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Task 1
Listen and repeat your teacher!
(Dengarkan dan ulangi ucapan gurumu)

Get up Take a bath Make your bed

Get dressed Breakfast Go to school

Go home Lunch Take a nap

Do homework Watch TV Go to bed

Task 2
Listen, and write T or F!
(Dengarkan dan tulislah T atau F)
a. Jenna plays the piano in the afternoon.

b. At 4:15 he goes to soccer practice.

c. Before 7:00 o'clock she watches TV.

d. He plays video games after school.

e. In the afternoon, Ethan feeds the dog.

Task 3
Listen and choose the correct alternative by circling it!
(Dengarkan dan pilihlah pilihan yang benar dengan melingakrinya)

My daily routine
I usually wake up at 7 / 8 o’clock, except on Sundays when I like to sleep in. The first
thing I do after getting up is have a bath / shower. After my shower I get dressed and
have coffee / breakfast. I normally have milk / bread and cereal with a cup of coffee.
When I have finished coffee / breakfast, I always clean my teeth.

Most days, I leave the house at 7.45 / 10.45 and walk to the subway station, which
are 20 / 2 minutes from my flat. I usually take the subway because it’s quicker, but
sometimes I catch the bus / train. From nine to five I work in hospital / an office. If
I’m busy, I have a sandwich / toast at my desk for lunch, otherwise I go to the nearby book /
coffee shop with a colleague. After sitting in front of a computer / TV screen for most the
day. I need to get some exercise, so after work I always go the gym / swimming pool.

In the evening I like to relax by listening to some music with a glass of water / wine. I
rarely go out during the week, but on Saturdays / Sundays I often go to the movies with my
girlfriend. I usually go to bed at 10.30 / 10.00, but if I’m tired, I go to bed earlier. One thing I
never do is drink juice / coffee in the evening. It stops me from sleeping / eating!
Task 1
Read about Emma’s daily routine!
(Bacalah tentang aktivitas Emma sehari – hari)

Emma’s Daily Routine

Hi! My name is Emma. I’m ten years old and I’m English. I live with my family in Brighton in the south of
My day usually starts quite early. I always get up at 7.30on weekdays, but at the weekends I
sleep an hour and a half longer. When I get up, I go to the bathroom first. I wash my face to wake
me up, brush my teeth and then I have a shower. After that I comb my hair and get dressed. I usually wear
casual clothes, mainly jeans, shorts, T-shirts and trainers. I always have breakfast with my mum and my
little brother, Tommy. My dad never has breakfast with us because he starts work early on
weekdays. I usually have a bowl of cornflakes with hot milk and toast with marmalade.
I usually walk to school because I don’t live very far. Classes start at 8.30. I like Math best but
I’m also good at Science and English. I have two breaks, at 11 and at 1 o’clock. I eat a sandwich and
drink orange juice. I also play with my classmates in the playground. School finishes at 3.30 and my
dad picks me up and we come back home by car. Then we have lunch together.
After lunch I play with my brother for a while and then I do my homework and study. Twice a
week I have a basketball practice. I love doing sports.
Before dinner I sometimes meet my friends or watch a TV quiz. I seldom play computer game,
I simply find them boring. We have dinner at 7.30 and I often set the table. After dinner I read a
book or surf the Internet for a while. At 9.30 I go to the bathroom to have a shower, brush my teeth
and put on my nightdress. Before I go to sleep I listen to music on my MP3 player because
it makes me feel relaxed.
Task 2
Write Emma’s activities on the given times based on the text above!
(Tulis aktifitas Emma pada jam yang diberikan berdasarkan bacaan diatas)

Task 3
Answer these questions bellow based on text above!
(Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini berdasarkan bacaan di atas)
1. How old is Emma?
Answer : _________________________________________________________________

2. What does she do after taking a bath?
Answer : _______________________________________________________________
3. How does Emma usually get to school?
Answer : _______________________________________________________________
4. Where does she go twice a week?
Answer : _______________________________________________________________
5. What does she do after dinner?
Answer : _______________________________________________________________


Adverb of Frequency
Adverb of frequency merupakan kata keterangan yang menjelaskan kekerapan atau


seberapa sering suatu hal terjadi/ dilakukan.

