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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,304,156 B2

Matsushita et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 4, 2007


COMPOUNDS wo 92/01675 6/1992
W0 WO 93/08823 5/1993
(75) Inventors: Akio Matsushita, Yamaguchi (JP);
Mizuho Oda, Yamaguchi (JP); WO 96/14846 5/1996
Yasuhiro KaWachi, Yamaguchi (JP); WO 97/21687 6/1997
Jun-ichi Chika, Yamaguchi (JP) W0 WO 97/1991? 6/1997
WO 99/07695 2/1999
(73) Assignee: AstraZeneca UK Limited, London WO 00/49014 8/2000
(GB) W0 WO 00/49014 8/2000
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO 00/78730 A1 12/2000
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO 01/04100 A1 1/2001
U.S.C. 154(b) by 173 days. WO 01/60804 A1 55/2001
W0 WO 01/72706 10/2001
(21) Appl. No.: 10/483,430
(22) PCT Filed: Jul. 12, 2002
(86) PCT No.: PCT/JP02/07129 ( )
§ 371 (0X1)’
(2)’ (4) Date; Jan, 12, 2004 Watanabe et al., “Synthesis and Biological Activity of
Methanesulfonamide Pyrimidine- and N-Methanesulfonyl Pyrrole
(87) PCT pub NO; W003/006439 Substituted 3,5-Dihydroxy-6-heptenoates, a Novel Series of HMG
CoA Reductase Inhibitors”, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry,
PCT Pub. Date: Jan. 23, 2003 1997, V°1~ 5, N°~ 2, PP~ 437-444

(65) Prior Publication Data (Commued)

Us 9 Primary ExamineriVenkataraman Balasubramanian
’ (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiMorgan, LeWis & Bockius
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data LLP
Jul. 13, 2001 (JP) ........................... .. 2001-213417 (57) ABSTRACT
Jul. 13,2001 (JP) 2001-213418
Oct. 9, 2001 (JP) 2001-310900
NOV- 27’ 2001 (JP) 2001660339 A 2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine com
Jan~ 16, 2002 (JP) 2002'007015 pound of the formula (3): [R is a hydrocarbyl group], is
Feb. 19, 2002 (JP) ........................... .. 2002-042076 prepared by the Steps of: (I) reacting an isobutyrylacetate
ester With 4-?uorobenZaldehyde and urea in the presence of
(51) Int‘ Cl‘ a protonic compound and a metal salt; (II) oxidizing the
C07D 239/42 (200601) reaction product of the step (I); (III) reacting the oxidation
C07D 239/34 (200601) product of the step (II) With an organic sulfonyl halide or an
C07D 239/22 (200601) organic sulfonyl anhydride; and (IV) reacting the reaction
A 61K 31/505 (200601) product of the step (III) With N-methyl-N-methanesulfona
A61P 3/06 (2006.01) mide_
(52) US. Cl. ..................... .. 544/315; 544/316; 544/330
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search .............. .. 544/315,
544/318, 330, 316 (3)
See application ?le for complete search history.
(56) References Cited
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EP 0742212 A1 11/1996
EP 1193259 A1 4/2002
JP 5-178841 A 7/1993
JP 6-256318 9/1994 10 Claims, No Drawings
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US 7,304,156 B2
1 2
Bioorg. Med Chem., 5, 437(1997) describes that the
FIELD OF THE INVENTION 2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine com
pound is employable as an intermediate compound forpro
The present invention relates to the preparation of ami ducing a cholesterol reducing agent (HMG-CoA reductase
nopyrimidine compounds having the following forrnla (8): inhibitor: S-4522) having the folloWing formula:




and Which is noW generally knoWn as the calcium salt of

rosuvastatin or rosuvastatin calcium.
[in the formula (8), R is a hydrocarbyl group, and each of R1 35
WO 01/04100 describes a process for preparing the
and R2 independently is a hydrogen atom, an alkyl group, an
2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine com
alkylsulfonyl group, or an arylsulfonyl group], more par pound Which comprises the steps of:
ticularly to the preparation of a 2-(N-methyl-N-methane
reacting methyl isobutyrylacetate With 4-?uorobenZoni
sulfonylamino)pyrimidine compound having the folloWing 40 trile to produce methyl 2-[1 -amino-l -(4-?uorophenyl)meth
formula (3): ylene] -4 -methyl-3 -oxopentanate; and
reacting the 2-[ 1 -amino- 1 -(4-?uorophenyl)methylene] -4
methyl-3-oxopentanate With N-cyano-N-methyl-methane
sulfonamide Which is obtained by reaction betWeen N-me
thylmethanesulfonamide and cyanogen chloride, to produce
4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 -methoXycarbonyl-2-(N
It is described that the total yield (based on the amount of
50 methyl isobutyrylacetate) is 45.5%.
(3) It appears that the process described in WO 01/04100 is
disadvantageous for the industrial preparation, because the
yield is not high and it is necessary to employ toxic
cyanogen chloride as one of the starting compounds.
Accordingly, it is an object of the invention to provide a
novel process for preparing a 2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfo
nylamino)pyrimidine or an analogous aminopyrimidine
compound thereof, more particularly to provide a novel
process Which provides the compound more conveniently
and/or Without employing a toxic compound and/or provides
the compound in high yield and/or high purity.
It is another object of the invention to provide a novel
process for preparing a 2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfony
65 lamino)pyrimidine compound or an analogous aminopyri
midine compound thereof Which is favorably employable in
Wherein R represents a hydrocarbyl group. the industrial preparation.
US 7,304,156 B2
3 4
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The invention also resides in a hydroxypyrimidine com
pound having the above-identi?ed formula (1).
The present invention resides in a process for preparing a The invention further resides in a method for preparing a
2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine having hydroxypyrimidine compound of the formula (1), Which
the formula (3): comprises oxidizing a dihydropyrimidinone compound hav
ing the formula (4):




Wherein R is a hydrocarbyl group.

25 The invention further resides in a dihydropyrimidinone
compound having the formula (4).
The invention furthermore resides in a method for pre
[R is a hydrocarbyl group],
paring a dihydropyrimidinone compound of the formula (4),
Which comprises the steps of: 30 Which comprises reacting an isobutyrylacetate ester having
reacting a hydroxypyrimidine compound having the for the formula (5):
mula (l):

in Which R is a hydrocarbyl group,
With 4-?uorobenZaldehyde and urea in the presence of a
protonic compound and a metal salt.
45 The invention furthermore resides in a method for pre
paring an aminopyrimidine compound having the formula

50 (3)

in Which R is the same as above,

With an organic sulfonyl halide having the formula (2):
R'SO2X (2)

in Which R' is a hydrocarbyl group and X is a halogen atom, 60

or an organic sulfonic anhydride having the formula (2a):

in Which R' is the same as above, and 65 Wherein R is a hydrocarbyl group, and each of Rland R2
reacting the resulting reaction product With N-methyl-N independently is hydrogen atom, an alkyl group, an alkyl
methanesulfonamide. sulfonyl group, or an arylsulfonyl group,
US 7,304,156 B2
5 6
Which comprises reacting a 2-substituted pyrimidine com The invention furthermore resides in a method for pre
pound having the formula (6): paring the halogenopyrimidine compound of the formula
(9), Which comprises reacting a hydroxypyrimidine com
pound of the aforementioned formula (1) With a halogenat
ing agent.
The invention furthermore resides in an organic sulfony
(6) loxypyrimidine compound having the formula (10):



Wherein R is the same as above, and X is a halogen atom or

an organic sulfonyloxy group,
With an amine compound having the formula (7):


Wherein each of R and R' independently is a hydrocarbyl

(7) The invention furthermore resides in a method for pre
R1 paring an organic sulfonyloxypyrimidine compound of the
NH formula (10), Which comprises reacting a hydroxypyrimi
dine compound of the aforementioned formula (1) With an
organic sulfonyl halide having the formula (2):
R'SO2X (2)

Wherein each of R1 and R2 is the same as above. Wherein R' is a hydrocarbyl group, and X is a halogen atom,
or an organic sulfonic anhydride having the formula (2a):
The invention furthermore resides in a halogenopyrimi
dine compound having the formula (9): (Rysozbo (2a)
45 in Which R' is the same as above.
The invention furthermore resides in a process for pre
paring a 2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine
of the formula (3) Which comprises the steps of:
(I) reacting an isobutyrylacetate ester of the formula (5)
(9) 50
With 4-?uorobenZaldehyde and urea in the presence of a
protonic compound and a metal salt;
(II) oxidizing the reaction product of the step (I);
(III) reacting the oxidation product of the step (II) With an
organic sulfonyl halide of the formula (2) or an organic
sulfonic anhydride of the formula (2a); and
(IV) reacting the reaction product of the step (III) With
In the above-mentioned process, the steps (III) and (IV)
can be carried out continuously in the same reaction mixture.

