Test S: Level B2

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Test: Module 1 ................................................................................................. 4

Test: Module 2 ................................................................................................ 8

Test: Module 3 ................................................................................................ 12

Test: Module 4 ................................................................................................ 16

Test: Module 5 ................................................................................................ 20

Test: Module 6 ................................................................................................ 24

Midterm Test: Modules 1-6 ........................................................................... 28

Test: Module 7 ................................................................................................ 32

Test: Module 8 ................................................................................................ 36

Test: Module 9 ................................................................................................ 40

Test: Module 10 .............................................................................................. 44

Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 11 ............................................................................................... 49

Test: Module 12 .............................................................................................. 54

Final Test .......................................................................................................... 58

Key to Tests ..................................................................................................... 64

M Test level B2

ule Vocabulary
A. Circle the correct words.
1. The only source / origin of light in this room is that small window over there.

2. I don’t think this plan will work. We need to make some significant / fragile changes.

3. Jennifer always reads newspapers to keep up with current awareness / affairs.

4. Nathan has been chosen to represent / feature his country at next year’s Olympics.

5. A rectangle / triangle is a shape with three straight sides.

6. Don’t forget to write / drop me a line while you’re in Germany.

7. I could never tell / say you and your sister apart. Are you twins?
score /7

B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. There is a at the moment for wearing extremely 4. We had very different personalities as children, but we
large hats. became more as we grew older.
a. custom c. habit a. similar c. alike
b. tradition d. trend b. same d. identical
2. In my home country, making too many with 5. My parents visited the city as and liked it so
your hands when talking is considered inappropriate. much that they moved there permanently a year later.
a. gestures c. symbols a. foreigners c. strangers
b. signals d. signs b. tourists d. immigrants
3. My grandmother gave me a(n) Spanish recipe
for paella.
a. first c. initial score /5
b. authentic d. primary

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

It often starts as a childhood hobby – a(n) 1 way to learn EFFECT

about a foreign country or maybe help with learning a language - but writing letters to
2 ‘pen pals’ is a hobby which often continues even when the GLOBE
classroom has been left behind.
Most importantly, this 3 exchange of letters is a great way to FRIEND
understand another culture. While we can all learn about another country from books or the
Internet, it is far more 4 to be given an insight directly into the life INFORM
of a native.
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While there are millions of people who communicate by e-mail, many find it more
5 to write letters by hand. Then, once they get to know each other, APPEAL
they don’t just send letters; they often include 6 gifts from their culture. THOUGHT
Whether pen pals become lifelong friends or grow apart, the experience can be a(n)
7 one. In one case, two eleven-year-old pen pals carried on this MEMORY
8 pastime of letter exchanging for decades and had so much in PLEASE
score /8
common that they ended up in identical jobs.

Test - Module 1 level B2
D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

envious mingle emphasise appreciate ambition glance

awkward liking spontaneous deliberately

1. I’m not very as I always think twice before making any decision.
2. Instead of taking a taxi, go on foot and with the crowd.
3. One of his is to open his own restaurant one day.
4. Thai food is too hot for my , but my flatmate really enjoys it.
5. I couldn’t remember his name, but it would have been to ask.
6. Backpacking around Europe really made me the comforts of home.
7. Jack is very of Mark’s success. He’s obviously not a real friend.
8. The hotel seemed nice at first , but when we actually saw the rooms we regretted our choice.
9. I’m sure he didn’t take your phone . He must have put it in his pocket without thinking.
10. The professor the importance of attending all his lectures.
score / 10

A. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. Traffic really (annoy) me. Fortunately, it (decrease)
in our city. It must be because of the new underground stations.
2. Steven (not mind) staying in a hostel during his summer holidays.
3. I (attend) a lecture at the Business Centre this afternoon. Are you interested?
4. Robert and Jenny (think) about selling their house.
I (not think) it’s a very good idea, though.
5. The Earth (go) around the Sun.
6. Jack (visit) his family in New York at the moment.
7. You (look) exhausted. You should take a nap.
8. The train from Rome (arrive) at 10.30 a.m. daily. score / 10

B. Complete with a, an, the or —.

1. I’ve been living in UK for a little over two years 4. I thought Indian restaurant on Rose Street
and I still can’t understand some accents. managed to create authentic atmosphere.

2. We watched fascinating documentary about 5. Most of the complaints that were made were about
Islamic art the other day. breakfast at the hotel.
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3. I really want to visit National Museum this 6. Larry goes jogging in Central Park during his
weekend. free time.
score /8

Test - Module 1 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. This jacket is not mine.  belong
This jacket me.

2. I no longer mind studying during the night. used

I during the night.

3. This information is not at all useful to us. value

This information to us.

4. Henry might accept the job offer in Italy. thinking

Henry the job offer in Italy.

5. We rarely go to company events. often

We to company events.

score / 10

You will hear six short conversations. After you hear each conversation, you will be
asked a question. Choose the picture which answers the question correctly.

1. a b c 4. a b c

2. a b c 5. a b c
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3. a b c 6. a b c

score / 12

Test - Module 1 level B2

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.
This passage is about the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.

The first Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race was 1. What is the purpose of the article?
held at Henley-on-Thames in 1829. That’s when a. to describe the origin of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race
two friends, Charles Wordsworth, who went
b. to compare the rowing skills of Oxford and Cambridge University
to Oxford University and Charles Merrivale,
who went to Cambridge University, decided
c. to examine the future of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race
to challenge each other to a boat race. Oxford
won the race easily and the winning boat is d. to describe the history, present and future of the Oxford and
on display at the River & Rowing Museum in Cambridge Boat Race
Henley. The race has been held annually since 2. What was the reason behind the start of the Oxford and Cambridge
then, except during World War I and World War Boat Race?
II. The loser of the race traditionally challenges a. an invitation to compete for fun
the winner to a rematch every year. b. an opportunity for the university students to have their boat put
in a museum
Only students attending either of the two
c. the wish to begin a new annual tradition in Heneley
universities are permitted to take part. The
d. a chance to show that Oxford students are better at rowing than
race takes place on the River Thames in London,
Cambridge students
where it is a tradition for the universities to
compete in a demanding 4-mile rowing race. 3. Who participates in the boat race?
With each team celebrating an impressive a. anyone who is a resident in the United Kingdom
number of wins, the competition between the b. people who live in either Oxford or Cambridge
two universities remains very strong. c. anyone who is currently a university student
d. students attending either Oxford or Cambridge University
The race has become a significant event in
4. What is implied at the end of paragraph two?
British sporting culture and is watched with
excitement by millions of people. It is subject a. They are equally strong teams.
to huge media coverage with locals gathering b. The Oxford University team is stronger.
along the river bank to cheer on the rowers. c. It is a very friendly race.
Specifically, over 250,000 people watch the d. It is a very difficult race.
race from the bank of the river each year, while 5. In the second sentence of the third paragraph, what does ‘it’ refer to?
over 15 million watch it on television. Despite a. British sporting culture
the fact that the race has existed for over 180
b. the media
years, there is no sign that it is decreasing in
c. the race
popularity. There is little doubt this historic
race will remain an important feature within UK d. the river bank
score / 10
sporting culture for many more years to come.


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od t level B2
M Tes

ule Vocabulary
A. Circle the correct words.
1. My manager wanted to assist / assess the quality of my work before giving me another project.
2. Mark was always very advanced, showing signs that he was a gifted / focused child from a very
young age.
3. I had always been very determined / intimidated to get into university and that’s why I was
always a good student at school.
4. It was such a conventional / challenging task that I felt very proud of myself once I had
accomplished it.
5. Jane decided to attend / enrol at a college in order to train to be a nurse.
6. I would like to thank you for your combination / cooperation. It was a pleasure doing business
with you.
7. Ellen was in favour of / for Tina’s suggestion. score /7

B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. It’s important to teenagers about the dangers of 4. I didn’t to finish the report in time as it took
using the Internet. much longer than expected.
a. learn c. study a. manage c. achieve
b. instruct d. educate b. accomplish d. succeed
2. How can Olivia concentrate her work with so 5. The secret to being successful is to set a(n) that
many people around her talking and laughing all the you will be able to achieve if you work hard enough.
time? a. purpose c. intention
a. to c. with b. goal d. ambition
b. on d. for
3. Exercising is a great way to tension.
a. leave c. release score /5
b. drop d. quit

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

What’s your personal learning style?

Each person has their own individual learning style. The 1 IDENTIFY
of this style and what you find 2 could actually help you STIMULATE
perform better in your next 3 period. Some learners are EXAMINE
visual learners, which means that it is 4 for them to ‘see’ BENEFIT
the information they are learning. 5 in activities such as PARTICIPATE
using flashcards, visualising things heard or read and writing down important
ideas can provide 6 in learning. Others are ASSIST
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auditory learners, which means they remember information heard.

7 in activities like group discussions can be INVOLVE
helpful in learning. And some people are kinaesthetic learners, which
means that they remember things they have experienced. They prefer
hands-on learning, and much to the 8 of ANNOY
their teachers, they are usually the students that are tapping their
pencil, shaking their feet or moving around during class! Determine your
score /8
learning style and you could see your performance improve dramatically.

Test - Module 2 level B2
D. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

intriguing capable motivate curriculum struggle

attendance achievement obvious enhance peer

1. It was a great for Robert to actually win first place in the race after his injury.
2. It’s important to stick to your own opinion and not be influenced by pressure.
3. The includes English, French and German.
4. The answer was , but at the time I just couldn’t think of it.
5. at the lectures is not compulsory, but I always go because the professor is brilliant.
6. We were lucky to have some very experiences during our holiday in India.
7. I have to my listening and speaking skills in order to feel more confident
communicating in English.
8. My to get through university was worth it as I ended up getting a great job due to
my qualifications.
9. Teachers should students with their enthusiasm.
10. Gavin is an extremely student; he just needs to concentrate more in class.

score / 10

A. Complete the dialogues with the Present Perfect B. Choose a, b, c or d.
Simple, the Present Perfect Progressive or the Past
1. There is too traffic in the city centre during rush
Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. a. much c. lots
A: I’m thinking of taking a course or seminar. b. many d. plenty
1 (you / heard) of any 2. Let’s make more coffee. There is left.
interesting ones lately? a. few c. no
B: My sister 2 (sign) up for b. a little d. hardly any
a photography seminar two weeks ago and she 3. There has been little rain all summer. Everything
really enjoys it, so I’m thinking of signing up too. She has dried up.
3 (not / take) many photos yet, a. only c. much
but she 4 (already / started) b. very d. so
learning some fascinating photography techniques. 4. Jack lives only blocks away from school.
2. a. little c. a few
A: I 5 (wait) here for b. few d. a little
45 minutes! Where were you? 5. Peter has of confidence in himself.
B: Sorry, I 6 (try) to call you a. lot c. many
three times. My car 7 b. much d. plenty
(break) down three blocks from here. 6. A: Were there any reporters at the exhibition opening?
A: I 8 (leave) my phone at B: Yes, .
work yesterday by mistake. a. many c. very
b. very much d. a lot of
7. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to go sightseeing.
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A: 9 (you / study) for the a. some c. much

biology exam yet? b. many d. hardly
B: I’m trying to right now. I 10 8. I don’t have lunch today. Could I share some of
(read) the same page over and over again for the past yours?
half hour, but I can’t understand it. a. no c. some
A: Maybe you just need a break. Let’s go for a walk. b. a little d. any

score / 10 score /8

Test - Module 2 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. There weren’t enough seats for those attending the lecture. too
There weren’t enough seats because
attended the lecture.

2. I’m sure it will rain all day tomorrow. bound

It is all day tomorrow.

3. When did you start learning English? have

How long English?

4. You need to explain why you were late to the manager. give
You need to for being late.

5. It’s been a long time since I last saw Natalie. for

I a long time.

score / 10

You will hear people talking in six different situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. You overhear two people discussing an evening class 4. You hear two people discussing a graduation ceremony
they have recently enrolled on. What do they decide they attended. What disappointed the woman most?
to do? a. the food
a. talk to the teacher b. the lack of attendees
b. give up the course c. the venue
c. find a new course
5. You will hear two people discussing a course. What is
2. You will hear a teacher talking about different learning their relationship?
styles in children. What is his opinion? a. parent-child
a. Most teachers are unaware of a student’s learning b. tutor-student
style. c. classmates
b. Being aware of a student’s learning style helps
6. You will hear a university student talking about a recent
teachers to provide a better lesson.
field trip he attended. What was the main problem with
c. It is impossible to know all students well in large
the trip?
a. It lacked organisation.
3. You will hear two people discussing studying abroad. b. It was too demanding and tiring.
What does the woman think the man should do? c. Nothing was accomplished and it was a waste of
a. not delay in accepting the offer time.
b. obtain more information before making a decision
c. choose a university that will make his CV more score / 12
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Test - Module 2 level B2

Read a magazine feature in which a man called Tom talks about his experience of
a boarding school education and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.

My Boarding School 1. In the first paragraph, what does Tom imply?

a. His parents felt anxious when they left him.
b. He was probably too young.
I remember the day I left for boarding school like it was c. His parents were not confident about their choice.
yesterday. I remember feeling extremely anxious as we d. He did not find the experience difficult.
approached the school. I had no idea what to expect and was
2. What does ‘this’ refer to in line 16?
hoping that my parents would change their mind and turn
a. a busy schedule
the car around. When I look back, it was hardly surprising
I was overwhelmed. After all, I was only ten years old. But, b. the kindness of the head teacher
like most parents, mine were convinced they were making c. the time he was given to adjust
the right decision. d. the familiarity of the place
On arrival, the head teacher accompanied me to my dormitory 3. What is Tom’s opinion about conventional education?
and plenty of time was allowed for settling in. I really struggled a. There is usually too much homework.
that first night. I was homesick and my mind was constantly b. The teachers and facilities are no different to those
wandering back home. Everything felt strange and unfamiliar in a boarding school.
and I barely slept. Nevertheless, my jam-packed days meant
c. It can help you reach your true potential.
there was little time for feeling down. I soon started lessons
d. It does not always allow students to fully develop.
and was signed up for numerous extra-curricular activities. It
16 was this that helped me to adjust to my new life quickly. 4. What was the most difficult thing for Tom at
On reflection, there is no doubt that boarding school allowed boarding school?
me to flourish in a way that I don’t think a conventional a. the strict rules that were placed on him
education would have. First of all, the top-notch facilities and b. feelings of depression
excellent teachers meant I had an outstanding education, and, c. not having the opportunity to see his family
like most of my classmates, I excelled academically. We were regularly
constantly studying and there was no choice but to complete d. learning to be independent
homework. Secondly, it was the teachers who really helped
me to realise my true potential. Consequently, I knew what 5. What is Tom’s father’s opinion?
I wanted early in life and was focused on achieving it. Finally, a. He has regrets about not visiting more often.
I learnt to live independently, which meant I was better b. Boarding school was not beneficial
prepared for both university and adulthood. for his son.
Of course, this is not always the case for everyone and, while c. Being separated from
I had a positive experience, there were many others that his son affected his
weren’t so lucky. I knew many children who simply couldn’t experience of being
cope with being separated from their families, and feeling a father.
depressed was common. I suppose in the end it all depends d. He believes that
on the type of personality you have. Although, I have to say, at he ruined his
times I did feel that freedom was limited. It always felt so unfair relationship
that we had to sleep at specific times or ask for permission to with his son.
leave the school grounds.
I’m often asked by people, ‘Don’t you feel resentment towards
your parents for sending you off to boarding school? Wouldn’t
you have preferred to be at home?’ As a father, I made the
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decision not to give my children a boarding school education.

While I certainly gained from the experience, I do feel that it
came at a cost. I rarely saw my parents after the age of 10. Of
course, this affected our relationship but it didn’t make me
love or respect them any less. Interestingly, it’s my father who
suffered the most, feeling he missed out on all those precious score / 10
moments that a father and son should share, although I often
tell him there’s not much point in thinking about how things
could have been; we can’t turn back time.

od t level B2
M Tes

ule Vocabulary
A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. Many important issues came during 6. People from Australia and New Zealand often
the meeting. the same words differently.
a. in c. out a. imitate c. remark
b. up d. over b. pronounce d. cry
2. I felt very proud when Lisa’s teacher told me that she 7. Danny came various difficulties when he first
had been as good as all year. started working as a teacher.
a. cake c. pie a. about c. up against
b. money d. gold b. down with d. to
3. Ken got cold at the last minute and didn’t go 8. Ever since you started that new job, you’ve been as
scuba diving with his friends. busy as a . You never have any time for us.
a. toes c. feet a. bird c. fox
b. fingers d. hands b. bee d. mouse
4. Thousands of use the underground daily to get 9. I saw Meredith walk into the room and hello to
to work. her.
a. tourists c. bystanders a. winked c. waved
b. herds d. commuters b. shrugged d. nodded
5. Curtis put me on the when he asked me to give 10. Jack has always been ; he’s very forgetful and
him back the money he had lent me. often seems distracted by other things.
a. spot c. flame a. quick-thinking c. open-minded
b. mark d. edge b. narrow-minded d. absent-minded

score / 10

B. Read the text and choose a, b, c or d.

Good Deeds Lead to Good Health

A(n) 1 of kindness can go a long way, but did you know it can be good for your health? Recent studies have
2 that people who perform good deeds often have fewer health problems and might even live longer.
The studies showed that people who volunteer 3 to be happier and feel healthier than those who don't. How
does this happen? When we actively help a fellow human being, not just by donating money to a cause, but by actually
lending them a(n) 4 , certain chemicals are produced in our brains. Specifically, a hormone called oxytocin is
5 produced when we feel compassionate and 6 towards other people. High oxytocin levels help to
reduce our own stress and have 7 health benefits for the body, like lowering blood pressure and strengthening
the heart. This helps us come to one 8 – performing good deeds should be part of our daily lives.

1. a. act b. dilemma c. inspiration d. incident

2. a. revealed b. confronted c. inspected d. diagnosed
3. a. turn b. tend c. adapt d. intend
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4. a. finger b. hand c. head d. arm

5. a. gradually b. absolutely c. particularly d. cautiously
6. a. greedy b. generous c. fulfilled d. well-off
7. a. clever b. anonymous c. inconsiderate d. noticeable
8. a. objection b. appreciation c. conclusion d. identity

score /8

Test - Module 3 level B2

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
inherit stare tongue bump open-handed playful
assume frown tight-fisted heart

1. The boy with disappointment when the teacher yelled at him.

2. I didn’t see your jacket, so I you had left.
3. The kitten jumped on the sofa and climbed on Pam’s lap.
4. Lisa at the Maths problem, not knowing how to solve it.
5. John will lend you the money; he’s pretty .
6. If you held your , you wouldn’t get into arguments all the time.
7. The cat into the table and knocked over the lamp.
8. Brian his grandmother’s house when she passed away.
9. Jack is so he wouldn’t help you out no matter how serious your financial difficulties
10. My was in my mouth when my doctor called to give me the results.

score / 10

A. Complete with the Past Simple, the Past Progressive, the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect
Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. I finally (find) my wallet. I (look) for it all morning.
2. This afternoon, while I (prepare) dinner, my husband
(read) the newspaper.
3. Tristan (surf) the Net when the doorbell (ring).
4. I (be) in a hurry because my alarm clock (not go) off.
5. The meeting (finish) when we finally (arrive) at the office.

score / 10

B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. Stan his bike to work when he lived in the city. 5. By the time I reached the station, the train .
a. would ride c. have ridden a. had left c. had been leaving
b. had ridden d. had been riding b. left d. would leave
2. Daisy to Ireland before so she was excited about 6. Peter many books when he was younger, but
her trip. now he loves them.
a. hadn’t been travelling c. wasn’t going to travel a. hadn’t been reading c. hadn’t read
b. had never travelled d. wouldn’t travel b. wasn’t reading d. didn’t use to read
3. I pizza but I decided to cook spaghetti instead. 7. When George was younger, he to the gym every
a. had ordered c. was going to order afternoon.
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b. was ordering d. had been ordering a. would go c. had gone

4. I a shower when somebody knocked on the b. was going d. use to go
front door. 8. My sister running into my room while I was
a. had been having c. was having writing my essay.
b. had d. used to have a. was coming c. had come
b. came d. had been coming

score /8

Test - Module 3 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. The meeting will start any minute now, so don’t be late. about
The meeting , so don’t be late.

2. The girls were planning to go on a picnic yesterday afternoon, but it rained. going
The girls on a picnic yesterday afternoon,
but it rained.

3. Joanna had left the house before Rita got back from the supermarket. returned
By the supermarket, Joanna had left the

4. Lisa would always think of the silliest excuses for being late. come
Lisa used the silliest excuses for being late.

5. Ryan hadn't tried Mexican food before. first

It was the Mexican food.

score / 10

You will hear a dentist called Peter Jones, talking about a voluntary project he was part of.
For questions 1-6, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

1. Peter provided treatment to approximately children.

2. Peter suggests that poverty and result in many children having

problems with their teeth.

