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This chapter presents the Introduction, background of the Study, Conceptual

Framework, Theoretical framework, Statement of the Problem, Assumptions and

Hypothesis, Scope and Limitations of the Study, significance of the Study and Definition

of Terms.


Crime is a phenomenon that challenges the community’s function specifically the law

enforcement agency on how they can contain, detect and lessen this from happening or

being committed. Crime is also inevitable, a society fully free from the problems of crime

and criminals is impossible or unbelievable to exist, but we can decrease the chances of

it from happening by controlling it before it goes out of hand. For instance, criminal

activities which are uncontrollable can be dangerous that it can cause not only a

particular community but also the different countries in the world to collapse or put in

peril if it spreads rampantly. In this sense, it becomes a threat that puts the lives of

innocent people at risk. Thus, it’s important to detect crimes and put an end to the

danger it might bring to every member of the community.

Crime detection can serve as the primary step in the prevention of crime. It involves

the discovery if a crime existed or occurred and verification of the crimes being

reported. Moreover, it includes the understanding of the previous crime being committed

and comparing it to the relevant crimes being committed and how it can be applicable to

diminish these dangerous acts from happening. With this, it does also help to further
understand the nature of a specific crime. In this sense, crime detection is not only

expected to be done by the Law Enforcers but the members of the community are also

expected to cooperate and report criminal offenses.

Major factor that we must also considered relation to the detection of crime is the

criminal statistics. It tells the different crimes being committed and criminal profiles.

Also, in criminal statistics, one major role of it is gives a factual information of crime rate.

In connection to this, crime rate, nowadays, keeps on increasing. Different types of

criminal actions have been committed in different locations. Mostly, criminal offenses

are not being detected that is why it is hard for the law enforcers to perform an

immediate response in times these acts are being done. It’s a cliché to instill in our

minds the saying “Prevention is better than cure”, but it is a very essential principle that

should always apply not only in medical-related instances but also in Law-related

circumstances specifically in enforcing the law. It serves as a reminder that it’s not only

about taking actions when an act has been committed but it is more of what should

have done in order to avoid these actions from happening. That is why in the pillar of

Law Enforcement, we have the so-called crime detection which is a part of a police

officer’s duty in ensuring that a certain criminal act will be prevented and will be given a

quick response.

Significance of the Study:

This study aimed to help the following:

Country or Governement:
- Through this research, the government can get ideas about the right actions and

approaches in crime detection and prevention.

Future Law enforcers and Law Enforcer:

- Since they are more exposed to this kind of matter, this study will provide

information about crime detection which they can apply in the performance of

their duty.


- This research will give information to the people in the community about what

they should do in order to not become victims of crime as well as how they can

contribute to the detection and prevention of crime.

Future Researcher:

- This study will serve as a reference or guide once they will also conduct research

related to this research.


- This study will give the researchers information which they can apply not only to

their study but to their future profession.


- This research will promote awareness to the students about how they can avoid

crimes and what are the things they need to do or contribute in order to help in

crime detection and prevention.


Statement of the Problem:

This study is to ascertain the effectiveness of criminal statistics as the basis of

planning and executing the right actions and approaches in crime detection. By the end

of this research, it aims to shed light to the following problems:

1. How effective knowing the criminal statistics in crime detection?

I. In planning the right actions and approaches in crime detection?

II. In executing the right actions and approaches in crime detection?

2. How can we avoid criminal acts from happening?

3. What are the effective ways or measures should the law enforcers do in order to

easily detect criminal activities?

4. What are the most common crimes being committed in the country?

5. According to criminal records, who are the persons tend to commit criminal acts?

I. In terms of gender.

II. In terms of Age.

III. In terms of Social Status.

Assumptions and Hypotheses of the Study:

Null Hypotheses:

- There is no significant relationship between criminal statistics and crime

- Criminal Statistics is not an effective basis in planning and executing the right

actions and approaches in crime detection.

Scope and Limitations of the Study:

This study focuses on the Effectiveness of Criminal Statistics as the Basis of

Planning and Executing the Right Actions and Approaches in the Crime Detection in 3rd

year Criminology Students of ICCT Colleges Inc. Cainta Campus, Academic Year 2021-

2022. The data collection will be conducted to two hundred (200) randomly 3rd year

Criminology students in Academic Year 2021-2022.

This study will not cover the other problems that are not necessarily connected to

Criminology students' perspective. Each respondent is given the same question to

answer. The result of this study will be applicable only to the respondents of this study

and will be not use as measure to the Effects of Criminal Statistics as the Basis of

Planning and Executing the Right Actions and Approaches in the Crime Detection who

do not belong to the population of this study. The main source of data will be the

questionnaire, which is prepared by the researchers.

