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1. Name three Israelite kings.

(Saul, David, Solomon)

2. Who built the ark?
3. Where did Jesus grow up?
4. Who lived in Ur and moved to a country he did not know?
5. What happened first? Murder of Abel or the great flood?
(Murder of Abel)
6. What was the name of the blind beggar at the gate of Jericho?
7. Was Goliath a Philistine or an Egyptian?
8. What was Jacob’s brother called?
9. What happened first? The exodus of Egypt or the „fall of Jericho”?
10. How many years of famine did Joseph prophesise to the Pharaohs?
11. Which books come before and after the gospel according to Luke?
(The gospels according to Mark and John)
12. What was Jacob’s youngest son called?
13. Where do we first hear about a shepherd?
(Abel, 1. Moses 4,2)
14. Who said: „How long will you waver between two opinions?”
(Elijah on Mount Carmel)
15. Which two birds did Noah send out of the ark as messengers?
(Raven and dove)
16. Who said: „I myself, and my house, want to serve the Lord!”?
17. Which commander had leprosy?
18. Which towns were destroyed by fire and brimstone?
(Sodom and Gomorrah)
19. Name three of Jesus’ disciples whose names begin with „J”.
(Jacob, John and Judas)
20. How many people were saved on the ark?
21. Who had a coat made of camel hair and ate locusts and wild honey?
(John the Baptist)
22. Who said to whom: „A person sees what is in front of his eyes but God
sees the heart”?
(God to Samuel)
23. What is quoted in John 14,6?
(I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except
through me).
24. Which type of animal did Balaam ride?
(A donkey)
25. What type of tree did Zaccariah climb?
(Mulberry-fig tree)

Medium questions (Teenager bible quiz)

1. Who commanded the sun and moon to stay still?
2. For which type of tree was Lebanon well known?
3. How did Stephanus die?
(Stoned to death)
4. Where was Jesus taken prisoner?
5. Which biblical book tells of David and Goliath?
(1. Samuel)
6. Is Horeb the name of a town or a mountain?
(A mountain)
7. Where did a jailer find his faith?
8. What were the two sons of Zebadee (one of the disciples) called?
(John and Jacob)
9. Which book reports on the missionary travels of Paul?
(The Acts of the Apostles)
10. What was Jacob’s eldest son called?
11. Name three prisoners mentioned in the bible.
(Joseph, Samson, Paul)
12. Who prophesised the coming of Jesus shortly beforehand?
(John the Baptist)
13. What were the names of the mother and grandmother of Jacob?
(Rebecca, Sara)
14. Name three prophets?
(Elijah, Jeremiah, Jonah)
15. What happened first? Jesus’ christening or the feeding of the 5000?
(Jesus’ christening)
16. Name three missionaries named in the bible.
(Paul, Silas, Barnabas)
17. What was Ruth’s husband called?
18. Which illness did Mephiboseth suffer from?
(He was lame)
19. What came first? Elias ascension or Enoch’s rapture?
(Enoch’s rapture)
20. Who made the golden calf and the bronze snake?
(Aaron, Moses)
21. Name three women in the bible whose names begin with „R”.
(Rebecca, Rachel, Ruth)
22. Which king had a sundial?
23. Which disciple found a coin in the mouth of a fish?
24. What was Harn’s father called? What were his brothers called?
(Noah, Shem, Japheth)
25. What is written in 1. Timothy 2,4?
(God wants all people to be saved and come to recognise the truth.)

Difficult questions (youth bible quiz)

1. Name three soldiers mentioned in the bible.
(Joab, Naemann, Cornelius)
2. In which book of the bible to we read about Haman?
3. Which Roman was in charge of cultivation in Syria at the time of Jesus’
4. What happened first? Preacher Paul on the Areopagus or the execution
of Jacob?
(Execution of Jacob)
5. What were the names of Abraham’s brothers?
(Nahor, Haran)
6. What was the name of a female judge and her companion?
(Deborah, Barak)
7. What happened first? Appointment of Matthew as an apostle or the
appearance of the Holy Spirit?
(Appointment of Matthew as an apostle)
8. What was the goddess in Ephesus called who was worshipped the
9. What was Priscilla’s husband called; which job did he have?
(Aquila, tent maker)
10. Name three sons of David.
(Salomon, Absalom, Nathan)
11. Who was Bernice?
(The wife of king Agrippa)
12. What happened first? The beheading of John or the feeding of the 5000?
(John was beheaded)
13. Who was Ahasveros?
(A Persian king, Xerxes 1.)
14. Where in the bible are apples mentioned for the first time?
(Proverbs 25,11)
15. Who said: „See, I have not heard the half of it. You have more
knowledge and goodness than me, this is rumour I have heard”.
(The queen of Saba to Solomon)
16. What was the great-grandson of Boa called?
17. Who said: „It won’t take much more for you to convince to become a
(Agrippa to Paul)
18. Who was Zippora?
(Moses’ wife)
19. How old did Enoch become?
(365 years old)
20. Who said: „Philistines rule over you!”?
(Delilah to Samson)
21. What was Timotheus grandmother called?
22. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.
(The tongue/James 3,5)
23. Which names were Daniel and his three friends given in Babylon?
(Belshazzar, Sadrach, Mesach, Abednego)
24. What is written in 2. Corinthians 5,20?
(We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors as though God were making his
appeal through us; We implore you on God’s behalf: Be reconciled with

Very difficult questions | Expert bible

1. What does Jahwe-Schammah mean?
(God himself/Ezekiel 48,35)
2. How much bread and fish was available to feed the 5000? How many
baskets were left over?
(7 x bread and several small fish, 7 baskets/Matthew 15,3)
3. What is the name of the storm winds which can hit Crete?
(Euroklydon/Acts. 27,14)
4. How many wonders did Elijah and Elisa perform?
(Elisa performed exactly twice as many as Elijah. Deliverance 2. Kings
5. When was Passover celebrated? Day and month.
(14th day of the 1st month)
6. What was the name of the first tool maker in the bible?
(Tubalkain/1. Moses 4,22)
7. What did Jacob call the place where he fought with God?
(Pniel/1. Moses 32,30)
8. How many chapters does the book Jeremiah have? How many verses
does the letter of Judas have?
(52, 25)
9. What is written in Romans 1,20+21a?
(For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, his eternal
power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from
what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they
knew God they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him.)
10. Who is Peter’s first letter addressed to?
(The dispersed strangers)
11. Where is “Satan’s throne”?
(In purgatory/Revelations 2,12.13)
12. These promote controversies rather than God’s work – which is by faith
(1Timothy 1,4).
(Tales, gender register)
13. What happened with the animals which were killed as a sacrifice?
(They were burned outside of the camp /3 Mo 4,1-12)
14. What was shown on the high priest’s head band?
( Holiness of Jahwe/2. Mo 39,30)
15. What was Job’s mother called?
(Zeruja/2 Samuel 2,13)
16. How many wonders did God perform?
(They cannot be counted/Job 5,8.9)
17. Which job/position in Israelite society did Ezra have?
(Land cultivator/Ezra 7,1; priest, scribe/Ezra 7,11)
18. What were the two columns called on the temple built by Solomon?
(Jakin, Boas/l kings 7,21)
19. Which books come before and after Daniel?
(Ezekiel, Hosea)
20. Who said: „His blood comes over us and our children”?
(The people of Israel at the release of Barrabas)
21. Which spirit was in the possessed girl in Philippi?
(A python spirit/Acts 16,16)
22. Which thing were the only things to be taken over from the Old
Testament during the council of Apostles in Jerusalem?
(Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food
polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled
animals and from blood / Acts 15,20)
23. What did Epaphroditus do?
(He brought Paul a gift from the Philippians 2,25-27; 4,18)
24. Where did Paul leave his coat?
(In Troas, Carpus)
25. How many years went by before Paul moved back to Jerusalem?
(14 years/Galatians 2,1)
1. Question: True or False: The Bible is the most popular book ever written. (by copies sold)

Answer: True.

2. Question: What is the first book in the Bible?

Answer: Genesis

3. Question: How many days did God take to create the world?

Answer: 6

4. Question: Who was the first man?

Answer: Adam

5. Question: Who was the first woman?

Answer: Eve

6. Question: Where did Adam and Eve live at the beginning of the world?

Answer: Garden of Eden

7. Question: Who were their three sons listed in the Bible?

Answer: Cain, Abel, Seth

8. Question: Who did God tell to build an ark?

Answer: Noah

9. Question: How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the ark?

Answer: 40

10. Question: What was God’s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the earth again?

Answer: A rainbow

11. Question: How many brothers did Joseph have?

Answer: 11

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12. Question: What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy from his siblings?
Answer: A coat of many colors

13. Question: What did Joseph tell his brothers about his dreams that upset them?

Answer: The dreams said he would become greater and rule over them.

14. Question: How did Moses’ mother save him from the Egyptian soldiers?

Answer: Put him in a basket in the river.

15. Question: Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert?

Answer: A burning bush.

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16. Question: What did Moses say God commanded the Pharaoh to do?

Answer: Let his people go.

17. Question: How many plagues did God send on Egypt?

Answer: 10

18. Question: What was the final plague that convinced Pharaoh to let the slaves go?

Answer: The firstborn son of all Egyptian families died.

19. Question: When Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after the slaves, where did they meet

Answer: By the Red Sea

20. Question: What did God through Moses to save the slaves?

Answer: Parted the Red Sea.

21. Question: When the Egyptians tried to follow the Israelites through the Red Sea, what happened?

Answer: The water crashed on them and killed them all.

Related: Healing Scriptures

22. Question: Where did God give Moses the Ten Commandments?

Answer: Mt. Sinai

23. Question: What golden image did the Israelites make at Mt. Sinai?
Answer: A golden calf

24. Question: Who was the first king of Israel?

Answer: Saul

25. Question: When Daniel prayed to God after it was not allowed, where was he thrown into?

Answer: The lion’s den

26. Question: Who was Jesus’ human mother?

Answer: Mary

27. Question: Who was Jesus’ adoptive father on Earth?

Answer: Joseph

28. Question: Who was Jesus’ birth father?

Answer: God

29. Question: Name the city where Jesus was born.

Answer: Bethlehem

30. Question: True or False: Because Jesus was God, he didn’t obey his parents’ rules.

Answer: False. Jesus obeyed his parents.

Related: 100 Best Bible Quotes

31. Question: Who baptized Jesus?

Answer: John the Baptist

32. Question: Who spoke from the sky when Jesus was baptized?

Answer: God

33. Question: What did God say?

Answer: That he was pleased with his son.