3. The parents showed their appreciation by for the dentists.

4. Peter felt sad that many children had very few .

5. Providing some of the children with clothes and made Peter feel

6. The person who most inspired Peter was his .

score / 12
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Test - Module 3 level B2

Read four texts where people describe what they consider to be the worst personality trait.
For questions 1-6 choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once.

Worst Personality Trait

A. My son used to be so bad-tempered when he was a
teenager; he was unbearable to live with. One day he
would be on top of the world and the next miserable. If you
Which person
1. believes some people act in a specific way so
ask me, bad-tempered people are awful to be around; they as to hide certain feelings?
make everyone else feel anxious and create a bad atmosphere. 2. is frustrated at the lack of compassion in society
It was a real problem for us as a family. What saved us was the today? 
fact that we sat down and talked about the cause of his bad 3. talks about the impact specific behaviour had on
mood. It was only by doing this that we discovered he had family members? 
problems at school. He just couldn’t deal with the deadlines
4. believes this personality trait is less of a problem
and exam pressure. Instead of talking about it, he kept his
with young people? 
feelings inside. Thankfully, after that, things improved. We
also had a chat with his teacher and he managed to get an 5. makes a comparison with someone he or she
extension on his coursework. knows well? 
6. talks about how he/she dealt with a problem? 

B. I’m an easygoing kind of person, but what really annoys

me is when a person is big-headed. Many people are more
than happy to bore others with non-stop stories of how good
they are at something or how good-looking or handsome they
think they are. Then again, I suppose I’m being unfair; people
usually behave this way because they feel insecure and they’re
just trying to feel better about themselves. Perhaps I should
try putting myself in their shoes. After all, I remember a similar
situation with my brother. When we were growing up, he had
no confidence. He was very short and skinny for his age and
tended to compensate for this by talking about how fantastic
he was all the time.

C. I’ve worked for various charities over the last 20 years,

and while there are generous people out there, I have to
admit, from my experience there are many self-centred people
about too, and it’s getting worse. I remember when I first
started in this industry, people seemed much kinder towards
the needs of others. Unfortunately, that’s a thing of the past
and the donations we receive are becoming fewer and fewer
each year. I know things are more difficult these days with
high unemployment, but it seems to me that this generation,
particularly the young, only ever think about themselves.
They just don’t seem to care about others less fortunate,
and generally as a society we’re becoming increasingly

D. What really frustrates me is when people stick their

nose into other people’s business. It’s so irritating. My
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older sister thinks my business is her business just because

I’m younger. I know she does it only because she wants to
protect and guide me, but it gets pretty annoying sometimes.
It seems that adults like to get involved in arguments and
disagreements between teenagers when it doesn’t concern
them. I just hope that when I grow up, I don’t develop this
score / 12
very annoying habit. I suppose all adults are the same; you
hardly ever experience this kind of problem with your friends.
It’s difficult to know how to deal with it and not let it bother TOTAL SCORE / 80
you so much.

od t level B2
M Tes

ule Vocabulary
A. Circle the correct words. B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. The university I go to is regarded / 1. When my parents retired, they bought a and went on
deserved as one of the best in the trips all over the country.
country. a. caravan c. cottage
b. cabin d. resort
2. I decided to get a single / return ticket because
2. The scientific to the North Pole lasted for three months.
I knew exactly when I was coming back. a. excursion c. voyage
b. expedition d. travel
3. Check the leaflet / itinerary to see what time
our flight departs tomorrow. 3. We could see the wolf us from the distance.
a. reaching c. coming
4. Jack always pays / gives his parents a visit b. arriving d. approaching
when he’s in town. 4. My friends slept during the seven-hour train to the other
side of the country. I couldn’t.
5. Our room overlooks / overlaps the Pacific
a. travel c. journey
Ocean. b. trip d. tour
6. Can you please fasten / tie your seat belt? 5. Living in a(n) city can cause more problems to people’s
health compared to living in the countryside.
a. industrial c. unspoilt
score /6 b. tranquil d. picturesque
6. Just after take-off we experienced severe , and the
children started crying.
a. breeze c. drawback
b. duration d. turbulence

score /6
C. Read the text and choose a, b, c or d.

Travelling on a Low Budget

Have you always wanted to travel around the world, but thought that it’s too expensive for you? Well, if you’ve
always wanted to go for a 1 on the cobblestone streets of a small town in Portugal or enjoy the 2
view of the Lau Archipelago in Fiji, there are many ways to 3 without spending a fortune.
When booking a trip, always use flight price comparison websites to find the cheapest air
4 . Also, budget airlines have flights to the same places as commercial ones, but are
less pricey. You can try out a backpacking holiday and stay at youth 5 , which may
have less privacy, but 6 the other hand are a great place to meet new people. There
you’ll probably also have access to a kitchen, which will reduce the number of times you
eat out.
Finally, while at your 7 , take advantage of free attractions and events. Use public
transport to get around and take lots of photographs instead of buying souvenirs. As they say
‘travel 8 the mind’, so don’t miss out!
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1. a. cruise b. stroll c. voyage d. departure

2. a. bustling b. cosmopolitan c. carefree d. scenic
3. a. make out b. see off c. get away d. stop over
4. a. expense b. amount c. value d. fare
5. a. suites b. rooms c. hostels d. hotels
6. a. for b. on c. in d. to
7. a. landscape b. destination c. monument d. highlight score /8
8. a. broadens b. ensures c. infers d. applies

Test - Module 4 level B2

D. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

resolve advisable run panoramic allergic
suitability postpone presence hospitality rush

1. Our company has a strong on many popular social media platforms.

2. We will decide on the candidate’s for the position today.
3. From the top of the mountain we had a(n) view of everything below.
4. It will take you twice as long to get there during hour due to the traffic congestion.
5. I can’t have any of that cake if it has nuts in it; I’m to them.
6. Do the buses at night here?
7. If we sit down and discuss things, we will be able to our differences.
8. Something came up so we’ll have to our appointment for next week.
9. The people of this island are known for their kindness and .
10. It is to take a coat with you as the weather will be chilly there this time of year.

score / 10
A. Read the dialogue and circle the correct options.
A: This time tomorrow Stacey 1 will be flying / will have been flying over the Atlantic Ocean.
B: That’s right. What time 2 does she arrive / is she about to arrive?
A: At 5.30 in the evening.
B: I 3 will be finishing / will have finished work by then, so I 4 ’ll pick / pick her up.
A: Good. I 5 ’ll prepare / prepare dinner for all of us tomorrow night.
B: That’s a good idea. Just make it earlier than usual. She 6 is travelling / will have been travelling for 10 hours
by the time we 7 are coming / come home. She 8 ’ll probably have been / ’ll probably be pretty tired.
A: Don’t worry. I 9 will cook / will have cooked dinner by the time you both 10 get / will have got home.

score / 10
B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. They you in if you don’t have your ID card, so 6. You’ll need a visa if you to visit China.
make sure you have it with you. a. decide c. must decide
a. let c. won’t let b. will decide d. don’t decide
b. ’ll let d. won’t have let 7. Take your time. The documentary for another
2. she doesn’t pay us back, what will we do? fifteen minutes.
a. Unless c. Provided a. doesn’t start c. not starting
b. Supposing d. On condition that b. won’t have started d. isn’t about to start
3. Everybody fasten your seat belts. The plane off. 8. I’ll take a map along we have difficulty finding
a. takes c. will have taken our way through the forest.
b. will have been taking d. is about to take a. provided c. in case
4. I’ll come shopping with you tomorrow unless b. on condition d. if
something unexpected . 9. Suzy her red raincoat when it rains.
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a. happens c. won’t happen a. is wearing c. will wear

b. will happen d. doesn’t happen b. wears d. might wear
5. You can borrow the car you promise to be 10. Olivia finishes with the housework, she will go
careful. to the hairdresser’s.
a. suppose c. unless a. As c. Until
b. as long as d. in case b. While d. When

score / 10

Test - Module 4 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. Robert didn’t say anything about the incident when I saw him. mention
Robert made the incident when I saw him.

2. We have arranged to let Terry stay at our house for two days. going
We up for two days.

3. You should leave Jimmy at the train station, otherwise he'll miss the train. drop
Jimmy will miss the train at the train station.

4. Pack some sunscreen with you because you might go to the beach. case
Pack some sunscreen with you to the beach.

5. We will cancel the event. call

We are the event.
score / 10

You will hear five people talking about their worst trip ever. Choose from the list (A-H) the
statement which best describes what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There are
three extra letters which you do not need to use.

Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 5

A. I found one of my fellow travellers extremely irritating.

B. The change in the weather was the worst part of my holiday.

C. The standard of the facilities available were quite disappointing.

D. I was displeased with the attitude of some of the locals.

E. The lack of variety in the shops was a drawback.

F. The expense of the holiday was much greater than we had expected.

G. Everything went as planned, up until the accident.

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H. The health problems I developed cut my holiday short.

Test - Module 4 level B2

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.
The passage is about Big Ben.

Big Ben, originally a nickname for the Great Bell of 1. What is the purpose of the article?
the clock but often used to refer to the Elizabeth a.
to highlight certain unknown details of this attraction
Tower and the Great Clock, cannot fail to impress
to advertise the attraction
with its spectacular architecture and size. Located
c. to explain the reasons this attraction was constructed
in the Palace of Westminster, commonly known as
the Houses of Parliament, and standing at 97 metres d. to point out the reasons of the attraction’s popularity
tall, the famous Elizabeth Tower is one of London’s 2. What information is given about the Palace of Westminster?
most famous attractions today. a.
the reason it had to be reconstructed
The Elizabeth Tower was constructed as part of a new b.
the height of its tallest tower
palace, after most of the old Palace of Westminster c.
the name of the architect who first built it
was destroyed by a fire in 1834. Sir Charles Barry d. the year construction was completed
was the initial architect commissioned to rebuild the
3. What does ‘trials and tribulations’ mean in the third
palace, with the construction of the clock tower itself
starting in 1843.
excitement and pleasure
Constructing the clock tower was not without trials
difficulties and problems
and tribulations, and issues in both the design of the
Clock and the Great Bell are recorded. In particular, c.
hard work and success
the clock design had to meet certain requirements, d. annoyance and disappointment
and damage to the mechanisms and materials 4. What does ‘this’ refer to in the last sentence of the third
used slowed progress, resulting in the official paragraph?
opening being several years behind schedule. Some a.
damage to the clock
suggest this is why an opening ceremony was never
disagreement on the design of the clock
slowing down construction
The first bell cracked beyond repair during testing
d. failing to open on time
in 1857. Its replacement first chimed in 1859 but,
unfortunately, it also cracked due to the hammer’s 5. What does the author imply about the Great Bell?
weight. For four years, Big Ben stopped chiming. a.
It has been replaced several times.
Eventually, the hammer was replaced with a lighter b.
Its weight was a problem in the beginning.
one and the Great Bell was turned slightly so the c.
It hasn’t been repaired for decades.
hammer would hit a different spot. Surprisingly, to d. The crack prevents it from chiming at times.
this day, Big Ben has been in use along with the crack.

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score / 10


od t level B2
M Tes

ule Vocabulary
A. Circle the correct words.
1. Todd to climb Mt Everest last year 6. I think that under the tree would be perfect for
but didn’t reach the top. our picnic.
a. encountered c. attempted a. position c. spot
b. established d. sought b. venue d. site
2. The nutritionist’s goal was to get people to lead 7. Johnny to get into the team but he is going to
a healthy life by educating them in healthy eating. try again next year.
a. severe c. strenuous a. failed c. beat
b. extreme d. ultimate b. lost d. defeated
3. I was exhausted so I took a nap in order to . 8. Millions of gather along the route that the
a. keep my head above water c. recharge my batteries Tour de France covers in order to watch the cyclists
b. give it my best shot d. push myself to the limit compete every year.
4. I am trying to Carrie from making the same a. opponents c. viewers
mistake! b. spectators d. audiences
a. push c. prevent 9. Over five hundred students entered the annual
b. oblige d. propose photography at our university.
5. Peter and raised his hand before the speaker a. match c. race
had finished talking. b. game d. competition
a. got the ball rolling c. jumped the gun 10. My colleague Jeannie is hardworking, trustworthy and
b. went the full distance d. was saved by the bell a kind-hearted person.
a. above all c. even more
b. as a matter of fact d. because of

score / 10

B. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. Dina broke a smile when she saw her sister come in.
2. I always confuse him his brother because they look alike.
3. After watching the documentary about the consequences of crash diets, we engaged an interesting
conversation about health-related issues.
4. Walter insisted leaving without telling us the reason why.
5. Losing the weight you put on will be easier if you combine a healthy diet regular exercise.
6. Louisa carefully listened to Anne’s side of the story before commenting it.
7. I was late for my yoga class because my car broke on my way there.
8. I think it’s time the gym replaced the old equipment newer models.
9. Our school recently invested a large amount of money building an indoor pool.
10. The whole sum of Jason’s debt amounts over €5,000.
11. The fire that broke in the chocolate factory damaged almost half of it.
12. I’m going to call Daisy and congratulate her her graduation.
score / 12
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Test - Module 5 level B2

C. Complete with the correct form of the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use.

effort re-energised excuse endurance pressure

dedicate eliminate transform therapeutic alleviate

Get Rid of Stress by Exercising

Exercising is one of the best ways to reduce stress and feel 1 , but if the thought of fitting
it into your already busy schedule seems to put a lot of 2 on you, maybe you should
think again.
You don’t need to 3 a great deal of time if you want to benefit from exercising. Small but
regular periods of exercise are more than enough to 4 many of the symptoms of stress
in your life completely, while 5 other health problems as well. Daily exercise has proven
to 6 your mood entirely and get rid of anxiety. When exercising, you keep your mind
busy and put an end to thoughts that worry you.
So now you know that you have no 7 . By putting in a little time and
8 , you will be stress free in no time.

Grammar score /8
A. Circle the correct options.
1. 2.
A: How about spending a day at the spa together? A: I think that’s Steven. We 6 would / should go over and
B: Well, I really 1 am able to / need to start taking more say hello.
care of myself. But we 2 have to / can book in advance, B: It 7 can’t / mustn’t be him. We talked yesterday and
don’t we? I know they can get very busy. We 3 should / he’s in Dubai on a business trip.
might call them right now. A: Oh, really? 8 Will / May you give me his phone
A: Actually, we 4 needn’t do /needn’t have done that number? I just remembered I haven’t spoken to him in
because I have already booked a massage for both of a long time and I’d like to see how he’s doing.
us. It’s my treat! B: Sure, no problem.
B: Thanks but I 5 can’t / might not possibly accept. It’s score /8
such an expensive gift.

B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. You find a way to apologise to Mr Spencer for 6. We went on a company outing last Sunday. We
what happened, otherwise you’ll be in trouble. pay for anything as our boss paid.
a. will c. ought a. don’t need to c. needn’t have paid
b. could d. had better b. needn’t d. didn’t need to
2. That have been Lydia that you saw; I heard that 7. I have stayed up all night to complete the
she moved out of the city. project. The deadline was extended and I’d have had
a. mustn’t c. can’t time to finish it today.
b. needn’t d. shouldn’t a. mustn’t c. couldn’t
3. Yesterday, Tim faced a lot of difficulties in the race b. needn’t d. didn’t need to
which he overcome in order to complete it. 8. I harder for the gymnastics competition
a. must c. had to because, unfortunately, I came in second to last.
b. has to d. needed a. should train c. might have trained
4. Leanne follow a diet so she decided to try b. might train d. should have trained
Copyright © MM Publications

nutrition counselling to get some help. 9. Where’s my USB stick? Oh, … I have left it at work.
a. ought not c. didn’t have to a. needn’t c. should
b. wasn’t able to d. didn’t need to b. must d. can’t
5. What were you thinking jumping over that high fence? 10. Ben on the plane right now. He called me from
You have hurt yourself! the airport an hour ago and now his phone is shut off.
a. should c. could a. must be c. must have been
b. ought d. must b. might be d. might have been

score / 10

Test - Module 5 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. I’m sure that he doesn’t have enough money to survive on that salary; it’s too small. get
He on that salary; it’s too small.

2. I’m positive that Lily reduced her intake of fatty food because she has lost a lot of weight. cut
Lily on fatty food because she has lost a lot
of weight.

3. There was a possibility for the meeting to produce a positive result but we couldn’t agree to anything. have
The meeting about a positive result but we
couldn’t agree to anything.

4. It isn’t necessary for you to participate in the race. part

You don’t the race.

5. It is necessary for Elliot to help with the project if we want to finish on time.  contribute
Elliot the project if we want to finish on time.

6. It’s not a good idea to follow such a strict diet.  ought

You such a strict diet.

score / 12

You will hear part of a radio interview with a celebrity chef called Gina Robinson. Listen and
answer questions 1-5. Choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. Why did Gina stop the television cookery programme? 4. Why does Gina feel it is important to eat well?
a. She became tired of hosting it. a. It gives people more energy.
b. She felt its content no longer expressed her. b. It stops people from putting on weight.
c. She wanted to find ways to make healthy desserts. c. It prevents diseases.

2. What does Gina say about the health problem she had? 5. What does Gina say about her job?
a. She hadn't considered her lifestyle was to blame. a. It’s difficult to persuade people to change their
b. She was worried about her health before it eating habits.
happened. b. It’s rewarding to help people.
c. It was bound to happen sooner or later. c. Often people do not take her advice.

3. What is Gina’s view about celebrity chefs?

a. They influence what the audience eats.
b. They should centre on making dishes for people
suffering from illnesses.
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c. They often focus on nutrition. score / 10

Test - Module 5 level B2

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.
This passage is about acrobatics.

Being one of the oldest sports on the planet, 1. What is implied about acrobatics in paragraph one?
acrobatics has always held a place in society. Its a. In ancient times, it mainly featured in sporting events and
importance in ancient times is seen through art, competitions.
where acrobats were presented in countless paintings
b. Its popularity has not changed throughout the ages.
and were used to decorate vases and pots. It is also
c. It is more popular today compared to ancient times.
known to have played a significant role in festivals
d. In the past it was only popular within arts and crafts.
and in other events. Today its popularity remains as
strong as ever, with it featuring in numerous world 2. In paragraph two, what does the writer say about the
sporting events and competitions. acrobatic performances?
Acrobatics is often connected with the circus, a. The audience is usually terrified when watching them.
where most people enjoy watching highly trained b. The acrobats don’t seem to try hard to do them.
performers carry out brave, adrenaline-filled shows. c. They are the main reason people go to the circus.
For anyone who has ever been to a circus, the d. Many people don’t believe the tricks are real.
experience is often described as exhilarating, if not a
3. What does ‘this’ refer to in the final sentence in paragraph
little terrifying. Acrobats effortlessly throw themselves
through the air to achieve the unbelievable, amazing
the crowd and receiving a well-deserved applause. a. watching trained performers
b. the tightrope walk
No acrobatic performance is more overwhelming to
c. amazing the crowd
watch than the ‘tightrope walk’, where performers
walk across a thin rope raised high above the ground. d. the risk of falling
For most, it seems impossible to succeed and avoid 4. What is said about an acrobat’s diet?
falling. Amazingly, on a number of occasions this has a. It can help them avoid accidents.
been achieved across Niagara Falls.
b. It helps increase their flexibility.
For those motivated to make it to the top, years of c. It’s not as important as working out.
practice and hard work is necessary. Not only must d. A healthy diet is the best way for them to stay fit.
an acrobat maintain their strength and flexibility, but
eating well is essential. Those overlooking this may 5. What does ‘make it to the top’ mean in the fourth paragraph?
be more likely to have an accident due to feeling a. to win something
more exhausted than usual. Although performers b. to be in control
may already be skating on thin ice by taking part in c. to be considered unique
such dangerous performances, reducing the risks by d. to be very successful
staying in shape is crucial.

