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OFFICE oF SHERIFF Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office = Duval County, Florida ACASONVLLE POLICE Mike Williams, Sheriff 501 E. Bay Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 INTRADEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Internal Affairs FROM: Lieutenant J.£. Moore #7747, Zone 1 DATE: 10/24/21 SUBJECT: IA Case # 21-0515 (On 010/23/21, | received a packet containing an Informal Field Investigation regarding A 21-0515 that was assigned for my review. During the initial investigation by Internal Affairs, it was noted that Officer .R Peppers (77651) was not wearing his issued patrol uniform while working in an off-duty capacity. Additionally, he id not properly log out via ODISS while working at the secondary employment site On 10/23/21, | reviewed the BWC footage of Officer Peppers from 08/27/21 and observed that Officer Peppers was indeed wearing his task force uniform and not his patrol uniform. This can be seen at the 2:08 mark in the reflection of the traffic violators window. | also accessed Officer TS, Dennard’s (19258) BWC footage of the incident and observed Officer Peppers wearing his Task Force uniform at 0:35 mark. | asked Sergeant 1. Lloyd (7667) to log on to ODISS to check Officer Pepper's work history. Sergeant Loyd verified that Peppers had not signed up to work Capri Apartments on the date in question nor did he verify his hours, (On 10/24/21, at 1345, Sergeant 1J. Loyd (7667) and myself met with Officer Peppers atthe Zone 1 Substation. He was given a chance to review the Field Inquiry that was provided to me to refresh his recollection, Peppers stated that he made the decision to wear his tactical uniform due to working the Gun Violence initiative after his shift at the Capri Apartments. He understcod that It was a violation of the secondary employment rules and had made the decision out of the convenience of not changing uniforms between the two assignments. He also stated that he had not realized that he had not submitted his secondary employment status in ODISS and ‘must have forgotten, Ater speaking with Officer Peppers about the incident he was informed to review Order 282 (Secondary Employment). On 10/24/21, | SUSTAINED a violation of secondary employment and Officer Peppers was issued 3 formal counseling with the goal of avoiding any future discipline P0004 Rev. 07/15 Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Mike Wiuiams, SHERIFF Serve + Protect + Community Intradepartmental Correspondence To: Lt. J. Moore FROM: —_Intemal Affairs DATE: 10/19/2021 SUBJECT: _IA# 21-0515 Internal A fairs has reviewed the attached allegation and has found the following during that review: * Internal Asfsrs reviewed the allegations made by Helen Jones, Glenn Jones, Deferro Reed, and Lashada Harris with regards to the Injunctions for Protection Against Stalking that they hhad fled against Police Officer J. Pepper #76661 and found no misconduct with regards to Peppets actions (See Attached Form 4 for details). ‘© However, Internal Affairs found while reviewing the video footage provided by Helen Jones, Peppers appears to be wearing his tactical gear normally associated with his normal duty assignment and not the Class A ot B uniform that is required while working in an off-duty capacity. Itis unclear to Internal A fairs if Peppers had been given permission to wear the alternative uniform while working in an off-duty capacity. * Additionally, Peppers does not appeat to properly log out for his secondary employment via the ODISS for either of the two (2) incidents involving the above listed individuals or for other instances while working in this type of off-duty position. Internal A fairs is forwarding the attached allegation to the most appropriate Commanding Officer for further investigation with a specific focus on the following: '* Please conduct further investigation into the apparent violations of Order 282 Secondary Employment listed above. Page 1 of 1 P0004 Rev. 02/2020 Serve + Protect + Community To: Internal Affairs FROM: Sgt. P.M. Ruzanka #66811 DATE: 10/18/2021 SUBJECT: _ IA# 21-0515 On 09/14/21, Intemal Affairs received a Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO) Employee Complaint Form from Helen Jones in which she alleged misconduct on the part of JSO Police Officer J. Peppers #76661. The complaint was taken over the phone and it indicated that Jones’ son, later identified as Glenn Jones, had been trespassed from “his own Apt complex’ and that the officer was “rude.” Prior to any Intemal Affairs review, Intemal Affairs was made aware that three (3) Injunctions for Protections Against Stalking had been sought against Peppers from Glenn Jones, Deferro Reed, and Lashada Harris. Those temporary injunctions had been granted by the court and a hearing was set for September 28, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. Below are the allegations from each individual taken from their injunction petition: * Glenn Jones: © Alleged that Peppers was “aggressive” towards him and his girlfriend (Hartis) during a traffic stop. © Alleged that Peppers “threatened” him by saying that Peppers had killed people when he was in the marines and that “he would get me one way or another” © Alleged that an hour after the stop, Peppers was seen “at my residence [apartment complex] questioning “random people” about him © Alleged that Peppers had filed false reports about him and parked outside of his residence. © Alleged that he watched Peppers “slam an innocent passerby on my vehicle” at the time of his traffic stop. © Alleged that Peppers has a “problem with him and his family. © Alleged that Peppers repeatedly told him that if he was to “catch me he's going to take me to jail and hopes | resist.” © Alleged that he called two (2) sergeants about Peppers and they told him to fle an injunction and to go to Internal Affairs. © Says he is in fear of the officer because he “won't stop threatening me and sitting in front of my house.” Page 1of7 .0008 Rev. 02/2020 © Deferro Reed: © Alleged that Peppers questioned him about a “resident (which was his brother Glenn Jones) and asked if he live at the complex. © Alleged that during a second encounter on 9/15/21, Pepper's stopped Glenn's vehicle and Reed video recorded that stop. Also alleged that Peppers approached him in an aggressive manner with his “hand on his weapon? and his flashlight shining in Reed’s face. ‘© Alleged that Peppers “bumps” him “to knock me out of the space | was standing.” + Lashada Harris: © Advised she was the passenger on the original traffic stop between Glenn Jones and Peppers. Alleged that Peppers had yelled at an unknown female that had stopped in the roadway near this traffic stop and that Peppers pulled that female out of her car and ‘slammed’ that female against Gienn Jones’ vehicle. © Alleged that Peppers ask Glenn Jones about marijuana in the vehicle and that he was going to search the vehicle. © Alleged that she was driving Glenn Jones’ vehicle at the second incident ‘on 9/15/21 when Peppers conducted a traffic stop for illegal tint. © Wrote that she was issued a citation for the tint and given a verbal waming for parking away from the curb. © Says she's pregnant and this has her “afraid and stressed out” INVESTIGATIVE NOTE: Prior to the hearing scheduled regarding the three (3) Injunctions for Protection Against Stalking, Peppers’ counsel representing him for this hearing filed a Motion to Dissolve all three (3) of the temporary injunctions. The Order regarding the Motion to Dissolve the three (3) injunctions had be Granted and all the temporary injunctions regarding this matter were ordered to be Dissolved and Vacated on September 24, 2021. INVESTIGATIVE NOTE: Internal Affairs confirmed, via a phone conversation with Helen Jones, that all these allegations stemmed from two (2) separate incidents; the first was a traffic stop and subsequent follow-up investigation that occurred on 08/27/21 and the second was another traffic stop that occurred on 09/15/21. For ease of reading, the allegations will be addressed by each specific incident below. INCIDENT #1 — August 27, 2021 Jacksonville Sheriffs Office Inteadepartmental Correspondence Page 2 of 7 P0004 Rev. 02/2020 Internal Affairs located the incident in question documented under CCR# 21- 511770. In that incident, Peppers conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle being operated by Glenn Jones. As a result of that stop, Peppers issued Jones a traffic citation for illegal window tint, Peppers completed a Notice to Appear for the possession of less than 20 grams of Marijuana and authored an Information Report in which he trespassed Jones from the Capris Villas apartment complex. Per the report, Peppers was working in an off-duty capacity at the apartment complex when he observed Jones’ vehicle committing the traffic infraction as the vehicle was leaving the complex. Peppers’ tested Jones’ vehicle's driver's side front window and confirmed that the tint was below the legal limit required by Florida State Statue. Peppers’ investigation revealed the odor of marijuana emanating from inside of the vehicle and Jones reportedly advised that he did not have a medical marijuana card and that he was not in possession of marijuana. A search of the vehicle revealed marijuana was found in Jones’ cup holder and marijuana was found in possession of his passenger, Harris. Peppers’ report also indicated that Jones originally reported that his home address was on Jones’ license and that address was 4118 Fairfax Street. Peppers reportedly told Jones’ that he was being trespassed from the Capris Villas and Jones’ reportedly told Peppers that Jones “people” live at the complex. Peppers then documented that after Jones’ had been released from custody, Jones’ then claimed that he lived at Capris Villas and that he “received mail there as well” Peppers then documented that after the traffic stop was completed, he conducted a follow-up investigation to attempt to determine if Jones did live at the complex. These investigative steps included Peppers talking to an “unidentified male’, which tured out to be Reed, about whether Jones’ lived at the complex. Peppers also documented that he contacted the manager of the property, A. Fortenberry, who advised that Jones’ name “was not listed as a resident at the complex.” Internal Affairs reviewed the BWC footage of this incident (Titled AXON Body 2 2021-08-17 1308) and found no evidence of misconduct. The details observed in Peppers’ BWC footage matched his written report and none of the alleged unprofessional comments reported by Jones had been uttered by Peppers. Below are specific details observed on the BWC footage: '* The beginning of the video shows Peppers providing Jones with the reason for the traffic stop, the indication that Peppers smelis the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle, the subsequent detention of Jones and Harris, and the search of the vehicle. There was no misconduct observed during this portion of the traffic stop. ‘+ At approximately the 31:39 minute mark (AXON Time 17:39:312), Peppers specifically asks Jones if he lived at the apartment complex and Jones replied that he that he lived at the address that is listed “right there.” It is believed that Jones is referring to his address listed on his Driver's License as the license can be seen in the BWC footage as propped up on Peppers’ laptop. Peppers then asked Jones why he was located at the Capris Villas apartment on this day and Jones responded that “/ know somebody that live over there.” Peppers then Jacksonville SherifP's Office Intradepartmental Correspondence Page 3 0f7 P0004 Rev. 02/2020 Notified Jones that he was working in an off-duty capacity for the apartment ‘complex and that Jones is being trespassed from that property since he had committed a crime, referring to the possession of marijuana, on that property. At no time does Jones ever indicate to Peppers during this part of their conversation that Jones lives at the complex. Jones does advise that he has ‘stuff’ at that location and Peppers tells him that he will need to coordinate with the resident at the complex to retrieve his items because Jones is not allowed to retum to that property. Peppers reiterates that Jones is trespassed and he is not allowed to retum to that property. Jones responds that your “feet better be good" in an indication that he will run from officers. Peppers responds that if he runs, Peppers will chase him and arrest him. Peppers