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Fourth Quarter


Name: _____________________ Grade Level: ________
Date: ______________________ Score: ______________


Determines the Relationship of the Volume Between a Rectangular
Prism and a Pyramid; a Cylinder and a Cone;
and a Cylinder and Sphere

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It brings you
lessons that will help you understand, discover and learn the concepts of Mathematics
specifically on determining the relationship of the volume between a rectangular prism
and a pyramid; a cylinder and a cone; and a cylinder and sphere which encompass not
only in every detail of our lives, but also in the real life situation from the simplest to the
most complex problem involving numbers

When we are questioned to find an amount that will occupy space and not just a
surface, we are being open to another application of measurement which the volume
Volume (V) is the number of cubic units needed to occupy a given space of a
solid figures. The concepts of determining the measurements and formulas of volume
of various figures can be used in solving problems.
Cubic units is the unit used to measure volume.

Listed below are different figures with their corresponding formulas for volume.
Solid figures Formulas

Rectangular Prism • The volume (v) of prism is the product of the base
area (B) and the height (h) or the product of
length, width and height.
w V=Bxh or V=lxwxh

• Since B = l x w,

• Where: l = length, w = width, and h = height or


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 1

Pyramid • The volume (v) of pyramid is the base area (B)
times the height (h).
V= xBxh or V= ( l x w h)
w or
V= Bxh V=
3 3
Cylinder • The volume (v) of a cylinder is the product of the
r circular base area (B) and the height (h)

h V= x xh

• Where: h = height, r = radius, and = 3.14

Cones • The volume (v) of a cone is the base area (B)
times the height (h).
r V= (B x h) or V= ( x x h)

π x r2 x h
V= Bxh V=
3 3
• The volume (v) of sphere with radius (r) is
times the cube of the radius.
r = x x or V = 4 x π x r
Sphere • Where: r = radius, and = 3.14


• The volume of a pyramid is the volume of a prism with the same

base area (B) and height (h).

Example 1: Find the volume of the rectangular prism and pyramid with
the same base area and height of 3 and 25 cm respectively.

Volume of rectangular prism Volume of pyramid

V= B x h V= x B x h
=3 x 25 cm
= 75 = x (3 x 25 cm)
= x 75
= 25
Relationship:1/3 of the volume of a prism is the volume of pyramid.
of 75 is 25
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 2
• The volume of cone is the volume of a cylinder with same base
area (B) and height (h).

Example 2: What is the volume of the cone and cylinder with same
radius and height of 3 cm and 4 cm respectively? Use 3.14 for .

Volume of cylinder Volume of cone

V= B x h V= (B x h)
= xh
= x xh = ( x x h)
= 3.14 x x 4 cm = (3.14 x x 4 cm)
=113.04 = 37.68

Relationship: 1/3 of the volume of a cylinder is the volume of cone.

of 113.04 is 37.68

• The volume of a sphere is of the volume of a cylinder with same

radius, and height equal to the diameter.
( =

Example 3: What is the volume of the sphere if the cylinder with same
radius and height equal to the diameter of the sphere has a volume of
75 ?

Since the volume of a sphere is Thus, is 50.

of the volume of a cylinder.
The volume of the sphere is

Learning Competency: Determines the relationship of the volume between a

rectangular prism and a pyramid; a cylinder and a cone; and a cylinder and
sphere. (M6ME-IVa-95).

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 3

Exercise 1: Fill in the table.
Directions: Complete the required column in the table. The first one is done for you.

Figure Length Width Height Volume

3 1 1 3






Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 4

Exercise 2
Directions: Find the volume of the following solid figure.

Solid figures Cubic Measurement

1. Rectangular Prism l = 3 dm
w= 60 dm
h= 5 dm


2. Pyramids
B= 9 m
h= 7 m


3. Cylinder
r r= 18 cm
h= 15 cm


4. Cones
r= 3 m
h= 4 m


r = 5 cm

5. Sphere V=______________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 5

Exercise 3
Directions: Solve the following problem. Show your solution and write your answers in
your notebook.

1. Find the volume of the rectangular prism and pyramid with the same length,
width and height of 5 dm, 4 dm and 7 dm respectively. What is the relationship
of these two solid figures?
a. Volume of rectangular prism b. Volume of pyramid

c. Relationship

2. Find the volume of the cone and cylinder with same radius and height of 40.5
cm and 50.8 cm respectively. What is the relationship of these two solid
figures? Use 3.14 for .
a. Volume of cylinder b. Volume of Cone

c. Relationship

3. A cylinder contains inside a sphere exactly, if the cylinder has a radius of 2.5 cm
and height of 5 cm. What is the volume and relationship of the two figures?

a. Volume of cylinder b.

c. Relationship

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 6

Exercise 4
Directions: Find the volume of the following solid figure. Show your solution.

1. A chocolate company produces chocolate pyramid bar with a base area

of 3.5 cm and height of 4 cm. What is the volume of the chocolate
pyramid bar?
Note: V= x B x h or V= ( l x w h)

2. Find the volume of the cylinder with a radius of 18 dm and height of 25

dm. Use 3.14 for the .
Note: V= x xh

3. Find the volume of the cone with a radius of 7 mm and 16 mm. Use
3.14 for the .
Note: V= (B x h) or V= ( x x h)

4. Catherine has a candy box whose length is 12 cm; height of 10 cm and

width of 5 cm. Find the volume of the box.
Note: V = B x h or V=lxwxh

5. The volume of a cube is 216 cubic meters. How long is its edge?
Note: s =

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 7

Exercise 5: Problem Solving
Directions: Solve each problem. Show your solution and draw an illustration if

1. What is the volume of a rectangular water tank with a length of 0.8 m,

width of 0.5 m, and height of 1.2 m?

Answer: ______________

2. An aquarium measures 15 cm long, 15 cm wide, and 10 cm high. How

much water can the aquarium contain?

Answer: ______________

3. A chocolate ice-cream has a radius of 5.2 cm and height of 11 cm. how

much ice cream can it hold?

Answer: ______________

4. A cube has an edge of 25 cm. What is the volume of the cube?


Answer: ______________

5. The ball has a radius of 8 cm. What is the volume of the ball? Use 3.14
for the .

Answer: ______________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 8

Rubrics for Scoring

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows Learner only Learner only Learner shows
no attempt to shows minimal shows answer complete work
Amount of Work really do any of work task. but showed task.
the item, no partial work.
task given.
Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
no limited partial thorough
Understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
of the lesson. of the lesson. of the lesson. of the lesson.

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?


Mathematics 6 Quarter 2
21st Century Mathletes
Curriculum Guide

Prepared by:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 9

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