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score / 10


od t level B2
M Tes

ule Vocabulary
A. Circle the correct words.
1. A cat ran out into the road and the car came to a(n) intense / abrupt stop.
2. Clara saw red / black when she found out that her sister had broken her laptop again.
3. Many animals usually use their sense of smell to find their predators / prey.
4. Alligators, lizards and rattlesnakes are mammals / reptiles.
5. Many students get loans for university and then find themselves in / on tremendous debt.

score /5

B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. There are two types of camels, one that has one and another that has two.
a. trunk b. paw c. beak d. hump
2. are insects, which can spread serious diseases.
a. Peacocks b. Mosquitoes c. Pigeons d. Eagles
3. His desk was with piles of papers and books.
a. gloomy b. shabby c. spacious d. cluttered
4. Thelma was when her nephew brought her a bouquet of flowers as a gift.
a. green b. in the black c. tickled pink d. in the red
5. I can’t make it today. We will have to .
a. reschedule b. recount c. reconsider d. research score /5

C. Read the text and choose a, b, c or d.

Unique Ideas for Home Design

Architects and designers are constantly trying to find new ways to design and
1 houses. You've probably seen many shows on TV or read articles in
magazines about how to renovate and redesign houses; perfect dream houses
that can make anybody 2 with envy.
However, if you’re looking for 3 design ideas that are unique, then you’ll
definitely be interested in the following. 4 , for example, a kitchen table
that has no chairs. Instead, it can have swinging chairs, hanging from ropes
attached to the 5 . This is sure to amaze your guests when they come
over for dinner. You can also make a(n) 6 to your spiral staircase, by
adding a slide to the side of it. This will not only 7 up your house, but it
will also prove to be 8 practical and fun.
If you are looking for a way to make your house unique, maybe these ideas are
for you.
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1. a. redecorate b. restore c. regain d. recover

2. a. red b. blue c. green d. black
3. a. indifferent b. indoor c. inside d. interior
4. a. See b. Picture c. Show d. View
5. a. roof b. canvas c. ceiling d. wallpaper
6. a. adjustment b. originality c. outcome d. perception
7. a. liven b. shift c. adjust d. set score /8
8. a. ordinarily b. slightly c. precisely d. incredibly

Test - Module 6 level B2

D. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

content serene hectic narrates rewrite habitat reality poaching wing feed

1. After a long, day, Julia made a cup of tea and sat in her armchair to unwind.
2. It was difficult for Mark to get used to the new of living with a disability after the motorbike
3. Patrick was with his performance even though he hadn’t won the tennis match. He had
done his best.
4. The safari was a unique opportunity to see animals like elephants, lions and giraffes in their natural
5. Squirrels on nuts, seeds, fruit and occasionally small insects.
6 . In the documentary, the reporter the story of a person who was colour-blind.
7. Carol took the pigeon with the broken to the animal shelter in her neighbourhood to be
cared for.
8. Kelly sat on the beach and enjoyed the and peaceful afternoon.
9. , if not dealt with, can lead to an alarming reduction in animal populations.
10. My boss wasn’t satisfied with my report and asked me to it. score / 10

A. Circle the correct options.
In the past, zoos mainly existed for entertainment and about specific species that need help. What’s more, zoos
recreational purposes and the needs of the animals 6 educate / are educated people and help raise awareness
1 didn’t take / weren’t taken into consideration. about wildlife.
Fortunately, nowadays the conditions in zoos 2 are being Studies show that in the future, animals 7 will be further
improved / are improved. benefited / will further benefit from zoos because they
Furthermore, endangered species 3 care / are cared for 8 are going to design / are going to be designed in
in zoos which help protect them, especially if their natural ways that will allow animals to roam more freely with fewer
habitat 4 has destroyed / has been destroyed. This also restrictions.
helps researchers, who 5 can learn / can be learned more score /8

B. Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice starting with the words given.
1. A technician was installing a new air conditioner when I arrived at work this morning.
A new air conditioner 
2. Melissa wanted everyone to taste her cake.
3. Everyone knows that the hurricane caused the damage.
The damage 
4. The police officer made Todd get out of his vehicle.
5. People hope that scientists will find more ways to help protect the environment.
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6. People think that Mrs Jackson is a strict teacher.

Mrs Jackson 
7. We need to clean this mess up before anybody comes.
This mess 
8. Larry could have picked up the children from school earlier.
The children 

score /8

Test - Module 6 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. They say that there were too many people at the event last night. packed
The event is last night.

2. Kevin hates it when people treat him like a child. bear

Kevin like a child.

3. They saw Tom become impatient with his son.  losing

Tom patience with his son.

4. They don't let the children go outside after dark.  allowed

The children outside after dark.

5. It is believed that the police will catch the criminals soon. caught
It is believed that soon.

score / 10

You will hear people talking in six different situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best
answer a, b or c.

1. You hear a message on a voice mail. Why is the woman 4. You hear a woman talking about her work. What is she
calling? talking about?
a. to cancel arrangements a. how the colours we like show our personality
b. to offer an invitation b. how colour can affect our mood
c. to remind her friend about something c. the differences between shades
2. You hear two friends talking about a problem. What 5. You overhear a couple talking in a clothes shop. What
does the man think the woman should do? does the woman buy?
a. confront the problem a. the dress and the shoes
b. ignore the problem b. the dress and the bag
c. be patient c. the dress, shoes and bag
3. You hear a marine biologist talking about the issue of 6. You hear two people discussing a lecture they attended
overfishing. What is she doing? about eye colour. What is the woman’s opinion?
a. explaining why overfishing occurs a. She thinks the research was a waste of time.
b. trying to persuade people to stop eating fish b. She agrees with some of the findings.
c. suggesting that consumers should be more aware c. She agrees with all the findings.
about what they eat
score / 12
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Test - Module 6 level B2

Read an article in which four students talk about a different sport. For questions 1-7,
choose from the students (A-D). The students may be chosen more than once.

Water Sports
Four students talk about their experiences

A. George Which student

If you like getting into water, but like me can’t be bothered to do
1. had been jealous of others?
swimming laps or other traditional exercise, perhaps you should
try underwater hockey. Most of us call it Octopush and it’s a very 2. was introduced to a sport because of a
interesting sport. There are two teams of six in a pool, swimming relative’s involvement?
at the bottom and trying to shoot a puck into the other team’s goal, 3. likes to do a specific activity when he’s
with a short stick. Players wear fins for speed, as well as masks, not in a good mood?
snorkels, headgear and a protective glove on the hand that holds 4. points out a disadvantage of the activity
the stick. Of course, unlike regular hockey you have to hold your he has chosen?
breath. It can be a little annoying running out of air when you have a 5. hopes to turn his hobby into his
clear shot at goal! Personally, I can play Octopush all day, and hope
to join the university team to compete at the student nationals.
6. had a very unexpected offer?
B. Matt 7. hadn’t realised how helpful a specific
Every year in Newcastle thousands of spectators gather to cheer activity would be?
on the rowing teams of Durham and Newcastle University in the
Northumbrian University Boat Race. For the past three years I have
travelled to Newcastle with my elder brother who is part of the
Durham team. This year was a very close race and I cycled alongside
shouting out encouragement. It was very exciting when the Durham
team finally won. What came totally out of the blue, however, was
when they asked me to train with them. It turns out that the team
had felt very motivated by my cheering and wanted me to be their
new coxswain, the member of the team who sits at the front calling
out to the rowers, encouraging and keeping them together. Perfect!

C. Alex
Being a stressed-out student, I thought that taking up a sport would
be too much of a distraction, especially before a deadline for a
research paper or before exams. Countless times, as a student, I
turned down invitations to go surfing or rock climbing, even though
I was kind of envious of my friends’ freedom. I reconsidered however
when my tutor suggested I needed to take a break, so when a friend
asked me if I wanted to try windsurfing, I accepted. Happily my time
away from my studies did me no harm. In fact, the physical activity
and change of scenery did wonders for my concentration.

D. Ali
If I’m under too much stress or I have the blues, I know it’s time
to visit the countryside and go whitewater rafting. When I visited
Snowdonia, I knew at once that I wanted to live there one day
because of its beautiful, natural environment. When I graduate,
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my dream is to work as an instructor at the National Whitewater

Centre, which is on the River Tryweryn in the heart of Snowdonia. It
is a centre for paddle sports, with whitewater rafting and kayaking.
The River Tryweryn is a wild mountain river and rafting on it is an
intense experience all year round. I have been whitewater rafting score / 14
since my first year as a student and it is an incredible experience
that makes you feel very alive! TOTAL SCORE / 80

ule Test
od rm level B2

M Mid t e
A. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals.

The Choice is Yours

It is in human nature to search for 1 experiences in life. Some people MEANING
find community 2 worthwhile and volunteer their time to improve social INVOLVE
conditions. They personally gain from this 3 experience but also help REWARD
others. Others value personal 4 and find satisfaction in obtaining ACCOMPLISH
qualifications and degrees or acquiring different skills. Those who are 5 AMBITION
choose to follow an exciting career path and try to climb to the top of the corporate ladder.
The 6 types, who enjoy pushing themselves to the limit, seek more ADVENTURE
7 experiences, such as taking part in extreme activities. Then there are CHALLENGE
those who feel fulfilled and find simple things in life 8 , like spending time ENJOY
with family and friends.
There are many ways that people differ, but one thing is certain. Life choices are of great importance.
score /8

B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. I asked if he knew which way we should go but he just his shoulders.
a. scratched b. shook c. shrugged d. snapped
2. Terence demonstrated great staying behind to help the passengers off the burning ship.
a. authenticity b. bravery c. freedom d. innocence
3. I think that biting your nails is a bad .
a. custom b. tradition c. routine d. habit
4. Unfortunately, Michael has no of completing his master's degree.
a. intention b. goal c. purpose d. ambition
5. Don't worry, Laura is capable finishing all of this work on time.
a. with b. of c. at d. to
6. Learning how to use this app is . It'll only take a few minutes.
a. as easy as pie b. as good as gold c. as light as a feather d. as quiet as a mouse
7. You left your phone and your keys on the table in the restaurant. Stop being so .
a. narrow-minded b. open-handed c. big-headed d. absent-minded
8. I and I didn't go hang-gliding with Thomas.
a. kept my head b. held my tongue c. got cold feet d. kept my fingers crossed
9. Greg slowly the kitten so as not to frighten it.
a. arrived b. got c. approached d. departed
10. Can you check the on the screen over there and see what time our train arrives?
a. timetable b. fare c. leaflet d. itinerary
Copyright © MM Publications

11. Ever since Trey lost his job, he has barely been able to .
a. keep his head above water b. go the full distance c. skate on thin ice d. jump the gun
12. This is the perfect place for the company event because it's big and close to the city centre.
a. position b. spot c. site d. venue
13. Our meeting mostly centred ways to increase sales.
a. on b. in c. to d. with
14. The meeting broke earlier than planned because Mr Drake had to leave.
a. down b. into c. up d. out

Midterm Test - Modules 1-6 level B2

15. I can't anything from that day. It seems so long ago.

a. retell b. recount c. reconsider d. recall
16. I'm taking a week off to my batteries.
a. recover b. recharge c. regain d. re-energise
17. She lost all her material when her house burnt down.
a. purchases b. possessions c. funds d. provisions
18. The cat was sleeping with a across its eyes.
a. paw b. hoof c. fin d. wing
19. This week has been ; I can't wait until the weekend when I'll have some time to rest.
a. packed b. hectic c. serene d. cluttered
20. Excuse me. We're a market-research survey. Would you be willing to answer a few questions?
a. signing up b. bringing about c. carrying out d. coming up with
score / 20

Choose a, b, c or d.
1. There's milk left in the fridge. We should get some from the supermarket.
a. hardly any b. not many c. a little d. plenty of
2. The article is about the beauty of Australian landscape.
a. a b. an c. the d. -
3. The hikers were struggling to reach camp when suddenly the weather even worse.
a. got b. was getting c. had got d. had been getting
4. Lisa since she got here. I have no idea what's wrong with her.
a. is crying b. cried c. has cried d. has been crying
5. Kelly to the same gym as me, but she doesn't any more.
a. would go b. used to go c. was going d. had been going
6. Don't interrupt me for a minute - I .
a. think b. 'm thinking c. was thinking d. have been thinking
7. Ann at our company for 5 years when she got promoted.
a. worked b. has worked c. has been working d. had been working
8. We on a camping trip, but at the last minute we cancelled it.
a. would go b. used to go c. were going to go d. were going
9. By the end of next month, I physics for two years.
a. will be studying b. am studying c. will study d. will have been studying
10. We will deliver the books as soon as we the payment.
a. receive b. will receive c. will have received d. are receiving
11. You can bring anyone you want along, that they are over 18.
a. unless b. in case c. if d. provided
12. This time last week, we our bikes by the seashore on a small, scenic island.
Copyright © MM Publications

a. would ride b. rode c. had been riding d. were riding

13. I visit the gallery as it doesn't particularly interest me.
a. can't b. mustn't c. may not d. don't have to
14. You park your car there. It's against the law.
a. needn't b. didn't have to c. couldn't d. mustn't
15. Terry a new motorbike unless he gets a raise.
a. buys b. will buy c. doesn't buy d. won't buy

Midterm Test - Modules 1-6 level B2

16. Peter most of this work, but he didn't because he's too lazy.
a. could do b. must do c. could have done d. must have done
17. The museum next month.
a. is going to renovate b. to be renovated c. is going to be renovated d. is renovating
18. This Italian restaurant is known the best pizza in town.
a. to serve b. to be served c. serving d. serve
19. The bank was closed last Monday so we go back the next day.
a. ought to b. need to c. had to d. were able to
20. The students stopped talking when the teacher coming up the stairs.
a. heard b. was heard c. was hearing d. was being heard

score / 20

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. They didn't sell many books at the fundraiser last week. were
Very at the fundraiser last week.
2. There's a possibility you'll get ill while on your trip, so take this medicine with you. case
Take this medicine with you down with
something while on your trip.
3. They don't let anyone leave work before 5. allowed
Nobody work before 5.
4. The meeting will begin any minute now so let's go inside.  about
The meeting so let's go inside.
5. It was wrong of Ted to leave college without finishing his studies.  out
Ted shouldn’t college.
6. It is believed that the previous chef at The Pasta House was better than the one they have now. to
The previous chef at The Pasta House better
than the one they have now.
score / 12

You will hear five short conversations. After you hear each conversation, you will be asked a question.
Choose the picture which answers the question correctly.

1. 4.

a b c
2. English class a History class b Computer lab c
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a b c
a b c

score / 10
a b c

Midterm Test - Modules 1-6 level B2

Read the text and complete the gaps 1-5 with the sentences a-f below. There is one extra sentence which you do
not need to use.

What It Takes to Run a Hotel

by Wayne Jones
When most people think about running their own hotel, they come up with a dreamy
a. It can take years for the
image of what it should be like. Being your own boss, meeting new people, job satisfaction,
business to become truly
security, not to mention making a huge profit, are just a few of the things that come to
mind. As a hotel owner, I would say this is a myth. I have been running the Blue Salt Hotel
b. This soon led to a boost
for 35 years, a small family business I started in my late twenties, and it has required a in tourism locally and a
great deal of hard work and sacrifice to make it a success. Running a hotel means you sharp rise in the need
are in charge of everything 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This responsibility cannot for accommodation and
be avoided. 1 Quite often however, they simply cannot cope with the pressure. facilities.
The importance of luck in business should never be underestimated, and this was certainly c. Unexpected repairs, bills
the case for me. It was in the early 1980s that ancient salt mines were discovered in the and salaries, can all mean
town and, shortly after this, the town was transformed into a tourist attraction by a local that it is difficult to make
businessman. 2 At the time, the hotel had only been open for a few months, so I was ends meet each month.
able to take advantage of this discovery and quickly renamed my hotel after the salt mines. d. We have always achieved
this at the Blue Salt Hotel
Marketing was central to the hotel’s success as the town later became known for the mines.
and no matter how big or
One of the most demanding aspects when running a hotel is dealing with guest small the issue, it has been
satisfaction. Even when the service provided is good, complaints are to be expected resolved.
from time to time. Experience has taught me that when they do occur, it is crucial that e. Gestures like this make
they are dealt with quickly and in a polite and professional manner. 3 This means their experience unique
that as a hotel we have always managed to maintain our reputation and our guests not and memorable, but
only return, but give the hotel positive reviews. smaller ones can have the
One factor that is often overlooked when running a hotel is the cost. 4 Also, it is same effect.
not always easy to make a profit throughout the year. While we tend to be fully booked f. That is why it’s important
that managers are able to
during summer months, the winter season can be a struggle. Offering a discount during
deal with stress effectively
the colder months can be regarded as a solution to this.
to avoid becoming
Over the years, I have always tried to ensure that guests have an unforgettable experience overwhelmed by the job.
at the Blue Salt Hotel. In the past, we used to welcome all guests by providing a seafood
buffet in their room. 5 For instance, for returning guests, ensuring that their
favourite brand of coffee is in their room makes a huge difference to their experience score / 10
and is so simple to achieve – it’s all about providing a personalised service.

Read the writing task below and respond by writing a letter (140-190 words) expressing your
views on the issue.

Middletown News
The town council is planning to create an outdoor gym in Middletown Park. Many people
Copyright © MM Publications

support this idea as it will make exercising free and accessible to all Middletown citizens in
a beautiful location. Many citizens, however, disagree with the proposal due to the need to
cut down trees and bushes in the small park in order to build the outdoor gym.

score / 20
Tony Brent, member of the town council, has asked citizens to say whether or not they agree with
the proposal. Should an outdoor gym be created in Middletown Park? Explain your opinion. Begin TOTAL SCORE / 100
your letter: 'Dear Mr Brent'.

od t level B2
M Tes

ule Vocabulary
A. Circle the correct words.

1. I only have one disapproval / criticism about your presentation. Generally I think your talk was excellent.

2. It was a sunny day so I could see her behind me reflected / portrayed in the glass of the shop window.

3. I’m sorry but you seem to have been misinformed / misinterpreted; the show isn’t until tomorrow.

4. Our plans to go hiking Sunday morning fell in / through when we woke up and saw it was pouring outside.

5. We decided to alter / drop our holiday plans and add a few more destinations to our list of places to visit.

score /5
B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. Tim has a strange sense of humour. He is always telling 5. The carrots are too ; I think you overcooked
us we don’t understand. them.
a. jokes c. pranks a. crunchy c. greasy
b. tricks d. deceptions b. creamy d. mushy

2. I didn’t a few of my old classmates at my high 6. Claude was deceived giving them his credit card
school reunion as it had been such a long time since we information.
had all seen each other. a. into c. to
a. notice c. observe b. by d. on
b. recognise d. object
7. It’s time to get a new bookcase for your room. The one
3. I told Libby I would prefer not to on the matter you have is .
when she asked for my opinion. a. going through c. going off
a. report c. claim b. falling over d. falling apart
b. announce d. comment

4. The scientist came to conclusions in his research

as the studies that followed proved him wrong.
a. false c. deceptive score /7
b. fake d. artificial

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

Now You See Me... Now You Don’t

When animals want to avoid being spotted and eventually eaten by a predator, they are at an
advantage if they look 1 , or better still if they are not noticed at all. EDIBLE
There are 2 ways in which different animals are able to disguise COUNT
themselves. These deceptions are known as camouflage.
Otherwise 3 prey, such as the flatfish, take on the colours and DEFENCE
shape of their surroundings to remain unseen by predators, and in turn many predators,
such as lions, 4 against their background when hunting prey. APPEAR
Perhaps one of the most 5 examples of BELIEVE
Copyright © MM Publications

camouflage is the octopus, which cannot only change colour but

can also change shape dramatically, taking on a spiky form
to look like coral. Another species who puts any predator’s
6 to the test because its disguise JUDGE
is so 7 , is the stick insect. This CONVINCE
insect’s shape can 8 people LEAD
into believing it’s just a stick, which is why it can’t be easily
score /8
distinguished from the tree branches it lives on.

Test - Module 7 level B2
D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

economical readily display necessity nutritious construction interrupt

enlarge manipulate temporarily

1. I really love this family photo and will have it to put on my bedroom wall.
2. The new museum is currently under but will be ready to open to the public next spring.
3. All the new products are at the front part of the shop window.
4. Diane and I were talking when Michelle came in and us.
5. Louise accepted my offer to help her move house; she seemed to be very overwhelmed by the task.
6. Vegetables are very , containing a lot of vitamins and minerals.
7. Our new car is very ; its fuel consumption is low and we spend very little money on petrol.
8. We are sorry but the service is unavailable; it should be running again in a few hours.
9. Ensuring adequate healthcare for people living in poor conditions is a .
10. We are all into believing that there is only one beauty standard but this isn’t true.

score / 10

A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. What’s the name of the manager in charge of 5. All the books that he owns are crime novels,
this department? doesn’t surprise me.
a. who c. whose a. whose c. that
b. who’s d. that he’s b. who d. which
2. The garage is the place all my old junk. 6. The woman I gave the leaflet is over there.
a. that I keep c. in which I keep a. who c. to whom
b. where I keep in d. I keep b. whose d. whom
3. My new mobile phone, for half price, is brilliant. 7. All the students for the competition should be in
a. I bought c. that I bought the main hall by 9 a.m.
b. which I bought d. I bought it a. choosing c. who chosen
b. chosen d. having chosen
4. That’s my colleague car broke down this
morning. 8. to go out, I decided to watch a film.
a. who has c. that his a. Not wanted c. Not having wanted
b. whose d. which b. Didn’t want d. Not wanting

score /8

B. Complete the sentences using the present, past or perfect participle of the verbs in brackets.
1. Rose, (shock) by Sally’s rudeness, walked out of the room.
2. The sandwiches (serve) at Danny’s Deli are always made with fresh ingredients.
3. (tell) that the meeting would be delayed, Jack went out for lunch.
4. (walk) home from work, I bumped into an old friend from school.
Copyright © MM Publications

5. The woman (run) the campaign is an old friend of mine.

6. (want) to impress the audience, Helen created an impressive powerpoint presentation.
7. (respond) to all of my e-mails, I was free to go outside and enjoy the sunshine.
8. (not feel) well, Emily left work early and went home.
9. (rip) off before, George didn’t trust companies on the Internet.
10. Not (be) scared of the dark, Bart walked further into the room. score / 10

Test - Module 7 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. In the end, after Jessica had examined the report for errors, she gave it to her colleague. gone
In the end, the report for errors, Jessica
gave it to her colleague.

