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Wk Ls Strand/ Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Key Inquiry Learning Experiences Learning Assessment Ref
n Theme Questions Resources Methods
1 1 LIVING Skeleton and By the end of the lesson 1. What is the main Learners are guided to watcha  Realia a) question and
THINGS Muscles the learner should be able to: function of the human video to observe the parts of  Pictures answer
Functions of a. State the parts of a human skeleton? human skeleton (Skull,  Videos method,
human skeleton beings skeleton backbone, ribcage, limb bones).  Digital devices b) class quizzes
b. Describe the functions of NB: Detailed structure not  Models c) individual
the skeleton in human required  Super minds performance
beings. Learners are guided to discuss assessment and
Scie. and Tech
c. Develop interest in caring the functions of human d) project work
Learners Bk.
for human skeleton skeleton (Skull, backbone, Pg. 31
ribcage, limb bones).
 Super minds
Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 44
2 Skeleton and By the end of the lesson 1. What is the main Learners are guided to watcha  Realia a) question and
Muscles the learner should be able to: function of the human video to observe the parts of  Pictures answer
Functions of a. State the parts of a human skeleton? human skeleton (Skull,  Videos method,
human skeleton beings skeleton backbone, ribcage, limb bones).  Digital devices b) class quizzes
b. Describe the functions of NB: Detailed structure not  Models c) individual
the skeleton in human required  Super minds performance
beings. ed to Scie. and Tech assessment and
c. Develop interest in caring discuss the functions of human d) project work
Learners Bk.
for human skeleton skeleton (Skull, backbone,
Pg. 31
ribcage, limb bones).
 Super minds
Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 44
3 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we In groups leaners use visualaids  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the and digital devices to observe,  Pictures/poster answer
Parts of a human a. identify parts of the human illnesses of the identify and record parts of the  Videos method,
breathing system breathing system breathing system? human breathing system (nose,  Digital devices b) class quizzes
b. draw and label the parts of trachea,  Models c) individual
the human breathing system lungs, diaphragm)  Super minds performance
Scie. and Tech assessment and
c. Develop interest in Learners draw and label the Learners Bk. d) project work
protecting the breathing parts of the human breathing Pg. 32-33
system. system  Super minds
Note: - Mechanisms of Scie. and Tech
breathing in and out not TG Pg. 46-47
4 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we rs use visual  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the aids and digital devices to  Pictures/poster answer
Parts of a human a. identify parts of the human illnesses of the observe, identify and record  Videos method,
breathing system breathing system breathing system? parts of the human breathing  Digital devices b) class quizzes
b. draw and label the parts of system (nose, trachea,  Models c) individual
the human breathing system lungs, diaphragm)  Super minds performance
c. Develop interest in d label the Scie. and Tech assessment and
protecting the breathing parts of the human breathing Learners Bk. d) project work
system. system Pg. 32-33
Note: - Mechanisms of  Super minds
breathing in and out not Scie. and Tech
required TG Pg. 46-47
2 1 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we In groups learners use visual  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the aids and digital devices to  Pictures/poster answer
Functions of the a. identify parts of the human illnesses of the observe, identify and record  Videos method,
human breathing breathing system breathing system? parts of the human breathing  Digital devices b) class quizzes
system b. state the functions of major system (nose, trachea, lungs,  Models c) individual
parts of the human diaphragm)  Super minds performance
breathing system In groups learners discuss the Scie. and Tech assessment and
c. Develop interest in functions of each part of the Learners Bk. d) project work
protecting the breathing human breathing system (Nose, Pg. 34
system. trachea, lungs, and diaphragm.)  Super minds
Note: - Mechanisms of Scie. and Tech
breathing in and out not TG Pg. 48
2 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we rs use visual  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the aids and digital devices to  Pictures/poster answer
Functions of the a. identify parts of the human illnesses of the observe, identify and record  Videos method,