The representative process for the preparation of 2-(N

65 methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine of the formula
Wherein R is a hydrocarbyl group, and Hal is a halogen (3) according to the present invention is schematically
atom. illustrated as folloWs:
US 7,304,156 B2
Step (I)
In the step (I), an isobutyrylacetate ester of the following
formula (5):


CH0 0
NH2 10

o NH2 + COZR

[R is a hydrocarbyl group].
is reacted With 4-?uorobenZaldehyde and urea in the pres
ence of a protonic compound and a metal salt.
F The hydrocarbyl group (i.e., hydrocarbon group) repre
sented by R in the formulas of the compounds involved in
the reactions of the invention can be an alkyl group such as
methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, pentyl, hexyl, heptyl, octyl,
nonyl, or decyl, more particularly an alkyl group having 1-6
carbon atoms and especially an alkyl group having 1-4
carbon atoms; a cycloalkyl group such as cyclopropyl,

cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, or cyclohexyl; an aralkyl group
HN I (n) 25 such as benZyl, phenylethyl, or phenylpropyl; or an aryl
group such as phenyl or methylphenyl. The hydrocarbyl
0% N H group can take any isomer con?gurations such as normal,
iso, and tertiary. The hydrocarbyl group can have one or
(4) 30 more substituents, provided that the substituents do not
disturb the reaction involved.
The protonic compound can be an inorganic acid or its salt
such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, potassium hydro
gensulfate, sodium hydrogen sulfate, nitric acid, or phos
35 phoric acid; an organic sulfonic acid such as methane
sulfonic acid, ethanesulfonic acid, benZenesulfonic acid,
p-toluenesulfonic acid, or p-bromobenZenesulfonic acid; an
organic carboxylic acid such as acetic acid, propionic acid,
butyric acid, or benZoic acid; an alcohol such as methanol,
40 ethanol, or propanol. Preferred are protonic acids such as
002R hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, p-toluenesulfonic acid, and
N (111) + (W) acetic acid. Most preferred is sulfuric acid. The protonic

