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How are you doing today and hope you having a lovely Easter?

It was really nice

reading from you. I will like to know you better and see where this online stuff
lead us to in the future....Am a Freelance Research Consultant and my job is based
on Agriculture, i studied Science- Botany - Agriculture, its something i have huge
passion for and i have been doing it for 28years now, i do work for myself., I
should be geting my things ready for a business trip on Tuseday to Edmonton, Canada
for a research project on a particular plant called Jatropha Curcas and should be
back in two weeks....... Well I'm pretty new to this Internet dating scene....... I
was glancing through profiles when your fascinating profile and tender look with a
nice smile peeked my Interest. I must admit that you're ravishingly beautifull. And
this is giving me doubts that you're still single.

I'm a touchy-feely type of man. I like to kiss and cuddle, but I could smother you
with Love. I'm an honest, thoughtful, caring, smart, independant, trustworthy,
passionate and romantic kind of a Man, Full of energy, I love dancing to the oldies
or country music, also like walking on the beach..

I've been widower for 9years now, i wish to find real love. I have 3kids, my
daughter are Twins 27yrs old and a son who is 17yrs old... Laura, Lucy and John are
my friends, I'd have vowed not to get married again, but i realised Life is too
short for one to be alone, I believe in Fate, I am not sure if I would ever find my
love on the internet. Though i have been hurt but I do believe in the word that
says look ahead of the past and don't let the past to spoil your future.. Righ now
I'm completely unattahced and would be glad if i encounter a woman of high
calibar, good attitude, self respect with goals and ambition. A woman who knows
what she wants and know how to get it. She has to be understanding, passionate,
sincere and romantic....I believe with these qualities a relationship would be

I'm Gregory Little, I Live in Murrells Inlet, SC and I'm 51years of age. I stand
6'0 and about 180lbs. black hair and brown eyes. I was born in Wisconsin, I grew up
in Italy, my Mom's Italian, I moved back to the state when i was 20years old after
i lost my parents in an auto accident. I'm the only child of my parents. I am
looking for a matured woman that's capable to love me for me, I'm also very old-
fashioned when it comes to respect and treatment for women. I'm a social wine
drinker but a non-smoker, have a great sence of humor and like to spend time with
loved ones.

I am a good and honest man and seek someone who is not afraid to show and express
her feelings. Would love a great romance but believe starting with relationship is
the best way. I would like someone that will love and respect me for who I am, that
likes to hold my hand and surprise me with a little kiss when I least expect it or
give me a wink from across the room to let me know she's thinking about me or give
me a call just to let me know she's thinking about me.

I would love someone who is fun to be around with, likes to laugh, joke around,
enjoy being outdoors going for long romantic walks, enjoys looking at the stars at
night, and watching the sun set that rises over the ocean. I am looking for someone
that enjoys the simple things in life, just as I do. I would like to meet someone
special that I can grow old with, and that we can always look into each other's
eyes and know that the love between us is just as wonderful and exciting as the day
we met...

I want to love a woman for who she is, to spoil her and love her and let her know
just how much she means to me, by the little things I do or say to make her feel
special. While at the same time she treats me in the same way.....
How are you doing today and hope you having a lovely Easter? It was really nice
reading from you. I will like to know you better and see where this online stuff
lead us to in the future....Am a Freelance Research Consultant and my job is based
on Agriculture , i studied Science- Botany - Agriculture, its something i have huge
passion for and i have been doing it for 28years now, i do work for myself.

I am not looking for a one night stand, I'm not into head games nor drama... I'm
hoping to find someone that knows what he wants, someone with a good head on him
shoulders, someone that would truly like to meet and see what develop, with no
pressure or expectations... We simply take things one day at a time...Well, About
me- I am Gregory Little by name..... I was born in Wisconsin, I grew up in Italy...
My father was a wealthy business man before he passed away some yrs ago, while my
Mom dead when i was a little was a painful experience for me since my
dad involved in a ghastly accident in Colo Iowa... I have no brother or sister
because i am the only air of m parents but i have one uncle but i am not in good
times with him cos he sold all my dad left by for me...... it really painful that i
lost my dad in my young age.. Anyway it ain't a fun, i just need a man to be my
father and my loving husband..Well Concerning sexuality, I am not a promiscuous
lady. My desire is to be sexually faithful to the man I marry. If two people love
each other and will communicate what they like and do not like about their
partner's sexual behavior, I believe many problems can be resolved.

Well i will like you to know that i am far from a millionaire and am not out for
anything but love from someone. Having someone that loves you and supports you in
your life through good and bad times and wont give up on you is what I am looking
for. Honesty and trust are what makes a relationship work.. Remember, I need real
love..i don't play games and i aint ready to be played...I joined the dating site
to find my soul-mate, fall in love, get married and then start a family.

I will like you to know that i am a independent and sincere woman looking for that
special man that knows the meaning of true love.. I don't have time for head games
or drama, i just want to get to settle down with that right man and start a new
life.. I have been hurt and burnt so many times in the past, i am not looking for
such thing in a relationship anymore.. I just want to get to be with my man and set
up a great and new family with him.

I like going for a long walk at the beach holding hands and i like to watch movie
read novels and listen to music.. I think that you are a very special person and I
am really glad to be getting to know you. I feel that there is a lot of chemistry
between us and that we are meant to be together...

Anyway I would love to meet you when i get back to the state and learn more about
what your likes and dislikes? How big of a family you have and what they are like??
do you live alone?? Can you make a long distance call on your phone?? I would like
to hear your voice, at least we can exchange words and share our feelings...Okay,
okay enough questions right? Oops sorry (hehehe) Anyway thanks again for the email,
I really did enjoy getting an email from you and I would really like to get to know
you better....I will be looking forward to hear back from you.. Well, i hope
everything gets settled very soon and we would be happy to see each other and share
our live experiences together..I will keep looking for your message ..Have a great
week all through baby...I hope you email me some photo of yourself.


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