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6 Microsoft Azure Use

Cases for Everyone
Move to the cloud with six hybrid
solutions that establish a strong technical
foundation for more advanced solutions.
Table of Contents

Introduction: It starts with the basics_______________________3

Azure Use Case 1: Hybrid Identity___________________________4

Azure Use Case 2: Hybrid Networking_____________________6

Azure Use Case 3: Azure Backup_____________________________8

Azure Use Case 4: Azure IaaS________________________________ 10

Azure Use Case 5: Azure Virtual Desktop_______________ 12

Azure Use Case 6: Azure Security__________________________ 14

Choosing the Right Azure Migration Partner__________ 16
It starts with the basics.
By moving to Azure, you’ll be able to innovate in new ways by adopting a cloud operations based model on
infrastructure as a service (IaaS) technologies. Additionally, you’ll be able to take advantage of further opportunities
for innovation by modernizing with fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) offerings.

But, before you begin down a cloud adoption path, it’s important to first establish a strong technical foundation to
support your long-term cloud strategy. With that foundation in place, you can then build more advanced solutions
onto that foundation and digitally transform your business.

To that end, this eBook covers six Microsoft Azure solutions that serve as a strong foundation to the cloud.
Use Case 1: Hybrid Identity
Almost every Azure solution you will build will connect to a cloud identity and networking baseline. Build a foundation for
your cloud deployments by starting with Hybrid Identity, and Hybrid Networking (Use Case 2). Then, you’re ready to add
more solutions onto your foundation.

Creating and managing user identities can be complicated. ▪ Connect your workforce. Hybrid Identity solutions make it
Businesses need to give their users productive working easier for employees, partners, vendors and customers to
environments, without sacrificing security. They also need to use the apps and data they need from any location. It starts
enable remote work scenarios where employees, vendors, and with single sign-on. Then you can extend the solution with
partners can access internal apps and those in the cloud.  That’s VPN Gateway and Azure Networks to create truly hybrid
where Hybrid Identity can help. solutions—like connecting to your existing data centers or
linking together different offices. 
Azure Hybrid Identity solutions give you all the tools you need to
ensure your people can access internal or cloud apps and data— ▪ Safeguard business information. With Hybrid Identity
while you get a single, secure platform that’s easy to manage.  solutions, you’ll get the security you need with multi-factor
authentication and role-based access. Perfect for hybrid
▪ Simplify access and identity management. With Azure environments, it’s all based on Microsoft security best
Active Directory, you can create and manage all user identities practices.  
across your entire business securely from a single location.
Your users get secure, single sign-on to all their resources,
whether apps are on-premises or in the cloud.
80% of data breaches
can be traced back to
weak passwords.
- Security Magazine

When you use Azure services for your identity management, here’s what you’ll get:

Azure Active Directory ▪ Single sign-on, including integrated cloud apps.

Protect your business with a universal ▪ Multi-factor authentication
platform that manages and secures
identities across platforms. ▪ Automated user provisioning
▪ Self-service password reset

Hybrid Identity solutions

VPN Gateway ▪ Site-to-site VPN to connect your data center to
Connect your on-premises networks to Azure
position you for success.
Azure in a similar way that you set up Hybrid Identity solutions from Microsoft help
▪ Point-to-point VPN to connect from anywhere
and connect to a remote branch office. solve the challenges of secure, seamless access
to all your company resources—wherever
employees are. It also lays the groundwork for
an infrastructure that works across your office
Virtual Network ▪ Hybrid solutions that run in the cloud, but can
and the cloud.
Securely connect across resources connect to on-premises data sources with ease
by enabling secure remote access to ▪ Effortless scalability for when you need it And if you’re using Microsoft 365, you already
on-premises and cloud resources from have Azure Active Directory.
almost anywhere. ▪ Centralized control that reduces the cost and
complexity of managing hardware/software
▪ More flexible options for network routing
structure and configuration
Use Case 2: Hybrid Networking
Azure Hybrid Networking is a great place to start to prepare your
infrastructure for the cloud while securely connecting branch offices and remote
users to on-premises resources.

There are three key reasons to embrace a hybrid networking model:

▪ Stronger safeguards. To work remotely with confidence, organizations require secure

connections to cloud and on-premise resources.

▪ Better performance. Slow load times and network latency during peak usage can hinder
SaaS application performance.

▪ Flexible infrastructure. Today’s businesses need cloud services to work remotely,

support growth, and keep up with fluctuating business needs.

