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Tender No: WTA-529 Closing Date/Time: 10/11/2022 14:30

EDRS/RS acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No WTA-529 Closing
Date/Time 10/11/2022 14:30 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only.
Manual offers are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.


Bidding type Normal Tender Template Special (Basic Rate)

Contract type Contract Category Expenditure
Tender No WTA-529 Tender Type Open - Indigenous
Evaluation Criteria Itemwise/Consigneewise Bidding System Two Packet
Pre-Bid Conference Pre-Bid Conference Date
Yes 27/07/2022 11:00
Required Time
2nd Pre-Bid Conference 2nd Pre-Bid Conference
No Not Applicable
Required Date & Time
Tendering Section RS WTA
As specified in the Bid
Inspection Agency Publishing Date / Time 04/07/2022 13:27
Bidding to be Done on IREPS
Procure From Approved
No Approving Agency Not Applicable
Closing Date Time 10/11/2022 14:30
Validity of Offer ( Days) 180 Ranking Order for Bids Lowest to Highest
Tender Doc. Cost (INR) 0.00 Earnest Money (INR) 200000000.00

Bidders are permitted to submit EMD amount by means of Bank Guarantee or Online Payment through Payment
Gateway. No bidder is Exempted from submission of EMD.

Manufacturing cum Maintenance of 100 nos of New Generation Energy Efficient Vande
Tender Title Bharat Trainsets with Distributed Power System including upgradation of the Government
Manufacturing Units &Trainset Depots


S.No. PL Code Item Type Stock / Ordering Consider Approving Inspection Currency Estimated
(Group) GST(Y/N) NonStock For Eval Agency Agency Allowed Rate
1 TRVB100 Goods (Y) Non Stock --- Yes As INR
specified in
the Bid

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Tender No: WTA-529 Closing Date/Time: 10/11/2022 14:30

Description :The schedule of requirements shall include, the following, in accordance with the provisions of the
attached Manufacturing-cum-Maintenance Agreement(MCMA), during the Agreement Period: (i) Design,
manufacture, supply, testing and commissioning of the 100 number of Sleeper Trains conforming to the
Specifications and Standards set forth in Schedule-A; (ii).Up-gradation of the available existing
infrastructure/facilities and development of additional infrastructure/facilities at nominated Manufacturing Unit site
of Government at Rail Coach Naveenikaran Karkhana (RCNK), Sonipat including operation & maintenance of the
same to meet the requirement of manufacturing, testing, commissioning and supply of the Trains (iii) Up-
gradation of the available existing infrastructure/facilities and development of additional infrastructure/facilities at
nominated Trainset Depot sites of Government's including operation & maintenance of the same for maintenance
of the supplied Trains; (iv) comprehensive maintenance of supplied Trains; (v) Supply, installation, testing,
commissioning, maintenance and operation of Training Facility at the Trainset Depots and Manufacturing Units
for training of Train operating and maintenance manpower; and (vi) any other obligations to meet the objective
either implied or deemed necessary as per the Agreement.
Consignee INDIAN RAILWAYS As per tender Conditions 100.00 Numbers

3. T AND C



Delivery Period

Description Delivery /Completion Rate of Supply

For all items Completion : Within 84 Months Delivery to be as per
the supply programme
given in the Article- 11,
12 and 13 of MCMA.

Payment Terms

S.No Description
Payment Terms
1 As Specified in the attached Bid Document

Statutory Variation Clause

S.No Description
1 As specified in the attached Bid Document (Article 36 of MCMA)

Option Clause

S.No Description
1 As per Clause 13.2 of MCMA

Standard Governing Conditions

S.No Description
1 IRS Conditions of Contract: The contract shall be governed by latest version (along with all correction slips) of
IRS conditions of contract, and all other terms and conditions incorporated in the tender documents.
2 As specified in the Manufacturing-cum-Maintainance Agreement(MCMA)


All documents uploaded and remarks / confirmation entered by the bidders against any eligibility condition
Important :
shall be opened as part of technical bid only

Special Eligibility Criteria

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Tender No: WTA-529 Closing Date/Time: 10/11/2022 14:30

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 As per chapter 5 of the Bid document Yes Yes Allowed


All documents uploaded and remarks / confirmation entered by the bidders against any compliance
Important :
condition shall be opened as part of technical bid only.

