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Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

Bhavan’s Leelavati Munshi College of Education

Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi
(Recognised by NCTE and affiliated to GGSIPU)

Course Title- Teaching of English

Course Code- B.ED 120
Topic- Lesson Plan

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Ruchi Arora Areeba Hashmi
Shubham Verma
Anudeep Kaur
Garima Bajaj
Aditya Verna
Pupil teacher’s Name: Topic: Poem

Class: 6th Sub topic: Beauty

Subject: English Duration: 40 minutes


1. Introductory Remarks:
The poet is trying to say in this poem that beauty is in everything. All the small things we do or the
environment around us, everything has beauty in it. Everything has its own importance. All things are
beautiful in their own unique way. Beauty is not just outside, it is within. Beautiful is the self. Our good
deeds, happy thoughts please everyone are all beautiful. Our dreams are also beautiful as they give us
reason to advance and work with zeal. Beauty is in your style of work, the way you take rest and sleep.
Beauty is everywhere. It is in attitude, the way we look at things. Everything is beautiful in its own
unique manner; the need is to feel it.

2. Concepts Identified:
• Onomatopoeia – rain falling, wind singing, singer chanting
• Repetition – beauty, beauty, beauty in all the stanzas
• Imagery – corn growing, people working, singers chanting

3. Subject Skill/s Identified:

• Listening skills: The students will be able to listen to the teacher reciting the poem and bring
about their own comprehension of the meaning first, followed by teacher’s explanation of the
poem’s literary meaning.
• Speaking Skills: The students will be able to actively participate in the class discussion and
bring their own meaning of the word ‘beauty’ with proper understanding. This will help in
improving their speaking skills.

4. Life Skill/s Identified:

• Awareness – The students will be able to understand that beauty is subjective and the
understanding differs from one person to the other.
• Critical Thinking Skills: The students will be able to identify and comprehend beauty in
everything and everyone.
• Communication Skills: The students’ communication skills will be enhanced as they will
actively participate in class discussions and put forth their understanding of beauty.

5. Integration with Another Subject/s:

• Social science: The students will be able to understand the beauty of celebrating the festival of
• Value education: The students will able to understand that beauty lies in the eyes of the
beholder and that everything and everyone is beautiful – even the smallest of things should not
be judged on the basis of its external value.


1. To enable students to express their thoughts.

2. To develop the instinct of imagination among students.
3. To make students identify the subjectively differing facets of beauty around them.
4. To equip students with this understanding of beauty to not be delimited and defined by only
certain tangible identities.

General Objectives:

The students will be able to:

1. Develop imaginative and aesthetic capacities.

2. Observe and cognitively reason.
3. Develop emotive ability.
4. Enhance their interpretative skills.
5. Recite English poetry with proper rhyme and intonation.
Specific Objectives:

The students will be able to:

1. Cognitive Domain


1. Name the poem and the poet.

2. Enumerated the entities beholding beauty in the poem.


1. Explain the underscored theme of the poem.

2. Discuss beauty according to the poet.


1. Relate events from their real life to the poem.

2. Determine the real meaning of beauty and explain others too to find it within distinctive spheres
of life.

2. Affective Domain

1. Discern and appreciate the different dimensions of beauty in life.

2. Realize that beauty is not demarcated by only specific and rigid definitions.

3. Psychomotor Domain

1. Organize their thoughts in the form of reflective paragraph writing, elucidating about their
apprehension of beauty before and after reading the poem.


Sharing two poems on beauty –

• All Things Bright and Beautiful

• My definition of Beauty

The pupil teacher will ask the students to read any one of the two poems shared.


• Discussion method: Discussion method will be held in the post reading phase in order to
acquaint the students with basic idea of their subjective understanding of beauty. It will provide
a foundation to the While reading phase and Post reading Phase.
• Communicative approach: Communicative approach would be followed by the students to
talk about their idea of beauty as well as the inference of the poem afterwards.
• Constructive approach: Constructive approach will be facilitated by the teacher to
comprehend the connotative undertones of the poem and the poet's thoughts.

