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Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 3 -Module 1: Week 1
The Importance and Methods of Enhancing/Decorating
Bamboo, Wood, and Metal Products

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Industrial Arts - Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 - Module 1: The Importance and Methods of
Enhancing/Decorating Bamboo, Wood, and
Metal products
First Edition, 2020

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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from
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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Lanao del Norte Schools

Division Superintendent: Edilberto L. Oplenaria, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Alma Lee C. Jandugan

Illustrator and Layout Artist: Alma Lee C. Jandugan
In-House Content and Language Editors: Hazel L. Fernando / Eugene L. Talo

Management Team

Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III

Regional Director
Co - Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V
Assistant Regional Director
Edilberto L. Oplenaria, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent
Rosemarie T. Macesar,Ph.D.
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Members Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD
Marie Emerald Alonsabe Cabigas, EPS-LRMS
Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., EPS-ADM
Maria Eva S. Edon, Ed.D. CID Chief
Rosalio R. Vios,Ed.D.,EPS-TLE
Connie A. Emborong, Ph.D., LRMDS Manager
Jocelyn R. Camiguing, Librarian II
Myles M. Sayre, PDO II

Printed in the Philippines by

Department of Education – Division of Lanao del Norte
Office Address:Gov. A. Quibranza Prov’l. Gov’t. Comp, Pigcarangan, Tubod, Lanao del Norte
Telephone Nos.: (063)227 – 6633, (063)341 – 5109
E-mail Address: [email protected]

Quarter 3 - Module 1: Week 1

The Importance and Methods of

Enhancing/Decorating Bamboo, Wood,
and Metal Products

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by

educators from public schools. We encourage teachers and other education
stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the
Department of Education at [email protected].
Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines


Cover Page
Copyright Page
Title Page
Introduction 1
General Instruction 1
What I Need to Know 1
What I Know 2
Lesson 1 – The Importance and Methods of Enhancing/Decorating Bamboo,
Wood and Metal Products
What’s In 2
What’s New 3
What is It 5
What’s More 6
What I Have Learned 6
What I Can Do 6
Additional Activities 7
Lesson 2 – Demonstrate Creativity and Innovativeness in Enhancing/Decorating
Bamboo, Wood, and Metal Products.
What’s In 7
What’s New 8
What is It 9
What’s More 10
What I Have Learned 10
What I Can Do 10
Post Assessment 11
Additional Activities 12
Answer Key 13
References 14


Welcome to the Technology and Livelihood Education Grade 6 Alternative Delivery

Mode (ADM) Module on Industrial Arts.
This module was designed to provide you with amusing and significant chances for
directed and self-regulated learning at your own speed and time.
Industrial Arts play an important role in our economy, many occupations and
business belong in this area.
This lesson will teach you the importance and methods of enhancing/decorating
bamboo, wood, and metal products. You will also know the different products made of
bamboo, wood, and metal that are designed, manufactured, and are sold both here and
abroad, and you will also appreciate later the importance of enhancing/decorating bamboo,
wood, and metal products.
For the learning facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.


1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
2. Use a separate sheet of paper or notebook in answering the exercises.
3. Do not forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities.
4. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
5. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and in checking your answers.
6. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
7. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
8. Do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator if you will encounter some
problems and difficulties in accomplishing the tasks in this module.

What I Need to Know

After completing this module, you are expected to;

 discuss the importance and methods of enhancing/decorating
bamboo, wood, and metal products.
 give the importance of enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and
metal products.
 demonstrate creativity and innovativeness in enhancing/decorating
finished products made of bamboo, wood, and metal products; and
 appreciate creativity and innovativeness in enhancing/decorating
bamboo, wood, and metal products.

What I Know

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in your
1. The process of depositing millions of little individual cut fiber particles.
a. varnishing b. flocking c. carving
2. It is considered an art using a fire or heat to decorate wood or leather.
a. pyrography b. painting c. outlining
3. Beautifying a product means__________.
a. flocking b. decorating c. texturing
4. A technique that involves inserting decorative pieces into the base of an object.
a. Flocking b. decorating c. Inlaying
5. A technique that uses metal stamps, hammer, and stencil to create imprint.
a. Texturing and embossing b. sketching c. shading



What’s In

Give three (3) bamboo products that can be found at your home or in the community.
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________

What’s New

The Importance and Methods of Enhancing/Decorating Bamboo, Wood, and Metal products:
1. Finished products tend to be more saleable to customers when enhanced and
2. Enhanced and decorated finished products help maintain their durability to harsh
3. Finished products that are enhanced or decorated to beautify the product itself.
4. More opportunities for our Filipino workers.
5. Local products can be developed locally and internationally.