Definition of Terms:

 Crime - it is an act committed by a person which is considered as unlawful.

 Criminal - a person who is proven to commit a crime.

 Crime Detection - it is one of the ways in preventing crimes. It is the process of

detecting when nd where a crime might happen.

 Crime Prevention - it means the measures or ways in order to avoid or

prevention crime commissions.


 Criminal Statistics - it includes the criminal records, criminal profiles and crime

rates of a particular country.

 Diminish - means to reduce or decrease.

 Inevitable - means will certainly happen or cannot be avoided.

 Law Enforcement - it is the process or system of enforcing the law.

 Phenomenon - a remarkable and continuous event.

 Rampant - it means unstoppable or quickly spreading.



This chapter presents the Local literature, Local Studies, Foreign Literature and

Foreign Studies. These related literature and studies will give clarity and will serve as

proofs that the issues in the reseach being conducted by the researchers already

existed before.

Local Literature

(Gayon, 1990) One essential element in improving police effectiveness is reducing

response time through developing command-and-control systems for metropolitan

departments, installing police callboxes for public use, and creating single telephone

numbers for each large department. Philippine courts would become more efficient in

processing criminal cases with the establishment of a second Grand Jury. Stricter gun

control laws, juvenile delinquency prevention programs, and general police-initiated

crime prevention efforts could reduce the opportunities for crime. While the Philippine

correctional system differs greatly from that in the United States, there is a growing

movement toward rehabilitation of adult and juvenile offenders.

In the Philippines, Republic Act 6975 or the "Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG) Act of 1990", as amended directs the National Police Commission

to recommend to the President, through the Secretary of the DILG a national crime

prevention program. The NAPOLCOM developed the 2019 National Crime Prevention

Program (NCPP) through its Technical Committee on Crime Prevention and Criminal

Justice, an ad-hoc interdisciplinary body composed of acknowledged experts from

government agencies and non-government agencies involved in the criminal justice

system. To ensure the success of the NCPP, the office of the President issued
Memorandum Circular Order No. 66, which directs all government agencies and local

government units to support the same.

(Aquino, Pila, and Buraga 2016) Crime prevention activities in Mandaluyong City,

revealed that the PNP conducts enhanced Police Integrated Patrol Systems (PIPS),

deploys Tactical Motorized Riders on perceived crime-prone areas, saturation drives

among others. The crime prevention activities of the barangay, on the other hand, is

assessed as effective. All the barangays have organized a group of Barangay Tanod,

which helps maintain the peace and order situation in their respective places. Data also

show that they received good benefits in cash and in-kind while serving their barangay

constituents. The youth, however, find the barangay officials not fully efficient probably

because they were affected by the restrictions and were deprived of their enjoyment,

especially the curfew hours where they have to observe. While the study assesses

crime prevention activities based on the perception of the endreceivers, which is

rational, comprehensive assessment of activities should be based on results and not

perception alone.

(PNP Managing Patrol Operations Manual 2015) The PNP strategy in crime

prevention, which the institution has advocated to be complete and holistic, is

composed of three mechanisms, namely police visibility, law enforcement, and police-

community partnership. Police presence is done by deploying various activities such as

area patrol, community engagement, and other related policing activities to respond to

situations that warrant police assistance or intervention. Law enforcement, as one

mechanism, is the implementation of laws and ordinances through police operations,

investigation, apprehension of suspects, or convicted offenders. Police community

partnership applies the philosophy of community policing, which emphasizes the

collaboration between the police and the community in settling peace and order issues

towards a healthy and harmonious society. The point of peace in order is seen as a

shared responsibility. The community becomes the force multiplier of the police.

(Sison, 2014), Crimes are committed due to extreme hunger and for purely

economic reasons such as lack of education, unemployment and population growth

because of these reasons, people are forcing to do crimes such as pickpockets and

snatching. Crimes are committed in areas where the urban poor live. Additionally, the

corruption of the politicians also added in blocking the social and economic

development. However, in the last years, people actively witnessed the stealing of the

politicians. As the effect, Filipinos end up paying overpriced goods, low maintenance of

the services and low quality of the infrastructure. Moreover, the breakdown of marriage

and family added in why people committed crimes, such as lack of dedication of the

parents in disciplining their children, loss of love and lack of guidance (Hererra, 2014).

Local Studies

(Rachel Boba Santos, effectiveness of crime analysis in crime reduction), 2014The

evidence presented is not based on research of effectiveness of crime analysis, since

there is none, but on the effectiveness research of police approaches, such as the

standard model of policing, community policing, disorder policing, problem-oriented

policing, hot spots policing, and the "pulling levers" focused deterrence approach, as

well as popular and new approaches, such as Compstat, intelligence-led policing (ILP),

and predictive policing, and the level at which crime analysis plays a role in each.