34. Question: Before Jesus started preaching, what was his job?

Answer: Carpenter
35. Question: Name Jesus’ hometown

Answer: Nazareth

36. Question: True or False: Jesus turned water into Pepsi.

Answer: False, Jesus turned water into wine.

37. Question: Name the place where Jesus walked on water?

Answer: Sea of Galilee

38. Question: True or False: Jesus stayed away from people with bad reputations?

Answer: False. He often ate with “sinners.”

39. Question: True or False: Everywhere he went, people loved Jesus and believed his message?

Answer: False. Jesus was rejected many times.

40. Question: How many disciples did Jesus choose?

Answer: 12

41. Question: Besides preaching, name an activity Jesus did while traveling in Galilee

Answer: Healing the sick and casting out demons.

42. Question: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

Answer: John 11:35 Jesus wept.

43. Question: Why did Jesus weep in that verse?

Answer: Because his friend Lazarus died.

44. Question: How much bread and fish did Jesus use to feed more than 5,000 people?

Answer: Five loaves of bread—and two fish

45. Question: True or False: Jesus’ said washing hands is never important.

Answer: False. He said dirty hands don’t make a person spiritually unclean. You can still get germs!

46. Question: True or False: Jesus asked the children to stay back while he was teaching important things
to grown-ups.

Answer: False–Jesus welcomed children.

Related: Religious Christmas Songs

47. Question: What did Jesus do at the Last Supper to his disciples?

Answer: Washed their feet.

48. Question: What did the woman pour on Jesus’ feet at the home of Simon the Leper?

Answer: Jar of expensive perfume

49. Question: Name the disciple who betrayed Jesus.

Answer: Judas Iscariot.

50. Question: True or False: Jesus didn’t know that he was going to be arrested and killed in Jerusalem

Answer: False. He knew and told his disciples before it happened.

51. Question: Which disciple denied Jesus three times?

Answer: Peter

52. Question: What happened after Jesus was buried in the tomb?

Answer: He rose again

53. Question: What was rolled away from the entrance of the tomb?

Answer: A large stone

54. Question: What day of the week did Jesus rise back to life?

Answer: Sunday

55. Question: How did Jesus leave Earth and go to Heaven?

Answer: He rose into the clouds.

56. Question: How many books have the name John in them?

Answer: Four.

57. Question: Name the person who received the 10 Commandments from God?

Answer: Moses

58. Question: What is the 1st commandment?

Answer: You shall have no other gods before me.

59. Question: What is the 2nd commandment?

Answer: You shall not make idols.

60. Question: What is the 3rd commandment?

Answer: You shall not misuse the name of the Lord.

61. Question: What is the 4th commandment?

Answer: Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

62. Question: What is the 5th commandment?

Answer: Honor your father and mother.

63. Question: What is the 6th commandment?

Answer: You shall not murder.

64. Question: What is the 7th commandment?

Answer: You shall not commit adultery.

65. Question: What is the 8th commandment?

Answer: You shall not steal.

66. Question: What is the 9th commandment?

Answer: You shall not give false testimony.

67. Question: What is the 10th commandment?

Answer: You shall not covet.

68. Question: What does Jesus say is the first and greatest commandment?

Answer: Love God with all your heart, minds, soul, and strength.

69. Question: What does Jesus say is the second greatest commandment?

Answer: Love your neighbor as yourself.

70. Question: What is the last book in the Bible?

Answer: Revelation

71. Question: What four books tell about Jesus’ life on Earth?

Answer: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

72. Question: Which book did Jesus directly write?

Answer: None

73. Question: Which book did David write most of?

Answer: Psalms

74. Question: True or False: The Bible was first written in the English language?

Answer: False

75. Question: What were men trying to do at the Tower of Babel?

Answer: Build a tower to reach Heaven.

76. Question: How did the 12 brothers get rid of Joseph?

Answer: Sold him to slave traders.

77. Question: What did Joseph’s brothers tell their father had happened to him?

Answer: They said Joseph was killed by a wild animal

78. Question: Where did the slave traders take Joseph?

Answer: Egypt

79. Question: Who bought Joseph?

Answer: Potiphar, captain of the Pharaoh’s guards

80. Question: Who got Joseph thrown into prison by lying about him?

Answer: Potiphar’s wife

81. Question: Who else was in prison with Joseph?

Answer: The Pharaoh’s cupbearer and chief baker.

82. Question: What did Joseph do for them?

Answer: Interrupted their dreams.

83. Question: Why was Joseph summoned out of prison by the Pharaoh?

Answer: To interrupt his dream.

84. Question: What position of power was Joseph given by the Pharaoh?

Answer: Second in command of Egypt.

85. Question: What catastrophe did Joseph predict by interpreting the Pharaoh’s dream?

Answer: A severe, seven-year famine.

86. Question: Who came to Egypt that Joseph recognized because of the famine?

Answer: His brothers

87. Question: What did Joseph tell the brothers to do next time they came back to Egypt?

Answer: To bring Benjamin back with them.

88. Question: What was the giant’s name that David killed?

Answer: Goliath

89. Question: How did David kill Goliath?

Answer: A slingshot and a stone.

90. Question: How many sling-throws did it take David to hit Goliath?

Answer: One.

91. Question: When David wanted to fight Goliath, what did Saul try to give him?

Answer: His armour

92. Question: Who eventually came from the lineage of David?

Answer: Jesus

93. Question: True or False: Jesus was an only child.

Answer: False. Jesus had brothers and a sister.

94. Question: How many of Jesus’ brothers are named in the Bible?
Answer: Four

95. Question: Is Jesus’s sister ever named in the Bible?

Answer: No.

96. Question: Who was Jesus’ most famous cousin?

Answer: John the Baptist.

97. Question: Name one of Jesus’s brothers.

Answer: James, Joseph, Simon or Judas

98. Question: What happened when Jesus went into the wilderness?

Answer: He was tempted by Satan.

99. Question: How many people did Jesus feed with fish and bread?

Answer: 5,000

100. Question: How many lepers did Jesus heal?

Answer: 10

Medium Bible Trivia (With Answers!)

1. Question: True or False: David wrote the entire book of Psalms.

Answer: False: The Psalms are a collection by many writers, but David contributed the most.

2. Question: What is the shortest book in the Bible?

Answer: 3 John.

3. Question: How many books are in the Bible?

Answer: 66.

4. Question: How many books in the Old Testament?

Answer: 39.

5. Question: How many books in the New Testament?

Answer: 27.

6. Question: Which New Testament book has Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount?

Answer: Matthew

7. Question: Who was David’s son that became king?

Answer: Solomon.

8. Question: In what language was most of the Old Testament given?

Answer: Hebrew.

9. Question: In what language was most of the New Testament given?

Answer: Greek.

10. Question: Which human author wrote the most books?

Answer: Paul wrote 13 books.

11. Question: Which human author wrote the most words in the Bible?

Answer: Moses wrote 125,139 words.

12. Question: What was most likely the first Gospel written?

Answer: Mark.

13. Question: What was most likely the last Gospel written?

Answer: John.

14. Question: What was most likely the first of Paul’s letters written?

Answer: 1 Thessalonians.

15. Question: What was most likely the last New Testament book written?

Answer: Revelation.

16. Question: Who were Noah’s three sons?

Answer: Shem, Ham, Japheth.

17. Question: How many people were saved on the ark?

Answer: 8

18. Question: How did God make people spread out across the earth?

Answer: Confused their languages.

19. Question: Who did God call out of Ur to move to Canaan?

Answer: Abram.

20. Question: Who was Abram’s wife?

Answer: Sarai.

21. Question: Even though Abram and Sarah were too old, what did God promise them?

Answer: A son.

22. Question: When God showed Abram the stars in the sky, what did he promise?

Answer: That Abram would have more descendants than the number of stars.

23. Question: Who was Abram’s handmaid?

Answer: Hagar.

24. Question: What was Sarai’s idea for Abram to have a child?

Answer: For Abram to have a child with Hagar.

25. Question: Who was the first son Abram had?

Answer: Ishmael.

26. Question: What was Abram’s name changed to?

Answer: Abraham.

27. Question: What was Sarai’s name changed to?

Answer: Sarah.

28. Question: What was the second son Abraham had?

Answer: Issac.

29. Question: Who did Abraham have his second son with?
Answer: Sarah.

30. Question: Where did Hagar and her son go after they left Abraham’s?

Answer: Into the desert.

31. Question: Who did Abraham send to find Isaac a wife?

Answer: His oldest servant.

32. Question: Who did the servant choose?

Answer: Rebekah.

33. Question: What were Isaac’s sons’ names?

Answer: Jacob and Esau

34. Question: Who was born first?

Answer: Esau came first, with Jacob grabbing his heel.

35. Question: How did Esau provide food for the family?

Answer: He hunted

36. Question: Who did Isaac favor of his two sons?

Answer: Esau

37. Question: What did Jacob do most of the time?

Answer: Stay at home with his mother.

38. Question: What did Esau receive in exchange for his birthright?

Answer: Stew

39. Question: As Isaac was dying and blind, who suggested that Jacob should steal Esau’s birthright?

Answer: Rebekah.

40. Question: How did Esau respond when his birthright was taken?

Answer: Threatened to kill Jacob.

41. Question: When Jacob met Laban, which daughter did he want to marry?
Answer: Rachel.

42. Question: Who did Laban trick Jacob into marrying?

Answer: Leah.

43. Question: What did Laban make Jacob do to finally marry Rachel?

Answer: Work another 7 years.

44. Question: Who was the first son Jacob had with Rachel?

Answer: Joseph.

45. Question: What did God change Jacob’s name to before his meeting with Esau?

Answer: Israel.

46. Question: What did Moses do after he killed an Egyptian?

Answer: Fled into the desert.

47. Question: When Moses confronted the Pharaoh, what did his staff turn into when he threw it on the

Answer: A snake

48. Question: How did Moses’ mother save him from the Egyptian soldiers?

Answer: Put him in a basket in the river.

49. Question: What did God send to feed the Israelites in the desert?

Answer: Quail and manna.

50. Question: What did the spies sent into Canaan see that made them scared?

Answer: Giants in the land.

51. Question: Who were the only two Israelites allowed to go into the Promised Land after many years?

Answer: Joshua and Caleb

52. Question: What city did God make the walls fall so Joshua and the Israelites could conquer it?

Answer: Jericho.