)\ compounds can be employed singly or in combination.
The protonic compound can be employed in an amount of,
45 preferably, 0.01 to 3 mol., more preferably 0.1 to 1 mol., per
one mol. of the isobutyrylacetate ester.
The metal salt employed in the reaction can be copper(l)
chloride, copper(ll) chloride, copper(ll) acetate, iron(ll)
chloride, iron(lll) chloride, aluminum chloride, nickel(ll)
bromide, tin(lV) chloride, titanium tetrachloride, or magne
sium bromide. Preferred are copper(l) chloride, copper(ll)
chloride, iron(lll) chloride and nickel(ll) bromide. Most
preferred is copper(l) chloride. The metal salts may contain
Water of crystallization The metal salts can be employed
singly or in combination.
The metal salt can be employed in an amount of, prefer
ably, 0.001 to 5 mol., more preferably 0.01 to 0.1 mol., per
one mol. of the isobutyrylacetate ester.
The 4-?uorobenZaldehyde can be employed in an amount
of, preferably, 0.5 to 10 mol., more preferably 0.9 to 1.1
mol., per one mol. of the isobutyrylacetate ester.
The urea can be employed in an amount of, preferably, 0.5
to 10 mol., more preferably 1.5 to 2 mol., per one mol. ofthe
65 isobutyrylacetate ester.
Each step in the above-illustrated reaction scheme is The reaction can be performed in the presence or absence
described below in more detail. of a solvent. There are no speci?c limitations With respect to
US 7,304,156 B2
9 10
the solvent employed, so far as the solvent does not disturb The oxidation can be conducted by reacting the dihydro
the desired reaction. Examples of the employable solvents pyrimidinone compound and nitric acid in a solvent under
include alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, n-propyl alco inert gas atmosphere. The oxidation can be carried out at a
hol, isopropyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, temperature of, preferably —l0 to 1000 C., more preferably
sec-butyl alcohol, and t-butyl alcohol; ethers such as diethyl 0 to 500 C. There are no speci?c limitations With respect to
ether, diisopropyl ether, tetrahydrofuran, and dimethoxy the surrounding pressure. Areaction initiator such as sodium
ethane; nitriles such as acetonitrile, propionitrile, butyroni nitrite may be incorporated into the reaction system to
trile, and isobutyronitrile; halogenated aliphatic hydrocar accelerate the oxidation rate.
bons such as dichloromethane, dichloroethane, chloroform, The resulting product of the reaction, that is, the hydroxy
and carbon tetrachloride; aromatic hydrocarbons such as pyrimidine compound of the formula (1), can be isolated and
benzene, toluene, and xylene; halogenated aromatic hydro puri?ed according to the conventional procedures such as
carbons such as chlorobenzene; and nitrated aromatic hydro distillation, crystallization, recrystallization, and column
carbons such as nitrobenzene. Preferred are methanol, etha chromatography.
nol, n-propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol,
diisopropyl ether, tetrahydrofuran, dimethoxyethane, aceto Steps (III) and (IV)
nitrile, butyronitrile, isobutylonitrile, dichloromethane, In the steps (III) and (IV), a hydroxypyrimidine com
dichloroethane, chloroform, toluene, xylene, and chloroben pound of the formula (1), that is, the reaction product of the
zene. Especially preferred are methanol, ethanol, and iso step (II), is reacted With an organic sulfonyl halide of the
propyl alcohol. The solvents can be employed singly or in formula (2):
combination. 20
R'SO2X (2)
The solvent can be employed in an amount of, preferably
0.1 to 10 liters, more preferably 0.3 to 2 liters, per one mole or an organic sulfonic anhydride of the formula (2a):
of the isobutyrylacetate ester. The amount may vary depend
ing on homogeneity and dispersability of the reaction mix (R'SO2)2O (2a)
ture. 25
The reaction can be conducted by reacting the isobutyry reacting the resulting reaction product With N-methyl-N
lacetate ester, 4-?uorobenzaldehyde, and urea, in a solvent methanesulfonamide.
in the presence of a protonic compound and a metal salt
under inert gas atmosphere. The reaction can be carried out
In the formulas (2) and (2a), R' is a hydrocarbyl group
30 Which can have one or more substituents. Examples of the
at a temperature of, preferably —l0 to 2000 C., more pref
hydrocarbyl groups include alkyl groups such as methyl,
erably 30 to 100° C. There are no speci?c limitations With
respect to the surrounding pressure.
ethyl, propyl, butyl, pentyl, heptyl, octyl, nonyl, and decyl,
more particularly an alkyl group having l-6 carbon atoms
The resulting product of the reaction, that is, a dihydro and especially an alkyl group having l-4 carbon atoms;
pyrimidinone compound of the formula (4), can be isolated ?uorinated alkyl groups such as tri?uoromethyl, nona?uo
and puri?ed according to the conventional procedures such robutyl, trideca?uorohexyl, heptadeca?uorooctyl, and
as distillation, crystallization, recrystallization, and column uncosa?uorodecyl; cycloalkyl groups such as cyclopropyl,
chromatography. cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, and cyclohexyl; aralkyl groups
Step (II) such as benzyl, phenylethyl, and phenylpropyl; and aryl
40 groups, including unsubstituted and substituted phenyl or
In the step (II), a dihydropyrimidinone compound of the
formula (4), that is, the reaction product of the step (I), is naphthyl groups, such as phenyl, naphthyl, tolyl, xylyl,
oxidized to give a hydroxypyrimidine compound of the mesityl, triisopropylphenyl, methoxyphenyl, chlorophenyl,
and nitrophenyl. Thus, the hydrocarbyl group can have one
formula (1).
or more substituents, provided that the substituents do not
The oxidation (or dehydrogenation oxidation) can be disturb the reaction involved. The hydrocarbyl group can
performed in various conventional manners. Preferred is take any isomer con?gurations such as normal, iso, and
oxidation utilizing nitric acid, because this oxidation proce tertiary. A particularly suitable value for R' When it is aryl
dure is easily carried out and the post-treatment of the includes, for example, a phenyl or naphthyl group (particu
reaction product is easy. larly phenyl) Which is unsubstituted or bears l, 2 or 3
The nitric acid can be employed in an amount of, pref 50 substituents. The substituents may be independently selected
erably l to 20 mol., more preferably 3 to 15 mol., per one from, for example, alkyl having l-4 carbon atoms, alkoxy
mole of the dihydropyrimidinone compound of the formula having l-4 carbon atoms, halogeno, and nitro.
(4). The nitric acid of a concentration of, preferably 40 to In the formula (2), X is a halogen atom such as ?uorine,
80%, more preferably 50 to 70%, can be preferably chlorine, bromine, and iodine.
employed. 55 Examples of the sulfonyl halides include methanesulfonyl
The oxidation can be performed in the presence or ?uoride, methanesulfonyl chloride, ethanesulfonyl chloride,
absence of a solvent. There are no speci?c limitations With l-propanesulfonyl chloride, 2-propanesulfonyl chloride, tri
respect to the solvent employed, so far as the solvent does ?uoromethanesulfonyl ?uoride, tri?uoromethanesulfonyl
not disturb the desired reaction. Examples of the preferred chloride, nona?uorobutanesufonyl ?uoride, trideca?uoro
solvents include carboxylic acids such as acetic acid, pro 60 hexanesulfonyl ?uoride, heptadeca?uorooctanesulfonyl
pionic acid, and butyric acid. The solvents can be employed ?uoride, uncosa?uorodecanesulfonyl ?uoride, benzene
singly or in combination. sulfonyl chloride, l-naphthalenesulfonyl chloride, 2-naph
The solvent can be employed in an amount of, preferably thalenesulfonyl chloride, p-toluenesulfonyl ?uoride, p-tolu
0.1 to 7 mL, more preferably 0.5 to 3 mL, per 1 g of the enesulfonyl chloride, 2,4,6-trimethylbenzenesulfonyl
dihydropyrimidinone compound. The amount may vary 65 chloride, 2,4,6-triisopropylbenzenesulfonyl chloride,
depending on homogeneity and dispersability of the reaction p-methoxybenzenesulfonyl chloride, p-chlorobenzenesulfo
mixture. nyl chloride, and 2-nitrobenzenesulfonyl chloride. Preferred
US 7,304,156 B2
11 12
are tri?uoro-methanesulfonyl ?uoride, benZenesulfonyl The reaction can be performed by reacting the hydroxy
chloride, l-naphthalenesulfonyl chloride, 2-naphthalene pyrimidine compound and the organic sulfonyl halide or
sulfonyl chloride, p-toluenesulfonyl chloride, 2,4,6-trimeth sulfonic anhydride in a solvent in the presence of a base With
ylbenZenesulfonyl chloride, 2,4,6-triisopropylbenZenesulfo stirring under inert gas atmosphere. The base can be added
nyl chloride, p-methoxybenZenesulfonyl chloride, and portionWise. The reaction can be carried out at a temperature
p-chlorobenZenesulfonyl chloride. Particularly preferred are of, preferably —30 to 2500 C., more preferably 0 to 1500 C.
p-toluenesulfonyl chloride, 2,4,6-trimethylbenZenesulfonyl There are no speci?c limitations With respect to the sur
chloride, 2,4,6-triisopropylbenZenesulfonyl chloride, and rounding pressure.
p-methoxybenZenesulfonyl chloride. The resulting product of the reaction, that is, the 2-(N
Examples of the sulfonic anhydrides include methane methyl-N-methanecarbonsulfonylamino)pyrimidine com
