Intonation Fall-Rise Intonation.: V 8Nha4Cvhybi

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Fall-Rise intonation.
You may glide up your pitch in order to ask a
question or you may glide down in order to
finish a statement. You may have a rise in
pith because you're questioning someone
or double checking what you heard.
-it keeps you listening
-Lack of pitch variation can signal
disappointment, disapproval or annoyance.
-in order to feel more confident
- When you need help, who can you turn
to? (not "whom" but "who")=to get help
from someone
- to signal that there's more to come
- She may say yes, but don't count on it. [to
be confident that you can depend on
someone: You can always count on Michael
in a crisis.
[ + to infinitive ] I can count on my parents
to help me.
-That's true, but it's not always the case.

- I like to play the piano. Sadly, I only have

a keyboard. What's more, I don't have
much time to play. I wish I could play my
music more often, but I guess I should just
make the time.

Sentence Stress:

cadence /ˈkeɪ.dəns/ noun [C] (VOICE)

the regular rise and fall of the voice
Sentence stress
is when we put extra attention
on the words that convey the
meaning of the sentence by
making them longer, louder and
higher in pitch
so that they really get your
"I'm planning to go to the beach
this weekend".
Can you identify which words are
in the sentence?
"I am planning to go to the
beach this weekend".

> by stressed words > you

can follow my thought, right?
"I love to drink tea first thing
in the morning".
Which words should be stressed?

"I love to drink tea first thing

in the morning".

"You need to cross the street to

catch the
bus downtown".
Which words am I stressing?
"You need to cross the street to
catch the
bus downtown".
stressing these short content
words will help
you speak English more clearly.
stressing content
words helps you create the
natural rhythm of English
which will make it easier
for people to understand you.
Choosing Falling or Rising Intonation:
You're probably really careful
with your choice
of words, but your "intentions"
might be misunderstood if you
use the wrong intonation pattern
part of your "meaning" may be
getting lost in

Falling intonation
is so essential because * it
lets the other person know that
you've completed a thought like
you're done talking?
Falling intonation ** invites us
to respond.
It signals to the other person
that it's okay
for them to jump in and continue
the conversation.

"The project isn't done yet."

/ˈprɑː dʒek dizn't/
> falling intonation,
and just "stating a fact".

Let's hear how it changes with

Rising intonation.
"The project isn't done yet."
/ˈprɑː dʒek dizn't/
> asking the statement as a
question.I'm checking and
confirming to see if that's
This suggests that the other
person has to
tell me yes or no.
Depending on the tone, this can
also show
"disbelief" or "frustration".
Let's try an example with a tag
"You saw that movie, didn't
rising intonation
in order to check and confirm
with the other
person whether or not they saw
the movie
Let's try it with falling
"You saw that movie, didn't
> In this example, I'm saying it
as a "statement".
I'm pretty sure that the person
has seen that
It's almost like I'm affirming
that idea to
To signal that you're done
talking by finishing your
statements with falling
Using falling intonation invites
the other person to respond.

falling intonation>
"They'll be here in an hour" >
As you can hear in this example,
I'm just
giving a "fact".
Now, let's try it with rising
I'm checking to see if it's
really going
to be an hour.
If I increase the pitch even
more, I may be
completely shocked because
they're running late
- We use pitch in order to
communicate our meaning and
express different emotions and
attitudes through intonation.
-I'm using Rising intonation to
check and confirm with the other
person whether or not they saw
the movie.With Falling
intonation, I'm saying it as a
Statement, I'm pretty sure that
the person has seen that movie.

-Had a conversation about it

-Like I'm affirming that idea to
Intoation EXE:

Pitch EXE:
Power of Pitch:

Vocal Exe:

Pitch Exe:

[ "create pitch variations"

you're completely new to the

concept of

Learn why it matters.

Sound more natural in English.
To make sure
you're expressing exactly what
it is you want to say.

due to your cultural

background, your personality,
your native language, this can
feel challenging at first.
Just remember, it may feel
awkward or uncomfortable
when we're practicing, but
it'll definitely
sound natural when you're
interacting with
native speakers.
Learning to change and vary your
pitch will
help you pronounce words more
Their tone tends to be pretty flat
and they
sound a little bit like a robot:
"What is it that you think is
non-native speakers have this very
flat pitch
because it's not part of their
native language

in English we use pitch variations

our sentence
* If you listen to native English
speaking men,
you're going to hear the same thing
that you hear in my voice.
If you're not creating this pitch
in your speech, the person who's
listening to you is going to have
trouble understanding
you because their ear is expecting
to hear
this pitch variation, especially on
words and stressed syllables.
So what we want you to start
practicing is
"pitch"(the degree of highness or
lowness of a tone).

*At first changing your pitch and

the sound of your voice might feel
a little stressful or it might feel
It might feel challenging because
you're not
used to doing it
it's starting to get a little
for you, isn't it?

Learn how to vary your pitch and

how to control your pitch in order
sound more expressive in American

[certain chunks of words or


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