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Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago (UTESA).

Emely Paola.
Cabrera Frias.
Inglés III.
Maria Ramona Frias.
Book: page, 4B, 5D, 8A, 9C.

4B. Write each word in blue next to correct meaning.

1. Diet the kind of you usually eat.

2. Prepare to make something ready.
3. Especial better or more important that other thing.
4. Meals breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
5. Available describes something you can find or get.
6. Crops plants grow by farmers for food.
7. Dishes food that is cooked in a certain way.
8. Variety different kinds of something.
9. Farmers people who grow and produce food.
10. Ingredient types of food that are combined to make sushi.

5D. Complete each sentence with the simple present o present continuous form of.

1. My mother and I prepared (prepare) a meal together every afternoon.

2. In Mexico, most people ate (eat) a big meal in the afternoon.
3. Right now, my mother and I made (make) a dish called enchiladas.
4. I really like enchiladas. Sometimes I had (have) them for breakfast!
5. Now my mother told (tell) the whole family to come to the table.
6. We enjoyed (enjoy) at least one meal together every day.

8A. Look at the Healthy Eating Pyramid from Australia. In Paris, choose the correct phrase from the
box to complete each sentence bellow.

a. Fish, beans, and nuts. d. Milk, yogurt, and cheese.

b. Spinach, tomatoes, and carrots. e. Pasta, bread, and rice.
c. Pineapple and grapes. f. Pizza and canned foods.

1. Vegetables that are high in vitamins include b

2. Foods high protein include meat, a
3. Many people eat grains at very meal. Grains include e
4. Many fruits are sweet. Fruits that have a lot of sugar in them include c
5. Dairy foods come from animals such as cows d are all dairy.
6. Don’t s eat too much salt. Salty foods include f
9C. Complete the conversation. Use the simple past of the verbs.

Mary: Tell me about yourself. Pedro.

Pedro: Well, I love to travel. Last year, I (1) traveled (travel) to Greece.

Mary: Wow! You (2) went (go) to Greece?

Pedro: Yes, and I (3) met (meet) my friend Vasilys and his family there.

They (4) showed (show) me around Athens and (5) introduced (introduce) me to many new
foods. We (6) ate (eat) a lot!

Mary: That sounds like fun.

Pedro: It was. I (7) ate (eat) seafood and lamb, and I (8) tried (try) a dish…

Workbook, page: 1A, B, C, D. 3A, B. 5C. 7A.

Page 1:

A. Complete the sentences with words from the box. One word is not needed.

Diet- ingredients- meals- prepare- special- variety.

1. Wea re what we eat: the first step to healthy living is a healthy diet
2. Is you want to know what you are eating prepare dishes at home as much as possible.
Food in cafes and restaurant often has a lot of sugar and fat.
3. When you can, buy ingredients from Farmers markets. They are usually fresher because they
arrive directly from farmers’ fields.
4. It´s important to have variety in your diet. This will keep you healthy, and you won´t get bored
eating the same foods.
5. On special occasions, like your birthday, why not forget the diet and have a slice of cakes?
B. Circle the correct answer.
1. Which is not usually an ingredient in vegetable soup?
a. Pineapple b. Onion c. Carrots

2. Which is not dish?

a. Pizza b. Chicken soup c. Bananas

3. Tomatoes are an example of what?

a. A crop b. A meal c. a dish

4. Which is not a meal?

a. Lunch b. Rice c. Dinner

5. Which type of worker grows food?

a. A chef b. A farmer c. A waiter

C. Check (✓) the sentences that use the present continuous.

1. I make great big burgers.
2. I’m cooking my favorite dish. ✓
3. I never eat cholate.
4. We´re talking a break now. ✓
5. I work every day.
6. I’m getting a drink. ✓

D. Complete the text with the simple present of present continuous form of the verb.

Most night I (1) eat (eat) dinner at home. Usually, I (2) cook (cook) dishes with fish or
chicken. After dinner, I usually (3) watch (watch). Then, I (4) go (go) to bed early.

Today is my birthday. I (5) having (have) dinner in a restaurant with my friends now.
I (6) eating (eat) pizza and salad. There´s no TV, so I (7) talking (talk) with my friends.
We (8) having (have) a lot of fun.
Page 3:

A. Match the sentences halves.

1. Grains f a. Keep our bodies healthy and help us grow.
2. Dairy foods d b. Is in meat and beans.
3. Fruits e c. Is something many people put in coffee.
4. Protein b d. Are made from cow´s milk.
5. Vitamins a e. grow on trees or plants.
6. Sugar c f. Are in foods like bread and pasta.

B. Circle the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. A banana/ bean/ carrot is a type of fruit.

2. You make pasta/ nuts/ cheese from milk.

3. You can find a lot of vitamins in pizza/ spinach/ coffee.

4. Canned foods usually have a lot of vitamins/ grains/ salt.

5. Yogurt and butter are types of dairy foods/ grains/ fruits.

6. There is a lot of salt/ sugar in sweets and cookies.

Page 5:

C. Read the article again. Circle T for true, F for false, or NI for not information (if the answer is
not in the reading).

1. On Ikaria, women live longer than men. T F NI

2. All Ikarians live to be 90. T F NI
3. Ikarians like exercising outside. T F NI
4. People on Ikaria have stressful lives T F NI
5. Ikarians eat many types of fruits T F NI
6. All people on Ikaria are vegetarian T F NI
7. Ikarians often snack between meals T F NI
Page 7:

A. Match the sentence halves.

1. C You can buy fresh fruits and vegetables at famers´ a. meal of the day.
2. E It´s not a good idea to eat foods with a lot of b. ingredients.
3. D Not all foods are c. markets.
4. F Grains, proteins, and vegetables are all part of a healthy d. available in every country.
5. A Some people recommend breakfast as the biggest e. sugar.
6. B Before cooking a dish, make sure you have all the f. diet.

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