sulfonic anhydride, tri?uoromethanesulfonic anhydride, pound of the formula (3), can be isolated and puri?ed
benZenesulfonic anhydride, and p-toluenesulfonic anhy according to the conventional procedures such as distilla
dride. Preferred are tri?uoromethanesulfonic anhydride, tion, crystallization, recrystallization, and column chroma
benZenesulfonic anhydride, and p-toluenesulfonic anhy tography.
dride. Particularly preferred are tri?uoromethanesulfonic The 2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine
anhydride and p-toluenesulfonic anhydride. compound of the formula (3) and other pyrimidine com
The sulfonyl halide or sulfonic anhydride can be pounds of the formula (8) can be prepared from a hydroxy
employed in an amount of, preferably 0.1 to 20 mol., more pyrimidine compound of the formula (1) via a 2-substituted
preferably 0.5 to 5 mol., most preferably 1 to 2 mol., per one pyrimidine compound of the formula (6) in the folloWing
mole of the hydroxypyrimidine compound. 20 steps (V) and (VI):
In the sub sequent step, N-methylmethanesulfonamide can
be employed in an amount of, preferably 0.1 to 30 mol.,
more preferably 1 to 5 mol., per one mol. of the hydroxy
pyrimidine compound.
The reactions of the steps (III) and (IV) can be preferably
performed in the presence of a base. Examples of the bases
include alkali metal carbonates such as sodium carbonate
and potassium carbonate; alkali metal hydrogencarbonates
such as sodium hydrogencarbonate; alkali metal hydroxides
such as lithium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide and potassium
hydroxide; alkali metal alkoxides such as sodium methox
ide, sodium t-butoxide, potassium t-butoxide, and sodium
t-pentoxide; and tertiary amines such as triethylamine, tri
isopropylamine, diisopropylethylamine, and pyridine. Pre
ferred are sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, potas
sium t-butoxide, sodium t-pentoxide, triethylamine, and
pyridine. Particularly preferred are potassium carbonate,
sodium t-pentoxide, and triethylamine. Most preferred are
potassium carbonate and sodium t-pentoxide. The bases can
be employed singly or in combination.
The base can be employed in an amount of, preferably 0.1
to 30 mol., more preferably 1 to 5 mol., per one mol. of the
hydroxypyrimidine compound. The Whole amount of the
base can be incorporated in the reaction system before the
reaction begins, or the base can be portionWise added to the
reaction system after the reaction begins.
The reaction can be performed in the presence or absence
of a solvent. There are no speci?c limitations With respect to
the solvent, so far as the solvent does not disturb the
reaction. Examples of the solvents include Water; ketones
such as acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and diethyl ketone;
ethers such as diethyl ether and tetrahydrofuran; esters such
as ethyl acetate, propyl acetate, and butyl acetate; nitrites
such as acetonitrile and propionitrile; amides such as N,N
dimethylformamide and N-methylpyrrolidone; sulfoxides
such as dimethylsulfoxide; ureas such as N,N'-dimethylimi
daZolinone. Preferred are acetone, tetrahydrofuran, ethyl
acetate, butyl acetate, acetonitrile, N,N-dimethylformamide,
and dimethylsulfoxide. Particularly preferred are ethyl
acetate, butyl acetate and acetonitrile. Most preferred are
butyl acetate and acetonitrile. The solvents can be employed
singly or in combination.
The solvent can be employed in an amount of, preferably
0.01 to 100 liters, more preferably 0.5 to 5 liters, per one In the formula (8), R has the same meaning as described
mole of the hydroxypyrimidine compound. The amount may 65 above, and each of R1 and R2 independently is a hydrogen
vary depending on homogeneity and dispersability of the atom, an alkyl group, an alkylsulfonyl group, or aryl
reaction mixture. sulfonyl group.
US 7,304,156 B2
13 14
Step (V) preferably —30 to 200° C., more preferably 0 to 50° C. There
In the step (V), a hydroxypyrimidine compound of the are no speci?c limitations With respect to the surrounding
formula (1) is reacted With a halogenating agent such as a pressure.
chlorinating agent, an organic sulfonyl halide of the formula The resulting product of the reaction, that is, a 2-substi
(2)1 tuted pyrimidine compound such as a chloropyrimidine
compound or a sulfonyloxypyrimidine compound, can be
R'SO2X (2) isolated and puri?ed according to the conventional proce
in Which R' has the same meaning as above and X is a
dures such as distillation, crystallization, recrystallization,
and column chromatography.
halogen atom, or an organic sulfonic anhydride of the
formula (2a): Step (VI)
In the step (Vl), the 2-substituted pyrimidine compound,
(R'SO2)2O (2a) such as a chloropyrimidine compound or a sulfonyloxypy
in Which R' has the same meaning as above. rimidine compound prepared in the step (V) is reacted With
an amine compound having the formula (7):
Examples of the halogenating agents include phosphorus
oxychloride and thionyl chloride. The halogenating agents
can be employed singly or in combination.
The halogenating agent can be employed in an amount of, R1
preferably 0.1 to 50 mol., more preferably 1 to 20 mol., most \
preferably 1.5 to 10 mol., per one mol. of the hydroxypy 20 /
rimidine compound. R2
Examples of the organic sulfonyl halides and sulfonic
anhydrides are those described hereinbefore.
Wherein each of R1 and R2 is the same as above.
The organic sulfonyl halide or sulfonic anhydride can be
25 Examples of the groups of R1 and R2 include a hydrogen
employed in an amount of, preferably 0.1 to 20 mol., more
preferably 0.5 to 5 mol., most preferably 1 to 2 mol., per one
atom, alkyl groups such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl,
pentyl and hexyl; alkylsulfonyl groups such as methane
mol. of the hydroxypyrimidine compound.
sulfonyl; and arylsulfonyl groups such as benZenesulfonyl
The reaction can be performed in the presence or absence and p-toluenesulfonyl.
of a solvent. There are no speci?c limitations With respect to The amine compound can be employed in an amount of,
the solvent, so far as the solvent does not disturb the
preferably 0.1 to 30 mol., more preferably 1 to 5 mol., per
reaction. Examples of the solvents include aromatic hydro one mol. of the 2-substituted pyrimidine compound.
carbons such as toluene; halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons The reaction is preferably performed in the presence of a
such as chlorobenZene; nitrated hydrocarbons such as base. Examples of the bases are those described hereinbe
nitrobenZene; halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons such as fore.
methylene chloride and 1,2-dichloroethane; amides such as The base can be preferably employed in an amount of,
N,N-dimethylformamide; Water (not for a halogenating preferably 0.1 to 30 mol., more preferably 1 to 5 mol., per
agent); nitriles such as acetonitrile and propionitrile; car one mol. of the 2-substituted pyrimidine compound.
boxylic acid esters such as ethyl acetate, propyl acetate, The reaction can be performed in the presence or absence
butyl acetate; ketones such as acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, of a solvent. There are no speci?c limitations With respect to
diethyl ketone; and ethers such as diethyl ether and tetrahy the solvent, so far as the solvent does not disturb the
drofuran. Preferred are butyl acetate, toluene, methylene reaction. Examples of the solvents include Water; ketones
chloride, acetonitrile, chlorobenZene, nitrobenZene, and such as acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and diethyl ketone;
N,N-dimethylformamide. The solvents can be employed ethers such as diethyl ether and tetrahydrofuran; esters such
singly or in combination.
45 as ethyl acetate, propyl acetate, and butyl acetate; nitriles
The solvent can be employed in the reaction utiliZing the such as acetonitrile and propionitrile; amides such as N,N
halogenating agent in an amount of, preferably 0.01 to 10 dimethylformamide and N-methylpyrrolidone; sulfoxides
liters, more preferably 0.1 to 2 liters, per one mole of the such as dimethylsulfoxide; ureas such as N,N'-dimethylimi
hydroxypyrimidine compound. The amount may vary daZolidinone. Preferred are acetone, tetrahydrofuran, ethyl
depending on homogeneity and dispersability of the reaction 50 acetate, butyl acetate, acetonitrile, N,N-dimethylformamide,
mixture. and dimethylsulfoxide. Particularly preferred are ethyl
The solvent can be employed in the reaction utiliZing the acetate, butyl acetate and acetonitrile. The solvents can be
sulfonyl chloride or sulfonic anhydride in an amount of, employed singly or in combination.
preferably 0.1 to 50 liters, more preferably 0.5 to 2 liters, per The solvent can be employed in an amount of, preferably
one mole of the hydroxypyrimidine compound. The amount 0.01 to 100 liters, more preferably 0.5 to 5 liters, per one
may vary depending on homogeneity and dispersability of mole of the 2-substituted pyrimidine compound. The
the reaction mixture. amount may vary depending on homogeneity and dispers
The reaction can be carried out by reacting the hydroxy ability of the reaction mixture.
pyrimidine compound and the halogenating agent, in a The reaction can be conducted by reacting the 2-substi
