

retained and any patient information in the private tags remain in
the anonymized study. The study has new IDs, but any snapshots
would still refer to original study. Evidence does not display in either
the Report tab of the Data Manager or as a 2D series on the Series
tab for the new patient name.
c. Click OK.

4. Click Export.

Auto Export

Use auto export to export your DICOM findings back to PACS.

1. After you create your findings (snapshots or batches) and close the
study, the Auto Export Dialog displays.

2. From the Group dropdown menu, select the location where you want
to export the findings.

NOTE: For multi-site customer deployments where data is being

pushed to a central VIMS location, the dropdown menu populates
with a list of pre-configured group receive locations. The selected
Group is matched based on the institution name stored in the original
data. If no match is found, the populated list displays the last selected
Group. The default group 'All' represents all possible receive locations.
Common Tasks 49
VPMC-13235 A
3. Select one of the following options:

Option Description
Export Selected Export the selected snapshots and
Export All Export all snapshots and batches.
Skip Does not export the findings, but the
findings remain on VIMS.
Cancel Close the Auto Export Dialog without
exporting snapshots or batches.
Close the Auto Export Dialog without
exporting snapshots or batches.

Queue Management

Diagnostic and Advanced Diagnostic Users can see the status of activities
within the VIMS system as it relates to DICOM export, DICOM print, and
DICOM query and retrieve.

1. Select a study in the Patient List.

2. If necessary, click the Show Hidden Icons popout arrow in the

Windows task bar.

3. Double click the Integration Manager icon.

The Integration Manager opens which displays the status of DICOM
activities. You can delete pending or failed activities.

50 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Viewer Window Tasks

Viewer Window Layout

The Viewer window is the main area in which you view and manipulate
images. This window displays images in 2D and 3D formats.

2D Layout
This mode displays slices exactly as they were acquired by the scanner.
Use the and buttons next to the series number to move to the
previous or next series in the study, or click the dropdown next to the
series buttons to select a specific series. Also change the Viewport layout
to display multiple series at one time. The 2D layout allows you to:

• Adjust visualization settings using Window/Level, Pan, Zoom,

Rotate, Flip, and Invert
• Perform measurements (ROI measurements on full fidelity images
• Display multiple series or studies from same or different modalities
for comparison
• Display time-course or multi-phase series in movie (cine) mode

• With multiple series loaded, click to lock/unlock series

synchronization with regard to W/L, cine, pan, and zoom
• Switch to 3D mode

3D Layout

The Viewer window default layout is 4-up. Click in the lower-right

corner of the view to load the series into 3D. In the default layout, the
lower-left viewport displays the 3D image. The remaining three viewports
display the original study in the three orthogonal MPR planes.

Common Tasks 51
VPMC-13235 A
• Click the MPR Rotate button to move all MPR views one position

• Click to switch to a 1-up Viewer window layout (or maximize the

• Customize the default visualization by selecting a different Anatomy
Protocol from the Protocols dropdown menu.

NOTE: While images are rendering, the Updating Image... message

displays in the viewport.

Using the Viewer Window

Once you have an image loaded in the Viewer window, begin your
evaluation activities. The features described below control the visualization
settings that are used to display those images, and specify your Viewer
window image layout.

Loading an Anatomy Protocol (Protocols)

Available in 3D mode only. Anatomy Protocols contain visualization
settings (W/L, opacity, and color definitions) tailored for the type of exam
you are viewing. Load one of the predefined protocols included for
commonly-used applications.

1. Click to render the 3D view (if not already in 3D mode).

The Viewer changes to a 4 Up, 3D mode.

2. From the Protocols dropdown menu on the Visual control, select the
protocol you want to load.
The Protocol settings are applied to the 3D view.

52 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Switching Anatomy Protocols
If you want visualization settings different from the ones that are currently
loaded, switch to a different Anatomy Protocol at any time.

1. Click , (if not already in 3D mode).

The Viewer changes to a 4-up, 3D mode.

2. From the Protocols dropdown menu on the Visual control, select the
Protocol you want to load.
The Protocol settings are applied to the 3D image.

Accessing Tools with the Right-click Menu and Tool Pane

For easy access to common tools used for
the selected protocol, right-click within a view.

Common Tasks 53
VPMC-13235 A
Viewer Right-Click Menu

When you right-click on an image, a menu displays the following options:

Menu Item Description

Monitor Layout Determines the number of series that display in the
window. Select a different protocol for the study, from
the following Column x Row layouts:
1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x2, 2x3, 2x4, 3x3, 3x4, 4x4, 4x5
Viewport Determines the number of images that display in a
Layout viewport. Select a different image layout for the current
(2D) series, from the following Column x Row layouts:
1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x2, 2x3, 2x4, 3x3, 3x4, 4x4, 4x5,
W/L Presets The W/L Presets are based on exam type and
• Abdomen
• Head
• Lung
• Mediastinum
• Vertebrae

54 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Menu Item Description
Image Change the image properties of the viewport:
Properties • Invert — apply an inverted MIP rendering to the
• Rotate Right 90 Degrees — rotate the selected
image 90°
• Rotate Left 90 Degrees — rotate the selected
image 90°
• Flip Horizontally — flip the selected image
along the horizontal center
• Flip Vertically — flip the selected image along
the vertical center
• Reset — reset the image to the default
Interact Fast Set the 3D interaction rate.
Lock 3D Lock the 3D image.
Save Image Save selected image as a Windows file.
Save Screen Save a screen capture:
Capture (For Whole Screen) as Windows File — save the
entire Viewer window as a Windows file.
Copy to Clipboard — paste the selected image into
another Windows application, such as Adobe
PhotoShop or Microsoft Word.
Print Print the image from the current viewport in secondary
capture format to any configured printer accessible
from your PC.
You cannot print DICOM images from VitreaCore.
Cine Start Available only in 2D mode when not cineing. For time-
series studies, auto-scroll through all time phases for a
position. For non-nuclear medicine, non time-series
studies, display all images in a continuous movie
Cine Stop Available only when cineing. Stops the cine action.

Common Tasks 55
VPMC-13235 A
Menu Item Description
Adjust Cine Available only when cineing. This dialog box allows you
Setting to adjust the settings of the currently-running cine.
Adjust these settings as needed before you save the
batch as a movie:
• OK button: make your changes and click OK
• Reset button: click to reset to default settings
• Range: x To: x: specify which run of frames you
want included
• fps Slider: control the number of frames that
display per second (fps)
• Pause between cine loops: check the box to
insert a pause (idle time) at the end of each cine
loop, before the cine plays again
• Delay (s): the length in seconds of the pause
between cine loops.
Save Cine to Available only when cineing. Save the cine as a
Movie File Windows .avi movie file to a location on your PC or
network. When you select this menu item, the
Windows Save As dialog box displays.

Using the Crosshairs

• Click and drag to display the HU values for CT images or Voxel

Intensity for MR images.

Adjusting Window/Level

1. Click .

2. Click and drag in the viewport.

• Drag left to decrease window width, which increases the contrast.
Drag right to increase window width, which decreases the
• Drag down to increase window level. Drag up to decrease window
56 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
• Drag diagonally to adjust window width and level at the same time.

Changing Window/Level by Selecting a Preset

1. Right-click in the viewport, then select W/L Presets.

Click the W/L dropdown in the lower-right of the viewport.

2. Select from the following options:

• Abdomen (400/40)
• Lung (1500/-700)
• Head (100/45)
• Mediastinum (350/50)
• Vertebrae (2000/300)

NOTE: To change the predefined window/level presets, contact your

System Administrator.

Sculpting 3D Objects

1. Click .

The cursor changes shape to indicate Sculpt mode.

2. In the viewport, click and drag to draw a freehand border. When you
• Eliminate anatomy from view by drawing a contour line around it.
• Isolate anatomy in the view by drawing a contour line around it.

3. After you create the contour line, Keep and Remove buttons display

• To exclude the anatomy inside the border you drew, click

• To hide the anatomy outside the border you drew (and isolate the
Anatomy inside the border), click Keep.
The sculpted 3D object displays in the original 3D viewport.
Common Tasks 57
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4. To display the results of the sculpting in an MPR view, select the Show
Segmentation check box in the Visual tab.

Manual Sculpting

1. Click .

2. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to 1-up the axial

3. Scroll to one end of the anatomy.

4. Draw contour lines around the anatomy you would like to include.

TIP: Scroll and draw a contour everywhere the anatomy changes size,
shape, or location.

5. After you draw contours, select Keep or


TIP: When the Show Preview box is selected, it shows a preview in the
3D image.

6. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to return to the
previous window.

Taking Snapshots
Capture images to export to PACS, add to a report, or restore workflow.

1. Click .

2. Click in the view.

• Click to take one snapshot of the whole view,


• Hold CTRL, then click in the view to take one snapshot of the whole

58 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
TIP: Patient information is automatically hidden when you take

Trimming Images
Trim lines display as rectangular boxes in all three MPR viewports, and are
color coded to the respective view:

• Sagittal: Blue
• Coronal: Green
• Axial: Red

Resize the trimmed region in one or more of the MPR viewports by

dragging the lines in any Tool mode (WinLev, Crosshair, Snap, Ruler,
Label, Sculpt).

All data outside the trim box is excluded. The 3D viewport (MIP/Volume
Rendering) displays the new 3D image, including only the anatomy within
the box.

1. Float the cursor over the trim line in the axial, sagittal, or coronal plane
(or multiple planes) until the cursor changes to dual arrows.

2. Click and drag the edge of the trim box to eliminate the anatomy you
do not want to see in the 3D image.

3. Repeat this procedure as needed.

Labeling Images
Add text labels or arrowtations (arrow annotations) to an image, edit text
labels or arrowtations on an image, or delete text labels or arrowtations
from an image. After you have labeled or annotated several images, use a
variation of standard scrolling to scroll among only the labeled images.
The Label menu contains options for creating the following items:

• Text labels
• Text labels with arrows
• Arrows without text
• Spine labels

Common Tasks 59
VPMC-13235 A
• Customer-Defined Text

Once you choose a label tool, the cursor changes to a plus sign and a
symbol for the type of label. When you click on an image, the annotation
starts at the plus sign.

Entering a Text Label

1. Click dropdown, then select Text.

2. Click in the image and enter the text label in the text box.

3. Press ENTER to accept the label.

Entering a Text Label with an Attached Arrow

1. Click dropdown, then select Text/Arrow.

2. Click in the image and enter the text label.

3. Press ENTER to place the label.

4. Once you have placed the label, perform the following actions to
adjust it:
• Double-click on the text to edit it.
• Click and drag the arrow tip to reposition it.
• Click and drag the middle or end of the arrow to reposition the
entire arrow.
• Shorten or lengthen the arrow by clicking and dragging the end

Place an Arrow

1. Click dropdown, then select Arrow.

2. Click in the image to deposit an arrow, or click and drag to create a

larger than default arrow.

3. Once you have deposited the arrow:

60 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
• Click and drag the arrow tip to reposition it.
• Click and drag the middle or end of the arrow to reposition the
entire arrow.
• Shorten or lengthen the arrow by clicking and dragging the end

Entering Spine Labels

1. Click dropdown, then select Spine Labeling.

A dialog box displays, containing controls for placing predefined labels

on the vertebrae.

2. Click the type of spine label in the left column in the dialog box: C
(cervical), T (thoracic), L (lumbar), S (sacral), / (fractions such as ½ or
¾, and labels such as C1/T1 and T12/L1).
The right column updates with labels C1-C7, for example, if you
selected C in the left column.

3. Select the Copy to similar images box if you are placing spine labels
on an image displayed in a key image viewport, and you want to apply
your labels to all other key images that are in the same plane of
acquisition (if any exist).

EXAMPLE If the key image window contains four sagittal images and two
axial images, and you add spine labels to one of the sagittal images, then
the same labels automatically display in the same position on the other
three sagittal images. You might need to reposition the labels slightly on the
other images.

4. Click Sequence: Auto, Ascending (up the spine), or Descending

(down the spine). Each time you click, the next label in the sequence is
placed on the image.
• Auto – Add ascending or descending labels automatically.
• Ascending – Add spine labels in the order of the vertebrae as you
move up the spine.

EXAMPLE If you start with L2, the next label would be L1, and then T12,
T11, ... T1, C7, C6, ... C2, C1. If you continue past C1, the next label
would be S5, continuing up the spine.

Common Tasks 61
VPMC-13235 A
• Descending – the opposite order of ascending (above).

5. Click the first label you want to add, then click in the image where you
want to place the label.

6. To add the next label of the same type and in the same sequence (for
example, to add C2 after C1 with Ascending order checked), click the
image to place the next label.

7. To add a label out of sequence, click the first label you want to add,
then click in the image where you want to place the label.

8. In the dialog box, click the next label you want to add, then click the
image where you want to place the next label.

9. Keep clicking where you want the system to place the next label(s) in
the sequence you selected.
• To undo a label, click Undo.
• To move a label, click and drag it.
• To delete all labels you placed on the image(s), click Delete All
• To delete an individual label, position the cursor on it, then press

When you are finished, click in the upper right corner of the dialog

Entering Custom Text

1. Click , then select Text from the dropdown menu.

2. Select the predefined text you want to place on the image.

3. Click in the image.

The label displays on the image.

• Type the label name in the text box.

• Click and drag to move the label.

62 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
• Double-click it to edit the label.

Scrolling Through Annotated Images

• Press and hold CTRL and roll the mouse wheel.


Press and hold CTRL, then press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW

Reformatting Labels
1. Right-click the label, then select Choose Text Font/Color.
The Font dialog box displays.

2. Adjust the font and/or color.

3. Click OK.

Editing Label Text

1. Right-click the label, then select Edit Text.


Double-click the label.

2. Edit the text.

3. Click outside the text box to accept the changes, or press Enter.

Changing Label Background

• Right-click the label, then select Switch Background Mode to
Opaque or Switch Background Mode to Transparent.

Editing Arrow Properties

1. Right-click the arrow, then select Change Arrow Width/Color.
The Arrow Width/Color dialog box displays.

2. Edit the arrow size and/or color.

Common Tasks 63
VPMC-13235 A
3. Click OK.

Deleting Labels or Arrows

• Right-click the label or arrow you want to delete, then select Delete.


Click the label or arrow or float the cursor over the item you want to
delete, then press DELETE.

• To delete all labels and arrowtations from an image, click

dropdown, then select Delete All.

Right-click an image, and select Delete All.

Reset Resets the volume to its original state, at the time you loaded it.

Undo Undo the last sculpt action. Does not undo or redo measurements,
labels, or other annotations.
Redo Recover the last sculpt action. Does not undo or redo
measurements, labels, or other annotations.

Viewport Window Controls

Each viewport window, which displays the MPR or 3D image, contains
several controls that allow you to work with each image independently.

Button Name Use

Zoom Allows you to independently control and lock the zoom level in
Slider each viewer window.

• Click and drag the control up to zoom in, slide down to

zoom out
• Click at the top or bottom of the control to zoom in or out
by preset increments
• Click the magnifying glass icon to lock and zoom all MRP
windows simultaneously

64 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Button Name Use
MPR • Average: A shading setting that displays data using the
Options average data values for all voxels in an image. This setting
is particularly useful for viewing coronal and sagittal views
of noisy images.
• Vol. Render: uses all voxel values.
The separate MPR Volume Render option gives you the
capability of viewing a 3D MIP rendered volume side-by-
side with MPR volume rendered images.
• MIP: A shading setting that displays data using only the
highest data values for each voxel of the image. MIP is a
good setting to use when competing features composed
of voxels with similar or higher values might be obscuring
the feature of interest.

With the separate MPR MIP option, view a volume

rendering side-by-side with MPR MIP images.
• MinIP: A shading setting that displays data using only the
lowest data values for each voxel of the image. MinIP is a
good setting to use when features composed of similar or
higher voxel values might be obscuring a feature of interest
composed of lower voxel values in a scanned image.

This setting is particularly useful when looking at air or fluid

in mini-slabs. For example, lung airways or dilated
pancreatic or bile ducts.
MPR Slider control, for MPR views only. Move the slider to change the
Thickness slice MPR thickness. The corresponding thickness
measurement displays beneath the slider as well as in the lower-
left corner of the viewer.
MPR Move all views one position clockwise with each click.
Mode Dropdown to select view mode:

Common Tasks 65
VPMC-13235 A
Button Name Use
Window/ Dropdown to select a preset window/level value

Orthogonal In the lower-right corner of each MPR viewport. Indicates the

MPR view is currently displaying orthogonal views. Click to enter
oblique mode.
Oblique Located in the lower-right corner of each 3D MPR viewport, after
you click . Create an oblique MPR image. Click to enter
Oblique mode. /Oblique is added to the orthogonal view name
(such as Sagittal/Oblique), the trim lines are hidden, and crosshairs
now define the oblique plane.
The crosshairs rotate around the intersection of the lines. Click
and drag either line to rotate the crosshairs around the
intersection point to define the oblique plane. Drag the
intersection to move the rotation point, and then rotate the
After you rotate the crosshairs in one of the MPR views, the
other two MPR views display images at oblique angles, but the
view where you rotated the crosshairs continues to display
slices in an orthogonal plane.
Curved One of the MPR views displays an image in an orthogonal
plane. The other two MPR views can display curved images.
Define a curve on one MPR view and the resulting image
displays on another view.
3D Located in the lower-right corner of each 2D MPR viewport.
Switch to 3D viewing mode. Behaves the same as the 3D
button on the toolbar. This mode enables the 3D Toolbar
Buttons, Visual and Batch Controls, and View Options.

Performing Measurements

Perform all of the measurements on 2D images of all modalities. After you

have created measurements on 2D images, choose to scroll among only
the images containing measurements using a variation on standard
scrolling. For CT and MR views, create all types of measurements.

66 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: You cannot perform ROI measurements on lossy images. Verify
the image is at full fidelity before performing this measurement.
Draw multiple rulers, angles, or contour lines on one image. If you perform
multiple measurements on an image, the results of the measurements are
stacked in the lower right corner of the viewer. Also delete, move, or
adjust existing measurements. Also move measurement results.

When you right-click on an image, or click the arrow of a measurement

button , a dropdown menu displays the following options:

• Ruler
• Angle
• ROI-Ellipse
• ROI-Freehand
• Cobb Angle
• Delete All

Measuring Distance

1. Click the Ruler dropdown arrow and select Ruler.

2. Click the desired starting point to indicate the beginning of the line.

3. Click the desired end point to indicate the end of the line.

4. If necessary, move, delete, or adjust the line when you are finished.
The system displays the measured distance (in mm or pixels) in the
upper-left corner of the viewport.

Measuring Angles
1. Click a measurement tool dropdown arrow (for example, Ruler), then

select .

2. Click to deposit the first point, which is the end of the first line

Common Tasks 67
VPMC-13235 A
3. Click to deposit the second point, which is the intersection of the

4. Click to deposit the third point, which is the end of the second line

5. The system calculates the angle at the intersection.

• If necessary, move, delete, or adjust the lines when you are
The system displays the angle (degrees) formed by the intersection of
the two lines in the upper-left corner of the viewport.