53. Question: After they took over the Promised Land and Joshua died, who ruled Israel?
Answer: Judges.

54. Question: Who was the woman judge who led Israel to victory?

Answer: Deborah.

55. Question: Who was the judge who defeated the Midianites with only 300 men using torches and

Answer: Gideon.

56. Question: Who was the judge who took a Nazarite vow from birth and fought against the Philistines?

Answer: Samson

57. Question: With what did Samson kill 1,000 Philistines?

Answer: A donkey’s jawbone.

58. Question: How did Samson die?

Answer: Pushing over the temple pillars, killing himself and many Philistines.

59. Question: Who anointed Saul as King?

Answer: Samuel.

60. Question: Who was the enemy who took the Ark of the Covenant?

Answer: Philistines.

61. Question: What happened to the idol which was beside the Ark in the enemy’s temple?

Answer: It fell over and broke.

62. Question: When the people demanded Saul make a sacrifice to God, what did he do?

Answer: Made the sacrifice.

63. Question: What was Saul’s punishment for disobeying?

Answer: God took away his kingdom.

64. Question: Who was the king of Israel anointed by Samuel after Saul?

Answer: David.
65. Question: What did David do as a job as he worked for his father?

Answer: He was a shepherd.

66. Question: When the Philistines came to attack the Israelites, who mocked God and challenged

Answer: Goliath the Giant.

67. Question: Who was Saul’s son that David befriended?

Answer: Jonathan.

68. Question: What did Saul throw to try to kill David?

Answer: A spear.

69. Question: What did Jonathan do to save David’s life from Saul?

Answer: Warned him that Saul would try to kill him.

70. Question: What foreign country did David run away to?

Answer: The Land of the Philistines.

71. Question: Did Saul give up on chasing David when David went into the wilderness?

Answer: No.

72. Question: How many times did David spare Saul’s life?

Answer: Twice.

73. Question: Where did David spare Saul’s life the first time?

Answer: A cave.

74. Question: Where did David spare Saul’s life the second time?

Answer: In a campsite, where Saul was sleeping.

75. Question: What last judge of Israel died after Saul made a temporary peace with David?

Answer: Samuel.

76. Question: What prophet did Saul ask to speak to?

Answer: Samuel.
77. Question: How did Saul die?

Answer: Fell on his own sword.

78. Question: How many of his sons died in battle?

Answer: All of them.

79. Question: Who was David’s captain of his army?

Answer: Joab.

80. Question: When David stayed in Jerusalem, what woman did he see and commit adultery with?

Answer: Bathsheba.

81. Question: Who was Bathsheba’s husband?

Answer: Uriah.

82. Question: When Bathsheba got pregnant, what did David make happen to Uriah?

Answer: Have him killed in battle.

83. Question: What prophet came to rebuke David?

Answer: Nathan.

84. Question: What happened to Bathsheba’s child?

Answer: The child died.

85. Question: When Bathsheba and David had another child, what did they name him?

Answer: Solomon.

86. Question: Who was David’s son that started a rebellion against him?

Answer: Absalom.

87. Question: What capital city did David abandon?

Answer: Jerusalem.

88. Question: When David and Absalom’s armies battled, what happened to Absalom’s hair?

Answer: It got caught in a tree.

89. Question: Who killed Absalom?

Answer: Joab.

90. Question: Because he killed Absalom, what was Joab’s punishment?

Answer: He got demoted as captain.

91. Question: What was David’s second sin recorded in the Bible?

Answer: He took a census of the people in his nation.

92. Question: Which books of the Bible record David’s time as king?

Answer: 1st and 2nd Samuel

93. Question: During his time as king, who was David’s main enemy?

Answer: Philistines.

94. Question: What trait did Solomon pray for from God when he became king?

Answer: Wisdom

95. Question: What did Solomon build for the Lord?

Answer: A temple.

96. Question: What famous queen came to visit Solomon?

Answer: Queen of Sheba.

97. Question: How many wives did Solomon have?

Answer: 700.

98. Question: Did Solomon always follow the Lord?

Answer: No. He turned away from God.

99. Question: Who convinced Solomon to turn from God?

Answer: His wives.

100. Question: What happened to the kingdom after Solomon’s rule?

Answer: It split into two.

Hard Bible Trivia Questions (With Answers!)
1. Question: When Saul conquered the Amalekites, what person did he keep as a prisoner instead of
killing like God said to?

Answer: The king, Agag.

2. Question: Which books of the Bible record all the kings?

Answer: 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles

3. Question: Which books of the Bible did Solomon write?

Answer: Song of Solomon and Proverbs and some Psalms

4. Question: How many kings of Judah were there?

Answer: 20

5. Question: How many kings of Israel were there?

Answer: 19.

6. Question: Who conquered Judah and took Daniel to their country?

Answer: The Babylonians.

7. Question: Who was the last king Daniel served under in the Bible?

Answer: King Nebuchadnezzar’s.

8. Question: What happened to the kingdom after Solomon’s rule?

Answer: Darius

9. Question: What were Daniel’s three friends (Babylonian names)?

Answer: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.

10. Question: When they refused to bow to an idol, where were they thrown?

Answer: Into a fiery furnace.

11. Question: Who returned to Israel to build up the walls of Jerusalem?

Answer: Nehemiah
12. Question: What Israelite saved her people from being murdered and was a wife of the king?

Answer: Esther

13. Question: How did Esther get to talk to the king?

Answer: Went in to talk without being summoned first.

14. Question: Who let the Israelites return to their homeland?

Answer: Cyrus.

15. Question: True or False: John the Baptist wore clothes made of goat hair.

Answer: False. It was camel hair.

16. Question: True or False: At first, Jesus’ family tried to stop his ministry and said he was crazy.

Answer: True.

17. Question: True or False: Jesus said his true family was anyone who obeys God.

Answer: True.

18. Question: Which member of the Jewish ruling council came to ask Jesus questions at night?

Answer: Nicodemus

19. Question: What was Matthew before he followed Jesus?

Answer: A tax collector.

20. Question: True or False: Jesus would sometimes “spit” as part of his healing miracles.

Answer: True. The Bible describes him spitting three times.

21.Question: How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus came to visit?

Answer: Four days.

22. Question: Who helped pay the bills for Jesus and the disciples ministry?

Answer: Several women who Jesus had healed.

23. Question: Name the demon Jesus cast out in the region of the Gerasenes?

Answer: Legion.
24. Question: True or False: While on Earth, Jesus had the power to raise dead people back to life?

Answer: True.

25. Question: What was Peter and Andrew doing when Jesus called them to follow him?

Answer: Fishing.

26. Question: Name the two Old Testament people who appeared when Jesus was transfigured?

Answer: Elijah and Moses

27. Question: What problem did Bartimaeus have that Jesus fixed?

Answer: He was blind.

28. Question: True or False: When Jesus went to the Temple, he always used his inside voice.

Answer: False. Jesus yelled at money chargers to drive them out.

29. Question: True or False: Jesus said only big money offerings were important to God.

Answer: False.

30. Question: What garden did Jesus go to when he prayed after the Last Supper?

Answer: Garden of Gethsemane.

31. Question: True or False: The Jewish leaders tried to set Jesus free.

Answer: False. They wanted him to be crucified.

32. Question: Who gave Jesus a crown made of thorns?

Answer: A Roman soldier.

33. Question: Name the Roman Governor who sat over Jesus trial?

Answer: Pilate.

34. Question: What did Pilate do to “cleanse himself” of the crucifixion?

Answer: Washed his hands.

35. Question: Who cut off a soldier’s ear when Jesus was being arrested?

Answer: Peter.
36. Question: How many people saw Jesus after he came back from the dead?

Answer: More than 500.

37. Question: What was another name for the Apostle Paul?

Answer: Saul of Tarsus

38. Question: Who preached at Pentecost?

Answer: Peter.

39. Question: Who was Saul?

Answer: He persecuted Christians.

40. Question: What happened when he was on the road to Damascus?

Answer: He had a changing experience with Jesus.

41. Question: What was his name changed to?

Answer: Paul.

42. Question: Who was exiled to an island?

Answer: John.

43. Question: True or False: Ananias and Sapphira died after lying to the Apostles about their offering.

Answer: True

44. Question: How many deacons were chosen to help the apostles to distribute food to widows?

Answer: Seven.

45. Question: Which Apostle took the Gospel to the city of Samaria?

Answer: Philip.

46. Question: Which Apostle shared the Gospel with an Ethiopian official on the road to Gaza?

Answer: Philip.

47. Question: True or False: Peter raised a woman named Dorcas from the dead.

Answer: True.
48. Question: Where did Peter stay during his ministry in the city of Joppa?

Answer: In the house of Simon the tanner.

49. Question: What did Peter’s vision about the unclean animals mean?

Answer: That all people can be made clean through Jesus.

50. Question: : In what city were Jesus’ followers first called “Christians”?

Answer: Antioch.

51. Question: True or False: Peter was rescued from prison by an angel.

Answer: True.

52. Question: Who went with Paul on his early mission trips?

Answer: Barnabas

53. Question: True or False: Paul had a vision of a man calling him to come over to Carthage.

Answer: False. The man was from Macedonia.

54. Question: True or False: God sent an earthquake to rescue Paul and Silas from prison in Philippi.

Answer: True. They didn’t escape but stayed in jail to share the good news

55. Question: What did the Philippian jailer say to Paul after he heard the Gospel?

Answer: “What must I do to be saved?”

56. Question: How did Paul and Silas respond?

Answer: “ Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”

57. Question: What was Paul’s goal in his missionary journey?

Answer: To take the gospel everywhere and finally to preach in the capitol Rome

58. Question: Where can you find the 10 commandments in the Bible?

Answer: Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5.

59. Question: What is the introduction to the Commandments?

Answer: I am the LORD your God who brought you out of Egypt.
60. Question: Where is the Fruit of the Spirit found in the Bible?

Answer: Galatians 5

61. Question: Which human author wrote Galatians?

Answer: Paul.

62. Question: True or False: Bananas are a Fruit of the Spirit?

Answer: False. Even though bananas can seem like a gift from God, they are not considered a spiritual
fruit in Galatians 5.

63. Question: Name any of the 9 Fruits of the Spirit.

Answer: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.

64. Question: True or False: The opposite of the Fruit of the Spirit are called “the works of the flesh.”

Answer: True.

65. Question: Where in the Bible can you find the Lord’s Prayer?

Answer: Matthew 6.

