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Consumer Preference Study:

Consumer willingness-to-pay for hotel room amenities


Adriana Johnston

A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science

Approved April 21, 2014 by the

Graduate Supervisory Committee:

Richard Lacher, Chair

Jeffrey Chapman
Timothy Tyrrell


May 2014
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Hotel amenities and their influence on consumer choice have been extensively

studied by academics. These have largely focused on consumer preferences vacation

modes and the psychographic characteristics of travelers. Revenue managers make

practical use of this information by attempting to match available hotel rooms with

traveler demands for accommodations, setting prices that maximize profits for the

hospitality company. The experienced revenue manger is able to determine the most

profitable price schedule for a room types across many distribution channels. This study

was conducted to test the use of choice modeling for objectively assessing dollar values

of three basic amenities for consumers (room type, kitchen availability and price).

Researcher used paired comparisons modeled as a conditional logit. This study used

market segmentation and choice modeling to determine the value of amenities for an

aggregate group and 16 more homogenous groups. Market segmentation and choice

modeling allowed this study to segment markets into more homogenous groups, and by

doing that allowed for calculation of customer willingness to pay for additional

amenities. Results from this study confirm that customers are willing to pay for kitchen

$65.43 on top of their room value. All responders generally agree to liking an extra

bedroom in their hotel room and they are willing to pay $37.39 more than for a studio

room. A surprising result is that it seems based on the results that responders generally do

not like to have a second bedroom and they are not willing to pay for it. By knowing

customer willingness to pay, it can be assured that customers always feel they are getting

a high value out of the transaction and increase the likelihood of future transactions. The

significance of this research is the concrete numbers that can be, and already have been,

applied immediately in the hospitality industry, and is positively impacting business

revenue and customer experience.


To my family: without their support, this would not be possible, or as important.



LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................. vi


1 INTRODUCTION ................. ................................................................................... 1

Revenue Management .............................................................................. 1

Current Revenue Management Practices ................................................. 4

Purpose of the Study ................................................................................. 7

Importance of the Study............................................................................ 8

2 LITERATURE REVIEW ............ ............................................................................ 9

Segmentation and its relation to Revenue Management .......................... 9

Choice Modeling and its Effects on Profits............................................ 11

Market Segmentation and Choice Modeling .......................................... 14

Gap in Research ...................................................................................... 17

3 METHODS ...................... ....................................................................................... 19

Questionnaire Design .............................................................................. 19

Choice Set Design ................................................................................... 19

Pilot Study ............................................................................................... 21

Distribution of Survey ............................................................................ 22

Description of Data ................................................................................. 24

Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 24

4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................. 28

Objective 1: Aggregate Results .............................................................. 28

Objective 2: Results for 16 More Homgenous Segments ...................... 29

Objective 3: Willigness to Pay and General Trends .............................. 32

5 CONCLUSION ................... ................................................................................... 36

Limitations .............................................................................................. 36

Future Research ...................................................................................... 36

Departing Words ..................................................................................... 37

REFERENCES....... .............................................................................................................. 39


A 2013 ROOM PREFERENCE SURVEY .............................................................. 44

B IRB APPROVAL .................................................................................................. 47


Table Page

1. Overview of the Consumer’s Choice Process ..................................................... 12

2. Pilot Study Results ............................................................................................... 22

3. Pilot Study Coefficients and Standard Error ....................................................... 22

4. Survey Statistics ................................................................................................... 23

5. Number of Responses .......................................................................................... 24

6. Coefficient and Standard Error Table for Aggregate Data................................. 29

7. Aggregate Responders Willingness to Pay for Amenities ................................... 29

8. 21 – 34 years old results ......................................................................................... 29

9. 35-49 years old results .......................................................................................... 30

10. 50-65 years old results ........................................................................................ 30

11. 66 or older years old results ................................................................................ 31

12. Kitchen Value in US Dollars .............................................................................. 34

13. Value of 1BR over Studio in US Dollars........................................................... 35

14. Value of 2BR over Studio in US Dollars............................................................ 35

15. Value of 2BR over 1BR in US Dollars............................................................... 35

16. Results from Implementation of the Study at Hawaii Properties ....................... 38



1. Revenue Management

Currently in the hospitality industry, a major issue that is critical to organizations’

success is revenue management. Revenue management is concerned with creating and

managing room prices to maximize revenue and is critical to organizational success. For

the business to succeed, it has to have the best price for products and services. At the

same time, it has to face the competition offering similar products and services (Hayes &

Miller, 2011). According to Kimes and McGuire (2001), revenue management is “setting

prices according to predicted demand levels so that price sensitive customers who are

willing to purchase at off-peak times can do so at favorable prices, while price insensitive

customers who want to purchase at peak times will be able to do so,” (p. 34). Customers

can be divided into segments depending on which distribution channel they use to book

their hotel rate. Examples include: business travelers, transient or leisure, SMERF

(Social, Military, Education, Religion and Fraternity) Groups, corporate travelers, Online

Travel Agencies (OTA’s), opaque travelers (not visible rates such as Hotwire and

Priceline), or packaging (flight and room rate together, or hotel and car rental).

Depending on the season and the type of property, business guests will pay higher prices

for rooms during the week, while leisure guests will pay higher prices for a weekend

because those are the peak times for those travelers. At the same time, leisure guests are

expecting to pay less during the week, and business travelers are expecting to pay less for

a room on a weekend because they are off-hours. Smart revenue managers will fill the

hotel first with high prices for corporate guests and then have a few rooms available at

lower rates for leisure travelers. In both cases, if the travelers are informed buyers, they

will be more likely and willing to repeat the trade. Business guests will expect high prices

and be willing to pay. At the same time, leisure guests will expect high value for the

room on a weekend and will expect lower prices during the week. Revenue managers are

not always able to have a perfect sell out (100% occupancy), nor should they; but they

are able to calculate the number of rooms that they should offer to specific segments, and

at specific prices, to maximize profits.

Revenue management in the hospitality industry developed after it was already a

tested technology in the airline industry. It should not be approached the same way in the

hospitality industry however. There are too many unaccounted factors, such as customer

length of stay, more people able to stay in the same room, and additional amenities

available for purchase, such as amenities in the room and access as a resort guest, when

the hospitality industry is analyzed (Tranter, Stuart-Hill, and Parker, 2009). Length of

stay refers to the number of days the guest stays at the hotel. This is important because

the housekeeping expenses vary, based on if the guest is staying only one night – in

which case the full cleaning fee ranging from $90 a day is deducted from the room cost –

or if the guest stays a couple a days – when there would be limited cleaning provided,

which can range from $30 to $45 depending on the room size (Shell Vacation

Hospitality, 2013). This fee is not applied to a guest; but to calculate net revenue, it is

deducted internally. That is why sometimes selling the room low for a one-night stay is

not good business. Another difference in the hotel industry compared to the airline

industry, especially in the United States, is little to no variance in room cost based on

number of people sleeping in the room. When buying a plane ticket, the price only

applies to one person, unlike a hotel room where there is no difference in price if one

person, or four, stay in a room. The third difference is amenities available for purchase.