Measuring Cobb Angles

1. Click a measurement tool dropdown arrow (for example, Ruler), then

select .

2. Click on the first point to begin the first line segment.

3. Click on a second point to end the first line segment.

4. Click on a third point to begin the second line segment.

5. Click on a fourth point to end the second line segment.

VitreaCore draws a line perpendicular to the beginning point of the first
line segment and a second line perpendicular to the beginning point of
the second line segment, then calculates the angle between two lines.

• If necessary, move, delete, or adjust the lines when you are finished.
The Cobb Angle measurement displays in a text box in the lower right
hand corner of the viewport.

Measuring an Elliptical ROI:

NOTE: You cannot perform ROI measurements on lossy images. Verify

the image is at full fidelity before performing this measurement.
1. Click a measurement tool dropdown arrow (for example, Ruler), then

select ROI-Ellipse .

68 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
2. Click and drag to draw an elliptical contour line, enclosing the ROI.
VitreaCore displays the average data value, standard deviation for the
data values, and the area inside the contour line in the upper-left
corner of the viewport.

Measuring a Freehand ROI:

NOTE: You cannot perform ROI measurements on lossy images. Verify

the image is at full fidelity before performing this measurement.
1. Click a measurement tool dropdown arrow (for example, Ruler), then

select ROI-Freehand .

2. Click and drag to draw a freehand contour line, enclosing the ROI.

Scrolling Through Images with Measurements

• Press and hold CTRL and roll the mouse wheel.

Press and hold CTRL and press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW

Deleting Measurements and Results

• Right-click the measurement (or measurement result) to display the
right click menu, then select Delete.

Float the cursor over the center of the ROI to select it, then press

Moving a Measurement
1. Float the cursor over the line segment until the cursor changes to a
four-way arrow.

2. Click and drag.

Common Tasks 69
VPMC-13235 A
Adjusting the Length of the Line Segment
1. Float the cursor over the line segment until the end points change into

2. Click and drag from an end point.

Reformatting the Measurement Result

1. Click the measurement or result you want to reformat.

2. Right-click to display the right-click menu, then do one of the

• To change the text font, select Choose Label Font/Color.
• To change the label background mode, select Switch Label
Background Mode to Opaque, or conversely, Switch Label
Background Mode to Transparent.

Moving a Cobb Angle

• To move a line segment, float the cursor over the middle of the
segment until the cursor changes into a four-way arrow, then click and

Adjusting the Cobb Angle or Length of the Line Segment

1. Float the cursor over the end point until the end point changes into a
dot and the cursor changes into a four-way arrow.

2. Click and drag the end point.

Moving a Contour Line

1. Float the cursor over the middle of the contour line until the cursor
changes to a four-way arrow.

2. Click and drag.

Changing the Shape of an Elliptical Contour Line

1. Float the cursor over the contour line until dots display along the
border and the cursor changes to an arrow.
70 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
2. Click on any of the dots and drag to adjust the contour line.

Deleting All Measurements on an Image

• Click , then select Delete All to remove all measurement

annotations on the image.

View Options
The toolbar area of the Viewer window contains View Options controls,
which determine the types of information and labels displayed on the
images and batches.

Option Description
Patient Info When checked, displays patient, hospital, and other
DICOM information.
Labels When checked, displays text and arrow annotations.
Measurements When checked, displays measurements made with the
Ruler tool options.
Full Crosshair When checked, displays full-length crosshairs that do
not meet in the center (to not obstruct the focal point).

Segmenting Objects

Use point-and-click segmentation for keeping or removing segments of

bone or other visibly distinct segments such as soft tissue, stents or metal
plates, or even the scanner table. The Segment Objects box provides the
following controls for segmentation:

• Select Bone to segment bone, based on HU thresholds and


Common Tasks 71
VPMC-13235 A
• Select Vessel to segment vessels based on HU thresholds and
• Select Visible to segment any visibly distinct region.

Keeping a Selected Region (Keeping in Foreground)

Select Keep to place the selected region in the foreground and move
everything else to the background. When you select Keep, the tool
displays in green.

Removing a Selected Region (Placing in Background)

Select Remove to move the selected region to the background and place
everything else in the foreground. When you select Remove, the tool
displays in red. The default is Bone.

Removing Fragments

• Click to remove all visibly distinct regions smaller than the

number of cubic centimeters listed in the Segment Objects area.

Editing the Results

• Change the cubic centimeters threshold in the text

TIP: Type a lower number to remove smaller

fragments, and type a higher number to remove
larger fragments.

• Use the up and down arrows, or

• Use the Less/More buttons.

TIP: To use Less and More buttons to remove additional fragments:

Click Less to reduce the size threshold for fragments. The value in
the Min Vol field decreases by 3 cc each time you click the button.
Removed fragments bigger than the new number are restored.
Click More to increase the size threshold for fragments.

72 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
• Select the segmentation threshold bar to adjust the segmentation
thresholds. When the cursor is over the threshold limit, the cursor
changes to arrows so you can drag the bar.

Showing Segmentation in MPR Views

When the Show Segmentation box is checked, MPR views also show the
results of any segmentation done in the 3D view. If the Show
Segmentation box is cleared, the MPR views continue to display whole
MPR images, even if parts of the volume have been segmented.

To show segmentation in MPR views:

Select the Visual control and check the Show Segmentation

• If you select Show Segmentation, and you have excluded a region in

the volume view, that region is not displayed in the MPR views.
• The 3D crosshairs box in the 3D view represent positions and
orientations of crosshairs and planes of the MPR views. These lines
are color coordinated with the MPR view borders and crosshairs, with
blue for sagittal, green for coronal, and red for axial.

To display or remove 3D crosshairs:

Select the Show 3D Crosshair check box. Clear the Show 3D

Crosshair box to remove.

Vessel Analysis - Object Visibility Area

From the Object Visibility dropdown, choose from several visibility options.

Common Tasks 73
VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: If you select Semi-Transparent, even when Show Segmentation
box is checked, the MPR views do not show the background as semi-

To select visibility options:

Select one of these options from the Object Visibility dropdown:

All: To display both foreground (included) and background (excluded)


Transparent Foreground: To render the background partially opaque.

VesselsOnly: To remove everything except the probed vessel(s) from


Tinted Vessels: To display the probed vessels shaded in red.

Semi-Transparent Background: To view both included and excluded

regions, but view the background (excluded region) as semi-transparent.
This option allows you to use regions in the background as landmarks,
without obscuring the included tissue view.

Tinted Foreground: Tint the foreground (included region) red.

Vessels on Semi-Transparent: To view the vessels on a semi-

transparent background. This option allows you to use regions in the
background as landmarks, without obscuring the vessels.

To use the Vessel Overlay box:

• Select the Vessel Overlay check box to display curved reformat and
cross-sectional views, and the vessel indicator line. Clear the Vessel
Overlay check box to hide.

Performing Vessel Probe

When you probe a vessel, the VitreaCore software traces the vessel
lumen, highlighting it with a vessel indicator line. The vessel indicator
displays in the 3D view.

74 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: Vessel Probe is not recommended for probing the aorta.

1. Click .

2. Click the vessel.

TIP: VitreaCore adds a listing to the Vessel Listing.

TIP: If the probe tool did not select enough of the vessel, extent it:

a. Click .

b. Click a point farther along the already selected vessel.

2D Imaging
Us the 2D formats to view slices as they were
acquired by the scanner.

Four labels display along the sides of the views

indicating orientation of the image: S - Superior,
I - Inferior, A - Anterior, P - Posterior, L - Left, R
- Right

Panning Images
1. Click and hold the mouse wheel button with the cursor on the image.

2. Drag the image in the viewport.

Common Tasks 75
VPMC-13235 A
Inverting/Rotating/Flipping Images
1. Right-click the image.

The Image Properties dropdown menu contains the following options:

• Invert: Invert the image grayscale settings, so black turns white

and vice versa. Select Invert again to reset to normal grayscale
• Rotate Right 90 degree: Rotate the image clockwise by 90
• Rotate Left 90 degree: Rotate the image counter-clockwise by
90 degrees.
• Flip Horizontally: Flip the image horizontally along the centerline.
• Flip Vertically: Flip the image vertically along the centerline.
• Reset: Reset any of the operations above, except Invert.

2. Select the option.

Zooming In and Out

• Drag the Zoom slider on the right of the image.
• Left + middle-click and drag up or down.

Scrolling Manually in 2D or MPR Views

• Roll the mouse wheel.
• Right-click on the image and hold, then drag.
• Move the image slider at the top of the viewport (multiple monitor
configurations only).

Scrolling Through 2D Images Containing Labels or Measurements

• Press and hold CTRL, then roll the mouse wheel.


• Press and hold CTRL, then press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW.
Only those images that contain labels or measurements display.

76 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Scrolling Automatically in 2D Views
• Click a button in the Cine Tools area.

Visual Control

The Visual Control contains more options for 2D and 3D modes.

Visual Control 2D
The Visual Control 2D apply to 2D images and scan images.

Control Function
For time-series studies, auto-scroll through all time
phases for a position. For non-nuclear medicine,
non time-series studies, display all images in a
Cine Tools continuous movie mode.
Cine forward , backward , and stop .
When Cine is active, the right mouse menu
changes to include these options:
• Cine Stop
• Adjust Cine Setting
• Save Cine to Movie File
Display the next series, if the current series is not
the last series in the study.
Display the previous series, if the current series is
not the first series in the study.
Se: 2 Displays when more than one series are loaded.
• Click the Series dropdown to select a different
series to populate within the viewer of focus.
The series descriptor text updates accordingly
to indicate the currently displayed series.

Common Tasks 77
VPMC-13235 A
View Options 2D
The View Options determine what patient data and annotations display on
the image.

Option Description
Patient Info When checked, displays patient, hospital, and
other DICOM information.
Labels When checked, displays text and arrow
Measurements When checked, displays measurements made with
the Ruler tools.
Full Crosshair When checked, displays crosshairs that meet in the
center. Default displays crosshairs that do not meet
in the center, so as not to obstruct the focal point.

Comparing Multiple Series

Load multiple series and manipulate them as a group. Creating a group
locks images for each volume at a starting point. Once loaded, cine each
series to the slice at which you want to begin the comparison, then lock
the series to synchronize the comparison. Then cine through the multiple
series in unison.

NOTE: Use the Global Lock button to lock and unlock the Zoom for
all images in the comparison. Lock the Window/Level for all images by
using the button arrow.
1. From the Study Directory, select two or more studies.

2. Click the Series tab and select two or more series (hold CTRL and
click on each desired image).

3. Right-click and select Load.

All selected series display in the 2D viewer.

4. To synchronize the W/L, click .

5. To cine the series in unison, click the synchronize button in each


The synchronize button changes to a locked state .

78 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
• To remove a series, click the synchronize button to unlock it from
the set.

MPR Imaging in VitreaCore Viewer

In MPR imaging mode, manipulate images, perform measurements, and
define and display multi-planar or oblique reformatted images. Trim and
sculpt to remove unwanted tissue. To be viewable in 3D, a series must be
CT or MR and must meet specific image spacing and orientation

Creating an Oblique Image

In oblique MPR mode, display images in planes other than sagittal,
coronal, or axial. Create an MPR view of a feature that lies in a plane other
than the sagittal, coronal, or axial planes, such as spinal anatomy.

In oblique MPR mode, change the orientation of the MPR views by

rotating the crosshairs in one or more of the MPR views.

1. Click to enter Oblique mode.

The mode button displays in oblique mode , the viewports now

have “/Oblique” added to the orthogonal view name (such as Sagittal/
Oblique), the trim lines disappear, and crosshairs now define the
oblique plane.

2. Decide which MPR view you want to use to rotate the other MPR

3. In the selected view, position the cursor over either of the crosshairs,
anywhere except where they cross.

The cursor turns into two opposing arrows.

Common Tasks 79
VPMC-13235 A
4. The crosshairs rotate around the intersection of the lines. Click and
drag either line to rotate the crosshairs around the intersection point to
define the oblique plane.

TIP: Drag the intersection to move the rotation point, and then rotate
the crosshairs.

After you rotate the crosshairs in one of the MPR views, the other two
MPR views display images at oblique angles, but the view where you
rotated the crosshairs continues to display slices in an orthogonal

NOTE: Rotate the crosshairs in more than one MPR view. If you do
this, none of the MPR views display images in an orthogonal plane.
Each MPR view can display images in any possible plane.

Using Double Oblique Rotation

Double oblique allows you to interactively rotate obliquely around a single
pivot point in the image. Use this to rotate around anatomy such as a

1. Select Oblique Mode.

2. Select and position the crosshair.

The center of the crosshair acts as a fulcrum point.

3. With the cursor in one of the MPR views, the cursor changes to the
oblique rotate tool .

4. Click and drag to rotate the image.

TIP: Rotate up/down and left/right at the same time.

Using Manual Curved Reformat

In Curved MPR mode , use one of the MPR views to define a curve,
so the curved images display in one of the other MPR views. This is useful
if you want to create an MPR image of a curved vessel or spine. In Curved
MPR mode, each of the three MPR views serves a unique purpose.

80 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
• Choose one view, called the Reference view, to define the curve.
Change one of the crosshairs to follow along a curve (vessel or spine).
• Use the Curved view to display the curved images.
• Use the Transverse view, perpendicular to the Curved view, to display
cross-sectional views with a blue box at the point where the curve
intersects the view.

1. Click .

2. Choose one view (Reference) to define a curve.

3. In the Reference view, switch to the Curved MPR mode.

4. Click one end of the crosshair to define the curve and drag it to the
start of the curve.
• This line is now the Curved line.
• The yellow line in the Curved view is the Centerline.
• The line intersecting the Centerline is the Transverse line. This line
is displayed in both Reference and Curved views.
• Boxes on both ends of the Curved line become solid.
• The view corresponding to the Transverse line is now labeled
Transverse in the lower right corner.
• In the Curved view, a short, straight line overlaps the Transverse
line at intersection of the Centerline and Transverse lines. This line
is the Measuring line.

5. Fine-tune:
• In the Reference view, click in the centerline and drag it to follow
the curved feature. An “X” is deposited on the line at each point
you click.
• In the Transverse view, click and drag the blue box (centerline) to
the desired location (center of the vessel, for instance).

6. When you reach the end of the curved area of interest, click and drag
the other end of the crosshair to the end of the curve.

Common Tasks 81
VPMC-13235 A
• Perform the double oblique rotation feature automatically. The
cursor automatically changes to the oblique rotate tool icon ,
allowing you to rotate the image around the centerline.

Adjusting the MPR Rendering Option

• Click on the MPR Rendering dropdown. The option is applied to all
MPR views.

Adjusting the MPR Slice Thickness

In the MPR viewports, the acquisition slice thickness displays in the lower
left corner.

• Drag the in-viewer MPR Thickness slider right to increase or left to

decrease slice thickness.

Selecting MPR Options

Change the configuration of the MPR viewers by selecting an option from
the in-viewer MPR options dropdown menu.

1. From the in-viewer dropdown menu at the bottom of each viewer,

choose from the following settings:

The settings apply to the MPR images.

2. Add Thickness to render in the selected setting.

NOTE: The range of the MPR Thickness Control is specified by the

type of MPR option you selected.
• Average — A shading setting that displays data using the
average data values for all voxels in an image. This setting is
particularly useful for viewing coronal and sagittal views of noisy
• Vol. Rend. — uses all voxel values - The separate MPR Volume
Render option gives you the capability of viewing a 3D MIP
rendered volume side-by-side with MPR volume rendered

82 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
• MIP — A shading setting that displays data using only the
highest data values for each voxel of the image. MIP is a good
setting to use when competing features composed of voxels
with similar or higher values might be obscuring the feature of

Use the separate MPR MIP option to view a volume rendering

side-by-side with MPR MIP images.
This setting is particularly useful when performing these
• Differentiating between contrast and calcium in vessels
• Viewing thick slab MPRs with many tiny, loose body bone
• Viewing carotids, the Circle of Willis, renals, runoffs, or any
vessel to show plaque
• Viewing a thick slab MPR, showing all liver vessels in one
• MinIP — A shading setting that displays data using only the
lowest data values for each voxel of the image. MinIP is a good
setting to use when features composed of similar or higher
voxel values might be obscuring a feature of interest composed
of lower voxel values in a scanned image.

MPR Right-Click Menu

The right-click menus in VitreaCore may differ slightly from the ones
shown, depending on various factors, including the type of study, the
imaging mode (2D or 3D) and your level of user privileges.
The Default W/L menu item changes to W/L Presets for CT MPR views for series
viewable in 3D. For MPR views for series not viewable in 3D, it is Default W/L.

Menu Item Description

Monitor Layout Select the type of layout. For example, 2 x 2.
CT W/L Presets Available only for CT studies, and only in MPR views
and in 2D views for series that are viewable in 3D.
Change to a predefined window/level preset.

Common Tasks 83
VPMC-13235 A
Menu Item Description
Image Properties Manipulate the image. A dropdown menu displays the
following options:
• Invert: Invert the image grayscale settings, so
black turns white and vice versa. Click again to
restore original grayscale settings.
• Clockwise Rotation 90 degree: Rotate the image
clockwise by 90 degrees.
• Counter Clockwise Rotation 90 degree: Rotate
the image counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.
• Flip Horizontally: Flip the image horizontally
along the centerline.
• Flip Vertically: Flip the image vertically along the
• Reset: Reset all operations, except Invert.
Hide Centerline Hide the centerline.
Lock 3D Lock the study in 3D.
Snapshot Take a snapshot of the current image and display it in
the Data Manager Snapshots tab.
Save Image Select to save the image.
Save Screen Save a screen capture of the current viewport in
Capture DICOM or Windows formats (or to the Windows
Print Print the image from the current viewport in secondary
capture format to any configured printer.
Reset MPR Select to reset the MPR.

84 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
3D Imaging in VitreaCore Viewer
In 3D imaging mode, manipulate images,
perform measurements, and define and display
multi-planar or oblique reformatted images.
Trim and sculpt to remove unwanted tissue. To
be viewable in 3D, a series must be CT or MR
and must meet specific image spacing and
orientation requirements. Use the tools
described below in 3D imaging mode.

CAUTION: Before you start 3D processing, check the number of images on

the Study Directory screen and make sure that the entire series was
received from the server.

Image Orientation Labels

In 3D mode, image orientation is depicted by yellow letter labels on each
side of the viewports. The default orientation is Superior (S) on top, Inferior
(I) at the bottom, Right (R) on the right side, and Left (L) on the left side. As
you rotate, invert, or flip the images, the orientation labels in all viewports
adjust to reflect the new orientation.

Right Left


Orientation labels consist of one letter. The most dominant orientation is

listed first, the second most dominant is listed second, and the least
dominant is listed third.
Common Tasks 85
VPMC-13235 A
S = Superior
SA = Superior Anterior
RSA = Right Superior Anterior

Rotating 3D Images
3D image rotation is the default left mouse button behavior in 3D mode,
when the crosshair button is active. When you select one of the other
tools, the left mouse button then controls the function of that tool.