66. Question: Who taught the Lord’s Prayer?

Answer: Jesus.

67. Question: How many requests are in the Lord’s Prayer?

Answer: Seven.

68. Question: What is the 1st petition?

Answer: Hallowed be your name.

69. Question: What is the 2nd petition?

Answer: Your kingdom come.

70.Question: What is the 3rd petition?

Answer: Your will be done on Earth

71. Question: What is the 4th petition?

Answer: Give us our daily bread.

72. Question: What is the 5th petition?

Answer: Forgive our debts

73. Question: What is the 6th petition?

Answer: Don’t lead us into temptation.

74. Question: What is the 7th petition?

Answer: Deliver us from evil.

75. Question: True or False: The more words we say makes our prayers better.

Answer: False. Jesus said God already knows what we need.

76. Question: Which disciple looked after Mary after the death of Jesus?

Answer: John the Evangelist.

77. Question: What was the name of the man who requested Jesus’ body for burial?

Answer: Joseph of Arimathea

78. Question: It is “better to obtain wisdom” than what?

Answer: Gold.

79. Question: What reward did Jesus say the twelve apostles would get for forsaking everything and
following him?

Answer: Jesus told them “You will sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”

80. Question: What was the name of the woman who hid the spies at Jericho?

Answer: Rahab.

81. Question: What happened to the kingdom after Solomon’s rule?

Answer: It split into two.

82. Question: In which book of the Bible do we find “Nebuchadnezzar’s image”?

Answer: Daniel

83. Question: Which angel told Daniel the meaning of his vision of the ram and the goat?
Answer: Gabriel.

84. Question: What should we “seek first”?

Answer: The Kingdom of God.

85. Question: Fearing that Saul wanted to kill him, what lie did David ask Jonathan to tell his father if
asked why he wasn’t at the king’s table for the New Moon feast?

Answer: David wanted Jonathan to tell him that he had gone to Bethlehem for a family gathering.

86. Question: Of what, specifically, was man not allowed to eat in the Garden of Eden?

Answer: Apples aka the Forbidden Fruit.

87. Question: Which tribe of Israel received no inheritance of land?

Answer: the Levites.

88. Question: Who was king of the southern kingdom when the northern kingdom of Israel fell to

Answer: Hezekiah

89. Question: What was the name of Abraham’s nephew?

Answer: Lot.

90. Question: Which missionary was described as having known the holy scriptures from an early age?

Answer: Timothy.

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91. Question: Who escorted the slave with the letter to Philemon?

Answer: Tychicus.

92. Question: Who was the father in law of Caiaphas, the high priest at the time of Jesus death?

Answer: Annas.

93. Question: What happened to King Nebuchadnezzar before being restored as king?
Answer: He went mad and lived as a beast.

94. Question: Who was Paul with when he wrote the letter to Philemon?

Answer: Timothy.

95. Question: When the disciples saw Jesus walking on water, what did they think he was?

Answer: A ghost.

96. Question: Who was to be named Zacharias, after the name of his father, until his mother

Answer: John.

97. Question: What did the shepherds do after they had visited Jesus?

Answer: Spread the news about Jesus’s birth.

98. Question: What did Melchizedek give to Abram?

Answer: Bread and wine.

99. Question: Who went up yearly to worship God in Shiloh, and one year prayed to God for a baby?

Answer: Hannah.

100. Question: Which two tribes of Israel were not named after sons of Jacob?

Answer: Ephraim and Manasseh.

1) Who found water in the wilderness when pastured the donkeys?

Answer: Anah.

2) According to the Genesis creation narrative, what was created by God to separate the “waters above”
the earth from the “waters below” the earth?

Answer: Sky.

3) Who is the son of Anah?

Answer: Dishon.

4) “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the
night”. Which is the greater light that rules the day?

Answer: Sun.

5) Which is the city of Bela Edom?

Answer: Dinhabah.

6) On the fourth day of creation, which was the lesser light created by the God to rule the night?

Answer: Moon.

7) Who was reigned the country of Dinhabah after Bela?

Answer: Jobab.

8) In Genesis 1:27, God created what in his own image?

Answer: Man.

9) To whom sold Joseph by Midianites?

Answer: To Potiphar (He is the guard of Pharaoh).

10) According to Genesis, God has made _ for food for all.

Answer: Herbs.

11) The wife of Judah?

Answer: Daughter of Shua, a Canaanite.

12) On which day God ended his work and he rested from all his work which he had made.

Answer: 7th day.

13) Who was the Bible character birth with the scarlet thread on his hand?

Answer: Zerah.

14) Name the first partition of the river which went out of Eden to water the garden

Answer: Pishon.

15) Who was the mother of Zerah?

Answer: Tamar.

16) Which region was surrounded by the river Pishon?

Answer: The land of Havilah

17) Who was the Twins brother of Zerah?

Answer: Perez.

18) Name the second river from Eden which passes through Cush land.

Answer: Gihon.

19) Who was interpreted the dream, dreamed by Pharaoh in Egypt?

Answer: Joseph.

20) Which land mass is encompasses by Euphrates and Tigris rivers?

Answer: East of Assyria.

21) What was the name Pharaoh called to Joseph?

Answer: Zaphnath-paaneah.

22) The Bible says “she shall be called Woman” and why?

Answer: Because she was taken out of Man.

23) What was the name given by Joseph to his second son saying “God has caused me to be fruitful in
the land of my affliction?

Answer: Ephraim.

24) As in the Bible, How did God make the woman?

Answer: God took one rib from the man and created a woman with it.

25) The land act still today existing in Egypt which was made by Joseph?

Answer: Pharaoh should have one-fifth of crop except for the land of the priests.

Bible Quiz Questions Answers – Bible Trivia Part 2 (Questions 26-50)

26) Which creature was subtle than any beast of the field that the LORD God had made?

Answer: Serpent.

27) Which are the supply cities built by Egyptians to Pharaoh?

Answer: Pithom, Rameses.

28) According to the Bible, for what reason the fate of man is to become dust at the end.

Answer: Because of the curse given by God to Adam.

29) Who is the child of Israel received from the Nile River?

Answer: Moses.

30) How got the name, Moses?

Answer: As drew him out of the water.

31) When man ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge, what did he gain?

Answer: Ability to know good and evils.

32) What was the guilt done by Adam and Eve which made them to abandon Eden Garden

Answer: The command of God denied and ate prohibited fruit.

33) Who is the wife of Moses?

Answer: Zipporah.

34) What is the name of the first child of Adam and Eve?

Answer: Cain.

35) Who is the son of Moses?

Answer: Gershom.

36) What is the name of Adam and Eve’s second child?

Answer: Abel.

37) Why named Moses son Gershom?

Answer: He has been a stranger in a foreign land in a short period.

38) According to the Bible, the occupation of Abel was _

Answer: Sheep keeper.

39) Who was the priest of Midian?

Answer: Jethro.
40) According to the Bible, what was Cain’s occupation?

Answer: Agriculture.

41) Where did God appear to Moses?

Answer: Mount Sinai.

42) Abel was killed by _

Answer: Cain.

43) Who was the father-in-law of Moses?

Answer: Jethro.

44) After Abel’s murder, Cain went to _

Answer: Land of Nod.

45) Who is the Bible character who is prophet and sister of Aaron?

Answer: Miriam.

46) What was the name of Cain’s son?

Answer: Enoch.

47) How got the name as Marah?

Answer: Waters of Marah were bitter. Therefore the name of it was called Marah.
48) A city was built for Enoch by Cain. What was its name?

Answer: Enoch.

49) What does ‘Marah’ mean?

Answer: Bitter.

50) Enoch had a son. What was his name?

Answer: Irad.

Bible Quiz Questions Answers – Bible Trivia Part 3 (Questions 51-75)

51) Where is Sin desert situated?

Answer: Between Elim and Sinai.

52) What was the name of Mehujael’s father?

Answer: Irad.

53) What food God has given like small white coriander seed and taste of it was like wafers made with

Answer: Manna.

54) What was the name of Methuselah’s father?

Answer: Mehujael.
55) Another name of Massah City?

Answer: Meribah.

56) Lamech’s wives were _ and _

Answer: Adah and Zillah.

57) Which is the birthplace of Moses?

Answer: Israel.

58) Jubal’s mother was _

Answer: Adah.

59) When did Moses reach of Sinai desert?

Answer: In the third New moon day.

60) Jabal had a sibling. What was his name?

Answer: Jubal.

61) God called; to make Ephod with which materials?

Answer: Gold and blue purple and scarlet thread and weaved fine linen.

62) Name “the father of those who dwells in tents and have livestock” or ‘forefather of shepherds ‘,
according to Bible

Answer: Jabal.
63) What does Sabbath intent?

Answer: Symbol of God’s resting of the seventh day after involving in six days work of creation.

64) According to the Bible, who was the forefather of all musicians or “father of harp and flute players?

Answer: Jabal.

65) What all things did the Lord order to put in the breastplate of judgment?

Answer: Urim and Thummim.

66) Name Cain’s wife whose son was Jubal

Answer: Zillah.

67) What should be the colour of Ephod’s robe?

Answer: Blue.

68) Name Cain’s daughter and Jubal’s sister

Answer: Naamah.

69) God requested, what engrave shall be on Aaron’s forehead?

Answer: Pure engravement to God.

70) Name the third son of Cain?

Answer: Seth.
71) Why did God order engravement shall always be on Aaron’s forehead?

Answer: For accepting the offerings of Israel people by God.

72) Seth had a son. Who was he?

Answer: Enosh.

73) To whom God deputed to consecrate Aaron and his sons?

Answer: Moses.

74) At what age Adam died?

Answer: 930 years.

75) To whom God deputed to design artistic work?

Answer: Bezalel.

Bible Quiz Questions Answers – Bible Trivia Part 4 (Questions 76-100)

76) At what age Seth took his last breath?

Answer: 912 years.

77) Who is Bezalel?

Answer: The son of Uri.

78) At the age of 90, Enosh had a son. What was his name?
Answer: Cainan.

79) To whom appointed God as a helper of Bezalel who is the design artist?

Answer: Oholiab.

80) _ was the life span of Cainan.

Answer: 910 years.

81) Oholiab belongs to which tribe?

Answer: Dan.

82) Jared became a father after 162 years. What was his name?

Answer: Enoch.

83) What punishment did God order to those who work on Sabbath day?

Answer: Put to death.

84) Noah’s father’s name is _

Answer: Lamech.

85) As Lord’s call who wrote ten commandments in tablets of stone?