It is used for making bamboo

It is used for making houses.

Importance of Bamboo Products

It is used for furniture’s at home It is used for decoration.

and offices.

Methods of Enhancing/Decorating Bamboo, Wood, and Metal products:

Wood craft and bamboo craft can be enhanced using a variety of methods and
techniques. These include:

1. Woodturning – is a process of using a lathe to make various forms and shapes of

2. Hand Carving - is considered a woodcraft in which a sharp object is used to create
designs on the wood. Various textures and surfaces can be created using this
technique. Tools, such as chip carving knife, gouges, and chisels are used.

3. Pyrography – is considered an art using a fire or heat to decorate wood or leather.
4. Flocking Technique – lines the interior of drawers and boxers with a soft velvety
“Flocking” is a decoration process that enhances the way a wide variety of
products are experienced by making ordinary surfaces seem far more
magical and special.
“Flocking” is the process of depositing millions of little individual cut fiber
particles (called “flock”) onto the surface of an article for the purpose of
increasing the tactile sensation, aesthetics, color and appearance.

Flocking is used in many ways. One example in modeling where a grassy texture
may be applied to a surface to make it look more realistic.

5. Inlaying – combines several techniques that involve inserting decorative pieces into a
base object to incorporate new designs on the original product.
6. Gilding – is considered as a decorative technique in which powder is applied on
wood or other materials to give a thin coating of gold. Methods of this technique
include gluing, chemical gilding, and electroplating.
7. Staining – is used to color wood to give an illusion of texture. This may come in two
a. Pigment Based Stain
b. Dye Based Stain
8. Painting – is considered the simplest way of decorating wood since there is a variety
of colors that you can choose from. One may also add a lacquer finish to make it
shinier and glossy.

Metal Craft Enhancing Techniques

The following are some techniques used to enhance or add design elements
on metal products.

1. Engraving – is a method of transferring a design on metal using a hardened steel

tool called burin or graver to cut into the surface of the metal.

2. Etching - is a process used to make designs or pictures on a metal plate by using
acid that produces corrosive action. In modern manufacturing, strong chemicals
are used on other types of materials.


Here are the essentials of the etching process:

a. Like with engraving and dry point, etching begins with a metal plate, most
commonly copper.
b. Acid - resistant wax - called the ground, is applied to the entire surface of
the plate.
c. The artist scratches an image into the ground using a burin (needle),
exposing the metal underneath.
d. Once the image is complete, the plate is submerged in an acid.
e. The acid bites away at the exposed metal, creating recessed lines on the
f. The plate is removed and cleaned.
g. The plate is inked. Ink fills the lines on the plate created by the acid.
h. The excess ink is removed so ink only remains in the recessed lines.
i. Dampened paper is placed over the plate and put through a printing
j. The press squeezes the paper and the plate together, impressing an
inked image onto the paper.
k. Additional impressions can be created by re-inking, cleaning, and putting
the plate through the printing press again.
It was a complex and involved process, but it did not allow artists to craft and mass
produce prints of incredible clarity and quality.

3. Metal enhancing media – such as metal paints, copic markers and antiquing kits
give color to the metal product. Metal paints may be applied using a brush or
4. Texturing and Embossing – in these techniques, you will need hammers, metal
stamps, stencils, and other materials to create imprints on the metal. Though
there are new technologies used to emboss a metal with different textures, a
hammer and nail can still be used to create your own design.

What is It

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Write your answer
in your activity notebook.
____________1. Pyrography is considered an art of burning the material.
____________2. Engraving is a method of transferring a design elements or metal products.
____________3. Products made of bamboo, wood, and metal are not much in demand
both in local and international.
____________4. Painting is used to color wood in order to give an illusion of texture.

____________5. Acid resistant wax cannot be applied to the entire surface of the product.

What’s More

Directions: Write (/) if the statement is correct and (x) if the statement is wrong in your
activity notebook.
___________1. Bamboo products are useful to mankind.
___________2. Making wall decorations, furniture, and woven bags are products made of
___________3. Bamboo, woods and metal products are limited in the production.
___________4. Different methods and techniques can help enhance a product.
___________5. Bamboo, wood, and metal products nowadays are much in demand both in
local and international market.