Through a qualitative assessment, the author concludes that there is a clear pattern that
crime analysis plays a significant role in police approaches that are effective, and just as

apparent, crime analysis plays a very limited role in policing approaches that are

ineffective. In addition, assessment of the policing approaches that have not been

systematically evaluated, but have been widely adopted (i.e., Compstat) or are relatively

new (i.e., ILP and predictive policing), reveals that crime analysis plays a central and

visible role. This article shows that crime analysis is a key component in successful

crime reduction efforts. Because this is a qualitative assessment from a fairly broad

perspective, several recommendations are made for future research that will more fully

understand the relationship between crime analysis and police effectiveness.

(Vicente, 2019) In a study in the Municipality of Bontoc in Mountain Province, it

focused on the domestic crime prevention programs, the implementation of police and

public officials' crime prevention efforts, and the extent of participation of the residents

of the same place. It revealed that indigenous crime prevention practices in Bontoc

include "pechen” system, “ator” system, “maipaila” system, and “fagfaga" system. These

practices were used as a means of crime prevention and indigenous prosecution that is

primarily grounded in their culture.

(Patalinghug (2017) cited that the crime detection strategies of four (4) municipalities

in Salug Valley, Zamboanga del Sur were “much effective” to include Integrated Patrol

System, Barangay Peace Keeping Operations, Anti- Criminality Operations, Integrated

Area Community Public Safety Services, Bantay Turista and School Safety Project in

connection to the responses of 158 participants.

(Aquino, Pila and Buraga, 2016) Enhance PIPS/ Strategic Plans Operation. This

Station implement the Police Integrated Patrol Systems (PIPS), enhance crime
prevention and solution, conduct high police visibility (foot and mobile patrols), anti-

criminality and police security operations, chokepoints/checkpoints, Oplan Bakal/Sita,

Saturation drives and other police interventions to address motorcycle riding criminals,

street crime incidents perpetrated with the use of firearms. Scoreboard, This Station

together with Sector 1 – 7 displayed their scoreboard in their respective Offices. Said

scoreboard had a baseline average monthly crime statistics, outlook per week and

objective to reduce robbery incident perpetrated by Motorcycle Riding Criminals and/or

Akyat Bahay, from the average monthly incident at the end of 2013.

There are index crimes in the NCR which display an increasing trend: slowly

increasing in number since the start of 2014. The historical plots show how the

incidence of index crimes has changed over time. The incidence of theft has increased

quite rapidly in NPD, while in the EPD its increase is even sharper. Robbery incidence

has also increased gradually in these two districts. Moreover, the incidence of

motornapping has steadily increased in SPD. One of the efforts exerted by the PNP in

improving the crime situation in the country is by enacting different interventions which

this paper has described. Some of these interventions are effective in reducing certain

crimes, while some are not. Moreover, the relationship between the crimes and

interventions differs across the police districts.

Foreign Literature

(Makkai, 2001) Administrative databases are used to generate official crime

statistics yet they are first and foremost a management tool. As a result, using data

generated from this system as the sole source of crime statistics is problematic. Unlike

many other economic and social activities, the act of committing a crime can result in
the loss of liberty and in some cases the loss of life. Understandably, most people do

not admit to committing crime. As the consequence, detection of crime is dependent on

victims reporting such activities to the police, and the police successfully apprehending

the suspects. Police make decisions about whether to proceed with charges, then

prosecutors make decisions about whether to continue with the charge and if, so which

charges they will pursue. Finally, the courts then make the determination as to guilt or

innocence. There are many factors that intervene at different points in this process

ultimately affecting the ‘numbers’ that appear in official statistical collections. Because of

the potential for error at various stages through the recording process official homicide

statistics are largely regarded as having the most credibility.

(Girard, 2020) Detailed information that pinpoints the types and locations of the

crime problems of a jurisdiction or organization is the key to the design of a prevention

program. The following focuses on such statistics. Because burglary is becoming a

crime of epidemic proportion in this country, the outline of data elements relates directly

to that crime. In those instances where a jurisdiction or organization is also interested in

robbery, shoplifting, and the like, similar types of data about those crime types have to

be pulled together for program design purposes. When to collect data and why Crime

statistics must be gathered as a first step in the design of a prevention program. In

addition, they have to be maintained throughout the program. In fact, they should be

maintained on a daily basis and summarized monthly. This information serves as a

baseline for designing, managing, and evaluating the program. In addition, these data

provide useful detail for inclusion in speeches, news stories, briefing memorandums,

and so on.
(Mosher, 2005) The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) has

collected international crime statistics based on crimes known to the police annually

since 1950. The European Law Enforcement Organization (Europol), formed in 1999,

also serves to facilitate the sharing of crime information among countries of the

European Union. Interpol crime data are accessible at the organization’s Web site.