then adds that if he gets away, he will seek a warrant for him. Jones also tells Peppers that he has an apartment on the “southside” that he can “go to.” * At approximately the 37:14 minute mark (AXON Time T17:45:062), Helen Jones is seen on the BWC footage and she has an interaction with Peppers. At no time is Peppers rude or unprofessional during his short interaction with Helen Jones. Later on in the video, Peppers specifically addresses Helen Jones and asks her if she needed to speak with him and she elects to not talk to Peppers. * At approximately the 51:13 minute mark (AXON Time T17:59:052), Peppers exits his vehicle with the completed Notice to Appears (NTA) for both Glenn Jones and Harris. Peppers explained the NTA to Harris first and advised her of her requirements with regards to this notice. Peppers then releases Jones from custody and explained both the NTA and the requirements to Jones. Jones continues to make remarks to Peppers regarding the stop and Peppers remains professional in his dealings with everyone on scene. * At approximately the 1:00:08 minute mark (AXON Time 118:08:012), Glenn Jones, just prior to leaving the area, tells Helen Jones that Peppers had trespassed him from “where / live’; meaning the apartment complex. Helen Jones tells Glenn Jones that the officer cannot trespass him from his home and Peppers responded that Glenn Jones told Peppers that he did not live in the apartment complex. Peppers also attempts to ask clarifying questions to Helen Jones about Glenn Jones’ living situation but Helen Jones again refuses to engage Peppers in conversation regarding that specific matter. ‘© Throughout the entire interaction between Peppers and Jones, Jones is extremely verbally combative and uncooperative with Peppers. Peppers remains professional throughout his interaction with Glenn Jones, Helen Jones, and Harris. The situation involving the allegation where Peppers allegedly “slamfed] an innocent passerby on my [Glenn Jones] vehicle" begins at the approximate 07:30 minute mark (AXON Time T17:15:22Z). The unknown black female is observed pulling up directly next to Glenn Jones’ vehicle as Peppers is searching the passenger side of Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Inteadepartmental Correspondence Page 4 0f7 P.0004 Rev. 02/2020 Jones’ vehicle. The vehicle being driven by the female has extremely dark tinted windows and itis unclear at first just who or how many individuals are inside the vehicle. Peppers contacts the female and tells her that she cannot stay stopped in the roadway and that she needed to find another way around because the roadway is currently blocked by a back-up unit that had responded to assist Peppers during the initial incident. The female becomes argumentative with Peppers and refuses to move the vehicle. After several commands to move the vehicle, the female continues to defy Peppers’ lawful orders. Peppers advised her that if she would not move the vehicle, he would arrest her for Resisting an Officer without Violence. When the female again refuses to move her vehicle from that immediate area, Peppers opens the door and takes her out of the vehicle to detain her. As Peppers was taking the female out of the car, a handgun is seen on the BWC footage sitting on the front passenger seat within reach of this unknown female. Peppers extracts the female quickly and places her against the hood of Jones’ vehicle where she is detained. Helen Jones provided a video recording that showed the application of force from a different perspective then Peppers’ BWC footage and the force observed appeared reasonable and prudent given the totality of the circumstances. Peppers did not slam the female into the hood as alleged but did utilize the vehicle as a brace while applying the handcuffs to this female. After the incident with Glenn Jones is completed, Peppers then conducted an investigation into the incident with the unknown female. Peppers’ investigation revealed that both the way that the female had the firearm stored in her vehicle and the resisting without violence charge were both misdemeanor charges and Peppers decided to exercise his discretion and release her without charges. The female appears remorseful for the interaction she had with Peppers and appears grateful for Peppers’ decision to release her from custody. After the initial incident with Glenn Jones, Peppers retumed to the Capris Villas Apartment complex where he was still scheduled to work as the off- duty officer at that location. Internal Affairs believes that by Peppers’ returning to his working location for that day, it appeared to Jones that the officer was intentionally targeting him and led to the allegation from Jones that Peppers “won't stop threatening me and sitting in front of my house.” Additional BWC footage was located for Peppers where he conducted a follow: up investigation at the apartment complex for the reported purpose of determining if Glenn Jones actually lived at Capris Villas. It was during this time that Peppers contacted Reed and that interaction was captured on the video titled “AXON Body 2 2021-08-27 1444”. In that video, Peppers makes a consensual encounter with Reed who is walking on a sidewalk inside of the apartment complex. There is no misconduct on the part of Peppers with regards to his conversation with Reed and when Reed becomes upset that Peppers had stopped him, Peppers tells Reed that he did not stop him, and that Reed was “free to go.” Peppers inquiry with Reed into the residential status of Glenn Jones is an acceptable practice and officers generally always speak with individuals in the area when an investigation is taking place. Jacksonville SherfPs Office Intradepartmental Correspondence Page 5 0f7 P0004. Rev. 02/2020 INCIDENT #2 — September 15, 2021 In this incident, Peppers conducts a traffic stop on Glenn Jones’ vehicle, the same vehicle that was stopped from the previous incident listed above (CCR# 21-552917). According to the Event Recap, a traffic citation was issued, and it indicated that there was BWC footage of the stop. Intemal Affairs located the video titled “AXON Body 2 Video 2021-09-15 2020" and reviewed the footage of the approximately fifteen (15) minute video. Peppers conducted the traffic stop on the vehicle for a tint violation and ‘once again the tint meter was utilized to confirm that the tint on the front driver's side window was still in violation of Florida State Statutes. Peppers was working in an off- duty capacity at Capri Villas during the time of this traffic stop and the video showed that Reed began to observe and record the traffic stop from a close distance. Peppers asked Reed to back away from his traffic stop but the request was done so in a professional manner. Pepper then makes the statement that if Reed keeps “encroaching on me”, Pepper's will arrest Reed. Reed then alleged on the footage that Peppers was “attacking” the individual that was driving “my brother's [Glenn Jones] car’ and that Peppers had been “harassing” them “for the last couple of days.” The BWC footage showed that Reed was within approximately ten (10) feet of Peppers while Peppers was conducting the traffic stop and he had been asked repeatedly by Peppers to back away from the immediate area. For the most part, Peppers ignores Reed during the beginning of the video but at the approximate 04:08 minute mark (AXON Time T00:24:00Z), Peppers approached Reed and asked Reed if he was armed with any weapons. Peppers comes close to Reed and does what appears to be a visual inspection of Reed's person. Peppers then asked if he could search Reed and Reed responded by telling Peppers that he “can look’ but “don't touch me.” Peppers walks around Reed while performing a visual check of Reed's person. At no time did Peppers ‘ever appear to touch or “knock me [Reed] out of the space | was standing” during this incident. Peppers then completes the citation for the illegal tint as additional units arrive ‘on scene. Peppers asks the officers to simply watch Reed for him so that he can complete his duties with regards to the traffic stop. Once Peppers completed the citation, he approaches Harris, explains the citation to her, and she is released from the traffic stop. In conclusion, Internal Affairs found no evidence to support any of the allegations of misconduct alleged by Helen Jones, Glenn Jones, Reed, or Harris. There was no evidence found that indicated that Peppers ever stalked any of the above individuals and the evidence showed Peppers’ actions with regards to these incidents were lawful, proper, and in accordance with his assigned duties as a police officer with the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office. Additionally, BWC footage showed that Peppers did not harass, threaten, or conduct himself in an overly aggressive manner as alleged. The comments attributed to Peppers in the injunction filings were greatly mischaracterized and none of the comments made by Peppers to anyone involved in this matter rose to the level of misconduct. The force observed that was utilized against the unknown female during the initial incident appeared to be reasonable given the totality of the circumstances and in no way appeared unnecessary or excessive. The allegations Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Intradepartmental Correspondence Page 6 of 7 0004 Rev. 02/2020 made by the individuals involved in these two (2) incidents will be classified as Information Only. However, Internal Affairs did locate some minor misconduct on the part of Peppers with regards to these incidents and those issues are being forwarded to his ‘Chain of Command for further investigation. Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Inteadepartmental Correspondence ; Page 7 of 7 P0004. Rev. 02/2020 GE) Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Employee Complaint Form 501 E. Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32202-2975 | www-jaxsherifforg os Internal Affairs Unit ~ (904) 630-2187 a a TA. # (Administrative Use On) DOSS Sherif’s Office Employee Information Citizen Information Employee's Name and IDM (knows) Gin’ Name (Fist MI Last) Peooers YETI + Welen Sanes Hace [SR] High] Weight | ApposinatcAge | Home Address Ine rere gee aly HE 32916 Veticiso Tag ® | Vehicle Net Ta Vall = Se eh Employee Vehicle Description (Marked/Unmaekl, Clot Home Tana # —| Cale J04 89 4-/B% Tocaion of Tac Event NamcafWines (Haat Si Tas Day and Da of Taco Event [= Wines Address Cig Sete Zip Coe ‘Todays Date and Time Winncss Phone Nomex) Explanation of Event (Aso ist onthe back any additional information, employees; witnesses ct) Congirmy stat Son way Prepared fem ky oon Ae wat Commie, and BEC Wt FSS. 8706 Whoever nowingiy makes a false Htatement iv writing with the Tntent to wisicad a public rewant iw the performance of his or her oficial duy shall be guilty ofa misdemeanor ofthe second degree. Sigoature of Citizens Allinformation is rue and corrct to the best of eny knowledge. Employee Accepting Fos t Rev. 12/2015, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Fourth JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR Duval COUNTY, FLORIDA + case No: ZED R -QAELDWXK — (J lon | A S Division: DV-A Petitioner, FILED K A SEP 17 2021 pondent DoW CER OF COURT PETITION FOR INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION AGAINST STALKING | full egal name} being swor, certify that the following statements are true: SECTION |. PETITIONER 5 Ripa {This section is about you. It must be completed; however, if you refuire that yqiit adiress be confidential for safety reasons, you should complete and file a Request for.Confidentlal Filing of ‘Address, Fiorida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980(h), and write confidentsl In the ‘space provided on this form for your address and telephone number.) 1 Patong esas the folowing adress: (address, city, state, zip code} “Mau ° {indicate if applicable} 5 . Petitioner seeks an Injunction for protection on behalf of a minor child. Petitioner is the Parent or legal guardian of (full legal name}. 2 minor child who istiving at home. 2. Petitioner's attorney's name, address, and telephone number Is, (Fyou do not have an attorney, write "none.") SECTION Il. RESPONDENT (This section is about the person you want to be protected from. It must be completed.) 