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ID NO.: 3885/10




I would like to declare that, this whole document is an independent works of mine and it contains
almost all things that I have been observed and gained experiences during my four months internship
program in STICC in the construction of hardware network installation.

Name: Eyob Adamu

ID No. : 3885/10

Company supervisor: Mr. Animut

Advisor: Mr. Wehib A.


Page I


First of all I am glad to mention that I have a great gratitude to the Haramaya University for giving me the
chance, interest, and everything needed to me to complete this internship period in time.

Next, I would like to express my thanks, to the STICC for the willingness to accept my internship request
and facilitate the condition to work in the company, to Mr. Animute for his priceless cooperative work
with me during the internship time as he gives material and technical support and he was my supervisor in
the host organization. I have also great appreciated for Selam mihret the internship expert of STICC who
was striving hard to prepare the way for conductive teaching and learning environment.

Then, I would like to express I heartfelt thanks to my advisor Mr. Wehib for his unreserved support
throughout the progress of the project. He has provided me his utmost contribution in making the
internship period educative to me
Finally, I have deep hearted thanks to my families for providing me everything they can afford. They
have provided me their countless support to reach at this stage. There are no words to express their
contribution in my success-simply thanks to you all.

Page II


 ICT....................................................Information communication technology

 WIFI..................................................Wireless fidelity
 LAN...................................................Local area network
 POE....................................................Power over Ethernet
 CMM..................................................Cluster management module
 UTP.....................................................Unshileded Tiewsted pair Cable
 RJ........................................................Register jack
 VLAN.................................................Virtual local area network
, technology and information communication
 SFP.................................................... Small Form-factor Plugable
 LED................................................... Light-emitting diode

Page III

List of figures
Figure 2.1: Router 4300...........................................................................................................................- 8 -
Figure 2.2: Access switch 29600..............................................................................................................- 8 -
Figure 2.3: Switch 3560 layer 3...............................................................................................................- 9 -
Figure 2.4: Single optical fiber.................................................................................................................- 9 -
Figure 2.5: Light travel through the fiber..............................................................................................- 10 -
Figure 2.6: Console cable.......................................................................................................................- 11 -
Figure 2.7: Trunk...................................................................................................................................- 11 -
Figure 2.8: Driller...................................................................................................................................- 11 -
Figure 2.9: Patch panel..........................................................................................................................- 12 -
Figure 2.10: Crimper machine...............................................................................................................- 12 -
Figure 2.11: SFP module........................................................................................................................- 13 -
Figure 2.12: LAN cable...........................................................................................................................- 13 -
Figure 2.13: CMM..................................................................................................................................- 14 -
Figure 2.14: Patch cord cable................................................................................................................- 14 -
Figure 2.15: RJ-45..................................................................................................................................- 14 -
Figure 2.16: Pin order of RJ45...............................................................................................................- 17 -
Figure 2.17: Untwisted LAN cable.........................................................................................................- 17 -
Figure 2.18: Ethernet cable...................................................................................................................- 18 -
Figure 2.19: serial setting of putty software..........................................................................................- 20 -
Figure 2.20: Ethernet jack port..............................................................................................................- 22 -
Figure 2.21: Wall plate..........................................................................................................................- 23 -
Figure 2.22: connection guide line of patch panel.................................................................................- 23 -
Figure 2.23: Spliced patch panel............................................................................................................- 23 -

Page IV

INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................- 1 -
1.1 BACKGROUND...............................................................................................................................- 1 -
1.1.1 Address and Contact of STICC.................................................................................................- 1 -
1.2 ITS MAIN COSTOMERS AND SERVICES...........................................................................................- 2 -
1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT........................................................................................................- 2 -
1.3.1 General objectives of the project...........................................................................................- 2 -
1.3.2 Specific objectives of the project............................................................................................- 2 -

2.1 Section of the company I have been working in............................................................................- 4 -
2.2 The work task that I have been executing.....................................................................................- 4 -
2.3 Procedures while performing my tasks.........................................................................................- 5 -
2.3.1 Data gathering techniques.....................................................................................................- 5 -
Primary source data......................................................................................................................- 5 -
Secondary source data..................................................................................................................- 6 -
2.3.2 Development Tool..................................................................................................................- 6 -
2.3.3 Activities that have been done.............................................................................................- 15 - Basic switch configuration......................................................................................................- 19 - T p-link configuration and used as an access point...............................................................- 21 -
2.4 Challenges I have faced during my internship program..............................................................- 24 -
2.4.1 Challenges in the organization..............................................................................................- 24 -
2.4.2 Personal challenge................................................................................................................- 25 -
2.5 Measures to overcame challenges..............................................................................................- 25 -
2.5.1 Measures to overcame challenges in the organization........................................................- 25 -
2.5.2 Measures to overcame personal Challenges........................................................................- 25 -

Over all benefits I gained from the intern ship program.......................................................................- 26 -

Page V

3.1 In terms improving my practical skill...........................................................................................- 26 -

3.2 In terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge........................................................................- 26 -
3.5 In terms of entrepreneurship skill...............................................................................................- 28 -

Conclusion and reccomendation...........................................................................................................- 29 -
4.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................- 29 -
4.2 Recommendation........................................................................................................................- 29 -
References.........................................................................................................................................- 31 -
Appendices........................................................................................................................................- 32 -

Page VI

Executive Summary

This internship report was aimed to apply the theoretical knowledge into practical and as a result
producing competent, experienced and talent students. In this report I have tried to list the overall aspects
of the internship experience. I have briefly summarized what is expected in the next parts in this report.