Hybrid Networking with Azure connects on-premises, Azure, and multi-cloud resources,
enabling you to manage your entire network using centralized access and routing
policies. Organizations can:

▪ Build and control a hybrid infrastructure.

▪ Extend your data center to the cloud.

29.3% is the expected growth
▪ Enhance security and isolation for applications. rate (CAGR) for Global Public Cloud
▪ Ensure that traffic stays on a secure global network. Infrastructure-as-a-Service from
89% have a multi-
cloud strategy, and
most are taking a hybrid
approach, combining the
use of both public and
private cloud.
As you implement Hybrid Networking, here’s what you’ll get:
Flexera, 2022 State of the Cloud Report
Azure Virtual Network. Azure Virtual Network enables Azure resources, such as VMs, web apps
and databases, to communicate with each other, with users on the internet and with your on-
premises client computers. Think of an Azure Virtual Network as an extension of your on-premises
network with resources that link other Azure resources.

Azure Virtual Network provides the following key networking capabilities:

▪ Isolation and segmentation
▪ Internet communications
▪ Communicate between Azure resources
▪ Communicate with on-premises resources
▪ Route network traffic
▪ Filter network traffic
▪ Connect virtual networks
Azure VPN Gateway and Azure ExpressRoute. They are used to create secure communication tunnels between your
company’s different locations.

Azure VPN Gateway instances are deployed in a dedicated subnet of the virtual network and enable the following
▪ Connect on-premises data centers to virtual networks through a site-to-site connection.
▪ Connect individual devices to virtual networks through a point-to-site connection.
▪ Connect virtual networks to other virtual networks through a network-to-network connection.

ExpressRoute extends your on-premises network into the Microsoft cloud over a private connection with the help of a connectivity
provider. Connectivity can be from an any-to-any (IP VPN) network, a point-to-point Ethernet network or a virtual cross-connection
through a connectivity provider at a colocation facility. ExpressRoute connections don’t go over the public Internet, which allows brings
more reliability, faster speeds, consistent latencies and higher security than typical connections over the Internet.
Use Case 3: Azure Backup
Resilient Infrastructure with Azure backup is a compelling next workload. Reduce your on-
premise footprint, cut costs and optimize IT resources by moving backup servers to Azure.

Keeping data backed up is critical for any business. So is being able to recover data in case of
disaster, breach, or employee error. Today, many small- to medium-sized companies are still using
on-premise backup solutions, which can be time-consuming to manage, costly to update—and
still prone to error.

Azure Resilient Infrastructure solutions provide simple, secure back and restore capabilities
for all your data—whether it’s files, folders and disks or virtual machines and databases.

▪ Improve resilience and security. Resilient Infrastructure solutions help safeguard

your data and workloads against unplanned downtime. Start with Azure Backup
for one-click automatic backups to the cloud. Then add Azure Site Recovery
and get the ability to restore all your data easily in case something happens.

▪ Simplify backup and restore. Resilient Infrastructure solutions can

dramatically streamline how you protect your data, how you store it—
and how you get it back. You’ll get a single solution that works across
all your workloads, simple ways to define backup and restore policies,
and a more flexible infrastructure that reduces your physical

▪ Control infrastructure costs. When you move to Resilient

Infrastructure solutions in the cloud, you can reduce your
infrastructure costs. For instance, you can eliminate tape
58% of traditional backups fail,
storage and redundant servers. You’ll also be able to
streamline your add-on disaster recovery solutions.
leaving data unprotected.
- Veeam® Data Protection Report 2021
When you use Azure services for data backup and disaster recovery, here’s what you’ll

Azure Backup. Get a secure, one-click backup solution that is simple to set up and
tailored to your particular storage needs.

▪ Backup for all structured and unstructured data: files, folders, disks, VMs, and

▪ Centralized monitoring and management

▪ Automated storage management, so you only pay for what you use

Azure Site Recovery. Help your business stay up and running—even during
major outages or faced with threats.

