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Birla Open Minds International School

Birla Open Minds International School K-12 School, an

BIRLA initiative of Birla Open Minds Ltd., offers comprehensive
solution for education that envelopes the individual's learning
period right from the formative early years to K-12 schooling.

BOMIS Curriculum BOMIS Learning Resources

VISION The curriculum, by each of its parameter focuses to boost the social, emotional, Equal emphasis is given to individual, small group and whole-group activities,
spiritual, physical, motor and cognitive development of each child, using the to improve children's ability to work across all levels by supplementing the
The Birla Open Minds International School, concept of Multiple Intelligences. learning materials in the form of Learning Resources.
address the needs of the 21st century by
preparing individuals who are highly skilled, Ÿ Comprehensive scholastic curriculum provided by Ÿ Specially customised theme based Coursebooks to address multiple
Birla R & D team intelligence
innovative and sensitive to the economy, society Ÿ Comprehensive & child-centered lesson plans compiled together as
Ÿ Based on developmentally appropriate practices
and environment. Ÿ Thematic and integrated curriculum Teachers Curriculum Guide
Ÿ Activity based experiential learning Ÿ Activity based Worksheets and Task sheets
Ÿ Ongoing Assessments followed by remedial instructions Ÿ Educational resources in the form of audio visuals, presentations,
Ÿ Focus on Visual Arts and Performing Arts ashcards, puzzles and games
MISSION Ÿ Well researched Sports and Physical Education curriculum
Ÿ Extensively researched Lab plans, Yoga Plans, Festival and Celebration Plans
BOMIS Teacher Training & Support
The Birla Open Minds International School, aim at holistic Ÿ Educational trips and community service
development of children by providing a rm academic
The BOMIS teachers are observed on a regular basis through Teacher
foundation through a selection of Indian and International BOMIS Learning Environment Support Rounds to maintain and enhance the quality of teaching and given
boards, an opportunity to learn beyond the academic feedbacks for further improvisation.
rigour using state of the art facilities at our innovation The curriculum gets transacted in a vibrant and enabling Learning Environment
centers, all of which is powered and supported by the with rich learning opportunities, stimulating discussions and reective learning, that Ÿ Regular Teacher Training Workshops conducted by BOM R&D team
aid in creating a non threatening and afrmative climate in the learning spaces. Ÿ Cutting edge learning approaches and developments in every subject
rigorous R&D team of Birla Open Minds.
Ÿ Induction and enrichment training
Ÿ Well planned and stimulating learning environment Ÿ Trainings on learner centered activities
Ÿ Creative learning centres in every classrooms Ÿ Interactive lessons and blended solutions
Ÿ Exciting bulletin boards and reading corners Ÿ Teacher Observation Rounds and Feedback sessionst
Ÿ Appropriate learning space layouts
Birla Open Minds : The LOGO Ÿ Relevant textbooks, hands on material and audiovisual aids

The BOMIS Logo underlines the philosophy of 'Transformation' at all Facilities at BOMIS
levels. A Geometric Triangular shape melts into free form-that of birds
taking ight. In Birla Open Minds, ideas transform into action, creativity Each Birla Open Minds school International School is designed to ensure an engaging, appealing and child-friendly setting for our students. Firstly, the infrastructure
takes ight and students are encouraged to constantly attain greater is in sync with the different learning modalities and school curriculum. Secondly, the state of the art classrooms, modern science labs, subject and IT labs, world
heights. Freedom of thought and expression aids the metamorphosis of class libraries, lush outdoors, range of sports & creative arts facilities, the overall eco friendly & green design of the school reect the ethos of the school. Thirdly,
the children into innovative and sensitive individuals. the faculty comprising of experienced teachers with excellent teaching track records gets recruited in all the Birla Open Minds International Schools.

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