solvent With stirring under inert gas atmosphere. The reac 60 tuted pyrimidine compound and the amine compound in a
tion can be carried out at a temperature of, preferably 0 to solvent in the presence of a base With stirring under inert gas
200° C., more preferably 50 to 120° C. There are no speci?c atmosphere. The reaction can be carried out at a temperature
limitations With respect to the surrounding pressure. of, preferably —20 to 250° C., more preferably 25 to 150° C.
The reaction can be carried out by reacting the hydroxy There are no speci?c limitations With respect to the sur
pyrimidine compound and the sulfonyl halide or sulfonyl 65 rounding pressure.
anhydride in a solvent With stirring under inert gas atmo The reaction can be conducted in tWo separate liquid
sphere. The reaction can be carried out at a temperature of, phases in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst. Examples
US 7,304,156 B2
15 16
of the phase transfer catalysts include tetramethylammo g (20 mmol.) of iron(III) chloride.hexahydrate. There Was
nium chloride, tetramethylammonium bromide, tetraethy obtained 35.6 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-meth
lammonium ?uoride, tetraethylammonium chloride, tetra oxycarbonyl-3,4-2(1H)-dihydropyrimidinone. The yield
ethylammonium bromide, tetrapropylammonium bromide, Was 61% (based on the amount of methyl isobutyrylacetate).
tetrapropylammonium iodide, tetrabutylammonium ?uo
ride, tetrabutylammonium chloride, tetrabutylammonium EXAMPLE 3
bromide, tetrabutylammonium iodide, tetrapentylammo
nium bromide, tetrahexylammonium bromide, tetrahepty Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-iso
lammonium bromide, tetraoctylammonium bromide, ben propyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine
Zyldimethyltetradecylammonium chloride,
benZyltriethylammonium chloride, phenyltrimethylammo
nium chloride, phenyltrimethylammonium iodide, and hexa In a 50 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer and
decyltrimethylammonium chloride. Preferred are tetrabuty a thermometer Was placed 11 mL (144 mmol.) of nitric acid
lammonium chloride, tetrabutylammonium bromide, (60-61%, 1.38). To the nitric acid Was sloWly added
tetrabutylammonium iodided, benZyltriethylammonium at room temperature 4.00 g (13.7 mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophe
chloride, and hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride. Most nyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-3,4-2(1H)-dihydropy
preferred are tetrabutylammonium bromide, benZyltriethy rimidinone prepared in the same manner as in Example 1,
lanmonium chloride, and hexadecyltrimethylammonium and the mixture Was subjected to reaction for 30 minutes at
chloride. room temperature. After the reaction Was complete, the
The phase transfer catalyst can be employed in an amount 20 reaction mixture Was neutraliZed by placing the mixture in
of 0.01 to 0.5 mol., preferably 0.05 to 0.2 mol., per one mol. 140 mL of saturated aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate
of the 2-substituted pyrimidine compound. solution. The reaction mixture Was then extracted With ethyl
The resulting product of the reaction, that is, a 2-(N acetate. The organic liquid portion Was separated and con
methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine compound of centrated under reduced pressure. The residue Was crystal
the formula (3) or other aminopyrimidine compounds of 25 liZed from toluene. The crystalline product Was collected on
formula (8), can be isolated and puri?ed according to the a ?lter and Washed With toluene to obtain 3.64 g of 4-(4
conventional procedures such as distillation, crystallization, ?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbon
recrystallization, or column chromatography. ylpyrimidine as a colorless crystalline product having the
The present invention is further described by the folloW beloW-mentioned characteristics. The yield Was 92% (based
ing non-limiting examples. 30 on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-meth
mp: 1930 C. (decomposed) UV km“ (CH3CN, nm):
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 196.6, 243.2, 317.9 IR (KBr, cm“): 2991, 2887, 1717, 1653,
1589, 1433, 1280, 1223.
methoxycarbonyl-3 ,4 -2 (1 H)-dihydropyrimidinone 35
lH-NMR (DMSO-d6, 6 (ppm)): 1.23 (6H, d, 1:68 HZ),
In a 500 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a 3.0-3.2 (1H, m), 3.56 (3H, s), 7.3-7.4 (2H, m), 7.5-7.6 (2H,
thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 28.8 g (0.2 m), 12.25 (1H, brs).
mol.) of methyl isobutyrylacetate, 24.8 g (0.2 mol.) of HRMS: 290.1054 (theoretical value (Cl5H15FN2O3(M+))
4-?uorobenZaldehyde, 21.0 g (0.35 mol.) of urea, 200 mg (2 40 290.1067)
mmol.) of copper(I) chloride, 2 mL of sulfuric acid, and 200
mL of methanol. The content of the ?ask Was heated to EXAMPLE 4
64-650 C. for 24 hours under re?ux With stirring, to carry out
the reaction. There Was precipitated crystalline product. The Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-iso
crystalline product Was collected on a ?lter paper and 45 propyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine
Washed With methanol to obtain 49.7 g of 4-(4-?uorophe
nyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-3,4-2(1H)-dihydropy In a 50 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer and
rimidinone as a colorless crystalline product having the a thermometer Were placed 2.92 g (10 mmol.) of 4-(4
beloW-mentioned characteristics. The yield Was 85% (based ?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 -methoxycarbonyl-3,4-2(1H)
on the amount of methyl isobutyrylacetate). 50 dihydropyrimidinone prepared in the same manner as in
mp: 223-2250 C. UV km“ (CH3CN, nm): 194.3, 278.6 Example 1 and 5 mL of acetic acid. To the mixture Was
IR (KBr, cm“): 3296, 3229, 3137, 2963, 1685, 1629, 1504, sloWly added 3.74 mL (50 mmol.) of nitric acid (60-61%,
1225, 1097. 1.38). To the mixture Was further added 0.07 g (1
lH-NMR (DMSO-d6, 6 (ppm)): 1.14 (6H, dd, 1:68, 6.9 mmol.) of sodium nitrite, and the reaction Was carried out for
HZ), 3.52 (3H, s), 4.0-4.2 (1H, m), 5.15 (1H, d, J:3.4HZ), 55 one hour at room temperature. After the reaction Was com
7.1-7.2 (2H, m), 7.2-7.3 (2H, m), 7.76 (1H, d, 1:32 HZ), plete, the reaction mixture Was neutraliZed by placing the
8.91 (1H, s). mixture in 50 mL of saturated aqueous sodium hydrogen
HRMS: 292.1247 (theoretical value (CISHUFNZO3 carbonate solution; The reaction mixture Was then extracted
(M+)) 292.1223) With ethyl acetate. The organic liquid portion Was separated
60 and concentrated under reduced pressure. The residue Was
EXAMPLE 2 crystalliZed from toluene. The crystalline product Was col
lected on a ?lter and Washed With toluene to obtain 2.61 g
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5-methoxy
methoxycarbonyl-3 ,4 -2 (1 H)-dihydropyrimidinone carbonyl-pyrimidine as a colorless crystalline product. The
65 yield Was 90% (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)
The procedures of Example 1 Were repeated except for 6-isopropyl-5 -methoxycarbonyl-3,4-2(1H)-dihydropyrimi
replacing 200 mg (2 mmol.) of copper(I) chloride With 5.41 dinone).
US 7,304,156 B2
17 18
EXAMPLE 5 (same as above). The mixture Was heated to 110-1250 C. for
2 hours under re?uxing to carry out a reaction. After the
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-iso reaction Was complete, the mixture Was cooled to room
propyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine temperature. To the cooled mixture Were added 25 mL of
Water and 20 mL of acetone, and the organic liquid portion
In a 200 mL-Volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer Was separated. The organic liquid portion Was Washed With
and a thermometer Was placed 54.0 g (735 mmol.) of nitric a saturated aqueous sodium chloride solution and dried over
acid (60-61%, 1.38). To the nitric acid Was slowly anhydrous magnesium sulfate. The dry organic liquid por
added at room temperature 30.6 g (105 mmol.) of 4-(4 tion Was ?ltered and concentrated under reduced pressure.
?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 -methoxycarbonyl-3,4-2(1H) The residue Was crystalliZed from heptane, to obtain 6.58 g
dihydropyrimidinone prepared in the same manner as in of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2
Example 1, and the mixture Was subjected to reaction for 30 (N -methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine as a pale
minutes at room temperature. After the reaction Was com
yelloW crystalline product. The yield Was 86% (based on the
plete, the reaction mixture Was poured into 162 mL of Water. amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5
The aqueous mixture Was neutraliZed by adding 61 g of methoxycarbonylpyrimidine).
aqueous sodium hydroxide solution (48 Wt. %) to precipitate
a crystalline product. The crystalline product Was collected
by ?ltration and dried to obtain 27.6 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)
2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine as a
colorless crystalline product. The yield Was 91% (based on 20
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxy
carbonyl-3,4-2(1H)-dihydropyrimidinone). lamino)pyrimidine