Answer: Moses.

86) Name the three sons of Noah

Answer: Shen, Han, and Japheth.

87) Who were the sons of Aaron?

Answer: Nadabe, Abihu Kohen, Eleazar, Ithamar.

88) In Genesis, some men were portrayed as mighty men or fallen men or Giants. Which was the term
used to denote them?

Answer: Nephilim.

89) To whom did God give the duty to take a census of all the congregation of the children of Israel’s?

Answer: Moses.

90) Who found favor with God for he alone was righteous among the people of his day according to the

Answer: Noah.

91) Where did Moses number the congregation of the children of Israel?

Answer: Sinai desert.

92) Which tree’s trunk was used to make Noah’s Ark?

Answer: Gopher.

93) How many are in the Reuben tribe?

Answer: Forty-six thousand and five hundred.

94) What was the duration of rain and flood after Noah entered into the Ark?

Answer: Forty days and nights.

95) How many members are in the tribe of Simeon?

Answer: Fifty-nine thousand and three hundred.

96) Name the person who planted wine yard for the first time on earth?

Answer: Noah.

97) How many members are in the tribe of Gad?

Answer: Forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.

98) Japheth had 7 sons. Name them.

Answer: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshek, Tiras.

99) The total number of Judah tribe:

Answer: Seventy-four thousand and six hundred.

100) A biblical figure who was a mighty hunter before the Lord is _

Answer: Nimrod.
301 Bible Tivia Questions for Kids
General Questions about the Bible
Use these Bible trivia questions for kids in a general review when teaching what is scripture. Q =
Question, A = Quiz Answer

True or False: The Bible is the most popular book ever written. (by copies sold)
A: True

Q: What is the first book in the Bible?

A: Genesis

Q: What is the last book in the Bible?

A: Revelation

Q: What four books tell about Jesus life on Earth?

A: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Q: Which book did Jesus directly write?

A: None

Q: What is the longest book in the Bible?

A: Psalms

True or False: David wrote the entire book of Psalms.

False: The Psalms are a collection by many writers, but David contributed the most.

Q: What is the shortest book in the Bible?

A: 3 John

Q: How many books are in the Bible?

A: 66

Q: How many books in the Old Testament?

A: 39 books in the OT

Q: How many books in the New Testament?

A: 27 books in the NT

Q: Which NT book has Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount?

A: Matthew

Ture or False: The Bible was first written in the English language?
A: False

Q: In what language was most of the Old Testament given?

A: Hebrew

Q: In what language was most of the New Testament given?

A: Greek

Q: Which human author wrote the most books?

A: Paul wrote 13 books.

Q: Which human author wrote the most words in the Bible?

A: Moses wrote 125,139 words. (source)

Q: What was most likely the first Gospel written?

A: Mark

Q: What was most likely the last Gospel written?

A: John

Q: What was most likely the first of Paul’s letters written?

A: 1 Thessalonians

Q: What was most likely the last New Testament book written?
A: Revelation

Bible Trivia Questions from Genesis

Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: How many days did God take to create the world?

A: 6

Q: What day did God create man?

A: 6th

Q: Who was the first man?

A: Adam

Q: Who was the first woman?

A: Eve

Q: Where did they live at the beginning of the world?

A: Garden of Eden

Q: Who were their three sons listed in the Bible?

A: Cain, Abel, Seth

Q: Who did God tell to build an ark?

A: Noah

Q: Who were Noah’s three sons?

A: Shem, Ham, Japheth

Q: How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the ark?
A: 40

Q: How many people were saved on the ark?

A: 8

Q: What was God’s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the earth again?
A: A rainbow

Q: What were men trying to do at the Tower of Babel?

A: Built a tower to reach to Heaven.

Q: How did God make them spread out across the earth?
A: Confused their languages.

Q: Who did God call out of Ur to move to Canaan?

A: Abram

Q: Who was Abram’s wife?

A: Sarai

Q: Even though Abram and Sarah were too old, what did God promise them?
A: A son

Q: When God showed Abram the stars in the sky, what did he promise?
A: That Abram would have more descendants than the number of stars.

Q: Who was Abram’s handmaid?

A: Hagar

Q: What was Sarah’s idea for Abram to have a child?

A: For Abram to have a child with Hagar.

Q: Who was the first son he had?

A: Ishmael.

Q: What was Abram’s name changed to?

A: Abraham

Q: What was Sarai’s name changed to?

A: Sarah

Q: What was the second son Abraham had?

A: Isaac

Q: Who did Abraham have his second son with?

A: Sarah

Q: Where did Hagar and her son leave to?

A: Into the desert

Q: Who did Abraham send to find Isaac a wife?

A: His oldest servant

Q: Who did the servant choose?

A: Rebekah

Q: What were Isaac’s sons’ names?

A: Jacob and Esau

Q: Who was born first?

A: Esau came first, with Jacob grabbing his heel.

Q: How did Esau provide food for the family?

A: He hunted.

Q: Who did Isaac favor of his two sons?

A: Esau

Q: What did Jacob do most of the time?

A: Stayed in the home with his mother.

Q: What did Esau receive in exchange for his birthright?

A: Some stew.

Q: As Isaac was dying and blind, who suggested that Jacob should steal the blessing?
A: Rebekah.

Q: How did Esau respond when his birthright was taken?

A: Threatened to kill Jacob.

Q: When Jacob met Laban, which daughter did he want to marry?

A: Rachel.

Q: Who did Laban trick Jacob into marrying?

A: Leah.

Q: What did Laban make Jacob do to finally marry Rachel?

A: Work another seven years.

Q: Who was the first son Jacob had with Rachel?

A: Joseph

Q: What did God change Jacob’s name to before his meeting with Esau?
A: Israel

Q: How many brothers did Joseph have?

A: 11

Q: What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy from his siblings?
A: A coat of many colors.

Q: What did Joseph tell his brothers about his dreams that upset them?
A: The dreams said he would become greater and rule over them.

Q: How did the brothers get rid of Joseph?

A: Sold him to slave traders.

Q: What did Joseph’s brothers tell their father had happened to him?
A: They said Joseph was killed by a wild animal.

Q: Where did the slave traders take Joseph?

A: Egypt

Q: Who bought Joseph?

A: Potiphar, captain of the Pharaoh’s guards

Q: Who got Joseph thrown into prison by lying about him?

A: Potiphar’s wife

Q: Who else was in prison with Joseph?

A: The Pharaoh’s cupbearer and chief baker.

Q: What did Joseph do for them?

A: Interrupted their dreams.

Q: Why was Joseph summoned out of prison by the Pharaoh?

A: To interrupt his dream.

Q: What position of power was Joseph given by the Pharaoh?

A: Second in command of Egypt.

Q: What catastrophe did Joseph predict by interpreting the Pharaoh’s dream?

A: A severe, seven-year famine.

Q: Who came to Egypt that Joseph recognized because of the famine?

A: His brothers.

Q: Who was Jacob’s second son with Rachel?

A: Benjamin

Q: What did Joseph tell the brothers to do next time they came back to Egypt?
A: To bring Benjamin with them.

Q: Which brother volunteered to stay in Egypt instead of Benjamin?

A: Judah

Q: What did Joseph tell his brothers to do when they returned to Canaan?
A: Bring their families and their father to Egypt.

Quiz on Early History of Israel

Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: How did Moses’ mother save him from the Egyptian soldiers?
A: Put him in a basket in the river.

Q: What did Moses do after he killed an Egyptian?

A: Ran away into the desert.

Q: Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert?

A: A burning bush

Q: When Moses confronted the Pharaoh, what did his staff turn into when he threw it on the ground?
A: A snake

Q: What did Moses say God commanded the Pharaoh to do?

A: Let the Israelite slaves go free.

Q: How many plagues did God send on Egypt?

A: 10

Q: What was the final plague that convinced Pharaoh to let the slaves go?
A: The firstborn son of all Egyptian families died.

Q: When Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after the slaves, where did they meet at?
A: By the Red Sea

Q: What did God through Moses to save the slaves?

A: Parted the Red Sea

Q: When the Egyptians tried to follow the Israelites through the Red Sea, what happened?
A: The water crashed on them and killed them all.

Q: What did God send to feed the Israelites in the desert?

A: Quail and manna

Q: Where did God give Moses the Ten Commandments?

A: Mt. Sinai

Q: What golden image did the Israelites make at Mt. Sinai?

A: A golden calf

Q: What did the spies sent into Canaan see that made them scared?
A: Giants in the land

Q: Who were the only two Israelites allowed to go into the Promised Land after many years?
A: Joshua and Caleb

Q: What city did God make the walls fall so Joshua and the Israelites could conquer it?
A: Jericho

Q: After they took over the Promised Land and Joshua died, who ruled Israel?
A: Judges

Q: Who was the woman judge who led Israel to victory?

A: Deborah

Q: Who was the judge who defeated the Midianites with only 300 men using torches and horns?
A: Gideon

Q: Who was the judge who took a Nazarite vow from birth and fought against the Philistines?
A: Samson

Q: With what did Samson kill 1,000 Philistines?

A: A donkey’s jawbone

Q: What Philistine woman asked Samson what his power came from?
A: Delilah

Q: How did Samson die?

A: Pushing over the temple pillars, killing himself and many Philistines.

Bible Trivia about the Early Kingdom

Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: Who was the first king of Israel?

A: Saul

Q: Who anointed him king?

A: Samuel

Q: Who was the enemy who took the Ark of the Covenant?
A: Philistines

Q: What happened the idol which was beside the Ark in the enemy’s temple?
A: The idol fell over and broke

Q: When the people demanded Saul make a sacrifice to God that only priests should make, what did he
A: Made the sacrifice anyways
Q: When Saul conquered the Amalekites, what person did he keep as a prisoner instead of killing like
God said to?
A: The king, Agag

Q: What was Saul’s punishment for disobeying?

A: God took his kingdom away

Q: Who was the king of Israel anointed by Samuel after Saul?

A: David

Q: What did David work as for his father?

A: A shepherd

Q: When the Philistines came to attack the Israelites, who mocked God and challenged them?
A: Goliath the giant.

Q: When David wanted to fight Goliath, what did Saul try to give him?
A: His armor

Q: What did David take from the brook to fight Goliath with?
A: Five stones

Q: How many sling-throws did it take David to hit Goliath?

A: One

Q: Who was Saul’s son that David befriended?

A: Jonathan

Q: What did Saul throw to try to kill David?