human breathing breathing system breathing system? parts of the human breathing  Digital devices b) class quizzes
system b. state the functions of major system (nose, trachea, lungs,  Models c) individual
parts of the human diaphragm)  Super minds performance
breathing system in groups learners discuss the Scie. and Tech assessment and
c. Develop interest in functions of each part of the Learners Bk. d) project work
protecting the breathing human breathing system (Nose, Pg. 34
system. trachea, lungs, and diaphragm.)  Super minds
Note: - Mechanisms of Scie. and Tech
breathing in and out not TG Pg. 48
3 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we In groups learners use visual  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the aids and digital devices to  Pictures/poster answer
Human breathing a. identify parts of the human illnesses of the observe, identify and record  Videos method,
system breathing system breathing system? parts of the human breathing  Digital devices b) class quizzes
b. draw and label the parts the system (nose, trachea,  Models c) individual
human breathing system lungs, diaphragm)  Super minds performance
c. Develop interest in Learners draw and label the Scie. and Tech assessment and
protecting the breathing parts of the human breathing Learners Bk. d) project work
system. system Pg. 34
Note: - Mechanisms of  Super minds
breathing in and out not Scie. and Tech
required TG Pg. 48
4 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we learners use visual  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the aids and digital devices to  Pictures/poster answer
Diseases that a. state the functions of major illnesses of the observe, identify and record  Videos method,
affect the parts of the human breathing system? parts of the human breathing  Digital devices b) class quizzes
breathing system breathing system system (nose, trachea,  Models c) individual
b. Discuss the cause of lungs, diaphragm)  Super minds performance
illnesses that affect the ss causes, Scie. and Tech assessment and
breathing system. signs, symptoms and prevention Learners Bk. d) project work
c. Develop interest in of diseases that affect the Pg. 35-38
protecting the breathing human breathing system  Super minds
system. (Colds, influenza, tuberculosis, Scie. and Tech
pneumonia, asthma, coughs). TG Pg. 48
Note: - Mechanisms of
breathing in and out not
3 1 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we In groups learners use visual  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the aids and digital devices to  Pictures/poster answer
Diseases that a. state the functions of major illnesses of the observe, identify and record  Videos method,
affect the parts of the human breathing system? parts of the human breathing  Digital devices b) class quizzes
breathing system breathing system system (nose, trachea,  Models c) individual
b. Discuss the cause of lungs, diaphragm)  Super minds performance
illnesses that affect the learners discuss causes, signs, Scie. and Tech assessment and
breathing system. symptoms and preventionof Learners Bk. d) project work
c. Develop interest in diseases that affect the human Pg. 35-38
protecting the breathing breathing system (Colds,  Super minds
system. influenza, tuberculosis, Scie. and Tech
pneumonia, asthma, coughs). TG Pg. 48
Note: - Mechanisms of
breathing in and out not
2 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we rs use visual  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the aids and digital devices to  Pictures/poster answer
Signs and a. state the functions of major illnesses of the observe, identify and record  Videos method,
symptoms of parts of the human breathing system? parts of the human breathing  Digital devices b) class quizzes
illness that affect breathing system system (nose, trachea,  Models c) individual
the breathing b. Discuss the signs and lungs, diaphragm)  Super minds performance
system symptoms of illnesses that learners discuss causes, signs, Scie. and Tech assessment and
affect the breathing system. symptoms and preventionof Learners Bk. d) project work
c. Develop interest in diseases that affect the human Pg. 35-38
protecting the breathing breathing system (Colds,  Super minds
system. influenza, tuberculosis, Scie. and Tech
pneumonia, asthma, coughs). TG Pg. 48
Note: - Mechanisms of
breathing in and out not
3 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we learners use visualaids and  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the digital devices to observe,  Pictures/poster answer
Signs and a. state the functions of major illnesses of the identify and record parts of the  Videos method,
symptoms of parts of the human breathing system? human breathing system (nose,  Digital devices b) class quizzes