2. The man disappeared after having deceived many people. ripped

The man, many people, disappeared.

3. The woman named Betty works as a hairdresser. name

The woman works as a hairdresser.

4. The president announced tax increases.  made

The was about tax increases.

5. When Martin and Mr Dale had a disagreement, Martin left the company.  fell
Martin left the company when he Mr Dale.

score / 10

Look at the questions. Then listen to a nutritionist talking about breakfast. Choose a, b, c or d.

1. What is the speaker’s opinion about the food industry? 4. What does the speaker say about cereal?
It is motivated by profit. a. It contains too many chemicals.
It promotes healthy foods. b. ‘Healthy’ cereals have higher nutritional value than
It gives a lot of attention to advertising. sugary ones.
It is dishonest about the health benefits of some c.
It contains high levels of salt and sugar.
food. d.
Chocolate cake contains more sugar than most
2. What does the speaker imply about carbonated drinks?
They are not as healthy as orange juice. 5. What does the speaker mean when he says ?
b. They have similar ingredients to orange juice. a. Eating junk food for breakfast is not considered bad
c. They are in many ways better than some juices. any more.
d. They are particularly popular with school children. b.
Junk food should be replaced by orange juice and
3. How have some schools responded to the orange juice
The popularity of orange juice and cereal for
breakfast is increasing.
a. They only sell freshly squeezed orange juice in their
Orange juice and cereal are not as innocent as we
restaurants now.
may think.
They refuse to sell juices at school.
They are discussing the issue.
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They inform students about the lack of nutritional score / 10
content in juices.

Test - Module 7 level B2

Read the text and complete the gaps 1-6 with the sentences a-g below. There is one
extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Crystal Clear
Have you ever started reading an article or letter written by an academic but were unable a. It implies writing in an
to continue because you had the feeling it had too many difficult words and technical appropriate style and in a
jargon? Well, before you assume that it’s because the writer is more intelligent than way the intended readers
you, stop and ask yourself, ‘Am I perhaps experiencing gobbledegook?’ can understand.
To avoid being guilty of this language phenomenon, let me explain what the words b. Jargon should be avoided
‘jargon’ and ‘gobbledegook’ mean. Jargon refers to special words or phrases that are in this case.
used in particular fields, like medical, legal and computer terminology. Gobbledegook c. However, he objected
is complicated language that uses too many words and is difficult to comprehend. to the use of excessive
The Bad Writing Contest was created to expose jargon-filled academic texts in an jargon when it was not
attempt to draw attention to this matter. In 1996, Dennis Dutton, the editor of the journal
Philosophy and Literature, pointed out at the contest that no one was suggesting that d. This is so that people
specialised vocabulary had no place, for example, in biochemistry or physics. 1 aren’t misunderstood.
For instance, literary theory could do without it, even though literature professors might e. This is an expression used
protest that they simply enjoy the richness and depth of the language. to describe language that
is easy to understand and
2 The principles are the same as in cuisine. Can you taste fresh and nutritious
ingredients or are they hidden under too much seasoning? Does the meal leave you
f. But how do you know
feeling satisfied and refreshed or stuffed and exhausted?
when you have overdone
So how can plain language be achieved without oversimplifying it to a point of it losing it with the use of technical
its imaginative or intelligent aspects? Firstly, plain language doesn’t mean only writing language when writing a
in short sentences and avoiding unusual words. 3 Secondly, plain language text?
doesn’t have to simplify ideas. Writing can be sophisticated and meaningful without g. This is fine for poetry
being unclear. and novels where the
That’s not to say that there isn’t a place for language where the reader is left with aim is for the reader to
uncertainties. 4 Likewise, in journalism it’s okay for readers to struggle with an think about and express
ethical dilemma. However, the writer should help bring the issues to light rather than opinions.
lose the reader in complicated writing.
When readers must be informed clearly about something serious or important, they
shouldn’t be uncertain about the meaning of a text. 5 This is why the Plain English
Campaign began. Since 1979, the group founded by Chrissie Maher OBE, has campaigned
against jargon, gobbledegook and misleading information. They want everyone to have
access to clear language. The Plain English Campaign has worked with thousands of
organisations, including many UK Government departments, public authorities and
international banks.
In 1990, they launched the Crystal Mark which appears on documents that the Campaign
believes are ‘crystal clear’. 6 The Crystal Mark is used by over 1600 organisations
that wish to give readers the clearest possible information and appears on more than
Copyright © MM Publications

21,000 documents worldwide.

Of course, the adoption of plain language can sometimes go too far and there are those
that object, saying that like food, language needs some flavouring. Individuality in the score / 12
way people write and speak can be a great source of pleasure for readers and listeners,
and we shouldn’t ignore the joy of celebrating all the wonderful words in our language. TOTAL SCORE / 80

od t level B2
M Tes

ule Vocabulary
A. Circle the correct words.
1. What do you say we go out for dinner tonight for good / for a change?
2. The earthquake struck without fail / without warning and did a lot of damage to many
buildings all over the area.
3. All the students, without permission / without exception, should finish their projects before the deadline on Friday.
4. Don’t worry. You’re going to make / have a good impression on your new colleagues for the best / for sure tomorrow.
5. I’m going to go to Johnny’s school and have / do a word with his teacher on Monday.
6. Can you please stop making / doing such a fuss? It’s really embarrassing.
score /8
7. The medicine I took had / did wonders for the cough I had. I feel much better.

B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. The man was with shoplifting when they found 4. The man is currently time for breaking into his
the stolen hat in his bag. neighbour’s house.
a. arrested c. accused a. pleading c. serving
b. charged d. convicted b. reporting d. catching

2. After six hours, the jury reached the that the 5. You should easy on Cindy. She didn’t mean to
man was guilty. make a mistake.
a. sentence c. penalty a. take c. let
b. fine d. verdict b. go d. bring

3. You should be careful of on the underground who 6. The documentary we watched was of this world.
might steal your wallet or other personal belongings. a. outside c. out
a. pickpockets c. hackers b. off d. away
b. kidnappers d. forgers score /6

C. Read the text and choose a, b, c or d.

Tips On Writing a Successful Crime Story

In order to write a(n) 1 crime story that’s not just a criminal, chances are you don’t know much about crime
good read but a real page-turner, you need to keep a few and detective work. Aside 4 this, when creating
things in mind. your characters, find reasons and 5 that could
In every crime story, there is a crime somebody has make many of them possible 6 , responsible for the
2 , usually a grand theft or a murder of some sort. crime.
Make an outline of what the crime is, who did it and why, Lastly, the detective is 7 with the challenge of
straight from the beginning. At this point, you should also solving the mystery and eventually bringing the criminal
do lots of research. Many writers are given the advice to to 8 . Since he is most likely your protagonist, make
‘write what they know’ which can be pretty bad advice, him real and authentic.
because unless you are a(n) 3 investigator or a
Copyright © MM Publications

1. a. terrifying c. flashy 5. a. scripts c. scenarios

b. unimaginative d. captivating b. storylines d. plots
2. a. committed c. achieved 6. a. witnesses c. hostages
b. attacked d. performed b. suspects d. victims
3. a. supportive c. trusty 7. a. faced c. set
b. associated d. accomplished b. armed d. put
4. a. for c. to 8. a. investigation c. law score /8
b. from d. of b. justice d. court

Test - Module 8 level B2
D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

vandal mistake overrated evidence moving clue harsh illustration spy confide

1. The police investigator has come across an important in solving the crime.
2. When I saw her come in, I her for her sister at first.
3. You shouldn’t be so on Paul. He’s only a child.
4. They couldn’t find any to prove that he was guilty of the crime.
5. I considered the film . I don’t know why it has become a box-office hit.
6. All of the actors’ performances were very powerful and .
7. The film was about a(n) who was hired to find out information about a secret organisation.
8. I know that I can always in my friend Tina.
9. The police caught the group of that broke the windows of the town hall last night.
10. The book appealed to young children because it had many bright and colourful .

score / 10

A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. The burglar if the neighbour hadn’t called the 5. you wouldn’t lie to me!
police. a. It’s time c. As though
a. had escaped c. would escape b. If only d. Only if
b. will have escaped d. might have escaped 6. I wish you so much noise. I’ve got a terrible
2. Where if you could go on a trip anywhere in the headache.
world? a. not make c. haven’t made
a. would you go c. did you go b. don’t make d. wouldn’t make
b. had you gone d. will you go 7. I wish I a way to make you forgive me.
3. If you to me, you wouldn’t have hurt yourself. a. will find c. could find
a. listened c. had listened b. would find d. have found
b. would listen d. would have listened 8. He plays basketball as if a professional player.
4. Isn’t it time they something about the rising a. he were c. were he
crime rate in this city? b. he be d. he has been
a. did c. do
b. would do d. will do
score /8

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. If I (be) you, I (hire) a private investigator to help with this
specific case.
2. If I (not leave) my bag open while I was on the bus, they
(not steal) my wallet.
3. I’d rather you (discuss) this with me earlier instead of keeping back information.
Copyright © MM Publications

4. If only we (visit) him before he moved away.

5. It’s high time somebody (take) action regarding the increase in vandalism all over town.
6. We had a great time at our new neighbours’ house. It felt as if we (know) them for years.
7. I wish I (not have to) work overtime today. If only I (not say)
yes to my boss when he asked me.
score / 10

Test - Module 8 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. I regret not arranging to go to the doctor earlier. wish
I an appointment with the doctor earlier.

2. You didn't look after Timmy and he hurt himself. eye

If you Timmy, he wouldn't have hurt himself.

3. We got a speeding ticket because you went over the speed limit.  not
If you hadn’t gone over the speed limit, we
a speeding ticket.

4. The time has come for you to be responsible for your actions.  high
It's responsibility for your actions.

5. I don't think it's a good idea for us to go inside that abandoned building.  rather
I go inside that abandoned building.

score / 10

You will hear a police officer called Paul Roberts explaining how to be a good witness in court. For questions
1-5, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

1. If you do not speak clearly and loudly, others may think you are about the information
you are giving.
2. If you make a mistake, it is wise to .
3. The methods used by the suspect’s lawyer may be .
4. Someone might falsely identify a suspect from a photo because they feel .
5. Evidence is more convincing when an eyewitness remembers an imperfection like a .

score / 10
Copyright © MM Publications

Test - Module 8 level B2

Read a magazine feature in which a man called Jack Taylor talks about a robbery and answer the questions.
Choose a, b, c or d.

An Unexpected Hold-up 1. In the first paragraph, Jack explains how

a. he was quick to react to the crime.
by Jack Taylor b. he realised the seriousness of the situation the
A few months ago, I was doing some shopping in town. I was in a minute the men walked in.
jewellery shop deciding on a necklace to buy for my wife when c. he initially underestimated how serious the
all of a sudden there was some trouble inside the shop. I failed situation was.
to recognise any danger at first, probably because I didn’t quite d. he could have prevented the situation but
comprehend what was happening, but then it became clear that didn’t.
the shop was experiencing a robbery. I witnessed a dark-haired
2. In the second paragraph, the phrase ‘My heart
man block the front door to prevent anyone from leaving, while
missed a beat’ implies that Jack
at the same time another man ran through the shop shouting,
‘Get down’ and ‘This is a robbery’. a. found the situation terrifying.
b. thought he was experiencing a heart attack.
My heart missed a beat when the man put his hand in his pocket.
I thought he was reaching for a weapon, but instead he pulled c. thought it was the right moment to attack.
out a plastic bag and ordered the shop assistant to fill it with all d. was furious.
the jewellery displayed inside the glass cabinets. At this point, it
3. What does Jack suggest about the jewellery shop
occurred to me how familiar the man looked. I was desperately
trying to remember where I might have seen him before. Then I
a. He could have done more to prevent the robbery.
saw it, a huge scar on his neck. I recognised him immediately as
an acquaintance from the local gym. I began to panic as I realised b. He was heroic and acted with bravery.
the difficulty of the situation I was in. What if he recognised me c. He put everyone in danger.
too? I was absolutely terrified and even thought my life might d. He seemed to understand how to respond in
be in danger. an emergency.
My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the robbers’ angry 4. What was the main factor that led to the criminals’
shouts at the manager, who had managed to hit the emergency arrest?
button, alerting the police. Despite his quick thinking, I would
a. An eyewitness’s statement.
question how well trained he was to deal with this type of
b. A passerby’s crucial information.
situation, mainly because he was reluctant to meet the demands
of the criminals and was unwilling to allow his staff to hand over c. A careful police investigation.
any of the shop’s items. It was all very intense for a while as all d. Information obtained from the public.
this did was anger the robbers. I suppose he thought he was
5. What do we learn about Jack’s reaction to the
showing great courage, but I have to say, at one point I thought
it would all explode. Even though the criminals didn’t manage to
a. What he is experiencing was not expected.
escape with anything, I’m still not sure it was the best approach,
as things could have ended very differently. b. The emotional impact has been difficult to cope
As soon as the police sirens were heard, the robbers fled via the
c. His nightmares are a sign of recovery.
back door to their getaway car. A passerby was able to provide
a detailed description of their car to the police. The police also d. He has accepted what happened.
appealed to the public on local TV to generate information about
the men. However, this was not as successful as my statement,
which resulted in the robbers’ arrest, as the police were able to
locate the men from details I provided.
Copyright © MM Publications

I still have vivid images of that day and, like many who witness
a crime, I’ve been affected in a huge way. It’s been six months
and memories still flash back when I least expect it. I sometimes
experience nightmares and can’t sleep at night, thinking about
what might have happened if the man had recognised me. My
anxiety levels are still very high. My doctor has told me that what score / 10
I’m experiencing is a normal reaction to a stressful event and that
over time I should start to recover.

od t level B2
M Tes

ule Vocabulary
A. Circle the correct words.
1. The deterioration / despair of her father’s health really worried Susan.
2. Let me do away with / jot down your phone number so I don’t forget it.
3. The archaeological site has great historical seriousness / significance.
4. Since my car has broken down, do you think you could give me a lift to work? Alternatively /
In contrast, I could get a taxi.
5. Could you please tell me the latest regarding / in comparison to the progress of my application?

score /5

B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. I have never made this type of dessert before, so it’s 6. Due to my lack of , it took me much longer to
a(n) . finish the task than I had expected.
a. attempt c. trial a. rationality c. nervousness
b. effort d. experiment b. concentration d. restlessness
2. A teacher can be a major in her students’ lives. 7. Sorry for the . May I ask you a question?
a. result c. consequence a. distraction c. tolerance
b. effect d. influence b. interruption d. reluctance
3. It can be said that the of the aeroplane is one of 8. Due to a(n) of self-confidence, Jenny doesn’t like
the greatest of the twentieth century. trying new things.
a. breakthrough c. innovation a. helplessness c. weakness
b. discovery d. invention b. emptiness d. absence
4. There is so much to study for the exam. I hope I can 9. It’s been my mind to call her, but I haven’t had
so much information. the time.
a. confirm c. disprove a. made up c. out of
b. verify d. retain b. set d. at the back of
5. What do you think would be the best to deal
with the problem?
a. approach c. logic
b. concept d. intuition
score /9

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
Are you in your right mind?
Are you a left-hander? If so, you may have a hard time living in a world designed for right-
handers. However, due to the way your brain works, you may actually have a lot of advanced
1 and talents. Since the right side of the brain, which deals with CAPABLE
perception, 2 and emotions, controls the left side of the body, the CREATIVE
3 of left-handers are very artistic. That's why many artists are left-handed, MAJOR
one of the most famous being Leonardo da Vinci.
Others are said to have increased spatial 4 , making professions in AWARE
Copyright © MM Publications

architecture, for example, ideal for them. Left-handers also have the ability to come up with
innovative ideas because of the 5 in their way of thinking. They also ORIGINAL
display exceptional performance when taking part in various 6 tests. INTELLIGENT
However, despite the differences and 7 between left-handed and SIMILAR
right-handed people, the truth is both types are unique in their own way and excel in different kinds
of 8 . ACTIVE

score /8

Test - Module 9 level B2

D. Circle the correct prepositions.

1. We were unaware of / in the changes that had occurred while we were away.
2. I wasn’t satisfied for / with the quality of the product but I was told that it was non-refundable.
3. Are you familiar from / with this artist’s work?
4. The film is suitable for / to all ages so the whole family can watch it.
5. He was a scientist who was highly respected in / for the advances he had made in medicine.
6. Gerald is a teacher who is experienced with / in dealing with younger children and learning difficulties.
7. This restaurant is very popular for / with families.
score /7

A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. I hope (become) a doctor one day; that’s why I study so hard.
2. I don’t mind (wake) up early for work; I’m used to it.
3. Jake didn’t remember (bring) all the ingredients we needed
(cook) dinner, so we considered (eat) out instead.
4. On my way home, I stopped (send) a package to my cousin in Canada.
5. (put) a little money aside each month is a great way (save)
up for the future.
6. It was so stupid of me (react) like that. I regret (yell) at my
7. We aren’t sure where (go) on holiday this year; do you have any ideas?
8. We should (find) a solution to this problem immediately. However, it’s no use
(try) to find one by ourselves. I suggest (consult) a professional.

score / 14

B. Complete the sentences using the prompts and the structures have/get something done,
have someone do something or get someone to do something.
1. A: What are you going to do with your plants while you’re away on the business trip?
B: (get / a neighbour / take care / them).
2. A: Your garden looks totally different.
I know. I (have / the gardener / plant) lots of new
trees and flowers last week.
3. A: You look really nice.
Thanks. I (have / my hair / cut) differently this time.
I wanted a change.
4. A: Are you going to make it in time?
Sure. I’m going to (get / Bill / pick me up).
5. A: When will I have an answer?
Copyright © MM Publications

I will (have / my secretary / call / you).
6. A: I heard burglars broke into Jason’s flat last week.
Yes, they did. Unfortunately, he (have / his laptop
and flat-screen TV / steal).
7. A: I think I’m having problems with my vision. I can’t see well with my glasses any more.
B: You should go to the doctor and
(get / your eyes / check).
score /7

Test - Module 9 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. Somebody needs to fix the window before Friday.  get
We need to before Friday.

2. John doesn’t show any interest in sports.  playing

John isn’t sports.

3. I was too busy and I didn’t manage to make the phone call, but I will later. round
I was too busy and I didn’t the phone call,
but I will later.

4. I didn’t think of asking my friend to pick up the tickets for me. cross
It didn’t my friend to pick up the tickets for me.

5. You should remember that I don’t have a lot of knowledge on the subject.  mind
It would be a good idea that I don’t have a lot of
knowledge on the subject.

score / 10

You will hear five people talking about learning a foreign language. Choose from the list
(A-H) the statement which best describes what each speaker says. Use the letters only once.
There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A. I think adults pay more attention in class.

B. I believe views on the subject differ. Speaker 1

C. I regret being too demanding.

Speaker 2
D. I have realised that children often fail to complete homework.
Speaker 3
E. I put a lot of effort into learning a language at a young age.

F. I find learning foreign languages boring. Speaker 4

G. My ability to learn a foreign language has changed. Speaker 5

H. I gave up too quickly. score / 10

Copyright © MM Publications

Test - Module 9 level B2

Read the text and complete the gaps 1-5 with the sentences a-f below. There is one extra sentence which
you do not need to use.

Nicolaus Copernicus was born in 1473 in northern Poland. At the age of 18, he went a. Five years later, in 1496,
to Krakow Academy where he studied astronomy, mathematics, philosophy and the he decided to study
sciences, also writing his own observations on mathematics and astronomy in his final law and enrolled at the
year there. University of Bologna,
1 However, his enthusiasm for geography and astronomy was noticed by the
scientist Domenico Maria de Novara, with whom Copernicus stayed while there. Novara b. Unfortunately, his
encouraged Copernicus to pursue his interest in science and influenced him to question theories were not without
the astronomy beliefs held at that time. Novara was an experienced astronomer and their mistakes.
together they spent many hours observing the night sky, providing Copernicus with c. There seemed to be an
informal astronomy training. They studied the sky with the naked eye, as the telescope error somewhere.
hadn’t been invented yet. d. This led to Copernicus
Copernicus visited Rome and later went on to study medicine. Nonetheless, this didn’t coming up with a new
stop him from pursuing his fascination with astronomy in his free time, continuing to
study the theories of Claudius Ptolemy. 2 Copernicus found that there were e. Ptolemy had wrongly
things that didn’t make sense in his theories though. positioned Earth closer to
Mercury than Venus.
For instance, Ptolemy’s work implied that every month the moon’s distance from the
f. Astronomy had been
Earth varied, by as much as two times. However, no observations of the moon showed
based on his views for
that it changed in size. 3 Copernicus had heard and read academics doubting
over 1,300 years.
the works of Ptolemy. Up to that point, Ptolemy’s model of the universe had Earth in
the centre, with the Sun and other planets circulating around it. Copernicus began to
question if this model was also flawed.
He collected his observations and applying mathematics to them, he created his own
theory of the universe and how Earth fitted into the picture. The main idea was that the
Earth turns daily in a circle around an imaginary line that runs through its centre and
turns yearly around the sun. Copernicus proposed that the planets circled the Sun
and he also put them in the correct order. 4
Copernicus’ ideas were revolutionary. 5 He was
correct when he said that the planets go around the
sun; however, he was inaccurate when he said that
they follow circular paths. Galileo Galilei and Johannes
Kepler built on his work and Kepler showed that the
planets go around the sun taking an oval path.
Copernicus is thought of by many as the father of modern
astronomy and will always hold a special place in the
scientific world. A new chemical element was discovered in
1996 and later was given the name Copernicum, after Nicolaus
Copyright © MM Publications

Copernicus, ‘to honour an outstanding scientist, who changed

our view of the world’.

score / 10


od t level B2

M Tes
ule Vocabulary
A. Choose a, b, c or d.