• Click on the image and drag.


If you have been using one of the other 3D tools:

a. Click and hold the left mouse button until the arrows below the
icon disappear.
b. With the cursor on the 3D or slab image, click and drag the mouse
to move the 3D image in the corresponding direction.

NOTE: Network performance may affect the image rotation speed and
response time.

Displaying a Point of Interest (POI)

Isolate and display a specific section of the volume using POI, and further
isolate the point of interest in the volume view.

1. Click the button in the 3D viewer.

The button changes to the volume view, and the POI at the MPR
viewer crosshairs displays in the 3D view.

2. Refine the POI:

• Drag the crosshairs in one of the MPR views to change the POI
location displayed in the volume view.
• Click and hold the right mouse button in the 3D view, then drag to
increase or decrease the POI area.

86 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Visual Control 3D
The Visual Control 3D contains Multi Planar Reformatted images in the
Sagittal, Coronal formats, as well as 3D volume and the original Axial

A number of predefined clinical viewing Anatomy Protocols are available

from the Protocols dropdown menu. Choose the Protocol that best
visualizes the anatomy you are working on.

Control Function
Protocols Only for 3D views. Select a Protocol from the
dropdown menu. Anatomy Protocols contain
visualization settings (W/L, Opacity, and color
definitions) tailored for the type of exam you are

Using 3D Presets and Anatomy Protocols

When you load a volume or study, VitreaCore assigns an anatomy
protocol based on the study description. The protocol changes the color,
opacity, and window/level to highlight relevant data elements for that
exam type. The default protocols are starting points; change the protocol
to suit the exam type by selecting a new one from the Protocols pull down

Regard the VitreaCore protocols and associated presets as a convenient

starting points. As such, each protocol may not necessarily provide the
optimal viewing settings for any particular volume. For this reason,
VitreaCore provides controls for fine-tuning each image.

Picking an Anatomy Protocol

Keep the system-assigned anatomy protocol, or select a different one.

Common Tasks 87
VPMC-13235 A
To select a protocol:

1. Click (if not already in 3D mode).

The Viewer changes to a 4-up, 3D mode.

2. From the Protocols dropdown menu on the Visual control

, select the desired Anatomy Protocol from the dropdown


NOTE: If you are initially working in VitreaAdvanced and switch to

VitreaCore, you may notice slight differences in the names of the
protocols and presets. Choose an option that is similar to your
selection in VitreaAdvanced.

3. Double-click the preset that best presents the exam type.

The settings are applied to the 3D image.

3D/MPR Right-Click Menus

3D Right-Click Menu
The right-click menus in VitreaCore may differ slightly than the ones
shown, depending on various factors, including the type of study, the
imaging mode (2D or 3D) and your level of user privileges.

88 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Menu Item Description
Monitor Layout Select the type of layout. For example, 2 x
Image Properties Manipulate the image. A dropdown menu
displays the following options:
• Rotate Right 90 degree: Rotate the
image clockwise by 90 degrees.
• Rotate Left 90 degree: Rotate the
image counter-clockwise by 90
• Flip Horizontally: Flip the image
horizontally along the centerline.
• Flip Vertically: Flip the image vertically
along the centerline.
• Reset: Reset all operations, except
Interact Fast Determines the speed with which the 3D
image rotates. To increase the rotation
speed, if “Interact Speed” is selected, the
image resolution is temporarily reduced to
increase speed. Once rotation is complete,
image quality is restored.
• Disable: No resolution reduction -
• Interact Speed 1: Fast
• Interact Speed 2: Faster
• Interact Speed 3: Fastest (most
Lock 3D Lock the study in 3D.
Save Image Select to save the image.
Snapshot Take a snapshot of the current image and it
displays in the Data Manager Snapshots

Common Tasks 89
VPMC-13235 A
Menu Item Description
Save Screen Save a screen capture of the current
Capture viewport in DICOM or Windows formats (or
to the Windows Clipboard).
Print Print the image from the current viewport in
secondary capture format to any configured

Image Batches
Make batches of 3D images, which are a sequence of images you can
cine or save as a movie. Use the Viewer window to set up the window
format and orient the images to include in the batch. The images must be
of the same patient volume and format. Before you create the batch,
remove the patient information from the images.

On the Batch tab of the Viewer window, select the starting and ending
points for the sequence of images for the batch. Then, specify the
increment between the images you want to include or the number of
images, or the System can calculate those for you.

Once you create a batch:

• Print it on a PostScript or DICOM printer

• Send it to a DICOM device
• Save it as a digital movie (Windows .avi movie format)

Tips for planning your image batches

Plan your image batches and digital movies to achieve a sequence of
images that meets your expectations. If you do not plan, you may forget
to show a particular view of the region of interest, you may not use the
desired display option or imaging controls, or may end up with other
undesired results.

90 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Listed below are tips for planning your image sequence, for both image
batches and movie.

Determine what information you want your digital movie or batch

sequence to show. Here are some questions that may help you organize
your images:

• What views of the image do I want to show?

Use only one patient volume and one kind of format throughout the
digital movie or batch. For example, if you start with a 3D view of a
volume for Jane Doe, use that format and volume throughout.

• What VitreaCore settings reveal the important features I want to show?

Prevent audience confusion by identifying a logical progression.

Develop your image sequence in the same step-by-step procedure
you would use for a written report.

Begin your image sequence with a familiar frame of reference for the

EXAMPLE If the viewer can easily recognize a part of the anatomy from a
certain angle, such as a posterior pelvic view, start with the view at that
angle and then rotate the image and zoom in as needed to focus on a region
of interest.
Plan the sequence of images to convey the story you want to tell.

EXAMPLE One type of sequence begins with the entire image in a familiar
orientation, such as an anterior cardiac view. In subsequent images, as you
zoom in, parts of the anatomy fade away, revealing a particular region of
interest, such as a mitral valve prolapse.
Make smooth transitions-avoid changing too much at once.

Change the view over a series of images, especially in digital movies,

so that the viewer can follow the sequence and think about what is

Batch Formats, Views, and Modes

Create a batch of the images in one Viewer using viewer formats:

• 1-up MPR image

• 3D image

Common Tasks 91
VPMC-13235 A
Throughout the creation of a batch, you must use the same patient
volume, format, format view (a view from any format that has a volume
view other than the single Volume format), and, for 3D views, you must
use the same volume mode, throughout the creation of a batch.

EXAMPLE If you start with a volume for Jane Doe and start with an image in
the MPR axial view in orthogonal mode, you cannot switch to John Doe, nor
can you change to sagittal view, oblique mode during the batch generation

Adjusting the Number of Images

This slider indicates the number of images for the batch or digital movie.
The initial value is 1. Adjust the Number of Images slider after you define
all images for the batch, or accept the value that VitreaCore automatically
calculates when you select the ending image of a batch or movie.

Adjusting the Step Size

This slider indicates the interval between images in a batch. The initial
Step Size value is 1. Adjust the Step Size slider after you define all images
for the batch, or accept the automatic Step Size value that VitreaCore
calculates when you select the ending image of a batch or movie.

The value for a step description can be in slices, millimeters, or degrees,

depending upon whether the batch is made with the MPR Volume or
Volume format.

NOTE: The Number of Images value and the Step Size value are
inversely related to one another: as the step size decreases, the
number of images increases.

EXAMPLE The distance between the starting image and the ending image
in an MPR axial view batch is 25mm. The total number of images in the
batch is 75 images. You cannot slide the Number of Images field to 100
while keeping the Step Size value at 25mm. Instead, when you increase the
Number of Images to 100, VitreaCore automatically decreases the Step Size
to a value that is less than 25 millimeters.

Creating a 3D Batch
1. Load the series in the Viewer window or a viewport.

2. Click .

92 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
The three MPR views display and the 3D view is rendered in the lower-
left viewport.

3. Evaluate the 3D view and determine the features and orientations you
want to include in the batch.

4. Orient the 3D image in the desired starting position.

5. Select the tab.

The Batch controls display, and the button is active.

6. Click the 3D image to define the starting position of the batch.

A green check mark displays in the bottom of the image.

7. Orient the image to the next position you want included in the batch.

8. Click to include the image in the batch.

9. Set Via points on a number of images to make sure they are included
in the batch.

NOTE: In the absence of Via points, VitreaCore plots the shortest

course to the ending orientation, and may skip an image you want to

10. At the last image orientation, to include in the batch, click .

TIP: Adjust the Step Size or Number of Images.

11. Change the start and/or end points:

• Click to undo and reset the end point.

• Click to start over.

12. Click to create the batch. The batch is created in a popup

window, and also displays in the Viewer window after creation.

Common Tasks 93
VPMC-13235 A
13. Use the Viewer Window right-click menu to modify the layouts, save
and delete images, and create labels.

Creating an MPR Batch

1. Load the series in the Viewer window or a viewport.

2. Click .
The three MPR views display and the 3D view displays in the lower-left

3. Evaluate the series and determine which range of slices in which

orthogonal view you want to include in the batch.

4. Scroll to the first slice you want to include in the batch.

5. Select the Batch tab.

The Batch controls display, and the button is active.

6. Click the MPR image you want to use to create the batch.
A green check mark displays in the bottom of the image.

7. Scroll to the last image you want to include in the batch and click .

TIP: Adjust the Step Size or Number of Images.

8. Change the start and/or end points:

• Click to undo and reset the end point.

• Click to start over.

9. Click to create the batch.

The batch is created in a popup window, and also displays in the
Viewer window after creation.

94 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
10. Use the right-click menu in the Viewer window to modify the viewport
and image layouts, add labels, and cine.

Appendix I

User Preferences

Set user preferences in the User Preferences dialog box, which contains
the following options, based on your access privileges:

User Preferences (User ID-specific settings)

All users can customize their own preferences in the following areas.
These settings are activated each time the user logs in:

• User Information (password and email address)

• WW/WL Settings (Window Width/Window Level)
• Study Directory
• Label
• Fonts
• Diagnostic Tools (Test Network Speed)
• Worklist Filter
• Vessel Probe Settings
• Background Image Streaming
• Application Tab Settings
• Output Settings
• Report Tab Settings
• Export And Import

Common Tasks 95
VPMC-13235 A
Local Settings
Settings specific to the client PC. Any user can customize these settings.

• Background Image Streaming

Setting User Preferences

All users can customize their own preferences in several areas. These
settings are activated each time the user logs in.

Changing Your email Address or Logon Password

Your first name, last name, user ID, initial password, and privilege levels
are set up by your System Administrator on the VitreaCore server. You
can use the User Preferences dialog box to change your email address or
password. To request changes to your user ID, first or last name, or level
of privileges, contact your System Administrator.

1. Click .

The User Preferences dialog box displays.

2. In the left pane, click User Information.

The current User Information displays in the right pane.

3. To change your email address, enter the new address in the Email
Address field.

4. To change your password, do the following steps:

a. Click Change Password.

The Change Password dialog box displays.
b. In the Old Password field, enter your old password.
c. In the New Password, enter your new password.
d. In the Confirm Password field, enter your new password again.

96 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
e. Click Save.
The Change Password dialog box closes. If you receive a Wrong
Password message, you have incorrectly entered your current
password. Re-enter your current password and try again.

5. When you are done, click Save.

Defining User-specific Window/Level Presets

All users can define their own custom WW/WL (window width/window
level) presets in the User area of the User Preferences dialog box.
Administrator-level users can also define system-wide WW/WL settings in
the System area of the User Preferences dialog box.

1. Click .

The User Preferences dialog box displays.

2. In the left pane, under your User ID, click WW/WL Settings.

3. In the right pane, click New.

The New WW/WL dialog box displays.

4. In the Name field, enter a name for the preset.

5. In the first WW/WL field, enter the Window Width (WW) setting.

6. In the second WW/WL field, enter the Window Level (WL) setting.

7. Click Save.

Edit an existing WW/WL preset

1. Double-click the name of the preset you want to edit.

A dialog box displays the current WW/WL settings.

2. Change any of the settings as necessary.

3. Click Save.

Common Tasks 97
VPMC-13235 A
Delete a custom preset

NOTE:Be sure you want to delete the preset. Clicking Delete

immediately deletes the preset without asking for a confirmation.
1. In the WW/WL Settings list, select the WW/WL setting you want to

2. Click Delete.

Setting User-specific Study Directory Screen Preferences

Use the User Preferences dialog box to customize the appearance and
behavior of the Study Directory screen. In this area:

• Specify the columns that display

• Specify the timespan between automatic DICOM server queries
• Set other Study Directory preferences

NOTE: The changes you make here do not take effect until the next
time you log in.

1. Click .

The User Preferences dialog box displays.

2. In the left pane, click Study Directory.

The Study Directory Settings panel displays on the right. Refer to the
table below to enter the desired changes:

Setting Description
Show Columns in Select the check box to the left of each column you
Study Directory want to include in the Study Directory.
Auto Query area
Auto Query specifies how often your workstation automatically queries
the server to update the Study Directory with new studies.
Auto Query Select the check box to enable Auto Query.
Time Span __ The number of minutes between the automatic
minutes DICOM queries your PC makes to the server.
Default is 1 minute.

98 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Setting Description
EXAMPLE If there were 400 studies on the server, and all searchable
columns of the Study Directory were set to display All, the Study
Directory would display only 300 of the 400 studies on the server.

Enable reference Select the check box for automatic display of

line for CT Scout reference lines when viewing CT scout series.
Save Worklist This box is selected by default. Select the box to
Presentation on configure the Study Directory to save the current
Exit criteria (such as the position of the columns, the
query filter values, and/or the width of columns)
when you log off. The settings automatically restore
the next time you log on. To turn off this feature,
clear this box.

NOTE: If this box is clear, then the default

values apply. For an Administrator, the default
query is to Show All Studies. For Advanced
Diagnostic and Diagnostic users, the default
query is to show all studies that arrived ‘Today’.
For a Clinical user, the default query is to show
all studies in the ‘Last Week’. If there are no
records that match a query filter, the status bar
displays a “No studies match the search
criteria” message.
Auto close Select the check box to automatically close the
previous opened opened 3D volume when you open another study.
3D volume when This option frees up memory, resulting in faster
opening a new system response.
3D dataset
Show support Select the check box to display the support email
button for button:
2D Left Mouse Select the check box to enable 2D centered zoom.
Centered Zoom

Common Tasks 99
VPMC-13235 A
Setting Description
Compress Level Determines how much the 3D image is to be
for 3D Image: compressed. Higher compression results in faster
High __ Low image display but lower image quality.
Auto Export Select one of the auto export options:
Dialog • Ask to Save and Show
• Always Save and Never Show
• Never Save and Never Show

3. When you are finished configuring the Study Directory settings, click
The changes become active the next time you log in (log out of
VitreaCore and log back in to make the changes take effect).

Setting User-specific Label Preferences

To change the appearance of label text and arrows:

1. Click .

The User Preferences dialog box displays.

2. In the left pane, click Label.

Setting Description
Customized Text Annotation area
This area allows you to enter custom text labels you can use to annotate
Add To add an annotation, click Add, enter text into
the Add New Text Annotation dialog box, and
click OK.
Delete To delete one of the annotations, select the
annotation and click Delete.
Delete All To delete all annotations without displaying a
confirmation request.
Up To move a frequently-used annotation up in the
list, select the annotation and click Up.

100 Common Tasks

VPMC-13235 A
Setting Description
Down To move an infrequently-used annotation down in
the list, select the annotation and click Down.
Arrow area
The Arrow area allows you to customize the appearance of the annotation
arrows you can place on images.
Width To change the default arrow size, select an arrow
size from the dropdown Width menu. The
default width is 6.
Color To change the default arrow color, select a color
from the dropdown Color menu. The default
color is Cyan.
Background Mode area
Transparent To change the default background of text labels
select Transparent or Opaque. The default is
Opaque Transparent.
Save typed To save all annotations you type as predefined
annotation as annotation text: as you type annotations, the
customized text software saves them and makes them available
annotation. as Customized Text Annotations. Select:
• Check Save typed annotation as
customized text annotation. The default is

3. When you are done changing the Label settings, click Save.

NOTE: You can still change the appearance of the crosshairs for a
particular study when you are in the Viewer window. Change it here if
you want to change the default appearance for every study.

Changing the Screen Fonts

1. Click .

The User Preferences dialog box displays.

2. In the left pane, click Fonts.

3. From the dropdown Category menu, select from the following options:

Common Tasks 101

VPMC-13235 A
• Study Directory
• DICOM Header
• Label
• Measurement Label
• Menu

4. Click Change Font... The Font dialog box displays.

5. Select the desired font settings (font, style, size, effects, and color).

6. Click OK.

7. When you are satisfied with how the font looks in the preview window,
click Save.

8. To change the font in another category, select a different category in

step 3 above, then repeat this procedure.

Create a new Worklist Query Filter:

1. Click New.
The Query Filter dialog box displays.

2. Enter filter criteria and a Filter Name.

3. Click Save.
The new Worklist Filter is saved and is available from the Worklist Filter
dropdown menu.

Delete a Worklist Query Filter:

1. Select and highlight the Filter name.

2. Click Delete.
The Filter is deleted and is no longer available from the Worklist Filter
dropdown menu.

102 Common Tasks

VPMC-13235 A
Vessel Probe Settings
Vessel Probe Settings allow you to add pre-defined names to use while
naming vessels within Vessel Probe.

Setting Description
Add To add a vessel name, click Add, enter text into the Add
New Pre-Defined Vessel Name dialog box, and click OK.
Delete To delete one of the vessel names, select the annotation
and click Delete.
Remove All To delete all vessel names.
Up To move a frequently-used vessel name up in the list,
select the annotation and click Up.
Down To move an infrequently-used vessel name down in the list,
select the annotation and click Down.

• When you are done changing the Label settings, click Save.

Background Image Streaming

Background Image Streaming has two modes:


It has settings for prefetch entire study and interactive prefetch.

Application Tab Settings

Enable or disable the Application Tab.

Output Settings
Enable or disable the option to save Windows files.

Report Tab Settings

Enable or disable the Report tab.

Export and Import Setting

Enable or disable DICOM Export, Import Media, and Save Media.

Common Tasks 103

VPMC-13235 A
Local Settings

Background Image Streaming

To enable disc cache (saving images to your local hard drive in advance of
viewing), check the Enable disc cache box and enter a Disc Cache Size
(default: 200 MB).

When you are done changing the background image streaming settings,
click Save.

NOTE: If you cannot check the Enable disc cache box, contact your
system administrator.

Network Speed

Testing Network Speed

To achieve optimal performance with VitreaCore, the network you are
transferring files on must be running at a minimum speed. High network
traffic or other factors affect system performance. You can test the speed
of your network connection at any time by checking it with the Ping Data
Size option in User Preferences.

NOTE: The performance you experience with VitreaCore depends

greatly on the speed of the network. For optimal performance, make
sure your network is running within the acceptable network speed
• For on-site access, 10/100M Base T network
• Acceptable 100M Base T network Speed Range: 5000-12000 KB/
• For off-site access, >1.0M bps bandwidth

1. Click .

The User Preferences dialog box displays.