1. Respondent resides at the following address: {provide last known street address, cty, state, and zip code} ———————————— Florida Supreme Court Approved Family {aw Form 12.980(t), Petition for Injunction for Protection Again Stalking (23/15) 2. Respondent’ last known place of employment: a) Employment address: Working hours of Respondent:, Physical description of Respor Race: Sex: Male/Female Date of Birth: Height:, Weigh Eye Col Hair Color: Distinguishing marks and/or sca Vehicle: (make/model)_ 220.5 “Color: ‘Tag Number (if known) J, L. |. Other names Respondent goes by (allases or nicknames): 5. Respondent's attorney's name, address, and telephone number is: (If you do not know whether Respondent has an attorney, write "unknown." If Repondent does not have an attorney, write "none.") ‘SECTION Ill, CASE HISTORY AND REASON FOR SEEKING PETITION (This section must be completed.) 1. Has Petitioner ever recelved or tried to get an Injunction for protection against stalking against Respondent infhis or any other court? Yes _" No Ifyes, what happened in that case? (Include case number, if knan} 2. Has Respondent ever received or tried to get an injunction for protection agains stalking against Pettionér inthis or any other court? Yes “No Ifyes,what happened in that case? {include case number, if kaawn}_ Describe any other court case that is elther going on now or that happened in the pastbetween Petitioner and Ipseendet nc ese mbes known, é 4, Petitioner isa victim of stalking because Respondent has: (please mark all sections that oppiy} a. __ Committed stalking; b, Cia threatened, harassed, stalked, cyberstalked, or physically abwed the titioner; weatened to harm Petitioner or family members or individuals closely associated with Petitioner; 4, ntionaly injured or killed family pet; €._yZ Used, or threatened to use, against Petitioner any weapons such as guns or knives; £._~ Acriminal history involving violence or the threat or violence, if known; Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 32.980(), Petition for Injunction for Protection Again Stalking (as) Jurisdiction, if known; nh. Destroyed personal property, Including, bt not limited to, telephones or other ‘communication equipment, clothing, or other Items belonging to Petitioner. &. Ty ‘order of protection Issued against him or her previously from another Below Is a description of the specific Incidents of stalking or cyberstalking: {for cybestatking, please include a description of ail evidence of contacts and/or threats made by Respaadent in voice messages, texts, emails, or other electronic communication} On (dates) the following incidents of stalking occurred at the following kxations: {the locations may include, but need not be limited to, a home, school, or place of emplomnent} Gus, T7 SZ 7 hi HNktewd 7 leer Tete nf Please indicate here if you are attaching additional pages to continue these facts, Florida Supreme Court Approved Ferily Law Form 12.980(t, Petition for injunction for Protection agains Staking (ans) 6. sap itorman Respondent owns, has, and/or is known to have guns or other weapons. Oe 3@ weapons) and where they may be located, if known: Pe es a SECTION IV. INJUNCTION {This section must be completed} 1. Petitioner asks the Court to enter 2 TEMPORARY INIUNCTION for protection agains staking that will be in place from now unt the scheduled hearing n this matter, which wil mnediately restrain Respondent from committing any acts of staking, and which will provide any wrms the __ Court deems necessary for the protection of a victim of staking, including any injuntions or irectves to law enforcement agencies. 2. Petitioner asks the Court to enter, after a hearing has been held on this petition 2 FINAL JUDGMENT for protection against stalking prohibiting Respondent from committing any acts of stalking against Petitioner and: a. prohibiting Respondent from going to or within 500 feet of any place Petitioner Ites, or to any specified place regularly frequented by Petitioner and any named family menbers or Individuals closely associated with Petitioner; — b. prohibiting Respondent from going to or within S00 feet of Petitioner's pixels) of ‘employment or the school that Petitioner attends; the address of Petitioner's pace(s) of employment andor schoo! is __ —_ prohibiting Respondent from contacting Petitioner by telephone, mail, by e-mall, bwriting, ‘through another person, or in any other manner; 4. ordering Respondent that he or she shall not have in his or her care, custody, possesion, or ‘control any firearm or ammunition; €. prohibiting Respondent from knowingly and intentionally going to or within 100 feet of Petitioner’s motor vehicle, whether or not that vehicle is occupied; 3. Petitioner asks the Court to enter any other terms it deems necessary to protect Petitiner from stalking by Respondent. | UNDERSTAND THAT BY FILING THIS PETITION, 1 AM ASKING THE COURT TO HOLD A HEARING ON ‘THIS PETITION, THAT BOTH THE RESPONDENT AND | WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THE HEARING, AKO THAT | MUST APPEAR AT THE HEARING. | UNDERSTAND THAT IF EITHER THE RESPONDENT OR | FAIL TO APPEAR AT THE FINAL HEARING, WE WILL BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF ANY INJUNCTION Ot ORDER ISSUED AT THAT HEARING, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Ferm 12.980(), Petition fo injunction for Protection Against Stalking (1/15) | HAVE READ EVERY STATEMENT MADE IN THIS PETITION AND EACH STATEMENT IS THE AND CORRECT. | UNDERSTAND THAT THE STATEMENTS MADE IN THIS PETITION ARE BEING MADEUNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, PUNISHABLE AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 837.02, FLORIDA STATUTES. ated: 4-17-24 Telephone Number: — Designated E-Mall Addresses} ‘STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ‘Sworn to or affirmed and signed before me on. ‘Print, type, or stamp commissioned name of wotary or . clerk.) Personally known TZ Produced identification ‘Type of identification produced Fh = i 4-34-225~1 BRO ‘Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980(t}, Petition for injunction for Protection Again Stlldng (ays) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR DUVAL. COUNTY, FLORIDA. PETITIONER AND RESPONDENT TEMPORARY INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION AGAINST STALKING ‘The Petition for Injunction for Protection Against Stalking under Section 784.0485, Florida Statutes, and other papers filed in this Court have been reviewed. Under the laws of Florida, the Court has jurisdiction of the Petitioner and the subject matter, and has jurisdiction of the Respondent upon service of the temporary injunction. The term Petitioner as used in this injunction includes the person on whose behalf this injunction is entered, Itis intended that this protection order meet the requirements of 18 U.S.C. Section 2265 and therefore intended that it be accorded full faith and credit by the court of another state or Indian tribe and enforced as if it were the order of the enforcing state or of the Indian tribe. SECTION I. NOTICE OF HEARING Because this Temporary Injunction for Protection Against Stalking has been issued without notice to Respondent, Petitioner and Respondent are instructed that they are scheduled to appear and testify at a hearing regarding this matter on {date} September 28, 2021, at 8:00, AMLwhen the Court will consider whether it should issue a Final Judgment of Injunction for Protection Against Stalking, which shall remain in effect until modified or dissolved by the Court, and whether other things should be ordered. The hearing will be before The Honorable {name} WCOLLINS COOPER at the following address: COURTROOM 210, 501 WEST. ADAMS STREET, JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA, 32202. If Petitioner and/or Respondent do not appear, this temporary injunction may be continued in force, extended, or dismissed, and/or additional orders may be granted, including entry of a permanent injunction and the imposition of court costs. All witnesses and evidence, if any, must be presented at this time. ‘lrg Supreme Cout Approved Family Law Form 125803), Temporary Injenton for Protection Against Staking (O/1SNLY. 715) Petitioner and Respondent will be bound by the terms of any injunction or order issued at the final hearing, IF EITHER PETITIONER OR RESPONDENT DO NOT APPEAR AT THE FINAL HEARING, HE OR SHE WILL BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF ANY INJUNCTION OR ORDER ISSUED INTHIS MATTER. NOTICE: Because this is civil ease, there is no requirement that these proceedings be transcribed at public expense. YOU ARE ADVISED THAT IN THIS COURT: Ch. acourt reporter is provided by the court Bb. electronic recording only is provided by the court, A party may arrange in advance for the services of and provide for a court reporter to prepare a written transcript of the proceedings at that party's expense. ARECORD, WHICH INCLUDES A TRANSCRIPT, MAY BE REQUIRED TO SUPPORT AN APPEAL. THE PARTY SEEKING THE APPEAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING ‘THE TRANSCRIPT PREPARED BY A COURT REPORTER. THE TRANSCRIPT MUST BE FILED WITH THE REVIEWING COURT OR THE APPEAL MAY BE DENIED. Ifyou are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact The ADA Coordinator at [email protected] or (904) 255-1695 {identify applicable court personnel by name, address, and telephone number} at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. SECTION II. FINDINGS ‘The statements made under oath by Petitioner make it appear that Section 784.0485, Florida Statutes, applies to the parties, and that stalking exist, SECTION III. TEMPORARY INJUNCTION AND TERMS. This injunction shall be in effect until the hearing set above and in no event for longer than 15 days, unless extended by court order. Ifa final order of injunction is issued, the terms of this temporary injunction will be extended until service of the final injunction is effected upon Respondent. This injunction is valid and enforceable in all counties of the State of Florida. The Fed Supreme Cout Approved Family Law For 12:980(), Temporary Injunction fr Pectin Against Staking (0/15XLV. 718) terms of this injunction may not be changed by either party alone or by both parties together. Only the Court may modify the terms of this injunction, Either party may ask the Court to change or end this injunction, Willful violation of the terms of this injunction, such as: committing an act of stalking against Petitioner; going to or being within 500 feet of Petitioner's residence, place of employment, school, or other place prohibited in this injunction; knowingly and intentionally coming within 100 feet of Petitioner's motor vehicle, whether or not that vehicle is occupied; committing any other violation of this injunction through an intentional unlawful threat, word or act to do violence to Petitioner; telephoning, contacting or communicating with Petitioner, unless indirect contact through a third party is specifically allowed by this injunction; defacing or destroying, Petitioner's personal property, including Petitioner's motor vehicle; or refusing to surrender firearms or ammunition if ordered to so by the Court, constitutes a misdemeanor of the first degree punishable as provided by Sections 775.082 and 775.083, Florida Statutes. ‘Any party violating this injunction may be subject to civil or indirect criminal contempt proceedings, including the imposition of a fine or imprisonment, and also may be charged with a crime punishable by a fine, jail, or both, as provided by Florida Statutes. ORDERED and ADJUDGED: 1. Prohibited Actions. Respondent shall not commit, or cause any other person to commit, any acts of stalking against Petitioner, including stalking, cyberstalking, aggravated stalking, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death. Respondent shall not commit any other violation of this injunction through an intentional unlawful threat, word, or act to do violence to Petitioner. 2. No Contact. Respondent shalll have no contact with the Petitioner unless otherwise sek provided in this section, 4. Unless otherwise provided herein, Respondent shall have no contact with Petitioner. Respondent shall not directly or indireetly contact Petitioner in person, by ‘mail, e-mail, fax, telephone, through another person, or in any other manner, including Pe any electronic means or use of social media. Further, Respondent shall not contact or have any third party contact anyone connected with Petitioner's employment or school to inquire about Petitioner or to send any messages to Petitioner. Unless otherwise provided herein, Respondent shall not go to, in, or within 500 feet of: eek ' Retitionerscurent residence (lit address)4R32N, MAIN STREET 116 JACKSONVILLE, FL. 32209 or any residence to which Petitioner may move; «. Petitioner's current or any subsequent place of employment {list address of current employment} —_ 4. where Petitioner attends school {list address of school} _; or Fed Supreme Court Approved Fanly Law Form 12:980(), Temporary Iahnetion fr Protection Agi taking (0315). 