illness that affect breathing system trachea,  Models c) individual
the breathing b. Discuss the signs and lungs, diaphragm)  Super minds performance
system symptoms of illnesses that learners discuss causes, signs, Scie. and Tech assessment and
affect the breathing system. symptoms and preventionof Learners Bk. d) project work
c. Develop interest in diseases that affect the human Pg. 35-38
protecting the breathing breathing system (Colds,  Super minds
system. influenza, tuberculosis, Scie. and Tech
pneumonia, asthma, coughs). TG Pg. 48
Note: - Mechanisms of
breathing in and out not
4 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we Learners discuss the functions  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the of each part of thehuman  Pictures/poster answer
Prevention of a. Watch a video clip on illnesses of the breathing system (Nose,  Videos method,
illness that affect prevention of illness that breathing system? trachea, lungs, and diaphragm.)  Digital devices b) class quizzes
the breathing affect the breathing system ss causes,  Models c) individual
system b. Discuss the cause, signs and signs, symptoms and prevention  Super minds performance
symptoms and prevention of diseases that affect the Scie. and Tech assessment and
of illnesses that affect the human breathing system Learners Bk. d) project work
breathing system. (Colds, influenza, tuberculosis, Pg. 35-38
c. Develop interest in pneumonia, asthma, coughs).  Super minds
protecting the breathing Note: - Mechanisms of Scie. and Tech
system. breathing in and out not TG Pg. 48
4 1 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we Project: Learners work in  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the groups to make models of the  Pictures/poster answer
Modelling of the a. Watch a video clip on the illnesses of the human breathing system using  Videos method,
human breathing model of a human breathing breathing system? locally available materials.  Digital devices b) class quizzes
system system  Models c) individual
b. Model a human breathing  Super minds performance
system using locally Scie. and Tech assessment and
available materials Learners Bk. d) project work
c. Observe safety while Pg. 39
handling materials  Super minds
d. Develop interest in Scie. and Tech
protecting the breathing TG Pg. 48
2 The breathing By the end of the lesson the 1. How can we Project: Learners work in  Realia a) question and
system learner should be able to: prevent most of the groups to make models of the  Pictures/poster answer
Modelling of the a. Watch a video clip on the illnesses of the human breathing system using  Videos method,
human breathing model of a human breathing breathing system? locally available materials.  Digital devices b) class quizzes
system system  Models c) individual
b. Model a human breathing  Super minds performance
system using locally Scie. and Tech assessment and
available materials Learners Bk. d) project work
c. Observe safety while Pg. 39
handling materials  Super minds
d. Develop interest in Scie. and Tech
protecting the breathing TG Pg. 48
3 HEALT Diseases By the end of the lesson the 1. How do water Discuss the meaning of water  Realia a) question and
H Water learner should be able to: borne diseases borne and soil transmitted  Pictures/poster answer
EDUCA borne diseases: a. explain what is water borne spread? diseases.  Videos method,
TION meaning of water disease 2. How can typhoid, Learners to use digital  Digital devices b) class quizzes
borne diseases b. State some of the water bilharzia dysentery devices to learn more about  Models c) individual
borne diseases and cholera be waterborne diseases, internal  Super minds performance
c. Desire to prevent water prevented? and external parasites. Scie. and Tech assessment and
borne diseases Learners Bk. d) project work
Hint: biological names of Pg. 41-45
causative agents of specific  Super minds
diseases not required Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 53-54
4 Diseases By the end of the lesson the 1. How do water eaning of water  Realia a) question and
Water learner should be able to: borne diseases borne and soil transmitted  Pictures/poster answer
borne diseases a. Name some to the water spread? diseases.  Videos method,
Cause of water borne diseases 2. How can typhoid, arners are guided to  Digital devices b) class quizzes
borne diseases bilharzia dysentery identify the causes of (Typhoid,  Models
b. discuss the cause of some and cholera be Bilharzia, Cholera and  Super minds c) individual
water borne diseases prevented? dysentery) Scie. and Tech performance
c. Desire to prevent water . Learners Bk. assessment and
borne diseases Pg. 41-45 d) project work
Hint: biological names of  Super minds
causative agents of specific Scie. and Tech