What I Have Learned

1. Write the importance of enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and metal products?

2. Write at least 2 methods of enhancing/decorating each kind of product.
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________


5 4 3 2 1
The statement is The idea can be The idea can be The idea can be The idea is not
clearly defined. identified. Shares identified. Shares identified. Shares clearly stated.
Appropriate and relevant some information, some information
relevant of information. and facts. and idea but
information and lacking relevant
details. information.

What I Can Do

Give the meaning of the following words in your notebook.


1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________

Additional Activities

Look for some enhanced materials made of bamboo, wood, and metal. Draw ONE
(1) for each product made of bamboo, wood, and metal in your activity notebook.



Can you recall the methods of enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and metal products?

Importance of
What’s In Enhancing/Decorating
Bamboo, wood, and metal

What’s New

Creativity and Innovativeness in Enhancing/Decorating Bamboo, Wood, and Metal


Products made of bamboo, wood, and metal are much in demand both in the local
and international market. With the evolving needs of today’s consumers, many
entrepreneurs are continuously creating and innovating products in order to cater to the
demands of the market.

Bamboo, wood, and metal products can be enhanced and decorated to increase their
marketability and salability.

Customers are easily attracted to a well-decorated product thereby increasing sales

and bringing more profits.

Additional Steps in enhancing the product to show creativeness and innovativeness

of the material:

There are some steps in Painting Procedures:

1. Choose what kind of paint you prefer to use.

2. Open and stir it properly to attain the desired color of the paint. You can also apply
thinner in the paint.
3. In painting the correct size of the paint brush is needed.
4. In applying paint, apply the first coating let it dry then you can apply the second
coating as a finishing touch or as desire thickness of the paint in the product to
achieve the desired color.
5. Let it dry and clean the brush after using.

Steps in using Sandpaper:

1. After the product is prepared and being cleaned, check for some holes and crack in
the woods.
2. Fill the holes and cracks and allow it to dry.
3. Wipe the woods with dry and clean cloth.
4. Apply sandpaper until smoothened.

Steps to be followed in Varnishing:
1. Prepare the material to be varnished.
2. Choose the varnish to be applied in
the product.
3. Clean the product.
4. Apply varnish using brush or spray.
5. Let the first coat dry, then apply the
second coating until desired color is

Some examples of such products include:


a. Desktop Organizer
b. Candleholder
c. Bottle holder
d. Furniture
e. Utensils
f. Wall hooks
g. Wood lamp

Bamboo Products
a. Bamboo craft lamp
b. Bamboo lights
c. Bamboo bottle holders
d. Bamboo Woven Bag
e. Bamboo Woven Basket
f. Wall Decorations
g. Bamboo Utensils (spoons, fork, and beverage ware)
h. Furniture
i. Bamboo plant box
j. Bamboo holder (candle)
k. Bamboo Holder (pen)

Metal Craft:
a. Accessories
b. Pen Holder
c. Wind Chime
d. Wall hooks
e. Wall Decorations

What is It?

Identification. Identify the methods in enhancing bamboo, wood, and metal products. Choose
the correct letter and write it in your activity notebook.

_______1. The process of using a lathe to make various forms and shapes of wood.
a. Hand carving b. wood turning c. flocking
_______2. An art using fire or heat to decorate wood product.
a. Pyrography b. Inlaying c. Hand carving
_______3. A technique which powder is applied on woods or other materials.
a. Painting b. gilding c. texturing
_______4. ______ is used to color wood.
a. Texturing b. painting c. etching
_______5. A method of creating designs using sharp objects.
a. Flocking b. pyrography c. hand carving

What’s More

Painting Procedure

Supply the missing words to complete each statement below and write your answer in your
activity notebook.
After smoothening the product, do the following:

1. Prepare the type of _______ you will use.

2. Stir the paint to attain the proper mixture. Use the _________ if needed.
3. Use the _______ size of the paint brush in applying paint.
4. Let the ________ of paint dry thoroughly before applying the second coating to achieve
an even finish.
5. Let it dry and _______ the brush after using.

What I Have Learned

Activity: ESSAY

1. Why is it important to follow properly the different steps in painting and varnishing a

What I Can Do

Activity: Make a Bamboo Pen holder. Follow the steps in enhancing/decorating bamboo,
wood, and metal products.