1. Taylor got a huge when he 5. Mrs Sanders hired a personal to help her
completed the project he was working on. handle part of her workload, such as arranging her
a. fee c. perk appointments.
b. bonus d. compensation a. associate c. candidate
b. applicant d. assistant
2. The business seminar I attended gave information on
how to set a business. 6. Unfortunately, many of the small clothing shops in
a. out c. on my town business when the shopping centre
b. up d. in opened.
a. ran c. expanded
3. The only source of he has is the freelance work
b. went out of d. went into
he does for specific clients.
a. wage c. profit 7. We can that if you find this product cheaper
b. income d. salary anywhere else, we’ll offer you a better discount.
a. guarantee c. permit
4. The website has an article warning people about
b. exclaim d. examine
deals on social media sites so that they don’t get ripped
off. 8. The town has attracted lots of hoping to make
a. unrelated c. unsuited money from tourism.
b. phoney d. fixed a. supervisors c. entrepreneurs
b. personnel d. staff

score /8

B. Choose a, b, c or d.

Dealing With Speech Disorders

One of the main issues for someone with a speech or language disorder is social 1 or the feeling of
loneliness. Most of us take for granted that we have 2 in at least one language. However, for someone with
a speech disorder, basic communication can be extremely difficult. Some people are born with a disorder and may
experience bullying at a young age. For others an accident or illness may be 3 blame for speech problems.
Fortunately, language and speech therapists are trained to assist anyone with a speech disorder. Those who
choose to follow this particular 4 path don’t only need to have the appropriate 5 , they also have to
possess certain qualities to meet the 6 of the job. Speech therapists certainly have to be very caring, and
dedicated to their job, even though they may have many other 7 . It may be hard work but it’s rewarding. It
is an occupation with a great deal of 8 satisfaction.

1. a. termination b. isolation c. resignation d. closure

2. a. authority b. fluency c. productivity d. convenience
3. a. with b. of c. to d. for
4. a. unemployment b. public c. work d. career
Copyright © MM Publications

5. a. qualifications b. prospects c. advancements d. registrations

6. a. posts b. shifts c. skills d. demands
7. a. workloads b. premises c. commitments d. relations score /8
8. a. trade b. labour c. business d. job

Test - Module 10 level B2

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do
not need to use.

commute scheme code jobless aim pension scam flexible firm rise

1. My brother has been working at an engineering for 8 years now.

2. Many people fell victim to the and gave away their credit card details.
3. This seminar organised for next week to help university students choose a profession.
4. My father is just five years away from getting his .
5. Some interviewees ask if the company offers its staff working hours.
6. Unfortunately, Jake lost his job three months ago and he has been ever since.
7. Walter’s new job has a strict dress ; he has to wear a suit every day.
8. Lucy to work by train.
score /8

D. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1. A multinational corporation is going to take Alex’s small company.
2. You need to hand the report by 5 o’clock this afternoon.
3. Mr Bills is out of town. I’ll put you to his secretary.
4. I’m worn from working such long hours all month.
5. I’ve taken too much work and now I can’t meet the deadlines.
6. This experiment didn’t work very well. Let’s try a different approach.
7. Can we go the plan again? I didn’t understand the first stage.
8. Why did you turn the job? I thought you had always wanted to work there!

score /8

A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. When I broke my leg, the doctor told me that I 5. Julian promised that she Leslie with her
in bed for 10 days. homework.
a. must stay c. will have to stay a. helps c. helped
b. had to stay d. had had to stay b. helping d. would help
2. Martha advised me a career in fashion. 6. Helen suggested a manager with many years of
a. to don’t pursue c. not to pursue experience.
b. to not pursue d. don’t pursue a. employ c. employing
3. Sean offered the curtains. b. to employ d. to employing
a. taking down c. to take down 7. Jane asked me the previous week.
b. take down d. that he took down a. if Kevin would be fired c. whether Kevin fired
Copyright © MM Publications

4. Nellie wanted to know to be in the future. b. why Kevin had been fired d. had Kevin been fired
a. what I wanted c. what did I want 8. Tom admitted John because they shared the
b. did I want d. whether I wanted same interests.
a. hire c. hiring
b. to hire d. to be hired

score /8

Test - Module 10 level B2
B. Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech.
1. ‘When am I going to get a raise?’
Patty wondered 

2. ‘Which book do you prefer?’

Greg asked me 

3. ‘Switch off the lights when you leave at the end of the day.’
Manu told Jane 

4. ‘Don’t leave me here alone, please.’

Tina begged Julie 

5. ‘Will you attend the seminar?’

My manager wanted to know 

6. ‘Don’t drive so fast when it’s raining.’

The police officer warned Rodney 

7. ‘Did you hear a strange noise last night?’

My neighbour asked us 

8. ‘Don’t forget to come in an hour earlier tomorrow.’

Mr Lee reminded the employees 

9. ‘If I were the president of the company, I would expand it.’

Kelly told us 

10. ‘Go to Mr Jackson’s office immediately.’

The manager ordered John 

score / 10

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. ‘ I’m sorry I broke the machine,’ said Gerard. apologised
Gerard the machine.

2. ‘What caused your back problems?’ Sue asked me. brought

Sue asked me my back problems.

3. ‘Next time this happens the money will be removed from your salary,’ Mr Watson told the cashier. out
Mr Watson warned the cashier that the of his
salary the next time that happened.
Copyright © MM Publications

4. ‘Are you going to be late?’ Laura asked Ted. whether

Laura wanted to to be late.

5. ‘Do you know where Albert was yesterday?’ asked Dan. if

Dan asked me had been the previous day.

score / 10

Test - Module 10 level B2

Look at the questions. Then listen to an entrepreneur giving advice. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. What does the speaker believe is necessary for 4. How does having passion for a business idea help?
a business to succeed? a. It makes running a business more fun.
a. a large workforce and lots of money b. It ensures the commitment needed to make
b. drive and a straightforward idea a business work.
c. a big office and lots of staff c. It helps to keep a business focused on its goals.
d. a great opportunity d. It can inspire creativity.
2. What does the speaker state as a reason many 5. What does the speaker say about taking risks?
businesses never succeed? a. They usually have a positive outcome.
a. too much emphasis on organisation b. Risks should be avoided at all times.
b. inefficient management c. Some risks are out of our control.
c. limited demand for a product d. Risk-taking is part of the process.
d. employee issues
3. Why is a business plan important?
a. It can increase profit.
b. A business is more likely to remain within its budget.
c. It helps to spot problems when they occur. score / 10
d. It keeps staff motivated.

Copyright © MM Publications

Test - Module 10 level B2

Read a magazine feature in which a man called Peter talks about his job as a window cleaner and answer
the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.

Window Cleaning: The New Extreme Sport

It was by chance that I noticed the job advertisement. The Shard, one of 1. In the first paragraph, what does Peter say
the tallest skyscrapers in Europe, was advertising for window cleaners. about the position?
I had always been impressed by the Shard, over 300 metres tall, 95
It was his dream job.
floors, and completely covered by glass. Who wouldn’t be? Although
There was huge competition for the
I could never have dreamt that one day I’d be responsible for cleaning
all those glass panels; an unbelievable 11,000 to be exact. At the time,
an organisation was advertising for cleaners to do the task. It sounds c.
He met the requirements specified.
odd, but unemployment was a requirement on their application form, d.
It was not widely advertised.
as was experience in climbing down mountains or walls using a rope. 2. In the second paragraph, Peter describes
As an out-of-work, extreme sports fan, I wasted no time completing
his first days at work.
my application and sending my CV.
the perks of the job.
However, nothing quite prepares you for the experience of cleaning an
almost vertical building of that height, and it is no exaggeration to say c.
the dangers he experiences.
I was terrified on my first day. The work is exhausting, and the physical d.
what he is required to do.
demands on the body intense, but being able to take part in a bit of 3. What does the word ‘this’ refer to in line 22?
extreme sport while working can only be a bonus. Plus the fact that
the experience he has gained
not many people have the opportunity to enjoy a spectacular view of
London as I do. It’s breathtaking. Even now, after so many months at b.
the bustling city of London
the job, nothing compares to looking across the capital while taking c.
the building’s height
in the famous landmarks scattered across the city. It’s possible to see d.
the ability to admire the city
for miles on a clear, sunny day, and watch the commuters, the size
4. How do people usually react when Peter
22 of ants, rushing about the bustling city below. Apart from this, I also
explains how he earns his living?
get to enjoy some celebrity spotting throughout the day. The Shard’s
restaurants and hotel seem to be a favourite with the famous. a.
They find it intriguing.

It does make quite a good discussion point when meeting new b.

They often look worried.
people, and you explain that you rope down the side of the Shard for c.
They ask too many questions.
a living. People often raise their eyebrows, but are always curious and d.
They are not particularly interested.
interested to know how I decided on such an adventurous career. I
5. What is Peter’s main point about safety in
understand this job is not for everyone. It’s a little out of the ordinary
the final paragraph?
and most would be reluctant to even consider the idea. I admit at times
Acting foolishly in the workplace
it does lack variety and can be a little tedious; however, restoring the
causes accidents.
windows to their sparkling condition makes it all worth the effort.
Sometimes things go wrong even if
Window cleaning remains a very dangerous job, not only because of the
safety precautions are followed.
height, but because the weather is a serious hazard. We are exposed
to the severity of the British weather, and winter can be difficult. In c.
Failure to learn the safety manual
case of an accident or an injury, it’s essential to be familiar with the threatens safety in the workplace.
safety systems in place. Of course, this doesn’t always guarantee an d. Fatigue is the leading cause of accidents
accident-free zone; sometimes the weather can be unpredictable and at work.
storms happen when you least expect them to. I remember on one
occasion, I was on the 67th floor and a strong wind seemed to come
from nowhere. The next thing I knew, I lost my balance and was flung
Copyright © MM Publications

/ 10
around. Luckily, I’d had a good night’s sleep and was alert enough to
deal with the situation. This is why, in very windy conditions, we are
all given a well-deserved day off. TOTAL SCORE / 80

level B2



A. Circle the correct words.
1. You should preview / pre-teach the relevant vocabulary before asking the students to do the activity.

2. Thanks for putting in a good word / saying for me with Mr Wilson.
3. You shouldn’t give out / up so easily. Why don’t you try again?
4. Stop tapping your fingers on the table. It’s deafening / distracting.
5. The company is putting the blame / fault on Rory for the accident.
6. We need to ask the teacher to minimise / extend our deadline for the project because
we still have a lot of work to do.

score /6

B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. I met people from the four of the earth at the 5. The company is taking every reasonable to
International Book Fair. avoid further gas leaks.
a. points c. edges a. formation c. prevention
b. faces d. corners b. sensation d. precaution
2. The President is holding a conference tomorrow 6. My daughter’s teacher is very motivated. She’s always
morning about climate change. trying to put new teaching theories into .
a. journalist c. media a. pressure c. practice
b. press d. television b. mind d. word
3. After an hour of trying to persuade Robert to lend me 7. We should all make an effort to reduce our carbon
his car, he finally gave . by using public transportation.
a. in c. out a. waste c. erosion
b. off d. away b. footprint d. spill
4. James Ryan is in his last month of training to become a 8. Being a firefighter is definitely a(n) occupation.
space pilot. Just imagine the dangers they put themselves in.
a. panel c. satellite a. impractical c. irritating
b. shuttle d. utensil b. conflicting d. hazardous

score /8

C. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

migraine post-match shoreline pose shortage dispose

insufficient ban endanger preseason

1. We are investigating the sudden appearance of hundreds of dead fish washed up on the .
2. Where can we safely of waste from the manufacturing process?
3. The coach had a(n) talk with his players about their performance.
4. I would like to a question to Mr Jacobs regarding the threat to wildlife.
5. Please shut the curtain. My seems to be getting worse.
6. There is a(n) of nurses and doctors in the hospital at the moment.
Copyright © MM Publications

7. If they continue to destroy the rainforest, they will the lives of many species of plants
and animals.
8. The coach explained to his players that they must do their best even during the games.
9. Many people believe that there should be a(n) on cigarette advertising.
10. The information we have gathered is , so we can’t come to any definite conclusion.

score / 10

Test - Module 11 level B2
D. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. You must wear a mask before entering the building. PROTECT

2. The caused by the earthquake is indescribable. DESTROY

3. The lake is filled with industrial . POLLUTE

4. Unfortunately, the mountain gorilla is in danger of . EXTINCT

5. They are meeting with to discuss how to reduce the threat to local wildlife. CONSERVE

score /5
A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. An electric car produces noise than a car that 6. I think solar power is energy solution for
runs on petrol. Mediterranean countries.
a. the least c. the less a. much better c. of the best
b. far less d. as little b. the better d. the best
2. It was a crowded café that we decided not to sit 7. I’ve just bought a bicycle stop using my car to
and have coffee there. go to work.
a. so c. very a. in order c. so as to
b. too d. such b. for d. so that
3. Take a bag with you to the supermarket so have 8. Energy-saving light bulbs are more expensive,
to use more plastic bags. but they save money in the long run.
a. in order not to c. you not a. further c. little
b. that not d. that you won’t b. so d. slightly
4. The guide told us to bring umbrellas it rained. 9. many people are now getting involved in the
a. in case c. in order protection of the environment, a lot of work is still
b. for that d. so that required.
5. the bad weather forecast, they decided to walk a. Although c. In spite of
to the event. b. Despite d. Even
a. Despite the fact c. Even though 10. More people are in favour of switching to
b. In spite of d. Although renewable energy.
a. and less c. and more
b. the better d. the more

score / 10
B. Circle the correct options.

There has been great local opposition to the introduction of fracking, the
process of using a specific type of liquid at high pressure to shatter rocks.
Oil and gas companies are using this procedure 1 to / so that increase the
amount of oil or gas they can get out of a well.
Why the protest? Chemical additives are added to the water for various
reasons, such as preventing the pipes from being damaged by water. One
Copyright © MM Publications

of the 2 far more / most dangerous chemicals is hydrochloric acid, used

3 for / to breaking down rock material and forming cracks. Oil and gas
companies are not as informative about the risks of fracking 4 than / as they should be. Local residents have complained
about polluted drinking water, saying that the quality of the water is not 5 the same / like as the water they used to drink.
One resident, Elaine Simons, is protesting that the water is 6 so / as polluted that it is a serious health hazard. She states
that the elder of her two children had to go to hospital after drinking water polluted by fracking chemicals and that
7 although / in case he is getting better, his symptoms are alarming.
score /7

Test - Module 11 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. They bought a car despite their financial difficulties. even
They bought a car financial difficulties.

2. The teacher distributed notes so that she could help the students follow the class. order
The teacher gave help the students follow
the class.

3. My brother is a worse driver than me. as

I don’t my brother.

4. Robert had a terrible headache, but he went to the meeting anyway. spite
Robert went to the meeting a terrible headache.

5. I’ve never seen a more boring documentary in my life. least

This is documentary I’ve ever seen.

score / 10

You will hear part of an interview with a conservationist called Anna Charms. Listen and
answer questions 1-7. Choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. What gave Anna her first opportunity to see tigers? 5. What does Anna say the aim of conservation is?
a. the fact that she lived close to a park with tigers a. not allowing any animals to die
b. a day out with relatives b. preserving the ecosystem
c. her university studies c. doubling the population of tigers
2. What does Anna give as the lower estimate for the 6. What does Anna say contributes to tigers staying away
number of tigers left in the wild? from villages?
a. 3,000 a. the villagers’ threatening behaviour
b. 3,200 b. food left around tiger habitats by the organisation
c. 6,000 c. special lights
3. In what way does Anna say that tigers are particularly 7. What are locals’ attitudes to the conservation project?
important to the ecosystem? a. They were enthusiastic from the beginning.
a. They are unique. b. They aren’t always very cooperative.
b. Their eating habits maintain the ecosystem’s balance. c. They cooperate after education and support.
c. Their presence in the jungle controls the population
numbers of their predators.
4. Why do wildlife corridors help the tiger species remain
score / 14
a. Their ability to travel makes them fit.
b. They are able to find a greater variety of food.
Copyright © MM Publications

c. Tigers that reproduce with ones from different areas

produce stronger young.

Test - Module 11 level B2

Read the texts and answer the questions.

April 22 is Earth Day, a celebra From: [email protected]
tion of what Sent: March 25 – 11:40 a.m.
our plan et offe rs us and a cha
nce to give To: Rudi Mane < [email protected]
som eth ing bac k. Afte r all, it has
becom e Subject: Re: Questions about Earth Day
widely accepted that the amazing
our planet offers us are not unl
imited and
that we have to take action to con Dear Mr Mane,
serve our
ecosystems and prevent the des Thank you for your enquiry about organising a workshop at the Earth
truction of
the environment. Day Celebration. We absolutely agree with your opinion that birds play
Here in Spr ingf ield , res iden ts a significant role in keeping the balance of the ecosystem and should be
of all age s
will be joining in the global eve honoured on this day. Therefore, we are very interested in your proposal
nt and will
‘go green’. Green Park is one of ‘How to build a bird feeder from a plastic bottle’ and are considering
Earth Day’s
main venues, hosting practical con Spring Valley Park as a suitable venue.
events. Everyone will have the cha We would appreciate it if you could send us a short CV telling us your
nce to get
involved in tree planting and com experience with public events and an outline of your plan. This is so
posting, but
that’s not all. Springfield Earth Day we can put our minds at ease that we are offering events which are
ent erta inm ent and gam es for enjoyable, informative and safe.
the who le
family. There is no admission cha Springfield Recycling Plant has offered to provide the plastic bottles for
rge, but if
you wish to make a donation, plea the workshop. Will you be providing any other needed equipment?
se contact
us at earthday@springfieldtown. Could you also inform us about the number of people you are planning
on working with in each group?
I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Vine
Earth Day Organiser and member of the Springfield Town Council

Fay Rogers
My grandmother always spent a lot of time in the garden. So, as a child I assumed that gardening was something the elderly
did to pass their time. That was up until I got married and moved to Springfield with my husband. We bought a house with
a nice back garden. Not knowing how to look after it properly, it soon turned into a bunch of dried up plants and trees.
Luckily, I decided to take part in some of the Earth Day Celebration workshops here in Springfield. I was expecting to get a
few gardening tips, but to be honest I got more than that! The compost workshop was the best. Some people complained
that it covered too much ground, but not I. I learned to make my own compost and how to use it properly and before I
knew it my garden thrived. As you can understand, I am very much looking forward to this year’s Earth Day workshops!
Copyright © MM Publications

Test - Module 11 level B2

Profile of Kevin Vine, Kevin Vine was born and raised in Springfield. He became a social
In his late twentie s, he started
teacher and taught in his home town.
Organiser doing volunteer work at Green Park and became passionate about
wasn’t bored, but
I just
‘I had been teaching for 5 years, and I certainly
of Earth Day couldn’t be away from nature. I think that’s what forced me to change
jobs and combine the two.’
So, Kevin stopped teaching and trained to become a ranger. That’s
which he would show
he started organising visits for schools, during
tem. Soon after
kids around and point out the importance of our ecosys
Celebra tion,
he became the main organiser of the Springfield Earth Day
in an effort to promote awareness of the importance of nature to
of all ages.