2. In the left pane, click Diagnostic Tools.

104 Common Tasks

VPMC-13235 A
In the right pane, the Ping box displays

3. Enter a data packet size between 16 and 6144 and click Ping.
The system checks the network speed five times.

4. Make sure three or more network speeds fall within the acceptable
range. You should experience optimal system performance. If your
system still seems slow, contact your System Administrator or Vital

5. If fewer than three network speeds fall within the acceptable range,
your network infrastructure may be the cause of the slow
performance. Contact your System Administrator.

Appendix II

Error Messages

All of the available 3D rendering sessions are currently in use.

Typically indicates that the image server(s) are busy processing user
requests for 3D images. Wait and try again later.

Cannot connect to server.

Your VitreaCore client could not establish a connection to the VitreaCore
image server. This could be due to a number of reasons, such as a local
PC network connection failure, a general network failure, server failure,
power outage, etc. Contact your I.T. or network administrator for possible

Common Tasks 105

VPMC-13235 A
Not enough memory to load volume.
Indicates that either the image server is busy processing user requests, or
that your image volume is too large to be processed. Wait and try again,
or, if the volume is too large, try reconstructing it.

Snapshot Restore Troubleshooting

If you receive the dialog shown below, refer to the list of causes and
resolution suggestions after the screen.

Cause Suggestion
Missing or additional DICOM The snapshot is not restorable.
The volume build configuration Contact your administrator. The
has changed resulting in dataset has to be re-pushed to
different interpolation settings VIMS.
being used.
Other VIMS configuration Contact your administrator.

Volume load failed.

Indicates that there may be a problem with the dataset. Contact the

Worklist Query Limit

Indicates that there are more studies on the server than your system is
configured to retrieve. You can:
106 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
• Limit your Study Directory results, if you a looking for a specific study
• Change the Maximum worklist items setting in the User Preferences |
Study Directory dialog box.

Common Tasks 107

VPMC-13235 A
108 Common Tasks
VPMC-13235 A
Distribute Findings

• Distribute Findings Overview
• The Report Window

Distribute Findings Overview

VitreaCore saves snapshots, batches, and movies you create to the
Report window. On the Report window:
• Create, export, print, or publish/post reports containing up to 24
patient images per page.
• Use protocol-specific templates with editable text fields.
• Add image batches and digital movies.
• Add arrows, annotations, and comments to the report.
• Use snapshots to restore a previous workflow to the Viewer window.
• Save the snapshots or batches to any networked DICOM device or

Access the features below from the Report window:

• A Findings list, which allows you to filter the entire list of snapshots to
review and select based upon workflow,
• A set of protocol-specific report templates including text pages with
selectable and editable text fields,
• Tools for selecting snapshots, working with snapshots, adding pages
to the report, and working with reports.

Distribute Findings 109

VPMC-13235 A
The Report Window
VitreaCore saves snapshots, batches, and movies you create to the
Report window. From here, create and distribute reports.


5 8
6 9

Callout Description
1 Findings list
2 Filtering buttons
3 Findings tray
4 Findings management buttons
5 Templates layouts
6 Report management buttons
7 Report page
8 Report tools and navigation buttons
9 Report distribution buttons

110 Distribute Findings

VPMC-13235 A
Findings List
Click a line in the Findings list to filter snapshots,
batches, and movies that display in the Tray.

Filtering Buttons

Use the snapshot filtering buttons to display snapshot currently in or not

currently in the report.

Click: To:
Display all snapshot, batch, and movie thumbnails for the
patient study.
Display only snapshots, batches, or movies not currently
included in the report.
Display only snapshots, batches, or movies currently
included in the report.

Findings Tray
Displays thumbnail images of snapshots, batches, and movies.

1. To select a finding, click the thumbnail image.

TIP: To select more than one finding, press CTRL and

click the thumbnail images.

NOTE: Findings with in the lower-right corner are not restorable

into VitreaAdvanced.

2. Double-click the snapshot to preview a larger image of a finding.

3. To preview a movie, double-click the movie thumbnail, or click the

Movie link.

4. To review a batch of images, double-click the batch thumbnail then

right-click and drag on the image.

Distribute Findings 111

VPMC-13235 A
Findings Management Buttons

Use the Findings Management buttons to distribute findings.

Click: To:
Restore a workflow back to the Viewer window. The
snapshot workflow will be restored.

NOTE: Findings with in the lower-right corner

are not restorable into VitreaAdvanced.
Delete the selected snapshot, batch, or movie.

Export the selected snapshot or batch to destination.

112 Distribute Findings

VPMC-13235 A

Callout Description
1 Series List: a list of the selected findings and the
associated series information. Findings are listed in order
of how they were selected.
Click a header to sort the list by that field.
To change the order of the series to be exported, select
a series description and drag it up or down.

To rename the series description, double-click a series

name and enter a new description. Click Update when

Distribute Findings 113

VPMC-13235 A
Callout Description
2 The Export to: box displays a multi-selection list of export
destination servers.
Select the check box for the appropriate destination(s).
Select the check box in the header to select all
destinations listed.
3 Export Options:

TIP: To display the full panel of Export Options,

click on the right side of the Export
Options title bar.

Change all series descriptions — modify the series

descriptions for all series in the series list. This may be
left blank.
Export as a separate series — export selected
snapshots and batches in the Series List as separate
item(s). This does not modify the series grouping. This is
the default option.
Export as a single series — export all selected
snapshots and batches as a single group with the same
series ID.
Export by clinical application —export each
selected snapshot image or batch grouped by protocol
used to create the snapshot/batch. Each group is a
single series with the same series ID.
For example: all findings created with the Vascular: Renal
CT protocol are grouped in a single series and all findings
created with the Vascular: Aorta CT protocol are grouped
in another series.
Export Images with annotations — exports images
with annotations (rulers, angles, arrows, labels, etc.)
included. This is applied to all evidence and makes the
snapshots secondary capture. The snapshots are

114 Distribute Findings

VPMC-13235 A
Callout Description
4 Image Options:

NOTE: Snapshots exported with either of these

options selected are not restorable.
Force conversion to monochrome — converts
snapshots and batches to grayscale monochrome.
Reduce size of DICOM files — removes private tags
and reduces the size of the files.

Restoring Saved Images and Workflows (into VitreaAdvanced Viewer

window only)
From the Report window, restore a snapshot for the currently loaded
volume to the VitreaAdvanced Viewer window.

NOTE:Snapshots are not restorable into the VitreaCore Viewer

When you restore a saved image to the VitreaAdvanced Viewer window,
the “workflow” is also restored. The workflow includes images of the
patient volume and the state of the Viewer window at the time the image
was saved, including:

• Selected protocol and preset

• Visual settings at the time you took the snapshot
• Viewer window format
• 3D or MPR mode(s)
• Any labels, rulers, and arrows
• Any segmentation or calcium scoring results

NOTE: Findings with in the lower-right corner are not restorable

into VitreaAdvanced. These include snapshots taken in the VitreaCore
Viewer window.

NOTE: Batches and movies are not restorable.

NOTE: In order to restore a snapshot saved using a licensed option, a

license for that option must be available.

Distribute Findings 115

VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: Restore workflows from snapshots saved for the currently
loaded volume only. If you try to restore a snapshot from a volume that
is not currently loaded, you will be prompted to load the volume first.

Findings Management Right-Click Menu

Use the right-click menu to perform various

Select: To:
Add All Select Add All to automatically place all snapshots at the
end of your report, or press CTRL and click to select
snapshots and drag to the report template.
Select All Select all of the snapshots, batches, and movies in the
Findings tray.
Delete Delete the selected snapshot, batch, or movie.
Export Export snapshots to DICOM.
Preview View the selected snapshot, batch, or movie.
Restore Restore a workflow to the Viewer window state to when
the snapshot was taken.
Series Modify the series description.

116 Distribute Findings

VPMC-13235 A
Template Layouts
Select a tab to display the different template types: Images, Worksheets,
Full Reports. Use the Templates area to select general and protocol-
specific report templates.

Select the Images tab to select a layout for the images.

Select the Worksheets tab to select a worksheet template. The

worksheets are a one-page report.

TIP: Select the worksheet template that is appropriate for the study
you are working on.

Distribute Findings 117

VPMC-13235 A
Select the Full Reports tab to select a specific report template.

Template Buttons
Use the Template buttons to change or add pages to the report.

Click: To:
Add a new page of the selected template to the end of
the report.
Replace the current report page with the selected
Copy the contents of the Report template to the
Windows clipboard. Paste the contents into a Word
document or another text program (email, 3rd party
reporting application).

NOTE: Microsoft Word must be installed in order

to paste the contents into a Word document.
Right-click and Create a new report, insert a new page of the selected
select template before or after the report page displayed, or
append a page.

118 Distribute Findings

VPMC-13235 A
Create the Report
Create the report on the Report window.

1. In the Templates section, select the Images tab.

2. Select a template and click Add.

3. To add snapshots, batches, or movies, drag the thumbnail to an

image area of the report.

TIP: To replace an image in one of the frames, drag and drop a

different thumbnail on top of it.

NOTE: When you place an image in a frame, be sure that the margins
do not cut off important information such as anatomy or

Distribute Findings 119

VPMC-13235 A
4. To add text areas to the report, click the ab label and type new

text and press Enter.

5. To edit text areas on the report, click any text with a rectangle, then
type new text.

Report Tools

Use the Report Tools buttons to save, restore, or

mark-up a report.

Click: To:
Save a draft of the report.

Restore a saved draft report.

Select a report pane.

Add a label to a report pane.

TIP: To edit a label, click it, then click the text box.

TIP:To delete a label, click it, then press DEL.

Add an arrow to a report pane.

TIP: To delete an arrow, click it

TIP: When you hover over the arrow, it turns yellow.

Delete the current report page.

Delete the selected image from the report page.

Undo the last action.

Redo the last undone action.

120 Distribute Findings

VPMC-13235 A
Save and Restore a Draft Report

1. Click to save the current findings as a draft report.

2. Click to restore a report for viewing or to add new findings.

3. To add new findings to a saved report, restore the report in the Report
tab. Use the Viewer tab to create new findings.

TIP: Restore a report before adding new findings. If restoring a

workflow from a snapshot, both the workflow snapshot and the
report need to be restored.

Report Navigation

Use the Report Navigation buttons to navigate between pages of a report.

Click: To:
Jump to first or last report page.

Jump to previous or next report page.

Report Distribution

Distribute Findings 121

VPMC-13235 A
Use the Report Distribution buttons to distribute the report.

Click To
Print a paper report for distribution.

TIP: Use the Preferences button on the Print

dialog box to set the orientation to landscape
if desired (for example, templates C1,2 and
C1,3 may print better in landscape
Print the report to a DICOM printer.

Post the report to PACS.

Create a Microsoft Word version.

TIP: This is useful if you want to share the report

with a non-VitreaCore user.

NOTE: Microsoft Word must be installed in order

to create a Microsoft Word version.
Export the report to a DICOM server.

122 Distribute Findings

VPMC-13235 A
Click To
Save the report to media using the Media Manager.

NOTE: Media Manager is available from the Study


Export to DICOM Servers

# Description
1 1 The Export to: box displays a
multi-selection list of desired
export destination servers.
2 Series Options:
Series Description - Enter text in
this field to apply it as the series
description for all selected
2 snapshot/batches upon export.

Distribute Findings 123

VPMC-13235 A
Customized Templates
Customize the text areas on the report templates.

1. Click a heading or text area enclosed by a box.

2. Enter the new text.

3. Click outside the box.

Send Images to PACS or Other Server from the Study Directory

To send an image to a PACS or other server:

1. Select the Data Manager tab. If you have taken snapshots, they are
saved on the Snapshots tray.

2. Select the Snapshots tab.

3. Right-click on the thumbnail image.

4. Click DICOM Export.

124 Distribute Findings

VPMC-13235 A
The VitreaCore - DICOM Export - Evidence dialog box displays.

5. Select the desired destination server from the list.

6. Click Export.

Auto Export Findings

Auto export your DICOM findings back to PACS.

1. After you create your findings (snapshots or batches) and close the
study (or select the Study Directory tab), the Auto Export Dialog

2. Use the Group dropdown to select the location where you want to
export the findings.

3. Choose to Export Selected or Export All snapshots or batches.

Distribute Findings 125

VPMC-13235 A
Email to Clinician
This option, accessible from the Study Directory, allows you to send an
email to a physician that includes a link to a selected study.

1. Right-click the desired Study in the Study Directory.

2. Select Email to Clinician to display the Email to Clinician screen.

3. Enter the clinician’s email address and any additional comments, and
click Send.

126 Distribute Findings

VPMC-13235 A
Bone and Spine

I Select Study
II Choose Protocol and Preset
III Perform Analysis
• Use 3D Trim
• Sculpt in 3D
• Perform a Manual Curved Reformat
• Spine Labeling
• Use Cobb Angles
• Take Snapshots
IV Distribute Findings

Bone and Spine Overview

Complete the procedures within this module to analyze and review
suspected bone fractures and perform measurements.

Bone and Spine 127

VPMC-13235 A
Bone and Spine Lesson

I. Select Study

Follow the instructions in the Select Study Chapter to load a

musculoskeletal study.

II. Choose Protocol and Preset

VitreaCore skips this step. No action is required.

1. If the Musculoskeletal protocol is not selected, click the Protocols

dropdown menu on the Visual tab.

2. Select the Musculoskeletal CT protocol.

III. Perform Analysis

Use 3D Trim
Trim lines display as rectangular boxes in all three MPR viewports, and are
color coded to the respective view:

• Sagittal: Blue
• Coronal: Green
• Axial: Red

Resize the trimmed region in one or more of the MPR viewports by

dragging the lines in any Tool mode (WinLev, Crosshair, Snap, Ruler,
Label, Sculpt).

128 Bone and Spine

VPMC-13235 A
All data outside the trim box is excluded. The 3D viewport (MIP/Volume
Rendering) displays the new 3D image, including only the anatomy within
the box.

1. Float the cursor over the trim line in the axial, sagittal, or coronal plane
(or multiple planes) until the cursor changes to dual arrows.

2. Drag the edge of the trim box to eliminate the anatomy you do not
want to see in the 3D image.

3. Repeat this procedure as needed, in any of the orthogonal views, until

you have isolated the desired anatomy.

Sculpt in 3D

1. Click .

The cursor changes shape to indicate Sculpt mode.

2. In the 3D viewport, click and hold, and drag to draw a freehand


3. After creating the contour line, Keep and Remove buttons display

. Perform one of the following:

• To eliminate the anatomy inside the border you drew, click

• To eliminate the anatomy outside the border you drew (and isolate
the Anatomy inside the border), click Keep.
The sculpted 3D object displays in the original 3D viewport.

4. To display the results of the sculpting in an MPR view, select the Show
Segmentation check box in the Visual tab.

See the Additional Procedures section for information on Manual Sculpt.

Bone and Spine 129

VPMC-13235 A
Perform a Manual Curved Reformat

In Curved MPR mode , use one of the MPR views to define a curve,
so the curved images display in one of the other MPR views. This is useful
if you want to create an MPR image of a curved spine. In Curved MPR
mode, each of the three MPR views serves a unique purpose.

• Choose one view, called the Reference view, to define the curve.
Change one of the crosshairs to follow along the curve of the spine.
• Use the Curved view to display the curved images.
• Use the Transverse view, perpendicular to the Curved view, to display
cross-sectional views with a blue box at the point where the curve
intersects the view.

To use Manual Curved Reformat:

1. Click .

2 Choose one view (Reference) to define a curve.

3 In the Reference view, switch to the Curved MPR mode

located in the lower right corner of the screen.
4 Click on the box at either end of the plane you will use to create
the curve, e.g. blue box for a sagittal image.
A yellow line displays in the coronal image and the empty
boxes become solid to represent the active line.
5 Plot points along the area of interest:
• In the Reference view, click in the curve plane and drag it to
follow the curved feature. An “X” is deposited on the line at
each point you click. To move through the dataset, right-
click and drag to fine tune the placement.
• In the Transverse view, click and drag the blue box
(centerline) to the desired location. This line is now the
Curved line.
• The yellow line in the Curved view is the Centerline.
• The line intersecting the Centerline is the Transverse line.
This line is displayed in both Reference and Curved views.
• The view corresponding to the Transverse line is now
labeled Transverse in lower right corner.

130 Bone and Spine

VPMC-13235 A
6 When you reach the end of the curved area of interest, click
and drag the other end of the crosshair to the end of the curve.
The cursor automatically changes to the oblique rotate tool
icon, allowing you to rotate the image around the centerline.

Spine Labeling
Use the Label button to place labels on the vertebrae using the semi-
automatic spine labeling tool.

1. Click the Label button and select Spine Labeling from the
dropdown menu.

The Label button changes to the Spine button .

The Select Starting Label screen displays.

2. Click one of the characters to enter the following types of spine labels:
• C – for cervical vertebrae
• T – for thoracic vertebrae
• L – for lumbar vertebrae
• S – for sacral vertebrae
• / - for specifying disk spaces such as C7/T1 and T12/L1.

Bone and Spine 131

VPMC-13235 A
3. As you click in the image, the labels are numbered consecutively as
you enter more labels.

a. Specify an Auto, Ascending, or Descending auto-number order by

selecting the corresponding radio button.
b. The Copy to similar images check box copies the labels to similar
spine images displayed in the viewport (for instance, if you specify
an Image Layout greater than 1x1, the labels are copied to all
images displayed in the layout, allowing you to compare a range of
labeled slices).

Use Cobb Angles

Measure a Cobb angle by drawing two line segments. The line segments
do not need to intersect. The software calculates the angle that would
exist between them if they were extended far enough to intersect.

To add a Cobb angle:

1. Click the arrow of a measurement tool button (for example,

Ruler) , then select .

2 Click on one side of the disk or vertebrae of interest. Click again

on the other side.
3 Repeat step 2 on a comparative disk or vertebrae.

VitreaCore draws a line perpendicular to the beginning point of

the first line segment and a second line perpendicular to the
beginning point of the second line segment, then calculates the
angle between the two lines.
The Cobb Angle measurement displays in a text box in the
lower right hand corner of the viewport.
To move a Cobb angle measurement:
a. Float the cursor over the line segment until the cursor changes to a four-way
b. Click and drag the measurement to the desired location.

132 Bone and Spine

VPMC-13235 A
Take Snapshots

1. Click to activate the


2. Move cursor to image.

3. Click to take pictures to save to the server.

Snapshots which include measurements, rulers, W/L, or segmentation

options viewed from the Snapshots tab located in the Data Manager
tab at the bottom of the screen.

4. To hide the patient information, clear the Patient Info check box in the
View Options area at the top of the screen. Select the check box to
show the patient information.

IV. Distribute Findings

The snapshots you save in the Viewer window are saved to the Report

1. Click at the bottom of the window.

2. Follow the instructions in the Distribute Findings chapter to distribute

your findings.

Bone and Spine 133

VPMC-13235 A
Additional Procedures
Manual Sculpt

1. Click .

2. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to 1-up the
axial MPR.