diseases not required TG Pg. 53-54
5 1 Diseases By the end of the lesson the 1. How do water Discuss the meaning of water  Realia a) question and
Water learner should be able to: borne diseases borne and soil transmitted  Pictures/poster answer
borne diseases a. Name some to the water spread? diseases.  Videos method,
signs, symptoms borne diseases 2. How can typhoid, Learners are guiided to identify  Digital devices b) class quizzes
and prevention of b. discuss the signs and bilharzia dysentery the causes of (Typhoid,  Models c) individual
water borne symptoms and prevention and cholera be Bilharzia, Cholera and  Super minds performance
diseases of some water borne prevented? dysentery) Scie. and Tech assessment and
diseases Learners Bk. d) project work
c. Desire to prevent water discuss cause, signs, symptoms Pg. 41-45
borne diseases and preventive measures of  Super minds
Hint: biological names of typhoid, bilharzia, cholera Scie. and Tech
causative agents of specific TG Pg. 53-54
diseases not required
2 External By the end of the lesson the 1. How do water  Realia a) question and
body learner should be able to: borne diseases discuss the signs and symptoms  Pictures/poster answer
parasite a. discuss the signs and spread? of (scabies, lice and jiggers)  Videos method,
Soil Transmitted symptoms of common 2. How can typhoid, al  Digital devices b) class quizzes
diseases external parasites bilharzia dysentery devices to learn more about  Models c) individual
b. draw and colour some of and cholera be waterborne diseases, internal  Super minds performance
the external parasite prevented? and external parasites. Scie. and Tech assessment and
c. desire to keep cleanliness to Learners Bk. d) project work
prevent external body Pg. 46-49
parasites  Super minds
Hint: biological names of Scie. and Tech
causative agents of specific TG Pg. 54-55
diseases not required
3 External By the end of the lesson the 1. How do water  Realia a) question and
body learner should be able to: borne diseases discuss the signs and symptoms  Pictures/poster answer
parasite a. discuss the signs and spread? of (scabies, lice and jiggers)  Videos method,
Soil Transmitted symptoms of common 2. How can typhoid, learners use digital devices  Digital devices b) class quizzes
diseases external parasites bilharzia dysentery to learn more about  Models c) individual
b. draw and colour some of and cholera be waterborne diseases, internal  Super minds performance
the external parasite prevented? and external parasites. Scie. and Tech assessment and
c. desire to keep cleanliness to Learners Bk. d) project work
prevent external body Pg. 46-49
Hint: biological names of  Super minds
causative agents of specific Scie. and Tech
diseases not required TG Pg. 54-55
4 External By the end of the lesson the 1. How do water  Realia a) question and
body learner should be able to: borne diseases discuss the signs and symptoms  Pictures/poster answer
parasite a. discuss the prevention spread? of (scabies, lice and jiggers)  Videos method,
Soil Transmitted methods of common 2. How can typhoid, al  Digital devices b) class quizzes
diseases external parasites bilharzia dysentery devices to learn more about  Models c) individual
b. state some of the external and cholera be waterborne diseases, internal  Super minds performance
parasites prevented? and external parasites. Scie. and Tech assessment and
c. desire to keep cleanliness to Learners Bk. d) project work
prevent external body Pg. 46-49
parasites  Super minds
Hint: biological names of Scie. and Tech
causative agents of specific TG Pg. 54-55
diseases not required
6 1 Internal By the end of the lesson the 1. How do water Learners are guided to discuss  Realia a) question and
body learner should be able to: borne diseases cause, signs and symptoms of  Pictures/poster answer
parasites a. discuss the causes of spread? common internalparasites  Videos method,
Causes of common internal parasites 2. How can typhoid, (round worms, pinworms,  Digital devices b) class quizzes
internal parasites b. draw and colour some of bilharzia dysentery tape worms, hook worms).  Models c) individual
the internal parasite and cholera be Learners to the digital  Super minds performance
c. desire to keep cleanliness to prevented? devices to learn more about Scie. and Tech assessment and
prevent internal body waterborne diseases, internal Learners Bk. d) project work
parasites and external parasites. Pg. 50-54
Hint: biological names of  Super minds
causative agents of specific Scie. and Tech
diseases not required TG Pg. 55-56
2 Internal By the end of the lesson the 1. How do water ed to  Realia a) question and
body learner should be able to: borne diseases discuss cause, signs and  Pictures/poster answer
