Concept Note For The Presentation of Baseline Findings and SCP - Revised - Clean - 05112022

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Activity Title: Series of Baseline and Sectoral Assessment Presentation of Findings

and Strategic Compliance Planning

Format: On Site Activity in the Philippines and Indonesia

Target date: Philippines

Regional: 29 May – 10 June
National: 15-16 June 2022

Regional: 23 May – June 10, 2022
National: 29-30 June 2022

Project STO/ Component: Output Gender – Responsive Strategic Compliance Plans of
industry tripartite councils on labour and gender equality in target
sectors are developed and implemented

Specific Objective: To validate the findings and results of the baseline study and sectoral
assessment and gather recommendation from tripartite partners
To develop a Gender Responsive Tripartite Strategic Compliance Plan
which includes Project targets and strategies aimed at increasing
compliance to labour standards, OSH and gender equality within the
Project’s target sectors

I. Background and Objectives of the Activity:

In November 2021, the Project initiated its Baseline Study and Sectoral Assessment activity which aims
to assist the Project in ensuring that the Project’s target- setting is evidence-based, and that strategies
would take into account root causes of issues, drivers and non-drivers of compliance, sectoral nuances,
and existing opportunities for reforms, including potential areas for sustainability. This activity aims to
produce a comprehensive baseline and sectoral assessments of the working conditions of rural workers,
particularly women, in the target sub-sectors of both Indonesia and the Philippines and covers working
conditions in the Project’s target sub sectors in Philippines and Indonesia covering fundamental
principles and rights at work (FPRW) employment arrangements, wages, hours of work, social security,
leaves, including OSH, and gender equality in the target subsectors of the Project.

Rapid Asia, the Project’s service provider for the baseline study and sectoral assessment together with
the National Consultant who is an expert in the areas of occupational safety and health (OSH), labour
standards and gender equality spearheaded the activity with support and assistance from the Project
and Tripartite partners. Key informant and in-depth interviews, focus groups discussion and workers’
survey focusing on key themes of the Project were conducted from the 3rd week of March until the 2nd
week of April. Tripartite partners supported the baseline study and sectoral assessment by providing
inputs on the study’s methodology and tools, participating actively in the inception workshop and data
collection including representing their organizations for the interviews and FGDs, and assisting the
service provider in coordinating with pilot communities to ensure the safe entry of local enumerators to
the communities and access to workers from pilot enterprises.
Following a rigorous three week data collection period from, the consultants have finally consolidated,
cleaned and analysed results of the baseline study and sectoral assessment. These results will be

presented to the tripartite partners for validation and used as reference in planning targets and
interventions that are gender-responsive and will help in the promotion of compliance to labour
standards, OSH and gender equality within the Project’s target sectors.

Thus, the Project is proposing the conduct of a series of regional / provincial1 and national
Presentation and Validation of the Baseline Study and Sectoral Assessment and Tripartite Strategic
Compliance Planning.

• Philippines: 4 Regional activities in Davao, General Santos City, Butuan City and Legaspi City
1 National activity in Manila, Philippines
• Indonesia: 4 Provincial Activities in Riau, East Kalimantan, Maluku and North Sulawesi
1 National activity in Jakarta, Indonesia

The objectives of these series of activities for both countries are:

1.) To validate the findings and results of the baseline study and sectoral assessment and gather
recommendation from tripartite partners at the regional and national levels
2.) To develop a Gender Responsive Tripartite Strategic Compliance Plan which includes Project
targets and strategies aimed at increasing compliance to labour standards, OSH and gender
equality within the Project’s target sectors

The regional/provincial and national activities will gather inputs at the regional sectoral level to the
national level to better reflect and capture plans and recommendations at all levels of the Project. This
will also provide an opportunity for the regional tripartite partners to focus on the validation of baseline
study and sectoral assessments at the regional level to reflect the current and existing working
conditions in the regions.

At the national level, national tripartite partners shall take into consideration the regional strategic
compliance plans (SCPs) and in the formulation of the Tripartite Partners’ SCPs at the national level.
This two-pronged approach (regional and national) in developing the SCPs ensure that results, targets
and strategies, risks and mitigation, and sustainability mechanisms or measures are captured at all
levels. The SCP activity will also provide an opportunity for the Tripartite partners to revisit the Project’s
sustainability strategy and how will it apply to developed targets and strategies / interventions. In
addition, the Tripartite Gender Responsive SCP will provide concrete and coherent strategies and
interventions for Project priorities, and guide the implementation and delivery of targeted outcomes.

II. Expected Outputs:

The expected outputs from these series of series of regional / provincial and national Presentation
and Validation of the Baseline Study and Sectoral Assessment and Tripartite Strategic Compliance
Planning are the
1.) Validated results of the baseline study and sectoral assessments that are agreed by all tripartite
partners, both at the regional and national level

Please note that in Indonesia, the approach will be at the Provincial Level where the Project will be working on.

