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Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the description of the research methods to be use, the

respondents of the study, the instruments to be use, the procedures and sources of

data utilized in analyzing the data gathered.

Research Design

The researchers will use descriptive research design in this study. According to

Rebmann (2020), descriptive research design is a method in describing the

characteristics of the population that is being conducted in the study. This kind of

research method focuses on “what” of the research. It is scientific design that requires

observation and description of the subject without influencing it. This includes

recording, analysis, and interpretation of the current nature, processes of phenomenon.

This study will also utilize a quantitative way of collecting, analyzing and interpreting

data. In the quantitative phase of the study, structured questionnaires are given to

respondents, interviews will also be conducted for better understanding of the

quantitative results.

The research will be conducted only at Zamboanga City through a face-to-face

procedure as the form of communication of the researchers and the participant. Survey

questionnaire will be used for the interview.

Figure 1. Research Locale of the Study


The target population for this study consisted of customers/clients of hospitality

management and also delimited to millennials born from 1981 - 1996. They were

purposively selected. The researchers went personally, to the respondents to explain to

them the content of the questionnaire to enable them to understand and answer the

questions given. The respondent of the study is composed of one hundred (100)
customers/clients of hospitality management at Zamboanga City. One of the vital

processes to keep this study successful. All of these participants were selected through

random sampling.

This sampling method is conducted where each member of a population has a

capability to become part of the sample. The chosen respondents are containing of one

hundred (100) respondents from selected customers/clients of hospitality management

at Zamboanga City. Those respondents were chosen by the researchers because they

are suitable and applicable to the study.

Table 1. Population Sample


(1981 – 1996) NO. OF RESPONDENTS

Male 40

Female 60

Total 100

Instrumentation/Validity and Reliability

The researcher used the questionnaire tools to use an instrument that contains a series

of questions for the participants for the purpose of gathering information. The
questionnaire was the main instrument used in gathering of data. The questionnaire

was in form of checklist. In the formulation of questionnaire items, the researchers used

a simple and clear language to enable the respondents to understand and answer the

question adequately.

The respondents will be asked to rate each question in Service Quality using a four –

point scale as follows:

Likert’s Scale

Numerical Quantitative Weighted mean

Value Interpretation

4 Excellent (E) 4.20-5.00

3 Very Good (VG) 3.40-4.19

2 Good (G) 2.60-3.39

1 Poor (P) 1.00-2.59

The respondents will be asked to rate each question in Customer Loyalty using a four –

point scale as follows:

Likert’s Scale

Numerical Quantitative Weighted mean

Value Interpretation

4 Very High (VH) 4.20-5.00

3 High (H) 3.40-4.19

2 Low (L) 2.60-3.39

1 Very Low (VL) 1.00-2.59

Validity and Reliability

In testing the validity of the instruments, the questionnaire-checklist was presented to

the research professor of the school, the head teacher and thesis adviser for the

content validation. The panel of experts was consulted in revised of the thesis for the

improvement of the studies. The content of the questionnaire-checklist will be done

through the help of the experts, panel members, thesis adviser, dean, concerned


Any revision in the final copy of the questionnaire will be based on the comments,

suggestions and recommendations. The instrument will be pretested to selected

Ethical Considerations

In this study privacy will be ensured through asking respondents not to write their

names on the questionnaire and also will be identified individual respondents. The

researcher will inform respondents about the purpose of the study and the respondents

will be given freedom to choose to participate or not in the study as well as to

personally acknowledge the authors will be quoted in this study through citations and


Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher first designed the questionnaire and asked our research adviser for his

remarks on the questionnaire for validation.

Upon its approval, the researcher was referred to the adviser to give certain assistance

in delivering the questionnaires. The researcher was permitted to administer the

questionnaires only during the free period of the respective respondents. Before giving

the questionnaires to the students the researcher explained clearly the purpose of

running the questionnaires and likewise the instruction was given and told the students
that they are free to ask questions if there are any vague and not comprehensible

ideas. The retrieval was done after answering the questions. The researcher then

analyzed and interprets the data gathered.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistic devices used in the study are employed as follows:

For Q1;

Frequency Count = wherein the number of the respondents’ responses were

determined. It was done through simple sampling.

Percent = this was used in the computation of the percentage equivalent to the

frequency count and in computing percentage as a measure of portion using this


P=X/N X 100


P= Percentage

N= Total number of Respondents

X= Number of Frequency

100= constant

For Q2 and Q3;

The statistical tool used in analyzing the data is the weighted mean. Below is the


Wx = ∑fx / N

Where; Wx = is the weighted mean

∑ = is the summation

X = is the number of samples

F = is the frequency

N = is the total number of respondents

For Q4;

Pearson R test is a statistical formula that measures the strength between variables and

relationships. To determine how strong the relationship is between two variables, you

need to find the coefficient value, which can range between -1.00 and 1.00.

Multiple regression generally explains the relationship between multiple independent or

predictor variables and one dependent or criterion variable. The multiple regression

equation explained takes the following formula:

y = b1x1 + b2x2 + … + bnxn + c

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