Airlines are now adding more amenities such as Wi-Fi and priority seating, but they are

nowhere near the number of amenities available to a hotel guest, such as: access to the

spa, pools, a fitness center, or in-room dining.

In 2012 Wyndham Vacation Rentals conducted research by testing what guests

think are the most important reasons to book a room in their resorts. These results were

used to better market their rooms to future time-share owners, by explaining that their

rooms have features that families on vacation want, such as: value for the price (62%),

kitchen (61%), and extra space (57%) (PhoCusWright, 2012). Expanding on Wyndham’s

findings, this research will deal with those three top features and break down a price that

customers are willing to pay for them by using a trade-off between each amenity and

price. By the end of the study, the aim is that calculating guest willingness to pay per

amenity would lead to broadcasting rates and breaking down the cost of a hotel room,

which would result in: increased public accountability, transparency, and aid with raising

customer trust in the organization (Nyaupane, Graefe, and Burns, 2009). Additionally, by

using knowledge gained from Nyaupane, Graefe, and Burns (2009), revenue managers

would move away from the tradition of bundling rooms’ amenities, transportation, and

activities, which hinder guests from distinguishing the cost of each individual item. The

idea behind packaging is that we do not want to dilute the room price of a brand name.

While a four-star hotel in Arizona has a room priced in summer at low one hundreds, in

February the same room costs high three hundreds. By packaging that room, revenue

managers are able to offer it for far below one hundred a night and still make a profit.

The consumer is not aware of how low the rate is because they are purchasing it together

with the airfare. Additionally, for brand purposes, it would be very hard to sell the same

room four months later in the high 300s, if the consumer knows that last time he/she got

it for less then a hundred (Westin Kierland, 2013). If this approach is used, then revenue

managers can raise prices in the winter during the peak season (Hopper, 2013). It may

seem that by packaging, guests perceive a good value, and revenue mangers gain higher

profits and preserve a hotel’s image, but in the long-term it is neither sustainable, nor a

goal, if we are looking for the lifetime loyalty of a consumer (Nyaupane, Graefe, and

Burns, 2009). That is why Dacko’s (2004) article has significant value. He focuses on

approaches of last-minute marketing and a need to develop and maintain the quality of

the experience and a pricing policy that is consistent with the company’s marketing

strategy and reputation. Dacko’s main point aims for ways that can provide the best price

before the hospitality product expires, without sacrificing the company's brand.

2. Current Revenue Management Practices

Hotel amenities and their influence on consumer choice are topics that have been

extensively studied and utilized by revenue managers. As will be detailed later,

Tussyadiah, Kono, and Morisugi (2006) focus on consumer preferences in packaged

tours, Park and Petrick (2010) focus on non-customers, Sheldon and Mak (1987) focus on

vacation mode, and Zins (1998) focuses on psychographic tools in tourism behavior

models. Additional research has been based on consumers’ preferences towards theme

hotels, attached amenities such as convention centers, and hotels nearest to the airport

(Crouch and Louviere, 2004).

In contrast, in the field, the current revenue management system focuses on the

revenue manager’s experience, room type, lead time (how many days in advance the

rooms are reserved), competition prices, and the distribution channels available, to

determine what the pricing for a standard hotel room per night will be (Demirciftci,

Cobanoglu, Beldona and Cummings, 2010). It is important to mention that organizations

are more interested into revenue maximizations than profit maximization. There is more

profit available if there is no kitchen included since price per one meal in hotel restaurant

is more expensive than revenue gained from kitchen per day. In the future, if would be

recommended to focus on what is the best option for the company all together then just

on departmental goals. Furthermore, according to Hopper (2013), in most of the resorts

across the country, revenue managers offer the same price for a studio and a one-

bedroom. Even on social media sites there is no recognition of differences between such

studios and one-bedrooms, so most of the time, depending on the hotel, the customers

will pay for a studio but will get a one-bedroom (Groupon, 2013; Living Social, 2013).

(In this case, studio refers to a standard hotel room, while a one-bedroom has an

additional bedroom attached to a standard room with the possibility of closing the door.)

This creates confusion with revenue managers because they are not sure how to price

these types of rooms in the future as customers get used to getting a bigger room while

paying less. Also, the customers become dependent on the deals so they do not want to

pay the full price anymore, and they become dependent on e-wholesalers such as

Groupon or Living Social (Myung, Li, and Bai, 2009). The study performed by Lee, Bai,

and Murphy (2012) determines that females and consumers with less education tend to

demonstrate higher involvement in getting a discount. Based on this, the idea is if the

customers pay the right price, which is calculated by their willingness to pay, then they

would not be as dependent on hot deals.

In the current industry, customers are not really segmented apart from what

distribution channel they use. As mentioned before, depending on the distribution

channel through which the customer books the hotel room, the appropriate discount is

applied. As business customers, guests can get the best available rate that is published on

the website, or their corporation may have a specific contract with the organization which

determines the rate or applies discounts from the best available rate. As leisure travelers,

customers can get the best available rate; or, depending on if they belong to certain

organizations such as AAA, there is an automatic 10% discount applied to the best

available rate. In situations where the same person is acting as a dual customer (business

person traveling for a conference, and bringing along his family for a vacation), it is very

hard to distinguish between those customers. At a certain point the customer’s

organization is paying for a hotel room, so he/she is paying a corporate rate, but the next

time he is just coming with the family and he is paying the best available rate. Just

because a person is booking a room through different channels, it is still the same person

and his/her willingness to pay should be the same. And that is what current revenue

management practices are lacking. As mentioned, the transaction between customer and

organization should go as smoothly as possible so that customer would be willing and

“highly likely” to repeat this transaction in the future, getting that organization customer

loyalty (Hayes and Miller, 2011). If there are discrepancies between rates for the same

person visiting, then future business is not encouraged on one of those two rates, in this

case the leisure rate because the customer will pay more per night by at least 10% for a

leisure rate compared to a corporate rate.

3. Purpose of the study

That is why the aspiration of this study is to have objective revenue management,

so there are logical components as to why the hotel room is priced the way it is. So far,

none of the researchers focus on finding the dollar amount that the particular

demographic is willing to pay for a kitchen or a specific room type. They especially do

not consider which stage of life consumers are in, which identifies different needs when

reserving a hotel room (Reid and Bojancic, 2010). From practice, it is known that

although hotels are already built with a certain number of rooms inside, every room can

be priced differently based on what amenities are included in a room and which

distribution channel a reservation is made in. The purpose of this study is to examine

overall customer preferences for hotel amenities, such as the difference in value between

more space and a kitchen, compared to a studio, and calculate the amount of dollars that

guests belonging to different demographics are willing to pay for specific hotel amenities.

