Intervention For Burnout Among Chemistry Education Undergraduates in Nigeria

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Special Issue: School and Community Health in Low-and-Middle

Income Nations

Journal of International Medical Research

48(1) 1–6
Intervention for burnout ! The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
among chemistry education
DOI: 10.1177/0300060519867832
undergraduates in Nigeria

Florence Obiageli Ezeudu1,

Ijeoma Hope N. Nwoji1 ,
Priscilla O. Dave-Ugwu1,
Deborah Oluchi Abaeme1,
Nnonye Rebecca Ikegbunna1,
Chiegeonu Valentina Agugu1,
Mary Nneora Muoneke1,
Ayodeji Olorunmeye Alabi1 and
Bartholomew Chinweuba Nwefuru2

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine how effectively rational emotive behavior
therapy (REBT) could help university undergraduate students in chemistry to manage academ-
ic burnout.
Methods: We surveyed 468 undergraduates in the chemistry education program for eligibility
and included the first 30 students who showed symptoms of high burnout. We randomly assigned
15 students each to the experimental and control groups. The Oldenburg Burnout Inventory for
college students was used to assess students’ burnout at two different periods. The intervention
was delivered using a manual for managing burnout.
Results: Pre-test results indicated no significant difference in the burnout scores of the control
group (mean ¼ 51.43, standard deviation (SD) ¼ 2.74) and experimental group (mean ¼ 52.31,
SD ¼ 3.59), t(28) ¼ 0.749. At post-test, the main effect of time on students’ burnout was signif-
icant: F(2.27) ¼ 41.91, g2p ¼ 0.599. The main effect of group on undergraduates’ burnout was also
significant: F(1.28) ¼ 1043.67, g2p ¼ 0.974. There was a significant time  group interaction effect
on burnout among participants: F(2.27) ¼ 41.43, g2p ¼ 0.597.

Corresponding author:
Department of Science Education, University of Nigeria Ijeoma Hope N. Nwoji, Harden Building, Department of
Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria Science Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka, P.M.B.
Department of Educational Foundations, University of 410001, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria Email: [email protected]

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License ( which
permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is
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2 Journal of International Medical Research

Conclusion: Our study findings showed that chemistry students could be helped to manage
burnout symptoms, based on REBT theory. REBT methodology should be promoted among
university undergraduates with symptoms of academic burnout.

Burnout, chemistry students, chemistry education, Nigeria, rational emotive behavior therapy,
Date received: 11 June 2019; accepted: 15 July 2019

Introduction experience high levels of burnout as they

will lack the physical and psychological
Academic burnout among students has gen-
drive to successfully cope with the demands
erated a lot of attention recently, given the
of academic life. Albert Ellis put forth the
large pool of extant literature establishing
theory of rational emotive behavior therapy
its prevalence. Studies conducted in differ-
REBT in 1955. Ellis assumed that people’s
ent parts of the world report prevalence
problems stem from illogical thoughts,
rates of academic burnout between 7.2% views, and beliefs.9 The goal of REBT is
and 70.6%.1–4 Burned-out students show to combat unhealthy behaviors by seeking
high levels of exhaustion and a negative to refute and change those irrational
attitude toward school work.5 In Nigeria, thoughts, views, and beliefs that in turn
studies have shown that most university generate such behaviours.10 To bring
students across different disciplines exhibit about this positive change, REBT utilizes
a high degree of burnout symptoms. In par- a series of cognitive, behavioral, and emo-
ticular, it has been reported that the preva- tive techniques.7 In the present study, we
lence rate of academic burnout among aimed to determine the effectiveness of
Nigerian undergraduates is 68%.6 REBT in managing burnout symptoms
Undergraduates in chemistry education among chemistry undergraduates.
programs in Nigeria are at risk of burnout.7
In response to this unsatisfactory state of
affairs, it is important to seek a means of Methods
combating this problem given the critical The researchers obtained the approval of
role of undergraduates in realizing the the Research Ethics Committee at the
goals and objectives of chemistry education Faculty of Education, University of
in Nigeria of producing skillful and compe- Nigeria in Nsukka, and the study was con-
tent chemistry teachers at secondary school ducted in accordance with the stipulations
level who are knowledgeable in instruction- of the Declaration of Helsinki. Research
al design and delivery and capable of guidelines followed in conducting this
assuming leadership positions as well as study were as prescribed by the American
pursuing further studies in chemistry.8 Psychological Association. Individuals who
Achieving the above goals and objectives participated in this research were informed
of undergraduate chemistry education pro- of the study goals and procedures and they
grams may be impossible if students all gave their consent in writing to
Ezeudu et al. 3