1/18) ¢. the following other places (if requested by Petitioner) where Petitioner, specific members of Petitioner's family, or individuals closely associated with Petitioner, regularly frequent:_ re £, Respondent shall not knowingly and intentionally come within 100 feet of 4 Petitioner's motor vehicle at any time, whether or not that vehicle is occupied; 8. Other provisions regarding contact: 3. Firearms. [Initial all that apply; write N/A if not applicable) oe a. Respondent is a state or local officer, as defined in section 943.10(14), Florida Statutes, who holds an active certification, who receives or possesses a firearm or ammunition for use in performing official duties on behalf of the officer's employing agency, and is not prohibited by the court from having in his or her care, possession, or control any firearm or ammunition, NII b. Respondent shall not use or possess firearm or ammunition. NifA c. Respondent shall surrender any firearms and ammunition in the Respondent's possession to the Jacksonville’s Sheriff's Office (JSO). MPC cotter directives relating to firearms and ammunition: 4. Mailing Address or Designated E-Mail Address(es). Respondent shall notify the Clerk of the Court of any change in either his or her mailing address or designated e-mail address(es) within 10 days of the change. All further papers (excluding pleadings aus requiring personal service) shall be served either by mail to Respondent's last known, tailing address or by e-mail to Respondent's designated e-mail address(es). Service shall be complete upon mailing or e-mailing. 5. Additional order(s) necessary to protect Petitioner from stalking: vida Supreme Coun Approved Family Law For 129804), Temporary Injunction fr Protection Against Staking (3/15)0.V. 715) SECTION IV. OTHER SPECIAL PROVISIONS (This section to be used for inclusion of local provisions approved by the chief judge as provided in Florida Family Law Rule 12.610.) SECTION V. DIRECTIONS TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER IN ENFORCING THIS INJUNCTION (Unless ordered otherwise by the judge, all provisions in this injunction are considered mandatory provisions and should be interpreted art of this injunction.) 1. The Jacksonville Sheriffs Office, or any other authorized law enforcement officer, is ordered to serve this temporary injunction upon Respondent as soon as possible after its 2. This injunction is valid and enforceable in all counties of the State of Florida. Violation of this injunction should be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Law enforcement officers of the jurisdiction in which a violation of this injunction occurs shall enforce the provisions of this injunction and are authorized to arrest without a warrant pursuant to Section 901.15, Florida Statutes, for any violation of its provisions, which constitutes a criminal act under Section 784.0487, Florida Statutes. 3. THIS INJUNCTION IS ENFORCEABLE IN ALL COUNTIES OF FLORIDA AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS MAY EFFECT ARRESTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 901.15(6), FLORIDA STATUTES. The arresting agent shall notify the State Attomey's Office immediately after arrest. 4. Reporting alleged violations. If Respondent violates the terms of this injunction and has not been arrested, Petitioner may contact the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which the ‘lord Supreme Coun Approved Family Law For 12:98(a), Temporary Injunction fr Protection Agaest Staking (215YLLV. 715) violation is alleged to have occurred. The clerk shall assist Petitioner in preparing an affidavit in ‘Support of reporting the violation or direct Petitioner to the office operated by the court that has been designated by the chief judge of that circuit as the central intake point for violations of injunctions for protection where Petitioner can receive assistance in the preparation of the affidavit in support of the violation. The affidavit shall be immediately forwarded by the office assisting Petitioner to the state attorney of that circuit and to the judge designated by the chief Judge as the recipient of affidavits of violations of an injunction. Procedures relating to reporting alleged violations are governed by section 784.0487, Florida Statutes. DONE AND ORDERED in Duval County, Florida, on. 2021 ; 5. Respondent's attorney's name, address, and telephone number is (iF you do not know whether Respondent has an attorney, write "unknown." If Regondent does not have an attorney, write “none.") SECTION Ill, CASE HISTORY AND REASON FOR SEEKING PETITION (This section must be completed.) 1. Has Petitioner ever recelved or tried to get an injunction for protection against stalrg against Respondent in thisf any other court? Yes _2No _ fyes, what happened in that case? {include case number, if knewn} 2. Has Respondent evey received or tried to get an injunction for protection agains stalking against Petitiongs‘f this or any other court? Yes "No ifyes, what happened in that case? (Include case number, ifknawn)_ Describe any other court case that is either going on now or that happened in the pastbetween dope an Responder (ncde iF known}: 44, Petitioner sa victim of stalking because Respondent has: (please mark oll sections that opuiy} 2 perme sare b. Cpt threatened, harassed, stalked, cyberstalked, or physically abwed the ner; “Threatened to harm Petitioner or family members or individuals closely associated with Petitioner; 4 ao petra injured or killed a family pet; ‘AAised, or threatened to use, against Petitioner any weapons such as guns or knhes; f___Acriminal history involving violence or the threat or violence, if known; ‘Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12:980(t), Petition for Injunction for Protection Againt Stalking (as) .___ Another order of protection issued against him or her previously from another jurisdiction, If known; h.___ Destroyed personal property, including, but not limited to, telephones or other ‘communication equipment, clothing, or other items belonging to Petitioner. Below Is a description of the specific Incidents of stalking or cyberstalking: (for cybestalking, please include a description of all evidence of contacts and/or threats made by Respasdent in eo Dit heh e i ee a tited to, a home, school, or place of rent} { OX, ops pen ek ace & isso salts Please indicate here if you are attaching additional pages to continue these facts. Flotida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980(), Petition for Injunction for Protection Again Stalking (1s) 6. saa ‘Information ‘Respondent owns, has, and/or is known to have guns or other weapons. Describe weapon(s) and where they may be located, If known: SECTION IV. INJUNCTION {This section must be completed) 1. Petitioner asks the Court to enter a TEMPORARY INJUNCTION for protection againd stalking ‘that will be in place from now until the fcheduled hearing in this matter, which will immediately restrain Respondent from committing aby acts of stalking, and which will provide any trms the __ Court deems necessary for the protection of a victim of stalking, including any injuntions or directives to law enforcement agencies. 2. Petitioner asks the Court to enter, af JUDGMENT for protection against stalki stalking against Petitioner and: a hearing has been held on this petition,2 FINAL prohibiting Respondent from committing ay acts of 2. prohibiting Respondent from going to any specified place regularly frequented individuals closely associated with Petitionel ‘within 500 feet of any place Petitioner hes, or to Petitioner and any named family menbers or 'b. prohibiting Respondent: from going to\or within SOO feet of Petitioner's pixe(s) of ‘employment or the school that Petitioner Attends; the address of Petitioner's phce(s) of ‘employment and/or school i: prohibiting Respondent from contacting Peti through another person, or in any othet manner; er by telephone,.mall, by e-mail, inwting, d. ordering Respondent that he or she shall not ha in his or her care, custody, possssion, or ‘control any firearm or ammunition; 3. Petitioner asks the Court to enter any other terms it deems stalking by Respondent. | UNDERSTAND THAT BY FILING THIS PETITION, | AM ASKING THE COURKTO HOLD A HEAIING ON ‘THIS PETITION, THAT BOTH THE RESPONDENT AND I WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THE HEARING, AND THAT I MUST APPEAR AT THE HEARING. | UNDERSTAND THAT IF EITHER THE RESPONDENT OR (FAIL TO [APPEAR AT THE FINAL HEARING, WE WILL BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF ANY INJUNCTION Ot ORDER ISSUED AT THAT HEARING. Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980), Petition for Injunction for Protection Again Stalking (as) | HAVE READ EVERY STATEMENT MADE IN THIS PETITION AND EACH STATEMENT IS TRIE AND CORRECT. | UNDERSTAND THAT THE STATEMENTS MADE IN THIS PETITION ARE BEING MADEUNDER PENALTY OF PERIURY, PUNISHABLE AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 837.02, FLORIDA STATUTES. oatess FF STATE OF FLORIDA countyor_}) val ‘Sworn to or affirmed and signed before me on STARY PUBLIC or DEPUTY CLERK TeShawna D. Becks (Print, type, or stamp commissioned name of rotary or clerk.) 7 Personally known, AZ Produced identification Type ofidentiteatn produced EL DL R300-\'48-8l -H12- 0 Exp: Ufi2/eoz Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980(), Petition for Injunction for Protection Again Stalking GaAs) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR DUVAL, COUNTY, FLORIDA DEFERRO REED PETITIONER AND SUSTINEEPPER RESPONDENT TEMPORARY INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION AGAINST S ‘The Petition for Injunction for Protection Against Stalking under Section 784.0485, Florida Statutes, and other papers filed in this Court have been reviewed. Under the laws of Florida, the Court has jurisdiction of the Petitioner and the subject matter, and has jurisdiction of the Respondent upon service of the temporary injunction. The term Petitioner as used in this injunction includes the person on whose behalf this injunction is entered. Itis intended that this protection order meet the requirements of 18 U.S.C. Section 2265 ‘and therefore intended that it be accorded full faith and credit by the court of another state or Indian tribe and enforced as if it were the order of the enforcing state or of the Indian tribe. SECTION I. NOTICE OF HEARING Because this Temporary Injunction for Protection Against Stalking has been issued without notice to Respondent, Petitioner and Respondent are instructed that they are scheduled to appear and testify at a hearing regarding this matter on /date} September 28, 2021, at 8:00, AM,when the Court will consider whether it should issue a Final Judgment of Injunction for Protection Against Stalking, which shall remain in effect until modified or dissolved by the Court, and whether other things should be ordered. The hearing will be before The Honorable (name) WCOLLINS COOPER at the following address: COURTROOM 210, 501 WEST. ADAMS STREET, JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA, 32202. If Petitioner and/or Respondent do not appear, this temporary injunction may be continued in force, extended, or dismissed, and/or additional orders may be granted, including entry of a permanent injunction and the imposition of court costs. All witnesses and evidence, if any, must be presented at this time. ‘Flrids Supreme Court Approve Family Law Form 12:980(u, Temporary Injunction fr Protection Again Staking (0/1SYLV. 718) Petitioner and Respondent will be bound by the terms of any injunction or order issued at the final hearing. IF EITHER PETITIONER OR RESPONDENT DO NOT APPEAR AT THE FINAL HEARING, HE ORSHE WILL BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF ANY INJUNCTION OR ORDER ISSUED INTHIS MATTER. NOTICE: Because this is a civil case, there is no requirement that these proceedings be transcribed at public expense. YOU ARE ADVISED THAT IN THIS COURT: Gh. acourt reporter is provided by the court. Bb. electronic recording only is provided by the court, A party may arrange in advance for the services of and provide for a court reporter to prepare a written transcript of the proceedings at that