Materials and Steps in Making a Bamboo Pen Holder.
A. Materials
Glue Stick
B. Tools
Steel Tape
C. Procedure/Steps:
a. Choose a bamboo for the project
b. Prepare and clean the bamboo.
c. Cut the bamboo with the height of 8 inches.
d. Clean the bamboo and use sandpaper to smoothen the part of the material.
e. Lastly, Use a plywood for the base of the bamboo.

1 2 3 4
Creativity Did not explore The project is The project is The project is
new ways to original but mostly expressed in an unique and well
show is based on an original way. enhanced.
creativeness existing idea.
Proper Did not follow the Proper handling Follow the
Handling of correct steps in Few steps are of tools is done correct steps in
tools and handling tools being followed in but find it hard proper handling
materials and materials. handling tools and to handle the of tools and
materials. materials materials
Total Does the project With output but Shows an Shows the best
Appearance but did not apply did not beautify output but way how to
any enhancement the product. without proper enhance and
steps followed decorate the

Post Assessment

Direction: Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE in your activity
__________1. You can select what type of paint you are going to use.
__________2. Metal product is hard to enhance.
__________3. Brush or spray is needed in applying a varnish.
__________4. Using hand plane can help smooth the wood.
__________5. Paint should be re –applied to attain the desired color.

Additional Activities

Make a coconut shell coin bank.
Apply the steps in using sandpaper to enhance the coconut shell.
Take a photo of the finished product and pass it in a bond paper.

1 2 3 4
Creativity Did not explore The project is The project is The project is
new ways to original but most expressed in an unique and
show of it is based on original way. well
creativeness an existing idea. enhanced.
Proper Did not follow Proper handling of
Follow the
Handling of the correct Few steps are tools is done but correct steps
tools and steps in being followed find it hard to in proper
materials handling tools in handling tools handle the
handling of
and materials. and materials. materials properly.
tools and
Total Does the project With output but Shows an output Shows the
Appearance but did not apply did not beautify but without proper best way how
any the product. steps followed to enhance
enhancement and decorate
the project.

Answer Key

What I Know What’s More What I Have Learned

1. b 2./ Answer may vary
2. a 3.x
3. b
4. c
5. a 5./
What I Can Do

Answer may vary

What’s In What is It

1.F 4. T
Answer 2.T 5. F
3. F
What is It What’s More
1. B 1. paint

2. A 2. paint brush

3. B 3. correct

4. B 4. first coating

5. C 5. clean

What I Have Learned What I can Do

Answer may vary Use the rubrics for


Post – Assessment Additional Activities

1. T Use the rubrics for

2. F scoring
3. T
4. T
5. T


Peralta, Gloria A., Marianne M. Mata, and Jeffrey D. De Guzman. DepEd Teacher's Manual
for K to 12 TLE 6. DepEd, n.d.

DLP Grade 6 - Industrial Arts. Tubod,, Lanao del Norte: Division of Lanao del Norte, n.d.

Curriculum Guide K - 12 Grade 6 TLE 6. Pasig City: DepEd, 2013.

Most Essential Learning Competencies. Pasig City: DepEd - Curriculum & Instruction
Strand, 2020.

TLE 6: I.A. - Effects of Innovative Finishing Materials and Creative Accessories. EZ Link.
Accessed November 12, 2020.

TLE 6 I.A. - Importance and Methods of Enhancing Bamboo, Wood and Metal Products. EZ
Link. Accessed November 10, 2020.

TLE 6: I.A. - Conduct Simple Survey Using Technology and Other Data-Gathering Method.
EZ Link. Accessed November 10, 2020.

“The Carpenter Works with a Tree Free Photo.” n.d. Freepik. Freepic Company S.L.
Accessed November 10, 2020.

“Top View of Artist Painting with Brush and Palette Free Photo.” Freepik. Freepic Company
S.L. Accessed November 10, 2020.

“Kid Hand Varnishing a Wooden Shelf Using Paintbrush Free Photo.” Freepik. Freepic
Company S.L. Accessed November 10, 2020.

“Close-up of Male Carpenter Rubbing down Wood with Sandpaper Free Photo.” Freepik.
Freepic Company S.L. Accessed November 10, 2020.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of Lanao del Norte

Office Address: Gov. A. Quibranza Prov’l. Gov’t. Compound,
Pigcarangan, Tubod, Lanao del Norte
Telephone Nos.: (063)227 – 6633, (063)341 – 5109
E-mail Address: [email protected]


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