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Its beginning to look like the DAVOS / Event 201 / Crisis Mgmt / WEF /

SOROS crowd had a meeting and asked themselves…..

Would it have been More “Humane” to INJECT
Holocaust victims rather than using
Kinetic War, Firing-lines, & Gas-chambers?

…or simply less obvious, more sweeping, economically more efficient and
profitable, while deliberately effectively sheltering evidence of Guilt by the
World-Wide Nihilists in the event of subsequent tribunals…


Net difference 1yr German Population Reduction vs USA 2020-2022 population
Reduction per open source records = only 320 people. CDC seems to be
adjusting to reach data EQUAL to all Germany WWII – See above Chart. Sources
included in the document Below~

Lemmie get this straight – let’s recap..

 Antonin Scalia mysteriously dies and Merrick Garland is slated as his replacement

 Seth Rich Murdered: he developed a Voter Registration Ap that was later corrupted by the DNC

 Paul Manafort former Ukraine Political Advisor Takes over the Trump Campaign to help win Trump the DNC

 Mike Pence works secretly with Paul Ryan to swap out Trump as a GOP Candidate after the
Bobby Bush pussy-leak.

 Trump prevails and becomes the 45th President of the United States in a sweeping landslide
throwing the DNC and their Elite Donor Class into shock. The dominos are set…

 2017 Think Lawfare, Mueller, Obamagate, and the Vegas Massacre…l

Fast Fwd to 2018

 Dianne Feinstein’s driver of 20 years exposed as a CCP Operative and fired.
 Milley becomes commander of the Joint Chiefs

 Alex Jones / Infowars content banned across all generally accessible/known Public Airways
and removed from all Social Media presence.

 A joint Anti-Trump Movement effort we’ll call Operation Midterms replaces certain DNC
congress-people with select Far Left Radicals

 Pelosi becomes leader of the DNC

In 2019

 Hunter Biden’s laptop surfaces, DOJ / FBI / Media / Big Tech Suppress it under directives from
DNC-led Pelosi, DOJ, Big Media, Big Tech, and others

 Pelosi approve Schiff & Co to investigate Trump and seeks Impeachment

 China’s CCP, financed by the Obama NIH & the Faucist AIDS Czar’s department, unleash the
China Virus aka Covid 19 from the Wuhan Lab

 Nancy Pelosi holds up delivering the concurrent Trump Articles of Impeachment to the US
Senate, thru Christmas 2019, until she’s sure the Virus will take hold and Mail-in Balloting for
the 2020 election can be invoked, based on the Virus.

Trump announces he’s incurred the wrath of Big Pharma

By 2020

 Trump admin’s State Dep’t under Pompeo warn of US Governors (Dems) Compromised by the

 Bill Gates’ Washington State Study gives the “Model” statistic/projections on the Virus
replication used by Fauci and Berks to advise Trump.

 Trump Admin puts VP Pence in charge of the response, after shutting down China travel into
America contrary to Fauci’s advice

 The media along with Big Tech shuts down the fact of preventative-dose Hydroxychloroquine
/Azithromycin / Zinc total cure of the Virus.

2018-2022 Fascism in Full Play

 The Anti-malarial HCQ off-label use distribution Nationwide is prevented from the CDC to the
Druggist Pharmacy level. Clinton, Gates, and CCP join forces in “Vax Cure” while withholding
Anti-Malarial facts of cure. Clinton Foundation has distributed Anti-Malarial drugs to African
Continent in the past.
 The VAX fast-track machine begins under Pence’s oversight

 Hospitals are being compensated for their reporting of the Virus as a cause of death

 Media flames a George Floyd frenzy that Pelosi-led DNC blames on Trump
 Joe Biden exposed as a Human Intelligence Asset of the CCP / Media Big Tech Big Pharma
and DNC/Pelosi narrative adopt full-Fascist counter-intelligence OP to discredit the info &

 Big Pharma creates untested inoculations that knowingly don’t work and are harmful

 The CDC and the NIH fail to test or approve the shot for General Use, but the Pence-led Covid
Response group OK’s Emergency Use to administer it anyway.

 Pence fails to deny certification of the Electoral College vote in disputed / challenged states.

 Pelosi, DNC, Pence-Camp GOP, Milley, CCP, CDC, DOJ, Obama, and others engineer the
Biden Win & Inauguration: DOJ and SCOTUS are complicit in Media / Big Pharma / Big Tech/
collusion with the DNC / CCP/ Pelosi to complete the Overthrow of the Trump Presidency.
Pelosi / DNC performs a second round of Articles of Impeachment knowingly based on False

 Fear of military intervention to undo the Trump Overthrow causes Pelosi/DNC/Pentagon Joint
Chief / Industrial Military & Intelligence Complex factions to produce a dual-phase Riot and
fortify the People House with barbed wire and armed-guards pending their inevitable &
planned False Biden Inauguration.

 Big Pharma boosts the Vax with Boosters that harm citizens in a myriad of disturbing ways.
Unlike 20th Century inoculations, neither the initial Covid Inoculations NOR the boosters
eradicate Covid19.