Blackboard, duster, chalk, written poem sheets


The students may not be able to interpret some words that are new to their vocabulary. This can hinder
their learning process. In order to avoid this, pupil teacher will provide them with synonyms of difficult
words through simple sentences so that they can incorporate the meaning when used in poem. The
students may find difficulty in understanding the concept of the poem since it is based on an abstract
concept that is beauty and not a concrete concept. Therefore, pupil teacher will first make them
understand the meaning in simple words in pre-reading phase, so that they can relate it while
understanding the poem. The students may face problem in reciting the poem, so I will make sure to
recite the poem with rhythm in pre-reading phase to ensure proper recitation by students.


A. Setting the stage for Learning/Pre-teaching Phase/Pre-reading Phase:

Estimated Time - 15 minutes

Checking/Linking Prior Knowledge

The pupil teacher will ask the students the following questions:

1. How do you define beauty?

2. Can you name some things/persons you think are beautiful?
3. Do you think you are beautiful?

Stimulating Learner’s curiosity

The pupil teacher will ask the students to draw a thing/person which they think is beautiful to them. She
will instruct the students to think and draw carefully as she might ask questions later.

B. Announcement of the Topic:

The pupil teacher will appreciate each student’s understanding of the term ‘beauty’. She will praise
them for their participation and genuine responses.

She will, then, announce the topic: “Students! Today, we will be reading a poem titles ‘beauty’ written
by ‘E-YEH-SHURE.” The poem is related to our discussion on the same topic ‘beauty”.
C. Providing the Experience/While-teaching Phase/While-reading Phase:

Estimated Time - 15 minutes

Method used-Model Reading/Exposition: The Pupil Teacher will first do model recitation of the poem.
She/He will, then, ask the students to guess the meaning of difficult words.
The difficult words
● Chanting
● Earnest
The Pupil Teacher will, then, explain the meaning of difficult words to the students.

Method used-Loud Reading and Comprehensive questioning

The Pupil Teacher will, then, ask the students, one by one, to individually read out the stanzas to the
class. After that, the Pupil Teacher will ask them about their understanding of each stanza. She/He will
then ask some comprehensive questions to check and assess the students’ understanding, such as,
1. Who is the speaker in the poem?
2. Where can beauty be found according to the poet?
3. How can beauty be heard?
4. Can we find beauty in ourselves? If yes, then how? Give examples.
5. After reading the poem, do you think that beauty can only be seen in material or tangible objects
and human beings?
6. What all activities can we find beauty in?
After asking comprehension questions, the Pupil Teacher will ensure to properly explain the meaning
of stanzas. She will also elaborate upon the basic meaning of the poem and the underlined theme behind
the poem.
The teacher will thus, consolidate the entire poem for the students in accordance with its theme and tell
the students to silently read for strengthening students' concept.

D. Recapitulation and Assessment:

Recapitulation can be done by asking students to silently read the poem or the part covered or any
student can be asked to recite it loudly in front of the class.
Homework can be given to revise poem and difficult words and their meanings. Students can be asked
to find things that they think are beautiful according to them and write their names or click a picture
bring to the class.
Assessment can be done by asking questions like –
• What they understood about the poem,
• Name of the poet,
• Where can beauty be seen,
• Where can beauty be heard,
• What is their perception of beauty?

This will help to identify if they have understood the concept or not.
E. Providing opportunities for Extended Application and Learning/Post–reading
Phase/Post–teaching Phase:

Estimated Time - 10 minutes

Ask the students to write about the concept of beauty before reading the poem and after reading the

F. Miniature of teaching-learning resources:

The students drew pictures of thing/person which they think is beautiful to them.

G. Extension of Learning Experience/Home task:

Pupil teacher will ask students to compare both the poems – beauty and any one of the two poems
shared and write their newfound views on beauty.

Supervisor’s Remarks and Comments:

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