In the first unit of the report, it provides information about the hosting organization. It starts from the
brief history of the organization and continues to listing of the projects the company has undertaken from
the time it has been established.

In second unit of the report it describes mainly about the internship experience. It starts by describing
the sections I had been working on and continues to tell the different types of tasks that I had
accomplished. It also tells the challenges that I had faced during the internship experience.

In third unit of the report it describes the overall benefits that I have gained from this internship
experience. It further divides the overall benefits into details and tries to explain them.

In thefourth unit of the report, it describes the conclusion and recommendation what I have been

Page VII


STICC is a government organization, first established as a project since 1995 E.C, by one professional
expert with other related organization sector by forming a committee in Bahirdar city. And it starts
services in 2002 E.C with name of ICT center, at this time it had only three members two ICT expert and
one ICT teacher. They supply the internet access using microwave/satellite and the service was limited
only for the laboratory and some management building. The internet speed was 512 kb/s. which were
lousy and inadequate for the organization.

Over the years, the ICT center has staidly expanded and diversified to become a category firm. In 2008
E.C the name of the organization changes its name from ICT center to STICC. And it expands the role,
structure and contribution of the organization to satisfy the need of the Bahirdar community with science
and information realm. For example on this year it got a new structure on its internet supply. It uses fiber
optic cable for internet access instead of microwave/satellite based internet. This leads for the
organization to supply high speed internet access for the users.

1.1.1 Address and Contact of STICC

o Name of the organization: science, technology and information communication
o Address of the organization: Bahirdar, near Mulualem hall.
P.O.BOX 2276


Tel: 058 2263759
Fax: 0582209364
Website –
Portal –
Facebook – Science, technology and Information Communication Commission

Page 1

The STICC gives many opportunities by train and better serve the community. It also gives many services
to others organization sectors as follows: -

• Fulfilling infrastructure

• Business application administration and development

• Training and consultancy

• Teaching and learning adaptation of technology


Since the main work and services of my hosting organization is design project for better network
installation, check the hardware and software network installation standards and it provides a new and
modifies technology for the city community.

Generally the organization is actively involved on the developments of the Bahirdar city community and
other organization sectors information, communication and technology utilization.

Its main customers or the end users of its products or services

From the fact the STICC have many clients and the clients are widely varied from private investors
to higher government offices ,from single businessman to huge non governmental organizations.


1.3.1 General objectives of the project

The general objective of this project is to relate the theoretical knowledge with the practical
implementation in ground, adapting real world environment in the staff and solving problems that
challenges our work on hardware networking area.

1.3.2 Specific objectives of the project

To achieve the general objective of the internship work in the STICC organization the following specific
activities are necessary to perform the objectives: -These are-

 Design appropriate network topologies.

 Installing the cables in a correct place and protect the cable from damage
 identify which cable must be used and more appropriate for a good connection
 identify network device must be used to build LAN network

Page 2

 Coordinate each worker office with ICT network service for easy controlling and sharing
information each other.
 Provide interaction between worker offices with Internet..
 configure network devices appropriately, configure IP addresses protect the network from
different hacking using secure mechanism
 Avoid collision using appropriate networking device like using switch rather than using hub.
 Distribute Internet access in each office and lab room in STICC
 Secure network service in the STICC organization

Page 3

2.1 Section of the company I have been working in
During my three months internship program in STICC, I was working on hardware networking
installation. On this section of the organization, most of the time I was working in the office and ICT
laboratory. I was watching the procedure for every works in the laboratory. Which will briefly described
in the next topics.

During my two months internship program, I have been taking a course from identifying types of
instruments/apparatus used in network installation to how they are configured; I have been visiting the
structure of the network system of the STICC organization. And I am also made some network
configuration on my internship period.

During my internship program, most of the time I was seeks to understand how the networking
devices are do their tasks, by comparing with the theoretical knowledge I have grasped in university and
by using internet search.

In my internship program, I observed different things and my supervisor managed me in

different operations directly relating to theoretical knowledge and gave me a great experience about
almost all the organization works.

2.2 The work task that I have been executing

The work pieces or tasks that I have been executing during this two months internship program
are divided into two major parts

1, taking a course

There were some theoretical courses I will be taking in the first weeks of my internship time.
These courses are needed to install or configure wired network or to develop proposed system of network
configurations well. It gives a direction for our works how to perform. This course sets out a way of
techniques how to install networks. These techniques are;

 know what kinds of network installation are we construct

 identify network devices must be used in our network installation types
 prepare network devices that are needed in the installation
 know the purpose of each network devices we used
 identify which cables must be used and more appropriate for a good connection
2, practical work

As I previously tried to mention that the work of the hosting organization is design, consulting and
training the other organizations and the community of the city to develop by information communication
and technology realm, and I was participating on the hardware network installation. During this time, I
am visiting the structure of network system of the organization and get understand of how it works. And I

Page 4

am also practicing by installing simple different network configurations. Some of the tasks I have being
executing are:-

 Connect different devices by using LAN.

 Create WiFi by using wireless TP link router.
 Create a network by using HUB.
 Create a network by using switches.
 Connect different networks by using router.
These above tasks are essential for the installation of the huge network configuration just like the network
system of the hosting organization, which this report going to explain.