Finally, rates would be determined based on customer willingness to pay, depending on

the amenities required and which season it is, and not just by belonging to specific

distribution channels.

4. Importance of the Study

This study is important to all the stakeholders. It will help revenue managers

objectively determine the price of the type of room, and if it has a kitchen. The study will

promote accountability and transparency between customers and organizations because

guests will know that they are paying a fair price for their room based on their

willingness to pay. They will not feel cheated and in constant worry if they are paying

much more than the value of the room, which will lead to loyalty. Similarly, this study is

important for the hotel management company because it will not lose revenue when

providing amenities that the guests do not even want. This study will also help revenue

managers determine the difference of the customers’ willingness to pay in dollar amounts

for a studio, a one-bedroom, and a two-bedroom at the hotel. Revenue managers will

know the dollar value of the kitchen for the customer. Overall, this study will benefit all

stakeholders because it provides objective data that can be used for future planning.



1. Segmentation and its Relation to Revenue Management

Market segmentation is the most fundamental concept of modern marketing

(Wind, 1978. p. 317). In this research, market segmentation will be used to determine the

value of different room attributes amongst different, more homogenous segments. Market

segmentation is considered as “viewing a heterogonous market as a number of smaller

homogenous markets, in response to differing preferences, attributable to the desires of

customers to more precise satisfactions of their varying wants” (Smith, 1956, p. 5).

Market segmentation “allows the organization to target specific segments that are

much more likely to patronize the organization’s facilities” (Reid and Bojanic, p.128).

According to Dolnicar (2008), by realizing exact segments that stay at the resort, revenue

managers should be able to decrease competition from the global market to tourism

destinations that specialize on the same segment (p.130). This will improve focus on the

product in a specific way, rather than trying to provide everything at a high cost. Revenue

managers will be able to develop an effective marketing message and communicate it

through the most effective channel for that segment. Finally, by attracting the right

customers to their destination that suits their specific needs, customers will be more likely

to be more satisfied with their stay. The consequence of that is that they would more

likely revisit and spread positive word of mouth to their friends and family about their


According to Reid and Bojanic (2008), there are certain criteria that need to be

satisfied to know the amount of market segmentation that is necessary to make the

segment profitable (p. 129). The first criterion is substantiality. Under this criterion, the

market segment must be large enough to warrant special attention to meet the needs of

the segment and achieve the market objectives of the firm. The second criterion is

measurability (Reid & Bojanic, 2008, p. 129). It should be assessed from two

perspectives. One is overall size of the target market and the second is projected total

demand of purchasing power of the target market. The third criterion is accessibility

(Reid & Bojanic, 2008, p. 129). It recommends that the large target markets must be

accessible through a variety of marketing efforts (Reid & Bojanic, 2008, p. 129). The

fourth criterion is actionability, which recommends that the consumers in the same

market should react similarly to the marketing program used to target them (Reid &

Bojanic, 2008, p.130). Reid and Bojanic (2008) explain that by identifying markets with

heavy users of company’s products and services, the company can focus their marketing

attention to customers and save marketing resources on segments that receive little or no

attention, so marketing resources are not wasted chasing markets with little potential.

When all of these criteria are satisfied, market researchers can choose the

appropriate variable for their market segmentation. The following are five basic types of

variables for segmenting consumer markets: geographic, demographic, psychographic,

behavioral and benefits (Reid & Bojanic, 2008). All of these variables can be used on

their own or combined. It all depends on the level of segmentation that a marketer wants.

Geographic segmentation focuses on the consumer’s geographic area of residence (Reid

& Bojanic, 2008, p.130). Demographic segmentation focuses on demographics such as

income, age, gender, and ethnicity. Psychographic refers to segmentation based on

lifestyles, attitudes, and personalities. Behavioral segmentation focuses on the behaviors

that consumers exhibit in the marketplace. Lastly, benefit segmentation focuses on

benefits that consumers seek when they purchase a product (Reid & Bojanic, 2008,

p.130). This means that if consumers of a certain age tend to utilize a kitchen while on

vacation, the company can tailor an ad campaign highlighting the kitchen as a main


2. Choice Modeling and its Effects on Profits

Choice Modeling combines the consumer’s preferences and discrete-choice

models to predict choices, and place monetary (and non-monetary) values on specific

attributes that explain choices. The main interest of choice modeling is a decision-making

process, and it is broad in practice. To be able to understand Choice Modeling Technique

(Table 1.), the process starts with what every consumer goes through to make a decision

to solve his/her needs (Hensher, Louviere & Swait, 2000). First of all, the consumer

becomes aware of his/her needs. As soon as that happens, there is a period of information

search. During information search, the consumer looks for the products that can satisfy

his/her needs. Additionally, during that time the consumer forms beliefs about which

products are available to fulfill his/her needs, such as which product attributes are

relevant to their choice. Eventually, consumers become informed about the product and

they form evaluation criteria known as a utility function, which involves trade-offs

between product attributes that matter in the decision. When deciding, trade-offs for

consumers can be structural constraints, and can include other considerations that can

influence their decisions to purchase, and what to purchase, or even not to purchase

regarding a particular product. Satisfying their consumer needs, because the benefits

outweigh the costs is the goal.

Table 1.
Overview of the consumer’s choice process (Table is adapted from the book Stated
Choice Methods, Hensher, Louviere & Swait, 2000).

Need awareness

Active/passive learning (attributes and


Evaluation and comparison of alternatives

Preference (utility) formation

Choice (delay, non-choice)

Post-choice (re)evaluation

The choice model that will be use in this research is known as the conditional

logit (logit as a logarithmic) model. It is the popular choice-modeling framework, and

according to Hensher, Louviere and Swait (2000), it is useful for many reasons. First, it is

very simple for customers to choose between two choices. Second, the estimated

parameters are unique (there is only one set of globally optimal parameters), so it allows

for simplicity in estimation. Third, the model’s closed-form specification makes it easy to

change scenarios, which enables easy implementation of predictive test without having to

perform complex evaluation of integrals. Fourth, the speed of delivering acceptable

models on the accepted test of model performance is high.

Choice modeling has a number of applications that directly impact business

revenue. One of the directions of choice modeling and revenue management is used in

the departments of transportation and tourism. In the article by Tyrrell and Devitt (1999),

choice modeling is used to calculate the economic impacts of changes in seven types of

scenic byways characteristics. By using the binominal logit model the authors estimate

every change in any of those seven characteristics and the influence it would have on a

dollar value. Researchers found out rest stops without restrooms were negative in value

for responders, which meant that people wanted to be paid for stopping at the rest stops

without restrooms. A few years later, Tyrrell and Johnston (2003) assess expenditure

changes associated with welcome center visits and their effectiveness. The result of the

study was that the welcome centers generated $35 in new tourism expenditures for every

dollar of the operation budget.