participate. To determine eligibility for pos- We used an REBT student burnout treat-
sible inclusion in this study, we surveyed a ment manual for undergraduates in the
total of 468 undergraduate students of experimental group to treat burnout symp-
chemistry, from the first to the final year toms. The intervention lasted for 10 weeks.
of study. Of these, 245 (54.3%) students This manual was adapted from REBT man-
met the eligibility criteria for a high level uals used in previous evidence-based studies
of burnout, i.e., a total score of 49 and on burnout and stress.10,14 We adopted a
above on the Oldenburg Burnout treatment-as-usual approach for students
Inventory for students (OLBI-S) at pre- in the control group. Control students
test. Other inclusion criteria considered received normal counseling services and
included undergraduate student in chemis- programs developed in Nigerian universi-
try education, not be involved in any other ties. Three facilitators implemented the
burnout intervention program during the REBT intervention. We checked our data
study period, not currently or previously for violation of test assumptions, and the
diagnosed with mental illness, and willing study data met all test assumptions. No
to commit to completing the program data were missing after screening.
once begun. Financial constraints made it
impossible for us to include all eligible stu- Statistical analysis
dents for a large-scale intervention. The
minimum sample size required for an effec- Demographic data were analyzed using fre-
tive study was determined using G*power quency and percentage. Pre-test scores of
3.1 software,11 with statistical power the two groups were compared using a
a ¼ 0.81. Random allocation software12 t-test. A two-way repeated measures analy-
was used to generate the allocation sis of variance (ANOVA) was then per-
sequence with which participants were allo- formed to determine the main effects of
cated randomly to each group. The alloca- treatment and time and the time by group
tion sequence was enclosed in sealed, interaction effect. We used partial eta-
opaque envelopes so as to blind those squared (g2p) as the effect size measure.
assigning participants to the groups. IBM SPSS version 20 was used to perform
The OLBI-S consists of 16 items designed all statistical analyses and data screening
to measure academic burnout in two dimen- (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).
sions: exhaustion (owing to the demands of
studying) and disengagement (an attitude of Results
detachment from academic studies), with
eight questions each. The total score of the We chose the first 30 chemistry undergrad-
two subscales represents the student’s level uate students who met all the inclusion cri-
of burnout. Each subscale of the OLBI-S has teria for the study. Of the 30 selected
been validated in previous studies and found students, we assigned 15 students each to
to be very reliable.13 For the present study, the experimental and control groups.
the reliability of the subscales (Cronbach’s According to participants’ demographic
alpha) was 0.831 for exhaustion and 0.869 data, more than half of participants were
for disengagement. female students (63%). Most participants
We collected participants’ demographic were second- and third-year students (36%
information using a questionnaire designed and 30%, respectively). Only five students
by the researchers; these data included level were from private universities; the remain-
of study, place of residence, study hours, der attended public federal universities.
age, sex, type of institution, and sponsor. A total 14 (46.67%) participating students
4 Journal of International Medical Research