2.3 Procedures while performing my tasks

While performing my task at the site, I have been watching how everything is going in step, and how each
tasks is done by its own working procedure. In this section of my report I will try to describe some of the
procedures of the network system installations of the STICC organization. The network system of the
organization is already installed. And I was only visiting the network system of the STICC. But the
network system installation of other organization I have seen by using internet and the essential practices
I have been performed during my internship time are led me to understand how the hole building network
system is work and how can install such a huge network systems in the organizations. Then the work flow
was as flow.

2.3.1 Data gathering techniques

To install or configure wired network or to develop proposed system of network configuration in STICC,
I use data gathering Techniques / methods. Data gathering is one of the techniques that used to build
wired local area network connection. There are different data gathering Techniques that build secure and
reliable network for the STICC. Among that, primary source and secondary source data are used.

Primary source data

The primary source data includes number of data gathering techniques. Among those some of are the
following: -

Practical Observation: to build wired network configuration I observe practically the some of the
networking device configuration like switch configuration and how to reset switch and also the network is
extending from one building to the another building that is start from server room to the another.
By Interview: I have use Interview in face to face to ask my immediate advisor regarding to wired
network configuration or installation and I ask how to configure and what network toolkit are necessary
to build this LAN configuration and what type of network device need to building secure network.
Internet: is a data gathering technique, which I use in order to get additional knowledge wired network
configuration in addition to my immediate advisor’s idea by searching Google and some video of wired
network configuration from the YouTube.

Page 5

Secondary source data

Document analysis: -which is analysis, which help us how to write the document based on the guideline

2.3.2 Development Tool

There are different kinds of development tools used for network installation. However when installing
network, oftentimes we will have to use some very specialized tools. These tools play a great role in
network installation. Without these tools we cannot do our works in a given time or we cannot do
anything so that by combining these tools we can do our project. The most common development tools
used for network installation are:

Fiber optic cable switch

Cable trunk cable taster
Rack (cabinet) punch down tool
Drill Rj45
Cat 6 cable Fiber optic patch panel
Female connector port jack
Flusher Cable clip
Cable tie Screw
Crimper Cutter
Wall plate Out let
Screw driver
These development tools are classified into two categories: those are
1. Software development tool
2. Hardware development tool Software development tool

These tools, as name suggests, are set of programming tools mostly used by programmers, developers or
system analysts to develop and maintain systems as well as make works of developers easier and simple.
Using of these tools has benefits of increased efficiency, increase productivity, collaboration and project
management. Some of the software development tools are:
Firewall: A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing Network
traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules. A

Page 6

firewall typically establishes a barrier between a trusted internal network and outside un trusted network,
such as the internet. Connectivity to the internet is no longer optional for organizations. However,
accessing the internet provides benefits outside world to interact with the internal network of the
organization. This creates a threat to the organization. In order to secure the internal network from
unauthorized traffic, we need a firewall.

PuTTY software: PuTTY is a free and open-source terminal emulator, serial console and network

file transfer application. It is used to reset and configure the switch. Its primary advantage is that SSH
provides a secure, encrypted connection to the remote system. These make it ideal for accessing Sussex
systems securely from other locations on the public internet.

Packet tracer: Packet Tracer is a cross-platform visual simulation tool designed by Cisco Systems
that allows users to create network typologies and imitate modern computer networks. The software
allows users to simulate the configuration of routers and switches using a simulated command line
interface. This software is mainly focused towards the beginners of networking installation workers as an
educational tool for helping them learn fundamental networking system concepts. This software was very
important for me when I began the practice of network installation in the STICC organization. Hardware Development Tool

Hardware development tools are physical components that are used to make any networking devices,
which help network system to function in efficient manner.

To build wired network configuration or installation of STICC there are different hardware tools used
such as: -Router 4300 series Layer 3 Switch 3560, Access Switch 2960, Media Converter, LAN Cable
Tester, Crimper machine, Console cable, Fiber patch panel (24 ports), Rack (4u), SFP module, Trunk,
Fiber Optic Cable, LAN Cat 6E cable, Drilling machine, Data wall outlet, Patch panel, Slicer, Cutter,
POE, RJ-45 and Patch cord cable, CMM,AP and SM are hardware tools that are used in wired network

 Router 4300 series: -router is a device that routs or forward data from one network to another
network based on their IP address. Router is used to create a network as well as connect different
networks. It is used to exchange data outside their own network, such as an internet. To exchange
data outside their own network, a router needs to be able to read IP addresses. When the data
packet is received from the router the router inspects that date's IP address and determines if the
packet is packed for its own network or if it is band for another network. If the router determines
that a data packet is band for its own network it receives the data, but if it is not band for its own

Page 7

network it sent off to the other network so a router is essentially the gate way of a network. It
performs the traffic directing function on the internet.

Figure 2.1: Router 4300

 Switch: - switch is a hardware networking device that connect devices to create a LAN network.
It has a multiple port that connects devices on a computer network by using packet switch to
receive and forward data to the destination device. A switch is an intelligent; it can learn the
physical address of devices that are connected to it. And it stores this physical address called
MAC address in its tables. So when a data packet is sent to switch it is only directed to the
intended destination port. A switch can detect specific devices that are connected to it because it
keeps record of the MAC addressed of those devices. It also accepts internet connection from a
router to achieve access of internet to a number of devices that are connected to the network.
Switches are key building blocks for any network. They connect multiple devices, such as computers,
Printers, servers, and ATMs.