The second broad application of revenue management and choice modeling is

found in commerce. In that example, Lin and Sibdari (2009) focused their research on

dynamic pricing. They developed a model to describe real dynamic price competition

between firms that sell similar products. Based on their model, Lin and Sibdari came up

with these results: when a chance of a sell out is small, both of the companies would use

optimal prices and they would maximize revenue (2009). If one company wants to hurt

another, then they would have to substantially lower the price. Likewise, additional

application of choice modeling and dynamic pricing is shown in research from Suh and

Aydin (2011). They used the multinomial logit choice model to test flexibility in pricing.

The results of their study show that the marginal value of an item may increase if the

remaining time to sell the product decreases or if the total inventory of the item grows.

By using choice modeling in a business, there are positive impacts on organizational


3. Market Segmentation and Choice Modeling

From the overview of the theory, market segmentation helps with clustering

customers into categories and choice modeling combines consumers’ preferences and

discrete-choice models to predict customers’ choices, and place monetary values on

specific attributes that explain choices. In this section, choice modeling is used with

market segmentation to assist with pricing. The benefit of choice modeling and market

segmentation in this research is that it can give an exact dollar value of each amenity and

apply it to a specific, more homogenous group.

One of the areas where choice modeling is used is in explaining travelers’

behaviors. One of the articles that uses the choice modeling is from Sheldon and Mak

(1987). The choice model explains a traveler’s choice of vacation mode. By using various

choice options, the authors offer the consumers an option between inclusive package

tours, independent travel, and travel on a basic package tour. To evaluate the data, they

use logit analysis. The study indicates that people who bought package tours shared few

characteristics: they are more likely to be elderly, they are planning to visit more

destinations, they are traveling alone or in groups of a few people, they focus on a short

trip, and mostly they are first-time visitors to a destination.

Similarly, the second article that predicts travelers’ behaviors is from Park and

Petrick (2010). The authors develop a model for understanding the background of non-

choice behavior of current non-customers and their goal was “to argue that exploring

current non-customers might yield new opportunities that can be sustained, instead of

competing for the same market” (Park & Petrick, 2010). They use knowledge of non-

customers to assist tourism businesses and destination managers in developing markets in

an innovative way. The model for this study is based on models of destination image and

choice, goal-directed behaviors and leisure constraints that help understand current and

non-customers. This model tests current and non-customers of the cruise industry. The

research concludes that studies on non-customers should not be limited to examining

constraints because the constraints might not be the reason for non-consumers to not

purchase vacations.

The third area in which choice modeling is used is in estimating customers’

preferences of attributes, and its impacts on overall results for venue or travel mode. In

the article by Crouch and Louviere (2004), the choice model was used to determine the

factors of how a site for the convention is chosen from many alternatives. By using

choice modeling, the study is able to acquire statistical data that shows what attributes

influence the choice of a convention site. The result is that apart from the convention

facility and accommodation factors, the destination has to offer additional attributes to be

able to compete effectively. An article by Baltas (2006) explains how choice modeling is

used in travel research to indicate the travel mode choices that differ in their attributes of

cost, comfort, safety and travel time. Depending on which attributes the participant

selected, different travel modes ended up as the best fit.

In the article by Zins (1998), choice modeling and market segmentation help the

author examine the relationship between hotel theme choice and psychographic variables

(personal values, lifestyle, vacation style, and benefits). In the study, the author looks for

the link between consumer behaviors and the hotel they choose. Zins (1998) deducts that

hotels with a focus on special activity such as tennis, golf, and children place more

importance on personal values and lifestyle components when marketing their products.

The conclusion of the study is that the hotel theme choice does not follow the same rules

in every case. Moreover, in the article by Tussyadiah, Kono, and Morisugi (2006), choice

modeling and market segmentation explain that packages of multiple destinations can

create preferable combinations of features for certain travelers that share similar

characteristics. The model can assist tour operators in offering practical guidelines for

combining destinations into travel packages. Additionally, this model allows researchers

to predict future travel patterns.

4. Gap in Research

In past research, although choice modeling has been popular, there has not been

any application of it with focuses on demographic segmentation and their willingness to

pay for hotel amenities. There are a lot of studies that use pricing strategies in revenue

management but none of them are used to calculate the value of hotel amenities with

choice modeling. In this study, the gap will be fulfilled with the choice modeling that

combines consumers’ preferences and discrete-choice models that predict choices of a

particular market segment, and with it the exact monetary value (pricing) to every

attribute that the consumer chooses will become known. This way, based on objective

data, how much a kitchen and studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom should be priced

per night will be calculated exactly. Consequently, the focus of this research is on tourists

who come to resorts. Because people have different pictures of their ideal resort vacation,

market segmentation will be the strategic tool to account for heterogeneity among them.

For this research’s purpose, using demographic market segmentation 10,000 responders

will be divided into four more homogenous categories based on their age. Additionally,

those four categories will be further segmented based on benefit segmentation and their

preference of travel companions. At the end, there will be 16 more homogenous markets,

which includes members similar to each other in terms of age and their choice of

traveling companion, and dissimilar to members of other segments, and each of them will

provide their exact dollar amount in terms of willingness to pay for a kitchen, and extra

space/bedroom. Because different people are willing to pay different prices for certain

amenities, by using market segmentation and clustering people in 16 categories, based on

their age and choice of their travel companion, researchers will find their preferences

based on the market segment they belong to. After this organization demographic is

segmented, researchers will be able to offer different product-service mixes to meet the

needs of different segments. By applying the results of this research to the marketing of a

resort, the researchers’ end goal will lead to strengthening the company’s competitive

advantage, which will improve sales and profit of a resort. Based on this gap research

objective are:

Objective 1.

Explore aggregate customer preferences for hotel amenities, a baseline model.

Objective 2.

Explore how customer preferences differ among the 16 different demographic segments.

Objective 3.

Calculate customer willingness to pay dollar values for different amenities among the
entire sample and for the 16 different demographic segments.



1. Questionnaire Design

Questionnaires were sent directly to the organization’s distribution list. In the

email that was sent to distribution list, subscribers were directed with the link to website,

where the survey was hosted. At the beginning of the questionnaire, there were three

general questions: gender, age, and with who do you usually travel. This helped

hypothesize differences between consumer choices. Subscribers were able to fill out the

survey and submit it from website. The questionnaire was analyzed in sum as a baseline

model and additionally in 16 categories based on age demographic and the companion

they travel with. The first category was people ages 21-34 who travel solo. The procedure

for sampling individuals was a census of email addresses from the hospitality

organization and it was the responder’s choice to answer the questionnaire. Each

responder got a 20% discount on their future stay at any property of the organization.