EXAMPLE 6 In a 1000 mL-Volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer,

25 a thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 50.0 g
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-iso (172 mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl
propyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine 5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine, 20.8 g (189 mmol.) of
sodium t-pentoxide, and 344 mL of acetonitrile, and the
In a 2 L-Volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer and a resulting mixture Was stirred at 0-100 C. for 30 minutes. To
thermometer Was placed 323.3 g (3.09 mol.) of nitric acid 30 the mixture Was sloWly added 36.1 g (189 mmol.) of
(60-61%, 1.38). The concentrated nitric acid Was then p-toluenesulfonyl chloride, and the reaction Was carried out
cooled to 100 C. To the nitric acid Was added 2.36 g (34.2 at for 5 hours at room temperature. Subsequently, the
mmol.) of sodium nitrite, and Was further added sloWly 100 reaction mixture Was cooled to a temperature of 0-100 C. To
g (342 mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-meth the cooled reaction mixture Were added 28.2 g (258 mmol.)
oxycarbonyl-3,4-2(1H)-dihydropyrimidinone prepared in 35 of N-methylmethanesulfonamide and 26.5 g (241 mmol.) of
the same manner as in Example 1. The mixture Was sub sodium t-pentoxide. The mixture Was kept at 0-100 C. for
jected to reaction for 2 hours at a temperature of 10-120 C. one hour and then heated to 75-820 C. for 2 hours under
After the reaction Was complete, 970 mL of Water Was re?uxing, to carry out a reaction. After the reaction Was
poured into the reaction mixture. The aqueous mixture Was complete, the mixture Was cooled to room temperature. To
then neutraliZed by adding 257 g of aqueous sodium hydrox 40 the cooled mixture Was added 344 mL of Water. The aqueous
ide solution (48 Wt. %) to precipitate a crystalline product. mixture Was cooled to 0-100 C. and stirred for one hour,
The crystalline product Was collected by ?ltration and dried precipitating a crystalline product. The crystalline product
to obtain 93.3 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopro Was collected by ?ltration and dried, to obtain 45.3 g of
pyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine as a colorless crystalline 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 -methoxycarbonyl-2-(N
product. The yield Was 94% (based on the amount of 45 methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine as a pale yel
4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-3,4-2 loW crystalline product. The yield Was 68% (based on the
(1H)-dihydropyrimidinone) amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
methoxycarbonyl-2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfony Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
lamino)pyrimidine methoxycarbonyl-2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfony
lamino)pyrimidine from methyl isobutyrylacetate,
In a 200 mL-Volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a 55 4-?uorobenZaldehyde and urea
thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 5.81 g (20
mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5 1) In a 200 L-Volume glass-lined reaction Vessel equipped
methoxycarbonylpyrimidine, 3.59 g (26 mmol.) of potas With a stirrer, a thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were
sium carbonate (available from Asahi Glass Works, Co., placed 24.4 kg (169 mol.) of methyl isobutyrylacetate, 20.0
Ltd., Lot No. 1111632, particle siZe distribution: 75-250 um: 60 kg (161 mol.) of 4-?uorobenZaldehyde, 16.9 kg (282 mol.)
14%, 75 um pass: 86%), and 40 mL of butyl acetate. To the of urea, 0.2 kg (2 mol.) of copper(I) chloride, 3.0 kg of
mixture Was sloWly added 4.19 g (22 mmol.) of p-toluene sulfuric acid, and 80.4 kg of methanol. The mixture Was
sulfonyl chloride under stirring, and the reaction Was carried heated to 64-660 C. for 20 hours under re?uxing, to carry out
out at 400 C. for 4 hours. Subsequently, the reaction mixture reaction. After the reaction Was complete, the reaction
Was cooled to room temperature. To the cooled reaction 65 mixture Was cooled to room temperature, to precipitate a
mixture Were added 2.84 g (26 mmol.) of N-methylmethane crystalline product. The crystalline product Was collected on
sulfonamide and 4.15 g (30 mmol.) of potassium carbonate a ?lter paper and Washed With methanol to obtain 43.4 kg of
US 7,304,156 B2
19 20
4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-3,4-2 5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine and 3.4 mL (3.7 mmol.) of
(1H)-dihydropyrimidinone as a colorless crystalline prod phosphorus oxychloride. The mixture Was heated to 100
uct. 106° C. for 1.5 hours under re?uxing, to carry out reaction.
2) In a 200 L-volume glass-lined reaction vessel equipped After the reaction Was complete, the reaction mixture Was
With a stirrer and a thermometer Were placed 62.5 kg (615.6 cooled to room temperature, and poured into an ice/Water
mol.) of diluted nitric acid and 0.5 kg (6.8 mol.) of sodium mixture. The resulting aqueous mixture Was neutraliZed With
nitrite. To the mixture Was sloWly added under chilling 20.0 a saturated aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate solution.
kg (68.4 mmol.) of the 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 The neutraliZed aqueous mixture Was extracted With ethyl
methoxycarbonyl-3,4-2(1H)-dihydropyrimidinone prepared acetate. The ethyl acetate portion Was separated, Washed
as above. The resulting mixture Was subjected to reaction at With a saturated aqueous sodium chloride solution, and dried
a loW temperature (100 C.). After the reaction Was complete, over anhydrous magnesium sulfate. The dried ethyl acetate
the reaction mixture Was neutraliZed by addition of an portion Was ?ltered and concentrated under reduced pres
aqueous methanol solution of sodium hydroxide. Subse sure, to obtain 1.03 g of 2-chloro-4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6
quently, an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution Was added to isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine as a colorless crys
the mixture. The resulting mixture Was placed under reduced talline product having the beloW-mentioned characteristics.
pressure to distill methanol o?. To the residue Were added The yield Was 97% (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophe
96.5 kg of acetone and 96.5 kg of Water. The aqueous residue nyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimi
Was then neutraliZed by addition of acetic acid to precipitate dine).
a crystalline product. The crystalline product Was collected m.p.: 99-101° C. UVkmax (CH3CN, nm) 194.7, 276.5 IR
on a ?lter paper and Washed With a acetone/Water mixture, 20 (KBr, cm“): 2980, 1728, 1542, 1508, 1227, 1086.
to give 17.9 kg of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopro lH-NMR (DMSO-d6, 6 (ppm)): 1.33 (6H, d, 1:68 HZ),
pyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine. 3.1-3.2 (1H, m), 3.76 (3H, s), 7.15 (2H, t, 1:85 HZ), 7.6-7.7
3) In a 200 L-volume glass-lined reaction vessel equipped (2H, m).
With a stirrer, a thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were HRMS: 308.0695 (theoretical value (CISHMCIFNZO2
placed 17.9 kg (62.0 mol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy 25 (M+)) 308.0728)
6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine prepared as
above, 107.7 kg of butyl acetate, 11.1 kg (80.3 mol.) of EXAMPLE 11
potassium carbonate (available from Asahi Glass Works,
Co., Ltd., Lot No. 1111632, particle siZe distribution: 75-250 Preparation of 2-chloro-4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopro
um: 14%, 75 um pass: 86%), and 12.9 kg (67.7 mol.) of 30 pyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine
p-toluenesulfonyl chloride. The mixture Was heated at 60°
C. for 2 hours, to carry out reaction. Subsequently, the In a 25 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a
reaction mixture Was cooled to room temperature. To the thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 1.00 g
cooled mixture Were added 8.8 kg (80.6 mol.) of N-meth (3.43 mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl
ylmethanesulfonamide and 12.9 kg (93.3 mol.) of potassium 35 5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine, 0.5 mL (3.9 mmol.) of thio
carbonate, and the resulting mixture Was heated at 122-125° nyl chloride, 3.44 mL of toluene, and 0.11 mL of N,N
C. for 3 hours, for carrying reaction. After the reaction Was dimethylformamide. The mixture Was heated to 80° C. for 3
complete, the reaction mixture Was cooled to room tempera hours, to carry out reaction. After the reaction Was complete,
ture. To the cooled mixture Were added acetone and Water, the reaction mixture Was cooled to room temperature, and
and the organic liquid portion Was separated. The organic 40 poured into an ice/Water mixture. The resulting aqueous
liquid portion Was then Washed successively With aqueous mixture Was neutraliZed With a saturated aqueous sodium
sodium hydroxide solution (3 Wt. %) and a saturated aque hydrogen carbonate solution. The neutraliZed aqueous mix
ous sodium chloride solution. The Washed organic liquid ture Was extracted With ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate
portion Was concentrated under reduced pressure. Isopropyl portion Was separated, Washed With a saturated aqueous
alcohol and Water Were added to the residue, resulting in 45 sodium chloride solution, and dried over anhydrous mag
precipitation of a crystalline product. The crystalline product nesium sulfate. The dried ethyl acetate portion Was ?ltered
Was ?ltered on a ?lter paper and Washed With isopropyl and concentrated under reduced pressure, to obtain 0.80 g of
alcohol. The Washed crystalline product and 85.7 kg of 2-chloro-4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbon
acetone Were placed in a 200 L-volume glass lined reaction ylpyrimidine as a colorless crystalline product. The yield
vessel equipped With a stirrer, a thermometer and a re?ux 50 Was 76% (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2
condenser. The mixture Was stirred at 50-55° C., to dissolve hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine).
the crystalline product in acetone. The insoluble Was
removed With a line ?lter. Subsequently, 58.3 kg of Water EXAMPLE 12
Was added to the solution, to precipitate a crystalline prod
uct. The crystalline product Was collected on a ?lter paper 55 Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
and Washed With an acetone/Water mixture, to give 19.5 kg methoxycarbonyl-2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfony
of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2 lamino)pyrimidine
In a 25 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a
EXAMPLE 10 60 thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 546 mg (5
mmol.) of N-methylmethanesulfonamide, 551 mg (5 mmol.)
Preparation of 2-chloro-4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopro of sodium t-pentoxide, 10 mL of acetonitrile, and 309 mg (1
pyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine mmol.) of 2-chloro-4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-meth
oxycarbonylpyrimidine. The mixture Was heated to 81-82°
In a 25 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a 65 C. for 3 hours under re?uxing, to carry out reaction. After the
thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 1.00 g reaction Was complete, the reaction mixture Was cooled to
(3.43 mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl room temperature. To the cooled mixture Was added 10 mL
US 7,304,156 B2
21 22
of Water, and the aqueous mixture Was extracted With ethyl and dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate. The dried
acetate. The ethyl acetate portion Was separated, and dried mixture Was ?ltered and concentrated under reduced pres
over anhydrous magnesium sulfate. The dried ethyl acetate sure. The residue Was crystalliZed from methanol, to give
portion Was ?ltered and concentrated under reduced pres 35.9 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbo
sure. The residue Was puri?ed by silica gel column chro nyl-2-(p-toluenesulfonyloxy)pyrimidine as a colorless crys
matography (column: Wako Gel C-200, eluent: hexane/ethyl talline product having the beloW-mentioned characteristics.
acetate (2:1, volume ratio)). There Was obtained 339 mg of
4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 -methoxycarbonyl-2-(N The yield Was 85% (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophe
methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine. The yield Was nyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimi
89% (based on the amount of 2-chloro-4-(4-?uorophenyl) dine).
6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine). mp: 94-960 C. UV km“ (CH3CN, nm): 194.9, 275.2 IR
(KBr, cm_l): 2961, 1734, 1539, 1389, 1352, 1247, 1090,
EXAMPLE 13 980.
lH-NMR (CDCl3, 6 (ppm)): 1.23 (6H, d, 1:68 HZ), 2.45
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 (3H, s), 3.0-3.2 (1H, m), 3.74 1:85 HZ),
methoxycarbonyl-2-methanesulfonyloxypyrimidine. HRMS: 444.1155 (theoretical value (C22H2lFN2O5S
In a 100 mL-volume glass ?ask Were placed 10.0 g (34.4 (M+)) 444.1194).
mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5 EXAMPLE 15
methoxycarbonylpyrimidine, 5.22 g (58.5 mmol.) of triethy 20