Questions 1 and 2 refer to section A. 6. What does ‘covered too much ground’ in the tenth
1. According to the article, what is now well recognised sentence mean?
by many people? a. consisted of little hands-on work
a. We waste too many resources. b. taught more than was necessary
b. We are now taking all the necessary actions to c. only gave information about how to work with soil
protect our ecosystem. d. used more space than was required
c. We have destroyed nature.
d. Earth’s resources will run out. Questions 7 and 8 refer to section D.
7. In the last sentence of paragraph 1, what does ‘that’
2. What is not true about the event? refer to?
a. It is open to everyone. a. becoming interested in volunteer work
b. It combines green activities and fun. b. not enjoying teaching as much as he used to
c. It is held in one location. c. wanting to be close to nature
d. Participation is free. d. the need for a career change

Questions 3 and 4 refer to section B. 8. What is Kevin Vine’s main focus as an Earth Day
3. Who came up with the idea of the workshop? organiser?
a. the town council a. to educate the public
b. Rudi Mane b. to show people his accomplishments
c. Kevin Vine c. to raise money for the environment
d. an Earth Day organiser d. to request that Earth Day be continued

4. What is Rudi Mane requested to do? Questions 9 and 10 refer to sections A, B, C and D.
a. advertise the workshop 9. Which sections are aimed at the general public?
b. explain how the plastic bottles will be used a. sections A, B and C
c. propose a venue for the event b. sections A, C and D
d. provide evidence of his capabilities c. sections C, B and D
d. all sections
Questions 5 and 6 refer to section C.
Copyright © MM Publications

5. What is true about Fay Rogers? 10. Which sections include information about the benefits
a. She had never gardened before moving to of Earth Day?
Springfield. a. sections A and C
b. She used to help her grandmother with the b. sections A and D
gardening. c. sections C and D score / 10
c. She knew that she would gain a lot of knowledge d. all sections
from the workshops.
d. She intends to organise a compost workshop.

od t level B2

M Tes
ule Vocabulary
A. Circle the correct words.
1. This advertisement is obviously sparked / targeted at teenagers.
2. Some of the victims of the earthquake needed urgent / turbulent medical attention.
3. I volunteered to work in a food kitchen for a day and was destroyed / devastated by the number
of homeless people that came in for a meal.
4. Toby gave me a reassuring / judgemental smile and told me not to worry.
5. Robert gave many public appearances and interviews to release / publicise his new book.
6. Helen is going to find out sooner and / or later so just tell her what happened.
7. We should take all the pros and pieces / cons into consideration before reaching a decision.
8. More evidence came to light / power as the detective investigated the case. score /8

B. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. I decided to my desk in front of the window in 5. Thousands of people drowned as a result of the .
order to get some natural light while I worked. a. tsunami c. hurricane
a. display c. deposit b. earthquake d. avalanche
b. fix d. position 6. It was really difficult to tickets for the show but
2. It’s so today that my clothes are sticking to my I was lucky enough to get two.
skin. a. take c. gather
a. boiling c. chilly b. obtain d. achieve
b. freezing d. humid 7. Please don’t the way I have planned the event
3. Everything was damp after the was over. as I had very little time to do so.
a. downpour c. blizzard a. blame c. confront
b. hail d. mist b. annoy d. criticise
4. I decided to I liked the gift as I didn’t want to
hurt my aunt’s feelings.
a. assume c. pretend score /7
b. mislead d. deceive

C. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals.

Blind for a day

Recently, I was given the opportunity to experience what being blind might be like.
I took part in a special guided tour where a blind guide takes you through real-life
situations, but all in the dark! In the beginning, my 1 began SECURE
to take over as I felt totally 2 and afraid, bumping into POWER
objects and people. I felt like I had no 3 to move around as FREE
I wished. However, the guide was great and soon calmed me down. We even ended up
building a close 4 , which has lasted till this day. FRIEND
Copyright © MM Publications

This unfamiliar experience deeply increases sensitivity towards the

5 faced by the blind. Furthermore, it emphasises HARD
the significance of having 6 public facilities for all; ACCEPT
something which most 7 do not have. Most importantly NEIGHBOUR
though, understanding the difficulties and needs of the blind helps us realise why
we must all make a valuable 8 to society. After all, we CONTRIBUTE
all need to look out for each other’s well-being.
score /8

Test - Module 12 level B2
D. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

leadership indicate whatsoever sponsor seldom obstacle neglect membership

1. Being a parent was never a(n) to Amanda’s career.

2. I have no doubt that John will call you.
3. have I eaten at a restaurant with such good service.
4. My gym is about to run out and I’m not sure if I want to renew it.
5. Your garden was so beautiful before you began to it.
6. A rise in unemployment can weakness in an economy.
7. Jessica displayed strong skills in the way that she ran her team so efficiently.
8. I got a large number of people to my run in the marathon for score /8
a children’s charity.

A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. should you go out in this weather; the 4. before had I seen such a beautiful view in my
thunderstorm is getting worse. whole life!
a. Not until c. Not even a. Hardly c. Little
b. Only d. Under no circumstances b. Never d. Not only
2. had I entered my house than I was called back 5. after you have completed your work can you
into work. meet your friends.
a. No sooner c. Never a. Not c. Never
b. Seldom d. Rarely b. Seldom d. Only
3. will I accept the offer. Unless, of course, the sum
is raised.
a. Little c. By no means score /5
b. No sooner d. Not until

B. Complete the dialogues with all, both, and, neither, nor, none, either, or, whether, not only. Some of the words
can be used more than once.

1. A: I have to prepare the meal 3. A: So, are we going to meet up this weekend?
but also clean up before the guests arrive. Do you B:
I’m afraid I’ll be busy.
think you could lend me a hand? A:
Oh no! I had really hoped that we could get
Sure. I could make together. Are you sure you’ll be busy on
a salad do the Saturday Sunday?
washing-up. Which do you prefer? B:
Yes, I’m afraid so, but I promise that I will make time
2. A: What are you thinking of doing after you finish your to see you the following weekend.
degree? 4. A: Where are Henry, Tom and Paul? I thought they
I am considering training to become were coming over too.
an educator a counselor B:
So did I, but of them
Copyright © MM Publications

in a school. I’m not sure which of the two yet. What could make it. You see, they are
do you think I should choose? sick in bed.
Well, an educator 5. A: So did you get the job?
a counselor suits you, because
B: Actually, I’m still not sure
you don’t really have the patience to deal with children.
I got the job or not. They will let me know by the
Since you’re really good with technology, have you thought
end of the week.
of designing educational material? You see, I am more into
technology and find working with computers more interesting. score / 12

Test - Module 12 level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. Teresa accepted the situation, and even decided to make the most of it. come
Not terms with the situation, but
she also decided to make the most of it.

2. Peter is not responsible for the accident. way

In responsible for the accident.

3. You should never talk on the phone and drive at the same time. account
On on the phone and drive at the same time.

4. Mike’s and Frank’s ideas were not very useful. came

Neither Mike’s handy.

5. Jeff hardly ever uses his computer now that he bought a laptop. use
Rarely now that he has bought a laptop.

score / 10

You will hear five people talking about volunteering. Choose from the list (A-H) the
statement that best describes what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There are
three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A. Volunteering is sometimes emotionally challenging.

B. Previous work experience helped me become a volunteer. Speaker 1

C. The best part is when you find out that you’ve made a difference to someone’s life.
Speaker 2
D. I met someone who has become my best friend while volunteering.
Speaker 3
E. It was a very sociable experience.

F. I would recommend it to anyone. Speaker 4

G. The procedure to get accepted was very demanding. Speaker 5

H. Part of the experience was easier than I had expected.

score / 10
Copyright © MM Publications

Test - Module 12 level B2

Read the text and complete the gaps 1-6 with the sentences a-g below. There is one extra sentence
which you do not need to use.

The Homeless World Cup

Just a few years ago, Ken was sleeping rough on the streets. He was only eighteen
years old and had nowhere to go. ‘It was horrible,’ he said. ‘Some people were kind a. For some, it’s the first time that
other people are counting on
and bought me sandwiches, but many just passed by as if I didn’t exist. In the winter,
them and this responsibility gives
I would wake up covered in frost. In the daytime, I looked through rubbish bins to
them a purpose.
see if there was anything I could sell. That’s where I met Robert. At first, I thought
b. The Homeless World Cup has
he had come to ask me to leave, but he explained he was from a homeless charity
affected many people, not just
called Street Aid and invited me to their shelter. Street Aid were amazing. 1 ’
the homeless players.
c. They arranged a bed in their
Things got better and better for Ken. Not only was he off the streets and no longer
shelter with access to a hot
cold and hungry, but Street Aid also provided him with health care and got him back
shower and kitchen where there
in college. ‘I have finally been given an opportunity. I am starting to have goals in life.’
were two hot meals a day.
2 He was invited to join the Homeless Football Team, where he discovered
d. He was soon on his way to fame.
his talent as a goalie.
e. It all came about thanks to
‘Back when I was sleeping rough on the streets I would never have believed where Scotsman Mel Young and
Austrian Harald Schmied.
I am now. I have always had a passion for football, but I would never have imagined
this. Playing in the World Cup, making so many friends and getting encouragement f. I will never forget the experience.
from so many people is something else. People have been incredibly kind. 3 g. Then Ken’s life changed even
In the future I’d like to become a coach to give to other homeless people what Street more.
Aid and the Football Team gave me. They changed how I see myself and gave me a
chance to live a better life. Actually, they saved my life.’

People who are homeless are mostly isolated and don’t have others to share their
thoughts with. Getting involved in football helps people learn how to communicate,
build relationships and be part of a team. 4 One player, Marco, said, ‘Before
the football team my life was chaos. All I thought about was surviving each day and
I had no goals for the future. Now I have dreams for the first time. I’d like to become
a social worker one day to help other people.’

The Homeless World Cup has changed the lives of countless homeless people of all
ages. It celebrates its work every year by organising an international football match
with teams of homeless people from 70 different countries. 5 Talking at a
homelessness conference in Cape Town in 2001, they both agreed that football could
dramatically change the lives of homeless people and they were not wrong. Two years
later in 2003, the first Homeless World Cup tournament took place in Graz, Austria.

6 Everyone involved in organising the matches finds the experience extremely

positive and moving, and members of the general public are also strongly affected.
Copyright © MM Publications

Watching homeless football players giving their all in a game, understanding how
far they have come and how much hard work has gone into training, people see
homeless people in a different light. In every city where the Homeless World Cup
tournament is held, homeless people say that their relationship with the public is
much better. Football really can change lives. score / 12


te a l level B2
st Vocabulary
A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. The winds during the blew many trees down.
a. avalanche b. earthquake c. hurricane d. tsunami

2. Many readers were by the newspaper story and wrote letters of complaint to the editor.
a. ashamed b. devastated c. outraged d. heartbroken

3. The wood gave a sweet smell as it burned.

a. off b. out c. away d. up

4. Luckily, the criminal was arrested in the departure of a local airport before he managed to leave the country.
a. platform b. board c. lounge d. space

5. There were views from the top of the mountain.

a. panoramic b. tranquil c. uninhabitable d. artificial

6. Try not to live beyond your , Barry.

a. money b. debts c. fortune d. means

7. She didn't say anything; she just her head in agreement.

a. winked b. nodded c. waved d. raised

8. Susan’s reaction was to cry, but then she realised that it wasn’t such a big deal after all.
a. original b. authentic c. initial d. primary

9. Amanda has always at foreign languages.

a. excelled b. accomplished c. succeeded d. achieved

10. Talking on a mobile while driving definitely contributes a huge number of car accidents.
a. on b. in c. to d. with

11. The burglar was caught trying to enter the house through a window.
a. in the black b. red-handed c. in the red d. with flying colours

12. Our weekend plans to go fishing fell when we found out that the weather was going to be horrible.
a. apart b. over c. out d. through

13. As a secretary, one of my main is answering the phone.

a. labours b. occupations c. duties d. trades

14. Millions of watched the match on television.

a. spectators b. viewers c. audiences d. consumers

15. Mrs Roberts was very happy to hear that her son had great progress in the second term.
a. made b. did c. got d. had

16. Who is going to the company now that Mr Summers has passed away?
a. take on b. take in c. take over d. take up

17. I promise to be at your opening at 7 o’clock, .

Copyright © MM Publications

a. here and there b. sooner or later c. loud and clear d. rain or shine

18. Can you believe that our neighbour was with forgery?
a. charged b. sentenced c. accused d. convicted

19. We should be in alternative energy production.

a. alleviating b. investing c. proposing d. establishing

20. Jack was unaware the danger that he had put himself in. score / 20
a. about b. of c. for d. with

Final test level B2


B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals.

Toronto has been named as one of the most 1 cities in the world to live in. DESIRE
But why? The town’s services and income growth are two of the factors which were taken into
2 in the ratings. Toronto is also one of the rare cities in the world in which ethnic CONSIDER
3 is a success story. Communities from Central and South America, Europe and DIVERSE
South East Asia make up this cultural city, where more than 100 different languages are spoken.

However, one aspect of life in Toronto which can be very challenging is the 4 FREEZE
weather during the winter months. Of course, all the necessary precautions are taken so as to
minimise the 5 of the residents. For instance, there is an underground walkway, COMFORT
named PATH, which links 30 kilometres of shopping, services and entertainment.

With so many different cultures, Toronto has great food and entertainment. There are
6 restaurants where one can enjoy different cuisines. But that’s not all. COUNT
Niagara Falls is only a short 7 away – about an hour and a half’s drive – making DISTANT
Toronto not only a great place to live in but also a popular destination for people looking for
8 experiences. MEMORY
Copyright © MM Publications

score /8

Final test level B2

Choose a, b, c or d.
1. Peter may buy a new car if he a raise.
a. gets b. ’ll get c. ’d get d. got

2. able to see well because of the fog, Oliver had a car accident.
a. Not be b. Not been c. Not being d. Not to be

3. This house is said in the 19th century.

a. being built b. was built c. to have been built d. to be built

4. Robert have been at the gym this morning because he’s at home with a broken leg.
a. needn’t b. shouldn’t c. mustn’t d. can’t

5. This yoghurt strange. I don’t think we should eat it.

a. is smelling b. smells c. has been smelling d. has smelt

6. We regret you that there are no rooms available at our hotel for this weekend.
a. to inform b. inform c. informing d. have informed

7. Jack made an effort to laugh at my jokes his boredom.

a. whereas b. although c. nevertheless d. despite

8. Robert didn’t get the job as he had previous work experience.

a. hardly b. little c. not much d. few

9. I put my passport in my desk drawer not to lose it.

a. in case b. even though c. so that d. in order

10. I have been meaning to reply since I your e-mail, but I haven’t got round to it.
a. received b. was received c. have received d. have been receiving

11. You will fail your exam you study harder.

a. provided b. whether c. unless d. as long as

12. Everything will by the organising committee, so don’t worry about the conference.
a. organise b. be organising c. have organised d. be organised

13. If only the jacket I want to buy less expensive!

a. could be b. is c. had been d. were

14. The firefighters believe that Alice when the fire started.
a. had slept b. slept c. was sleeping d. has been sleeping

15. Anna offered to babysit my daughter, was very nice of her.

a. which it b. which c. that d. whom

16. Your newly painted house looks fantastic. Did you professionally?
a. paint it b. have to paint it c. have it painted d. have painted it

17. No sooner the house than I realised that I had forgotten to take my keys.
a. I had left b. was I left c. I was left d. had I left

18. By 2030 a new airport in our city.

Copyright © MM Publications

a. will have been built b. will be building c. will build d. will have been building

19. Lisa wanted to know in my free time.

a. what did I do b. what I did c. I did what d. whether I did

20. I put in a lot of effort but I out how to make the machine work.
a. couldn’t figure b. couldn’t have figured c. shouldn’t figure d. shouldn’t have figured

score / 20

Final test level B2

Use of English
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do
not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. I expected the dish to be spicier than it was. as
The dish I had expected.

2. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t help you with your project,’ said Gary to Mark. not
Gary apologised Mark with his project.

3. Ann was dismissed from her post last week, but she doesn’t seem disappointed. spite
Ann doesn’t seem disappointed fired last week.

4. I regret not being patient with my students today. lost

I wish I with my students today.

5. We didn’t postpone the event because the weather improved. put

We the event if the weather hadn’t improved.

score / 10

You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer a, b or c.
1. You hear a man and a woman talking about people from 4. You hear two people talking about a TV programme
Denmark. What do we learn about the man? related to plastic surgery. What do they both agree on
He is Danish. after watching the programme?

He likes cycling. a.
People that have plastic surgery are suffering
from depression.
He has visited Denmark.
Surgeons could do more to help clients feel better
You hear a university member of staff addressing about their appearance.
students. What is the first day students can officially
choose courses? c.
The media is partly responsible for how people feel
about the way they look.
10 January
5. You hear two friends talking about a game they took
12 January part in at separate times. What does the woman say
16 January about it?
3. You hear an advertisement for a gym. On which floor a.
There was no way to work out the answer based on
can people strengthen their muscles? the clues.
On the first floor. b.
She gave up before it finished.
On the ground and first floor. c.
The plot was predictable.
score / 10
On all three floors. Copyright © MM Publications

Final test level B2

Read an article in which four people reveal how they got their current job. For questions 1-6, choose from the
people A-D. The people may be chosen more than once.

Want the job? Prove it! Which person

1. did not have high

Four employees talk about how they got their jobs.
expectations of
A. Lily Ferguson getting hired?
In all honesty, it was a move of desperation. I had been back from Australia for more than
2. doubted the
nine months, and no matter how many CVs I sent out, I wasn’t getting called in. And I’m sure effectiveness
it had nothing to do with how good it was; there are many people out there looking for a of a CV? 
job. I realise now that I was limiting myself to all the traditional methods of looking for a job
3. had the intention
instead of thinking outside the box. Then one evening, I was out with a close friend of mine
of showing
and I was grumbling about my situation, when I jokingly told her I felt as if the only way employers the
someone would notice me would be if they saw me on a giant advertising hoarding. And she clearest picture
said: ‘That’s it!’ Next thing you know, I’m spending every last penny of my savings renting of themselves
space on a hoarding in a really busy part of town. That same week, I got sixty job interviews, they could?
among which was the company I now work for. 4. compared
B. Greg Logan themselves
to other
I’ve read about all sorts of crazy things people do to stand out when being interviewed but
I’m not one of them. I’m not particularly creative, nor can I spontaneously crack jokes. But
as I was waiting for the personnel manager to call me in, I noticed a secretary was having 5. applied an idea
difficulty with the photocopying machine. She looked really anxious and desperate. So I they weren’t
initially serious
got up and offered to have a look. Ten minutes later, I had figured out the problem and was
working on it when the personnel manager opened his door and saw me – on my knees,
hands and sleeves covered in ink. What an unfortunate first impression! Nevertheless, I was 6. used a habit
hired on the spot because, apparently, he appreciated my eagerness to help and readiness to employers have
to attract their
solve a problem myself.
C. Keira Byrne
I was at a point in my life where I felt like it was time for me to move on to a more creative
company. There were people in my line of business that I looked up to and who were
building very strong teams within their companies. How to catch their attention? I simply
took advantage of a pleasure most of us have – googling ourselves to see what will come
up. I settled on five names of creative directors I admired and paid to have sponsored
links appear as the first choice when these names were googled. So, when they googled
themselves, the first thing they saw was a link that caught their attention with a simple
message taking them to my website. Out of these five names, four contacted me and I’m
now working at the company that was my first choice all along.

D. Tom Matthews
When I had to move from the north of the country to London, the question of a new job
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came up. I had to figure out a way to ‘sell’ myself to many companies in a short amount
of time. But how can you give a stranger a complete picture of your personality, skills and
accomplishments on a two-dimensional piece of paper? That’s when I thought of using a CVIV
(Curriculum Vitae Interactive Video). Just as with a normal CV, my video CV was divided into
sections: work experience, skills set, contact information and so on. Instead of writing it though,
I was looking into the camera and giving employers the opportunity to listen to my voice, get a
feel of my style and see my humorous side. Within three weeks, I was newly employed. score / 12

Final test level B2

Write an essay on the following topic. Use all the notes given and give reasons for your point of view.

group or on your own?

Is it better to study in a

Write about:
l focus
l cooperat
l your
own idea

score / 20


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to K e y
Key to tests

level B2

te Module 1 Use of English B: It depends on

Vocabulary 1. does not / doesn’t belong to what time it finishes.
A. 2. am used to studying You see, I have to be
1. source 3. is of no value up at eight tomorrow

2. significant morning.
4. is thinking of/about accepting
3. affairs A: Well, it’s a two-hour documentary
5. do not / don’t often go
and it starts at six.
4. represent Listening
5. triangle B: Oh… OK, so that means I can have an
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. c
early night.
6. drop Reading
What time does the documentary
7. tell 1. d 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. c
1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. b Listening transcript
A: Really, so which language
C. 1
have you decided to learn?
1. effective A: The International Food Festival is not
B: Well, I’d love to learn Italian… all these
2. global far from here, is it?
business trips to Rome have really
3. friendly B: No, it’s just a five-minute walk to the
inspired me.
4. informative exhibition centre. You know, I saw
A: I felt the same about Chinese after
5. appealing some photos online earlier at home
travelling to Hong Kong last year.
from last year’s food festival. There
6. thoughtful B: It’s just… given my Brazilian roots, I’d
were dishes from all over the world
7. memorable rather focus on my Portuguese right
for people to try.
8. pleasant now.
A: Sounds great. Let’s ask for the check
D. A: Yeah, I think you should.
and get going then.
1. spontaneous What language is the man going to
Where are they now?
2. mingle start learning?
3. ambitions 6
A: What are you going to have?
4. liking A: Did you rent a car in Paris?
B: Either the noodle soup or the Thai
5. awkward fried rice. B: No, it was too expensive, but we saw
6. appreciate A: Well, the noodle soup leaves a lot to most of the important sights of the city.
7. envious be desired. I had it the last time I was A: Did you take public transportation?
8. glance here. The coconut chicken with rice, B: No, we took a hop-on, hop-off bus
9. deliberately however, was amazing. tour. It was great.
10. emphasised B: Maybe I’ll give that a try then. How did the man see the city
Grammar What will the woman probably sights?
A. order?
1. annoys, is decreasing 3 Module 2
2. doesn’t mind A: I think I’ll buy this vase. Vocabulary
3. am attending B: It’s beautiful. I might even buy the A.
4. are thinking, don’t think same one for my daughter. 1. assess
5. goes A: It’s the last one, I’m afraid. What about 2. gifted
these chocolates? They’re locally
6. is visiting 3. determined
7. look 4. challenging
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B: Nah, she’s on a diet. Perhaps this here

8. arrives 5. enrol
would be a better choice.
B. 6. cooperation
A: Perfect. You can’t go wrong with
1. the 7. of
2. a, - B.
What will the woman probably buy
3. the for her daughter? 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b
4. the, an 4 C.
5. the A: Do you want to watch the Egyptian 1. identification
6. - Art documentary this evening? 2. stimulating
Key to tests level B2

3. examination because of all the equipment we need you make up your mind. You
4. beneficial to buy. wouldn’t want to miss out on a great
5. Participation / Participating A: I couldn’t agree more. I didn’t realise opportunity.