In the data collection instrument, there were eleven questions. In this study, the

research was performed based on hypothetical questions but with realistic choices. The

survey purposefully had a small amount of questions so that people would answer the


2. Choice Set Design

As a basis for designing choice sets, a 2012, Wyndham Vacation Rentals a

research studying which they tested customers’ opinions on what their most important

preferences were while choosing a room in resorts as re-examined. These results were

used to improve marketing of rooms to future time-share owners, by explaining that their

rooms have features that families on vacation want, such as value for the price (62%),

kitchen (61%), and extra space (57%) (PhoCusWright, 2012). Following on from that,

this research deals with those three top features and breaks down a price that customers

were willing to pay for them by using a trade-off between each amenity and the price.

The independent variables for the binomial model were the hotel room (studio, one-

bedroom, or two-bedroom), the kitchen (included or not) and the price in increments of

$50 ($100, $150, or $200). The dependent variable was choice. The relative impacts of

price and room features gave the trade-off. The relationship between the variables is that

the independent variables that customers selected affected their choices.

The first three questions were general to find out more information about the

participant. For example, the responder had to select the age group he/she belongs to, the

approximate number of visits to any hotel within the last year, and whom the participant

usually travels with. The second part of the questionnaire was based on participant

preferences. This section, designed by Tyrrell (2012), used an experimental design in

Microsoft Excel and ran an analysis by including all possible differences based on price

($100, $150, and $200), room type (studio, 1BR and 2BR) and kitchen (included or not).

There were many alternatives that could have been selected, but in this case researchers

chose D-optimality criterion. Based on the conditional logit model, a possible

combination of 18 questions on a two-factor level was used. If people were asked how

they compared all the different bundles, the questions would be 18 possible pairs

multiplied by 17 to compare with (since it would not make sense to compare same pairs

against each other) and that would all equal to 306 questions per questionnaire. To

decrease the number of questions asked in the survey, the D-optimality criterion to find

eight paired comparisons was implemented to provide the most significant estimated

coefficients. Offering eight paired comparisons to a respondent assumed that they picked

one option for every pair. In each of the options, the underlying assumption was that the

participant had to make a choice and that responders would purchase the room. This

provided the most significant results, which helped with future segmentation and still

kept the questionnaire short. These 8 pairs were the best possible combination since there

were 1.7 quadruple designs available. The results of the study could have been more

specific if the Pair 1 and Pair 7 results were not as obvious. In setting up of the D-

optimality criterion the results depend on the closeness of the prediction to actual results

the better the experimental design is. In this case, the prediction was that 1 bedroom is

more important than studio.

3. Pilot Study

Appendix 1 is an example of our pilot questionnaire that was executed on

November 5th 2012 by students of the class, Tourism Development Management 210, at

Arizona State University. In this study, we had 50 participants and they all filled out the

questionnaire completely. There was no difficulty during the process and the results

indicated that researchers should proceed sending the survey to a larger group.

Furthermore, the survey was then sent out to the organization subscriber’s list in January

of 2013.

Table 2.

Pilot Study Results

Weighted Average

Kitchen $61.29

1 Bedroom $9.71

2 Bedroom $30.98

Table 3.

Pilot Study Coefficients and Standard Error

Coefficients Standard Error

Intercept -0.2293 (0.2664)

Kitchen -1.6978 (0.3475)

Rooms 1 -0.2690 (0.3584)

Rooms 2 -0.8583 (0.4294)

Price 1 1.5049 (0.4875)

Price 2 2.5661 (0.5122)

4. Distribution of Survey

The cross-sectional room preference online survey gathered information from

guests who stayed at particular resorts and tested whether or not we might apply the

results to generalize preferences of all the people who visit any of the company’s 20

hotels. The survey used the consensus data collection method because the company has

206,957 international subscribers from Canada and the United States. This was the easiest

and fastest way to reach all of them. In the past, most of the subscribers booked their

rooms on the Internet, so this survey felt comfortable and was a quick way for them to

answer our questions. The main survey was distributed through the resort’s distribution

list. Out of 206,957 subscribers, there were 2,922 bounces. About 59,848 people opened

the email, and 12,668 submitted their responses. At the end, 10,357 clean responses were

collected and analyzed which equaled to 5 percent response rate. The plan was to send

the survey the first time, and then follow up with weekly reminders. Two weeks after the

initial survey, the survey was sent again to people who have not submitted their responses

yet. The goal was to have 10,000 responses within the month, and we were able to

achieve that. That equaled to 5% of the subscribers list; this number was substantial

enough to give information and provide significant findings.

Table 4.

Survey Statistics

Date Emails Total Distinct Open Distinct Click

Sent Sent Opens Opens % Clicks Clicks Through %
2/20/13 206,967 59,848 41,376 19.99% 15,221 12,668 6.12%

5. Description of Data

In this study we had 10,357 responders with valid data. Responders traveling with

family were the largest segment consisting of 50.6% responders, following that were

people who travel on their own (32.8%), responders who travel with friends (12.1%), and

then responders traveling as a couple consist of (4.5%). Responders age 21-34 represent

8.5%; 35 – 49 year olds represent 26.7%; 50 – 65 year olds represent 44.7%; and 66 and

older represent 20.1%. The tables below summarize of the number of responders

belonging to each category; categories are divided into 16 more homogenous groups

starting with the youngest age group (21-34) with the traveling companions listed in the

following order: as a couple, as a family, solo and with friends. In Table 5, the total of

those responders in the survey was 0.5%, which would equal to 47 people out of 10,357;

this is the smallest represented group, and these results should not be considered


Table 5. Number of responses

As a couple As a family Solo With Friends Total
21-34 47 348 324 157 876
35-49 107 748 1658 256 2769
50- 65 221 2650 1202 562 4635
66 or older 91 1493 214 279 2077
Total 466 5239 3398 1254 10357

6. Data Analysis

With the assistance of a choice modeling approach, the results of this self-

administered questionnaire helped determine dollar equivalence from studio to one-

bedroom, and further to two-bedroom. It also provided the dollar equivalent of having the

kitchen or not. The choice modeling approach bundled hotel room characteristics and

enabled responders to choose between pairs. Based on their choices researchers could

estimate the trade-off between each amenity and price. In the questionnaire, a control set

of potential room types was shown and based on stated preferences for some room types

over others. The implicit values of individual elements such as one-bedroom, two-

bedroom, and kitchen value, is estimated in dollar terms. Researches used the economic

model which assumed that the probability of choosing option A over Option B is a

logistic model of difference between utility (satisfaction) received from each unit.
𝑃𝑟 𝐴  𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟  𝐵 =
!!  ! ![! !""#  ! !!  (!""#  !)