lamine, and 34 mL of acetonitrile. The mixture in the ?ask Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5

Was chilled to 0-5° C. in an ice bath. To the chilled mixture methoxycarbonyl-2-benZenesulfonyloxypyrimidine
Was sloWly added 5.12 g (44.7 mmol.) of methanesulfonyl
chloride, and the resulting mixture Was subjected to reaction The procedures of Example 13 Were repeated except for
at 20-250 C. for 2 hours. After the reaction Was complete, to replacing p-toluenesulfonyl chloride With 18.5 g (105
the reaction mixture Was added 60 mL of Water. The aqueous mmol.) of benZenesulfonyl chloride.
reaction mixture Was extracted With toluene and the toluene There Was obtained 39.3 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-iso
portion Was separated. The toluene portion Was Washed With propyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2-benZenesulfonyloxypyrimi
a saturated aqueous sodium chloride solution and dried over 30 dine as a pale yelloW crystalline product having the beloW
anhydrous magnesium sulfate. The dried mixture Was ?l mentioned characteristics. The yield Was 96% (based on the
tered and concentrated under reduced pressure. The residue amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-5,isopropyl-5
Was crystalliZed from methanol, to give 11.3 g of 4-(4 methoxycarbonylpyrimidine).
?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2-methane 35
lH-NMR (CDCl3, 6 (ppm)): 1.21 (6H, d, 1:64 HZ),
sulfonyloxypyrimidine as a colorless crystalline product 3.0-3.1 (1H, m), 3.73 (3H, s), 7.1-7.2 (2H, m), 7.5-7.7 (5H,
having the beloW-mentioned characteristics. The yield Was m), 8.1-8.2 (2H, m).
89% (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hy
droxy-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine). EXAMPLE 16
mp: 110-1110 C. UV km“ (CH3CN, nm): 193.7, 276.8 40
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
IR (KBr, cm“): 2980, 1724, 1562, 1391, 1250, 1175, 1079, methoxycarbonyl-2-(2,4,6-trimethylbenZenesulfony
971. loxy)pyrimidine
lH-NMR (CDCl3, 6 (ppm)): 1.33 (6H, d, 1:66 HZ), 3.20
(1H, m), 3.60 (3H, s), 7.1-7.2 (2H, s), 7.6-7.8 (2H, m). 45
The procedures of Example 13 Were repeated except for
HRMS: 368.0842 (theoretical value (CISHUFNZOSS replacing p-toluenesulfonyl chloride With 23.0 g (105
(M+)) 368.0892) mmol.) of 2,4,6-trimethylbenZenesulfonyl chloride.
There Was obtained 37.7 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-iso
EXAMPLE 14 propyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2-(2,4,6-trimethylbenZenesulfo
50 nyloxy)pyrimidine as a pale yelloW crystalline product hav
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 ing the beloW-mentioned characteristics. The yield Was 84%
methoxycarbonyl-2-(p-toluenesulfonyloxy)pyrimi (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6
In a 200 mL-volume glass ?ask Were placed 27.6 g (95.1 55
lH-NMR (CDCl3, 6 (ppm)): 1.17 (6H, d, 1:68 HZ), 2.34
mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5 (3H, s), 2.67 (6H, s), 3.0-3.1 (1H, m), 3.73 (3H, s), 7.00 (2H,
methoxycarbonylpyrimidine, 12.5 g (123 mmol.) of triethy s), 7.0-7.2 (2H, m), 7.4-7.5 (2H, m).
lamine, and 95 mL of acetonitrile. The mixture of the ?ask
Was chilled to 0-5° C. in an ice bath. To the chilled mixture
Was sloWly added 20.0 g (105 mmol.) of p-toluenesulfonyl Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
chloride, and the resulting mixture Was subjected to reaction methoxycarbonyl-2-(2,4,6-triisopropylbenZenesulfo
at 20-250 C. for one hour. After the reaction Was complete, nyloxy)pyrimidine
to the reaction mixture Was added 95 mL of Water. The
aqueous reaction mixture Was extracted With toluene and the 65 The procedures of Example 13 Were repeated except for
toluene portion Was separated. The toluene portion Was replacing p-toluenesulfonyl chloride With 31.8 g (105
Washed With a saturated aqueous sodium chloride solution mmol.) of 2,4,6-triisopropylbenZenesulfonyl chloride.
US 7,304,156 B2
23 24
There Was obtained 47.1 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-iso on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopro
propyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2-(2,4,6-triisopropylbenZene pyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine).
sulfonyloxy)pyrimidine as a pale yellow crystalline product lH-NMR (CDCl3, 6 (ppm)): 1.17 (6H, d, 1:68 HZ),
having the beloW-mentioned characteristics. The yield Was 3.0-3.2 (1H, m), 3.75 (3H, s), 7.1-7.2 (2H, m), 7.5-7.6 (2H,
89%. (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hy
m), 7.7-8.0 (3H, m), 8.33 (1H, dd, J:1.7, 8.1 HZ).
lH-NMR (CDCl3, 6 (ppm)): 1.12 (6H, d, 1:66 HZ), 1.19 EXAMPLE 21
(12H, d, 1:68 HZ), 1.27 (6H, d, J:7.1 HZ), 2.8-2.95 (1H, m),
2.95-3.1(1H, m), 3.73 (3H, s), 4.1-4.3 (2H, m), 7.0-7.1 (2H, Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
m), 7.20 (2H, s), 7.4-7.5 (2H, in). methoxycarbonyl-2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfony
EXAMPLE 18 lamino)pyrimidine
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 In a 25 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a
methoxycarbonyl-2-(p-methoxybenZenesulfonyloxy) thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 196 mg
pyrimidine (1.8 mmol.) of N-methylmethanesulfonamide, 198 mg (1.8
mmol.) of sodium t-pentoxide, 7.5 mL of acetonitrile, and
The procedures of Example 13 Were repeated except for
667 mg (1.5 mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
replacing p-toluenesulfonyl chloride With 21.7 g (105 20 methoxycarbonyl-2-(p-toluenesulfonyloxy)pyrimidine. The
mmol.) of p-methoxybenZenesulfonyl chloride.
mixture Was heated to 81-820 C. for 1.5 hours under
There Was obtained 39.9 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-iso
re?uxing, to carry out reaction. After the reaction Was
complete, the reaction mixture Was cooled to room tempera
loxy)pyrimidine as a colorless crystalline product having the
beloW-mentioned characteristics. The yield Was 91% (based 25 ture. To the cooled mixture Was added 10 mL of Water, and
on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopro the aqueous mixture Was extracted With ethyl acetate. The
pyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine). ethyl acetate portion Was separated, and dried over anhy
lH-NMR (CDCl3, 6 (ppm)): 1.25 (6H, d, 1:68 HZ), drous magnesium sulfate. The dried ethyl acetate portion
3.0-3.2 (1H, m), 3.74 (3H, s), 3.88 (3H, s), 6.99 (2H, dd, Was ?ltered and concentrated under reduced pressure. The
1:20, 9.0 HZ), 7.0-7.2 (2H, m), 7.5-7.7 (2H, m), 8.07 (2H, residue Was puri?ed by silica gel column chromatography
dd, 1:22, 9.0 HZ). (column: Wako Gel C-200, eluent: hexane/ethyl acetate (2: 1,
volume ratio)). There Was obtained 428 mg of 4-(4-?uo
EXAMPLE 19 rophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 -methoxycarbonyl-2-(N-methyl-N
35 methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine. The yield Was 75%
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
methoxycarbonyl-2-(p-chlorobenZenesulfonyloxy) methoxycarbonyl-2-(p-toluenesulfonyloxy)pyrimidine).
The procedures of Example 13 Were repeated except for 40 EXAMPLE 22
replacing p-toluenesulfonyl chloride With 22.2 g (105
mmol.) of p-chlorobenZenesulfonyl chloride. Preparation of (2-amino-4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-iso
There Was obtained 39.9 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-iso
propyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2-(p-chlorobenZenesulfony 45 In a 25 ml-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a
loxy)pyrimidine as a colorless crystalline product having the
thermometer and a gas inlet Were placed under ice-chilling
beloW-mentioned characteristics. The yield Was 89% (based
1.00 g (2.71 mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopro
methoxycarbonyl-2 -methanesulfonyloxypyrimidine and 8.1
pyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine). mL of tetrahydrofuran. The mixture Was stirred at room
lH-NMR (CDCl3, 6 (ppm)): 1.23 (6H, d, 1:66 HZ), 50
temperature for 12 hours under gaseous ammonia atmo
3.0-3.2 (1H, m), 3.74 (3H, s), 7.1-7.2 (2H, m), 7.5-7.7 (4H, sphere, for carrying out reaction. After the reaction Was
m), 8.0-8.1 (2H, in). complete, 10 mL of Water Was added to the reaction mixture.
The aqueuos mixture Was then subjected to extraction With
55 toluene. The toluene portion Was separated, Washed With a
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 saturated aqueous sodium chloride solution, and dried over
methoxycarbonyl-2-(2-nitrobenZenesulfonyloxy) anhydrous magnesium sulfate. The dried toluene portion
pyrimidine Was ?ltered and concentrated under reduced pressure. The
residue Was puri?ed by silica gel column chromatography
The procedures of Example 13 Were repeated except for (column: Wako Gel C-200, eluent: hexane/ethyl acetate (2:1,
replacing p-toluenesulfonyl chloride-With 23.3 g (105 volume ratio)). There Was obtained 0.63 g of 2-amino-4-(4
mmol.) of 2-nitrobenZenesulfonyl chloride. ?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimidine.
There Was obtained 28.0 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-iso The yield Was 80% (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophe
propyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2-(2-nitrobenZenesulfonyloxy) 65 nyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2-methanesulfony
pyrimidine as an opaque crystalline product having the loxypyrimindine). 6 -isopropyl- 5 -methoxycarbonylpyrimi -
beloW-mentioned characteristics. The yield Was 62% (based dine
US 7,304,156 B2
25 26

Preparation of (4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 Preparation of 4-(4-?urophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5