On to July 4 2022:
 Biden Administration violates the US constitution with Mandates & has inoculated 66.9% of the
American Population & 2022 hindsight shows these were Career-ending &/or Life-ending
inoculations & Boosters, especially in Over 60 Populations.

 the DNC/ CDC/Big Pharma/ Pentagon Joint Chiefs/Centcom / Mass Media collectively &
methodically reducing Advocating / Reporting the age limit reduction for these “Failed” /
knowingly harmful & ineffective Inoculations.. Down to potential inclusion of infant /Toddler/pre-
k age-group for potentially mandated injections.


Net difference 1yr German Population Reduction vs USA 2020-2022 population
Reduction per open source records = only 320 people. CDC seems to be
adjusting to reach data EQUAL to all Germany WWII – See above Chart. Sources


Germany – population in 1939 = 80,600,000
Germany – Population in 1945= 64,600,000
1.a,b: Net German Population Reduction =16,000,000 WWII
What was the population of Germany in 1939? - Answers
Mar 26, 2010 · Population of Germany 1939? 79,375,281 as of May 17, 1939.

2.What was the German population 1939? According to ,

the population of Germany in 1939 was 80,600,000....

2a. The carnage of World War II surpassed that of World War I. German war losses alone were
estimated at 7 million, about half of whom died in battle. Ruined, defeated, and divided into zones of
occupation, a much smaller Germany emerged in 1945 with a population about the same as in

2b. Since the first unification of Germany in 1871 to form the German Empire, the population and
territorial expanse of Germany the empire was home to some 41 million people, most of whom lived
in villages or small towns. As industrialization and urbanization accelerated over the next forty years,
the population increased significantly to 64.6 million, according to the 1910 census.
Net Germany 1939-1944/1945 Reduction: 16,000,000

3. For 1 yr. out of all 6, 16 million is divided by 6: = 5,333,333.

4. Covid Stats: US deaths = over 22% of worldwide deaths
Covid Deaths WORLDWIDE: 6,367,423
US 2 Q Covid Deaths: per CDC 1,044,557
USA dead: C19-Vax Reduction: Unknown VAX USA doses thru 12/2020 = +2,022,000
5. (math)USA REDUCTION 2020-24, potential = 3,066,557
campaign-going-in-your-state this page is updated on Mondays and Thursdays.
Since COVID-19 vaccine distribution began in the United States on Dec. 14, 2020, more than 596
million doses have been administered, fully vaccinating over 222 million people or 66.9% of
the total U.S. population. To date, 47.8% of the fully vaccinated population has received at least one
booster shot as well.
7. Unpublished/reversed VAX data U.S.
Jul 21, 2021 · Atlanta (Precision Vaccinations) The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) confirmed an increased number of deaths reported after a COVID-19 vaccination. Between
December 14, 2020, through July 19, 2021
7a. ATLANTA (Precision Vaccinations) The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
confirmed an increased number of deaths reported after a COVID-19 vaccination. Between
December 14, 2020, through July 19, 2021, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
received 12,313 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.
7b.UPDATE: As of 2:30 PM CT on July 21, 2021, the CDC's website modified the number of VAERS
reports related to COVID-19 vaccination deaths from 12,313 to 6,079, through July 13, 2021. The
CDC's webpage's Last Update date remains July 19, 2021.
7c. UPDATE #2: As of 6:30 PM CT on July 21, 2021, the CDC's website stated through July 19,
2021, VAERS had received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-
19 vaccine. The CDC's webpage's Last Update date reflects July 21, 2021.
Since more than 338 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the USA,
this data reflects a vaccination-death ratio of 0.0018%.
The CDC’s website says, ‘Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination,
including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. This is
because the U.S. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after a COVID-19
vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.
Furthermore, a review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy,
and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines, says the CDC.
Additionally, VAERS had received 1,148 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among
people ages 30 and younger who received a COVID-19 vaccine as of July 19th. The CDC
and its partners are investigating these reports to assess whether there is a relationship to
COVID-19 vaccination.
Through follow-up, including medical record reviews, the CDC and Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) have confirmed 674 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis. In both cases,
the body’s immune system causes inflammation in response to an infection or some other
U S A – population in 2010 = 309,349,689
U S A – Population in 2019= 333,546,000 pre-2020 census release data:
(9 yr. increase = 24,196,311)
U S A – COVID population deaths= 1,044,557
332,501,443(331,449,281 per US 2020 Census)

U S A – Population in 2022 post-Covid= 331,449,281 minus 332,501,443 = 1,052,162 -1,044,557
= 7,605 “off”, but 12,313 reports of post-vax deaths adjustment = 4,708 net then CDC adiusts
the 12 reported down to 6,079 for a -1,371 “Off” net after the CDC adjustment.
Net difference 1yr German Population Reduction vs USA 2020-2022 population
Reduction per open source records = only 320 people. CDC seems to be adjusting to reach
data EQUAL to all Germany WWII – See above Chart. Sources Below~

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