As a difference in the utilities between A and B increases, the probability of

choosing A increases. The survey had a limited number of room amenities (3). The

abstract from all these factors was used to understand the primary considerations in the

consumers’ choice of lodging preference such as the type of room, kitchen (included or

not) and price ($100, $150, $200, which increases in increments of $50, assuming that all

dollar values will be the same). This study assumes that increasing from $100 to $150

will have the same value as increasing from $150 to $200. This is a linear function. The

ratio of parameters of each amenity to the price parameter is used to estimate the relative

importance of the amenity. Maximum likelihood estimation is based on the following

principle: increasing one variable (room type, presence of kitchen, or price) decreases

another variable and keeps the probability (F) unchanged (conditional logit model). The

variable one bedroom (𝛽! !"#  !"#$%%& ) is the change from studio to one bedroom, or the

change from studio to two bedrooms  (𝛽! !"#  !"#$%%& ). The variable price is considered

the change from a price $100 to $150 (𝛽! !"#$%  !"# ), and from $100 to $200

(𝛽! !"#$%  !"" ). The variable for kitchen (𝛽!(!"#$!!") )  is considered the difference between

not having a kitchen and having a kitchen. The following formula is used to calculate the

utility of a bedroom:

𝐹 𝑋 = 𝛽! + 𝛽! !!"  !"#$%%& + 𝛽! !"#  !"#$%%&  +  𝛽!(!"#$!!") +   𝛽!(!"#$%  !"#) +   𝛽! !"#$%  !"" +   𝜀!

𝐹 𝑋 = Utility of the bedroom (relative to a suite, no kitchen for a $100/night)

𝛽! = Utility from studio, no kitchen, $100

𝛽! !"#  !"#$%%& = 1 if 1 Bedroom, 0 otherwise

𝛽! !"#  !"#$%%& = 1 if 2 Bedroom, 0 otherwise

𝛽!(!"#$!!") = 1 if kitchen included, 0 otherwise

𝛽!(!"#$%  !"#) = 1 if Price is $150, 0 otherwise

𝛽! !"#$%  !"" = 1 if Price is $200, 0 otherwise

To determine the Value of the kitchen, we would calculate with a formula.

For an increase from $100 to $150, the value of adding a kitchen is calculated with following


−𝛽!  𝛽! !"#$!!" =   𝛽! +   𝛽! !"#$%  !"#  𝑋

 𝑋 =   −

𝛽! !"#$!!" = 1 if Kitchen is added

𝛽! !"#$%  !"# = 1 if Price is raised $50

X = portion of $50 increase

Value of adding kitchen = _____($50) = $

For an increase from $100 to $150

Value of adding kitchen = −  $100 = $

Average Value of Kitchen= $150 = $65.43

1.14 – kitchen coefficient

0.73 – Price 1 coefficient – difference from $100 to $150

1.88 – Price 2 coefficient – difference from $150 to $200

For the first baseline model (O1) overall customer willingness to pay for kitchen

and extra space is calculated using maximum likelihood estimation. For the second

objective (O2) there is a table of coefficient and standard errors for all 16 demographic


In third objective (O3) the customers have been segmented into 16 groups that are

based on age and with whom they travel (travel companion). The customers’ ages are

divided in categories of 21-34, 35-49, 50-65, and 66 or older. Traveling companions are

divided into solo, with a family, with friends, and as a couple. Based on this knowledge,

this study can find the trade-offs/preferences for any of the 16 categories of customers

when choosing the room. The first category is people ages 21-34 who travel solo. The

second category is people ages 35-49 who travel with a family, and so on. This study

assumes there is a difference in room amenity preference between customers ages 50-64
who travel as a couple and customers ages 35-49 who travel with a family. In this part we

also used maximum likelihood estimation to calculate exact dollar amounts. At the end of

this study, the types of customers who are willing to pay a higher price for an added

kitchen, and exactly how much they would pay in dollars, will be known. This study also

identifies what categories of customers prefer certain types of rooms (studio, one-

bedroom, or two-bedroom) and how much more they are willing to pay for that extra

space. This research even provides information about whether customers feel negatively

about extra space. Based on this data, in the future, researchers will be able to market

certain categories of customers based on their willingness to pay for those amenities. This

data shows how customer demographics influence their willingness to pay. Lastly, this

study answers whether there is any amenity that is negatively influencing customers’




1. Objective 1: Aggregate Results

From all 10,357 responders, the results show that all responders value kitchen as an

amenity in their hotel room, and they are generally willing to pay $65.43 on top of their

room value. All responders generally agree to preferring an extra bedroom in their hotel

room and they are willing to pay $37.39 more than for a studio room. A surprising result

is that it seems based on the results that responders generally do not like to have a second

bedroom and they are not willing to pay for it. Actually, the value of the two-bedroom

compared to a studio is negative, which would mean that the customers place negative

dollar and emotional value on the second bedroom.

Table 6.
Coefficient and standard error table for aggregate data

Coefficients Standard Error

Intercept 0.1408 0.0126
Kitchen -1.1419 0.0162
Rooms 1 -0.6526 0.0155
Rooms 2 0.0287 0.0180
Price 1 0.7330 0.0199
Price 2 1.8848 0.0210

Table 7.

Aggregate responders’ willingness to pay for amenities

Weighted Average
Kitchen $65.43
1BR $37.39
2BR -$1.65

2. Objective 2: Results for 16 more homogenous segments

Table 8.

21 – 34 years old results

21-34 / As a 21-34 / As a 21-34 / Solo 21-34 / with

couple Family friends
Intercept -0.247 0.015 0.107 0.031
s.e. (-0.277) (-0.124) (-0.148) (-0.172)
Kitchen -1.001 -1.555 -1.587 -1.341
s.e. (-0.348) (-0.164) (-0.189) (-0.223)
Rooms 1 -0.407 -0.998 -1.619 -1.166
s.e. (-0.358) (-0.183) (-0.289) (-0.323)
Rooms 2 -0.384 -0.827 -2.181 -1.799
s.e. (-0.406) (-0.208) (-0.311) (-0.348)
Price 1 1.424 1.457 1.465 1.432
s.e. (-0.447) (-0.243) (-0.4) (-0.439)
Price 2 2.781 2.667 2.324 2.364

s.e (-0.485) (-0.256) (-0.403) (-0.442)

Table 9.

35 – 49 years old results

35 - 49 / As a couple 35 - 49 / As a Family 35 - 49 / Solo 35 - 49 / With Friends

Intercept 0.162 0.131 0.045 0.060
s.e (-0.229) (-0.075) (-0.051) (-0.126)
Kitchen -1.526 -1.434 -1.612 -1.323
s.e. (-0.299) (-0.099) (-0.066) (-0.162)
Rooms 1 -1.016 -1.083 -1.391 -1.227
s.e. (-0.348) (-0.113) (-0.094) (-0.229)
Rooms 2 -0.833 -0.858 -2.041 -1.632
s.e. (-0.387) (-0.125) (-0.102) (-0.246)
Price 1 1.504 1.175 1.069 1.247
s.e. (-0.468) (-0.149) (-0.130) (-0.309)
Price 2 2.541 2.233 1.908 2.210
s.e. (-0.485) (-0.155) (-0.131) (-0.312)

Table 10.