parasites a. discuss the signs of spread? symptoms of common internal  Videos method,
Signs and common internal parasites 2. How can typhoid, parasites (round worms,  Digital devices b) class quizzes
symptoms b. name some of the internal bilharzia dysentery pinworms, tape worms, hook  Models c) individual
parasites and cholera be worms).  Super minds performance
c. desire to keep cleanliness to prevented? al Scie. and Tech assessment and
prevent internal body devices to learn more about Learners Bk. d) project work
parasites waterborne diseases, internal Pg. 50-54
Hint: biological names of and external parasites.  Super minds
causative agents of specific Scie. and Tech
diseases not required TG Pg. 55-56
3 Internal By the end of the lesson the 1. How do water Learners are guided to discuss  Realia a) question and
body learner should be able to: borne diseases cause, signs and symptoms of  Pictures/poster answer
parasites spread? common internal  Videos method,
Management of a. discuss the methods of 2. How can typhoid, parasites (round worms,  Digital devices b) class quizzes
internal parasites prevention and bilharzia dysentery pinworms, tape worms, hook  Models c) individual
management of common and cholera be worms).  Super minds performance
internal parasites prevented? Learner to the digital Scie. and Tech assessment and
b. name some of the internal devices to learn more about Learners Bk. d) project work
parasites waterborne diseases, internal Pg. 50-54
c. desire to keep cleanliness to and external parasites.  Super minds
prevent internal body Scie. and Tech
parasites TG Pg. 55-56
Hint: biological names of
causative agents of specific
diseases not required
4 Making a chart By the end of the lesson the 1. How do water al  Realia a) question and
on internal and learner should be able to: borne diseases devices to learn more about  Pictures/poster answer
external a. state the difference between spread? waterborne diseases, internal  Videos method,
parasites internal and external 2. How can typhoid, and external parasites.  Digital devices b) class quizzes
parasites bilharzia dysentery  Models c) individual
b. Draw a chart showing the and cholera be  Super minds performance
cause, signs and symptoms prevented? Scie. and Tech assessment and
of the water borne diseases, Learners Bk. d) project work
the internal and external Pg. 50-54
parasites.  Super minds
c. desire to keep cleanliness to Scie. and Tech
prevent internal body TG Pg. 55-56
Hint: biological names of
causative agents of specific
diseases not required
7 1 ENVIRO Solid waste By the end of the lesson the 1. How should solid  Realia a) question and
NMENT management learner should be able to: waste be disposed? identify solid waste  Pictures/poster answer
Identifying solid a. Identify solid waste  Videos method,
waste b. Differentiate between waste sample waste into that which  Digital devices b) class quizzes
that decompose easily and decompose and that which does  Super minds c) individual
waste that does not not decompose Scie. and Tech performance
decompose. Learners Bk. assessment and
c. Appreciate the need for Pg. 56-57 d) project work
proper management of solid  Super minds
waste in the environment. Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 60-61
2 Solid waste By the end of the lesson the 1. How should solid  Realia a) question and
management learner should be able to: waste be disposed? guided to discuss ways of  Pictures/poster answer
Classification of a. classify waste into that managing different types of  Videos method,
waste which decompose easily waste in their locality (To  Digital devices b) class quizzes
and one that which does not include Re-using, Re-cycling  Super minds c) individual
decomposes and Reducing). Scie. and Tech performance
b. discuss ways of managing Hint: Include common waste Learners Bk. assessment and
different types of waste in school and environment Pg. 57-58 d) project work
c. Appreciate the need for such as  Super minds
proper management of solid kitchen, animal waste, plastics, Scie. and Tech
waste in the environment. e-waste, metals and glasses TG Pg. 61-62
3 Solid waste By the end of the lesson the 1. How should solid  Realia a) question and
management learner should be able to: waste be disposed? guided to discuss ways of  Pictures/poster answer
Classification of a. classify waste into that managing different types of  Videos method,
waste which decompose easily waste in their locality (To  Digital devices b) class quizzes
and one that which does not include Re-using, Re-cycling  Super minds c) individual
decomposes and Reducing). Scie. and Tech performance
b. discuss ways of managing Hint: Include common waste Learners Bk. assessment and
different types of waste in school and environment Pg. 57-58 d) project work