There are different types of switches used for LAN network installation. In STICC there are two kinds of
switches used in the network installation of the server room. There are:-

 Access switch 2960:- it is a manageable types of switch. it is connected to the

workstation computer and distribute the internet connection for all client computers.
Access switch 2960 provides a fast Ethernet and gigabit Ethernet for branch office
networks. It also offers integrated security, including admission control, advanced quality
of services and resiliency to deliver intelligent services for the network edge.

Figure 2.2: Access switch 29600

 Switch 3560 layer 3:-it is unmanageable types of switch. It is a networking layer 3

device which is also known as distribution layer used to distribute the connection to the
different VLAN (for different building).

Page 8

Figure 2.3: Switch 3560 layer 3

 HUB:- the purpose of a HUB is used to connect a device together on an internal network to create
a LAN. HUB is not an intelligent like a switch because it does not filter any data or has no any
intelligence as to where a data is supposed to be send. When the data packet arrives one of the
port it is copied a data to all other ports. So all the devices connected on the HUB sees that data
packet. The HUB is do only broadcast the data out of each port and let the device pick out the
data addressed to them. A HUB is not secured due to its non intelligence and also it copied the
data packet to all port this make the network traffic and more power consumer.
 Fiber optic cable:- is a medium use technique of transmit information, as pulses of light through
strands of fiber made of glass or plastic. Optical fibbers are about the diameter of a strand of
human hair and when bundled into a fiber optic cable, they are capable of transmitting more data
over long distances and faster than other mediums. FOC are made up of many smaller optical
fibers. These fibers are extremely thin to be specific they are less than a tenth as thick as a human
hair. Each optical fibers has two parts.
1. The core: usually made of glass, it is the innermost part of the fiber, where the light
passes through.
2. The cladding: usually made of a thicker layer of plastic or glass, the cladding is wrapped
around the core.
There two parts work together to create a phenomenon called total internal reflection. Total internal
reflection is how light is able to move down the fibers, without escaping. It is when the light hits the glass
at an extremely shallow angle, less than 42 degrees, and reflects back again as if reflecting against a
mirror. The cladding keeps the light in the core because the glass/plastic it is made of has a different
optical density or lower refractive index. Both these terms refer to how the glass bends (refraction) and
therefore slows down the light. To confine the optical signal in the core, the refractive index of the core
must be greater than that of the cladding. The refractive index is the way of measuring the speed of light
in a material. It is calculated by dividing the speed of light in a vacuum by the speed of light in that

Figure 2.4: Single optical fiber

Page 9

Light is transmitted down the fiber in LED or Laser pulses that travel extremely fast. These pulses carry
binary data, which is a coding system that makes up everything we see on the Internet, even the words
you are reading right now. Binary code is made up of bits, which are just ones and zeroes. These bits send
messages in organized eight-part patterns, called bytes. It is easy to translate the bits of binary into light
pulses. One pulse means one and no pulse means zero. These pulses can travel sixty miles before they
experience any degradation. To transport data across thousands of miles these pulses go through optical
amplifiers that boost their signal so that no data is lost.

Figure 2.5: Light travel through the fiber

Being able to join OFC with low loss is very important in fiber optic communication. This is more
complex than joining electric wire or cable and involves careful cleaving of the fibers. As described
above it is much thicker than the human hair so the splicing of FOC to the fiber optic connector is usually
inspected via a magnified viewing screen to check the good connection.

FOC do not conduct electricity, which makes fiber useful for protecting communications equipment in
high voltage environments such as power generation facilities or applications prone to also prevents
problems with ground loops, they can be used in environments where explosive fumes are present. There
is no doubt that Ethernet fiber-optic communication provides many advantages over copper based
Ethernet communication. This includes immunity to noise and further distance capability.

 Media Converter:- a media converter is a networking device that transparently converts Ethernet
or other communication protocols from one cable type to another type. Media converter allows
Ethernet communication to work properly despite the difference in the network cabling media
being used. There are a number of media converters, such as Copper to fiber, Fiber to fiber media
converter, Unmanaged media converter, Managed media converter and so on. One of the main
kinds of media converter that uses in the STICC organization is copper to fiber media
converter.this is most common types of media converter, which is used to convert the electrical
signal used in copper UTP network cabling into light waves used in fiber optic cabling. this hard
ware tool is also used to change the fiber optic cable that is come from ethio telecom to the LAN
cable and give that LAN cable to the router 4300 series.
 Console cable: Rollover cable (also known as Cisco console cable) is a type of cable that is most
commonly used to connect a computer terminal to a switch’s console port. The main purpose of
console cable is to reset and configure the switch by connecting PC with switch.

Page 10

Figure 2.6: Console cable

 Trunk: this is a hardware tool, which is used to prevent the cable from the damage. There are
different sizes of trunk this are 100*40, 60*40, 25*15 sizes.

Figure 2.7: Trunk

 Drilling machine: -This machine is used to create holes on different objects. We have used this
machine to create hole on the wall and that holds the rack on the wall.