50 – 65 years old results

50 - 65/ As a couple 50 - 65/ As a Family 50 - 65/ Solo 50 - 65/ With friends

Intercept 0.1624 0.1007 0.0806 0.132
s.e. (-0.144) (-0.0375) (-0.0616) (-0.0859)
Kitchen -1.2618 -1.4681 -1.4479 -1.3356
s.e. (-0.201) (-0.0492) (-0.0781) (-0.1079)
Rooms 1 -0.658 -1.091 -1.431 -1.377
s.e. (-0.168) (-0.056) (-0.114) (-0.158)
Rooms 2 -0.403 -0.803 -1.959 -1.803
s.e. (-0.219) (-0.061) (-0.123) (-0.167)
Price 1 1.049 1.071 1.155 1.099
s.e. (-0.228) (-0.073) (-0.157) (-0.214)
Price 2 2.166 2.002 1.898 1.845
s.e. (-0.25) (-0.076) (-0.158) (-0.214)

Table 11.
66 years old or older results

66 or older/ 66 or older/ 66 or older/ Solo 66 or older/

As a couple As a family With friends

  Intercept 0.1409 0.0713 0.0866 0.101

s.e. (-0.2536) (-0.043) (-0.1225) (-0.108)
Kitchen -1.1419 -1.2456 -1.4851 -1.2149
s.e. (-0.3733) (-0.0552) (-0.1564) (-0.1303)
Rooms 1 -0.653 -1.021 -1.264 -1.345
s.e. (-0.224) (-0.065) (-0.21) (-0.191)
Rooms 2 0.029 -0.692 -1.757 -1.81
s.e. (-0.362) (-0.068) (-0.228) (-0.194)
Price 1 0.733 0.946 0.877 0.827
s.e. (-0.318) (-0.081) (-0.289) (-0.251)
Price 2 1.885 1.741 1.513 1.29
s.e. (-0.385) (-0.085) (-0.289) (-0.251)

The big differences in kitchen coefficients from aggregate results to 16 more

homogenous groups are noticeable across all ages for people traveling solo. Standard

error is higher in 16 more homogenous groups as well, especially for people aged 66 or

older who are represented by a very small sample (N = 214) of 10,357. There are also

huge differences in the two-bedroom value coefficients (difference in value between

studio and two-bedroom) when considering travelers’ companions. Across all age groups

there are huge differences in coefficients for traveling as a couple and/or as a family,

compared to results from people traveling solo and/or with friends. Results from the more

homogenous groups of people aged 21-34 and 35-49, as well as people traveling as a

couple or as a family, differed from the aggregate results when considering Price 2

(difference from $100 to $200). Those in the aforementioned age groups who traveled
solo or with friends did not have as high a difference from aggregate results in the Price 2


3. Objective 3: Willingness to Pay and General Trends

From the 16 categories results showed that older people, depending on traveling

habits (on their own, solo or with friends), are willing to pay a higher price for a kitchen,

one-bedroom and two-bedroom. Opposite trends stand as well; the younger the

responders are, and if they travel as a couple or as a family, the less they are willing to

pay for the kitchen, one-bedroom and two-bedroom. The interesting trend is that the

differences in the value of two-bedrooms over one-bedroom, for people traveling as a

couple and as a family, all have negative value. None of the responders wanted to rent

two bedrooms. For couples, this could be explained as not having a need for extra space.

For families, it is very hard to manage family members in separate rooms. It could also be

connected with the fact that responders don’t want to pay for extra space on their

vacation; they perceive the lack of extra space as a way to save money. People traveling

solo or with friends like their space and they would pay around $20 more for the extra

space two bedrooms provide.

All of these results would suggest if people are planning to build a hotel, kitchens

are an amenity that should definitely be invested into. For example, in results from the

study, people traveling solo who are 66 or older are willing to pay $93.20 for having a

kitchen in the room. The second-highest dollar value for a kitchen came from the same

age group but from people who travel with friends; they are willing to pay $86.07. An

additional conclusion is that people traveling solo in all age ranges are willing to pay the
most for a kitchen in the room. This could be connected with the fact that people

traveling without companions lack the desire to eat at restaurants. Also, people traveling

solo are usually on business, and do not have time for extra meals, making the kitchen a

useful amenity.

Additionally, a majority of rooms should be one-bedrooms because that would

maximize revenue and, based on the study, one-bedrooms are in the highest demand.

From the study results, people age 66 or older traveling with friends are willing to pay

$95.27 for one bedroom. One-bedroom has been defined as 827 square-feet of living

space which includes a living room with a sofa bed and a separate bedroom with a bed,

divided with doors. The solo group has the highest willingness to pay for one-bedroom

across all age ranges varying from $62.82 to $93.20. Surprisingly, people traveling with

families do not have the highest willingness to pay for one bedroom. People who travel

with family could have young children and would prefer to be able to hear and see their

children at all times; having doors dividing the space is not attractive. The value of two

bedrooms over studio has surprising results. As stated before, people traveling solo are

most willing to pay for two bedrooms and their range is from $86.35 to $110.29. People

who travel solo are used to having a lot of space and they value it. When considering

people traveling with family or friends, they would prefer to have a lot of space and that

is why they showed a willingness to pay more for two bedrooms. It is not surprising that

people traveling with friends are the ones willing to pay the most for two bedrooms. They

value this amenity from $71.08 for 21-34 year olds to $128.22 for people aged 66 or


The last table is the value of two bedrooms over one bedroom. As it was

mentioned before, the biggest anomaly is people traveling solo valuing two bedrooms

more than one bedroom. If the people traveling alone were to travel with family or with

friends, they would prefer to have more space than one bedroom. When traveling alone,

they are used to having one bedroom to themselves, so they cannot imagine having

friends or an entire family in the same space usually occupied by themselves. It is

obvious that people traveling in smaller groups prefer to have one bedroom over two

bedrooms because those results were negative. This could be connected to the fact that

they prefer to save money while on vacation. They are also not expecting to have as

much space as they would at home because they are not planning to spend as much time

in a hotel room, instead spending it exploring the destination. Additional reasons could be

that parents with small children prefer to not have doors. It is not surprising that people

traveling with friends prefer to pay more for two bedrooms than one bedroom. Its value

for those traveling with friends is not as high, ranging from $17.57 to $32.95.