methoxycarbonyl-2-N-methylaminopyrimidine methoxycarbonyl-2-tri?uoromethanesulfonyloxy
In a 50 ml-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a
In a 300 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a
thermometer and a dropping funnel Was placed 6.00 g (16.3 thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 2.9 g (10.0
mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbo mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5
nyl-2-methanesulfonyloxypyrimidine. Into the ?ask Was methoxycarbonylpyrimidine, 1.7 g (16.8 mmol.) of triethy
slowly dropped under ice-chilling 5.06 g (65.2 mmol) of lamine, and 50 mL of toluene. The mixture in the ?ask Was
aqueous 40 Wt. % methylamine solution. The resulting chilled to 00 C. in an ice bath. To the chilled mixture Was
sloWly added 2.4 g (14.1 mmol.) of tri?uoromethanesulfonyl
mixture Was stirred for one hour at the same temperature for
chloride, and the resulting mixture Was subjected to reaction
carrying out reaction. After the reaction Was complete, 16 for 3 hours at the same temperature. After the reaction Was
mL of Water Was added to the reaction mixture. The aqueuos complete, to the reaction mixture Was added 30 mL of Water.
mixture Was then subjected to extraction With toluene. The From the aqueous reaction mixture, an organic liquid portion
toluene portion Was separated, Washed With a saturated Was separated. The organic liquid portion Was concentrated
aqueous sodium chloride solution, and dried over anhydrous under reduced pressure. The residue Was puri?ed by silica
magnesium sulfate. The dried toluene portion Was ?ltered
gel column chromatography (column: Wako Gel C-200,
eluent: hexane/ethyl acetate (8:2, volume ratio)). There Was
and concentrated under reduced pressure to give 4.81 g of obtained 2.8 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-meth
4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2-N oxycarbonyl-2 -tri?uoromethanesulfonyloxypyrimidine hav
methylaminopyrimidine. The yield Was 97% (based on the ing the beloW-mentioned characteristics as a colorless oil.
25 The yield Was 66% (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophe
amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbo
nyl-2-methanesulfonyloxypyrimidine). nyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbonylpyrimi
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
methoxycarbonyl-2-tri?uoromethanesulfonyloxy methoxycarbonyl-2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfony
pyrimidine lamino)pyrimidine
In a 300 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a In a 50 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a
thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 8.7 g (30.0 thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 3.0 g (7
mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5 mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbo
methoxycarbonylpyrimidine, 3.0 g (30.0 mmol.) of triethy nyl-2-tri?uoromethanesulfonyloxypyrimidine, 1.13 g (10.5
lamine, and 150 mL of toluene. The mixture in the ?ask Was 40 mmol.) of N-methylmethanesulfonamide. 1.45 g (10.5
chilled to 00 C. in an ice bath. To the chilled mixture Was
mmol.) of potassium carbonate (available from Wako Juny
aku Co., Ltd., special grade), and 14 mL of butyl acetate.
sloWly added 8.46 g (30.0 mmol.) of tri?uoromethane The mixture Was heated to 122-1250 C. for 3 hours under
sulfonic anhydride, and the resulting mixture Was subjected re?uxing, to carry out reaction. After the reaction Was
to reaction for 3 hours at the same temperature. After the complete, the reaction mixture Was cooled to room tempera
reaction Was complete, to the reaction mixture Was added 90 ture. To the reaction mixture Were added 10 mL of Water and
mL of Water. From the aqueous reaction mixture, an organic 7 mL of acetone, and the organic liquid portion Was sepa
liquid portion Was separated. The organic liquid portion Was rated. The organic liquid portion Was Washed With a satu
rated aqueous sodium chloride solution and concentrated
concentrated under reduced pressure. The residue Was puri under reduced pressure. The residue Was puri?ed by silica
?ed by silica gel column chromatography (column: Wako gel column chromatography (column: Wako Gel C-200,
Gel C-200, eluent: hexane/ ethyl acetate (8:2, volume ratio)). eluent: hexane/ethyl acetate (5:1, volume ratio)). There Was
There Was obtained 8.46 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopro obtained 2.1 g of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-meth
pyl-5-methoxycarbonyl-2-tri?uoromethanesulfonyloxy oxycarbonyl-2-(N-methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyri
pyrimidine having the beloW-mentioned characteristics as a 55
midine as a White crystalline product. The yield Was 78%
colorless oil. The yield Was 74% (based on the amount of
(based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
4-(4-?uorophenyl)-2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycar pyrimidine).
IR (KBr, cm_l): 3421, 2978, 1737, 1570, 1429, 1222, 60 EXAMPLE 27
1136, 973, 851
Preparation of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5
lH-NMR (CDCl3, 6 (ppm)): 1.33 (6H, d, 1:66 HZ), methoxycarbonyl-2-(N-methy- 1 -N-methanesulfony
3.1-3.2(1H, m), 3.80 (3H, s), 7.1-7.2 (2H, m), 7.7-7.8 (2H, lamino)pyrimidine
111) 65
HRMS: 422.0585 (theoretical value (Cl6Hl4F4N2O5S In a 50 mL-volume glass ?ask equipped With a stirrer, a
(M+)) 422.0560) thermometer and a re?ux condenser Were placed 1.1 g (2.5
US 7,304,156 B2
27 28
mmol.) of 4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-methoxycarbo Which comprises the steps of:
nyl-2-(p-toluenesulfonyloxy)pyrimidine, 0.55 g (5.0 mmol.) reacting a hydroxypyrimidine compound having the for
of N-methylmethanesulfonamide, 0.69 g (5.0 mmol.) of mula (1):
potassium carbonate (available from Wako Junyaku Co.,
Ltd., special grade), 0.32 g (1.0 mmol.) of tetrabutylammo
nium bromide, 20 mL of toluene and 5 mL of Water. The
mixture Was heated to 850 C. for 28 hours under re?uxing,
to carry out reaction. After the reaction Was complete, the
reaction mixture Was cooled to room temperature. To the
reaction mixture Were added 10 mL of Water and 7 mL of
acetone, and the organic liquid portion Was separated. The
organic liquid portion Was analyZed by high performance
liquid chromatography. It Was con?rmed that 0.6 g of
4-(4-?uorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5 -methoxycarbonyl-2-(N
methyl-N-methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine Was produced.
The yield Was 63% (based on the amount of 4-(4-?uorophe
loxy)pyrimidine). 20
in Which R is the same as above,
With an organic sulfonyl halide having the formula (2):
Industrial Utility
R'SO2X (2)
The pyrimidine compound, particularly, 2-(N-methyl-N in Which R' is selected from C l_6 alkyl, optionally substituted
methanesulfonylamino)pyrimidine compound, prepared by by one or more ?uorines; and phenyl, optionally substituted
the invention is of value as an intermediate compound for
by one or more C1_6 alkyl C1_6 alkoxy, halo or nitro and X
the production of a cholesterol reducing agent (HMG-CoA is a halogen atom, or an organic sulfonic anhydride having
reductase agent). The compound of formula (3) can be
converted to an HMG CoA reductase inhibitor by the the formula (2a):
processes disclosed in European Patent Application Publi
cation No. 0521471, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 5, 437 (1997) and
International Patent Application No. WO 00/49014. The in Which R' has the same meaning as above, and
disclosures of these references are incorporated herein by reacting the resulting reaction product With N-methyl-N
reference to demonstrate hoW a compound of formula (3) or 35 methanesulfonamide, Wherein both of the reaction of
formula (8) can be converted to an HMG CoA reductase the hydroxypyrimidine compound With the organic
inhibitor, in particular, rosuvastatin or a pharmaceutically sulfonyl halide or the organic sulfonic anhydride and
acceptable salt thereof, such as rosuvastatin calcium. the reaction of the resulting reaction product With
N-methyl-N-methanesulfonamide are performed in the
40 presence of a base.
What is claimed is: 2. The process of claim 1, Wherein the hydroxypyrimidine
1. A process for preparing a 2-(N-methyl-N-methane compound is prepared by oxidiZing a dihydropyrimidinone
sulfonylamino)pyrimidine compound having the formula compound having the formula (4):




65 Wherein R is the same as de?ned in claim 1.

in Which R is selected from C1_6 alkyl, C3_6 cycloalkyl, 3. The process of claim 2, Wherein the dihydropyrimidi
phenyl(Cl_3)alkyl, phenyl and tolyl none compound is oxidiZed using nitric acid.
US 7,304,156 B2
29 30
4. The process of claim 2, wherein the dihydropyrimidi Wherein R is selected from C1_6 alkyl, C3_6 cycloalkyl,
none compound is prepared by reacting an isobutyrylacetate phenyl(Cl_3)alkyl, phenyl and tolyl and each of R1 and R2
ester having the formula (5): independently is hydrogen atom, an alkyl group, an alkyl
sulfonyl group, or an arylsulfonyl group,
Which comprises reacting a 2-substituted pyrimidine com
(5) pound having the formula (6):

in Which R is the same as de?ned in claim 1, With 4-?uo

robenZaldehyde and urea in the presence of a protonic
compound selected from an inorganic acid or its salt, an
organic sulfonic acid, an organic carboxylic acid or an
alcohol and a metal salt selected from copper(l) chloride,
copper(ll) chloride, iron(ll) chloride and nickel(ll) bromide.
5. The process of claim 4, Wherein the protonic compound
is a protonic acid. 20
6. The process of claim 5, Wherein the protonic acid is
sulfuric acid.
7. The process of claim 4, Wherein the metal salt is
Wherein R is the same as above, and X is a halogen atom or
copper(l) chloride.
an organic sulfonyloxy group,
8. A method for preparing an aminopyrimidine compound 25
having the formula (8): With an amine compound having the formula (7):

(3) (7)

35 Wherein each of R1 and R2 is the same as above.

9. The method of claim 8, Wherein Ris methyl and R2 is
10. The method of claim 8, Wherein the reaction of the
2-substituted pyrimidine compound With the amine com
pound is performed in the presence of a base.

PATENT NO. : 7,304,156 B2 Page 1 of 3

APPLICATION NO. : 10/483430
DATED : December 4, 2007
INVENTOR(S) : Akio Matsushita et al.

It is certified that error appears in the above-identi?ed patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:

Title Page, Item (57) Abstract:

Abstract, formula (3) should appear as follows:

In the specification (Column 1, lines 40 - 65), formula (3) should appear as follows:

PATENT NO. : 7,304,156 B2 Page 2 of 3

APPLICATION NO. : 10/483430
DATED : December 4, 2007
INVENTOR(S) : Akio Matsushita et al.

It is certified that error appears in the above-identi?ed patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:

In the specification (Column 3, lines 10 - 25), formula (3) should appear as follows:

In the specification (Column 7, lines 50 - 65), formula (3) should appear as follows:

PATENT No. : 7,304,156 B2 Page 3 of 3

DATED : December 4, 2007
INVENTOR(S) : Akio Matsushita et al.

It is certified that error appears in the above-identi?ed patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:

In claim 1 (Column 27, lines 45 - 65), formula (3) should appear as follows:

E NI \ 603R (3)
° |

Signed and Sealed this

Tenth Day of June, 2008

m Wall,”
Director ofthe United States Patent and Trademark O?ice

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