3. Scroll to one end of the anatomy.

4. Draw contour lines around the anatomy you would like to include.

TIP: Scroll and draw a contour everywhere the anatomy changes size,
shape, or location.

5. After drawing contours, select Keep or


TIP: When the Show Preview box is selected, it shows a preview in the
3D image.

6. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to return to the
previous window.

Oblique MPR Mode

In Oblique MPR mode, change orientation of the MPR views by rotating
the crosshairs in one or two of the MPR views.

1. Right-click in the view, then click .

2. In one of the MPR views, position the cursor over one of the
crosshairs .

TIP: This view remains in Orthogonal mode, and the other two views
display images at oblique angles.

134 Bone and Spine

VPMC-13235 A
3. Drag the crosshair in the view while watching the other views.

TIP: As you drag, the crosshairs rotate around their intersection point,
staying perpendicular to each other.

TIP: Rotate crosshairs in more than one view.

TIP: To move the crosshair intersection point, click the spot where you
want the crosshair to intersect.

4. To “walk” a vessel, click and drag in the view.

TIP: The center of the crosshairs act as a fulcrum point.

Use Double Oblique Rotation

Double Oblique Rotation allows you to rotate two planes such as coronal
and axial, or sagittal and axial, and by clicking and dragging on the
desired planes.

To use Double Oblique Rotation:

1. Select Oblique mode .

2 Select and position the crosshair.
The center of the crosshair acts as a fulcrum point.
3 With the cursor in one of the MPR views, press CTRL.

The cursor changes to the oblique rotate tool .

4 Click and drag to rotate the image.
5 Rotate inferior/superior and left/right at the same time.

Bone and Spine 135

VPMC-13235 A
136 Bone and Spine
VPMC-13235 A

I Select Study
II Choose Protocol and Preset
III Perform Analysis
• Segment the Aorta
• Probe Vessels
• Edit the Vessel Centerline
• Use the Object Management List
• Take Snapshots
IV Distribute Findings

Aorta Overview
The aorta, along with many other vessels and structures connected to it,
can be segmented from bone and other anatomy to make it easier to view
suspected aneurysms, stenosis, and other features.

VPMC-13235 A
Aorta Lesson

I. Select Study

Follow the instructions in the Select Study Chapter to load a vascular

aorta study.

II. Choose Protocol and Preset

VitreaCore skips this step. No action is required.

1. If the Vascular: Aorta CT protocol is not selected, click the Protocols

dropdown menu on the Visual tab.

2. Select the Vascular: Aorta CT protocol.

III. Perform Analysis

Segment the Aorta

Use point-and-click segmentation to keep or remove segments of bone
or other visibly distinct segments such as soft tissue, stents or metal
plates, or even the scanner table.

1. From the Segment Objects area, select Vessel.

2. Verify is selected.

138 Aorta
VPMC-13235 A
3. Click on the aorta in the 3D or 2D image.

NOTE: Contiguous soft tissue anatomy is included automatically.

4. Select Less, More, or Fragm. as needed.

See the Additional Procedures section for information on sculpting the

aorta, segmenting the bone only, and removing fragments.

NOTE: Modify the upper and lower HU (Hounsfield Unit) values.

Probe Vessels
After you set up the Viewer window to best visualize the vessel you want
to probe, use the Select button to probe the vessel.

1. Locate the vessel you want to probe in the MPR or 3D view.

2. On the Analysis tab, click .

The cursor changes to a pointing finger.

3. Click the vessel in the MPR or 3D view.

Two CPR views and one cross-sectional view (or multiple cross-
sectional views in 1-up format) display.

NOTE: Multiple cross-sectional views display only if you switch to the

1-up Viewer Window format.

a. Click to try again, then repeat step 3.

b. To probe another vessel, repeat this procedure.

c. To rename a vessel, see Use the Object Management List.

Edit the Vessel Centerline

If you use Vessel Probe to probe a vessel, manually fine-tune the
centerline if needed.

1. Click the button.

Aorta 139
VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: The MPR views switch to Curved Reference mode and
display the probed vessel centerline.

2. Edit the centerline as needed:

a. In the Reference view, click and drag the desired centerline to the
desired position. Grab the desired boxes or create a new one by
clicking and dragging the centerline.

b. In the Curved view, use the Oblique Rotate tool to rotate

around the centerline. Adjust the yellow centerline as needed.
c. In the Transverse view, a cross-section of the vessel displays, and
the centerline is marked as a blue box. Drag and adjust the box as
d. Scroll through the MPRs to gain contrast and follow the vessel.

e. One-up any of the MPRs for a closer view.

3. When finished editing, click the button.

Use the Object Management List

As you probe vessels, each new vessel segment is added as a line in the
Object Management list. Vitrea automatically assigns each vessel
segment a sequential number.

a. In the Object Management list, switch active vessels, rename ves-

sels, and delete vessels.
b. Use the Show boxes to determine which probed vessels are

1. To switch active vessels:

a. Click a vessel name in the Object Management list (select a vessel

that is not grayed out).
The views update to display the new active vessel.

140 Aorta
VPMC-13235 A
b. With a Vessel Probe tool selected, press SPACEBAR to scroll
through the vessels in the Object Management list.

2. To rename a vessel:

a. With the vessel you want to name selected, click Rename.

The rename dialog box displays.

b. In the New name field, enter the name for the vessel.

EXAMPLE Left Iliac, Right Iliac

c. Click OK.

NOTE: Vessels cannot have duplicate names.

3. To delete a vessel from the Object Management list:

a. Select the vessel in the Vessel Segment column.

b. Click Delete.

4. To change the vessels displayed in the viewers:

NOTE: The Show boxes only affect which vessels display if you have
selected an option on the Vessels tab in the Visibility Options area.
a. To display one vessel, clear the Show box for all other vessels.
b. To display all vessels you have probed, click Show All.

Take Snapshots

1. Click to activate the


2. Move cursor to image.

3. Click to take pictures to save to the server.

Aorta 141
VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: Snapshots taken in the Advanced Viewer are viewed from the
Snapshots tab located in the Data Manager tab at the bottom of the

4. To hide the patient information, select the Visual tab. Clear the Patient
Info check box in the View Options area at the top of the screen.
Select the check box to show the patient information.

IV. Distribute Findings

The snapshots you save in the Viewer window are saved to the Report

1. Click at the bottom of the window.

2. Follow the instructions in the Distribute Findings chapter to distribute

your findings.

142 Aorta
VPMC-13235 A
Additional Procedures
Use the 3D MIP
This procedure allows you to assist in viewing calcifications.

1. Click on the 3D image.

2. Click dropdown menu and select MIP.

3. To render the MPRs, select options from the dropdown

menu and use the slider bar to increase thickness to

the desired level.

4. Review the MPRs.

5. Take a snapshot.

Manual Sculpt

1. Click .

2. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to 1-up the
axial MPR.

3. Scroll to one end of the anatomy.

4. Draw contour lines around the anatomy to include.

TIP: Scroll and draw a contour everywhere the anatomy changes size,
shape, or location.

5. When you are finished drawing contours,

select Keep or Remove.

TIP: When the Show Preview box is selected, it shows a preview in the
3D image.

Aorta 143
VPMC-13235 A
6. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to return to the
previous window.

Sculpt in 3D

1. Click .

The cursor changes shape to indicate Sculpt mode.

2. In the 3D viewport, click and hold, drag to draw a freehand border.

3. When you are done creating the contour line, Keep and Remove

buttons display . Perform one of the following:

• To eliminate the anatomy inside the border you drew, click

• To eliminate the anatomy outside the border you drew (and isolate
the Anatomy inside the border), click Keep.
The sculpted 3D object displays in the original 3D viewport.

4. To display the results of the sculpting in an MPR view, select the Show
Segmentation checkbox in the Visual tab.

5. If necessary, repeat steps 2 and 3 above to sculpt the 3D image again.

Exclude Bone
Use segmentation for keeping or removing segments of bone or other
visibly distinct segments.

1. From the Pick Segmentation area, select Bone.

2. Click on the bone in the image.

3. Select Less, More or Fragm. as needed.

144 Aorta
VPMC-13235 A
Remove Fragments

1. Click .

This removes all visibly distinct regions that are smaller than the
number of cubic centimeters listed in the Segment Objects area.

To edit the results:

• Change the cubic centimeters threshold in the text

TIP: Type a lower number to remove smaller
fragments, and type a higher number to remove
larger fragments.

• Use the up and down arrows, or

• Use the Less/More buttons.

2. Use window/level to further separate the structures to remove.

Choose Protocol and Preset for Renal Artery

Use the Vessel Probe option to segment and evaluate contrast-filled renal
arteries. Probe the renal arteries to investigate them.

VitreaCore skips this step. No action is required.

1. If the Vascular: Renal CT protocol is not selected, click the Protocols

dropdown menu on the Visual tab.

2. Select the Vascular: Renal CT protocol.

Apply Object Visibility

1. After you select a vessel using Vessel Probe, Vitrea segments the
anatomy and creates a Curved Planar Reformation (CPR). These
images are located in the 3D image frame in the two vertical boxes.

2. Change Object Visibility to the desired setting.

Aorta 145
VPMC-13235 A
• Select one of these options from the Object
Visibility dropdown menu:
• To remove everything except the probed
vessel(s) from view, select Vessels Only.
• To display the probed vessels shaded in red, select Tinted

TIP: Vitrea creates a 1mm cross-section orthogonal to the center line

running through the CPR. This is the image located at the top of
the CPR, in the blue box.

TIP: The bottom of the CPR contains two slider bars. The top one
allows you to rotate the CPR by dragging it left or right. The lower
bar allows you to add thickness to the CPR.

Perform Stenosis Measurement

1. Probe the vessel.

2. Scroll in the CPR views to display a point before the stenosis.

3. Click .

4. Click and drag across the width of the lumen, then release the mouse
button to end the ruler.
The ruler and the measurement (in millimeters) display in the cross-
sectional and CPR views.

NOTE: Draw rulers and measure in any cross-sectional view. Place only one
ruler per cross section.

NOTE: Draw only one ruler in each cross-sectional view or CPR view, but
redraw it as many times as necessary.
Optional To delete a ruler from a CPR view, scroll or change the
• Scrolling or changing the magnification does not delete rulers
from the cross-sectional views. Rulers drawn in the cross-
sectional views remain in the CPR views. Rulers drawn on CPR

146 Aorta
VPMC-13235 A
views delete automatically if you rotate the CPR views, modify
the vessel boundaries, navigate along the vessel, or change

Perform Automatic Curved Reformats

In performing curved reformats, choose one view, called the Reference
view, to define the curve. By selecting the Reference view, change one of
the crosshairs to follow along the curve of the vessel.

Using the Vessel Probe tools to perform an automatic curved reformat,

probe the vessel, then select the Reference view. Vitrea automatically
makes all of the same adjustments as in the manual curved reformat, and
plots the centerline for you.

1. To perform an automatic curved reformat:

a. Probe the vessel in a 3D or MPR view.

b. Choose a Reference MPR view by switching it from Orthogonal

MPR to Curved Reference mode .

NOTE: The view you choose for the Reference view should be roughly
along the length of the vessel, or parallel to it.
In the Curved MPR view, Vitrea plots the Centerline and displays its
length (mm).

Aorta 147
VPMC-13235 A
• If necessary, adjust the centerline. In the Reference or Transverse
MPR views, click and drag to move any of the automatically-
plotted points to more closely trace the centerline.
• Use any of the methods described in Work with Crosshair Position
Indicators to reposition the crosshairs.
• As you move the crosshair position indicator, the system updates
the intersection of the Transverse line and Centerline in the Curved
MPR view.

• To examine the Curved MPR view more closely, click Maximize

• To change from 1-up format back to the original Viewer format,

click Minimize .
• To measure a distance between two points, such as between
bifurcations or the length of a stenosis, perform the following tasks:
• Probe the vessel.
• Scroll to the point where you want to start the measurement.

• Switch to Curved MPR . (If you were already in Curved

MPR, switch to Orthogonal mode, and then back to Curved
MPR.) Selecting Curved MPR automatically sets the Transverse
line and the Measuring line to the current crosshair position.

148 Aorta
VPMC-13235 A
• Scroll to the point where you want to end the measurement.
This automatically moves the Measuring line to the current
crosshair position. The Curved view now displays the distance
between these two points.

2. Adjust the crosshair position to display a point inside the stenosis.

3. Repeat step 3.
Vitrea displays the current maximum and minimum diameter
measurements in green and red, respectively, in the curved reformat
views. Any other measurements display in cyan (light blue).

Vitrea calculates the percentage of stenosis by comparing the

maximum (normal) and minimum (stenosed) measurements. The
Aorta 149
VPMC-13235 A
percentage and the formula used to calculate it display at the bottom
of the right CPR view.

4. Repeat this procedure to draw as many rulers as you want.

The maximum diameter, minimum diameter, and percentage stenosis
update with each ruler you draw.

150 Aorta
VPMC-13235 A

I Select Study
II Choose Protocol and Preset
III Perform Analysis
• Trim Table on Axial View
• Segment Objects
• Remove Fragments
• Probe the Peripheral Arteries
• Take Snapshots
• Take Additional Snapshots
• Use 3D MIP Option
IV Distribute Findings

Peripheral Overview
Probe left and right peripheral arteries and review them for possible
plaque, stenosis, or aneurysm.

VPMC-13235 A
Peripheral Lesson

I. Select Study

Follow the instructions in the Select Study Chapter to load a peripheral

vascular study.

II. Choose Protocol and Preset

VitreaCore skips this step. No action is required.

5. If the Vascular: Runoff CT protocol is not selected, click the Protocols

dropdown menu on the Visual tab.

6. Select the Vascular: Runoff CT protocol.

III. Perform Analysis

Trim Table on Axial View

1. Move the mouse pointer over the line posterior to the body and drag

2. Click and drag anteriorly to remove the table in the 3D view.

Segment Objects
Use point-and-click segmentation to keep or remove segments of bone
or other visibly distinct segments such as soft tissue, stents or metal
plates, or even the scanner table.

152 Peripheral
VPMC-13235 A
1. Select Bone from the Segment Objects area.

TIP: Remove is automatically selected for you when Bone is selected.

2. Click on the image where you want to remove segments of the bone.

TIP: Click to window level.

Remove Fragments

• Click .

This removes all visibly distinct regions smaller than the number of
cubic centimeters listed in the Segment Objects area.

To edit the results:

• Change the cubic centimeters threshold in the text

TIP: Type a lower number to remove smaller fragments,
and type a higher number to remove larger

• Use the Less/More buttons.

TIP: Use window/level to further separate the structures to remove.

Probe the Peripheral Arteries

1. Click on the Analysis tab.

2. To probe the left peripheral artery:

a. Click the vessel in either the 3D or MPR image.

Peripheral 153
VPMC-13235 A
OptionalClick and click a point farther along the probed


b. Rename the vessel.

3. To probe the right peripheral artery:

a. Verify is active.
b. Click the vessel in either the 3D or MPR image.

c. To extend the probed vessel, click and click a point farther

along the probed vessel.
d. Rename the vessel.
e. Apply Object Visibility to the desired setting.
• Select one of these options from the Object
Visibility dropdown menu:
• To remove everything except the
probed vessel(s) from view, select
Vessels Only.
• To display the probed vessels shaded in red, select Tinted
• To better visualize the vessels and related anatomical
reference points, select Semi-Transparent Background.
See the Additional Procedures section of this module for further
information about Vessel Probe.

Take Snapshots

1. Click to activate the


2. Move cursor to image.

3. Click to take pictures to save to the server.

154 Peripheral
VPMC-13235 A
Snapshots which include measurements, rulers, W/L, or segmentation
options are viewed from the Snapshots tab located in the Data
Manager tab at the bottom of the screen.

4. To hide the patient information, select the Visual tab. Clear the Patient
Info check box in the View Options area at the top of the screen.
Select the box to show the patient information.

Take Additional Snapshots

1. Rename individual sections of the peripheral artery.

2. Probe the peripheral artery:

a. Locate the common femoral, popliteal, anterior tibial, and posterior

b. Center the vessel in the CPR.
c. Rename the vessel in each section.
d. Center the image in the CPR view.
e. Take a snapshot.
See the Additional Procedures section of this module for
information on performing a curved reference, editing a centerline,
vessel probe layout, and performing stenosis measurement.

Use 3D MIP Option

Use this procedure to assist in viewing calcifications.

1. Click on the 3D image.

2. Select VesselsOnly from the Object Visibility dropdown menu.

3. Click dropdown menu and select MIP.

4. To render the MPRs, select options from the dropdown

menu and use the slider bar to increase thickness to

the desired level.

5. Review the MPRs.

Peripheral 155
VPMC-13235 A
6. Take a snapshot.

IV. Distribute Findings

The snapshots you save in the Viewer window are saved to the Report

1. Click at the bottom of the window.

2. Follow the instructions in the Distribute Findings chapter to distribute

your findings.

Additional Procedures
Perform a Curved Reference
This protocol is useful for Peripheral Artery viewing and analysis.

1. After the vessel is probed, select the image in MPR view (axial,
coronal, or sagittal).

2. Choose a Reference MPR view by switching it from Orthogonal MPR

to Curved Reference mode .

3. The Curved Reference image will have a yellow centerline in it.

TIP: Click and drag to rotate the curved reference image.

Probe Vessels
After you set up the Viewer window to best visualize the vessel you want
to probe, use the Select button to probe the vessel.

1. Locate the vessel you want to probe in the MPR or 3D view.

156 Peripheral
VPMC-13235 A
2. On the Analysis tab, click .

The cursor changes to a pointing finger.

3. Click the vessel in the MPR or 3D view.

Two CPR views and one cross-sectional view (or multiple cross-
sectional views in 1-up format) display.

NOTE: Multiple cross-sectional views display only if you switch to the

1-up Viewer Window format.
a. If you do not receive the expected result or would like to start over,

click to try again, then repeat step 3.

b. To probe another vessel, repeat this procedure.

c. To rename a vessel, see Use the Object Management List.

Use the Object Management List

As you probe vessels, each new vessel segment is added as a line in the
Object Management list. Vitrea automatically assigns each vessel
segment a sequential number.

a. In the Object Management list, switch active vessels, rename ves-

sels, and delete vessels.
b. Use the Show boxes to determine which probed vessels are

1. To switch active vessels:

a. Click a vessel name in the Object Management list (select a vessel

that is not grayed out).
The views update to display the new active vessel.

b. With a Vessel Probe tool selected, press SPACEBAR to select or

clear the Show check boxes in the Object Management list.

Peripheral 157
VPMC-13235 A
2. To rename a vessel:

a. With the vessel you want to name selected, click Rename.

The rename dialog box displays.

b. In the New name field, enter the name for the vessel.

EXAMPLE Left Iliac, Right Iliac

c. Click OK.

NOTE: Vessels cannot have duplicate names.

3. To delete a vessel from the Object Management list:

a. Select the vessel in the Vessel Segment column.

b. Click Delete.

