Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth: Jalauka (Leech) and Agnikarma Is Vast

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S. No.

Title Budget Approximate Tentative schedule

1. Experts -6 (TA/DA) Rs. 60,000/-

2. Experts – Accommodation Rs. 20,000/-

3. Training Material and Kit Rs. 20,000/-

RASHTRIYA AYURVEDA VIDYAPEETH 4. Agnikarma shalaka and Jalauka Rs. 30,000/-

5. Incidental Medical equipment's/ Rs. 30,000/-

The ease of use and application in different diseases Dressing Materials / Disposable
of Jalauka (Leech) and Agnikarma is vast , with both sterilised OT linen

of them giving therapeutic results with least 6. Food and Beverages Rs. 60,000/-
JALAUKA (LEECH) AND AGNIKARMA IS VAST invasion. Hence Realising the immense potential of
these para-surgical treatments, Rashtriya Ayurveda 7. Expenses towards camp Rs. 30,000/-

Vidyapeeth is, proposing a 2 days training program

8. Miscellaneous Rs. 10,000/-
for Ayurveda Practitioners.
2. The Training program is to be conducted Total Rs. 260,000/-
with the approval of Secretary Ayush ( Pg 1/ N).
3. Eligibility:Ayurveda Practitioners/Researchers/ 11. Finance: Rs. 2,00,000/- from Rashtriya
Ayurveda Vidyapeeth GIA and Rs. 60,000/-
Ayurveda Teachers/PhD Scholars, who are from course fees.
interested in learning Agnikarma and Jalauka 12. The list of Proposed experts is enclosed
(annexure -1)
Avcharna . 13. The Tentative Program schedule is enclosed
4. Venue: Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (annexure -2)
The file is put up for perusal and further approval
(National Academy of Ayurveda), Dhanvantari
Bhavan, Road No.66, Punjabi Bagh (West),
Proposed Experts for Agnikarma (Thermal Cautery)
New Delhi – 110 026.
5. Fee for enrolment : 2000/- Only &

6. Duration of training Program: 2 days Jalauka avcharan (Leech therapy) training program
7. Tentative Dates: 1st week of August
1. Dr. Sunil Joshi 2. Dr. Narendra Gujarathi
8. No. of Sessions: 6 Theoretical sessions Vice Chancellor , CRAV Guru
followed by hands on Training U rakhand Ayurved university
Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth Dehradun - 248001
(National Academy of Ayurveda) 9. The Estimated number of participants is
maximum up to 30 persons. 3. Dr. Uday Talhar 4. Dr. Gaurav Phull Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth
Dhanvantari Bhavan, Road No.66 Jalgaon , Maharashtra Deputy Medical Superintendent, (National Academy of Ayurveda)
Punjabi Bagh (West) New Delhi – 110026. 10. The Estimated Budget for two-day training Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved
Charak Sansthan Delhi -110073
Dhanvantari Bhavan, Road No.66
program is as follows: Punjabi Bagh (West) New Delhi – 110026.

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