Check List

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 As per annexure IV of attached bid document No No Not Allowed


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 Applicant shall furnish an undertaking, if selected to undertake the Project, Yes Yes Allowed
it shall employ experienced and qualified staff/ O& M Subcontractor for (Mandatory)
discharging its maintenance obligations under the agreement.
2 Form-XI: Certificate for local content. Yes Yes Allowed
3 Form-II: Particulars of the Bidder. Yes Yes Allowed
4 Form-III: Statement of Legal Capacity. Yes Yes Allowed
5 Form-X: IPR of Technology. Yes Yes Allowed
6 Form-V: 'Power of Attorney' for Leading Member of Consortium, in case Yes Yes Allowed
Bidder is a Consortium. (Optional)
7 Form-VIII: Details of 'Financial Eligibility' in terms of Clause 5.1.2 (along Yes Yes Allowed
with Certificate(s) from the Statutory Auditors of the Bidder or its (Mandatory)
8 Form XII: Affidavit to be submitted by Bidder along with the Bid. Yes Yes Allowed
9 Form-VI: 'Joint Bidding Agreement', in case Bidder is a Consortium. Yes Yes Allowed
10 Form-IX: Associate Declaration Form. Yes Yes Allowed
11 Form-IV: 'Power of Attorney' for the authorized signatory, authorising the Yes Yes Allowed
signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder. (Mandatory)
12 Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered. No Yes Allowed
Please enter 0 for fully imported items, and 100 for fully indigenous items. (Optional)
The definition and calculation of local content shall be in accordance with
the Make in India policy as incorporated in the tender conditions.
13 Declaration for passing on the input tax credit as per Para 4.2.3, 4.2.4 and Yes Yes Allowed
4.2.5 of the Bid Document. (Mandatory)
14 Parent Company Guarantee as per Annexure VII of Bid Document(if No No Allowed
applicable) (Optional)


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading

Pa g e 3 o f 5 Ru n Da te/Time: 0 4/0 7/2 0 2 2 13:2 7:40

Tender No: WTA-529 Closing Date/Time: 10/11/2022 14:30

1 Form-VII: Details of "Technical Eligibility" in terms of Clause 5.1.3 (along Yes Yes Allowed
with requisite Certificate(s) form Client/Project Owner/Statutory auditors of (Mandatory)
the Bidder or its Associates.)
2 Clause by Clause compliance of the Technical specifications and Yes Yes Allowed
standards set forth in the Schedule-A of the MCMA. (Mandatory)
3 Form I : letter of technical bid Yes Yes Allowed


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 I/We also confirm that Rate quoted in relevant column of financial bid will No No Not Allowed
only be applicable for acceptance. If Offer of the firm submitting any part of
financial bid in the technical bid will be summarily rejected with forfeiture of
Earnest Money (EMD)/Bid Security.
2 I/We have gone through the all clauses of this tender document, including No No Not Allowed
MCMA and other documents such as checklist and technical specification
uploaded along with this tender. It is understood that the tenderer
submitting their offer is fully aware of all the clauses of the above said
documents and undertake to abide by submitting this offer.
3 I/ We also confirm that If any information and document submitted is found No No Not Allowed
to be false/ incorrect at any time,Authority may cancel my/our Bid and
action as deemed fit may be taken against me/ us, including termination of
the contract, forfeiture of Earnest Money, Security Deposit and
banning/delisting/suspension of our firm and all partners of the firm.
4 I/We confirm that if selected to undertake the Project, shall employ No No Not Allowed
experienced and qualified staff/ O& M Subcontractor for discharging its
maintenance obligations under the agreement


S.No. Document Name Document Description

1 BidDocumentWTA-529.pdf Bid Document WTA 529
2 MCMA_NewGenerationEEVBTrainswithDistributedPower.pdf MCMA
3 Annexure-V_RSG_06082020_Insertion_Rule_144.pdf Annexure V GFR
4 AnnexureVI_MakeinIndia.pdf Annexure VI Make in India
5 ICFMDSpec-404Revision2.pdf ICF MD Spec 404 Revision 2


S.No. Description
1 Validity of Offer: No deviation from the offer validity period stipulated in the tender is permitted.
2 Submission of Bid Guarantee- No Deviation is Permitted and offer will be summarily rejected in case of deviation

Minimum Offer Quantity

S.No. Description
Minimum Offer Quantity: For the consignees for which the bidders choose to submit their offers, the offered
quantity shall not be less than 100% of tender quantity for the consignee.

This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.

As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of

Pa g e 4 o f 5 Ru n Da te/Time: 0 4/0 7/2 0 2 2 13:2 7:40

Tender No: WTA-529 Closing Date/Time: 10/11/2022 14:30

GFR regarding procurement through GeM.

Digitally Signed By


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