▪ A disaster recovery as a service that helps ensure business

continuity by keeping business apps and workloads running during

▪ One-click restore for all your Azure Backup data and workloads

▪ Dependable recovery, compliant with industry regulations

Get Started with Resilient Infrastructure

Resilient Infrastructure solutions are an ideal way to start
using Azure—and they provide benefits you’ll be able to see
almost immediately. For instance, other companies have
seen a 47% savings in the first year alone. (IDC)

Best yet, it’s a straightforward process. Sign up for

Azure Backup and try it out. Start as small as you want.
As you get more comfortable, back up more of your
information. And when you’re ready, just sign up for
Azure Site Recovery to get a complete solution.
Use Case 4: Azure IaaS
Once you have established a strong hybrid foundation,
it may be time to look at some advanced workloads, like
Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

Small and medium-sized companies are turning to the cloud to run

key aspects of their businesses, like applications and databases.
Moving these workloads into the cloud—or running them in hybrid
environments—can take a real burden off managing them in-house.
And Azure IaaS can help streamline the entire process.

Azure IaaS helps you modernize your

Azure solutions for infrastructure enable you to shift business ▪ Save operational and energy costs. Infrastructure solutions from Azure can
operations to the cloud at your own pace, giving you the ability help you save money. Just moving into the Azure cloud can help reduce costs
to transform how you approach computing, storage, networking, on everything from hardware, software, energy, and maintenance. Shifting
security, management, and virtual desktops. from a CapEx model to an OpEx one can remove budget constraints. Plus, you
can free IT staff or vendors to focus on more important projects. 
▪ Increase agility and IT efficiency. A modern cloud-based
infrastructure based on Azure can help you focus more on your ▪ Get up and running smoothly. When you use Azure, you can streamline the
business and less on managing your technology. You don’t have to process of creating virtual machines to run any kind of application, web app
buy more hardware; instead, just add capacity when you need it. or database. Then get guided help in moving those workloads to the cloud,
Azure also helps you run your apps where you wish and gives you without any interruption in service. And because Azure facilitates a phased
access to new technologies, like advanced analytics and AI. approach by helping track your migration progress, it’s a simpler, more flexible
way to shift your business into the cloud.

478% The ROI achieved by
companies that migrate on-
premises operations to the
When you start using Azure to start running your company’s IT
infrastructure in the cloud, here’s what you’ll get: - Forrester TEI of Microsoft Azure Iaas Report

Azure Virtual Machines. Create Linux and Windows virtual machines

(VMs) in seconds, while helping to reduce costs.

▪ Fast, simple creation of VMs— or virtual computers within computers--

so you can add computing power when you need

▪ Ability to scale without adding expensive hardware

▪ Cost-effective pricing that is based on what you use

▪ Support for any Linux and Windows apps, SQL databases, and more

Azure Migrate. Discover, assess, right-size and migrate your on-premises VMs to

▪ A centralized hub that simplifies moving workloads into the cloud, at your pace

▪ Tools that help you assess workloads before migration, then streamline moving

▪ Rich support and guidance for common workloads: servers, data, databases,
web apps and virtual desktops

Getting started with Azure IaaS

It’s no surprise so many are choosing IaaS when they don’t have to buy or
manage hardware and software and they can focus more on their businesses.

Azure solutions are specifically designed to streamline the process. For

instance, you can get started with just one or two workloads to test the
waters. Then add more as it makes sense. Through it all, you’ll get detailed
assessments, tools, and guidance.

Use Case 5: Azure Virtual Desktop
Once you have established a strong hybrid foundation, it may be time
to look at some advanced solutions, like Azure Virtual Desktop.

The pandemic dramatically redefined how and where people work. And there’s no
going back; remote work is here to stay. However, not every employee needs a
company-issued laptop to be productive, yet those laptops can make a company’s
network less secure. And the more remote your employees are—or if you have
seasonal workers—the harder it can be to balance productivity with cost and

Power your workforce with Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop, formerly known as Windows Virtual Desktop,
gives remote employees the tools they need to do their jobs by
securely delivering Windows 10 or Windows 11 virtual desktops and
applications to any approved device. 

Azure Virtual Desktop is a great way to provide a consistent and

secure desktop experience for remote workers across their
Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android devices. You can also use it in a
wide variety of other scenarios, such as onboarding seasonal
workers and temp hires, or giving employees that share desks
the ability to use the same device. Across it all, you’ll be able to
▪ A familiar Windows environment
▪ Seamless integration with Office apps
▪ Built-in intelligent security
▪ Simplified deployment directly from the Azure
Azure Virtual Desktop: the perfect balance of
productivity, security and cost.
▪ Enable secure remote work. Azure Virtual Desktop is a great way to meet
the demands of a remote or changing workforce because it helps protect
your business and data, while giving employees secure access to consistent
working environments over a wide variety of devices. It’s fast and simple to
set up and includes a wide variety of security controls.