party's expense. ARECORD, WHICH INCLUDES A TRANSCRIPT, MAY BE REQUIRED TO SUPPORT AN APPEAL. THE PARTY SEEKING THE APPEAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING ‘THE TRANSCRIPT PREPARED BY A COURT REPORTER. THE TRANSCRIPT MUST BE FILED WITH THE REVIEWING COURT OR THE APPEAL MAY BE DENIED. Ifyou are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact The ADA Coordinator at [email protected] or (904) 255-1695 {identify applicable court personnel by name, address, and telephone number} at east 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. SECTION IT. FINDINGS ‘The statements made under oath by Petitioner make it appear that Section 784.0485, Florida Statutes, applies to the parties, and that stalking exist. SECTION IIL. TEMPORARY INJUNCTION AND TERMS This injunction shall be in effect until the hearing set above and in no event for longer than 15 days, unless extended by court order. [fa final order of injunction is issued, the terms of this temporary injunction will be extended until service of the final injunction is effected upon Respondent. This injunction is valid and enforceable in all counties of the State of Florida. The Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law For 12 980(u), Temporary nuntion for Protection Against Staking (0/1SNL.V. 718) terms of this injunction may not be changed by either party alone or by both parties together. Only the Court may modify the tes ofthis injunction, Ether party may sk the Couto change or end this injunction, Willful violation of the terms of this injunction, such as: committing an act of stalking against Petitioner; going to or being within 500 feet of Petitioner's residence, place of employment, school, or other place prohibited inthis injunction; knowingly and intentionally coming within 100 feet of Petitioner's motor vehicle, whether or not that vehicle is occupied; committing any other violation of this injunction through an intentional unlawful threat, word or act to do violence to Petitioner; telephoning, contacting or communicating with Petitioner, unless indirect ccontact through a third party is specifically allowed by this injunction; defacing or destroying Petitioner's personal property, including Petitioner's motor vehicle; or refusing to surrender firearms or ammunition if ordered to so by the Court, constitutes a misdemeanor ofthe first degree punishable as provided by Sections 775.082 and 775.083, Florida Statutes. ‘Any party violating this injunction may be subject to civil or indirect criminal contempt proceedings, including the imposition ofa fine or imprisonment, and also may be charged with a crime punishable by a fine, jail, or both, as provided by Florida Statutes. ORDERED and ADJUDGED: 1, Prohibited Actions. Respondent shall not commit, or cause any other person to Bek commit, any acts of stalking against Petitioner, including stalking, cyberstalking, aggravated stalking, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death. Respondent shall not commit any other violation of this injunction through an intentional unlawful threat, word, or act to do violence to Petitioner. 2. No Contaet, Respondent shall have no contact with the Petitioner unless otherwise wk provided im this section. ‘a. Unless otherwise provided herein, Respondent shall have no contact with Petitioner. Respondent shall not directly or indirectly contact Petitioner in person, by gprs al enall os, telephone, through another person, or in any other manner, including any electronic means or use of social media. Further, Respondent shall not contact or have any third party contact anyone connected with Petitioner's employment or school to inquire about Petitioner or to send any messages to Petitioner. Unless otherwise provided herein, Respondent shall not goto, in, or within 500 feet of: BCA & Resitioner’s current residence (list scdress)4892. NORTH MAIN STREET #7 TACKSONVILLE, FL_32206 or any residence to which Petitioner may move; «. Petitioner's current or any subsequent place of employment {list address of current employment} d. where Petitioner attends school {list address of school} __; or Flrida Supreme Court Approved Fly Law Farm 12 980(), Tenpory Injunction for Protection Against Staking (03/1SWLV. 715) ¢. the following other places (if requested by Petitioner) where Petitioner, specific members of Petitioner's family, or individuals closely associated with Petitioner, regularly frequent:__ hk £ Respondent shall not knowingly and intentionally come within 100 feet of Petitioner's motor vehicle at any time, whether or not that vehicle is occupied 8g. Other provisions regarding contact: 3. Firearms, [Initial all that apply; write N/A if not applicable] eA» Respondent is a state ot local officer, as defined in section 943.10(14), Florida Statutes, who holds an active certification, who receives or possesses a firearm or ‘ammunition for use in performing official duties on behalf of the officers employing agency, and is not prohibited by the court from having in his or her care, possession, or ‘control any firearm or ammunition. NIA _b. Respondent shall not use or possess a firearm or ammunition. NIA. Respondent shall surrender any firearms and ammunition in the Respondent's possession to the Jacksonville's Sheriff's Office (JSO). lpr other directives relating to firearms and ammunition: ee SaaS SS SS OO 4. Mailing Address or Designated E-Mail Address(es). Respondent shall notify the Clerk of the Court of any change in either his or her mailing address or designated e-mail ‘address(es) within 10 days of the change. All further papers (excluding pleadings “BEAS requiring personal service) shal be served either by mal to Respondent’ last known mailing address or by e-mail to Respondent's designated e-mail address(es). Service shall be complete upon mailing or e-mailing. 5. Additional order(s) necessary to protect Petitioner from stalking: —_— SSS eee —_—_SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsSsSSSSs ‘lida Supreme Cour Approved Family Law Form 12:980(u, Temporary Injuntion fr Protection Again Staking (03/15N0.V. 718) 6. Referral to Appropriate Services for Petitioner Petitioner may contact the following services as needed: SECTION IV. OTHER SPECIAL PROVISIONS (This section to be used for inclusion of local provisions approved by the chief judge as provided in Florida Family Law Rule 12.610.) SECTION V. DIRECTIONS TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER IN ENFORCING ‘THIS INJUNCTION (Unless ordered otherwise by the judge, all provisions in this injunction are considered mandatory provisions and should be interpreted as part of this injunction.) 1. The Jacksonville Sheriffs Office, or any other authorized law enforcement officer, is ordered to serve this temporary injunction upon Respondent as soon as possible after its issuance. 2, This injunction is valid and enforceable in all counties of the State of Florida. Violation of this injunction should be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Law enforcement officers of the jurisdiction in which a violation of this injunction occurs shall enforce the provisions of this injunction and are authorized to arrest without a warrant pursuant to Section 901.15, Florida Statutes, for any violation of its provisions, which constitutes a criminal act under Section 784.0487, Florida Statutes. 3. THIS INJUNCTION IS ENFORCEABLE IN ALL COUNTIES OF FLORIDA AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS MAY EFFECT ARRESTS PURSUANT TO ‘SECTION 901.15(6), FLORIDA STATUTES. The arresting agent shall notify the State Attomey's Office immediately after arrest. 4, Reporting alleged violations. If Respondent violates the terms of this injunction and has not been arrested, Petitioner may contact the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which the Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12 98(a),Terporry nuncion fr Protection Agni Stalking (315X715) violation is alleged to have occurred. The clerk shall assist Petitioner in preparing an affidavit in support of reporting the violation or direct Petitioner to the office operated by the cour that has been designated by the chief judge of that circuit as the central intake point for violations of injunctions for protection where Petitioner can receive assistance in the preparation of the affidavit in support of the violation. The affidavit shall be immediately forwarded by the office assisting Petitioner to the state attorney of that circuit and to the judge designated by the chief judge as the recipient of affidavits of violations of an injunction. Procedures relating to reporting alleged violations are governed by section 784.0487, Florida Statutes. DONE AND ORDERED in Duval County, Florida, on September 2.0 .2021_ ? Z IRCUIT JUDGE 7 COPIES To: Bree z. Anderton Ww v. Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Petitioner (or his or her attorney): ® byU.S. Mail by hand delivery in open court Q_ bye-mail to a designated e-mail address Respondent: & Forwarded to Jacksonville's Sheriff's Office 1 State Attomey's Office O Other: I CERTIFY the foregoing is a true copy of the original Temporary Injunction for Protection ‘Against Stalling as it appears on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Duval ‘County, Florida, and that I have furnished copies of this order as indicated above. CLERK-OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Deputy Clerk ofudicial Assistant Florida Supreme Cour Approved Family Law Form 12980(, Temporary Injunction fr Protection Against Staking (0/15V.V. 718) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Fourth JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR Duval COUNTY, FLORIDA. case No: 2\-DR- BA4Q- DVXK Division: DV-A ss FILED dink demers SEP 17 2021 Respondent. DUAL CLERK OF COURT PETITION FOR INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION AGAINST ‘STALKING tgutiesciname LODAON HALLS rg worm, cat atthe following statements are true: Petitioner, SECTION I, PETITIONER (This section Is about you. It must be completed; however, if you require that your adress be ‘confidential for safety reasons, you should complete and file a Request for Confidential Filing of ‘Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980(h), and write confidentsl in the ‘space provided on this form for your address and telephone number.) Petitioner seeks an injunction for protection on behalf of a minor child. Petitioner Is the parent or legal guardian of ffull legal name} {a minor child who Is tving at home. 2: Petitioner's attorney's name, address, and telephone number Is: {(fyou do not have an attorney, write “none.") ‘SECTION Il. RESPONDENT (This section is about the person you want to be protected from. it must be completed.) 1. _ Respondent resides at the following address: {provide last known street address, city, state, and zip code} __ Florida Supreme Court Approved Fant Law Form 12.980) Peon for Injunction for Protection Aga Stalkng (as) 2 Respondent's last known place of employment: § ) Employment address: Werking hours of Respondent: Physical desgrption of Respondent: nce CREED see wale Xe Fenale___osteof ts Height: Weight: Eye Color: Tile Calor Distinguishing marks and/or Vehicle: (mnoteynoael A209" coor “Tag Number if known), ai prs tepodet res y loses ornicnames: Pye Respondent's attorney's name, address, and telephone number is: (if you do not know whether Respondent has an attorney, write "unknown." If Repondent does not have an attomey, write "none.") SECTION I!l. CASE HISTORY AND REASON FOR SEEKING PETITION (This section must be completed.) L 3 4 Has Petitioner ever recelved or tried to get an injunction for protection against stalkrg against Respondent in this or any other court? Yes No ifyes, what happened in that case? finclude case number, if known} Has Respondent ever received or tried to get an injunction for protection agains stalking against Petitioner in this or any other court? Yes _X_No Ifyes, what happened in that case? (Include cose number, ifknown}__ Describe any other court case that Is either going on now or that happened in the pastbetween, Patitioner and Respondent fipclude cage number, if known}: Petitioner isa victim of stalking because Respondent has: (please mark all sections that ope} @.