4. To change the vessels displayed in the viewers:

NOTE: The Show boxes only affect which vessels display if you have
selected an option on the Vessels tab in the Visibility Options area.
a. To display one vessel, clear the Show box for all other vessels.
b. To display all vessels you have probed, click Show All.

Work with Cross-sectional and CPR Vessel Views

Perform the following operations on the reformatted views:

a. View the data value (HU for CT) at a point by dragging on the
image using the Crshair tool.
b. Jump to a desired point-of-interest on the centerline by clicking on
the CPR view using the vessel probe tool.
c. Make region of interest measurements on the CPR views using the
ROI-Freehand tool.
d. Rotate the curved reformatted views about the axis of the vessel.
e. Zoom in and out of the CPR and cross-sectional views.
The cross-section corresponding to the point-of-interest will also contain:

158 Peripheral
VPMC-13235 A
• Horizontal and vertical markers indicating the orientation of the left
and right curved views.

When you probe a vessel, the software plots the centerline of the vessel
and displays one (or more) cross-sectional views and two CPR vessel

In 1-up format (click the button to access) multiple cross-sectional

views display (see the Figure below).

Region of Interest Measurements

To perform region of interest measurements on the vessel, click the ROI-

Freehand tool in either of the CPR or inset views.

Each ROI displays the Hounsfield Average Value as well as the Standard
Deviation of the region.

Peripheral 159
VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: The ROIs on CPR views are deleted automatically if you rotate
the view or navigate along the vessel.

Work with Crosshair Position Indicators

After you probe a vessel in 3D or an MPR, the intersection of the
crosshairs in the MPR views is indicated in the following ways, depending
on the view use:

• In the 3D view, a blue dot along the vessel indicator line represents
the crosshair position.
• The CPR views center on the crosshair position. The current
crosshair position in the MPR and 3D views is indicated by a blue
line in the middle of the ruler in the CPR views.
• In multiple-viewer Viewer window formats, with two CPR views
and only one cross-sectional view displayed, the cross-sectional
view corresponds to the current crosshair position.
• In 1-up Viewer window format, with two CPR views and multiple
cross-sectional views displayed, the current crosshair position is
located at 0 mm, and is highlighted with a white border. The

160 Peripheral
VPMC-13235 A
surrounding cross-sectional cuts are +1, +2, +3, -1, -2, -3, and so

NOTE: The cross-sectional views are always .5 mm apart, regardless of the

image acquisition thickness.

TABLE 2. 1-up View and Crosshair Position Indicators

Callout Number Description

1 Current crosshair position
To move the crosshair position:
Slide the scrollbar, click in the vessel, roll the
mouse wheel.

Manual Sculpt

1. Click .

2. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to 1-up the
axial MPR.

3. Scroll to one end of the anatomy.

4. Draw contour lines around the anatomy you would like to include.

Peripheral 161
VPMC-13235 A
TIP: Scroll and draw a contour any time the anatomy changes size,
shape, or location.

5. After you draw contours, select Keep or Remove.

TIP: When the Show Preview box is selected, it

shows a preview in the 3D image.

6. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to return to the
previous window.

Sculpt 3D Objects

1. Click .

The cursor changes shape to indicate Sculpt mode.

2. In the viewport, click and hold, and drag to draw a freehand border.

3. After you create the contour line, Keep and Remove buttons display

. Perform one of the following:

• To eliminate the anatomy inside the border you drew, click

• To eliminate the anatomy outside the border you drew (and isolate
the Anatomy inside the border), click Keep. The sculpted 3D
object displays in the original 3D viewport.

4. To display the results of the sculpted-region in an MPR view, select the

Show Segmentation check box in the Visual tab.

Oblique MPR Mode

In Oblique MPR mode, change orientation of the MPR views by rotating
the crosshairs in one or two of the MPR views.

162 Peripheral
VPMC-13235 A
1. Right-click in the view, then click .

2. In one of the MPR views, position the cursor over one of the
crosshairs .

TIP: This view remains in Orthogonal mode, and the other two views
display images at oblique angles.

3. Drag the crosshair in the view while watching the other views.

TIP: As you drag, the crosshairs rotate around their intersection point,
staying perpendicular to each other.

TIP: Rotate crosshairs in more than one view.

TIP: To move the crosshair intersection point, click the spot where you
want the crosshair to intersect.

4. To “walk” a vessel, click and drag in the view.

TIP: The center of the crosshairs act as a fulcrum point.

Automatic MIP
MIP (100 mm max thickness) - A shading setting that displays data using
only the highest data values for each voxel of the image. MIP is a good
setting to use when competing features composed of voxels with similar
or higher values might be obscuring the feature of interest.

With the separate MPR MIP option, view a volume rendering side by-side
with MPR MIP images.

This setting is particularly useful when performing these operations:

• Differentiating between contrast and calcium in vessels

• Viewing thick slab MPRs with many tiny, loose body bone fragments
• Viewing carotids, the Circle of Willis, renals, runoffs, or any vessel

Peripheral 163
VPMC-13235 A
Perform Automatic Curved Reformats
In performing curved reformats, choose one view, called the Reference
view, to define the curve. By selecting the Reference view, change one of
the crosshairs to follow along the curve of the vessel.

Using the Vessel Probe tools to perform an automatic curved reformat,

probe the vessel, then select the Reference view. Vitrea automatically
makes all of the same adjustments as in the manual curved reformat, and
plots the centerline for you.

1. To perform an automatic curved reformat:

a. Probe the vessel in a 3D or MPR view.

b. Choose a Reference MPR view by switching it from Orthogonal

MPR to Curved Reference mode.

NOTE: The view you choose for the Reference view should be roughly
along the length of the vessel, or parallel to it.
In the Curved MPR view, Vitrea plots the Centerline and displays its
length (mm).

• If necessary, adjust the centerline. In the Reference or Transverse MPR

views, click and drag to move any of the automatically-plotted points
to more closely trace the centerline.
• Use any of the methods described in Work with Crosshair Position
Indicators to reposition the crosshairs.

164 Peripheral
VPMC-13235 A
• As you move the crosshair position indicator, the system updates the
intersection of the Transverse line and Centerline in the Curved MPR

• To examine the Curved MPR view more closely, click .

• To change from 1-up format back to the original viewer format, click

Clear Vessel Probe Indicators and Rulers

Delete one or all rulers you have placed. Also, clear one or multiple or all
previously probed vessels, as well as all other views or measurements
associated with them.

1. To delete rulers from a CPR view, select the ruler and click Delete or
press DELETE.

NOTE: Scrolling or changing the magnification does not delete rulers

from the cross-sectional views. Rulers drawn in the cross-sectional
views remain in the CPR views. Rulers drawn on CPR views delete
automatically if you rotate the CPR views, modify the vessel
boundaries, navigate along the vessel, or change magnification.

2. To delete vessel indicators (green line) and measurements for a

specific vessel:

a. Verify the vessel you want to delete is the active vessel.

NOTE: The active vessel displays in the current CPR and cross-
sectional views, is denoted by the vessel indicator (green) line in

Peripheral 165
VPMC-13235 A
the 3D view, and is selected (highlighted) in the Object
Management list on the Analysis tab.
Optional If the vessel you want to delete is not the active vessel,
click the vessel name in the Object Management list to make it
b. Press DELETE.

3. Click to clear all vessels.

NOTE: Other items not associated with the Vessel Probe option remain,
including arrows, annotations, and rulers drawn directly on 3D and MPR

Show Segmentation in MPR Views

Use the Show Segmentation box on the Visual tab to make the MPR
views reflect the results of segmentation done in the 3D view. Also, check
the Show Segmentation box if you want the Object Visibility to apply to
the MPR views. Visibility options on the Analysis tab of the Viewer window
enable you to control how images display region segmentation.

When the Show Segmentation box is selected, MPR views also show the
results of any segmentation done in the 3D view. If the Show
Segmentation box is cleared, the MPR views continue to display whole
MPR images, even if parts of the volume have been segmented.

1. To show segmentation in MPR views:

• On the Visual tab, select the Show Segmentation box.

• If you select Show Segmentation, and you have excluded a region

in the volume view, that region is not displayed in the MPR views.

166 Peripheral
VPMC-13235 A

I Select Study
II Choose Protocol and Preset
III Perform Analysis
• Probe the Carotids
• Perform Stenosis Measurement
• Use the POI Box
IV Distribute Findings

Carotid Overview
Evaluate contrast filled carotid arteries by probing the left and right internal
and external carotid arteries. Calculate arterial stenosis and analyze the
following issues:

• Plaque
• Stenosis
• Patency
• Aneurysm

Carotid 167
VPMC-13235 A
Carotid Lesson

I. Select Study

Follow the instructions in the Select Study Chapter to load a carotid study.

II. Choose Protocol and Preset

VitreaCore skips this step. No action is required.

1. If the Vascular: Carotid CT protocol is not selected, click the Protocols

dropdown menu on the Visual tab.

2. Select the Vascular: Carotid CT protocol.

III. Perform Analysis

Probe the Carotids

1. Select the tab.

2. Click .

3. Probe the carotid arteries:

a. Locate the internal and external carotid arteries and click the ves-
sel to probe, or scroll through any of the MPRs and click the vessel
to probe.

OptionalClick and click a point farther along the probed


168 Carotid
VPMC-13235 A
The Show and Vessel Segment table within the Analysis area
populate with data.

b. Rename the vessel by clicking the button.

The Rename screen displays.

c. In the New name field, enter the name of the vessel.

d. Click OK.
See the Use the Object Management List within the Additional
Procedures section of this document for further information.

e. After you select a vessel using Vessel Probe, VitreaCore segments

the anatomy and creates a Curved Planar Reformation (CPR).
These images are located in the 3D image frame in the two vertical
f. Change Object Visibility to the desired setting.
• Select one of these options from
the Object Visibility dropdown
• All – Displays the entire image.
• Transparent Background – Displays the image in a
transparent background.

Carotid 169
VPMC-13235 A
• Vessels Only – Remove everything except the probed
vessel(s) from view.

• Tinted Vessels – Displays the probed vessels shaded in

• Semi-Transparent Background – Render the
background partially opaque.
• Tinted Foreground – Displays the foreground in red.
• Transparent Foreground – Displays the vessels only.

g. Click to take a snapshot of the 3D image.

See the Additional Procedures section for further information about

Vessel Probe.

TIP: VitreaCore creates a 1mm cross-section orthogonal to the center

line running through the CPR. This is the image located at the top
of the CPR.

TIP: On the bottom of the CPR views are two slider bars. The top one
allows you to rotate the CPR by dragging it left or right. The lower
bar allows you to add thickness to the CPR.

Perform Stenosis Measurement

1. Probe the vessel.

2. Click Maximize to switch to 1-up Viewer window format.

3. Scroll in the CPR views to display a point before the stenosis.

170 Carotid
VPMC-13235 A
4. Click .

5. Click and drag across the width of the lumen, then release to end the
The ruler and the measurement (in millimeters) display in the cross-
sectional and CPR views.

NOTE: Draw rulers and measure in any cross-sectional view. Place only one
ruler per cross section.
Optional To delete a ruler from a CPR view, select the ruler and click
Delete or press DELETE.
• Scrolling or changing the magnification does not delete rulers
from the cross-sectional views. Rulers drawn in the cross-
sectional views remain in the CPR views. Rulers drawn on CPR
views delete automatically if you rotate the CPR views, modify
the vessel boundaries, navigate along the vessel, or change

6. Adjust the crosshair position to display a point inside the stenosis.

7. Repeat step 4.
VitreaCore displays the current maximum and minimum diameter
measurements in green and red, respectively, in the curved reformat
views. Any other measurements display in cyan (light blue).

Carotid 171
VPMC-13235 A
VitreaCore calculates the percentage of stenosis by comparing the
maximum (normal) and minimum (stenosed) measurements. The
percentage and the formula used to calculate it display at the bottom
of the right CPR view.

8. Repeat this procedure to draw as many rulers as you want.

The maximum diameter, minimum diameter, and percentage stenosis
update with each ruler you draw.

9. Click to take a snapshot of the 3D image.

Use the POI Box

The Point of Interest box allows you to quickly evaluate a region of interest
without using advanced workflows. This tool is available in any protocol
by clicking the 3D box in the bottom right of a 3D image.

1. Click an area of interest in the 2D image and the POI box corresponds
to the intersection of the crosshairs.

a. Roll mouse wheel in the POI box to increase/decrease the volume

of the cube.
b. Click in the POI box to rotate.

2. To discontinue the POI evaluation, click the box in the bottom right of
3D 1-up image.

3. Click to take a snapshot of the 3D image.

IV. Distribute Findings

The snapshots you save in the Viewer window are saved to the Report

1. Click at the bottom of the window.

172 Carotid
VPMC-13235 A
2. Follow the instructions in the Distribute Findings chapter to distribute
your findings.

Additional Procedures
Edit the Vessel Centerline
If you used Vessel Probe to probe a vessel, manually fine-tune the
centerline if needed.

1. From the Analysis tab, click the button.

The MPR views switch to Curved Reference mode and display the
probed vessel centerline.

2. Edit the centerline as needed:

a. In the Reference view, click and drag the desired centerline to the
desired position. Grab the desired boxes or create a new one by
clicking and dragging the centerline.

b. In the Curved view, use the Oblique Rotate tool to rotate

around the centerline. Adjust the yellow centerline as needed.
Also, perform distance measurements by dragging the Measure
c. In the Transverse view, a cross-section of the vessel displays, and
the centerline is marked as a blue box. Drag and adjust the box as
d. Scroll through the MPRs to gain contrast and follow the vessel.

e. One-up any of the MPRs for a closer view.

3. When finished editing, click the button.

Carotid 173
VPMC-13235 A
Use the Object Management List
As you probe vessels, each new vessel segment is added as a line in the
Object Management list. VitreaCore automatically assigns each vessel
segment a sequential number.

a. In the Object Management list, switch active vessels, rename ves-

sels, and delete vessels.
b. Use the Show boxes to determine which probed vessels are

1. To switch active vessels:

a. Click a vessel name in the Object Management list (select a vessel

that is not grayed out).
The views update to display the new active vessel.

b. With a Vessel Probe tool selected, press SPACEBAR to scroll

through the vessels in the Object Management list.

2. To rename a vessel:

a. With the vessel you want to name selected, click .

The rename dialog box displays.

NOTE: Rename a vessel by clicking the vessel name a second

time, after a pause. The name changes to an editable field.
b. In the New name field, enter the name for the vessel.

EXAMPLE Left Carotid, Right Carotid

c. Click OK.

NOTE: Vessels cannot have duplicate names.

3. To delete a vessel from the Object Management list:

a. Select the vessel in the Vessel Segment column.

174 Carotid
VPMC-13235 A
b. Click Delete.

Work with Cross-sectional and CPR Vessel Views

Perform the following operations on the reformatted views:

a. View the data value (HU for CT) at a point by dragging on the
image using the Crshair tool.
b. Jump to a desired point-of-interest on the centerline by clicking on
the curved view using the vessel probe tool.

c. Click .

d. Make measurements on the inset views.

e. Rotate the curved reformatted views about the axis of the vessel.
f. Zoom in and out of the CPR and cross-sectional views.
The cross-section corresponding to the point-of-interest also contains:

• Horizontal and vertical markers indicating the orientation of the left

and right curved views.

When you probe a vessel, the VitreaCore software plots the centerline of
the vessel and displays one (or more) cross-sectional views and two CPR
vessel views.

In 1-up format, multiple cross-sectional views display (see Figure 6).

Carotid 175
VPMC-13235 A
8 # Description
1 To move along the vessel:
Slide the scrollbar, click in the
2 The blue lines indicate the
3 crosshair position, which also
corresponds to the active
cross-sectional view.
3 Cross-sectional view
4 CPR view 1: If you rotate the
2 1 3D volume until the vessel
showed the least curvature in
the 3D field of view. Also
displayed are horizontal and
vertical markers indicating the
orientation of the left and right
4 5 curved views.
5 CPR view 2: 90 degrees from
the first CPR view.
6 7 6 CPR Rendering Option: Click
on the control and select an
option from the dropdown
menu. The option is applied to
all CPR views.
7 CPR Thickness Slider: Drag
the CPR Thickness slider
right to increase or left to
decrease slice thickness in the
CPR views only.
8 Zoom In/Out:

• Click to zoom in

• Click to zoom out

Region of Interest Measurements

To perform region of interest measurements on the vessel, click the ROI-

Freehand tool in either of the CPR or inset views.

176 Carotid
VPMC-13235 A
Each ROI displays the Hounsfield Average Value as well as the Standard
Deviation of the region.

NOTE: The ROIs on CPR views are deleted automatically if you rotate
the view or navigate along the vessel.

Work with Cross-Sectional Position Indicators

After you probe a vessel in 3D or MPR, the intersection of the cross
section in the MPR views is indicated in the following ways, depending on
the view you use:

• In the 3D view, a blue dot along the vessel indicator line represents
the cross-sectional position.
• The CPR views are centered on the cross-sectional position. The
current cross-sectional position in the MPR and 3D views is
indicated by a blue line in the middle of the ruler in the CPR views.
• In the screen format that has the presents the MPRs and 3D views,
with two CPR views and only one cross-sectional view displayed,
the cross-sectional view corresponds to the where the reference
line is located in the CPR views.

Carotid 177
VPMC-13235 A
• In 1-up Viewer window format, with two CPR views and multiple
cross-sectional views displayed, the current crosshair position is
located at 0 mm, and is highlighted with a blue border. The
surrounding cross sections are +1, +2, +3, -1, -2, -3, and so on.

NOTE: The cross-sectional views are always .5 mm apart, regardless of the

image acquisition thickness.

# Description
1 Current cross-sectional position
To move the cross-sectional position:
Slide the scrollbar, click in the vessel, roll the mouse wheel.

Manual Sculpt

1. Click .

2. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to 1-up the
axial MPR.

178 Carotid
VPMC-13235 A
3. Scroll to the ostium of the common carotid.

4. Draw contour lines around the anatomy you would like to include.

TIP: Scroll and draw a contour any time the anatomy changes size,
shape, or location.

5. When you finish drawing contours, select

Keep or Remove.

TIP: When the Show Preview box is selected, it shows a preview in the
3D image.

6. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to return to the
previous window.

Sculpt 3D Objects

1. Click .

The cursor changes shape to indicate Sculpt mode.

2. In the viewport, click and hold, and drag to draw a freehand border.

3. When you are done creating the contour line, Keep and Remove

buttons display . Perform one of the following:

• To eliminate the anatomy inside the border you drew, click

• To eliminate the anatomy outside the border you drew (and isolate
the Anatomy inside the border), click Keep. The sculpted 3D
object displays in the original 3D viewport.

4. To display the results of the sculpting in an MPR view, select the Show
Segmentation check box in the Visual tab.

Carotid 179
VPMC-13235 A
Oblique MPR Mode
In Oblique MPR mode, change orientation of the MPR views by rotating
the crosshairs in one or two of the MPR views.