Figure 2.8: Driller

 Slicer: this hardware tools is used for punch down the cable to the patch panel and cut unwanted
pins of the cable from the patch panel at the back side.
 Cutter: it is a network hardware tool which is used to cut the Ethernet cable pins when crimping
the cable.
 Patch panel: A patch panel in a local area network (LAN) is a mounted hardware assembly that
contains ports used to connect and manage incoming and outgoing LAN cables. The main
advantage of using punch panel is for reusability and easily maintaining purpose, which means
for example if one cables are fail or does not work then we can Confine and replace at a place and
also we can troubleshoot by looking identity number or name for each room cables.

Page 11

Figure 2.9: Patch panel

 LAN Cable Tester: A cable tester is used to test the Ethernet cable that we make is transfer the
data properly or not. That means if the cable that we plug in to the cable tester is blink all light, it
works otherwise it is not work or transfer the data properly.

 Crimper machine: A crimping tool is a device used to conjoin two pieces of metal by deforming
one or both of them in a way that causes them to hold each other. The result of the tool's work is
called a crimp.

Figure 2.10: Crimper machine

 Rack (4u): is used for holding switch, patch panel, router and media converter. It protecting
these networking devices from the damage. Rack s make it possible to contain a lot of equipment
in a small physical footprint without requiring shelving.
 SFP module:(Small Form-factor Pluggable) a small transceiver that plugs into the SFP port of a
network switches and connects to Fiber Channel and Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) optical fiber cables
at the other end.

Page 12

Figure 2.11: SFP module

 LAN CAT6e cable: commonly referred to as Cat 6, is a standardized twisted pair cable

for Ethernet , which is used to transfer high bandwidth of the data. It is designed to double the
frequency from 250 MHz to 600 MHz. CAT6e cable with grounded foil shielding can reach 10-
Gigabit Ethernet speeds without having to reduce the maximum length of 100 meters.

Figure 2.12: LAN cable

 POE: Power over Ethernet (POE) is a technology that passes electric power over twisted-pair
Ethernet cable to powered devices. Devices this standard supports include the following:
 Light-emitting diode(LED) lighting
 Security card readers
 High-performance wireless Aps
 Video conferencing
 CMM: cluster management module (CMM) which is distribute the power and connection to the
canopy access point (AP) which is mounted at the top the building. It is the central point of
connectivity for the entire site.

Page 13

Figure 2.13: CMM

 Patch cord cable: is a cable that connects two electronic or optical devices to each other for
signal routing. This is usually for network applications, to patch a signal from one hub, switch or
router to another hub, switch or router. Patch cord cable is belongs to a part of Ethernet cable
often used for short distances less than two meter.

Figure 2.14: Patch cord cable

 RJ-45(registered jack): is an 8-pin/8-position plug or jack is commonly used to connect

computers onto Ethernet-based local area networks (LAN). Ethernet cables can also be called as
RJ45 cables as they have an RJ45 connector on each end. 

Figure 2.15: RJ-45

Page 14

2.3.3 Activities that have been done

Networking is simply a connection of two or more devices for information exchange between them.
Network consists of the computers, wiring, and other devices, such as switches, router, and etc. that make
up the network infrastructure.

In this part I have observed and done the following: -

Network installation in the block like LAN using HUB, switch and router.
How to setup WiFi tp link router
Switch configuration
Cable arrangement.
The function of different materials which is used to finish those works.
How to Make our own Ethernet cable. Make our own UTP cable

UTP stands for unshielded twisted pair. UTP cables are the most common cable used in networks and
have become closely identified as Ethernet cables. There are four pair cables each pair is represented by a
specific color. Pair 1 is Blue, Pair 2 is Orange, Pair 3 is Green, and Pair 4 is Brown. In each pair, one wire
is a solid color, and the other is predominantly white with a color stripe. During the internship period I
spent in making Ethernet cable. I could recognize a typical sequence followed in the process of crimping
RJ-45 connector to the cable. Before we get started, make sure we have the necessary tools, such as:

 UTP cable which is cat 6e LAN cable

 Modular connector(RJ45)
 Crimping tool
 Cable tester( as i indicate in the privies section it is recommended to check our Ethernet cable
connection is well)

There are two standards for wiring Ethernet cables, which are T568A and T568B. Both allowed
under the ANSI/TIA/EIA wiring standards. The only difference between the two-color codes is
that the orange and green pairs are interchanged. The tables below show the proper orientation of
the colored wires to the pins and each colored wires function of the T568A and T568B.

Page 15

Pin No. Wire Color Function

1 White/Green Receive
2 Green Receive
3 White/Orange Transmit
4 Blue Not Used
5 White/Blue Not Used
6 Orange Transmit
7 White/Brown Not Used
8 Brown Not Used

Table 2.1: T-568A

Pin No. Wire Color Function

1 White/Orange Transmit
2 Orange Transmit
3 White/Green Receive
4 Blue Not Used
5 White/Blue Not Used
6 Green Received
7 White/Brown Not Used
8 Brown Not Used

Table 2.2: T-568B

Page 16

Figure 2.16: Pin order of RJ45

T568B is the most commonly used type of standard. The procedure below shows the proper orientation of
the colored wires to the pins and how to crimp the connector to the cable of T568B standards.

Step1: Strip the outer skin at the end of the cable

 Strip 1 – 1½” of insulating sheath

 Avoid cutting into conductor insulation

Step2: Spread the four pairs of twisted wire apart

Figure 2.17: Untwisted LAN cable

Step3: Untwist the wire and arrange them in T568B orientation.