___Committed stalking; b._K_ Previously threatened, harassed, stalked, cyberstalked, or physically abised the Petitioner; ¢_X_Threatened to harm Petitioner or family members or individuals closely associated with Petitioner; ____ Intentionally injured or killed a family pet; 2K Used, or threatened to use, against Petitioner any weapons such as guns or knits; ‘Acriminal history involving violence or the threat or violence, if known; 4, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980), Petition for injunction for Protection Again Stalking (ays) ‘&__Another order of protection issued against him or her previously from another Jurisdiction, if known; h.__Destroyed personal property, including, but not limited to, telephones or other ‘communication equipment, clothing, or other tems belonging to Petitioner. Below Is a description of the specific incidents of stalking or cyberstalking: {for cybestalking, please include a description of all evidence of contacts and/or threats made by Respadent in voice messages, texts, emails, or other electronic communication} on dates the following incidents of stalking occurred at the following bxations: {the locatjons may ince, ut need iW be tinted oa home, school or pace ofemetanen aca 0 yee Dt onda Yemen ht Aded Lod oA Pulled over ai iy UL (i Eos OA unis 4p] at hy OYOCES Dh g IS APTI 7) MW s_ hyd We ae pape mrs pho Lpyiiiae The pig Feb 4) Bee or Yn Vie ui tA Le RE Melee Fug Lavi Lig SLD LEG VD Yap fas re ea At ig Et MAE fi TEE eae Z Please indicate here if you are attaching additional pages to continue these facts. Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980(t), Petition fo injunction for Protection Again Stalking (as) High ba d EF Ho HB Ll $l Db Ig Lay ILE 2 WIA MGL UW PALL IG Leth LMML kb EE LMA! fig Hl WD VILLGS, Fc pla 1ALE fall tlecM 6 Additional information -X__Respondent owns, has, and/oris known to have guns or other weapons. ribe weapon(s) and where they may be located, ifknown: KP Id O(Alict SECTION IV. INJUNCTION. (This section must be completed} 1. Petitioner asks the Court to enter a TEMPORARY INJUNCTION for protection againsstakking that willbe in place from now until the scheduled hearing inthis matter, which wil imaeciately restrain Respondent from committing any acts of stalking, and which will provide any tems the __ Court deems rigcessary for the protection of a victim of staking, induding any Injuntions or directives to law enforcement agencies. 2. Petitioner asks the Court to enter, after 2 hearing has been held on this petition, FINAL JUDGMENT for protection against stalking prohibiting Respondent from committing ay acts of stalking against Petitioner and: 2. prohibiting Respondent from going to or within 500 feet of any place Petitioner thes, oF to ‘any specified place regularly frequented by Petitioner and any named family meabers or Individuals closely associated with Petitioner; b. prohibiting Respondent from going to or within 500 féet of Petitioner's pkcels) of employment or the school that Petitioner attends; the address of Petitioner's phce(s) of ‘employment and/or school is: ‘c prohibiting Respondent from contacting Petitioner by telephone, mail, by e-mail, nwriting, ‘through another person, or in any other manner; d. ordering Respondent that he or she shall not have in his or her care, custody, possssion, or ‘control any firearm or ammunition; €. prohibiting Respondent from knowingly and intentionally going to or within 10) feet of Petitioner's motor vehicle, whether or not that vehicle Is occupied; 3. Petitioner asks the Court to enter any other terms it deems necessary to protect Petitiner from stalking by Respondent. | UNDERSTAND THAT BY FILING THIS PETITION, | AM ASKING THE COURT TO HOLD A HEARING ON ‘THIS PETITION, THAT BOTH THE RESPONDENT AND I WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THE HEARING, AND THAT I MUST APPEAR AT THE HEARING. | UNDERSTAND THAT IF EITHER THE RESPONDENT OR I FAIL. TO [APPEAR AT.THE FINAL HEARING, WE WILL BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF ANY INJUNCTION Ot ORDER ISSUED AT THAT HEARING. Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980), Petition fr Injunction for Protection Again Stalking (as) | HAVE READ EVERY STATEMENT MADE IN THIS PETITION AND EACH STATEMENT 1S THE AND ‘CORRECT. | UNDERSTAND THAT THE STATEMENTS MADE IN THIS PETITION ARE BEING MADEUNDER PENALTY OF PERIURY, PUNISHABLE AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 837.02, FLORIDA STATUTES. pates: 2/7 2/- ignature of Pe Printed Name AAU//PAKA ‘Address: aM Lights CYT 7 PEL O 7 ot least STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ‘Sworn to or affirmed and signed before me on (Print, type, or stomp commissioned name oftotary or dlerk.) Personally known Produced identification Type of identifiation produced IEL~ SHO2O-SR3-A0- Wd “exp: 1/26/2024 Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980), Petition fr Injunction for Pratection Aga Stalking ays) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 16-2021-DR;003449-DVXX-MA Division: DV-A PETITIONER AND JUSTIN K. PEPPERS RESPONDENT TEMPORARY INJUNCTION FOR PROTECTION AGAINST STALKING ‘The Petition for Injunction for Protection Against Stalking under Section 784.0485, Florida Statutes, and other papers filed in this Court have been reviewed. Under the laws of Florida, the Court has jurisdiction of the Petitioner and the subject matter, and has jurisdiction of the Respondent upon service of the temporary injunction. The term Petitioner as used in this injunction includes the person on whose behalf this injunction is entered. Itis intended that this protection order meet the requirements of 18 U.S.C. Section 2265 and therefore intended that it be accorded full faith and credit by the court of another state or Indian tribe and enforced as if it were the order of the enforcing state or of the Indian tribe. SECTION I. NOTICE OF HEARING Because this Temporary Injunction for Protection Against Stalking has been issued without notice to Respondent, Petitioner and Respondent are instructed that they are scheduled to appear and testify at a hearing regarding this matter on {date} September 28, 2021, at 8:00. AM,when the Court will consider whether it should issue a Final Judgment of Injunction for Protection Against Stalking, which shall remain in effect until modified or dissolved by the Court, and whether other things should be ordered. The hearing will be before The Honorable {name} WCOLLINS COOPER at the following address: COURTROOM 210, 501 WEST. ADAMS STREET, JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA, 32202. If Petitioner and/or Respondent do not appear, this temporary injunction may be continued in force, extended, or dismissed, and/or additional orders may be granted, including entry of a permanent injunction and the imposition of court costs. All witnesses and evidence, if any, must be presented at this time. ‘lida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12980), Temporary Injunction fer Protection Against Staking (O/1SWLLV. 715) Petitioner and Respondent will be bound by the terms of any injunction or order issued at the final hearing, IF EITHER PETITIONER OR RESPONDENT DO NOT APPEAR AT THE FINAL HEARING, HE OR SHE WILL BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF ANY INJUNCTION OR ORDER ISSUED INTHIS MATTER. NOTICE: Because this is a civil case, there is no requirement that these proceedings be transcribed at public expense. YOU ARE ADVISED THAT IN THIS COURT: Ch. a court reporter is provided by the court. |b. _ electronic recording only is provided by the court. A party may arrange in advance for the services of and provide for a court reporter to prepare a written transcript ofthe proceedings at that party's expense. ARECORD, WHICH INCLUDES A TRANSCRIPT, MAY BE REQUIRED TO SUPPORT AN APPEAL. THE PARTY SEEKING THE APPEAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING ‘THE TRANSCRIPT PREPARED BY A COURT REPORTER. THE TRANSCRIPT MUST BE FILED WITH THE REVIEWING COURT OR THE APPEAL MAY BE DENIED. Ifyou are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact The ADA Coordinator at [email protected] or (904) 255-1695 {identify applicable court personnel by name, address, and telephone number} at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if ‘you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. ‘SECTION II. FINDINGS The statements made under oath by Petitioner make it appear that Section 784.0485, Florida Statutes, applies to the parties, and that stalking exist. SECTION III. TEMPORARY INJUNCTION AND TERMS This injunction shall be in effect until the hearing set above and in no event for longer than 15, days, unless extended by court order. Ifa final order of injunction is issued, the terms of this temporary injunction will be extended until service of the final injunction is effected upon Respondent. This injunction is valid and enforceable in all counties of the State of Florida. The -lrda Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12:980(u, Temporary Injunction fr Protection Against Stalking (O/15KLV. 7/8) terms of this injunction may not be changed by either party alone or by both parties together. Only the Court may modify the terms of this injunction. Either party may ask the Court to change or end this injunction. Willful violation of the terms of this injunction, such as: committing an act of stalking against Petitioner going to or being within 50D fet of Petitioners residence, place of employment, school, or other place prohibited in this injunction; knowingly and intentionally coming within 100 feet of Petitioner's motor vehicle, whether or not that vehicle is occupied; committing any ‘ther violation of this injunction through an intentional unlawful threat, word or act to do violence to Petitioner; telephoning, contacting or communicating with Petitioner, unless indirect ‘contact through a third party is specifically allowed by this injunction; defacing or destroying Petitioner's personal property, including Petitioner's motor vehicle; or refusing to surrender firearms or ammunition if ordered to so by the Court, constitutes a misdemeanor of the frst degree punishable as provided by Sections 775.082 and 775.083, Florida Statues. ‘Any party violating this injunction may be subject to civil or indirect criminal contempt proceedings, including the imposition ofa fine or imprisonment, and also may be charged with a crime punishable by a fine, jail, or both, as provided by Florida Statutes. ORDERED and ADJUDGED: 1. Prohibited Actions. Respondent shall not commit, or cause any other person to commit, any acts of stalking against Petitioner, including stalking, cyberstalking, Pike aggravated stalking, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death, Respondent shall not commit any other violation of this injunction through an intentional unlawful threat, word, or act to do violence to Petitioner. 2. No Contact. Respondent shall have no contact with the Petitioner unless otherwise provided in this section. Unless otherwise provided herein, Respondent shall have no contact with Petitioner. Respondent shall not directly or indirectly contact Petitioner in person, by ‘mail, e-mail, fax, telephone, through another person, or in any other manner, including pb electronic means or use of social media. Further, Respondent shall not contact or have any third party contact anyone connected with Petitioner's employment or school to inquire about Petitioner or to send any messages to Petitioner. Unless otherwise provided herein, Respondent shall not go to, in, or within $00 feet of Bek b Petitioners eurent residence {list address}8700 S B 4 VI EMAL Ae TO PURE jettioner may move; c. Petitioner's current or any subsequent place of employment {list address of current employment) __ Florida Supreme Cout Approved amily Law Form 12.980(u), Temporary njncion for Protection Agi Staking (2/15). 75) 4. where Petitioner attends school {list address of school} __; or «. the following other places (if requested by Petitioner) where Petitioner, specific members of Petitioner's family, or individuals closely associated with Petitioner, regularly frequent:__ £ Respondent shall not knowingly and intentionally come within 100 feet of Bby Peitioners motor vehicle at anytime, whether or not that vehicle is occupied; , Other provisions regarding contact: 3. Firearms. (initial all that apply; write N/A if not applicable] “BDA 2. Respondent is a state or local officer, as defined in section 943.10(14), Florida ‘Statutes, who holds an active certification, who receives or possesses a firearm or ammunition for use in performing official duties on behalf of the officer's employing agency, and is not prohibited by the court from having in his or her care, possession, or control any firearm or ammunition. {NLA Lb. Respondent shall not use or posses a firearm or ammunition. (MIA. Respondent shall surender any firearms and ammunition inthe Respondent's possession to the Jacksonville's Sheriff's Office (JSO). Nie 4. other directives relating to firearms and ammunition: 4. Mailing Address or Designated E-Mail Address(es). Respondent shall notify the Clerk of the Court of any change in either his or her mailing address or designated e-mail address(es) within 10 days of the change. Alll further papers (excluding pleadings BEAL requiring personal service) shal be served either by mai to Respondent's ast known mailing address or by e-mail to Respondent's designated e-mail address(es). Service shall be complete upon mailing or e-mailing. 