Table 12.
Kitchen Value in US Dollars

Traveling with/Age 21-34 35-49 50-65 66 or older

As a couple 35.70 56.59 58.87 65.43
As a family 56.55 63.12 71.67 69.55
Solo 62.82 81.22 71.15 93.20
With friends 52.98 57.38 68.05 86.07

Table 13.
Value of 1BR over Studio in US Dollars

 Traveling with/Age 21-34 35-49 50-65 66 or older

As a couple 14.51 37.67 30.69 37.39
As a family 36.30 47.69 53.25 57.02
Solo 64.09 70.13 70.31 79.34
With friends 46.09 53.23 70.17 95.27

Table 14.
Value of 2BR over Studio in US Dollars

 Traveling with/Age 21-34 35-49 50-65 66 or older

As a couple 13.70 30.88 18.80 -1.65*
As a family 30.09 37.75 39.22 38.62
Solo 86.35 102.85 96.27 110.29
With friends 71.08 70.80 91.85 128.22
* In this category were only 91 responders, which accounts for only 0.9% of a total number of responders

Table 15.
Value of 2BR over 1BR in US Dollars

Traveling with/Age 21-34 35-49 50-65 66 or older

As a couple -0.80 -6.79 -11.89 -35.74
As a family -6.21 -9.94 -14.03 -18.40
Solo 22.26 32.72 25.96 30.95
With friends 24.99 17.57 21.68 32.95




There are few limitations in this study. The first is that a hypothetical hotel is used

and results are applied to every hotel. An additional limitation is that rooms’ exteriors,

service quality and the brand’s overall image are not included in the study. These aspects

would influence consumer choice and willingness to pay more for a particular type of

room. Furthermore, this research is based on the segment of people who use email and

decide to answer the questionnaire. There is a chance that people who do not respond to

their emails would have different preferences.

Future Research

In this research, market segmentation and choice modeling allowed us to segment

markets into more homogenous groups, and by doing that allowed us to calculate

customer willingness to pay for additional amenities. By knowing customer willingness

to pay, it can be assured that customers always feel they are getting a high value out of

the transaction and increase the likelihood of future transactions. With the current

industry focus of “lifetime customer value,” which focuses on revenue that a guest brings

across a lifetime, this research can help keep customers highly satisfied and keep

stakeholders profiting as well. The significance of this research is the concrete numbers

that can be applied immediately in the hospitality industry, and will positively impact

business revenue and customer experience. There are a few recommendations for future

research that could add to this study. An example would be to perform the same survey

using different variables in market segmentation, such as geographic, psychographic, and

behavioral segmentations. For geographic segmentation, research could be based on the

customers’ states of origin to find whether they prefer different amenities and whether

their willingness to pay is different. For psychographic segmentation, research can see if

there are different amenities people choose based on whether tourists are motivated by

rest and relaxation versus if they are motivated by action and challenges. For behavioral

segmentation, research can discover if there are different room preferences based on if

customers are golfers versus sightseers. It would be interesting to review results that are

based on these five variables and compare what are the most suitable clusters of tourists

for resorts, which will, in turn, improve sales and provide profits for resorts.

Departing words

Since original data suggested that consumers do not like two bedrooms and they

had negative dollar value, in August of 2013 the organization (name withheld for blind

review) had implemented first changes based on results from this study. The revenue

manager changed the names of two bedrooms on a few of their properties into “family

suites”. Since August, nowhere in the descriptions of rooms the organization mentioned

is there a two-bedroom suite. There were lists of amenities, numbers of beds, kitchens

and so on. The order of amenities was also determined based on their value to consumer;

the higher the value based on the vacation rental survey, the higher the amenity was listed

(2012). Only 3 months after implementation, there are significant results showing that the
organization is achieving higher profits. With all reservations that were booked at one

property in the last 3 months, the property had an increase of 6% in two-bedroom

reservations compared to same months in the previous years (Table 19 & 20). The

information is only provided for 2012 and 2013. This is a great result, and relevant to the

field because one competitor, Embassy Suites, has been running a commercial on TV in

February 2014, advertising two-bedroom suites as a perfect bedroom for the whole

family. If they had used our data they would not focus a lot of advertising money in that

direction because our study proves that we should focus on advertising one-bedrooms for

people traveling with families. People of all ages traveling with a family had a negative

value for renting two bedrooms. Researcher advice for the future based on this study is

before investing a large amount of money into advertising, first it should some be

invested into research and if results are appropriate follow up with an ad campaign.

Table 16.

Results from implementation of the study results at Hawaii properties (Data provided

only for 1BR and 2BR) 2013 is after room name change – 2012 is before room name


Reservations Reservations % 2013 % 2012 Nights Nights

2013 2012 2013 2012

2BR 219 223 35.32% 29.65% 1009 873

1BR 400 525 64.52% 69.81% 2024 2066

Total 630 752 3065 2953


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2013 Guest Preference Survey

Do you hate junk emails? We sure do! At Shell Vacations we are working hard to
deliver unique experiences that are specifically suited to our guests travel needs. We
would like to learn about your travel preferences so that each offer we send is something
you want to read about.
Your answers will play an essential role in determining what customer’s value when
booking a hotel room. In fact, this is so important to us that we are offering 20% off your
next stay with us just for completing this short survey.

We thank you for your participation!

In each of the following questions, rooms are described with different amenities. Please,
review the amenities carefully, and then check the preference A or B that you would
prefer to book overnight.
When choosing, please keep in mind rooms’ descriptions:

The studio has a 419-square-feet of living space, with a living room area with a bed and
sofa bed.

One-bedroom (1BR) has an 827-square-foot of living space with a living room with a
sofa bed and a separate bedroom with a bed. (Divided with doors)

Two-bedroom (2BR) has a 1,257-square-feet of living space with a living room and two
bedrooms with beds.

1. What age range best describes you?

a. 21 to 34
b. 35 to 49
c. 50 to 65
d. 65 or older
2. How many times have you stayed in the hotels in the last year?
3. How do you travel to Shell Vacations Resorts?
a. As a couple
b. As a family
c. With friends
d. Solo

Example: Check A or B
Pair 0 A✔ B
Type of Studio Studio
Kitchen Yes No
with a
Price per $100 $100
room per

Check A or B

Pair 1 A B Pair 2 A B
Type of 2 BR Studio Type of 2 BR Studio
Room Room
Kitchen No No Kitchen No Yes

Price $150 $200 Price $200 $150

Pair 3 A B Pair 4 A B
Type of Studio 1BR Type of 1 BR 2BR
Room Room
Kitchen No No Kitchen Yes No

Price $100 $200 Price $200 $150

Pair 5 A B Pair 6 A B
Type of 1 BR Studio Type of Studio 1BR
Room Room
Kitchen No Yes Kitchen No No

Price $150 $200 Price $150 $100

Pair 7 A B Pair 8 A B
Type of 1 BR 2 BR Type of 2 BR Studio
Room Room
Kitchen No Yes Kitchen Yes No

Price $150 $100 Price $150 $100




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