A: A javelin/spear

Q: What did Jonathan do to save David’s life from Saul?

A: Warned him that Saul would try to kill him

Q: What foreign country did David run away to?

A: Land of the Philistines/Philistia

Q: Did Saul give up on chasing David when David went into the wilderness?
A: No

Q: How many times did David spare Saul’s life?

A: Twice

Q: Where did David spare Saul’s life the first time?

A: In a cave

Q: Where did David spare Saul’s life the second time?

A: In the camp where Saul was sleeping
Q: What last judge of Israel died after Saul made a temporary peace with David?
A: Samuel

Q: Where did David go after Saul continued to hunt him?

A: The Land of the Philistines/ Philistia

Q: Where did Saul turn to for advice when he couldn’t sense God’s will?
A: A witch

Q: What prophet did he ask to speak to?

A: Samuel

Q: How did Saul die?

A: Fell on his own sword

Q: How many of his sons died in the same battle?

A: All of them

Questions about King David’s Reign

Use these Bible trivia questions for kids when teaching about the story of King David. Q = Question, A =

Q: Did all of Israel immediately consider David their king?

A: No

Q: Who was David’s captain of his army?

A: Joab

Q: When David stayed in Jerusalem, what woman did he see and commit adultery with?
A: Bathsheba

Q: Who was Bathsheba’s husband?

A: Uriah

Q: When Bathsheba got pregnant, what did David make happen to Uriah?
A: He was killed in battle

Q: What prophet came to rebuke David?

A: Nathan

Q: What happened to Bathsheba’s child?

A: The child died

Q: When Bathsheba had another child, what did they name him?
A: Solomon

Q: Who was David’s son that started a rebellion against him?

A: Absalom

Q: What capital city did David abandon as Absalom came towards it?
A: Jerusalem

Q: When the two armies battled, what happened to Absalom’s hair?

A: It got caught in a tree

Q: Who killed Absalom?

A: Joab

Q: Because he killed Absalom, what was Joab’s punishment?

A: He was not captain anymore

Q: What was David’s second sin recorded in the Bible?

A: He took a census of the people in his nation

Q: During his time as king, who was David’s main enemy?

A: Philistines

Q: Which books of the Bible record David’s time as king?

A: 1st and 2nd Samuel

Q: Which book did David write most of?

A: Psalms

Bible Trivia Quiz about the Later History of Israel

These could be fun quiz questions when teaching about the final years of Israel’s Kingdom. Q = Question,
A = Answer

Q: Who was David’s son that became king?

A: Solomon

Q: What trait did Solomon pray for from God?

A: Wisdom

Q: What did Solomon build for the Lord?

A: A temple

Q: What famous queen came to visit Solomon?

A: Queen of Sheba

Q: How many wives did Solomon have?

A: 700

Q: Did Solomon always follow the Lord?

A: No. He turned from God.
Q: Who convinced Solomon to turn from God?
A: His wives

Q: What happened to the kingdom after Solomon’s rule?

A: It split in two

Q: Which books of the Bible record all the kings?

A: 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles

Q: Which books of the Bible did Solomon write?

A: Song of Solomon and Proverbs and some Psalms

Q: How many kings of Judah were there?

A: 20

Q: How many kings of Israel were there?

A: 19

Q: Who conquered Judah and took Daniel to their country?

A: Babylonians

Q: Whose dream did Daniel interpret in -Babylon?

A: King Nebuchadnezzar

Q: Who was the last king Daniel served under in the Bible?
A: Darius

Q: When Daniel prayed to God after it was not allowed, where was he thrown into?
A: The lion’s den

Q: What were Daniel’s three friends (Babylonian names)?

A: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego

Q: When they refused to bow to an idol, where were they thrown?

A: Into a fiery furnace

Q: Who returned to Israel to build up the walls of Jerusalem?

A: Nehemiah

Q: What Israelite saved her people from being murdered and was a wife of the king?
A: Esther

Q: What daring thing did Esther do to talk with the king?

A: Went in to talk without being summoned first

Q: Who let the Israelites return to their homeland?

A: Cyrus
Q: Who eventually came from the lineage of David?
A: Jesus

Questions and Answers about the Life of Jesus

Use these Bible trivia questions for kids when you need a quiz after teaching about Jesus life and
ministry. Q = Question, A = Answer

Q: Who was Jesus’ human mother?

A: Mary

Q: Who was Jesus’ adoptive father on Earth?

A: Joseph

Q: Who was Jesus’ birth father?

A: God the Holy Spirit – see Matt 1:20

Q: Name the city where Jesus was born?

A: Bethlehem

Q: Where did Jesus’ family go when Herod wanted to harm him as baby?
A: Egypt

True or False: Because Jesus was God, he didn’t obey his parents’ rules.
A: False – Jesus obeyed his parents – see Luke 2:51

True or False: Jesus was an only child.

A: False – Jesus had brothers and sister – see Mark 6:3

Q: How many of Jesus’ brothers are named in the Bible?

A: Four

Q: How many of Jesus’ sisters are named in the Bible?

A: None

Q: Name one of Jesus’ brothers?

A: James, Joseph, Simon and Judas

Q: Who was Jesus’ most famous cousin?

A: John the Baptist

True or False: John the Baptist wore clothes made of goat hair?
A: False – it was camel hair

Q: Who baptised Jesus?

A: John the Baptist

Q: Who spoke from the sky when Jesus was baptised?

A: God
Q: What did God say?
A: That he was well-pleased with his son.

Q: What happened when Jesus went into the wilderness?

A: He was tempted by Satan

Q: Before Jesus starting preaching, what was his normal job?

A: Carpenter (construction worker) – See Mark 6:3

Q: Name Jesus’ hometown.

A: Nazareth

Q: True or False: Jesus turned water into Coca-Cola?

A: False, Jesus turned water into wine.

Q: Besides preaching, name an activity Jesus did while traveling in Galilee.

A: Healing the sick and casting out demons.

True or False: Jesus stayed away from people with bad reputations?
A: False – He often ate with “sinners.”

Q: Name the place where Jesus walked on water?

A: Sea of Galilee

True or False: At first, Jesus family tried to stop his ministry and said he was crazy.
A: True – see Mark 3:11

True or False: Jesus said his true family was anyone who obeys God.
A: True – see Mark 3:34-35

True or False: Everywhere he went, people loved Jesus and believed his message?
A: False – many times Jesus was rejected.

Q: Which member of the Jewish ruling counsel came to ask Jesus questions at night?
A: Nicodemus

True or False: Jesus didn’t like the people because they worshiped God the wrong way?
A: False – Jesus welcomed all to follow him

Q: How many disciples did Jesus choose?

A: 12

Q: What was Matthew before he followed Jesus?

A: A tax collector

True or False: Jesus would sometimes “spit” as part of his healing miracles.
A: True – Three times the Bible describes him spitting. – see Mark 7:33, Mark 8:23, John 9:6
Q: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
A: John 11:35 Jesus wept.

Q: Why did Jesus weep in that verse?

A: Because his friend Lazarus died.

Q: How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus came to visit?
A: Four days

Q: What 2 things did Jesus do to raise Lazarus back to life?

A: He prayed and then told Lazarus to come out.

Q: Who helped pay the bills for Jesus and the disciples ministry?
A: Several women who he had healed – see Luke 8:1-3

Q: Name the demon Jesus cast out in the region of the Gerasenes?
A: Legion

True or False: While on Earth, Jesus had the power to raise dead people back to life?
A: True – several examples

Q: How much bread and fish did Jesus use to feed over 5000 people?
A: Five loaves of bread —and two fish

True or False: Jesus’ said washing hands is never important.

A: False – he said dirty hands don’t make a person spiritually unclean. You can still get germs!

Q: What was Peter and Andrew doing when Jesus’ called them to follow him?
A: Fishing

Q: Name the two Old Testament people who appeared when Jesus was transfigured?
A: Elijah and Moses

True or False: Jesus ask the children to stay back while he was teaching important things to grown-ups.
A: False – Jesus welcomed children

Q: What problem did Bartimaeus have that Jesus fixed?

A: He was blind

True or False: When Jesus went to the Temple he always used his inside voice.
A: False – Jesus drove out the money changers

Q: How many people did Jesus feed with fish and bread?
A: 5,000 people

Q: How many lepers did Jesus heal when only 1 returned?

A: 10
Q: What did Jesus do at the Last Supper to his disciples?
A: Washed their feet

True or False: Jesus said only big money offerings were important to God.
False – See the Widow’s Offering

Q: What did the woman pour on Jesus’ feet at the home of Simon the Leeper?
A: Jar of expensive perfume

Q: Name the disciple who betrayed Jesus.

A: Judas Iscariot

Q: What garden did Jesus go to when he prayed after the Last Supper?
A: Garden of Gethsemane

True or False: The Jewish leaders tried to set Jesus free.

A: False – They lobbied for his crucifixion

Q: Who gave Jesus a crown made of thorns?

A: Roman soldier

Q: Name the Roman Governor who sat over Jesus trial?

A: Pilate

Q: What did Pilate do to “cleanse himself” of the crucifixion?

A: Washed his hands

Q: Who cut off a soldier’s ear when Jesus was being arrested?
A: Peter

True or False: Jesus didn’t know that he was going to be arrested and killed in Jerusalem.
A: False – He knew and told his disciples before it happened.

Q: Which disciple denied Jesus three times?

A: Peter

Q: What happened to the temple curtain when Jesus was killed?

A: It was ripped

Q: What happened after Jesus was buried in the tomb?

A: He rose again

Q: What was rolled away from the entrance of the tomb?

A: A large stone

Q: What day of the week did Jesus rise back to life?

A: Sunday – the first day of the week
Q: How many days before Jesus returned to Heaven?
A: 40 days

Q: How did Jesus leave Earth and go to Heaven?

A: He rose up into the clouds

Q: How many people saw Jesus after he came back from the dead?
A: More than 500 – see 1 Cor 15:3–8

New Testament Quiz for Kids

Use these questions for a fun quiz when learning about the New Testament in Sunday School. Q =
Question, A = Answer

Q: What was another name for the Apostle Paul?

A: Saul of Tarsus

Q: Who was the first Christian to die for his faith?

A: Stephen

Q: How many books have the name John in them?

A: Four (John, 1 John, 2, John, 3 John)

Q: Who preached at Pentecost?

A: Peter

Q: What amazing miracle happened with languages?

A: Everybody heard the sermon in their own language.

Q: Who was Saul?