5. Additional order(s) necessary to protect Petitioner from stalking: Florida Supreme Court Approve Family Law Form 12:980(, Temporary Innction for Protection Agni taking (154. 7/18) 6. Referral to Appropriate Services for Petitioner Petitioner may contact the following services as needed: SECTION IV. OTHER SPECIAL PROVISIONS (This section to be used for inclusion of local provisions approved by the chief judge as provided in Florida Family Law Rule 12.610.) SECTION V. DIRECTIONS TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER IN ENFORCING THIS INJUNCTION (Unless ordered otherwise by the judge, all provisions in this injunction are considered mandatory provisions and should be interpreted as part of this injunction.) 1. The Jacksonville Sheriffs Office, or any other authorized law enforcement officer, is ordered to serve this temporary injunction upon Respondent as soon as possible after its issuance. 2, This injunction is valid and enforceable in all counties of the State of Florida. Violation of this injunction should be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Law enforcement officers of the jurisdiction in which a violation of this injunction occurs shall enforce the provisions of this injunction and are authorized to arrest without a warrant pursuant to Section 901.15, Florida Statutes, for any violation of its provisions, which constitutes a criminal act under Section 784.0487, Florida Statutes. 3. THIS INJUNCTION IS ENFORCEABLE IN ALL COUNTIES OF FLORIDA AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS MAY EFFECT ARRESTS PURSUANT TO SECTION 901.15(6), FLORIDA STATUTES. The arresting agent shall notify the State Attorney's Office immediately after arrest. 4. Reporting alleged violations. If Respondent violates the terms of this injunction and has oid Supreme Court Approved Faily Law Form |2580(, Temporary Injunction fer Protection Against Stalking (0/1SWLV. 718) not been arrested, Petitioner may contact the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which the violation is alleged to have occurred. The clerk shall assist Petitioner in preparing an affidavit in support of reporting the violation or direct Petitioner to the office operated by the court that has been designated by the chief judge of that circuit asthe central intake point for violations of injunctions for protection where Petitioner can receive assistance in the preparation of the affidavit in support ofthe violation. The affidavit shall be immediately forwarded by the office assisting Petitioner to the state attorney of that circuit and to the judge designated by the chief judge as the recipient of affidavits of violations of an injunction. Procedures relating to reporting alleged violations are governed by section 784.0487, Florida Statutes. DONE AND ORDERED in Duval County, Florida, on _September 20.2021 CIRCUIT. 7 Faure &. Te COPIES TO: Jacksonville Sheriffs Office Petitioner (or his or her attorney): by US. Mail by hand delivery in open court by e-mail to a designated e-mail address Respondent: (Forwarded to Jacksonville's Sheriff's Office State Attomey's Office Other: I CERTIFY the foregoing is a true copy of the original Temporary Injunction for Protection ‘Against Stalking as it appears on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Duval County, Florida, and that I have furnished copies of this order as indicated above. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Deputy Cle or Judicial Assistant Florida Supreme Court Approved Fell Law Form 12.9800), Temporay Injunction for Protection Against Staking (03/15KLLV. 715) Cor eae abwieazerisa SO wsonigez: [380 ooe1i770 wsoaioaz7- sO ‘0s11972 ‘abiiass20673 |J80 ‘Soniow7- iso ‘osi2i38 wsosoaz7./J80 ‘os1z281 perry SILVER ST 40TH STW "aas2 MAINSTN "4922 SLVER ST | Ge00 LILLIAN RD wSoniosar- (180 —(6200xONA AVE Sas |__| __ ssoni0s27- 180 | TeO2 ATLANTIC BLVO ‘osizaz4 “i809 sSonioazr- 180 "ARLINGTON RO NTARLINGTON XY SERVICE RO. NUNIVEXTTN ARLXRP/W Officer Event Log 8/27/2021 - 8/27/2021 Officer ID: 77661 Unit 1D 77661 "7768 77661 77661 “Fs ae a8 m8 2188 FRopor Processed Date: 9721/2021 1.07 PM Requested By: ENTIS212NCW Eon iy eae) Ee ee Pet Creer eas iS) OV Onaaz 4533 | 120802 | eed | veer | ego | OW Youre | saaenr | ie0n? | —aaaae bos a0 | tok ov | 0g272021 14:46:58 14:46:58 | 14:50:10 801, P | 144658 | a Ov tazracet | ies8s8 ey | 661 ov ieoast | aeaKsT | “Tree ‘ov | eaavaeet | ivaaas | traeae | irae | Trae | {2 ‘77661 ov | o@a7a021 | 17:50:13 178013 | 30:08:82 Sess ee a oe 17:52:09 | | 77661 ‘ov | osz7/2021 (21:48:08 Rae | pease 77661 1050 | OV ‘| esrareaei 223200 22:32:00 eet Page 1 of2 Inthe County Cou, nan foOurl County, Feta NOTICE TO APPEAR 0158404 A CITATION FOR CRIMINAL OR Civ VIOLATION. 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County, Fria Civil © criminal | NOTICE TO APPEAR Crvarion FoR CRIMINAL OR CiviL VIOLATION State of Florida, City of Jacksonville vs [exe > — [ven Sones Elean 7 Se [eote “I Castex Se Beckson Nhe 32209 Posie, | Tr Ts oo roa TT TTT Ta cm ORT or fas] as | Bib | Ben a; (Eee fc] a Tame Sa rane [aT SE] 1 sounds to beieve, ard does beove tha f | comm te ftioningoenso(e) in wolation of eosin offense 2 atthe folowing toca Ort dees prin Wo nd De ¢ 4 horn cna howe sah tales Bret Bol rhesensal of and bythe author of te Consolidated City of ecksonvil, Pia, the undersigned eaten T that ne or she has just and renal ao Sine Sine Lesa vO an, Omen Pansous] OwnceD Casendans) Swine etme S22. Smug enemas | Event Recap Incident Number: JS0/210827-00511770 Incident Datel Time: Address: SILVER ST! 40TH STW Caller: Primary Offer: PEPPERS, JUSTIN R 77661 /1D# 77661 Operator: ROBINSON, PATRICIA ID# 6630 Priofty: 3. Signal: 1050 TRAFFIC STOP Dispositions: _K - ASST OTHER UNIT/AGN:SUPERVISOR! K- ASST OTHER UNITIAGN:SUPERVISOR/ M- UNIFORM TRAFFICIPARKING CITATION! M- UNIFORM TRAFFICIPARKING CITATION! (O- MISD CITATION (NTA)ISSUED! loscarzaz1 2202 13:08 oararizoay ¥a-08 foaeria0z1 13: SDENT INITIATED | PRaARY UN CHANGED TO 0765) UNIT STATUS FOR 77661] CHANGED TO 82712021 13:08 Closed Date! Time: 08/27/2021 14:44 Building rea: Subsector: Ct Beat: 181 ‘Alarm 1: [BCS - BODY CAM - RETAIN FOR 5 YEARS! 18C5 - BODY CAM - RETAIN FOR 5 YEARS/ [BCS - BODY CAM - RETAIN FOR 5 YEARS! X- PERP CONTIADVS CEASE & DESIST/ (0 MISD CITATION (NTAY'SSUEDY as "CONSOLE: JS0-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(S630) "CONSOLE! 180-77; ROBINSON, PATRIGIA(I0) "CONSOLE! 180-21; ROBINSON, PATRIGIA(0) | CONSOLE: ISO.Zi; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(G830) josreria021 13:08 loszri20z4 75:08 |INCIBENT STATUS: ACTIVE [UNIT DISPATCHED: (7661) [IMVERICLEQUERY EXECUTED (GONEOLE: 160 74; ROBINEON, PATRICIA) ~|GONSOLE: 180-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(GG30) | ~~ | CONSOLE: J80-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(6630) | wcrc 3:08 losanioz 7300 lowcra0at 13:08 [INCIDENT UPDATED: BEAT [INGIDENT UPDATED: SECTOR = Ct [INCIDENT UPDATED: CITY = JACKSONVILLE ‘CONSOLE: 180-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIAGE30) [CONSOLE 80-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(SE30) (CONSOLE: JG0-Z1; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(SE30) Report Processed Dale: 972172021 1248 PM Raquosted By: ENTIS212NCW Page 1 3 fowz772021 13:08 | INCIDENT UPDATED: CROSS STREET = 6000 SILVER ST/200 40TH STW [FONSOLE: 160-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(E530) foeerranzt 13:08 | INCIDENT UPDATED: HIGH CROSSSTREET NUMBER = 5000 | CONSOLE: 150-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(GES0) [oe2772021 18:08 [INCIDENT UPDATED: LOCATION = SILVER ST/40TH STW | CONSOLE: 160-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(@620) [oeza7ra021 13:08 _| INCIDENT UPDATED: LOW CROSS STREET NUMBER = 200 | CONSOLE: 160-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(G630) fosra7m2021 08 INCIDENT UPDATED: SUBDIVISION = 001 | CONSOLE: 160-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(S630) joeraranat 73:08 [INCIDENT UPDATED: ZIPCODE = 92206 | CONSOLE: 160-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(®630) [oerarra02t 13:11 [UNIT STATUS FOR [0316] CHANGED TO | CONSOLE: JS0-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(@S30) fosari20e1 18:11 [UNIT DISPATCHED: [C316] |CONSOLE: 180-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(S530) foera7r021 13:11 | UNIT STATUS FOR [C316] CHANGED TO (LOCATION: SILVER ST/ 40TH STW) [CONSOLE: JS0-LAP45806-; REESE, DEVAN (78496) fosrarra0z1 13:12 [UNIT DISPATCHED: [B325) [CONSOLE: 160-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(G830) joararraca% 7a:t2—_ [UNIT STATUS FOR [C316] CHANGED TO [GONSOLE: 180-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(G630) [oera7r20e1 18:12 ___ | UNIT STATUS FOR [74987] CHANGED TO (LOGATION: SILVER ST /40TH STW) |CONSOLE: 160-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(G620) [oearr0zi 13:13 __ [UNIT STATUS FOR [74987] CHANGED TO | CONSOLE: 180-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIN6630) [oea772021 1821 __ | COMMENTS: SEND SGT TO THIS 1020 1056 MS HARRIS IN THE BURG JEEP |CONSOLE: 180-02; RICHARDSON, MELINDA(G7759) foererm0z1 13:21 [DISPOSITION RECORDED FOR [74987] | CONSOLE: 160-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(6620) lowrarrace% 7321 | DISPOSITION RECORDED FOR [74987] |CONSOLE: JS0-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(G630) Joeravranzt 13:21 __ [UNIT STATUS FOR [74987] CHANGED TO [CONSOLE: 160-21; ROBINSON, PATRICIA(G520) josrarranat 13:24 [DRIVER'S LICENSEQUERY EXEOUTED ISSRSO SO APoRo.M: PEPPERS, ET loerarizozi 18:25 [DRIVER'S LICENSEQUERY EXECUTED CORSCLE: SOLARA PEPPERS, USTIN loerarozi 13:38 | VEHICLEQUERY EXECUTED | CONSOLE: JS0-LAP43969-44, PEPPERS, JUSTIN 77661) loerarmzt 14:21 | DRIVER'S LICENSEQUERY EXECUTED | CONSOLE: JS0-LAP43009-44, PEPPERS, JUSTIN, 7661) foerazrana% 14222 | UNIT STATUS FOR [B325] CHANGED TO CONSOLE: SSO LAPSEEREAK STIRKS, TRINA 18258) foera7ranat 14:22 [UNIT STATUS FOR [BS25] CHANGED TO | CONSOLE: J80-LAP45806-N DENNARD, TIA(10268)| joerarranzt 14222 | UNIT STATUS FOR [8325] CHANGED TO (LOCATION: SILVER ST /40TH STW) GoRSDTE ISO-LAPesn6- STIRKS, TRINA joararranzi 74222 [UNIT STATUS FOR [325] CHANGED TO (LOCATION: SILVER ST /40TH STW) | CONSOLE: JS0-LAP45096-M; DENNARD, TIA(10258)| joerarranat 14222 | UNIT STATUS FOR [B325] CHANGED TO CEASE OO LARC ST, TNA joara7ia0ai 1422 __|UNIT STATUS FOR [B325] CHANGED TO | CONSOLE: JS0-LAP45896-N; DENNARD, TIA(1S258)| foerarmacat 14228 [DISPOSITION -@CS> RECORDED FOR (325), [CONSOLE JSO-LAPASO06.At STIRKS, TRINA 8258) Report Processed Date: 87212021 12:48PM Roquasted By: ENTIE212NCW Page 2013 emcees IMONEL2SUNG a panty a Gr ZOEKEN sm PRETO LO © senen | woes | eves | veo | _wrusnr-susasas | sous izes veers: : | wares - ‘wr 3553 108 vu cvns0 sue 94%0 Tose] 7 usar suaaeawéaboravrost STOSNOD| 7 - ; a3s070 1nsc.on! vrs oz Woo) Mush sudaawontravrosr sTOSN09, 7 | axon aeutluos snuvis ann] rn izozzzo (04) usr sue veontrs Fost NOHO, i ee ee ~__ (is92)) NOWISOASIO) _rv'rt 4z0z/z2/90} ‘us600 usr susda3ayoostravrosr NOHO) ee = (0ee 0s 03040024 o> NOUISOASIa| vin nz ‘iso INusnir'seisdda i s96trd¥rOSr SI0SNOO | (@sz51)vis “QUYNNBO W-96ESrAYTOST -FI0SNOO (ess) aru ‘SvRS ‘N-@6asraV OSE 'SIOSNOS | (oszst)vis ‘GuvNNaa wW96esraVrOSt SI0SNOO| (esa) Yar ‘Sv "He 96@SraV OSE 'SIOSNOD | (Gszenna cuvnnsaWoeesravrosr3108N00| eee 19> 01 aBONVHO Isze€] HOS SNuvAS LINN} seins tzozzre0 -<10> 01 aa0WvHO Isze8) HOS SnLvAS LINN Igzeal uo. aaauoor o> NOUISousI sev wzozizreo sev szozizre] __lsetal wos aacuoose <> NoltISodsIa, Iszeal uos aaqyoos som NoUISOAsIa| sev szozizroo sein wzozzre0 100, emyeubs Au ou, oxome fay Bute oo) 1 kur govern © aL HEH eat lee eee om 0p Fpliavep si peo. Bupady wu 1 RADIO U "an ope sone spo Revo ei ye uno ana "SUROD, UNDO. OUI 49.2410. “9LJ2NRAN BUR 9290N ONL P20 8d Seu NOK