1. White orange 5. White blue

2. Orange 6. Green
3. White green 7. White brown
4. Blue 8. brown
Step4: cut the wires as straight as possible, about 0.5 inches above the end of the jacket.

Step5: Insert the wires into RJ-45 connector, making sure that each color goes into its appropriate

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 Maintain wire order, left-to-right, with RJ45 tab facing downward

Step6: Use crimping tool to crimp RJ-45 connector to the cable

Step7: repeat steps 1-6 for the other end of the cable.

Step8: to make sure the cable is successfully terminated at each end,

use a cable tester to test.

1. Insert the two ends of the cable to the cable tester port.

2. The cable tester will indicate that our cable is connected correctly or not.

Finally, the RJ45 connector and cat 6e LAN cable makes an Ethernet cables looks like this: -

Figure 2.18: Ethernet cable How to setup a network using a switch

In ordered to connect computers together to form a network for share file and access the same internet
source, we will need to use a networking device such as switch. A switch is a less expensive but can work
just as well. It is adequate choice for most small-scale networks in a home or office setting. In this part we
will see steps to set up a network using switch.

1. Plug in the AC power adapter for the switch

2. Connect one end of Ethernet cable into the router port and the other end of Ethernet cable into
the port on the switch that is marked as VLAN.
3. Plug another Ethernet cable into any port of the networking switch and the other end of
Ethernet cable to the computer
4. Start your computer and click on the following step by step
 “control panel “
 “network and sharing center”
 “connect to a network”
 “wired network”
 “next”

Page 18

 “connect” here you connect the computer to the switch

5. Plug one end of Ethernet cable to the other computer port needed to be networked. Plug again
the other end of the cables into any of the open ports of the switch.
6. Repeat the pervious process of connecting the computer to switch in step 4 for the second
computer. Basic switch configuration

I am also involved in switch configuration with in this internship period. In this part I am
going to configure the switch to set. As I described above switch 3560 layer 3 are the
modern types of switch used as a router as well as a switch. To configure;

 A management IP and sub-net

 Assign a default gateway
 Giving a host-name and domain name and
 Giving a password for the switch
The tools needed for switch configuration are console cable, computer, switch and terminal
emulator software. There are lots of terminal emulator like putty, secureCRT and Tera Term.
But for this I use a putty terminal emulator. So download putty terminal software is needed
before we star configuration. The configuration has done by using putty software. Steps for
switch configuration are;

Step 1: connect a computer to switch using a console cable

Step 2: before power on the switch, start the putty terminal emulator on the computer and
power on the switch
Step 3: adjust a putty serial setting; many switches use the serial settings:
 Speed or baud rate: 9600
 Data bits: 8
 Stop bits: 1
 Parity: None
Then the session become up like this figure below

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Then click open

Figure 2.19: serial setting of putty software

Step 4: press enter to get a response at the putty terminal window. After a few seconds,
we saw the user EXEC prompt (switch>). Then use the following command given below
to configure the switch.
Switch>………………………………………………………………// EXEC prompt
Switch>enable ………………………..............................................// to enable mode
Switch#config t …………………………………………………….// to enter global configuration mode
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1………………..……………..…….// to access the VLAN interface
Switch(config-if)#ip address……..// to assign the management IP and subnet
Switch(config-if)#exit…………………………………………// end command
Switch(config)#ip default-gateway 192.168.1……..………………// assign the default gateway
Switch(config)#hostname STICC…………………………………..// giving logical hostname for switch
STICC(config)#ip domain-name LabPractice……………………...// add domain name
STICC(config)#line vty 0 15………………………………............// configure the VTY line of the switch
STICC(config-line)#password BigSecretDon'@787742#...................// giving a password for switch
STICC(config-line)#exit…………………………………………….// end command
STICC(config)#exit………………………………………………………………..// end command
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

STICC#copy running-config startup-config

Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...

Step 5: Save your settings.

Page 20
INSTALLATION How to setup a router

Router is a backbone of any network to connect with an Ethernet. The following steps are used for router
configuration. Before we are going to configure a router we should full fill equipment’s that are useful,
such as:

 Ethernet cable
 Patch cord cable
 Modem( media converter)
 Computer/laptop
Step 1: connect a modem to the WAN/WLAN/internet port on a router with a patch cord cable

Step 2: connect from 1 of 4 port of a router to your computer with an Ethernet cable

Step 3: open a web browser from your computer that is connecting with a router with an Ethernet cable

Step 4: enter a router IP address into the address bar of web browser and search

Step 5: after search you will be asked to enter username and password

 The router documentation tell the default username and password required
 They may also print on the router itself
Step 6: assign the router a new username and password T p-link configuration and used as an access point

The other part of our internship was configuring a wireless device called TP-link. To configure TP-link
device we used the following basic steps;

Step 1: open the wireless settings. This menu differs from router to router and it may be called wireless,
wireless settings, basic setup, or something similar. This page will display your wireless SSID, channel,
encryption, and other settings.

Step 2: name your network

Step 4: choose your wireless encryption. This is the security options. Here you will be able to choose
which method you want to use to encrypt your network traffic.

Step 5: choose a password which is what you enter when a device connects to your network.

Step 6: once we chosen our SSID, encryption type and password click apply or save button to start your
wireless network.