2.) 6 (4 for PH and 2 for ID) Regional and two (1 for each country) National Tripartite Strategic
Compliance Plans that reflect regional targets, interventions and strategies, risks and mitigation
strategies and sustainability measures / mechanisms

III. Target Participants

Target participants for the Philippines are tripartite representatives at the national and regional levels
representing the Project’s target sectors. An estimated 340 participants from the regional and national
level tripartite partners in Indonesia and the Philippines are expected to attend the said activities.

A. Target Participants for the Philippines

At the regional level, it is estimated that there will be a total of at least 120 participants comprising
representatives from the regional ITCs and at least 50 participants from National Tripartite Partners.

Activity for the Presentation and Validation of the Baseline Total Number of
Study and Sectoral Assessment and Tripartite Gender Participants
Responsive Strategic Compliance Planning
Region XI 30
Region XII 30
Region XIII 30
Region V 30
National Activity 50
Total 170

At the regional levels, participants will be representatives and members of the Regional Industry
Tripartite Councils.
• Tripartite Partners in the Regional ITC for Banana
• Tripartite Partners in the Regional ITC for Fishing
• Tripartite Partners in the Regional ITC for Mining for CARAGA and CAMNorte

At the national level this would include the following:

Employers Organizations Workers’ Government Partners Representative from

Organizations Regional ITCs
ECOP TUCP DOLE and relevant Bureaus 2 Representatives
• Occupational Safety and Health Center from the Regional ITC
• Bureau of Working Conditions for Banana
• Bureau of Labor Relations
• Bureau of Workers with Special
PBGEA SENTRO Department of Agriculture and relevant 2 Representatives
Bureaus from the Regional ITC
• Cooperative Development Authority for Fishing
• Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic

MBFEA FFW Department of Environemnet and its 4 Representatives

relevant Bureaus from the Regional ITC
• Mines and Geosciences Bureau for Mining in
CARAGA (2 reps) and

Mining in CamNorte
(2 reps)
SSAFFI NTUC Department of Trade and Industry and its
relevant Bureau
• Board of Investments
Chamber of Mines ALLWIES Department of Interior and Local
IndustriALL MARINA and Philippine Coast Guard
Reps of TU Philippine Commission on Women
Centres’ Women’s

B. Target Participants for Indonesia

At the provincial level, it is estimated that there will be a total of at least 120 participants comprising
representatives from the provinces of Riau, East Kalimantan, Maluku and North Sulawesi and at least 50
participants from National Tripartite Partners

Activity for the Presentation and Validation of the Baseline Total Number of
Study and Sectoral Assessment and Tripartite Gender Participants
Responsive Strategic Compliance Planning
Riau Province (Palm Oil) 30
East Kalimantan (Palm Oil) 30
Ambon, Maluku (Fishing) 30
Bitung, North Sulawesi (Fishing) 30
National Activity 50
Total 170

At the provincial levels, participants will be representatives and members of the Project’s tripartite
partners operating within the identified provinces:
• Provincial Tripartite Stakeholders in Palm Oil (Riau and East Kalimantan)
• Provincial Tripartite Stakeholders in Fishing (Maluku and North Sulawesi)

At the national level this would include the following:

Employers Organizations Workers’ Organizations Government Partners Representative from

Provincial Tripartite
1) APINDO for Fishery 1) KSPI 1) Ministry of Manpower and 8 Representatives from
Sector 2) KSPSI its relevant Directorates the Provinces:
2) APINDO for Palm Oil 3) KSPSI ITUC 2) Ministry of Marine Affairs ➢ 2 from Riau
Sector 4) KSBSI and Fisheries ➢ 2 from East
3) Indonesian Pole & 5) KSPN 3) Ministry of Women’s Kalimantan
Line and Handline 6) KSARBUMUSI Empowerment and Child ➢ 2 from Maluku
Tuna Fisheries AP2HI 7) The Indonesian Protection ➢ 2 from North
Fisheries Trade Union 4) Ministry of Agriculture - Sulawesi
4) Indonesian Palm Oil
(SPPI) Indonesia Sustainable
Palm Oil (ISPO)

IV. Requirements:
The conduct of the series of activities would require a number of preparatory work, such as:
• Consultations with key government agencies per sector/ regional ITCs for logistical preparations and
schedule availability
• Baseline study and sectoral assessment presentation materials
• Tripartite Gender Responsive SCP materials for planning / workshop
• Technical guidance for the work shall be given by the ILO Regional specialsists on OSH and Labour

V. Proposed Programme for the Regional Presentation of Baseline Study and Sectoral

Time Sessions Objectives Speakers

DAY 0:
Arrival of Participants

Day 1
8:00 – 8:30am Registration
8:30m – 8:45 Opening remarks ILO – USDOL Program
Manager / ID National
Welcome Remarks Program Coordinator