Interpol’s first report was issued in 1954 and included data for only 36 countries;

subsequently, data were published every 2 years and every year since 1993, with the

inclusion of data on a greater number of countries. The most recent data available, for

the year 2000, includes information from 70 countries. Interpol reports are published in

four languages (Arabic, English, French, and Spanish) and the statistics relate to the

major categories of crime brought to the attention of the police in Interpol member

countries: murder, sex offenses (including rape), serious assault, theft, aggravated theft

(robbery and violent theft, and breaking and entering), theft of motor cars, fraud,

counterfeit currency offenses, drug offenses, and the total number of offenses contained

in national crime statistics.

(Sennewald, 2014) City crime statistics were on average with comparable cities in

that part of the United States. That is, the nature and frequency of part-one crimes (i.e.,

murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, auto theft, and larceny) were

comparable with other cities of similar size, nothing remarkable. In terms of any well-

publicized crimes in recent history (the preceding three years), the other hospital in the

city did experience a violent incident of rape of a nurse. Following that violent crime

there was a clamor for more and better lighting at that hospital and nurses and staff at
Holy Spirit took up the same cause. Lighting and the level of illumination at Holy Spirit

wasn’t an issue in the Greene matter.

(Mosher and Moethe, 2015) Mass media, criminal justice system officials, and

policy-makers all rely on crime statistics to make claims about crime levels and trends;

legislators and criminal justice system officials use them to implement policies to

address crime; and criminologists and other social scientists use crime statistics to

conduct research on the causes of crime, to inform theories of crime, and to evaluate

the effectiveness of crime control policies. In this article we discuss the three primary

sources of crime statistics: official data (Uniform Crime Reports and the National

Incident-Based Reporting System), victimization studies (National Crime Victimization

Surveys), and self-report studies, focusing on their basic methodology and the various

problems associated with their compilation.

Foreign Studies

(Azfar and gurgur 2005) We used data on crime incidence and crime reporting from

the International Crime Victimization Survey to analyze how governance influences

crime incidence and crime reporting by households. We find that governance has a

significant effect on the incidence and reporting rates of some crime categories,

especially theft, even after controlling for a potential reverse causality problem. We also

find that governance and income inequality does not have the same effect in every

household; on the contrary it is conditional on personal, social and economic

characteristics. Urban, female, or poor households are more likely to experience a crime

incidence and less likely to report these crimes if they live in countries with high income

inequality and poor governance.

(Babu and Syed, 2020) We analyzed that crimes vary with criminal's age and health

or political power also. So, we need to analyze these things deeply. For the further

algorithm or system we can use this paper as a base of data mining of crime detection

and can enrich our overall goal of setting up a data society. The data ming system will

also help people to make a direct connection with police and the law of justice officials.

So that people can easily say their problems and we can easily predict crime.

(Bradley and Waller, 2017) It is essential to evaluate crime prevention outcomes in

order for the changes to be made to strategies and to move towards best results

through logic and planning. Outcome evaluations test hypothesis on variables to see if

certain interventions (i.e. programs and practices) had an impact. Evaluation can be

preceded by the identication of revised goals for the continued reduction of crime. In

2015, the federal government mandate letters mentioned that they would be¨ informed

by performance measurement, evidence, and feedback from Canadians (by) directing

our resources to have the greatest, positive impact on the lives of Canadians¨. In order

to meet this mandate, investments in evaluation research are needed to identify what is


(Voordt, 1989) To assess the effect action, it is not enough to make simple

measurements before and after, but a detailed long-term study. Without in-depth

analysis, it is quite likely that the wrong conclusions will eb drawn. It may happen, for

instance, that measures are initially followed by a rise in crime because of increased

awareness and readiness to report crimes. We think that such studies should not be left

until the action has been taken, but that the finger should be kept on the pulse from the

original initiative until it is put into effect. Fluctuations in crime figures should not only be
related to action taken, but also to all kinds of local circumstances. One good method is

to keep a local “diary recording all the relevant changes over a long period. Which

means before taking any action, thorough analysis of the crime problems is called for.

This enables action to be tailored to the main problems and locations. It will often

happen that assessment of measure will show that the graphical location of crimes from

what a superficial analysis would suggest.

(Kumari and Gahalot, 2020) Crime solving is very difficult work which requires

experience and intelligence of human with artificial intelligence approaches which assist

them in problems of crime detection. Other than that, predicting future patterns of

crimes basically involves the changes in the rate of crime in next year and applied

methods of prediction to help discover those changes in the upcoming years. As

proposed, the prediction of crime with the help of artificial neural network usually better

in accuracy and evaluate the target function much faster.

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