Page 21
INSTALLATION Installation of an Ethernet cable from a jack port in office to a server room

In one big organization like STICC there may be a number of offices. To access an internet for all offices
we will bring the cable from all offices to a server room. The server room is the place where the essential
networking devices like media converter, router and switch are located. The location of a server room
should be reasonably central. It also should have very good ventilation. Required equipment’s for
installation are;

 Patch panel
 Ethernet jack port
 Cutter
 Cat 6e LAN cable
 Punch down tool
 Wall plate
Steps for this installation are as follow;

Step 1: create a map of port location of the office. This able to know an accurate distance
between the server room and each Ethernet jack port found in the office.
Step 2: prepare cables of the proper length for each Ethernet port.
Step 3: for cable identification label both ends of each cables. Labeling cable at the end needed in
the server room to know cables from which office it come from.
Step 4: run the Ethernet cable from jack port in the office to the patch panel found in the server
room through the open spot down low on the wall. In each side the Ethernet cable must have
adequate length to prevent tension in terminating time.
Step 5: terminate the cable and jack port in the office. The termination should be either in T-568a
or T568b standard. But we are using the T568b standard. To terminate jack port and cable use the
following step.
 Strip the jacket of the cable about 2 inches(5.1 cm)
 Using the guide found in the Ethernet jack port align each wire with its
corresponding slot and slip it down inside

Figure 2.20: Ethernet jack port

 Force the wires down into their respective slots using a punch down tool.
 Plug the wired jack port head into the back side of the wall plate.

Page 22

Figure 2.21: Wall plate

Uses a screwdriver tighten the wall plate inside the corresponding holes in the
Step 6: terminate the other end of the cable to the back of the patch panel using the following
 Insert the wires of the cable in to their color-coded slots on the back of the patch panel
using the connection guide in the patch panel

Figure 2.22: connection guide line of patch panel

 Force the wire down into their respective slots using punch down tool.

Figure 2.23: Spliced patch panel

 Then finally tie your patch panel to rack. Step to connect networking devices to achieve access of internet

Page 23

Set your fibber optic-to-Ethernet converter box in a server room and plug in its power
Insert the end of your fibber optic network line into the fibber optic connector on the
converter box.
Plug an Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port on the converter box and plug the other end
into one of the Ethernet ports on the back of your router.
Router has no adequate port number so using patch cord cable connect your router and
switches. This gives you to have adequate number of port.
Then connect your switch to the patch panel by patch cord cable. So you can archive
internet access for the devices present in the office through the patch panel
Finally plug in one end of your Ethernet cable to the Ethernet jack port and the other to
your computer and use fast internet connection.

2.4 Challenges I have faced during my internship program

During my internship work period, I have passed through many challenges. The northern part of
Ethiopian crises and its consequences was a major problem I have faced during my internship time. Due
to the war there were disrupt of work on the STICC organization. And this make me waiting for some
times to work until it calm down. And there were also some other challenges; I can generally classify
these challenges into two:

2.4.1 Challenges in the organization

These were the challenges that I faced in my practical tasks .In this part I will try to mention the
problems that occurring on my task and the measures that took to solve these problems. Obviously
STICC was build a long time ago but there are some problems that we see at the time of our field
practice. These are: -
 Material scarcity. For example switch, trunk, cable etc.
 Network professional workers are busy.
 Meeting is big problem.
 Quality of tools.
 There is also lack of computer In the organization
 There is Lack of internet connection in office room and in lab room.
 Lack of network toolkit

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2.4.2 Personal challenge

Personal challenge includes:

 Problem of communication to the workers of the organization.

 I have no personal computer for the internship to work on, it was
really hard for me to improve my computers skills

2.5 Measures to overcame challenges

2.5.1 Measures to overcame challenges in the organization

To overcome challenges in the organization, I take the following measures:

 I try to get my supervisor through my phone and by going to his

 By communicating with other organization workers peace fully.
 You tube is also one way for me to get knowledge about the network

2.5.2 Measures to overcame personal Challenges

To overcome personal challenges, I have taken the following measure:

 I have solved communication problem by having healthy

communication with the site societies.
 I have used my sister’s lap top to improve my skill
relating to computers challenge.

Page 25

Over all benefits I gained from the intern ship program
Internship program is a method of letting the students to assume themselves as a
potentially responsible workman for a particular work by assigning them to actively participating
construction as well as consulting companies. And such trend helps me to have valuable work
experience. In this internship that means within these two months I can observe what the outside
practical world looks like more than I know when I was at school. When I was at the school I
learned or take many theoretical lessons even difficult to understand theoretically. So in this
internship I get good opportunity to solve these difficulties. Because those things which were
theoretically difficult to understand, were not hard to understand when I learned practically.
The overall benefits of the intern ship are not limited to the practical skill only. I would
like to group the overall benefits in terms of different categories such as:-
 In terms of improving my practical skill
 In terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge
 In terms of improving my interpersonal communication skill

3.1 In terms improving my practical skill

I gained practical experience of applying my engineering judgment and working

successfully alone and with others cooperatively. In this internship I exposed myself to different
practical skill and ask to learn more. Some of the practical skills I gained or learned during
internship program are:
 Critical thinking and the ability to evaluate designs, plans and projects.
 Oral communication skill.
 Intern personal sensitivity, persuasiveness and the ability to work as part of a

3.2 In terms of upgrading my theoretical knowledge

Thanks to this program I got the chance to apply my theoretical knowledge in the real practical world.
And this builds my confidence in theoretical knowledge in the real world environments.