were living off-campus whereas 16 as well as those of students in the control

(53.33%) resided in a university hostel. group who did not participate in the REBT
The age range of participants was 17–25 intervention. This finding suggests that the
years, with the mean age in the control REBT program was an effective interven-
and experimental groups 21.32  4.56 and tion for reduction of burnout symptoms
21.44  5.01 years, respectively. A total among chemistry undergraduates. These
80% of students were sponsored by their findings corroborate previous studies that
parents, and only three students were mar- have reported the effectiveness of REBT
ried. Most participants (53%) studied in enabling students and other groups to
between 2 and 3 hours daily. manage stress-related symptoms and burn-
The results of the independent-samples out.9,11,15–17
t-test indicated no significant difference in The present study has several important
the pre-test burnout scores of the control implications. First, apart from bringing to
group (mean ¼ 51.43, standard deviation light the high prevalence of burnout among
(SD) ¼ 2.74) and experimental group chemistry education undergraduates in par-
(mean ¼ 52.31, SD ¼ 3.59), t(28) ¼ 0.749. ticular, our findings showed that burnout
At post-test, the two-way mixed could be effectively managed and reduced
ANOVA analysis result indicated a signifi- via psychotherapy. This calls for more
cant overall within-subject effect on the evidence-based studies in this direction, to
main effect of time on student burnout: validate the REBT intervention with the
F(2.27 ¼ 41.91, P < 0.001, g2p ¼ 0.599. aim to yield greater acceptance and gener-
Similarly, the results for the between- alizability. Second, few studies have provid-
subject effect on the main effect of group ed practical solutions for managing
on student burnout were significant: psychological problems among students in
F(1.28) ¼ 1043.67, P < 0.001, g2p ¼ 0.974. Nigeria, such as burnout. Given growing
Again, the ANOVA result showed a signif- concerns about burnout syndrome among
icant time  group interaction effect: undergraduates in South-East Nigeria uni-
F(2.27) ¼ 41.43, P < 0.001, g2p ¼ 0.597. versities, we suggest that REBT is effica-
cious in managing student burnout and
should be incorporated in students’ aca-
Discussion demic programs, to equip them with skills
The purpose of the present study was to to better manage their psychological and
ascertain the efficacy of REBT in managing mental health. Given that burnout affects
burnout among undergraduate students of medical and nursing students, physicians,
chemistry in Nigeria. The results showed and other health professionals, it is hoped
that 54.3% of the chemistry education stu- that the present study outcomes will influ-
dents initially surveyed had high burnout. ence the adoption of REBT interventions
This finding is in line with results of previ- for managing burnout in these groups, to
ous studies indicating that burnout is prev- promote health and well-being. It is our
alent among the student population in expectation that these data regarding burn-
Nigeria.1–4,6 Our results showed that chem- out among undergraduate students in
istry undergraduates had high pre-test chemistry education will be useful to
burnout. However, following introduction researchers in future, to help improve stu-
of the REBT program in the experimental dents’ psychological well-being, academic
group, we observed that students’ burnout engagement, and school achievement. This
levels had dropped substantially at post- may result in better understanding of the
test, as compared with their pre-test levels symptoms of burnout among our study
Ezeudu et al. 5

population of university students, as well as for coping with burnout should form a part
the factors linked to these symptoms. of the educational program in undergradu-
Another implication of this study is that ate chemistry education, to equip students
the design and implementation of interven- with the necessary skills to cope with burn-
tions to address burnout among chemistry out and other associated mental health
undergraduates, like the present REBT challenges. It is hoped that this study out-
intervention, may result in more students come will influence the adoption of REBT
being able to learn how to manage academ- interventions for managing burnout among
ic burnout while at school. School health medical and nursing students, physicians,
policies should be aligned to accommodate and other health workers.
REBT burnout intervention for undergrad-
uate students, given the clinical utility of Declaration of conflicting interest
this therapy as demonstrated in this study.
The authors declare that there is no conflict
The current study has some limitations.
of interest.
The sample size in this study is arguably
small, which could limit the extent to
which the findings can be generalized.
However, future researchers can consider This research received no specific grant from any
the present study as foundational for con- funding agency in the public, commercial, or
ducting further studies with greater scope not-for-profit sectors.
and better generalizability. In future,
researchers should track the attendance of ORCID iD
participants, the mean number of class Ijeoma Hope N. Nwoji
sessions attended or missed, as well as the 0000-0001-6102-600X
percentage of participants who attend all
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