 Adverb of frequency  berhubungan dengan suatu kebiasaan.
 Beberapa contoh adverb of frequency yaitu :
1. Always = selalu
2. Usually = biasanya
3. Often = sering
4. Sometimes = kadang – kadang
5. Seldom = jarang
6. Never = tidak pernah

Task 1
Fill in the blanks of the text below!
(Isilah titik – titik pada baaan berikut)

Everyday I ______________ at four o’clock. I _____________

After taking a bath I pray shubuh, and then I ______________ after

that I

have _____________ . I _____________ at 06. 30 a.m on


because my school is near from my house. At 01.30 p.m I _______________

then I have ______________ and after that I ______________

In the evening, I ______________ , before I ______________

I ______________ with my family.

Task 2
Write the meaning of the text above!
(Tulislah arti dari bacaan diatas)

The meaning:
Task 3
Write your daily routine by using adverb of frequency, and then read in front of the
(Tulislah aktivitas sehari – harimu dengan menggunakan keterangan frekuensi kemudian
bacakan di depan kelas)

My Daily Routine




Get up
Take a bath / take a
Make my bed / tidy up
Get dressed
Take a nap
Do homework
Go to bed


Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d!

(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang a, b, c atau d)

Teks for number 1 – 2

1. What does Lesley do after getting up?

a. She has breakfast
b. She takes a bath
c. She brushes her teeth
d. She gets dressed
2. What does Lesly do at a half past eight?
a. She takes her daughter to school
b. She starts work
c. She goes to college
d. She gets up
3. Which one is the activity in the morning?
a. b. c. d.

Teks for number 4 – 7

Dewi's Daily Activities
Every morning Dewi wake up at 5.00 a.m. She never forgets to tidy up her bed and
clean it up. Then, she sweeps the floor and yard. Her mother cooks in the kitchen.
Her father prepares his car in the garage. Meanwhile, Budi takes a bath in the
bathroom. Then they have a breakfast together in the dining room.
After that, Dewi and Rudi go to school and father goes to office. In the evening after
dinner in the dining room they watch television together in the living room.
After that, Dewi and Budi study and prepare the lesson for the next school day. And
then, they sleep in the bedroom at 9 p.m.

4. She never forgets to tidy up her bed and clean it up. The synonym of the bold word is … .
a. take a bath
b. go to bed

c. make her bed

d. wake up
5. How does Dewi go to school?
a. She goes to school by car
b. She goes to school by bicycle
c. She goes to school on foot
d. She goes to school by motorcycle
6. Dewi and Rudi and father go to together.
7. Dewi and Budi study and prepare the lesson before they sleep in the bedroom.
Fill in the blanks based on the picture!
(Isilah titik – titik berdasarkan gambar)
Every morning at seven o’clock, I go to 8). _________ . I go to school by -

9). _____. At one o’clock I go 10). ________ .

Match the picture with the routine with arrows!

(Pasangkan gambar dengan kegiatan menggunakan garis)

11. I make my bed

12. I get dressed

13. I wake up

14. I have a shower

15. I have breakfast

Rearrange the jumble word into correct sentences!
16. always – up – get – She – 04.00 – at – o’clock = __________________________________
17. have – I – usually – breakfast – going – before – to – school
18. Translate this sentence into Indonesia.
Every morning, Aisyah always helps her mother.
Answer : _________________________________________________________________
19. Translate this sentence into English.
Saya biasanya pergi ke sekolah jalan kaki.
Answer : __________________________________________________________________

Number 1 – 7 = 1 point Number 8 – 10 = 2 point
Number 11 – 15 = 1 point Number 16 – 19 = 4 point
Number 20 = 10 point
Score = all score : 44 Teacher sign Parents sign


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