1. Right-click in the view, then click .

2. In one of the MPR views, position the cursor over one of the
crosshairs .

TIP: This view remains in Orthogonal mode, and the other two views
display images at oblique angles.

3. Drag the crosshair in the view while watching the other views.

TIP: As you drag, the crosshairs rotate around their intersection point,
staying perpendicular to each other.

TIP: Rotate crosshairs in more than one view.

TIP: To move the crosshair intersection point, click the spot where you
want the crosshair to intersect.

4. To “walk” a vessel, click and drag in the view.

TIP: The center of the crosshairs act as a fulcrum point.

Automatic MIP
MIP (100 mm max thickness) is a shading setting that displays data using
only the highest data values for each voxel of the image. MIP is a good
setting to use when competing features composed of voxels with similar
or higher values might be obscuring the feature of interest.

With the separate MPR MIP option, view a volume rendering side by-side
with MPR MIP images.

This setting is particularly useful when performing these operations:

• Differentiating between contrast and calcium in vessels

• Viewing thick slab MPRs with many tiny, loose body bone fragments
180 Carotid
VPMC-13235 A
• Viewing carotids, the Circle of Willis, or any vessel

Clear Vessel Probe Indicators and Rulers

Delete one or all rulers you have placed. Also, clear one, multiple or all
previously probed vessels, as well as all other views or measurements
associated with them.

1. To delete rulers from a CPR view, select the ruler and click Delete or
press DELETE.

NOTES:Scrolling or changing the magnification does not delete rul-

ers from the cross-sectional views. Rulers drawn in the cross-sec-
tional views remain in the CPR views. Rulers drawn on CPR views
delete automatically if you rotate the CPR views, modify the vessel
boundaries, navigate along the vessel, or change magnification.

2. To delete vessel indicators (green line) and measurements for a

specific vessel:

a. Verify the vessel you want to delete is the active vessel.

NOTE: The active vessel displays in the current CPR and cross-
sectional views, is denoted by the vessel indicator (green) line in the
3D view, and is selected (highlighted) in the Object Management list on
the Analysis tab.
Optional If the vessel you want to delete is not the active vessel,
click the vessel name in the Object Management list to make it
b. Press DELETE.

3. To clear all vessels:

• Click Clear.

NOTE: Other items not associated with the Vessel Probe option remain.

Carotid 181
VPMC-13235 A
Show Segmentation in MPR Views
Use the Show Segmentation box on the Visual tab to make the MPR
views reflect the results of segmentation done in the 3D view. Also, select
the Show Segmentation box if you want the Object Visibility to apply to
the MPR views. Visibility options on the Analysis tab of the Viewer window
enable you to control how images display region segmentation.

When the Show Segmentation box is selected, MPR views also show the
results of any segmentation done in the 3D view. If the Show
Segmentation box is cleared, the MPR views continue to display whole
MPR images, even if parts of the volume have been segmented.

1. To show segmentation in MPR views:

• On the Visual tab, select the Show Segmentation box.

• If you select Show Segmentation, and you have excluded a region

in the volume view, that region does not display in the MPR views.

Performing Automatic Oblique Reformats

Using Oblique MPR mode, display MPR views of a feature that lies in a
plane other than the sagittal, coronal, or axial planes, as do many arteries.

In manual Oblique MPR mode, you change the orientation of the MPR
views by rotating the crosshairs in one or more of the MPR views, or by
using the oblique angle orientation tool.

With the Vessel Probe tools, perform automatic oblique reformats. After
you probe the vessel, the MPR views automatically update to display an
oblique view of the vessel as you scroll along the vessel centerline in the
CPR views.

To perform an automatic oblique reformat:

1. Orient the 3D image to display the desired view of the vessel.

2. Probe the vessel.

182 Carotid
VPMC-13235 A
3. Switch any of the MPR views to Oblique mode.
VitreaCore displays oblique images in all three MPR viewers. The MPR
view that is normally the Axial view is in the oblique plane that best
displays the vessel.

4. Click and drag the Thickness slider in any MPR view to be sure you
see as much of the vessel as possible.

NOTE: For best results, set the thickness slider to the vessel diameter.

5. Select MIP from any MPR view.

6. In the CPR views, move along the vessel.

Carotid 183
VPMC-13235 A
The crosshair position automatically adjusts, and the oblique views
rotate so the view that is normally the Axial view is in the oblique plane
that gives the best view of the vessel.

NOTE: The axial orthogonal MPR view changes to display an oblique

view that best shows the length of the vessel.

184 Carotid
VPMC-13235 A

I Select Study
II Choose Protocol and Preset
III Perform Analysis
• Review the Study
• Adjust the Window/Level
• Probe a Vessel
• Perform Stenosis Measurement
• Use the 3D and Curved Planar Reformatted views
• Explore the Lumen
• Apply Object Visibility
• Take Snapshots
IV Distribute Findings

Coronary Overview
Complete the procedures within this module to probe the coronaries, per-
form stenosis measurements, and explore the lumen.

Coronary 185
VPMC-13235 A
Coronary Lesson

I. Select Study

Follow the instructions in the Select Study Chapter to load a coronary


II. Choose Protocol and Preset

VitreaCore skips this step. No action is required.

1. If the Cardiac: Arteries CT protocol is not selected, click the Protocols

dropdown menu on the Visual tab.

2. Select the Cardiac: Arteries CT protocol.

III. Perform Analysis

The Coronary workflow features the following:

• Automatic heart segmentation

• 4D beating heart using multiple phase cine
• Selection of any coronary artery for viewing with the Vessel Probe tool
with easy centerline review and editing

CAUTION: Accuracy in measurements of lengths and angles, and of 2D and

3D regions of interest, depends on a number of factors. The accuracy of
these measurements depends on the accuracy of the scale factors that
describe the image resolution and the spacing between source images. The

186 Coronary
VPMC-13235 A
recommended method for performing linear measurements is through the
placement of the ruler(s) in 2D images.

Review the Study

Function Procedure
Review anatomy, analyze Use the MPR views to review.
quality of study in the
axial, coronal, and
sagittal views
Display the different
• Orthogonal – This view displays in sagittal, coronal,
and axial planes.

• Oblique – This view displays in an oblique plane.

• Curved Reference – This view sets crosshairs for

you to define a curve.
Display image in 1-up
Click Maximize to switch to 1-up Viewer window
Rotate MPR views
Click Rotate MPRs to change the arrangement of
sagittal, coronal, and axial images.
Review the Heart Mode In the bottom right corner of the oblique MPR view, select

When the heart mode is active, the Heart changes to a black

heart .

Two and four chamber long axis and short axis views of the
Left Ventricle are present in the display option.

Adjust the Window/Level

1. Click .

2. Click and drag in the viewport.

• Drag left to decrease window width, which increases the contrast.
• Drag right to increase window width, which decreases the
Coronary 187
VPMC-13235 A
• Drag down to increase window level. Drag up to decrease window
• Drag diagonally to adjust window width and level at the same time.

To change the window/level for CT 2D or MPR images by selecting a

window/level preset:

1. Right-click in the viewport, then select W/L Presets.

2 Select from the following options:
Abdomen (400/40)

• Lung (1500/-700)
• Head (100/45)
• Mediastinum (350/50)
• Vertebrae (2000/300)
3 To change the predefined window/level presets, contact your
System Administrator.

Probe a Vessel
Complete the following procedure for the three main coronary vessels
(LAD, CX, RCA) and any branches.

After setting up the Viewer window to best visualize the vessel you want
to probe, use the Select button to probe the vessel.

1. Locate the vessel you want to probe in the MPR or 3D view.

2. On the Analysis tab, click .

The cursor changes to a pointing finger.

3. Click the vessel in the MPR or 3D view.

TIP: For best results, select a point midway along the length of the

Two CPR views and one cross-sectional view (or multiple cross-
sectional views in 1-up format) display.

NOTE: Multiple cross-sectional views display only if you switch to the

1-up Viewer Window format.
188 Coronary
VPMC-13235 A
a. If you do not receive the expected result or would like to start over,

click to try again, then repeat step 3.

b. To probe another vessel, repeat this procedure.

c. To extend the probed vessel, click and click a point farther

along the vessel.
The Show and Vessel Segment table within the Analysis area populate
with data.

d. Click the button to rename the vessel.

The VitreaCore - Rename dialog displays.

e. In the New name field, enter the name of the vessel.

f. Click OK.
g. Change Object Visibility to the desired setting.
• Select one of these options from the Object
Visibility dropdown menu:
• To remove everything except the probed
vessel(s) from view, select Vessels Only.
• To render the background partially
opaque, select Semi-Transparent Heart.
• To display the probed vessels shaded in red, select Tinted
• To display the heart only, select Heart Only.

NOTE: Transparent Background, Semi-Transparent

Background, Tinted Foreground, Transparent Foreground are
also included in the dropdown menu.
After you select a vessel using Vessel Probe, VitreaCore segments
the anatomy and creates a Curved Planar Reformation (CPR).
These images populate in the 3D image frame in the two vertical

Coronary 189
VPMC-13235 A
h. Click to take a snapshot of the 3D image.

See the Additional Procedures section for further information about

Vessel Probe.

TIP: VitreaCore creates a 1mm cross-section orthogonal to the center

line running through the CPR. This is the image located at the top
of the CPR, in the blue box.

The bottom of the CPR contains two slider bars. The top one
allows you to rotate the CPR by dragging it left or right. The lower
bar allows you to add thickness to the CPR.

Perform Stenosis Measurement

1. Switch to 1-up Viewer window format. Click to Maximize.

2. Select the probed or named vessel to investigate.

3. Scroll in the CPR views to display a point before the stenosis.

4. Click .

5. Click and drag across the width of the lumen, then release the mouse
button to end the ruler.

6. The ruler and the measurement (in millimeters) display in the cross-
sectional and CPR views.

190 Coronary
VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: Draw rulers and measure in any cross-sectional view. Place
only one ruler per cross section.

7. Adjust the crosshair position to display a point inside the stenosis.

8. Repeat steps 3-7 to measure a narrowed area.

VitreaCore displays the current maximum and minimum diameter
measurements in green and red, respectively, in the curved reformat
views. Any other measurements display in cyan (light blue).

VitreaCore calculates the percentage of stenosis by comparing the

maximum (normal) and minimum (stenosed) measurements. The
percentage and the formula used to calculate it display at the bottom
of the right CPR view.

Coronary 191
VPMC-13235 A
9. Repeat this procedure to draw as many rulers as you want.
The maximum diameter, minimum diameter, and percentage stenosis
update with each ruler you draw.

Use the 3D and Curved Planar Reformatted views

1. Click located in the lower left corner of 3D volume image. Click the
icon twice to see different cross-section views.

2. Click and drag to rotate the 3D volume image.

3. In the CPR view, move the bottom arrows L-R on the horizontal slide
bar to rotate the CPR views.

4. The vertical slide bar moves the CPR image proximal and distal to
view the enter vessel length.

5. Blue dot on 3D, the cross-section of vessel in blue box and blue line in
CPR track with movements.

6. Select the phase check boxes on the bottom to change phases and

Explore the Lumen

1. Click in the blue cross-section box and click the plus sign to magnify
the cross-sectional vessel view.

2. Click the plus/minus sign above the CPR views to magnify/minify the

3. Select the crosshair and click and hold in lumen to evaluate plaque HU

Apply Object Visibility

1. Clear the Vessel Overlay box to hide curved planar reformatted views
to prevent someone from deleting the vessels.

192 Coronary
VPMC-13235 A
2. From Object Visibility, select Semi transparent Background and Tinted

3. Select Vessels only and rotate to display routine heart cath views.

Take Snapshots

1. Click (or press S) to

activate the camera.

2. Move cursor to image.

3. Click to take pictures to save to the server.

Snapshots which include measurements, rulers, W/L, or segmentation

options are restored from the Snapshots tab located in the Data
Manager tab at the bottom of the screen.

4. To hide the patient information, clear the Patient Info check box in the
View Options area on the Visual tab. Select the box to show the
patient information.

IV. Distribute Findings

The snapshots you save in the Viewer window are saved to the Report

1. Click at the bottom of the window.

2. Follow the instructions in the Distribute Findings chapter to distribute

your findings.

Coronary 193
VPMC-13235 A
Additional Procedures
Work with Cross-sectional and CPR Vessel Views
Perform the following operations on the reformatted views:

1. To determine the HU value at a point by dragging on the image using

the Crshair tool .

2. Move to a desired point-of-interest on the centerline by clicking on the

curved view using the vessel probe tool.

3. Make measurements on the CPR views using the ROI-Freehand tool.

4. Rotate the curved reformatted views about the axis of the vessel.

5. Zoom in and out of the CPR and cross-sectional views.

The cross-section corresponding to the point-of-interest also contains:

• Horizontal and vertical markers indicating the orientation of the left

and right curved views.

When you probe a vessel, the VitreaCore software plots the centerline of
the vessel and displays one (or more) cross-sectional views and two CPR
vessel views.

In 1-up format, multiple cross-sectional views display.

194 Coronary
VPMC-13235 A
8 # Description
1 To move along the vessel:
Slide the scrollbar, click in the
2 The blue lines indicate the
3 crosshair position, which also
corresponds to the active cross-
sectional view.
3 Cross-sectional view
4 CPR view 1: If you rotate the 3D
2 1 volume until the vessel showed
the least curvature in the 3D field
of view. The Left and Right CPR
views have colored borders that
correspond to the red and green
markers in the active Cross-
4 5 sectional view.
5 CPR view 2: 90 degrees from
the first CPR view.
6 7 6 CPR Rendering Option: Click on
the control and select an option
from the dropdown menu. The
option is applied to all CPR views.
7 CPR Thickness Slider: Drag the
CPR Thickness slider right to
increase or left to decrease slice
thickness in the CPR views only.
8 Zoom In/Out:

• Click to zoom in

• Click to zoom out

Region of Interest Measurements

To perform region of interest measurements on the vessel, click the ROI-

Freehand tool in either of the CPR or inset views.

Each ROI displays the Hounsfield Average Value as well as the Standard
Deviation of the region.
Coronary 195
VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: The ROIs on CPR views are deleted automatically if you rotate
the view or navigate along the vessel.

Work with Crosshair Position Indicators

After you probe a vessel in 3D or MPR, the intersection of the crosshairs
in the MPR views is indicated in the following ways, depending on the
view you use:

• In the 3D view, a blue dot along the vessel indicator line represents
the crosshair position.
• The CPR views center on the crosshair position. The current
crosshair position in the MPR and 3D views is indicated by a blue
line in the middle of the ruler in the CPR views.
• In multiple-viewer Viewer window formats, with two CPR views
and only one cross-sectional view displayed, the cross-sectional
view corresponds to the current crosshair position.
• In 1-up Viewer window format, with two CPR views and multiple
cross-sectional views displayed, the current crosshair position is
located at 0 mm, and is highlighted with a blue border. The
surrounding cross sections are +1, +2, +3, -1, -2, -3, and so on.

196 Coronary
VPMC-13235 A
NOTE: The cross-sectional views are always .5 mm apart, regardless of the
image acquisition thickness.

TABLE 2. 1-up View and Crosshair Position Indicators

Callout Number Description

1 Current crosshair position
To move the crosshair position:
Slide the scrollbar, click in the vessel, roll the
mouse wheel.

Manual Sculpt

1. Click .

2. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to 1-up the
axial MPR.

3. Scroll to one end of the anatomy.

4. Draw contour lines around the anatomy you would like to include.

Coronary 197
VPMC-13235 A
TIP: Scroll and draw a contour everywhere the anatomy changes size,
shape, or location.

5. After you draw contours, select Keep or


TIP: When the Show Preview box is selected, it shows a preview in the
3D image.

6. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to return to the
previous window.

Sculpt 3D Objects

1. Click .

The cursor changes shape to indicate Sculpt mode.

2. In the viewport, click and hold, and drag to draw a freehand border.

3. After you create the contour line, Keep and Remove buttons display

. Perform one of the following:

• To eliminate the anatomy inside the border you drew, click

• To eliminate the anatomy outside the border you drew (and isolate
the Anatomy inside the border), click Keep. The sculpted 3D
object displays in the original 3D viewport.

4. To display the results of the sculpting in an MPR view, select the Show
Segmentation check box in the Visual tab.

Oblique MPR Mode

In Oblique MPR mode, change orientation of the MPR views by rotating
the crosshairs in one or two of the MPR views.

1. Right-click in the view, then click .

198 Coronary
VPMC-13235 A
2. In one of the MPR views, position the cursor over one of the
crosshairs .

TIP: This view remains in Orthogonal mode, and the other two views
display images at oblique angles.

3. Drag the crosshair in the view while watching the other views.

TIP: As you drag, the crosshairs rotate around their intersection point,
staying perpendicular to each other.

TIP: Rotate crosshairs in more than one view.

TIP: To move the crosshair intersection point, click the spot where you
want the crosshair to intersect.

4. To “walk” a vessel, click and drag in the view.

TIP: The center of the crosshairs act as a fulcrum point.

Automatic MIP
MIP (100 mm max thickness) – A shading setting that displays data using
only the highest data values for each voxel of the image. MIP is a good
setting to use when competing features composed of voxels with similar
or higher values might be obscuring the feature of interest.

With the separate MPR MIP option, view a volume rendering side-by-side
with MPR MIP images.

This setting is particularly useful when performing these operations:

• Differentiating between contrast and calcium in vessels

• Viewing thick slab MPRs with many tiny, loose body bone fragments
• Viewing carotids, the Circle of Willis, renals, runoffs, or any vessel

Coronary 199
VPMC-13235 A
Clear Vessel Probe Indicators and Rulers
Delete one or all rulers you have placed. Also, clear one or multiple or all
previously probed vessels, as well as all other views or measurements
associated with them.

1. To delete rulers from a CPR view, select the ruler and click Delete or
press DELETE.

NOTE: Scrolling or changing the magnification does not delete rulers

from the cross-sectional views. Rulers drawn in the cross-sectional
views remain in the CPR views. Rulers drawn on CPR views delete
automatically if you rotate the CPR views, modify the vessel
boundaries, navigate along the vessel, or change magnification.

2. To delete vessel indicators (green line) and measurements for a

specific vessel:

a. Verify the vessel you want to delete is the active vessel.

NOTE: The active vessel displays in the current CPR and cross-
sectional views, is denoted by the vessel indicator (green) line in
the 3D view, and is selected (highlighted) in the Object
Management list on the Analysis tab.
Optional If the vessel you want to delete is not the active vessel,
click the vessel name in the Object Management list to make it
b. Press DELETE.

3. To clear all vessels:

Click .

NOTE: Other items not associated with the Vessel Probe option remain,
including arrows, annotations, and rulers drawn directly on 3D and MPR

Show Segmentation in MPR Views

Use the Show Segmentation box on the Visual tab to make the MPR
views reflect the results of segmentation done in the 3D view. Also, select
the Show Segmentation box if you want the Object Visibility to apply to

200 Coronary
VPMC-13235 A
the MPR views. Visibility options on the Analysis tab of the Viewer window
enable you to control how images display region segmentation.

