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The Designer Methods

in 1970s
The Silent Way
Total Physical Response
Community Language Learning
The Silent Way (by Caleb Gattegno, an
educational designer)
Theory of learning Theory of language Teaching procedure

-Learning is facilitatedStructuralism: -The teacher should be

if the learner Language is taught in as silent as possible,
discovers or solves ‘building blocks’, but modelling items just
problems. Students the syllabus is once.
work co-operatively determined by what - Learners speak out
and independently learners need to sounds or words,
from the teacher. communicate. following the teacher’s
-Language is learnt direction.
inductively. -Culinaire rods
Sugggestopedia (suggestion + pedagogy):
by Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov
Theory of learning Theory of language Teaching procedure
-Learners remember best -Language is The teacher introduces the
and are most influenced gradually acquired. grammar and lexis ‘in a
by material coming from -There is no error playful manner’, then reads
an authoritative source correction. the text while the students
(like the teacher). follow or just listen with
-Anxiety should be background music.
lowered through Students then express what
comfortable chairs, they have learned through
baroque music, etc. acting, games, songs and
Community Language Learning: Demo
Community Language Learning (by Charles A.
Theory of learning Theory of language Teaching procedure
-Holistic learning -Language as a -Learners learn through
(humanism): means for interaction with each
Teacher and learners communication. other and the teacher.
interact with one -Focus on learning –They attempt to
another and experience how to communicate communicate and the
a sense of their what you want to say teacher helps them to
wholeness.’ (Curran) say what they want
(translation can be used
when necessary)
Total Physical Response
By James J. Asher.
Demo of a technique: Action
Key features/principles
• Stress-free environment facilitates learning.
• Motor activities (controlled by right brain) facilitate left-brain
processing language
• Learning takes place by listening, watching, and imitating/doing
• No speaking is required until learners are ready to speak. This
resembles first language acquisition.
• Basic listening and speaking skills are taught.
• Language items or sentences are presented in order gradually
to help learners remember.
• Imperative is the central element of language use and learning.

• Imperative drill
• Dialogue
• Listen and perform
• Action stories

• It creates fun for learners, and is suitable for children.

• It develops listening and speaking skills.
• It activates the right brain to facilitate learning.
• Various styles of learning are combined, such as visual,
auditory, and kinesthetic styles.
• It focuses more on comprehension than production.
• Learning is limited to simple language, especially

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