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March 12, 2011


This is the conversation b/w Me & a person name Mr. American... and the title of this conversation is


It was 11 at night. The night was as cold as in Serbia, whether I had never been in Serbia but I know Hows the night oftenly served there.I was feeling very boredom ,there was neither any book ,nor any movie, nor any other stuff in which I could make my concentration . So I chose my best ever thing to do and It was chatting. Chat on yahoo msn. ,cuz I oftenly find many friends online all the time on it. I switched to yahoo msn. Now I was online , I chose any American room just in search for any cool American guy. Oh, suddenly I got a chat invitation. It was from a person named Mr. American. Heres the chat below..

Mr. American : Hi
Me : Hi Mr. American : ASL plzz.. Me : 18 m India. & u? Mr. American : oh.An Indian Me : really , why so..? Mr. American : Cuz, I also belong to India ..Its 30 m STATES.. Me : k U said , u r also Indian R u student there ,,hmmm.. Mr. American : No, No , I did my studies in India , Im working here.. Me : kWhats ur name..? Im Abhishek Mr. American : its Rohit . Me : nice name, hmm.. Mr. American : Thanxx , u said u r 18 , so GEN NEX hmmm
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Me : yaa.. . Mr. American : what r u studying there..? Me : Im an Engineering student & u,..?? Mr. American : oh, an engineer guy..hmmmIm a Networking guy here Me: Not an engineer yet , Im studying it Mr. American : k..then whats later ..? Id say come to STATES Ull get awesome job here. Me: Really , but I dont think so , cuz, first Americans feed there own children then to us, although, I do
think we ( Indian ) have great opportunities here in India , u know its an developing country

Mr. American : oh, come on . India , really a blurred country,, India sucks man ,its just ur
whim that u can get job there , Id say just come here

Me : no man u shud not say such a vulgar things about ur country , its not really a blurred .. & ..why
I wouldnt get job here.... Im really disagree with u

Mr. American : oh, its not a matter of ur disagreement, arent u familiar with the corruption in India ,
the day by day Scams r relieving from India to world Arent u think its a matter of worry for such a person like uhmmmmmm.

Me : but why..? If there is a Scams here ,then, it doesnt mean that we shud leave it , its not a
matter of worry , its a matter of unity.. Im not a person like u, The selfish oneIf my country is in trouble then I cant leave it like u.

Mr. American : ohdont be Emotional its just a philosophic things that u r talking about , arent u
know about , The CWG Scam, The Adarsh Scam., The 2-G spectrum Scam ., The ISRO spectrum Scam & many more...u said its not a matter of ur worry , hmm.then , Let me answer some questions, if ur country persons like A.Raja , Suresh Kalmadi , and many more will get all of ur money ,then, How will u get ur jobs in future, ur countrys economy will become weak & all of U become unemployed..All of u will then strive from hunger & unemployment Thats a matter of ur worry

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Me: k.kbut what does your mean ..Isnt it ur country .u also belong to India&..what If our
country has a corruption , not any country is perfect , its a person there who makes it perfect .. & u r really very-very mean & a selfish guyIndia fed u ..u did ur studies here & now u r rebuking ur own country .. How an Idiot u r hmmmmthats really very cheap.

Mr. American : oh come on , who the hell u r to tell me that. Im not a selfish nor a mean person . Im
just a person of extraordinary qualities that any other Indian dont have & thats why u r feeling jealousy of me

Me: oh , u r really an Insane . U r just not a selfish & mean but also an extraordinary Idiot . U shud
respect ur country , Its ur reputation ..And..what the hell is ur User name Mr. American its really sucks A blurred username u have & really very basterd person u r

Mr. American : oh really.. its my user name Cuz I love America ,cuz , its America who is feeding me ..
And U tell me WHY I SHOULD BE AN INDIAN??? WHY I SHUD WORK FOR INDIA? WHY I SHOULD LIVE IN INDIA..really a bloody country it is A country have full of corruption, a poor country .. a dirty countryyaaait was my country but now Im a successful person & I get my success here .. today Im earning more than $10,000 a monthSo, why I shud live there. Such a slum countryhmm Tell me .

Me : WHY U SHUD BE AN INDIAN ?? no noU shud better ask a question, WHY U SHUD BE
HUMAN ..? U r a person of great- great rebellious ideas, if u really think that India is a dirty, poor & country for less ability persons then why did u take a birth here ,hmmm Ask a question frm ur mamma. Was she really happy to give u a birth!! First get its answer then talk to me.

Mr. American : Hey !! Dont be personal , & , I would say u r becoming Emotional , Im saying the truth
& this truth is very bitter for upoor guy sorry.but thats a truth

Me : Really, then let me know .what STATES or any other countries have that India dont haveIt was
Barak Obama , the American president who came to India to beg jobs for their country persons..None of our President or Prime Minister went to STATES to beg for jobs..but yaa, its U. Who has done soU must begged for ur job .oh poor guy..If u really had a qualities then u could easily get a very gud job here , but as I said u r a person of Idiotic ideas, u r a rebellious person to his own nation ..I really feel very sorry for ua poor guy u are

Mr. American : Im not talking abut any Single country.. There are lots of countries which r consider as
a Worlds most developed Countries many of them r in Europe.. And Is just saying there r Still some necessary things that must be done. Im not rebuking it.. Is just saying first Indian Government has to 3|P ag e

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attain that necessary things than they could compete with other developed countries..Then the other Skillful persons from foreign country would also visit India & Would Do a job there.

Me : Hey___Hey_____What Happens .. Wheres ur rudeness now? I can observe a guiltful politeness in

u. But U shud better to know this thing that , I dont need itAnd what abut my questions ..first reply them . U must thought that Im a boy of 18 and U can tell anything to me abut my country , but bro. This will be ur Whim .. Ive full rely on my country , Im not a person like u.. U tell me What would happen If again Recession come to STATES , Will ur job be secure enough so u could stay there , If Ull get expel frm Ur job then , Ull run back to same Dirty , poor & Blurred Country hmmm..Am I right ?

Mr. American : Im very much familiar with all that things , but Im talking what the people here talk
abut India

Me : No ,No There r none who tell that , that was ur thinking And now u r feeling sorry on it..hmm
U know what . U have proud or say over-proud , that makes ur mind dumb. What India has.? Why U shud be an Indian..? hmmm Oh Idiot Guy , U dont deserve to be an Indian .. Even U dont deserve to be a human .Look yourself in mirror and think How a big mistake U are ! Bye bye Asshole I dont want to talk to fake persons like u. Go on..And worship ur whimsy developed Countries and miss the True Paradise -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The conversation was over now, The time was 11:45 And night was as cold as before Yet , I could feel the warmth in me.. Cuz , Now I had Red blood in my Veins . Red Blood of True Spirit . Red Blood of True Countryman.

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About :: This is a Conversation b/w A guy of 18 & a guy of 30. They both are Indians yet having different thinking related to their nation. There are some lines which may seems insulted to India or America but that are the need of this conversationSo plzz Pardon me..If U feel hurt by reading this.thanxx.. Plzz Do comment It will Improve me Thanxx Again

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Note : The words used in conversation seems to be very cumbersome because they are very unusual words & generally used by teens During Chat. But ,as my conversation was on Chat topic , So, This was also a need of this Conversation. Thats why I used this words.. Thanxx.. Be happyDont be angry

The Worst Fault Is Thinking You Dont Have Any Written By:: Abhishek Sharma

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