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Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter shows how the research was designed and implemented

starting from the respondents, how they were chosen to be the subject of the

study, the technique of how the researchers executed the evaluation using the

research instrumentation of questionnaires. This chapter also shows the brief

calculation of data collected in the evaluation analysis of the study and how the

data is treated statistically using formula of basic weighted mean.

Research Design

Research is also a careful and diligent research, it is a studious inquiry or

experimentations aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of

accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts or practical application for such

new or revised theories, as the Merriam – Webster Dictionary’s interpretation of


The method used by the researcher in this study is experimental design to

determine the potential of the formulated products in terms of effectiveness. The

design will contribute in knowing the factors that the outcome may affect in terms

of appearance, effect and benefits. The idea of the design is helpful and essential

for the researcher to present the study clearly and informatively.

This is a qualitative study which made use of a phenomenological

approach to gather relevant data. The phenomenological approach concerns

itself with understanding and interpreting the meaning that participants give to

their everyday lives (De Vos, 1998).

The experimental method involves manipulating one variable to decide if

changes in one variable ground changes in another variable. This method

depends on controlled methods, random assignment, and the manipulation of

variables to test a hypothesis. This strategy is used when the research person

need to contrast two variables and examine their cause and effect relationships

(Malhorta, 1996).

Subject / Respondents of the Study

Study population is the group of individuals in a study according to the

MedicineNet. In a clinical trial it is the participants make up the study population.

The respondents of this research are the 30 senior high school students of L.

Bernardo Memorial High School. 10 each strand namely, 11 – STEM, 12 – ABM

and 12 – HUMSS. They were given questionnaires with regards to the statement

of the study to use for evaluation analysis.

The process of sampling involves using large number of items or parts of

subsets of population to make conclusion regarding the whole population. The

purpose of sampling is to estimate some unknown characteristics of population.

Sampling Technique

Sampling is a survey based research where research persons needs to

analyze the sample about a population in order to answer the research questions

or fulfills the research objectives. Using probability sampling, random sampling

which is the sampling kind of this research, sample selection is done in such a

way that every unit of the population has a known probability of getting selected.

It is this perception of “known chance” that permits for the statistical projection of

features based on the sample of the population (Saunders, 2000).

Respondents of certain residents must be considered in the process of

methodology in research study. In Khan Academy’s statistical study, sampling

methods refer to how we select members from the population to be in the study.

If the sample isn’t randomly selected, it will probably be biased in some way and

the data may not be representative of the population. The idea of choosing L.

Bernardo Memorial High School’s certain respondents as the locale of the

evaluation study is random selection of sampling technique.

Research Instrument

To conduct the data collection, the researchers used the questionnaire

method and it is used if the respondents were scattered in a wide and extended

field. Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on

variables of interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables one to

answer stated research questions, test hypotheses and evaluate outcomes. The

data collection component of research is common to all fields of study including

physical and social sciences, humanities, business, etc. While methods vary by

discipline, the emphasis on ensuring accurate and honest collection remains the


It’s a research technique in which information is collected by interviews

with a huge number of respondents using a predesigned questionnaire (Zikmund,

1994). This research technique has three important characteristics:

Purpose: The purpose of survey research is to generate quantitative

descriptions of some characteristics of the population in study. Survey analysis

may be mainly related either with associations between variables or with

projecting results descriptively to a pre-defined population (Yin, 1994).

Procedure: The most important way of collecting information is by raising

people structured and predefined questions. Answers of questions given by

people, which might refer to themselves or some other unit of analysis,

comprises the data to be analyzed (Yin, 1994).

Analyses: Information is usually collected about only a portion of the

population under study, but information is collected in such a way as to be able to

take a broad view the whole population. Usually, the sample is huge enough to

allow broad statistical analyses.

1. The CucurVera soap has possible advantage to the other soap in terms of
effectiveness, appearance and affordability. Yes/No
2. The CucurVera soap provide benefits for those that is involve in the study
like other researchers, students, farmers and others. Yes/No

Figure 2. Evaluation Analysis paper

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher gathered data from a lot of information sources such as

books, articles and internet upon searching a subject that could be useful for a

study to formulate a title which identified the research. This could help the

researchers to provide data as a proof for the research whether it is descriptive,

experimental and casual comparative kind of research. The information can use

as comparison of the research with the relation of other discovery that is similar

to the main topic of the study.

The researchers then formulate an evaluation analysis questionnaire and

distributed it to gather more data to guarantee the study. The evaluation paper is

then analyzed and calculated into tabular form to show the results. The data
collected can support the study regarding the primary variables of the research

through the evaluation conducted.

Research Product Construction

As the procedures of making the product, that is part of the research

methodology, the researchers follow certain ways on how to make and create

soap. From preparing the ingredients, cutting, extracting, measuring, mixing them

all together and packaging after the product is done.

Figure 3. Construction of Product Making

Statistical Treatment of Data

Evaluation of Five Point – Likert Scale

Table 1. Descriptive Rating Scale of the Data

The results of the evaluation will be analyzed using these two formulas

that will determine the data collected of the research.


Research design, delimitation and population of the study, population and

sampling techniques and instrument and method of data collection is stated and

presented. The study is conducted and the data were analyzed using varieties of

methods in different methodology. It aims to provide bold and reliable information

through experimental methodology, as what the study is about. As part of the

study, methodology is essential for the acceptability of the outcome.

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