Reflection: What Have I Learned From The Activity?

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in education. quality instruction, research and extension
MABINI COLLEGES, INC. service programs at all educational levels as its
monumental contribution to national growth
The Mabini Colleges aims to develop, strengthen and
College of Nursing & Midwifery and development, producing God-fearing,
promote the following Core Values: Daet, Camarines Norte nation-loving, earth-caring, law-abiding,
Integrity * Benevolence * Artistic productive and globally competitive graduates.
Nature-Caring * Accountability

Reflection: What have I learned from the activity?


The bed making is an essential foundation of nursing and it is important for satisfying the patient ensuring that
they are comfortable and to be in a useful position that can help them in their recovery. Bed making is also define as an
art of nursing. It is a way of preparing the appropriate bed based on the condition of the patient which adopts scientific
principles of nursing. Skillful bed making promoting comforts for the patient.

The bed making procedure should be performed after washing the hands and wearing a gloves. The tools and
equipment that is use in bed making should be prepared before starting on the procedures. First, clean the bed properly
and make sure that you will clean the both sides of the bed. This part is very important to sanitize the bed and kill the
bacteria that are present in the bed. Next is putting the bottom sheet in the bed properly, make sure that it is done neat
and clean. Spread the Mackintosh at the center of the bed, draw another sheet over the Mackintosh and tuck it along
the side. After that place the top sheet and spread it throughout the bed, make sure to tuck it properly. Place the
blanket and properly arrange it together with the top sheet and pillow. The execution of steps must be careful and neat.

Compare to the video and checklist, the checklist are more detailed and clear. In the video it only perform but
not clearly stated the things we should and we shouldn't do. I think if we will base in checklist, it will be easier to execute
the procedures properly. On the other hand the video attached also did a good job on presenting how to neatly make
the bed of the patient however they lack of explanation and detailed steps.

Date: February 11, 2022


Signature Over Printed Name of the Student

Clinical Instructor
OF EXCELLENCE quality instruction, research and extension
in education. MABINI COLLEGES, INC. service programs at all educational levels as its
monumental contribution to national growth
CORE VALUES College of Nursing & Midwifery and development, producing God-fearing,
The Mabini Colleges aims to develop, strengthen and Daet, Camarines Norte nation-loving, earth-caring, law-abiding,
promote the following Core Values: productive and globally competitive graduates.
Integrity * Benevolence * Artistic
Nature-Caring * Accountability

Reflection: What have I learned from the activity?


Reflection Paper: Baby bathing

Baby bathing is important to keep the baby hygienic and safe from any bacteria that can harm the
health of the baby. It needs a full time of care and gentle to keep the baby safe and comfortable during the
bathe. Baths help protect the health of your baby's skin. It is also a time to check the body for rashes or areas
of dry skin. Bathing should begin before the baby is being feed in order to prevent the spitting of the baby.

There are several items that are needed in order to easily execute the steps of baby bathing. First you
need to prepare the items needed such as bathtub, warm water, boiled water, cotton wools, plastic bag, face
cloth, towel, bath soap, baby clothes, diaper and baby wrap. Prepare the water and other items, make sure
that all of it are clean. The temperature should be right. First clean the baby's eyes using cotton balls and cool
boiled water, Next is to clean the baby's face using a cotton ball from center outwards making sure to wipe the
forehead, nose, cheeks and mouth area. Going on, start washing the baby's hair. Carry the baby using a
football hold while supporting its head and neck. Gently wash the hair and dry it with a corner of towel wrap.
After washing the baby's hair, place the baby on the table to unwrap and remove the diaper. Clean its butt
area to prevent formation of rashes. Slowly place the baby into the tub of water, execute the proper position
to ensure the safety of the baby. Lastly after washing the body, clean the umbilical cord area using a cotton
ball, make sure to be gentle to prevent any bleeding or harm to the baby. Since the skin of a baby is very
sensitive, it should be gentle and also the proper execution of step must be perform. I have learn that bathing
isn't just for making the skin healthy but also make the child feel assure and develop a feeling of being cared
by the sense of touch.

Compare with the bed bathing for adults this baby bathing is gentler and it was handle with care. Since
the baby's skin are sensitive, there are several factors that is needed to consider how ever the bed bathing
needs a full patience, respect and care towards the patient in order to perform the bed bathing properly. In
bed bathing we need to consider the condition of patient so that the bed bathing will be perform without
harming or causing any disturbance to the patients.

Date: February 11, 2022

Signature Over Printed Name of the Student

Clinical Instructor
in education. quality instruction, research and extension
MABINI COLLEGES, INC. service programs at all educational levels as its
monumental contribution to national growth
CORE VALUES College of Nursing & Midwifery and development, producing God-fearing,
The Mabini Colleges aims to develop, strengthen and
promote the following Core Values: Daet, Camarines Norte nation-loving, earth-caring, law-abiding,
Integrity * Benevolence * Artistic productive and globally competitive graduates.
Nature-Caring * Accountability

Reflection: What have I learned from the activity?


In Fundamentals of Nursing and Health assessment Laboratory, the following are used as the basis of
grading system: the knowledge, skills and attitude. Also, it was given that we must comply in every
requirement that we are tasked to do. The requirements must meet the instruction and guidelines of the
professor to satisfy and meet the standards needed in the class.

Each of these have their percentage and these are very important in the grading system. In the
knowledge, these are the activities done virtually, the recitations during online class and of course the written
outputs such as reflection and exams. The next one is the Skills, this includes the performance in the limited
face to face return demo and performing the different foundation of nursing such as bed bathing and bed
making. Lastly the attitude, this includes the attendance, being on time, being prepared and proper grooming.
Attitude also includes the attitude during the class or during the RLE or even at the assigned area. Also there
are some requirements that we should comply in order to pass the subject such as the portfolio in which the
evidences of activities are attached with caption.

In this orientation, I learn that I should do my best and also I should always follow the instructions that
are given by our CI. The given basis should be comply and observed during the class. I am looking forward for a
challenging but at the same time exciting journey in this subject. I hope that I will be able to put into action all
the knowledge that I will learn in this subject. Looking forward for a great experience and knowledge.

Date: February 11, 2022


Signature Over Printed Name of the Student

Clinical Instructor

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