When you select Show Segmentation box, MPR views also show the
results of any segmentation done in the 3D view. If the Show
Segmentation box is cleared, the MPR views continue to display whole
MPR images, even if parts of the volume have been segmented.

1. To show segmentation in MPR views:

• On the Visual tab, select the Show Segmentation check box.

FIGURE 1. Show Segmentation Box

If you select Show Segmentation, and you have excluded a region in the
volume view, that region is not displayed in the MPR views.

Review a 4D Cardiac Study

When a study is composed of multiple phases, or time series, cine across
the phases. One of the features of this application is observing the beating
heart using time-series coronary studies.

To review a 4D cardiac study:

1. Select the 4D cardiac phases from the Data Manager.

2 To see all phases acquired, right-click, then select Cine Start.
3 To stop on a specific phase, do the following steps to slow the
cine speed:
• Right-click, then select Adjust Cine Setting.
The Cine Set up & Control dialog box displays.
• Drag the cine speed slider bar all the way to the left (1).
• Click Close.
4 While cineing at this slower speed, when you see the phase on
which you want to stop, right-click, then select Cine Stop.
5 Scroll through each of the time phases.

Coronary 201
VPMC-13235 A
All of the viewports update simultaneously. The Phase X/X label
next to the slider bar updates as you scroll.
6 Rotate the 3D volume to position it for sculpting.
7 Sculpt the volume to isolate the heart.
8 Save any noteworthy images.
9 To watch the heart beat, right-click in the 3D viewport, and
select Cine Start.
• To save the cine as a movie, right-click, then select Save
Cine to Movie File.

202 Coronary
VPMC-13235 A
Circle of Willis

I Select Study
II Choose Protocol and Preset
III Perform Analysis
• View Circle of Willis in MPRs
• Use 3D Trim
• Manual Sculpt
• Use Point of Interest
• Use 3D MIP Option
• Take Snapshots
IV Distribute Findings

Circle of Willis Overview

Segment the Circle of Willis vessels from other head anatomy to review for
the following issues:

• Plaque
• Stenosis
• Patency
• Aneurysm

Circle of Willis 203

VPMC-13235 A
Circle of Willis Lesson

I. Select Study

Follow the instructions in the Select Study Chapter to load a Circle of

Willis study.

II. Choose Protocol and Preset

VitreaCore skips this step. No action is required.

1. If the Vascular: COW CT protocol is not selected, click the Protocols

dropdown menu on the Visual tab.

2. Select the Vascular: COW CT protocol.

III. Perform Analysis

View Circle of Willis in MPRs

1. Change MPRs to Oblique mode .

2. Verify the rendering option is set to MIP .

3. Line the Coronal (green) line with basilar artery in the Sagittal MPR.

4. Drag the in-viewer MPR Thickness slider to the right

to increase slice thickness to the desired level.

5. Scroll through coronal images to see Circle of Willis and other arterial
structures in the head.

204 Circle of Willis

VPMC-13235 A
6. Make a batch of coronal images.

Use 3D Trim
Trim lines display as rectangular boxes in all three MPR viewports, and are
color-coded to the respective view:

• Sagittal: Blue
• Coronal: Green
• Axial: Red

Resize the trimmed region in one or more of the MPR viewports by

dragging the lines in any Tool mode (WinLev, Crosshair, Snap, Ruler,
Label, Sculpt).

All data outside the trim box is excluded. The 3D viewport (MIP/Volume
Rendering) displays the new 3D image, including only the anatomy within
the box.

1. Float the cursor over the trim line in the axial, sagittal, or coronal plane
(or multiple planes) until the cursor changes to dual arrows.

2. Click and drag the edge of the trim box to eliminate the anatomy you
do not want to see in the 3D image.

3. Repeat this procedure as needed, in any of the orthogonal views, until

you have isolated the desired anatomy.

Manual Sculpt

1. Click .

2. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to 1-up the
axial MPR.

3. Scroll to one end of the anatomy.

4. Draw contour lines around the anatomy you would like to include.

Circle of Willis 205

VPMC-13235 A
TIP: Scroll and draw a contour everywhere the anatomy changes size,
shape, or location.

5. After you draw contours, select Keep or


TIP: When the Show Preview box is selected, it shows a preview in the
3D image.

6. Click in the lower left corner of the Viewer window to return to the
previous window.

See the Additional Procedures section for information on Sculpt in 3D.

Use Point of Interest

Isolate and display a specific section of the volume using POI, and further
isolate the point of interest in the volume view.

1. Click the button in the 3D viewer.

The button changes to the volume view, and the POI at the MPR
viewer crosshairs displays in the 3D view.

2. Refine the POI:

• Drag and release the crosshairs in one of the MPR views to
change the POI location displayed in the volume view.
• Click and hold in the 3D view, then scroll with the mouse wheel to
increase or decrease the POI area.

Use 3D MIP Option

This procedure allows you to assist in viewing calcifications.

1. Click on the 3D image.

2. Click dropdown menu and select MIP.

206 Circle of Willis

VPMC-13235 A
3. To render the MPRs, select options from the dropdown

menu and use the slider bar to increase thickness to

the desired level.

4. Review the MPRs.

5. Take a snapshot.

Take Snapshots

1. Click to activate the


2. Move cursor to image.

3. Click to take pictures to save to the server.

Snapshots which include measurements, rulers, W/L, or segmentation

options restore from the Snapshots tab located in the Data Manager
tab at the bottom of the screen.

4. To hide the patient information, clear the Patient Info check box in the
View Options area at the top of the screen. Select the box to show the
patient information.

IV. Distribute Findings

The snapshots you save in the Viewer window are saved to the Report

1. Click at the bottom of the window.

2. Follow the instructions in the Distribute Findings chapter to distribute

your findings.

Circle of Willis 207

VPMC-13235 A
Additional Procedures
Sculpt in 3D

1. Click .

The cursor changes shape to indicate Sculpt mode.

2. Move the mouse into the 3D image.

3. Click and hold down the left mouse button to draw around the
anatomy or object to sculpt.

4. After you create the contour line, Keep and Remove buttons display

. Perform one of the following:

• To eliminate the anatomy inside the border you drew, click

• To eliminate the anatomy outside the border you drew (and isolate
the Anatomy inside the border), click Keep.
The sculpted 3D object displays in the original 3D viewport.

Perform Point-and-Click Region Segmentation

Use point-and-click segmentation to keep or remove segments of bone
or other visibly distinct segments such as soft tissue, stents or metal
plates, or even the scanner table.

1. Select Bone from the Pick Segmentation area.

2. Select Keep or Remove.

TIP: Remove is automatically selected for you when Bone is selected.

208 Circle of Willis

VPMC-13235 A
3. Click on the image where you want to remove segments of the bone.

4. To edit the results, use the Less and More buttons.

5. Click to window level.

6. Select .

Remove fragments removes all visibly distinct regions smaller than the
number of cubic centimeters listed in the Segment Objects area.

Circle of Willis 209

VPMC-13235 A
210 Circle of Willis
VPMC-13235 A

I Select Study
II Choose Protocol and Preset
III Perform Analysis
• Use MinIP
• Adjust Slice Thickness in MPR Views
• Adjust the Window/Level
• Take Snapshots
IV Distribute Findings

Lung Overview
Complete the procedures within this module to visualize and analyze air or
fluid within lung airways.

Lung 211
VPMC-13235 A
Lung Lesson

I. Select Study

Follow the instructions in the Select Study Chapter to load a lung study.

II. Choose Protocol and Preset

VitreaCore skips this step. No action is required.

1. If the Lung CT protocol is not selected, click the Protocols dropdown

menu on the Visual tab.

2. Select the Lung CT protocol.

III. Perform Analysis

Use MinIP
This procedure enables you to modify MPR rendering options. MinIP is a
shading setting that displays data using only the lowest data values for
each voxel of the image. MinIP is a good setting to use when features
composed of similar or higher voxel values might be obscuring a feature
of interest composed of lower voxel values in a scanned image.

This setting is particularly useful when looking at air or fluid in mini-slabs.

For example, lung airways or dilated pancreatic or bile ducts.

1. Click the MPR Options button.

2. Select MinIP from the dropdown menu.

212 Lung
VPMC-13235 A
Adjust Slice Thickness in MPR Views
In the MPR viewports, the acquisition slice thickness displays in the lower
left corner. The current thickness setting displays to the left of the in-

viewer MPR Thickness slider at the bottom of each viewer.

To change the slice thickness:

• Drag the in-viewer MPR Thickness slider right to increase or left to

decrease slice thickness, or click on the number to put in the
desired value.

Adjust the Window/Level

1. Click .

2. Click and drag in the viewport.

a. Drag left to decrease window width, which increases the contrast.

Drag right to increase window width, which decreases the con-
b. Drag down to decrease window level. Drag up to increase window
c. Drag diagonally to adjust window width and level at the same time.
To change the window/level for CT 2D or MPR images by selecting a
window/level preset:

NOTE: To change the predefined window/level presets, contact your

System Administrator.
1. Right-click in the viewport, then select Window/Level Presets.

2. Select from the following options:

• Abdomen (400/40)
• Lung (1500/-700)
• Head (100/45)
• Mediastinum (350/50)
• Vertebrae (2000/300)

Lung 213
VPMC-13235 A
Take Snapshots

1. Click to activate the


2. Move cursor to image.

3. Click to take pictures to save to the server.

Snapshots which include measurements, rulers, W/L, or segmentation

options restore from the Snapshots tab located in the Data Manager
tab at the bottom of the screen.

4. To hide the patient information, clear the Patient Info check box in the
View Options area at the top of the screen. Select the box to show the
patient information.

IV. Distribute Findings

The snapshots you save in the Viewer window are saved to the Report

1. Click at the bottom of the window.

2. Follow the instructions in the Distribute Findings chapter to distribute

your findings.

214 Lung
VPMC-13235 A
Numerics Next 77
3D and Curved Planar Reformatted Oblique 66
views 192 Orthogonal 66
3D Button Prev 77
Viewport Window 66 Redo 64
3D menu 88 Reset 64
3D MIP 143 Undo 64
3D MIP Option 155, 206
3D Options C
Visual Tab 87 Change Font 102
3D Preset Choose Protocol and Preset 138
picking an anatomy protocol 87 Choose Protocol and Preset for Renal
3D Rendering button 143 Artery 145
3D Rendering dropdown 155 Cine
3D Trim 128, 205 Adjust Settings 56
Save to movie file 56
A Start 55
Adjust the MPR Slice Thickness 82, 213 Stop 55
Adjust the Rendering Option 82 Classroom Learning 11
Adjust Window/Level 75, 187, 213 Clear Vessel Probe Indicators and
Advanced Diagnostic Users 18 Rulers 165, 181, 200
Advanced Viewer button 18 Clinicians 17
Angle button 67 Clipboard button 118
annotation text Cobb Angle button 67, 68
predefined 101 Cobb Angles 132
Annotations Compare Multiple Series 78
Hide or Display 78 Compress Ratio
Append Page button 118 __ (20-100) 100
Applications tab 32, 43 Contact Us 12
Apply Object Visibility 145, 192 Coronal 128
Arrow button 60, 120 Create a 3D Batch 92
Auto Close 3D 99 Create an Image Batch 90
Auto Query 98 Create an MPR Batch 94
Automatic Artery/Vein Selection 95 Create an Oblique Image 79
Automatic MIP 163, 180, 199 Crosshair for Hounsfield Units (HUs) 56
Automatic Query 16 Crshair button 56
Axial 128 Curved MPR Mode 164
Customized Options 12
B Customized Templates 124, 126
Batch button 93
Batch Formats, Views, and Modes 91 D
Batch tab 93 Data Manager 42
Bone selection 71, 144 Default W/L 54
Button Delete All button 67
3D (Viewport Window) 66 Delete button 112, 116
Index 215
VPMC-13235 A
Delete Image button 120 orientation labels 85
Delete Page button 120 Image Layout
Delete Study 15 Select a different layout for the series 54
Diagnostic Tools 104 Invert option 76
Diagnostic Users 17 Invert/Rotate/Flip 76
DICOM Export button 122 MPR right-click menu 84
DICOM Transfer 45
Display a Point of Interest (POI) 86 K
Display the different planes 187 Keep button 72, 138, 208
Distance Learning 11 Keep/Remove buttons 57, 58, 129, 134,
Double Oblique Rotation 80, 135 143, 144, 162, 198, 206, 208
Keyboard Shortcuts 21
Edit Centerline button 139, 173 L
Edit or Delete Labels and Arrowtations 63 Label button 120
Edit the Vessel Centerline 139, 173 Label Images 59
email address Labels
changing 96 Hide or Display 71
Enable reference line for CT Scout View Options 71
images 99 Labels check box 23
End button 93 Less/More buttons 145
Enter Customer-Defined Text 62 Load button 17, 18, 31
Example Load in 2D 15
Default W/L 83 Log into VitreaCore 37
image orientation labels 86 logon password
maximum Study Directory limit 99 changing 96
W/L Presets 83
Exclude Bone 144 M
Explore the Lumen 192 Manual Curved Reformat 80
Export button 112, 116 Manual Sculpt 58, 134, 143, 161, 178,
Extend button 154, 168, 189 197, 205
Mark a Study as Read 16, 40
F Measurement button 67
Filter, Sort, and Search the Patient List 15 Measurements
Filtering Buttons 111 Hide or Display 71, 78
Findings List 111 View Options 71
Findings Management Buttons 112 Measurements check box 23
Findings Tray 111 MinIP option 65
First/Last Page button 121 MIP option 65
Flip Horizontally option 76 Mouse Functions 20
Flip Vertically option 76 MPR Rendering button 143
Fragm button 72, 145, 153, 209 MPR Rendering dropdown 155, 204, 212
Full Crosshair check box 23 MPR Thickness slider 204, 213

Global Lock button 78 network speed
testing 104
I New Report button 118
Image Next Button 77

216 Index
VPMC-13235 A
Normal and Stenosed Diameter Rulers 149 Probe a Vessel 188
Number of Images slider 92 Probe the Carotids 168
Probe the Peripheral Arteries 153
O Probe Vessels 139, 156
Object Management List 140, 157, 174 Publish button 122
Object Visibility area 154, 189
Oblique Button 66 Q
Oblique mode button 204 Query button 46
Oblique MPR Mode 134, 162, 180, 198
On-site Learning 12 R
Orientation Labels Redo Button 64
image 85 Redo button 120
Orthogonal Button 66 Region of Interest Measurements 159,
Overview 176, 195
customize user settings 96 Remove button 72, 208
Remove Fragments 145, 153
P Rename button 141, 169, 189
Pan Images 75 Report Distribution 121
Patient Data Report Navigation 121
Hide or Display 78 Report Page 119
Patient Info Report Tools 120
View Options Controls 71 Report Window 25, 110
Patient Info check box 23 Reports tab 45
Patient Information Reset Button 64
Hide or Display 71 Reset option 76
Patient List 39 Restore button 112, 116, 120
Patient List Column Headers 15, 39 Restoring saved images (workflow)
Perform a Curved Reference 156 from Report window 115
Perform a Manual Curved Reformat 130 Review a 4D Cardiac Study 201
Perform Automatic Curved Reformats 147, Review the Heart Mode Images 187
164 Review the Study 187
Perform Measurements 64 Right-Click Menu 88
Perform Point-and-Click Region ROI-Ellipse button 67, 68
Segmentation 208 ROI-Freehand button 67, 69, 159, 195
Perform Stenosis Measurement 146, 170, Rotate 3D Images 86
190 Rotate Left 90 degree option 76
performance Rotate Right 90 degree option 76
testing network speed 104 Rotate/Flip
Ping 105 3D right-click menu 89
POI Box 172 Ruler button 67, 146
POI button 86
Point of Interest 206 S
Prev Button 77 Sagittal 128
Previous/Next button 121 Save
Print Cine to movie file 56
3D right-click menu 90 Screen Capture of viewport 55
Image 55 Save as DICOM File option 45
MPR right-click menu 84 Save button 120
Print button 122 Save query while quit 99

Index 217
VPMC-13235 A
Save Screen Capture Show/Hide 99
3D right-click menu 90
MPR right-click menu 84 T
Screen Capture Tabs 12
Save 55 Template Layouts 25, 117
screen fonts Text button 60
formatting the default 101 Text/Arrow button 60
Scroll Through Annotated Images 63 Thickness slider 143, 155
Scroll through Images 79 Time Span_minutes 98
Sculpt 3D Objects 57, 162, 179, 198 Tinted Foreground option 74
Sculpt button 57, 58, 129, 134, 143, 144, Tips for planning your image batches 90
161, 162, 197, 198, 205, 208 Transparent Foreground option 74
Sculpt in 3D 129, 144, 208 Transverse Line 165
Segment Objects 71, 152 Trim 3D Objects 59
Segment Objects area 153 Trim Table on Axial View 152
Segment the Aorta 138 Troubleshooting VitreaCore 25
Select Application Data option 43
Select button 120, 139, 153, 157, 168, U
188 Undo Button 64
Select MPR Options 82 Undo button 120
Semi-Transparent Background Use MinIP 212
option 74 User Preferences
Series tab 31 Customized Text Settings 100
Show 3D Crosshair check box 23 User Publications 10
Show All button 111 User Settings
Show All option 74 custom WW/WL 97
Show Cols in Study Directory 98 email address 96
Show Not Reported button 111 logon password 96
Show Reported button 111 Overview 96
Show Segmentation check box 23, 129, setting user-specific study directory
162, 201 screen preferences 98
Show Segmentation in MPR Views 166, User Types (Vitrea Enterprise Suite) 17
182, 200
Snap button 58 V
Snapshot Vessel selection 72
3D right-click menu 89 Via button 93
MPR right-click menu 84 View Circle of Willis in MPRs 204
Snapshots 58 View Options
Snapshots tab 44 Labels 71
Specialty Course for Advanced Visualization Measurements 71
Cardiac 12 Patient Info 71
Spine button 131 Viewer Options 78
Spine Labeling 131 Viewer Window
Spine Labeling button 61 Visual Tab 2D Functions 77
Start button 93 Visual Tab 3D Functions 87
Step Size slider 92 Viewer Window Layout
Study Directory 13 2D 51
setting user-specific preferences 98 Viewport Layout
Support Button Select a different hanging protocol 54

218 Index
VPMC-13235 A
Visible button 72
Visual Tab
2D Functions 77
Visual Tab 2D
Cine Tools 77
Next Button 77
Prev Button 77
Visual Tab 3D Functions 87
ViTAL U® 10
Vitrea Enterprise Study Directory 32
Vol. Render option 65

W/L Presets
MPR right-click menu 83
WinLev button 56, 187, 213
Word Report button 122
Work with Crosshair Position
Indicators 160, 196
Work with Cross-sectional and CPR Vessel
Views 158, 175, 194
Work with Cross-Sectional Position
Indicators 177
Worklist Filters 16
defining user-specific settings 97

Index 219
VPMC-13235 A
220 Index
VPMC-13235 A
5850 Opus Parkway, Suite 300 | Minnetonka, MN 55343 | 866.433.4624 |

VPMC-13235 A

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