6. assistance there would be an extra cost when 4.

I signed up. Perhaps we should A: It was great to see everyone again at
7. Involvement
mention it to the teacher during the the graduation ceremony.
8. annoyance
next lesson.
D. B: Yes, the venue was perfect for the
B: We could, but what’s the point? The occasion. However, I was surprised at
1. achievement
equipment is necessary, I’m afraid. how many people didn’t attend; there
2. peer A: Maybe taking a different course is a must have been at least ten missing
3. curriculum better option. from our course.
4. obvious B: Perhaps… although I think we should A: I was thinking the same thing. In fact,
5. Attendance go with your original suggestion I found it very disappointing… I was
6. intriguing before we decide. Let’s bring up the hoping to see everyone again and
7. enhance issue during the class next week. catch up.
8. struggle A: OK. B: Oh, don’t worry. We can arrange to
9. motivate 2. meet up with everyone soon.
10. capable After working in education for the last 30 A: Yes, you’re right. What did you think
years, I’ve taught hundreds of children, of the reception dinner afterwards?
and the fact is no two are the same.
A. B: Now that was absolutely horrible to
Each one has their own way of learning
1. 1. Have you heard be honest. I couldn’t eat anything
and different factors motivate different
signed except the bread.
students. As a teacher you must be aware
hasn’t taken 5.
of that and adapt your teaching methods
has already started A: Well you’ve missed several important
accordingly. This can only be achieved by
lectures recently, and two of your
2. 5. ’ve been waiting knowing your students well. That way, you
essays were handed in late. You’re
tried know what works for each one of them
individually and are in a better position falling behind, and it’s not always
to help them. Otherwise, I’m afraid you easy to catch up.
run the risk of disadvantaging students… B: I know… but I’m finding the course
3. 9. Have you studied and all the work overwhelming. I
although I admit, it’s not always easy with
’ve been reading
large classes. Of course, that doesn’t mean can’t seem to get organised.
B. that it is not possible. A: Well, working and studying at the
1. a 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. d 6. a 7. c 8. d 3. same time is not easy. Don’t worry,
Use of English A: Did I mention that I’ve been offered a I’ve attended every lecture so you
1. too many people place at a university in Madrid? can take a look at my notes. In the
2. bound to rain B: No! Congratulations, that’s excellent meantime, make a list of all the

news. Nowadays, it’s crucial to have lectures you’ve missed.

3. have you been learning
4. give the manager an explanation something on your CV that makes B: Good idea, thanks… that would be
you stand out. It’s so competitive out really helpful. Maybe we can meet
5. haven’t seen Natalie for
there. You accepted the second you later at my place.
found out, didn’t you? A: Great.
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a
A: Not exactly… I’m still uncertain about 6.
Copyright © MM Publications

what to do. As a geography student, field work is

1. b 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. c
B: Really, why’s that? a crucial part of the course as it allows
A: It’s such a big decision, and I don’t us to put theory into practice. It’s
Listening transcript know anything about the city or more hands-on learning and should be
1. the local culture. I just don’t know stimulating … but I have to say, the recent
A: How are you finding the photography whether it’s right for me. field trip I went on was far from that. I’m
course? B: I understand. Perhaps you should not saying I wanted to spend the entire
B: I’m thinking of dropping out actually. contact the university and get trip working, but it wasn’t demanding at
It’s turning out to be very expensive answers to your questions before all. We spent more time wandering around

Key to tests level B2

the local town shopping than anything Reading not to mention how these children have
else. There was a huge problem with the 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. A almost no material possessions. I was
schedule, the professors didn’t seem to very affected by this and I did feel quite
know what was going on half the time, emotional at times. This is why it was such
Listening transcript
and of course this resulted in not a great a pleasure to be able to give some of the
I’ve always been interested in charity
deal being achieved. We only did about children clothes and other small gifts that
work, so when I qualified as a dentist,
half the stuff I had expected. we had collected. It was a sight for sore
I wanted to put my skills to good use
eyes to see their happy faces.
and help those most in need. I was lucky
Module 3 enough to be accepted onto a volunteer
Looking back, I feel that meeting so many

Vocabulary inspirational people helped me realise the

project for recently qualified dentists in
benefits of this kind of voluntary project,
A. poverty-stricken countries. I spent three
and I’m now involved in organising similar
1. b 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. a weeks at the local hospital of a small town
projects for dentists all over the world.
6. b 7. c 8. b 9. c 10.d providing free dental care to the town’s
Although the children themselves were
B. children. It was exhausting. I worked non-
a huge inspiration, not to mention the
1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. d 8. c stop for 21 days, with no time off. A total
parents, I have to say it was my manager
C. of 2,000 children came to the hospital
at the hospital that I truly felt encouraged
for free treatment during that time, and
1. frowned by. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as
I treated about 500. Of course, this isn’t
2. assumed motivated to improve services locally. He
actually a lot for a town that has a total
3. playful genuinely cared about his patients in a
population of 6,000 children, but there
4. stared way I haven’t seen before.
wasn’t enough time to see everyone.
5. open-handed
6. tongue
In this day and age, it seems unbelievable
that a child doesn’t own a toothbrush or
Module 4
7. bumped Vocabulary
has never visited a dentist, but for many
8. inherited children this is reality. Unfortunately, the A.
9. tight-fisted healthcare available is inadequate and 1. regarded
10. heart consequently children end up having 2. return
Grammar many problems. I believe that poverty 3. itinerary
A. and lack of education cause this problem; 4. pays
1. found, had been looking often parents are not able to afford to 5. overlooks
2. was preparing, was reading/read take their children to the dentist and no
6. fasten
3. was surfing, rang education is provided on how to look after
4. was, hadn’t gone one’s teeth.
1. a 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. d
5. had finished, arrived The locals went to extraordinary lengths
B. to show their appreciation during our
1. b 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. a
time there. We received countless thank
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. a 6. d 7. a 8. b
you cards from children or a drawing D.
Use of English
they had prepared. There was quite an 1. presence
1. is about to start
art collection covering the surgery walls 2. suitability
2. were going to go / were planning on
by the time we left. But what took us by 3. panoramic
surprise was the reaction of the parents. 4. rush
3. the time Rita returned from
They were so thankful and they expressed 5. allergic
4. to come up with
this by cooking food for all the dentists,
6. run
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5. first time Ryan had tried which they brought to the hospital at the
Listening 7. resolve
end of each day. It was wonderful.
1. five hundred / 500 8. postpone
Despite it being a busy few weeks, we had
2. (a) lack of education 9. hospitality
the opportunity to see the local town and
3. cooking (food) 10. advisable
even treated a few children at home. It
4. material possessions was during these visits that I really began Grammar
5. (small) gifts to understand the poverty that children A.
6. manager (at the hospital) / hospital experience. It was a real shock to see how 1. will be flying
manager basic some of the living conditions were, 2. does she arrive
Key to tests level B2

3. will have finished Endless complaints! I just wish I had never Module 5
4. ’ll pick gone on that trip. Vocabulary
5. ’ll prepare Speaker 3 A.
6. will have been travelling We had time to kill so we decided to go 1. c 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. c
7. come for a stroll around the town. I wanted 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. a
8. ’ll probably be to do some souvenir shopping, so I was B.
9. will have cooked excited about seeing what the shops had 1. into
10. get to offer. However, I have to say, I was left
2. with
B. speechless by the way we were treated
3. in
by some of the shop owners. I said to
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. b 4. on
one in a very polite manner, ‘Could you
6. a 7. a 8. c 9. b 10. d 5. with
gift wrap this for me, please?’ and he
Use of English 6. on
deliberately ignored me pretending he
1. no mention of 7. down
didn’t understand me. I had a similar
2. are going to put Terry 8. with
encounter in a restaurant. The waitress
3. unless you drop him (off) 9. in
was so moody and, I have to say, a little
4. in case you go 10. to
aggressive when I told her that we weren’t
5. going to call off ready to order yet. 11. out
Listening Speaker 4 12. on
1. F 2. A 3. D 4. H 5. C C.
Probably a camping trip in October was
Reading not the best idea. The British weather 1. re-energised
1. a 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. c is so unpredictable. Although I don’t 2. pressure
usually mind a bit of rain when camping, 3. dedicate
Listening transcript sometimes it can be quite pleasant, but 4. eliminate
Speaker 1 that particular holiday was a nightmare.
5. alleviating
We were on a tight budget that year Not only did it rain non-stop, but it was
6. transform
so we decided to book an all-inclusive freezing, too. And the worst thing that can
7. excuse
holiday; that way we didn’t have to think happen to someone happened: I came
about how much we were spending
8. effort
down with a terrible cold and was totally
on food every day. It seemed like a Grammar
unprepared. I had nothing to relieve the
sensible decision at the time. However, symptoms. My holiday ended before it A.
the food they served at the hotel left a started. 1. need to
lot to be desired. The meat was always 2. have to
Speaker 5
undercooked and generally the food was
We’d been putting money aside all year 3. should
bland and tasteless. It was surprising as
so we could take the children on their 4. needn’t do
the rest of the facilities were far from
first cruise. We were all so excited. 5. cant
disappointing. Of course, this ruined
everything. We dined out every evening Unfortunately, though, what was 6. should
and spent a fortune. advertised as a 5-star luxurious cruise 7. can’t
Speaker 2 around the Mediterranean ended up being 8. Will
the worst holiday we’ve ever experienced. B.
A couple of years ago, I wanted to take
a break from my studies and decided to First of all, my daughter had an accident 1. d 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. c
Copyright © MM Publications

go on a package holiday to Barcelona. on the first day, almost breaking her wrist.
6. d 7. b 8. d 9. b 10. a
Everything was perfect apart from the However, I have to say the main drawback
Use of English
constant complaints made by one of was the fact that the children were bored
1. can’t (possibly) get by
the older members in the group. He just stiff as there was absolutely nothing for
2. must have cut down
wouldn’t stop. The weather was either too them to do. We were expecting at least
3. could/might have brought
warm or too cold for him. The museums a swimming pool or maybe a ping-pong
were either expensive or tiring or just table, but no, nothing at all. It was very 4. need/have to take part in
not interesting for him. The restaurants dull. 5. has/needs to contribute to
were never up to standard for him. Ugh! 6. ought not to follow
Key to tests level B2

Listening Perhaps it was the push I needed Module 6

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b as it made me evaluate my life and Vocabulary
Reading make important changes. Now I’m A.
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. d crazy about fitness; I go to the gym 1. abrupt
daily and I’m very careful about my 2. red
diet. I completely cut out sugary 3. prey
Listening transcript
foods. Of course, I couldn’t carry on
A: This week, on Celebrity Hour, our 4. reptiles
with my cookery show, so I changed
guest is celebrity chef Gina Robinson, 5. in
the focus of my interest and have
who first shot to fame for her hugely B.
been advising the stars on health and
popular cooking programme Sweet 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a
fitness ever since.
Tooth. Gina welcome to the show. C.
A: So you’re not planning another series
B: Hi, thanks for having me. 1. a 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. d
of Sweet Tooth then?
A: Gina, you’re well-known for your D.
B: Absolutely not. I think celebrity
homemade cream cakes and triple 1. hectic
chefs have a big impact on what
chocolate desserts - we all loved 2. reality
the viewers eat. People watch these
your series Sweet Tooth - but what 3. content
shows and then rush out to the
you’re involved in now is totally
4. habitat
different. Tell us about it. supermarket to buy the ingredients.
The problem is that many chefs 5. feed
B: Yes, it’s quite a contrast. Well, as
cook mouth-watering yet unhealthy 6. narrates
you pointed out, my previous work
dishes and they need to think more 7. wing
as a celebrity chef was focused
carefully about how this affects 8. serene
on cooking sweets, cakes and
the audience. With conditions like 9. poaching
puddings from around the world,
all the unhealthy stuff. However, I obesity, heart disease and cancer on 10. rewrite
became very interested in health and the rise, it’s important that TV chefs Grammar
fitness, and left the world of desserts start cooking healthier dishes. I think A.
behind me to start a new career as they have an important role to play 1. weren’t taken
a nutritional advisor to celebrities. in helping to shape society’s eating 2. are being improved
So now, instead of promoting sugary habits. After all, it’s only by adopting 3. are cared
foods loaded with calories, I’m a a healthier diet that we can avoid
4. has been destroyed
supporter of healthy options and these illnesses.
5. can learn
regular exercise. A: So what’s the best thing about your 6. educate
A: That’s quite a big change. What’s the job?
7. will further benefit
reason behind it all? B: Now I’m able to influence people in 8. are going to be designed
B: Well, it all relates to my own personal a positive way. I promote healthy
experience. Last year, completely living and encourage people to keep
1. was being installed when I arrived at
out of the blue, I suffered a heart in shape. It’s very nice to see the
work this morning.
attack. I couldn’t believe it. I was benefits people experience when
2. wanted her cake to be tasted by
only 42 at the time. Anyway, I had they adopt a healthier lifestyle. Even
no choice but to turn my life around though it has its difficulties, it’s a
3. is known to have been caused by the
and adopt a healthy lifestyle. I was great job and I get to make a real
a bit overweight and rarely did any difference.
4. was made to get out of his car by the
physical activity and my diet was
Copyright © MM Publications

A: So what’s next for you? police officer.

terrible - being involved in the TV B: I have a new cookery book coming 5. is hoped that more ways to help
show meant that I was exposed to
out in September about vegetarian protect the environment will be found
unhealthy high-fat food constantly. I
cuisine. I also have a charity (by scientists).
suppose it was only a matter of time
marathon coming up, so I’m training 6. is thought to be a strict teacher.
before my health suffered.
for that. 7. needs to be cleaned up before
A: It must have been a difficult time.
A: OK, we’ll have more about Gina anybody comes.
B: It was, and it could have all been Robinson right after the break... 8. could have been picked up by Larry
prevented; my lifestyle was to blame.
from school earlier.

Key to tests level B2

Use of English global problem of overfishing. Not only is 6.

1. said to have been packed food being taken away from other marine A: So, what did you think about the
2. can’t bear being treated life, but it’s causing an imbalance in the research the lecturer presented?
3. was seen losing his ecosystem. I’m not suggesting we give up B: I thought it was fascinating.
eating fish completely, but we must take
4. aren’t allowed to go A: But don’t you think it’s a bit unlikely
more interest in where the fish we eat
5. the criminals will be caught that eye colour is linked to the type of
comes from. Unfortunately, many fishing
Listening personality a person has?
boats are exploiting the seas by fishing
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. b B: Well, having blue eyes myself I could
more than they should be or by using
totally relate to what the speaker said
Reading methods that cause damage to the natural
about people with blue eyes being
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C habitat. I think being more aware of this
sweet and kind.
will make a difference because people can
A: Ha, ha. The whole thing just seemed
Listening transcript make informed choices about the fish they
like a waste of time to me.
1. buy.
B: Well, I’m a little sceptical about the
Hi, Rita. It’s only me, Sally. Anyway, I’m 4.
fact that blue eyes are not associated
calling about the weekend. Do you I’ve been interested in the impact that
with intelligence. Anyway, I found it
remember the art exhibition that Lesley colours have on people’s feelings for
very interesting on the whole.
and I were planning to go to, the one several years now, and as an interior
exhibiting works from Picasso’s Blue designer I enjoy helping my customers
Period? Unfortunately, she can’t make
it now because she has to work over the
make choices about which colours are
better suited to their environment and
Midterm Test
weekend. Anyway, the ticket is all yours personality. For example, painting the Vocabulary
if you want it. I know how much you love walls blue could make you feel calmer, A.
Picasso. It will be so much fun and if you so I might advise a customer to paint a 1. meaningful
like, we can grab a bite to eat before it bedroom or a bathroom this colour. Of 2. involvement
starts. Let me know as soon as you can. course, it’s important to remember that 3. rewarding
OK, talk soon. Bye. each shade of a colour can have a different 4. accomplishments
2. impact. For example, lighter shades of
5. ambitious
A: So, how are things going since your blue can have the opposite effect and may
6. adventurous
sister moved in with you? make a person feel uneasy or nervous. So
7. challenging
B: It’s nothing like I expected. Actually, it’s my job to offer advice and really make
sure customers get the most out of their
8. enjoyable
it’s been terrible.
environment. B.
A: Why, what happened?
5. 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. b
B: Well, she’s so untidy and never does
the washing-up after cooking. It’s A: Well, I think I’ll just buy the blue dress 6. a 7. d 8. c 9. c 10. a
really annoying. I had never realised and the matching bag. I have so many 11. a 12. d 13. a 14. c 15. d
she was so messy. pairs of shoes at home; better not to 16. b 17. b 18. a 19. b 20. c
A: Perhaps you should talk to her and waste money on things I don’t really Grammar
tell her how you feel. need. 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. b
B: I could but I really don’t want to get B: Yes, but we only ever get invited to a 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. d 10. a
into an argument with her. Perhaps wedding once in a blue moon. Why
11. d 12. d 13. c 14. d 15. d
it’s better to wait and see if things not spend a little extra?
16. c 17. c 18. a 19. c 20. b
improve. She might start being more A: Maybe… I do like the shoes, to be
Use of English
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tidy and considerate. I’m just trying to honest. OK, the entire outfit it is. I
1. few books were sold
be patient. want to look my best after all.
2. in case you come
A: Perhaps, but ignoring the problem B: Oh, look here…. the bag has a stain on
might just make things worse. It’s it.
3. is allowed to leave
better to just resolve it as soon as A: Really? OK, put it back on the shelf in 4. is about to begin
possible. that case. Unfortunately, it’s the last 5. have dropped out of
3. one. 6. is believed to have been
I feel very strongly that more should B: OK, let’s pay for these and head home. Listening
be done individually to help reduce the I’m tired after all this shopping. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. a
Key to tests level B2

Reading A: I left my history assignment in the Grammar

1. f 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. e computer lab and I have to go and get A.
Writing it first. 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. b
Open answer Where will the man go next? 5. d 6. c 7. b 8. d
5 B.
Listening transcript A: Can I take your order? 1. shocked
1 B: Sure. I’d like the chicken with the roast 2. served
A: Hi Jean. Could you do me a favour? potatoes and my friend would like the
3. Having been told
B: Sure. steak and some salad.
4. Walking
A: I’m going swimming later and I need A: I’m afraid there are no roast potatoes
5. running
my goggles. Could you bring them to left. Would you like some salad to
6. Wanting
the coffee shop? accompany it?
7. Having responded
B: No problem. Anything else? B: I don’t really like salad.
8. Not feeling
A: I think that’s it. I have my swimsuit and A: I would also recommend the fried rice
my towel.
9. Having been ripped
or vegetable soup.
B: Shampoo? 10. being
B: I prefer the soup.
Use of English
A: It’s okay, they have that in the showers. What is the man’s friend going
1. (after) having gone over
B: I’ll be there in an hour. to eat?
What has the man forgotten to 2. (after) having ripped off
bring with him? Module 7 3. whose name is Betty
2 Vocabulary 4. announcement made by the president
A: Guess what! / announcement (which/that) the
president made
B: What is it? 1. criticism
A: Marina just turned up at my apartment. 5. fell out with
2. reflected
I was tickled pink. I hadn’t seen her for Listening
3. misinformed
three months. 1. d 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. d
4. through
B: Is she going to stay with you? Reading
5. alter
A: For a week! 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. g 5. b 6. e
B. 1. a 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. d 6. a 7. d
B: That was unexpected.
C. Listening transcript
How did the woman feel when
Marina appeared? 1. inedible We all know that breakfast is the most