c. Appreciate the need for such as kitchen, animal waste,  Super minds
proper management of solid plastics, e-waste, metals and Scie. and Tech
waste in the environment. glasses TG Pg. 61-62
4 Solid waste By the end of the lesson the 1. How should solid  Realia a) question and
management learner should be able to: waste be disposed? devices access and observe  Pictures/poster answer
Managing solid a. Identify ways of managing ways of managing different  Videos method,
waste –Reusing, solid waste in their locality. types solid of waste.  Digital devices b) class quizzes
recycling and b. Appreciate the need for  Super minds c) individual
reducing proper management of solid measures in solid waste Scie. and Tech performance
waste in the environment. management in their locality Learners Bk. assessment and
c. Collect waste in the school Precaution: Learners to use Pg. 59-62 d) project work
and dispose it off protective gear and tools when  Super minds
appropriately. handling waste Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 62-63
8 1 Solid waste By the end of the lesson the 1. How should solid  Realia a) question and
management learner should be able to: waste be disposed? devices access and observe  Pictures/poster answer
Safety when a. Use proper safety measures ways of managing different  Videos method,
handling solid in solid waste management. types solid of waste.  Digital devices b) class quizzes
waste b. Appreciate the need for  Super minds c) individual
proper management of solid measures in solid waste Scie. and Tech performance
waste in the environment. management in their locality Learners Bk. assessment and
c. Collect waste in the school Precaution: Learners to use Pg. 63-65 d) project work
and dispose it off protective gear and tools when  Super minds
appropriately. handling waste Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 64
2 Solid waste By the end of the lesson the 1. How should solid Project:  Realia a) question and
management learner should be able to: waste be disposed?  Pictures/poster answer
 Videos
Making a dustbin a. Make dustbins for safe 1. Learners to make dust bins  Digital devices method,
disposal of waste at school for safe disposal of waste at  Super minds b) class quizzes
using locally available home and in school using Scie. and Tech c) individual
materials locally available materials. Learners Bk. performance
b. Appreciate the need for Pg. 65 assessment and
proper management of solid  Super minds d) project work
waste in the environment. Scie. and Tech
c. Observe safety while using TG Pg. 64
the materials
3 Solid waste By the end of the lesson the 1. How should solid Project:  Realia a) question and
management learner should be able to: waste be disposed? 2. making of toys or ornaments  Pictures/poster answer
Making toys and a. Make toys or ornaments from solid waste  Videos method,
ornaments using from solid waste Learners are guided on safety  Digital devices b) class quizzes
solid waste b. Appreciate the need for measures in solid waste  Super minds c) individual
proper management of solid management in their locality Scie. and Tech performance
waste in the environment. Precaution: Learners to use Learners Bk. assessment and
c. Observe safety while waste protective gear and tools when Pg. 66 d) project work
materials handling waste  Super minds
Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 64
4 COMPU Handling data: By the end of the lesson the 1. How can you save computing devices,  Computing (a) Word
TING word processing learner should be able to: and retrieve a learners to practice how to devices, tablets. practical tasks
DEVICE Meaning of word a. Define the term word document stored in create Word documents and key Desktops and (b) Typing
S processing processing your computing in information. laptops (c )Document
b. Identify the various word device?  Super minds formatting
processing 2. What are some of Scie. and Tech
c. Discuss the use word in the the safety measures to Learners Bk.
community be observed when Pg. 68
d. appreciate the use of Word using a computing  Super minds
documents in their everyday device? Scie. and Tech
life TG Pg. 68-69
9 1 Handling data: By the end of the lesson the 1. How can you save Using computing devices,  Computing (a) Word
word processing learner should be able to: and retrieve a learners to practice how to devices, tablets. practical tasks
Creating a word a. create a Word document document stored in create Word documents and key Desktops and (b) Typing
Document using ict devices your computing in information. laptops (c )Document
b. observe safety when using device?  Super minds formatting
computing devices in their 2. What are some of Scie. and Tech
locality the safety measures to Learners Bk.