DOLE Regional Director

(PH) /
Provincial Representative
8:45am – 9:00am Objective Setting • Presentation of activity objectives Project M&E Officer / ID
• Leveling of expectations regarding National Program
the activity Coordinator
9:00am – 10:30am Presentation of Baseline and • Provide participants the results of Rapid Asia
Sectoral Assessment Results the baseline study and sectoral
10:30am – 12:00 Workshop (Breakout • Participants should review and Rapid Asia
groups): Validating results of check each results presented by Project Team
the Baseline Study and the consulatnts.
Sectoral assessment • Provide an opportunity for
participants to fill – out missing or
data gaps
• Gather recommendations on the
baseline study and sectoral
assessment from Participants
12:00 noon – 1:00pm LUNCH BREAK
1:00pm – 1:30pm Overview of the Strategic • Provide an overview of the SCP National Consultant and
Compliance Planning – Steps process as a guide to the SCP Project Team
1 and 2 activity
1:30pm – 2:00pm Breakout Workshop Groups: • Establish targets for the Project National Consultant and
Identifying and Setting indicators and strategies Project Team
2:00pm – 2:15pm Overview of Step 3, 4 and 5 • Provide an overview on National Consultant and
–Influencers, Drivers and determining Compliance Project Team
Constraints for Compliance Influencers, Drivers and
and Project Delivery; Constraints
Exploring Stakeholders and • Provide project partners an
Explore Compliance overview of the SCP steps 4 and 5

Interventions and Prioritizing • Identifying risks and mitigations
Project targets measures for Project
implementation and delivery
2:15pm – 3:00pm Breakout Workshop Groups: • Mapping Stakeholder Influence National Consultant and
Identifying and mapping and interest Project Team
(working break) influencers for compliance, • Reviewing / Revisiting of the
project delivery and Project’s Stakeholder Map and
sustainability; Brainstorm and Analysis
prioritizing targets and • Provide opportunities for tripartite
interventions partners to develop partnership
strategies, prioritizing targets and
3:00pm – 3:30pm Overview of SCP Step 6: • Project team to provide an National Consultant and
Operationalize Regional overview on how to operationalize Project Team
Tripartite Gender Responsive the SCPs
3:30 – 4:30pm Breakout Workshop Groups: • Provide Project partners an National Consultant and
Planning on how to opportunity to plan and set Project Team
operationalize SCP timelines for the operationalization
of the SCP; identifying needed
resources and assistance to
implement SCPs
4:30pm – 5:00pm Closing Remarks Project Team
Day 2
8:00am – 8:30am Registration
8:30am – 8:15am Summary of Day 1 Project Team
8:15am – 10:00am Plenary: Presentation of the • Provide an opportunity for project Project Partners
Breakout Groups of their partners to present discussions
Workshop discussions from their breakout groups
10:00am – 11:00am Q and A
11:00am – 11:15am Synthesis and Closing • Next Steps and moving forward Project Team
11:30am Departure of Participants
END of Workshop

VI. Proposed Programme for the National Presentation of Baseline Study and Sectoral

Time Sessions Objectives Speakers

DAY 0:
Arrival of Participants

Day 1
8:00 – 8:30am Registration
8:30m – 8:45 Opening remarks DOLE

Welcome Remarks ILO Country Director

8:45am – 9:00am Objective Setting • Presentation of activity objectives Project Team
• Leveling of expectations regarding
the activity
9:00am – 10:30am Presentation of Baseline and • Provide participants the results of Rapid Asia
Sectoral Assessment Results the baseline study and sectoral
which integrates results of assessment
Regional activities validating

10:30am – 12:00 Workshop (Breakout • Provide Project partners the Rapid Asia
groups): Validating results of opportunity to validate baseline Project Team
the Baseline Study and study and sectoral assessment
Sectoral assessment which results which includes findings
integrates results from from regional validation activities
Regional Activities • Address possible gaps of the
findings especially at the National
12:00 noon – 1:00pm LUNCH BREAK
1:00pm – 2:00pm Overview of the Strategic • Provide an overview of the SCP National Consultant and
Compliance Planning process as a guide to the SCP Project Team
activity LI specialist
2:00pm – 2:30pm Gallery Walk Participants will be given the
opportunity to go around the Regional
Sectoral SCPs
2:30pm – 4:00pm Breakout Workshop Groups: • Provide Project Tripartite Partners National Consultant and
Strategic Compliance the opportunity to revisit Regional Project Team
Planning and Sectoral SCPs
• Develop interventions and plans
for the Project and on the
promotion of compliance to labour
laws, gender equality and OSH
• Integrate validated baseline and
sectoral assessment results and
recommendations to the SCP
4:00pm – 4:30pm Closing Remarks Project Team
Day 2
8:00am – 8:30am Registration
8:30am – 9:00am Summary of Day 1 Project Team
9:00am – 10:30am Plenary: Presentation of the • Provide an opportunity for project Project Partners
Breakout Groups of their partners to present discussions
Workshop discussions from their breakout groups
10:30am – 11:30am Q and A •
11:30am - 12:00 noon Synthesis and Closing • Next Steps and moving forward
12:00noon Departure of Participants
END of Workshop

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