sON0N, 98 'e peigoiju se unoo ul seed) psiinbeu ou axe nok Pui (90109 cules. eu. fas pmo. 104 CORE - Clerk Online Resource ePortal ‘ ce auntie on i = = oe won a aa aes — = mromisiat mie _ aguas ee see 7 wo soe = co eat roseaor Ce Ff 7 ai bate Te oe a Location ‘Courtroom ‘cancsied cot cot St = oo eee ay ry 2772921 peeve ote 09721202 9:00 A - 30K IRDROOR, $01 W ADRS ST ROXSOMVALE 32202 : ‘eo = RE cman o1smiame oa cazate _ a Tof 1 9/21/2021, 12:53 PM Inthe County Cou mand for Ouval County, Fa Dewi : NOTICE TO APPEAR ctatonsuainc 04,584.92 A © cimina CiraTIonFoR CaanAL om Cv ViotATION State of Florida, City of Jacksonville vs, sam owe: §/27/ah ven Te (0 lee: be shide por oR S10 sy & Si us « Tie kanal ie Marea Bul srg Secleaille Sete Ta Te aay ar mem. Tp El 3 Weve [si [eo lan lan Tae I so | mee | ote [nce] Steer aes ate tt SRS ns < ed AC | Fel HG.20533 997 Ge T Yen | srt] ton fate ef Ge en SF 0 ee = belve, and does belleve tht, we sen Ul Rare pt. St Spy Lo ommt ihe flowing oense(s) 1; __2D¢ of ‘0 Sania Loca T =e of tae, oy arty of the Conte Cl of Jackscrvle, Fit, the undersigned cetisthat hoor ahs has jus and rejoate foe sya Assy eet HOF me 0 ho sore name person ue. ‘nication of Section BAS. SEAS Qo 0 Mo Bs Picseale Del a slatbhed 4, pens al goer icane terse 2 ‘nota ost a* "oD tthetotowag acalon Jal ure Tine (See Hece: bes inche Peay Re S730 Fes, Tr aati Tear ear Ed) ar £ | @ [veo Ts 16-9 [gon a Lp es [et [cheat ann | “sae [tara | acento Pe Ee a Tus 7 20 Terdcse Tza TAC H20$33997 Cso. [entities on | waninsen | “Wee Sera ceet east =<} Sar at HOB on. gt BOs of Wr siaaca in vclaion recto SAB NE oferta alton tut. eee ‘ho above named person cd unity Shia Sys Loui | 5 a] Sate Siute Lolo | oo! tthe olen ection lee Slice 6. win ho hy eae, Can ofOu, Feta in mate Dwoncnige: ids esa passenger it Nate! wlicle and wns etapa dee 4 fhe ebe Wpin combed wb te brvar apache L maedatel allel a} Amari inane merely 0 Wn velighe, cu, WArtiieene is Daf’ pesse [Best an Del malicittD to gesussisa ab marian : 40 uc. cxee ceamanc | ren Beant Gena Sicounamer Oviese — G ver ® [mm epi A1u up I a = now SOLE Ren St semaine eee. | wea se tbearD - tee Ss ol asta S oan Z rea anon SBBET warticiepib ee Teepe FL HILLS Jacksonville Sheriff's Office ‘Sheriff Mike Williams Incident (Information) 2021-0511770 Route To Groups: People: Incident Information Incident Location 4832 MAIN STN DayDateTime Reported: Friday, 08/27/2021 13:00 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32206 DeyDate/Time incident From: Friday, 08/27/2021 13:00 To: Friday, 0827/2024 15:00 ‘Subseclor C1 TAZ: 484 Isthis © Conectons Information Report?: NO Locaton Type: APARTMENT / CONDO Primary Weapon Used: NOT APPLICABLE (NONE) ‘Schoo! Name: Schoo! Number: Incident Occured: Outside Location Incident ccured inthe Parking Lot at this Locaton?: YES ‘Miscellaneous ng Activty: POSSESS ng Type: MARIJUANA of Ressons: 4 fofVains: 0 Mcicese: NO Folow-up By: # of Suspects: 0 ‘Was Hale Crime Inclved?: NO Dating VitencsInvaved?: NOs Oftenses) Related to Domestic Visence?: NO net Domestic Vilence, ls t Domest Related?: NO ‘Any Chien under 18 Invohed as Visin?: NO Report Reason #1 TRESPASS/TRESPASS WARNING Witness/Complainant #1 - HARRIS, LASHADA MONIQUE Type: WITNESS ia wness invoke right prevent the cclosure of personal inf (Mary's LaW)?: NO Demographics ‘Race: BLACK ‘Sex FEMALE ate of ith: 0712511890 Evinicty: NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN. Age:3t Contact information ‘Home Phone ‘us. Phone & ea. At. Phone & Cal Phone &: (904)-687-9236 CellPhone Provider Emal Adaress: Home Address Maing Address ‘3500 SOUTHSIDE BLVD # 1716 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32216 ‘Sub-sector G3 TAZ: S73 EmploymentiSchool Employer: NONE Occupation: ‘School Las Attended: eee ‘Subject #1 - JONES, GLENN DERECKE JR Demographics Race: BLACK Sec MALE Date of th: 08/25/1989 Einicty: NOT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN Primary Language: English Secondery Language: NOT APPLICABLE ‘Age:32 Height (nches): 60 ‘Weight fs): 190 to 200 Hai Ste: DREADLOCKS Hair Color: BROWN Hair Length: MEDIUM Bois: MEDIUM Eye Color, BROWN, Facts! Hei: UNSHAVEN ‘Complexion: DARK. Voice: NORMAL CetingDeserpton: Pace of Birth: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN. Nekrames: Aliases: Distinguishing Marks (Scars, Marks, and Tattoos) Contact information ‘Home Phone # (904) 426-8800 Bus. Phone Be: At Phone Page Laps NISSAN SAT BY REC GREER (B6TEET ‘Sheriff Mike William: 2021-0511770 Incident (Information) 2021-0511770 (Continued) Cet Phone (Con Phone Proviser: Emad Adcress: Primary identification Type of10 Given: DRIVERS LICENSE ‘o: 9520284892251 Issuing State: FLORIDA Home Address Mailing Address ‘Alternate Address 4118 FAIRFAX ST JACKSONVILLE, FL 32209 Subsector NI TAZ: 123 Employment’Schoo! ‘Employer PIZZA HUT ‘Occupation: DELIVERY DRIVER Schoo! Last Atendedt IRTR Witien Relat o This Incdont?: NO__RTR Incident Year: ATR incident Drugs inoved?: YES. ‘Alcohol Invved?: UNKNOWN. ‘Computer inoved?: NO Vehicle #1 - 2008 JEEP CHEROKEE MAROON Vehicle Type: TRUCKIVANISUV Vehicle ive: SUV iw: 198GR48K78C222474 ‘Primary Color MAROON. Tep Color Odometer Reading: ‘Odometer Digt Count: Tag. STACSG Tog Site: FL Tag Year: 2022 Speciaty Tag: Vehice Moatcabons: DARK TINTED WINDOWS, Vehicle Accessories/Equipment {none entered) Vehicle Damage ‘Other Vehicle Information Vehicle Damaged: NO Vehicle Condition: GOOD Damage Code: NOT APPLICABLE Venice Status: OTHER (0.9. INFORMATION RPT) Recovery Code: NOT APPLICABLE ‘Recovery Locaton: Date Recovered: Value of Vehicle Taken: $18,000.00 Value as Recovered: [NCIC Noite: NO Date: INCIC Dispatcher: Dispaton Tog 10-28 Ran?: YES Tog 10.29Ren?: YES VIN 1028 Ran?: YES VIN 10-29Ran?: YES VIN Verte By Offcer?: Mo Ignition Locke: NO Keysin gation: YES Doors Locked: NO Vehicle was Processea?: YES. Viti Signed Vehicie Search Consent Fomm?: NIA Ve. /Com. Has received ther vehi atthe scene: Vie /Com. Has Agreed To Have Ther Vehicle Towed fund and is unable to respond to scene: NIA Tracking Serice: UNKNOWN, Vehicle Owner: HARPER, KIANA LOUISE Home Address Mailing Address “4148 FAIRFAX ST JACKSONVILLE, FL.32209 ‘Subsector NI TAZ: 4123, ‘Oumar Contacteg?: NO Date: ow Contactod: Vehicle Driver: ‘Subject (01) - JONES, GLENN DERECKE JR ‘Additional Information (On 8/28/21 at about 1300 hours, | was working in an off-duty capacity at Capri Villas (4832 N Main St). | observed the listed ‘maroon Jeep leave the property with excessively dark tint. | previously observed the vehicle arrive on the property approximately Page 2p RROTOSTAORY TORT BY REC GREER SETEET Sheriff Mike Williams 2021-0511770 Incident (Information) —2021-0511770 (Continued) ‘one hour earlier but was unable to conduct a traffe stop before the vehicle parked. {exited the property and caught up to the vehicle near the 6000 block of Siver St where | Inate a trac stop. Upon contact wit the driver, Glenn Jonas (eubject, immediately smoted the odor of marjuana emanating from the vehicle ae ndvieed him Of tho reason forthe sop and confimed his front driver window measured 17% ligt wansmitance (oelow the 26% minimum). | asked about marijuana or any substance that smelled like marijuana in the vehicle and the subject stated he had none. | asked ‘the subject and the front passenger, Lashada Harris (witness) if they possessed a medical marjuana card and they both | ocated marijuana roaches in the ashtray of the vehicle and located a baggie containing purse jum of marijuana In the witness* ‘Both the witness and subject were read Miranda via card. Post-Miranda, the subject admitted to possessing the Toacina and pupoely Wing tome abou. The ween edited to pooeesing warn any marijuana”. marijuana ind stated "you never asked if had F ho was Issued, the subject advised his address was, ‘The subject confirmed he lived at 4118 Fairfax St. | then advised the subject that he was trespassed from the property (Capri Villas) due to the fact that he does not live there. The subject became irate and after further questioning, confirmed that his "people" live there and he visits them. it was only when the subject was released from police custody that he ‘began to claim that he lived at Capri Villas and received mall there as wel. The subject refused to provide me with the apartment ‘number he claimed to live In. ‘The subject's mother arrived on scene but refused to speak with me to help confirm whether or not the subject lived at the apartments. Due to the fact that the subject intially stated he did not live at the apartments, his DL did not list the apartments as his place of residence, the subject advised he visits his "people" who live there, and he confirmed his address on Fairfax St, ! warmed the ‘Subject numerous times against trespassing at the property. While foaving the scone, the subject screamed racial slurs and vulgarities at me. The subject also made It very clear that he would return to the complex at his pleasure. | retuned to the complex several minutes after the subject was released from the scene. | observed the subject's vehicle parked in front of Bullding "D". While driving by the vehicle, the subject opened the door to Apt #16, stuck his head out and yelled ‘numerous vulgarities and racial slurs at me then slammed the door. An unidentified male who refused to have a conversation with me but was seen going into an apartment near #16 also began yelling at me and claimed that the subject does live on the property. {emailed the manager of Capri Villas (A. Fortenberry) who advised the subject's name was not listed as a resident at the ‘complex. ‘Iwas unable to ensure the subject left the property at the time ofthe incident. The subject was wamed against trespass ‘numerous times and defied the warning by clearly stating that he would return to the property, which he did. For information only ‘Additional Question(s) ‘Body Worn Camera Footage (01 there Body Wom Camera (BWC) footage for incident? yes __ Risk Protection Order 01 Subject poses a significant danger of causing personal nur to hinselthersef or athers: UNKNOWN. (02 Subject owns, has care, custody or contre, has tho abit fo purchase, possess, or receive ‘rearm(s) andor ammunition: (03 Subject was involved ina recent act or treat of vlence against himseltherstfor cher, whether or ‘ot Such violence involved a firearm: (04 Subject nas made a hreatof valence in the past 12 months against himselinerself or thers: 05 Subjects serously metaly ior has recuring mental heath issues: (08 Subject was a respondent or wate, a prevous/xiting inunctionreleted to domest, dena, ‘extol, or repeat vclonce andor stalin (07 The subject has previously been issued an RPO: ‘08 Subject nas previously volated the provisions of an RPO: (09 Subject nas been convicted hed aeuccaton wehneld on, or pled nol contendere fo, 2 crime ‘constituting domestic vlence in any sat: 410 Subject has used, or veatoned to ue, agalnthimseliherso or cthers, any weapons or physical ‘orce 44. Subject has unewtulyor reckless used, csplayed, or brancshed ear; 42 Subject has staked ancther person: SATE ERD By RL GREEN (TER Page sop Pied a » Sheriff Mike Williams 2021-0511770 Incident (Information) —2021-0511770 (Continued) 13. Subject has been arrested fr, convicted a had aqusction withheld, or pled nolo contendere to @ ‘ime or treat of vclnce in anyother slate: 14 lSevidence to demonstrate the abuse of controled substances or alcoho bythe subject: 15. lSevidence to demonstrate the subject has recenty acquredfrearm(s) or ammuntion: 18 1s thre any cther revert inormaton provided by @femiyhousehtd member conceming the Subject (ys, place formation into the nara) Misc Information (Clearance Status: INFORMATION REPORT CLOSED ‘Clearance Code: NOT APPLICABLE Dato Caso Was Cleared: ‘Number of Casos Ceare: | here atonal formation Iced ono cothuatonrepot?: NO ‘40e thor other Partnent Reperts?: NO ‘itis indent qualify as 2 “Cargo Thet?: NIA {In your opinion is there signicant reason fo baleve that the crime can be solved by a patrol folow-upInvestigavon: Nelghbomeod Canvass Conductod? (Case Card information Left with: NOT APPLICABLE ‘ther Explanation Cher Explanation Adress: NA Handouts Blas Motivation(s) Investigation Time #1 Hours): 01 Met: 00 Cost Amount: $48.24 Signature “fepoty Oar dt: JR, PEPPERS (#77661) Ose? PATROL Stctontint: ZONE 1 ‘Reporting Ofer #2: WIA Dion: Sectonnt: ‘Report submited on: 08/28/2021 18:39 ‘Report Reviewer: J.J, LLOYD (#7667 ) Status: Approved ‘Report approved on: 08/28/2024 21:26 Page sof 2021-0511770

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