c. appreciate the use of Word be observed when Pg. 69
documents in their everyday using a computing  Super minds
life device? Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 69
2 Handling data: By the end of the lesson the 1. How can you save computing devices,  Computing (a) Word
word processing learner should be able to: and retrieve a learners to practice how to devices, tablets. practical tasks
Components of a a. create a Word document document stored in create Word documents and key Desktops and (b) Typing
word Document using ict devices your computing in information. laptops (c )Document
b. observe safety when using device?  Super minds formatting
computing devices in their 2. What are some of Scie. and Tech
locality the safety measures to Learners Bk.
c. appreciate the use of Word be observed when Pg. 69-70
documents in their everyday using a computing  Super minds
life device? Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 69-70
3 Handling data: By the end of the lesson the 1. How can you save Using computing devices,  Computing (a) Word
word processing learner should be able to: and retrieve a learners to practice how to devices, tablets. practical tasks
Editing a word a. Edit a Word document document stored in create Word documents and key Desktops and (b) Typing
document –font b. observe safety when using your computing in information. laptops (c )Document
size, style, colour computing devices in their device? using computing devices,  Super minds formatting
locality 2. What are some of learners to practice how to edit Scie. and Tech
c. appreciate the use of Word the safety measures to Word document. Learners Bk.
documents in their everyday be observed when Pg. 71-79
life using a computing  Super minds
device? Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 70-73
4 Handling data: By the end of the lesson the 1. How can you save computing devices,  Computing (a) Word
word processing learner should be able to: and retrieve a learners to practice how to devices, tablets. practical tasks
Editing a word a. Edit a Word document document stored in create Word documents and key Desktops and (b) Typing
document- b. observe safety when using your computing in information. laptops (c )Document
changing text computing devices in their device? computing devices,  Super minds formatting
colour, case, locality 2. What are some of learners to practice how to edit Scie. and Tech
alignment, c. appreciate the use of Word the safety measures to Word document. Learners Bk.
documents in their everyday be observed when Pg. 71-79
life using a computing  Super minds
device? Scie. and Tech
TG Pg. 70-73
10 1 Handling data: By the end of the lesson the 1. How can you save Using computing devices,  Computing (a) Word
word processing learner should be able to: and retrieve a learners to practice how to edit devices, tablets. practical tasks
saving, retrieving a. save and retrieve a document stored in Word document. Desktops and (b) Typing
a word document document from a computing your computing learners to practice how to laptops (c )Document
and safety when device device? save and retrieve documents  Super minds formatting
using computing b. Create a personal journal in 2. What are some of stored in different locations of Scie. and Tech
devices word. the safety measures to their computing devices Learners Bk.
c. observe safety when using be observed when in groups, learners to discuss Pg. 71-79
computing devices in their using a computing and observe safety precautions
locality device? when using computing devices.
d. appreciate the use of Word Project: Create and maintain a  Super minds
documents in their everyday personal journal covering one Scie. and Tech
life term in word. TG Pg. 70-73
2 Handling data: By the end of the lesson the 1. How can you save Project: Create and maintain a  Computing (a) Word
word processing learner should be able to: and retrieve a personal journal covering one devices, tablets. practical tasks
Creating a a. save and retrieve a document stored in term in word. Desktops and (b) Typing
personal Journal document from a computing your computing laptops (c )Document
device device?  Super minds formatting
b. Create a personal journal in 2. What are some of Scie. and Tech
word. the safety measures to Learners Bk.
c. observe safety when using be observed when Pg. 80
computing devices in their using a computing  Super minds
locality device? Scie. and Tech
d. appreciate the use of Word TG Pg. 73
documents in their everyday
3 Coding By the end of the lesson the 1. What coding skills In groups learners are guided  Computing (a) Word
Simple learner should be able to; can be applied in to interact with patternsand devices, tablets. practical tasks
programming a. identify the features of solving day to day games using computing Desktops and (b) Typing
learning applications which problems? devices laptops (c )Document
imitate simple .  Super minds formatting
programming Scie. and Tech
b. use available learning Learners Bk.