A: He persecuted Christians

Q: What happened when he was on the road to Damascus?

A: He had a changing experience with Jesus

Q: What was his name changed to?

A: Paul

Q: Who was exiled to an island?

A: John

Q: Who was crucified upside down?

A: Peter

Q: Who was the first martyr and was stoned?

A: Stephen

True or False: Ananias and Sapphira died after lying to the Apostles about their offering.
A: True

Q: How many deacons were chosen to help the apostles to distribute food to widows?
A: Seven

Q: Which Apostle took the Gospel to the city of Samaria?

A: Philip

Q: Which Apostle shared the Gospel with an Ethiopian official on the road to Gaza?
A: Philip

True or False: Peter raised a woman named Dorcas from the dead.
A: True – see Acts 9

Q: Where did Peter stay during his ministry in the city of Joppa?
A: In the house of Simon the tanner

Q: What did Peter’s vision about the unclean animals mean?

A: That all people can be made clean through Jesus – aka non-Jews can be saved.

Q: In what city were Jesus’ followers first called “Christians”?

A: Antioch

True or False: Peter was rescued from prison by an Angel.

A: True – see Acts 12

Q: Who went with Paul on his early mission trips?

A: Barnabas

True or False: Paul had a vison of a man calling him to come over to Carthage.
False – it was a man from Macedonia

True or False: God sent an earthquake to rescue Paul and Silas from prison in Philippi.
A: True – but they didn’t escape but stayed in jail to share the good news

Q: What did the Philippian jailer say to Paul after he heard the Gospel?
A: What must I do to be saved?

Q: How did Paul and Silas respond?

A: Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.

Q: What was Paul’s goal in his missionary journey?

A: To take the gospel everywhere and finally to preach in the capitol Rome

Bible Quiz on the 10 Commandments

Q = Quiz Question, A = Answer

Q: Where can you find the 10 commandments in the Bible?

A: Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5

Q: Name the person who received the 10 Commandments from God?

A: Moses

Q: What is the preamble or introduction to the Commandments?

A: I am the LORD your God who brought you out of Egypt (slavery).

Q: What is the 1st commandment?

A: You shall have no other gods before me.

Q: What is the 2nd commandment?

A: You shall not make idols.

Q: What is the 3rd commandment?

A: You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God.

Q: What is the 4th commandment?

A: Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

Q: What is the 5th commandment?

A: Honor your father and mother.

Q: What is the 6th commandment?

A: You shall not murder.

Q: What is the 7th commandment?

A: You shall not commit adultery.

Q: What is the 8th commandment?

A: You shall not steal.

Q: What is the 9th commandment?

A: You shall not give false testimony.

Q: What is the 10th commandment?

A: You shall not covet.

True or False: Jesus said the OT rules don’t matter anymore.

A: False – See Matt 5:17

Q: How many rules does Jesus use to summarize all the OT rules?
A: Two

Q: What does Jesus say is the first and greatest commandment?

A: Love God with all your heart, minds, soul, and strength.

Q: What does Jesus says is the second commandment?

A: Love your neighbor as yourself.

“Fruit of the Spirit” Questions for Children

Q = Quiz Question, A = Answer

Q: Where is the Fruit of the Spirit found in the Bible?

A: Galatians 5

Q: Which human author wrote Galatians?

A: Paul

True or False: Bananas are a fruit of the Spirit? ?

A: False – Bananas are a gift from God but not considered spiritual fruit in Galatians 5.

Q: Name any of the 9 Fruit of the Spirit.

A: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (sometimes
patience is translated forbearance or longsuffering – see Galatians 5:22 )

True or False: The opposite of the Fruit of the Spirit are called “the works of the flesh.”
A: True – see Galatians 5:19-21

Bible Trivia Questions on the Lord’s Prayer

Q = Question, A = Quiz Answer

Q: Where in the Bible can you find the Lord’s Prayer?

A: Matthew 6

Q: Who taught the Lord’s Prayer?

A: Jesus

Q: How many requests are in the Lord’s Prayer?

A: Seven

Q: What is the 1st petition?

A: Hallowed be your name

Q: What is the 2nd petition?

A: Your kingdom come

Q: What is the 3rd petition?

A: Your will be done on Earth

Q: What is the 4th petition?

A: Give us our daily bread

Q: What is the 5th petition?

A: Forgive our debts
Q: What is the 6th petition?
A: Don’t lead us into temptation

Q: What is the 7th petition?

A: Deliver us from evil

True or False: The more words we say makes our prayers better.
A: False – Jesus said God already knows what we need
90 Hard Bible Trivia Questions
and Answers
Last Updated December 29, 2021


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Playing trivia questions and answers is a way to bond and learn new things. For those
who love to have some fun during a Christian gathering, Bible trivia questions and
answers would be an excellent choice. From kids to adults and teenagers, there
are trivia questions for everyone. How well do you know your Bible as a Christian or
scholar? These carefully selected bible trivia questions and answers would be the best
way to find out.
Hard Bible Trivia Questions For Adults and Their

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As the holy book of Christians, the Bible contains historical events, most of which any
adult who believes in the religion should know a thing or two about. Let’s see how much
you have been reading your Bible.

1. How many people did Noah’s ark carry?

Answer: Eight

Noah’s wife, Emzara, alongside the wives of his three sons, are among the eight people
who made it into the ark and survived the flood.

2. What are the names of the birds Noah sent out of the ark to check if the
water had dried up?

Answer: Raven and dove

To make sure the flood was over, Noah sent a raven and a dove outside the ark, and
they came back with good news.

3. When did the exodus from Egypt take place?

Answer: 13th-century BCA

Under the leadership of Moses, the people of Israel trooped out of Israel, heading to the
promised land.

4. Which celestial bodies did Joshua command to stay still?

Answer: The sun and moon

While serving as the leader of the Israelites during the exodus, Joshua prayed to God to
make the sun and moon stand still that they may win a war.

5. Which tribe was Paul from?

Answer: Tribe of Benjamin

Though there is scanty information in the Bible about Paul’s family, he would always
describe himself as “of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the
Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee.”

6. Which Babylonian emperor let the Israelites return to their homeland?

Answer: Emperor Cyrus the Great

As narrated in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, the Jews were allowed to end their
exile in Babylon and return to Israel following the decree by the emperor.

7. What name was given to the Jewish ruling council that plotted Jesus’ death?

Answer: The Sanhedrin

The Sanhedrin consisted of either twenty-three or seventy-one elders appointed to sit

as a tribunal.

8. How many books did Paul write in the Bible?

Answer: Thirteen

13 of the 27 books of the New Testament were reportedly written by Apostle Paul, and
he played a huge role in the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
9. What was Daniel’s punishment for praying when it was not allowed?

Answer: He got thrown into a lion’s den

A man with strong faith, Daniel refused to stop praying to God when the king gave a
decree, which landed him in the lion’s den.

10. Who was the father of Jesus?

Answer: God

While Mary and Joseph played the role of his human parents, Jesus’ mother conceived
Him through the power of the Holy Spirit without sin.

11. At what age did Sarah, the wife of Abraham, die?

Answer: 127

Sarah was 90 years old when she conceived and bore her son Isaac, and she died at
the age of 127.

12. How did Jezebel die?

Answer: She was thrown out of a window

Despite her dedicated efforts to establish pagan worship among the Israelites, Queen
Jezebel did not succeed. She was thrown from a high window, and dogs devoured her

13. Which well did Abraham and Abimelech fight over?

Answer: Beersheba

Beersheba is a large city in Israel, but the well Abraham and King Abimelech fought for
also had the same name.

14. Which book of the Bible mentioned Haman?

Answer: Esther
Esther thwarted the evil plots of the villain, Haman, who had the intention to destroy
the Jews.

15. When exactly did the Jews celebrate Passover?

Answer: 14th-day of the 1st month.

Though things have changed a bit, the Jews still celebrate Passover to commemorate
their exodus from slavery in Egypt.

16. What was the name of Moses’ wife?

Answer: Zippora

Zippora was the daughter of Jethro before she married Moses and gave birth to his two
sons, Eliezer and Gershom.

17. What is the longest book in the Bible?

Answer: Psalm

The book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible, with 30,147 words in length.

18. How long did Enoch live?

Answer: 430 years

Enoch was ordained a priest by Adam at the age of 25, blessed at 65, and lived another
365 years before his demise.

19. Who requested for the head of John the Baptist?

Answer: Salome

Herodias told her daughter Salome to entice King Herod with her dancing skills, and
when the king told her to make a request, it was John the Baptist’s head on a platter
she asked for.

20. Who was killed first between Jesus and John the Baptist?

Answer: John the Baptist

From the accounts in the canonical gospels of the New Testament, the beheading of
John the Baptist happened first before Jesus was crucified.

21. Who did Peter address his first letter to?

Answer: The “elect resident aliens.”

The book was addressed to those who have found their home in different places like
Galatia, Asia, and Cappadocia.

22. What was engraved in the headband of high priests?

Answer: Holiness to the Lord

The high priests wore the Tzitz, a rectangular plate of solid gold with the inscription’
Holiness to the Lord’ engraved in Hebrew letters.

23. What kind of spirit possessed the girl in Philippi?

Answer: Python spirit

Paul met the Philippi girl possessed by a python spirit and commanded the spirit to
leave her in the name of Jesus.

24. Who warned Paul about the plot to kill him?

Answer: His nephew

Paul’s nephew helped him convey the same message to the commander.

25. What were the names of the three sons of Adam and Eve?

Answer: Cain, Abel, and Seth

Adam and Eve were the first man and woman on earth, and they had three sons.

26. How long did it take Paul to move back to Jerusalem?

Answer: Fourteen years

It took 14 years after his conversion before Paul found his way back to Jerusalem.
27. How many Psalms are in the Bible

Answer: 150

The book of Psalm is Biblical poetry that consists of 150 chapters and a total of 2,461

28. What was the last plague that forced Pharaoh to finally let the Israelites

Answer: Death of the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt.

After nine terrible plagues, Pharaoh refused to listen to the message Moses brought
from God – to let His people go. However, the 10th plague shook the land, and he had
to comply.

29. In which city was Jesus born?

Answer: Bethlehem

For centuries, there has been a widespread belief that people have believed that the
exact place Jesus was born is where the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, now stands.

30. How many divisions and sections does the bible have?

Answer: 2 and 8

The Bible is divided into two – the Old Testament and the New Testament while there
are eight sections comprising of the following:

 The Law – Genesis-Deuteronomy.