Almost all the courses I took were focused on theoretical part, thanks to this internship program; I was
now able to upgrade our theoretical knowledge by practice.

Page 26

Generally speaking, my theoretical knowledge got strengthen more by those practical techniques in the
practice. It assist me in moving toward my career go all by combining what I had learned from school. It
thus explained the necessity of every student to undergo this process.

1. In terms of improving my interpersonal communication skill

Interpersonal communication is usually defined by communication scholars in numerous

ways, usually describing participants who are dependent upon one another and have a shared
history. It can involve one on one conversations or individuals interacting with many people
within a society. It helps me to understand how and why people behave and communicate in
different ways to construct and negotiate a social reality. While interpersonal communication can
be defined as its own area of study, it also occurs within other contexts like groups and
For any person communication is an important way of learning, which can be defined
formally as the act, process, or experience of gaining knowledge or skills. Cool communication
is important in the real world and it can appear in different forms as speaking, writing, and
In the STICC, I was working with all the staff members and individual peacefully, by the
experience I have gained from my internship program. Individuals often learn different things
from colleagues through communication are an important way of learning, which can be defined
formally as the act, process, or experience of gaining knowledge or skills.
3.4 In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues

Work ethics include not only how one feels about their job, career or vocation, but also how one
does his/her job or responsibilities. This involves attitude, behaviour, respect, communication,
and interaction; how one gets along with others. Work ethics demonstrate many things about
whom and how a person is. In my period of internship I understand about work ethics related
issues like;

 Punctuality- means keeping the companies work beginning and ending time and to
complete a given task within the given period. That was challenging to become punctual
for the 1st days of work. But gradually I began to start and end my tasks on time.
 Office disciplines- in work place you don’t have to disturb the working atmosphere. For
example abstain from opening loud voice, loud music, songs and things which disturb
other workers’ working mood.
 Reliability- The worker should be qualified for the part he is supposed to be
performing . He/she must have appropriate skill and knowledge for the task
assigned .
 Honesty- Regarding this value each worker regardless of its status should abstain
from bad behaviour such as cheating , bias , corruption etc..

Page 27

 Cooperation- Each worker should interact and cooperate with each other while
working . That is because it is through such system problems could be easily
solved .
 Avoiding potential or apparent conflict of interests

3.5 In terms of entrepreneurship skill

Entrepreneurship is a key driver of economic growth and job creation.  It provides many
people with career opportunities that better fit their preferences than waged employment. 
Participating in an internship allows me to gain a better perspective of post-graduation
employment by applying the principles and theirs I have developed in the class room.
This practical application creates an easier transition for me from the class room to the
working world. While participating in this internship program I realize that creating creativity
and problem solving is one of the starting points of entrepreneurs.
This internship program motivates me to be employed because it enables me to know more about
my career, the real challenges, and way of business establishment in this profession.

Page 28

Part four
Conclusion and reccomendation

4.1 Conclusion
The purpose of this Internship (attachment) program was to introduce students with working condition
and mostly it helps students to grasp knowledge from practicing the theory which they have been learning
in the class. The internship is powerful to support my future career goal through sharing useful
experience. The evaluation of internship experience is very interesting in order to Change theoretical
knowledge, which I learnt in haramaya especially about computer networking in communication to the
practical knowledge. From my day to day activity I saw different activities that based on network, which I
have not focused and have not clear understanding about their working techniques. However from the
internship I get more knowledge how the network is configured and know how much they are essential
for all human activities. And I have learnt work ethics and practical educations. Among work ethics like
punctuality, respecting to other right, how tolerate and working together, security and honesty.

4.2 Recommendation

In these two month internship semester I have got the chance to see something not good
and affect the organization’s quality and hinder its growth and efficiency. And I think they need
my recommendation. This means not they have positive things. In this part of my report I will try
to suggest ideas or recommendation for my internship hosting organization and my university.
a. For my internship hosting organization

The internship program hold benefits to the field supervisor (hosting

organization) and the contractors by providing motivated workers at no or relatively
small cost to an organization and furnishing the opportunity to train possible future
employees for the organization. Participating in the internship program allows the
field supervisor and organization to maintain a working relationship with the
university in which I am enrolled
Therefore, I suggest that, the hosting organization should host more intern
students in the future for the common good of the student and its hosting
organization. The other thing I want to recommend is:
 The safe guard should allow students to get in to the organization by
showing their Id card.

Page 29

 The organization should prepare a favor condition for the internship

student’s lab practice.
b. for my university
Having an internship offers a lot of advantages to the student, as mentioned
above, for instance it does help me to grow practical experience and knowledge
related to my academic, and also used to develop my social skills because it is known
that I would meet a lot of people and would deal with accordingly. Because of this
and all the listed advantage above I recommend our university to keep giving this
great chance for the students. Also I recommend that
 There should be fair allocation of budget federally.
It should allow exiting the students for their internship programme on their time with the other
universities equally.

Page 30

1. Project management guidelines
3. object-oriented-analysis-and-design-with-applications-2nd-edition
4. Hubs versus switches-understand the trade-offs’ (PDF), by E. Decker.
retrieved 2013
5. Networking devices – Types Uses and Applications, By Caleb Hornbostel
6. installation
7. Host organizations website;
8. YouTube

Page 31

 CS Computer Science
 UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
 RJ Registered Jack
 PC Personal Computer
 EG Ethiopian Government
 E.C Ethiopian calender

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