applications to find Pg. 81-84
solutions to problems in the  Super minds
local environment Scie. and Tech
c. appreciate the role of TG Pg. 76-77
available learning
applications like scratch in
their everyday life
4 Coding By the end of the lesson the 1. What coding skills earners are  Computing (a) Word
Pattern and learner should be able to; can be applied in guided to interact with patterns devices, tablets. practical tasks
games a. identify the features of solving day to day and games using computing Desktops and (b) Typing
learning applications which problems? devices laptops (c )Document
imitate simple  Super minds formatting
programming Scie. and Tech
b. Interact with patterns and Learners Bk.
games using available Pg. 81-84
learning applications which  Super minds
mimic simple Scie. and Tech
programming. TG Pg. 76-77
c. appreciate the role of
available learning
applications like scratch in
their everyday life
11 1 Simple By the end of the lesson the 1. What coding skills In groups learners are guided  Computing (a) Word
programming learner should be able to; can be applied in to interact with patternsand devices, tablets. practical tasks
using scratch a. Identify a learning platform solving day to day games using computing Desktops and (b) Typing
for creating stories, games problems? devices laptops (c )Document
and animations using computing devices,  Super minds formatting
b. use available learning learners practice the basics of Scie. and Tech
applications to find arranging preprogrammed Learners Bk.
solutions to problems in the blocks together to create a Pg. 81-84
local environment logical action.  Super minds
c. appreciate the role of Scie. and Tech
available learning TG Pg. 76-77
applications like scratch in
their everyday life
2 Coding By the end of the lesson the 1. What coding skills are guided to  Computing (a) Word
Creating learner should be able to; can be applied in interact with an application devices, tablets. practical tasks
animations using a. Identify a learning platform solving day to day which simulates simple Desktops and (b) Typing
scratch for creating stories, games problems? programming such as ‘scratch’ laptops (c )Document
and animations in order to identify features of  Super minds formatting
b. create simple animations its interface Scie. and Tech
using applications which ng computing devices, Learners Bk.
mimic simple programming learners practice the basics of Pg. 85-100
c. appreciate the role of arranging preprogrammed  Super minds
available learning blocks together to create a Scie. and Tech
applications like scratch in logical action. TG Pg. 78
their everyday life ups, learners use online
video tutorials to find out how
to create simple games and
discover how to create their
own graphics.
3 Coding By the end of the lesson the 1. What coding skills Learners are guided to interact  Computing (a) Word
Creating simple learner should be able to; can be applied in with an application which devices, tablets. practical tasks
animations using a. Identify a learning platform solving day to day simulates simple Desktops and (b) Typing
scratch for creating stories, games problems? programming such as ‘scratch’ laptops (c )Document
and animations in order to identify features of  Super minds formatting
b. create simple animations its interface Scie. and Tech
using applications which using computing devices, Learners Bk.
mimic simple programming learners practice the basics of Pg. 85-100
c. appreciate the role of arranging preprogrammed  Super minds
available learning blocks together to create a Scie. and Tech
applications like scratch in logical action. TG Pg. 78
their everyday life
In groups, learners use onlinevideo
tutorials to find out how to create
simple games and
discover how to create theirown
4 Coding By the end of the lesson the 1. What coding skills earners are guided to  Computin (a) Word
Creating a music learner should be able to; can be applied in interact with patternsand games g devices, practical tasks
tune a. create simple games and solving day to day using computing devices tablets. (b) Typing
graphics for enjoyment problems? learners are guided to interact with Desktops (c )Document
b. use available learning an application which simulates and formatting
applications to find simple programming such as laptops
solutions to problems in the ‘scratch’in order to identify  Super
local environment features of its interface minds
c. appreciate the role of using computing devices, learners Scie. and
available learning practice the basics of arranging Tech
applications like scratch in preprogrammed blocks together Learners
their everyday life to create a Bk. Pg.
logical action. 85-100
 Super
Scie. and
Pg. 78

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