3 2. countless important meal of the day, but how do we

3. defenceless know if the food we’re eating is actually
A: I’m about to book the train tickets.
4. disappear good for us? Studies have shown that
Should we book the 10 or the 11 o’clock
several health foods which are advertised
train? 5. unbelievable
as nutritious are, in fact, the opposite. So,
B: I need to be back in time for Mike’s 6. judgement
are we simply being misled by the food
graduation and that’s at 12 o’clock. 7. convincing
industry to believe certain products are
A: Well, since the train ride is about an 8. mislead healthy when they’re not? I would argue
hour, we won’t make it in time if we
D. yes, and the truth about some foods may
take the 11 o’clock train.
1. enlarged surprise you.
B: I guess we’ll have to take the earlier one
2. construction Let’s take orange juice that you get from
Copyright © MM Publications

3. displayed the supermarket as an example. The very

What time are they going to leave?
4. interrupted name leads us to believe it’s healthy - it’s
a fruit, so it must be good for us, right?
5. readily
A: I’m late for history class. That’s what the advertisements claim.
B: Where have you been? 6. nutritious
What they fail to say is that it’s loaded
A: The English teacher kept us a while 7. economical
with sugar and chemicals, perhaps just
after class to give us more details about 8. temporarily as much as a carbonated drink. It’s also
an assignment. 9. necessity highly processed and flavouring is added
B: Don’t worry. You’re just five minutes late. 10. manipulated to enhance its taste. In fact, schools have

Key to tests level B2

gone as far as banning all fruit juices from D. for a copy and look over it beforehand.
their restaurants because of this. I guess 1. clue In court, only respond when asked to
the only way to avoid all these horrible 2. mistook and speak loudly enough for the whole
chemicals is to squeeze your own oranges courtroom to hear. If you do not speak
3. harsh
at home. clearly and loudly, the jury might think
4. evidence
The nutritional value of cereal is also you are uncertain about what you are
5. overrated
questioned. Some of the more ‘healthy’ saying. As a result, they may not take your
6. moving testimony into consideration when it’s time
cereals actually contain more sugar than
7. spy to reach a decision. Give simple answers to
those which are sugar-coated, not to
8. confide the questions and if you make a mistake,
mention the high salt content. One study
showed that a bowl of a so-called ‘healthy’ 9. vandals correct yourself immediately.

cereal contained more sugar than a slice 10. illustrations It can be very challenging giving evidence

of chocolate cake. Grammar in front of a jury because, any evidence

A. given, will be tested in detail by the
Both cereal and orange juice are the
1. d 2. a 3. c 4. a suspect’s lawyer. Their aim is to find out
number one choice for many at the
whether or not an eyewitness is telling
breakfast table. We choose them because 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. a
the truth and whether his/her account is
we’re led to believe they’re good for B.
reliable. However, often the tactics used
us, but in reality they’re nothing more 1. were, would hire
to establish this can be very aggressive.
than junk food in disguise. In my view, 2. hadn’t left, wouldn’t have stolen Understanding the process in court, what
action must be taken to prevent the food
3. had discussed is expected of you and how to do it will
industry from misleading us like this and
4. had visited help you feel less anxious and make you a
harming our health without us realising it.
5. took better witness.
1. What is the speaker’s opinion
6. had known Don’t let the lawyer rush you for an answer.
about the food industry?
7. didn’t have to, hadn’t said If you don’t understand a question, you
2. What does the speaker imply
Use of English can ask for it to be repeated or to be
about carbonated drinks?
asked in another way. Never argue with
3. How have some schools 1. wish I had made
the lawyer asking you questions, even if
responded to the orange juice 2. had kept an eye on
they are rude to you. If you don’t know the
debate? 3. would not have got
answer to a question or aren’t sure, say
4. What does the speaker say 4. high time you took so. Witnesses sometimes feel pressured to
about cereal?
5. ’d/would rather we didn’t answer, leading to someone being falsely
5. What does the speaker mean
Listening convicted. If you don’t recognise any
when he says: ‘...they’re nothing
1. uncertain possible suspects in a group of photos,
more than junk food in disguise.’
2. correct yourself (immediately) for example, then that’s what you have
3. aggressive to say. The perfect situation is when an

Module 8 4. pressured (to answer) eyewitness is able to offer something

unique about appearance such as a scar or
Vocabulary 5. scar or burn
burn; anything that makes a suspect stand
A. Reading
out is more credible in court.
1. for a change 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b
2. without warning
3. without exception Listening transcript
An eyewitness statement is a crucial piece
Module 9
4. make, for sure Vocabulary
Copyright © MM Publications

5. have of evidence often used to help convict a

suspect. This is why, as part of the criminal
6. making 1. deterioration
justice system, we must have confidence
7. did 2. jot down
that the story provided is as reliable as
B. 3. significance
possible. So, what are the factors that make
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. c a good witness in court? 4. Alternatively
C. Firstly, before you appear in court, go over 5. regarding
1. d 2. a 3. d 4. b the facts of the case. If you have given B. 1. d 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. a
5. c 6. b 7. a 8. b a statement outside the courtroom, ask 6. b 7. b 8. d 9. d
Key to tests level B2

C. Listening transcript Speaker 4

1. capabilities Speaker 1 My daughter excelled in Italian, passing
2. creativity How we acquire language is something her exams with flying colours, and without
that has fascinated me for years, putting in much effort. On the other
3. majority
particularly when learning a foreign hand, my son was totally different. He
4. awareness
language. My research has focused on was motivated, but he just never seemed
5. originality how age may play an important role to make any progress in the language. It
6. intelligence in this. Theories suggest that learning was always so strenuous for him. I really
7. similarities a second language may be easier the don’t know how to explain it. I suppose
8. activities younger we are. The ability of the human that some peoples’ brains work differently;
mind to process new words, and therefore while some have what it takes, others
learn new words, changes as we age. Let’s struggle. It’s a shame this never crossed
1. of
say there’s a cut-off point. Researchers,
my mind at the time. I put him under a
2. with however, disagree over the age of this cut-
lot of unnecessary pressure, and forced
3. with off point, so it’s difficult to say after what
him to take extra lessons, but in the end it
4. for age learning a foreign language might
made no difference.
start to become more difficult.
5. for Speaker 5
Speaker 2
6. in I was around 12 when my family moved
I’m finding that learning Spanish is far
7. with from Russia to Australia. I was faced with
more demanding compared to when I
Grammar the challenge of learning English, a task
learnt German. It doesn’t really make
A. which seemed extremely difficult at the
sense. If anything, German should have
time. It was a huge adjustment, so to
1. to become been more difficult, as the grammar is
make things easier, I was determined to
2. waking more complex, but I’m just not picking it
learn the language as quickly as possible.
up as easily. It seems to me that age plays
3. to bring, to cook, eating I did this by trying to speak English as
a factor in language learning. You see, I
4. to send frequently as possible and spent hours
was about ten when I started German,
5. Putting, to save and learning new vocabulary was a piece studying at home. It took a while to build
6. to react, yelling of cake. In fact, thirty years later, if I don’t my confidence, but I got there in the end.

7. to go hear a word several times, I can never In fact, it came naturally after a while.
remember it. Words slip my mind all the The important thing is not to give up and
8. find, trying, consulting
time. I need to be realistic about whether always keep your goal in mind.
it’s possible to achieve the same level of
1. I’m going to get / I’ll get a neighbour to
take care of them
2. had the gardener plant
Speaker 3 Module 10
From my experience as a foreign language Vocabulary
3. had my hair cut teacher, I’ve found that older learners A.
4. get Bill to pick me up are more motivated when learning a 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. b
5. have my secretary call you foreign language. I guess the problem
5. d 6. b 7. a 8. c
with children is that they don’t always
6. had his laptop and flat-screen TV stolen B.
want to be there in the same way that
7. get your eyes checked 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. d
adults do. On the other hand, children
Use of English learn remarkably fast; their minds are like 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. d
1. get the window fixed little sponges. They just seem to absorb C.
Copyright © MM Publications

2. interested in playing the information fed to them more easily. 1. firm

3. get round to making It’s not always as straightforward with 2. scam
adult learners. Although they tend to be
4. cross my mind to ask 3. aims
more focused in class and more organised
5. to keep/bear in mind 4. pension
with homework and assignments, they
Listening often need more time to make progress.
5. flexible
1. B 2. G 3. A 4. C 5. E Of course many adults do learn a foreign 6. jobless
Reading language, and learn it well; I just believe it 7. code
1. a 2. f 3. c 4. e 5. b might be a little easier for the little ones. 8. commutes
Key to tests level B2

D. Unfortunately, many small businesses fail B.

1. over to ever take off. It might sound obvious, 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. b
2. in but a realistic idea that will appeal to 5. d 6. c 7. b 8. d
3. through people is a must. Time and again, no C.
4. out research is conducted to establish
1. shoreline
whether there’s a need for a product.
5. on 2. dispose
Without a need, a company will go out
6. out 3. post-match
of business quickly, regardless of how
7. over 4. pose
effective the management is.
8. down 5. migraine
Running out of funds is another
Grammar 6. shortage
problem, but if you’re organised and
A. 7. endanger
have considered your business plan, this
1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a
doesn’t need to happen. For example, 8. preseason
5. d 6. c 7. b 8. c
you need to know how many members of 9. ban
staff you can afford to employ. A business 10. insufficient
1. when she was going to get a raise. is more likely to survive if you choose D.
2. which book I preferred. something you have passion for. It is this 1. protective
3. to switch off the lights when she left at that guarantees the enthusiasm needed 2. destruction
the end of the day. to make a business successful, because
3. pollution
4. not to leave her there alone. you’ll want to carry on doing it for the
4. extinction
5. if/whether I would attend the seminar. next 20 years or so.
5. conservationists
6. not to drive so fast when it is/was Of course, in business, while caution is
raining. important, don’t be scared to take a few
7. if/whether we had heard a strange noise risks. All successful entrepreneurs have
the previous night / the night before. 1. b 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. b
taken their fair share, otherwise they
8. to come in an hour earlier the following would never have made it to the top. It 6. d 7. c 8. d 9. a 10. c
day. could of course have a negative outcome, B.
9. that if she were the president of the but don’t let that put you off; it’s to be 1. to
company, she would expand it. expected sometimes. 2. most
10. to go to Mr. Jackson’s office. 1. What does the speaker believe 3. for
Use of English is necessary for a business to 4. as
1. apologised for breaking succeed?
5. the same
2. what had brought on 2. What does the speaker state as
6. so
a reason many businesses never
3. money would be taken out 7. although
4. know whether Ted was going Use of English
3. Why is a business plan
5. if I knew where Albert important? 1. even though they had/were having
Listening 2. out notes in order to
4. How does having passion for a
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. d business idea help? 3. drive as badly as
Reading 5. What does the speaker say 4. in spite of having
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. b about taking risks? 5. the least interesting
Listening transcript Module 11 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. c
Copyright © MM Publications

As an entrepreneur I’ve managed to build Vocabulary

up a successful multinational organisation. A.
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. a
I’ve had a few opportunities along the 1. pre-teach
way, but in the beginning I had no office,
6. b 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. a
2. word
no workforce, no huge amounts of cash,
3. up Listening Transcript
just a simple idea and a lot of motivation.
It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, I 4. distracting A: Today in the studio we have a special
think these are the things needed to make 5. blame guest with us, conservationist Anna
a business work. 6. extend Charms, who will be telling us about

Key to tests level B2

tiger conservation in India. Welcome tiger habitats and wildlife corridors and honey production. There have
Anna. in India. Corridors in nature have even been cases where whole villages
B: Thank you, Tom. the same function as corridors in have agreed to relocate in order to
A: First of all Anna, how did you become buildings. They allow tigers to move secure a proper habitat for tigers. We
involved in tiger conservation? from one habitat to another. A species are cautiously optimistic.
does not survive as well if it is limited
B: My mother’s side of the family live in
to isolated habitats. When tigers
Rajasthan, in northern India, close to
Ranthambore National Park. When I
can migrate and produce young
with animals from other areas, this
Module 12
visited them as a child, I was taken to Vocabulary
increases genetic diversity. Diversity
the National Park and saw tigers for the
is what makes species more resistant A.
first time in my life. I never forgot the
to disease. Variety means strength 1. targeted
experience. It was incredibly exciting.
and health. Our other main focus is 2. urgent
Later, as an animal biology student, I
protecting the tigers themselves which 3. devastated
became aware of the threat to tigers
also means protecting the prey they
and after graduating, I applied to do 4. reassuring
depend on for survival. We hope that
a PhD in Ecology & Conservation. On 5. publicise
eventually the population of tigers
completing it, I started teaching, until 6. or
will become stable. In conservation,
five years ago, when I was offered a
it’s not about preventing the death 7. cons
chance to work for a tiger conservation
of every individual animal. After all, 8. light
project in India.
nature is made up of predators and B.
A: How many tigers are left in the wild
prey. What we try to maintain is the 1. d 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. d
and why are they under threat?
diversity of species and a balance in
B: It’s shocking! There are estimated to be C.
the ecosystem.
only about 3,200 tigers left in the wild, 1. insecurities
A: What about the communities near tiger
perhaps as few as 3,000. The number 2. powerless
changes hugely if we count tigers 3. freedom
B: We work closely with the communities
in captivity. There are about 3,000 4. friendship
that live around tiger habitats, as
captive tigers in Texas, mostly privately
locals have conflicting interests. This 5. hardships
owned. However, what is significant
is especially true when forests are 6. acceptable
is the numbers in the wild, partly
cut back and tigers are, therefore, 7. neighbourhoods
because it is a sign of the state of the
pushed closer and closer to villages
ecosystem. One of the main reasons 8. contribution
where humans live. This is a serious
that tigers are under threat is loss of D.
threat to human life and their cattle.
their habitat because of deforestation. 1. obstacle
Our organisation provides immediate
Growing human populations with road 2. whatsoever
financial support when cattle or
building, housing development and
humans are attacked. Of course, we 3. Seldom
agriculture have reduced tiger habitats
try to prevent attacks by finding ways 4. membership
to limit tigers getting to livestock or
5. neglect
A: Why should we save tigers, apart from coming into human areas. For example,
them being unique animals? 6. indicate
we install solar lights at the edge of
B: Tigers are not just dramatic and villages to discourage tigers from 7. leadership
beautiful presences in the jungle. They coming too close. 8. sponsor
are the top predator of the food chain A: How are locals responding to your Grammar
Copyright © MM Publications

and by keeping the population of their efforts? A.

prey in balance, especially plant-eaters, B: Actually, they are very positive once 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. d
they keep the whole ecosystem in they understand the importance of B.
balance. If tigers became extinct, the tigers and especially when we listen
1. not only, either, or
ecosystem of the forests they live in to their difficulties and work together
would collapse. 2. either, or, neither, nor
with them. Locals who earned a
A: Anna, tell us about the conservation living by hunting tigers have been
3. both, and
programme you are working on. introduced to other ways of earning 4. none, all
B: One of our primary goals is to restore a living, such as growing mushrooms 5. whether
Key to tests level B2

Use of English supervising us and showing us what to B.

1. only did Teresa come to do. I did a lot of digging and in the final 1. desirable
2. no way is Peter stages helped paint the classrooms. It was 2. consideration
3. no account should you talk hard work, as we were working outdoors 3. diversity
and I wasn’t used to the heat. However,
4. nor Frank’s ideas came in 4. freezing
it was extremely satisfying when the
5. does Jeff use his computer 5. discomfort
school was finally finished. Of course, we
Listening 6. countless
also had a lot of fun. I met a lot of great
1. H 2. C 3. E 4. G 5. A 7. distance
people from all over the world, many of
Reading 8. memorable
whom I keep in touch with now that I’m
1. c 2. g 3. f 4. a 5. e 6. b back home. We’ve become good friends Grammar
and are even planning our next volunteer 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. b
Listening Transcript trip together. 6. a 7. d 8. b 9. d 10. a
Speaker 1 Speaker 4 11. c 12. d 13. d 14. c 15. b
I heard about the soup kitchen from my To become a volunteer firefighter, I had to 16. c 17. d 18. a 19. b 20. a
friend Carol who volunteers there. The first pass a fitness test. The test involved Use of English
kitchen offers unemployed and homeless lifting 30 kg, dragging about 80 kg and 1. was not as spicy as
people free meals of soup and bread crawling through tight spaces wearing 2. for not helping / for not having helped
twice a day. Soup is good because it’s full firefighting gear. I didn’t pass the
warm and with bread it’s a filling meal.
3. in spite of being / in spite of having
physical test the first time, but as I was
It’s also easy to make in huge quantities.
really determined, I worked out at the
Cooking soup for sixty people is a lot 4. hadn’t lost my patience
gym for a few months and passed the test
simpler than I thought it would be! It just 5. would have put off
the second time. Then I had to complete
takes a lot of teamwork, of course. That’s Listening
a training programme. So far, I’ve been
why there are quite a few volunteers.
called once to help put out a small forest
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a
Between us we cut up the vegetables, stir Reading
fire in New Forest.
the soup, wash up and of course serve 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C
Speaker 5
the people who come into the kitchen. We Writing
Four hours a week I volunteer at the
try to create a warm atmosphere to make
Boston Children’s Hospital with my best Open answer
them feel welcome and at home.
friend, Sally. We play with the children,
Speaker 2
help families feel more comfortable Listening Transcript
I love swimming and last year got an
during their child’s stay and answer the 1.
annual pass for my local leisure centre. I
phone, but mainly we are there with A: I heard that Danes are the happiest
noticed that every Thursday the pool was
a friendly smile, trying to reduce the people in the world.
reserved for two hours. When I asked,
stress for patients and families. I’ve met B: Well, I’m not surprised. The country
I discovered that there were sessions
some amazing children and really enjoy is pretty wealthy and Danes are well
for people with physical disabilities. I’ve
my time there. However, it can be very looked after by the state, although
been volunteering with the group for
difficult and sad though, when a child is I’ve never been there to get first-hand
a few months now and I really enjoy it.
suffering a lot. Of course, some days are experience.
They provided training in the beginning
especially fulfilling. Yesterday, we made A: It’s not just that. Apparently, it’s all to
in how to operate the equipment that
decorations with the kids and hung them do with genetics. Danish genes help
gets people in and out of the water and
up around the hospital. You should have them be happy.
how to support swimmers in the pool.
seen how happy they were! B: Genes or no genes, I’d be happy if I
It’s a great feeling when swimmers tell
Copyright © MM Publications

you how much they relax and enjoy the lived in Copenhagen. It’s the best city
sessions and especially when you learn
that swimming is helping to improve their
Final Test for cyclists. Did you know that Denmark
is the first country in the world with an
Vocabulary actual cycling embassy?
general ability to move.
Speaker 3 2.
1. c 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a
Going to Africa to volunteer was a life- Welcome to Dundee University. University
changing experience. I was involved in 6. d 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. c accommodation is available from Saturday
a project building a school in Senegal. 11. b 12. d 13. c 14. b 15. a 10 January. You can move in from this date
There were professional builders 16. c 17. d 18. a 19. b 20. b onwards. The official welcome from the

Key to tests level B2

University Principal is on Friday 16 January A: That’s the whole point. You’d lose
at 3 p.m. in the main hall. Between Monday interest if it were simple. I just loved the
12 January and Monday 19 January, you way the art theft was presented.
will be able to register at your college, as B: Yeah, that was nice.
well as sign up for the courses you are A: So, which clues did you follow?
interested in. This is also a chance to have B: We hardly had any evidence to work
any queries answered. Of course, you are on!
also welcome to ask me if you are not sure
A: There was enough. You just found
about something. I wish you a successful
it tough because the story was
and enjoyable first year.
unpredictable with lots of twists. Joe
3. and I found the thief before our time
Hullside Leisure Centre is a multi-purpose was up.
venue with dry and wet leisure facilities. B: You’ve said so a million times. We ran
The Hullside gym, at ground level, has a out of time.
variety of equipment, such as treadmills,
A: Well, better luck next time.
weight training machines and bench
presses. In addition, one floor up, there is
a special free weights area for exercising
and strengthening your muscles. On
the top floor, there is an Olympic-sized
sky view swimming pool, perfect for
working a great range of muscles as well
as improving and maintaining stamina,
speed, agility and strength. The staff are all
fully qualified and are happy to help you
with your workout and give you advice.
A: Did you see the programme about
plastic surgery on TV last night?
B: I caught most of it. It was pretty
interesting. I had always assumed that
people had plastic surgery to make
themselves look more desirable. I didn’t
realise that so many are suffering from
depression, believing there’s something
wrong with their appearance.
A: It made me think that some of the
surgeons are rather unethical because
they don’t try to help their clients find
B: That’s true. Most of them seem mainly
interested in making a profit from a
client. I also think that the media sets
Copyright © MM Publications

unrealistic standards for how people

should look.
A: Let’s not blame the media for
A: So, what did you think about the
mystery room? Wasn’t it brilliant?
B: I admit it was very original, but also
very challenging.

Pioneer B2
H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

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