 History – Joshua-Esther.
 Poetry Job – Song of Solomon.
 Prophecy. Isaiah – Malachi.
 Gospels. Matthew – John.
 History – Acts
 Epistles – Romans-Jude.
 Prophecy – Revelation
Bible Trivia Questions For Teens and Their

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As a Christian teenager, you are expected to be familiar with many facts in the Bible,
and these Bible trivia questions and answers for teens will test your knowledge of the
holy book.

31. Is the Bible the best-selling book of all time?

Answer: Yes

It is on Guinness World Records that the Bible is the best-selling book of all time, with
at least 5 billion copies of the holy book sold as of 1995. Qur’an has recorded 800
million copies sold, while 190 million copies go for the Book of Mormon.

32. What names are given to the first and last books in the Bible?
Answer: Genesis and Revelation

The Bible begins with the book of Genesis and wraps up with Revelation.

33. What are the four synoptic gospels in the New Testament

Answer: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

The four gospels tell the story of the life of Jesus in a similar pattern which is why they
are called the synoptic gospels.

34. Did David write the whole book of Psalms?

Answer: No

Although he contributed most of them, David is not the only person who wrote the book
of Psalms.

35. How many books are in the Bible

Answer: 66

The most popular book in the world has a total of 66 books in it.

36. What is the shortest book in the Bible by word count?

Answer: 3 John

The third book of John is the shortest in the Bible when you judge by word count, but 2
John has fewer verses.

37. What are the original languages the Bible was written in?

Answer: Hebrew and Greek

The Old Testament was originally given in Hebrew, while the New Testament came in
the Greek language.

38. What did Zacchaeus promise to give to the poor in reparation for his sins?

Answer: Half of his wealth

After listening to Jesus preach, Zacchaeus turned a new leaf and decided to pay back
what he had stolen from people.

39. Where was Saul traveling to when he had a divine encounter and was

Answer: Damascus

Saul was going to Damascus to kill more Christians when the Holy Spirit changed his

40. What did Jacob change his name to?

Answer: Israel

Jacob had wrestled with a divine being who gave him the name Israel. Ten of his 13
children later became the founders of Israel.

41. Who cleaned Jesus’ feet with her hair in Luke?

Answer: Mary – Lazarus’s sister

While dining with the family of Lazarus, Mary – the sister of Lazarus, poured expensive
perfume on Jesus’ feet and cleaned it with her hair.

42. How many books are in the Old Testament?

Answer: 39 books

While the Bible has a total of 66 books, 39 of them are found in the Old Testament.

43. How many books did Paul write in the Bible?

Answer: 13

Paul is the human writer with the highest number of books in the Bible.

44. How many books are in the New Testament of the Bible?

Answer: 27 books
There are 27 books in the Bible, including the synoptic gospels.

45. How many words did Moses write in the Bible?

Answer: 125,139 words

Moses is the human author in the Bible with the highest number of written words.

46. In the creation story, when did God create man?

Answer: On the sixth day

After creating everything in the world, God made man take charge of what he has

47. Where did Adam and Eve live?

Answer: Garden of Eden

God put the first man and woman he created in the Garden of Eden, where they lived
until they disobeyed Him by eating the forbidden fruit.

48. How many days did it rain when Noah was on the ark?

Answer: 40 days and nights

Noah and his family were safe inside the ark while the earth was destroyed by the

49. What were the names of Noah’s sons?

Answer: Shem, Ham, Japheth

Noah’s three sons entered the ark, and through them, the earth was populated again.

50. What mission were the men at the Tower of Babel trying to achieve?

Answer: Build a tower so tall it could touch Heaven

Out of curiosity, men set out to build a tower in the land of Shinar, Babylon. They
wanted to use the tower to get closer to God.
51. What condition did God give Moses before he could approach the burning

Answer: Take off his sandals

At that moment, the spot with the burning bush was considered sacred, and Moses had
to remove his sandals to go close.

52. When did Jesus die?

Answer: At the age of 33

Born around 6 and 4 BC, Jesus started his ministry work around AD 27-29 and died
around AD 30 and 36.

53. Where did the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal take place?

Answer: Mount Carmel

Elijah and the prophets of Baal assembled on the mountain to prove whose god is

54. When Moses went to get the 10 Commandments, what did Aaron do?

Answer: He made a golden calf for the people to worship

Because Moses took time to come back with the commandments from God, the
Israelites pressured Aaron into making a god for them to worship.

55. What are the first five books in the Bible called?

Answer: Pentateuch

The books that make up the Pentateuch are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and

56. In which part of the Bible is the perseverance of Job recorded?

Answer: James 5:10-11
The story of Job stands as a lesson to Christians to put their trust in God even in

57. Who did Abraham have his first child with?

Answer: Hagar

When Sarah was convinced she would never bear a child, she gave her handmaid,
Hagar, to Abraham, and they bore a son named Ishmael.

58. What was Abraham’s name before it was changed?

Answer: Abram

After entering a covenant with God, his name was changed from Abram to Abraham
and his wife’s name from Sarai to Sarah.

59. What was the name of the first son of Abraham?

Answer: Ishmael

While Isaac dominated as the son of Abraham, Ishmael was the first son of Abraham,
and he became the father of Ishmaelites.

60. What animal did the staff of Moses turn into when he went to confront
Pharaoh to let the Israelites go?

Answer: Snake

Turning his staff into a snake was one of the earliest signs Moses showed Pharoah, who
had his magicians perform magic, but none was any match to the power of God in

Bible Trivia Questions For Kids and Their Answers

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Catching them young is the best approach, and if you want the kids to be grounded in
the Christian faith, some simple Bible trivia questions and answers will be a good choice
when they want to play games.

61. How many days did Jesus stay in the grave before he arose?

Answer: Three days

After the third day following his burial, Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to some
of his disciples.

62. Who baptized Jesus before his ministry commenced?

Answer: John the Baptist

John the Baptist baptized people with water, and Jesus went to him to fulfill all
63. How many plagues did God unleash on Egypt to force Pharaoh to let His
people go?

Answer: 10

It took ten terrible plagues before Pharaoh was forced to let the Israelites leave Egypt,
and even after they left, he sent his army after them.

64. Who were the human parents of Jesus?

Answer: Joseph and Mary

Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph before she was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
They both played a big part in the success of Jesus’ mission on earth.

65. How many baskets were still filled with food after Jesus fed the 5,000?

Answer: 12

After feeding a big crowd with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, the disciples gathered
the remaining food and filled 12 baskets. This was one of the earliest miracles Jesus

66. What kind of idol did Aaron craft for the Israelites to worship while waiting
for Moses?

Answer: A Golden Calf

Aaron succumbed to the pressure the Israelites mounted on him and made a golden
calf for them to worship because Moses took time before returning with the ten

67. Who was the first man on earth?

Answer: Adam

According to the creation story recorded in the book of Genesis, the first man God
created was named Adam.

68. Which book comes first in the Bible?

Answer: Genesis
The book of Genesis focuses on the beginning of all things and how God created the
world with the word of His mouth and put man in charge.

69. Why did God expel Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden?

Answer: They ate the forbidden fruit

The Garden of Eden was filled with everything good, and God created Adam and Eve to
live there and take care of it. However, they disobeyed God by eating the only thing he
asked them not to touch.

70. How many brothers did Joseph have?

Answer: 11

Joseph lived with his brothers and one sister in the land of Canaan. He was his father’s
favorite child, and this did not please his brothers.

71. Who were the first apostles Jesus called to follow him?

Answer: Peter and Andrew

Jesus had twelve disciples, and the first two to join this group were two brothers, Peter
and Andrew.

72. Who was the first king of Israel?

Answer: Saul

Saul, David, and Solomon were the first three kings to rule Israel according to the order
they are named. Saul reigned around c. 1021–1000 bc.

73. Who was put inside Lion’s den?

Answer: Daniel

For refusing to obey the king’s order that nobody should pray within a stipulated time
frame, Daniel was arrested, and his punishment was to throw him inside a den of lions,
but God saved him.

74. How did Joseph’s brothers get him out of the way?
Answer: By selling him into slavery

The jealousy they felt towards their brother led Joseph’s brothers to plot how to kill
him, but they eventually sold him into slavery, and that was how he went to Egypt and
became a prominent figure.

75. What was David’s Job before he became a king?

Answer: A shepherd

While he was out with his flock, Prophet Samuel sent for David to crown him the second
King of Israel after Saul.

76. Where did Jesus walk on water?

Answer: The Sea of Galilee

While they were on a boat on The Sea of Galilee, the disciples saw Jesus walking on
water towards them.

77. Who came to Jesus at night?

Answer: Nicodemus

Nicodemus was a member of the Jewish ruling council and came to Jesus to inquire
about the kingdom of God.

78. What kind of Job did Matthew do before he followed Jesus?

Answer: A tax collector

Before he received the call to work in the ministry with Jesus, Matthew worked as a tax
collector in Capernaum.

79. What kind of gift did Jacob give Joseph that made his siblings jealous?

Answer: A coat of many colors

Joseph was his father’s favorite, and he showered him with gifts.

80. What was Bartimaeus’ challenge?

Answer: He was blind

Blind Bartimaeus was one of the people Jesus healed of their sicknesses.

81. How many lepers were healed by Jesus, after which only one came back to
show gratitude?

Answer: 10

Jesus healed ten lepers and sent them off, but only one returned.

82. Which disciple betrayed Jesus?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

He gave Jesus up to the Sanhedrin with a kiss.

83. Which verse is the shortest in the Bible?

Answer: John 11:35 – Jesus wept

The reason Jesus wept was that his friend Lazarus was dead.

84. What did Jesus use to feed the 5,000?

Answer: 5 loaves and 2 fish

Jesus multiplied 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish to feed a multitude of people.

85. True or false – did Jesus chase children away when he preached?

Answer: False

Jesus continually told his disciples to allow the children to come close to him.

86. Who denied Jesus 3 times?

Answer: Peter
After Jesus was arrested, Peter was recognized as one of his followers, and he denied it
three times.

87. What is the 1st commandment?

Answer: You shall have no other gods before me

God made it clear in the commandments whom you shall worship.

88. Which commandment says honor your father and mother?

Answer: the 5th commandment

God reminded us to obey our parents at all times.

89. What was Apostle Paul’s name before his conversion?

Answer: Saul of Tarsus

Apostle Paul was a prosecutor of Christians before he encountered the Holy Spirit.

90. Where are the 10 commandments located in the Bible?

Answer: Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5

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