▪ Manage work environments cost-effectively. When you use Azure Virtual

Desktop, you can enable productive work environments for employees
without sacrificing control or budget. With just a few clicks, you can
provide and manage custom desktop environments that run in the cloud.
That means you can eliminate the hardware costs of purchasing individual
laptops and the labor costs associated with customizing them.

▪ Empower people with a great user experience. One of the beauties of

Azure Virtual Desktop is that it gives people the same experience they get
on a local device, only in a virtualized one. That means your users have the
same Windows experience, the same Microsoft Office experience—and
even the same Microsoft Teams experience.

Get started with Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop is a great solution for businesses that need to quickly,
cost-effectively, and securely deploy productive working environments for

It’s also easy to get started. In fact, if you’re using Microsoft 365, you already
have the licenses you need.

$149K The average cost
of a data breach for a small-to
medium-sized company.
Use Case 6: Azure Security
Once you have established a strong hybrid foundation, it may
be time to look at some advanced solutions, like Azure Security

Small- and medium-sized companies are increasingly concerned about security.

It’s no surprise: the past year has seen a dramatic rise in remote work, which gives
attackers more opportunities to damage data, networks, and identities. 

Advanced protection begins with Azure Security

When you choose Azure Security Solutions, you can start protecting your cloud and
hybrid environments immediately, while setting the foundation for a solution that can be
easily expanded.

▪ Improve security and compliance. Azure Security Solutions offer robust protection
that helps secure your cloud and on-premises resources against malware, viruses, and
DDoS attacks. You’ll get the ability to continually assess how secure and compliant your
business is—along with the ability to easily make adjustments and fix issues.

▪ Get protection across your business. With Azure Security Solutions, you can help
safeguard all resources, whether they’re servers, storage, databases, networks, applications,
or firewalls. These solutions are all backed by Microsoft threat intelligence, so they work
together seamlessly. And because they’re Azure-native and highly scalable, you can easily
extend services as you need them.

▪ Simplify security management. Azure Security Solutions make it simpler to manage security
across your organization. You’ll get a single portal, where you can centralize security policies and
easily extend security to connected cloud resources. And advanced AI and automation are built in,
so you can more quickly identify threats.

Azure Security Solutions deliver next-generation security.
Here’s how to get started with Azure security:

Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Understand your current security situation and get
recommendations to improve it.
▪ A single portal to view and manage security and compliance
▪ A generated Secure Score to understand the security and health of your systems
▪ Detailed recommendations on how to improve your security

Azure Firewall. A cloud-native, next generation firewall to protect your Azure Virtual
Network resources.
▪ A scalable and highly available firewall-as-a-service
▪ Threat intelligence-based filtering with near real-time alerts
▪ Intrusion detection and prevention to continuously monitor and block malicious

Azure DDoS Protection. Protect your applications from Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS) attacks.
▪ Turnkey defense for always-on traffic monitoring and automatic mitigation
▪ Adaptive tuning to learn application traffic patterns over time
▪ Multi-layered protection and detailed attack analytic reporting

Put strong security foundations in place today.

Security in the cloud requires security that’s built for the cloud. That’s where
Azure Security Solutions can really help. Backed by Microsoft threat intelligence,
you’ll get robust protection that works across your entire infrastructure.

Getting started is simple. We recommend you begin with Defender for Cloud
and go from there.

Choosing the Right Azure Migration
Migrating to the cloud can get complicated quickly. What workloads should you move
to the cloud first? What infrastructure needs to remain on-premises? And which
additional offerings can help you gain the competitive edge you’re looking for?

Even the most capable IT teams can’t always answer these questions, nor do they
have the bandwidth to research their options and perform the implementation.

With our hands-on Microsoft experience, OneNeck is the Cloud Service Provider
(CSP) with practical answers to the important questions you are asking. But it goes
beyond just our technical know-how. As OneNeck cloud expert Scott Morley puts it...

“OneNeck’s CSP story is OneNeck’s story. It’s not any different than anything else
that we bring to the market, because our value is the relationships that we build, the
knowledge that we have and the experience that we bring. It really is about being
hyper customer focused and not just widget focused. We don’t just say it, we live ‘we
got your back’ in everything we do.”

So, don’t go it alone. Now’s the time to accelerate your cloud journey,
and our team is here to help you get started with Microsoft Azure
and beyond.

Keep Moving Forward.


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